76_Dale Allen Dale: This feminine voice needs to come up in men and women. That leads me to the way I most constructively and effectively use the term goddess for me. I love. The archetypes, which Carl Yoon gave us the archetypes are these images in the human psyche that exert a powerful influence on the nature of an individual personality and in turn on the larger culture. And there are many, many, many archetypes, and we all have them. And it's beyond gender. You know, men, women, all genders have the, have these archetypes. When you look at it, in terms of the archetypes, some of them inside of us are very. They're in bold relief. We know them very well. The term God, and the masculine pronouns for the divine, whether you practice religion or not, whether you're atheist or you're entirely, you know, spiritual, however you practice it. You live in a world where that is a very well solidified pronoun and archetype. The archetype of the God and you know, the hero and the masculine journey. These we know very, very well. And it's wonderful. It's all good. What we need is the feminine piece of it. And men and women need it because we're all end, all genders need it. Cause we're all. But, you know, all of it, we're, we're, we're masculine or feminine. We're all of it. We're a beautiful blend of all of it. So it's energizing the feminine pronouns for our internal balance to begin with and our internal healing. Cause all of us, men, women, all genders have to heal that feminine and bring her out stronger, especially now. Monica: [00:00:00] Welcome to the revelation project podcast. I'm Monica Rogers, and this podcast is intended to disrupt the trance of unworthiness and to guide women, to remember and reveal the truth of who we are. We say that life is a revelation project and what gets revealed. He gets here. Hello everyone. And welcome to another episode of the revelation project podcast. I have a treat for you today. Ah, this interview so excited. I'm so, so excited. This episode is positively filled with wisdom and beauty. And of course, on one of my favorite subjects, the goddess and healing through feminine archetypes, I'm calling this episode goddess calling because I truly believe that the goddess is calling all of us and you know, if that word makes you cringe, please listen on because there's a reason it makes You cringe. So I can't wait to introduce you to Dale Allen, and here's a little bio. Listening to Dale Allen is like listening to a master storyteller at work. She was honored to present the United nations commission on the status of women, her one woman show in our right minds, guiding women to their strength as leaders, leading men to strength without armor, she was invited by the Vice-president of the commission to return the following year for an Encore. She has brought her talents to scores of audiences at universities, theaters, expos, and workshops across the U S and Canada. And from Kauai. To Dubai she's described as having the energy of a Cape Canaveral lift off and she thoroughly engages and inspires her audience, which ranges from highly Educated corporate Leaders to teenage girls seeking their place in the world. Dale Allen is a veteran of corporate commercial communications. Her extensive resume includes hundreds of voiceover. On camera and live presentation projects. Some of the most quality conscious companies, such as BMW, Canon and MasterCard among others have chosen Dale to represent their brands, her energy and enthusiasm, sincerity, and strength infuse her presentations and impact her audiences. Welcome Dale Dale: [00:00:40] Hello. Hi Monica. It's so good to be here. Thank you. Monica: [00:00:45] It's great to meet you. I have heard so many amazing things about you and of course, I'm going to start this a little bit differently. And I would love for you to tell our listeners anything you feel they need to know about you. As we embark on this, what will be an amazing conversation? Dale: [00:01:03] Well, then I will start with the bridge that brought us together, which was when you discovered girl God books. And I was asked years ago to contribute the following prayer, which I wrote as part of my one woman show. And I'll talk about that in a moment, but I'm going to open with this prayer and it goes thusly, our mother who art within us. Each breath brings us to you by wisdom come, thy will be done as we honor your presence within us each day, you give us all that. We need your abundance, calls us to give and receive all that is loving and pleasurable. You are the courage that moves us to be true to ourselves. And we act with grace and power. We relax into your cycles of birth growth, death renewal out of the womb, the darkness, the void comes new life, where you are the mother of all things. Your body is the sacred earth and our bodies, your love nurtures, and unites us all now.And forevermore. Amen. Monica: [00:02:15] Mmmmm Dale: [00:02:15] That prayer comes from. A piece of work that I did. And the piece of work was born out of my own personal journey that I found so transformative that I needed to share it with others. I simply had to. And here's the transformation, which is perfectly in alignment with your mission. Monica, what is revealed can then be healed. There was a time in my life. I've always been a, a can-do kind of a girl. And if I remember when I was really little, I was like candy kind of a girl. And I remember when, uh, we all go through sort of the process often as a, can-do kind of a girl where there'll be some part in life where we receive it a little bit. And maybe even a lot, maybe even, almost completely because to be a can-do kind of a girl is a lot of energy and maybe it's not quite accepted. So there's that time when perhaps we received a little bit, I couldn't ever recede completely, but. I remember I was setting my goals and I was achieving them and I was traveling back and forth to LA at the time. That was part of my, my, my goals and my ambitions, and a series of events happened that were for me a fall for me, it was a dark night of the soul now. Everybody at some point or another has that moment where the journey we're on just isn't going, where we thought it was going to be or something disruptive happens. It could be a health matter of ourselves or a loved one, a death. It could be, you know, just something that we thought was coming through. Doesn't come through the details are important. And, and also in a sense. It's important to remember that everybody's fall is everybody's fall. It's never a comparative thing because whatever it is that gets you to the place of emptiness and of not knowing that's where the gold is, that's where the gem is. So I was in that one of these points in my life and everything that I had been sort of. Operating on in my internal software to get me where I need to go. Just fell like the scaffolding. Like it just all came down. Now in that moment, this is, I think the most amazing thing or where there's somehow this wisdom came in that said don't fill in the void. Um, don't do it. Don't go right into plan B C D it just stop. And it was so empty and so quiet. And I remember pulling my energy field in which can be very large for all of us. And I pulled it in real tight about this far, and I just witnessed my own life in that void, in that emptiness, in that not knowing in that what to do next, I have no idea and I don't need to, in that quiet, I started to hear, uh, an, an internal voice. Like we all do. Right. That, that internal kind of knowing that starts, this was such a whisper and it was a feminine voice that was different. It uniquely wanted to be known as a feminine voice. I was like, well, that that's different. That's that's different. But I was just listening to the whisper. And at the time the word goddess started crossing my path. It didn't like it. I didn't like the word. I thought it was completely unnecessary. I can relate. And I also felt that it's, it's smacked of a, kind of an energy for me, probably based on the time that I was born or things, you know, circumstances, it, it felt, um, it felt unnecessary and it felt like a coming out of some angry feminism and believe me, there's a place for angry feminism. Trust me there is. But it was also that I, I w I was resisting the word. Then I thought, you know, bill, you are walking around in a female body. And you're resisting the word goddess a lot. Maybe you should turn around and go straight to it. So I did, and I went so deeply. I mean, I studied, it was as if I went back to school to get a PhD, but the PhD, she happened in the middle of the night, in my own living room with reams of books and I would search to get them. Okay. So this is pre-internet, but I could find these amazing voices, archeologists and anthropologists and sociologists psychiatrists, psychologists, historians, I've read myth. I history, art artifacts, everything. I dove so deeply into this thing called goddess, that I found that journey to be amazingly transformative and I had to share it. So I wrote a play, Oh, this is important. I have to tell you this. Now it is important when you don't know what you're, what you're supposed to do. Relax your mind and go back to, if you can, the last time you were a can-do girl, the last time you can remember the littlest thing. It's my, it might be that one summer, that one year in your life. It could be one fleeting moment. But in that moment, you knew that you counted, that you mattered that the whole summer was ahead of you, that you had some kind of talent. That's something just playing brought you joy and you wanted to do more of it. You know, that freedom. Some of us have lots of experiences of that. Some of us have one moment, but it's there. And it's that girl that can do girl, that, which is this maiden that just says, yes, I can. When you, when you find that. For me, it was, I got this inkling to write a play. Now that came from my 11 year old self. And I was like, you know what, I'm going to write a play. And the minute I said, well, now if I'm going to write a play, what kind of place should it be? And how can I Mark it? And how can I sit down my goals? What am I goals? I said, no, just write it. Like you're 11. Just write it for yourself. I'll bring this all around full circle. So I wrote a play for myself, like an 11 year old. I wrote songs. I wrote comedy. I brought in all this history myth and all the studying, and I brought all this to it. And I put on this play about the goddess. It was called dancers of the Dawn. Of course just before it opened, I was terrified. I was like, what am I doing? This was a really bad idea. This is bad. I am going to put myself out there with a goddess play. It's too late. Theater was booked. Women were ready, cast the seven women, different ages, shapes, sizes, and colors. We opened that play. And that was when I saw that the message was needed. In a huge way because the response to the material was so strong. I felt privileged to present the material in a way that works, but it's the material itself that was so hailing. And that's what opened up this whole goddess journey for me. Monica: [00:09:10] I have such chills right now because so much of what, you know, you're describing is even even the visceral reaction to the word goddess, right. That there was something that felt so unnecessary. So like, I for me. And I want to just bring this up because I it's something I've spoken about before. There was definitely like this internal misogyny too. That was very unconscious. And I had mentioned to you earlier that when the goddess was brought up in like how late in my life it was in my forties, like I had heard it almost the same way I had heard the. The word unicorn. So, and to actually understand just like you to start unpacking and understanding that the world had been built around me too. Really at the complete absence of the divine feminine to really realize that as we start to dig in, we realize that everything is kind of this sext pair. So if there's a God, where was Goddess. Dale: [00:10:11] Yes. Yes, exactly. And to your point, we don't realize how powerful the word is or how powerful the sacred feminine is and how much we're missing it until we. Begin using the words actually, because the fact that the word goddess is so uncomfortable indicates that something else is far more deeply entrenched. So that's why I took the prayer at the beginning that I opened up with, which is very familiar to people who practice certain forms of Christianity, which I was raised in, but any of the world's prayers. That have this long tradition that have been prayed to God using the masculine pronouns. When you start substituting the female pronouns, it feels really strange, but by doing it by using, seeing these feminine pronouns, by just putting them out there, it helps to dislodge the deeply embedded masculine foundation that you didn't even know was there. Right. I mean, before this journey for me, It's all spirit for me, quite frankly, it still is in my, in my most comfortable orientation I'm before the beginning and after it's all complete, really? So it's beyond gender, but here in this realm and with these bodies, That we're walking around with, and with this collective unconscious that we're born into, there is an absolute in balance. This feminine voice needs to come up in men and women. That leads me to the way I most constructively and effectively use the term goddess for me. I love. The archetypes, which Carl Yoon gave us the archetypes are these images in the human psyche that exert a powerful influence on the nature of an individual personality and in turn on the larger culture. And there are many, many, many archetypes, and we all have them. And it's beyond gender. You know, men, women, all genders have the, have these archetypes. When you look at it, in terms of the archetypes, some of them inside of us are very. They're in bold relief. We know them very well. The term God, and the masculine pronouns for the divine, whether you practice religion or not, whether you're atheist or you're entirely, you know, spiritual, however you practice it. You live in a world where that is a very well solidified pronoun and archetype. The archetype of the God and you know, the hero and the masculine journey. These we know very, very well. And it's wonderful. It's all good. What we need is the feminine piece of it. And men and women need it because we're all end, all genders need it. Cause we're all. But, you know, all of it, we're, we're, we're masculine or feminine. We're all of it. We're a beautiful blend of all of it. So it's energizing the feminine pronouns for our internal balance to begin with and our internal healing. Cause all of us, men, women, all genders have to heal that feminine and bring her out stronger, especially now. Monica: [00:13:14] And especially now, yes, yes, goodness. Yeah. It's it's you know, that. The reflection. Right. I love how you said about going in first, because how I think we really take in the world and how we mirror. In our own healing work. I think what we're able to do is see how top heavy we are in these masculine energies. And as we start to bring in these feminine energies and we start to, to have more of this balance and understand that these energies are supposed to play together, they're supposed to flow together. They're supposed to dance together. They're supposed to create together that that actually is what also. So as within, so without right, creates that new world that gets born. On the outside so that we can now see and experience our true power. And this is what I get so excited about because of course, if we also think about mother earth, she needs our, our us to heal from the inside out so that she can do the same. Dale: [00:14:19] Yes, that's right. And understanding. That's funny. This is coming to mind. Now, somebody, uh, was talking about their favorite book being the giving tree. And it's not my favorite book. Monica: [00:14:30] I hate that book. Dale: [00:14:33] Like mother, you just destroy her. Monica: [00:14:36] I'm like, but at the end she's a stump. She has nothing left. Dale: [00:14:41] Right. And in a sense, okay, I get the, I get the beauty. Of the ever-present, you know, life wants to live in the goddess is ever, you know, ever nurturing, but. We want to honor. We want to honor the tree of life and honor its cycles and, and love and nourish the tree of life. And indeed looking at the earth, not as a, you know, something to constantly harvest from, but knowing that, you know, we are made of the earth, we are of the earth and, you know, As I said, in my prayer, our bodies are your body, the sacred earth and our bodies, you know, this is, this is what we're made of. And loving ourselves helps us to love the earth and living the earth helps us to love ourselves. And we certainly need that at this time. Monica: [00:15:28] We sure do. We sure do. And Dale, I'm so curious. I would love to hear more, you know, so. I don't want to make an assumption because we both were like, especially women, especially now. So I want to, I want to get curious about that. What is that for you, Dale: [00:15:47] Especially women, especially now is that the beauty of it is, is in order to assist humankind. And, and all genders to, to begin to empower this, this feminine voice. We as incarnate women in these bodies have a tremendous opportunity at this time to share that voice, be that voice love ourselves in our power, in our strength, in our vulnerability, in our empathy, in our caring and our birthing in our nurturing, in the cycles of birth growth, death, renewal, we can be the voice of this energy. In a way that is unprecedented. In many ways, because we're able to find each other. Now, now it's even technology. You and I are meeting right now on a zoom and this will go out on a podcast. We have the ability through technology to share, to talk, to take the image and the voice of the goddess, and really get that frequency out around the globe. You know, one of the things about the establishment of the more masculine. Aspects of the divine are that it was a process in evolution. There's no good guys. There is no bad guys. I mean, I like, I certainly look at it that way. You know, we all come into this. Earth game to play our part, but that's right. There was initially an understanding Merlin stone rights in the beginning, people prayed to the create trusts of life at the very Dawn of religion. God was a woman. And in a survey of 150 cultures, Peggy reef Sanday as an anthropologist. And she studied back in the more of the seventies, eighties about indigenous cultures, which are quickly vanishing, of course, but looking at these traditional cultures where there is a balance of the masculine and feminine inwardly and outwardly, and looking at where there are feminine creators. Where there's a sense of this female power behind all things. There is reverence for the land reverence for the earth. Women have sacral roles in society, and there's just not this. Gender imbalance. So this feels to be, seems to be in, based on archeological digs and so forth. It appears that women had their place of honor and balance in the society. Matriarchy is not feminine power over men. So that's not what matriarchy is. Matriarchy is where there's a balance of the masculine and feminine. So. This seems to be our origins. And then we come into the written word, Leonard lane talked about this in the alphabet versus the goddess. And I think it's a tremendous viewpoint dissertation. He did a lot of research where the written word comes into a society. It begins to change the way the brain works because the written word utilizes the left hemisphere of the brain, which is the quote masculine Hunter killer side, the logical linear power over hierarchal. Great side of our humanity. But it becomes imbalanced. So it's too much. And we know that that's what we're dealing with right now, because even as women, we're, that's how that's discourse of our society goals and hierarchy and individualism. And especially in this society right now in America, individualism is a very big thing, but. As, uh, the written word comes into a society. This imbalance happens, you know, what's really amazing is that the very first written words, the very first, you know, books story that was written was the sacred marriage of Inanna, the goddess, this earth. Goddess and the images of hers, you know, she's, she's, she's this wonderful black fertile. She is the earth. She is the goddess and she's marrying democracy. And there's a great celebration. All the people are celebrating the marriage of Inanna and Damousi, it's erotic and it's beautiful. And she says to musi comply my fields, fill my boat with your cream. It is beautiful. So there's your first written words now? That's a particular energy. There is the female and the male and sacred sexuality, which is the creativity. That's part of all of us, men, women, all genders, but it doesn't take long at all for this evolution to happen as this new type of communication. This left brain dominated, written communication begins to take hold. And very shortly after that, we have the Mesopotamian law code. And it is the women of former days took two husbands, the women of today. If they attempt to do this must be stoned to death. So we quickly move into the prescriptions against the female. So I like to look at big scopes of history. 90% of our history is Hunter gatherer history, which appears to be quite balanced with the, with the skills of the masculine and feminine different roles to the masculine and feminine most indigenous societies show that if a person showed up in one body form, but was more comfortable with the other gender, nobody seemed to mind that they were considered. So loud, that's all. That's who you are. You're special. And we need you exactly as you are. So when we begin to get into this alphabetic literacy, which is quite new for humans in the big scope of things, we get into an imbalance, but here's the beauty we're coming out of it. Now. Why? Because our discourse. Happens, not as much through the written word, it is images. It's, you know, storytelling, television and zoom and, you know, internet and story telling. And it's a whole different thing. That's bringing forth the right hemisphere of the brain again and more. Monica: [00:21:38] I love that. I love that. I had not looked at that that way before.It's really evident. And of course, so much of what you were saying as well about the indigenous cultures, and really I've even been very much following many of the indigenous people who are speaking through so many people who are digitally savvy right now and bringing that indigenous wisdom to the modern world and creating these bridges between the two. And it's. A beautiful thing. I know that, you know, again with great power comes great responsibility. As we've seen with technology, if it's, you know, used for the forces of evil, then it's that. But if it's used for the forces of good and communication and really integrating these energies, I'm seeing a tremendous value.And I'm seeing like a tipping point, like eminent tipping point happening. And I'm so hopeful that it happens in this lifetime for me. Dale: [00:22:40] I am I'm I'm truly, truly with you. And, uh, you do bring up a very good point to where indigenous people can now be through, through the internet. Anything that is created by humans to your point can be used for lighter, dark, high frequency, or low frequency, something that brings joy versus, you know, or something that brings pain. I mean, if, if we've created it, it's going to have both of those elements. Monica: [00:23:03] Both of those elements. So. Where do you want to take this conversation? Because you're, I trust fully in your art for me here, and I love what you've already shared with us. So what just keep going. Dale: [00:23:17] So, you know, I'll go ahead and now I'll, uh, go, almost go out on, well, I was going to say go out on a limb, but I don't think so anymore because people are just very, very, the frequency is getting higher and higher and higher. Uh, you were, we were talking about, so why women and why now, and you feel like we're coming up to a , a tipping point. I do too. And I have felt that way for a long time. And th the visual was the visualization for me, always came up as two, two waves that are coming toward each other. You, in the most simplest of terms could call it, you know, negative and positive, the love hate dark light, and just they're coming together. These two ways now, for me on the farthest. Point out before the beginning and after all is complete, there is creation that begins. It begins at all. So creation brings it begins at all and brings us the universe and all of the galaxies and all of the planets and this planet earth and humans emerge and humans have an opportunity to, to choose through free will. How they're going to create reality, the experience of humans, not knowing or understanding that that all is one, the experience of separation, the experience of separation is certainly something that is giving us an opportunity to quote, go back home. So, yeah. The one creator of all things that the energy behind all things to decide to have an experience since the, that, which created us is us. We are that thing that we call God. It wanted to have an experience of separation. Apparently it's important, apparently it's it needed to happen. And in this we're all also coming back back to this realization, back home, back to this understanding of being one. An understanding of oneness. And I also believe that we are at a tipping point where there's a, there's a level of awakening that's happening on a very grand scale and right on time. Monica: [00:25:26] Time, right on time. And that everything is conspiring to make it happen. That yes, you can even feel, you know, in all of the events that have happened in the world, that it's all happening for us. Like I'm really feeling that energy of like, for us, not to us. Dale: [00:25:46] Oh, I completely agree with that. Everything that's happening around us is something that we are participating in it, as you say, it's not coming, you know, at us, but indeed we are witnessing the entire universe conspiring to this great level of awakening and awareness Monica: [00:26:04] And Revelation Dale: [00:26:06] And revelation. Exactly. And we also have an opportunity. Again, because of our ability to communicate, to get this message out to places where it hasn't quite gotten yet. So it's important. Every listener. Wherever you have found inside of yourself, this peace and this balance, and a sense of self-love you are automatically sharing that because that is now your frequency. In which case you help others just by being around them. You are that if you are peace, if you are loving yourself, if you are accepting yourself, whether you are a planter, a bus driver, a teacher, a singer, a mega, you know, television, voice, whatever it is that you are, you are part of raising the vibration around you. If you are the woman who is making the breakfast for the babies, you know, you are changing the world because you are that frequency, it's all relative and it's all important and it all matters. So whatever it is that you're doing, it's it's. If you find that healing within. You're you're helping everybody around you. Monica: [00:27:24] I love that so much. I recently, I shared this before in the podcast, but I recently had the honor to talk to William Ury who is often sent into very hostile territories to negotiate peace. And it was of course, a conversation with all women and it was about women. And the moderator asked him. , what do you want women to know right now about their role in the world? And he said simply by them showing up at the table, they don't have to know any more. They don't have to do anything. Their presence alone shifts the frequency in the room. Dale: [00:28:04] That is a very true statement. Being a Renaissance woman. I also work in infrastructure and finance as much as I, you know, talk about being before the beginning and after all is complete and returning here to witness it, knowing that victory has already happened in a sense, everybody has already come home, but it's really fun to be here, witnessing it at the same time. And I work in business and infrastructure and I work with governments and I work with large scale projects. And I can tell you. That that's a very true statement at that level, coming to the table. In this case, the conference table or the conference zoom, it makes an enormous difference to have women. There. I know it. I know it does to change the vibration. It helps to bring balance. It helps things to move in a direction that they might not otherwise have, have moved in. And I'm privileged to work with , several men that are my, my team members that are very, you know, pro , women and women's participation. Which goes a long way. Oh yeah. I mean, the allyship is a beautiful thing. And to have men who are awakened and know the value right. Of our voices and our energetic presence and to welcome it and to embrace it is, you know, and I'm finding more and more men who are, you know, awake in that way. And it's, it's a wonderful thing because I think again, if we're to look at the entire system and racket, Nice that the system itself is not working for, for any gender, any human that, that this really is about a breakdown of all that does not serve. And I think that there are those who are, you know, you had talked before about kind of that separation, right. Or that dismemberment. And I always talk about that remembering, but when we're in that. Dismemberment. It's like fear that fear separates us. Fear makes us forget that we're both human and divine fear makes us forget about love. Fear makes us forget to breathe, which is the spirit as we animate our own spirit. So when we forget again, when we dismember, where we don't have access to, to any of that. So it's really interesting when we start to just. Talk about all of what's available to us. If we kind of start to get curious, right. About what am I missing or what's missing in this space right now. And I always talk about women paying attention to their body first, because I think so much of the remembering has to happen through the embodiment process. And I often talk about the fact that so many women. Aren't yet in their bodies or not completely in their bodies are not trusting their bodies. And yet that's where they need to be in order to really hear their body's wisdom. And as you pointed out before, that's, when that really quiet, feminine voice starts to speak. You are absolutely right. Women have been talked out of trusting. There are so many men as well, but trusting their inner, knowing, you know, a gut response. How do I actually feel about it? Learning how to talk about your feelings, understand your feelings, understand just simply what feels good and what doesn't and, and. Day with that, you know, don't go out of the head to try to go up to the head to try to figure it all out, but, you know, stay with that and trust it and know it and trusting the you know, trusting the body, trusting the journey, you know, which also brings me back around to archetypes. So in terms of, you know, trusting the body and trusting body wisdom and trusting that, you know, what feels good to you and you know, what doesn't and just, you know, setting up healthy boundaries where you need to going more boldly towards, or more willingly towards the things that you do love and you do want, and having this the sense of body wisdom in looking at this goddess, archetype and that I want to bring this around full circle. There are three forms of the goddess that are most often talked about, which is maiden mother and Chrome. The maiden. Cause we were just talking about body wisdom. When you were little, before you got talked out about talked out of it, you knew what you like, you know what you don't like. I like this. I don't like that. No. Yes. It's much more of a sense of you're in your body. It's new and you're clearer about, you know, what feels good and what doesn't. And that slowly gets layered over in society because we're pretty much asked to layer over, uh, this is acceptable. That's not acceptable, whether you like it or not, you're going to go in this direction. There's a lot of, you know, women and men who have experienced, you know, boundary transgressions, you know, abuses that keep us from being able to further trust our own innate knowing because the boundaries were transgressed. We then come to a point in our lives, which is right now for all of us. Why women? Why now? Whatever was the, was the wounding. And we are all wounded. If you were born to humans, They had flaws because they're human. And if you were born to humans, at some point you have been wounded. If you became a human, you have been wounded. Everybody has. And again, it doesn't the details matter. And they also, in a sense don't because, because it's the wounding that we are responsible to, to heal. And that's the, that's the work now healing the wounding so that we can be free to create what we want, express what we want, love, how we want to be in peace with ourselves, which then brings peace to the world. So we have the maiden and I don't imagine that there are actually any little girls listening right now. What we go forward to is then we go into, what's called the, the mother archetype. You don't have to have children to do experience and be the mother archetype because that is the creator, the nurture, or we are all nurturing something in some way or another, you know, that, which we love. And she she's the creator. She is the, you know, the goddess herself. I mean, she's the, the, the creator of all things around her, you know, she's the, she's the mother and the mother of all things in her highest spiritual form. So there's the mother. Then there is the wise woman or crone. Somewhere in our listenership here. We're probably talking to women in their years of what would be the mother years or the crone years. But here's the important part of this. The archetypes maiden mother and crone exist in us since the day we were born. So doesn't wherever you are in your journey chronologically inside of you, the maiden is there. The, the girl is there, the girl who knows who she is and knows what she wants and knows what she likes and knows what her favorite is and what her favorite color is and her favorite, you know, she knows all those things. She's there as is the mother of all things, you know, alive and sensual and sexual and creating and you know, the giver. And she's just this wonderful create trust of life through her. Love the mother. And then there's the crone, the wise woman. And she is the one who gets it. She knows that it's constantly, that life is a series of you. You put it out there, you nurture it. And then if it's birth growth, death, renewal, she knows that life is a series. Of deaths. You know, when we first are going through these experiences of deaths, we're going, what happened? Yeah, it it's, it's painful until you realize that it's a constant thing that happens in life. And you begin to trust that when something dies or life, the way you knew it ends that it's a very fertile time when something new shall be birthed because the crone holds the seed of. The maiden. Monica: [00:36:26] Mm. Dale: [00:36:27] So it's a full circle happened to be chronologically in your crone years and all women, including little girls need to know that the crone, these are powerful times inside the crone is this maiden.And this mother that can continue to create, create, create, create. And she creates with wisdom because she knows that. Everybody's going through this birth growth death renewals. She's less worried about this constant cycle of birth growth, death renewal. There's the wisdom to be able to stand back and see it and know it and trust it and trust life, and keep on creating a fresh and a new as this. chrone woman. Monica: [00:37:18] Beautiful Dale. I love how you just described that. I remember what a revelation it was to me that I had been present to nature my whole life, but yet had not made the connection of like the universe is constantly mirroring this to us. All of the clues to the universal laws are right here all the time. But again, it's like what you said. It's not until we really take this journey. And I want to also kind of go back to what you were talking about with Innanna and her journey, because it wasn't. So much of that part of the journey about a descent. Dale: [00:38:02] Yes. I mean it, Innanna is, uh, she is she's of the earth. So she's very much about, you know, the process of birth growth, d eath, renewal, and, you know, re-emergence, and, and the, the worldview, as we look at our, for mothers and for fathers, it's just so much more holistic. It's not linear again, linear is left brain. So linear becomes the reality more with the written word. And that's again, very recent in the full scope of human history, beginning, middle end. And I believe that on a deep level, most of us have this linear view of our lives. Born life, death. You know, it's like I'm here on my journey tour, and then it will end. It's very linear, Monica: [00:38:54] Right? No magic. Dale: [00:38:55] Whereas the exact, the exact with a shift towards a credit across the Corpus callosum to your right hemisphere, your right hemisphere is completely in this space. Present moment. And in the present moment is all things. It's birth growth, death, renewal. It's this constant cycling of what's happening in the present moment. And the atoms are changing form and energy is constantly changing form. That's the truth of is the truth of it. You cannot energy cannot. Die. It just changes form your right hemisphere knows that your right hemisphere sees that you're right. Hemisphere gets it. Our left hemispheres have us just so detached in so many ways, looking at things, logical, linear, you know, the sunrise the day, the day beginning, middle end, end of the day, the next day, that the week, the month, the year. The chapter of the life and it, and what a, what a freedom it is to return to a holistic timeless perspective that is just as accurate and available just across the Corpus callosum. Monica: [00:40:03] So this is the piece I want to kind of weave in here. And you'll have to, I'm kind of thinking this out loud, but you know, when I think about what you were just sharing with us, I think about my journey and that going back to that wounding, that fracturing and that dissent really that quieting, that. And you even shared for yourself, right? It was like, there was a small voice inside you that said, like, don't carry on business as usual. Don't fix it in my world. It was actually like, let everything fall apart, stop fixing everything. And as women we're of course taught that any mess in our vicinity must house. Somehow reflect poorly upon us. And so we're so busy, sometimes cleaning everything up and making everything look pretty, that what the world needs. Now, sometimes it's for us to just allow ourselves to fall apart because it's in the falling apart that we remember who we really are. And it's so hard to trust ourselves that we've got this. But it's only by letting go when we stop holding onto life. So tightly, so linearly that we start into this descent. And when I think of the, the archetype of the Nona, what I think about is her descent into the underworld. And I think it was Maureen Murdoch that wrote in the heroine's journey, a beautiful descent, and I've actually created a meditation around it that I'll share with everybody, but it's it. In that one, there was, it, it really, really struck me as what I experienced, but I didn't know at the time that there was an archetype that I could look at and be like, Oh my gosh, this is what's happening to me. And I think it's also true Dale, that there are so many women out there that because our stories and our mythologies and our deities have been omitted that we don't feel like we have access to a model for what this. Can look like in all of its various forms, Dale: [00:42:09] You are absolutely right. We don't have the models. We don't have, they aren't ubiquitous around us. We are helping to bring them back. And there's a yearning, like little birds in the nest. People are hungry. Women are hungry for it. It's needed. So yeah. Bringing back to, to life, these, these models and understanding that, you know, it, doesn't always all have to look perfect and that we don't always have to be, you know, highly functioning and cleaning up and making things, you know, perfect. And having our goals and achieving them. And it just sees it's all in the head. I can feel it even just talking that way. Right. It is so true that stopping the sort of, you know, lateral existence and just going deep. One of the great things, is that in your world, having other women to just be with. Sit with and really share from a deep level, I facilitate many women's groups and it's making that space for deep dialogue, deep sharing. It doesn't take much, if you open up sacred space to give a woman, to give yourself a chance to begin speaking in. Sometimes the words that male, actually, most of the time, the words that come out, surprise the person, speaking them because the. Bass is there to be heard. We nurture each other this way by this kind of sacred listening. We don't comment. We don't jump in. We just listen and breathe with a woman. And this will, you know, this inner self comes out. Yes, indeed. Meditation is important. You know, walks alone in nature are important. All of that is important for, for insight and for. Tuning in and for really getting in touch with our ourselves and these larger universal forces conspiring to our goodness with every breath, but also circling, you know, make an effort. If you're listening to this podcast, it's indicative of how you recognize the value of getting messaging that puts you in alignment and in your circles of women, it doesn't take many. But just that deep sharing with each other, just listen to a woman and let whatever's coming out, come out sacred space. Doesn't go anywhere else, but wow. Can we help each other that way? Monica: [00:44:29] Wow can we, and I often talk about these sacred circles and we're not taught how. To not fix each other. And so again, I love what you were just pointing to. It's about that witnessing it's just about listening and allowing us to express what's there and starting to just celebrate what's there, no matter what's there, whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough. Dale: [00:44:56] Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, or whether it's that, you know, what are the other rules to in, in such, in such a sharing is, you know, grab a box of Kleenex and whoever is letting those tears come out, then go through half the box. But. Uh, let the tears come. You know, one of the things is that once a person starts to really feel, they often will get shut down because we have to make it better. Oh no, no. That's okay. Just to feel better. No, no, no, no, no. Go with it with whatever is coming and let it come because it's cleansing and it's purging and it's insightful and it gets you to the core of whatever it is that wants to be seen in you. And to be witnessed in that is also very important. So you don't want to shut somebody down when they're starting to feel whatever it is that they're.They're feeling. Monica: [00:45:41] I can't tell you how many complete breakdown moments I've had. And I used to call them ugly cries. And now I call them beauty cries because a woman who is completely allowing herself to be witnessed in a breakdown is remarkably beautiful. Dale: [00:45:58] I completely completely agree. And it is really such a center to my life are these kinds of connection. And I am I'm, I'm honored that really, that's kind of the only kind of discourse I have with the people that are closest to me. It just is of course we laugh and have fun too, but that's, it's that kind of real essential core connection that goes, that goes so far. You know, I'm somebody that tears come out of my eyes quite a bit. In terms of sometimes I just get so overwhelmed with the ineffable beauty of something. Right. So I was sitting in a lecture with a woman, a Julia Dooley girl, and she does work, understanding the messages coming from babies before they're born, uh, right. And understanding this incredible level of communication with this, with this being. So beginning to look at. What's happening, you know, before we're born and how to really, really feel and optimize that experience that we all, you know, Go through. And so while she was speaking, it was so incredibly beautiful that I'm sitting there and I'm like, well, here I go again. And like, all these tears come up because it's so beautiful. What she's saying, it's just so beautiful. And I'm like, okay, well, you know, nobody else, you know, crying and I'm looking down. So the tears just fall in my lap. And when I watched them fall, I was like, okay. They, Oh, this is so much a part of who you are. Those tears, you are manufacturing because your heart is so full because you are so completely in alignment with something. So ineffably beautiful that these tears are coming through. And that's when I realized there, Holy water, Monica: [00:47:34] Uh, Dale: [00:47:35] Women's tears are Holy water. Tears need to be cried. They help to cleanse us in order for us to get our. Energy back sometimes. Right? Sometimes we need to just get to that place so that we can breathe deeply again and become energized. There are things happening in this world that need to be cried about. It's not okay. What happens to in so many ways in this world, I can't even go there right now, but there are things that need to be cried about because they get. Us where we can be informed as to how we might assist in helping the world. And as I said before, it might be as simple as peacefully making the breakfast for the babies that changes the world. Monica: [00:48:27] That's right. Dale: [00:48:27] And it might be. The, you know, crying the tears about what happens to abuse to children then motivates another woman who's calling and whose gift is to be, you know, an advocate or to work or to, you know, volunteer one-on-one, whatever it is, Monica: [00:48:43] Whatever it is, Dale: [00:48:44] The tears need to be cried. So love your Kleenex, love your crying and let it through because it's truthful. It's body wisdom. It's Holy water, and it will help you to breathe into your next. Whatever. Monica: [00:49:05] And I want to add that often I use the word dare because in this world it's like to dare to feel, to dare, to dream, to dare, to shine. All of these things are so powerful and so important. And they're our birthright. Dale: [00:49:22] Yes, they are. Yes, they are indeed. And the more that, the more that we are, that the more that we are a dare is a big word for me. It always has been the more that we are, that for ourselves, where we feel in alignment with ourselves and therefore the actions that come out of us are more in alignment with ourselves. We. Automatically help other people to get in touch with their own birthright. Um, yes, we model it. It just, you, you can't help, but not do that. Uh, interestingly enough, too, as we free ourselves from whatever generational wounding patterns we. Chose to come into. Monica: [00:50:01] I can see her face. You guys can't see her face, but she literally like stopped in midair and then said chose. Dale: [00:50:07] Yeah, it was to come into, as we heal them within ourselves, as we make space for them and bring the reveal to them and bring the light of understanding to them. It goes back through generations because it's a vibration shift and time has collapsed in on itself. Anyway, it's all happening at the same time. Anyway. So as we create this new vibration in ourselves that has compassion for where we are wounded, that makes space to heal where we are wounded. It automatically goes forward and backward through generations, but it begins to, to heal everybody that ever vibrated at that pattern. It's that powerful because it really is all energy Monica: [00:50:47] That powerful. It really is. And to that, to that point, I have literally experienced that with my own family that. I would often say like they triggered me. Right. But when I did my healing work, suddenly they showed up differently. There's a way that when we do our work, things start to resolve themselves now, not everything obviously, but there has been so much talk and what I truly believe, which is that. Our generations. Right? When we think about all of the women before me who have lost their voice or have been persecuted for being who they are, or it's like, I get a chance and we all share that DNA to heal that for all of us. And that might. Either feel like a huge burden or a huge opportunity, again, it's whatever I choose to make it. But I have loved this conversation so much, Dale and I wanted to ask you, how would you like to direct our listeners? Obviously you had shared about the women's circles that you offer, and of course you can talk a little bit more about that. But I'd love to know to where you would direct women in terms of maybe start getting curious about the goddess in their life and why that might be essential homework. Dale: [00:52:12] I do believe that it is essential homework and it's amazing how simple it can be, which begins with again, talking. Sharing. I believe that images are very, very, very, very powerful, and they're becoming easier to find, you know, that a very simple search on, you know, on your internet, Google, whatever, for images, goddess, images, just start looking and you know, behind, well, you can't see, I can't statues. Monica: [00:52:42] I can see off it. I was going to tell them I can see Willendorf. To yeah. Who else has a site? Dale: [00:52:49] I have a whole bunch of them. I've got the goddess. So I've got ISIS, I've got the Nile goddess. I've got tons of goddesses because I toured across the U S and to Canada. I went from Kauai to Dubai, with my one woman show. I went twice to the United nations commission on the status of women sharing this archetype of the goddess, and always behind me where these big images of the goddess that were. That were being, you know, shown to the audience because when you first see, for example, we'll endorphin, maybe your, your audience is familiar with her, but she's very round. She has these enormous breasts hanging down and this wonderful belly and her hands are just resting on the top of her, on the top of her breasts. And she's very peaceful and she is this. Creator, this, this mother of all things and this beautiful roundness. And of course, I remember when I first saw that statue, you know, it's uh, so that image, you know, there was all of the lenses that we have in front of us about how the female body is supposed to look. Well, you know, what, if she comes in many forms and she's exquisitely beautiful, and she is, you know, she's short, she's tall, she's round, she's thin, she's all of these things. And it's beginning to train the eye for the exquisite beauty that, you know, we all come in and I'm starting to see this excites me. I took my daughter to the mall yesterday. I'm not a shopper. I don't like it, but she's in town and we went, we needed to get some things and we were both so happy because in so many of the stores, the pictures of the models, Oh, there were all shades of, of women and older women and younger women and bigger women and smaller women. And I was, it was such a beautiful breakthrough, my daughter and I both noticed it and we were really pleased about that. So I think that there's a lot of resources you asked, where would I direct women? There's a lot out there. I mean, you know, stick with Monica. My, uh, my website is the core.space and I have some podcasts on the, on the goddess. And, uh, I also, again do workshops, some of them on zoom, some of them live also Trista Hendron is doing a beautiful job and that's how Monica and I ultimately met. Uh, she did put my prayer in one of her books, girl, God books. Go online order .Order. some of her books, you know, continue to listen to Monica, check out my podcasts. If you like, you can take a nice journey to the crone. You can go deep beneath the snows and sit with her and find out what, you know, what happens when you sit with that ancient wise, wise woman. So, you know, there are definitely resources out there. So. And we'll probably put that down in your notes. If you would, for me, please, it's the core.space, but there's a lot out there. Just know that you count you matter. You are this amazing embodiment of this thing that we call goddess, which is all of the universe expressing its perfection in a female form that is yours. And so we welcome you in your unique expression. You count, you matter. And that's what we welcome. Monica: [00:56:06] I am leaving it right there. Dale: [00:56:08] Thank you so much. My heart is full Monica: [00:56:11] Mine too. We hope you enjoyed this episode. For more information, please visit us@jointherevelation.com and be sure to download our free gift, subscribe to our mailing list or leave us a review on iTunes. We thank you for your generous listening and as always. More to be revealed.