00:03.98 programmeral Welcome to the Marvel cinematic rewind the podcast that rewatches reviews and responds to every movie show 1 shot and special presentation in the Marvel cinematic universe I am Al Rodrigue 00:14.90 tonycam24 And I'm Tona Kimmerina 00:17.83 programmeral And before we get into things with this week's episode. We want to ask you to follow us on Twitter we are at Msu Underscore rewind with any luck someday will ask you to follow us on a different social networking app. But right now that's that's the only one we use. Um. 00:30.21 tonycam24 Well, you have a really good Npr quality going on today I I appreciate it. 00:36.94 programmeral Oh nice I I'm putting my microphone in a slightly different spot and I'm also hunching over so I will probably um, be in a different spot later and I will sound different is is wait is this good. You said you're appreciating. It's it's out. No. 00:41.12 tonycam24 And okay. 00:48.47 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, it's more like you're very soothing. It's like Hello welcome to the Mc rewind. Yeah, okay. 00:54.80 programmeral Oh oh oh good to know? Okay well I will try to keep this going and we'll see how long it lasts. You know what else we should keep going getting people to give us a rating on Apple Podcasts or whatever your favorite podcast app is ah. I feel like like we're a little low on that we have a bit of a quota that we're trying to meet um because we are trying to sell more ads and those help us sell those ads ah totally like like all the other great ads that you're you're always hearing us spout about halfway through the episode. So you should give us a reading an Apple Podcast or whatever your favorite podcast app is and in the meantime if you want to contact us in any way like we mentioned you can find us on Twitter we are atcu you underscore rewind or you can send us an email at mccu rewind at Gmail.com no one to scoring that email all right, all that stuff out of the way today we are continuing our rewind. Of season 5 of agents of shield with episode 15 titled rise and shine which originally premiered on March thirtieth of 2018 01:56.10 tonycam24 And as usual here is our rundown of the episode Twenty eight years ago a young hail made her way through hydrara academy after her school days come to an end she was assigned by Daniel Ihall to infiltrate the us air force and be impregnated via in vitro fertilization. With Hydra's next leader two years ago hydra is with that leader her daughter Ruby who is going through the same academy hydra falls during the time leaving ruby and hale as the last 2 members in the present hail fails to convince a recently awakened Talbot. To release a hydrocontraband she also informs Colson that alien alliance known as the confederacy has made into contact with Hydra and offered to assist earth during an impending eations but she intends to betray the alliance by using whitehall's super soldier pod and the gravitonium. To create a destroyer of worlds or possibly just one world. We haven't decided that though she intends to for it to be ruby she suggests that Daisy might be a better fit upon hearing this Colson denies her offer and reveals his trip to the future but she doesn't believe him. 02:55.49 programmeral The. 03:13.23 tonycam24 Back at the light house may and Daisy struggled to to deduce hale's motivation and Locate Colson Daisy who has been left in charge of shield refuses to trust fits and goes ah in search of Robin Simmons tells fits about their grandson deak suggest suggesting they will survive the despite. The terrible odds didn and all right. It starts off with our fast facts what you got out? Oh wow. 03:35.91 programmeral Tuta. 03:44.34 programmeral Ah, well so I have a couple actually I have 3 for ones which would yeah I don't I can't remember the last time I had this many? Um, okay so the first one when Talbot opens a box of captain crunch. He says I still out rank you which alludes to the fact that he Talbot is a general. 03:59.40 tonycam24 Here. 04:01.47 programmeral So he does outrank the captain. Ah, the other one is um that hail says that Daisy Johnson should be the one to get the superpowers from the experiments for the program called destroyer of worlds which is what if you remember correctly, the future people call daisy that they call her the destroyer of worlds. 04:18.30 tonycam24 Yes. 04:21.26 programmeral And I said I had a third but um I wrote that one before I had seen the whole episode and um, ah that one actually isn't true. So I'm I only have two. yeah yeah I was wrong very wrong and ah. 04:31.93 tonycam24 Um, okay, all right I should we count Easter eggs to itself Selfreential Easter eggs are those still Easter eggs. 04:43.86 programmeral I Think so I think um, you know, especially if it's something that you haven't seen in in a while I think so um, also because it makes things way way easier for me trying to find fast facts. 04:48.50 tonycam24 Earth. 04:56.60 tonycam24 That's fair, there were like a off aspects to the other well we'll talk about all right the title which is called rise and shine because it's time for ah Talbot to rise and shine ah to the world. Also. Get multiple scenes of ah Ruby rising and shining and getting breakfasts and ignoring people rudely. Um, finally this one might be a stretch but it's time for hydra to rise up and shine as the heroes of earth that they always never were. 05:28.59 programmeral Yeah, okay, all right I'll I'll take that one maybe not the the second half of that. But the first half I think makes sense the hydra has been in Heidi. So it's time for them to rise and shine in a different light. 05:31.52 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 05:39.75 tonycam24 Um, yeah, there's only 4 of them so I don't know how much shining they're going to do so for 1 creole if you count them as hydra can literally turn into shiny things. So I guess that helps. 05:53.29 programmeral Yeah, that does help? Yeah I forget that all the goons that they have are robots so you're right? It is really just the 4 of them. 05:57.55 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 06:02.23 tonycam24 Yeah, um, also we get a lot of references during the past we get a message of this super soldier program in world war 2 they mentioned the tester act there is young sitwell who from earlier in shield but he's also in um. Avengers and the winner soldier and end game. We see ah wolf game or um, we see baron von struker ah, who in the comics is actually called wolfgang ron strickker so I actually don't know what they call him in the u run. Um, but yeah. So we get a few of those which are those are the ones I expected you to bring up since they were in the movies. 06:44.57 programmeral That probably would have been a lot easier to to bring up. Yeah, that's that's fair see. 06:47.36 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, and then I have a last fast fact that I can't reveal because they don't say the ghost or not the ghost the shadow confederacy guys name ever. They don't reveal home. Yeah, hopefully. 07:01.15 programmeral Okay, well someday you will you just keep copy pasting that to next week's notes. 07:07.65 tonycam24 I will all right moving on to our heroes. Um, so I have like Colson and then I have everyone else. So what do you want to? do want talk about Colson first. 07:19.81 programmeral I think yeah, starting starting with Colson's probably the best because he's he's with the main storyline and then everyone else just kind of has their own little bits going on. 07:27.28 tonycam24 Um, yeah I was confused by the time frame like it goes was it's twenty eight years ago then like two years ago then like two months ago and then 24 hours ago right I think it was two months ago but I'm 900% sure on that. But the reason I got confused is because we have the opening scene where Colson find figures out pretty quickly that is hydra right? And then later we get a scene that says 24 hours ago 07:43.25 programmeral Yeah, yeah I forgot what the months were um, okay okay, right. 07:55.35 programmeral Yeah. 08:02.65 tonycam24 But it takes place after that first scene so when is the present. 08:06.80 programmeral It did I thought I thought that was and thought that was that essentially that same scene. 08:13.36 tonycam24 Well yeah, but it doesn't they didn't give a time frame because it was a cold open where he's like seeing his bed and stuff like that and then yeah and then the next morning happens but it was 24 hours ago 08:23.66 programmeral Oh yeah yeah, I um I mean they they just started on that like if if you start today? 24 hours ago was I mean that like I feel like. Current time frame is when they're not when they're no longer saying ah a back in time time. So so because it opened and there was a scene and then we get the 24 hours before and then it goes back to like doesn't. 08:50.30 tonycam24 Here. 08:59.34 programmeral Okay, doesn't that opening scene get like added to later on or remind us remembering that. Yes. 09:05.18 tonycam24 I think you're misremembering it because it goes like the opening scene. He sees his bedroom right? Then it says 24 hours ago good. The the reason I say that's current time because I never set a timeframe on that then it goes 24 hours ago is him waking up in that bed. 09:16.54 programmeral Oh okay. 09:24.00 tonycam24 Going to get breakfast and seeing Ruby and then and then he loses his car. So it's like I'm confused is mostly an editing problem like I don't know when this scene happened is it happening now. 09:24.52 programmeral Okay. 09:33.69 programmeral Ok, all right alright in okay, that's that's fair, You're right? Um yes, um, but at least. 09:40.21 tonycam24 That happened 26 hours ago I have no idea. Yeah. 09:49.61 programmeral We're we're getting a little hint at a Tv show saying okay this stuff happened x amount of time to go so now now we know now we can plan around that it's it's not like well is each episode a day later or they a week later at least we get something. 09:54.20 tonycam24 Er. Okay. 10:06.16 programmeral But yes, you're right? if you want to really dissect it. We don't know the answer of when things take place you. 10:06.32 tonycam24 Um, yeah, yeah. 10:09.51 tonycam24 Well, that's not fair. It happened 26 hours ago all right I need concrete facts l. 10:20.74 programmeral Yeah, same. But we don't get them because this is any form of media and I I do like that with Colson. Um, you know we've we've seen. Ah, we've seen that that play that ruby. 10:23.79 tonycam24 Earth. 10:37.50 programmeral Ah, does you know every time right? like the person wakes up in their room then they go and they like end up at that snack that the the food room mess not not mess hall but whatever it is yes the kind of never breakfast exactly um and then it. 10:38.59 tonycam24 Um, earth. 10:43.86 tonycam24 Yeah, the continental breakfast. 10:53.00 programmeral It it just doesn't work on Colson he knows exactly what's going on. He just says hey I'm cool I know what's what's going on I'm going to eat this in my room by like so which I guess is good like it. It kind of just saves everyone time right. 10:53.65 tonycam24 Who I. 11:00.23 tonycam24 Er. 11:09.29 tonycam24 Yeah, so I want play a game with you al we know that of the varieties of sereals that they had there Colson liked oops all berries which frankly, that's surprising to me I feel like the guy likes Mor Varietyty 11:13.52 programmeral No. You know. 11:27.00 tonycam24 What do you think are the of the rest of the shieldes. What are their favorite serials. 11:33.50 programmeral Oh okay, all right? um first I have to remember a bunch of serreials. Um, so we're we're going to start with May because I feel like whatever the healthiest type of option is it's gonna she's gonna go with that one. Um. 11:37.45 tonycam24 Okay. 11:51.18 programmeral And I mean my default is thinking. It's something like total. But even that one isn't healthy enough because it has like a lot of sugar. Um I feel like the healthiest overall is like think one of those new fangled like like protein thing I don't know I've tried these before and I absolutely hated them. 11:56.32 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 12:08.84 tonycam24 Oh yeah, sova I This is I actually disagree I think with may she she does that but we know like there is a softness and may that she hides so she will get that but she will chop up. 12:10.95 programmeral Um. 12:22.82 programmeral Um. 12:26.87 tonycam24 Ah, bunch of fruit in it and stuff like that to give her also the carb boost if she's going to be fighting later I think the healthy person would be Simmons because she knows all the science behind what exactly your body needs. 12:36.39 programmeral Um, okay, that makes a lot of sense and I Also we also to remember what their favorite is right? because that was your question. What's their favorite. Not what would they eat. So I yeah I think I think you're you're on the nose there. 12:45.22 tonycam24 Um, I yeah. 12:51.27 tonycam24 Yeah I think Fitz is for sure a fruit loops man. 12:53.28 programmeral Um, someone's okay I someone has got to be a cinnamon toast crunch and I was I was leaning toward fits on that one with cinnamon maybe daisy. 13:01.43 tonycam24 Um, really yeah, when you said Simmon those crunch I was definitely thinking Daisy um, she doesn't seem at maybe I'm wrong, but she doesn't seem like a person who likes fruity flavors and I don't know why I feel that about Daisy Johnson yeah 13:06.48 programmeral Okay, are. 13:16.90 programmeral Okay, all right I okay. 13:19.58 tonycam24 Maybe maybe because she has quick powers. So I think more earthy. So I mean I think of like vanillas and cinnamons and stuff which cinnamon is like 1 of the few spices we get from a tree if I remember that fact directly. 13:32.56 programmeral Okay, um I did not know that at all. Um I'm thinking back to when ah the the shieldes have have drank right? because we've seen we've seen fits and Mac they drink beers and I think. 13:43.85 tonycam24 Um, earth. 13:46.15 tonycam24 Yes. 13:50.64 programmeral Daisy is more like a ah whiskey girl or something like that and so yeah, exactly so I I feel like you know the the cinnamon I don't I don't know why in my mind I'm just relating the 2 like if you drink that you would probably eat this but sure why not? ah. 13:55.17 tonycam24 Um, again, earthy. 14:05.92 tonycam24 To to be fair, my phrase My favorite hard alcohol is whiskey and my favorite cereal is send into a crunch. So if that's anything. 14:08.33 programmeral We don't know any better. 14:15.27 programmeral Okay, okay, yeah, and me my favorite um drinks are ah fruity drinks. Um, and my favorite cereal. Um. 14:29.89 programmeral Yeah, the the sugary kinds really? So yeah, the fruity sugary kinds lead any of those. Yeah. 14:31.86 tonycam24 Um, all right? Yeah what you think that we got Mac and yo you. 14:40.19 programmeral Oh that's a tough one. Oh um, ah what's the what's the one with the the Tony the tiger what's that one? yeah frosted flakes. Someone's a frosted flakes person I'm thinking Mac I think he likes. 14:49.40 tonycam24 Oh ah, frosted flakes. 14:55.52 programmeral That they're kind of bland but they got some sugar on them and and they just they're just yeah. 14:58.19 tonycam24 Um I could see that my thought for Mac would be like he doesn't care what cereal it is but he's buying and eating whatever cereal is offering the x amount of tops for. The car model. He's a pragmatic serial buyer. 15:18.87 programmeral That's true I don't know of he he would be yes. Um, and Yoyo what would yo yo have um. 15:29.49 tonycam24 Ah, the reason I think yo yo and this might just be because she's a speedster but I feel lucky charms something with marshmallows. Yeah, right? all right I feel like we did well on that. 15:38.25 programmeral You know the marshmallows make sense I think cool. Yeah um I feel like I had more trouble just remembering cereals. It's been a wild spot cereal. So okay. 15:53.67 tonycam24 Yeah anyway, um so yeah, ah, hail reveals to Colson the my personal least favorite type of space transportation hold on the handle and then disappear and reear somewhere else. 16:10.65 programmeral Um, yeah, maybe I don't I don't know it's It's just teleportation right? like it's. 16:14.25 tonycam24 It is but okay, you set the time right? or not the time the altitude longitude and latitude and then you disappear, but the thing that the transport you just stays there. 16:20.40 programmeral Yeah there. 16:33.70 tonycam24 So if you make a mistake in care of calculations. Well first of all if you and make mistake you end up in space terrible terrible. But if you make a mistake in the calculations end of the wrong place. You're just screwed forever presumably? yeah. 16:46.74 programmeral True. Yeah, yeah, yeah, which which which can happen. Um, yeah so hegel said I think yeah she said in this episode that this is this device is used for like. 17:02.95 tonycam24 Er yeah. 17:02.96 programmeral Transporting through space like this is their engine or something or maybe engine isn't the right word but it's it's that So I guess it's it's meant for being on a ship and then it transports the ship while you with the ship Also so it's just bad if you're trying to use it for in. Teleporting people I guess like it it in this scenario. It is bad but. 17:24.31 tonycam24 Yeah, the my problem with the design is that Okay, you attach us to a ship and the ship teleports right? But the the thing stays there. 17:35.33 programmeral You know. Yeah. 17:41.33 tonycam24 At least the way it's working It doesn't go with the ship or whoever else is transporting. 17:45.62 programmeral Maybe this one's modified. 17:49.58 tonycam24 I I feel like this stems more from did they slash Shields budget or did they use all their budget in season in the first half of the season. 17:57.58 programmeral They I don't know they didn't have a lot. Yeah, a lot of space up but that's just like green screen copy paste I don't know about the special effects I'm honestly not sure about that. Okay, all right. 18:01.23 tonycam24 Lot of space stuff not special effects. I Special effects are pretty expensive. 18:16.95 programmeral No I'm I'm just saying I don't know how many special effects they had. That's why yeah. 18:18.75 tonycam24 Okay I was thinking next week there's another thing that if I remember to bring up that made me think that the effects budget has either been used up or slashed but we'll talk about that next week. Yeah. 18:24.36 programmeral In. 18:30.94 programmeral I Mean yeah, probably was I mean every every season it seemed like they got less money or or not I mean we we talk about that but I have absolutely no idea they did also get more characters I think so that changes thing. Yeah, yeah, pretty. 18:43.97 tonycam24 Yeah, right? Yeah, so they go space and ah kale enries to the confederacy or that representative as humanityities shield. 1 of earth's mightiest heroes only putting point on the fact that any of the avengers any of them as much as shields all our colson's awesome. Tony Stark would been way more effective. 19:01.47 programmeral What. 19:12.92 programmeral Yeah, yeah, exactly um I mean and again this is one of the the annoying parts about you know the the movies and the Tv shows essentially ignoring each other at this time like we say this every single time just one avenger really? um. 19:20.17 tonycam24 Ah, yep. 19:27.17 tonycam24 Her. 19:29.90 programmeral I'm sure if she tried she might have been able to find find a ah one of the avengers that's running away. You know maybe capped right? I don't I yeah I don't know it's not her thing. Yeah. 19:40.80 tonycam24 yeah yeah I know I feel like of of the options. Tony is the best show. Um chance because she is a general in the air force. She has a possibly even know it's Rodie who was in the air force. 19:47.64 programmeral And. If. It. 19:57.34 programmeral Um. 19:57.37 tonycam24 But um, also yeah, he doesn't like Hydra but he's not he's not Captain America or black widow shield a shield agent or guy who fought him in world war two I think he'll have he'd have much open mind and he's much more pragmatic but that's stuff we know. 20:08.55 programmeral Okay. 20:15.85 tonycam24 Not stuff they would know in the universe. 20:18.37 programmeral Yeah, that's true that is one of the things that's that's a little hard for for the characters. Um, yeah, it would be easy for her to get a hold of him of of Tony Stark um yeah the ones running from the law I mean sheet to be fair. 20:27.65 tonycam24 Um, yeah I mean compared to the other ones. Yeah. 20:35.30 programmeral All of the agents of shield are also running from the law and she had a lot of trouble finding them. Um, but yeah, yeah, probably that that would have worked she I don't know she would have should have if she would have told Tony Stark that she is hydra. 20:38.31 tonycam24 Here here. 20:53.25 programmeral Um, she probably could have kept that one secret but. 20:53.70 tonycam24 Yeah, hey we part of the secret part of the air force Aliens are invading hey most paranoid man in the world about Aliens help us with this. 21:03.41 programmeral Yeah, exactly I I feel like at this point in time like given what we saw of what Tony Stark's role was in Kevin America's civil war you know he was. 21:16.96 tonycam24 Are. 21:19.88 programmeral Working with the government and doing stuff and so I imagine at that point in time he's it's maybe it's not public knowledge but it's at least knowledge to people with security clearances and need that information within the government they would know that part of the reason Ultron was created or. Escaped essentially was because he was trying to you know, build a suit of armor around the world right? So like you know that was that was his whole phrase. So I feel like if Hale knew that maybe he would have been the person she went with but I guess at the same time. She's also I mean she is looking for a person. 21:43.55 tonycam24 Who who. 21:58.93 programmeral To take over the ah the destroyer of world's powers right? and Tony Stark already has powers. The only reason hale went to Colson was because she's thinking hey what about daisy. 22:02.20 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah. 22:09.60 tonycam24 Who also has powers. He actually has more powers in Tony because they're innate. 22:16.33 programmeral That's true and Tony wouldn't get any benefit I guess right? Well actually I don't remember what what you get from this this experiment. 22:26.42 tonycam24 You get I'm guessing infused with whatever because they talk about in the flash specs you get infused with whatever you put into it like my presumption is ah Erskine. Harvest. These Vita arrays which gave to ah caps like super strengths and stuff like that. But they're going to auses her with gravitonium. So even quake would be super powerful but ruby would have gravity powers. Yeah. 22:44.11 programmeral In. 22:53.32 programmeral Okay, okay. All right? This is just one of those parts where like what you said makes sense is just this is one of those parts where like I feel like they kind of like they're playing a little fast and loose with it in that they're. 23:04.73 tonycam24 Um, of. 23:13.57 programmeral They're kind of assuming that we all just know like yeah this is what's going to happen and and then and then we'll see it happen like oh this is what you've been saying this entire time. Okay, all right? Well now I get it. But yeah, like they they haven't explained it very well. No. 23:15.53 tonycam24 Um, yeah, we. 23:29.18 tonycam24 It's true. Um, but like comic book media vagaries help because you just retcon anything into it. Yeah yeah, um, yeah, so they meet the aliens they were Colson's given a psychic vision of the warships coming. 23:36.17 programmeral That's true and that helps a lot. 23:46.51 tonycam24 Dis point it was not just like the ships from infinity war but whatever because it's different aliens. Um I thought like cause I forgot who the confederacy was like I remember there were aliens involved but the the cruiser like did. 23:52.31 programmeral So all right. 24:06.34 tonycam24 I Remember them connecting sometime the season to infin you or but no, it wasn't in vide worship that would make sense. Yeah. 24:15.78 programmeral Yep, yeah, no, it's a yeah I'm I'm looking forward to getting that bit of ah more detail about this stuff because I mean they don't say much about the confederacy and like I. 24:26.38 tonycam24 Um. 24:31.77 programmeral I don't remember so my assumption is that they're just Cre kind of trying like hey we're we're here. We we want another planet. Yeah, we're always trying to expand our empire and this is an easy way to do it I Guess we'll make a deal now. Yeah so that this is really just linking up with that first half of the season when they were. 24:36.29 tonycam24 And yeah. Her and that's fair. 24:50.70 tonycam24 Are. 24:51.40 programmeral In the future. So I guess I think we had that question earlier like when did the cree show up and why and all this stuff and well I guess they were kind of just they were already here. 25:01.10 tonycam24 They're just already on their way. Yeah, we'll talk about that when Dano's hits like what are their reactions get the hell out of here. 25:07.19 programmeral We just probably? yeah yeah. 25:14.13 tonycam24 All right? So yeah Colson says. Ah, that's a bad idea to give daisy the powers because she will make a destroyer of worlds which is what this read the future and. 25:23.21 programmeral In. 25:25.99 tonycam24 Hale's reaction is like she thinks is a misogyny that this big strong man is meant is protecting her from making mistakes which is like probably something she's run into hundreds of times in her career both in Hydra and in the air force. So. 25:37.58 programmeral Oh yeah, definitely and and like her default is to just ignore it and move on which is usually the right answer it just in this scenario. It's not okay, yes that yeah. 25:47.90 tonycam24 Um, or yeah or drag him away and move on. 25:54.20 programmeral If you want to be more specific. Yes. 25:56.70 tonycam24 Yep, um, anything else for Colson. Yeah, all right? Ah I have daisy next? Ah finally we know why she destroyed. 25:58.68 programmeral No, that's it I mean he didn't have a ah ah ton. So yeah. 26:09.30 programmeral Um. 26:12.73 tonycam24 Her name is a tree of worlds multiple because it's the name of a hydra project. Why everyone else knows that who knows. 26:13.42 programmeral A. 26:21.37 programmeral Ah, yeah, why why? you mean why? everyone else in the in the future knows it? Yeah I I don't know I guess we'll maybe we'll find out maybe all will be revealed. 26:23.70 tonycam24 In the future. Yeah. 26:31.76 tonycam24 Um, yeah, my theory is because Colson and presumably the rest of the team eventually knows it. They will just spread around because there's no reason keep it secret after the world ends. 26:44.73 programmeral Ah, that's true. Yeah yeah I mean I assume that there was a little bit of setup of like okay when when we first went to the Future. We knew this and I guess that's part of our job now to make sure that our future selves or our past selves in the future know this set of information. So Maybe they yeah that could be part of it. They know to spread it. 27:04.17 tonycam24 yeah yeah I mean that's true I was going getting through the wrapper hole of time travel cause and effect. But I'm not going to ah Daisy realized the same thing I realized a couple weeks ago. 27:10.47 programmeral Oh good. 27:17.97 tonycam24 Hail is hydra hail hydra yeah, she asked a question I asked myself all too much. Ah, last couple years why are we still fighting nazis yeah. 27:21.20 programmeral Ah. 27:31.60 programmeral I was going to make the same comment. Yes, still and this was back in 2018 and they still haven't gone away. Yeah um I I was kind of waiting for that line because I knew I knew someone made a line like that and I thought it was Colson. 27:37.44 tonycam24 No. 27:47.30 tonycam24 Um, ah. 27:48.50 programmeral Um, but ah, it always reminds me of back in season 1 of agent Carter and like I think the second episode maybe it was still the first episode but like somewhere within the first 2 or 3 episodes. There was a ah. 28:06.43 programmeral There was just a scene. There was like some background noise of like ah a radio show in a car and it was like it was like the the Captain America rescuing the damsel in distress kind of thing that scenario and I forget who who said it but I think it was supposed to be that Captain America character who said, um. 28:12.83 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 28:25.78 tonycam24 Who. 28:25.81 programmeral Nazis again and and it's just they they just keep showing up I mean to be fair, they are the easy villain right? They just show up and you're like okay cool. It's like zombies right? It's just it's the easy villain like you immediately know. Okay, these are the bad guys obviously but you just. 28:32.58 tonycam24 Um, oh yeah. 28:39.70 tonycam24 Remove? yes. 28:44.59 programmeral Reminded me of of that and I'm I'm sure where we have at least 1 more time that this kind of line is gonna show up. Yeah. 28:49.23 tonycam24 Possibly all right? What do we want move on to. 28:58.22 programmeral Um, let's see um, let's talk about fits so fits is he's in in a shield prison. The brig is that what the brig is is at the jail. 29:03.55 tonycam24 Ah, yeah. 29:11.94 tonycam24 Well, the brig is a jail on the ship. So I guess he's he's locked up I think it's safe to say they're treating him like hannibal lecter. 29:18.83 programmeral all right? okay yeah, okay all right um yeah yeah um so the 1 thing I mean the only thing I really have for him is that he he says he does not regret giving daisy her powers back because this was. As bad as it is if he didn't do it. Ah the people on the surface ah would already would would be seeing all of that stuff by now they would be affected by it. They would have lost the lighthouse by then I'm sure right? like they they would have had to evacuate and then it would still. 29:45.28 tonycam24 Um, yeah, um. 29:56.10 programmeral Be going? Um, but I guess that also means that fits doesn't regret the torture. So there's that part but okay. 30:01.67 tonycam24 Yeah I mean I feel like fits if you were in the right mind would say it better just like I regret you had to go through that but it needs to be done type of thing. Not that no. 30:12.28 programmeral Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 30:19.63 tonycam24 I Don't regret at all. 30:26.20 tonycam24 Um, yeah, so ah, he calls out daisy about how many like all the times she's turned on shield it's like I can think of only 3 times she turned on shield which is like 3 times too many. 30:36.40 programmeral Yes. 30:39.89 tonycam24 But um, like she was still working for the rising tide after being brought in by Colson back a season 1 She almost joined the in humans in afterlife and then she turned on them. This is like 3 and 4 but they're kind of the same thing when she was controlled by hive. 30:45.99 programmeral Um. 30:57.77 tonycam24 And then when she lost hive and must the addiction or was like crashing after the high up hive. 31:04.59 programmeral Yeah, and and of all of those that you mentioned only in one of those did they did cheat. Oh no, never mind 2 of them in 2 of those. She specifically screwed over shield right? like she she went. 31:19.20 tonycam24 Um, yes. 31:21.43 programmeral It wasn't just turning her back on the team. It was turning her back on the team and then attacking essentially um, now to be fair, she wasn't in the right mind in in those situations right? like no one would really blame her. 31:27.89 tonycam24 Ah. 31:33.29 tonycam24 Um, yeah, are. 31:37.70 programmeral For for that. Um, which is the exact same thing as as fits in this situation. Um, but yeah. 31:43.43 tonycam24 Yeah, the the difference is Daisy asked for forgiveness afterwards. 31:51.50 programmeral Yeah, that's true. Yeah, also they don't know that ah evil fits the doctor will might show up again right? because they they don't know what started it. You can kind of guess but like it could happen. 32:02.29 tonycam24 Um, yeah, that's true. 32:09.14 programmeral Any day. 32:10.65 tonycam24 Um, it's true. Um, yeah so later Simmons visits fits in jail and she knows very confidently that they will get through this because ah. 32:19.10 programmeral E. 32:28.25 tonycam24 Their grandson is there and he reveals 2 fits that deak is a grandson I love his reaction. He is just the worst. 32:35.60 programmeral He's just the worst. 32:40.63 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, and we know they're going to make it through somehow some way or at least simmons yo yo and Fitz are really sure of it. Yeah. 32:40.74 programmeral Ah, ah. 32:46.34 programmeral Um, that's that's true. 32:54.19 programmeral Assuming that they really are stuck in a time loop. 32:57.99 tonycam24 Yeah, right, anything else for heroes I don't have any other notes for everybody. Ah Simmons are not simmons. Ah yoo was asleep got her new arms. 33:03.86 programmeral Um, yeah, good for. Um yeah, no I don't yeah, don't have anything else for for anyone cool. Well then let's go ahead. Take a quick break and then we'll ah we'll we'll jump back. 33:11.83 tonycam24 All right. 33:21.70 programmeral Ah, into things. Um, so Tony since you've already guessed the theme of the ads I wanted to make another theme but I forgot I still wrote the the ads I just don't have a theme for them anymore. So for the rest of. 33:26.66 tonycam24 Oh okay, okay and I was like I was like I won I don't make a different theme I'm good until end game or end game Nope Infinity war. 33:41.49 programmeral Who um, so what I wanted to do was ah create a new theme but I wanted them I wanted the the new ads to still or I wanted the the ads for the new theme. To work with the old ones. So basically you've had this, you know still had 12 episodes worth of of a hints but that was too hard and I just didn't I didn't I didn't have forgot around to it. So anyway, no theme just just ads hey Tony let's say that today right now. 34:05.32 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 34:15.84 programmeral You have 1 or more children. How much money each year would you spend on their private education. Yes, it exactly as much money as you can. 34:22.17 tonycam24 On the private education. Um, $0 homeschool all the way. 34:32.25 programmeral Which is where our friends at 6 headed dragon schools comes in 6 headed dragon schools is a private private boarding school that will teach your child all the standard things a normal school covers like chemistry algebra head to hand combat and 1 year of a foreign language just enough for them to forget it all over the summer break 34:33.98 tonycam24 Still $0 34:51.30 programmeral And since it's a very well-funded boarding school your child will live in an underground bunker. So the real world won't get in their way. Finally your child will even be placed into a career after graduation something like the government the military or for a few special cases. Ah, seven eleven but 1 of the good ones like at an airport use promo code mcu rewind to get a free tour of the schools if you can't afford a good school use 6 headed dragon schools. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it works. Um. 35:09.93 tonycam24 Um, no. 35:21.50 tonycam24 Ah, either catch raise. It's really really sells them girl. 35:26.42 programmeral So Tony you you and I have been recording these these podcast episodes for a couple of weeks now with the video camera on like for for like what five and a half years it was audio only now we're we're able to actually see each other um and it wasn't until a while ago or a couple weeks ago that I realized every time I read the ads. 35:34.75 tonycam24 Um, and if. 35:41.29 tonycam24 Yep. 35:46.15 programmeral I Do hand motions and things and I don't know if you notice but I I was getting like a little self-conscious recently. But but I've been doing that for years. 35:55.10 tonycam24 I make can motions like if I get into something. Yeah I will make hand emotions and realize hey I can't see me but now he can. 36:04.53 programmeral That's right? Well, it's it's actually harder because I see you out of off of my peripheral motion because I'm looking directly at my notes but you are on a different monitor. So I yeah I have to look somewhere else to see him. Yeah. 36:10.30 tonycam24 Oh well I'm sure this is fascinating to our listeners but let's move on to our villains al what kind of episodes would you like to see in the inevitable. 36:21.50 programmeral I guess. 36:27.74 tonycam24 Hydra Academy C w-style Teen drama. 36:31.39 programmeral It definitely would be a CDiCWStyle team drama um I mean you have to have all of the standards right? I mean you have to have the pilot where we meet our ah plucky main character and their friends. Um, you have exactly? yep. 36:37.44 tonycam24 A. 36:45.10 tonycam24 Yep Jasper sit? well. 36:49.15 programmeral Sit well would be definitely one of the the I don't know if sitwell would be 1 of the main character friend people or one of the recurring characters. Yeah. 36:53.94 tonycam24 Yeah, no, he's be. He'd be the God I don't watch teen dramas but okay. 37:06.22 programmeral But I'm I'm just thinking of Wednesday that's that's what came to my mind first. 37:13.76 tonycam24 Ah, yeah, it's okay Wednesday we're forgot talk about Wednesday ah, he's the kid who is obsessed with bees. He's there. He bonds with the main character. He's the he's the 1 true friend. Ah, but also it's. 37:19.55 programmeral Oh yeah. 37:25.42 programmeral Okay. 37:29.86 tonycam24 Ah, Hydra so he will eventually like betray the main character. Yeah. 37:33.41 programmeral Yeah, of course I mean that's all of them. They're all Hydra Ah, and then let's see I'm sure you'll you'll have a bunch of other stories too. You got to have where the the main character has to prove Herself. Ah. To the others by showing that she is just as tough as them by winning some sort of fighting tournament. Maybe some other tournament out of I'm trying to think. But yeah, something like that to that effect. 37:55.90 tonycam24 Um, okay. 38:06.10 tonycam24 Yeah, ah getting a ah illicit romance with a shield agent. But yeah, the doomed from the start so she eventually she kills him? Yeah yep. 38:16.55 programmeral Oh yeah, good. Yeah, let's see you gotta have the scene where um, where her dog runs away and she says that she shot it unlike you know everyone else passing their test. 38:25.94 tonycam24 You hear. 38:32.60 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 38:34.75 programmeral Um, and then and then in the later season. The dog comes back So there's there's that whole whole ah storyline. 38:41.83 tonycam24 But it will be in the lighter episode and so they put like a mustache and a hat on the dogs and no one will recognize it and bring it back in. Yeah yeah. 38:49.63 programmeral I Mean yeah, you know they're they're essentially ah a spy organization or not exactly a spy organization. But you know what I mean right? There's some of that involved. So yeah, so you got to have the the baseball cap. 38:56.37 tonycam24 Yeah I mean yeah I presuming this is a 24 episode series like shield and like most CW shows at least when I still watch Cw don't know if it's still the way. 39:04.12 programmeral Easy in. 39:11.49 tonycam24 Um, so like a good percentage of them will be comedy shows for filler. Yeah, so Hale was at this academy back in Ninety Ninety ah with with sitwell and everybody um and we get the return of Daniel Whitehall 39:14.23 programmeral Oh yeah, yeah. 39:20.79 programmeral Yeah. 39:31.43 tonycam24 Who ah is like talking about I Guess like we talked about this earlier a little bit the fast facts he's made made his own chamber for super soldiering people. 39:45.31 programmeral Yeah I I guess I could I honestly could not tell if he made a chamber or if he was just talking about the original chamber like this is what made Captain America look at these images cool now I'm going to talk about my thing something else. 39:59.66 tonycam24 Um, if. 40:02.10 tonycam24 Yeah, it's crazy how in all the attempts at super soldier serums. Were you seeing this is the first time I've seen someone bring out a chamber like that again. 40:07.17 programmeral A. 40:15.57 programmeral Yeah, you're right like I'm trying to think about it because so we've got I mean the original Chamber I Guess there's this one. Um in Falcon of the winter soldier. It was just a shot right? that was it. 40:18.70 tonycam24 If. 40:26.40 tonycam24 Yep, and then the Hulk the incredibleable Hulk movie. Ah where it's a shot like in the back as they give ah blansky a super soldier here and before ah he gets. The hulk blood too. 40:42.42 programmeral Yeah that's right? Um, so I don't think anyone else was trying to make a super soldier serum but we've seen other stuff like this in like ah some of the the Netflix shows right? like we just saw um. In Jessica Jones I forgot her name. Her friend. Yeah what What was the friend's name Pat yeah Patsy Patsy Walker that's right Trish Trish walk and same thing all right? Um I knew that wasn't her name I just could not remember. Um, yeah because she at the end of the season season 2 she. 40:58.53 tonycam24 Um I g h oh ah, Patsy Trish Trish yeah 41:17.80 programmeral Like goes through whatever process to try and maybe get some powers and that had a ton of shots right? It wasn't a chamber although um Luke cage he went into a chamber um was yeah, there was much of water and stuff he did it twice. 41:24.38 tonycam24 Um I. 41:29.38 tonycam24 He did? Yeah yep with the was it like ah some type of crustacean or shellfish. 41:37.87 programmeral Yeah, yeah, that's right something to that's yeah. 41:42.62 tonycam24 Yeah, also um so this is young hail but also young baron von streker in there listening to Whitehall right? So this is actually a connection I never realized before until like right now. So this might not make sense but hail talks about using. 41:51.46 programmeral Yeah. 42:02.68 tonycam24 Tests erect to infuse somebody right and go to space. This is essentially what they do in their experiments to Wanda and quicksilver they expose her to lokiepter. 42:03.28 programmeral E. 42:14.70 programmeral Yeah, that's true. 42:20.21 tonycam24 So I mean like it's not exactly same but it could be an offshoot of this type of thing because it was during hydra it was von strucker's experiments I mean yeah I feel like this ah direct line from this scene to Wanda Vision whether the writers. Ah. 42:27.16 programmeral E. 42:38.34 tonycam24 Planned or or not, there's definite connection there. 42:39.24 programmeral Oh yeah, youre difficult I mean we we knew I mean this scene was probably inspired by that film right? or age of ultron because that happened a couple years before so they probably saw that and thought oh hey that that would be a good thing to just say that it was maybe people will think hey it was Hale's idea 42:47.31 tonycam24 Yes, yeah. 42:58.66 tonycam24 Ah, yeah. 42:58.89 programmeral That just ended up there. Um, because it very well might have been like that's possible. Um, yeah. 43:03.38 tonycam24 I like it. It's It's much more subtle than the connections. We usually get here. So It's like so much so that I'm not even sure if they meant to do it that way. But yeah, yeah, um, yeah, so she beats up von Strucker Um, The. The problem with Evil schools is either. There's no discipline or way too much discipline. They don't get that happy medium. 43:23.45 programmeral E. Yeah, That's the only problem I can ever think of for for those schools, you're right? Yeah, but no, you're you're right? like there's because there's there's always like that I feel like there's that level of. 43:33.53 tonycam24 That's that's it. That's it. 43:45.70 programmeral It just depends on who's in charge at that time right? because like especially hydras thing has always been. You know, get rid of the weak and so I feel like it's easy for them to just for for the teachers or the adults to kind of turn a blind eye and like yeah no, just figure things out on your own you get. 43:49.60 tonycam24 Um, here. 44:04.49 programmeral Get rid of the week and then if you are the weak one. You need to get better. Otherwise you're out. 44:07.65 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, yeah, so she gets it a fight with strur sit. Well basically says that you screwed up because Struokker is the next head of Hydra It's crazy that they keep choosing these guys so early because they struck her here in high school. 44:17.84 programmeral In. Yeah. 44:26.75 tonycam24 And then ah her unborn not even unborn unconceived child is the one after that. 44:34.37 programmeral Yeah, yeah, well I mean ah Nazis so remember there's a lot of Race science that we all know doesn't work. Yep, all of that so they just like yeah obviously this works even though. Yeah yeah. 44:37.33 tonycam24 Yes, you oh yeah, eugenics and stuff like that. Yeah, oh yeah, yeah I didn't even think about that know I didn't think about that's like. 44:50.38 programmeral No, it doesn't I want to be clear. 44:54.33 tonycam24 Usually when I think eugenics it's either literal nazis or um Khan in star trek. There's where my mind goes. So but yeah, you're right? These are nazis. Um, yeah, they they ah offer her a place because she's the only person with lady parts. 45:00.50 programmeral Oh yeah, yeah yeah. 45:14.20 programmeral Yeah, well so the the quote was um, ah let's see sorry so I didn't write the exact quote but but he said that to to hail that she is one of the few women to make it to graduation. So. 45:14.17 tonycam24 Ah I don't have the quote you see. 45:25.99 tonycam24 Yes, which makes me think of how many okay so Hydra recurring villain and Shield how many female Hydra agents have we seen. 45:37.42 programmeral Is it. 45:42.65 tonycam24 Like we saw agent 33 get recruited in the hydra right? yeah 33 or 13 but either 1 yeah war war wards girlfriend 45:48.19 programmeral Yes I don't remember now. Ah yet they t you're you're talking about and at the it's okay, yeah, world's growth. Ah. 46:00.98 programmeral I Want to say thirteen. But yeah I can't remember I'm I'm not sure I'm just kind of flipping a coin at that point. 46:03.58 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, so it's ah it's her but she was recruited after she was a shield agent we have Ada but she wasn't real. 46:08.21 programmeral Yeah, she just kind of chose that Persona Really yeah, that's true like as far as named hydra. 46:17.78 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 46:27.62 programmeral People That's basically it which oh yeah, yeah yeah I mean it taking a step back to what we said right? This is one of those where they. 46:28.34 tonycam24 Um, ah. 46:30.44 tonycam24 Yeah, so yeah, pretty misogynistic, not a good look for you Nazis Oh wait. 46:45.73 programmeral Their driving force behind pretty much everything is um, you know, get rid of the weak and in their mind weak means you know, not able to fight kind of thing and how they choose to measure that is you know. 46:50.40 tonycam24 Bear. 46:57.22 tonycam24 Yeah. 47:03.24 programmeral That you know strength right? muscle that kind of thing That's essentially how they they measure it and so as a result Yeah, if that's how you're choosing to measure it then in general. Yeah, there's gonna be less women because they're it. It's harder for that I feel like I need a better way to say that I still feel like I. 47:07.60 tonycam24 Um. 47:12.56 tonycam24 Care. 47:20.21 tonycam24 Yep. 47:22.95 programmeral I'm I sound like a bad person for saying that. But that's their mindset. That's what I'm saying I'm explaining with their mindset. Ah. 47:27.20 tonycam24 Yes, yes, ah you you you sound like a bad person because you're expressing bad people's mindset. Yeah, all right I will my hand was over the cancel button but I'll take it off. So. 47:32.80 programmeral Yes, yeah, that's not what I think I want to be clear. 47:41.52 programmeral Okay, all right good. 47:44.87 tonycam24 For now for now I still got the button over here. Um, we flash forward to two years ago to circuit 2016 um, we see the future head of hydra ruby a hydra academy doing the same stuff. Ah yeah, and then ah so hail gets. Or anything about ruby in the section. Yeah. 48:07.31 programmeral I'm a little actually you know and I don't know if anything changes or I'm trying to figure out what changes but in this flashback from the two years ago um ruby and general hale like they actually have a good relationship with each other like as mother daughter. Um. 48:19.89 tonycam24 Earth. 48:24.86 programmeral When we see present day. They do not and I don't know if this is a difference of like I actually have no idea how ruby is supposed to be 1816 whatever so if she's eighteen that she would be 16 previously which I feel like that would be at the height of being a horrible teenager. Um. 48:36.16 tonycam24 Yes. 48:44.38 programmeral But I guess Also eighteen. Yeah so yeah. 48:44.41 tonycam24 True I I agree I feel like it's so twenty sixteen two years ago ah ruby's part of hydra but there's a lot of people ahead of her right. 48:58.65 programmeral True. 49:01.64 tonycam24 Cut two years later after the follow hydra literally they're the only 2 left and her mom is the 1 putting her on missions telling her what she can do. She's ah she's the only one doing this. So yeah, she resents that. 49:04.67 programmeral Yeah, it's true. 49:16.99 tonycam24 Where she could have resented teachers in the heads of Hydra late earlier. 49:18.78 programmeral Yeah, that's true. Yeah, so she's it's they're just alone. Okay, it's very easy to be resentful to someone when when yeah they're you're you're basically oh yeah, that's right, She's also a prisoner now too right? like she's she's just always locked up in a room. 49:22.82 tonycam24 Um, yeah, yeah, yeah. 49:36.71 tonycam24 Essentially. 49:37.40 programmeral Like we we saw in the whatever the the first episode of this half. Um, there was that scene where hail left ruby's room and then the robot like locked the door. Whatever. 49:39.77 tonycam24 Earth. 49:47.68 tonycam24 Yeah I think it's a situation where she never wanted to leave when there were or maybe she did but like ah when there were other Hydra students there but now that she's the last one left like she did. 49:55.22 programmeral Is it. 50:00.58 tonycam24 Person not even just teenage girl. She's a person people want to leave and interact with other people. Yeah, so yep, um, but hail finds out this is the time when Malloc is captured and all that stuff's happening. Um and the fall last time there was a fall hydra you know. 50:03.51 programmeral Yeah, yeah, yeah. 50:17.98 tonycam24 There've been like 6 of them now. Ah and we find out that the hydra agents or that general at um at the air force ah made the worst mistake ever. Ah, he reached out with a Shittari receiver. 50:20.22 programmeral Yep. 50:36.20 tonycam24 And connected to the confederacy. Yeah. 50:39.37 programmeral Yeah, ah I guess bad I don't know I mean I'm sure he thinks it was good. But yeah, if anyone ever calls himself the confederacy you know not to trust them. This is just just walk away. 50:51.31 tonycam24 Yep! American History Star Wars history. All that. 50:55.95 programmeral Yeah, also just the name just the way it rolls off the tongue. You can say that word in any to people who speak a different language and they'll know whatever you're saying it just sounds bad. 51:06.70 tonycam24 Yep, yeah so yeah I'm trying to see like what what is worth talking about. 51:18.79 programmeral Yeah, let's see I'm I'm looking around at my notes. Um I Really don't have too much. Um I mean we we kind of talked a little bit about ah hail. Um, and how she's planning to protect earth by arming Hydra Slash Shield to fight Aliens Um I guess. 51:31.47 tonycam24 Very hide your mindset is a show of using this story Worlds as a show of strength. 51:35.47 programmeral Ah, in. 51:39.92 programmeral Yeah, yeah, exactly um I'm actually a little curious right? because so far Earth has been invaded by aliens before and we were Earth came out fine like I get it which is in the military you plan for things like this right? This specific scenario. 51:48.55 tonycam24 Um, here. 51:52.28 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 51:57.47 programmeral And the avengers not really being a team anymore and aren't really like a a static force that you can count on right? like hey maybe maybe they're around. Maybe they're not like so it's that's tough um Captain Marvel um is just flat out unknown because yeah, she knows. 52:04.91 tonycam24 Er. 52:14.92 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah. 52:16.91 programmeral Earth's in trouble. She'll show up. She'll help. But yeah, only only fury knows about her and he's you know, dead right? to to the world. No one knows like 4 people know he's alive. So but yeah, exactly what you said? um you know a show of strength is. 52:26.50 tonycam24 Um, Earth yeah. 52:36.14 programmeral Definitely a Hydra mindset. Yeah. 52:38.64 tonycam24 Um, yeah, um, yeah in this scene we also get 24 hours this is under 24 hours ago which is this doesn't make sense what I wrote down. 52:50.12 programmeral Okay. 52:52.25 tonycam24 I wrote down that she finds out that Daisy would be might be they would throw world to of her and that explains her obsession at the beginning of the season. But no, if this was playing 4 hours ago that makes no sense. 52:56.73 programmeral E. 53:06.56 programmeral Yeah, yeah, I'm I'm with you. She doesn't realize she doesn't she never even knows for sure right? She um ruby doesn't know that ah Daisy could become the destroyer of worlds like she yeah, she's she's. 53:16.67 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, I'm curious I was looking for a reason why she was obsessed with daisy at the beginning. 53:23.33 programmeral Sorry, good. 53:29.24 programmeral Oh um, I mean my I guess my assumption this entire time has been that this is one of those I want to challenge her to beat her because if I beat her then I'm the strongest right? Yeah, this is yeah. 53:42.14 tonycam24 Okay, she's just the next step like she like after that she would go after black widow or no scarlet which. 53:46.90 programmeral But yeah, she's Shooting. Or just not care about them. I. 53:58.40 tonycam24 Which is the most powerful person on Earth At this time. 54:01.44 programmeral Um, true I don't know who knows that though, right? That's the other thing. 54:03.18 tonycam24 Everyone who saw her blow up the embassy or the outreach thing in Africa. 54:13.85 programmeral Well, she didn't blow it up right? There was a bomb and she just pushed the bomb up into the air like she didn't explode the bomb right? Oh yes, it was but ah, right? yeah exactly. Um, it's. 54:21.27 tonycam24 That's still pretty big I mean no, it's not. It's not challenging Thanos big that we see an end game. 54:31.39 programmeral Like yeah, maybe maybe that's part of Ruby's thought process. She's like okay let me start with someone who has some powers who I have some way to access I have absolutely no way to access any of these other people. Um. 54:36.88 tonycam24 Um, earth. 54:40.43 tonycam24 Yeah. Truth. 54:47.20 programmeral Or you know it's possible. Maybe her obsession with fighting Daisy showed up after she and her mom had already been given those orders to hunt down the agents of show like that. Yeah, now that she's like oh hey with one of these people. Okay, she's the famous one Daisy I want to fight her now. 54:55.84 tonycam24 Oh that's true. 55:04.44 tonycam24 A. 55:06.34 programmeral And then it just you know we already said she doesn't have friends. She can't leave unless she's going on a mission so it's easy to become obsessed at that point. 55:10.25 tonycam24 Yeah, that's fair, yeah, you're right? The last note I have for any revealent is the confederacy wants Graviton and and in humans. So. 55:24.36 programmeral Okay, they they want they? Yeah, that's a good question. Oh maybe they just know. Maybe they have a weight to detect it and they know it's somewhere on Earth That's possible. How do they know that they're in humans I feel like that's another. 55:26.93 tonycam24 How do they know about gravitonium. 55:32.33 tonycam24 Oh yeah. 55:41.48 tonycam24 I mean I That's a cree thing though if like they have any connection with the cree they might know about stuff in human stuff. 55:44.47 programmeral Ah, when. 55:49.69 programmeral Well no, the the reason I asked was because back in season 3 and I want to say um maybe it was season 2 I forget who said it someone told Colson that if the cree found out that the inhumans. Succeeded here on earth the cree would come back to pick them up I I completely forgot. 56:08.55 tonycam24 Um, I feel like that's ah that was a hive thing because I've had the most knowledge about it. 56:16.70 programmeral No it. It definitely wasn't hive. It was oh oh I remember now. Um it was a creed. Do you remember it was the second episode where lady Sif showed up and there was that other guy. 56:30.75 tonycam24 Oh yeah, oh was she lost her memory. 56:35.34 programmeral Yeah, she lost her memory. There was some other guy who she was helping I think they thought that they were fighting because she she couldn't remember um and so the guy that they were talking to who I think he was a cree I think he he told them. 56:40.98 tonycam24 Er. 56:49.40 tonycam24 Oh yeah, because he had like this skin change color changer thing so he didn't look blue until they took it off. Okay I vaguely remember that episode. So I trust you I don't remember the details. 56:54.71 programmeral Yeah, yeah, yeah, ah same I think everything that I just told you is everything I remember um but I feel like maybe that's kind of like they already had this set up like oh yeah, somehow the cree found out. 57:04.50 tonycam24 Um, okay. 57:12.25 programmeral And now they're coming here. They want those in humans. They want people with powers. 57:12.43 tonycam24 Yes, yeah, Okay, yeah, all right? um, moving on Guidance Chair T was back you ah. 57:22.14 programmeral Yeah, he's he's alive. He's yet another character to survive a bullet to the brain. 57:29.29 tonycam24 And. Yeah I mean he's actually at least there are consequences to this. He's having like emotional problems from his brain damage. Yeah. 57:41.17 programmeral Yeah, yeah, exactly? Um, so like 20 minutes before we sat down to start recording I had an episode of the simpsons on in the background as as I was eating and the the um. Mr. Burns was challenged to a duel by the rich texan guy character. Um, and so the tean guy was like okay, we'll do pistols. We'll we'll shoot and then he yeah and Mr Burns says oh no at my age getting shot could kill me or getting getting shot in the head could kill me. So. 58:00.14 tonycam24 Er. 58:11.83 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 58:16.10 programmeral So now that's what I'm thinking every time one of these characters get shot in the head like I guess talbo isn't that old so he's he's fine I mean he has the brain injuries sure but he's he's not as old as Mr Burns 58:19.13 tonycam24 No yeah. Yeah I mean it's quite dangerous when you're a hundred and fifty two how old is burns he fought in world war one this joke. 58:32.51 programmeral Good question That's I mean that's the um, yeah exactly that's the joke. Yeah, if his ah social security number I think is two yeah was ah, whoever invented it I don't know. 58:41.76 tonycam24 Yeah, who beat him. 58:49.24 tonycam24 John Social all right um um I'm big fan of I'm not a fan of derogatory slurs in general but Talbot's derogatory slurs for hydra are always fun. 58:51.21 programmeral Yep, exactly? yeah, all right? Yeah, that's all I had for Talbot. 59:04.20 programmeral To yeah that one's fair. 59:09.16 tonycam24 Yeah, that's about it. Um, and think we're 12% the plan. 59:13.73 programmeral Um, you know we didn't really talk about this even though we kind of brought it up so what? What do you think happens to the hydra students at this academy that fail I mean they they have parents their their parents are I assume their parents are part of Hydra and they send them here i. 59:22.26 tonycam24 I'm death. 59:29.43 programmeral Is this like the elite school like the the upper Echelon Hydra parents send their kids to the the good one and then I guess if the kids fail they just don't get automatic placement somewhere. They just do they become the unnamed characters are they the red shirts. Okay. 59:44.87 tonycam24 I think that I mean that's probably what they are honestly. Um. 59:48.52 programmeral And they still have some kind of training. So maybe they're not maybe they're not the low level red shirts but they're like you get to lead a team you you you can lead a squad. 59:55.76 tonycam24 Yeah I mean worst case scenario their mind gets wiped to via hypnotism or or they get killed. It's always a chance. Yeah. 01:00:01.52 programmeral oh yeah that's right okay oh all right well then in that case, let's go ahead and rate the episode Tony how are we rat this. 01:00:14.46 tonycam24 Ah, ah how many scenes of Ruby getting breakfast. Are you giving this episode. 01:00:20.45 programmeral And ah, um, I'm goingnna I'm gonna go with three and a half three and a half scenes of her getting breakfast one with Colson one with Talbot ah 1 with cree and then one just by yourself and yeah, yeah, exactly less people. 01:00:25.93 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 01:00:33.44 tonycam24 Okay, that was a happen. 01:00:38.98 programmeral Um, you know this one was good. We we got I mean we we got Hale's background we got ah the motivation for what she's doing right? We there were a bunch of questions we got. We just got like so 80% of them answered which was nice right? We we still have some questions about the aliens. But for the most part we. Even kind of know their motivations and all that stuff. So this was this was a nice here's everything that's happening. We got some really good interactions with colson not a lot of action this episode so that part felt a little little dull. Um, but overall I I really enjoyed the episode How about you. 01:01:07.62 tonycam24 Her. 01:01:14.29 tonycam24 I will give it less than you probably two and a half I it much I mean I enjoyed the easter eggs but I don't think a whole flashback episode of hail was necessary I feel like this could have been. 01:01:17.85 programmeral Then. 01:01:33.83 tonycam24 Exposited and then we get a little bit more information when we go to space I Don't think this was worth taking a whole episode where we don't see most of our shield hes for a big chunk of it. Yeah yeah, wasn't wasn't the worst. 01:01:48.97 programmeral Know That's true or gold ah heart. That's fair. 01:01:52.99 tonycam24 But I didn't like it that much. 01:01:56.83 programmeral But now that that's out of the way all right? Everyone we are wrapping up this week's episode join us next week we will continue our rewinds. We will be talking about season 5 episode 16 of hss shield with the episode titled inside voices in the meantime you can follow us on Twitter at mccu underscore rewind. Um, and also you can give us a 5 star rating on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app. This is the Marvel cinematic rewind signing off. 01:02:18.89 tonycam24 Have a marvelous day.