LSC_107 Disclaimer: This transcript is auto generated and is not manually checked for errors.  It more than likely contains very significant errors. [00:00:00] Charles Current: Welcome to Lock Sportscast. Your weekly source for Lock sport news. This is episode 1 0 7. Recorded June 27th, 2022. I'm your host Charles Grant in today's episode, angry Lock picking wives tampering with wristbands veer scales for safe Lock manipulation locksmith starter series, a tiny covert pick set for under $15. [00:00:21] New blog posts, products, meetups sales, giveaways, and. [00:00:40] You can subscribe to the audio version of the show on most podcast apps and at Lock Sportscast dot com. You can subscribe to the video version on YouTube Odyssey or apple podcasts. Links to stories discussed will be in the show notes. Some apps limit the length of show notes and the ability to post. [00:00:54] But you can find full show notes with all the links, the Lock Sportscast dot com. First up in the news this week, we have something sent in by kick picks from Instagram. Looks like there was a series of Instagram story posts that went around first year by killer ma industries. And it's a picture of what appears to be his wife's sunglasses with. [00:01:19] Pad Lock across the nose bridge so that they would be unusable says, I think my wife will kill me by the way. Next came one from kicks picks, hashtag angry Lock, picking wife challenge, following the devil's footsteps. And it's what appears to be the wife's purse pad Lock to a covered door handle. So yeah, that would make my wife pretty. [00:01:47] The next one again from killer Mau said, did you kick picks? Did you ever try that combo? And it's the sunglasses had locked across the nose bridge to the purse strap ring. That one would be annoying by not completely, uh, crippling, like having the purse completely locked away. And the third is one that I know would really get my. [00:02:11] It's also again from killer Maru to kick picks. Thank me later. And it's a picture of a pair of pink flip flops padlock together. This one would definitely get my wife. She loves her flip flops. They are her go to anytime she has to walk out of the front door. So this would just drive her nuts. But I planned on staying married and happily married as long as your significant other is a good sport, might be able to get away with doing that once or twice. [00:02:41] This week's gonna be a little different, uh, not much news. So we're gonna cover a lot of videos that I've come across that I quite enjoy and think are very useful for the community. So first up is a series of videos by deviant O on tampering with wristbands. The first video covers the classic plastic wristband, the type that have a little peg that goes through a series of holes. [00:03:06] And the description says sometimes life throws us into situations where you are issued a wristband for access to an event for free drinks at the bar, or to enjoy rides at a water park. And wristbands are good for brief situations like that when you don't want to fumble with a wallet or credential, but wristbands have a time limit when it comes to comfort for multi-day events, I've always particularly hated having to keep them. [00:03:31] They're uncomfortable when trying to sleep at night. And they're annoying when your arm is wet after swimming or taking a shower. This is a tactic which I have found works rather. Well, if I want to make most typical disposable wrist brands, easily, removable and replaceable, then he followed up with a part two video. [00:03:50] And the description says this video shows how to tamper with the fabric kind of event wrist. And the last entry in the series says I've had fun showing you about tampering with various seals. And this installment covers the use of chemicals to attack security, adhesives, et cetera. So if you're into the physical security thing or you go to a lot of events that require wristbands, this might be an interesting one to check out. [00:04:18] Next up was also another one by Dian Oola. It's what you do and don't need in physical security consulting tool. And I'll read the description to the video here. You may have seen me discuss my solve most problems bag with lots of curious attack items and covert entry tools. You may have seen me showcase the contents of our large Pelican field cases for red teaming jobs. [00:04:41] But what do I carry with me when I'm simply taking a meeting on site with a client? What about when executives want a simple site survey? And I'm mostly documenting things while filming small, quick demos for discussion later. This is my site survey slash consulting appointment kit. This video is a brief summary about the things I carry, but mostly it's a list of gear that you don't need to lug around with you all the time. [00:05:05] Especially if people at the target facility know you're coming and are expecting you. Hopefully this can save you some money and some headache, and it's a good overview on. How to pack light for a very specific set of circumstances, rather than trying to take the whole kitchen sink with you on every job. [00:05:24] So definitely worth checking that one out. The next one is by Alexander MUN in it's safe combination Lock manipulation, how to read a veneer scale. And the description says a quick video to show how to read a veneer during combination Lock manipulation. He also provides link to a webpage that will allow you to print off your own Verveer scales for safe Lock use, and discusses how to use those in this video. [00:05:55] Definitely good for those of us with failing eyesight, trying to see 10th of a digit increments by my bare eye anymore is not really possible. Having the veneer scales looks. It would definitely be a big advantage. I'm old. So I'm used to using veneer calipers. So this would definitely be something that I think I will be experimenting with. [00:06:17] And then se Lock and key has made a series of videos called the locksmith starter series. So far, it's a series of eight videos. The first video is the intro to series and it says in this upcoming set of videos, we'll be going all the way back to the beginning and learning keys locks and how to take them apart for re-keying. [00:06:38] And the second video in the series is called the legal and its description. Read. I almost forgot about this part. It is very important to check with your city county and state laws to make sure you have all the necessary legal stuff done before you start locksmithing. Here we go. Over the states that require licensing to be a locksmith, but almost all areas in the us require you to have some type of business license check with your to see what is required in your area. [00:07:10] Part three, called the tools. Here we go with video three on residential locksmithing and this one involves tools to perform the work we do. We will need all kinds of tools and this video covers pretty much the bare minimum of what you'll be using often to remove. And re-key residential locks. As we progress through the series, I will start adding to this list with more specific tools you might need. [00:07:33] Episode four is keys and pin kit basics. In episode four, we are gonna take a look at the most common us residential keys, quickset SLA and wiser. We will look at the slight differences in the keys and how they interact with their respective locks and the very basics of the pin kit and its chart that will help you learn how to match new pens from the kit to the keys. [00:08:00] When you have to re-key Lock. And then he notes that this is a very brief overview of rekey and they'll go more specifics into each brand. Later on in the series, episode five is quick set standard rekey in this episode of our series, we are going to be removing the standard quick set brand knob and double cylinder deadbolt with no keys and then reinstall on the door. [00:08:28] Part six, recovering from exploded cylinder. In this episode, we are going to be showing how to check the upper chamber for unneeded master pins, as well as how to recover when your top pins and Springs fall out. This is a very important aspect of the re-keying process. And one, you will need to know how to do as you are learning how to re-key locks episode four quick set, tighten. [00:08:51] In this video, we will check out the quick set Titan line. Now discontinued it's a bit longer than others, but there's some odd stuff going on with the Titan line because of the sixth pin. And episode eight in this video, we will explore how the plug spinner works. That's currently as of this recording the last episode in the series, but be sure to check out the link in the show notes to the playlist or when he adds more. [00:09:17] And the next video suggested by Chris Kapo is from Roon Knight's channel, and it's entitled how to make a tiny covert set for under $15 and 10 minutes of. The description reads super simple build here. You'll need a hard surface for painting one eight inch brass rod. And if you make Bible pins, you'll probably already have it. [00:09:37] A saw ING hammer, one millimeter thick washers, a drill, and an order of south or six replacement. Jacknife picking tips in the video, goes over how to assemble those components to make a very simple, small, compact, lightweight, and. Apparently effective picking kit because Chris KPO also, uh, when he sent it in said I made one and it works well. [00:10:04] And he also just recently released a video, his number 2059, eight minute RK covert pick tool where he demonstrates this, uh, covert pick tool and how well it works. So I'll have links to both of those videos in the show notes. And then Jack Fox put out a video, his number 2 55 inside a pancake Lock where he. [00:10:27] Takes apart a classic pancake Lock that doesn't appear to have a working key and goes over how the mechanism inside works very specifically. And hopefully he'll be able to make a working key for that Lock in the process. But definitely interesting. You don't get to see inside a lot of those old brass locks because it requires drilling out pins and doing some damage to Lock, to get into. [00:10:55] In this case, since it wasn't currently a working Lock, he took the time, did it and letting us all benefit from that experience. So be sure to check that video out, moving on from videos, we'll go to blog posts. First up, we have a new article on the Lock judge blog called Lock sport guide to a controversial hobby. [00:11:18] The first. Whether you've inadvertently locked yourself outta your house and required the services of a locksmith, or you've seen it on the small screen and wondered how it was done. This article is going to answer all your questions about picking locks and the hobby of Lock sport. And it's like most of Lock judges articles divided into a series of sections. [00:11:38] The first is, is Lock, picking a sport, and that covers the origin of Lock sport and Lock sport tools is Lock, picking legal Lock, picking organizations, including the Lock picking built ranking system. Can I go around picking locks once I know how to do it? Where can I learn more about Lock sport? Are there any YouTube channels about Lock sport? [00:11:59] What equipment do I need to start in Lock sport? Which locks should I start picking Lock sport equipment. What to do when you're struggling to open a Lock? What can I do next in Lock sport? Which includes Lock, picking competitions covers a lot of ground. Um, but it's not actually a really long article. So it's a fairly quick read. [00:12:19] Check it out might be something you want to point your friends to. When they start asking you about your hobby in locksport or Lock picking in south, or put up a new article on their blog and it's, uh, south or the origins part one, the very first paragraph reads. Some of you may know us from way back before the internet, back before south or locksmith tools. [00:12:41] Back in the days of our paper catalogs with mail ordering and advertisements in the back of soldier and fortune. For those of you who met us in recent decades, we weren't always a manufacturer of locksmith tools. Believe it or not, our company began in 1989 as Southern ordinance. That's the origins of south, or, and it began with one item, brass, knuckles, interesting story. [00:13:06] And like I said, this is part one, the link says it is part one of two, so we'll stay tuned for the second part. And I will try to remember to announce that here, when it comes. I'm pretty sure I remember them, not from soldier enforce, but I remember the name. I never got soldier enforcement magazine, but I remember the name Southern ordinance. [00:13:27] I just can't remember when that would've been back when I was in high school and I was into all kinds of, um, stuff about survival stuff and, and weapons and all that. So it might have been something I came across at the. And then there was another story that I was sent in by I Fisk that unfortunately can't load today. [00:13:46] At least not from my house, but I'll have the link in the show notes. Anyway, just in case it pops back up, it was from the daily star and it was a short story called the locksmith Lock. In the beginning of the story read Azar was a 40 year old bachelor and a expert Lock. He also owned a hardware store. [00:14:05] He was, he was generally considered to be a good citizen, even though 15 years ago, he went to prison for stealing jewels. But since then, he has been very careful about not getting caught. The stolen money, helped him travel around and enjoy the small luxuries of life. And that's where I'm gonna leave it. [00:14:23] But it it's just a short story with a, a weird twist. Like I said, link in the show notes. Hopefully it will pop back up soon. I was having some internet issues this morning and that might be part of the issue. I couldn't get think to load either for some reason. So might be on my end, moving on to products, deviant, put out a video, announcing the super bump key. [00:14:45] Now an exciting new SL flavor. And in the video shows how this particular. Version of the bump key works. What makes it better, uh, for not damaging the Lock and stuff like that? Cause I don't think I've ever talked about their super bump keys before. So I'll read the Des product description on this one. [00:15:06] Bump keys sold by red team tools are produced to our unique specification based around code cutting each bidding position slightly deeper than the maximum factory depth. Furthermore, this is a specifically modified SC four blank that goes beyond the traditional bump key design. By adding an additional Phantom cutout at a hypothetical seventh bidding position. [00:15:29] The tip of this key does not have the off scene sharp tooth peak, which can interfere with certain bumping techniques. Additionally, our leg super bump key has additional cutting and milling done on both the key blade as well as the underside shoulder, up into the bow. Making more room for the use of our bump key bands, which both assist in the attacking process and also prevent damage to the face of the Lock being opened. [00:15:58] I will have a link to both the demonstration video as well as the product page for Thele super bump key in the show notes of course, and trail pointed out a tweet from uncensored tactical on Twitter. The tweet said the draft for UAX book. Number three is complete off to the editors for a few rounds of editing. [00:16:21] And the title is tactical Lock, picking volume two. So I'll be watching for that to come out. I own the first one, and I really like that book a lot of useful information. So definitely plan on checking this one out when it comes out. And I received a note from bear bones, Lock, picking no new products this week. [00:16:39] But a couple of updates on previously mentioned items. The custom handles are starting to become available. Law Lock tools, custom handle versions are following shortly. The idea with the custom handle is to let each user choose the profile and finish that suits them more handle profiles and color finishes will follow in the coming weeks. [00:17:00] The law Lock tools category has been added to the bare bones website. And will allow for back ordering when product stocks run out and they say all back orders will be filled as a priority and estimate about two weeks. They also note that HV logic will be providing an update video on the bone dimple flags. [00:17:19] And that will be coming up in a few days. So stay tuned for that. Moving on to meetups. First up, we have a new one here, the summit seven Issa LA's 12th annual information security summit. The premier information system security event in Southern California at the Annenburg beach house from September 20th through the 22nd. [00:17:42] According to their website. And this was posted in my discord by Holly. And the note sent in says those of you who follow Lock sport Lock, picking, and physical security should be pleased that I was fortunate to schedule deviant Ola for the physical security keynote on the 21st. If you register now until July 2nd, the early bird price is $45. [00:18:04] Plus a dollar 98 handling fee. Of course, links will be in the show notes. And as I mentioned last week, AOA 2022 is July 24th through the 30th in Vegas. And if you wanna know a little more about it, CLK did an interview with the, the president of AOA bill M on their hashtag Lock BOS show last week. So I will have linked to that in the show notes for you to check out DEFCON 30 has a Lock picking village and DEFCON 30 will be taking place August 11th through the 14th. [00:18:37] And. That will be in Vegas. I believe they also have a call for volunteers. Um, I didn't actually check and see how they're doing on that, but I will have a link to the signup form in the show notes, just in case Lock con 2022 takes place from August 25th through the 28th in Barlow. So good to see that back and be sure to check it. [00:19:06] St con 2022 in Provo, Utah from the October 25th to the 28th and the keynotes for that include deviant Stephanie Snow, Caruthers and Jason E street. So be sure to check that out. If you're planning on being in the area, [00:19:28] moving on to Lock Pickers, United belts this week, just a couple to announce Bobby earned brown belt and. Somebody who ate a pie, earned red on the discord. So congratulations to both of you well done on those. If you're not already familiar with the Lock Pickers United belt system, there are links to the rules as well as some videos explaining how it works and what it is and the show notes. [00:19:54] And you can also check out the Lock judge article, if you want. Cuz they mention it there as. Over at speed locks. We have some new records. The quick set smart key gen two was picked by prince in 11.46, six seconds. And the alpha 1000 dash 40 also by print in 5.63, three seconds. Very quick picking. Nice go prints. [00:20:18] And now it's time to say a quick thank you to the people that made this episode possible. Start with the Patreon subscribers. We have Jimmy longs Meddler. Panda-Frog Michael Gilchrist. Starrylock Williams brain Dave dub Deford Liibans Locksports Journey, pat from onsens tactical through re in a coat Terrell Dr. [00:20:33] Hog master Clayton Hower, AKA cool tune MOG John Lock bra. Yo Mr. Picker, cranky Lock picker, J HP picking bear bones Lock, picking deadbolt cafe Lock picker. And. Chief content producer for this episode, I Fisk other content producers, Albert label, bear bones Lock picking Chirael Chirael Cappo, dark arts Lock picking goose 7 7 32. [00:20:54] Holly Ian Jeff Moss, Joe picks. Joshua Gonzalez kicks picks Knox Lock Lock out a K free diver 72 new house Lock and key pen frog, Tetra Tony valley. Thank you to all of you for your support and all the information you send in. I really appreciate. Because this show is only possible because of that support. [00:21:14] So if you value the show, if you wanna see it, keep going, please do what you can to support the show. The number one most important thing you can do to keep this show going is sending in your news links, events, giveaway information, anything you have that you think the community should or would like to know about send to podcast at the Lock Sportscast dot com or any of the other methods listed in the show notes or at the Lock Sportscast dot com slash. [00:21:39] And I will keep the show going as long as I can keep information coming in. Don't forget to share the show with your Lock, picking friends, leave a comment or review who thumbs up, whatever your platform allows. And don't forget to subscribe on your platform of choice. If you wanna help financially. [00:21:55] You're welcome to do so you can donate via PayPal or on Patreon. If you do support the show with donation or information that I use in an episode of the show, I will give you credit in the show and in the show. Just like the people that I mentioned earlier, quick reminder, I'm always looking for stories about things that happen to people in the Lock sport community because of their Lock picking hobby, or because they're locksmith anything interesting that you think the community should know about either if it's a cautionary tale or just an amusing tale, send it to me. [00:22:29] Uh, Lock Sportscast dot com slash contact or podcast Lock Sportscast dot com or any of the other methods. If you can get ahold of. Get a hold of me. There's several methods listed in the show notes. I don't care which one you use. If you wanna send feedback, you can do that. Too. Feedback can be confidential or shared on the show. [00:22:48] If you want it shared on the show, just remember to keep it reasonable length, polite work, family safe, no politics, and not just drama, no criminal stories this week. Uh, I didn't have anything that had specifically to do with Lock picking locks, uh, that came through lots of criminal stories, but none that had to do with. [00:23:06] Lock type stuff. Really. So to save time, I'm just skipping it this week. We have sales though. We have a new sale that's posted on Twitter for the Lock pick shop. I don't know when this expires, but it is for 20% off all products, excluding multi pick, if you use the code media 20. So be sure to use that. If you're going to Lock, pick, shop. [00:23:31] If you're over at southward, be sure to check out their sale page, where they have, uh, several items on sale at the moment over at bare bones Lock picking looks like the discount code down under monkey. 10 is expiring. So the new code will be coming, will be HV logic 10. So if down under monkey 10 doesn't work, when you go to checkout, use the new one, HB logic 10, and that one will expire at the end of July. [00:24:00] Over at new house Lock and keys Etsy site, you can save 10% off with the code Lock, Sportscast 10, just, uh, the actual spelling of the code is important and it is in the show notes. If you wanna use it over at Lock pick, we have three discount codes available, one for dark arts Lock picking, which is dark V I P one for Albert label, which is. [00:24:25] And one for Joe picks, which is Joe picks. So pick your favorite and use it. If you're gonna shop over at Lock pick and over at 3d Lock dot com, you can save on your favorite 3d printed Lock accessories with the code LS cast 10, which will give you 10% off at checkout Mako Lock dot com 15% off with the code by Mako. [00:24:48] That one never seems to expire. So give it a shot anytime you're over. Same goes with, uh, UK Lock Pickers dot code UK. You can save 10% with the code gift. And that one never seems to expire either for giveaways new ones. This week, we have knock lock's giveaway and he's doing a series of giveaways. This one is the first one out of what he says, our 13 biweekly. [00:25:16] Peaking on Halloween, each will have a different question to answer and a different tag to use in the video response this week, the tag is hashtag Knox Lock 1 0 1. And the question is what Lock would you use out of the locks you own to guard your house? And this particular one looks like it ends on July 4th. [00:25:38] I will have a link to the announcement video in the show notes, of course, and then free diver 72. Is doing a 100 sub appreciation giveaway submissions are due by the 15th of July. And you do the drawing on the 16th. I will have a link to that one in the show notes as well. And you have a couple of days left as of this recording. [00:26:01] It's three. So by the time this gets posted probably two days left to get into Lock Nubes 100 sub giveaway. The Lock master pick giveaway looks like there's gonna be 10 winner. The usual gleam IO requirements of, uh, following and checking people out on social media. So if you're willing to do that, get quite a few entries for that giveaway. [00:26:24] And of course CLK supplies does their weekly hashtag Lock boss giveaway lots of good stuff given away there. So be sure to check that out if you're into the giveaway thing and that's it for this episode, uh, a little shorter than normal, I think, but. Like I said, not a whole lot of news or criminal stories, so I just wanted to go over and highlight some of the great video content being put out by the community and, uh, be sure to check those out lots of really, really useful information put out by a lot of different YouTube channels, more than I can possibly go over here all the time. [00:26:59] But I just thought I'd pick a few highlights. Remember to send me any information you have that's Lock sport related. Even if you don't think it's necessarily important or you think that everybody has sent it to me cuz, or I've seen it already because it's so obvious and everybody's seen it. I do work a lot. [00:27:15] I don't see everything. So please send it to me anyway. It's better to overload my inbox and than to just not have anything to report. Thank you for all your support and remember to keep it legal.