LSC_103 Disclaimer: This transcript is auto generated and is not manually checked for errors. It more than likely contains very significant errors. [00:00:00] Charles Current: Welcome to Locksports gastro weekly source for Locksports news. This is episode 1 0 3. Recorded May 27th, 2022. I'm your host Charles Grant. And in today's episode, new Bluetooth attack on cars and locks. How air tags are used by criminals. Death prompts changes to warrant procedures, expensive cars stolen and recovered. [00:00:20] Other criminals, meetups sales, giveaways. [00:00:38] you can subscribe to the audio version of the show on most podcasts. And at The Lock Sportscast dot com, you can subscribe to the video version on YouTube obviously, or apple podcasts. Links to stories discussed will be in the show notes. Some apps limit the length of show notes and the, the two post-fall links. [00:00:54] But you can always find full show notes with links at The Lock Sportscast dot com. First up in the news, we'll talk about some physical security issues, but not lockpicking so high performance and classic cars stolen in Westland and found in Toledo. This is out of Michigan. The first story was May 24th. [00:01:13] Officials say surveillance, video recorded a group trying to steal Cadillac converters from a neighboring business. It appears they then turned their attention to three enclosed trailers parked at Magnuson supercharger. Early in the morning of Tuesday, May 24th, the owner got a call from a neighboring business about an open trailer in the back lot. [00:01:32] When he arrived, he discovered that they had broken into all three trailers leaving behind, only cut padlocks and tie-down chains. The owner said they took everything, including the tools that were up on the deck inside those trailers, three highly customized supercharged vehicles and oh six Ford Mustang and a. [00:01:54] 16 Chevy Camaro, both owned by Magnuson as well as an oh seven Jeep grand Cherokee owned by a customer. The Westland police department received reports of break-ins and thefts at three other addresses in the area on the same night. One of those was Jeff purchases, classic Ford grand Torino, stolen from mania by business. [00:02:16] A second article on may 26 said that all four of the vehicles had been recovered and returned to their own. After the theft, the men posted pictures of their vehicles on social media. The owner of Magnuson superchargers said we got contacted by some local people in Toledo that have a group that go around looking for stolen vehicles and they work with Toledo police department. [00:02:39] We got them all back and they're all in one piece. There is some damage, whatever damage there is. I can definitely fix. I've got alarm companies coming here too. We're going to do some preventative things on the vehicles. So great job by this group that looks for stolen vehicles. I really liked that idea, a group of people that evidently just volunteered to go look for stolen vehicles in reported in their area, great community service, and probably makes you feel pretty good to get these things back to their owners. [00:03:11] I think the big takeaway here is physical safety. I think the article one article said that these vehicles were worth over $400,000 combined. If you're storing that much value in vehicles and trailers that are only secured by padlocks, you probably would need to rethink your physical security because they just cut right through the shackles on the padlocks. [00:03:35] He showed one of the shackles definitely need to think about more layers of security. If you're storing something of that value. A lot that doesn't have any security personnel or people there overnight. This next story is actually a little old. I haven't covered it since I originally came across it because it's just a little, uh, well, you'll get it when I go into it. [00:03:59] So the next story is called Edmonton police adopt Constable Danley. What all fatality inquiry recommendations on search warrant. Edmonton police have accepted a judge's recommendations for changes to search warrant procedures. Following an inquiry into the 2015 death of Constable Daniel. What all, what all a hate crimes investigator was killed while attempting to arrest a suspect on charge of criminal harassment at his west Edmonton home on June 8th, 2015, the warrant entry attempt started with an attempt to pick The Lock that attempt failed, and they use a Ram on the. [00:04:38] The Ram was not immediately successful either. The door was apparently being blocked by something on the third ramming attempt, the suspect fired through the door, striking two officers. What all was shot. A number of times another officer was injured, but survived. The suspect subsequently died after letting his home on fire and, uh, taking his own life provincial court. [00:05:01] Judge Greg recommended Edmonton police update at search warrant. To require officers who are planning to enter a dwelling, to arrest someone, to consider whether an alternative plan exists in detail. What it is in a report with his findings left also called on the police to update their policy, to state that entering a home shouldn't be done if less invasive alternatives exist, changes that EPS has already made that LEP agrees were necessary. [00:05:29] Include introducing new training for dealing with armed and barricaded. Including senior members of the service and discussions about tactical considerations for entering into dwellings, turning the hate crimes detail into the hate crimes and violent extremism unit clarifying the definition of a critical incident, which when triggered, ensures a specially trained commander takes. [00:05:53] And this one is the part that has to do with what we're talking about here, changing the policy. So that lock, picking isn't used during life-threatening situations, or if a person inside the property isn't cooperating last place you want to be. If you have a suspect who's potentially violent and not cooperating is kneeled in front of a door, making noise, picking on a Lock. [00:06:15] So I think that's probably a good idea personally. And they also. Creating a more robust risk assessment for officers to complete before seeking a warrant, to be able to enter a dwelling. Just something to think about for a, any first responder. You really don't want to be picking on a door. If there's somebody hostile on the other side, or potentially somebody hostile on the other side, just be safe out there, everybody please. [00:06:47] Didn't have a lot of community news this week. So grabbed onto a few videos. Um, this one was sent in by James Randolph, Bluetooth attack on cars and locks by hack five. I recommend you watch the video for a good explanation, but in short, it is a new Bluetooth relay attack. Vulnerability, Bluetooth, low energy relay attack. [00:07:09] Vulnerability operates on a different layer than the previous. And it will work on vehicles as well as KIBO quick set and some wiser smart locks in addition to many other devices, they say. So, so something to think about, uh, you might want to disable some of the quick, easy access, Bluetooth, low energy features on a smart locks you might have, or potentially talk to your dealer about how to do that on your, uh, But if we want to know all the details, please go watch the video on hack five link in the show notes. [00:07:47] Another video came across this week was how apple air tags are being used by criminals. And they say GPS tracking devices are becoming more popular and criminals are using them. For example, we're seeing apple air tags being used to track cars and steal them from driveways, which we have reported on in this podcast. [00:08:05] And in the video, he explains how to use your iPhone or an Android app provided by apple to help you detect the signals and potentially find out if you are being tracked by an air tag and locate it. And if you do locate it, it is recommended that you call the police so they can recover it. There are smooth surfaces on there. [00:08:26] They might be able to get a fingerprint to figure out who's trying to track. And then I thought I would, uh, recommend people check out a video by John Locke. What is a good set of lock picks for beginners? His description says buying your first lock picking system may seem like a daunting task. There are so many kits and there are so many picks. [00:08:47] What do you actually need? What is. I'll break down. What is an excellent set of lock picks for beginners? Something that will be a good set yet affordable and will last you through out your luck. Lockpicking Greer. If you're new to Locksports or looking to buy a lock pick set for someone, I think this will help so worth checking out, uh, get his advice on what to buy and use, especially for a new. [00:09:12] Let's pick sets that that many of us started with when we first thought, Hey, it'd be interesting to pick blocks and we go to Amazon or, or someplace like that and get a cheap lock pick set there just hot, garbage, but there are definitely options out there now for quality picks at a reasonable price. [00:09:33] Anyway, check out John Locke's video. If you are interested in his recommendation. All right. And moving on here, uh, kind of YouTube, kind of new products here. I received a note from a new house, locking key, a mobile locksmith business with an Etsy shop and a YouTube channel says he discovered the podcast, uh, and absolutely loves it. [00:09:57] So he set up a 10% off promo code for his Etsy. That I can share on the podcast. I'll put that in the sales section later, it looks like his primary product at the moment is bump keys, but something you might want to check out if you are looking for a set of bunk keys. And he says, he's also planning on doing a 500 sub giveaway on the YouTube channel, but currently only sitting at around 218 subs. [00:10:20] So if you aren't already subscribed, maybe go over and check out the channel and consider subscribing. Also check out the Etsy shop. If you're looking for. Uh, bump keys and the like, and I'll have links to both of those in the show notes. Also, I saw a note from Jimmy Wong's. I believe it was on, uh, Twitter are says they are now able to ship his picks from the U S and the UK says huge. [00:10:45] Thanks to gravity karma. So in the U S you buy them through Jimmy in the UK. It's Locksports dot. Uh, which is actually currently offline, I think until June 1st is what the website said, uh, for personal reasons. But you should be able to buy them from Jimmy in the U S and Locksports shop or Locksports dot shop in the UK and south Ord has made improvements to their tubular picks. [00:11:17] They say we've improved our tubular picks over the years and now. For our most recent improvement, we are introducing tubular lock picks with a solid re pinnable and removable guide pin. The guide pins purpose is to help line up the pick in The Lock more easily matching the picking needles with the Lux pins though, the guide pin is not necessary for picking it is the picking needles that do the picking and locks can be picked without it. [00:11:44] The guide pin is a recommended feature that assists picking by lining up. In The Lock effectively. So they reiterate that the new guide pin is solid removable and replaceable. It can be removed for use in tubular locks that do not have the corresponding notch cut in the core where normally a guide pin would fit. [00:12:05] And the new solid guide pin can be replaced by the user should replace the pin become necessary. So if you're interested and picking one of those up, I will have a link in the show notes to that. Moving on to meet ups. We have, I saw some tweets this week by St. Kahn. One of them said it's a big day for St. [00:12:26] Khan 2022. New website is available. Our keynotes are now live including deviant or Stephanie, snow Carruthers and Jason east street. And the calendar of events is up and they also have a list for their previous St. Con. There are keynotes that were video recorded on that website as well. St. Kahn is in Provo, Utah, and is scheduled for October 25th through the 28th. [00:12:55] It looks like, and we hate, still have on my notes here besides Cleveland. That is Friday, June 17th, 2022 through Saturday, June 18th, 2020. Check it and Lacan registration is open for 2022. Lacan will be held Thursday 25th of August through Sunday, the 28th and link in the show notes as. [00:13:37] moving on to the Lock Pickers United belts for this week, I saw a brown belt award for Dayco or doco. I'm not sure how to pronounce that, uh, contrary, but congratulations to you on red. I have a make good. I don't think I announced this one. It was may 11. For arm lock on red belt and just recently set clues also earned red. [00:14:05] So congratulations to both of you. Then we had two black belt announcements this week as well. The first red, it gives me great pleasure to confirm our newest black belt lemon. He has earned his black belt the hard way by taking on four black belt locks, including the most important Rite of passage for any anti podium picker that. [00:14:28] In addition to this, he has shown his skill at safe manipulation with a notoriously annoying Le guard, 1548. So congratulations to lemon on your new black belt. And then we have, they're messing with me with it on this one. So this next one, I'm not going to read verbatim because it is lyrics to a song. Um, birdie picked the Assa twin six, K the Assa 700. [00:14:56] As well as made snazzy milling JAG, four challenge locks and pick the MEWA you nine and twin star. So, uh, congratulations on your new Blackbelt birdie. And if you're not already familiar with the Lock Pickers United belt system, there are links in the show notes that go through both videos and written explanations of what the system is all about. [00:15:21] It is a fun game for the. Just looking for our challenge to do with lockpicking helps you advance through the ranks and, uh, kind of gives a, I look at it like it kind of gives a guideline for how to progress through more difficult challenges as you're picking locks over at dot org. [00:15:44] Panda-Frog, who's been very busy lately, um, but managed to get some updates here for us. So we have new records. Stability. A 30 was picked by C glassy in 2.202 seconds. The Avis seven 13 slash 15 by C glassy in 1.03 for the Avis 65 30 by sea glassy and 6.106. And the quick set smart key gen two by speed. [00:16:12] Not one in 25.1 909 seconds. Congratulations on those wrecks. We have some first records here, too. Multilayer interactive by goose 7 7 3 2 in two minutes, 15.335 seconds. Actually Primus by region in two minutes, 29.849 seconds. The multiline classic with Serita drivers by region in 48.415 seconds. And then their lock a quarter challenge. [00:16:49] The second quarter Lock was the Avis 72 40, and he says, first try by Gill gains ended up with a time of 3.5 seconds. HV logic did his best, but did not beat Kyla gains with a time of 16.9, six, seven seconds. And with a time of 4.8 crackin tried his best, but put not dethrone Gillian's. So it looks like congratulations to Gill gains on that. [00:17:17] And with that, it's time to say thank you. That people that made this episode possible first off. Huge. Thank you to my newest, uh, executive producer level patron. Jimmy longs really appreciate you, uh, signing up to be a patron. Jimmy. I know you've been listening to the show for quite a while and you've helped send me news and information, uh, quite often. [00:17:37] So I really appreciate you. Thank you for all. You've done to support this. So with that producers for this episode include all the Patrion subscribers, including Jimmy longs. Panda-Frog Michael Gillcrest. Starrylock William sprain, Dave, to be deciphered Liibans Locksports Journey pat for months since their tactical three records and a coach REL Dr. [00:17:57] Haug master Clayton Howard, AKA Coulton MOG, John Locke, rat yoke. Mr. Pecker, cranky Lock Pickers, JJ picking bare bones lockpicking deadbolt cafe and end up BA. Content producers for this episode, Albert Lobell bare bones. Lockpicking Chirael Cleveland locks, dark arts, lockpicking gravity karma. I Fisk James Randolph, Joe pecks, Joshua Gonzales, new house locking key Panda-Frog and Tony Bradley. [00:18:21] Thank you to all of you for your support. You may notice that there was no chief content producer listed this episode. You get that title by being the one whose spice the most content used in a particular episode by really this episode was. A lot of people that supplied one or two things, there was no way to pick one person to be chief contemporary Caesar. [00:18:43] So we're just skipping it this episode. But remember the show is only possible because of the information and support from the community. So if you value this podcast, the number one most important thing you can do to help out is by sending in news links, events, giveaway information, anything at all, as Locksports related locksmith related, physical security. [00:19:04] You can send that to podcast at The Lock Sportscast dot com or any of the other methods listed in the show notes or go to The Lock Sportscast dot com slash support for all the different, uh, ways to contact. Don't forget to share the podcast with your Lock Pickers. Leave a review comment or thumbs up, whatever the platform you listen on allows, don't forget to subscribe on your favorite platform. [00:19:27] If you want to help financially, you are welcome to donate via PayPal or subscribe on Patrion. Definitely not required, but always appreciated. If you support the show with a donation or information that I use in an episode of the show, I will give you credit in the show and in the show notes. So thank you to all of you that I mentioned to. [00:19:47] Reminder, I'm always looking for interesting stories related to Locksports. Anything you have that maybe happened to you because of Locksports your story about your journey through Locksports um, anything at all? Send it in to The Lock Sportscast dot com slash contact or email me at podcast at The Lock Sportscast dot com. [00:20:08] If you have a story, you're also welcome to send feedback. Locksports or the email. Uh, feedback can either be confidential or public. If you want to share it on the show. You're welcome to, and you can do it in a note, a video or audio recording, just remember to keep it reasonable length, polite work, family safe, no politics, no drama. [00:20:31] When I mean reasonable length, I'm talking, uh, three minutes, max five, if it's really. Um, moving on to an interesting story. I came across this one was in the spokesman review written by Jim Kershner. It's a recap of a really old article a hundred years ago in Eastern Washington, big Mac, a notorious safecracker shared his surprising thoughts on booze and the tragic origin story of his life on crime. [00:21:03] The article says that Jay Walker like songs. Uh, AKA big Mac declared from his jail cell that booze and robbing banks don't go together. Big Mac was a professional YAG men safecracker who was arrested near Ritzville. When he and his bank robbing pals, skidded their car off of the highway. Police found two ounces of nitro explosive in big Mac's shirt pocket, along with burglary and safe cracking. [00:21:33] For those of you who don't know, nitroglycerin is extremely sensitive to shocks. That was part of the reason of the invention of dynamite is to help stabilize it. Some. So as the sheriff says here, he's quoted as saying how they escaped without being blown to Adams in the wreck is a miracle article continues. [00:21:53] It wasn't clear whether big Mac had been drinking when the wreck happened, but he believed booze was a problem in his chosen career. He's quoted. The reason so many gigs are failing these days is because they are mixing with bootleggers. I am a firm believer in prohibition and the stricter. It is enforced the safer and more profitable. [00:22:13] My profession will be. Uh, you can be a better criminal if you're not drunk. That's what that line says. I think big max said he had been a student at the university of California, but he turned crooked after he was arrested in jail. For what he said was a bogus burglary. He said it broke my mother's heart and I embittered by the injustice and ashamed to ever go home again and drilled in crook lore in the penitentiary decided I would get even with the law for what it had done to me. [00:22:46] So that was a hundred years ago. So that would've been, um, in 1922, interesting story, advocating for prohibition to make safe, crackers more. And that bit about nitroglycerin in your shirt pocket while you're driving down the road. Oh my goodness. Well, I guess if it's in your shirt pocket, it does go off be quick and probably relatively painless, I guess. [00:23:15] All right. So onto actual criminal news, two charged with stealing money from gaming machines. This was reported by NBC 12 on may 26. They say prince George county police charge two people was stealing money from gaming machines. On May 26th. Officers were called to star express for a robbery. When the officers arrived, they found two people trying to break into gaming machines. [00:23:38] During their investigation, police said they found the suspects had taken approximately $3,500 from a machine. Please said the suspects had a loaded Glock nine millimeter. Additional ammunition, marijuana products, narcotics, and a specialized key and lock, picking tools, both face charges related to tampering and stealing money from gaming machines. [00:24:01] And if you go there and check out the article, the picture shows what appears to be. It's hard to tell it from distance, but it shows what appears to be actual lockpicks in their kits. So I would say they qualify as The Lock picking. And the next story was burglars takeoff with entire safe and cash from Arlington county business. [00:24:23] This was reported in the Arlington daily voice by Josh linear. And the story says that thieves and Arlington skipped safe, cracking in place. They just stole the safe, which is actually not that uncommon a business in the 1400 block of south. Told Arlington county police that robbers smashed in the storage Glassdoor around 1:00 AM and stole several cash register tills and a safe. [00:24:51] Please did not name the business in the report or how much was taken. Please said two people were involved in the break-in. Yeah. So lesson here don't keep money in the till, put it in the safe and make sure that safe is either an in-floor safe or it is bolted. If the safe can be taken, then they can crack it at their leisure. [00:25:14] All right. Now we're moving on to sales, new house, locking key 10% off with the code, the Locksports CST. So without the a, and in the interest of full disclosure, I did not ask this, but new house locking key. Uh, he did say that at the end of the month, he wanted to donate a part of the earnings from the code to the Locksports. [00:25:39] Um, I told him that wasn't necessary, but he said he wanted to do it anyway, but full disclosure. I want to be honest with you guys. So there it is. Anyway, it's in the show notes, both on YouTube and in the podcast. I believe that expires at the end of June and that's for his New house lock and key. [00:26:00] Peterson has their overstock sale going on. So just go to Peterson, look under their tab for overstock and check out all the discounts they've got to go in there. It looks like they've got their hydrometer rubber picks. The ones that they hadn't already sold when they were closing those out and a few others. [00:26:20] And they're only $6 each instead of the list of 16. So pretty good deal on Peterson picks. If you're looking for. Bare bones lockpicking as the discount code train with doubt 10, that is 10% off storewide on top of any other discounts that expires on 13th of June. It looks like 20, 22 dark and that's it. [00:26:45] And that's at bare bones. And if you, you have a choice of several coupon codes. We have one for. Dark arts lockpicking that is dark VIP. We have one for Albert LaBelle. The code is just simply Albert and one for Joe pics. And the code is Joe pics. So your choice pick the one you wanna use, pick the Locksports that you want to support and, uh, use their code over at 3d Locksports dot com. [00:27:22] You can get 10% off with the code LS cast. And make a lock so you can get 15% off of the code by Meiko UK Lock Pickers dot You can get 10% off with the code gift. Moving on to giveaways. Panda-Frog mini Panda-Frog to giveaway is still running. That is the hashtag mini Panda-Frog too. And it will run until mini Panda-Frog. [00:27:48] Two is born. The expected due date was June. Just reminder, they can come early, get your entries in. Now, if you haven't yet, you don't want to miss out on this one. And the more people enter the bigger the prize pool. So be sure to check it out. CLK supplies, hashtag lockbox giveaway, lots of great prizes there because they are a locksmith supplier. [00:28:12] So if you're into the giveaway thing, they are a great one to get into. And just a reminder for everybody on the subject of getaways, what my rules. I know some people like to do giveaways specifically to thank the subscribers that are already subscribed. So because of that, I do not share giveaways unless one of two things, either the giveaway specifically asks for it to be shared in the description or the video, or it is the channel creator that asks me to share the giveaway. [00:28:47] If you share with me. If you're not the owner of the channel and you share a giveaway with me, if it's not specifically laid out in the rules that they want this shared, I won't, I'm going to assume that they don't want to share it unless they specifically say they do just the way I run things here. Um, easiest way around that is to put it in there that you would like to share. [00:29:10] Uh, the other way is to contact me directly, which is probably the better way to make sure I know about it, but, uh, contact me. If you're the run, the person running the giveaway and I will get it the show. And I just want to thank everybody for listening in and staying tuned, uh, to the podcast. I really appreciate it. [00:29:31] I was going through a pretty stressful time here for the last few months, working up to 72 hours a week, trying to run a house, uh, and, uh, do a podcast all at the same time. I know I'm behind on a few promises about the Lockey awards and getting some padlocks out I'm working on getting caught up enough that I can do that. [00:29:51] I was thinking I was there when I got jury duty. Um, so rest assured I'm aware I'm behind on things. I'm trying to get this episode out on time so I can get back on track with that. And I really appreciate all of your support. I missed one episode here last week, and that was actually, you know, Because of the jury duty stuff, but also I was just, I was stressed out. [00:30:17] I was tired. I'm burned out feeling, uh, taking week off was really, uh, helped me relax a little bit and not stress over this while I was dealing with everything else. And, uh, the recent influx of patrons has been. Also quite uplifting. So I'm feeling the energy a little more, again, getting back into it, trying to dig up news myself besides what's sent in by you guys. [00:30:43] But I just want to say thank you again for everyone who kept listening and all of you that really did a great job of sending in news links, events, giveaway information, everything, while I was just swamped and couldn't do it myself. So, um, thank you. I really appreciate you. And, uh, so yeah, just remember to keep sending in that news. [00:31:07] Don't stop. Now. I do have more time to search out stuff on my own, but I really still do rely quite heavily on the stuff sent in by you, the community, the people out there actually doing it while I'm in here recording it. So thank you for your support. Remember to keep picking and remember to keep it legal.