So we're all in zoom now you're not in Skype Andrew no zoom zoom is good yes Skype Skype has been banished once more okay that was a shock that was the only way I knew I was recording with the wrong session was that Skype loaded up. I had to install Skype just again the other week and it's been a long time since I've used Skype it's pretty garbage. Yeah I can't remember the Skype ringtone can you do that for us. Doesn't it do something like that yeah that's it I've got teams in my brain now I struggle to remember the Skype one what's teams do. Do do do do do do do do do isn't it. I don't know how they ever use teams for calls they really put a lot of money into that that tune creation it sounds like. They use my voice exactly just recorded you we got this guy he's in Hong Kong. He's really into it we're pretty sure this is gonna be the best is the one yeah we're gonna use his voice. I feel like 25% enthusiasm I can't even imagine using Skype for literally anything ever since 1997 like. Why I was trying to find something I was trying to find something that was free and you could just do a quick voice recording with and really if you know it down you don't use teams because that's corporate garbage. And too hard for just a couple of people to record a conversation zoom you've got the if you're not paying for you got the 40 minute. Time out which is fine for us because now we're tight 25 yeah yeah in and out Jitsi is like unreliable what you call me. Skype still works on purpose or they just like don't really understand how to turn it off at this point I just don't think they know they have it in their suite I think it's just such just out there. I forgot no that's like snakes hair in Homer's brain it's just so firmly entrenched like a disease that you can't get rid of it. Yeah it's like every every week there's probably a meeting with their like okay let's kill this server and then they wait and like damn it no it's still going to know the passwords they can't log in that guy left. And when you're messaging in Skype was setting up a call for a meal pocket podcast do you write stuff like ruffle the mayo or love you babe and that's. I can only send messenger okay thank you have to have it has that spirit it does I just want to be clear I've only used Skype once it was a new experiment okay so it's and it wasn't good it it really wasn't good. So if anybody has any ideas for a good boy back for podcasting is clearly we've only been doing this for like doing this show for 97 episodes. We don't know what we're doing speaking of 97 episodes we mentioned what happened last time I'm afraid to mention it do you know what happened the last time it was mentioned. Man it was a moment quick heart to heart here which of you thought that episode 97. Was a good idea I did because I thought it was going to be it was going to be the worst rated episode ever by a long shot really turns out not the case. What happened can you can can somebody walk us through like it like a crime scene you know what can you can you reconstruct what happened here from the. Release of episode 097 to today can someone do that please I'll step in. Also I forgot brought to you by Daryl Lee Daryl Lee authentic Australian licorice. And the right Australian on it is that because that's in America. If they never mentioned Australian on our licorice do they they just said Daryl a licorice get the all sorts. I'd be redundant wouldn't it you know where you are yum I want some we have a con going on here though I sorry side tangent with licorice so everyone knows that Australia has the best licorice that's just common knowledge to everyone. So what happened to me the other day as I went and bought some Daryl Lee Australian licorice the best licorice and I was feeling a little bit licorice curious. And there was another brand hanging on the on the wall next to it. I'm not even gonna mention its name that's that's how mad I am about this it had a kangaroo on the bag. Okay well everyone knows Australia is known like if they're known for anything it's licorice right I mean that's. So I think it's on the flag all the kangaroos yeah and then this other bag with a kangaroo on it what am I gonna think well probably this is more. Delicious Australian licorice so I buy it don't even look at it throw it in the thing bring it home awful. Awful licorice turn the package around made in the USA so angry so angry how are you gonna put a kangaroo on there and take. You know you know what you're doing when you did that it's just it's just it's a lie and I just I feel that this should go this should not go unpunished. Was the kangaroo icon to scale or anatomically correct yes was it something odd about the kangaroo no it was fun no it looked like a normal kangaroo yeah that's deceptive. Everything checked out yeah it wasn't like oh wait why is that kangaroo like five legs no it was they knew what they were doing with this frankly so. Stop that and licorice only comes from Australia so there you go. Darrell Lee the finest. Well that was very helpful context. Yeah for the default discussion so thanks yeah yeah so we were having an iMessage chat and we were throwing around ideas of something fun to do we came up with this idea of what if we did this challenge to see. Who has the most default apps now normally I'm pinned with this title and you're maybe not so much you but Jason was on the rise he was adopted by this is more of a lifestyle and we thought why not we'll do the scoring system and you took it your own way. I thought it would do well in the sense that people have views on this we call hemispheric views for a reason because people have views sometimes there. Hemispheric specific sometimes they're not and people chat about it and I thought you know what people have very strong opinions about this sort of thing so I can see where you're coming from Jason that maybe it's like. People don't listen to three white guys talking about which specific app icons sit on their screen but turns out people do. What I did not appreciate was the level of blog posting and writing and sharing about this because. I actually feel quite guilty and apologetic I have not been able to keep up with it I got a bit at night I'm obviously the wrong time zone I wake up rushing to get ready for work and I go. Oh my god there's been all of this amazing discussion and sharing stuff in a discord stuff on master on my blog and I can't actually. Get to reading all of it I can't answer all of it because there's way more than what I expected so I'm personally thrilled. With the amount of effort that this is a gone to and sharing the default apps but I can't actually keep up with it and there's a certain listener. Rob from room and I who has compiled the stuff and basically done a job for us and collecting. No idea what he was signing up for it I'll put five or six blogs in and then my job will be done. As of this recording is not like ninety something. Oh no my friend I know I know I've lost your well past the three digit mark we are in the one hundred and ten. But I will I have on good authority that is actually one hundred and eleven Rob just decided that he would sleep. I guess in between putting these on here so there you go yeah a hundred and eleven. It's a lot. A hundred and eleven. Which is probably gonna be surpassed by the time this goes out. Oh for sure yeah and this list which of course will be in the show notes this thing has it just took on a life of its own. There was it became like a chain letter or like a Andrew said like a game of telephone because you would you would see each blog would sort of like reference where they saw it or that where they saw it and then where that person saw it and it just became this like weird web of like how people found this and I I'm just amazed at how many people like got really into it. It started off pretty it started off way faster than I would have thought right there was there was five six seven eight nine ten I was like wow ten ten people actually did this this is amazing and then it really caught on fire and people were just throwing these things in here left and right. So yeah the coolest part is that they're all blog posts it's not like this was a how many people re re boosted it or whatever like or started they literally went to their own owned websites fired up a new post put a bunch of crap on there about apps and then hit publish and then shared it out to everybody it's wild. Yeah the only problem is now I know how Dave Winer feels you think about the game of telephone. No it was already a first I created podcasting I created dual of the defaults. Dave it's been two weeks for me and already I'm getting fired up this guy's been living with the experience for decades. Sorry Dave fantastic evidence of how this kind of community interacts very humbling and look I feel bad I'm not looking but I love the fact that I want to thank listeners for putting the effort in and writing blog posts like Jason said because yeah we have our audio we have this show but. The discussion between everyone ends up happening out there and the fact that people can be bothered to share their own views or experiences of what they like to use so yeah can't keep up but I love it. The main question I have now for both of you is with all the sort of extra attention that's been thrust upon a little show that we've been. You know beautifully doing for the last two or three years all the Sunday feel like you have a little more performance anxiety. Oh this this that was the last show we're actually not going to publish this one this is just for fun we're not people might actually be listening oh my goodness. What can I do if anybody did I just want to say if anybody really did like that I that sort of game show approach jewel of the defaults though. I really encourage you to go back through the back catalogue look for that one it was quite early on I don't have the episode number to hand but it was when we did our performance reviews and I think if you like to default I think the performance review episode would be similar one that you may enjoy. How that's gonna be a while ago and also evidently it was a really reliable in a stringent process because there were no consequences and all three of us are still here. We will be on a permanent record though. What you to do. One prime plus dot com the best domain name on the internet. It's pretty good we have a couple new members yes we do we have new members welcome to one prime plus dot com. Will you get such fun things as creative stickers to stick on your things you get bonus episodes you get newsletters from one of us guess which one it is it's not me and it's not Andrew. It used to be all of us who could it be but now what is it what we call it now because we it's not a misfortune use. I miss fell they can use yeah reluctantly adopted that title so huge thank you to Matthew are. And John n. Both of which are fully registered they get all the benefits all the back catalog all the goodies you have received an email requesting your home address. For good reason to receive stickers if you want if you don't know big deal don't worry about it but that is something available to you I was trying to say something a little nice about a new one prime plus members. Do you get it make it a little bit special for them there their particular episode I just want to shout out both these new one prime plus members I'm very appreciative of their first names. Because they could have gone into different directions so maybe I should be thanking them I should be thanking their parents but I just want to make it known so first of all Matthew are. Matthew sometimes Matthew is spelled with one T and clearly that is incorrect but this Matthew has two T's as it should be. Say Matthew two T's are well done welcome to the show thank you one prime plus dot com. Is it gonna be super how like what level of awkward is it gonna be when we find out that his name is one T and then in the notes it was just autocorrected to two. You know what is in complaints to NBL pocket podcast. Tyler change my story and say no I was what I was saying was one T's the dry yeah yeah sure sure yeah secondly you can work you can record both and then just choose your own adventure. Dynamic and you skip to the next chapter if you have one T or the chapter after that if you have two T's. Choose your own adventure sort of approach. Secondly John in now John some Johns a J or N. Me personally I believe the only correct way to spell John is J or H in so J or H in N congratulations and thank you one prime plus dot com. Are you sure you didn't make a mistake Andrew and it's actually John with two N's. Oh John John John like maybe that's not the initial of his surname. That's another good Segway into the fact that we have a contest running by another John Johnny dot decimal. So episode ninety six going way back way back to ninety six. I cast in the vault we talked to Mr Johnny decimal and we have a giveaway for one of his workbooks which is an excellent workbook and if you look at episode ninety seven. A. It has all the details of what you need to do to enter said contest to win this wonderful workbook of which oh wow oh if you had video you would be seeing. I got the office printer fired up printed myself a little booklet. What I for folded deal that saddle stitched. It's not bound or stapled or anything I didn't I couldn't lose couldn't just I thought the printer would do that and it didn't so I just folded it manually but listen to that that Foley work. That's incredible you would it's almost like you wouldn't know you had a notebook almost. That's great if you want that in your life you know what to do enter the contest yeah it's again episode ninety seven a has all the details for how to enter I think in there we said November fifteenth was the deadline we're extending that we're opening it up. Get a few more people in there if anybody wants to get on board with this contest so. Check out ninety seven a do what it says to do in there and submit your entries to win your copy of the johnny decimal workbook. Thanks johnny. And tying johnny back into one prime plus people might have heard this already but people who haven't signed up yet if you do sign up the most recent mini bonus episode. Is a little bit of that johnny decimal installment where he said something maybe a little controversial about a way that you organize files that didn't make it into the regular recording so. Sign up for one prime plus you get to hear that and you get to read me carrying on and being kind of over the top essay style in the newsletter. I don't even know if you guys have read that yet so you might be very regretful about it going out but yeah good luck with that one prime plus it's in the long game. It is a long national nightmare has come to an end which one is that. There's so many of these things could you be more specific this is the one that stopped the nation okay the one that everybody was interested in and was fearful of it. My iPhone shipping saga the excitement of buying a brand new iPhone 15 pro. Sort of tarnish somewhat when the first one went missing thanks to star trek shipping and then back and forth with apple while they sort of thought they had a. Another one on the way then they weren't sure and then i had a star trek phone me directly and ask if they ever if i ever did receive that phone. The good news is one day after the promised shipping date of the replacement iPhone. Yeah actually arrived at the end of the day ride at the end of the day of the following day when it was one day late and i had a giant green sticker on it that said read a liver. And the postman came to the door and i met him at the door and he looked at me and he said oh you've been waiting a while for this one haven't you and he said i bet you're excited i've been waiting as long as a piece of string. And then he said yeah i had to i i pay i had to go out and then i had to go back to the depot to get this to bring it to you. So star trek i think kind of almost probably did stuff up once again but this time not quite enough that i didn't get it so. And as a bonus he tried to make you feel bad about it. Yeah of course. So like seriously apple rethink your contract with star trek this is a disaster but the good news is. Look what i've got i have an iphone 15 pro in natural titanium and that's cool the cool thing about it i was moving from a 13 mini. Okay and yeah tell us tell us all the hot features of the iphone 15 pro i don't know if anybody has got an action button. Not sure if you know that and a dynamic island and more cameras. So as much as i might people might think are you such an apple fanboy nerd because you're on this apple tech adjacent kind of podcast this 15 pro is the very first. Pro iphone i have ever owned ever ever. Wow do you feel professional now. Yeah the closest i probably got to being a professional before was like the. I found 8 max plus the plus i was like the very first map plus yeah that was like the very first big boy and i got that for a short period of time. But i've never had a proper profile so i'm not like one of these people who goes out and spend money every year upgrading my phone and you just getting the biggest best one possible. I'm too financially. Cautious to do that sorry i'm really excited and to go from a 13 mini to this thing is pretty incredible but. Looks like a mini in your hands. Does it look so small. In a weird way not having had to send the mini back for the trade in which is the whole other disaster that happened and then not having an iphone at all it for intermediate period and having to go to an iphone se second generation. I was back on living the SE lifestyle for three weeks while this thing turned up so i've gone directly from an SE 2. To a 15 pro and let me tell you that's an upgrade in life experience so in a roundabout way it makes me appreciate it all that much more. I haven't got enough nice things to say about this i don't know what people are talking about the heat it got hot for the first couple of days while it was doing all this indexing and all that after that it's been fine. Does overblown but the best thing about this look how small it looks carrying it caseless. I've gone caseless. Yeah that's surprising you've never done that either is that a first for you it is a first for me and i've established very clear business rules. I always had business rules about my operation of my phone but this one is not business rules about a visit the toilet i'm sure. So it must always got a checklist he would he has an actual checklist that he goes through each time. Stool soft. That's for the new journal app. There's a chart for that what you want you want you want still top for that's what you want on the scale of the chart. Back to the phone would be. That's really the business rules are that you must always have it in your left pocket left hip pocket sort of thing. No. Whoa whoa. No that's incorrect other podcasts have covered that before it's the right. The right must be screen down screen on your thigh. Facing down and whenever you pick it up you need to be cautiously aware of how you hold it you can't be swinging it around crazily just smashed into something and then when you place it you place it gently on the surface. Screen up. Screen up always screen up. Right because you never know what thing might be on that table that could just smash into your glass screen scratch it always screen up placed carefully not tossed. The only time you can toss your phone is when you're tossing it onto your bed. So you're an occasional tosser. On the bed yeah. But have you ever done that thing where you toss it on the bed and then it bounces off the bed onto the floor. Well this is why you need to be careful with your tossing you need to toss it gently and you need to ensure your accuracy and aim. I'm an aggressive tosser. Don't overthrow okay I prefer not to toss I'd rather place. If you haven't over tossed have you ever really tossed that's the question. Look at your phone I wouldn't do it I these are these are phone business rules. Okay now there's obviously one question that how in Christ you've not gone over this already is beyond me. I want to see if it's the same question that I want to ask so yeah you go ahead Jason. So here we are I don't know order date plus 90 days however long it's been. The only thing that really matters is just how much is this iPhone 15 Pro natural titanium costing you. Exactly what I wanted to know. It's funny you should ask that. And from the order date or the date of arrival because that's a huge gap when we recording from. It's a great question Jason I'm so glad you asked. Moving on so next topic. No people care you cannot open that kind of worms and not okay. So I would I would never open that spreadsheet and leave but the worms out. Go ahead. Take this joy away from me. So I'll give people. Stamp to edit out as we speak. Can we guess actually since everybody loves game shows now maybe we can guess. And whoever's closest without going over wins. Okay. Something. Okay. All right. So how much is it costing. That I won't tell you any of the details of my recording system yet. So you can each just have a punt. How much is this iPhone 15 Pro costing me per week. In Australian dollars. In Australian. Yep. Okay. Twenty six eighty per week. Okay. Shot in the dark because I still don't understand what this means at all. Okay. Okay. Mark. I'm going to guess $39.45. That's dollary do's. Okay. Well that's interesting. Interesting observation. I wrote down what I said. I'll have to listen back. Okay. It's. It's. Twenty six eighty. Okay. So the mathematics. You love the dollary do's. So I recorded the start date as being the date of acquisition. So the date it comes into my position. That's when the clock starts. Position. Okay. Okay. It is currently. Paid for it back in the day. Right. Is that true. Yeah. Yeah. Did it not charge until you got it. No. They charge. No. They've had my money for a month or two. So I'm being kind to Apple here and unkind to myself in a way. Yeah. Okay. They've had they've had good use of my money. They put that on the short term money market and they've probably turned it into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Another trillion probably. Thanks Apple. So the phone iPhone 15 pro currently costing me per week $1,801.63 per week. Right. Because you haven't had it for long. I was like, how, how far does this go? I had no idea. So correct. That's a lot. Correct. However, there is a silver lining in all of that. It's depressing. None of this still makes any sense. So I just want to give, I want to give the final update on the iPhone 13 mini. Okay. As we send it to the graveyard. Okay. So it lasts eight, $8 60 a week. Okay. $8 60 Martin. $6 35. Okay. I think I like the way you're both thinking, but I don't think you factored in the resale. No, I'm just choosing a number. No, you've got to factor in the resale value. So I paid money for it. I purchased the phone and then it calculates based on that purchase price. But because I did a trade in Apple gave me 500 bucks back for it. So that means my real cost of ownership comes down because you apply that $500 back to the original purchase price. So sure. The iPhone 13 mini came in at $2 76 a week. That's all it costs me. So to own an iPhone 13 mini for 108 weeks and five days, it costs me $2 76 a week. I reckon that's a bargain. And I encourage people therefore to buy an iPhone just to base on those mathematics. Sure. I'm paying $1,800 a week now, but if I should stay patient, stay locked in. Now I'm not going to get it down to $2 76 because it's a more expensive phone, but I'm thinking this phone might ultimately just cost me around about $5 a week. If I maintain it, look after it, keep good care of it. And then if I trade it in at the end, it's a bargain. So as we know, data are useless unless you actually infer something from that information, right? Should learn from it or develop a story. Sure. As we've learned with your knowledge management, you don't know where to find the stuff that you keep. And now you've actually made a poor business decision in something that costs more. So my question to you is, why should we trust you? You got to spend money to make money, Martin. That's a rule of business. How are you making money on the phone? Taking better photos, building my online presence. My Instagram brand is just blowing up. That's true. Is it still called Instagram? Do they? Oh no, that one's still the same. Nevermind. It's a good phone. I'm happy. I'm happy. Good on you. I'm glad you're having fun and making it financial. Next week it'll only be $900 a week. We'll keep you informed. Don't worry. This spreadsheet comes up on a regular basis. Yeah, sure does. Oh, we know. My iMac, my iMac. It's still costing me $15 a week. Jeez. Quick, Jason, please rescue us. What's next? Oh God, moving on. What's next? How many people have visited your website recently at slash save? Uh, You actually haven't set up for that. Please say you do. Stalling for time. Nine. Nine. Wow. Nine. Ever or today? No, that's in the last, I don't know. How do I know? Did you do? Did you do? We were at a tight 35 and now I think that's nine. Martin, while we're waiting, what kind of charity do you have today? It might be the same as the last time you asked me. I can't remember if it is, but it's a frozen mango passion fruit with lychee popping pills. Yeah. Love lychee. Okay. Okay. So, um, so Andrew, back to you. Nine since I installed the methodology by which to track said information. And how, how would you do such a thing? Well, the, the uninformed person would say, Oh, I bet you use Google thing. Me Bob. What's it called? That is. Yeah. I hear him. I hear people saying that right now. Yeah. Or maybe the, the slightly wiser person would say, Oh, you probably use plausible. No, I use neither of those things. I use tiny lytics. Oh, tiny lytics dot app. I love it. It's fun. It's tiny. It's lyrical. What's not to love. It's it, it does what it says. That is absolutely true. So yeah, I can tell you nine views at canyon dot blog slash save. Let's see if we can push that up folks. It's a, for your benefit as much as mine, I guess, in a roundabout way, that is true. Over the last 30 days, I can tell you that my blog in general has it at 846 views. Wow. Which makes me feel quite, quite good. Actually. Jewel of the defaults. The most popular post. That's not surprising. 357 views. Turns out people were really into that. That was quite the, really should have invested better in that, that, that writing effort. If that's 357, but yeah, tiny lytics without tiny lytics, I would have zero idea of how many people had looked at my stuff. And the great thing about it is it's not creepy. It's not a service like Google where it's sort of getting every last bit of data so that we can advertise back to you. And it's just, it's just giving me an insight. It's like, Oh, what's popular. What isn't, what do people like? What don't they? And I just interesting. So if you like interesting stuff and the interesting facts and you like some charts and you like to help an indie developer. Vincent. Then tiny lytics is the way to go. This is not an ad. It's not even an ad. No, it is not an ad. Sounds like an ad right, doesn't it? But it's not an ad right? It's not. No. Fortunately for him, no, it is not. You mentioned plausible, which is something that I was using previously. I don't really, I don't care at all, actually, about analytics to my website. I use it in a different way. Tiny lytics now I'm using as well because it's just, it's just easier and it actually gives me less stuff, which is kind of the goal. But you touched on it a little bit. I don't care about who's looking at it, why they're looking at it, what they're looking at it from. I use it specifically so I can see if something happens to be popular for some reason. If I need to go update that thing because updating old blog posts, like that's a full-time job to try to go back and remember, oh, well this now it's different than that. I better update it because there's a new method to do whatever. So I've, I love the analytics stuff cause I can see, okay, somebody went to see how I did. I don't know, something with like Plex or something, let's say. And then I can go look at that and say, oh, that is woefully out of date. And most of that stuff is no longer true or it's changed how you do it. So I just like it as a indicator to be able to go keep the stuff fresh that somebody may be looking for. And Tinylytics is a great way to do that. It also has a cool little, what is it called? Is it Kudos, I think? Yeah. Kudos. Where you can put like a little emoji thing on a page and people can, you know, give it a little kudos thing if that's your deal. If you want to have little per post plus ones, if you will. Yeah. It's like a thumbs up or a like or a love. It's just a really good little analytics thingy that's really, you know, doesn't use a lot of resources and just gives you some insight. So if you're looking for something like that, yeah, I'd say check it out. It's a fun little way to do it. And I'll quickly chime in and agree with both of you because I haven't spent a lot of time with it, but I added it to see the analytics for my, like newer photo blog that I mentioned recently. Not because it's the most popular site on the web or I particularly care how many hits the pages get, like what you two said, but I was purely curious to see how would a photo centric blog actually perform given that most things are on social media like Instagram or Glass or Pixel Fed or, you know, name any other kind of, or Flickr, for example. So I was just curious. And I love the fact that it's not a mess like Google Analytics. That thing is not enjoyable to use. This thing's like, oh, that's cool. Nifty numbers. Thank you. Move on. So well done to Vincent Ritter for making that. Yeah. I don't feel like, I don't feel like it's trying to, it's not encouraging you to SEO the crap out of your own site. Just checking things out. Yeah. It's easy. Yeah. It's human, but it's human. And that's what we like. You both are, I don't have to tell you about awesome internet speeds. You, you both are well versed in that area already. You have no idea. Blitzing it down here. Here, you know, we, we, we don't have as good of internet as you all do. So I have, you know, well, you both know, I already, I have symmetric gigabit fiber to, to the home right now. Just, just one, just one gigabit. That's it though. Not just, just one. Uh, both ways up and down. NBN Co tune in right now. Yeah. This guy in Portland, he has one gigabit both ways. Symmetric. Yeah. Symmetric. Not asymmetric. Symmetric. No, not asymmetric. Symmetric. Yeah. We sent, we did. I think they read it wrong when they were, when they were rolling things out, they were like asymmetric, that's the good one, right? And so they just like that. Does it sound right? But what the hell? It's gigabit down and 20 bytes up. What the hell? Yeah. So, you know, I'm, I've, I love our internet service. It's been phenomenal. Um, every time they said they were going to raise the price, they never did. So it's been the same price for three years now. That's great. So what else could I possibly need? Well, I happen to find out that there is going to be a new offering in my area. And I thought, Ooh, is this going to be like the 2.5 gigabit? Cause I've, I've heard about that. That sounds pretty cool. 2.5. Well, no, sadly it's not 2.5. It is eight gigabit fiber. Symmetric. To the home. To your home. What do you even do with that? Like, that's phenomenal. I, I. Do you know the infrastructure upgrades that are going to have to happen in our home for the, I'm going to have to run 10 gig everywhere in the house now. Why do you need like one, one gigabyte blows my mind. I don't know how you would saturate that. What are you doing with eight? I have no idea. I don't know what you do with it. And I've seen some folks on the YouTube talk about it, which I think is really funny because every example they're like using devices that are like. Probably still gigabit. So that's not super helpful. But, um, yeah, I don't know what you do with eight. Cause 2.5, I don't think you probably really need that either, but I could see that being upsold as like, Oh, it's twice as fast. And you're like, Oh, okay. I probably want that. But like eight gig, no one's home has ethernet that will support that. So the only thing they can do is wireless. I assume they're just getting like whatever modem comes with it and then they just do wireless only. But even then, like you have eight gigabit to go to wireless. Like it's not like you're getting the full eight gig anyway. So I, I don't, I don't really understand who this is for. I mean, it's for me, obviously. Let's just be clear, but I don't really understand like who else it's for. Uh, it seems like a weird thing to have. So I don't know. It does seem really weird. It's a bit like, um, this is my little bug bear just segwaying a little bit. That's sort of the reviews of the new iMac and that kind of thing. Yeah. And they're like, Ooh, it's, it's not for, you couldn't get real work done on an iMac. It's only got an M three and it's only, you can't get real work done. I'm like, these people are full of it. Like I was getting real work done on a one 66 megahertz Intel, like 20 years ago. You can get real work. You're still using that same one 66, uh, Intel, aren't you? With Skype. It would work beautifully. Push the turbo button and overclock it. Um, Oh, what I'd give for a turbo button. It's driving me crazy the way these people are now like, Oh, Oh, M three. What a disappointment that only putting that in the eye, like so poor, who would ever want that? Maybe you could just get some reception work done. It's like, get out of town, you stupid entitled reviewer. Like you do not know what you're talking about. I use Final Cut Pro for work every day on my M1. Yeah. And it's unbelievable. And it's fine. It's great. It's just these- That's why Mac sales are not great. Right? I mean, people would keep Intel Macs for like eight years. I know. And now you have a machine that will actually probably last eight years. So they're going to keep them for like 10. These chips are, they're, they're literally too good. Like that's where we're at. Most people's real work is not sitting and recording a YouTube video. You know, like that is not real work, but like you need to get out there in the real world and start to experience how people use computers. Okay. Because real work is usually pretty computationally un-intensive. Like just calm your farm on the anger towards the, like the pace of technological improvement. It's just driving- I agree. Calm the farm. Calm the farm. So just as eight gigabytes is more than you need, an M3 normal is more than you ever need. Vast majority, just like the vast majority don't need eight gigabytes, gigabits. But I do. You do. Yeah. Okay. Just checking. Yeah. Just want to make sure. No, you do. Are you going to install another power pole out the front in case someone crashes into it again? Because you wouldn't want to lose that. I can't. I have to assume that it's eight times as strong. So hopefully when the truck runs into it, it'll be like Roadrunner and it'll just like throw them back like a big slingshot. That's, that's the hope. Is your internet provider Acme? Will the cable be eight times as fat? Yeah. It's just eight of the cables I have now. And then they just sort of glue them together at the end. Jumpscared by the variety of sounds that can be heard. I guess the jumpcs can be used for anything. The jumpscare is a nice thing and something that I want to try out!