Jason's not here so I'm gonna have to do the count up or down or I'm gonna do it both ways actually he can tell me which ones right cuz I can't remember from like doing this a hundred times 123. Go I think it's the other way I know he says record he says record doesn't he. What is it go. No he says stop when we end but I think he says record. I think he comes down as well I'm gonna do both okay here we go I think it's true to what I just want to do both 123 record. And now 321 record. That's out of that's a couple come through with the second one. Yeah yeah I'm like for Jason. Music. People who are listening I probably get the Jason's not here is he alive we hope so. Carry on well that's why you have to have a three person podcast you have built in redundancy. Yeah we can carry on without a bit with us just like what is this this is a really hemispheric views this time it's more like Australian views or. No it's it's views from the antipodes. Yeah and to be in views are this is an antipode special that's good but what have we got on the on the list Andrew you put something up front let's start with that. Yes I this is some. So it's a great nicely from a fortnight ago when we're talking about a hotel breakfast the question I have is I've become kind of. Structured in my beverage routine in the morning. I am not sort of fly by the seat of the pants situation anymore with with a morning beverage. And so I was gonna ask the both of you now only ask you what is your do you have a morning beverage routine and what would that be. That's a great question I feel like I'm in the disappoint you or amuse you or both in this answer because I definitely know what I want each morning and if we're talking about like. Coffee tea that kind of beverage stuff generally I want to start the day with a double shot flat white that's with full cream milk smaller right on the small side if that's what you mean by like takeaway stuff. Generally I take like a reusable it's called fresco cup like keep cups but they made of steel. And in summertime I'll have a double shot ice latte crucially with no syrups if people try to put vanilla and hazelnut and stuff. Fair enough if that's your thing I like those flavours but I don't want in my coffee but I don't buy a coffee every single day because. Frankly it's expensive I mean if you can afford to do that fantastic but sometimes I'll make my own version of that Natasha does the same sort of thing we kind of alternate depending on whether it's hot or cold. And sometimes I'll get one at like the cafe at the office it just depends but really that's the pattern that I followed I learned it from Natasha you want that strong flavour. In the flat white version when it's hot and the ice latte version when it's cold how about you. Okay so mine's probably a little bit more structured than that. Yeah it does that make you nervous what I said like you're a little bit freaked out by the. No I'm comfortable with it and the idea of getting a coffee shop coffee is fantastic I don't have a coffee shop near enough that I could just roll out of bed and quickly grab one so my beverage needs to occur closer to. The place where I wake so what I have chosen what I do these days is basically it's a French press coffee so I boil the kettle put the scoops in. Push the little plunger thing halfway down wait a few minutes for it to brew. Squelch it down that is served with one small teaspoon of. Natural sugar like a raw sugar of a kind. Brown brown sugar. Yeah it's not brown not brown is in the sticky kind of brown it's granule it's granulated. But it's not white. Okay so it's not quite coffee crystal either so somewhere in between those two. With a top up of in Australia high low milk. Which is not quite skim milk what do you call high what would high low be is kind of half and half is it but no no it's not half and half in America is half and half in America is that full on cream stuff. We know from previous episodes you love that stuff that's a different. I love that if I could get that if I get that here and have that and that would be dangerous for my waistline but no high low milk so skim milk let's call it that. A lot of these kind of words around like by logo low high low I know they're shopping brands and stuff but it's kind of confusing. I take that coffee back to bed. And then I do my you know I do my word oh that's nice and then I do connections and then I do strands. And by that time I've killed like 45 minutes. It's great start the day if you have the time to do it that's my preferred morning routine sometimes if I get to work and I still need another hit then it's a coffee shop situation in which case it is an almond flat white. With no sugar nothing just almond flat white which is a flat white with almond milk and that is my morning beverage routine. Very nice yes so you kind of expanded on the stuff that you're doing while you have the coffee that's interesting so when I go to work like I'm generally arriving at work for about. 8am right if I go to the office because it's a bit of a hybrid situation depending on the day with pretty flexible which is great. But I don't really have the time to do what you're talking about sitting in bed and then kind of unwinding which is not a complaint but now that you say that sounds fantastic so my routine is normally. I'm in the process of waking up and trying to actually. Get myself dressed like I am not much of a morning person so I am not really online at all while I'm putting my pants on I'm like a really slow boot. Some just imagine like a really crappy 80s desktop situation like I'm still beeping and whirring and there's like disc sounds that's me as I'm getting up in the morning. I don't want to give you the impression I'm good to go first thing in the morning I'm not that's why I'm procrastinating that whole sequence of gaming back in bed that is a higher procrastination method because I don't want to face the day. Yeah but you've prepared yourself like it's it's worth. Yes yes yes and the coffee the coffee in the start it's just it just become a thing where I just have to have that ground pressed coffee. Very good. So there we go that is how we do it in Australia and I hear what you're saying as well about the coffee shop coffee they've just gotten prohibitively expensive. Yeah and inconsistent to like I go to places that are generally pretty good about you know actually one particular very good remembering my order and you know who you are and all that sort of thing but sometimes depending on who you get it's like. Why is that no 50 cents more expensive or didn't you have this situation if you bring your own cup oh wait is it also it's after 730 in the morning which is also when the stars align in this particular way with your horoscope that's when. Oh no wait it's cheap I can't keep track so it's a bit weird. And you know that makes me think of one other thing is is a brand new annoyance not on the run sheet I've already. Deviating for the run she we talk about cheap and the cost the cost of things Apple pay okay I have an issue. What's up. Can we can we debrief on Apple pay. Sure so seeing as this is antipodean views I can get all the Australian stuff off my chest. So I've ever been using Apple pay with my watch tap thing to pay for it I'm getting jacked off with credit card surcharges okay. Don't you know so that it because it goes through the MasterCard network whatever you pay an extra bit annoying so recently in Australia they have released something basically jewel jewel network Apple pay. So we can use either the MasterCard visa network or we can use the Australian F boss network electronic funds transfer at point of sale F boss. Beautifully stated sounds great. Sounds great doesn't it and because basically it's an interchange facility between the Australian banks that they themselves developed and set up a proprietary company to manage that their own sort of. Clearinghouse so it's not part of the MasterCard visa card lower fees which is fine. But the last little while last few days whenever I try and use it and use F boss on either my watch or my phone transaction declined. And it's there is nothing worse than your bio coffee and just trying to save a few transaction fees by tapping with F boss. And it's saying you don't have it like it's basically they think you have insufficient funds that's what they're saying and I look at you you lose it's a moment of shame it is it really is in your. And and I try to try to on the watch F boss savings I tried on the phone F boss savings is a toggle. Neither work as soon as you change the MasterCard visa network it works so the failing is somewhere either in. IOS the Commonwealth Bank the merchant F boss machine interchange or something I am at the point now where I'm so annoyed with the credit card surcharge fees I'm gonna go back to my plastic card. And I'm gonna stick it in no tap and go. Choose savings punch in a pin number like an animal just save myself those sense cuz I'm annoyed I'm angry. What to say look I haven't been affected by this issue cuz I must be using a different not switching in this way but I do appreciate this kind of surprise business corner that you thrown in Andrew it like you kind of keeping. Your finger on the pulse of like global financial issues and this is a big deal socially speaking because yes it's a bit of a first world problem granted that but. Yeah. There is something to be said about you've got this technological convenience on your wrist and it's this really jarring moment it's this like cognitive dissonance when you confidently walk up. Habitually like hover or tap your wrist on this thing and then it doesn't work where is if you went up like I remember when I used to carry change and notes like more regularly. If you like damn with the change of the notes. Yeah it was a bit annoying for the merchant or whatever but they kind of understood are you know. Who does have that 5 cent piece or something it's like are you gonna get a rummage for this thing I get it but when it's like we've got this efficient like hyper Q of movement. And you've now disrupted the flow everyone is a little bit more impatient now so I sympathize with you in your moment of shame. Thank you and I just want to come because I know there'll be people listening to this and go Andrew just remove your card from Apple wallet and add it back. I've done that I removed it and then I added it back with the. Remember the saved card you previously had here just add that back did that doesn't work tested explored. Found a transaction declined so I can remove card and then add card as if it was a new card that I've never experienced in my life before done it go into the merchant. Transaction declined so this is a massive massive failing of the some computer network somewhere and don't promise me. A jewel network jewel system. Card thing me if you're not gonna deliver on it that's business corner. I'm happy you threw that in because I mean it's your thing. Now you put something up next about the nut bush now I think we might have brought up not push before but you've got a link here to add discord so fill me in what's the deal with the nut bush this time. You might have seen on the news recently sort of a a new story about the nut bush. As a thing that happens in Australia and nowhere else in the world correct and based based on the song not push the limits by Tina Turner apparently even Tina Turner didn't know the nut bush was a thing. Yeah would you know the nut bush was originally called what was it it's a line dance called the Madison. Okay which for some reason became attached to that song and has become like an Australian dancing phenomenon and I can I'm with you on this because you go to a wedding or any kind of dance or even when you used to be at school. It's like not push comes on a chip in every Australian child's head triggers and you instinctively walk up like people do with the Macarena or YMCA and you just start not pushing. Yeah. And you see out the whole song so this is a thing for anyone hasn't heard it before. Apparently this is only Australian so there was conversation on our discord name is for his discord somebody saying we needed to talk about this and reflect on our own experiences so I just want to say that I too learnt the nut bush. And perform the dance in the nut bush I think it was around about I probably started in low low high school I have distinct memories of being in a hole in like year 11 and doing it. And I remember all the moves it's kinda like a at the time I knew all the moves slap the knee slap the side of the foot. Stomp stomp and all the while not push the limits. It's really fun however I haven't done the net pushing so long I don't I don't remember it rubbish I may be now an Australian rubbish you remember it maybe if I watched it for like 3 minutes I'd pick up on again or if I'm in the line you just hope that you're your next to two people who are experts at the nut bush and you can't follow along. But I have no qualms about it I think it's cool in its own way it's not like I'm gonna go to the nightclub and busted out but in the right environment not push it's fine. I thought it was I thought the nut bush came from the song I thought it must have been in the film clip or something. I thought the same thing and one day I came up on rage on ABC and I had never actually seen the clip for it but it was a live performance by Tina Turner. And I was sitting there going oh here we go they're gonna start doing the dance and it never came she never did it no backup dancers band members anything and I went. Oh this is troublesome so that I looked it up and I discovered what I told you earlier so I was very like disillusioned for a moment I thought what the hell what kind of lie have I been sold. By the Australian school system or like wedding parties. So did you learn at school. In dance I think so but my memory my memories of school dances particularly at primary school was all of the other ridiculous line dances that they trot out now I don't know if this is something that you know about because finally enough this is something that I learned. Like my school in Wollongong but friends from Sydney had never heard of so it's like just an hour and a half up the road and they're like what kind of world we living in you weirdo right. Regional buffet right. We used to have these dances to songs like the heel and toe polka and the waves of Bondi do you know those like the heel and toe heel and toe slide slide it was like this kind of alternating thing around the whole like circumference or like perimeter of the room. Right and it and this is the thing that made it so kind of cringy for like primary school kids was the hand holding element right because you had to kind of like hold hands boys and girls all that sort of. And they'd be like forcing it from the stage or you know the day at the front of the room. Yeah yeah yeah but the moment that things like not push came up right I think everyone was into that because is there hand holding in the nut bush dance. No no it's just a good time and there's like you know kicking and carrying on and that little crisscross thing that you do with your legs when you do the turn I think that's what makes it so successful because everyone's involved but do you have to hold your sweaty schoolmates hands. No no you don't have to. Good point inclusive involving but still hygienic and distanced so if you think about it the nut bush with it spacing out grid pattern was the socially distanced or physically distance dance we never knew we needed. Yeah. It's a covert friendly line dance. I'm ready to do it I'm ready to do it again if there's the opportunity where you get a chance to do a nut bush. Hey why not it won't take me long to pick it up again. Well look if you ever are actually over here in Moolangong you know if that's something in the near future if that's possible maybe we can line up a bit of a nut bush to get the song cranking. This is probably gathered that I like it and while you might not be doing it regularly I wouldn't say that I'm doing it regularly but it's something that does come up every so often that I'm happy to do I think I was not pushing. A couple of months ago with Mac in the lounge room and he was a bit confused. He's three he doesn't get it yet. It's an Australian way of life. Wow. Hey let's do it let's do a Jason. Okay you do your Jason let's see if you can do your Jason I'll try my Jason. Oh so we got to impersonate him now is that what you're saying. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. So Jason you've got yourself a new camera is that what's going on. Well I'm here in Portland Oregon and I have two questions for you Andrew. I'd love to hear them what are they. One how many cameras do you think that I purchased today. Maybe three. And next question I'm not going to answer that one. Second is that what he does he never answers a question and this is a really bad. Second question do you know what cameras are in Perth. Do you have them. We have a declining number of cameras in Perth Jason. Okay now it's your turn. Yeah okay. How are you Jason. Oh Martin. Which state is he from now. I'm I'm excited because I got this new orange gizmo. It's a wonderful orange color. Hacking up a lung over here I've been sick. You see this basketball from the Portland Trailblazers. It's orange. Now see already you've gone too far because he would he does he know what basketball is what he says sports ball. I don't know. Oh yeah. That's a good point. No I'm just teasing. What else does Jason say. What else does he say. What's another catch catch cry. Unannounced trivia corner. Do you actually have questions. Steve Jobs after he left Apple bought a bought next B worked for next because he was friends with the guy who owned it. Well see went to next because he just saw it as a long term plan to get back to Apple. Martin your answer. I'll go for option G. Okay. That's an announced trivia corner. You know listeners may not know this or maybe we've said it before I don't know but Jason has always been kind of is this the point that the show goes wrong. Is this the point that it all falls apart. And we might have actually just driven him away for good. It's an Australian way if the guy's not there you hang shit on him. That's just the way it goes. That's what we do. Welcome to antipodean views. Hello everyone. I hope this message is reaching you. It is Tuesday June 25th 1300 hours. With Arcadia June ending in just a couple of days Martin and Andrew have locked me in my basement until I finished building the trophies and as such have removed me from the recording this week. Something something yada yada type 45. Don't tell them. But I've rigged up an antenna from Ethernet cables and paper clips which is then coming to you via the iPhone satellite messaging network. Consider this monoscopic perspective rather than hemispheric views. I only have time for a couple of short but very critical and important topics with my new setup. So here we go. One we can all agree that the show's artwork color palette is blue orange and green. Two one prime plus dot com only exists if the long game theory is true which in fact it is. Three no one actually uses proxy icons. Pomodoro done. Jason out. That was a bit strange. Not sure what happened there. Anyway keep going and you're saying. Arcadia June it's that time again there have been so many scores flooding into the discord that myself and Jason have been recording them like crazy trying to keep up putting them in the craft leaderboard which is accessible on the web. I've been doing that so thanks for doing that. Yeah not me. Yeah yeah just want to call it out I wasn't gonna make it so obvious but you've done it Martin. I do other things I'm busy. Sure sure whatever whatever your excuse is but it's been competitive. It's been really great I've enjoyed watching the scores coming in as a bit of back and forth about who's doing what the favorite game this year or this season appears to be the beach ball. Which is kind of the opposite like Tetris but with. Balls that expand in size you start off with a little golf ball or something and it goes to a baseball basketball then you get a beach ball and as they touch as the same size balls touch they pop and merge and. Get bigger and explode and disappear it's quite wonderful I really like it. I love your explanation of it that the touching balls and explosions are great. Yes clean writing it's good game people are liking it and the competition has been good until the other day. Suddenly I got a bunch of notifications on my phone that kind of made me bit angry. It was a stack series of notifications saying hey Scotty Jay has just beaten your score in free state free snake hey Scotty Jay's is beating your score in bowling hey Scotty Jay's just beating your score in. Every other game that I have ever played he is on a mission hey Scotty Jay has taken this personally and I thought all and I was updating the scores and he was like on top of the all the little boys are hey Scotty Jay's gonna win this thing. Then suddenly guess who entered the chat. The the dormant volcano has returned he's fully active. Yep three time defending champion undefeated arcadian June can participant Eric M walk. Entered and did he enter with a bang. We thought you was maybe just sit now this this season is the undisputed you know champion just the all-time greatest no he's like the rock. You think he's gone from the WWE but then he comes back. Good analogy. If you smell what the Eric. It's got a great well look welcome back Eric and it's good. Yeah look at her I thought I was doing well yeah but I was absolutely cooked and just a reminder we do still have some coupon codes if you want to get in on the fun email is hello at hemisphere views dot com and we've got some discount coupon codes you can add to the app store which will allow you to get the Arcadia and Arcadia sports games for the low low price of $0 which is a canyon dot blog slash save official. 10 out of 10 price and that is all thanks to the developer of Arcadia Rafaela. It was my birthday last week I was having a nice birthday good you know and like some years you think I'm gonna buy myself something big I am gonna splurge this year's like now I'm keeping there's nothing I need there's nothing I really want keeping it low key not buying myself a big elaborate present or anything. Go for a walk for a lovely walk around the river of Perth great place to be beautiful weather. Up the stadium looking good it's just a nice nice day. Walking to do to do to do have a good chat my partner to do to do to do talking talking. And then we just came towards the end of it and I saw an e-scooter one of those Metro kind of. Jump on pay some money and go for a ride just the public scooter things. I looked at and I have never been on one of those because to me they like why would you get it could waste the money. Don't really have a reason to get on one but this year this time this moment I thought it's my birthday. This is my birthday treat so I tapped I installed the app and at that moment as I was I was installing the app I pine to remember app slices that were meant to be the thing we didn't have to install the whole app on your phone. Slices you mean like the clips like those ones that app clips. Clips. Is it a clip. I don't mean to correct you I just got that word I remember like what pops up as a little bit of a window or something. Yeah yeah. Yeah and I was meant to be like you don't need to decide if you're parking your car or something and there's a million different parking apps you don't need to download the whole parking app you can just download the app yeah app clip I think that's what you're at. And it would just and I never took off because. I never used it just never a thing. Every business wanted to have its own app you know so I was like as it was downloading this multi thousand million million megabyte app I was like oh finally those taken off anyway got there set up an account connected Apple pay. Got through that rigmarole and then the moment of truth arrived. Unlock the scooter put on the helmet that was too small for my noggin. And off I went my first real scooter ride. We it was fun and you loved it it was fun I got I loved it and because I've been doing a walk my Apple watch had been tracking my exercise right and it was still in walk mode. I looked at the stats when I got home and I walked for about over an hour probably an hour my heart rate was the highest. When I was on the scooter not walking at all. Well I haven't seen the video I'm not surprised I was actually gonna say was your fitness like exploding even though you were doing anything. He's got 20 kilometers an hour all the sudden but yeah my heart rate really I must have had a great time because my heart rate was racing and it was fun I was like am I gonna fall off what's the balance situation like it was fine totally fine. I know I want one. Right on a bio. What speed did you get up to do you know how quickly they go because we have them in Wollongong I think they might be the orange one so they the same ones. Orange so this was orange that we have orange ones the one I got was a purple one it was a beam. BAM brand like that was the ride share scooter provider thing. Be how to speedometer on it and it was obviously limited I was good the max I get to is 20 kilometers an hour. Pretty quick on a scooter for like shared paths and pedestrian areas and stuff. Yeah yeah yeah I'm fortunate no jumps I couldn't find a jump anywhere to like launch myself off of. Well that's the next like that's the next rad chapter of your scooter journey no doubt I have to say that I feel like the colors of these scooters are kind of you know in tribute to our you know absent co-host today I reckon he'd be all over that Jason. Orange and purple scooters that's like entirely in his like color wheelhouse. It's like Dracula themed scooter. Yeah yeah. Yes I've got a little video of a micro blog Canyon dot blog if you want to see what it's all about. Checking the show notes. Yeah exactly it's fun and I encourage you yes it's overpriced but sometimes it's a birthday treat it's worth spending $4.25. So this ties in to my next little point so I mentioned it was my birthday. I was reading a blog yesterday and I just want to wait and it was a person that I found on the internet through the defaults episode 97. Antonio Antonio wrote a blog. And he mentioned that he was celebrating his birthday. Any mention that his birthday happened to be on the 15th of June. I said well look at that he's got the same birthday as me how cool is that and then he went on to mention that his birthday year was the same birthday as mine. Wow. 1977 which is a long time ago. There we go. There is another hemispheric hemispherian out there who is the same exact age as me and I just thought that was a wonderful thing so happy birthday Antonio. Hope you enjoyed your day I encourage you to get on a scooter and really live it up. Yeah but don't endanger your own life. Happy birthday Antonio but make sure it's a healthy one. All right. Yeah yeah because we are getting old Antonio we're not as strong as we used to be. Those years are creeping on up. But that is nice that is a nice thing you know you get to know the listeners we see stuff online I love those little things that you know come out of left field. It's always it's quite good because like we are just that's a funny thing I always think about when we're doing these podcasts right so we're just sitting in our homes here now in our studies right now white guys chatting with you know. Oversized microphone so that's like oh wow people are actually listening to this and I love it because quite often my my aunt. Francine listens to this and quite often the middle of conversation if I see her she'll just go bang with the thing that we said on the show. It'll be completely out of context I'd be like what are you talking about and she's like on the show and I'm like oh my god I forgot we discussed that and she always gets me she always gets me so. Thank you people like Francine and other you know family members and friends and you know people we've met online who listen to this it is very gratifying and often surprising and weird to remember that stuff that you said is actually heard by people. Yeah. So yes happy birthday Antonio I digress. We've done this kind of over time and I was thinking I might try to semi formalize this let's let's see if we can make it a segment that might even get artwork if it has legs right. I'm gonna propose a thing called. Counter chat right now I thought about counter corner but we have a lot of corners and not all counters like physical counters at shops or like places that serve food right are corners so I didn't want to be too kind of literal there or prescriptive so counter chat. Okay. Where am I coming at coming from with this we've learnt over time that I like to talk to people in service situations right. Absolutely. You and Jason more kind of self declared introverts who have dabbled in this maybe more so you like with that one prime plus episode we met Kebab man and you've kind of come out of your shell in a counter situation I thought you know what I'm gonna go full felled foot here and try to prescribe this new. Segment talking about times that we have done this times that we've really kind of gone maybe further than we should have at a service counter and to kick off this inaugural semi formal counter chat I have three instances. All the weekend. I want to share. So there'll be no shortage of content for this segment. No no. So three examples and the first one is at Officeworks one that's very close to your heart Andrew and I hope that you're not kind of disappointed by this because I kind of found it amusing we were there because Natasha needed to print something off right we don't have a printer anymore we used to print for years we're past that I don't want to pay 350 Australian dollars just to make sure my cyan isn't disappearing right. We just got a need at Officeworks and we went there and she was paying at the counter and I'm noticing all of the end of financial year signs everywhere he off as you like to call it. That's right we've spoken about this before people people know that you're all over. You're off you right. And I thought you know what I'm gonna ask a question of this poor young woman behind the counter I said okay so I just had a curiosity right you got all this end of financial year stuff around the place I remember Officeworks tried to make a thing the term does anyone ever actually come up to you and say that. And I just had you in the back of my mind in the back of my mind. And you know what she said. No and to be honest I always found it kind of unnecessary. I just kind of like. She was an angry corporate marketing. Yeah but I loved it I loved it because normally like whenever I do that kind of is that is this white dad saying something stupid at the counter she very confidently not angrily but was just like. I'm not into that and I was like poor Andrew is like soul has been cut in two so how do you feel about that. You work at office or what do you work in Officeworks if you're not into your fear like the whole point I thought that would be your reaction you got a lot like why choose Officeworks plenty of other places in the retail industry that you can go work. Don't really celebrate your fee with such bigger yeah so I think I think maybe she's made a bad career choice and I think maybe she should self-examine. And say what am I actually doing here I either get on board or get off that's what I'm gonna say. Got a backy offy. Anyway yes I eat offy as like as an acronym is everywhere but I don't think people are saying it the way that you want to which I feel sorry for you. Yeah that's it. Second doughnuts right there is a donut van in the door you're right Andrew you can look to be distressed when I said donuts. You're triggering me because I've been craving a particular donut all week I went looking for a. I like a finger bun sugar finger bun with a jam and the fresh fresh cream on top. Oh wow I've been looking for that all week I need to go to the country says country bakery having piece cake you think I could find one around Perth yesterday looking no sorry. Donuts get me. Will this back to be a controversial thing like the shape of the donut that you just explained because the donut place that I'm talking about is that more traditional there's a round thing with a hole in the middle of it yes the circle. So this donut van is in this hilarious place kind of in like a backstreet like a semi-industrial backstreet of a place called Warung which is a suburb of Wollongong. And you go there and you think that's it say that 10 times quickly. Warung a suburb of Wollongong. Warung a suburb of Wollongong I've been practicing for years. What how many ongs are in this ong. Yeah you go there and you think people said there's this donut van here are they are they lying what's the deal no it actually looks like a bit of a derelict car park and it looks like you're maybe going to get robbed but no it's just the most glorious kind of donut van. I have opened up a new shop elsewhere but they're still running it which is good and I went there and Mac was asleep in the car and Natasha was waiting and I was going to duck out and get out like donut milkshake combo. And I got out and it just started raining but fortunately they have this awning over like where you stand in this car park at the front of the donut van I've put the order in and I was the only person standing there but there was another car on the other side of the car park and they looked like they were waiting for donuts. And no more than 10 seconds after I had ordered the woman behind the counter lent over with this kind of box in a paper bag and said six filled donuts and that's not what I had ordered. Right and I went oh that's what they have and she's looking at the car with these people sitting on their phones not looking up and I've realised that's theirs and I said to her always that there's that that's their donuts and she said oh yeah yeah yeah they need to come get them and I said. Do you want me to take that and she said I'm sure they'll look up and I said no no no look I'm not I'm not going to steal them I've just ordered from you I will happily walk over and deliver them and she said are you sure because she's waving at them and they're not saying. Yeah yeah yeah. And she went okay thank you that's kind of you so I took them and I walked across the car park and like did the whole wave and knock on the window and the guys looked up and looked completely like she started laughing. Because he's like who's this random it's like when you go to McDonald's and they say wait go to the waiting bay and then someone comes out to you. Yeah yeah. And he's like oh are they ours and I said yeah they're yours she was trying to get your attention but you didn't see and he's like oh oh thanks mate and the whole family's just like smiling because it's like who's this random guy who's delivered our donuts. And I said no worries so yeah so I thought that it's this relatively unfunny thing but they thought it was hilarious because they were completely another world in their car and then as I'm walking back they're like enthusiastically waving to me thanking me for delivering their filled donuts. And so that is an example of not only did I chat too much the person behind the counter but I've actually become an unofficial unpaid delivery man for a donut van in a derelict car park. You have a job now. Yeah. I'm impressed that you didn't actually withhold the donuts at the window and say look I'm happy to give you these donuts but only until you explain why did you choose these particular flavours. And who's who's is each and give me a little bit of backstory as to why you like these donuts. Yeah. I'm impressed that you didn't do that. Well you know I kind of thought it's starting to rain on me I don't want to make the paper bag wet and thereby ruin the donuts but under any other circumstances or sunny weather they would have had a full interrogation. Like you can be sure of that. They would have been felled footed to the inch of their life. You bet. Now the last one I wanted to make a big deal of this one because in Wollongong Crown Street this is like I suppose like this is a main road like there's a mall on it with the pedestrian zone it's where a lot of the shops and places are. Crown Street pretty kind of common name at least in Australia. Is this the one with the balls? It's got balls. The balls? Or is that that's another city isn't it that has balls? That's Adelaide that has balls. Oh yeah yeah. Yeah it's Adelaide. Adelaide has more balls. Now we have a controversial palm tree at the top of a pole in Crown Street Mall. That's right. Which a lot of people are very cranky about. But I think is a wonderful display and they've got like warped palm trees that have been reused and sandstone for kids and sitting you know people are upset about it I think they need to cool it. Anyway on Crown Street outside of the mall like closer not down the beach but closer to that end there's a new shop that's open there and I thought this was definitely worth bringing up on the show. Particularly now that this is like Antipodean views. It's a place called Glory Days and it's like a new like burger shop venture that is open by these people who run this place called Howling Wolf. Not a sponsor no affiliation but it's like a bar right it's like a cool place in the city I suppose. But it's Glory Days and we went there for lunch yesterday and oh my goodness if you're Australian I think you're really going to get this and love it and if you're from elsewhere like America or whatever then it's going to be like oh that's a curiosity. It's like a deliberately retro nostalgic Australian burger shop made to resurrect the feeling of old fish and chip shops and milk bars. That's a lot Martin. Yeah and not like American burgers right which are great this is like when you go for an Australian fish and chip shop burger kind of thing. And they'll do like the kind of Dagwood dog thing or potato scallops or malted vanilla milkshakes and they've got all these like retro photos of the city on the wall. And they've got this original sign for a place called the Oxford Tavern which no longer exists and they actually won it through like this guy who couldn't or didn't want to pay his bar tab or something. I might be mucking up the story but anyway I want to bring it up because I went in there and feeling such pride and nostalgia for the city. I was like in full counter chat mode with this guy and I'm like no shame I've gone up and said look this is the most white guy thing I'm ever going to say but I have a podcast with two friends and I want to bring you up on the podcast. I'm so pleased that you've opened up this shop and he's like oh okay what's it called and then I'm like I see there's a blank spot up on the wall there. I think you need to do like a burger of the month thing with weird Australian flavours and he's like actually it's funny you say that because we may be thinking of doing that. Anyway I'm just like in full like. Oh my gosh. But like the friendliest people anyway as I said not a sponsor but if you happen to be visiting Wollongong go check out this fantastic new shop awesome food glory days and you can get your Kirk's lemon squash and all that kind of stuff there as well. Oh sounds good. Yes. Do they do pickled onions? Ah they may I didn't actually notice that on the menu but I'll include some shots of the restaurant. Do you have places like that or nostalgia for like old fish and chip shops or milk bars or was Perth sadly without that? Not really we've got an old fish and I literally have an old fish and chip shop that is like it's just old and I don't go there anymore because it's not doesn't look doesn't look like it passed many health hygiene standards. Right. But no not really not that's not really a thing we have here. Okay fair enough. Milk bars as they were was an east coast thing we didn't really have milk bars as much in WA so there's not really that same that same heritage. That's all right I was just curious because it was a serious thing in Wollongong because of you know how many Greeks and Italians and Macedonians and Serbs a lot of people particularly Greeks I think with milk bars and I've heard this a lot through my father-in-law because that's Natasha's background. It was a really big thing here so that's why I was curious if you had that and we still do have fish and chip shops but it is a very different thing like more Australian fish and chip shop style burgers and this is I bring it up not because we don't have them anymore but it's like a new shop with a new aesthetic but made to look. Kind of retro so it's kind of nice to see people doing it in a way that isn't a franchise so anyway. Sounds counter chat and the moral of the story here is you know what put yourself out there say something weird at a counter and as long as not offensive you might strike up some interesting conversation or be lodged in that person's memory forever for better or worse. I like this the topic as a ongoing section I think we are going to try hard to come up with my own content and we both know that Jason will never contribute. I'm sure he will he will that's his challenge will put it that way I'm I'll be optimistic. To finish up we have. A contribution from Melissa we often ask for contributions we rarely get them so when we do I like to make sure they get included in the show but Nico. Is made a little ad for the hemispheric views so I thought we would just insert that maybe into the show if possible and say thank you Nico for your efforts. Play. As an avid hemispheric views listener you're probably familiar with basic math let's talk about basic math for a minute you know what's good. One no other numbers just one but you know what's better than one our new product one prime it's got all the features of one but with extra prime features you won't find anywhere else. And for most loyal customers we've got the ultimate tier one prime plus it's got all the features of one and one prime but with that little extra kick to make you feel like the ultimate supporter. And one more thing we've got a snazzy web app located at one prime plus dot com we think you're going to love it. And that's the ad I have to say I never quite thought the people would submit something so official and and serious. It's great I love it I love it and if you if you want to know more about one prime plus just get a one prime plus dot com. It's a simple as that cue your Jason impersonation Andrew what does he say it's in a long game. Fantastic well that's antipodean views I've had fun Andrew although we have sorely missed. Our American partner in crime yes we have should we say anything American to finish. I think you and I both need to say three two one stop in American accents in unison. Oh okay that's good okay. Alright let's do it. Count us down to counting down. Okay so three two one three. Three. Two. Two. Two. One. One. We stuffed that up let's try to how do you do this across the continent all right let's go. It's zoom lag. Damn it. Three. Two. One. And stop. [Laughter] I didn't actually click stop. [Laughter]