106_Natty_Frasca === Natty: You know, last week my son was really upset about something. He was mad at his dad and I don't remember what it was, but I showed him my words, his kickboxing bag, but I gave him my baseball app. And said, okay, like, let me show you how I express my rage. And then you can go talk to your dad from a place of, that's not totally in his face. So he did, he practiced rage. Like we practiced rage in sisterhood and like beat the crap out of the same with a baseball bat, fell in a puddle on the floor. I went in, we hugged. And then I'm like, are you ready to talk to your dad? I'm ready. and it was like this. Beautiful moment where it's like, yeah, it's not just for us. It started with me and it's the ripple effect, right. It starts in our homes and our families. And then it's like, you see, when you look out into the world where it's not working, then it's like, where's the medicine needed. And that's my dream. My deepest desire is that. And you're doing this work, like introducing this to women, introducing this to humans, and hopefully like one piece of it sinks in, or you get curious about one thing and you pick up a book, someone mentions and you just begin your journey. === Monica: Welcome to the Revelation Project Podcast. I'm Monica Rogers, and this podcast is intended to disrupt the trance of unworthiness and to guide women, to remember and reveal the truth of who we are. We say that life is a revelation project and what gets revealed. It gets healed. Hello everyone. Welcome to another episode the Revelation Project Podcast. The world is screaming for a new kind of leadership. One infused with feminine values. It's damned time for a feminine rebellion. I'm here today with Natty. Nat Frasca is founder at Tribe of Wolves, an organization dedicated to guiding women back to their wild, feminine power. She leads women back to their wildness via her coaching practice and in-person mountain retreats. Her mission is to create an army of female leaders that this mad world is screaming for right now, she believes the time is now. For a feminine rebellion. Natty is a mom of three wild teenagers, an avid hiker and a fierce lover of nineties hip hop. When she's not deep in the forest, you might find her scouring, a local vintage shop for parachute pants. In her kitchen with her face planted in a bowl of buttery, garlic, mashed potatoes, or howling wildly under the moon with her sisterhood. So good. Hey Nat. Natty: Hey, Monica: I love that. I love that. oh my gosh. The best. I'm so glad you're here. Finally. Natty: I'm so happy to be in the space with you, right now.So, so happy. Monica: So for our listeners, not, and I have been having a mutual little love fest online, and we know that we hang out in sisterhood circles, we kind of intersect, but we've never actually met in person until this morning. And so we were like two little kids who were like, you know, like the second thing, the second they realize they're kindred spirits. And so. So happy to introduce you to my audience, and Nat has a podcast of her own. So not tell, tell our listeners a little bit more about you and your work and anything you want to say. Natty: Yeah, yeah, sure. So, you know, like Monica shared, I'm a mom and I is my mission to lead women back to this place where, um, We feel alive and our lives are filled with like pleasure and ease and, you know, the big mission of mine is so we're out there pushing more love into the world and healing. This mad freaking planet, but you know, it all began with, if we want to go there now and back to the, like the origin. Where the fuck this all began was Monica: Seeing as we're going to put explicit on this, right from the get-go. Yeah. Natty: Sorry. There's no getting around that with me. Monica: It's fine. Natty: Okay. Monica: I love it. Natty: So, so it started like mid 30, eight years old, really? Like I was sitting in. Uh, therapy of room in couples therapy with my husband. And I announced that I was done. Um, I was lawyered up and, um, God, you know what, it's been a little while since I've told this story, I need to take a deep breath. It's like so weird actually going back to that place right now. Yeah. And I think I'm getting my period. I'm a little emotional, so Monica: Bring it sister, bring it out. Natty: Okay. You're going to get all of me today. So I was sitting in this therapy session and I told my husband that I was done and our therapist who we'd known for like years, we had been in therapy for way too fucking long said, what do you want? And I was like, okay, I want a condo in our town. Like, uh, I want someone to shovel. Someone to mow the lawn. Like, I don't want to do any of that shit anymore. And the therapist said, no, his name is Andrew. Let's just call him Andrew. Andrew said, they're like, what do you, what do you like really want in a relationship? Like, how do you want to feel? And I was like, what, what does that feel? And like, you know, to give you a picture of where I was at the time, three little kids. Working at a local running a local nonprofit, and like raised by in an Italian American family, the youngest of three kids. And they only girl. So I was tough and used to like powering through. Did not know what feelings were really, except for anger. I was really able to tap into my anger. Anyway, I paused at that moment. And. Tried to figure out what he was saying and what came to me was an image. It wasn't like, I didn't have words, but it was an image of what I wanted and, um, Monica: It's okay. It's okay. So good. Total freefreedom Natty: Yeah. Um, what I was craving, what I wanted and. Painted this picture is I wanted to be at my stove top, like stirring a pot of sauce. And I wanted my husband. I wanted there to be like Jerry Garcia on the radio. And I w I had this image of my husband coming up behind me and like wrapping his arms around my waist. And, um, he has a beard putting his. Face to spirit on my neck and my kids were little, the time would be like dancing wildly around the kitchen and laughing and like causing trouble in some way. And there's a glass of red wine next to me. And like, I'm just stirring the sauce and I'm like, And like, I think I'm actually going back to that moment in therapy and my body right now, because I started to cry and I was like, I just want to be seen, I just want to be held and like taken care of it was such a foreign idea for me. It was like, in that moment, something in me cracked open and I realized that like, I didn't want to do it all anymore. I didn't want to push anymore, even though that's, the way I had been raised is to like, to push hard and to strive and to achieve and to do all the things. And where that got me was just to a place of life. Total and happiness. Like at that point in my life, I could barely get out of bed. I was on antianxiety meds. It was like Chardonnay and Xanax to fall asleep at night. I was a mess and I thought that he was the reason I was a mess. But when I shared the story, he was like, you don't let me help you. You don't let me, like you don't ask for help. And I was like, I shouldn't have to ask. Anyway, the whole thing unraveled. I like at that moment, like unhooked from something or began to see that there, like maybe there was another way for me to live my life, but I was not in touch with like, when I truly desired, because what I learned growing up that was that what I desired was, was not right. Monica: Say more about that, Nat., Natty: Well, I learned that like hard work and muscling through and. You know, I played sports my whole life and you know, it was like, anytime you fall, it was like, you jump up, you brush it off, you know, no crying. And like, I was raised, like my parents are lovely people. It was just the culture. Like, you know, I was raised by boys. I always wanted to be part of the boys. So I fought so hard to be accepted into their tribe, into their circle. So, you know, ski trips, I remember like begging my brothers to like, take me on their ski trips with their friends and knowing that I had to be really good at sports if I wanted to be accepted by these dudes. So I just. Uh, learned that, you know, powering through muscling, you know, burying my desires, burying my femininity, any, any shine, any showing of emotion was a sign of weakness. And if I showed emotion, it was like, I was insane. I was over emotional. So. Over 38 years, like buried so many parts of myself and like the idea of pleasure. I mean, I still, if someone told me, you know, you're, if someone said to me 10 years ago, embrace your femininity. I would've punched them in the face. I mean, I would have the idea, like the feminine to me back then meant weakness. And so it was. Uh, revelation. When I learned that there was an entire part of my being Monica: An entire world. Yeah. Natty: And entire world that I had, like buried and not knowing like I didn't. I didn't know myself, Monica: Talk up and talk about a conspiracy. I just want to throw that word around, you know, like, because like, it's like, it's not a conspiracy if it's like hiding in plain sight, but maybe it is. I like, I don't get it. Like it's like this whole world that is designed to keep us from seeing it and being it and tapping into it. And then by the time we get there, it's such a revelation that we're like, What in the actual hell is like, how could I have been in this trance for so long? Natty: Yes. What's whole fucked up. Is that like, when I'm finally, you know, it's still like I'm unraveling every day, traveling and unwinding from, from this deep, deep learning. But imagine. Like the reason fucking doing this work. It's like, imagine we're all walking around, like tapped in and knowing these parts of ourselves, the possibility for the world is amazing. Like for our families is amazing. My family is happier. I mean, my husband's like, I thought that. I thought that before I started doing this work, that like, I was such a good mom and a good wife, because like I did fucking everything, you know, I remember the first time I met this woman in my neighborhood, she came over and like, I was like, come for a play date.. And I had roasted a fucking chicken. Monica: Not just a chicken. It was a fucking chicken. Yeah, Natty: Seriously. Yeah. I roasted a chicken. I had like roasted potatoes. I had like wine chill. It was like she was walking into Martha Stewart, suburban kitchen. And like, because that's how I did things. It was like, if you asked me to do something, I did it the best. Like, where did that get me? Monica: I love there's so much here at like, I love to like this idea of like, it just is occurring to me too. Like that's part of the programming though, is that Martha Stewart, she can do it. Like it's, it's just, it's everything is like such this facade, uh, you know yes. That all of the programming in the way that we take in all of this imagery that sets these impossible standards for women. Natty: Yes. Monica: And undermines us all the way. Natty: Yes Monica: Because we're not tapped into those parts of ourselves that give us permission, permission in general, permission to be messy permission, to be sensual permission, to be emotional permission, to be intuitive. Natty: Yes Monica: We are. We're so lacking that sense of permission to go. It's like the, what I, the term I use for it is like the invisible fences. Yeah. Natty: Oh my God. I love that. Monica: It's like, we bumped up against them and the collar went, you know? And like somehow Natty: Yes. Oh my God. Monica. Yes. The invisible. Monica: Yeah, it was literally like you're in a container, but you can't describe it. It's just like you run into it and you get zapped. And then you're like, well, I can't go there. Yes, but it's, it's like death by a thousand tiny paper cuts, like up until we got to this point and it's yes. It's just like the accumulation of it all is so profound and it's so debilitating. And so like, I'm picturing you by the stove. Right? And it's like, you were cooked, you weren't, you were doing the cooking, you were cooked, you were the cooked and then realize, you know, that like all, all of what was ailing, you. The feminine is the medicine is my new saying, right? Because the feminine is what is missing from everything. Natty: From every thing, it's like the coat of oil on your body. It's the, it's the ease. It's, Monica: It's the permission. It's the flow. It's the joy. It's the levity. It's, Natty: It's embrace, it's embracing our cycles and like, you know, what's so funny is like years later after, you know, that woman who was like, you're like the Martha Stewart. And I was like, of course at that time, I was like, yeah, I am. Years later, she came to my house to hang out and she's like, I want to hang out. And I was like, all right, well, I'm folding laundry. So if you're cool sitting in the middle of a fucking mess of a playground and fold laundry with me, that's awesome. And by the way, can you bring me a coffee? Monica: Yeah. Natty: And it was like, how things have shifted no more facade. My relationships with women are like, I didn't even know I could have these relationships with women. Like, I didn't know. It was possible to like fall into the arms of a sister and wail, you know, to. Dance with my sisters to celebrate with my sisters, to have them see like my darkest, darkest, darkest fit. Yeah. And you know that it's okay. Monica: Yep. And, and not try to be like, not get fixed, but not be a problem to solve. Natty: Yeah Monica: Right. Cause that's, again, how we're inculturated to be with each other is to either slight each other, compete with each other, fix each other, all of that. Like no more of that. Like to actually change that whole scene. I was also really wanted to go back to you and your husband's sitting there in that room with your therapist and. You know, I really, I really also heard like this massive opening for him and telling you where you could hear, like, there was no allowing for him to support you too, in the way that you wanted, like you wanted to be held. And it sounds like he wanted to hold you. Natty: Yeah. And it's mean that's it Monica? It's like, he. My husband was born in Turkey. And so, um, in Turkish culture, like the man definitely like takes care of the woman. And in many ways he would bring me flowers early on our relationship. I've always thought of myself as an environmentalist. And I said, stop bringing me flowers. Like I pushed him away. And like so many ways it's like, you wanted to take care of me. It was like, I can do. If he did things for me, it meant that I was weak. And so, yeah, I think that he's happy. He's so happy doing things for me and taking care of me and like allowing me, I think if it like. You know, it's like the masculine and the feminine, right. It's like, he's like the structure and not always, I mean, we're like, Monica: Yeah, that's the beauty Natty: It's so fluid. I mean, it's so fluid, right? I'm so structured sometimes, but he has really sunk into this being the structure for me, where I can be an Uzi gooey. Whatever I want sometimes, you know, whether it's like in the bedroom or just crying in his lap or allowing myself to let go and allowing to be kind of caught by him sometimes without feeling like that, you know, some weakness in myself or something. Something. That's not right about me. Yeah. So it's been a dance and we're still dancing it. I mean, we still like come up up against these things where I'm like, I need you to be, I needed to be like my strong guy right now. Like, this is a moment where like I'm falling apart and I need you to like, just, just be my container. Monica: Yeah. It's it's there's so there's such a beautiful picture that I'm getting in my head of like, kind of like the. What started to become possible, right? It was like this disillusion of the illusional gender roles, where yes, you were just conditioned to kind of be in these very constricted, very suppressed ways of being, and then there's this. Continually emergent dance that takes place between the masculine and the feminine and same in our household where, you know, like I find that it's like an energetic dance with my partner and that masculine and that feminine in me, in him is what I think. The world needs, you know, is like, that's where again, like, I feel like we're finding our way in our personal world that I am starting to see, needs to be also reflected. In the world at large. Right. But we, I think we have to do that inner work first because once we kind of get that piece that's been missing and we've been now exercising those muscles and practicing, it just becomes so much more fluid and so much more easy to notice what's missing. Yeah. And to, and to then bring that medicine. Whether it's the missing masculine or the missing feminine into this space and to kind of recover more quickly from what would have been a full on breakdown and kind of these repetitive patterns that were never. Solved because we were still trying to be the thing we had been programmed. Natty: Exactly. It's the awareness. And it's like, it's so you pointed to something a few minutes ago. It's like, yeah, my husband, like in our relationship, he's also learning how to embrace his feminine. Right? Like we're talking about. His emotions and sharing his emotions with me and allowing me to be the person he falls into and sharing that with my 13 year old son. Monica: Show your emotions. Natty: You know, last week my son was really upset about something. He was mad at his dad and I don't remember what it was, but I showed him my words, his kickboxing bag, but I gave him my baseball app. And said, okay, like, let me show you how I express my rage. And then you can go talk to your dad from a place of, that's not totally in his face. So he did, he practiced rage. Like we practiced rage in sisterhood and like beat the crap out of the same with a baseball bat, fell in a puddle on the floor. I went in, we hugged. And then I'm like, are you ready to talk to your dad? I'm ready. Um, and it was like this. Beautiful moment where it's like, yeah, it's not just for us. It started with me and it's the ripple effect, right. It starts in our homes and our families. And then it's like, you see, when you look out into the world where it's not working, then it's like, where's the medicine needed. And that's my dream. My deepest desire is that. And you're doing this work, like introducing this to women, introducing this to humans, and hopefully like one piece of it sinks in, or you get curious about one thing and you pick up a book, someone mentions and you just begin your journey. And then in a few years, You are sharing, you know, the news of the feminine and this ancient wisdom and little by little we're we're healing the world, you know, with our families and our communities. And I mean, with our kids, I mean, right. Monica: Oh my gosh. ' Natty: It's the next generation Monica: It's yeah. Well, and I always find, you know, with the kids that. So for me, part of the, part of my practice with my kids is, is just full transparency, you know, and I, and I say full transparency and I edit that sometimes depending on the situation, but, you know, as a similar story with my son last night, who came in after going to basketball, tryouts and Spanish has been something that's really tough for him. And the coach was sharing with the students, you know, that you won't be able to play if you don't maintain a certain grade point average. And you know, his dad was there and he he's, he like got, got on him. I'm using that in air quotes in the car about like, Hey Spanish again. And, and my son came in and he was like, ah, we're always arguing about this same thing. And, and I was like, and what. I was saying to my son, like, and what's under the arguing, do you see what's under that? And he's like, dad's, dad's fear. And I'm like, yeah. And what's the fear about, you know, it, but so it's like that. But he had to kind of think and, and really get like, he's afraid I'm going to miss out on opportunities. And I'm like, yeah, you got it. Right. Like that, it's that like really helping kids kind of. Yeah. Like you had pointed out to your son, right? It's like, there's that undercurrent that we always kind of like, we're, we're taught not to go there. We're taught not to go underneath, underneath, and I'm always telling them, like, there's something under that. There's something under that. There's something under that. Natty: I love that visual. I love that visual. And it's like, we have to dig deeper. Monica: We have to dig deeper and that the depth is the feminine here. Natty: It's the body. It's in the body. It is in the body. There's like, um, I read somewhere recently and I keep using this over and over again with people it's like our brains have been developing for like 40,000 years. And our body's like 300,000 and I mean, evolving as human form as we know it homosapien. And it's like there, I mean, the information is right there. Your body is smarter than your brain. We have to slow down and we're moving too fast. Yeah. We're moving too fast. Monica: Right. And, and, you know, and again, it's paying attention and noticing, and like you had pointed out when you were first sharing this story, it was like, he asked you the magic question, which was feel. It's like, who wants to do that? You know, first of all, cause that's where I was too. I was like, um, yeah, no, that's just never been a good idea, period, because, Natty: Shit it gets messy shit get messy when i start feeling. Monica: Shit gets messy. And actually what really happens is I fall down into this well that I am deeply afraid. I will never come out of. Natty: Yes. And this is exactly what I actually I hear from women is that. This is so common, right? Like if we start to feel, forget about it, we will be in the darkness. Monica: I'll never stop. Natty: I'll never stopped. I will be in the darkness forever. It will be like swamp land. You'll never find me again. And it's amazing when you come out on the other side. And then you're not so afraid and you're like, oh yeah, I can feel, yeah, drop me in the swamp. And then, you know, I might be there for a couple of days, but like when I come out, I will be like covered in the most delicious mossy stuff. You'll be like, Look at that I'm even like more, that is hot. I ain't even more glorious than I was before. Cause I jumped in the swamp. Yeah. I'm willing to go there. Monica: Yeah. And just, just to recognize that yeah, in the beginning, is it look like a, a big old breakdown? Yes. But yeah, you know, the body has this also. I want to point out this brilliant way of showing us the way. Back home to ourselves. If we trust it. Yes. And we can trust it. Not also to overwhelm us, we can be overwhelmed, but there is, I think we, we can tend to fear that it's never going to end it. And there will be tomorrow, you know, and you will, and you will progressively, it might be like when you first uncork a bottle, you know, and it's the fountain of, you know, the big spurt in the beginning, but then it's just like a flow. And I think as we get more comfortable with, with that flow and start to trust it more. Yeah, but that, I think again, now what we're experiencing in the world is like we've been trapped up in our heads and that the head is never going to hold the wisdom. We think it does. It's her intelligence, but the body actually holds the wisdom and has a much different and deeper intelligence and is, and is the home of the soul and spirit. And so there's a, there's another way to kind of access this other world that we were pointing to, and that is through the body. And so I also wanted to really come back because I love, I think I started understanding the feminine. Differently, not from a place of weakness when the word kind of wild and wilderness and rewilding started to kind of come into my consciousness. It was that because the wilderness, the wild is not weak. No, and it's not tamed. Natty: Right. Monica: It's the opposite of that. And so when I think about kind of like women going back to our organic, our wild nature, our, our untamed selves, it's like, that's what we're wanting to. And then we can do some pruning. Natty: Yes. Monica: But it's like, but let's get back into that wilderness. So I wondered if you could tell us more about like, how that occurs for you and also of course, with tribe of wolves, right. This imagery comes up for me and I love your imagery with the Wolf, you know, that is always on, on your branding. And it's just so beautiful. So tell us. Natty: Yeah, so, well where, you know, to go and kind of back to the beginning, like I've always enjoyed hiking and, you know, as a kid, we, I grew up in New Hampshire. I was always in the woods, so that was always like my happy place. And then like, through raising my family, I kind of didn't get back into the woods a lot. And when I found, when I started to find myself again and. Do the find the things that lit me up. I found myself in the woods and I would just go on hikes by myself in the forest. And it was like, where I felt most alive. It was like the smell of the dirt. You know, I started climbing trees. It was like, I felt like I was a kid again. And. I actually heard a podcast, you know, several years ago I was the on being podcast. And whereas there was someone talking about, um, how we, our wildlife and I forget who the speaker was now, but I can find it for you on, um, and it was like about our, our origins like that. We were wildlife. That we were one with nature, that there was no competition. Like there was, we didn't have to look a certain way. Um, we ate off the land. It was like this, just thinking about it just makes me feel like at ease. So this idea for me, like we are wild. Like, I want us to feel our wildness, our truth, our, you know, authenticity, I guess that word gets thrown around a lot, but actually like authenticity is like to be the author of your own life. It's your truth. So that word for me is like, I mean, for the feminine, it's our connection to the earth. Monica: Yeah. Natty: Which we have lost. We have lost our connection to the earth, our connection to our cycles. Right. I know you talk a lot about like the mother maiden crone, right? How we were in love with a maiden, but we have, you know, in the mother maybe as well in the crone is, is missing. Your wildness is like, you are planted here by the universe and it's like your fingerprint. Now. It is what is uniquely in divinely. Monica: Libby has a term. She says, you know, she talks about going back to our original design. Natty: Yeah. That's your wildness. That is your original design and land is where you show up fully as you and you speak to use your voice. Right? You open up that throat chakra that we opened up in the beginning of our meeting. It's like, you, you do the thing. That fuel you you're. So in touch with what turns you on, you know, expressing your emotions, you're in touch with your emotions. You're in touch with your pleasure. It's a rich, rich, rich. Monica: Wherethe intuitions, the intuition starts to, to really guide. Right. It is. It really it's interesting. Right? Because years ago I had, it's reminding me of the fact that I taught a class called loving yourself. Well, because it's one thing to like, love yourself, but it's another thing to love yourself well. Natty: Yes. Monica: And, and the very first part of the, the very first lesson was about oriented. Ourselves and this idea of kind of the paradox that we often face as women, which is needing to know everything, but then. This like reorienting ourselves from our heads to our bodies, it does feel like a jungle. It does feel like a wilderness because when we really start paying attention to the body, it's scary. Like there's all these signals going off all the time, but we had cut the, we had cut that wire Natty: Exactly Monica: Or we had numbed it somehow managed it. I mean, we're really not taught to go toward it to allow it, to listen to it, to embrace it. It's like once I, once I started settling into like, like, I didn't have to wear my shoulders as earrings all the time, or like armor myself, uh, It's just like, oh, it was like, I was constantly adjusting my body. And so the first part of that course was literally like the first assignment was just notice, notice that's it. Natty: And that's even, that's even scary. I mean, terrifying, just noticing what is happening. Like subterranean is like A lot. Monica: And how crazy with lack of a better word is it that we, it takes us to learn 38, 30, 9, 40 to even get to the point where we start familiarizing ourselves and how many women do we know that have never even like, experienced their own unbridled pleasure because they were taught. Natty: I know. I mean, how, I mean, it's it breaks my heart. I mean, pleasure. Yeah. They were taught that it was shameful. Monica: Yeah and how many women leave their body when it's time to, for sex or intimacy? They didn't leave their body. Yes. I'll just leave and I'll be back soon. Natty: This is coming. I mean, you know, I've been talking more and more about sex lately in, you know, my emails, because this is the shit that is coming up in my conversations with women. Like. I want to enjoy sex. What does that even look like? Monica: What does that even look like? Natty: What does that even, I don't even know what that looks like and it's like, guess what it starts with just you. Yeah. Before this is, I mean, when I first read, um, Pussy Mama Gena book, my oldest was 12 and I remember being like, I need to, I need to talk to my girls about this. Like, this is shit no one ever talked to me about the fact that I masturbated when I was a teenager, was like, I was so embarrassed and like do other, and like, people didn't talk about it. So I'm like, are other people doing this? I didn't think I was going to hell, but I definitely thought that like, there was something. I was too sexual. Monica: Oh yeah. There was something wrong with me. Natty: Yeah. There was something wrong. Right. Monica: And I'm, and I should absolutely hide that part of myself because if anybody knows that about me, like what would that, what would they cause that's what. Uh, and so there's that kind of like talk about subterranean, right? Like beliefs too, that we shove down there that we believe about ourselves because we haven't normalized any of this and that somehow I didn't even know how to be free in my own fucking body. It's mine. It's my body. Natty: It's my body. It is no one else's body. And it's for me to feel pleasure and joy. I mean, just, you know, we did this exercise at a retreat this year where it's like, we just spend like 10 minutes touching our own bodies and you know, you get a hit of. Oxytocin. Monica: Yes. And how many women have you worked with that? Sit there. And they try and they break down in tears because it's so foreign. Right. And, and, and I know that you're not even talking about touching themselves sexually. You're talking about just loving, like just touching your phone. Natty: Yes. Just rubbing your hands through your hair. Monica: Rubbing your hair being gentle with your body, like feeling your curves, right? Like, like exploring with freedom and without shame or guilt, or this is weird or this is foreign. It's like, it's your body, Natty: It's your body. And it's. And its fucking beautiful and delicious. Monica: Well, and, and here's, here's the thing I love about this conversation so much. It's like, we're talking, we're like Oracles of the obvious, but we're, but it's so foreign. And when you start actually zooming in to this world that we speak of this world, that's been hidden in plain sight. Our whole lives. It is massive. And every time you you find another. Continent another. River another ocean another. Natty: Yeah. Oh, I love that metaphor. Are you kidding me? Yes, that's exactly. It's like we're explorers, right? We are explorers of the divine feminine. We are explorers of our own bodies of our own consciousness Monica: And then bringing those worlds together. Okay, so, oh, right. Like the heavens open. What I want to point out is that is also where creation happens is when we bring those two worlds together, just like physically. Yeah, metaphysically, same thing happens in the spiritual soul world. And it's an in that coming together. That's when we allow, I always say when we align, right, those two worlds are divine because then we're able to create because we're divine creators. So it bringing those two worlds together is like cosmic intercourse. Natty: Yes, that's the magic. That's the magic. I mean, cosmic intercourse. That's fucking delicious that you just said that, but that's, I mean, that's where, where your alive newness comes in. That's where that's when your shoulders relaxed and your, your strength changes and you begin to like call in. The things that you really want for your life and Monica: When you are aligned in that way, the word creates the world. Natty: Exactly, exactly. And it's interesting. It's still hard to even, I mean, it's easy to talk about, but it's like until you start peeling back the layers and doing it, then it's like, you know, I'm thinking about the listeners and I'm like, God, like, they just need to experience this. It's like, you know, I read every fucking book under the sun, but it's not until you start walking the walk and it's and feeling it in your body and paying attention to your body that you really do start to shift. Monica: Yes. And we never arrived too. Cause I want to normalize that cause I'm still kidding me. I'm still, I, I believe I'll be like unbecoming until the end of time. Right? Like where I'm just Don't you love it. I do mean because that's where every kind of new layer, right? Yes. I'm always kind of. Trying to describe what the revelation project is to me, but it's, it's re the revealing of this hidden world. It's the revealing of the feminine. And then what happens when we are able to integrate the both is like, for me, Natty: Yes. Monica: That's when this, this whole new world opens up, which I call the world of Revelation. Natty: Uh, I, I love that so much Monica. And it's like, um, uh, when we were talking about the darkness before and like how it's like, you know, we keep revealing and we keep revealing it. Like we keep shedding and more is revealed. I used to get really down on myself. I would like have these like a couple months where like, things were good and I felt really positive and, you know, things would be happening in the business. And, and then I would have like a few weeks where, like, I just felt stuck. And like, why am I doing this? My, you know, arguing with my husband and feeling like I'm so like shut down. And then it was like all of a sudden there'd be like another revelation. And I would come back out of the darkness and I'm like, oh man. This is it. So now, like when I'm in those stuck places, I'm like, oh, stuck places. I'm going to call a sister. You know, I got Libby on speed dial, you know, the Monica: The tools. Natty: Yeah. I'm using my tools. I'm I'm moving slowly through my swampiness and then I know, I know there's I know there's more. Like I just know there's more. Monica: Well, exactly. And so what I also want to say is what I'm also very, very good. I want to be really, really clear about is like, we do not have to journey alone and that's where the sisterhood and the tools come in, because this is the piece is like, you know, if I didn't have those tools, if I didn't have those sisters to call on that were in this, uh, yeah. And this conversation with me, like, can you imagine. No, no. Natty: I mean, that's, that's when it really, I mean, that's when it really clicked for me. Monica: Anyway, I cut you off go. No. Oh no, it will. And this is why I'm like also wanting to come back to this tribe of wolves, right. Piece. Natty: Yes. Yes. So tribe wolves really? I mean, we, we are, uh, Really, and, you know, I do coaching individually, but like, and I love that and that's for like the super deep divers, but it always comes back to sisterhood. And that's where the magic is because we've, we've been, we've been living alone for too long Monica. Okay. We've been living alone in our little fucking suburban houses, you know, doing our jobs by ourselves. For too long when we come together and we can witness one another in our darkness when we can be seen, whether we're like celebrating or grieving, this is. In making connection with other women. This is where the magic is. This is where the power is in creating a conscious shift in our global consciousness. Monica: That's right Natty: Is within sisterhood. And I just was in Mexico for a few days for a wedding. And I picked up a book, a book that's been on my shelf for a long time, but I've just getting to read it now. And I actually it's on my desk and it, this is have you read this The Female Persuasion.? It's a novel. Okay. But on page 30 of the novel, She says, there's this famous, uh, feminist, who's coming to speak at a college and there's a freshmen who's listening. And anyway, the famous feminist, and this is, um, you know, fiction says sisterhood is, uh, being together with other women in a cause that allows all women to make the individual choices they want. Because as long as women are separate from one another organized around competition, Like in a children's game where only one person gets to be the princess, then it will be the rare woman who was not in the end, narrowed and limited by our society's idea of what a woman should be. I mean, this is it. It's like we're in it together. Like in a sisterhood. There's no competition. There's only like witnessing and juicy love and safe space to be exactly who you are and the minute in the moment. Monica: Yeah. Well, and I was going to say, and the Wolf that like that particular animal I'm guessing is like very near and dear to your. Natty: It is. So I started calling spirit cards and you know, maybe four years ago, someone gave me an animal spirit attack and I kept pulling the Wolf and I was like, oh, that's so weird. I keep calling the Wolf. The Wolf is a leader and the Wolf is like a fierce feminine leader and she doesn't need to be at the head of the pack. You know, that leaders often at the back of the pack, but just like guiding people in this one direction and she is wild. And so when I created tribal wolves, my vision was that I would share the knowledge that has been kind of passed down to me and in, you know, The mission to guide us all back home, you know, to our innate wildness, to who we really are. So yeah, the Wolf, the Wolf is in may for sure. Monica: Yeah. I love the imagery. I love the there's so many stories, great stories and mythologies too, about the Wolf that I think are so. Oh, yeah. As beautiful. And all of the animal medicine, I think teaches us so much. Yeah. There's a lot there. All of the plant medicine, as you were alluding to, right. And back to the earth, back to the earth. I mean, this is, this is where I think we are coming out of this hierarchical in Imperial. You know, imperialistic way of being. And so we're seeing a tremendous amount of breakdown and confusion around us. I, I, um, I often remind, I often have to remind myself and, and everyone else right around me who's is sometimes. We're alternately feeling the impact and the chaos on different levels of our being. And just remembering, you know, that this, this is how it happens. Like there is a breakdown and this is a very feminine cycle, a death. It is right before the rebirth. Yes. And so it, it's powerful times. It's potent times. And I do think, you know, again, the more we can. Bring the missing feminine to the conversations to behaviors as the medicine to what is really ailing us is, is like, it's amazing what opens up. It's amazing what happens. So now I know we're kind of coming up on time, which I like, so we're going to, we are so going to, and I wanted to maybe just ask you, you know, as a last question here, what, what do you want the women who might be listening today to know about working with you or where to find. Natty: Yeah, sure. I guess probably the quickest and easiest place to find me is on Instagram because on there they can like get my Sunday emails and, um, you know, it's all there in my, in my linktree. So one stop shop. Monica: And when's your next retreat? Natty: Good question. I was just dreaming that up in the shower this morning. I think my next retreat would probably be in the spring and it will be, I think like the culmination of maybe like a six weeks sisterhood or something. Monica: Nice. Natty: Like we'll do like a six week deep dive into the feminine and then gather in the woods. Monica: So fun. Natty: And that will be, yeah. Yeah. So that's in the works. It's so fun to dream this stuff up. Like I love the creative process. Like this is my jam. Monica: I love it. I love it. Well, and for our listeners, I'll be sure to put NATS links in the show notes and, and not you also coach right individually. So yes. Natty: I coached individually. Um, we do like little four month, not little, four months, four months. And it's delicious and I would welcome to talk to anyone if there's a tingle in your panties right now, come talk to me. Monica: So good. Well, and I've loved. I've loved this, so we we'll we'll, we'll be sure to get together again soon, Nat. Cause I know I have a feeling you and I. Could get up to some mischief together and I can't wait. I can I see the twinkle in your eye? Oh my God. Yes. And likewise. So, um, it's been so good. I've just appreciated and been so nourished by this conversation. And until next time more to be revealed, We hope you enjoyed this episode. For more information, please visit us@jointherevelation.com and be sure to download. Gift subscribed to our mailing list or leave us a review on iTunes. We thank you for your generous listening and as always more to be revealed.