Hello and welcome listeners. This is Martin coming to you with a very special public service announcement. We are on the verge of Arcadia June 2024. What does that mean? Well, it's our fantastic annual competition revolving around the cross platform app Arcadia. Arcadia is a collection of retro mini games. And if you check the show notes, you'll find the link to download the app. Make sure you jump into the Hemispheric Discord, share your screenshots of high scores. Just jump in. Let us know how you've been going and you could hit the leaderboard. Will someone topple consecutively reigning champion Eric? I'm not sure if it's possible. Eric, do you eat or even work during the month of June? We're a little bit concerned. Are you still interested? Maybe there's a chance for others. We'll see. Anyway, check the links and show notes. Be part of it. We want to see how you go. Now onto the show. Martin, you frozen? No, no, no. I'm just trolling you. I'm just trolling you. I'm going to keep perfectly still and then I'll answer. Damn it. Episode 112. That's a lot. That's where we're at. Even numbers. That's when I edit, at least in this current flow. Oh, so how you work it out? Oh, that's clever. It has changed people who are currently aiming for that new completionist badge that Jason put on the Discord. I'm sorry that people are actually doing that, but thank you. I feel bad too. I'm like, wait, I didn't actually mean for that. Oh wow. That's okay. Well, okay. Good on you. I'm flattered that people want to try to listen to every single episode, but you know what? Go for it. That's, uh, that's great. I don't know. I don't know if I would do it, but I'm glad that others like it. Like the egg bar, the completionist badge is coveted as ****. True. So, yeah. Um, people who go back might hear that I edited odd numbers or it kind of went a bit out of whack and we did those HV minis on desks ages ago, but at the moment it's odd canyon, even feld. Okay. That feels right. Don't you think? I suppose so. That's not bad. I'm just trying to work out the listening time. We need that. Didn't Rob build as a website that calculated listening time? Of course he did. But I was like 45 minutes multiplied by 112. That's 5,040 minutes. And then if you divide that by six, do you have a lot of a 60? Does that work? No. What are you trying to do? Getting into hours? No. Divide it by 24. I'm not here for maths, Andrew. I'm not here for maths. I'm confused. 210 hours. Is that right? That's not right. Oh God, it's too early. I'm not sure what you're trying to get. I was just trying to break down 5,040 minutes into hours and minutes, but the math got too hard at this time of day. It shouldn't be hard, but my brain's not engaged. Yeah. I was just going to say, just go to Rob's website. It's out there somewhere. He did all this math on podcast durations. It is one of his duties as UK ambassador. It's pod duration.rknight.me. If you click on hemispheric views, you'll see that we are woefully above the tight 45 at 46 minutes and 33 seconds with a total listening time of 88 hours, 27 minutes and 23 seconds. So wow. Sorry for those completionists out there. Ouch. Yeah. It's probably worth it though, because there's going to be a new completionist sticker here at some point and everybody's going to want that. Well, speaking of different roles and things, we have a new one prime plus member. Who's that Jason? One prime plus.com and then do the horn. If you could put the little horn thing in now. There it is. Yeah. New one prime plus member. Thank you. Kate S it's hard to say, but thank you for joining one prime plus.com. It's in the long game. And before we move on, Oh, we're going to decide right now. Totally unprompted. Andrew. Yes. What is our topic for the upcoming newsletter? What are we all going to write about? Oh, Oh, putting me on the spot. Yep. Off you go quick. Boats. Boats. What? Boats. Is that just open to interpretation? Boats. Yeah. I like that. It could be literal boats, figurative boats. It could be a total misunderstanding. All right. That's it. Discussion over. That's it. No more discussion. It's over. It's boats moving on. Done. Next topic. Off you go, Jason. I say a robot. All right, Andrew, putting you on the spot again. Can you please play the jingle? It's the jingle. The jingle. It's the jingle. Mr. Boat jingles coming around. Mr. Boat jingles. What's that sound? It's the sound of a great new segment. What's the segment we're about to find out. It's Mr. Boat jingles coming on down. Mr. Boat jingles. Listen to that sound. It's still going. Here's Jason. For someone who was put on the spot and look like, Oh God, what do I do? It just didn't stop. Well done. Didn't stop. Unannounced trivia corner also does not stop. Oh yes. I'd forgotten about this. Been a while. Unannounced trivia corner is back. I left it lingering in the wings just long enough to where you all would forget that it existed. Yeah, pretty much. And here we are. God. Are you ready for unannounced trivia corner? Not really. Episode 112. Off you go. I just wish you guys were less excited about unannounced trivia corner because I feel like I can't, like the edit is going to show that we contained your excitement clearly. But if anybody saw this live, they would just, it's, it's unhinged right now. Excitement is off the charts. Tying myself up in cable knots. I fell off my chair. I just edited the sound out. You felled off your chair. Question number one, which of these is not a large edit. Which of these is not a large language model? Is it a Falcon B Galactica C LL Mantra D Glam. Andrew, your answer. Was the D Blam? Um, see, I was going to say glam, glam with a G. Glam. Okay. In that case, I'll stick with my original response, which was B Galactica. Okay. What was A again? A was Falcon. I just really liked the word Galactica. So I'm going to say Galactica. Okay. Thank you very much. Question number two, in what year were the iPod socks released? 2009, 2007, 2004, or 2005? I'm going to say 2005 because I think they followed the release of the iPod mini, which was in 2004 and were around maybe for like the second generation that followed and things like nanos and stuff. So I'm going to go with five. Although I'm probably wrong when it is over. Okay. Andrew. Martin has internalized the iPod timeline, like no other person I know. So that was a lot of information for, I'll be wrong though. But, but I'm just going to go with my initial gut response rather than probably following Martin's lead, which would be correct. So I'm going to say 2007. Okay. And we don't get to find out what the answers are doing. And that's why we have it. Cause Jason just asks us questions and there's never a result. Like we'll all be dead before anyone finds out the files will die with him. And we have to go and look up the answers ourselves. We can't even Google it anymore because it would tell us to glue on our iPod socks. And that was unannounced trivia corner. Outro jingle go Andrew go. That was the Mr. Bojangles singing the trivia, singing the trivia. Now we didn't know what it was when we started, but now we know what it was because it's ended. Brilliant. All right. Is this a media corner, Andrew? It feels like it. It's got a TV in there. It's a TV. It must be. So hit that, hit that jingle because we haven't had many of those. The jingle machine is just firing on all cylinders today. I love it. Perfect. I'll use that one. Go on. The things I do for you, I'm like a performing bloody chimp. You are a male chimp. Yeah. And we love you for it. Thanks. Is it fair to say that 112 is where, where the rails just everything kind of went off, off somewhere. When people have finished the completionist thing, they can tell us, there's your task completionist in the discord. Once you've gone through, where did this show completely lose it? And why are you still listening? Yeah. Behind the boat right now. That's why we talked about the boat because we were about to jump the shark. Brilliant. There you go. All right. Yeah. Media corner. Okay. So I've watched, I've been watching two different, very different TV shows recently, and I just thought I'd quickly touch base on both of them. One of them is a new release on Apple TV called Sugar starring Colin Farrell. And I wasn't particularly taken by the premise or the little advertisement preview thing that they had for it. Didn't really care, but I heard a couple of good things about it, was looking for something to watch. And so we sat down and started in on it and it was fascinating, really interesting and enjoyable sort of noir-ish detective trope. Private eye doing investigations, Colin Farrell kind of looking cool. Man, I can wear a suit. Just want to point that out. If I looked as good as him wearing a suit, my life would be way more successful. He just looks amazing. But then I also noticed in a couple of scenes, he looks like he must be like five foot two. And I think it's the Tom Cruise thing. I think small people in suits kind of tapers better. Whereas I'm a bigger guy. So like suits don't really, like I'm tall. You can say I'm fat, but it just doesn't look neat. Little guys in suits, well put together. So sugar, sugar is really interesting show. I encourage everybody, if you're on the fence about it, watch it and really embrace it. I don't want to say too much. I don't want to give, I don't want it to be a spoiler free zone. How many episodes? There's eight episodes in total. And they're like 35 minutes. So it's a good, I love a 35 to 40 minute show, much like this podcast. It's kind of like the perfect amount. If it's an hour, you've got to think, do I really have the energy and the motivation and focus to sit here for an hour? If it's 20 minutes, it's like, ah, it's less like a sitcom. Don't really care. It's kind of disposable. 35 to 40 minutes, bang on. So sugar, that's good. Type 45. Speaking of 45 minutes, I have also been watching a show you're probably all familiar with, The Walking Dead. So Walking Dead, I was committed to this show from season one to about season eight and a half. And season eight and a half, a number of years ago, I was watching it on date of time of release. And I was just like, this show sucks now. And I just stopped, just totally stopped. But then I realized that I'm kind of a completionist. And for the past few years, The Walking Dead season eight and a half through to 11 has just been sitting there waiting for me. And I keep thinking I should give it a go. I need to find out how does this story end? And then that spin-offs, they've done the Darryl and all that kind of stuff, Darryl Dixon spin-offs. And I'm like, where does that go? I need to finish this series off. Now the problem is The Walking Dead seasons, they're like 22 episodes long and many of the episodes are completely unnecessary. Like this speaks volumes to the idea of having short seasons. They haven't done that, but they're only 40, 45 minutes each. So I've just been smashing out Walking Deads. I finished season eight and a half. I finished season nine. I finished season 10. And now I'm commencing season 11, the final season of The Walking Dead. I think I have like 22 episodes to go. Wish me luck, fellas. I'm doing this. That's commendable. When you said season eight and a half, I already tuned out. Then you said it kept going on to 11. So no, I'm, I think I'm good with that. Let us know how it ends. I'd love to hear your recap. Cause I, I can't be bothered with something that's that long. If you can tell us whether you feel it was worth it, what you learned from it, whether the spin-offs are necessary, what we're all here for, that would be great. Dissect the corpse that is that show. If you could condense 11 seasons into like three minutes, that would be perfect. Probably. Can I tell you one thing about the episodes I just watched last night? So I was finishing off season 10 and they were like, they got to the final and then production was halted because of COVID and everything. So I think they couldn't roll to season 11 as fast as they wanted to. So they kind of made these extras, so kind of like bonus episodes, but they're still part of season 10 and that they were kind of standalone. They're very thin because they didn't have many actors on set or the distancing and all that kind of stuff. Most of them were pretty average. There was a real one, really good on the last time where you find out about Negan and hit Negan's backstory. That's good because Negan's cool. But the one before it literally was an episode of Darrell trying to fix his motorbike and Carol trying to catch a rat and cook soup. And that was 45 minutes of my life. It did not progress the story. It was about soup and motorcycle maintenance. It was garbage. Worst episode ever produced. And how was the soup? Did the soup turn out? It sort of turned out. Yeah. Jason, how are you going to know if this episode reaches its type 45 time limit? I'll tell you, I'm going to use my time timer that's set to type 45 always. All my Pomodoros are type 45s. That's not true. They're actually type 25s. But yeah, I just wish somebody would have told me about the time timer sooner. Frankly, I'm a little... I quite enjoyed you buying 16,000 timers and testing them all out. And it turns out somebody knew the answer the whole time and they just held it from me. Somebody didn't ask the question. Well, you know, sometimes questions are implied and people do not pick up on that. So there you go. Yeah, time timer, love it. And that's all I really wanted to say is that it's the best timer ever. I wish I could set it to only beep twice. Oh, yeah, me too. Instead of three times. Yes. Three times is nice. I feel exactly the same. Yeah. Three is... It's fine. It's okay. But it's... After two, I'm like, "Yep, got it." Like one would not be enough. Three is too many. Two would be just so perfect. I'm so glad you said that. This makes me so happy. Because the amount of... It's sort of... It scares... The first one kind of like shocks me. And then the second one is like, "Okay, oh yeah, I got it. I got it." And then the third one just pisses me off. Yeah, exactly. First one is terror. Yep. And then the second one is acceptance. And third is just pure rage. Yeah. So I guess it's not the perfect timer, is it? Well, the timer part's perfect. It's the ending of the timer that... One little tweak is just, you know, you can't... It's hard to get a product perfect. I get it. But like just that one little thing would just make it... Oh, I'd pay extra for that. Yeah. Martin, how do you feel about that? You know my thoughts on timers. Moving on. No timer's going to tell you what to do. I'm going to skip down to a little line item I like to call, "I got an Apple toothbrush." Did you... Either of you know that Apple makes toothbrushes? Did you know that? Do you stick a little fur of it on the end of an Apple pencil? Close. Is it like an old iPod shuffle? Like you're putting toothpaste on the end of that? I'm going to do something unprecedented on this show. And I'm going to screen share some photos to you now, which will of course be in the show notes, obviously. It'll be artwork, right? I can make it artwork? Absolutely. We can artwork the hell out of this. All right. First picture. What does this look like to both of you? iPhone. 100%. You are correct. This is a large iPhone box with a toothbrush on it made of stainless steel, not a block of aluminium. Well said. On the side where you would think it would say iPhone, it does not. It says whatever the hell it says, which is the brand of the toothbrush. Lifen. Life... Lif... Lifen. Lifen? Okay. And then the real kicker is the back of the box. It looks as close to an iPhone as humanly possible. Oh my God. Down to the green arrows that have the pull tabs with the glue inside the box nicely. It's an iPhone box. Like there's no arguing here, but you're like, okay, surely that's where it ends. No, my friends, it does not end there. For inside, we have a braided... You are kidding. USB-C mag safe charger for my toothbrush. Oh my goodness. And also the little round rec thing with the little manuals in it. Does it come with a sticker or they stopped with the stickers? You know, I think because Apple stopped putting stickers in the box, they probably said, you know what, we're going to follow along with that. But otherwise I fully believe this box would have come with an Apple sticker probably in the box, given that this box is made in the same factory that the Apple iPhone. Oh my goodness. Are you sure there wasn't an iPhone in the box? Have you opened it up all the way? Because that's the vibe I'm getting from this. It's very possible that there was. This is a lawsuit in the making right here. Yeah. Oh, it's just, it's blatant. It's not even like, oh, well they just took inspiration from good packaging and thought that they... No, this is like as copy for copy as you could get. So that's my toothbrush. Nab can stop YNAB, but Apple can't stop Lifekin toothbrushes. No, nothing can stop the Lifekin toothbrush. Does it work well? Oh, it works great. I love it. It's a really nice toothbrush. It's... Is it charged with light? Is it lightning or USB-C? It's MagSafe. It's literally MagSafe. It has a MagSafe on the bottom that connects to it and then it's USB-C. It's actually really good. I'm shocked at how great it is, given that the packaging is just a blatant rip off, but the product is pretty good so far. Wow. Looking at the picture on the front, are you getting like anal thermometer vibes from this product? Yes. Yeah. You could use it for that probably. It vibrates real nice. So I mean... I don't know if thermometers have to vibrate, Jason. Well, I mean... That's a third product idea, that one. That's a different thing altogether. At a point in your life, you might as well do two for one, you know? Let's just get as much as we can out of this. Bang for your buck, right? Just make sure it's in a certain order that you use those functions. That's true. That's a good point. Did you expect this going in when you bought it? Were you expecting like an iPhone package situation? I was not. No. I just got it because it looked like an interesting toothbrush and I was kind of thinking now might be a good time to get a new kind of toothbrush. So I ordered it and it showed up and boy... Even the cardboard box that it came in was very Apple-like where it had the one pull tab and it just sort of opened nicely to present me with the white box that was the iPhone... Sorry, toothbrush box, not iPhone box. Yeah, a little bit bigger than a 15 Pro Max box, but damn close. So Apple toothbrush. Impressive. Thank you for showing us. I didn't buy a Vision Pro, but I did buy an Apple toothbrush. Well, speaking of buying things, Jason, I have another thing I would like you to buy. This is just make me buy stuff corner. Okay. You're the nominated purchaser. And I think also as well, there may be an issue with supply. I don't know whether this is global supply or whether it's US only, but I came across just this morning a new computer that I'm interested in and I want, but I don't want to spend the money on it. So who else could spend the money? Jason, of course. Sure. It's cheaper than an Apple Vision Pro. I want to give credit to... I found this out from Paul Orzek. I think I know who you're talking about. He's this really nice guy on Macedon. He's from Poland. Poland. Poland. Yes, Poland. So I'm sorry. I butchered that. I don't even know if he listens, but if he does, I'm sorry. There goes another subscriber. He won't be a completionist. I would have ignored the hemisphere anyway. The computer is... You're just trying to juice the numbers now. I get it. Okay. So this computer is, it's called the Daylight E-Ink tablet, but it runs at 60 frames per second they say. And it does, has computery apps on it. So it has, it looks like it has a podcast. It looks like it has Pocket Casts. It has Kindle. This computer looks amazing. Apparently the first three batches are already sold out, but they are selling a fourth batch. I'm really, really keen on it. It has a pencil input device. You can write on it. It comes with a keyboard. You can type on it. So it's like an iPad, but it's E-Ink. So why would I want this over an iPad? Well, no, you don't. You don't. I want it. So what you need to do, you need to buy it. I'm not only buying it, but I'm giving it to you. Yes. Yes. Yes. You're going to buy it. Oh, it's a gift. You can use it for a little while. I'll let you try it out. And then I decided it'll become like all the other devices you buy where you won't really find a use for it. And then you can just ship it to me. Okay. That makes sense. Because it will probably come with a US charging port and all that. So I don't want to risk buying it. I'd rather you risk buying it. At least it'll still plug in. That's true. And then I get it. So why do you want it, Andrew? I like the idea of an E Ink computer. That's what excites me. Just a place that I can punch out blog posts. I can type into it. It has IA Writer, Martin. That was the other app that I remember seeing. So I'm thinking it's like a reading, writing, Arithmetic. Note-taking dynamo. And which operating system is this running? Like what is it? Is it probably Android, but reimagined with a different name that sounds like it's a vintage notebook or something? You would have to think it's Android. I don't think that would create a new operating system. Seems unlikely. And the other promotion thing of it, instead of using blue light, like a Kindle Paperwhite uses the blue light at nighttime. This uses nighttime backlighting that is orange. So it's a... Oh, now I'm excited. Now you've got my attention. So it puts you to sleep at nighttime. You don't get the blue light. You're getting the ambient orange. So, and, and... Orange. And one of the pictures that it was in like a little case. I don't know if this is the official case, but one of their promo shots was in the case and, and the case was fluffy. What? Like it looked like a sock. Like an iPod sock. Yes. And it was adorable. Was it more Ugg boot? No, it wasn't like an Ugg boot. It was like a fluffy sock thing, like a little comforter. And I liked it. I was like... Oh my God. It looks, it looks like shag carpet. Yeah. That's the description. Thank you, Jason. Oh, I want it now. There we go. What makes you want it because of that? I don't understand. The carpet? The carpet cover? A shag carpet case? Are you kidding me? How comfortable that would feel? How could you not want that? That sounds like something that's very easily cleaned when you're using it during lunchtime and have sweaty hands or like grease or something. That'd be great. No, it's just going to be on the shelf like everything else. It's going to look great. It's going to be on the shelf for a month, Jason. A month before you ship it to me. Oh, right. It's a display item. Yeah. I'm going to keep the little fuzzy case and then I'm going to ship the whatever tablet-y thing to Andrew so he can do whatever he's going to do. And I'll have the little fuzzy case. How much is it? I think it was about 750 bucks. That's probably US. Do you know how big it is? It looks like somewhere between an iPad mini and an iPad, I think. Interesting. I guess the selling, it sounds like the selling point is the e-ink. Yep. But 60 Hertz. I don't think I've ever seen... I think that's what it said, but I just read it this morning and I was like, "Ooh." I don't think I've ever seen e-ink that fast. I went from, "What's this big deal?" to, "Ooh, I want it," in about eight seconds. And then it went to, "I need to talk about this on the show and I need to get Jason to buy it." This is all part of the canyon.blog/save expanding empire of acquisition and cashbacks. You know what it is? He just doesn't want to add it to his depreciation spreadsheet. That's what it's about. Yeah. He wants to add it to mine, which doesn't exist. So there you go. It's a loophole. See? Everybody wins. The problem here, Andrew, for you is that I'm concerned that this is going to be a situation where I'm going to have to wait for it. And I'm not big on waiting for things. No, you don't. But you also like to do Kickstarters where you just throw money at something and then forget about it. Yeah, that's true. So you could see it like that. Well, I'll take a look. I'll take a look at it. The orange carpet case is really the big thing that's selling me right now. So... Or you could just go to a carpet shop and buy like a metre square of shag pile carpet for $20. And glue it to my iPad. There you go. Craft Corner coming next episode where I glue a square foot of carpet to the back of my iPad Pro. Who needs an M4 when you've got shag carpet on the back? You know, earlier in this episode of recording, we asked listeners to go back in the archive and see when the show went off the rails. I don't think we need them to do that now. I think that's... No, I think it's done. I think this is it. Tech adjacency has gone from like, "Oh, here's a product to like, actually, let's just glue carpet to the back of an iPad." Tech adjacent. Very good. It's either that or a Magic Keyboard with Touch ID. That's kind of my weighing up my computer, next computer purchase. Wait, Magic Keyboard with Touch ID. What does that have to do with... I need one. I just need new key. I've got this key crumb thing and I'm sick of typing my password. Why don't you just read my blog and create a standalone Touch ID sensor? Well then I'd still have to buy a whole keyboard and then destroy it. Yeah, but it's still cooler. How about... Also, I'm not good at hardware fixing. So I've got... Actually, this is a good point. How about, Jason? Okay, I've got an idea for you. You've done this before. You have experience. I have. How about you buy the keyboard, make me a Touch ID sensor, and then ship it to me? Yep. That sounds great for you. It does. Yeah. So I buy a keyboard and then I rip it apart and then I send it to you. Yeah. And I'll buy a keyboard too. So you're not losing out in the deal. I'm still spending my money. I'll buy a keyboard. Why are you buying a keyboard though, if I've already bought one? I'll just buy a different one that doesn't have Touch ID. I'll buy a cheaper one. Okay. Got it. Jason, I think what you're missing is it doesn't have to make sense. You just have to do stuff. So end of financial year, or Iofi's coming up, if you could do is taxes too. Just, you know, organize his groceries. Make sure they... Yep. Just look, we're talking groceries, Iofi. Actually do your kids need anything for school, Andrew? Jason can sort that out too. Because, you know, there's always those office works, back to school or beginning of term sales. Just get your orders in. Just do it. I'm a pencil guy now. So get some black wings. Pencil guy, beach guy, walking dead guy. You're basically a guy of everything. You were a different guy for... Wasn't there another guy here at some point? There was a... I'm losing track. There was one. I'm a polymath. There's a lot. Yeah, that's true. If you could create a slash guy on your webpage, so we could understand all the different kinds of guys you are, that would actually be really helpful. That's not a bad idea. I might do that as an action item. And then Rob could add that to his slash pages thing. I kind of love that, but I don't want to be deterministic about it. Slash me. Slash me. Slash... Slash... I don't know. Let's just focus on Andrew's for right now. Let's just focus on Andrew's right now. Because I think it's pretty clear that no one else is going to do this anyway. So I think it's pretty fair to just say, we have a slash... I wasn't going to bring this to the table today. It did go through my mind, but... Oh boy. I've become a footy guy. Oh God. All right. I was out of footy. That's what it was. That was the other one. I was out of footy for a long time, but I'm back into footy. And I'm loving footy. Aussie rules footy. AFL. I'm back into it. So I'm a footy guy. Okay. So here's what's going to happen. Andrew, you're going to create your slash whatever page. Yep. And you're going to template for others to just run with. They can call it whatever the hell they want. Yours is what it is. And everyone else can follow along. I'm going to build it. Why not? Sounds good. Why nab? Or why not? Sorry. You got me all excited. Got confused. Please don't talk about why nab. We can't say that anymore. It's contractual with the... Well, speaking of building... We can't sponsor the National Australian Bank. Building web pages. Like I can do that. That's fun. Bit of markdown. Won't be hard. What else do you do on a web page, Jason? Award winning templates? No, the other one. They don't sponsor anymore. They had a VC buyout or something. They're stopping advertising. Oh, right. I don't know. What are you fishing for? Blogging. You can blog on a website. And what is blogging? Oh, yeah. You can do that. What is blogging? That's such a good question. What is blogging? What isn't blogging? Who is blog? This is not... Why are blog? This is not where it was meant to go. I was meant to say, what is blogging? And you were meant to say, well, Andrew, blogging is... What have you previously written on the show note? Well, Andrew, blogging is fun. We got that. F-U-N. It's just fun. You're just putting some words out, letting people read them. It's just a joy. And everybody should do it. That's it. That was the dot point in the notes. Just a reminder that blogging exists. That was it. I just wanted people to remember that blogging is fun. That was it. Martin's making a show note. Poor Martin. He's cutting it. He's going to cut the fact that blogging is fun, isn't he? He's cutting it. I just... I can feel the knife. I can feel his little apple pencil knife right now. Martin never blogs anymore. So he probably doesn't think it's fun. When's the last time Lounge Ruminator saw an update? Oh, wow. You're just calling everybody out on their shit lately. Where's the car show? Where's the Martin blogs? Where's the this? Geez. Yeah, well, how about you go back through all the different show notes on Hemispheric Views and check out the number of times I finished editing this episode at two in the morning. How about that, Andrew? Well maybe if you had more Pomodoros, you'd be more efficient. Oh, great. So it would take extra time making it three o'clock every time I have to press a button to add to the time. So the time I would actually add to the time. Jason, I need you to go out and buy a time timer and I need you to ship it to Martin. Ship it to Martin. Yeah, I figured. And then I will add a new video to the YouTube channel showing myself burning it. That's what will happen. Oh, no. Well, I have no idea how long this f***ing episode has been because we're on our fifth goddamn recording at this point. So I think at this point we call it a three, two, one, stop. Life life life life and life and life can toothbrushes.