Danny: 00:00 Welcome to a promo. Yes, there are no titans with us today, but there is still plenty of text. Eric, Eric: 00:14 Hello. Danny: 00:14 and I are here breaking our usual bimonthly schedule to talk about an upcoming event for the text gaming community NaMuBuMo, a text game building event brought to you by the Mud Coder's Guild and Written Realms. Eric: 00:29 Starting on October 1st to the end of the month through the National MUD Building Month. We will be giving everyone an opportunity to make their own short but unique text game. Danny: 00:39 NaMuBuMo much like the well known NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month is not as much a contest or competition as it is a challenge to you, the text gaming enthusiast to put a foot forward and show everyone your craft. Eric: 00:54 You are invited to create and submit a text game world that must span at least 100 rooms or significant places. These do not have to be multiplayer in nature and may be built in any distributable format. Danny: 01:06 That's right. You can leverage whatever text world system you want for this. You can build it in Inform7. You could make a website where every webpage is its own room or you could log onto our sponsor site, writtenrealms.com and build your world in their intuitive web GUI. As long as you can point at your creation and other people can either download it or access it online freely, then you're good to go. Danny: 01:29 NaMuBuMo was concepted a few months ago at this point as I was looking at the Mud Coders Guild. Of course we run an annual contest, which is far more about the coding aspect and we've had discussions about that to make it more accessible for builders. But you know it's called the mud coders guild for a reason. We're mostly coders and most of us don't build all that much. So as I was thinking about that, I was like, well why don't we just hold a builders event? And the builders event is a lot like Nanowrimo. It's a contest to write something and in this case you're writing a world and there was a lot of discussion about how we make it specifically builder oriented and the first thing to throw out the window of course was making a multiplayer because that's not an easy thing for a lot of people to scratch up themselves. Not everyone wants to, I don't know, download, circle mud or TBA or DIKU or any, no one is gonna want to set that up just for a month long contest. It's a lot of work for some people and quite frankly impossible for a lot of people and of course we wanted to include the non multiplayer text game community, which has been around since before us technically because what proceeded muds was interactive fiction and many of those people still build things in Inform7 and other proprietary interactive fiction systems and you know they should be able to participate too because they're building worlds as much as any of us are building worlds, they just happen be single player worlds. So NaMuBuMo which I'm going to get wrong at some point on this, on this promo, I'm going to mispronounce it, is that opportunity. Eric: 03:09 I'll also take claim for the horrible name. Danny: 03:14 And of course you know, written realms is, we've interviewed Thibaud who is the creator of written realms or at least one of the co-creators and it was an excellent interview and he wants to get, and we as well want to get people in front of the written realms UI to see how useful and how intuitive it actually is to just build out a world. And you know, of course it's limited. I mean you're not like getting into the code of it. It's not like you're able to get down and download written realms and put up your own website. Danny: 03:46 It's fairly limited in what you can actually build, but you can build and it's not any more limited for building than any other codebase whether or not you can program. So that's what we're doing with NaMuBuMoand we hope as many people try to participate as possible. Eric: 04:04 The MUD Coders Guild and Written Realms have partnered to bring you this event. Keep an eye out on any of the big mud groups such as the /r/mud subreddit, the mud coders guild slack, or the mud discord for announcements and further details, or head to namubumo.com and get a headstart. Danny: 04:20 And remember, there's nothing to win if you participate, but you've got nothing to lose if you do.