[Music] What do they call Coke? The one with no sugar in America at the moment. Uh, the one with no sh- is that Diet Coke? No, the other one. Oh, uh, Coke Zero. Coke Zero? Is that the one? Is that it? Okay, okay. Because I don't know if you've noticed, Martin, they've gone through a bit of an issue with the old branding over here. It started off as- Yeah, they can't make up their minds. It started off as Coke Zero. It was Coke Zero, yep. And then it went to Coke No Sugar. And then I've just noticed the other day, they call it now Coke Zero Sugar. Yep. So they've had three cracks at this naming and nobody knows what it's called anymore. Do you know what I reckon it is? I reckon they started with Zero because they thought it was a cool brand name and it really took off. And I know for years, even after the No Sugar thing was a thing and they switched the brand name, people kept saying Zero because it stuck and it's a good name. But someone in some sort of marketing department or who ran a focus group, I reckon, went, "We need to push the No Sugar thing as a healthy alternative." And then they realized it was too munchy and everyone started saying or still said Zero. And so now they've tried to blend the two to keep the Zero that's worked, but they want to have the word Sugar to say that there's none in it. I still call it Zero. I call it Coke Zero. I'll just stick with that. I feel like they should just call it what it is, which is Coke Bull****. Like it's not Coke. It's my preferred Coke these days. I don't drink a lot of Coke, but if I get it, I'm like, "Why do I want all those extra kilojoules? I'll just get the Coke Zero." It tastes a little bit different, but you get used to it. Now, is that a Coke Zero or a Coke Zero Sugar? Well, Coke Zero Sugar by their nomenclature, I would just call it Coke Zero. But never diet Coke because that stuff's disgusting. Okay. Well, Andrew, I heard that you're a beach guy now. You're on the beach. Do you drink Coke Zero or Coke Zero Sugar or Coconut Sugar when you're on the beach? No, because it gets too gritty. Sand gets in it. You don't want that. But you are correct. I am a beach guy. After 46 years of living in one of the hottest cities in Australia, potentially the world, that edges a coast with beautiful, pristine beaches. Can we get a quick clarification on hottest city? Is that by temperature or are you saying that it is the best city in the world? Is that-- I just want to make sure. It could only be the former. That's what I'm thinking. Mere puffery, it was. Okay. Just trying to upsell the old city of Perth. Yeah, I see that. It does have lovely beaches. I like it a lot. Now, it's taken me 45, 46 years to realize that the beach is an option for me, but now I'm doing it, and it is amazing. But there's only one certain way that you can allow this to work. Okay. Now, you will see from me that I'm quite white. Yes. Which is not the Australian sort of skin tone. Normal Australians would go to the beach, and they'll sit on the beach for approximately four to five hours with virtually nothing on their body, and they'll just get a lovely tan. They'll enjoy every moment of it. No, this is not the way to enjoy the beach. You go to the beach. You wear a rashy, like UV-protective rashy, all over your body, board shorts. You are in the water. You get down to the beach. You walk through the sand. You get in the water, 20 minutes. Then you get out of the water. You walk off the beach. You get a little shower that's at the beach, and you wash the sand off your feet. You get in the car. You go home. If you do beach like that, it is sensational. For the rest of the day, you feel great, and it's a wonderful way to be. So Perth Beach is 20 minutes. I'm a beach guy now. I kind of feel like you just described not a beach guy. Yeah, it's like I'm trying to time the fun. 20 minutes, tops. Get out of the water. Is that a deliberate Barbie reference with the "I do beach" thing? It wasn't, but it could well be because I felt the Kennergy as I was speaking. Nice. Love it. So what happens if you exceed the 20-minute limit that you've prescribed? Lobster. You get sunburnt. You may get eaten by a shark. And you just don't like the beach anymore. You've just got to get out of there. It's a harsh mistress. Do you have a particular time of day that you should be attending the beach? Yes, I do. I do. It needs to be definitely before 10 a.m. for two factors. First of all, obviously, UV. That is true for UV. UV is going to be a rush. It'll just smash you any time after that. Unless you're in Victoria or Tasmania, in which case it doesn't really matter. Yes. So if you want to avoid UV extreme, it's got to be before 10. But if you're in Western Australia, anything after midday, 1 p.m., you are going to get blown off the beach by the sea breeze coming in. Really windy. And then you'll get sandblasted by the sand. So you've got to do it in the morning. Otherwise, you can do an evening swim. So you wait until the sea breeze goes down. And then it's almost like an evening night swim. That can be an option. Good thing about that is there's no UV. You may be able to extend until 30 minutes, but you then don't know what's in the water with you. You may get eaten by a shark. I have a concern about that particular recommendation of evening or night swimming. Are we assuming that there are no proper lifeguard or lifesaver patrols at that time? So are you encouraging people to go when they may not be supervised? Yes. Basically, I rarely go to a beach where there's lifesavers. What? There's like one. Really? Yeah, yeah. Is that why you haven't been a beach guy all this time? Because you've been almost killed in rip currents your entire life? That did happen once. Right. Now, there's a couple of beaches where there's lifesavers. But generally, those are the cool beaches. I prefer to go to the old person beaches. This is the first I've heard like an old person beach is the beach that isn't patrolled. Yeah, because old people are disposable. You lose an old person. It's just like whatever. God. They went long for this world anyway. I'm learning a lot here today. Jason, this does not align with my experience or my recommendation. I can tell you. So there's obviously a difference between east and west coast Australian beaches. I think that's been made clear here today. They don't call it the wild west for nothing. Seriously. Yeah. I love a beach. You got if you ever come to WA, come to the beach with me. We'll have a good 20 minutes. It'll be fun. I just love that if I described someone who loves the beach on card A and then on card B, I wrote your description of going to the beach. I would guess no one would actually say those two people are the same person. But I'm glad that it works out for you. I must apologize. Max now crying in the other room. So I have to go and take it. Handle that. Please carry on with the beach discussion. He's probably upset about the beach. Yeah. Well, bye bye. Bye bye Martin. Oh, Martin's gone. He's got, oh, the door is closed. That is quite the lights. Is that a light switch? That's a light switch. That's a shape actually. That's a really big light switch for one switch. This is dramatic camera work as well by center stage. Yeah. That was actually impressive. Do your light switches go horizontal? No, mine are like portrait like an iPhone. Vertical. Yeah. Okay. Still ridiculously big with a really small switch on them. That's standard. That looks like you would need like a SIM removal tool to like turn the light switch on. Whoa, he's back. Oh, hello. Oh, Max. He did sign language. Did a crying emoji. Pointed to child, did a crying emoji and then left. And now center stage is zooming back out. We're coming back out. We've got the iron, a little bit of the rug wall. Yep. Okay. Yep. Okay. Well, looks like there you go. Two men show. Two V two is what they call it. So I think we'll move out right along from, unless there's any other comprehensive beach discussion that needs to happen. Are we good on the beach? There's one thing I could say is people talk about Lungong having a good beach. Don't believe them. Good beaches are in Perth. Okay. That's what we figured. Oh, he's going to try and do the show with child. Oh, wow. Oh boy. Sorry. Now this is kind of like, I'm sorry. I have no idea what's been happening. All I will add very quickly is that it's a Christmas special. Yeah. I will say that I would call myself, even though I'm not someone who did like Australian nippers or a lot of surfing or anything, I grew up loving the beach. So I'd call myself a bit of a beach guy, but yeah, maybe you've moved on from the beach. I'm currently nursing a very sick and feverish Mac. So I reckon this might be the first time in our podcast history that we've had like this injection of like real life family interruption. So I don't even know if I can keep going. What do the listeners think of that? I've had Benji interrupt me before. I don't know if you remember the Be More Negative. Be more negative. Yeah. I'd say go until you can't or you don't want to. Yeah. I think it's fine. It's all right. It's just funny. 101, it's like, this is a brave new world. It's Christmas holidays. What's going on? We've got a sick child here. It's all good. He's looking a little spaced out. Yeah. Hey Mac, do you want to say something to Andrew and Jason and all the listeners? No. Be more negative. I love it. Be more negative. Love it. That is great. What is with the children over there? Just... Before we move on from beach, Martin, just one question for you. Yeah. What would you say would be sort of the best beach? Oh, look, if we're talking Illawarra or like where I'm from, we've got 17 to choose from in Wollongong and I would say Port Kembla Beach kills it. There are lots of other places, beautiful ones, but the swimming pool next door, beautiful kind of headland, just wraps around as far as the eye can see, you want Port Kembla. Told you, told you Wollongong Beach was good. Thought so. They're awesome. They took sand from that beach and put it in Hawaii. If you go to Hawaii, you're sitting on Australian sand from Port Kembla. I kid you not. At least that's what I've been told and everyone says just to build up Wollongong's cred. Yep. I have some gong sand in one of my bathrooms. So just for that beach vibe. So, yeah. Hey Mac, do you like the sand and water? Do you like the beach? Yeah. What do you do there? Yeah. What do you reckon? Yeah. Yeah? Yeah, you are sick, aren't you? Rocks. Rocks? What do you do with the rocks? Do you go swimming? Yeah. Do you throw the rocks? Yeah. Did you eat seaweed once at the beach recently? Yeah. Was it nice? Yeah. You seem to enjoy it. I don't think that's what the Japanese actually do. It's normally prepared and cleaned. It's quite, depends on where you go. All right. Well, look, this has been great. Do you guys reckon you could continue the show in my absence? Yeah. At least for a bit. You can stay here. You can come, you can go. We don't care. Do whatever you want. Yeah. This is a brave new world, like I said. Just to be clear though, we're not paying him. Just. Oh, no, no. Yeah. We don't even do sponsorships. There's no money coming in other than One Prime Plus, which goes straight back into great quality products and services for the members, might I say. Mac will get a guest appearance though now. He will get a little head shot. Well, it will be contingent on parental approval. Well, yes, of course. Yes. He's allowed. Due to age restriction. Yeah. Well, fortunately I'm one of his parents. So that actually makes the consent gathering process a little bit easier, doesn't it? It's slightly less paperwork. It's still paperwork, but slightly less. So. Yeah. Good point. All right. Well, I may be back. I may be not. Have fun. All right. Enjoy. Have a great whatever you're doing. Let's talk One Prime Plus. Yeah. I think we can talk One Prime Plus. There's been a bit going on there. It's been big recently. We've had a couple of windfall events. Is that even close to how you describe these things? I don't know. But we've had a couple of things going on recently that have brought more listeners, more One Prime Plus people, more people just in general, knowing about the podcast, which has been awesome. So with an influx of people comes an influx of One Prime Plus dot com members. And usually I will say we have, I don't know, one, maybe two in any given episode that we want to shout out. That's right. But, you know, that's like, that's fine. But like, what if it were, I don't know, four? Four. Four people. That's a lot. That's double the norm. And I want to quickly just call them. So there are notes here about each of them. I want to just go ahead and call them out first. Before you give the kind of subtext to each one. Only because we're pretty sure they're going to leave after the subtext. So I just want to make sure they get the welcome before they leave. I have a knack of doing that. I try and be nice and funny and make them feel special. But often I cause offense. Yeah. So I'm going to go ahead and thank them and then they'll feel good. It will feel good. Then you can come in after that. And then if they come or go, you know, 50/50. Does that seem fair? So oneprimeplus.com for the month of December 2023, the final month of the year. Sean M. Thank you so much. Also Casey M. Thank you so much. Double M. Crazy. You wouldn't think there'd be any more than two. Wrong. There's three. Now I'm going to probably butcher this name. Can correct. What do you think? I'm going to let you. You volunteered. This is going to go with Moritz M. Another M. So many M's. A lot of M's. And then out of left field, Joshua B. He said, you know what? I was Joshua M. No longer changing it to be Joshua B. So Sean, Casey, what did I say? Moritz? Hopefully that's correct. Maybe he's already left by now. We don't know. And Joshua, thank you for being OnePrimePlus members. If you haven't already, some of you have, send us your address, mailing address that is for stickers if you want them. If you don't, that's fine too. But jump in, get that, get past episodes, past newsletters, past everything. You get literally everything when you join. So thank you so much. Yeah. And also, screw you 1970s band, Boney M. This was the perfect chance for you to sign up. Do you think they took it? No, they didn't. No. Maybe next month. Let's hope so. But yeah, so just quickly on these new OnePrimePlus members. When I saw Sean M, there was only one Sean M that popped into my mind. Jason Burke. I'm sure you know who that was. I have no idea. I probably know who I'm thinking of, but I'm just going to hit you with something, a little bit of a hint. Let's see if I can do this. Okay. It's unaccompanied. This is acapella, so I may not get it quite right. Okay. I make them hearts. I make them shiver. Their knees get weak whenever I'm around. I'm just a sexy boy. Sexy boy. I'm not your boy toy. Boy toy. Sean Michaels, WWE wrestling superstar. Thank you for joining the show and him for OnePrimePlus. His entrance music, whenever Sean Michaels arrives, his entrance music also plays. Sexy boy. Yeah. And this is why I wanted to pre-think them before. You understand. I do. Now, Casey, Casey M. I got nothing. So that was a little bit harsh because I was like, I was thinking, what's Casey M? So I was hoping one of you would help me out. And now you're not because you don't want to cause offense. Right. Martin's not here. Right. So Casey M, sorry. Even when not causing offense, offense has been caught. Thank you, Sean M. It was nice having you for a week. Thank you, Casey M. It was also nice having you for a week. And then we have Moritz. Okay. I also noted that the M's, the M's surname was an interesting thing. This guy, this guy, if it's the guy I'm thinking of, the little bit of information I have on him, he is like the most intelligent person we have in OnePrimePlus. No offense to any of those other intelligent OnePrimePlus members. You managed to not offend him while offending literally everyone else. So good job. There's no such thing as a zero sum game. So yeah, it's really, really cool that we've got somebody who's so renowned in the scientific field as Moritz. And I like the fact he's from the Southern Hemisphere. That's good. I like it. I like it a lot. I do think we are weighted towards Northern at this point, I will say. I think we're definitely skewed towards Northern Hemisphere. Yeah, well, you've got all the land mass. We need to run a marketing campaign for dolphins. When we set this whole thing up, you knew the lay of the land. You knew the board, you know, the game that was at hand and you joined anyway. I know. Didn't think it through. Yeah. We need to hurriedly populate Antarctica. And then we finally got, now this is, we've got Joshua B. I was a bit disappointed that wasn't the Joshua Tree. You see what I did there? I'm very aware, yes. Now can we just reach up and put our fingers together, please? Wait. Tim Cook, Bono style. You're on the other side of the screen. Oh, I'm on the, oh boy. Is it like that for you? There we go. Screen capture, screen capture. This is for Joshua Tree, Joshua B. You have to screen capture because it doesn't work for me. We're going the same way. I'm command shift four. Hang on. Command shift three. Just grab the whole screen and cut it out later. Oh, command shift three. Okay. All right. I now have command shift four, so it's like locked in. Oh, geez. Hang on. I'm going to do it. Hang on. I've got to activate. Oh, no. I've gone into expose mode. Hang on. Command. Okay. Fingers together. Command shift three. Oh. Do you get it? I get it. Wow. That was like so good. Wow. Well, thank you, Joshua Tree. Thank you. Joshua Tree. Not Joshua M. Not Joshua B. Joshua Tree. There it is. KCM, we love you. And I swear, I swear I'll come. Something's going to pop into my head. KC, KCM. Yeah. He, I guarantee he will come up with something that will make you want to leave. Don't worry. My mind is spinning right now. Any day now. Do you know what you do in this moment when you can't think of something? Next topic. You got KC. No, you go, KC, sir. Sir. Whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see. KC Ross. Sir. Perfect. Couldn't, couldn't have done it better. I've done it better myself. One prime plus dot com. Next topic. We're talking a new software release. I believe we are. We're talking productivity. We're talking app corner. It could be. If you put the little logo in here, then it would be. Yeah. Okay. App corner. This is a monumental time. An app that has been in test flight for more than two years, I would hazard a guess, of which I was at one of the 10,000 test flight ease has now reached gold master. It's out there. I've bought it. You know what it is, don't you, Jason? You just know. I have a feeling. What's my beloved app that I would buy? Just I would test flight for two years and then buy. Office 365. No. Well, no. This is OmniFocus 4 from the Omni group. Oh, yes, of course. Like just an app that has been by my side through so long that I literally couldn't function in life without OmniFocus 4. I'm currently going through a monumental change of life. Huge project. How do you plan a project? Defer dates. Yes, that is a very important element of any well-functioning project is a deferred date or a start date. A date that you can say, I want to do this, but don't show me it until the date in which it's relevant. So many task managers, things get this wrong. No ability to set a start date. So you're looking at this task popping up in your screen all the time. You're like, yeah, great, I know it's due next month, but I can't start it until next week. Hide it from me. I don't care. Bring it up when I can do something about it. Until then, it's just frustrating mental clutter. OmniFocus gets this right with its deferred dates. Love it. Love it for that. But I also love it for everything else it brings to the table. I love it for its native Mac experience. This is no electron app. Are you sure? I am absolutely sure. Absolutely sure. There is not a smidgen of Chrome hiding in this app package. It is Mac native. Do you know how Mac native it is? How Mac native is it? It is so Mac. It is Mac native. It is iOS native. It is iPad OS native. It is watch OS native. The day it becomes TV OS native. Whoa, can you imagine? It's like your own personal status board. Don't even tease me with that option. I would love that. Because it's so native because it is now all written in the one universal code base. And this is why it was in test flight for so long. It's all been written in Swift UI. A programming language, it's probably fair to say, isn't ready to support an app of this complexity. And that's why there are still a few bugs in the old OmniFocus 4 and a few little bit weird bits. But I'm sure they'll get there. It wouldn't be software if there weren't bugs. It wouldn't be. No software is perfect. So OmniFocus 4, if you've ever used OmniFocus 3 or even 2, OmniFocus 4 will feel familiar. They haven't sort of changed the model. They haven't blown it up and started again. It's almost like you would say it's a rewrite of what they had before, which is probably unfair for me to say that. But there's not a lot that has really jumped out as changing. It's not like you need to relearn it. If you've been using it forever, it's just a better implementation of what you've had before. Yeah. And I'm looking forward to, I feel like this is kind of like just they've, right, we're now on a new era of development. They've got the SwiftUI framework in place and now hopefully, I hope I have no inner birdies whispering in my ear, but I would hope that they're now going to iterate and start to build some of the things that would be lovely. So that my major criticism of OmniFocus, and this remains a criticism of OmniFocus 4, is the lack of natural language input. Interesting. I would have thought that it had that by just being a Mac app or something. I don't know. I know. But you can get, you can do dates. You can say like in date fields, you can say like next Monday or Tuesday week or something like that. You can put those sorts of things in, but you can't just, but that's still inside the date field. What I would like to do is bring up one of those sort of quick launch bar style character areas and just say, buy groceries next Monday 4pm and have it, just figure it out. And it still doesn't do that. And that's annoying. And I think that they're well behind table stakes in that one. But for everything else, this app, it just makes everything work in my life. It makes my personal life work. It makes my work life work. I endorse it wholeheartedly. And it wasn't even that expensive because I'd bought a, I was the previous owner of the Pro product before OmniFocus 3 Pro. I upgraded to 4 Pro and I think it only cost me like 50 US bucks or something, which worked out to like ridiculously $112 Australian. So $112 a week for the first week. Yes. Although because this is not hardware, I'm not tracking it. This doesn't even go, Oh, Oh wow. Did we know that? Did we know we don't track software? Is that? I don't know. We only track, yeah. We've always only ever tracked hardware. Oh wow. I don't know if we, bombshell. That might be, wow. End your year on that, on that note. Oh my goodness. It's probably a good point though. Maybe I, nah, I'm just going to write off software. Who can be bothered? But you know what, you know what OmniFocus brings me? What? It brings me a daily dose of joy. That's good. I think I'm probably the only person in the world who gets excited and like loads their task manager. Most people load Instagram when they're just a bit bored. I load OmniFocus. Take that for what you will, but I love it. Congratulations to Omni group for releasing OmniFocus 4. I know you don't use it, so you have no, you probably don't have any questions or comments. I do not. No. I'm sure Mr. Default Martin would have none because he uses reminders. I don't think he even uses reminders. How does he manage in life? He keeps it in his head somehow because he's still has a working brain, I guess. I don't know. Okay. Well, let me ask you this as if you're still on things, right? No, I've been using reminders for quite some time. Okay. So you're total reminders. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Is that, do you feel like it's given you enough? Yeah. I absolutely love it. It's been really great. I don't have any real, no, it's been great. What would it take for me to get you into this copy of OmniFocus 3 Pro today, Jason? I don't do enough. I said three. I meant four. OmniFocus 4. Four. I assumed you meant four. I was hoping you weren't trying to get me into like a used model. I've got my own copy. I've got my own license. What's it going to take to get you into this very clean, low mileage copy of OmniFocus 3? Hey, I can throw in some custom icons. I just like that. Do the floor mats come with it? Because if they don't, then... Perspectives already set up. Okay. Perfect. Custom icons and everything. It's got an air freshener built right in. No, I just don't do enough things in my own personal system. I need things when they're with other people, I need them to be in places where other people can get to them. Does that make sense? Yeah, it does. You're a shared guy. Yeah, for me, when I'm doing kind of shared projecty kind of stuff, it just doesn't make sense for me to have it in another system, which is kind of why I went back to reminders to begin with. Reminders, I do keep work stuff in there, but it's for me. It's like my stuff versus stuff that I need from other people. So I'm just not in an environment where it makes sense to do something like that. Does OmniFocus do shared stuff at all? I'm not even sure. No, no. It was something I talked about probably a decade ago, and it never really came to fruition. And to be honest, I'm actually glad that it doesn't, because whenever I've tried to use collaborative task management stuff, other people, they f*ck it up anyway. Can I say that? They do. Yeah, it's super difficult because A, you have to say, "You now must use my thing," which I think it's pretty obvious by now. Notes apps, reminders apps, those kinds of apps, there's a shitload of them because there's a lot of different ways people work or think about things. So for you, OmniFocus works for your brain. For me, reminders is working for me right now. And for me to say, "No, you all must use my thing now," that never works. And then now they're coming into it with being forced to use it, and they're not going to use it right, to your point. From your perspective, they're using it wrong. So now you're not only managing your stuff, you're sub-managing their stuff that they're doing "incorrectly." Yeah, exactly. You become the well-actually guy. You're like, "Well, actually, write report is not actually a task, it is the project itself. There are a number of subtasks within write report. So if you'd please clean up the OmniFocus database, that would be very appreciated." You never want to be that guy. No. And then they're just like, "Screw you. How about if I just do none of this?" And you're like, "Now we're back to square one, and I'm on my own again anyway." It is very much a personal task manager. And I think long may it stay that way. I'm not keen for the collaborative features. The closest I would want for collaboration is like, let me link it to an address card contact easily. Say, we have the contexts or the tags, if you wish. If I can say Jason Burke, and it just was kind of neatly linked to a contact card, which you can do through URL linking and stuff anyway. But that would be as much as I'd want. I use the reminders. We have a shared reminders for this show that I put in the things for each week. And it's more about organizational than anything. It's just like, I assign edit to Andrew this week, because it's his week to edit. Yeah. I still do all of the management of the reminders. I tick off the edit when it's my turn. I get quite a bit of joy on that one. Okay, good. I'm happy to hear that. But like, I'm doing it for me mostly at the end of the day. So it's like, again, it's collaborative, but still mostly for me. So yeah. All right. Well, I'm glad four came out now, because I know it's been like a long time. Oh, man, the test file was ridiculous. But it's come. You might look at it and think, "Oh, this is still buggy." But, "Phew, you should have seen test flights early on." Man, it's come a long way. It's hard to do a rebuild like that, because it's like everybody, it takes a long time to rebuild something under a new code base. And then you spend most of the time just getting back to where you were. And then everybody's like, "Why did it take so long? Nothing's different." It's like, well, yeah, visually, it's not. But the core stuff is like, completely gutted. It would be like going in and changing out all of the plumbing in your home without ripping out the walls or anything. You just come in and it's like, "All the plumbing is different." And you're like, "The house looks the same." It's like, "Yeah, but now the plumbing is not like lead." Yeah. It's now... It's a hard thing for people that aren't in the software kind of space to understand what's going on there. Yeah. Great job on them getting that done. And this is not an ad. This is not a paid promotion. No, no. I paid for this software. So, geez. Yeah. $148 Australian or something. It's just something I love. Something that's been a part of me for a long time. And I literally don't... If this software went away, I would be bereft. I don't know how I would actually function in my life. It's that important to me. It's in my head. So, thank you, Omni Group, for indoctrinating me so deeply in your software. There you go. Go get it if that's your thing. OmniFocus 4, available now. This episode comes out next week on the 28th of December. The very next day is the end of year blowout spectacular. 29th to 30th, my time. 24 hours. I don't even know what's going to be happening during those 24 hours, but we're going to be available 24 hours straight doing games, activities, all manners of things. So, join our Discord, if you haven't already, for the 24 hours of fun. Are we going to have cat cam at like 3am when we're all in bed and it's just... I will be up for 24 hours straight on this live event doing something for 24 hours. This is like when that guy... Remember years ago when that guy stuck a webcam to his head and went through life? Oh, a little Justin.tv, you mean? That's the one. It's basically that, but much higher quality video content. So who's invited? Everyone or just 1 Prime Plusians? Everyone. Wow. Get in the Discord. The information will be in Discord. That is where you're going to find it. It's going to be going for 24 hours. You can come for 24 minutes. You can come for 24 hours. You can come for 24 seconds. It doesn't really matter. The point is... Should I come? Yeah, you should. That would be great, actually, if it were more than just me. I'd be much appreciated. But yeah, I don't know what it is. We've never done it before, but we're going to see what happens. It's called 24 Hours of Something. That's the title. Catchy. So come on by. Do you reckon Martin will turn up? I reckon he's iron. His iron is definitely going to turn up. That's my hope. I'm hoping he just turns this view on that we're seeing right now. And so I can share that back in to the call and that will be it. That might be like 10 minutes of it. It's just looking at Martin's iron. That's basically an iMac iron, isn't it? Pretty much. Yeah. It's like dark Bondi blue is what I would call that. Yeah. Maybe Martin will actually iron while he is in on the show. We don't... Again, 24 Hours of Something could be anything. You'd be crazy to miss it. You would be insane. You would have to be actually insane to miss this great opportunity. So yeah, check it out. The rumors about our sticker shop being out of stock are grossly exaggerated. We do in fact have stock, albeit limited, available for one for Hemispheric View stickers. So I have it on good authority. We still have a couple of the $10,000 stickers in stock, ready to go. We do. They're... Yeah, they will go out same day. Like, yeah, we'll pull out all the stops to get those to you. So $10,000. Yeah. If you want to grab a $10,000 sticker, I will next day air that thing to you in a heartbeat. And you know what? Don't get one for just yourself. That would be rude. No. Get one for your partner, your significant other. You don't want to be that person that's like, "Oh, look what I got that you didn't get." Like, come on, let's be charitable here. It's the end of the year, holiday time. Get one for everyone. Yeah. It's the right thing to do. One more other thing. Is there anything in macOS, iOS news that we should be telling the people about, considering we are somewhat of a technology podcast? Yeah. And I mean, usually when you hear about news, it's generally from us, like, first. You know, that's kind of where the blogosphere gets its scoops from. Like, there is that one other issue. What's that? Like, I can buy an Apple Watch and you can't. Oh, you can actually get them still? Yeah. That's only in America, that little patent issue, apparently. But I'm not allowed to buy one and send it to you. I think then that's breaking some kind of rule. Yeah. I think so. The treaty or whatever. So all the blogs and the serious tech podcasts have covered this, you know, patent issues and all that. I'm just going to ask, is there any coincidence that all this is blown up when they changed the buttons? You think there's a button issue? Yeah, I think it's actually a button issue. And I think Joe Biden, he probably would have done his presidential decree, except he tried to use his own Apple Watch, kept pushing the wrong button and was like, screw these guys. Yeah. You think this is kind of a collective movement against the buttons? Is that what you're saying? Yeah. It's certainly a view, I will say. That is a view one could have. Yeah. It's weird. I think the whole thing is super weird. I'm amazed it got to this point. Honestly, I can't believe. I think Apple is too. Obviously if it were the phone, like, this never would have gotten anywhere near being like a ban situation. Not a chance. But even the watch, I thought was like, pretty huge in terms of just like overall. I feel like it probably, I have no idea. I don't follow any of this crap. But in terms of just revenue, I wouldn't actually be surprised if you told me like Apple Watch had more revenue than the Mac or like, you know, like some weird fact like that. It'd be like, that's a crazy thing to say. But it's like, I don't know. I mean, everybody, you see, I mean, everybody has one. Everybody has one. I don't know. I just assumed it was going to be one of those, like, I hate that I'm even saying this, but like too big to fail kind of things where it was just like, this is such a monumental thing. Something will be figured out. I don't know. I haven't done a ton of research into it. I don't want to say I don't care, but it's kind of like, there's enough other shit in the world that's like a problem that like an Apple Watch is kind of like low priority for me. Yeah. But we don't really know the whole story here and like how much of this is like weird patent troll stuff versus like, as usual, I don't feel like I have enough information or will ever have enough information to make a solid stance on it. But it's just one of those weird things where if you would have said, Hey, did you know they're going to, it's going to be like illegal to sell Apple Watches. I'd be like, what? That's insane. That doesn't make any sense. Here we are. If I wanted to go get an Apple Watch, Apple Watch Ultra 2 or I think 9, I think it's those two. Yeah. I literally can't. And that's just bizarre. It is weird. I still can't, it's hard to feel much like concern or worry for the trillion dollar company. Like no, they could always buy their way out of this problem if they choose to. They have all the cards and they're just electing how they wish to play those cards at the moment. So yeah, they'll make their own, they'll make their business decisions. Yeah. I feel like, I mean, obviously there was more people, hours and meetings involved in this than you can even like possibly conceive. And it had to have been like, if we just pay them off, that will open up the door for this forever. Yeah. I mean, if they just say screw it and then not sell watches for a month, I don't know, maybe that's better some, I don't know. It just, I'm sure that there are a lot of people, you know, heavily invested in Apple's revenue that I'm sure a few people probably took a look at this and figured out the right way to go. I doubt they're listening to Amistrad views to find out what do we do guys? I don't think so. If that's the case, oh man, they're in trouble. Yeah. Switch to another company immediately if that's what's going on. Yeah. But it's an interesting one right at Christmas that this has come up. And yeah, very weird. I mean, I would assume, and I have to imagine part of this was like getting it delayed enough to where they assumed most people would have already made their Christmas purchases prior to this. So it was like kind of again, like, well, nobody's buying watches on Christmas day to New Year's. So like, we'll use that two weeks as our statement. I don't know. I feel like there was a lot of chess going on here. I'm thinking 55 moves ahead, you know? Yeah. But still weird. Still weird either way. It's a very odd thing to think that I go to the apple.com right now and just can't buy one of the things. I don't think that's ever happened in my lifetime. Totally unavailable. Yeah. Not for you, though. You can get them all day long. It's totally fine. Yeah, sure. But I'm not going to until they fix that bloody button situation. Ah, the buttons. Damn it. They don't deserve my money. They buttoned themselves out of the situation anyway. Well, there you go. That's a tight 45. Last show of the year. All right. Well, I guess you just got to count us down. We're just going to have to leave Martin. Like he can't even push stop on his recorder. He can't even push stop. He's going to be so far off the mark. It's ridiculous. He was off in the beginning because we had to do a double start. And now he's going to be like hours off. You're going to have a 65 gigabyte audio file. Yeah. We should just tell him right now how much like we should just abuse him. You suck, Martin. No, we love you. Right? Yeah. We love Martin. Even though he's from the gong. Yeah. Well, this is Jason and Andrew signing off and Martin signing off sometime in the future. Who knows? Don't know. I guess that's it. Happy 2023 and we'll see you all in 2024. 24. Yeah. [music]