LSC_126 Breaking Out of Jail with Peanut Butter === [00:00:00] Charles Current: Welcome to Locksports Cast, your weekly source for Lock Sport News. This is episode 126, recorded November 27th, 2022. I'm your host, Charles Kran, and in today's episode, the start of the Lpu raffle season, rummy's Corbin Returns home what it's like to be a competitive Lock picker. Peanut butter can open locks, criminals, products, events, meetups, sales giveaways, and. [00:00:37] You can subscribe to the audio version of this show on most podcast apps and at The Lock You can subscribe to the video version on YouTube, Odyssey Rumble, or Apple Podcasts. Links to stories discussed will be in the show notes. Some apps limit the length show notes and the ability. Full links, but you can always find full show notes with all of the links at The Lock Sportscast dot com. [00:00:57] This week I'd like to start off with an apology to barebones, Lock picking and any of their customers. Uh, barebones sent me a note at the beginning of the month, like usual, uh, with their most recent coupon code and some new products and other news, and I read the note and replied to it and then forgot to put it in my database. [00:01:18] And if it doesn't get in my database, it doesn't get on the outline for the episode. Uh, I feel really bad about that because Barebones has been really, really good about sending me constant updates with new coupon codes for you guys, the listeners and new products and stuff like that, which is something that I have been asking other companies to do, but they either just don't respond or they tell me to sign up for their newsletter and get the news. [00:01:45] So I really appreciate that. Bare Bones does give me that information on a regular basis, cuz I'd really like to have that to share with you guys. So anyway, I've added the bare bones information to this episode and uh, we'll try and get caught up, hopefully better late than never. Well, it is the beginning of the Lpu raffle season again, and there was a note posted both in the Reddit and on the Discord by correct jeans. [00:02:12] And I thought I would share that with you. And hopefully you can help contribute to the raffle. It says the air is getting a bit NiPy again in the northern hemisphere, and that can only mean one thing. Raffle season is back. It's once again time for the r slash Lock picking and lpu discord to combine forces and bust R blank. [00:02:33] Raising money for charity, whether it is due to growth of our community or growth in our. Every year our annual charity raffle manages to grow in size, both in terms of donation and prizes. In 2020, we raised $14,584, followed by $37,550 in 2021 and 48,122. In 2022. Looks like we're going to smash 50 K easily. [00:03:00] This. As always, the prize pool is entirely donated by the community. These can be anything you think would be of interest, whether it be locks or toothbrushes. If you would like to contribute prizes to this year's raffle, please dm, uh, correct jeans on Reddit or discord with the following information. [00:03:21] What would you like to contribute? What country are you in? Are you willing to pay for domestic shipping? Are you willing to ship internationally? And if so, are you willing to pay for international shipping, or do you have a maximum cost you are willing to contribute towards shipping? Is your contribution intended for one pot or multiple pots? [00:03:40] Pictures of your contribution are optional but appreciated. All prizes remain at their point of origin until the end of the raffle, at which point each contributor will be paired with the winner of their prize. Consolidation of prizes to save on shipping costs and enable wider distribution is encouraged, but not required. [00:03:58] Contributors will be given a role on the LPU discord that grants access to a raffle contributor's channel where people can show off their stuff and organize prize consolidation where app. Your shipping preferences and country of origin will be used to help group prize pots together, and that information will be labeled publicly on the prize pots. [00:04:18] This is a necessity for running an international event like this as it allows the prizes to remain distributed across the world and allows people to choose where to put their tickets with full knowledge of what shipping costs they might incur if they win a given. In the last year, we had 63 prize pots from 65 separate contributors. [00:04:39] The amount of generosity that has been present in the prize pool every year is honestly staggering. This year. The prize contribution portion of the raffle will run from 11 26, 20 22 to 1224, and the donation phase will occur during the following month, starting on January. We apologize for changing the window slightly this year, but we need that week of buffer to organize all of the prizes properly Before donation phase starts, contributions will be distributed into a collection of prize pots. [00:05:09] Starting in January, people can enter the raffle by providing proof of donation to one of the list of approved charities. Additions welcome. Their donation will be converted into tickets, which can be entered freely among the prize pot. If you have any questions about any part of the prize contribution process or how the raffle will be run this year, feel free to reach out on Reddit or Discord. [00:05:31] And I can't link into the Discord easily, but I can link to the post on Reddit and so if anybody's interested, get a hold of correct genes on either one of those services. Next up, rummy's Evil Corbin has returned. After going through a toll of 50 different Pickers, the Lock has made its way back to Brummy Lock picker and an interesting way. [00:05:56] So I recommend you watch the video. I will have linked in the show notes, which is his video entitled On Holiday in Egypt and Evil Corbin Padlock gets delivered to Hotel from Kicks Picks. But, uh, the Lock made it through total of 50 separate hands, all of which I recorded in the log book as to whether they picked it or. [00:06:15] And then, uh, brummy got another shot at picking it when he got it back and he was successful. So, uh, you can watch that in the video as well. I have to say, I really like the whole sharing of the, uh, the carbon Lock, all of the hands that it went through. It was all a really kind of a, a long drawn out like mini-series following its travels, watching it move around and, uh, watching it first get picked. [00:06:43] Fun. One of the most famous, uh, padlocks in, uh, YouTube Block Sport Land. So be sure to check out Rummy's video and as I said earlier, link will be in the show notes. Next up we're gonna take a little bit of a down note. This was a tweet put out by Rubber Band brought to my attention by Terrell, and it's about the loss of a friend in the Locksmithing industry. [00:07:07] And I thought I would share it here just in case anybody else knows this person. Um, I didn't personally. Who this is, and I as such, I don't know how to properly pronounce this name, so I apologize. So it's spelled b e r j, so I don't know if that's Burge be, um, anyway of itl or interlock tools. Makers of some of the best, most robust key machines in the locksmith industry has passed away. [00:07:35] Back in August, he served the locksmith industry with decades of knowledge and. He was universally helpful, collegiate and friendly, so I'm sorry for your loss. Rubber band and um, rest in peace. Moving on to a little bit of a lighter note, the video I mentioned last week that Deviant was going to be releasing, of course, did release at the same day as the podcast as was expected. [00:08:04] That video is entitled Learning Lock Picking While Blind, divergent, and. I did receive a note from Deviant about this, and he says that, uh, he was invited down to Texas by an assorted group of blind, low vision and neuro-diverse folk who wanted to learn about Lock picking and said they jointly publishing this as a way of sharing this lesson plan with the public in hopes that more classes like this can be replicated by others. [00:08:29] If more schools want to attempt this, he's only one person and, uh, there's only so much he can. Uh, he also was very clear that everyone seen in this video signed a media release and expressly wanted to be featured. The description of the video says this is a project in which I'm incredibly grateful to have been able to participate. [00:08:49] As some of you know, I have worked with a number of individuals who have been interested in learning about Lock picking and physical security, even though they may not be able bodied or neuro. I believe that the only true qualification for getting to learn something is whether or not someone has the desire to learn that thing if they wanna learn. [00:09:07] It's my pleasure to teach. I also believe very strongly in the notion that everybody has something to say and everybody deserves to feel seen, heard, and included. For this reason, I have always tried to explore ways of communicating and delivering material so that it can be digested and enjoyed by. This video showcases a lesson plan which was developed in order to convey the concepts surrounding pin. [00:09:31] Tumblr locks to students who are either Uncited, neuro division, or otherwise not adequately served by the traditional Lock speaking educational content that I and others like me have already put out into the world. It is my hope. That this lesson plan is easy to follow and that it could be recreated by other educators and administrators from schools, community groups, and social circles, so that folks who would like to pick locks but don't know if they're able to grasp the concepts involved have a shot at learning. [00:10:02] As with almost everything I create, the following rules apply. This material is openly released under the creative comments with a NC B Y s a license. Anyone who wishes to use any or all of this for non-commercial purposes may do so with attribution as long as the freedom for others to do the same is maintained. [00:10:25] As always, follow the two growing rules of Lock picking and be kind to each other because everyone deserves love and acceptance. Link to that video in case you haven't already seen it. We'll be in the show notes. I appreciate, uh, deviant developing this, uh, program and then releasing it to the world to be shared, so thank you for that deviant. [00:10:47] Moving on to blogs and articles. We have an article that was published in Inside Hook on November 4th called What's it Like To Be a Competitive Lock Picker? We asked one. Yep. It's Real Gig in Skylar Town tells us exactly what that. Town is a research scholar at the Ronan Institute studying the history and anthropology of security technologies and instructor for Atlas Obscura and a recovering competitive Lock picker. [00:11:12] I say recovering because from what I can tell, once you've immersed yourself in the world of Lock, picking at the level town has anyway, you never really leave it. Or rather, it never leaves. And that's just the beginning of the article, so I recommend that you head over and, uh, check the whole thing out. [00:11:30] It's a pretty good read. And on the Sparrows Lock Picks blog, we have an article called Peanut Butter Can Open Locks. In the beginning of that article reads the standard way to open a Lock is with a key. And after that, Lock picks. However, when attacking locks, you should look at alternate method. Lock picking, in many ways can be a thinking game. [00:11:51] And below is an example of a Lock that was opened in a unique way. Take this as encouragement to experiment a bit, but not to escape from prison. This extreme case of opening a Lock via an alternative method happened in the Walker County Jail on Sunday, July 30th, 2017. Walker's relatively small jail, close to Birmingham, Alabama, that houses around 250 mates. [00:12:16] Head over there and check that out. Link of course, in the show notes. Moving on to products, we are gonna go through the stuff that I was supposed to share from Barebones, Lock picking. First up, I'm gonna mention the discount code. I will also mention it in the sales section, but I wanna put it here too for all those that didn't hear it before. [00:12:34] So the code is Bones 10 and it gives you 10% off store wide. Now also including Law Lock tools, and this will. Until the end of the year. So this is an important change cuz before their discount codes always excluded law Lock tools. Now this particular one for 10% off does include law Lock tools. So be sure to, uh, check that out. [00:12:58] On the product news front, the femur handle has had an upgrade, an extra brass insert, and grub screw has been added along the back spine. This will remove all lateral movement regardless of the pick handle. Any previous customers of the femur who mention can get a free insert and grub screw on their next order, they also have a new handle out called the Backbone and they say that comes with a pick. [00:13:25] Uh, looks like you can choose one of three thicknesses and the handle and a stand say. It's designed to mix aesthetic peel with practical design for a comfortable grip, and it looks like they're currently charging $19 and 95 cents. They also wanted to, to share that, uh uh, bare bones is now offering a 15% discount on two of their beginner kits for anyone upgrading from a cheap or crappy pick set. [00:13:53] And they say that a discussion on discord gave birth to the idea and have some hope. It will build a wall of shame to warn others about buying poor quality. The actual post on their website. If you go to their homepage and scroll down, you can actually read this, but it says, have you purchased a cheap set of Lock picks since the 30th of June, 2022, which didn't quite work. [00:14:17] They keep bending and breaking on each use, can't even get them in the key way. Well, we have some good news for you. Just because you hadn't heard of bare bones Lock picking or didn't try us first, isn't the reason for suffering a second time? So email us with the subject I want Some new bones include a receipt of your Lock Pick purchase dated after the 30th of June, 2022, with a picture of the broken picks. [00:14:44] And we'll send you a coupon code for 15% off your first purchase of either the beginner Lock picking kit or the advanced Lock picking. Sticks and stones will certainly break bones, but our picks will almost never bend on you. Or at least not easily. Come join the Bones family and get into Locksport the way it should have been on your first try. [00:15:09] Pretty cool idea. Um, for anybody who happens to buy a cheap, crappy set, a lot of us start off that way. We buy some cheap, crappy pick just to see if we like Lock picking, and then the, the picks start breaking or bending. Working well at all, and we spend more money to go get a good set. And in this way you can at least recoup some or all of the cost of that initial bad pick set and get some, uh, better quality picks. [00:15:37] So I really like that idea. All right. Next up over on Twitter, uh, Tyler, Jade Thomas, uh, tweeted these things look sweet and it's a picture that appears to show a pick. Made to mount into one of those, uh, how do I describe this? One of those, uh, like box knife things where the, the blades slide out and then snap off. [00:16:04] You snap off the sections, um, of the used blades. So you always have a sharp section, well, it's in one of those handles, but it's a pick that's been replaced. The blade insert, interesting idea. Um, and then two responding to. Lock, John Manufacturing said the good news is that we are currently developing these. [00:16:25] And then after that, Tyler said, cats out of the bag should be available for purchase in approximately four months. I can't speak for the rest, but I told them I needed a short hook and a half diamond. So there will be a link in the show notes to that Twitter thread so you can check it out. Lots of people of course, saying that this isn't a new idea, you know, but it. [00:16:49] Fairly new idea that somebody would be actually manufacturing and selling them in mass and over on YouTube. Andy Perin, Perin, I'm not sure how you pronounce your last name. Sorry about that. Put out a video entitled, new Locksmith Tool Revealed Perfect Prism. Present Locksmith. It's tool he's calling the SNI tool. [00:17:08] It is designed for locksmith doing lockout service specifically on, not sure how to describe this either, but the. We don't use them too much here in, in the area I live in, but it's the deadbolt style, Lock that bolts to the inside of the door with the cylinder going through. Not the one that's fully morsed in the door, but kind of bolts on the backside of the door, the inside side of the door with a flipper handle. [00:17:39] And, uh, this is an interesting tool that he's come up with so that rather than trying to drill out the, the. Which is a complex and noisy time consuming process. You drill a hole through the door next to the Lock and then use this tool to flip the, the lever. It's got comes with the instructions on how to work it and where to drill the hole, the tool itself and some, uh, wooden plugs, some dowels to plug the hole in the. [00:18:13] If you are a locksmith, uh, responding to lockouts where this might be of use, uh, be sure to check it out. Link to his video, of course, in the show notes. Moving on to events and meetups. We have BSides Ottawa, November 28th and 29th happening pretty much right as this episode releases at the Brook Street Hotel in Ottawa, Canada. [00:18:34] So if you happen to be in the area, you might want to head over and check it out. Of course. Almost always have a Lock picking village. So something to check out. And the Lock Pick Festival happening in Paris December 10th and 11th. Not a fully public event, but if you are a locksmith or affiliated with locksmith in the uh area, you might be wanting to head over there and check that out. [00:19:01] Seats are limited, so I don't know if any are still available, but uh, might still be so it might be worth checking. [00:19:13] Moving on to Lock, Pickers United belts this week. Just one, one. New belt. Uh, Don picks earned a brown belt this week, so congratulations to you. Don picks for your new belt for anybody. Not all. Are you familiar with the Lock Pickers, United belt system? There are links in the show notes to. Videos and resource pages that explain what it is, what the rules are, how the system works, and why it is so much fun. [00:19:38] So be sure to head over and check those. And now it's time to take a quick break. Say thank you, the people that made this episode possible. Uh, producers for this episode include the financial supporters, which are Meddler, Panda-Frog, Michael Gilchrist, Starrylock, William Spring, Davet Biped, Liibans, Lock Sport Journey. [00:19:55] Pat from Uncensored Tactical through Records and Coat Terrell, AKA Anthony, Dr. Hog Master Clayton Howard Aki. Cool. John Lock Rat. Yo. Mr. Picker. Cranky Lock. Picker Jhp picking Barebones. Lock picking Deadbolt. Cafe nwa Lock Picker. And Paracentric chief content producer for this episode. Yet again, Anthony aka Terrell, other content producers for this episode. [00:20:18] Barebones Lock, picking Correct jeans, Devino I Fisk, Jeff and things. Joshua Gonzalez, Lock Fumbler, Lock Picker, 1969, Panda-Frog. Robs in. Tony Vareli, thank you to all of you for your support, all the information you send in. I really, really appreciate it. And this show would not be possible without that. So if you value the show, please help support it by sending in new news links, events giveaway information, anything you have that's Lock sport related. [00:20:45] You can send it to podcast at The Lock Sportscast dot com or any of the other methods listed in these show notes. Don't forget to share the show with your Lock picking friends. Leave a comment, thumbs up. Review whatever your platform of choice allows. Don't forget to subscribe on at least one platform. [00:21:02] You can donate if you want to help financially. That is absolutely not required. You get nothing for it really. I used to try and get the episode out early, but right now I'm lucky to get the episode on out on time. So, uh, just to be clear, you get nothing for it. It's absolutely not required. But if you wanna help financially, you can donate on PayPal, Patreon, or subscribe star, uh, anyone your. [00:21:26] If you have an interesting story about something that happened to you in Lockport or because of Lock Sport or Locksmithing, send it in. I'd love to share it on the show. People love stories, so uh, more stories the better. If you wanna send me feedback, you can do that too. You can send it to the email I said above, or go to Lock Sportscast dot com slash contact. [00:21:46] Feedback can either be confidential or it can be shared on the show. Your choice. Moving on to criminal news for this week. We have two arrested in Roseville with the intent to defraud. This is Outta Roseville, California. Two people were arrested on October 31st with intent to defraud. According to Placer County Sheriff's Office, around 12:39 AM on October 31st, a deputy conducted a traffic stop on three people inside a vehicle in Roseville on Blue Oaks. [00:22:18] B. The three people inside the vehicle were detained while deputies arrived on the scene to search the vehicle while searching the vehicle. Deputies said that they found numerous items of personally identifying information, not belonging to any of the vehicle's occupants, including debit cards, credit cards, checkbook driver's licenses, and a notebook containing a list of names, birth dates, and bank account. [00:22:44] Deputies also found a Lock pick set, loose spark plug, and a air wedge car door opener inside the vehicle. I feel like I've covered this story before, but sometimes I lose track because they're covered in different ways on different publications. So I apologize if I have already. Um, anyway, deputies arrested one person for possession of personally identifying information with intent to defraud with a prior convict. [00:23:13] Driving with a suspended license, possession of burglary tools, possession of stolen property, and three felony warrants. Deputies arrested. Second person for possession of personally identifying information with intent to defraud found with both the Lock pick set and the air wedge for opening car doors. [00:23:35] So it certainly appear that they are using them as tools of the trade for their identity theft Capers. Next up is a story out of Guha, South Carolina. I'm gonna, I'm gonna mispronounce county names and stuff here, so I apologize. Okee County teen arrested at school charged with stealing guns from relative deputies. [00:23:57] Say, the article says that an upstate teen was arrested at his high school Thursday morning after investigators said he broke into a relative's safe and stole guns, jewelry, and other items. The Okee County Sheriff's Office said the suspect was arrested at Wahala High School. Warrants show he faces charges of safe cracking and grand larceny related to an ongoing property crimes investigation. [00:24:23] Wat said the arrest was part of an investigation that began on October 24th when a safe was broken into at the home on. Highway 11 in West Union, according to arrest warrants, the suspect broke into the safe and stole multiple firearms, cash, silver bars, and coins and jewelry from the home. A diamond and Emal ring that was stolen was valued at more than $10,000. [00:24:47] According to the warrant, they say he was not charged with burglary since he previously lived at the house, which belonged to the family member. Deputies say no weapons were found during the arrest, either on his person or in his. Suspect was released from custody after posting a $90,000 charity bond. [00:25:06] Unfortunately, we don't know what they mean by safe cracking. That term can be very broad in the law and doesn't necessarily mean he cracked the safe for all we know. He may have had the combination and just open the safe since he lived there before. He may have had the combination, but open the safe without authorization, and that leads to a safe cracking charge or maybe. [00:25:30] Cut into the safe, what the circular saw, who knows? But since it called, well, since it said safe cracking, I thought it would apply. All right, moving on to sales. I'm gonna go over some of the Black Friday sales that are still good, at least through the day. This episode releases. First up, we have no starch. [00:25:48] Press has a Black Friday sale, 35% off and free shipping on us orders over $50, and that will include the Lock Sport Book preor. If you're not familiar to the Locksports book, I have announced a couple of times on this show. It is written by several, five different people, I believe, all well known in the Lock Sport, locksmithing and, uh, security industries. [00:26:14] So, however, and check that out at the link in the show notes, that sale ends, uh, November 28th and Multi Pick also has a Black Friday sale that is running until. And that one is not with a code. It, there's a specific page, which I have a link to in the show notes, at least for the English version. And it's just a whole list of products that they currently have on sale. [00:26:40] And Covert Instruments is also having a Black Friday sale. That sale, they say runs from uh, the 23rd through the 30th. So you have a couple of days left to get on that. And I've heard from people that there are some pretty decent deals on there, so you might wanna check that out. And, uh, ZX or event has a sale there. [00:26:59] Say it's the Black Week Sale, it's up to 30% off, and it runs through the 29th. I will have a link to that sale page in the show notes. Just like, uh, with the cover instruments, there is a, a sale page with all of the products that are on sale. South or has a Black Friday sale with the code. Thanks. 22. And that runs through December 4th, 25% discount off all [00:27:33] So a little time to use this one still code thanks. 22. And now onto our regular, uh, sales, uh, bare bones. Lock picking has the code bones 10, 10% off store wide, including law Lock tools. Just go to barebones Lock That discount code is good through the end of the year. There are still, uh, two products left on the south or cosmetically blemished Lock pick tools and accessories page. [00:28:04] Looks like those are currently the eight and 10 pin versions of their, uh, circular Lock impressioning tool. And their sales page is currently empty. But since you can get, uh, their Black Friday sale through the. Not such a big loss to have the sale page empty. If you're looking for law Lock tools, go check out Review Guru on Twitter. [00:28:26] I believe the link for 10% off is still good that he provided on his Twitter page. That would be linked to that in the show notes. 3d 10% off with the code Ls cast 10 lots of uh, really cool 3D printed Lock sport accessories over. If you're planning on getting a gift for somebody in Locksport, not a bad plan to get them something from 3D Locksport. [00:28:53] Lots of, uh, pick holders and other accessories, not just picks. A lot of people will think about getting picks for Lock picker, but Lock picker's gonna be pretty picky about their picks. But everybody needs a place to hold more. Lock picks. We all seem to have more Lock picks than we have holders, so something to think. [00:29:14] Or maybe you want to get 'em some new locks. Mako locks, 15% off the code by Mako. That code always seems to work. If anybody tries it and it doesn't work, please let me know because I just kind of stopped checking it because it always works. So again, let me know if it doesn't. Same goes for UK Lock Pickers dot co uk. [00:29:35] 10% off with the code. Moving on to giveaways, Lock Fumbler is now having a 300 sub giveaway. The giveaway is announced in the video number 128 300 subscribers appreciation giveaway, hashtag Lock FUMBLER 300. The description reads in part, to celebrate this milestone, I would like to give away some goodies, and I hope you like the prize pool and will participate in the giveaway. [00:30:04] This will run until. Here we run into a little problem. So this video was posted on November 25th, I believe, but the, he must have copy and pasted here because he is got the, that the giveaway will run until September 12th, 2022, which was several months ago. So I'm guessing this was copy and pasted from a previous giveaway. [00:30:26] So Lock Fumbler, if you're listening, uh, please update that. I'm sure you say it in the video, but I forgot to write it down. I just copied and. The, uh, the description. So I would have the information and, uh, evidently that needs to be updated. If you wanna know how to enter, head over and check out the video that he posted. [00:30:45] Links of course, in the show notes. You can check out what the prize pool will be and what all the rules are to get entered. Panda-Frog, put out a video called Quick First Sunday Advent giveaway. Hashtag PFMs hashtag give. So it sounds like he's kind of doing an advent calendar thing with weekly giveaways. [00:31:07] Um, post a video on Friday with the giveaway on Sunday. So check out Panda Frog's latest video link in the show notes and, uh, stay tuned to his channel for more giveaways. And he's also still running the Panda-Frog huge two K subscriber giveaway. The hashtag pf goes two K several. Chances to enter in that with, uh, five different videos being made. [00:31:34] He just released the fourth in that series of videos. I believe the giveaway ends one week after the fifth video is published and we have only four videos out, so you still have time to get in on that giveaway. Pretty good prize pool there, so be sure to check that. The Lock Picker 1969 has the Sparrow's Dark Shift giveaway, celebrating 300 subscribers, and that giveaway runs until December 2nd. [00:32:04] So be sure to head over, check out the link in the show notes if you want to get in on that one before it's too late. The instructions are only given in the video, so check that out. Sale case supplies the hashtag Lock boss giveaway runs every week. Be sure to check that out if you're into giveaway. And that wraps it up for this episode. [00:32:24] Thank you to all of my loyal listeners. I appreciate you all. Thank you to everyone who helps support the show with information and donations. Really couldn't do it without you. Uh, big thank you and shout out to Terrell, aka Anthony for providing usually about half the stories in any given, uh, episode lately. [00:32:44] Just couldn't get it done without him. Really, really appreciate it. Thank you. And remember, To keep it legal.