Happy birthday Martin. It was like a few weeks ago, but happy birthday. Anyway, thank you so much Best day of the year. It's yeah devoted to me in Australia. Same here in the United States. We celebrated it nationwide Actually, hmm. It's quite nice actually because of that time zone that difference I get to celebrate it the next day all over again It's like 48 hours of Martin all this beautiful American love comes in. Yeah, we we love you here Thank you people in Western Australia call me a foot but everyone else in the world celebrates me for who I am, you know Can't be loved by everyone our foot I am a foot so I'm a foot with two feet a foot with two feet Yep, two feet foot Excellent two feet felt is what they call him *Music* It's a terminology corner. Yeah, I don't really remember what that was for I'm really confused because there are no like emoji here anymore. Yeah No, and it doesn't matter but I'm like, I don't know who put this in here and then both of you seem to forget all The time so who's running this? What is nobody? I know it's got nobody's running this really Terminology corner. I think I put that in there, but I don't actually remember what it was for now It might be about guess what you meant. It was about the terminal. Mmm, I doubt it No, do you think it was like Vim you think I was talking about Vim was this like an emacs thing You're talking about what color scheme do you use in the terminal? I don't think that's what it was Okay, I think it's what Andrew wants it to be. I think so Well, maybe we'll have to put a pin in that and come on you. We might need to pin that one Yeah, that might pin. Let's pin that and while we're here Andrew what color are using in the terminal homebrew? Hmm. All right, Jason. I mean Dracula for literally everything in my life and I just don't touch it. So there you go There it is We're not touch terminal what color does Martin use in terminal it's called finder I don't need it when you what if you want to Use homebrew. He doesn't I don't don't you want to don't want to feel like a hacker? No, he doesn't don't you choose like don't you like look at your different monospaced fonts and try and choose the best one? But isn't that what font books for? Yeah, but the new ones come out all the time Like I installed one yesterday. I'm on a space font. So you put it in the font book and that's it I mean, I don't understand what's the point of all the extra stuff? But then you can choose it in the terminal But why would you do that to make it look pretty when Martin wants to feel like a hacker? He puts on his neo glasses his full-length trench coat and then slowly does the backwards like Movement being shot at that's what anything is you're joking, but it's true That's that's his routine. That's what he does. Mac is so brainwashed now that he actually says dad. I want bullet time. Mm-hmm Wow, yeah the other day I had a clip on and he was like wear a Morpheus's sunglasses He knows that the sunglasses is supposed to be on but he wasn't wearing so You're not far off So, yeah, let's put a pin in that first time because we don't know what it's about So that's good great off to a stellar start in 104. Hmm So follow-up will be once we know what on earth that was or we'll just delete it either way We'll see episode 104 and we don't know what our topics are. Don't know Oh Default lists are still happening. I just wanted to bring that as an awareness to everyone that it's been Hmm, I don't know eight months since that happened if you like and people are still submitting Default lists so that's still happening from episode 97, which we are now 104. So do the math on that how many weeks that's been And somebody he submitted one via a Apple music Play list The most shit I've ever seen in my life I would not have expected there to be enough song titles to work for that But holy shit, they did it. It's it's glorious. So yeah, what was the terminal and Safari and and there was like Oh my clouds like eyee cloud or something like it was just it was legendary So there you go. I will pop it in the night so people can listen I don't yeah, definitely. I don't know how the hell Rob is gonna add a Apple music playlist to to his little Collection, but that's sort of his problem to work out. But yeah, he signed up for this So he did he's yeah, he's here for the journey But my recommendation would be bit like how myspace pages used to be. I think you should somehow embed The playlist but then have it autoplay. Hmm when you arrive on that website. Oh, everybody loves autoplay That's like yeah, that's right. Definitely. Okay maximum volume Even if you didn't have it like it should override somehow your computer absolutely override any default that you have set Yeah, and and whatever is the most thrash metalist song in the list should be first should be first. Yeah. I love that idea Thanks Rob for getting on to that. Thanks Rob between all his various projects. I'm sure he knows where we stand in the priority list And where would that be Martin in the priority list? Oh just the top and as ambassador in the UK He makes sure that we are at the top of all political and social discussions So yeah, and that's that's the ruminate podcast if anyone's curious where to find that I haven't heard one of his um Fast and furious podcasts for a while. Oh, what's going on there any day now? I mean, he's a busy man and he has a kid now any day now It's got to be just right around the right around the bend I think you need to be asking the more important question where the hell is fast and furious 11 and 12 and 13 and 14 Which should have all been Released at the same time with several spin-offs with extra actors like Jason Statham who we didn't really care for Yeah, we were promised monthly releases of that franchise and we have not gotten it So have I actually completely offended the whole fandom by saying that no one cares about Jason's day because to me I just think that's ridiculous. But like is he actually valued? Values he's an he's a national treasure. Really? He's the beekeeper. Whoops Who weird is this weird camera corner I think so and weird camera corner I know who's this is because I heard someone got a weird new camera Well, I was actually gonna talk about a different weird camera. How many weird cameras are there? You got another one? What the heck? What is that? Oh my god, this one, okay This is a little silver looking it kind of looks like okay for people check it in the show notes or the album artwork or whatever, but this is like some sort of tiny looking old Projector thing crossed with a dental instrument crossed with something from Spy Kids or James Bond or something I have no idea what the front the back the top and the bottom is that's exactly it This is so I'll do two. I'll go quickly This is this I think I believe it's pronounced Steki STE K why? Model New Zealand for sticky model. Yes, exactly Model 3s it is a spy camera from post-world war 2 Japan So it is a spy camera was right of it. It is that kind of espionage thing. It literally is a spy camera Yeah, that's a legitimate one. It's not a not a remake of a no. This is the actual the actual one It's so cool. It's So you could James Bond it This is this is that yeah When you'd see like in James Bond where they'd like go like take pictures of the the microfilm or whatever the hell This is what they would use and it's just like the coolest little thing. It's an F What is it f 2.5 lens? So pretty fast and yeah, it's just like really cool and it has like these little tiny I'll have to put all this in the show notes Obviously people can see it but it's got these little tiny film canisters that are just adorable. Does it work? It does. Yeah, I actually have I have four rolls of film that I was able to find for it And it it's a I believe it's 16 millimeter if I remember, right? So yeah, I need to take some photos with it, but I will put links in the show notes But it's a very cool just like little weird Thing if you're into like you need to take a photo of it of a document. That's it Yeah that's that's exactly what I imagine you break in you get into the vault you get the documents out and you're sitting there like Torching your mouth torch in your mouth. So you got the light Yeah, you gotta have the light cuz like it's a film camera, right? You're gonna have a lot of lights you're like in there and you're just doing the little thing and then you put it all back Super nice So nobody knows you were there and then you sneak out Go back into the little wetsuit on and get back in the water float away and nobody knows you want to see a remake Make that film, please Totally you gotta have you gotta make sure you have like the wire to choke someone coming out of your watch Can you do? Oh, yeah, you have to have the wire in the Apple watch for sure Cuz the one guy is gonna come and find you he oh he's you know He's the dumbest one of the of the evil villains But he hears a noise somehow and he comes looking and you're like, ah shit I gotta end this guy so I can get the last six pages of this this Document that I need to get so yeah, but no one ever thinks of the family of a henchman. That's the real shine No, well, it's okay. He was he Trust me. He didn't need to be around. He was not He wasn't doing anyone any good. That's a pretty weird camera The other I think fun fact about this thing is that when this was available to purchase it was $29.95 Wow, which I guess if you did, you know Inflation and whatever that's probably like $40,000 today, I would guess I don't know But yeah, just to think that you could buy a spy camera for $30 is pretty pretty fun So there you go. Well before you go into another weird camera, I just want to pull one Yeah, please isn't totally we pull it out, but I popped it in the discord recently People in their discord might have seen the wonderful gift that Natasha got me to resurrect my old game boy color Ice and that is the game boy camera and the best thing about getting an old game boy camera that you just slip in there And I've also got the printer and the link cable here. She's a prayer - Yeah, just a sec. I'll take the paper Wow, she got me rolls Love that little thermal printer. It's so cool So very cool and sorry for a little bumping noises from moving all this stuff on my desk apologies listeners. Sorry, you're editing That's true I am but the best thing other than the thoughtfulness of you know I've been given this gift is when you see the photos that were left on there from the people who used to use It's just it's like on the one hand things never change and it's kind of endearing because you know when you walk into any Apple store or any other electronic shop and you see kids or families who've gone up and done little selfies Yeah, and left it as the wallpaper. It's all that kind of really cheesy like there are photos of people I don't know who they are and it's definitely not stuff that's been preloaded on this device Like people have just been having like tween early noughties or nineties fun with this or something So it stores it on the cartridge itself? Yeah, it has like Storage on it. Yeah, and the other fun thing is when you discover what appears to be a photo of a picture of a woman's breasts on there, so it clearly like some ten-year-old right there's just gone like Just taking a photo left it on there knowing that you know, thirty something year old will be given this by his wife, so Great stuff Natasha, what kind of presents are you giving my goodness? I showed her and she cracked up It's like a photo of a photo. It's like yeah, so you've got like this pixelated Gameboy camera view Goodness knows who it is from some magazine years ago. It's just ridiculous. Great print that out and put that on the fridge for sure Yeah, I'll have to fire it up. So is that is that the point of the printer? What's the point of the printer does is it to link with games or is it to print your photos that you've taken like? Oh, you can print your photos Yeah, you can actually digitally connect this to a computer to take the files off like you would with a you know Normal digital camera or phone or something? But yes to print the photos directly from the game like you'd print it directly from the Gameboy via this like stupid link cable thing That's right. I've got it here It's basically like a well the one that I have is a green cable But it's like the link cables that you would use to also do like multiplayer stuff Yeah, unless you wanted to use like, you know, they had like the infrared I've got this one here and I'm showing you two But obviously this can see if they look at Apple find the show notes that little block there to line up used to do Pokemon Jewels and that sort of stuff. That was fun. Yeah, that camera is fantastic Well, I mean it's terrible but it's fantastic in how it was actually better than I thought it would be I was surprised I actually prefer the look of this to the things that my friends used to take in early high school like Motorola v3 Oh because at least when I take photos with this I think okay. This is a novelty. This is like a Gameboy camera Yeah, right. It's not supposed to be serious. Whereas it's like, ah the new v3 razor You can now take photos on your flip phone. I just remember seeing them thinking this is horrible This is the worst photos the razor For so bad. I think it was a truck. I'm not gonna look it up, but I want to say it was 0.2 megapixels if I remember right, it's not good and yeah, just bad It was funny because when I hear 0.2 megapixels should there shouldn't be a mega. Oh Mm-hmm. That's kind of be honest. What is it? What is it? Actually? It's it's 12 pixels. Let's be honest here. It's 12. There you go. Okay There's no mega involved lies. Yeah, it's like somebody being like I'm a 0.8 But actually I think that's gonna be my new my new Mastodon profile is gonna be 0.00000 millionaire crypto, baby. Yeah. Oh Man that's awesome. So are you gonna you're gonna then print those and scan those to glass Is that how that works or how does how do we how do we get your Gameboy? That's a good point because I was thinking about that because you know I've got a little nothing like what you have Jason or even other listeners or certainly people on glass But I've got this little collection here and it's like I only have so much time in the day or in the week and how the Hell do I kind of like coordinate and transfer all this stuff? So get it done. I'm gonna have to get it done I'm gonna have to yeah. All right. Thank you. That's an HR kind of Directive there if you want your next Bonus to be a 0.00000 Billionaire you're gonna need to get that done. You're done boy Yes, Jason next weird camera because I may have another next this is like weird camera corner. I love this. The next one is very weird, I think it is the Sigma FPL FP doesn't stand for anything L Doesn't stand for anything. So make up that way you will it is a tiny Tiny looks very boxy. It's it's yeah, it's like so obviously, you know, I'm showing you guys can describe as here It's very it's just a it's a it's a box It's a box camera. It's let's see. So it's it's a full frame 35 millimeter equivalent size frame 61 megapixel Tiny little camera. It's all I can say about it. It's just very weird and modular and It's all Sigma. I'm gonna Sigma lens attached to it. I have to say I don't even know you could be like a Sigma Person like three weeks ago and now I am a Sigma person and they have done an incredible job With the software and the hardware. This is all made in Japan. The hardware build quality is 11 out of 10. Hmm. The software is 9 out of 10 10 out of 10. It's just really good very high quality And I got a lens to go with it a 35 millimeter f/2 Sigma lens so my memory of Sigma was it was the lens you bought when you couldn't afford the proper Nikon lens They're like a third-party lens Maker for all of the brands Nikon Canon Leica all of them they make lenses for all of them, but they also kind of have their own Weird, here's my here's my my my guess. I don't know. I didn't do any research. My guess is they do the third-party lenses is like the bulk of their business is making these lenses for everybody else and They have some little R&D factory. That's like hey, let's make really weird cameras because like why not? They made what was it the DP 0 DP 1 DP 2 which I'll put a link to them or just look them up like there Bonkers looking cameras. They're very weird shaped and odd the one would like the hook design I'm not a hook, but it's like it's like a super flat chunky camera And then you have the grip is like a big weird hook thing off to the side And it's a fixed lens and then there's the wide-angle version the standard version of the telephoto version all fixed lens So you can't swap them at all and then they made the I think it was the SP if I remember right Which was also just weird Strange shape so they're doing like let's do something That's not what everyone else is doing and I think the FP was another version of that where the FP came out Mainly for people doing video. It was like here's your little camera brain that you can build all your video crap around and Make this big cinema camera out of it or have it be super ultra portable and put it on a drone that was kind of that one and then the FPL came out as a Now still photographers can use this too Because it's got you know hybrid autofocus now, whereas it didn't previously a bunch of stuff. That's more like Still photographer stuff and yeah, it was just like I want something weird and this fit the bill It's very strange and very awkward and like it has all these like modular accessories. So if you want like a Electronic viewfinder like that can strap on to the side If you want to add on like a hot shoe that can go on the other side and there's mount points all over it It's very weird. So that's why I got it because it was weird and Yeah, you know what? I love about this Even though I'm not the one using it since I've become more of like an OM system formerly Olympus fan, right It's been interesting to see a lot of people in that fandom as like micro four-thirds Senses have been kind of on the decline in sales generally like a lot of the you know Other cameras in general as a mark and you kind of see them switching to nature and wildlife as a focus or as a niche Targeting strategy and I read this recently in the one prime plus members newsletter hemispheric News or hemis? Hemis felled Canyon fell dick. Is that what I was? That was the last version was hemispheric when I wrote it fell the canyon. Ah, see I'm confused but the last hemispheric news I wrote about this and I like the fact that Camera brands might go a little bit more niche in their targeting because and a lot of fans like oh you should be doing like Stream general and everything. Yeah, that's what iPhones and Android phones have become right? That is the camera for everyone, right? and yes, you've got the Nikons and the cannons and the Sony's who cater to most people in that kind of professional market or enthusiasts But like you look at the Sigma thing like I said about the OM system stuff Sigma obviously realizes there are people who want cool Different things right the person who buys this is not going to be the general I just want a camera in my phone to take family shots and stuff I think it's cool when camera makers do this weird stuff in order to appeal to Nerds because that's where they're gonna continue to make money. I think if they try to appeal to everyone they're gonna go Well, why would I want that when I can just carry my phone and what I like about your camera Jason, obviously So it's small as a full-frame camera because you have the option of that modularity Am I right like you don't have to have the EVF and yeah that whole like I think I saw a photo that you sent Just separately about like the HDMI connectors and stuff So you can take all that stuff away if you just want that light street camera Is that the idea exactly like this is literally all I have to carry and I have yeah A 61 megapixel full-frame camera like it. It's wild. It's just so small. Yeah, it's fantastic I can then build crap around it if I need it for Different stuff. Yeah, so it seems like weird cameras should be celebrated or if brands go more targeted or niche That's a good idea because that's how they're gonna survive if you find those unique cases that phones aren't gonna come I think so. Yeah, I'm I had no idea they were making I only recently discovered that Sigma had been making these like weird crazy Bodies I had initially been looking at one of those like like we were just talking about the weird like hook I don't hook is the best way to describe it. It's a very weird shape, but I was actually looking at one of those first but it was kind of like I fell back into the like the the q2 was a fixed lens and I just really would prefer to have the flexibility of having other lenses if I want to And so that's how I then initially found the FP and then it was like well That's kind of trash for still photographers and it was like well, I don't I'm not a video guy And then I found the FPL after that. It was like, okay, that one's more for it's still like probably not if you're gonna ask like a Photographer like an actual photographer like would they want this is their Single camera. I imagine nobody would say yes, but that's the beauty of it. Like I'm not that person I'm just kind of out doing weird crap so I'm happy to either be held back or have to work around weird constraints because of What it is so given that you swapped from like Sony and Leica to Fuji, but now you've got this Where does this fit in alongside the Fuji? Well the problem that I love the Fuji the problems that my Fuji is is broken and that is actually why I started looking at anything to begin with because if my Fuji just worked then I would have just kept using that but something's wrong with it and It's out of any kind of warranty and I just I don't know what it's gonna Cost to fix or if anybody even would fix it for a reasonable price. So Yeah, I I was having issues with it. I swapped out batteries That I thought fixed it, but it's still doing some weird It's doing a weird thing where the shutter just doesn't work sometimes Which for a camera is kind of a problem If you're trying to take a photo and the shutter doesn't release that defeats the purpose of it being a camera So and this new camera is electronic shutter only right? There's no mechanical one. It's only electronic shutter. Yeah, which is also kind That's a whole different weird thing of it be it's it's kind of like going from gas car to electric car is kind of the first thing I thought of where you have all these noises and kind of physical feedback from a gas car that just don't exist when you go to an electric car and that's kind of what this feels like because you're like press the button and It happened But there was no there was no physical Feel because you can always feel the shutter no matter what like there's always that little bit of feeling With an electron or with a mechanical shutter and there's the noise which you hear which every camera that alone I think draws people to different camera brands of the shutter sound like that is a That is a trigger in your brain where you when you hear that sound it feels good or bad I think it's like Mac system sounds or the sounds of a clicky cable. Yeah, it absolutely there's that little bit of What's the good? Dicts the optic. Ah, is it serotonin? Like the good just that little bit of like brain chemical you get when you hear dopamine Open me. Yeah where you hear that certain little sound like there for me. It was always like Nikon shutter Sounded better to me than a Canon shutter, which sounds insane and stupid But just hearing that sound made me feel like yes, I got that picture that I wanted It's like the repulsion that you feel when you hear the Windows startup sound like XP versus an old. Yeah, no, that's that is not wrong Windows people all the time. So sorry, I'm not buying a weird camera because I canceled my flickr account after Hmm joined December 2005 cancelled February 2024 Wow, so are you just on the free account then? I've got like a month to go or whatever So I've not I've said it's a not renew. So I guess I'll go back to free I don't know if that delete means suddenly everything is deleted. I have no idea I don't remember what free free flickr I think just means a limit on Total photos if I remember right is that I feel like that's it like you could you can have like a is it? Yeah, I don't know but there's I don't know what does we fall over the amount that I'm meant to have Did you download them all? Yes, did you? Okay. Yes, so, uh, but yeah, just not using it and it's like what's the point? What's the point? Yeah, it's dumb. You gave it the flickr. I did I did I Just have a quick question for you both Yeah to Xbox controllers Ever actually work for any length of time Every day all day for me I think so unless they're guitar hero shaped then they break within the first three minutes I had one that just it Button ended up the I had controller drift that just got ridiculous and basically it was just stuck always trying to push up Right, and I took it apart and I air canned it and I did all the stuff and I used alcohol and all that Dead so I turfed it, right Alcohol is not the answer Andrew. You shouldn't use alcohol I bought my kid a controller for Christmas and he used it for a couple of weeks and Then the little one of the little buttons on the front one of the buttons he hardly uses like I think it's the screen grab button or one of the two little squares that was just basically it was registering as being on all the time and You know same stuff poked around with it. I was like no, this is stuffed Done all the software updates to it and everything. So I sent that back to Amazon They sent me a replacement next day replacement really great. I pulled that one out mint out a box and Plug it in try and use it and I can't I moved down on the pad to scroll through the interface And it just it moved down one row and then just like to do to do to goes back and forth It's really weird. Try and get into the joystick settings area Which was not easy because I couldn't control it So I'd use a different joystick To get to that and then switch the controller and I noticed all the little sensitivities were really off and I couldn't really get it to go to the little experiment area of the joystick finally got there and it was reporting that the LB button was permanently squished permanently activated But not only was the LB button every other button on this thing just didn't seem to be responding properly at all I'm like, that's the replacement of the replacement broken out a box So I try and get a replacement of that one and Amazon are like no too hard. We'll give you your money back But we can't replace it. I think I think I think I'm some got some sort of Weird scam system going on with Xbox controllers. So I don't know. I don't know what's going on is If I just hit a batch of lemons I'm Microsoft not paying the Xbox factory workers very well, and they're just not doing a good job What's going on? And I'm so into the third party sort of what else who else makes the Xbox controllers doesn't seem like as much out there so I feel like I either buy the one again and hope I Go and buy the super expensive one. That's like three times as much from Microsoft They're like pro version. It's about that one way you pull the pieces apart and it's all kind of modular and you just know You're gonna break it. Oh the elite. Yeah, that's the elite one. So we do I don't really want to do that That's one normal controller that a kid can play can kid can use and so I just wonder what's happening with Xbox controllers Why do I keep getting duds? Are you watching anyone actually play with these because I have concerns that this is a user error each situation I appreciate what you're saying there Jason and I told the kids be very gentle with these controllers The fact that the first one the button that broke was not one that you would regularly use That's that's a point point to them. Okay fair. And then the second one I took it out of the box They didn't even touch it because I was setting it up for them Okay, and so it was it had never been used as far as I know. Okay, so no I don't think we can blame user error. I think it's I don't know. It's a green one Electric vault maybe buy one, you know directly from from the source Yeah, be my my I would check the logo and just make sure you're not using a box controller Yeah, I mean like you've got some sort of a white box Like you've just been going down the completely incorrect rabbit hole go down to JB. Hi-fi get yourself a Sweet sweet. Yeah, you know red or blue or whatever color you want Get yourself a controller This is for the series X series X. What do we series X? Yeah, go get one of those. It's gonna be fine I think ultimately it comes down to Microsoft's lean manufacturing process needs a bit of work Andrew I reckon you should go online to the Xbox design lab and customize the Wildcats colors That sounds expensive. No, they're the same price. It's the same. You can customize it entirely. Haven't you seen it? It's the same price to customize one as to just buy one Flat out new it's amazing. Yeah. Yeah, you can customize all the colors of different components to match your you know Well, it could be your country the hemisphere reviews controller. Oh, I've already done it. It's glorious I'll send it to me. Your kids are gonna love it. It's so good. Yeah, and they're they're the same price It it cause it work in Australia. Well, I mean who knows if that's the thing Wow, is anything I don't know probably oh, here we go. It says all states of Australia excluding Western Australia Except WA. Yeah, probably not. Oh, you know what I'm doing for the rest of the afternoon Yeah, designing a sweet sweet controller yellow. Okay. Yeah problem solved. That was good I love when we just solve things some are you doing it? We could have had an actual in-person meeting about this We could have reported on it in a magazine Months later, but we just handled it right with the hemisphere reviews would it be yellow? Yellow as the front and blue at the back or it'd be blue Jason would say that it's orange not yellow. I Check the hex code there They've only got a certain number of options, yeah, it is limit it's a little bit limited but the fact that it's free is pretty sweet Considering like the only other option prior to this was going and getting like a color where one that was like four times the cost This is cool. This is pretty sweet. I've gone. I am making that I'm doing it right now guys I'm making the Harris for his controller. There you go. All right, so we've lost Andrew from the recording. That's good I have to say I know that we're losing Andrew to the Xbox design lab, but I'm gonna put a call out here I didn't think this was terribly important, but things kind of you know Snowballed at Big W and Natasha and I were there shopping for stuff. I Discovered we're while perusing Big W. Oh, no, no, no Well, it is actually part of the same company But this is this is kind of like Woolworth's knockoff of Kmart Is that fair to say Andrew the first mention of Big W in the can target slash Kmart knockoff. I can never quite decide Yeah, let me fire up the wiki and put in a new entry I actually quite like Big W. I find it has some good stuff and often the toy section is better Than the other locations. Yeah, they tend to have a bit more like the Manchester as well And then they've got like a more of a lolly section which I suppose shows its grocery roots Which came out doesn't really have as much on now. Okay, Matt does have the lolly and how has it been? 104 episodes and this is the first mention of the Big W. Really? I thought we'd mentioned it before They're not they're not this this fewer of them. You've got to go your drive further How did I find in a hundred and four years of this show? This has never been mentioned Well, anyway, I'm glad that I can bring it up because for listeners I was walking through with Natasha We had to get some stuff and we noticed in the toy section that they had little people These little toys you can get but you can actually buy them separately now At least we hadn't noticed this before where Mac loves the little people, right? But also Lego if we take him to the Discovery Space in Wollongong or whatever and there's the Lego room He doesn't really care about building things with bricks He just trolls through all the bricks to find the people right and we were trying to find some different, you know Little boys and girls in these little figurine packs that you could get and then I stumbled across one Natasha and I just said that looks like Andrew Canyon, right? This is Andrew Canyon We're gonna put it in the show notes. You can see the podcast artwork as well And then we're like, let's see if Andrew wants it messaged him I didn't expect the level of enthusiasm Andrew that you gave back like "I want this little person" Give me the little man I like little people. I've got lots of fond memories of playing with little people Well, there you go The toy The toy, yeah, to be clear And it's got a little game controller on it, which is perfect for this episode I didn't know you were gonna bring up the Xbox stuff So you've got the red hair, you've got like, woohoo, like these arms out and you've got the game controller And then I thought I wonder if there's like a Jason there So we walked off but then I went back and I don't know what you think Jason Because I think maybe you'd gone to sleep or you'd been busy by this stage of our conversation Probably asleep, yeah But I noticed, oh there's this guy There's this little person that has a robot on his shirt Like you do with your emoji and our notes and everything But then obviously all of these toys they aim for like cultural or kind of ethnic diversity And I'm assuming that this one is meant to look vaguely like an Asian person And I know how much you love Japan So it's kind of like the slightly Japanese version of you Do you see this in our iMessage chat? There you go, yeah, no I think it's... My hair is not black but if it was, it was at one point in my life So yeah, I think it checks out So do you relate to this at all? Because I said do you want it Obviously you didn't get back to me And now I've bought this vaguely Japanese kid version of you Do you actually want this? If you look, it's got an orange top and blue bottoms So, huh? Right? Tie your shoelace though Good point Well, yeah, I only wear pull-on shoes so that's probably why And then just my general stance of doing this, which I always do So yeah, I think it's spot on I love it It's true And you're always talking about Fisher-Price Always I won't shut up about it, yeah Fisher-Price corner And then look, I think Andrew you said "Is there a Martin?" Yes At least in the limited selection of the separate little people figurines at Big W I couldn't find myself or anything that was made in my likeness Is that because you were looking though? Like if we had been looking, I bet we would have found I mean, I don't really think I look like a little girl who carries a bunny rabbit That's kind of the stuff that was available There weren't any that were just the feet? Yeah, just a giant little foot Like a Monty Python foot down or like when the Simpsons get crushed Oh, Littlefoot Remember Littlefoot from... Yeah, there we go That was The Land Before Time? Is that what that was? Sorry, I've just gone to the little people website It would appear we are not the first to sort of go down this path They have collector sets You can get a Ted Lasso little people A Seinfeld little people So with this in mind, with all of this extra stuff out there I mean, I'm not crazy about having one for myself Although I will send these to each of you Because I think you need your little people figurines I think you need one though If the listeners can find, and we'll include the links in the show notes For the little people If someone can find a little people figurine that vaguely resembles me So that we can complete the image set Oh, the Seinfeld one, obviously Is there a Matrix one? Oh, is there? That would be... Yeah, but that's a particular franchise I'm talking about ideally like you've just got these kids or people who are just general Like a plain one, like a civilian one Exactly, yeah So if someone can find a Martin Little person I'd be fascinated to see it I just want to know what people actually will choose Oh God And if you can submit it on Discord or share it on Mastodon or whatever I want to see if we can complete the little people HV Triumvirate I cannot wait to find you in here You're so in here You've lost us both now You've lost us both to the little people catalogue Wow Wow, this is something They clearly need some sort of Xbox Design Lab inspired little people configuration site If they don't already so Andrew can customise himself Upload your photo and create a little... Maybe Apple should use that instead of their little persona builder In the Apple Vision Pro Just use little people Why not? Just use little people It would be better Alright, everybody find Martin as a little people in the catalogue That is in the show notes And if listeners happen to find themselves I won't argue with that either, share that Oh yeah, for sure Oh the farm animals, I used to have the whole farm set Well I, our family used to have the farm set It's like these were mine Little people Alright, count us down In 3, 2, 1 Stop Stop.