A child has just accepted Jesus as his Savior—this is fantastic news! But what now? Do you just send him on his way with the satisfaction of knowing he is “safe and saved”? No! This child has taken the first step in beginning a relationship with God, and this relationship should continue to grow with him for the rest of his life. There are six things a child can do to grow spiritually. But instead of just giving him a list of ways he can get to know God better, use simple hand motions to help him remember. It has been proven that, at best, we remember 10% of what we hear, 50% of what we hear and see, and 90% of what we hear, see, and do. With that being the case, let’s look at six simple hand motions children can see and do to help them remember how to grow spiritually. 1. We want to remember to pray. Put your hands together in front of you, with fingers up, as if praying. Don’t assume children know how to pray. Explain what prayer is and how they can pray. Prayer can be explained to the child as simply talking to God, no matter where he is or what he’s doing. 2. Read your Bible Open your praying hands but keep your pinky fingers touching and face palms upward, keeping your hands together, to symbolize a book. Let the child know God can talk to him through His Word, the Bible. Encourage him to set aside time to read God’s Word every day. You may wish to provide him with a devotional book such as The Wonder Devotional book for older children or an Every Day with God devotional book for younger children, available through CEF Press®. 3. Give as God Leads Starting with your hands still in the book position, keeping your palms upward, move your hands away from your body as if giving something to someone. While giving does include money, tell children different ways they can give to God by serving Him. 4. Go to Church Now weave your fingers together, close your hands over your fingers, but leave your pointer fingers straight up and touching, to symbolize a church with a steeple. The Bible says believers should meet together to encourage each other (Hebrews 10:25). Encourage the child to attend a church that teaches from the Bible. If a child’s parent cannot take him to church, ask if you may give him a ride, or ask if he can go to a weekday Bible program for kids. You could also find out if his school has an after-school Good News Club® he can attend. 5. Make Friends with Other Believers. Now, open your clasped hands while turning palms up and wriggle your woven fingers to symbolize people. If a child is able to attend a church or program, it will be easier for him to find friends who are also believers and grow together. You can explain the illustration in Ecclesiastes 4:12. A cord of three strands is not easily broken. One string by itself is weak, but twist three together and they are even more than three times stronger. So it is when you have three Christian friends who support each other. 6. Tell Others About Jesus Bring your hands up and around your mouth as if telling someone something. Encourage the child to tell others about Jesus and what He has done. The Bible tells believers to go and share the Gospel (Mark 16:15), and children who believe in Christ have this responsibility and honor as well. You may give him a children’s tract, such as “God Loves You!” or “How to Have a Very Special Friend!” which are available through CEFpress.com. Children can use these to help them share with others what they believe and how others can also trust Jesus. These are a few of the things a saved child can do to grow spiritually. Will doing them guarantee spiritual growth? No, because DOING things doesn’t guarantee the heart is right. But it would be impossible to grow without them. So, practice all 6 hand motions a few times to help them remember. Pray (hands up), Read the Bible, (hands like a book), Give (hands out), Go to Church (fold with pointer fingers up), Make Friends with other Believers (wiggle those fingers), and Tell Others (hands around mouth). Instead of just leaving the saved child to try and figure out how to get to know God better on his own, teach him specific ways to grow in knowledge and relationship. By accepting Christ as his Savior, a child is saved for eternity. However, it is by growing in his personal relationship with God that his life will be changed for the better.