00:03.76 programmeral Welcome to the Marvel cinematic rewind the podcast that rewatches reviews and responds to every movie show 1 shot and special presentation in the Marvel cinematic universe I am Al Rodrigues and before we get into this week's episode. We want to ask you no bake big of you to please. 00:13.52 tonycam24 And I'm Tony Kimmarina 00:23.63 programmeral Follow us on Twitter. Yeah, yeah, all right? No nevermind I need to switch those. We want to beg of you to please give us a rating on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app and then also tell your friends and then if you want to It's your choice follow us on Twitter we are at mcu underscore rewind if you use a different social media app. Let us know we're considering using a different one and we want to know where you all are I guess you can tell us that on Twitter or send us at Email. We are mc you rewind at Gmail.com no underscore in that email and with that out of the way today's episode is about agents of shield season 5 episode. 17 titled the honeymoon which premiered on April thirteenth of 2018. 01:05.84 tonycam24 And as usual here's a rundown of the episode ruby tracks Colson and Talbot to the mountains but davy arrives Daisy I don't know who davy is but Daisy arrives just in time to save them deq ignores Daisy's directions to cover the escaping shieldees and tries to help daisy as she fights ruby. He is shot by hale and her men forcing a shield and daisy to retreat Dee is taken back to the lighthouse where mac and piper operate them and successfully save his life may confronts Colson about his recent actions and it eventually em admits her feelings to to him ruby. Furious about her mother's attitude decides to rebel and lock hail in her own room in ruby's room. Not her room. Ah while she takes over ah and works with the verner von strucker fit Simmons and Yoyo traveled to the hydro facility in England where they find the super element chamber pod thing. I know it has name but I'm calling it the super element chamber thought pod thing fits damages one of the components to render it useless but they are then surrounded by robot soldiers yoyo attempts to escape and call her backup but she is forced to fight and kill Ivan I've Anton ivanoff. Ah this. 02:15.50 programmeral Um. 02:20.40 tonycam24 Causes all the ah robots to fall down chitari style. Ah so yeah, however, ruby and werner arrive and decide to capture fitzs and Simmons in order to have them repair the chamber meanwhile Daisy helps talbot contact his family. But this activates his brainwashing through his wife who has either been working for or is being coerced by Hydra and hail du and du all right moving on to our fast facts What do you have l. 02:54.48 programmeral Ah, so I actually have two 2 fast facts. So the first one is um, um more of like an error I ah I forget the first the phrase the word that they use when this happens but they made a mistake. 02:55.73 tonycam24 Okay. 03:07.20 programmeral Um, so in this episode yo yo uses her powers and realizes that her new arms don't work with those powers but she did that already last week when she got fits out of the prison and put mac inside of it. Yeah. 03:11.37 tonycam24 E. 03:19.54 tonycam24 You are totally correct I didn't even clock that. 03:25.45 programmeral And then the other one that I have is we see in this episode that in order for Matt to get out of that prison thing. He he said what his code is right? It's 6 2 8 8 2 which is the same as my pin number. 03:38.42 tonycam24 That's interesting now about people have 6 dig in numbers or 5 or whatever that's yoga. Yeah oh um, also the title ah the honeymoon because this is fits fits as honeymoon. Yeah. 03:42.30 programmeral Yep, 5 5 yep. 03:55.18 tonycam24 Leo fits and gem fits. Um, yeah I can't couldn't think of anything else that would be a honeymoon. So um, just go with the obvious one. Ah. 04:04.51 programmeral Yeah, now I'm trying to think about it I don't usually try to until you bring it up for for this and I've I got nothing. Yeah, you've usually got like 2 or 3 possibilities. 04:07.37 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 04:18.15 tonycam24 Um, while preparing for to jump out of the Quin Jet simmons and notices that she that fits has no problems with the straps this time which is a reference to the season 1 episode fizzed when ah. He messes he gets messed up with the straps and can't jump after simmons and ward has to go saver. Yeah um Talbot in this episode. He refers to the human passing robots as a skin job which is a derogatory ah a term for the human passing robots in balstar galactica. 04:41.80 programmeral That's right. 04:51.34 programmeral No one. 04:53.13 tonycam24 So for being a for I'm guessing a 4 star general or 3 star general. A guy who's you know, committed to the military. He's well versed in science fiction I'm proud of that he can diversify. 05:04.19 programmeral Yeah, yeah, definitely. But I mean you know before he made it that far in the military I'm sure he had a lot of sitting around. Do nothing time you know guarding and all that stuff. 05:12.29 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, yeah, and finally I don't think this was intentional easter egg but it connects to one of my favorite things. So I'm good type to say it. Ruby's when ruby faces down of Daisy she says I don't want to be you I want to beat you which is one of the worst lines ever written. 05:30.76 programmeral Me. 05:32.30 tonycam24 Um, and Daisy says. Well, you can certainly try. That's a catchphrase of Matthew Mercer the dm of critical role whenever one of the players want to try something stupid. He says well you can certainly try yeah a critical role started in 2015 so 05:47.20 programmeral Ah, oh that's cool. 05:52.30 tonycam24 Very good chance that one of the writers possibly saw it. 05:55.00 programmeral Yeah, okay, 3 year difference here probably 2 based on when they wrote the episode. So okay, full. 05:59.23 tonycam24 Yeah, but yeah, and that's still it's been around for a bit. Yeah and those are my fast facts all right move on to our heroes. Where should we start out. 06:14.77 programmeral Oh boy, Um, let's see so I have fitsimmons and Yoyo together and I did not group anyone else together. Um, so if you have a preference I'm good with okay, okay, perfect. 06:18.37 tonycam24 Here. 06:25.12 tonycam24 Yeah, let's start with fit Simmons and yo yo because I do have those guys grouped together too. 06:32.75 programmeral Yeah, um I like how they they chose to start at the most likely location and they didn't have to go anywhere else. So so that's good. Um because they had like a list of what 3 or 4 different places where they could have got. 06:44.59 tonycam24 yeah yeah I mean most times it's never the first place you go. But what if it was because sometimes you do just get lucky. 06:50.36 programmeral You Yeah well listen. It's always the last place you go because then you stop going to the other places. 06:59.42 tonycam24 yeah yeah I mean this was the last place they went um I was confused for a second when Simmons said that it's good to be home is like does she live in headford shire england or just being in england apparently. 07:13.39 programmeral I too. It's just being in England you know with um, all the clouds everywhere and bad food I guess I don't think they stop for food I've I've got nothing after that. 07:16.39 tonycam24 Yeah. 07:22.44 tonycam24 Yeah I've been in England as good food but they only do like 3 or 4 things really well and I was there for six days and I got sick of it by the time I left. 07:27.36 programmeral Got. Ah, okay, was one of them Indian food. Oh um, so I've I've I've never been out there an Indian food. Not a thing not something I like at all. But I've heard someone say a phrase once that I. 07:34.42 tonycam24 No I actually regret not getting the Indian food afterwards. Here. 07:50.24 programmeral A lot of people agree with it's a saying something is as British as Indian food to say It's very british because they they love it there. Yeah. 07:59.10 tonycam24 Well I don't know if it's a national dish or it's just London's dish but like their dish is tiki marsala which is indian um, yeah. 08:04.68 programmeral Oh okay, yeah. 08:11.60 tonycam24 The other thing I regret is we walked in and walked out because it was too full, but there was an american themed restaurant and I really I was really when I saw that I was really decided to go but it was like an hour and half wait so apparently american style food real popular in London. 08:19.59 programmeral Um. 08:23.14 programmeral Who well yeah, it's the only place you can get that much deep fried anything. No that can't be true I can't be true. Ah 0 place. Yeah yeah, 0 place. You can get that. 08:33.37 tonycam24 That's true. Ah yeah, that's not fish. Yeah, ah yeah, it's the only It's only place with un your rings that go to that height in their tower. Yeah. 08:40.38 programmeral That many that size of a portion I assume yeah, yes, six six onion rings tower which they measure in meters. So it's probably like a. 08:51.90 tonycam24 The. 08:58.70 tonycam24 Okay I was like six meter tower yeah 08:58.54 programmeral Quarter Meter yeah Yeah well I met 6 rings and then I thought okay well how many how far are that and it's probably a quarter I get I don't know that they have to be thick rings I don't know how far a meter like I can't envision that in my head. It's always been. Envision a yard. But even that like three feet at that point I'm like I don't know like I I can guess but there's no way I'm that close I don't go around and measuring things. Not anymore. 09:20.74 tonycam24 Ah, say it's a yard. 09:32.77 programmeral Well I used I used to play a game tabletop game and I'd have to measure things a lot. So it's yeah. 09:34.59 tonycam24 well yeah, well yeah but that's by one inch squares at least if it's d and d rules. It's one Inch square equals five feet 09:46.72 programmeral Yeah, ah yeah I did that nose War Hammer So there was a lot of like tape measure stuff and like that. Yeah. 09:47.79 tonycam24 Yeah. 09:54.78 programmeral Okay, of course we have to yeah okay. 09:54.90 tonycam24 So way off topic way off topic. Um, yeah so I've been watching this Youtube channel called trope talks or it's it's it's a series within another channel. So but it's like um. This person just goes through movie Tv book tropes and like breaks them down stuff like that and I have a playlist of like 75 episodes that she's made so I just watch them when I have like ten or fifty minutes and the last episode I watched with grim dark so she run real deep into the ah warhammer lore. 10:27.54 programmeral Okay, oh it is crazy if you don't know anything about it. It's like what the hell is this. 10:29.16 tonycam24 Which I have no idea what the war hammer Laura was I was just like yeah yeah, she just kept throwing things out like I thought it was just orcs I thought was like futuristic like d and d like start path findder star finder um, but. 10:44.43 programmeral It. 10:48.77 tonycam24 Also it's not. There's like the borg but with like a Xenomorphs in it and yeah I know I'm telling you stuff you already know. But I was completely surprised. 10:58.29 programmeral Yep, yeah, well. Um so I'm I'm assuming she focused only on the futures because there's 2 different games like there's warhammer, fantasy and warhammer 40000 11:07.69 tonycam24 40 k which is what I all thought all war him or was yeah yeah. 11:10.41 programmeral 40 k yeah, ah yep, exactly which is fair. Yeah, um, but yeah, no, that's that's a crazy thing I've been considering getting back into it I would need start fresh. So well. 11:23.28 tonycam24 I've decided um because my friends have been trying to get me into magic the gathering and as someone who is financially involved in tabletop rpgs and have a lot of those I can't afford another expensive hobby. 11:26.78 programmeral Oh oh no. 11:40.92 programmeral No no. 11:40.95 tonycam24 I Can't do warhammer I can't do magic of the gathering because I need some money for food and mortgage. Yeah. 11:49.37 programmeral Yep, yeah exactly yeah you got to to limit yourself to you know one maybe 2 really depend like like like when you do a second you got to stop the first like stop investing in the first one you can keep doing it just you're not buying anything else for it. So it's ah yeah, yeah. 11:57.70 tonycam24 If. Yeah, but I'm on the edge of buying a 3 D printer for my minis for D and D So that's not stopping all right? Yeah I was actually gonna ask you what classes you think they'd be in. 12:09.29 programmeral Ah, okay, all right? Ah hey Tony do do you want to talk about ah fitzsimmons and yoga. 12:21.87 tonycam24 Rpgs but we'll do that another time. Um, they just well I know fit Simmons doesn't really care I guess but they just got over the fact that fits with like evil like three days ago 12:22.25 programmeral Okay, that sounds fair that sounds fair. 12:36.88 programmeral So yeah, sort of kind of right I mean they're they're they're on a mission right? So they they know that or what is in their minds. The 3 of them are invincible right? that they've said that that's why they're going on this mission. 12:41.36 tonycam24 Yeah. 12:52.30 tonycam24 That's true. 12:54.50 programmeral Because they don't want to put anyone else in harm's way they know they'll be fine. They'll live. They know that fits and simmons get through you know together at least as far as whatever happens with with the fallout of him being evil again because. 12:56.90 tonycam24 A. 13:09.30 programmeral They know that they have a kid in the future right? At least their their mindset is the future cannot be changed. Um, that's fits his mindset and I I think Simmons has turned around to it or or is just hoping that that's correct I'm actually not sure because she didn't seem to completely believe him before but now she wants to. 13:11.27 tonycam24 Yeah, um. 13:26.60 tonycam24 Well that that also puts in the question. Why are they on this mission if if feet the future can't be changed and they're sure about that. Why attempt. 13:28.20 programmeral And but she believes him what because she wants to. 13:46.27 programmeral Ah, yeah, that's fair. Yeah why why do anything? yeah. 13:48.26 tonycam24 Um, yeah I mean yeah I know the real thing. First of all, there would be no plot but also it's like the idea that hey let's try to change the future. But then they're being reckless if the future is permeable. They're being reckless right now. 14:09.50 programmeral Yeah, that's true, but hey maybe if they are reckless and they die then they change the future for the better. They don't know we don't know they'll never know right? if they die? Um, but. 14:15.84 tonycam24 That's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. 14:23.60 programmeral Yeah, that's that's that's the thing about the time travel stuff right? like they if you tell someone to hey you have to do something different. What would you think like okay well I would do X well hold on. But I know I can't do X So I'm going to do y Oh but but I was probably told this last time so I would have done why. 14:42.88 tonycam24 Um, well yeah, we I think we've talked about this every single episode since they've come back. 14:43.45 programmeral so then I'll do z wait yeah yeah exactly so so yeah they're just always going to do the same thing like you need something to change it which apparently you don't need anything to change it as we've learned from ah the only season so far of Loki it just. 14:48.83 tonycam24 Yes, m. 15:00.70 programmeral Things just happen. That's how you get variance. 15:02.93 tonycam24 Well yeah, yeah, that that's true and that may or may not come up in the future in a shield. Yeah, ah. 15:08.44 programmeral Yeah, yeah, that's true. Yeah, and then again they also change things in what what was the one that they changed it. No no, it wasn't loki. It was a yeah in Loki. They also kind of changed it at the end to a little bit anyway, that's a debate whole sale debate that I think. 15:23.20 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, yeah, we at least when we're reviewing Loki to or something. Yeah, all right? The reason I brought up them getting over evil fits is because we see a. 15:27.35 programmeral We I'm sure we will have um, but anyway, yes, yeah, exactly yeah because boy all right anyway. 15:42.63 tonycam24 I think I don't know if it's evil fits or socially awkward fits coming up a bit when he mentions that to Yoyo after she breaks the lock with a robo arms saying that maybe having your arms cut off weren't all bad. 15:53.42 programmeral Oh I Okay I didn't think of it as that way I just thought it was like hey this is a cool thing and he just forgot that it's oh yeah, she has this cool upgrade for a really bad reason right? It's like yeah exactly I'm thinking it's like saying oh hey, there's a silver lining to this. 16:01.14 tonycam24 Okay, so is socially awkward fits. 16:12.22 tonycam24 A. 16:12.71 programmeral Horrible thing that happened to you but he you know socially awkward just said it like in a way that like oh man I regret that the second I said it. But I said it and yeah, you know we've all been there. 16:22.55 tonycam24 Yeah, um, we have so ah they find ivanoff leading security right? And ah. 16:31.91 programmeral E. 16:37.65 tonycam24 Wrote this down I don't exactly know the context it was right before a commercial break yoyo says ah to to him or about him is like a man who can't die marveloso or Marvelos I have terrible spanish accent ah Marro Vos whatever but the spanish word for marvelous. 16:50.70 programmeral Ah. 16:54.98 programmeral Asian. 16:55.76 tonycam24 At this point we've been doing the podcast for nine months roughly when this aired I firmly believe she ripped us off when I say Mark have a marvelous day. The idea of saying the word marvelous in any language ripping us off. Yeah. 17:08.21 programmeral Okay, oh so you're saying back in 2018 when this episode aired we had we had been doing our MC rewin podcast for for nine months oh my god ah I I forget that we've been doing it that long that there was. 17:13.22 tonycam24 O. 17:22.58 tonycam24 Yeah, 27 du so yeah so obviously the one of the writers was listening to our podcast at this time. Yeah I'm sure I like I'm sure I was saying have a marvelous day already. 17:26.80 programmeral It was stuff. Yeah, okay, that's right. Wow. 17:32.61 programmeral That makes sense. Yes, of course yeah I don't know which. 17:42.20 tonycam24 Ah, probably said the first so the end of the first episode just on a limb. Yeah yep, it does ah good. 17:46.29 programmeral Probably yeah and then you just kept it going. It sounds like you. Yeah yeah, Ah, yeah, so that they successfully destroy the Giismo that would make a a super duper creole crush your creole guy. So That's good good for Them. Mission Success I guess. 18:03.16 tonycam24 Um, yeah, well kind of until they get stopped and unsucist. 18:10.97 programmeral Well yeah, that's true then they get shot at and all of that stuff stopped. 18:18.39 tonycam24 Yeah, um, again I don't want to relitigate this because we just talked about for a few minutes but fits and Simmons ah like it kind of ah. 18:22.88 programmeral Oh no. 18:35.86 tonycam24 Well never mind. We're not there yet I'm not going to get there yet. Let's keep talking about this stuff I'm sorry. Ah. 18:42.90 programmeral Ah I know right? It's it's It's so hard to not talk about time travel on this over and over. Um we we really need to make a rule where we just like one minute max per episode until we get to the season finale. Maybe when we do that then we can talk more about it because. 18:46.70 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 18:59.93 programmeral Maybe they'll answer more stuff I don't know I don't remember. Yeah. 19:02.28 tonycam24 Maybe? um so yeah, they destroy the component and security comes in and ah yo yo's arms freak out um cause her pain. So she decides. 19:13.51 programmeral You. 19:19.54 tonycam24 They need a split up and fits and Simmons are never splitting up again. They're not allowed to. 19:24.62 programmeral Yeah, yeah, okay so have setting a rule like normally like get a normal couple. Um, if you set that rule where you never leave each other side anymore. That's that was a little crazy but for them Good idea. It's It's good thinking? Yeah, they've they've been through enough. No no, no need to to chance that. 19:38.19 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 19:42.74 tonycam24 Right? Yeah I feel yeah it doesn't it doesn't work out that well um, I'm going to say I'm not going to spoil it. 19:44.38 programmeral Ah, again, yeah spoiler for the other 2 seasons after this? Yeah yeah. 20:00.94 tonycam24 Is not spoiler to say a significant thing happens in the season finale because significant things happen season finales. But I think we need track from now until the season finale if they actually are into different locations. Yeah, um. 20:03.53 programmeral Even in in you. 20:12.88 programmeral Okay I like it. 20:19.70 tonycam24 Yeah, so they get ah so Yoyo decides she's going to go for the quin jet and fitsimmons are going to hold off the evil robots ah saying that this is their honeymoon. Yeah ah Simmons says protecting england from evil robots with the man I love is the perfect honeymoon. 20:25.87 programmeral In it. 20:37.62 programmeral That's a pretty cool honeymoon. Yeah. 20:38.22 tonycam24 Yeah, and then I've seen something happens in this moment that I don't think it's ever happened in at least the 5 previous seasons of shield possibly in all of Marvel a gun jammed. 20:57.45 programmeral It happens. But you're right? yeah. 20:58.63 tonycam24 It No it does it does happen not in this corner fictional universe. 21:07.42 programmeral Yeah, exactly it's just the. It's not like they roll a die and oh hey, the gun jammed right? not like an Rpg where it rained we happens. No, it's it's unfortunately it's the writers wanting that to happen is what it feels like I. 21:13.52 tonycam24 Stop You know? yeah. 21:23.88 tonycam24 Or is it time time like testing if they're um, testing if they're going to survive I don't know cause you know random chance is not so random. 21:33.80 programmeral Oh yeah, that's true. Yeah, you're right? That's true. Yeah, because they both live they both go on and in the future. Apparently so yeah, you're right. 21:38.88 tonycam24 When messing with time travel. 21:45.71 tonycam24 Yeah, but luckily yo-yo takes down ivanoff. Ah and ah because they didn't learn from either the chattari. Which the hydrant knows a lot about or as much as any human knows about or from star wars episode one not to link every one of the your army to 1 being or location. 22:02.86 programmeral Is it she. 22:13.69 programmeral Yeah, that was a weird one. Um I mean sure I guess well. Okay, so I guess it makes enough sense in that you know we we know that these other robots their technology comes basically from Ivanov right from his body. 22:28.20 tonycam24 I Have an oven eater. Yeah. 22:31.40 programmeral Um, yeah, and and Ada I mean she's gone but like what Hale has access to is just ivanops body right? And so I guess it makes sense that he would be a a beacon for for mobility. Um. 22:36.50 tonycam24 How go? Yeah yeah. 22:46.69 tonycam24 Here. 22:49.31 programmeral Um, trying to think like where we see these robots just by themselves and we actually have seen them right? They were on the ship the Principia before and I can't think of anywhere else. 22:56.59 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 23:00.64 tonycam24 I mean without him the first when that yo yo loses arms her her arms. Yeah Ruby yeah. 23:05.20 programmeral Who that's that's true. Yeah, they're there're with um with Ruby yeah, that maybe they're just maybe people have ah mobile um like mobile transmitter mobile control things and so. 23:19.10 tonycam24 Earth. 23:22.44 programmeral In this scenario Ivanov was one of them and then in other scenarios ruby is one of them right? like she has maybe that's part of her suit. There's something inside of her ah like a computer like on her back or something that controls them. Um. 23:37.10 tonycam24 Yeah, then that just seems like poor foresight to ah well I have an office cocky is like his his cocking is like I will not be defeated. 23:44.99 programmeral True. Yeah, that's true I mean unless you're fighting, um aliens or the agents of shield what are the chances that Ivanov is going to be the one who dies right? yeah. 23:52.68 tonycam24 I Mean yeah, right he has died Well he says you in this. He's died dozens of times and now he can't feel pain. 24:02.87 programmeral Yeah, that's well yeah, he's a robot. He just turned off the pain. Um, but I mean he died like of those dozens of times I'm sure half of those times were like at the end of season 4 because we just saw a bunch of bodies there. Ah. 24:03.89 tonycam24 Yeah. 24:18.78 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, that's true. Ah so yao kills him by like tackling him outside of out of window right? and she said I looked up the translation in spanish. 24:19.00 programmeral And then I'm sure Hale had to experiment or whoever was doing the tech work not hale, but someone was so. Is it. 24:34.43 tonycam24 She says now you'll stay dead but his brain is somewhere else so he probably won't stay dead. Yeah okay, cool. 24:36.50 programmeral You probably not. Yeah I'm sure he'll be back I don't remember but I'm sure he will be. 24:45.51 tonycam24 Yeah, and then this is the part I most skipped to back to um, fits and Simmons. Ah Ruby and von strecker find them and threaten to kill Simmons if he doesn't fix the chamber and fits complies but the future can't be changed. Simmons isn't going to die. So why did he comply. 25:06.13 programmeral You don't want a chance it right? I mean like there I Well I mean yeah. 25:09.21 tonycam24 Yeah, you do if it could save the world I mean if it was any This is a problem with going to on a mission with a loved one. 25:18.78 programmeral Yeah, exactly yeah because even though he knows they'll make it out. But then again he had a line right? I think I you know it might have been a next week's episode I can't remember but there was a line where he said I never had a choice. 25:33.30 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 25:37.82 programmeral Right? because even what like the very first if we assume the first time when they went through this where they did not go into the future then this is exactly what would have happened right? He would like he would not have had a choice like he was like yeah obviously I'm going to do this to save Simmons right? like that. That's not a decision. He chooses against. 25:42.75 tonycam24 Okay. 25:57.18 programmeral But that's the first time and in the future you every other however, many times that they've gone through this loop is it really a choice you're like well I could save the world maybe sorta possibly. We don't know that and if we and if that happens she is guaranteed to be dead. 25:59.49 tonycam24 Here. 26:16.10 programmeral And me also or I could save us both by fixing this machine and maybe we can change things later I feel like the math really is the let's do what we can to stay alive like they they don't know. They have absolutely no idea what in the future is the thing that destroys the Planet. So. 26:37.38 tonycam24 Yeah, you are right? but also and this is from outside perspective I'm not in love with Simmons I'm quite fond of the character but I don't think I have the relationship that fits has with her. Um, so was just like. 26:46.81 programmeral E a. 26:51.41 tonycam24 Yeah, risk something try something you know did not happen in the past it could save the future. The worst case in Forest case scenario is the world ends. There is no worse thing. 27:02.53 programmeral True. Yeah yeah. True. Yeah, yeah, yeah, probably not yeah. 27:09.28 tonycam24 He yeah some just saying fiction come shouldn't have complied. 27:23.18 tonycam24 Yeah, all right? ah talking about other people who do or do not comply I got oh you got more? okay. 27:29.48 programmeral Oh actually actually 1 other thing. Um that yeah there was 1 other thing it was during this section yo yo was talking to fitsimmons. Um, so she admitted because I guess she actually I realized that we as the audience know this. But. No one else on the on the team on the shieldes know this that future yo yo told that yo- yo exactly how to save the future. They have to let Colson die. So this is the first time fitsimmons are hearing this and I'm sure none of the other shieldes know this yet. So that was that was a big thing that they they showed in the episode right? They were like. 27:51.61 tonycam24 The. 28:00.92 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, probably but it does fade to black and then the same sound or usually face of black and then the same musical beat hits. 28:04.30 programmeral She says it and and they play the dramatic music and all that I think they went to commercial I don't know I watch it on Disney plus I don't have commercials. So yeah. 28:18.44 programmeral Yeah, yeah, it's true. Yeah, but yeah, that's the last I have for them. 28:19.87 tonycam24 When it comes back. 28:24.30 tonycam24 Right? Ah, got a little bit for Colson and well just Colson I said Colson Talbot but it's all about him. Um, they're lost in the trident range. Um, luckily for them. 28:32.46 programmeral Just. E. 28:42.90 tonycam24 When Robin drew the picture of 3 mountains together the trite range which is a real range in ah on the border of Alberta and the British Columbia up in canadada. Um, real lucky those are the only mountains that have 3 of them close together. 28:44.27 programmeral E. 28:59.71 programmeral Yep, yeah, and really lucky Also um that she drew those trees in that specific ah orientation. Yeah arrangement. Yeah, um, because those I bet were also. 29:08.20 tonycam24 Arrangement. Yeah. 29:15.86 programmeral Used I guess to find because I mean yeah, you can find the the mountains but they're still running around. 29:25.11 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah I mean you look you knowing the sci-finess of the mccu human body signs and stuff like that. It's not too unbelievable that if you found the right area. You'd be able to locate them. 29:41.86 programmeral Yes, yeah, you're right? You're right in this sci-fi world. It wouldn't be that hard are. 29:47.85 tonycam24 Yeah, ah yes, but ruby finds them as they're being chased ah and daisy en encounters them because they do find them through the awesome pictures that Robin has. 29:59.35 programmeral In see here. 30:04.56 tonycam24 Ah, yeah, my next part's about de so just talking about this fight with Daisy real quick. Pretty cool fight. 30:09.62 programmeral Yeah, yeah, Daisy and ruby fight Daisy Wins the snow fight that's it. 30:15.13 tonycam24 Yeah, and I mean I feel like I maybe I'm just being real heartless. Yeah, let simmons die ah deek get shot just quickly shatter. Ah, Ruby's head and then leave. 30:30.19 programmeral yeah yeah I mean Daisy isn't that kind of murderous person but like but also you have the quake powers. You can. You can go a little stronger like you don't have to be the knock them out. You can be like let's break a few bones right. 30:30.46 tonycam24 Like you have Quake powers. I know. 30:41.30 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, and also yeah, also end of Planet earth. 30:48.67 programmeral Um. 30:53.94 programmeral That's trying yes, but she doesn't know that right again they don't know what they do to stop it I yes. 31:01.13 tonycam24 She knows that Ruby there's a good chance. Ruby's going to try to take a power. The team know that because they know hail the hail told them what previous episode episode 2 episodes ago that ah she. 31:08.82 programmeral All they do. 31:17.99 tonycam24 Wants ruby to be the destroyer world or ruby wants to be the destroyer world. So that's what she gets bred for but she thinks Daisy's a better person for it. But ruby is focused on doing that so she daisy thinks hey now there's 2 possibilities. Let's eliminate one of those possibilities. The. 31:26.59 programmeral Um, yeah. 31:36.12 programmeral Ah, true. Okay, all right, all right. 31:36.43 tonycam24 The loose cannon. 31:42.91 tonycam24 I'm just like this is the end of the world. You can't keep being nice. 31:48.99 programmeral But but nice has gotten them very far. They've always won by being nice. Oh all, right. 31:53.79 tonycam24 No yeah, no, they've they don't win until they get brutal. Yeah, like. 32:05.78 programmeral Yeah I guess it's true. Yeah, like when they fight like that fight against. But yeah I guess it's true like they would wait. 32:13.59 tonycam24 The last time the last time they were nice Shield fell. 32:20.71 tonycam24 The second time they were nice. Another shield fell the third time they were nice to Daisy Shield fell again. 32:26.22 programmeral Yeah, you're right. 32:34.48 programmeral All right fine I guess you're you're right when when they fought Gordon They were not nice there that was that was pretty brutal. Yeah. 32:39.33 tonycam24 No yeah, remember when in the end of season 1 when Colson just walked in the room and exploded a guy. Yeah yeah. 32:50.45 programmeral Oh yeah, that's right, he and then he just left. What is it? Yeah cool. Okay, yeah, you're right. 32:58.80 tonycam24 He knows what that gun does now stop being nice and start being real. What no wrong show but you get what I mean ah real real world when stop. 33:06.84 programmeral What show? Oh okay, never seen an episode of that. So okay. 33:16.49 tonycam24 People stop being night that I watch it briefly as a kid but that's like famously the introductions like when people stop being nice and start being real. Yeah also Shield come on. 33:24.82 programmeral Oh okay, got it. 33:33.55 programmeral Yeah, you're right? You're right? They're all super spies they're used to fighting. Yeah, okay, you're right. 33:40.64 tonycam24 Yeah, all right? ah de starts pleading out and instead of laying this person who should not live in this time die they save him so they don't end the threat or a threat I actually have no problem with this I want de to live. 33:51.27 programmeral Um, yeah, yeah, he is not a horrible person or character. Yeah, okay yeah. 34:00.00 tonycam24 No one thing we're missing though is that ah fits and simmons. Don't know this happening. You think there would get like some drama out of that their future grandson dying like from a writer's perspective. 34:14.15 programmeral Yeah, but right now Fitz really hates him and simmons is like yeah he's okay so. 34:19.19 tonycam24 Well, that's the thing is like that's why the drama it's like maybe we'll show that fits cares a little bit about him or at least yeah I don't know. 34:32.51 programmeral Yeah I Guess yeah I mean yeah I don't I don't know that's that's a hard thing right? like I don't know I'll never be in that situation probably never be in that situation. Ah so I don't know if I that's true. 34:37.42 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah. 34:44.90 tonycam24 You know you know who also thought that fits. 34:51.77 programmeral He did think about that exact scenario because he read it in a book and was like this will never happen and here he is yeah exactly. 34:53.94 tonycam24 Yeah grandfather paradox. 35:01.83 tonycam24 Um, yeah, so we get ah 1 person with some basic training in field medicine and the mechanic to fix them up and it worked. 35:11.81 programmeral But yeah I mean well just just enough are I mean they they have access to information about like the the basics so like okay sure I mean they're nothing major right? They just pulled a ah bullet up. 35:21.88 tonycam24 As at yeah, no pull the bullet out and then like sewed up a artery I'm gonna tell you someone who's done multiple projects by just following the steps on Youtube or on how to wiki. 35:29.67 programmeral All right? yeah. 35:38.90 programmeral Um, it's true. Yeah, that's true. 35:40.59 tonycam24 Doesn't always go great. The first try. Yeah yeah, um, yeah, anything else for I guess Dek Mac and piper. 35:54.50 programmeral Ah, now looking at my notes um, not a thing. Yep. 36:00.39 tonycam24 Know and then finally I have a little bit for like may and ah Colson's like heart to heart or really may yelling mad at Colson and telling Colson to shut up which he needs right now. Yeah. 36:10.23 programmeral Yeah, he does. Yeah. 36:15.48 tonycam24 Yeah, um, yeah, he's making a bunch of dumb decisions. He's being ridiculous reckless and may is like not cool with it and they've known each other and have a relationship where they can talk to each other about that. 36:27.80 programmeral Yeah, exactly and then so during or right after school to him for that She she says. Ah she says that she loves him and then she walks away just to mess with them. 36:37.10 tonycam24 Um, yep yep I mean that's where you do it? Um, yeah, that's all I have are Heroes unless you have anything else. 36:41.76 programmeral Yeah, yeah. 36:49.61 programmeral Now yeah, it's the same same for me I ah like I told you off air Tony it's been three and a half weeks since I watched this so I was I'm surprised I remembered as much as I did but I think my notes were just better than I expected that to be no yeah, we'll see. 36:54.56 tonycam24 Yeah, yep, yeah, good. Let's hope it holds up for next week 37:07.67 programmeral Right? Well in that case, let's take a quick ah break for an ad and then we'll talk about some felons Tony you are a really cool guy. You have superpowers I'm not supposed to tell anyone about but what is the 1 thing that can make you even cooler. 37:17.34 tonycam24 Ah, thank you? true. 37:24.79 tonycam24 Having more superpowers I have some of those in my car. Oh. 37:29.36 programmeral That's right cool guy sunglasses. But for some reason for some reason they all look weird on you. So the second best thing that'll make you cooler is cybernetic enhancements for your superpowers some time ago. A friend of mine lost both of her arms it sucked but eventually. She got an upgrade in the form of 2 bionic arms. The problem was her new arms didn't work with her powers. They were designed for normal people. Non-powered people like her and Tony which is where this week's sponsor comes in superior prosthetics. The only company on the market that creates personalized prosthetics. For the superpowered superior prosthetics created a pair of arms that didn't seize up when my friend used hurt powers and yoyoed around and someday when Tony inevitably loses a leg or something he'll call up superior prosthetics to create a New Lake prosthetic that works with his powers. Whatever they are use promo code Mcu rewind. To get Tony to sign your new prosthetics. You know like the cast. 38:29.57 tonycam24 Yep, that actually is like a running joke I do with my wife I was recently diagnosed with Sciatica in my right leg. Ah, and it hurts a lot of some days and I ask heleese my wife if she could just cut off my leg and install a cool robot leg. 38:35.66 programmeral E e. 38:46.84 tonycam24 And like she always refuses. But now that we have this Maybe she will. 38:47.29 programmeral He Yeah maybe maybe I mean you I Assume you have okay health insurance you're you're a teacher you work for the government a government entity. Yeah. 38:57.11 tonycam24 Yeah I do work for a Governor entity. Um, yeah I mean that's probably the one of the few good things working as a teacher you get pretty good health insurance all right moving on to our villains. 39:06.20 programmeral Okay. 39:14.54 tonycam24 American Health care I mean ruby. 39:15.32 programmeral And potato tomato there. 39:20.75 tonycam24 Yeah, so ruby being as reckless as Colson was last ah last episode she uses a teleportation device that could have centered ah Antarctica or the middle of the ocean because they don't know how it works luckily it gets sent to Canada. 39:25.86 programmeral Is it. 39:36.63 programmeral Yeah I had the exact same note like she uses that and hopes she doesn't end up in the ocean like all right good for her. That's. 39:45.50 tonycam24 Um, also I Even think about this they tell Arade really well did the teleport really close or did hail also use a teleportation device to get there with the other people. 39:55.91 programmeral I I think Hail Also you yes, yeah yeah, hailed it hail used it. Yeah I assume they have a radio or a cell phone to call someone at their base to tell them. Yeah. 39:58.49 tonycam24 Then how did they get back all right? How did they get back. 40:11.70 tonycam24 Ah, cell phones cell phones ruin everything all right? Yeah so um, yeah, there's a I don't know why I wrote this note twice. There's a showdown of daisy which we talked about. 40:15.26 programmeral I know right? Oh yeah. 40:27.83 tonycam24 The hero section. Yeah yep. 40:30.14 programmeral Ah, and she loses because she's never probably never fought. A powered person before I guess no, that's not true like in the previous episode. She fought crush a creel and was probably. 40:39.45 tonycam24 And and she like you know she best did yo yo I mean mostly cutting her off her arms but still she beat someone? yeah. 40:43.97 programmeral It? Okay, yeah. 40:51.61 programmeral That's true. Yes, yeah, with that cool weapon I don't I don't know how that weapon works. It's not. It's not like Xena I assume there's technology in this thing. Ah. 41:00.70 tonycam24 Um, um I assume it's Mayor vibranium and doesn't Ob Obey laws of physics much like cap shield. Yeah. 41:04.46 programmeral Oh okay, all right? Well that could work. Maybe maybe that's it. It's they they are Hydra after all so they might have access to it. 41:13.15 tonycam24 Yep, yeah, it's if they want to get more brutal in Falcon the warrior soldier they could have had um ah I always forget his name walker. 41:29.69 programmeral Oh the new that yeah they kept yep John John Walker okay 41:30.19 tonycam24 Ah, the fake cap. Yeah, ah John Walker yeah they could have had John Walker sharpen his shield his fake shield. 41:38.61 programmeral Oh God Yeah, that would have been bad. 41:44.20 tonycam24 Yeah, we'll wait till he shows up in is he going me in thunderbolts. 41:49.46 programmeral I Assume so let's a soup. Yes I think so I think he is actually. 41:54.11 tonycam24 Yeah I actually don't know. Okay, yeah, it wouldn't ah surprised me if the countessa gave him a sharp shield. 42:03.26 programmeral Yeah I Wonder how? well that would bounce though. Maybe I wonder if that's the issue. He okay all right. 42:09.10 tonycam24 I don't I again I don't think laws of physics matter it slices through somebody but bounces off solid things just like yeah just like the Shield Cap Shield. Ah. 42:19.92 programmeral It just depends on how you throw it. 42:25.25 tonycam24 Bounces it off some things sometimes and then embeds itself in trees other times or walls. Yeah. 42:28.50 programmeral Yeah I don't think I've seen it bounce off of a tree wait. Did it bounce over of a tree in Falcon and the winter soldier when he was practicing all right, all right? Well never mind that I have seen it bounce off of a tree. Probably. 42:38.20 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, I Yeah I think yeah I believe So yep, yeah, neither am I Yes, all right? um. 42:47.65 programmeral I'm not going to pull up Disney plus right now to check we are talking about ruby. 42:55.13 tonycam24 Hale locks her up and takes away all her posters ruode. Um, and then yeah verner von Strucker comes in and shows ah that they figured out how to fix the infusion Chamber so they trick mom. 42:56.16 programmeral This a. 43:07.92 programmeral Who. 43:12.38 tonycam24 Hail into coming in the room and locking her up like throwing your over a shoulder and then locking her up. Yeah. 43:13.67 programmeral Yeah, yeah, Ruby said to her mom she like hey you're You're my one weakness. So yeah, she has to listen to her so like all right? Well just get rid of her. 43:26.35 tonycam24 Yeah I was actually yeah I was wondering if it was brainwashing or maybe like red room pheromone thing but no, it's just being her mother. 43:36.44 programmeral Yeah, exactly being her mom and I mean I'm sure there's a little bit of like hey I'm also kind of controlling you from not having any other friendships right? because like there's no one else on this base anymore. It's really just them to. 43:46.93 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah. 43:54.63 programmeral That one assistant that Hail has and I guess now we've got some other people like creole and on strucker. Yeah yeah, true. Yeah yeah. 43:56.82 tonycam24 Um, von strucker. Yep and Ivan off sometimes. 44:06.29 tonycam24 Um, yeah, that's all I have I have a little bit for von struker but we just kind of talked about it so all right moving on the guy in the chair Talbot. 44:12.69 programmeral Go here. 44:20.90 programmeral Sounds good to me. Yeah I like how he takes everything colson said in stri like Colson was like yeah I ah sorry we couldn't get you sooner I really regret that but we were stuck in the future tell was like okay. Cool moving on. 44:37.64 tonycam24 Yeah, he made makes some comment about it being like some sci-fi freak show or some like that's like yeah, that's that's basically our life. 44:45.32 programmeral Yeah I actually kind of wish I wrote that down because I remember when he said it It was actually a cool line. It was like oh man you it is something like you live in some fourth dimension something something he says fourth dimension and then something else too I can't remember but it was a cool line. 45:00.97 tonycam24 Yeah. 45:04.42 programmeral Um, but yeah, he just like no matter what's wrong with his head right? because he he had you know, brain injury and all that stuff he keeps having issues but no matter what's wrong with him. He still knows that the shieldes just have some crazy life and they're just doing stuff that he'll never do and he is thankful for it. 45:19.31 tonycam24 Um, yeah, right? Yeah, and then yeah, he he feels like he's a failure. He let down his wife his country The air force everything he loves and just really. 45:24.61 programmeral Um, yeah. 45:36.34 tonycam24 And he knows that like last time he spoke to his son. He scared a son so he really wants to talk to his family again. Yeah so daisy lets it happen and apparently his wife's been compromised. Yeah. 45:38.43 programmeral In yeah. 45:49.96 programmeral Yup, yeah, you think she's still alive after this. Okay, oh. 45:54.10 tonycam24 Yes, because they need some I think they need something to hold over Talbot in case something happens. Yeah, all right anything else for general Glen Talbot 46:03.33 programmeral Yeah, it's a good point. They need some kind of leverage. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah. 46:13.36 programmeral Nope I've got nothing for him. Not a thing. How about you? Yeah, yeah, it's your turn. Yeah. 46:14.83 tonycam24 All right have about 12% of the plan way. How would you rate this episode al or you're you're giving us a no I'm supposed to think of it doing right? Oh man I didn't do it how many ah robots linked to 1 46:27.95 programmeral Oh no. 46:33.44 tonycam24 Mind Are you going give this episode. Okay. 46:34.51 programmeral Ah, ah you know I'm gonna go with 3 I think it was was pretty middle of the road I really liked the fitsibins and yo-yo part of the story. Um, you know them together especially when they're like yeah we're invincible and then me or us in the audience like. 46:43.19 tonycam24 Um, yeah. 46:51.60 programmeral Yeah, okay I guess I guess they're invincible then they're they're safe. Go ahead, do all the crazy stuff. Ah, they're not doing that crazy of things but all right. It's still pretty cool. Um, yeah, and the rest of it was was pretty good. So yeah I'm ah 3 out of 5 How about you. 46:53.67 tonycam24 There. 47:02.37 tonycam24 Yeah, yeah, ah same 3 out 5 ah for the same positives the negatives I think it was like fitsimmons yoyo got stuff to do important stuff to do and Mac and macine was good. But I think stuff with Daisy Deak and then therefore Mac is just because we need the extra drama and they didn't want to kill ruby off quite yet so they just they're stalling and it felt like a stalling tactic that I didn't like. 47:30.70 programmeral Anyway. 47:36.85 programmeral Yeah, that's true. This episode was like the direct it was directly after last week's episode like they wanted to do a ah 2 hour episode but weren't allowed to for some reason. Yeah, all right cool. 47:45.80 tonycam24 Um, yeah, yeah. 47:51.27 programmeral Well, then in that case, let's close us on out hey everyone join us next week we will continue our rewinds for season 5 agents a shield with episode 18 titled all roads lead.dot.ah in the meantime follow us on Twitter if you want to but more importantly, give us a 5 star rating on Apple Podcast or your favorite podcast app. Ah, if you want to email us um to let us know how well we're doing or have any kind of feedback for us at all. You can also email us at mc rewind at Gmail.com this is the Marvel cinematic rewind signing off. 48:23.54 tonycam24 Have a marvelous day.