Disclaimer: This transcript is auto generated and is not manually checked for errors. It more than likely contains very significant errors. LSC_54 Lock Sportscast Clips Welcome to Locksports cash weekly source for Locksports news and sometimes interviews. This is episode 54 recorded June 12th, 2021. I'm your host Charles Grant in today's episode, a new Locksports cast YouTube channel PacLock testing, a new bike lock first pick of the LA Persh rolls. First picks of the Ruco Triton 5 0 1. [00:00:24] Hotel room security, Lockwood history, lock, picking criminal sales and giveaways. [00:00:46] He can find the audio version of the show on. Podcast apps. And at The Lock Sportscast dot com, you can find a video version on YouTube links to stories discussed will be in the show notes, YouTube, and some apps limit the length of show notes and links, but you can always find full show notes with all of the links at The Lock Sportscast dot com. [00:01:06] Few quick announcements. I created a new channel for The Lock Sportscast called Locksports cast clips. This is just going to be a separate channel that only contains. Short, single story clips from the full episodes. It won't have all the content that is contained in the main episode. It'll only be stories that stand alone on their own as short little clips. [00:01:30] And it also makes sharing those stories a little easier on social media, because you can just, I can just share the clip instead of sharing a link to the time and the episode which can be done, but it's easy to share a little clip. And yeah. So a little feedback would be good. Anything you think should be changed, maybe you think other things should be included in clips. [00:01:54] Maybe you don't like the idea at all. Just let me know. Uh, it seems to be working okay. At the moment I've done some clips from older episodes, and then I'm going to try it on this particular episode, as I'm editing, breaking out some clips to load into that channel. So let me know what you think. First up in the news this week PacLock was on Reddit, looking for testers for a new bike, light bike lock concept. [00:02:18] They had looks like they were trying to get people pretty quick by the end of the weekend. So by the time you hear this, it's probably too late to actually try and sign up. However, I thought the, the fact that they were designing a new bike lock and gave a few loose details about what it was was interesting. [00:02:36] So I thought I'd just read the post here real quick. Say, we've got a unique idea for a concept to secure bikes and we're looking for some community feedback and three testers to send locks to the idea is to have two padlocks and a three-foot length of chain, varying shackle chain thicknesses, depending on security needed and running the chain, the length of the bike to secure the frame and both tires around the pole. [00:03:03] Not only can the chain be wrapped around handlebars and locked in place for transport. But when not needed the chain and locks can be used on gates or any other place where a bike lock. Normally wouldn't more flexibility with Tupac locks and a chain. So to cut to the chase, DMS, a picture of your bike while holding a paper that has our username written on it. [00:03:28] So we can keep everything above board. We'd like to send out locks early next week. To get your feedback as well as some cool pics of the locks on your bike. So get your pictures taken and DMS ASAP. So it looks interesting. I'd like to see some of the picks of what some of the testers get, so we can see what the design is. [00:03:51] And we have what appears to be the first public Peck of the LA Parrish rolls by a monitor darkly. And it has, he says there've been several people that show. Attacking this lock with a specially made tool that appears to be kind of an impressioning attack. And this is kind of the first single pin style pick of the LaPush rolls. [00:04:16] So check it out. It's his video entitled public first LA rolls picked, and I will have a link in the show notes as always. And we also have the first public picks of the Ruco Triton 5 0 1. That title shared by you bend and locked doc that did simultaneous videos. And in the description says on your Ben's video, first public picks of the Ruco Triton 5 0 1 Lock. [00:04:44] We worked on these locks together with Lock dock resulting in these two videos, my snowman core for the padlock and the oval format at lock dock detailed description of each lock can be found in these videos. And I love this cooperative approach. I'll have links to both those videos in the show notes, but I just love this cooperative approach and sharing the credit and releasing the videos at the same time. [00:05:12] Wonderful, wonderful community spirit example right here. And as many of you may have seen deviant released a new video entitled hotel room security, putting teeth into your do not disturb sign. And as he says, in the description of the video, many of you likely saw Naomi Woo's recent video about assorted hotel room security products for travelers. [00:05:37] The results of her tests showed that many of these products are not robust against attacks at entry into hotel rooms or bedrooms. Some of them are laughably bad. In fact, Naomi. And I were talking online after that video and I mentioned a couple of items that Tara and I really like using when we're on the road, I promised to do a quick video documenting these two tools. [00:06:00] And here it is, these aren't sponsored links. But if you are interested in either of these tools for your own travels, here they are. And he provides links in the description of his videos. So I have links in the show notes to both deviance and Naomi woos videos on the subject. So you can get a good idea of what works and what doesn't between the two. [00:06:21] I think they do a really good job of covering the spread of different types of products and what works and what doesn't so definitely worth checking it out. If you do any traveling. And now I know a couple of YouTube videos, sharing people, sharing, interesting things they've made. So we have Rook Knight who showed off in his most recent video, several pairs of pinning tweezers, including two, that he made himself. [00:06:46] So. Uh, inexpensive, simple to make and effective. That's some of the best stuff out there also shows what he uses for a cap on the tweezers to protect the tips and on Twitter love Koskie. And I'm sure I butchered that name. Sorry about that. But put out a tweet that said, well, there was one make that I never showed off until now. [00:07:11] This is my spherical cow device used for testing. If locks are easier to pick in certain orientation. This explains my methodology, going to be an interesting Locksports journey and provided a link to a YouTube video on his channel and the description there reads welcome to projects, physical cow, which is designed to test in the coming weeks. [00:07:31] If a lock orientation really does matter in this video, I am laying out the tools I'm going to use and the method methodology I intend to follow. But briefly I've created a device that will allow locks to be positioned at 45 degrees angles so that I can test. If they pick differently. The series he says is shaping up as this part, one introduction, which is the video I watched part two picking at 0 45 and 90 degrees. [00:07:58] Part three, picking at 1 35 and 180 degrees, part four picking at 2 25, 2 70 and 315 degrees. And part five is the conclusions. So he says, hope you all sit back and enjoy this video series. As much as I am going to enjoy making it basically does the orientation of the Lock, make it easier or more difficult to pick, just picking a you're a lock cylinder upside down matter does picking the right side up, make a difference is picking it sideways. [00:08:28] Make a difference. Interesting idea. And I haven't seen anybody fully test that. Be fun to watch also the 3d printed holder that he made for doing these tests, he was going to make available. So check out the description of his videos for potential links, to be able to print your own. And pocket woman did a tear down of the Lockwood one 20 N brass, 50 millimeter padlock. [00:08:56] She says this tear down and taught me a lot in the video. I do a comparison between the spools found in the one 20 N. And the Lockwood thin lip spools from the 3 34 padlock series with the five 30 cores and the five 70 Lockwood ovals that we're all familiar with. And during the video, she shares measurements of both types of schools and also goes through some of the mistakes she made and the problems she had trying to disassemble the solid brass padlock. [00:09:26] So an informative video, a chance to look inside of what is normally a sealed brass padlock. And you really can get a good idea what they're they're using internally, which is not something you normally get to see on these locks and pocket woman also wanted everyone to know that there are some changes coming to the shout-out Monday series that her and Starrylock do every week. [00:09:47] And in her note, she said, just want to let your listeners know. That from June, there'll be no more monthly giveaways. The shout-out Monday series has become so successful that it no longer requires a giveaway incentive for people to check out the channels. Being shouted out. The series gives a shout out to Locksports channels with less than 100 subscribers. [00:10:07] And each Monday there are two channels to check out one from pocket woman and one from Starrylock. We would like to sincerely thank everyone for their support in this great series. To mark milestones within the series, like the recent 100 shout out, we will continue to do special giveaways, a big thank to the Locksports community for helping these channels gain more of a profile within the Locksports community. [00:10:30] So congratulations on the success of the series, pocket woman and Starrylock, and thank you to everyone in the community for helping support this series and all the new channels that they highlight. And I was talking with Culper Woodhole this week on discord. And he mentioned a little tidbit here that he thought might be interesting to share on the show. [00:10:52] He has found a connection between the American Lockwood and Australian Lockwood that should bring the Lockwood argument to a close. He says, and he has plans to have a full writeup called a history of Lockwood from America to Australia finished sometime soon and available to the public. He says, what he's found in a nutshell is that in 1931 independent Lock company, Elko purchased Lockwood manufacturing company, giving them full rights to the Lockwood patents designs and logos, et cetera. [00:11:24] In 1934, not long after the purchase of Lockwood Ogden industries made a deal with Elko. Not as a subsidiary company, but as a franchise with an agreement to open their doors and with a license to sell hardware, using Elko patents, designs, trade, et cetera, Australia and Lockwood drive from American Lockwood because Elko and Ogden industries struck a deal. [00:11:49] He says in his writeup, the history will be more thorough and the write-up will cover from when Lockwood manufacturing company opened their doors, follow their story, including the Elko purchase. Give some background on Elko and then move on to Ogden industries in Australia, opening in 1934, after obtaining the rights to use Lockwood patents and logos and the death of the owner, John Stanley Ogden in 1943, just two months after he finally opened the factory, there were watchu production of detonators and other stuff for the military that would require explosive materials to be used in. [00:12:25] And the fire that resulted. The story will end where each company is today. It should be interesting for any lock enthusiasts. And when I talked with him, he was making arrangements so that the paper could ultimately be published on tools, black bag blog. So stay tuned for that upcoming story. And while we're on the subject of Lock history, I fist put a post on Twitter, said really cool, old Yale and town patent four pin in pin tumbler lock from 1909. [00:12:59] The key slid through a slot in the outer pin to reach the inner pin two biddings on the key. Don't know if this was ever made or sold. Very cool design. It's got a, uh, so. The key doesn't have like a lot of warding, but it has a thinner section at the top. And a wider section at the bottom. The thinner section can either be on the left center or right. [00:13:23] And then the pins have a, they keep ends. The outer key pins, have a slot cut in them. That that part of the blade can go through to activate the inner pin while the outer part of the pen rides on the wider section with the bidding on the blower part. So you have two separate biddings. A full pen and pan in a standard oriented, locked design, uh, from 1909. [00:13:49] So very cool. I'll have links in the show notes to both his tweet and the actual patent that he linked to. So check it out. And I have an update on the location of the deadlocks pass around box. It was sent from Rouen picker to Zim Zimmer in France. I found that out from Zimmer who sent me in a note, letting me know that I appreciate that. [00:14:11] I was wondering where that thing was. I hadn't had time to fully keep track, but I had mentioned it a few times and its first few transitions and I didn't know where it was. So thank you. for letting me know. And I'm sure I probably mispronounced your name. Like I do. Everybody's. Uh, don't take it personally. [00:14:28] It's just me. Also. I wanted to mention a note sent in by Pictet mate. This is not directly Locksports related, but it is something everybody should be aware of. So he said, I was commenting on one of Roy salmon's videos when I noticed butcher's block had commented and I haven't seen him uploading in a long time, clicked on his channel only to find that I wasn't subscribed, which was news to me as I was subbed to him since the very early days. [00:14:54] I next checked Chris kupuna, who I've also been subbed to since the start of my picking career. And guess what? Same again, I'm a massive fan of Chris and his cat cookie. So watching regularly long story short, I never unsubscribed from anybody so I can confirm it appears to be a glitch somewhere. And I'm going to have to go and check a long list of pickers. [00:15:15] I should be subbed to already. So. Just to note, if you, you know, a reminder, YouTube does sometimes do weird stuff like this. I've seen this type of thing in the past. If you aren't seeing posts from people you normally would follow, just drop by their channel manually, or check your subscription list. See if they're still in there. [00:15:36] It's possible that YouTube just dropped it. Moving on to speedlocks.org picking speed records. We have some new records. First off the master M three by cracking in 0.5, three, four seconds. The PacLock 98 pro by lemon in a 3.833 seconds. The ankle loss, eight 10 dash one by Nate Griff 42 in 51.6 seconds. [00:16:03] And then we have some first records. These are just the first established records on each of these locks. We have the maitre by Mr. Black magic in 16.96 seconds. The anchor loss, 88, 20 dash two by neg Griff 42 in one minute, 27.142 seconds. Stay built a 20 by Panda-Frog in 0.7, three four seconds. The stable, a 30 by Panda-Frog in 6.206 seconds. [00:16:33] The Berg vokner Allo Titan 7 70 20 by Panda-Frog and a 5.639 seconds. And the Berg vokner C line 15 millimeter by Panda-Frog in 0.801 seconds. Moving on to the Lock Pickers United belt system. We have a new brown belt for Panda-Frog congratulations. Panda-Frog and some of you may have listened to last week's episode and heard that I gave credit to Yom 1973 for earning first, the purple belt and then their brown belt. [00:17:09] Well, immediately after that episode posted, I received a note saying. That Yom 1973 had just made red belt. So basically in the span of one week purple brown and then red congratulations. Very well done. [00:17:31] The new black belt announcement on the Lock Pickers, United discord. This one reads, please join me in welcoming iden her jaw to the rank of black belt. Sorry about. But sharing your name. He has shown himself to be the disc detainer lock master. Having picked many DD locks with his custom made picks for black. [00:17:51] He picked the following DD locks, alloy classic Abloh high profile, Dom Dumont, Abla Cento alloy protect too. And he led a presentation on and had the first ever pick of the Abba. Easy on video. Show him some Levin. So congratulations. Very impressive. I have checked out his channel. It's amazing stuff. [00:18:16] Custom made picks, and just absolutely slaying the disc detainer locks like, uh, when I announced his Abul easy pick on a previous episode. So very well done. If you are not familiar with the Lock Pickers United belt system, you can head over to the Reddit, the R slash lockpicking subreddit. Check out the belt ranking information page, they have their Lock Pickers. [00:18:41] United discord channel has a video about the belt ranking system. Also John Locke put out a video all about the lockpicking or The Lock lockpicking belt ranking system. And I did a episode of The Lock Sportscast, number two on breaking rules and getting the belt, which is about the belt ranking system. [00:19:01] So check those out if you're not already familiar. Now it's time to say thank you to the people that made this episode possible. We'll start with the, uh, Patrion subscribers. We have the founding executive producers, bill en Medler Panda-Frog Michael Gillcrest. Starrylock William sprain, Dave, to be deciphered pat from on sensor tactical, pH Becker three records in a raincoat and Chirael and the producers Maga and John Lock. [00:19:27] The chief content producer for this episode is Joshua Gonzales. He sent in the most news used in this particular episode. Other content producers for this episode are Trell, Culper, Jeff and things. John Locke, crackin Lockma, Kara tattooer, Michael Gilchrist. Panda-Frog picked mate pocket woman Pyrolock rune. [00:19:46] Tony rarely ends in Zima. Thank you for all of your support. I really appreciate it. Remember, the show is only possible because of the sport information sent in by the community. So, if you're getting value out of this podcast, please help return part of that value by helping me produce it either. The most important thing you can do is send in information. [00:20:05] Number one, most important thing you can do send in information that I can use. Anything you have lost sport related, uh, news links, events, giveaway, information, anything at all, you can send it to me either on a DM, just tag me on a social media post or e-mail it to podcast at Locksports cast.com. [00:20:23] Everybody has their own unique little. Groups their own corners of the lockpicking world, maybe stuff that's going on in your particular country. Anything you have that's unique is especially valuable for the rest of the community who may not be privy to that information. Uh, don't forget to share the podcast with your lockpicking friends, either online or in person, you can leave a review on apple podcasts or whatever your favorite podcasting platform is. [00:20:48] If they happen to allow reviews, you can leave a comment or a thumbs up on YouTube that always helps the algorithm. If you want to help financially, you can subscribe on Patrion or donate via PayPal. If you subscribe on Patrion, you do get a private RSS feed for the audio version that will get the episode a little bit earlier. [00:21:05] As soon as I finished editing it and uploading it, you don't have to wait for the normal release time. That's about a day on regular episodes and about a week early on interview episodes. If you use support the show with a donation or information I can use, I will give you a credit in the show and on the show notes. [00:21:23] Moving on to product news this week, it would appear that rubber band of hooligan keys, foxhole security, his custom made impressioning handles are now available on digs Digby lock-in tool website. He is moved the stock from the Hogan keys.com website to digs a website. So you'll see unavailable or out of stock on the hugging key site. [00:21:50] But you can go over to Digby lock-in tool.com. If you are still interested in buying those, they are still some available over there. And while we're on the subject of rubber band and hooligan keys, he sent out a tweet that said, Hey, Twitter friends, I've expanded into some swag for hooligan keys that I think you'll like Locksports crafted coasters and pending trays. [00:22:14] There are limited quantities of these and they're made from quality woods and acrylic. Okay, so you can find those@hogankeys.com. If you're interested and moving on to resources. I noticed a tweet by circle city con or happy little con said, say, do you know our tool village has a Twitch stream? Yeah. We learn new stuff all the time too. [00:22:35] And I didn't realize that. Or if I did, I forgot that tool has a Twitch channel that they do stream some of their content to when they do these lockpicking villages online. So. I have, I will include a link in the show notes to their Twitch channel. I've also added it to the resources page on the Locksports cast.com. [00:22:56] And just for a reminder, Locksports cast.com/resources. You can find all kinds of stuff from, uh, discord communities, forums. Informational websites, all kinds of stuff that, that I found useful. I have included links to over there on the resources page of The Lock Sportscast dot com, moving on to a locksmith stories. [00:23:20] This really isn't a locksmith story itself, but it might be a call that somebody could get called out on. This article was called guy locks himself out of a stuck BMW on beach wall car in reverse. Says here is a person having a no good, very bad day. This BMW three series driver got his car stuck in the sand at the seaside to make matters far worse. [00:23:42] He sounds out he somehow locked himself out of the vehicle. Worst of all, the BMW was in reverse. Leaving the wheels spinning in the sand. We're hoping that the dryly sarcastic guy filming the scene helped the BM driver out after taking this video, however beyond offering the use of a phone to call a locksmith or offer help. [00:24:00] There probably wasn't much a to provide. So it looks like I see a front and a rear wheel spinning on the video version of this. So I'm wondering if this wasn't a all wheel drive BMW or something like that. So maybe parked a little too far out on the sand, having a little confidence that the BMW would be able to get out, but when he went to back, back out, no such luck. [00:24:28] So, uh, it could be an interesting call for locksmith that had to go out on it. And in lock, picking criminal news this week, we have a story from Wayne, New Jersey Wayne man charged with possession of drugs, hypodermic needle, and burglary tools. They say according to Wayne police on Wednesday, June 2nd at approximately 7:47 AM. [00:24:51] Wayne police officers were dispatched to the Brittany Chase condo complex, four reported suspicious vehicle. They say the caller reported a vehicle that appeared to have been in a crash and was parked next to a dumpster with a male sleeping inside. When the officers arrived, they found the vehicle to have body damage, broken windshield and a flat tire and a male sleeping inside. [00:25:12] They managed to Rouse him to check his condition. They say they observed prescription pill bottle in the vehicle, suspected drug baggies laying on the ground, outside the vehicle. Upon waking the driver. He claimed that damage to the vehicle was old and the tire was not flat when he parked there. The night before officers observed suspected drug packaging in the vehicle consistent with those outside of the vehicle, a search of the vehicle yielded baggies containing white powdery, substance anabolic steroids, a syringe prescription pills that did not match the prescription on the bottle, a lockpicking gun and a lock pick set. [00:25:49] The driver was placed under arrest. At the Wayne police headquarters. And then while he was there, he requested to use the restroom while doing so a glass pipe with suspected crack cocaine residue fell from his pants. Please say he attempted to destroy it by throwing it in the toilet, but an officer retrieved it before it could be flushed. [00:26:09] And he has been charged with possession of burglary tools, possession of prescription legend drugs, two counts, possession of controlled, dangerous substance to counts. Possession of a hypodermic syringe and use of controlled dangerous substance. Moving on to sales, we have the 3d Locksports dot com coupon code. [00:26:29] L S cast 10 that's, L S C a S T 1 0 4, 10% off at 3d Locksports dot com. That is a one exclusively provided by toner early for the listeners of Locksports cast. So thank you, Tony. Really appreciate it. Also, there was a report that there was a 15% off coupon code for subscribers of their newsletter. I won't provide that coupon code here if you want it. [00:26:58] You'll have to do what it was meant to do, which is subscribe to the newsletter. We also have the usual 15% off with the code by Maaco and Maaco locks.com and 10% off with the code gift at UK Lock Pickers dot co.uk. Moving on to giveaways picked it. Mate has reached 100 subscribers on YouTube. So congratulations to pick your mate. [00:27:20] And if he is holding the 100 subscriber giveaway choice of two prizes, one is a law Lock tools, voucher. The other is a custom animated intro designed by picked it mate, to your specifications. I think he said like a ten second intro video. So. Interesting one. I've never seen somebody offer that as a prize. [00:27:40] And I think it's a very good one. Since we have a lot of people on here who have YouTube channels rules, you have to be a subscriber and you have to use, or you have to comment on his video with the hashtag here before 100. And it looks like he's going to do the draw on the 25th of June in a live stream. [00:28:00] And John Locke has also reached 100 subscribers and is doing his giveaway. He has multiple prize packages. There's too much to list. You'll have to go over there and watch the video to figure out what's in there. The rules on his giveaway are you have to be a subscriber. You have to make a video picking any Lock in the video while you were picking. [00:28:20] Tell us something interesting, a good story. A life hack, you know, about a TV show you recommend or anything you think is cool that isn't related to. Lockpicking. Use the hashtag John Locke, 100 in your video title, submit your video by July 11th. I'll do the drawing sometime during the week of July 12th and says, we'll pay for shipping. [00:28:42] If you are in the EU or the U S if you're in the U S you'll have to wait until mid August for the shipping as that's, when he's traveling to the U S if you are not in the EU or U S he'll ask that you'd be able to pay for the shipping. And cracking is doing a giveaway. The hashtag cracking June 21 giveaway says, give the story of your username. [00:29:04] Or if your username is your name like Chris Capone, just pick a lock and use the hashtag cracking June 21 runs till the end of the month. He says pretty much giving away a lock a month until I run out sometime next year with a high chance of me ordering more. So keep an eye on crackings channel four chances to win one of his beautiful locks. [00:29:27] They really are good looking and lock maker. Tattooer is doing his giveaway is still it's a giveaway where he gives away something he made during the month. So this month is a dimple flag with a zebra would handle that he turned and to get into the giveaway. All you have to do is pick a lock and use the hashtag L M T June 21 maker giveaway. [00:29:51] You can either post a picture on Reddit or make a YouTube video, check out his video. Hashtag LMT, June 21 maker giveaway for full details. Link will be in the show notes. Rune does a giveaway on Saturdays where he gives away the challenge lock that he picked the previous Saturday. So if you're into challenge locks, you can go over to ruins channel and check that out. [00:30:15] Panda-Frog does his monthly giveaway. This one is the hashtag Panda-Frog 21 June giveaway one coin and a random lock in the draw this week. Or this month, a challenge is to pick a lock with the key way facing away from you. So full details on his channel link in the show notes. CLK spies does their hashtag lockbox giveaway where they give away. [00:30:43] Good prizes every week. So if you're into the giveaway scene, go check that out. It's really easy to enter and they have great prizes and yes, I am still doing my giveaway for The Lock Sportscast. I know I'm behind, I'm going to try to get my live streams out this weekend. So hopefully they should already be out for the last two months by the time this episode posts. [00:31:05] Um, hopefully tonight after I record this, we'll see. In that giveaway, you can win one of my custom PacLock 100 days. That's engraved with my logo or a $20 gift code to hugging keys.com. You can find full rules at giveaway dot The Lock Sportscast dot com. But basically, it's really simple. If you share the podcast on social media and you tag me in the post or send me some sort of screenshot. [00:31:30] So I know you shared it, I will get you an entry for that. Or any piece of information that you share that I use in a podcast episode gets you an entry. You get one entry for every piece of information you share and you get one entry for every episode. That piece of information is used in. So if you're sharing me a giveaway, Then as long as that giveaway is running, you will continue to get entries until I stop announcing it because it's too late. [00:31:56] So that's a good way to get in on it. Amber send me any information you have that's Locksports related. This podcast relies on you, the members of the community to send in your information. And, uh, helped me out. It takes a lot to keep this podcast going and I need every bit of help I can get, I really appreciate all of you who continue to send me information to continue to share the podcast. [00:32:22] And those of you who have joined Patrion and donated via PayPal. Thank you and keep it illegal. .