Andre I think with palate but with Israel and Palestine, I think it's a very complex problem, we have a friend that is Palestinian. And I think that I'll speak for both of us totally condemn Hamas. Hamas is not the Palestinians, they are not the population. So and we haven't we've talked about this without recording it. But I will say that, at some level, there are atrocities on both sides. Not for not a foreign policy expert, but I do study history. And this is not a new problem. But we also want to remember that, you know, there are innocent people that are being that were recently killed in Israel, and that are continuously killed in the West Bank and continuously killed in Gaza. So, you know, with that, I would ask that people try to, like, not pick aside on this. We want, I will, I would hope people want justice and to remove a terrorist organization. But we can't forget about the innocent people I watched, I saw something the other day. And that's why I'm saying this now. I watched a mom try to wake up her dead child in Gaza Strip. And as a parent, I can't imagine what that's like. And it just, it broke my heart to see that. So, you know, hopefully people are thinking about the innocent people, not just the Israeli government and Hamas. So I would fault the Israeli government. I would fault Hamas. The people are, they should be considered innocent, the hostages shouldn't be released. And I think the conversation is complex, but doesn't make me an anti Semite, to say, we shouldn't kill innocent people in the Gaza Strip. So yeah, that's my thought on that. Chris Yeah, I mean, I don't I don't have a lot to add, because I think you basically hit on everything that I think has been kind of swirling around in my brain about this. There's no excuse for the loss of innocent life like this, anywhere, and under any circumstances. And I think the most important thing is to figure out if it's possible for us to put a stop to this now, and then work towards some sort of future. But it's, it's like you said, it is extremely complex. It's not something that you're just going to walk in and tell everybody to play nice. And that, you know, that that's going to work. I, like you said, I'm not a foreign policy, policy expert. I do not have a solution for this. But it is absolutely heartbreaking to see you know, the scenes from October 7, and then everything that's followed, and really everything that happened before that, you know, right, this isn't like you said, this isn't new, this isn't some new conflict. This is just the latest devastation. Andre I don't know, in a lot of ways, it just feels like the rest of the world is kind of sitting back and watching. You know, my wife showed me a tick tock that actually showed that guy you know, the wrestler are eating popcorn while Israel and Palestine are fighting. I'm not trying to cut you off, but I think that number one, what's sad to me is that people are making opinions and they they don't understand the subject matter. And I can say that I'm familiar with the subject matter but I'm not an expert, nor am I a person of those lands so I can't speak so full throated that I you know, like I have a strong opinion but it is sad it's it's it's crippling to watch it's crippling to watch the media try to figure out how to have a objective conversation now. And that's annoying. Chris So until watch the fact that there's no room for any nuance in this conversation, right? The moment that you're like these poor Palestinian innocent lives, and they're like, Oh, so you support Hamas? Right it or if you're like, you know, wow, what happened on October 7 was absolutely barbaric. Oh, so you're okay with the bombing of innocent lives in Gaza? Like? No, they can both be terrible things like we can acknowledge, like you said that the Israeli government has made horrible decisions that Hamas has inflicted on ending pain like these are those are facts. These are facts. These are two groups that hate each other and are willing to massacre you know, 1000s of innocent lives to prove that they f*cking hate each other. Right. And the fact that we can't separate the difference between this the civilians that live in these areas, and the the government groups or the terrorist groups that basically lord over them, it's, you know, innocent Israelis and innocent Palestinians neither deserve to die. Right. Andre So that is a Christian Andreea take and we are not anti Semites, we're not trying to eradicate Palestinians. But that I, I would love to see that voice be heard more than what the you know, the two different sides of that aren't even trying to solve a problem. You know, it breaks my heart. And it I struggle with trying to understand the angle of the media, when it comes to this situation is struggle when it comes to our governments unending support of the Government of Israel, when they're making mistakes, or they potentially can make more mistakes. It also ties into my next thought so. So I've struggled with this for a while. And it's been like one of those things where it boils down to this. I'm not an American Christian, I'm not a Christian at all. I think that's a it's a it's a stupid group to be a part of. But it has nothing to do with my faith in God. This like, Chris really kicking it off with a bang. I'm not a Christian, that's a stupid part of a group to be. Andre Subtle. Here's why. Something I've been thinking about. There's a couple parts of this. So there's always constantly this argument of freewill and the Judeo Christian faith, right. And I personally, don't believe in free will. Here's why. If you are trying to live a life that reflects your belief in God, all of your decisions are based on things that and they shouldn't be based on things that would align with that. So you're, you're abdicating your ability to have free will, in my mind, right? A good example of that, if you're, if you ever open up a Bible would be when Abram was told to leave the land of Canaan, and go to a landlord, God told him to go, right. And this isn't the book of Genesis. So he goes in everywhere he stops, and he prays, then, you know, he gets direction from god of where to go next. Well, there's a famine in the land. And he sees Egypt in in the distance and he decides to go to Egypt. The differences he never stopped to pray to decide if he was supposed to go there. The the situation around him made him make a decision. That was probably not the right decision. If you continue on in the book of Genesis, he goes to Cairo, he goes to Egypt and lies and says that his wife isn't his wife, but she's his sister. Because he felt that if they knew he was she was his wife, they would kill him just so that they could take his wife and a few other things bad things happen eventually the pharaohs I mean Pharaohs like yeah, do because God was like not none of that's cool. And he messed things up. He's like, you brought calamities in my house, you gotta go, but I'm not going to just kick you out. Here's some here's a herd of animals and just just please go so whatever bad mojo you brought to me. Just go I want nothing to do with that. That's, in my mind. That's an illustration of yes, we can make decisions. But the predicate is that we are seeking the will of God in our lives. And so you kind of can't have free will. Right? Not saying that everything, every decision you make without, you know, seeking God's advice her or his, his thoughts on the matter are going to be calamitous. But it's just kind of the two don't go hand in hand. I'm not a theologian. But that's kind of how I take that. So I fast forward to something that has perplexed me for a number of years. It's in the book of Matthew. It's actually Matthew 22, verses 36 through 40. The Pharisees who are the who, who I often see as the religious leaders of today, who feels so enthralled with their knowledge of the Bible and their theology and how they have convinced and sometimes manipulated people to do this or that. They're they're trying to trick this Jesus guy, right? And the question is, teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law, and Jesus, being Jesus right? says, Jesus replied, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul. And with all your mind, this is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself. All the law in the prophets Hang On these two commandments. So for me, of the there's like, there's 600 Plus commandments in the Bible. But they're distilled down into two. And the first one reflects back into the short synopsis of what Abraham did right? Before before His name is Abraham. be seeking the things that you know that God would have you do. Right, you're going to be okay, doesn't mean your life is easy. But you're going to be shown, you're going to be showing your faith by just doing that first thing, super hard, very easy to manipulate. If you're a Pharisee, or Sadducee, or a current day pastor or minister, to make people feel bad enough, and that you show them something that helps them to feel a little bit better. The second commandment that should be followed is Love your neighbor as yourself. Most people don't even love themselves. Yeah. Right. I don't see the predominantly Western churches with an emphasis on the American Christian. Understanding what they should be doing. If I look at the actions, if I look at the things that they don't speak on, and I could go through a couple of things that you know, you are the salt of the earth, and if salt was loses its flavor, what are you good for? You're nothing. So they're not even doing these things, to show that I will forget them. I want to do those things. I love God. I love I try my best to love my neighbors as I love myself. But I have to first love Andre before I can do that for other people. Right? That means in succession, I have to be able to grow I have to be able to admit wrong, I have to be to myself so I can be accepting of other people. It it explains my work publicly on this podcast many times my recognition of the fact that I was a bigot towards the LGBTQ community. I don't see that in the past. But the emphasis on the American Christian church. You can't have you can't live those two simple commandments and have the hate. Distrust, dishonor, bigotry, all the things that we have in our country. Because I can't personally do it myself. Chris Does that make sense? It makes Yeah, I mean, that makes sense. And I think especially when you look at the fact that not exclusively but in large swaths. The religious groups are where that hate and bigotry comes from. Andre And hands down agree. It's Chris like it's not only are you participating in it, but it's, it's like it's the origin of it. How on earth does that square with those commandments, right? How can you love thy neighbor as you love them? itself if, like you said, you don't love yourself, and if you hate yourself so much that you feel the need to tear everything down around you to try and build yourself up. Andre It's implausible to me. Another thing I was thinking about and math, it's called the Sermon on the Mount. It's in Matthew, chapter five. Jesus may have been a socialist, right? Well, you take this same Jesus guy, and you put him in prison. Sure Chris what no communist? Andre Well, there are, well, there are there are connecting strings between communism and socialism. So every now Chris is a bit of a play just because these days, right. Socialism and communism are often kind of intertwined or exchangeable in conversation amongst people who don't necessarily understand the nuance between the two. So Andre I'm reading through the Beatitudes, Blessed are the poor in spirit for their, there's the kingdom of heaven, blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. All these things are not about the rich and powerful. None of these things typically would just sit not to say that every everybody's going to be poor to be to find life. It just means that this Jesus guy did a lot of things that were not what the Jews of the time expected him to do. They thought he was going to come in, like Stallone on a horse that bow and arrow and kill the Romans. And he comes in on a donkey, meek and humble and hanging out with the poor. They thought he was going to uplift their, their structure in the temples, homies, like kicking over tables and say, and my father was uplifting. So this conflict of what I what I've read and what I believe, I keep seeing it in my life, right? I can't be a part of this American Christian f*ckery. I just can't, it's just not true. It's not real. You know, I see people praying, and their words are empty. I see people saying our thoughts and prayers are with you. Well, what are you talking about? This Jesus guy that you keep telling people about? And how you believe in God would say, would be able to identify that? No, you have a gun control problem, you need to do something different. Easy, oh, we support Israel we support you need not to, this is where I'm going to pull back on that one. Because I don't want it to come out the wrong way. There are things where I look at in the Old Testament where people's people pick and choose what they want from the Bible. tithe, tithing is in the Old Testament, not in the New Testament, right? Give me 10% of your money. Well, what about the Jubilee, where every seven years the Jews would erase the debt of people that were indebted. So they wouldn't be slave to the because these are people getting out of slavery in Egypt. And the the idea was not to have a indebted mentality. But we don't want that part. We just want the 10% we want 10% of your income. But the people, the people that yeah, what's your question? So Chris does that make Joe Biden Jewish? Andre I do know he's Catholic. So he's probably in the 10%. Club. But isn't, isn't eliminating debt, more biblical practice than to squeeze every bit out of somebody to they can no longer be comfortable in life. That's the Bible that they're professing. Right. So why do you only want certain parts of the Old Testament and not the other parts when it comes to finances? So those things are not only a contradiction, but they're hypocritical? Chris Well, it's, it's like we talked about earlier when we're talking about the GOP and constitutionalist, right. It's cherry picking. what's convenient for me, what helps me to make my point is irrelevant. Anything that doesn't support that or actively, you know, dissuades people from believing it. Well, that's not really something we need to listen to anymore, right. The Constitution is very clear, it's very, we should not interpret it except for where we need to interpret it. Because, you know, they didn't really mean what they said here. It meant the thing over here. It's Andre annoying. It's It's hypocrisy at its best dress up as religion Chris when like, but I mean, I know this isn't like new, right? It's not like we invented this in the last 20 years this level of, you know, shamelessness and hypocrisy, but like, what? Why does it feel like it's gotten so much worse? Is it Andre for me? It's because Chris are we not holding people to that anymore? Is that part of it? Like we've started to just accept that that's, Andre we move we move the goalposts, right. So for me, it was becoming there was a collision between abortion and things that are just blatantly f*cking wrong. Right? Where if you take the abortion argument you can see and throughout historical texts, and whether or not whether it's even the Bible, whether it's like, just throughout history, abortions have been a thing. But I'm seeing people willing to die on that hill, before they're willing to figure out a way to take care of homeless kids in our own country or in our own neighborhoods. Or where we all everybody in the world, watch the guy die at least 40 times. But I care a lot about abortion. Because I, I'm all about life. I am pro life. I'm pro life. Except for that n*gger right there who died on the street. Chris Except for this kid immigrants coming across the border, right? Andre There's the Saint of this Jesus guy, radical, radical idea. He got water for somebody that was considered by the Jews. Just not you can't do that. But he did it. He served her he those are things where it's like, I think I've had enough. I think I've had enough of watching and listening to people that espouse these things that they don't believe in. It's just, it's just bullsh*t. I can't on the one hand, Chris I just gotta say like, on the one hand, I I'm not happy that you're having to go through this because it's not, you know, an enjoyable experience. I understand it, because I think I went through a lot of the same stuff when I kind of separated from religion. Andre But for me, the difference is, I'm not letting my faith go because the organizations are sh*tty. Well, that's fair. I'm not saying you are. But I'm not saying I'm not saying my faith is bad. I'm in a few if you do, like all the homework, right? The term Christian wasn't brought about until after the Roman Empire. Right? And even the Romans figured out a way to Oh, everybody's on this, we need to figure out a way to get get on that. So Chris did Jesus come to be like, hey, you know what, this religion is actually supposed to be all about me? No. And yet, who's up on the f*cking crucifix and every f*cking church? I mean, I mean, like, it's just it. To me this it because you're right. I don't, I don't even know for me that. Like, I don't know where my faith necessarily stands. But when when I looked at everything, it wasn't so much like, none of that makes any sense. Like, you know, the idea behind like, how to live your life and using, you know, like, the lessons and everything from the Bible. And to kind of guide you. Like, all of that made sense. It was the application of it, or really the lack thereof, in the organization in the organizations that I looked at as well, like you, I can't be a part of that. In part because you guys taught me that that's not something we're supposed to be a part of. But it's not like you've joined some other group. That's you. That's what you are now. Right? And you're preaching against it. So how on earth can you be surprised when people turn their backs on you? Andre I don't care about that part. So well, I guess that's fair. But I here's what I care about. So the the church I attend is, like I Stop going for a while. So I just couldn't. I was like I was struggling with it. But I started asking questions to the leadership, and they answered my questions, or we had conversations, you know, what I realize, there was a reason why I picked this place to, like, be a part of it felt like home, right? It felt like the place and it represented the things that I believe in my heart that my faith should represent. It wasn't the bullsh*t, like the churches I've gone to in the past or anything like that. And so Chris it wasn't the bullsh*t of the top level organization. Right. And Andre I rock with that. So, Chris and I just want to say, like, on ultimately, I think that's probably the most important piece, right for you as an individual. It's not about where your church stands in the grand scheme of, you know, Catholicism or Christianity. It's you and your individual relationship and whether or not it provides you with the things that you are hoping to get out of it. Right. I mean, Andre I mean, here's a good example. So this whole like, I have, I'm using this as a current example of like, how you grow in your faith, right? The LGBT queue once a problem or issue, but that, that just that part of my life, right? My Church and the leaders of my church, even when I wasn't going, I was like stalking and listen to their podcasts because it was a wrestle. But there were things where they actually opened my eyes to ask not changed my my point of view, but made me ask and want to ask myself different questions. Right. There's a another issue I had, that I don't want to forget, is, I really believe that people use church to feel better. Yes, I really feel that American Christians, predominately white ones. And this is not a thing about ethnicity. I just want to it's easier for a white person to go to a church and feel like they're doing the right thing. Because there's less obstacles on the stuff, right? Chris Yeah, the bars incredibly low. Andre But for a for me, I don't know Chris that it could really be any lower on you're going to a place where it's mostly people who look like you where you feel comfortable in every way that you possibly can, and you're doing it because at the end of the day, you're like, Well, I'm a better person just because I sat here for an hour this week, right? And Andre in for me, I like George Floyd made me think, Wait a minute, so for all on the same team. Why aren't they speaking up? Aren't we brothers and sisters? My man, you know, this is you needed something. Where am I at? I'm reading your corner there. Chris Yep. Every time. Andre So it goes back to my my questions about Trump. Chris It's like, where is he? Right? Andre Right. What I what I say because he says Chris to aid in your corner, Andre if you're if you're my guy, and like, things are south for me, and you're, you're leaving me out. I don't f*ck with you. And that's how I feel about the not the entire church body, but a vast majority of them and like, you know, things were bad for your brothers and sisters. And you all I heard was crickets. Like, let's be real. And so my conclusion is or not my conclusion, but my my prevailing thought is, it doesn't change my faith, it changes who I rock with. It isn't changed my faith, it changes. I don't want that label of Christian I just don't. I'd rather be a follower. I've ever be a believer in my faith and a follower of the way period. I'd rather live by example of the things that the things I believe in, correct me if I'm wrong, I try to live them out of my life. I really do. I'm also very fallible, but I f*cked up there. I drink beer. Yeah, still doesn't. I don't think that affects my faith. Because Jesus was the man at the party. So my, it's all these these pious prescriptive things in church and I've you know, I go back. And I think about it and meditate on things in my faith that have been important to me. They don't even fit in there. It doesn't fit. this Jesus guy, met people where they were. And I've talked about this time and time again, it's made me a better person to be able to recognize that if I meet people where they are, I can have a better relationship. I can, I'm not trying to change anybody. And I was, and I think of my kids, great grandfather. Racist, right? Didn't like black people. And you fast forward until the time of his passing. He loved me. And I didn't do anything more than I met him worry was, I was always consistent about who I was. And we have, we had a beautiful relationship, to the point where, you know, he's struggling with all types of infirmities. And I remember to this day walking into his house, and he saw me he started crying. That's the God I want to be that I will choose to be like, That guy is real. Because the things that I was, I felt led to do showed what I believe our faith should show, right? Where we can change people or help people to change because we don't change them by seeing the right things in ourselves. So I think I mean, I think of all the people and I can go down a list, I'm not saying you're ever racist, but we have a great and we have we have a beaut. But it's the same thing. Well, you know, when we first met, I was who was I was going to be? And we Yvette we have a beautiful relationship. So that's what I'm saying. And, and that's what I believe our faith should reflect not this, you know, not the piety. I just think that's weird. I think it's weird and it's wrong that churches for like they gaslight people, and people, they sip the Kool Aid. And it's just really wrong. It doesn't inspire somebody to not change to don't go to hell, Jesus never. Dude, I've been thinking back to this. And I'm trying to figure out how many times Jesus said, If you don't do this, you're going to hell. Chris I bet it was zero, it Andre was that many times. Chris Because that wasn't what I was about. Right in that's, that's the whole thing is the, this idea where it was like you, you better be good. Or you're gonna end up suffering for all eternity. Right? Like, that's my motivation. Right? Not not be good. Because it's, it's what you should aspire to be. Because ultimately, that's going to make you feel better is if you treat others better. Like you want to love yourself. Love others first. Right? And that will help you to love yourself. Andre And that's or like, even turn it inside of yourself. Right? This is how I look at that that part. Do I love me? And do I want people How do I want I want people to treat me like that people have paraphrases treat others the way you want to be treated. Sure, yes. So how do I want to be treated? How do I want to be treated? How do I treat people the way that I want them to treat me? Now granted, I've gone through instances where people have been racist towards me. I probably can't fix that. But it doesn't change what I want. And if you remember, I was like, miserable when that one instance where like, I felt like I failed and like I've done the things and like I'm still getting treated like sh*t. Well, I had to learn and it took me a couple years and honestly, f*ck you Frank everybody's not Frank. No. And I had to remember that. So f*cking Frank, because I'm not gonna let you steal my joy. And just one more time for good measure. Buck you Frank. Chris Buck. You've Frank. Pussy as b*tch. So I've been here six month no, you ever written a single line of code Andre piece of sh*t? f*ck. That's the first Chris that's the first great is like, f*ck you, Frank. Oh my Andre gosh, the first time I mentioned that guy's name and like well over six years, but I actually believe or not fun fact I forgot his name. I remember his face by forgot his name. Oh, Chris Eva had forgotten his name. Andre But that's if I ever saw him again. That would be the message I would give him. So I hope he hears Frank you suck. But I'm going to live my faith out regardless of the obstacles. Chris Regardless of the Franks, Andre yeah, not everybody's Frank. Chris Most people aren't right. I think like that's at the end of the day. It's hard sometimes to remember that most people are good people, or at least they're trying, you know, like, they're trying hard to just kind of get through their life and to be decent. And yeah, it's like the sh*t where whether it's online, or when you're in your car like this, this separation, you know, that we get where it's like, people get so f*cking angry at strangers. I mean, I do it too, right? Like, especially when it comes to driving. But it's I try to kind of catch myself and be like, you know, what? What's the f*cking big deal? You know? Andre I think that I keep seeing these polls. And we, we've, we've expressed our opinions on polls. Chris They're the best and the only thing that we should ever trust. Yeah. Because only tell you the truth, the truth all the Andre time. 100% Chris numbers never lie. Andre But people do. Always 100% of the time, it's that people aren't going to church, or they they they're, they don't believe in God. I don't know if it's God, they don't believe I think the question the way the questions are written it. It sounds kind of weird. I don't know if that's necessarily true. Here's why. I can't think of anything in my life that I've experienced, that's spontaneously created itself. Everything I've ever interacted with has a creator. It's just illogical to think otherwise. Well, what about the Big Bang Theory? Look, not a scientist, but I'm just gonna throw it out out there to you. If it was that random, explain how science can't figure it out. Like everything it takes us. It's taken us 120 years to figure out DNA, right? It's all these things take time to figure out if anything, all that does is prove there is a God there is a Creator. So that's my that's how I end most of those conversations laundry, what about dinosaurs? I don't know did like I've never seen a dinosaur. I've seen the bone. So I'm gonna assume they existed. I don't think that's worth the debate. I think the the mission of Jesus was to not show us how to be good little boys and girls, to show us how to live life, and then to enjoy life. And to actually be able to live with each other and love each other. It sounds very, like weird to say that, but it's true. He didn't come and give you 120,000 rules of what to do. Like, stop making it so complicated. You'll never live life in that manner. So that's more of my focus of like, Alright, I'm not trying to live a prescriptive life because that's impossible. I'm going to stumble, I'm going to struggle, I'm going to, but I want to live I want to be able to enjoy the life I'm given. not survive. I'm not trying to survive in this world. That seems like a that's a low bar, right? I want to live I want to be able to enjoy the moments I spent with my friends family. I want to and I want to keep feeling the way I feel when I'm with my wife. And this is this is no cap. The last three weeks, and my wife had been together for 23 years. Right? But the last three weeks. Like I'm like super in love with her. Like, it's like, Now that sounds like you're laughing at me. But it's so crazy. Because I see it. I'm like, why don't I just really love her. Chris I'm only laughing because it's adorable. Andre But to feel like to really feel love, right? And feel like hmm, okay, that's dope, right? My kids same thing. I have gone I've spent I've been to Florida so many times, and I hate Florida. Yeah. But just to spend time with my kids. It's a, it's a highlight of my life, to make that a priority and to do it and to hug my boys and to kiss my daughter, and kiss my sons. I don't care. But I love them. And it's great. That's living life to take these moments and say, you know, I'm really enjoying this, right. Last night, we went to Dave Chappelle wasn't in was it on the calendar, but my wife really wanted to go, and I was tired, but I was like, okay, and to have those experiences and actually be in the moment and enjoy them. That's living life. And I think that's what people want. But we turn Jesus into like the a tally of how many good things you've done and how many bad things you've done. I think that's wrong. Chris Yeah, or get out of jail free card, right? You can do all the bad sh*t you want. But as long as you go to church once a week and you go do your confession, then you know, you're good, man, you can get into heaven that way. I haven't. That's what it's all about. It's not about I mean, that's that's part of my frustration with the whole thing is that it feels like it ultimately becomes about the end destination. It's not about the journey. It's not about living your life here. It's all about like, like you said, it's that tally mark. And do I have more good than bad so that when I get to the pearly gates, St. Peter lets me in like, that's your f*cking motivation. That's weird, Andre right? You can't live up to that. I hope that people here's what I do know. Like, it's so anecdotal, I so you can take it with a grain of salt. But people are miserable. People. The reason why there's multiple religions on this planet is because I think we all come to the same conclusion, we're missing something and we want to live life and we want to enjoy it. We want to find a way to find peace, right. But I also think that there's a there's a truth that people are searching for. We humans become the barrier for people to find that truth. So I'm not seeing any religion and denomination, I'm saying that we prevent ourselves. Here's my theory, the rich young ruler, right? He says, teacher, I do all these good things. And I do this, I do that. How do I get into the kingdom of heaven? In Jesus? replies, I'm sure easy, get rid of all your stuff and follow me. He's like, not good. Not doing that. I want you to sell everything you own. And immediately we can serve this to. Chris You coming from a guy who does not support can I do not? They're not down with the culture, I think. Andre I don't think they respected the culture at that time. But that's a funny skit, because it's true. Like there's a lot of truth in what they're saying. Right? Chris Hey, it's really easy. Just do this one thing. Oh, no, no, no, not that. Yeah. Anything about that, right? We don't make we give up everything. Andre We want something spectacular, something where we have to show effort. We want something that makes other people not want. Another interesting part in the book of Matthew, is Jesus talks about praying, when you when you pray, don't don't pray in public. So people are watching you and making a big show of it. When you give, don't make a show out of it. Right? I see to this day and 2023 We can't get beyond the fact that it can be a lot simpler than what it is. Right? How hard is it for me to like learn how to live life. Not it's not, but I have to be willing to be like No, just accept those things. Accept the bad for what it is. And not look for the light but understand there's a lesson in the bad that you're experiencing. Right? Be anger, be angry, but sin not. We're allowed to be angry. I get angry a lot, but I have to decide and choose. And again, this is where my free world is canceled. God what's the right response to that? us. How do I do this act in love? How do I how do I express it? I f*cking hate whatever. But with love Frank, Frank Chris f*cking f*cking love to hate you Frank. Andre Well, honestly, it's, I can be pisted how Frank Yeah, interrupted my life. But I was able to look at it as okay, but in the future how do I do this in the future? How do I open my heart to understand that people are pieces of sh*t. Frank actually helps me with how like, when I had those little blips were like, Oh, that guy, obviously racist redneck. And I feel bad all the time. That's because of Frank. Right? He's kind of proud to be like, Oh, here we go again. But then I'm always surprised. So it makes me remember, like, you can't just look at people and assume they are Frank's f*ck you, Frank. But my that's to be Chris fair, right? Like, in general, you wouldn't. It's not like we looked at Frank before the incident. And we're like, Oh, Frank looks like a racist motherf*cker, right? So I see exactly what you're saying that we it's very easy, right to assume, based on someone's outward appearance, or mannerisms or whatever it may be that you know exactly who they are and what they're all about. But it's usually not until push comes to shove that you really find out people's true character. Right. Andre So yeah, I'm in a good place with my faith. Chris Is not your religion. Well, I don't want to guess for you because it honestly it sounds like you're in a good place overall, personally, you're still frustrated with the failings of the church overall, right? And you expect them to be better, but you're not going to allow that to stop you from practicing your faith and continuing to be a part of your church and community that you do feel is doing the right thing right. Andre As I've as I've said many times before, God's marketing team f*cking sucks. If that's the best he's got he needs to get a better team. Chris Need to get that buddy Christ. Dogma George Carlin I give you a buddy Christ. Andre It's sad to say that and I'm not trying to be a rapper, or reverend. There's a term that's used a lot. And I've heard a lot when I was growing up, fear the Lord. Right? Well, the word is actually respect. It's so the word fear actually translates to respect. How many people know that there are so many people quaking in their boots, when they hear you got to fear the Lord. Fear the Lord, you can go to hell. Like, really? Here's another here's another. Again, not a theologian. But I do study my Bible. The, the way the story is phrased, she's a prostitute. Right? Or the adulterer, and some peeps, some churches call her the adulterous. She was with a married man, blah, blah, blah. And the Pharisees and Sadducees like, oh, we should stoner Jesus, a killer with rocks. And Jesus famously says, He without sin cast the first end. And people will get I think people get stuck on that because they didn't throw the stone. But the I think the nugget in that was, he told her to go and sin no more. Right. And not in a prescriptive way. He didn't say go do 40 Hail Marys and, you know, 16 cartwheels, he basically said, go confess your sins. Yeah, none of that. He basically said, hey, get it. Yeah, he actually tells her about her life. Before, you know, anybody really is paying attention. That's the other nugget. He goes, hey, hey, good, good. Try, go try again. And we often don't give people that grace to do that. So when I hear people say, Oh, you got to you got a few or the Lord and Bob, like, this Jesus guy you keep talking about talking to me about didn't do that. He basically said, hey, you know, Andre, I understand you had a tough childhood. I get it, I'm with your dog. Right? They're gonna be moments where it's gonna be easy for you to see the world through that lens. I'm trying to help you to not see it through that lens. And we talked a while ago about the definition of the word sin, it was missing the mark, it wasn't that you're doomed and damned, you slightly missed the mark. It's an archery term. So I'm going to miss the mark. But overall, I'm going to keep trying to be the best person, not just for because I've always said I don't want people like me, I really don't f*cking care. If you're like me, I want you to respect me, I want I want to be the type of person that when it's my last day, you can say, well, he was he was honest. He was trying to the best he could do. And he could see it and everything. He said, everything you did. That's what I want. Oh, I want to be a memory in somebody's mind. Like my grandfather, is for me, I want to be a memory in somebody's mind. Like I want to be for my kids. That's why I spend time with them. I want to be a memory for my brothers and sisters. That's why I spend time with you. That's why I call you that's why I never want to be like we were friends until I moved now. What do you need? I'm here for you. Right? I talked to my sister, typically once, twice a week. Me because that's, I want to be remembered for trying to be to live life and show people how to live life. Because it's, it's livable. It's not that we have to struggle on time. And I don't know, I'm not trying to get sappy or anything, but I really I really am pissed with the American Christians. And I think they're, for the most part, not everybody. So if it's you that you're trying to live, it's not you but the rest of them are full of sh*t. You got to Sunday, just so you can sit on Monday through Friday. Probably go to the club on Saturday, and feel better about yourself on Sunday. And f*ck you Frank.