Al Welcome to the Marvel Cinematic rewind, the podcast that rewatches reviews and replaces the motorcycle with a Camaro for every movie show in one shot in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I'm Tony Camarena and I'm out Rodriguez an you can follow us on Twitter at MCU_rewind an rate us on your podcast app. Which is the best thing you can do for any podcast. Al And with that, we'll be covering today's episode of agents of shield season 4 episode one, the Ghost. Original Airdate, September 20th, 2016. Tony Alright, and here's a quick reminder of what actually happens in in that episode. Tony Easy attacks a group of watchdogs. When a mysterious car arrives after the car is lit on fire within everyday RPG the driver kills the remaining conscious walk dogs except the one that he takes as a prisoner. The next day, Daisy interrogates the unconscious watchdog in the hospital and get some idea of where to look next for the. Tony Mysterious car driver guy. Also Daisy meets up with an old friend Yoyo. Coulson May and Matt meet up to discuss a potential lead on finding dating. Since she's got a Wolf shield, they get some new toys and get ready to follow up on the lead and then later, yo yo, who meets up with them. Tony The mysterious ghost of a writer interrogates the watchdog. He took prisoner the night before after not getting enough information, he kills a lot. Tony Fits goes to doctor Radcliffe's house and meets Ada Radcliffe's new LMD life model decoy. Fits is not happy about this. Ann is super freaked out but he begrudgingly jumps at the opportunity. Tony To help improve data. Tony After discovering may warn Coulson and back about Daisy being in LA. Simmons could trust her. May is not happy the team was broken up and Simmons says that she took her new high level job in order to keep an eye out for the team. Tony Daisy finds Robbie, the ghost writer, and because this is a superhero show, they fight almost immediately. But Daisy says Robbie killed a bunch of people. An Robbie says they were all bad teacher then turns into a monster with a flaming skull for ahead, a logical progression. The ghostwriter has a chance to kill Daisy, and she asks him too, but he decides to leave instead. Back in, Coulson set up a sting operation to figure out why a box was stolen. Tony By a white supremacist terrorist group, two of the people who move the box like crazy during the sale. The Box is open, so everyone in the room starts seeing weird crazy stuff and a ghostly. He speaks after they start killing each other. May seem arrives an incomplete, incapacitates everyone still alive. Once this is done, the Ghost Lady passes by Maine, who notices her at the end of the episode we see that Bay is also seeing the same thing. Tony The other people would say, but she's cool so she's not going crazy. Tony Alright, that was a lot longer. Was that 2 minutes? Yeah, almost I. I didn't. I didn't pay attention to the time right away, but you were at a minute and 40 seconds after I started paying attention. Oh, I am so sorry. But man, there was a lot of ground to cover there. OK yeah yeah. Al Before we get into our fast facts, I just want to put a little disclaimer out for our listeners and anyone who was like, hey, this episode aired before agent Luke Cage. Well, * ***** We didn't think it would be a good story wise for us to watch two episodes of agents shield then do 13 weeks of Luke Cage. Al So. Al Just control your anger. Al I'm sorry I came off really hostile, but. Tony It's OK, you're a teacher. Al Yeah, yeah. And also where I live right now it's 112 degrees, so and we're not used to that. I don't live in Arizona. Al Mark all right now we can move on to our fax. Al On my left garden. Speaker 5 Too slow. Speaker 5 Sorry, we all don't have superspeed. Oh. Speaker 5 This is about superspeed. This is about your turtle speed. Speaker 6 You didn't see that coming. Al Al do you have any facts? Tony Um, so I have one that I kinda it's it's not fast at all, but I I did kind of want to put it here, at least in the in the beginning of of us talking about this. Just 'cause as like a reminder for setting the tone for you know, the rest of the season. Or I guess half season. Tony Third of the season that we're going to do for this before branching out into other things. All right. So we've done this in the past with agents of shield where you know this is a show where the characters change a lot 'cause they're going through like Super Crazy stuff like you know, we've we've recently got over like Luke Cage, Daredevil, Jessica Jones. They don't change. Tony A lot as their seasons progressed, but agents of shield things get crazy, so I wanted to like remind people of what are the random miscellaneous things that have happened to these characters since then and I put down a note to grab those notes, but I completely forgot to do that and so I'm just going to go off of memory here. OK, so you've got. Tony Uh Daisy, formerly Sky right. She raised hacker. Now she's ****** Shield agent an most recently mainly as a recap from the previous season. She recently lost her boyfriend, who sacrificed himself to kill Hey. Tony To to kill the body of Ward or agents Agent Ward who was dead at the time but still kinda had the memories that part out. Weird, you know, with whole alien being stuff. Tony You got may who. Tony I guess has now come to grips with things, but also her in the previous season lost her husband so I'm sure she's still not doing too hot because of that and also just 'cause I want to bring this up every time in season one. She touched the anger stick and so apparently she's still going to be constantly angry for 50 years. Al Oh, forgot about the anger stick I. Tony Want to bring that up every time I can. Tony Uh, I guess that's all I've got so far. Coulson lost a hand a couple seasons ago. Fitzsimmons have been through stuff. Oh, they're together now, so that's nice. They finally it only took them a few seasons. Al You forgot to mention that Daisy got superpowers. Tony Oh yeah, I forgot to mention yeah, when she got her name she also got her powers. You know when she went from Sky today's you know transformation. Al Simmons lived on another planet for a long time. Tony Yeah, yeah, that'll that'll definitely mess with you a lot. Fix spent months trying to find her and. Al Yeah, and you have brain damage for awhile. Tony Oh, that's right. Tony So and he just is fine now, right? He slowly progressed to being better, but like, yeah, so I guess fits is better now so good, yay. Tony Who else Mac? Tony Is fine, I don't. I don't know, I guess. I guess I I remember last season Mac kind of was at the point where he was thinking of just leaving shield altogether, but I guess that changed so good thing he's still around. Tony And. Tony Oh and uh, Bobby Ann Hunter, they're gone. They were a big part of a season and a half and another. They're gone forever. Al Yeah yeah, so a lot of things have happened to these guys, yeah. Tony Oh, and so this is season 4. Al Oh yeah, yeah, actually yeah. I mean, this is the halfway like the season is the halfway point of agents of shield. Tony Yeah, and and just like to give you know other people listening a little bit of idea where our minds are. Tony When we recorded this, the series finale of agents of shield just happened this past week for us. So you know, in our minds we're still thinking of that, and I guess we'll we'll try very hard not to bring in spoilers, even though that's all we want to talk about. Al Yeah, pretty much yeah. Al Alright, well after that very slow fact, we'll move into some more facts. Al The biggest thing this episode brings is the introduction of the all new ghost writer, Robbie Reyes. Al Um? Al Uh, he premiered in all new Ghost Writer Number One back in 2014, and he's actually the 5th ghost writer and my favorite 'cause he's Mexican. He's the only one I've read. He's the only comics I read up ghost writer I've ever read. Was the all new Ghost Rider Series. Tony Yeah, you know there was a point where I wanted to read a Ghost Writer Series and at the time there wasn't one. So I just stopped trying and then yeah, yeah? Al Yeah, um yeah. And also, um, the actor is Gabriel Luna, who played the Bad Terminator in the most recent Terminator, which is actually not a bad movie. Tony Yeah, I really liked it. You know the more I thought about that movie The more I thought the title was perfect for it. Dark fate. But we don't. We don't need to go off on a tangent about that. Al OK, yeah. Al We get to mention that the Zephyr is the biggest plane ever built in this, so I looked up the biggest plane ever built. Al Which is the Ukrainian and Antonov and 225. Al Not even to pronounce that last word MRI. Why Amerie Murray? see I just wanna say a American name. Al It has a 290 foot wingspan and that had a lot of other facts that I didn't write all down, but that's pretty big. Tony OK, now did you write that or did you happen to notice what year that plane was made? Al Uh, before this I wanna say 2012 like OK? Tony Yeah, really, that's all I was asking. Al Yeah, um, we also get agent Davison. This, who we haven't seen since episode 109 repairs which is the episode with ghosts with the ghost guy in it. Al Yeah, and when like agent Davis becomes a surprisingly large part of the show, spoilers a little bit. Al Um, but they, um, can't remember who asks, but someone asks him about his wife and she's pregnant and getting bigger everyday. Al The actor Mezzo Sinkey is married to the actress who played Djying an at this time she was pregnant. Tony Oh cool, yeah. Tony So they were just filming a normal conversation. Maybe they were just practicing. Al With 100% one of us she got in trouble because she watched it. She's like what did you say? Tony And This is why he didn't have any other scenes for awhile. He had to like leave and just like you know. Al Yeah yeah, OK right yeah? And then finally we get superhero landing #72 Daisy landing behind the guy who was randomly shooting up that trophy store. Al Oh, when he's freaking out about the ghostwriter. Tony Oh alright. Tony Um? Tony So that was your last fast fact. Al That was my last fact. Tony Alright, well then I'm going to bring in what we were doing previously because you didn't mention it. Where does the title of the episode? Oh I did have that note. I just skipped over it. Al It could have two reasons. One 'cause of the Ghost Rider or he's more of a driver. He don't ride a car, you drive the car and leave unless. Al You could ride in the car and you're a passenger. Al But if you're driving it, I consider that driving when you write a motorcycle or ride a horse. Tony But I mean you're driving a motorcycle. Tony In that sense, right? 'cause driving means you're controlling it. I assume I'm not looking at the definition. Al I feel like driving part of driving like in the vehicle is like you gotta be on top of it. Al Like a horse or bicycle or motorcycle. Tony OK Alright Yeah. Al 'cause also was about saying is if you were like if our listeners. If you're around in like. Al The the 2000s a ghost riding the Whip Ghost Rider is when you are on top of the car 'cause my friend did that and ran over my foot with my own car anyway. Al So yeah, also, the ghosts could be the ghost person who drives the people insane at the end of the subset. Tony So either way Alright or hidden meeting #3 that it probably isn't Daisy is like a ghost to the rest of the team at Shield 'cause they have. They can't. They can't get over, but I can't find her. Al And think of that one triple meaning that's the. That's the depth of agents of shield. Tony I've been kind of. Actually, they're really good about that kind of stuff, yeah? Al Alright you ready to move on to our very complicated discussion of our character of our heroes, yes. Speaker 3 It is one thing to question the official story, and another thing entirely to make wild accusations or insinuate that I'm a superhero. Speaker 4 I never said you were a superhero. Speaker 3 Well, good, because that would be outlandish and fantastic. Speaker 4 Maybe it's enough, but the world thinks I'm a hero. Speaker 4 I saw you. Speaker 4 Your hero like a for real superhero, which is. I'm not like a Groupie, Stalker type, but. Tony Why don't you just choose where we go with this? 'cause I I I don't know. I I've alright, I'm just too confused. Oh I just I did Daisy first because. Al That's why I think that was the first hero I saw. Tony So I mean, the opening scene is is her so yeah. Al Yeah, um, yeah, so we get a stupid montage from her. She's taking painkillers 'cause. She still breaking her bones when she clicks apparently. Al Did they they gave her bracelets or bracers, right? Yeah, so in. Tony It, uh, what it OK? So this is season four, so at the end of season 2 is when she gets them from Simmons and I assume in season three like she has better ones. Yeah, but. Al Maybe she's just not. Al Well, anyway, what we go so. Tony Well, So what what I remember them saying is that it it helps her stay concentrated or like it it it basically helps her become less injured. Tony Um, so Even so, even if she's doing it a lot. Tony You know that's still gonna hurt her and mess with her arms is my assumption of how that goes. Al Yes. Al So yeah, she's quaking her own bones, giving herself micro fractures. Yeah, now I was gonna say is, does she not use him? 'cause she doesn't want anything from shield? Tony Because we see later in this episode she's having Yoyo steal stuff from shield for her, so I'm not sure why she's not wearing those. I assumed that she was still wearing them and we just didn't see I mean she's wearing that jacket the entire time, right? Al Yeah, but no. She isn't wearing the jacket. 'cause of the bandages, 'cause of what's happening to her arms like my thing is, she wouldn't need the pain pills. Al If she were, have those bracers. Al Or whatever you call them. Tony Yeah, that's a good point, um. Tony I don't know, maybe maybe she lost them. Al Yeah, she's awesome. Tony Yeah, no, I mean I yeah, I I assume that she had him like. Tony Like, Uh, I mean, what's the what's that like? Tony 'cause these things exist right now. Um, I wear them on my knees when I workout. Um, they're like the the compression sock kind of things like to help you, I think you're right, yeah? Al I don't know what they're called Alright. Tony So yeah, so like like you can go further like you can do more stuff before you're in pain, but eventually you're still going to be in pain and we see that she's been pushing herself really hard. Al That's true, yeah. Al Yeah, OK, I'll accept that. Tony In the same vein, just since we're talking about her powers, I completely forgot that this is a problem for her. Like in later seasons, I feel like she doesn't use her powers as much, and maybe like she's just kind of learned to get to that happy medium. Yeah, so like I, I actually forgot that this was a real problem that she has to deal with, yeah? Al I well, I think when you're you're part of a team you don't have to put use your powers or your abilities as much. Tony Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, she's super reliant on them in order to fight, you know. Tony Seven people at once, so yeah. Al The only thing I'll say out for Daisy, that isn't tide up with Ghost Rider is. Al Um is really smart that she based herself in Los Angelus because small earthquakes aren't that unusual there, so it would be hard. Is not. It's good to mask her powers. Tony Yeah they are. Al But the I OK um, smaller, OK in a in a in a fantasy or in a sci-fi version of Los Angeles. They're like everyday, alright, fine. Tony I've met a bunch of people who live in like the Midwest who are so scared to visit California because of like the earthquakes that happen all the time. Like no, it's like. Tony It's like it. It's years in between and half the time you're asleep when they happen. Tony Yeah, then again, I'm scared to go to the Midwest because of tornadoes, so all the time, yeah, I mean, I think the Midwest is 1 big tornado, right? That's my understanding, so I went. So you live, you live in Florida, you're under constant hurricane too. So it all makes sense. Yeah, that's fine. Tony I know when the Hurricanes are coming I just stay in tornadoes. They just happen. You've got like 20 minutes. Tony So there there was one time where I was. I was in, uh, in Dallas. This was a few years ago an this building that I'm in like 1 day I looked around and I just notice all of these signs that say that say like tornado shelter if needed basically saying like yeah this if if you need a tornado shelter. Tony This room is safe and like this business building. They were all over the place an I think that got to me. Al Yeah. Al Yeah, I try to think like I've driven through in the browser. I've never gone through like Kansas. Al Which is why I think of tornado. Maybe 'cause of Wizard of Oz. Tony I was thinking Smallville but OK. Al You know what I've only watched like the first four episodes of Smallville. Tony You got the gist. Al Oh yeah, yeah. I'm just saying I'm thinking tornadoes not. Al Um Kryptonite meteorites, which happens only in Smallville. OK, yeah. Tony Um, anyway back to Daisy. I did kind of want to pull point out. One thing that I felt was really weird or odd about this. The literally the opening scene is her like doing her suit up to go out but like they had to do it in this sexy view, which is unlike anything we've ever seen in this show. Tony And ever will see in the show too. Yeah, I actually I. I felt a little creepy watching Daisy being all sexy because does not. They don't sexualize her that much. Yeah exactly and it it's weird because she was trying to like I mean the way she was doing it was was like the the I'm cool suiting up thing but also. Tony They're just going to throw in the sexy too it. It was weird. It just yeah. Tony Yeah, I mean I, I agree one I wonder if it was ABC like Yeah all of our other shows primetime do this so you're gonna have to do that for the season premiere to get more people watching that. That's all I can think of is what happened. Al Yeah, I mean it's possibility there's. Al I'm not going to spoil it, but there's only one other time they objectify a Daisy like that and they do it as a joke and they call it out as a joke. Tony So OK, I don't remember this, but OK, it's. Al Yeah, I'm not. I'm not going to tell you because it will spoil something. OK, that's Fair. Tony Um, and then in that case, I guess we'll we'll move on from Daisy. Who do you want to move to next? Al I mean, I'm just going in chronological order of when we saw the characters, so I have May is next. Al Alright. Al Yeah. Al She is the most well. This is the. This is may so it makes sense but she is the most angry about. Al Having a new director in a new way of doing things at the shield base. Tony Well, it also makes sense in a sense, right? Like especially like as a team they're so used to being in the open like hell. That was a whole plot point in season 2, right of Coulson keeping secrets which in the end was because he had, you know, shield #2 that I guess branched off and ended up under fury. Tony But um. Tony Like that was whole thing 'cause you're like they were spying on him. Or I think I think they was questioning him too. All that stuff. And then in season three they were like OK now. Yet we're a team. We work together. We tell each other everything and now that's all gone and they're back to season one of. Tony Not trusting the that stuff or like being more questionable about things like yeah, I mean agency stuff. Al They got spoiled. They were like where they're in on everything. And then now there are people in the hallways who have names. What's this stuff? Tony Right? Tony Oh, and and she has to interact with them too. She has to train her, yeah? Al One cool thing I think, at least from my point of view, she's probably still pist off 'cause there are other people there. But um, she leads her own strike team like captain at the beginning, where soldier. Al So I thought that was cool. Tony Oh yeah, definitely. I mean it's, you know, it seems from what we can tell is that all of these people from previous shield have kind of gone to be leaders in a sense of stuff, right? We definitely Simmons, she got the cool high level job. Tony I assume fits got. Actually I have no idea what Fitz is more in charge of. He's still in the. Al Yeah, I don't. I don't think he is though, because he's able to do all this other stuff like go and see Radcliffe and stuff. Tony Yeah, but that was more like an afternoon off with seeing Radcliffe, but I thought yeah. Al But but Simmons couldn't get the time off. Tony Oh oh, I see what you mean yeah, OK, yeah Yeah, but she's also the height from what we can tell. Simmons is like the highest level of all of those those Shields which I was actually very surprised. Coulson was it like, at least in an advisor role of some sort. He's kind of back down an agent. Tony But maybe that's what you wanted. Al Yeah. Al I mean, that's The thing is like. Al Maybe he doesn't want to just be an agent, but I feel like he'd be like. Al I feel like that's not the best place for Coulson. The former director of shield. Al Exactly, I feel like it. Yeah, he should be a lot closer. Al To the director. Tony Yeah, Anan I guess. Tony At and we we probably shouldn't jump into this too much 'cause I know next week we get a little bit more info on this, but. Tony Yeah. Al Yeah, I mean. Al Yeah, you think even if you don't want to use his information and his knowledge, which you should, you'd want him nearby 'cause he has the information and knowledge. Tony Yeah, especially because this is a little like this is a one off line spoiler that that we get next week. This shield is not public yet. People don't know about shield exists true. Tony Um, so which means this shield is new, so current director is new to this kind of thing. An would probably just want like hey. Tony I need more advisements just to get things up and running quickly. Yeah, yeah. Al Yeah, I mean, I guess we're kind of shifting the coalson, but is there anything else about? Maybe you want to talk about? Oh no. I mean really, um? Tony She didn't have a big part of the episode honestly, so there really wasn't much. It was just kind of where she's at now. As a person, you know, leading her team. We see her at the end actually leading a team which was pretty ****** She just damn she just jumped in. I don't know if that's something he wanted to wait to talk about later, but it was cool. Al No, we can talk about now. Tony Oh OK, I think I said everything I I had but OK yeah, she just jumped in and like her and her team were very tight knit like they are training a lot and they knew exactly what to do as soon as they got it. So that was cool. Al Yeah. Al Um, yeah, I don't have moved on to coalson I don't have. Al I have one note about him. I think we talked more about Coulson than I had planned at all. Al Will take my OneNote about him is yeah is. He's got a new hand with X Ray powers. Tony Oh yeah, that's right. Tony Oh, and probably other things too. 'cause if it says that there's a manual, so then there must be multiple other cool new functions. Al Sure. Al Um, is there anything else that Coulson? Tony Talk about yeah, yeah, and I've got nothing. Apparently he's really good at keeping track of time because Mac wanted a beer and Coulson said no man at 6:00 AM now as of 1/2 hour ago. Al Yeah, when they he's more he knows the International Dateline. Tony Yeah, yeah Yeah but that's it, yeah? Al Yeah, so um. Al I've got Fitz next. OK if you yeah he's just not a thing called the framework and working with Radcliffe. Al Um? Al I didn't know that there were certain things that become important later that showed up so early in the season. Tony Oh um, I think I know what you're talking about. Tony I don't know if this is a spoiler. If we should say it. Tony Especially after he said it becomes important later. Al Yeah, I mean well yeah, so they test out this cool framework thing that might not show up ever again, yeah? Tony Yeah, that was that was nice. Yeah Fitz and Simmons were toying around with it. Tony Or he was showing her, I guess 'cause he was making it. Al What did they mention? Anything about the framework in season three that I don't remember? I don't think so. I feel like this is the first time we've ever heard it, so this is just a completely new technology. They're experimenting at 4. Al Well, they say for, like, um, training purposes, right? Tony Yeah, that's what they say. Al OK, I mean. Al I guess that makes sense. Al There is no like world ending crisis at the current moment, so they might as well just try new things. Tony I mean, yeah, I'm sure like everyone always has that list of like oh, here's this cool thing I I kind of want to work on and you think about it for a little bit. And then you shelve it and you. Tony Maybe or you create the matrix or that yeah, yeah. Tony I'm sure that's one of Fitz's problems now. He's like. Well, how are we going to power this? I mean, I really want to use live human bodies, but I it? I feel like it's unethical. So that's why Fitz never creates the matrix. Al War industries would kinda fits Netflix. Tony Oh, that's right, OK? Al Yeah, so so much I could save outfits is ethics, but I'm not. I'm not going to right now, OK? Al So he gives a Mac and exploding pen which. Tony Comics. Al Yeah, well yeah, that's from a a goldeneye. I know that because even though we've slowed down way a lot of it like doing 1 every other week. We're still watching the James Bond movies. We watched Goldeneye maybe a month ago. Tony I should rewatch those like I I I remember thinking Pierce Brosnan as my favorite 007. Al He is definitely my favorite. OK, after now seeing at least one movie from every James Bond and we've only watched two of the Pierce Brosnan ones so far. Al He is my favorite. Roger Moore is a close second though, 'cause He's just ridiculous. Tony OK. Yeah. Tony But I feel like talking bout fits a man, his morals. Why you give a guy a pen that you can. You can obviously confused with all the other pens. I feel like a pen is a bad exploding thing. You know that's on Mac at that point, right? Like Fitz gave it to him, he he said, hey, you know, yes, this is the thing you asked for, sure. Tony I made exactly to your specifications. Tony Good luck, stay away from me. I'm sure they won't be hugging anytime soon. Al No, I disagree because hugging fits people. Yeah, no fence is. Al I think what fixes flaws is he thinks he's smarter than everyone else, which he is, but he knows it. So in his mind. Al It's like giving an exploding pen to a child. Al I work with children. Al And I have a wide variety of exploding pens, but none of the kids are allowed to have them. Tony Alright, I now I don't remember this at all. The exploding pen, not the fact that you will try, so I have no idea if it pays off ever. Yeah, exactly, that's where I was going with it too. Like I'm wondering if we talk. Al Well, when you put some like we put so much on time talking to you about it, you better pay off. Tony Yeah, I hope so. God Alright, now we gotta look at our schedule. Let's see considering we're only going to do. Tony Uh, let's see 2/3 of this season and then we do iron fist. I'm sure it happens at the end of the sea. It's probably at the season finale, so we'll talk about this in May. Al Yeah, well, yeah, we didn't talk about this in the beginning about this season is that there is like 3 mini seasons in this season. Tony Yeah, that's right. Actually an we are covering kind of two of those many seasons together. I guess with the bridge a. Al Little bit of Doctor Strange, Yeah? Tony And that this is kind of the only time that that actually ever happens next season. They they do it as too many seasons together. Al Um, and then they're just done with it after that. For the final two seasons, but those are also smaller. I mean, the final two seasons were actually structured as if they were one season. According to the writers, 'cause they didn't know how it was gonna workout alright, and that does actually make sense. It really does fit. OK, yeah? Al Um? Al Yeah, the only other thing talk about since his morals again he knows as soon as he meets Ada he can't tell Simmons about you. Al Not just 'cause he's all naked, lady. Tony Yeah, well, I mean he does give a good reason for it because he says that you know now Simmons is doing those. Tony Those like weekly like yeah the the lie detector tests and so eventually it would be found out 'cause I guess. Tony I I they they kind of touched on it, that, Um, Radcliffe just isn't able to do cool techno stuff anymore as part of something that he signed. Al Yeah, hey um. Al Why don't they put the bracelet on Radcliffe like they put on Daisy back in season one so she can't use Tech? Tony Oh, that's a good point. I didn't think about it, um. Tony I mean, maybe they just didn't care enough. Like with Daisy there was an actual like potential problem. 'cause you know this was on a shield base and all that stuff with him. He's at home like. Tony Now he can't watch TV. Al That's just, yeah, that's true. Yeah True, Yeah, but. Al Like Daisy Al Wasn't even allowed to use a computer outside of shield where Radcliffe. Al Uh. Al Tries to end the world. Tony I feel like, well, he was under duress. Al OK, he has the capability of ending the world where Sky at that time did not now yeah. Al But she did not have that capability. Tony Alright, that's Fair. Tony Yeah, I just I don't know reasons I guess. OK, Fair, Fair, if if if this didn't happen, we wouldn't have had the end of the season. That's true. We've only had the first 2/3. Yep. Al Not that anything comes from anything in this episode. Tony They're not sending anything up. No spoilers, all right? That's right. Yes, we're spoiler free show. We've never spoiled anything here. Al Ever except for like Rogue one and we got negative reviews for that. Anyway, that's right. Al Alright, um, are we good with Fitz? Tony Yeah, I'm good to to move on. Al All right, um, then we've got Simmons. Tony When you gotta say when you have anything for Simmons, nothing new. We've kind of already talked about her. I mean, 'cause, you know she has that cool new job? Yeah, with the rainbow of permissions that. Tony And actually, you know, as I thought about that rainbow permissions, it kind of like the way that she described. It really made it sound like, you know, level 123, like like like higher level, but it kind of seemed more like like a spectrum. Tony Of permissions and like OK this person over here they have you know these four and then this one over here on the right and then someone like may OK she's going to have three of the ones on the right and like one over here in the middle. One on the left. So it kind of seemed like a little bit flatter. An as a result you can't just say hey I'm level 7. Tony So give me everything. Al Yeah, that's true. I mean it does. The is the directores color like ugly Brown 'cause he's all the colors mixed together. Tony I mean, in terms of actual paint, Yeah, but it's probably like White 'cause That's like. Isn't that all colors combined? Al Or the app? That's true. That's that's all. It's all colors combined in light and the absence of color and pigment. So yeah. Al Got the guy the sign? Al Yeah, um yeah. The only thing I have for Simmons is that she's doing everything by the book and perfectly to try to get on the trust or the directores good side so she can. Al Undermine him or I don't know. Tony I, I mean she said. Tony That she just wanted to protect her team, right? So that's not so bad. Tony Yeah, I don't feel like that's undermining. Al I mean, it's not bad 'cause we like Simmons. Al But I don't know if she was an unlikable character. This would be a big deal. Tony Yeah, but I mean when it comes to, you know the media of things TV movies. If it's someone we didn't like they would also be doing something bad. Al True. Al Like they would, well, we don't. Al I was gonna say we don't know what they are. What Simmons is going to do? Tony Yeah, I guess that's true OK. Al Alright, Um I'm that's it. For our heroes. I have like some iffy people in the guy in the chair section. Al OK, um yeah, mostly 'cause Yoyo's not here yet. Tony Yeah, she still she she's still not a main character. I mean she is not a main character, yeah? Al And she may never be, yeah. Tony Mac was also in the episode a lot. We didn't really talk about. Al Him, yeah, I didn't have anything for Mac. Tony Yeah, same. Tony I mean he met somebody cares, there's a lot of like Hey, here's new stuff in this episode, so yeah. Al Don't worry, we're just warming up for a few years down the line when we get to Infinity War and have to spend 45 minutes on each character. Al We get to 45 minutes talking about the characters. We gleefully get to do that for no. Yeah no. I'm I'm. I'm excited. Tony Yeah, but it's a marathon, yeah? Al Yeah. Al Alright, see how that goes? Al Alright, I'm ready to move on to the villains or given. Speaker 3 I ask you to what end? Speaker 5 Read it. Speaker 3 Run from it. Speaker 3 Destiny arrives all the same. Speaker 5 It's funny, isn't it? Leaving the best meant to be? Speaker 5 Deceived by their true nature. Speaker 5 The hell does that mean? Speaker 5 That I am the L intent. Anytime boys. Hail, Hydra Hydra. Al Um, I only have Robbie Reyes in here because the skinheads? Al Aren't. Al Well, they're they're not characters in my opinion. Tony Yeah, I mean there. As of right now, they're basically just there to move the real plot forward. They really are just all lackeys too, right? Like when you compare them to like how what TV show will organize evil characters or villains, that kind of stuff. So like at best. Tony That's really what they are, but yeah. Al So, um, so yeah, let's talk about our ghostwriter. Let's just talk about the look of 'em compared to the Nic cage ghost writer, which is the only other cinemagraphs writer. How? What do you think about this stylized skull? Tony So I should have looked at them side by side to compare ahead of time, so I don't really remember. Tony I feel like this one is probably better, but I'm basing that off of not remembering the Nic cage one. Al Yeah, in in my opinion the Ghost Rider, at least in the 2000 with eight goes 2004. What what year was the ghost writer that we? Tony Watch I think it was 2008. Tony I vaguely remember being in college, watching it, and that was around that time. Al OK, and then the ghost writer? Um, it looks like a like a CG regular person skull with after effects. Flames on his head in my oh. Tony OK, so smaller than what we see in this one. Tony Yeah, this is much more stylized and elongated. Yeah OK, I I think I do like this one more. 'cause it actually feels more like a monster. Tony So with the bigger kind of thing, Yeah. Al Yeah, I I do like and then also he's driving like I'm not a car guy but he's driving my favorite car. Al Which is a 68 charger. Al So that's also a big plus for me too. Tony Oh alright, so is that what a Camaro is. Al Oh, did I write Camaro earlier? Tony Yeah, when when you did the the intro joke I 'cause I I don't know what a Camaro is. Al Like it is, it's a charger. It's a charger and I wrote Camaro 'cause I had a brain fart earlier 'cause I changed it in the notes. Al Ah OK, yeah no, it's charger. Oh right. Al Yeah, um. Al Yeah so oh I now I scrolled up and I've now lost my notes there they are. Tony OK, so easy to do right. It's just a wall of text. Al So when we get his introduction then they get the RPG of the car and it flips in the air. I really wanted to count that as a superhero landing for the car. Al I thought, man, you can't do a 3 point turn on the car or three point landing on a car without really messing up the car, like losing a wheel. Tony Well, a super car that's a superhero landing superhero car. Al Yeah. Al I mean, should I count it? Should this be superhero landing #73? Um, you know, I feel like I should rewatch that scene just to be sure. But you know what? Yeah, why not? Let's give it to the right. I'm writing it down. So when I searched later superhero landings in our OneNote, all people find it. Tony I was wondering how you did it. OK, yeah. Al Um? Al #73 nice alright. Al Um? Al Yeah, this is really violent. For instance, she had a lot of blood spray. Tony Yeah, well, I I. I'm kind of going back to the whole you know, see season premiere kind of thing right? Maybe that that's why they're they're trying to do some of this. 'cause like if this is the beginning scene right? You had sexy suiting up and then followed by? Tony Action fighting followed by um, murder from ghost car, yeah. Al We should look up. I'm not going to unless you want to. We should look up if this was the season. They moved from 9:00 o'clock to 10:00 o'clock. Al 'cause it would make sense if they're starting to air this later. Tony Oh, that would make sense. I'm not going to look that up, just 'cause I know that they. Tony They yeah, they. They've changed their time a lot on the on the show like the days and the time and all that so. Tony Uh, that would make sense, but yeah. Tony I'm not gonna look it up, I'm just there. Al Yeah, what else do we have for? Al Robbie or Ghost Rider. Tony Not much. I mean, um, Oh yeah, I guess I guess one of the things to point out is, you know, very different from the last ghost writer we've seen with Nick Cage. Tony You know this ghostwriter? You know they. They seem to be more connected with each other in in a sense that you know, like they're they kind of have that shared goal. Or really, and I don't remember how much of this we find out in this episode versus next week, but basically it. You know, Robbie is just kind of doing the things 'cause he has to. Tony Like he kind of knows, but for the most part he agrees with the ghostwriter. Like, Yeah, OK, I guess we'll do that. That's fine. Al Yeah, and he has some semblance of control over it. Tony Yeah, yeah yeah. So this is definitely not Bruce Banner in the Hulk, which is kind of nice, right? This is a different style of that transformation that we have in the MC, Yeah? Al Yeah, I wonder, maybe should have watched, um? Al Uh, the other Ghost Rider movie. In the 10 months since the last time we watched Ghost Rider, if he ever gets control. If Luke if Nick Cage ever gets control of it. Tony That's a good point. I think he kind of does I. I think there's more control, but. Al OK, I've only seen that movie in theaters so. Tony The same. I too have only seen it the one time you and I went to go see it together, yeah? Al Right? Al Um so. Al Uh, Robbie was gonna kill Daisy in this. Al When she was asking around for him. Tony What's wait he was going to kill her. Tony Yeah he got. He got a pipe an before he knew she had powers. He was going to kill her because like he is a serial killer. Technically that's true. I thought he was just going to knock her out and like leave. But I I guess you're right, we don't actually know. Al Yeah, I mean we find out that he's got his little brother. He can't just leave town, so if someone's on his trail, you're gonna have to take him out. Tony Yeah huh? Al And then we get a cool fight between them too. Tony Yeah, that was sweet. Tony And Daisy loses pretty much only because she's been pushing herself really hard like that wasn't at her best, so that's true. Al Yeah, but she wants him to kill her. Al Because she feels guilt about what happened to Lincoln and then all the stuff that went down at the end of season 3. Al But he won't. 'cause she's not evil. Tony And probably other stuff too, right? I mean, there's stuff with her mom. Tony Dying recently, I guess that was about a year before this, or somewhere in that time frame. It was a year ago get over a Daisy. Come on, yeah no, I take that back. No way for yeah yeah yeah and her actual biological dad is now a vet. I guess. You know she could see him all the time if you just got a puppy. Al Yeah, but he doesn't know who she is so. Al Yeah, they're not to ever talk about him again. Al I think that's the best way to do it. Tony Yeah, that's true, OK? Tony Don't want to chance him accidentally remembering, you know. Al It's true, I mean like 'cause he went through the same process Coulson did, right? Coulson eventually remembered everything. Tony Yeah, but Colson. Tony Was also like in a position where unraveling that mystery was like. Tony That important, right? Al That's true. Tony Yeah, or anything else you have for Robbie Reyes slash goes for no. Nope, that's it, OK, Alright? Well, let's take a quick quick break for a word from our sponsor. Gonna baskin-robbins would you like to try our mango fruit? Speaker 3 Blast injuries named. Speaker 3 The flavor after me so stark, raving hazelnuts spin. Speaker 3 For your consideration. Speaker 3 Goodyear Tony So, Tony, you've had a lot of car problems in the past, right? Yes, I have of the many situations where this has happened. Have you ever been in a situation where you need to drive really fast while your car is on fire? Al No, but I feel like it almost happened when my car super overheated. Coming to your wedding, which is why I missed your wedding. Tony You know, for some reason I thought you were just going to say yes and leave it at that, but thanks for elaborating. That was those guys, yeah, but this dovetails right into the products offered by this week's sponsor vroom boom cars. We've all seen the videos online of their bulletproof cars, so I won't elaborate anymore on that, but now. Tony They have explosion proof cars. That's right, a car that won't explode. Recently I was given one of these cars to test out and it was really excited to test the explosive proof armor. Unfortunately, I was not able to get my hands on an RPG for some reason. They can't just give those out to reporters. Tony Use promo code MCU. Rewind to do a test drive of the car while being shot at by an RPG. Tony Nice yeah, that would have been a better demo. I don't know why they just let me a car for a week. It was just weird, yeah. Al Yeah, I mean you could have like, not explosion, but you could have bought a flame thrower. Al So. Tony I guess that's true. They had options just buy online apparently. Yes you can. Tony Who was it? Elon Musk was selling those for the boring company. Al Listed that I was having a conversation with someone about that and they were like 300 or $400 and I asked him like how much does a front door usually go in like? $6000 is what they said I was like oh I don't want a a discount flamethrower. Al No, I don't want flame thrower anyway, but if I want to buy one, I wouldn't want to discount one. Tony Yeah. Tony Especially given all the horror stories of. Tony What happened in how was it? Vietnam, yeah? Al Probably there's also an in World War Two. Yeah, because I remember a scene in. Al I wanna say band of brothers and brothers are Saving Private Ryan. One of those someone who had a flamethrower and then they got shot and exploded and it wasn't good. OK so more of the story. Tony Don't buy cheap flamethrowers. OK, yeah, I'm really curious why that one was so much cheaper. Maybe that one is like not really weaponized like it's just the stuff like. Al I have, I think, a flame thrower by default is Weaponized. Tony That's Fair. Tony I I don't know what makes a flamethrower flamethrower like I feel like, doesn't it shoot like a chemical of some sort that like sticks? Al Like napalm, right? And they probably Jelly. Tony Something like that. OK, yeah, maybe maybe the one that Elon Musk sold didn't have that like you had to buy the attachment. And that was an extra 5500. Al So he's selling a super soaker that shoots fire. Tony Yes, basically is my assumption. Yeah Alright, let's stop talking about this. I don't want to discuss. Al This let's talk about other mad scientists with the guy in the chair. I think that's what I want to do. Speaker 5 Help people. Abilities. No no, no no no, not those three wombats no way. Al We'll start with Radcliffe. Tony Alright, um, in my notes I just had A to but it is basically basically the same thing, yeah, so right? So Radcliffe's been working on this an we've we've known of Ada. Tony Uh, actually can you remind me so? I remember in the past season season three, like one of the end credit scenes for the finale was Radcliffe like walking into his lab and he was talking to ada right? The disembodied voice of yes, the thing that he had. Tony And he said, hey, you're going to be born today. And so now we're actually seeing the The Fruit of that. Did we know ada before that instance? Al Like I don't think no, I don't think so because we never saw him at home with his his own set up until the end of the season. Tony OK, that's a good point, right? Tony Um? Tony One of the other things I wanted to bring up about ada specifically is that Radcliffe specifically says that she cannot pass the Turing test. But I gotta say it kind of looks like she can be given her the knowledge that she has so far in terms of being able to converse with a human being, yeah. Tony And and I had to look it up again just to to remember, but the Turing test is text only, like it's not like it's not like. Yeah it. It's not like you know, looking like a real person, it's just if you had an evaluator is what they call it. So like if there was one person and they were chatting with. Tony Two separate people or people you know in quotes. One of them was actually human, the other one was the computer program. Would the evaluator be able to tell? Tony If you know within reasonably be able to guess, you know which of those is the computer. Tony Oh, that that's a sort of Turing Test. Tony So. Al I think in his mind, in this context it would be like if you spoke to Ada an you spoke to Simmons and didn't know which one was a human. Al Is she? Al You'd be able to tell that Simmons was the machine or mining ada. I failed. I failed the Turing Test. A good thing. I'm not a judge. Al You know what I mean? Tony Yeah, yeah exactly. Then again, I guess we could also say that in this world of the MCU you know where these types of. Tony Technological marvels exist. Maybe the Turing test is different there. Al Yeah. Al Yeah, I mean. Al Because if it's like if you could use to voice. Al Like um Jarvis, before he got sent supposed ascensions before all the stuff of the mind stone. Al Pretty pretty sure he would have passed the Turing test if like the verbal version. Tony Yeah, that's true. Al Yeah. Al I'm talking about comparing Radcliffe with Stark, apparently. Al Did he did? Tony Radcliffe invented LMD, and if he did, why does stark know what L MD's are in The Avengers? Oh, they actually do answer this later in this season. Al Well, we'll hold off. I don't remember that at all. Tony Alright, um, it's not real. Tony I'm debating 'cause it's not really a spoiler. It's not, um, OK. Shield has had LMB's for awhile, they're just not good. That's the basic idea that we get. We get like a one off line about that. Tony So it I guess in that sense it would make sense that yeah, Stark knows about the program. Maybe you know, maybe his dad knew better or something so I could see that. Al Yeah, and then to be fair, I know what a LMD is and they don't exist in real life, so I guess they don't have to exist for me to know what they are. Tony That's true, yeah. Al I mean, as far as I know. Tony I mean, Tony Stark could have actually just made one. And in The Avengers or before The Avengers. Al Sure, that's true. Al I mean he was a target of an assassination. You think you have used it in 2008, but whatever. Tony Yeah, I guess definition slash kidnapping. Yeah well he never had the the reason to until then. After that he's like well I guess I have to make an LMD or this suit over here. Just looks a lot more ****** I'm going with that, yeah. Al I mean, he made his choice. Tony He stuck with it. Al Oh yeah, oh. Tony Yeah, by the time we got to Iron Man three, you know he's he's doubled down. Al He's like 42 down. Tony Yeah. Al Alright um. Al Yeah, so yeah. The only bad thing I have for a Radcliffe is that he says he doesn't want give Ada AI 'cause he doesn't want an old Tron situation. Al Which is fair. Tony Yeah, exactly I mean, I'm I'm sure not a lot of that stuff has made its way out to the public but you know 'cause I remember when we reviewed Age of Ultron. Tony Seven years ago or whatever it was, um, you know, one of the things I remember pointing out at the beginning was when they said that, yeah, there was actually just a mind already inside of the sector and they just happened to open it and let it loose on the world. So I guess maybe no one on Earth. Tony At the time you know it was, you know, considering better, stark Radcliffe fits, none of them are probably capable of making an actual AI on the same scale as a. Tony As Ultra, but, uh, yeah, that that's fair. Yeah, that that's a recent thing in memory. Al True. Al Alright, then the other person I have for the chair is Yoyo. Al Which I first thing she's aggressively flirting with Mac. Tony Yeah, yeah she is. Al And good for her. Al Yeah, but also like we find out later that she's stealing the superbone pills for Um, Daisy is she. Al Would she be this intense if she wasn't trying to distract Mac? Tony I don't think she was trying to distract him, 'cause I don't think she got him at that moment in time like I think she just got him eventually. Tony Like 'cause at one point Coulson goes in there to grab Mac and the two of them leave, right? So she could have gotten them after her on her way out. I mean with her superspeed she could be in the middle of a conversation. I run and got him. Tony That's true. Al Yeah, she doesn't know like she doesn't know that Coulson and Mack are gonna leave her in there. Tony Yeah, so yeah I I think that's just how she is as a person. Al Yeah, um yeah, that's all I have. She's helping out Daisy. Al I'm glad to see her again. She's doing real good on our English. Tony Oh, that's right, yeah. Tony Yeah, that's it. Yeah Alright. Al Um, I'm ready to move on to the last 12%. Tony Yeah, sounds good to me. Speaker 3 Stark tower is your baby. Give yourself 12% credit. Speaker 3 12% an argument can be made 1512% well I tried, they did. Speaker 3 Do all the. Speaker 3 Heavy lifting literally. I lifted the heavy things. Speaker 6 You know, I'm 12 months older than you go. Tony What percentage I don't know, 12 percent 12%? Al That is not a plan. Speaker 4 It's barely a concept, you're. Taking their side I am group. Speaker 3 So what is better than 11%? What the hell does that have to do with anything? Tony Alright, I've got a few things I don't know about you. Al I've got. I've got one thing. Al Um, which is the ghosts at the end? OK, yeah. Al Um, so there are freaking ghosts randomly. Al Like we saw ghosts in season one, but he was a transdimensional being guy. Al But the weird thing about these ghosts is when they touch people they make him go crazy. Al And make people die like you look like people, eyes and mouth go black. Al Uh huh. Tony Very different, which is this one? Al Yeah, I mean did anyone touch that guy? Tony I don't remember. Al Yeah, yeah, um the eyes and stuff little reminiscent of uh. Al Not Mount the cursed. What's his name? Um, the bad guy from Doctor Strange? Kaecilius, yeah. Yeah. Al But um, yeah, not not super much. Al But that's the only thing I could really see. Tony I I do remember because at at around the time that this show was was out or this episode of agents of shield came out. Tony Um? Tony Yeah, we already had trailers for it to the Doctor Strange movie 'cause that came out like a month later or two months later. Tony OK, so. Tony When that happened, like I I remember like seeing comparisons like Oh well, maybe these guys are in some way related to him, an. Tony If I vaguely remember, or if I remember correctly, I don't think so, but maybe we'll see. Al Yeah, well, we'll see. Al Yeah, that that's all I have for the 12%. Tony Right, so I've got two things I was not sure where to bring this one up, so I just put it in here. Kolsun and Max assignment is to quote Unquote bag and tag in humans. Are they like? Tony Just grabbing Inhumans and putting them in stasis like like they were trying to fight against having to do in the previous season like what what's going on here. Al I think the term bag and tag I I might be completely wrong, but isn't that like a research thing? Is you capture them? You Tag 'em and then release them out of the wild. Tony Like Tony I think it could be I. I would assume that release would also be in there like. Tony Tag and release. Catch and release. Tony That term sounds familiar. Tony But I, I guess really the question is what is their mission? 'cause they're they're out doing stuff all the time at the beginning of the episode they were talking about like being only a few. Al I just looked up bag and tag. Al Um, it's refers to wrapping a dead body in a bag and tagging them, putting the to take on them. Tony I don't think they're doing that to Inhumans. Al I don't think so either. Al So. Tony I'm really curious what their actual like mission is, 'cause they've been doing it for. Would they say like 2 weeks or something crazy? Tony I don't know. I remember they they said something, yeah? Al 'cause they took him off of daisies. Um, the Daisy hunt OK? Tony Uh, yeah, so that's just kind of weird is what it feels like. So maybe they'll say it again at some point later in the season, but I'm really curious what they're doing. It it really sounds like they're just looking into other Inhumans who, you know, people who are getting powers doing stuff, but we don't know what happens after that. Tony After they find someone. Al True, I mean they could just be doing what they do with yo yo. Al She's like keeping her checking in on her, making sure she's not being super evil or stealing from shield. Tony Yeah, exactly and actually that links directly into. My other thing that I wanted to bring up. Tony Alright, been holding on to this one for a while. The sokovia accords, yeah, Mac says that. OK, so Yo, Yo is not happy that, you know she has to get interviewed every so often. Mac has to look into like her purchases like she bought a ticket to Miami. All that kind of stuff. Tony But Max says that Yoyo signed the sokovia accords like she was in agreement with doing whatever they say. So are they more like a contract and individual people have to sign it to say that they will be bound by the rules in those accords. Tony An they're practically forcing people to do it. People have powers. Is that kind of what you're doing? Al I mean, they must be. It's very much the Super or the Mutant Registration Act from the X men comics. Tony Or superhero Registration Act from the Civil War comic. Al Yes, except. Al The thing is, Yoyo is not a superhero. Al She's not. She's not like The Avengers or in the MC in the Marvel Comics like the Fantastic Four or the X men that she's not part of. An organized team of superheroes. Tony That's true right now. I mean, I don't even know if she is a member of shield, but right now she's just a random person. She's a yeah, privacy is, yeah. Al Yeah, I don't know how morally how I feel about this. In fact, I agree with Captain America still. Tony Still team cap. OK, that's Fair. Tony Yeah. Tony Yeah, I mean just this is one of those things. Every so often. The Sokovia accords do come up in the MCU an it's never good. It's always something weird like this that implies something really bad. Yeah? Which makes sense? You know, given a little bit that we kind of know about them. Tony What how they were drafted and created in Captain America? Civil War? Yeah, but yeah. So that's it. I'll just keep bringing this up every so often. Al Yeah, also Spiderman never has had this item. Tony Oh that's right. Would he have had to sign them at the end of Spiderman Homecoming when he Al Assuming that he would have actually gone to that press conference that Tony Stark put on for, I think so. I think that was like the whole thing, right? Was the break press conference? Was he signing the accords and joining The Avengers? Tony Oh OK, that makes sense. In order to prevent it, you probably have to sign up. Al Yeah, but in shield their thing. If you have powers at all, you have to sign them. Al Huh, I wonder if yeah. Tony Well, maybe that is the rule and no one is caught Spiderman yet. They haven't sent anyone Atom an Tony Stark is like, yeah, they're not worth it anymore. Maybe he's changed his mind similar to. I mean, who's changed his mind in Infinity war? Yeah, I mean well. Well honestly, we'll see what happens if it even comes up in Spiderman. Al Three home on the range. Tony Yeah, OK I I'm still thinking Homeward bound but alright. Al Or he picks up a $2 in the cat and just travel across the country. Tony Yeah, he gets lost. He's trying to get back to Manhattan. He gets to get stuck in Nevada or something like that. I. Al Would I would watch that movie with Tom Holland and two dogs and the cats just traveling the Wilds of America? Tony Yes, but it would be much better if the if the if the animals can talk to him or Adam. I mean yeah, the animals can talk to each other. Tony And we thought about him. Yeah, yeah. As long as the audience know what the the animals are saying, yes. Al Alright, um, right here in this episode, 'cause we're going off the rails, yeah? Speaker 4 We are, I know my value. Speaker 5 Anyone elses opinion doesn't really matter. Earth just lost your best defender. Speaker 6 So we're here to fight. Speaker 5 Strongest Avenger Access denied. Strongest Avenger Access denied. Speaker 5 Damn you stock. Speaker 5 Banner. Speaker 5 Welcome strongest Avenger. Tony What, oh, alright Tony? How many? How many homes would you rate this episode? My homes. Al I would give this one. Tony I it was good exciting premiere. I would give this a four homes. OK I I'm in the same boat. You know one of the things that annoys me sometimes or in the past when I was like bingeing a TV show is when you get to like a season finale and things are like really cool and epic. Tony And then and then everything comes down and things are good. And then the season after it, it's just a complete reset, right? You know, you still have the history with those characters, but it's a very different like their day-to-day lives are different. You take a little bit longer to get to the actual storyline 'cause they're introducing new villains, and you know characters and that kind of stuff. Tony But I think that I feel like they did it in a in a good way. Tony Overall, uh, an I am biased because I really love this show. But yeah, giving it a floor for similar similar reasons. Al Alright, alright so everybody join us next time when we cover agents of shield season four episode 2 meet the new boss where we meet the new boss an remember to follow us on Twitter and give us uh oh I'm sorry, spoiler will probably go and meet the new boss. Remember to follow us on Twitter and give us that rating as always. Al This is the Marvel Cinematic rewind for agents of shield season 4 episode one. The ghost signing off have a marvelous day. Speaker 6 Now you see me now, you don't. Speaker 6 Every time you hit the ball. Speaker 6 I'm done. Speaker 6 Now you don't. Speaker 6 I know it's inconvenient. Speaker 6 To change your background, but let's back down so you can see this is the problem. I don't want to put myself in front of.