Disclaimer: This transcript is auto generated and is not manually checked for errors. It more than likely contains very significant errors. LSC_56_bosnianbill_update Welcome to Locksports cashed your weekly source for Locksports news and sometimes interviews. This is episode 56 recorded June 25th, 2021. I'm your host Charles Current. In today's episode learning lockpicking in college, Eva duel gut key, the Bosnian bill situation, key blank history and M heart club. [00:00:18] First pick of the month. Martin Newton's new rotary disc pick new book by Dave Maconomy lockpicking criminals, sales and giveaways. [00:00:43] You can subscribe to the audio version of this show on most podcast apps and at The Lock Sportscast dot com. If you don't already have one, you can find an app@newpodcastapps.com. You can subscribe to the video version on YouTube links to stories discussed. We in the show notes, YouTube, and some apps limit the length of show notes and the links I can put in, but you can always find full show notes with all the links at The Lock Sportscast dot com. [00:01:07] You can find video clips of some of the stories discussed on our clips. YouTube. Link will be in the show notes to start off with some announcements as usual, first off, I'm recording this early due to my work schedule. So if you sent me information and that's not in this episode, I may still cover it next week. [00:01:24] It just takes me some time to get all the information and links together so that I can give a decent presenting of the issue or story. So, um, I have to start well before I actually read it. So, I apologize if I missed your story this week. I want to say thanks to Starrylock for sharing the Locksports past clips channel on his shout out Monday, last week. [00:01:48] I really appreciate it, but I do also feel a little bit guilty because there are a lot of other new channels that could probably use his shout out. So thank you though. I appreciate it. Also congrats to the winners of my giveaway for April and may I forgot to announce them last. Those winners of the actual draw, where Panda-Frog in pocket woman, but both have donated their locks to another locks, border and frog had his sent to dusty and windy and pocket woman had her sent to Chris Capone. [00:02:19] Very kind of you both and a good demonstration of the spirit of this community. I wanted to quick go over my internal giveaway sharing rules, just in case some of you were wondering why a giveaway you sent to me might not have been shared. I will share. If it's shared with me by the host, or if the rules or video ask for the giveaway to be shared explicitly, you know, share this on Twitter or share this with, you know, whatever, if it's in the rules to share it, I will understand that to be a public giveaway. [00:02:50] I may not share it if I don't have one of those criteria criteria. And I definitely won't share it. If I, if those two aren't satisfied and the host says anything, implying that this is a thank you to subscribers or viewers, I'm just going to have to default on that too. They probably want it to be to people that already subscribed and are seeing it on their own and they want to keep it a little more exclusive. [00:03:18] It's it's just a thing I have because I know some people don't want their giveaway shared publicly. So if you. A giveaway shared, share it with me directly. If you have somebody else's giveaway that you want shared, ask them to share it with me or share it with me and then ask them to give me permission. [00:03:34] I don't really have time to keep reaching out to everybody, trying to find their contact information, reach out to them, to ask for permission. So I probably won't. I apologize, but, um, I do have to limit the amount of time I spend on this podcast. Also The Lock Sportscast has been registered for the people's choice podcast awards in the hobbies category. [00:03:55] It looks like they will begin voting July 1st to be clear, I don't expect to win, but I would appreciate if you would go to the podcast, awards.com and vote for The Lock Sportscast, um, it's podcast awards.com. I don't have a big enough audience to realistically compete in that category, but I'm really interested in how they run the system for ideas on how to improve the Laki awards that I'm doing. [00:04:23] So anyway, and it'd be interesting to see just how far I can get with a small audience, but I don't expect to actually win, but I still would appreciate the votes and feedback on how their system works. So thank you in advance. Also on the subject of the Lockey awards. Uh, I put out there the idea of a art contest last week for a new logo, for the lucky awards I have had absolutely zero interest expressed in taking part in that I will probably still post it to social media and see if anybody there has any interest. [00:05:03] But at this point it looks like it's probably a dead idea and won't go anywhere. Um, I'll keep you posted if, uh, if it does incorrections and additions, I just wanted to say, um, I apologize for always mispronouncing everybody's names. It's something I'm endeavoring to do better. I'm really bad about it, especially with online usernames. [00:05:24] And I don't know if there is a way to improve on that or not since they're never spelled in a way that seems to lend itself to proper pronunciation. And even if it does, I'm so bad with pronunciation anyway. I'm probably going to get it wrong. So I apologize in advance for when I screw up your name. [00:05:42] First off news, I ran across an article that was titled new cybersecurity concentration gives apps, state students the skills to that hackers. And this really is just a kind of a promo article, but I found it interesting for one specific reason. This is out of Boone, North Carolina, Chris Taylor. Is a computer hacker and he teaches his students the tricks of the trade with the best of intentions tailor a professional security specialist and senior lecturer in Appalachian state university's department of computer information systems is spearheading the department's new cybersecurity concentration that begins in fall 2021. [00:06:19] And down in the article. The part that caught my attention was it says in his classes, Taylor teaches hands-on skills from. From physical lockpicking to digital security applications, tailor explained it is our job to expose all vulnerabilities, including physical access. We use lock picking tools in the classroom so students can see how they work firsthand and understand the importance of overall security within an organization. [00:06:46] So I thought that was pretty cool, a more integrated, full security type class, as well as being able to learn lockpicking and get credit. And on Twitter, I fist tweeted in case you didn't know about these old, the national locksmith trade journals on here and had a link to archive.org continued kind of dated, but a lot of info that is still highly relevant nowadays. [00:07:13] So I went over there and I checked and it looks like they currently have issues from 1988 to 2005. I don't know if that is. Complete set from that timeframe, but they do have some spanning from 1988 to 2005. In case you're interested, you can head over there, link in the show notes and in community news, first off, congratulations to Lochner for reaching 70,000 YouTube subscribers. [00:07:40] Really, really amazing stats. Good job on that. You've earned every single one of those, and there's a new post on tools. Black bag. Entitled new tool, Eva dual gut key. I'll read part of it here just to tease you. The Eva dual is a lock with 12 spring loaded sliders and two sidebars. One on each side is exceptionally hard lock to pick render a gifted picker, found gutting of the dual error prone and devised a tool to help with getting the Lock. [00:08:17] Render was kind enough to allow inclusion of the pictures and STL under the CCB Y 4.0. So that was a creative commons license. Anyway, check that one out again, link in the show notes, or just go to black bag tool dot N L and just remember to spell tool with three O's and back on Twitter, dark arts lockpicking tweeted out. [00:08:40] Has anyone heard from Bosnia and bill been three weeks since his last post? I fist replied heard, mention of this in his last recent video comments and tracked it down a few days ago. Hope it helps put some minds at ease. And I thought I would just, I don't have permission, but I'm going to read this here because I think it's important to the community as a whole, in reply to somebody asking about where you've been said, I'm taking a break from posting videos for a while. [00:09:10] And as you are a supporter, you deserve an exponent. As you may recall, a dear friend recently died from COVID-19 leaving her husband and two children. Unfortunately, her husband also contracted the virus and at least initially it looked like he had a mild case. My wife and I are legal guardians and moved the kids into our house in an effort to keep them from getting sick as time went on, which his illness got worse and he went into intensive care. [00:09:38] Two days later, he had to go on. He remained on it for six days before recovering enough for a doctor to remove it. He has slowly, very slowly been recovering and is out of intensive care. The doctor said he will recover, but the lungs are permanently damaged. Long-term effect is unknown, but he is breathing on his own. [00:10:00] So that's good news. The doctor expects the recovery and physical therapy to take several months during his recovery. We are continuing to keep the kids ages seven and nine. To be honest, we had forgotten how much time it takes to take to care for young kids. It is like keeping wild monkeys in our house. [00:10:20] You have to watch them every second because they have an uncanny ability to find, lose, or break or disassemble your most valuable possessions, nothing remains in its place. Dishes and utensils are used and cast aside, usually under a piece of fruit. Our house looks like a bomb went off in it. [00:10:36] Organization is a distant memory. Keeping young children clean is also impossible because their hands and skin seem to exude this substance that they smear onto every surface. They require assistance for everything from waking up to getting dressed, bathed, fed, and shuffled to wherever you've managed to con into taking them. [00:10:55] Usually. While they are gone. You sit around waiting for a phone call telling you that they set something on fire and you find yourself wishing they'd come home so you can watch them are peaceful lives have changed with the introduction of these two children, but we wouldn't trade the experience. [00:11:09] Anything, despite the challenges, they are truly a joy to have around still. If I win the lottery, I'm going to hire about four housekeepers full-time to help Holly and I keep up. And therein lies. The problem time something has to give and making four videos a week is something I simply can't do while these kids are with us. [00:11:28] I apologize for that, but I will try to post the occasional video as I find time. So for all of those of you who might've been wondering how things were going, bill, that is the current situation and Joshua Gonzales thought it might be interesting to share the CLK supply's latest video. Says they're a good history lesson. [00:11:51] The first one is entitled. Locksmithing 1 0 1. What? No one tells you about the industry. Key blank history, part one, the description reads. Have you ever wondered why there are so many different key blank part numbers in the locksmithing industry? I know we have PJ shares the untold history of key blanks and their manufacturers learn more about the locksmithing industry and stay tuned for part two. [00:12:15] Part two is out as of this record. It says, never questioned key part numbers. Again, key blank history, part two. And the description on that says key blank. Part numbers can be confusing in the locksmithing industry. There are many versions of key blanks knowing which key to order can be difficult. PJ gives you a breakdown of keys, the materials they're made from, and the variations of part numbers with an explanation of why there are so many for the same key, learn everything you need to know. [00:12:46] So I will have links to both of those episodes in the show notes. I've I haven't actually had a chance to watch the second one in full, but I did watch the first one and I found it interesting and MC 7, 7, 7 Oz posted in Reddit, Emma heart shirts now available a club with a difference. It says, okay. So I like M hearts a little too much, and March are fairly rare and not exactly cheap. [00:13:10] So what I'm wondering is what do people think about a club with plebeian membership? Jokes. This includes me, no picking required. Just buy a shirt if you want it. I'm hoping to get them screen printed, but that needs a minimum of 20 per order. So I would like the numbers before I order shirts would be about $65 Australian. [00:13:30] I think that is or 48 63 us or 40.9, seven Euro. As of the 20th of June, including international shipping. Sadly shipping is 21 Australia. Maybe this could be improved with bulk shipment. If I can sell a screen print run, there's a giveaway in it. Then he continues offer for pickers only that want something extra. [00:13:54] If you post proof of picking an M heart and don't mind spending a little more, you can get a customized shirt. It will have the core on the sleeve turned like it's been picked and you can get custom artwork. Example your name above The Lock face or your. Just send the artwork to me as one-offs and because they will be direct to garment printing with no multiple prints discount. [00:14:20] These will be 82 Australian. Again, this is including international shipping and this is barely more than my cost. He says it can be a standard club for peckers only if people would ride. The pictures are the first test print. So there are a few improvements to be made, namely in the line weight and on the lock face and hatching on the tensioner. [00:14:44] And I might change the bidding for a better cutaway image. Also I'm offering an option of an STL file with each shirt purchase. So if you have a lock with no key, you can give me your locks, pinning details. I'll send you a 3d model of your car. Please. No, I still have to do a test print myself and I only have the 5, 5, 1 L two key way modeled so far, but this might be a way to replace keys for some of those in Locksports. [00:15:15] So, anyway, interesting. You can go check that out on the Reddit again, link in the show notes, see how Kowski finished the five parts spherical cowl series that I mentioned in a previous episode. The test was to see if the orientation of The Lock made, picking more or less difficult in a tweet. He said, so it's the final part of this fair cold cow project. [00:15:38] And it's been interesting. Locksports adventure be really interesting to see if these can be repeated by others. The video is TSL 1 95 projects, vehicle Kyle part five conclusions. So if you've been following the series, you've already seen this, but if you haven't, then you can go check it. The description reads, welcome to projects, vehicle cow, which is designed to test in the coming weeks. [00:16:01] If lock orientation really does matter. If you've been watching, then you'll have seen that. I've now picked it in eight positions. Yeah. I'm counting zero and 360 as one position. So what have I learned? And you'll have to watch the video to find out. Mr. Black magic has made what he thinks is the first video picking of the Moyle Lock. [00:16:26] Plus he uses a lock cam to demonstrate how the lock and its eight levers function. You can check that out on his channel video 46, well eight livers with false gates public first picked gutted and explained. Plus lock cam says it's French lock with a similar design to the card. It's an interesting Lock. [00:16:47] It's very different from other lock designs. It's an eight lever lock, but you push the key in to actuate the levers. It looks like a push key style key, and it actuates the levers which causes the neck mechanism to be able to push back and engage. I really can't explain it on this podcast. So you should check out the video. [00:17:07] And if you want to know more about these locks, you can check out a video. Well, high security, French locks, 120 years of security by locks nest, which I will also link in the show notes. And the description on that is simply presentation of several well locks dating back to the early 19 hundreds. So anyway, really interesting. [00:17:28] And I do recommend you check both of those videos out, but that's bias on my part because I love all these interesting novel mechanisms and pocket woman. Shared with me a video from PacLock. She said just came across this video from PacLock showing how to repin their UCS U Penn cylinders, and also shows how to search their site for the key bidding, using a unique key code stamped on the key and indirect bidding code. [00:17:53] Basically thought you might find this interesting. And the video is how to pin your UCS. UPN cylinder says, watch PAC pres explain how simple it is to expand your U C S system in just a matter of minutes. So you can learn how to expand your UCS system. Whenever you need to get your unique pitting order at PacLock dot com slash UCS slash start. [00:18:17] So yes, they use an indirect bidding code I'm guessing, but then you can look it up on their websites. That's now public information. Uh, also this video is dated June 24th, 2021. And I swear, I've seen this video before. Did they repost it or am I crazy? Uh, let, let me know if any of you have seen this video before, because I could have swore this was up on their site before. [00:18:42] Anyway, I like the idea of being able to re key my lock style, be the same, however. From a customer service point of view. I do think it's a bit risky to trust the general public, to do this with limited instruction and no experience without totally screwing up somewhere and then complaining to the customer service line. [00:19:01] Just my thoughts on it. I think it's a great, I like the UCS system and I think it's great that they provide the ability to, to Ricky. I just think I wouldn't want to work in customer service there I've worked customer service before, and I could see that being an. I don't have any in-person meetups to announce this week or any new speedlocks.org speed picking records. [00:19:24] But I do have a few new Lock Pickers, United belts to announce. First off, we have a new blue belt by Lock cracking, congratulations, cracking, and two new purple belts. We have ADA, Marie and spoon, both earned purple this week, graduations to both of them. For anyone not already familiar with the Lock Pickers United belt system, you can head over to the Reddit, uh, which is our slash lockpicking. [00:19:50] And you can find the belt ranking information page that's listed in their sidebar, and you can find all of the details there. That's the official source. If you don't have the patience to read through that, there are a couple of videos you can check out Lock Pickers. United YouTube channel has mentorship Monday. [00:20:06] Number three, the belts. And John Locke has a video called all about the lockpicking belt ranking systems. You can also check out The Lock Sportscast podcast episode two, which is audio only on that one called breaking rules and getting the belt. Andy, any of those can give you a little more insight into what's going on now. [00:20:26] It's time to say thank you to the people that made this episode possible. We'll start off with the people that financially support this show. We have. The Patrion subscribers, bill en Medler Panda-Frog Michael Gilchrist. Starrylock Williams brain Dave DBT. SIPER pat from uncensored sensor, tactical, pH Becker three recommends and a coach Chirael MOG and John Lock. [00:20:45] Thank you to all of you for helping keep the bills paid. Chief content producer for this episode is Tarell by quite a wide margin. Cause he sends stuff pretty frequently throughout the weekend. My having to do this early, kind of cut off a few. Con other content producers for this episode are John Locke, Joshua Gonzales, cracking lock hack lock maker, tattooer mic 7, 7, 7, Oz, Mr. [00:21:11] Black magic. Panda-Frog picked it mate, pocket, woman ruin and Tony reli. Thank you to all of you for helping to make the workload a little less for me. I really do appreciate. Remember, this show is only possible because of information and support from community members like yourself. So if you value the podcast, please help me keep it going by sending in your news links, events, giveaway information, anything you have that's Locksports related. [00:21:36] Every one of you has your own unique little part of the lockpicking community that you take part in. So if you get some news from one of those, please share it here. So the rest of us will know. You can send any information you have to podcast at The Lock Sportscast dot com or DM me on social media. You can find all of my contact information at The Lock Sportscast dot com slash contact or Locksports cast.com/support. [00:22:02] And don't forget to share the podcast with your lockpicking friends. If you are going to an in-person meetup, that's a good opportunity to share the show with some people that might not already know about it. You can leave a review on your favorite podcasting platform or leave a comment, a thumbs up on YouTube. [00:22:17] You can subscribe to the podcast on your favorite audio podcast, app or YouTube. That's very useful. And you can donate if you want via PayPal or subscribe on Patrion. If you do subscribe on Patrion for a monthly subscription, you do get a private RSS feed that will get you the episodes a little bit earlier than the rest of the people. [00:22:36] When I finished editing them, not on the normal Monday release day for details on how to support the show, just go to The Lock Sportscast dot com slash story. And if you split the show with donation or information I use in the show, I will give you credit in the show and on the show notes. So thank you very much for your support. [00:22:55] Moving on to products, Martin Newton, put out a tweet saying testing a prototype rotary disc pick very easy to use. 100% success rate, a couple of minor improvements before this goes for a production run and rubber band asked. Do you have a projected cost for these? The collector in me is gearing up. And Martin replied not yet going to try and make it as affordable as possible. [00:23:20] It will depend on numbers. Cost of manufacturing goes down as the numbers go up. Yup. Uh, anyway, that's uh, what we have on that. It's a little mysterious, but we'll be looking forward to hearing more information. And then squelch tone sent out a tweet saying new Dave McNamee book on the life of a safecracker it's entitled. [00:23:43] Safecracker a Chronicle of the coolest job in the world and should be available. July 1st. The description on Amazon reads like a character in a Hitchcock movie. Dave Mikami travels the country breaking into bank faults, cracking jewelry store safes, and decoding unbreakable codes, secure deep in government facility. [00:24:03] He's never been arrested or charged with crime because it's his job. Safecracker reveals the shadowy world where tumblers are twirled, skeletons are exposed and long-standing mysteries are solved. You'll ride shotgun with Dave for one crazy week, beginning with the impenetrable vault in Vegas with a midnight deadline and ending with Prince's ultra secure music vault in the basement of Paisley park in between our factual story. [00:24:32] That read like fiction drilling the same model ATM from the notorious episode of breaking bad meeting a mystery man from department of defense at a remote location to crack to high security safes, chronicling the corruption and ineptitude that dogged efforts to develop the first electronic safe lock to guard our national secrets tackling a a hundred year old antique bank vault in downtown salt lake city and more. [00:24:57] What's in all these safes and vaults gold and silver Doug's and cash, guns, and animal family heirlooms, and X-rated paraphernalia and a few secrets that should have remained secret. Shh actually sounds like a really good book. Kind of interested in that. All right. Moving onto the crazy locksmith story. [00:25:17] This one is a little different. This is. Half criminal half lockpicking story, but The Lock Smith and this ends up right in the middle of it. So that's why I'm putting this here as kind of a cautionary tale to raise awareness. And also, because it's just an interesting story. Uh, the title of the article I first came across was New Jersey woman uses Tik TOK to document and extremist groups attempt to steal her home. [00:25:43] A woman in New Jersey had a bizarre and terrifying experience when a member of an extremist group tried not only to break into her home, but move in Jeanetta, posted on Tik TOK, multiple updates to the story. After purchasing her house in February, she had not moved into her new place as it was being renovated. [00:26:02] The story began when she received threatening letters from a sovereign citizens group who claimed ownership of her new house. The extremist group has attempted to claim ownership of other properties in the past, claiming an ancestral, right? Having ties to the property, Janetta was told by her lawyers. [00:26:21] It was a scam. And to discard the letters on June 17th, after receiving the keys, she found that they didn't fit the locks, Janetta called the locksmith. But when she and locksmith approached the home, they were stopped by four unknown male. Who were very aggressive and presented paperwork indicating that they held legal rights to the property, uh, called the police who confronted the suspects, the documentation claim that they were sovereign citizens of the Al Moroccan empire and their status was why they believed they could claim the property as their own. [00:26:53] Please confirm Chanetta was the owner of the home and asked the men to leave. Later that same day around 2:40 PM. One of the suspects came back to the home before the locksmith was able to change the locks. He used his key to get into the place and placed a Morris flag in the window. The Newark police SWAT team entered the property and took the man into custody. [00:27:14] The man now faces charges of burglary, criminal mischief, criminal trespass, and terroristic threat. In one of many Tik TOK videos, Shinoda sums up her experience. I was randomly, but not randomly targeted by a terrorist group that doesn't follow all our doesn't follow any of our rules and would be violent in efforts to steal my house. [00:27:36] It's not the sexy crime lifetime shows that you're used to seeing. This was something for me to try to communicate as a cautionary tale that is bizarre and crazy, but it's real life. It happens. And the article says the Southern poverty law center rights, sovereign citizens believe that they not judges juries law enforcement or elected officials get to decide which laws to obey and which to ignore. [00:28:00] And they don't think they should have to pay taxes. And it's more were convoluted within that. If you want to go down a rabbit hole, look up sovereigns citizens on YouTube or even more so in this case look up Morrish America. On YouTube. And it's just a crazy rabbit hole. You can go down, but it's not a bad idea, especially if you're a locksmith to perhaps go and just review a couple of the videos. [00:28:27] So you can see the warning signs of how they talk and what type of things they do. So, you know, when to just step aside and call the police, because it could get dangerous in lockpicking criminal news. Out of national city, California national city's chief of police took a man into custody at gunpoint, Wednesday as part of a burglary investigation and pursuit that ended in two more arrests. [00:28:50] It started around 5:30 AM. When dispatchers got nine one, one call about three men breaking into a locksmith's kiosk in the south bay area, south bay Plaza on east Plaza. Officers arrived and got a description of a car that had just left the scene from witnesses. They spotted the sedan and followed it about a half mile to Kimball park where the driver apparently tried to escape along a dirt path, but collided with equipment near Kimball, state park, two men jumped out and tried to run away. [00:29:21] One of them made his way to C avenue crossing paths with police, chief Jose, tell us. Who officer said had been headed to work in the departments to station nearby freelance photographer video shows the chief holding the suspect at gunpoint in ordering him to the ground. Marked patrol cars pulled up behind the arrest and a uniformed officer runs over and to give the chief his handcuffs. [00:29:45] Meanwhile, Cardoza says officers were able to track down the other two suspects. One was found hiding in the back of the vehicle that led please. On a chase through the park. The other was found hiding under a tarp in backyard near the park police dog was sent after that man, when he refused to surrender, officer said, and he was bitten in the leg, the man, and one other suspects who apparently got hurt in the initial crash or taken to the hospital for minor injuries, they will be turned over to authorities once they are treated the owner of the locksmith business, which arrived to find his Kia store. [00:30:23] Said the thieves had taken some equipment for programming roads and other tools used for making house and car keys and said, fortunately, they couldn't steal everything because the police were informed that someone was trying to break in. And the owner said they got here quickly. And I believe they caught three of them. [00:30:42] He said these had tried to break into his kiosk once before, but fortunately they got them. This is life. What can you. So not technically locked, picking criminals, but stealing from locksmiths and the specific tools they got. It seems to show their intention to do that at some point in the future and out of south Wales, a professional car thief in a stolen vehicle, crashed into car containing a mum and her young daughters, as he fled from police the quarter. [00:31:13] When Steven Thomas was searched, officers found he had tools of the trade on him, including a lockpick and an electronic car computer reader. The 28 year old had only been out of prison for a matter of months at the time having been jailed last year for his part, any 100 mile per hour pursuit in another stolen car during which police vehicle was running. [00:31:35] Sending him back inside. A judge told him his immature and selfish behavior on the night in question could have had catastrophic results. Sponsee crown court heard that around 9:30 PM on May 21st police in an unmarked car in the Penland area of Swansea saw a Ford Fiesta with Thomas at the wheel, which had been reported stolen. [00:31:58] Craig Jones prosecuting said the officer activated the concealed blue lights on his patrol car and signaled for the, to stop on penury road. But instead it sped away. He said, Thomas race through Penn Penland along laggy felon road before turning into the clase estate, where he showed scant regard for the rules of the road. [00:32:23] As he drove at speeds, hitting 60 miles per hour through a residential area. The defendant lost the pursuit officer when he drove down a foot path, but was located by another police unit minutes later, back on laggy Felecia road. As Thomas tried again to get away, he crashed at some speed into a Ford car. [00:32:44] With a woman and two children on board, the defendant was arrested at the scene of the collision and paramedics were called to check on the moment kids. Mr. Jones said it was fortunate that the youngsters were securely strapped in the back of the car. And though knocked around and shaken up. They did not suffer any serious injuries. [00:33:01] When Thomas was searched, he was found to be in possession of an OBD reader and electronic device, which plugs into the onboard diagnostic system in a car and allows thieves to deactivate the alarm and encode, nookie. As well as what prosecutor termed, the more traditional tools of the car thief trade, including bolt cutters, a lockpick and an adjustable spanner at the time of the crash. [00:33:22] Thomas was out of prison on license having been sentenced to 10 months in prison in October, 2020 for his involvement in another prison. This had seen him and three other career criminals race through Swansea at speeds, touching 100 miles per hour in a stolen car at one stage ramming a police vehicle and injuring the officer inside the Forman ran away from the stolen Ford eco sport, but were quickly rounded up. [00:33:47] They subsequently refused to take responsibility for the driving, and we're not say which of the number had been behind the wheel. Stephen Carl Thomas, who goes by the name Steven Rice of no fixed abode had previously pled guilty to aggravated vehicle taking dangerous driving, driving while disqualified, driving without insurance and going equipped to commit theft. [00:34:09] When he appeared in the dock for sentencing, he. He has 20 previous convictions for 42 offenses beginning when he was youth, including aggravated vehicle taking theft from vehicles, fraud, driving while disqualified, dangerous driving, handling, stolen goods, offenses of violence, criminal damage pinged concerned in the production of cannabis and possession of drugs. [00:34:33] Dan Griffis for Thomas said, Griffin. Right said, given the items the defendant had been found in the possession of the court may conclude his client is a quote professional Carthy. He said there was little mitigation in the case, save for guilty pleas that the defendant felt terrible that a mom and young children had been caught up in the collision. [00:34:55] And he wished to apologize. Judge Catherine Richards told Thomas his immature and selfish actions on the night in question could have had cashed off a result. Given the defendant credit for his guilty pleas, the judge sentence, him to a total of 18 months in prison. Thomas will serve up to half that period in custody before being released on license to serve the remainder of in the community. [00:35:19] He was disqualified for driving for three years and his band was extended by an extra nine months to account for the period. He will be behind bars, certainly appears to be a career criminal. There that's a lot of. History so well, we can hope he will straighten out when he's released. Next time. Moving on to sales, uh, picked it. [00:35:44] Mate came up with a code EPG 25% for twenty-five percent off EPG blades@lawlocktools.com. That's the electronic pick. Blades 25% off@lollatools.com. Uh, I don't have information on an expiration date yet. I was going to do a little more research there, but I ran out of time. The promo code for 15% off at dark arts. [00:36:11] Lockpicking the doubt.com dot a U store that's D a L p.com dot a U it's can only be used once per customer expires the 1st of July, 2021. It's DLP store zero one D a L P S T O R E zero. One is the code 15% off first purchase at, uh, doubt.com date. Was that repetitive enough for everybody? Uh, 3d Locksports dot com Tony Vareli site, 10% off with the code LS, cast 10, that has a special code that he put out. [00:36:49] Just so you guys wouldn't lose out when the last code expired. So thank you to Tony verbally for doing that. I don't get anything out of any of these codes by the way. So these are not affiliate codes, just savings for you. Make a lock still gets 15% off with code by Maaco. Uh, again, no expiration known UK Lock Pickers dot co.uk, 10% off of the code gift G I F T no expression known at this time. [00:37:18] Giveaways lock hacks, still running the picking for good 2021 giveaway slash fundraiser. That ends June 30th. So if you're listening to this early, you still have time to donate. Or follow the other options to get in the giveaway for that. John, Locke's still having his hundred subscriber celebration giveaway. [00:37:39] Hashtag John lock 100. You can listen to last episode or go to his video, which will be linked in the show notes. It's 100 subscriber celebration giveaway hashtag John Locke 100 and it ends July 11th, cracking and Lock crackers. Having his hashtag crack in June 21 giveaway runs today, the end of the month. [00:38:01] So you still have a little bit of time there and that one's pretty simple. Give the story of your username while you pick it up, or if it's your user name is your name. Just pick a lock and use the hashtag crack in June 21 Lock maker tattoo. His giveaway also running to the end of the month to June 30th, hashtag LMT, June 21 maker giveaway giving away a custom made Demple flag. [00:38:26] And you can go to his website or you can go to his YouTube channel to get the details on that. Rune picks a challenge Lock and he gives away the challenge like he picked last week in his Saturday giveaways. So you can go check that out. And on his channel, which will be linked in the show notes. [00:38:47] Panda-Frog his June, 2021 giveaway is still running through the end of the month. So check out his English 1 91 video lockpicking giveaway drawing hashtag Panda-Frog 21 may and rules for the hashtag Panda-Frog 21 June giveaway. So go check that out. TLK supplies has their hashtag lockbox givers. And that runs every week. [00:39:11] Lots of good prizes. There'll be Lincoln has shown us to the page that gives you information on how to enter that I'm still running my monthly giveaway for a PacLock 100 day with my custom logo on it, or a $20 gift code to Hugin keys.com. You can find out how to enter that at Locksports guest.com/giveaway for all the rules, but basically really simply cutting. [00:39:33] You supplied me with information I can use in the podcast. You get an entry for every bit of information that you supply that I use. And in one country, for every episode that it's used in, also share the podcast online. If you tag me in it, if I find out about it, I will give you an entry easiest way. Tag me with my social media handle. [00:39:53] Venue you happen to share it in, and then I will get you an entry. Send me any information you have this Locksports related, even if you don't think it's important. It might just be the bit of information that I need. If not, no harm done. Remember to subscribe to the podcast or the YouTube channel, whichever is your favorite way of doing it or both. [00:40:09] That's fine with me. Thank you for all of your continued support, all the information you send in every week, for those of you that donate and subscribe on Patrion. I really, really, really appreciate all of this. So thank you. And remember to keep it legal. .