Why Memorize Scripture What song do you have stuck in your head this week? I marvel at what I can remember. Words from a song I haven’t heard in years can easily come to me when I hear its tune. I wish I could remember other things that easily. Especially important things—things that give me direction, comfort, purpose, and hope. I’m talking about God’s Word. Now that’s the most helpful thing to remember. What about the kids in your life? What do they easily remember? You can equip them with the greatest tool for living—knowing and remembering God’s Word. Of course, we want kids to read God’s Word every day, but it can be hard for kids to remember anything they read that day. However, as kids memorize God's Word, they store up God’s wisdom and guidance in their hearts. God uses this truth to help them become more like Him in their daily lives. But kids don’t always see the point of memorizing Bible verses, so they might not be motivated to make scripture memory a habit. Here are three important truths to teach kids why we want to memorize God’s Word. First, God’s Word is always true. Our world constantly changes—from fashion trends to technological advancements, to family dynamics. Even social standards of right and wrong seem fluid. But whatever changes are going on in the lives of kids, they can be comforted knowing God’s Word is true and never changes! Remind kids that even though the Bible was written a long time ago, it was written by God, who made the world and knows everything—including what is best for them. Second, memorizing the Bible helps us understand God’s will for us. Here’s an activity you can do with kids to help them visualize how having God’s Word in our hearts affects everything else. Have kids draw a heart and write inside the heart the things that are important to them. Some examples might be “mom and dad”, “brothers and sisters” or “my pets.” Have them leave room at the top of their heart. Explain to kids that their heart is the part of them that thinks, feels, and makes choices. Explain that the things they wrote in their heart may all be good, but we might not love them well or we might get them out of order as to which is more important. Now, have the kids put God and the Bible in the top of the heart. Explain that loving God and what He tells us in the Bible more than loving anyone or anything else, actually helps us love everything else in the best way. God cares about what's in their hearts and minds. He knows about the different things trying to grab their attention and their love. He knows that His Word is the best thing to fill their heart. Memorizing the Bible helps us understand God’s will for us. The third truth you can share with kids is that the Bible relates to their daily life. Use verses to give examples—like dealing with bullies, being kind, or being obedient to parents. Explain that remembering God’s Word can change how they react in these different situations. It can help them be kind or keep them from sinning. Help kids find a verse that talks about something they’re struggling with or something that is important to them. For example, when they’re struggling to be kind to someone, you can bring them to Ephesians 4:32. Ask kids open-ended questions like “how can remembering this verse help you be kind to someone?” Another great way to help kids see how Scripture relates to daily life is to share your own experience! Tell the kids about a time when remembering a Bible verse helped you make a good choice or comforted you. Our next episode is about fun ways to memorize Scripture. Although it helps to motivate kids by making things fun or with rewards, not all important things in life can be fun or have immediate rewards, so we want to try to motivate them with today’s reasons; God’s Word is true, God’s Word helps us understand His will, and God’s Word helps us in everyday life. If you want to review what I talked about today, see the article, ”Why Memorize Scripture” at cefonline.com. Why Memorize Scripture Teaching kids to develop good habits is not always easy but when we’re sold on its benefit, we’re better at passing it on. Have you ever thought of Scripture memorization as one of those habits? When kids memorize God's Word, they are storing up God’s wisdom and guidance in their hearts. God uses this truth to help them become more like Him in their everyday lives. But kids don’t always see the point of memorizing Bible verses, so they might not be motivated. Whatever your role is in kids’ lives, you can help them understand the importance of memorizing Scripture. To learn more, see the article, ”Why Memorize Scripture” at cefonline.com. Truth Known from God’s Word Our world constantly changes, even when it comes to what’s considered as truth. It can be confusing and frustrating for kids to figure out what truth is when many want to redefine it or declare it as wrong. But kids can be comforted knowing God’s Word is always true. They can trust what the Bible says because it is the Word of God, and God doesn’t change or lie. He is the Creator who established the world and all truth. Help kids understand that when they memorize Scripture, they always have the truth with them. To learn more about motivation and fun memorization methods, go to cefonline.com to see the articles on memorizing Scripture. God Wants You to Memorize Scripture How well have you taught the kids in your life to value the Bible? God cares about what's in kids hearts and minds, and kids can totally trust God’s Word. The Psalms are full of verses where God’s people thank Him for His Word and are excited to learn it. Psalm 119 has an especially good section on the value of God’s Word. God knows about the different things trying to grab a kid’s attention, and He knows that His Word is the best thing for them. It will give them hope and direction for each day and for life. For more ideas on helping kids see why they should memorize Scripture, visit cefonline.com and read the article, ”Why Memorize Scripture.” Scripture Memory Relates to Daily Life One reason kids should memorize Scripture is because it relates to their daily life. A great way to show kids this is by giving some examples. You can show kids a verse that talks about something they’re struggling with or find important—like dealing with bullies, being kind, or being obedient to parents. Talk about what the verse means and tell them how remembering this verse can change how they respond in these different situations. Another great way to help kids see how Scripture relates to daily life is to share your own experiences and real life examples. To learn more, see the article, ”Why Memorize Scripture” at cefonline.com. Scripture Memory Keeps Us from Sinning Maybe there is a particular sin a child is struggling with, and they sure don’t like the consequences but don’t know how to fight it. Or maybe the world is telling them that particular sin isn’t wrong. Memorizing verses about what God says is right and true can help change our heart about our conduct or clear up that confusion. Help kids to be armed with memorized verses to help them fight the battles of the heart that come up every day. Psalm 119:11 says, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” To learn more about helping kids to be motived to memorize verses, see the article, ”Why Memorize Scripture” at cefonline.com.