And welcome to the money mindset podcast, where you will find the inspiration and motivation. You need to manage your money better. So you can stress less as living the life you want With budgets BBZ and the money mindset podcast. Today. Let's talk about fear, your fear of doing it wrong. And guess what? It's, what's keeping you stuck. Okay. I talked to so many people have free day tons every month, and you know what almost all of you are just like me, that overthink things and are perfectionist. Even if you don't think that you're a perfectionist, I certainly did it until somebody explained it to me that it was the fear of doing things wrong or you know, that you needed to do it. The quote unquote right way. I did not realize that that was perfectionist thinking. And it's keeping you stuck. You're afraid of doing things the wrong way, but what's great about personal finance and managing your money is that there is no right or wrong way. Okay. There are maybe some best practices. There are things that have worked for me. There are things that I've worked for others. You have to figure out what works best for you, because we're all different. We've got to build those habits and those routines and figure out, okay, this works for me, but this doesn't and piece it all together for a system that you can follow through with. So you have to stop letting fear of doing it wrong or doing it the right way. Keep you from making progress, because guess what? If you are doing it wrong or doing things the wrong way, at least you have figured out that that doesn't work for you. If you just don't even try it all, you won't know that. And you'll just stay stuck. If you're not doing anything, you're not failing, but you're also not succeeding. Okay? I just finished listening to Matthew McConaughey. Hay's book, the green light or green lights. I mean, sorry, green lights. And it was freaking hilarious. First of all, of course he is such a good storyteller, but his book was crazy, but it was hilarious. And one thing he said in that book that I had to write down is that stepping in shit is inevitable. Okay? And you've may have heard me before. I have this dry erase board on my office wall. And I've had it there for, gosh, I think three years now. And it says, just keep going. Success is inevitable. But the op the, what he said is also true. Stepping in shit is inevitable as well. So in order to have success, you have to step in shit sometimes, right? You have to fall down. You are not perfect. You are never going to be perfect. You have to set yourself up for success by letting yourself fail. Okay? You are human. You are always going to fail. Things are always going to come up. You're going to have roadblocks. You just learn how to handle it better. And when you have money in the bank, that's all it is. It's a little setback. It's not an emergency, but you have to get to that point for it to not be so, you know, disheartening and so destructive to your financial goals, you have to get there. That takes time. That takes some practice. That takes habits. That takes over routine. That takes figuring out what works for you. And that can take up to 90 days to figure out what works for you. So here is your permission slip to fail. Here's your permission slip to not be perfect. You don't have to get an a, okay. See, we're looking for C level right here. Okay. And that's just putting in the effort and doing what you know, you need to do to just take a step in the right direction. Okay. It's just like any success. Okay. Think about it. Just like, you know, the stock market. When you look at the trajectory of the stock market over time, it's always going up. Yes. There's peaks. There's valleys, but the overall trajectory of the stock market is going up. And the same thing goes for you. Yes. You're going to have some highs. You're going to have some lows, but as long as you keep going, you are still on your weight up. Okay. Same thing with business, which I learned over the last five years that I wish I could have just embraced sooner is there's going to be highs and there is going to be lows. But as long as you keep going, there is success. You just have to keep going, right. So let me know, what are you going to fail at? What are you going to try? I want you to just pick one small action that you can do this week. That will move you closer to your financial goals. Is it opening up a savings account at a different bank? Mind you then your primary bank, because it's too easy to transfer money back and forth. Okay. We want another separate bank. You can do that online. It literally can take you like 10 minutes. Okay. There's no excuses. Just set it up, link your checking account to it. It just creates an extra step so that you can't just quickly transfer the money back and forth, but you can still get to it if you really need it. Right. You know, it could be just tracking your expenses every day for a week. Or maybe not even everyday, maybe every day feels overwhelming. Maybe you just do it three times this week. Okay. Maybe twice. Maybe just once. If you haven't done it in ever, or you haven't done it in a long time, do it once this week, do it twice. Okay. You don't have to do it every day. Scratch that. Forget. I said that as Matthew McConaughey's mom said in the book, he said, let's just put some white out on that. Okay. Just forget. I said that, put some white out, all that. Okay. You don't have to track your expenses every day, but if you are ready to like really go all in, commit to your goals and make some progress and figure out what works for you, where your money is going. Cause you're overspending, then track it every day for a week. And then you can kind of do four days a week. Then three days of, you know, just kind of see what works for you, but you've got to do it once, right? In order to do it every day, you have to do it. Once you have to do it one day, keep it one day at a time. Okay. You can do this. Stop letting fear. And the fear of failing the fear of doing it the right way. Because you know, we're the rule followers. We feel like there should be some rules around how we do these things, right? Like such a rule follower, be a little bit of a rebel. Try some things, figure out what works for you and stop letting fear get in your way. You set energy that you're putting into overthinking things and just put it into action. Put it into one small action. Okay. And it needs to be specific, measurable, timeless. We're talking like one week. Okay. Let me know on Instagram. What your one small action is going to be this week. DME send me a message. Let me know. It'll help hold you accountable to the one small thing that you can do this week. Okay. And there are some big changes coming to the podcast starting next week. So make sure that you are following. Make sure you're following me on Instagram, but wherever you're listening to this podcast, make sure that you subscribe or follow. You know, they keep changing. It's now on apple podcasts. It's following says subscribe, but make sure you are getting the automatic downloads. We are going to be changing the entire format of the podcast for several of the episodes. I'm still going to do some interviews because I love getting other people's opinions because believe it or not, I do not know all things about finance. I know, I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. So I'm still going to do some interviews like I have been, but I'm going to do more solo episodes like this. And I am doing budget strategy sessions with you with people like you. Okay. So the information is coming, I'm still getting it all set up. I've got a bunch of episodes done. And the link for you to sign up will be in the show notes. When the time comes, I'm going to give myself another week to make sure everything is running smoothly because you know, me and technology do not always get along. So I'm making sure that it is everything is running smoothly. Again, I got to double check everything, but make sure you're following me on Instagram and on the podcast so that you can sign up for your budget strategy session and get help directly from me. So we are going to add those in, and I haven't decided yet. And I don't know if this is going to September. It might come in October, November. I'm probably going to go to two a week. So I got to figure out how I'm going to add these in with my regular episodes. But that might take me a little time. Cause you know, I'm a busy mom of three, so I gotta find some time to make extra episodes. So we'll see, we'll see how it pans out. But change is good change. And getting over that fear of change is good. Okay. I have to do it all the time in my business. And I have learned to just take action. And as one of my mentors, Callista tells, you know, says, just take messy action. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just song, just do something. Okay. And that's what I'm doing in my business right now. So that action is coming next week. And then I will have the link for you to sign up for your own session. It is coming. I'm so freaking excited for it. I have so many fun plans for you and to be able to connect with you more coming in the next like six months or so, I've got a lot of changes coming. A lot of things coming, I'm going to be able to do more coaching sessions with you. We can connect more. I'm so freaking excited about it because you know what, this is my favorite part of my job is getting to talk to you, getting to help you. And you know, honestly, I haven't been able to do that as much these past couple of years just being busy with kids homeschooling, oh my gosh, not doing that anymore. I've got one more year of preschool and then I'm going to have all day to work. Like that feels really weird to me. So I am trying to enjoy the last year of preschool with my youngest child, but I am so excited to be able to spend more time with you and be able to really connect with you guys because I am an introvert. And so, you know, I worked for myself in my office and I just don't get out enough and talk to people. So I know, I feel that feels a little selfish to say like, I want to talk to you, but it's true. Like I really want to talk with you and the opportunities for that for you to like really connect with me on zoom. One-on-one they're coming. Okay. I've gotten tons of requests over the years to do this and the time has finally come. So I'm so excited. I hope you are too. And I will catch you next month on a whole new revamp of the money mindset podcast.