Doug All right, I'm here with Dr. Bradley Rauch. Bradley Rauch at the Libertarian National Convention. Dr., what are you doing here today? Dr. Rauch I'm here representing American Values 24, it's the Super PAC that supports the presidency of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Doug And why are you so passionately supporting RFKJ? Dr. Rauch I am because I believe we're at a quintessential moment in history where if we don't have new leadership in Washington, specifically in the White House, I think our country is moving in a direction of totalitarianism. Dr. Rauch I think we're losing our rights, especially our First Amendment right for free speech. And I support Bobby. I've known him for years. And I believe he's the best choice to help bring integrity back to the White House, to the government, and to save this country. Doug Give us some insights that you might have as evidence of the fact that we are moving more and more towards totalitarianism for people that tune into Monero talk. Monero is all about digital cash, but I feel like there might be some things that you know, that you've experienced, that you have evidence, even if it's just anecdotal, as to why you have such a belief that we're moving in that direction. Dr. Rauch Okay so I am a physician, I practice functional neurology, I utilize quantum physics, neuroscience, I'm a chiropractor. I put on a conference in 2017 entitled Hope and Healing for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders, How to Raise Healthy Children Naturally. Dr. Rauch We had amazing speakers from all over the world. As soon as the pharmaceutical industry found out what we were doing and they thought I was the anti -Christ and they came after me like I was killing babies and offering information that would destroy people's lives. Dr. Rauch Did they shut you down? No they didn't but we had to hire police protection, we had bomb threats and they discredited me in the national news. I was in the national news just defending the right to share information with parents on how to raise healthy children. Dr. Rauch Their biggest issue with me I think was the fact that we were going to talk about vaccines. I'm not an anti -vaxxer at all. I believe in freedom of choice. If someone wants to get a vaccine I tell them have at it. Dr. Rauch I choose not to. I'm all based on the science. So what happened was that I had to defend myself nationally to being discredited just for the desire to give parents information to raise healthy children naturally. Dr. Rauch So I've had that happen during COVID. I was turned into OSHA. They tried to shut me down because I didn't wear a mask. I didn't require my patients to wear a mask. I fought what they did against me based on science and the largest science on the efficacy of masks was done in Denmark I think it was in 2020 or 2021. Dr. Rauch 3500 people showing that masks reduce blood oxygen by 20 percent, increase cortisol levels with distress hormone, weakens the immune system and does not prevent the viral transmission of disease. So I fought them and I won. Dr. Rauch I kept my practice open. But I've had personal examples of persecution against me and my practice and what I do based on the fact that I'm interested in people being empowered with information whether it's health care or otherwise. Dr. Rauch So I know personally that we're losing our freedoms and our rights. I'm a second generation Holocaust survivor. My parents, my father experienced totalitarianism and fascism in Austria, thankfully came to the United States. Dr. Rauch So I've seen a dramatic change occur in this country over the years where we're losing our right to free speech, we're losing our right to communicate with each other and Second Amendment rights are under pressure as well. Dr. Rauch I don't own a gun, but I defend completely the right for people to bear arms. So I resonate with libertarians and I believe that we need to move forward, need to have Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in the White House. Dr. Rauch I've known him for years. I've worked with him as his physician and I know him to be one of the most amazing genuine people above corruption and certainly one of the smartest people I've ever met. Doug I think I was telling you earlier, I'm really hoping to somehow meet him or talk to him. And if I do, I want to ask him, I want to ask him, well, a bunch of questions, but really what I want to know is what his opinion of untraceable anonymous digital cash is. Doug I've heard him talk about cash, traditional cash, and the importance of having cash in society as a tool for people to transact without government surveillance. But I want to hear his opinion of the digital form of that and whether or not ultimately he would support the adoption of such tool because it can be used for bad things as well as good things. Doug Or if he would think there needs to be some measured approach or whether it's let people use whatever form of payment they want to use to transact. Do you have any insight into how he may respond to something like that? Dr. Rauch I can't speak for him, and I can't answer that question, but knowing him for many years, I know he supports free market capitalism. I know he supports less government. I know he's a big fan of cryptocurrency in general. Dr. Rauch I can't answer about specifically Monero, but I will do my best to help you have a personal meeting with him where you can ask him that question directly. That's amazing. That's amazing. I'll do my best. Doug What do you think of digital cash as a tool? You're giving personal examples that you've had where perhaps it could get to a point where the government tried to control how you're transacting for purposes of preventing you from receiving funding or things like that or preventing you from investing in certain things. Doug Do you think something like Monero, whatever it may be, a digital cash utility is something that's necessary for a free and open society to function? Dr. Rauch I believe based on what we've seen in other countries like in Canada where they had the truckers and then the Canadian government froze the assets and the bank accounts of those truckers. They couldn't pay alimony, they couldn't pay their mortgage or their rent, it was horrendous. Dr. Rauch So I personally believe in the fact that I think a venue like Monero is something that we need. Now just like I support free speech and although I may not agree with burning the American flag because I am absolutely a patriot, I defend the right for someone to do that. Dr. Rauch And so just like you're saying, although I'm not well versed in cryptocurrency, I have owned it and I'm just learning about Monero today from you from a standpoint of logistics. It sounds like something that we need would be very beneficial in order to maintain freedom and liberty and reduce the possibility for government to interfere with our lives. Dr. Rauch So as a physician in practice for 45 years all over the world, I've seen how they use fear and control over the lives that we have as doctors attempting to do the best we can to help our patients, yet the system is based on fear. Dr. Rauch If you don't do this, this is going to happen to you and we want what's best for our patients but we live in a world, in a society in America that unfortunately from a healthcare standpoint has led to the sickest society on planet earth and that is the reality even though we spend more money on healthcare than any other nation on planet earth. Dr. Rauch So yes in theory, I agree with what you're saying, I do want to learn more about it. I think it sounds amazing to me and I understand the downside. Just like there's a downside to free speech where you could have the Ku Klux Klan or Nazis that are, you know, I'm Jewish. Dr. Rauch They could be spewing, you know, kill the Jews. Even with the whole issue in Gaza, I defend the right for Palestinians or any others to support Hamas. I would spend my life working to destroy Hamas and what they represent, but I defend the right for people to have free speech. Dr. Rauch If that makes sense to you. Doug Oh, that makes a ton of sense, and I think we need more politicians out there espousing those views because the windows getting shifted, right? You have representatives like Senator Warren, who if she had her way, she would ban Monero. Doug She said things that she would ban privacy cryptos, so having no respect for the free speech elements and thinking that controlling it is a better way because it can be used for crime, right, which you could say about any other technology, the internet itself. Dr. Rauch I know guns don't kill people. People kill people. Doug So how do I just want to see do you have any thoughts on how politically we get that message out, right? How does that become a message that not just the libertarians espouse but the Republicans espouse the Democrats espouse as well? Doug How do we make that a mainstream message where we wake up society to the fact? That we need politicians elected officials that are are pro liberty and pro Dr. Rauch pro -liberty tech. I know exactly how to do that. It has to do with one word that relates to living an extraordinary life. And a dear friend of mine wrote a book, a university president, on creating an extraordinary life. Dr. Rauch And he said the first step in living and creating an extraordinary life is awareness. Once you become aware, it's pretty tough to become unaware. As a physician, I know in my practice, which is integrative, that we can help people with inflammatory bowel disease or cardiac problems or mental health issues. Dr. Rauch Not just help, but correct the cause of the problems. I know that. I've been living it for 45 years in practice. Yet to get that information out is difficult based on the forces out there that don't want that information shared. Dr. Rauch So how do we do this? We do this through education. We do this through tools like what you're doing right now. So we do have a situation now in the world with the internet, with podcasts. I mean, Tucker Carlson in one day gets more views than all of the former mainstream media. Dr. Rauch Like, we call it mainstream media, right? So it's information, it's education. We've got to make the people aware. That's it, that's how we'll do it. Doug information war. Dr. Rauch 100% Doug totally agree thank you so much I could talk to you for for hours Dr. Rauch You know, it's such an honor to be here. And I just want people to know, since my world is healthcare, I want you to know that if you're suffering with mental health issues, anxiety, depression, you have cardiac problems, you've got bowel problems, you've got inflammatory bowel disease or autoimmunity or inflammation in your body, we have solutions that correct the cause of the problem. Dr. Rauch And so know that they exist. And the work that we do is cutting edge based on science. Doug Where can people find you? Dr. Rauch My practice is on Park Avenue and 85th Street in New York City. It's New York Functional Neurology Associates. Our website is nyfunctionalneurology .com. You could look me up. I've dedicated my life to improving the life and health of the people that we serve. Dr. Rauch So I work with RFK as far as helping his team and keeping them healthy and we see lots of kids, lots of people with mental health issues and we use an integrative approach with physicians and doctors and practitioners from all over the world. Dr. Rauch We have the solutions, we do, not based on fear, not based on covering up symptoms as has currently done in our healthcare delivery system, but we have real world solutions based on natural law, working in alignment with the natural design of the body, not against it, and not to knock other forms of healthcare. Dr. Rauch The vast majority of physicians that I know and doctors and medicine and elsewhere are great people that want to help. They truly do. Unfortunately, we in America have been, let's say corporate America has influenced the government. Doug the pharmaceutical company. Dr. Rauch Well, yes, and there are drugs that save people's lives, and I want you to know that I'm dedicated, and my friends are dedicated toward awareness of the population to live a healthier life. We have information that's free, that people can do, that won't cost them anything, that can transform their life and their health, and I'm willing to share that with anybody. Doug any way we get you to accept Monero for your medical services? You know what? I'm telling you, Pete, that would be something. Dr. Rauch And based on getting to know you and this information, I would say the likelihood of that is very strong. I want to- Doug to add you to XMR Bazaar, where we show all the different vendors that accept Monero. I think people would be reaching out. Dr. Rauch That would be great. My practice is a cash practice. I do not accept insurance. I worked with the insurance industry for 40 years. I figured that was the case. I'm done with that. I can't be part of a system that is so dysfunctional, and so I moved away from that. Doug You opt it out is what we call it around here in Manero land. It's called opting out Dr. Rauch Well, I opted out several years ago. Doug Amazing man. So such a pleasure meeting you Dr. Rauch This is great. I love you guys. This is wonderful. So thank you for having me. It's been truly an honor. Doug Awesome, thank you man. All right, thank you. All right, cool.