Disclaimer: This transcript is auto generated and is not manually checked for errors. It more than likely contains very significant errors. LSC_53_Unpickable Welcome to Locksports cast your weekly source for Locksports news and sometimes interviews. This is episode 53 recorded June 5th, 2021. I'm your host Charles Current and today's episode. Lockpicking raccoons first pick of the alpha ed camlock. PacLock 200 K patches Ruco sleeves, advanced tension tools updated lockpicking belt counts. [00:00:20] Unpickable locks. Lockpicking criminals, sails and giveaways. [00:00:41] you can subscribe to the audio version of the show on most podcast apps and at The Lock Sportscast dot com. You can subscribe to the video version on YouTube. Links to stories discussed will be in the show notes, YouTube, and some apps limit the ability to post notes with links, but you can always find those at The Lock Sportscast dot com. [00:01:00] Start the show off with a quick announcement. This is the one year anniversary of The Lock Sportscast. It has been one full year without a single missed episode. That's 53 weekly episodes and five interview episodes. I want to thank everyone. That's taken the time to listen and subscribe and to all of you have supported the show with, uh, your time by tuning in each week to listen, commenting, leaving reviews, sending me notes, letting me know that you're enjoying the show. [00:01:27] Sharing the show with your friends and sharing information for me to use. And some of you have, you know, supported the show with your talent, by sharing your videos and articles, helping me with technical issues and sending in suggestions for improvements. I appreciate all of that. And I also appreciate all of you who have supported the show with your treasure by donating or signing up on Patrion. [00:01:48] All of you are very much appreciated. It's been a great year and I'm honestly overwhelmed by the amount of support that I've received already for this show. And I'm looking forward to another great year. First story is brought to you by pocket woman. Another story of Lock, defeating animals. She says this story has been published on many sites, but recently resurfaced on Facebook. [00:02:09] It was also published in the reader's digest story of the eight smartest animals that learn even faster than you says. If you're planning a whimsical animal burglary, you'll definitely want a raccoon anchoring your squad in a bizarre 1908 study by ethologists HB, David raccoons were able to pick complex locks in fewer than 10 attempts. [00:02:31] Even after locks were rearranged or flips up flipped upside down. Various studies conducted from the sixties to the nineties, found that raccoons also boast impeccable memory, able to recall solutions to tasks up to three years later. And that got me wondering what they meant by pick complex locks. And I came across this article and called in defense of raccoons and the article states and important series of behavioral studies was conducted in the early 19 hundreds on their intelligence and cognitive abilities. [00:03:02] The results were published in 1907 in the American journal of psychology by ethologists HB Davis. Davis studied the abilities of 12 raccoons over the course of three years while he was especially interested in as whether they could learn to pick locks in each experiment, he baited a box with a piece of food and the raccoons had to figure out how to manipulate the device to open the door so that they could retrieve a snack. [00:03:30] He locked the door with a button, a gate hook, or a bolt. Sometimes he used a latch that had to be moved sideways. Other times he used lash that had to be rotated towards the animal. Sometimes a Laver would function only if the animal pulled on it. And other times the raccoon needed to press down on the lever. [00:03:48] Sometimes he used multiple locks on the same device to make things even harder, like two buttons, two buttons, and a gate hook, a push bar, a bolt and a button and a lift latch. And so on. Sometimes the raccoons could operate the locks in whatever order they wanted to open the door. Other times they had to operate them in a predetermined order if they wanted to get their reward. [00:04:10] Raccoons eventually learned how to operate 11 of the 13 Lock types that he tried. Most of them mastered each Lock type in fewer than 10 trials and had no problem learning to reverse our actions such as if the latch had to be shifted left instead of right. Or to memorize the order in which multiple locks had to be operated upon. [00:04:31] After waiting more than a year between experiments with no practice, the recommends immediately remembered how to operate individual locks and only required a quick refresher to remember how to deal with the combinations. Subsequent experiments suggest that raccoons couldn't remember the solution to these sorts of problems, solving tasks for more than three years, Davis. [00:04:51] Compared the performance of the raccoons with rhesus monkeys, he concluded their learning ability was at least on par with the primates. In fact, he suspected the raccoons might have learned a bit faster. Quote, indeed the monkeys would seem to be a little less clever at the start and quote. So basically they didn't learn to pick locks in the way we understand to pick locks, but they did learn how to solve some problems, um, and open different types of locking devices. [00:05:21] Anyway, interesting story. You can read the full text of the article at the link in the show notes in community news, it would appear that Georgia Jim has posted the first public picking video of the alpha E D camlock. We haven't been able to find any other videos of it is a 14 pin multi-directional Japanese, nice dimple lock. [00:05:40] As he describes it, basically multiple rows of pans coming from different directions into the key way. He makes pretty quick work of The Lock. Very impressive. Working there. Uh, good job, Georgia. Jim, PacLock posted a, an update to the 200 K patch contest results. They said, hello everyone. Big, thanks to everyone who participated in the creation of our 200 K club from the name to the designs and to everyone who voted logo C ended up getting the votes to come out on top as the official design for all 200 K club patches. [00:06:14] We selected a few members of the community from various countries to oversee the distribution of the stickers in their respective countries. The responsibility of ensuring and honest pick into the 200 K club will be at their discretion and we're counting on the community to help figure out the best way to organize the 200 K club special. [00:06:33] Thanks to picking in paradise for the U S and it's sauna. I'm probably pronouncing that wrong. And I apologize for the UK and EU for helping to distribute patches to all the awesome members who will be joining the club. There'll be the main points of contact for acquiring patches. And we trust that they'll keep the 200 K club patches exclusive to legit picks. [00:06:55] There was a little back and forth in the comments as to what was going to be required, to be able to qualify for the club. Ultimately, it looks like they've settled on a picture. Of the lock with the core rotated without a key in it. A nice, clear picture should qualify you. And I messaged pick and paradise, and he sent me a little, a blurb to read out on the show, the message he wants people to know. [00:07:20] It says that PacLock has had the patches made and are sending them to me. And to distribute. We will be shipping these out to members. It is an honor system of sorts, but a photo of a PacLock 200 K. Seven pin lock with the core rotated qualifies. I prefer to receive an email, the email addresses Mr. Pic in paradise@gmail.com so that I can easily sort the request. [00:07:47] I will likely set a day of the week aside to address these, uh, and send the patches, the stoner and I are working on a 200 K club shirt, which I will be accepting pre-orders for stay tuned for the clubs, shirt design. Those will likely be the same cost as other clubs, shirts, or slightly more due to likely not ordering as many. [00:08:07] Also there is another club shirt in the works by make seven, seven, seven O Z that I absolutely love. And I think his logo is awesome, but the undisclosed club shirt will be challenging. One to be a member of. It's a step up from club med. Nice little tease there, stay tuned and see what that's all about. [00:08:31] And I thought I would share artichoke two thousands latest video. It's a part three in his gin series comparing the Ruco 500 sleeves. He compares the two types of Ruco sleeves, the oval cutouts, and the circle cutouts. It was interesting to see him demonstrate and compare the two and having never picked them myself. [00:08:52] I was actually surprised which one was more difficult to pick. So. Very interesting video. And I really appreciate the time and effort he puts into those. So I thought I would share that here, new products, this week, we have a set of collector patches from covert instruments. They say this pair of patches is our initial offering of what is to become our specialty patch collection. [00:09:17] These will only be attainable through 2021, and then we'll be gone forever. New collections will come every year. Interesting designs, you know, so if you're into collecting patches, that's something to look at. And brainy pickers shared a post on Instagram by killer Maroo industries. I actually wasn't familiar with this Instagram account. [00:09:40] So, uh, thank you for pointing me his way. Very interesting stuff. Now I'm going to kind of read the description that goes with this, but keep in mind that it doesn't read real smoothly because it's not a native English speaker. So let's go through this. The range of the advanced tension tool is now complete. [00:10:01] The available version is V3. Work as a shock absorber and prevent stuck the pic in key way works great on mushroom and cerated pins, medium feel amplification, silk touch the four work as pressure regulator and feel amplifier work really good on spool and custom pens. High feel amplification sometimes can achieve an automatic opening, not sure what that means, but sounds interesting. [00:10:31] V4 are same as V4, but more sensible and an extreme feel. Amplification due to the adjustable spring tension can be hard to master at first and is high precision instruments. So is indicated to someone who already had experience with the V3 or V4. If you are curious, brother, Rick Knight have made a great video test on his YouTube channel. [00:11:01] And I went and found that, and I will link that in the show. No it's as well as the original Instagram post, this ruck nights description of his videos, it says a look at Kyla Maroos pics and new tension ranch killer Maru has been a pick maker for 20 plus years lives in Italy, where he makes and sells his picks. [00:11:20] He's also an amazing inventor and a fantastic member of this community of Lock Pickers. And Locksports so it's interesting. I watched a. Brooke night's video. And I think he tested the, if I remember it, he tested the V3 version and it has a spring inside of it that helps amplify the feel of what's going on inside lock sounds from the description like the other two do as well. [00:11:44] But I'll be interesting to see some other people get these and test them. I'd be interested to see what the other versions actually work like. Moving on to the Lock Pickers United belt system. We have an update that was posted in Reddit of the current belt counts. We had white belts, 815 yellow belts, 1,306 36. [00:12:06] Orange belts, 1,656. Green belts, 552 blue belts, 188. Purple belts. 94 brown belts, 46 red belts, 36 black pelts 57. For a total of 4,780 participating. I'm not actually sure if that's just the Reddit or if that's a combination of the Reddit and discord, but interesting to see the spread there looks like they're still the typical fall off right after orange belt, you get a lot of participation. [00:12:39] And then at Greenbelt where you guys start making videos and disassembling lops, it seems to fall off pretty quick. As far as new belts awarded this week, we have John Locke earned blue belt and says, I know it's not the biggest accomplishment, but I'm very proud and he should be proud as, as you can see the number of people that actually make it through out of 4,780, the percentage that actually make it through the blue belt is pretty low. [00:13:08] So congratulations to John, uh, very well done. Now purple belts, Yom 1973 on Reddit earned a purple belt this week and then immediately earned a brown belt. So I also get to announce their brown belt lock so purple and then brown in the same week. Congratulations to Yom 1973, also in the brown belt level, we have Sterling lucky McCulloch faced Jr and gravity karma, who then immediately went on to earn. [00:13:39] They're red belt. So I'm announcing gravity karma as a brown and a red belt. Very well done. And that will be it for the belt announcements for this week. Congratulations to all of you. Very, very well done for anyone who's not already familiar with the Lock Pickers United belt system, you can head over to the Reddit, to the a R slash lockpicking subreddit. [00:14:02] Check out the belt ranking information page. You can also check out my podcast. Number two, breaking rules and getting the belt find details. There's also a YouTube video by Ms. John Locke. I believe that created that. So go check that out. Get a good explanation of what it's all about and join in. Now. It's time to take a quick break. [00:14:25] Say thank you to the people that made this episode possible. Producers for this episode include my Patrion subscribers. We have bill en Medler. Panda-Frog Michael Gilchrist Starrylock William's brain Dave, to be deciphered pat from uncensored tactical, pH picker, three raccoons in a coat Chirael MOG and John Locke. [00:14:46] Thank you, John Locke for joining Patrion. Really, really appreciate it. Chief content producer for this episode by a neck, one story is Joshua Gonzales. Um, he beat out. Rune and Chirael at the next level there by one story submission, uh, content other content producers. For this episode, we have brainy picker, Chirael jock or Georgia, Jim HV logic, John Locke, Locke maker, tattooer, Mr. [00:15:15] Black magic, new Orleans Panda-Frog pocket woman rune, sir, paradise, AKA picking in paradise. Uh Starrylock and Tony Borrelli. So remember the show is only possible because of the information and support sent by you, the community. So if you value the podcast, please help return some of that value with either your time, talent or treasure. [00:15:38] Um, send a news links, events, information, giveaway, information, anything you can come up with that's Locksports related that you think there might be some value in the community knowing, or that they might just find interesting. You can send it to me at the email podcast at The Lock Sportscast dot com or just tag me in a social media post. [00:15:57] That's quick and easy way. Um, Chirael tends to do the tag me in the social media posts, some of the others, uh, like to send me emails. Some people send me direct messages on social media, any way you can do it works. I'll get it. And I'll store it away in my database for you. So on the next episode, you can share the podcast with your lockpicking friends, either in person or online. [00:16:18] If you do it on social media and you tag me in the post, I'll get you an entry into my giveaway, which I also will get you an entry into the giveaway. If you send me information. Uh, you can leave a review on your favorite podcast platform. You can leave a comment, a thumbs up. If you watch this on YouTube, you can subscribe and donate on Patrion or PayPal. [00:16:38] If you do join the Patrion, you do get a private RSS feed that will give you access to the audio version of the show a little early when I'm finished producing it. Usually it's about a day for regular episodes or about a week for interview episodes. You can go to The Lock Sportscast dot com slash support to find all the different ways to help the show or contact me. [00:16:59] And if you start the show with a donation or information I use on the show, I will give you credit in the show and in the show notes. Quick note on state of the podcast. If you happen to use the apple podcast app on your apple device, you may not see my new episodes on the same day. I publish them. [00:17:17] There's nothing I can do about it. Recent changes to the app and their backend systems are not performing well. Um, I seen delays of several hours on my recent episodes. Other podcasts that I subscribe to have experienced delays of over a day before for the episode shows up in the app. I recommend that people start using a different app. [00:17:38] There are a lot of alternatives. You can find a list of some of them at a new podcast, apps.com, which all of those are podcasting 2.0 compliant and use all those new features I discussed last week. Or you can use something familiar to everybody. Um, I use overcast. That's my favorite currently. Um, so something to think about, if you want to get the episode on time every week, you might not want to use the apple app. [00:18:06] If you would like to send me feedback, go to The Lock, Sportscast dot com slash contact. If you want to re you know, sending a note, you can send an audio video, video or written note. And if it's, as long as it's safe, I will read it on the show. Just let me know. Hey, I wanted to say something on the show. [00:18:24] Here's what I got and, and, uh, I'll get it on the next episode. Well, this week there were several. Videos and claims brought to my attention about unpickable locks. So YouTube channel called stuff made here. I'd covered a while back that they had made a lock that was, they considered to be unpickable. And after lots of encouragement, he made a second Lock and sent them both to lock, picking lawyer. [00:18:52] I'll just read the description to their most recent video that they put out simultaneous simultaneously with the lock picking lawyer's video. It said approximately 999,999,998. People have asked me to send my unpickable lock to lock, picking lawyer. I decided to do you one better. I'm sending The Lock bacon lawyer to unpickable locks with different designs. [00:19:16] It will be interesting to see if he can pick them. If so, we'll fix those issues and make them even stronger. And also include a link to a behind the scenes commentary that, uh, he put together. During a live stream for his Patrion supporters, he's published it to YouTube, which is a kind of a director of style commentary on the video, making the version two Lock. [00:19:41] And I'll also include a link to the lockpicking lawyers video, where he attempts to pick both the locks. I don't think it's any surprise at this point that he does find a way to get around both of the locks it's in this example, in my opinion of lock, picking lawyer at his best. He is excellent at looking at a lock and discovering a way to defeat it. [00:20:04] He knows all the different techniques that we use, and he has a great gift for looking at a lock and figuring out what techniques are going to be applied to that Lock and be successful and then doing it on camera. So. Very well done. He's already made some suggestions back about how to fix some of the problems and they've already started implementing those. [00:20:27] So, um, this is a great collaboration and could result in a real fruitful product that is on pickable eventually. So definitely good to see they're on the right track. Not unpickable yet, but on the right track, then we have another video that was posted this week. Entitled a 3d printed unpickable Lock. [00:20:49] The description reads last year, I made a 3d printed unpickable lock. I mostly made it to hopefully prove that unpickable locks are possible. Despite what many people think it's an interesting design that kind of follows the same principle, although very different implementation, but the same principle as stuff made here's locks in that you're separating the phases of, uh, inserting the key and testing the pins. [00:21:15] They're they're two separate different. Phases stuff made here. Does it buy? You have to rotate the key, which disconnects the key from the pins. And then the pins are tested. This one, you push the key in to disconnect the key from the pins that are going to be tested. And then you rotate. And that test depends because there are two cores. [00:21:40] There's an inner core that the key goes into, which has its set of ball bearings. And then you have an outer core. Which Kenny either have a break between pens and a ball bearing that will allow it to rotate, or the pin can be across the share line of that core that prevents it from turning and theoretically you can't test that until you've pushed the key in and disconnected the core or the inner core. [00:22:07] So, interesting idea. Be interesting. See if, uh, he'd be willing to send that one to Lock Pickers, see if luck picking lawyer can, uh, look it over and find a way around it. And then ruin sent a link to a website on my discord for a patent to an unpickable padlock device. It's not a padlock itself is a device that you encase a existing padlock in. [00:22:30] That's supposed to make it unpickable. It appears from the patent paperwork to be a two part or two piece metal case that you put an existing padlock in. That restricts access to the shackle, making a dish routed shackle padlock, also restricting access to the key way and all that. And with an optional magnetic ring around the key way to attract any metal picking tools, uh, Nia didn't he a magnet and the ring around the key way. [00:23:01] Uh, it also has a slot for the key to go into which it says can optionally rotate. So if it doesn't would mean the key would have to be cut down and made very weak to, to be able to rotate the core inside. If it, if the slot it goes through, doesn't rotate. And from what I can see from the drawings, also, the slot can be quite a way separated depending on The Lock you stick in search side, it can be quite a way separated from the actual key way of the padlock inside, which would mean that the key would have to be extra long. [00:23:35] As best I can tell from the crew drawings on the patent, ultimately what it comes down to from the verbiage on the page and looking at this person's Twitter page, the main goal of the site is to link to as many dubiously relevant pages as possible to get a lot of Google SEO and to try to sell these patents to either lock companies or as he says, IP law firms, uh, patent assertion entities to pad their patent portfolios. [00:24:10] And he doesn't really seem to care whether that is Lock companies or patent trolls just wants to sell these patents. That's my reading of his saying that they are, the rights are available to IP law firms and patent assertion entities. So I'm not impressed with the design. I'm not convinced that it would be unpickable. [00:24:34] I am convinced that it would make picking more difficult, but I also think it would make operating The Lock extremely difficult. And from the design run the risk of novice users, breaking keys off inside this armored housing, which will then be very difficult for locksmith to remove or deal with afterwards. [00:24:52] So not a good design, in my opinion. It's just one of those. Let's put more barriers in the way and make it more difficult to both use and pick. But that's my take on it. Uh, if you're the runner, the operator of that website, feel free to reach out to me and set the record straight, but that's the way I see it. [00:25:11] And for my locksmith story this week, we're going to step away from the American key supply stories this week to a story that was actually published in a couple different online papers this week. It looks, it appears to be out of Ireland. Uh, the one I'll go with here says a toddler in the Midlands was rescued out of a car over the weekend after almost an hour of being locked in because the key malfunctioned quick action by a local locksmith who then refused to take payment has been warmly praised by the child's parents, Claire and Peter Donnely from port Arlington. [00:25:46] Peter stated that their little girl Maya had remained blissfully unawares. And fast asleep through the 45 minute of worry that her parents went through Conor Nolan from Jack Nolan's locksmith rushed to the family's home to unlock the car and was sympathetic to Peter and Claire in their distress. The parents have publicly thanked him for his kindness. [00:26:08] Peter said, we just felt that Connor's generosity and kindness needed to be highlighted and some exposure for the business in such hard times. He was so understanding of the situation and dealt with it. So well, Peter then publicly thanked Connor on Twitter, as well said. Just wanted to say a massive thank you to Connor from Jack Nolan locksmith in port Leisha. [00:26:33] Our 16 month old Maya was locked in the car due to a key malfunction. I rang Jack and he immediately sent me Connor's number. Connor was an hour away from us at the time, said he would come straight to us. He arrived just 45 minutes. And had the car unlocked in less than a minute. He refused to take payment for the job as there was a child locked in the car and it had been stressful enough for us and amazing kind gesture, which we are extremely grateful for. [00:27:03] So that is your crazy locksmith story for this week. And good on you. Connor moving on to lockpicking criminals. Police are warning as quote, skeleton keys. Are you used in rushcliffe vehicle thefts police investigating the theft of a Ford transit. Using a skeleton key are warning users to consider buying additional security, to protect their vehicles. [00:27:30] Following a recent warrant at a farm in rushcliffe in April, as part of operation Sahara officer seized, a Ford Tibby lockpick, which are typically used by locksmiths. It appears they're referring to the TB lockpick as a skeleton gate. It was clear from the scene that Ford transit and Ford ranger vehicles were targeted. [00:27:52] And a skeleton combination key device was found next to a dismantled car. The tools which are readily available online are used to gain access to certain makes of vehicles. The warning comes after proactive policing work as part of operations to Hara. Which cracks down on criminals who commit crimes and rural areas and steal off-road vehicles from outbuildings farms and businesses in Nottinghamshire Nottingham. [00:28:19] Sure. I don't know how they say that over there. The operation launched in December, 2020 has already produced some fantastic results. Officers are now urging for drivers to be vigilant and take extra precautions. Rushcliffe neighborhood inspector, Greg Craig Barry said. There has been an ongoing problem with overnight thefts in and around the rural veggie villages in rushcliffe following the warrant. [00:28:47] Earlier this year, we found a skeleton key on the floor next to the targeted cars. We would ask Ford owners to consider adding additional security, such as steering locks. The key enables criminals to break into vehicles at will, and we know that devices have been used across the country in similar incidents. [00:29:06] Although trades peoples vans weren't targeted in this incident, we would warn them to always remove valuable power tools from vehicles at night, and also consider investing in after purchase locks. The skeleton keys are legitimate locksmith tools and people often buy them online as they are easy to purchase. [00:29:25] Officer's are continuing with their investigation. Following the searches. After two people were arrested on suspicion of theft of a motor vehicle they have since been released under investigation. They also say we would revise vehicle owners looking to avoid these types of break-ins to keep the following in mind, park your vehicle in a busy area when you can. [00:29:45] And within sight of a CCTV camera for added protection, whenever possible, store your valuables and tools away from your vehicle to help recovery register your tools with the mobile register and mark them. So that they're easily identifiable. Anyone with information on skeleton keys being used to target vehicles is there to call Nottinghamshire police on one oh one. [00:30:14] The next story is entitled. Flat screen TV rolled out in a cart at Sonora, Walmart, uh, Sonora, California, a pair of men may have thought that using the side door to wheel a new flat screen TV, right out of the snore, a Walmart without paying would work. They were mistaken. It was around 10:30 AM on Wednesday. [00:30:35] When a clerk at the store noticed two men pushing the cart right out the auto motive department door Sonora police officers caught up with them in the parking lot, where the TV was already loaded into the hatchback of their vehicle. While confronting the suspects. Officers also provided the barcode to employees who confirmed there were no purchases made for that TV. [00:30:55] A search turned up a rubber container with drugs and two metal lockpicking devices. Both were subsequently arrested for burglary and placed on $7,500 bail. Moving on to sales, we have a, the usual we have 3d Locksports dot com 10% off with the code L S cast 10 that's, L S C a S T one zero. Good for 10% off at 3d Locksports dot com. [00:31:25] Thanks to Tony valley for setting up that code just for my listeners. We have by Maaco code@maacolocks.com for 15% off, should still be good again. I was in a rush and didn't actually get that checked same here with the UK Lock Pickers dot co.uk, 10% off with the code gift. Didn't check it this week, but hopefully it's still good for giveaways. [00:31:50] This week Lock maker tattooer has started to give away and says, I want to try doing monthly giveaways every month giveaway something that I've made. This month, it's a dimple flag with a zebra would handle that. I turned to myself, hopefully this will motivate me to make things. All you need to do to participate is Pyrolock with the hashtag LMT, June 21 maker giveaway. [00:32:14] You can either post a picture on Reddit or make a video on YouTube, picking a lock or picture of Lock or picture of picked Lock. Any Lock, any level. I expect better pickers will pick better, more advanced locks, but whatever giveaway ends, June 30th, Mr. Back magic is still holding until the 10th of June. [00:32:37] His Lock magic 200 giveaway. This is the last call. The giveaway ends 10th of June. So you only have a couple of days by the time you hear this, hopefully you catch this beforehand to get over to his channel. Read through the rules, basically pick a lock on camera and without any cuts, perform a little magic trick. [00:32:55] That's unique right after picking the lock, the giveaway again, 10th of June last call, get your entries in. Remember room picker does his giveaways on Saturday, usually where he gives away the challenge Lock he picked the week before. So you can head over to his channel. Check that out. Panda-Frog is doing his monthly giveaways. [00:33:17] The June video is up the hashtag for June-ish hashtag Panda-Frog 21, June the rules pick a lock with the key way facing away from you. Is that idea evidently was new Orleans idea. A shout out is nice, but not in a mandatory use the hashtag and comment under the June video to make sure that he sees your entry. [00:33:40] CLK supplies does their weekly, a boss giveaway I'll have a link in the show notes, so you can check out the rules to that some really great prizes. So if you're into the giveaway thing, check that out. Starrylock and pocket woman do the shout out Monday series where they highlight channels with fewer than a hundred subscribers and try to incentivize people to go check those out by having a giveaway. [00:34:00] I don't have any updated details on what's happening with that yet. Uh, you know, Paul Goldman said there were going to be some changes coming, so stay tuned for those. The Lock Sportscast. I do my monthly giveaway. I know I'm behind, I'm sorry. Sorry. Really busy with the interviews and the episodes and trying to figure out this, uh, stuff with the Lockey awards website. [00:34:23] Uh, I apologize. Uh, but if you send me information. Oh that I use in the podcast, or you share the episode online and tag me so that I know that you shared them. I will get you an entry into the giveaway. And I have the option of getting one of my custom PacLock 100 days with my logo or a $20 gift code to Hogan keys.com. [00:34:47] Lots of good stuff over there for you to get. So, uh, just keep sending in the information, keep sharing the podcast like you do anyway, and just make sure I know to buy it and I will get you entered. Remember to send me any information you have this Locksports lady, even if you don't think it's important, it might just be the bit of info that I need to complete my episode, if not, no harm done. [00:35:08] I really appreciate this whole year of support. You guys have been amazing, and I don't even know how to thank you for, uh, helping to keep this show going. I really couldn't do it without all of your help. Um, So, thank you. Remember to keep it legal. .