Andrew: So how are you Jason? Are you alive? Jason: I'm hanging on by a thread, but that thread is strong. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Okay, you look like shit Jason: It's a strong thread. Jason: It's made of nano particles. Jason: So yeah, we're going to make it through. Jason: The show must... Jason: Thank you. Andrew: You Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Where did we get to where did we get to in my voyage of excitement in my webcam last time? Martin: Jason told you to go back to the shop and just get a new one or Jason: [LAUGH] Andrew: I reached the pit of despair didn't I so I went back to Audi and Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: ask for your money back. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Got a refund on my Jason: Yes. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Webcam, so I got twenty nine dollars and ninety nine cents deposited back into my bank account Andrew: But that still left me with the problem of having no webcam Jason: Great. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Hell. Andrew: so Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: The other day I was in JB hi-fi. I Andrew: was helping I was helping my partner by a soundbar and Jason: No. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I thought well, I'm here. Well, I'm here. I'm gonna pick up a pair of Andrew: Electronic scales Jason: A what? Andrew: To weigh myself picket electronic scales Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Because I want to weigh myself because I've not been drinking throughout the month of February and I feel like I've lost weight and I Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Wanted to know but I didn't have any scales. So I knew what I used to weigh vaguely Martin: I think the issue here is that you say scale and we say scales. Andrew: Scales I don't have them anymore. They broke so I needed a new pair of scales Jason: Why do you need more than one? Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Oh Jason: Wait, but why do you need more than one scale? Andrew: Yeah, the scales yeah Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Scales, which would imply more than one. Andrew: You Andrew: Well, that's amazing Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: I think we're saying it like it's the old, you know when you would, I don't know, Jason: Oh, so you literally go and stand on a little platform and then throw rocks onto the other Martin: have them. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: platform until it evens out? Jason: Okay, got it. Martin: Yes. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Who would have thought we're still like living up to this title brief of Martin: Hemispheric Views, like 106 episodes in like, what are you talking about? Jason: [LAUGH] Andrew: Still finding variations, so I was gonna buy one Martin: It's blue, what? Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Yeah, but yes, just like horoscopes when you have those, when you have those Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Hmm Martin: tilting ones or you try to find out if someone's a witch by balancing them with Andrew: Yeah, so so but unfortunately the JB hi-fi I was in was not a JB hi-fi home and so they didn't have Martin: a duck, that's how it works. Jason: Yeah, okay, okay. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: scale Andrew: So instead I went and looked at web Jason: No, the scales would have been correct there because they would not have multiple scales Jason: for you to choose from. Martin: [LAUGH] Jason: So that would actually be okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: So instead so instead of scale parentheses s close parentheses I Martin: He's sick, but he's onto you. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yes, yeah. Andrew: Went and looked at webcams Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: To weigh yourself with. Andrew: And I saw this logis tech webcam on the shelf Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Obviously, yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: That looks a good webcam and Jason: No, it was the C270. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I looked at the price and it was like Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: $129 or something. I was like that's a lot more than $29.99. I'm not sure I want to spend that kind of money Jason: Ooh. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I've checked it out and I've remembered what Jason told me I checked to see just what end USB cord is this? Andrew: And it was a USB C and I was like that's got to be a good one Jason: [LAUGH] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Ooh, gotta be. Andrew: Gotta be good. So I want it Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: so I had to get to the south system over because it was locked behind a little security thing on the hook and Andrew: I said to him hundred twenty nine dollars. I'm interested but it's not the best price you can do and he went looked at me Jason: Hmm. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [LAUGH] Andrew: And he went booted book with this little Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Scanner thingy and he said well, actually it's on sale at the moment for $95 and I said sold Andrew: Yes Jason: What? Martin: [LAUGH] Jason: What do you guys do over there with your stores? Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: I don't understand. Jason: You just randomly put prices on shit and then you just say like, "Nah, how about less?" Jason: And they go, "Okay." Jason: It's all just bartering over there. Jason: Did you pay with like sacks of salt? Jason: Like, what's happening with this game? Martin: Which he weighed with his scales, yeah. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yes, exactly. Jason: I'll have you know I am 14 bags of salt this week. Andrew: You Andrew: Yes, so I took my 95 bags of salt to the counter and paid for this webcam Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Plugged it in just quietly. I think it's quite magnificent Martin: Did you get the one that has like the fabric on the front with the integrated Andrew: Now that was too expensive that was even more Martin: microphone? Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Did you ask? Jason: Who knows? Jason: He may have said like, "I don't know, it's 30 bucks." Andrew: I didn't go full 4k. So this is like I think it's a 1080. It's a Logitech Brio Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: 300 for the nerds who are interested in that kind of thing Andrew: It's got a little it's got a little flappy thing and I can just turn you guys off look bye Jason: Oh, Brio 300. Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: For all those like people who are scared of like webcams you can just flip a little shutter over the top Jason: Bye. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: It's got a microphone in it. I'm not using it now. I can't vouch for it Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: No, please don't. Jason: [LAUGH] Andrew: But Jason: I'm sure it's very good, but please don't use that for this. Andrew: Ultimately this means now and I've rearranged my desk. So now I am in living m1 lifestyle for the podcast Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Permanently I don't I do not see a change forthcoming Jason: Hmm. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: It's m1, baby Jason: No wonder you look so good. Andrew: I think who knows but I'm excited. I've got everything set up. I've got got my stream deck got my evo4 audio interface Jason: It's really nothing to do with the webcam. Jason: It's the M1 that's making you look good probably, right? Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Got my microphone got my Belkin Thunderbolt 3 dock, which runs at about Andrew: 50,000 Kelvin in temperature very hot Jason: Love it. Jason: Yeah. Andrew: Well, I actually bought it it's just I bought a little USB fan and when I'm not recording a podcast Jason: That's how you know it's working. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I leave the fan turned on sweet. It is powering its own fan to cool itself down again Andrew: You Jason: So you're having it use more power to power a fan to cool it off because it's using power? Andrew: Yeah, yeah, but it actually works it's like at the moment fan off man that fry an egg I Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Is that like a perpetual motion machine? Andrew: Think could well be Jason: Okay. Andrew: So there you go webcam story draws to a conclusion happy ending Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Andrew ends up with a good webcam an m1 Mac and Andrew: I look sexy. Look at me. Hey, hey Andrew: X Jason: Yeah. Jason: So congratulations on your Logitech Brio 300X. Jason: Oh, did you not get the X one? Andrew: Really Jason: That's the good one. Jason: Shoot. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Oh Jason: Moving on. Jason: Next topic. Jason: I don't want you to have to go return yet another webcam. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [LAUGH] Andrew: You Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Mozart Roth Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Was it from the special buys? Andrew: I was that already yesterday. They've got a lot of baby stuff in the special buys area Martin Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Hmm. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: You might be oh, you're probably a bit past baby now Andrew: You Andrew: Yes, yeah Jason: [LAUGH] Andrew: Hmm Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Hmm. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Good point Jason: Hmm. Jason: Well, I'm just glad for the sake of all of the listeners that you have solved your video Jason: problem for this audio podcast. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: It's perfect. Jason: [LAUGH] Martin: There's still more basketballs. Jason: I know, there's like so many. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Sorry, I've really front-ended my basketballs Martin: Let me just do some strike through here, here we go. Andrew: Oh, okay, I'll keep this one brief this is more this is our this actually hey, I like it this is our ad Jason: Strike through. Martin: Strike through. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [SOUND] Andrew: Yeah, yeah, this is our ad Jason: Is that an ad? Martin: Add. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Yep Jason: Are you dynamically inserting it right now? Jason: Okay. Andrew: Hemispheric views is a fan of the filing system Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Johnny decimal Andrew: Johnny decimal has previously been a guest on the show and he is Andrew: Well, he's not sponsoring this episode. He kind of is he doesn't know he is. Oh Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: No, this ad's gone terribly Jason: [LAUGH] Andrew: He's not giving us it's an ad it's it Martin: Keep it up, I'm enjoying it. Martin: That's a dynamically inserted interjection by the way, so now we're going back a level up. Jason: I'm digging. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: So this is an ad that he doesn't know that is coming Jason: Yeah. Jason: This is all dynamic. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: For his workshop, so we'll have to hit him up for some money after the event Jason: Hmm. Andrew: So normally add ad buys in podcasting usually they give you a chunk of money. I believe this is how it works Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: they give you a chunk of money you go read their ad and Jason: [LAUGH] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: That's the exchange this time Andrew: We're reading the ad and then we're gonna go beg for the chunk of money from Johnny and say hey we read your ad Andrew: Pay up. He probably won't so we still need to work on our business approach. Anyway, Johnny decimal Jason: Hmm. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Excellent filing management system for computer nerds or any part of your life really? Andrew: Organize your stuff with numbers Andrew: You don't understand you might say well have I got the answer for you simply join the Johnny decimal workshop Jason: [LAUGH] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Where you can watch and interact with Johnny himself, I believe Andrew: To find out how to how to make this happen in your own world Jason: [LAUGH] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Johnny has previously written a workbook. This is not the workbook. You may get the workbook. I don't know Jason: [LAUGH] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: It's not my deal, but he is offering a workshop Andrew: Okay, and maybe at the workshop. It's a shop like a store. So maybe it could you could buy the workbook Andrew: Maybe you could call the work store Andrew: For Americans and then you could get the workbook at the work store Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: But he's calling it a workshop because he's an Australian, but he's not Australian. He's an Englishman Andrew: He's in the southern hemisphere, but he's kind of with the northern hemisphere background. Anyway, this Johnny decimal workshop Jason: [LAUGH] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: He's definitely paying us for this, yeah. Andrew: This John Johnny decimal workshop is something else. I've only seen a little bit of it Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Actually, I've seen hardly any of it. But from what I've seen it's really good. And I think you should do it Jason: [COUGH] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: so Johnny decimal Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: there's full details on the website and Andrew: there'll be a link to that in the show notes and Jason: Hmm. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Thank you for your support Johnny and we'll send you the invoice shortly Andrew: boop boop boop boop Jason: [SOUND] Jason: Just nailed it. Martin: Wow. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: I don't, anybody that says we don't do ads like no one else, I don't know. Jason: This is. Martin: The one thing that was missing, I think, was like a trademark Andrew jingle, some singing. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Hmm. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Here's your chance. Jason: He did have the kind of like sleazy salesman kind of voice a little bit, which was kind of nice. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Like, let me tell you. Andrew: Okay, okay, okay challenge has been thrown at night and let me see what I can do Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [SOUND] Jason: Martin, Martin, Martin, Martin. Andrew: Okay Andrew: Okay Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: There's such a thing as Andrew: Fahrenheit Andrew: It doesn't make any sense Andrew: If you go to a library Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: They'll often use the dewy one Andrew: What I think is best is a number system that is divisible by a thousand and a hundred and ten and one Andrew: We have the Johnny decimal system much like the dewy decimal system Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Much like not the Fahrenheit the center grade system. Otherwise known as Celsius Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: It is Johnny Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: decimal and Andrew: Seen Martin: Wow. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: You Jason: Wow, that's, I imagine that'll be the opener for the, for the workshop, if I could guess. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Hmm Jason: Yeah, I really liked how you, you left that pause there to make us think that you didn't know what the next part was going to be. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: But it was really just meant for a placeholder for us to have some time to absorb what just happened so we could prepare ourselves for the next verse. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: We could do a dynamically inserted song into your song. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: That would be something else Martin: You know what the best part is? There's another basketball. Andrew: You Jason: Another basketball, here we go. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Fire away. Jason: It's like, it's like that game at the arcade where you, you're playing the basketball, but they just keep coming back to you. Andrew: Oh, I'll shut up after this Jason: So you have to keep trying to throw them away, but they just keep coming back. Martin: Yep. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Meanwhile, the clock is going just like ours, yeah. Andrew: Yeah, I'll shut up after this really short one Jason: Yeah. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Type 45. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: This is just this is just me bragging really so recently the WWE World Wrestling Entertainment Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: No. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Happened to have a show in Jason: No. Martin: Mm-hmm. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Not Portland, Oregon Jason: That sounds scary. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: Not Wollongong, New South Wales Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: Perth Western Australia the WWE Elimination Chamber Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: That would make sense. Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: The live premium event held before WrestleMania to decide who would be Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: Facing off for the championship belts. This event was outstanding. It was really fun Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: It was that up the stadium Perth 50 odd thousand people at the event Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: Eclipsing the previous record for this event Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: By about 30,000 20,000 people I should say so well done Perth Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: WWE was really cool. I did find however that because of the like the seating was cool Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: But basically you have to watch the screens because the event is so big you're in a big stadium Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: People are only so big, you know, the ring is up there, but basically you end up having to watch the screens the whole time Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: I think we do a foot. Jason: Let's go from a hand sport to a foot sport. Andrew: But the atmosphere is something else and I just want to say WWE good show Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: I'm going to do a foot sport. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: Thank you, and I enjoyed it Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: You Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Do the foot yeah, yeah foot Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: I do Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Martin: All right, so I know that Jason already thinks that this is lunacy. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Andrew, I'm guessing you do too. Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: You Jason: I'm completely on board already and I don't even know about it. Martin: Okay, right. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Martin: So recently Natasha said, you know what, we're living in this sea of digital technology. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Martin: It's a bit overwhelming. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Maybe we need a little escape occasionally. Andrew: You Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Martin: Maybe there's another device out there that can kind of help us step back from the deluge of notifications and chat apps and all that stuff. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: Sorry about that. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: I was like, oh, this is something that she was thinking of doing. Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: And I thought, I'll jump on the bandwagon as well. Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: It also involved a trip to JB Hi-Fi just like Andrew had. Andrew: Well. Jason: Yeah. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: Let's look at the cubes. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yes. Martin: And it was the purchase of a Nokia 2660 Flip. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: 20, 20, wait a second, hold on, I'm pulling up a window. Martin: Are either of you aware of this device? Andrew: 2660. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: You said 26, 2660 flip? Martin: That should be the number. Martin: Flip. Jason: Do I need the flip designation? Jason: Is that required? Martin: I mean, it's part of the name, but it might still come up. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I found it. Jason: Here we go. Andrew: I didn't know Nokia still made phones. Jason: Oh. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: I take back what I said about fully supporting this. Martin: Yeah, I think they were purchased by another company. Martin: I think they remain Finnish, but the whole disaster with Microsoft and all that, you know. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: This is awful. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: [LAUGH] Jason: Oh, oh. Andrew: I found it. Jason: Ooh, I'm looking at a spec sheet here and I am not happy about what I'm seeing. Martin: I thought you would think that. Martin: Well, no, I have ideas to share about this. Martin: Thoughts? Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: It's not supposed to be a device that is like anything that you would call modern or computerish. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Well, it checks all those boxes, let me tell you, my friend. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Sorry, go ahead. Andrew: I found it. Martin: So Natasha thought of doing this. Martin: No, no, that's fine. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: That's cool. Jason: It's... Martin: It is strange. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: And I thought, you know what, I'll jump on the bandwagon as well. Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Hurry. Martin: So I've got it right here in red, right? Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: And I actually quite like it. Jason: Okay. Andrew: I found it. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Martin: In terms of a design, it's very retro in a kind of, I don't know, also, Jason looks like he's in pain in addition to his illness. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Well, no, we went in there and we said, oh, we're thinking about buying a couple of these just as a bit of an escape. Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Wow. Martin: And he said, seriously, it's a thing I've had lots of people come in, young and old, buying these as a kind of escape from the daily norm, right? Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Martin: Because to be clear, this is not like any kind of smartphone. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: It's not even like one of those Nokias that ran Android in like the full sense. Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: This is a full-on use the keypad to type out an SMS. Andrew: I found it. Jason: Okay. Martin: It doesn't support any apps other than some light Facebook thing that they put on there. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: It's really bare bones, old world style mobile from late 90s, early noughties, right? Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: And I just had some thoughts to share about it, very mixed feelings. Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: And some of it's predictable. Jason: Okay. Andrew: I found it. Martin: I thought going into it, this is a stupid idea for me. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: It might work for Natasha, but it's a stupid idea for me just because I have to be so connected, whether it's for work, you know, this podcast, other things that I do. Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: It relies on being connected through apps that you find on the App Store with your iPhone, right? Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: But I wanted to give it a go at least for intermittent, take the SIM out, pop it in this, if you want to escape and just be completely without that stuff. Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Martin: Yeah, I put the SIM in there. It's for the full experience. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Yeah, well, I use a dual SIM. Jason: Okay. Andrew: I found it. Andrew: I found it. Andrew: I found it. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: So I have a physical SIM for my personal number and an eSIM for my work one. Jason: Okay. Martin: That's right. But easily enough, you know, pop up in the iPhone tray, pop it in here. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Martin: There you go. Martin: So on the one hand, it is actually incredibly refreshing to walk out of the house when you don't really have anything to do or anywhere to be, maybe more of weekend mode. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Martin: It's great to just leave everything behind and have this thing and know that if you're with family, the most important people are with you. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Martin: And if someone else contacts you, it's probably going to be OK and they can wait. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Andrew: I found it. Martin: Not as bad as I thought with the typing on the keypad thing. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: I did have a phone with this sort of, you know, number keypad years ago and I wasn't a huge fan of it, but it's kind of a retro fun thing to do now, more nostalgic. Jason: Okay. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay. Martin: Also, just the act of flipping a phone open and close to answer is quite fun. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: How many times have you pretended that you're on the matrix? Martin: It's very. Martin: I had that thought. Yeah. Andrew: Go on. Andrew: How many times? Andrew: Have you walked into a phone booth? Andrew: Have you walked into a phone booth? Martin: Give me an exit. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Well, we have one down the road. They just do the free Telstra Wi-Fi now in Australia, as you know, Andrew. Jason: Okay. Martin: So it's like, oh, I can just go in there and get me an exit. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Yeah, that's that's probably true, actually. Jason: Okay. Andrew: Which that phone probably can't use. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Actually, it's been fun to load my blog and other people's websites on here because it can't render the normal Internet. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: You know, when Steve Jobs said this isn't baby Internet, this is the full Internet. Martin: This is baby Internet. This is like looking at a Microsoft Word bullet list in Times New Roman of your own blog. Jason: [LAUGH] Martin: So it's hilarious. Martin: So, look, it's fun. It's actually pretty lightweight, considering how kind of not super thick, but it is thicker. Andrew: I found it. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I found it. Andrew: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Right. It is a thick device when you flip it closed. Martin: But the thing that I knew would be a problem and the thing that kind of sadly creates anxiety when you think you're trying to escape it is the group chat situation, which I think most people listening probably would have assumed that listening on the way so far. Martin: So obviously, people following this podcast are probably familiar with things like iMessage, Apple's whole thing. Martin: Are they going to support RCS or whatever it is that better replacement for MMS that would connect Android and iPhone interoperability or group chats a bit better? Martin: This is just pure SMS and MMS. Martin: So if you two were to message me, I would get your iMessages, assuming you sent it to my Apple ID and not my number. Martin: But the moment that someone sends you an iMessage associated with your number, if that's how they have your contact saved, it's like, oh, Martin doesn't exist anymore. Martin: Fragments the chat and suddenly the message that was once sent to you and someone else in the same chat gets sent into two streams like you're on Android. Andrew: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: You following me? Andrew: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: I'm not. That's the thing. Jason: >> Wait, how are you getting, you just said if I send it to your iMessage, Jason: like your email or whatever, you'd still get it. Jason: How are you getting that on that thing? Andrew: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: This is purely stuck in the past. So. Martin: Correct. Yes. Jason: You're saying it's going to a device at which you will look at later, but Jason: if they send it to your phone number, okay, got it, yep. Martin: Or my watch if I had it on. Yeah. Martin: Well, seriously, when I was trying it out and I was telling you guys in case something happened, I said, oh, make sure you've got like the email or Apple ID address associated with it. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [LAUGH] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: And I was messaging you like running to the study to text on my computer because I was testing this thing and didn't have a working. Jason: [LAUGH] Martin: And then my watch on. So I was like, oh, my God. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: So anyway, I don't bang on about this too much, but hopefully that explanation makes sense to you, too. Martin: And everyone listening. I thought it would be interesting to take Natasha's idea and kind of run with it and see just how uncomfortable I would be not being connected the whole time with an iPhone. Martin: And on the one hand, I feel very comfortable wearing the watch and having the phone. Martin: But I do feel maybe ashamed is too strong a word. Martin: But I do feel very self-conscious and slightly disappointed at how sucked into a technological life I have become. Martin: And that's not abnormal. Like everyone listening to this, everyone on the planet who basically has a phone is like this. Martin: But I am pleased that I've kind of lifted the veil a bit on that for myself. Martin: So I don't know anyone listening. If there's a way that you can kind of test your technological dependence or say just how uncomfortable you can be without the normal stuff. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Give it a go. You might be surprised. Andrew: >> Interesting, we look forward to hearing more about this journey, Martin. Martin: Not yet, but that's a good idea. Jason: Do you have a belt holster for it? Andrew: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Okay, I feel like that's kind of the next logical step. Martin: That's a good idea. Martin: No. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Long-term listeners may be aware and may never have clicked through. Andrew: New listeners, don't waste any time. Andrew: There's a Hemisphere Reviews Discord with all sorts of chat. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: There's fun chat, there's interesting chat, there's nerdy chat. Jason: Not on flip phones though, sorry. Andrew: No, we don't have a flip phone chat. Martin: No. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: But what came up the other day, I think this is where I saw it anyway. Martin: Pretty gross. Andrew: I'm giving the big shout out for the Discord and then thinking it's saying, Andrew: I think this is where I saw it, was this service called grossy. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Jason: That name, that name, I don't know about that name. Andrew: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Pretty gross. Andrew: Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I saw it, I couldn't resist, I clicked through and my God, Andrew: if this doesn't, this is one of these apps that is, Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: it excites me to the nth degree. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I look at this and go, my gosh, this is designed for me. Jason: [LAUGH] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: However, it's just a little too much, even for me. Jason: [LAUGH] Andrew: I think I love it, I love the implementation. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I don't think I'll do it. Andrew: I just don't think so. Andrew: I think I'm good with any list, that's enough. Andrew: But grossy is basically, well, they describe it as ERP beyond your fridge. Andrew: It's a web-based, self-hosted groceries and Andrew: household management solution for your home. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: You can go in there and you can set up an entire SKU system, Andrew: stock keeping unit system, for every grocery item that you have in your house. Jason: God. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: And then as you, well, don't know. Martin: Does that include webcams? Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Maybe for you. Andrew: So you could say, I just purchased three salmon fillets, right? Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: And then it's got a recipe, what was that? Jason: Fillets for those of us that are up here, fillets. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Sorry, just doing a translation there live. Andrew: Oh, yeah, yeah, okay. Jason: It was like a dynamically inserted translation. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: So you get three of them and then you look in the recipe component of this Andrew: same app and it says you want to make salmon bisque, right? Martin: [LAUGH] No. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: And it'll say, this recipe says it needs four salmon fillets. Jason: Wow, that's a lot. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: That's a lot, but then your ERP, your gross ERP system will say, Andrew: you only have three in stock, you're one short. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: And so you can manage your whole stock and have a reordering system Andrew: for your stock. Andrew: Things run low, it's like, okay, when do they expire? Martin: My God. Andrew: You can put in expiry dates and it will say you need to reorder Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: because it's expired. Andrew: It's incredible. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I saw somewhere in here that it does, it has a scanner integration thing as well. Jason: I can hear the guy at your front door right now that's there to install Andrew: You can scan the barcode. Jason: the little pneumatic tubes to put the receipts in to shoot around the house. Jason: Yeah, it's happening. Andrew: If this works in Australian barcodes, I don't know, I haven't gone that far, Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: but if it were to work in Australian barcodes, I'd be highly tempted. Andrew: Do you know how much fun I would have just going like, Andrew: and putting things away and then seeing what my stock levels are, Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Are you like printing receipts for yourself the way Mr. Andrew: understanding how quickly I work through certain items, like, oh, geez, Jason: My God. Andrew: white rice is really moving fast this week. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I must be making a lot of curries. Andrew: And I'm like -- that would be cool. Martin: Baines sends himself Christmas cards? Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: God. Andrew: And then I could even maybe do it like when I'm cooking. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Then you could set up a little receipt printer and you could print out the order Andrew: and then you could clip it up as you're cooking. Andrew: You'd be like, all right, I need one green curry with white rice. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I know we have a lot of white rice because I stocked up. Jason: As soon as you said like grocery ER, whatever you started this story with, Andrew: Yep. Jason: the first thing that came to my mind was that Simpsons gif of, Jason: I think it's the grandpa, where he comes in and puts his hat on the hook. Jason: And then does a circle and just goes right back out. Andrew: Yeah, yeah. Jason: That's basically where I landed when you said home grocery ERP. Jason: [LAUGH] Andrew: Can I finish with one other feature that it has? Jason: That is, You could finish with ten more. Andrew: I'm not going to go on about it because I'm not using it yet. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I'm not using it so I can't really vouch for it. Andrew: But I think this is something that even you, Jason burk, would enjoy. Andrew: It has a battery tracker. Jason: What? Andrew: A battery tracker, you might say. Jason: That's exactly what I would say. Andrew: What's that? Jason: Do to go on. Martin: [LAUGH] Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: So you can track when you charged the batteries in your various devices. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: You can assign a date. Jason: Why? Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: And then each time you charge it, you can say, charged. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: And it will keep track of the charge cycles. Andrew: And it will tell you when the last time you charged it. Andrew: So when you're Apple TV remote, you're like, when's the last time I charged that? Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: What's wrong with the notification that comes up saying, Andrew: Surely it's running out of battery. Andrew: You just check your battery tracker. Andrew: You say, oh, yes, I last plugged it in on the 1st of February. Andrew: And it's had seven charge cycles. Jason: [LAUGH] Martin: mirror mode is low? Andrew: Well, your crappy telephone probably doesn't have that. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: You're gonna implement this for your flip phone. Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: [LAUGH] Martin: Insulted. Jason: You have just shat upon my flip phone, sir. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Excuse me, I have a call. Martin: What's that? Martin: Sorry, I'm just on the phone now. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: Sorry, Andrew's being removed from the show. Andrew: Look, I just think, as a -- Martin: Yeah, I know. Martin: I agree, it's just out of control. Andrew: [Laughter] Martin: All right. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: Ever since I was -- when I was a young boy, I used to try doing home inventories on my Commodore 128. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: I used to try creating statistical packages. Andrew: Like I'd watch the cricket, and I'd create my own run rate charts on my own computer to be broadcast to nobody except myself. Andrew: I feel like I've got a long history of this kind of businessy kind of approach to life in my computing world. Martin: You've talked me into the fact that you should be using this. Andrew: And it would be a shame for me not to use it. Jason: Yeah, I mean you could run this whole system for no one but you. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: Yeah, for sure. Martin: So get into this next episode, you can give us some info. Jason: [BLANK_AUDIO] Martin: And make sure you go grocery shopping before then, so Martin: we actually have some data to act upon. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: It's the backlog of stock that I'm worried about inputting. Andrew: God, that's going to take a long time. Jason: I don't know about that, but we did do something fun and Andrew: Do you know how many spices I have? Andrew: You blew up the Internet, Jason. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: that was office space gifts. Jason: Everyone knows about office space probably, I think. Martin: I responded to you, yep. Jason: If you haven't heard of it, I would be surprised. Jason: If you haven't seen it, maybe, but you've at least heard of it. Jason: So I already wrote a blog post about it today. Jason: Was that today? Jason: I think that was today. Jason: Yeah, that was this morning. Andrew: Yeah, I saw it in my feed. Jason: Kind of detailing what this was all about, but the gist of it was, Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: there's animated gifts of all kinds of movies with fun lines. Jason: But to me, every line in the movie is basically, it stands alone and Jason: it's perfect. Jason: It's just a million perfect lines. Jason: So why don't we have an animated gif of every single line of the entire movie? Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: All one hour and 37 minutes of it or whatever it is. Jason: So I did that first and created 1,102, I think, gifs. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: So one gif per line of dialogue in the entire movie. Jason: So over 1,000, which was great. Jason: I was very excited about that. Jason: And then it's like, what do you do with that? Jason: Now you have 1,000 animated gifs. Jason: What do we do? Jason: So logically, you would say, well, you would create a robot to post to Jason: Mastodon every some number of hours, like a random one, because why would Andrew: [Pause] Jason: you not want that? Jason: So I tried to set up a Mastodon bot on like -- there's like instances that Jason: are made for bots, basically, that are like -- because like most instances, Jason: you don't want just like a bunch of garbage like flooding the timeline. Jason: So there's these like bot instances for this purpose. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: Anyway, I tried to sign up for one and like never heard back. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: I tried again. Jason: I tried like five times, never heard back. Jason: Tried a different one, never heard back. Jason: And then I was just kind of like, ugh, this sucks. Jason: Now what do I do? Jason: So what you're always supposed to do is put it on your damn website. Jason: That's what you do. Jason: When you want something, build it yourself, put it on a website. Jason: So I made a new page on my site that was /office so you could get a random Jason: one every time the page loads. Jason: That's fun. Andrew: It is fun. Jason: And that's kind of where I thought it was going to end. Andrew: I'm doing it now. Jason: Yeah, like it went insane. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: I shared it on Mastodon and then like it was getting some boosts, some Jason: likes, and like it went nuts. Jason: And it was very quickly like 1,000 page views, 5,000, 10,000. Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: It just kept going, thousands and thousands and thousands of page views. Jason: I was very surprised. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: I thought like eight people would be like, "Oh, that's funny," and then Jason: like it would die and that would be it. Jason: And fortunately, I had them all hosted on, so like an actual CDN, Jason: like a proper CDN, not like the BS I used to have that was like a fake CDN. Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: And that thing would create – because, you know, a page view is a page Andrew: [Pause] Jason: view, but like every refresh is a new animated GIF. Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: So it was going like it was 1,000, it was like 5,000, 10,000. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: It got over 100,000 freaking serves of files and like something like 60 Andrew: [Laughter] Andrew: [Pause] Jason: gigabytes of data transfer or something like that. Andrew: Wow! Jason: Like it is still going. Jason: It's nuts. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: But anyway, I was like, "Oh," and then people started like with – then as Jason: anything you put on the internet, then you start getting like feature Jason: requests. Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: So it was like this should be a Mastodon bot. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: I'm like, "I know it should, but like yeah," and then like, "Oh, you need Jason: to add this. Jason: You need to have that." Jason: I'm like, "Oh, crap. Jason: I just created a job for myself." Andrew: Yeah, I want a unique link for every GIF. Jason: So of course – I know. Andrew: Come on, chop chop. Jason: And now, yep, that was another one. Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: Everybody wants a permalink to each individual one. Jason: I don't know. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: Yeah. Jason: Anyway, so what do you do when you need like a thing on the internet to Jason: work and be cool? Jason: You call Rob and Adam, obviously. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Like that's what you do. Jason: So we got on a conference. Martin: Just to be clear, ruminate and respectively. Jason: Yes, that would be Rob Knight of the Ruminate Fame Podcast and Adam Newbold Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: of OMG Fame. Andrew: He's certainly not of "We've Got Family" fame, Jason: So – oh, ouch. Andrew: because that show never turns up. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: [Pause] Jason: Any day now. Martin: Why are you alienating our UK ambassador? Andrew: [Laughter] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Is that – I think you want to get PR involved with those statements. Andrew: Sorry, that should have gone through our private back channels, shouldn't it? Andrew: [Laughter] Andrew: [Pause] Martin: I'm gonna instate myself here as the official PR department. Jason: Okay. Martin: I think we need to have a, we'll take this offline as they say on Microsoft Teams. Jason: Yeah. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: I'm going to run that through marketing next time before just throwing it out Jason: there maybe. Andrew: That is strangely-- that's like-- do you know that I've actually heard that in my actual job? Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: Yep. Jason: Welcome to the world. Andrew: I wonder why. Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: Yeah. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: So we all flew to a neutral location between the three of us. Jason: We met in a conference room at a Holiday Inn and we hashed it out and we got Andrew: [Pause] Jason: the automatic posty thing going. Jason: We got – we needed a Mastodon instance. Jason: So like, you know, what do you do about that? Jason: I didn't want to put it on the because that's like – you're Jason: kind of crapping it up with stuff. Jason: So Adam said, you know, in typical Adam fashion, "Well, here. Jason: Here's a whole brand new instance just for bots," because that's the Andrew: [Laughter] Andrew: [Pause] Jason: quickest approach to anything. Jason: It's just build a whole new thing. Jason: So he did that and then we had the office space GIFs thing and now it's Jason: post every six hours and it's quite fun. Jason: And now we also have Rob's favorite movie, which is Back to the Future. Jason: So we did Back to the Future and now that is another one. Jason: So now, which is the instance, is basically like a drive-in movie Jason: theater where you watch multiple movies at the same time completely out of Andrew: [Pause] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: order with no audio. Martin: It's a new way of consuming media really. Jason: It really is, yeah. Andrew: I'm certainly following the inner tech, Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: [No audio] Andrew: I am enjoying that. Andrew: I haven't yet followed "Back to the Future," because that movie, I like it, Andrew: but it's not so important to me. Andrew: But "Office Space," I've seen it many, many times. Martin: Well, Andrew, this is where we'll have to fight again out of this podcast because Andrew: [Pause] Martin: to say anything from Back to the Future is unimportant is a little bit distressing. Andrew: [Laughter] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Well, I have to say it's kind of become a little bit of an addiction now and Andrew: [Pause] Jason: I kind of want to just keep going. Jason: So I would not be surprised if there are – Jason: [No audio] Martin: When's the one you promised me coming? Andrew: [Laughter] Martin: When's that coming? Jason: Yeah, exactly. Andrew: [Pause] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Now this is the next thing that's going to happen is I'm going to start Jason: getting requests for like, "Well, what about my movie? Jason: What about my movie?" Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: [No audio] Martin: I'm not just talking about a movie. Martin: I mean, I want the Matrix. Andrew: [Pause] Martin: I want Reloaded. Martin: I want Revolutions. Martin: I want Resurrections. Martin: I want Animatrix. Martin: I want scenes from Enter the Matrix. Andrew: [Exhales] Andrew: Looks like you might need a server farm. Martin: Any GIF that relates to the Matrix, it's in there. Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: Okay, we can make that happen. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: [No audio] Martin: There's going to be a new GIF. Martin: You just mentioned Server Farm. Martin: Yeah, it's going to be Jason plugged into the actual like power plant. Andrew: [Laughter] Martin: It's going to be served directly from his brain. Jason: Yep, absolutely. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: So yeah, that was the office space GIFs thing. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: It was a lot of fun and it was just one of those like, "Hey, look, the Jason: internet can be cool and fun and not stupid and dumb sometimes." Jason: [No audio] Martin: Was there anything unsettling in the box that came back to you recently from Japan? Jason: Oh, one more. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Geez, more time. Jason: Follow-up you do at the end, right? Jason: Is that – I think so. Jason: I think you do follow-up at the end. Martin: We do now. Jason: Follow-end. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Some people may have been following my saga of a lens mount conversion in Jason: which I emailed someone at Sigma, the photo company, and said, "I'd like to Andrew: [Pause] Jason: have a lens mount conversion," and they said, "Sure. Jason: Can you please fill out this online PDF that looks like it's from 1994?" Jason: And I said, "Yes," and I filled it out. Jason: And what they didn't tell me was that by filling that out, they meant print it. Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: Okay, so I printed it. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: I put a lens, email lens in a box with a piece of paper and shipped it off. Jason: Didn't know it was going to happen. Jason: Okay, checking status just shows you the same PDF form that you filled out, Jason: so that's not super helpful. Jason: And then I got a, "Your work is done. Jason: We're shipping it back." Andrew: [Laughter] Jason: I was like, "Oh, cool. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: Okay." Jason: Still not really sure if this was even what was promised. Jason: My assumption was that I was sending an E-mount and I would receive the exact Jason: same thing back with an L-mount. Andrew: Hmm. Jason: That was the deal. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: So I paid them. Jason: They shipped it back. Jason: It arrived at my house. Jason: I opened it. Jason: It looked the same. Jason: Everything still said E-mount, so I was a little bit skeptical. Jason: I was a little bit concerned that I just paid money to effectively have it Andrew: [Laughter] Andrew: [Pause] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: cleaned or something, and I opened it. Martin: [LAUGH] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: And here's where I made a foolish, potentially foolish decision. Andrew: Oh, no. Jason: I grabbed my camera body and just jammed it right on there, and it was fine. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: It went right on. Andrew: Ugh. Jason: It was an L-mount. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: All was well. Jason: But after I did that, I had a moment of like, "That could have gone very badly Jason: for me if I had shoved like an E-mount in there and tried to like twist it on Jason: there," because if people don't know, like you put a lens on and then you Jason: basically turn it like a quarter to a half turn generally because it's like a Jason: bayonet mount thing. Jason: But yeah, fit on there. Jason: Everything works great. Jason: It's comically large for this tiny camera body that I have, but turns out a Andrew: [Pause] Jason: camera lens mount conversion is a thing. Jason: It's like surgery for a lens. Jason: But yeah, it was a very weird experience, but it all worked out nicely. Jason: And they did actually clean it before they sent it back, so there you go. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: [Laughter] Andrew: Success. Jason: Yeah, I do wonder about that. Andrew: [Pause] Martin: I just love like if you were to ever sell this in future or you got separated from it or whatever, Martin: just imagine decades to come, Martin: some poor person is going to try shoving it into their antique e-mount and ruining that camera. Andrew: [Laughter] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: [Pause] Jason: That is odd. Andrew: Can you just get a Sharpie? Andrew: Just change it. Andrew: [Pause] Jason: I fully--actually, what I thought was going to happen was that I would send Jason: them this one and they would just send me like the L-mount version back, like Andrew: Oh, really? Jason: just a different one. Andrew: Oh, like a trading. Jason: Like they would just swap it. Andrew: Nah. Jason: Yeah, but no, it's the same serial number, same everything. Andrew: [Laughter] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: [Pause] Jason: So yeah, crazy. Martin: Thanks for the update. Jason: Pretty neat though. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: I love the fact that that helps, you know, keep your stuff useful, especially Jason: with lenses because like lenses literally last forever. Jason: Like they don't go out of--there's nothing for--like digital cameras get Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: shit because the technology changes, whatever, but like a lens is a lens, Jason: basically. Jason: So the fact that you can kind of keep it going if you change systems is Jason: pretty cool. Martin: Unless you get a fungal issue, that's a shame. Jason: Yeah, if you get some fungus in there, that's no good. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Or if you start having like some elements detach from each other, but other Jason: than kind of that stuff, they basically last forever. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: I mean, you can get a lens from 1911 and it's going to do the same thing that Jason: it did back then. Andrew: [Pause] Martin: So basically advice to listeners, if you've got cameras and lenses, don't be wasteful, Martin: breathe new life into things and watch out for fungus. Jason: Yeah. Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Jason: Yeah, well, that's just life lesson in general. Jason: Always watch out for fungus. Andrew: But, you know, I'm a fun guy. Andrew: [Pause] Martin: [BLANK_AUDIO] Andrew: [Laughter] Martin: End show on that one. Jason: And three, two, one, stop. Martin: [LAUGH] Andrew: [Pause] Andrew: Decimal. Andrew: And sane.