Episode 4 (Edited) [00:00:00] Vince: [00:00:00] Here we are episode four, [00:00:14] rolling in may getting closer and closer to the Indy 501 of my favorite times a year, aside from Christmas, or? Yeah, it's close second here with Lindy Thaxton. [00:00:25] Lindy: [00:00:25] You're welcome. You got to love [00:00:26] the 500. [00:00:26] Vince: [00:00:26] Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. We actually have had someone in here not too long ago, who just wasn't really the same mindset. [00:00:34] And I was like, are you, you really work in the state of [00:00:37] Daniel: [00:00:37] Indiana look? Yup. Wow. [00:00:40] Vince: [00:00:40] Oh, well it happens. Thank you for joining [00:00:42] Lindy: [00:00:42] us. Thanks for having me. It's an honor to be here. Well, good. [00:00:46] Vince: [00:00:46] We are happy to have you, um, for a lot of reasons and we'll get into that. Um, why don't you, if you would share with us who is Lindy faxing or the early years, [00:00:57] Lindy: [00:00:57] if you would. [00:00:57] Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm actually from [00:01:00] Frankfort, Indiana, so I'm a hot dog and I went to Purdue for broadcast journalism. Yup. Oh, I have a feeling. He went to you. [00:01:09] Daniel: [00:01:09] It's a little kind of a undertone on the podcast. I just knew that that immediately was going to trigger the, you know, we, we had a guest on here. [00:01:16] We've had multiple guests. Two. No, just, just the one so far. That was another alumni. Oh, really? There's a lot of, and yeah, I know. There's plenty out to watch her married a [00:01:25] Lindy: [00:01:25] boiler. Yeah. I, Angela Ganote at work is. You know, who's your, so, yeah, so we got a lot of that going on, but, uh, so I went to Purdue for broadcast journalism, and I was an Indy 500 princess when I was there. [00:01:36] That was in 2001. I think that was the first year Leo won. And, um, I was also an intern at WLF I up there in Lafayette. So I was on air as an intern. That's how I made my first resume tape. So then I moved to Southern Illinois, lived in Carbondale and anchored the morning show there for a couple of years. [00:01:53] And then I went to Jacksonville, Florida, and worked there for four years. And then I got this random email one day from a [00:02:00] producer with you remember the AMS racing series, vaguely it's sports cars. And, um, they were looking for someone to do radio. Th this came out of nowhere. So the last year of my news contract, I on the weekends, I went and did. [00:02:13] Racing radio and then kept doing news and then indie car had switched networks. So when that happens, typically everybody's like, Oh, they bring in a new crew and the timing worked out. So I ended up getting that Indy car job, and I think it was like 2008 moved to Orlando. My brother's an air traffic controller and he was living there. [00:02:31] So, and I was just traveling. So I lived there and. Then we were going to start this indie car show called Indy car open-wheel weekly. And it was going to be like 26 weeks long. I picked up I'd lived in Florida, 10 years, moved back here and it was canceled after four. No, but all my family's here. I made it, you know, it it's worked out and [00:02:51] Vince: [00:02:51] racing before all that started or just, [00:02:53] Lindy: [00:02:53] yeah, just like we were saying from living here. [00:02:55] Sure. You know, I was, yeah. Um, so I met my husband doing that. He was a crew chief for [00:03:00] 12 years and we got married in 2013. Yeah. And both left racing. Full-time who's new chief for, um, a lot of people, but ed carpenter, Oriel Servia um, gosh, I'd have to think. But those were the most recent and really, you know, he stopped doing it because I, you know, I was going to be a single parent. [00:03:18] Uh, he'd be on the road all the time, you know, it's difficult. So he will still sometimes work the month of may and I do PA out at the track. So I still get to enjoy the 500. Um, so 2013, I started at Fox 59 and eventually got into anchoring the morning show and MC the Pacers, um, for six years. And you know, that kind of leads to the first sign. [00:03:40] Something was wrong. As you know, here, I'm doing games until 11:00 PM and I'm getting up at 2:30 AM for a morning show. And so I don't realize how fatigued I am. Yeah. That it's way, way more than it should be. But I think that's the case for a lot of people. I mean, we're all busy and we're all tired. You know, I had a four year old at home at the time and of course I'm tired. [00:04:00] [00:04:00] Exactly. So, so as far as fatigue, when that was hard to tell, you know, it becomes part of the [00:04:05] Daniel: [00:04:05] persona at that point. [00:04:07] Lindy: [00:04:07] Yeah. And we were, we were on vacation, like just a little family trip last February. And my husband made a comment like, Hey, you're way too tired than you should be. And I got ticked off. I mean, and we don't really argue. [00:04:19] And I was like, I get up at two 30. I have, you know, I'm a mom, blah, blah, blah, blah. And, and he was right. I mean, it was beyond what it should have been. Okay. [00:04:27] Vince: [00:04:27] Yeah. So that's, I guess we're kind of evolving into, into, into that story. Um, but before we get there real quick, going back to the, to the early years in Frankfurt, um, did you go to Frankfort high school then? [00:04:39] I assume [00:04:41] Lindy: [00:04:41] I went to Frankfort Christian, which isn't a school anymore, but I was at Frankford high school for, I think my freshman and sophomore years. [00:04:46] Vince: [00:04:46] Okay. Yeah. And a fraternity brother who is a year older than me, but went to Frankfurt. We hot dogs all the time to deal with Jack Clemens. [00:04:55] Daniel: [00:04:55] Does that name [00:04:56] Lindy: [00:04:56] ring a bell. [00:04:58] I'm 40 [00:04:59] Vince: [00:04:59] I'm [00:05:00] 48. I asked like a 12 year old. Is that cows? This is what I'm told all the time. [00:05:06] Daniel: [00:05:06] Like [00:05:08] Vince: [00:05:08] you're not wrong. So tell us what, what is, what is your [00:05:14] Lindy: [00:05:14] cancer story? Well, so last January, 2020 is when I really started. Noticing, uh, severe abdominal cramps, really low in my stomach and also terrible tailbone pressure. [00:05:26] I could not sit down. I could not lay down. I would have to call into work three or four days in a row when I would have. You know these incidents. I mean, [00:05:33] Daniel: [00:05:33] I can sit there and [00:05:34] Vince: [00:05:34] anchor tiredness. Yes. [00:05:37] Lindy: [00:05:37] Yeah. And then all of a sudden started getting blood in the stool and then I'm scared. Yeah. And my doctor thinks it's colitis and I get a CT scan March 16th, which shows signs of inflammation. [00:05:49] So she's still thinking colitis wants me to get a colonoscopy to be sure, but it was postponed three times for COVID. But it's just getting worse and worse and she keeps pushing [00:06:00] and she ends up finding a colorectal cancer surgeon. Dr. Pittman here locally, who said he would take me in, but we didn't think it was cancer. [00:06:07] Yeah. So I even went in for an exam with him and he's like, Oh, it's probably colitis. So may six. I go in for the colonoscopy. Chris could not come in my husband because of COVID. And, um, I woke up from anesthesia, maybe a little early. I don't know. And I heard. Him say biopsy and the nurse covered my ears and said, she's awake, stop Hawking. [00:06:29] Wow. And so I knew something was up, but you're so out of it for me, anesthesia, you know? And, um, I kept asking the nurses like, so it's colitis and they kept saying, you need to talk to the doctor. And so he had to call Chris since he wasn't there. And I mean, Chris is shocked because you're not expecting that. [00:06:45] And he hardly remembers anything. He said, Did you feel [00:06:47] Vince: [00:06:47] like something was up with those answers? Like, okay, this [00:06:50] Daniel: [00:06:50] one's up. Everybody's like their whole what's, their vibe was off and they're just acting weird. [00:06:54] Lindy: [00:06:54] Everything looked like they felt bad. Yeah. Yeah. Hold out to the truck. [00:07:00] And I hear a nurse tell Chris, I just heard the word tumor and I turned her and I said, I have a tumor. [00:07:06] And she said, yeah. And I said, is it cancer? And she pretty much said yes. And Chris said, You know, that was a weird way to find out, but in a way he was relieved because he didn't know how to tell me, you know, it was just, it was just one of those things. And I barely remember the ride home. I mean, I spent that evening in bed you're as I said, out of it from anesthesia, but I mean, I was just crying and it just shocking, you know, woke up the next day and it's like, did that really happen? [00:07:32] But the next day we went back to see the surgeon and he said it was probably stage three. He was thinking because he could tell it was probably in lymph nodes. Um, and he hooked me up with my radiation oncologist, Dr. Lee Hagar. And then hooked me up with Dr. Beer, hooray. My chemo oncologist. And from then on is, you know, it's a full-time job, you know, and it was constant scans and blood work and all this. [00:07:56] And I took those two weeks off work. One, I just [00:08:00] mentally couldn't work, you know, and it was really hard to look at my son and. In wonder how much longer I would be able to see him, you know? And so it was, I think a week or two before I found out it was for sure, stage three. And, and that's when we decided, you know, to come up with a plan of what to do. [00:08:18] Daniel: [00:08:18] Yeah. [00:08:21] Vince: [00:08:21] When people hear you have cancer, a lot of people react different ways. Um, you mentioned that night, you know, having some alone time and, and kind of let it sink and then. Did that persists or was that just kind of your, your, your one call it one dark moment and then you turned around from there and the attitudes suddenly changed. [00:08:41] Oh, it [00:08:42] Lindy: [00:08:42] went on and on, but yeah, I mean, I cried all day long for days and days and days, and even still, I mean, a couple of weeks ago, I'm driving to a doctor's appointment, just start crying and why? I don't know. Right. You know, and I mean, I'm in therapy and. And [00:09:00] do everything I can, I've really had to slow down my life and, you know, it takes work every day to wake up and, and be like, I'm not going to live in fear of recurrence all day. [00:09:10] Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It's taken a lot of work. I mean, it's been almost a year. [00:09:15] Vince: [00:09:15] Sure. I get that. Um, I've been out 21 years and it's gotten a lot easier. I mean, time, as I say, time heals and it's certainly true, but. For anyone who's gone through this experience that we have. Um, yeah. Th there are, there are moments where I'll get ache in the back can be completely nothing but pops in your head is like, Oh, crap. [00:09:38] Lindy: [00:09:38] Right. Because when this happened to me, you know, I'm Googling my symptoms and there, they always tell you don't think it's cancer. Google's going to say it is, it was yeah. You know? Yeah. I rang the bell, you know, April 12th and went to the ER, the next day I thought I was having heartburn pain as a chemo side effect. [00:09:55] And they said it was not that when I start going in for [00:10:00] CT, with contrast and all these tests again, and yo just started crying thinking, here it is, I've already got it again. Yeah. You know, and luckily it was. Just a gallstone and inflamed gallbladder, and I had it removed and honestly, I feel so much better, you know, they think that was a problem since last summer, but yeah, exactly. [00:10:19] Every little thing I feel, I worry [00:10:21] Vince: [00:10:21] I'm sure. Yeah. When you were, so when you were diagnosed and then they had, they had, you had the initial. Surgery. What was the, what was your regimen at that point? [00:10:32] Lindy: [00:10:32] I didn't have a surgery initially because they thought it was slow enough growing that I didn't have to go into surgery. [00:10:37] Okay. They don't know how long I've had it, by the way. Um, so what they decided to do was six weeks of chemo, pills and radiation, and that'd be five days a week. Then I'd take a six week break for recovery, do surgery, another six week recovery break and then do clean up chemo. If I needed it. Which would be through an Ivy. [00:10:56] So I got through 15 rounds of chemo [00:11:00] pills and radiation left work being like, see you tomorrow. And next thing I remember, I'm in the hospital. I'm looking in the mirror in the bathroom and I look fully pregnant again. And I was in the hospital for 24 days straight. It was a bowel blockage. So I went into emergency surgery for that three week memory loss. [00:11:19] Didn't know my husband didn't know my son, my doctors, anyone. Um, doing a bunch of weird stuff in the hospital, you may have seen in the paper, I was anchoring the news and tossing to Scott and trying to toss to the nurses and getting ticked off. When they wouldn't do a report, I saw a neurologist twice then trying to figure out what was up and who knows [00:11:38] Daniel: [00:11:38] were you? [00:11:40] I mean, obviously you weren't aware of it at all. [00:11:43] Lindy: [00:11:43] And it was just like one day. I remember it. Um, I just woke up, I mean, I've just in the hospital bed and it was just like, Hello, I'm here. Like what just happened? You know, and I lost 40 pounds at that time. Um, lost three fourths of my hair from the malnutrition. [00:11:59] I actually [00:12:00] didn't lose my hair from chemo. The regimen I was on FULFOX uh, you'll maybe lose a fourth of it, but it's not all of it. Yeah. Um, and so that was malnutrition and I ended up ha have you heard of TPN? You may be habits, it's nutrition, it's Ivy nutrition. So that's when I had to get the chest port put in and, and I had to do 18 hours a day of being attached to an IV nutrition bag. [00:12:25] Try and get my weight back up and I've gained 20 of it back. And it's difficult to do when you're in here. Chemo. [00:12:31] Vince: [00:12:31] Yeah, correct. Yeah. Unfortunately post-cancer, I've done it. Awesome. [00:12:37] Lindy: [00:12:37] That's what I think it won't be a problem pretty soon. Um, so I was never able to resume treatment after that spent the summer recovering and then was finally able to have the tumor removed August 24th. [00:12:48] Uh, they took the tumor out 8.2 inches of colon 41 lymph nodes. And they found cancer in one of the lymph nodes. And so that's why I had to do the cleanup chemo, and they wanted me to do 12 rounds every two [00:13:00] weeks. I ended up doing 10 and they weren't happy with that. Um, it's very difficult with side effects. [00:13:06] I had to take several breaks because of the side effects or my white blood cell count. And it just got to the point where. Okay, statistically, what's the difference between 10 and 12? The chemo is killing me. My pet scan after round six came back cancer-free um, you know, and after just talking to a lot of people, we just decided to end it at 10 and I'm pleased with that decision. [00:13:28] You know, it came down to, if I get it back would, if I get cancer again, would I hate myself for stopping two rounds early? And I, and no, I I'm confident in my decision to stop it. [00:13:39] Vince: [00:13:39] Yeah. Do you feel like your attitude has changed? Um, as, as the treatment progressed, do you feel like your, your attitude has changed somewhat? [00:13:50] Lindy: [00:13:50] There's so many different feelings you have throughout the whole thing, because you're going through it and all you want to do is survive. And then you do and you feel bad. You did, you know, it's like I'm ringing [00:14:00] the chemo bell, and I'm looking at everyone who, some people I know are in there, their chemo for life. [00:14:05] I've made friends with them, you know, or, and I felt bad. It was my last day. I don't know why some people make it. And some don't who have the exact same cancer, exact same treatment. Do the exact same things. I don't know. Yeah. And now that I'm finished with treatment, I'm dealing with, okay, I've done nothing for a year, but fight this thing and now I'm done. [00:14:27] So now what do I do? You know, and now I gotta think about going back to work and, and how do I maintain, you know, Trying to keep stress free and low inflammation and stay at, you know, as active as I can and do what I can to not have it come back. Sure. [00:14:47] Vince: [00:14:47] Well, there's some things we can control and some things we can't obviously, um, I have found, we talked about this earlier, that attitude plays a huge role, um, in the process. [00:14:58] Um, and of course you could say that [00:15:00] about my life in general. But really I, when, when, when people get posed with a challenge like this, um, it's kinda like fight or flight. You really have no other option when battling cancer, you have to fight. We all know what the alternative alternatives. Yeah. So I, I, I th that's why I asked you, how, how do you feel like maybe it changed? [00:15:21] I mean, there's no question. We have our dark moments. There's you ha everyone's entitled to sitting there and, and, and asking, you know, why me, or why is this going on? Or, you know, Holy crap or whatever. But at some point you gotta, you gotta say, okay, Yeah, I want to keep living. So exactly. Let's, let's do [00:15:40] Lindy: [00:15:40] this. [00:15:40] And what happened for me was I, there were some people I reached out to before I put it out on social media, because I found it was actually very difficult to tell people, you know, and it's really hard for people to hear. And one of those people I told early was James Hinchcliffe. I've known him a very long time and he obviously went through a lot with a terrible crash at the Speedway. [00:15:59] And he was the [00:16:00] first person who said, you better have your attitude, right. Period. You know, Although, that seems so common sense when you're so stressed out, you really need someone to just straight up say that to you. Um, and I do find now, I guess I'm just, this sounds weird to say, but thankful for it. If something, uh, that's the only attitude I can have to mentally get through it and. [00:16:28] The messages I'm getting from people of who are now going to get colonoscopies and they're catching a polyp right before it's cancer and all that, that, that keeps me going and helps me to have a good attitude about it. And yeah, I just try and anything that comes into my path now I just try and be calm and still about it and thankful for it and, and see what comes right. [00:16:50] You know? Yeah. [00:16:51] Daniel: [00:16:51] Was, was there ever a thought about, you know, not sharing your story on social media or trying to. From from day one, when you knew, like this was [00:17:00] something that you wanted to be able to share, [00:17:01] Lindy: [00:17:01] what's surprised me is how many messages I get of people who are shocked. I talk about it, that I said anything, and that really surprised me. [00:17:09] Um, but you know, even my own husband says he wouldn't talk about it or post it, you know? And I guess there are a lot of people like that. So one. No, I wasn't going to not say anything, but to what was I going to do? Just disappear off the air for a year. Yeah. You know? And so in a way I had to say something, but I didn't feel like I had to. [00:17:27] I wanted to. [00:17:28] Vince: [00:17:28] Okay. Yeah. Yeah, and I would agree everyone tends to be different. Um, certainly encountered a lot of people who don't feel comfortable sharing the restore, right. Not, you know, that's fine. It's their choice. Um, one thing I found, um, comforting or encouraging was speaking to someone who had already gone through what I was about to go through. [00:17:50] Um, I've done that now myself with others, but that instance, I remember pretty vividly and. Yeah, I guess my attitude was, well, [00:18:00] heck if so-and-so can get through this, I can get through this. [00:18:03] Lindy: [00:18:03] One of the first things I did when I was diagnosed is I went on Instagram and searched hashtags to find other, you know, 40 ish year old moms with the same thing going through it. [00:18:12] And there are a lot of them and it's such a huge support. I mean, I have all their phone numbers now. We all text they're all in different States. Right. You know, and it's such a comfort to have that. I saw, um, you know, screenings have dropped 90% during the pandemic. And what's scary about that is there's going to be a bunch of people who are stage four, correct? [00:18:34] Daniel: [00:18:34] Yeah. [00:18:35] Vince: [00:18:35] Yeah. We had, we had, uh, uh, episode one with Brian Babbitt. It came up, we talked about that with, with the pandemic. People were just putting things off that they felt were all lucked over what have you. And we've got to get back on that. How am I going to get why it happened? But at the same time, I scared to think about what. [00:18:52] But things possibly were missing just that extra six, 12, 18 months. [00:18:58] Lindy: [00:18:58] Right. How much longer would it have taken [00:19:00] before it had gone to my liver? I don't know. [00:19:04] Vince: [00:19:04] Correct. Yeah. Yep. I agree. Well thankful. It didn't thankful that God guy who got on it when it did. And, and, and here you are. Um, what would you say about the whole experience or the process today stands out to you the most good or bad, [00:19:24] Lindy: [00:19:24] the insane amount of support? [00:19:28] Um, well, one I'm very fortunate just from being on TV. I got a lot of support and I'm very thankful for that, but, you know, The people in our lives who mowed our grass, you know, every week who brought us meals three days a week, the handwritten notes, um, just, Oh, that has been so overwhelming to me even still now a year later, you know, to get all that stuff is just unbelievable. [00:19:57] I mean, I, I got, uh, a book from [00:20:00] someone who, you know, she had gone through a tough time and. Had her own notes written in the book. She gave me the book and said, this is for you, put your own notes in it and pass it on when you're done. Just really thoughtful things, you know, that, that I would never think of. [00:20:14] And what it's really made me realize is I need to be a better friend. You know? I mean, when something's going on with someone, I really need to make an effort to do something. Yeah. [00:20:23] Vince: [00:20:23] That's a great takeaway. Oh, I love the idea of that book in particular, the one, it wasn't like she just bought you another copy of your hay here. [00:20:29] Um, but one with the, her handwriting in it, and then, you know, adding to that and passing it on, that's very thoughtful. That's cool. Yeah. Social media was not around 21 years ago. Uh, when I was going through it, I could see how that could be a huge resource. Um, and that was smart or good on you for recognizing that and utilizing it. [00:20:49] That may be something that hopefully, you know, if what we're doing here assist others in that way. [00:20:54] Lindy: [00:20:54] Great. And it's been good for the most part, you know? I mean, I've. Gotten a couple, not nice [00:21:00] messages, you know, of course I had to cut off all my hair yesterday, you know, and, and that was really emotionally hard to do. [00:21:08] You know, of course, you know, it's like, Oh, I don't care about my hair. I want to live, but that doesn't mean it's not hard to lose it. And, um, woke up this morning and you know, some guy had put on the picture, OMG, what a fail, you know? And. I cried and I, and I felt dumb. I let one person out of hundreds, you know, have that effect on me, but it's just overall an emotional thing. [00:21:32] And I think I had just held it in for so long and I saw that comment and I just, you know, let it out. But yeah, overall though, 99.9% of social media has really lifted me up and helped me get through this. [00:21:45] Vince: [00:21:45] Yeah. Well, that's good. Yeah. I mean, it's easy for me to say, Hey, forget that one comment that why they would do that. [00:21:52] I don't know. I mean, to me, hair's overrated anyway, but yeah, I digress [00:22:00] [00:22:00] gentlemen made that comment. You want to comment on my social media feed and we'll have a conversation in person. Thank you. That's not true. I was going there, but that kind of got me, got me set up. Yeah. Indie 500 we chatted on earlier and you obviously had played play a role at IMS for that event. Do you do that or events? [00:22:20] There's all IMS events or just [00:22:23] Lindy: [00:22:23] do the Brickyard at the grand Prix? Yeah. [00:22:25] Vince: [00:22:25] What's your, I mean, you're a Hoosier an open-wheel person, right? Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Um, the Todd family has a big tradition with the 500, um, as you can see from my pants, is that a big 500 fan? Um, What does that look like for [00:22:41] Lindy: [00:22:41] you this year? [00:22:41] So I'm just going to do race day and we'll probably have our Fox 59 morning show out there as usual as well. So hopefully I'll be doing that. And then Tran transitioned a PA. And what I intend to do is probably just, you know, maybe the, the interview with whoever waves, the green flag, and a couple of things, just take it easy. [00:22:58] And then man, the [00:23:00] infield medical center, because you can basically just kind of sit there and wait as they come back. And I feel like I can handle that. And I just feel like it's such an awesome comeback opportunity and yeah. Um, I was on Hinch and Rossi's podcast a couple of weeks ago and you know, they said, Oh, you know, the 500 is just not the same if you're not on PA. [00:23:19] And I thought, gosh, you know, that means so much because I've been doing that nine years now. And you know, I've really worked hard and it just means so much to be. Thought of like that. And also the racing community is who has really stepped up to take care of this. This is very financially difficult. I don't have long-term disability. [00:23:39] I haven't been getting paid since November and the indie family foundation with IndyCar and the youth SAC benevolent fund have been helping us pay our bills every month, you know, and I, how do I even thank them for that? I could never repay them or thank them to take that stress off me while I was trying to fight for my life. [00:24:00] [00:23:59] Vince: [00:23:59] Yeah, that's awesome. Um, what was I going to ask? Totally lost my train [00:24:05] Lindy: [00:24:05] of thought. I probably, I go off on tangents when I answer, so [00:24:09] Vince: [00:24:09] that's good. I guess I just thought of it now you're in the infield. Um, no third turn snake pit this year. [00:24:18] Lindy: [00:24:18] Oh, Oh, are they going to have one? Or why am I going to be there? Do a little crowd surfing [00:24:22] Daniel: [00:24:22] out there a couple of times. [00:24:24] Lindy: [00:24:24] No, no. I'm actually thinking about staying in a motor home this year so that I can sleep in a little. Yeah, that'll be my first motor home experience out there. Yeah. Outside of it's outside of three and four, right. Where they parked the motor homes. I think. Could be, I don't know [00:24:39] Daniel: [00:24:39] I'm going out [00:24:40] Vince: [00:24:40] with the fan. [00:24:41] Well, you ought to do is park your motorhome next to the motor coaches [00:24:44] Lindy: [00:24:44] that they'll drive. We talked about that that'd be embarrassing because [00:24:47] Daniel: [00:24:47] ours is just like this little motor home and they have these big precinct. Right. [00:24:51] Vince: [00:24:51] But that, that all, the more reason why you should, and then you can take part in the late night shenanigans that go on, [00:24:57] Daniel: [00:24:57] allegedly. [00:24:59] Yeah, [00:25:00] it'd be right there. If you [00:25:01] Lindy: [00:25:01] drive in and see a little motor home there, you're [00:25:03] Vince: [00:25:03] going to know. I don't want to see it. Text me a photo. I want to see it and we'll, we'll make some good commentary on it. That'd be great. That is funny. Whose whose golf cart can you put up on top of their motor home or take the wheels off of, and it wasn't, that was it a, Rossi's a [00:25:18] Daniel: [00:25:18] golf cart that they did that too, or something like that. [00:25:23] Lindy: [00:25:23] Was it Sage, Karen, or they took the wheel, his actual vehicle. I feel like Daria dead or something. Yeah, I know. [00:25:28] Vince: [00:25:28] So we, we share a common, uh, middle Eastern connection in our blood as, as does TK, even though most people think that he's just Brazilian, that has some Lebanese blood in him. For sure. Yeah. And we know that he is behind a fair amount of those big time. [00:25:42] Maybe that just kind of [00:25:43] Lindy: [00:25:43] runs down a nice snake plant. A snake. Yeah, I see it. And Lauren did. Yeah. And you know why? Cause it's easy to keep alive and a year later it's still alive and I barely watered it. Well, there you go. [00:25:56] Daniel: [00:25:56] Awesome. [00:25:56] Vince: [00:25:56] Less to think about [00:26:00] when you go to the race or will you start covering things at the track? [00:26:05] Um, as we all know, a lot of things go on and it's a, it's not just a one day you're in and out sort of thing. It's a two, two and a half, three week process these days, which is awesome. Um, and I hope that we can get back to the original schedule sooner than later. Um, how, how do you, how do you think you're going to feel when you go back in there and start and start covering [00:26:24] Lindy: [00:26:24] that again? [00:26:25] I think it's going to be really emotional. I try and visualize it a lot and go through it in my head so that hopefully when I get there, it's not too overwhelming, you know, but it's just going to be. I think energy wise, I'm only able to do race day. You know, I just, I can not overdo it. And even as far as going back to Fox 59, my oncologist says only one hour anchoring, not three, you know? [00:26:50] And apparently they tell everyone, look, if you work an eight hour shift, when you go back, you need to work for, you know, just the stamina is not there. So I'm hoping to get back to [00:27:00] Fox May 24th and not be on air that week and just kind of get acclimated, you know, do the 500 and then yup. Then get back on the morning show, but look, it's going to be hard to get up at two 30 in the morning, get myself together. [00:27:10] This today's the third time I've done makeup in a year, so you're welcome. Yeah, I hope it's okay. It's [00:27:17] Daniel: [00:27:17] probably clown, but um, someone told me [00:27:19] Vince: [00:27:19] to put makeup on too little shines, too [00:27:21] Daniel: [00:27:21] much to shine. [00:27:22] Lindy: [00:27:22] So that's a lot to think about transitioning back into normal life. [00:27:27] Vince: [00:27:27] Yeah. Certainly beats the alternatives that it [00:27:29] Daniel: [00:27:29] doesn't it. [00:27:30] Totally. [00:27:30] Yeah. [00:27:31] Vince: [00:27:31] Yeah. We're glad. You're, we're glad to have you back. Thank you. Or looking forward to you being back, I should say officially. Yes. Let me ask you this. What are the odds? We could talk Doug into letting you sound off the Canon that morning. Oh my gosh. I mean, it doesn't mean you have to get up early, super early, but I'd already be up. [00:27:50] Was that 5:00 AM [00:27:51] Daniel: [00:27:51] six? [00:27:53] Vince: [00:27:53] Is it six? I know it's I know it's early six, six. Okay. [00:27:58] Lindy: [00:27:58] Scares scares the crap out [00:28:00] of me, always this way. At least I know it's coming or better yet. Wave the green flag. [00:28:06] Vince: [00:28:06] Your RV is going to be up front anyway. Yeah. Pull out of that. There you go. Nothing off at 6:00 AM and do it like right next to the window of your least. [00:28:13] Oh no, not at least almost at least fair driver. Whoever whomever you shall [00:28:17] Lindy: [00:28:17] select. Should I be the pace car? Let the motor, I [00:28:20] Vince: [00:28:20] think that would be, there you go. [00:28:23] Daniel: [00:28:23] That would be [00:28:23] Vince: [00:28:23] fantastic. Yeah. I'm thinking Clark Griswold, trying to make, making it round at anything over a hundred miles an hour. If that, if he couldn't get up that high, that would be scary [00:28:33] Lindy: [00:28:33] of all sorts of plans. [00:28:34] Now I'm trying to think who my least favorite driver is. [00:28:37] Daniel: [00:28:37] Oh, well, we [00:28:38] Vince: [00:28:38] won't go there. Let's go there. So obviously you're a huge Indy 500 fan. Um, we've talked about that at legs. Uh, the Pacers, you said you you've done things for them. That's a minute I'm scene. Um, season's going right now. Have you, have you been back to any games? [00:28:55] Daniel: [00:28:55] We [00:28:55] Lindy: [00:28:55] just went well, here's what happened. We went last weekend [00:29:00] and, uh, it was awesome. Um, so I emceed for six years and they put me up on the big screen when we were back and just people clapping and stuff felt, it felt so good. I just felt so alive. You know what I mean? And, uh, I was. I had enough energy to stay for half. [00:29:16] So we actually got hotel room downtown. And, uh, so after halftime we go back to the hotel and my husband had gotten the vaccine that morning and got sick. So then his little, his side effects started. So, um, we left the hotel at 3:00 AM and went home. And, but, um, I'll tell you, I got the vaccine and I'd never felt better. [00:29:36] And my doctor said, well, you went through chemo. You probably didn't feel that good, but yeah. So it was great to be back and, and see that I, I won't continue him seeing, okay. Maybe sometimes fill in, but. It's too exhausting schedule. Yeah. Yeah. It's just too much. [00:29:55] Vince: [00:29:55] Yeah. What would you tell someone today? I mean, put [00:30:00] yourself in your shoes a year ago. [00:30:02] Um, if someone has just recently been diagnosed and they, they come to you say, Hey, would you speak to John or Jane DOE, who is, you know, on the, on the front end of, of their battle, but very similar to yours, what would you share with them? I would [00:30:15] Lindy: [00:30:15] probably say, you know, calm down, you know, I know it's hard to. [00:30:21] See yourself at the end of this road now, but it's possible, you know, and I'd probably say what James said to me. You have to keep a good attitude, period. If you're going to get through this. Um, and you know, honestly, questions like that. And also thinking about what am I going to do with this? What I experienced, I don't totally know yet, you know, I don't know why I went through this or what's to come of it, you know? [00:30:48] And a lot of that I'm still processing. But one thing I do know is, you know, I really love hearing from people and, and helping them and, and, you know, I get a lot of questions. What's a good gift to get [00:31:00] someone, you know, or even just, I have this symptom, you know, should I go? Or that part I'm really enjoying. [00:31:08] Vince: [00:31:08] Yeah, well, so good on Hinch. Number one for sharing that with you, he's 100% accurate too. I think the mindset that I certainly, I know I have Daniel as a, as a, someone who hasn't personally gone through this, but has the same mindset, which is what help preempt the sing and based on his support of the heroes foundation. [00:31:28] Um, and I think I sense it in you as well in this, in these earlier stages of, of your own battle is. Yeah, I can sit there occasionally and say why me but more. It's not about that now. It's like, I won't use terms I shouldn't use, but okay. Forget that. I want to now kick its butt and do something about it. [00:31:52] What is that? And there's a lot of different ways people can give back to fight against cancer, whether that's raising money for research, talking [00:32:00] to people, going through the same process and helping them through it. Um, preaching prevention to the extent that we can. Um, and just, just supporting in any way. [00:32:09] Anyway, there's a thousand different ways you can support someone going through the process. I've told [00:32:13] Lindy: [00:32:13] people, you know, even just text someone and say, look, you don't need to answer, but I'm thinking of you, the part that you don't need to answer. That's huge. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, because you literally can't [00:32:23] Vince: [00:32:23] you're right. [00:32:24] Episode two that dropped us, Maureen, um, Chris Welch was our guest and he shared that. He's an owner of a business when he speaks with his employees now. And I don't know anyone who really does this. Maybe there are more than I know of. They will literally with employees, finish the conversation with telling each other. [00:32:45] They love them. Really. Wow. Wow. [00:32:50] Lindy: [00:32:50] Yeah. I have noticed that my, my friends, like people, they, they tell me, they love me all the time. Yeah. Stuff like that started it. That's I did notice that. Yeah. [00:33:00] [00:33:00] Vince: [00:33:00] You know, the younger me would be like, okay, that, that was weird. Um, but you get it exactly. There's nothing wrong with [00:33:08] Lindy: [00:33:08] that. [00:33:09] Not at all. [00:33:11] Vince: [00:33:11] What else? What else do you want to share? What else? What else should we know? [00:33:16] Lindy: [00:33:16] Well, one thing I would definitely like to say is, you know, I don't think caregivers get enough credit, a hundred percent. You know, I mean, my husband couldn't work for a couple months. He had to carry me to the vehicle. [00:33:26] Every time he had to set alarms to give me medication all night, you know, he had to deal with three weeks of his wife, not knowing who he was, you know? And it, when you get a cancer diagnosis, the entire family does. I mean, even my extended family, you know, and, and your friends, and I didn't really know anyone who had gone through it before this. [00:33:45] I mean, obviously my grandparents, you know, and, and things like that, but I didn't know anyone younger. Did you. [00:33:53] Vince: [00:33:53] Not at the time. Yeah. [00:33:55] Lindy: [00:33:55] Yeah. And so I, I had no clue about the process and what cancer [00:34:00] life was like. Right. But man, I love my doctors. [00:34:05] Vince: [00:34:05] Yeah. Geesh. Yeah. Krista Axton big thumbs up, buddy. [00:34:10] Lindy: [00:34:10] He's going to love that Chris hug. [00:34:12] Vince: [00:34:12] Oh, [00:34:13] Daniel: [00:34:13] I'd love it. I love it [00:34:14] Lindy: [00:34:14] because people call him Mr. Thaxton. I'm like, [00:34:16] Daniel: [00:34:16] that's hilarious. [00:34:17] Vince: [00:34:17] Sorry. Messages to say [00:34:21] Daniel: [00:34:21] good job. [00:34:22] Lindy: [00:34:22] Yeah. Yeah, because he also couldn't even stand the sight of blood or anything like that. And boy that, [00:34:29] Daniel: [00:34:29] that the cancer stuff. Wow. So I'm curious that the book that you received with the notes in it, did you add your own notes? [00:34:38] Are you planning to, [00:34:40] Lindy: [00:34:40] uh, pass that along? Speaking of books? That is one more thing I'd like to bring up is one book. I have you read radical hope or radical remission. That's a book I would, I would recommend to any, to give anyone going through this. It's 10 things that everyone that this author talked to who's in remission, did they all [00:35:00] did these 10 things? [00:35:02] And it's, it's just nice to read for when you're feeling like, what can I do for myself to fight this? You know? Um, so radical hope is something I would definitely recommend giving people if, if you're trying to figure out what to do for someone. Awesome. [00:35:16] Daniel: [00:35:16] Yeah. I'll take a look at that. [00:35:18] Vince: [00:35:18] Yeah. Cool. Well, thank you for, uh, coming on [00:35:21] Daniel: [00:35:21] and [00:35:21] Lindy: [00:35:21] sharing your story on the other side and like the interviews. [00:35:26] Daniel: [00:35:26] Yeah. Yeah. Hit us with one. [00:35:29] Lindy: [00:35:29] Talk a little bit about your podcasts. Oh yeah. Yeah. My podcast. Well, the reason I launched your own middle, the reason I decided to do the podcast was because I kept getting a lot of the same questions over and over and over again this whole year. And it's hard to answer people. [00:35:48] You know, especially those months when I just couldn't even be on my phone, but I want to answer people. So I thought this would be an easy way to get it out there. And I wanted to keep them short, like between five and 10 minutes, very easy to [00:36:00] listen to. And it took me two months to figure out how to do it. [00:36:04] You set up here as awesome. My father-in-law has actually a, um, Production manager for rock bands. And so he has a bunch of microphones. So I got a mic from him and, and just recorded at home. And my audio is not near as good as yours is, but the first one, I just went over the symptoms. And then I, the next one, I talked about my colonoscopy day. [00:36:25] And then, you know, what the original plan was. I've had to take a couple breaks because there's been kind of like some breaking news, you know, when I rang the bell and had my gallbladder out, but I want to keep it going, even when I'm done, I enjoy it. I have. I don't know if this is good or not, but more than 10,000 downloads. [00:36:43] Um, which I think is okay. Yeah. You know, what I, what I care about is the people that it's reaching in, the messages that I'm getting. I heard from a woman here locally, she's 42 was diagnosed with breast cancer in January. Her husband knows, but nobody else does, but she felt comfortable enough to tell me that, you [00:37:00] know, and it's the messages like that, that I'm getting that make me want to continue it. [00:37:03] So it's called life with Lindy and you can go to Lindy thaxton.com. And it's right there or it's on Apple. It's on all of them, but I can't figure out how to get it on Google. [00:37:14] Daniel: [00:37:14] Thank you. We got someone backstage right now that could probably help out with that. So [00:37:19] Vince: [00:37:19] Christopher, [00:37:21] Daniel: [00:37:21] as he slowly ducks, so he can, he loves when I volunteer him for things like that. [00:37:27] Vince: [00:37:27] Yeah, well, that's great. We wish you much success in Europe. Thank [00:37:32] Lindy: [00:37:32] you. I'd love to do more work with you guys. I love everything you do with this. Yeah. Happy to, [00:37:37] Vince: [00:37:37] um, great. I would lean on Hinch and Rossi as well, but there's, I've, I've personally not listened to him, but I certainly will. And I know both, I know Hinch a little bit through some things that he's done for the heroes foundation in the past. [00:37:49] That's cool. Um, we did a quick little story. He has a beer with flats. Well, it was flat 12 now, rad brewing. Um, and one of the prior owners of flat [00:38:00] 12 is a buddy of mine. So Sean and H and James and I went hero's has a, we call hero wants a big old retired military truck. And so we drew it, we loaded it up with a bunch of Lego sets and drove it to Riley and Peyton Manning children's hospital. [00:38:16] To deliver to Legos, to inpatient pediatric oncology patients. Uh, it was very cool. Um, quickly they'll, you know, be lined for James. I, I don't know who that guy is. Um, it, it was fine. It was, it was, it was interesting St. Hey. I know you drive an Indy car, like, you know, two 40 in the streets or whatever, averaging two 25 and such here is a big old diesel truck that, you know, zero to 60 in a day and a half. [00:38:45] I bet he kind of loved it though. Right? Possibly, I don't know. Yeah. No power steering, which is he's used to that. True. It was a good time. It was a good time. [00:38:55] Lindy: [00:38:55] And that's the stuff I'm looking forward to being able to do. Yeah. Now that I'm getting back out and [00:39:00] [00:38:59] Daniel: [00:38:59] about, [00:39:00] Vince: [00:39:00] yeah. Those things are very rewarding. Uh, I think telling your story like you're doing now, and as you already witnessed in the one lady who had actually shared her story with you as being like the first person outside of her immediate family, it's very therapeutic therapeutic, oftentimes for you, for the person telling the story. [00:39:17] But can also be therapeutic for others. And that's why we're doing this. If we, you know, you reach, you already reached one person, we reached one PR person or preferably a million people that it somehow helps. We've done our job. And if [00:39:30] Lindy: [00:39:30] it's one person, I believe it's the one person that needed it. [00:39:33] Certainly. [00:39:34] Daniel: [00:39:34] Yeah. [00:39:34] Vince: [00:39:34] Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Well, the hair [00:39:36] Lindy: [00:39:36] looks great. I like high and tight. Yeah, that's fine. I like my hair kind of wild. So I was like, just leave it long on the top and you figure it out every day, [00:39:46] Daniel: [00:39:46] right? [00:39:46] Vince: [00:39:46] Yeah. I can't say that. So I'm glad you, I'm glad that you can do it. Thanks again for coming on. [00:39:52] Daniel: [00:39:52] Thank you. I really appreciate it a lot. [00:39:54] Vince: [00:39:54] I look forward to working with you in the [00:39:55] Lindy: [00:39:55] industry. [00:39:58] Daniel: [00:39:58] Thanks. [00:40:00]