And welcome to the money mindset podcast, where you will find the inspiration and motivation. You need to manage your money better. So you can stress less as living the life you want. Welcome to another episode of the money, The mindset podcast, I'm Ashley with budgets made easy. And today we're going to talk about in vesting, because I know this can very be a very scary topic for most of you. I know it was for me, it can bring up feelings of overwhelm dread and that feeling that you're never going to be able to retire. So why bother with it anyway, like that's for people who have money who have extra money to invest, but I also know that the more you learn about something, it takes the scary, unknown and overwhelm out of it. I was the same way when it came to investing, like, whew, it overwhelmed me. You know, I knew that we should probably be doing more than just our 401ks and that we could save more and do better so that we could save for our future. But just the thought of learning about stocks made my head, want to explode. So of course I afforded it and I remember being in high school and learning about the stock market. And I did not get a TV. Like I didn't understand. We learned how to pick individual stocks and research companies and the stock, ticker symbols and all of those things. And I remember numerous boys in the class being so into it and they were, they ended up buying actual stocks during the class and they were like so excited about it. And they, some of them even made a little bit of money while we were in class, but I just could not wrap my brain around it. I didn't understand it. It seemed so overwhelming to me. And that's probably because of my perfectionist brain. Like what if I picked the wrong one and I lose money? How will this all affect my taxes? Will I owe money? And what the heck is buying on margin? I still don't even understand that short stocks, you know, short sales, all that stuff. I still don't get it. There's just so many questions. So when I knew that my husband and I should be investing more, I did not want to deal with it. I finally decided to do some research on mutual funds because that's what I had heard about in the past. Like I heard financial experts talking about mutual funds, mutual funds. Like you can get 10 and 12% returns with mutual funds. So it's like, okay. Even that was confusing. When I tried to research, like there's so many different mutual funds and there's like different fee structures. And I had no clue how to do it myself. So I ended up interviewing a couple advisors, financial advisors and doing my research, taking my time, trying to figure out what the heck I was doing. What kind of fee structures, what kind of advisor, you know, kind of, what is the most effective way to do this? And you know, one of those advisors advisors was not very nice. He didn't, he didn't even seem interested in us, even though, you know, we do have the potential to invest quite a bit of money over time, obviously. And, but the other one was very friendly. He was personable. He explained these things so well that I could understand what was going on. Now that time is passive kind of forgotten a little bit of it, but he made me feel comfortable. And I feel like I understood what I was investing in. And that is so important when you're going to invest your money, you need to understand it. You need to understand what you're doing and you need to understand how it's going to help you and what the risks are like, do not invest money in something that you do not under Stan. So we did end up going with that financial advisor and he is still our financial advisor. I still like him. He's so personable. He still explains things very well, but there is a lot of fees with it. And we're still investing in the 401ks with him as we have money to do that. But I recently started learning about index funds. I'm like, okay, what the heck are index funds? I have no idea what they are. You know, I was starting to wonder if they were some kind of scheme or a skim, you know, like what everybody thought about crypto forever or NFTs. Like, and I'm not saying those are scams. It's just like that. It's kind of like everybody's initial impression when they first started coming out, like, okay, are they scams? Like, what is like, what is it? Cause you need to understand what you are investing in. If you're going to put your money somewhere, because I don't want you to lose a whole bunch of money. Right. But everything has risk. Everything in life has a risk, right? So as I started learning more about index funds, I realized, Hey, this is really a great strategy. It doesn't take a lot of time. It doesn't involve guessing the market, which of course is never a great strategy. You don't want to try and time the market. You'll never win at that. You just have to keep putting money. And, and it's not individual stock trading because that seems so risky to me. And so I, I never, you know, trade individual stocks. Like that's not my thing. I'm not, I don't like that big of a risk. So you do need to understand the risk involved, your risk tolerance and what you are able to lose, because if you lose money, it's gone and you don't want to, you know, put your whole life savings in one bucket. Right? So as I started learning about index funds, I realized, oh, the fees are substantially lower than mutual funds and you can easily do it yourself. Of course, I want you to understand what you're investing in, right? So you still need to learn about index funds. And so I ended up taking a course from personal finance clubs so that I could understand what the heck everybody was talking about and what are index funds? How do I even put my money in index funds? Like, I didn't understand it like what it was and how it worked or any of that stuff. So I took this personal finance club course, which was cheap by the way, some of these investing courses are like thousands of dollars. I think I'd be like $79 for this course, like cheap. Okay. And I could not believe how easy it was to understand the material in this course. Like he makes it so freaking easy to understand index funds and how to start your own fund and start funding your retirement without all the fees of a financial advisor. And you're still investing. And you know, of course there's always risk in everything there's risk in mutual funds, but index funds are actually better. I couldn't believe it. Like I had no idea. All I had ever heard about was mutual funds. And so that's what I thought was like this gold standard, you know, like that's what you do. You put your money in mutual funds. And so now this whole other world opened up to me with index ones that is not like, you know, individual stock trading, you know, and, and just individual companies, because that is even riskier. So now after taking this class like, oh, I feel so much more confident in my ability to invest for myself and not worry about the fees or picking the wrong fund. It seriously could not be easier for those of us that are overwhelmed with the process. Or maybe you just don't even want to like, take that extra step to talk to a financial advisor. Like you just want to do it all yourself. Right. Just go on the computer and set it up and be done and not have to like talk to anybody else because that's me too. Like I'm an introvert. I don't want to talk to more people than I need to. Right. So that's what I really loved about this course. And once I went through this course, I was like, oh, he has to come do a training for my listeners. Like he has to, because he explains things so simply and easy to understand that even a beginner like me could understand it. And it made sense. Like he's not using all this big terminology that nobody knows what the heck he's talking about. Like it's simple, it's explained very simply. So he is actually going to come to a free life trading for you. And I'm so freaking excited. So I asked him if he would come do a training and he said, yes. So I will be hosting a free training with Jeremy from personal finance club on Wednesday, March 30th, 2022, in case you're listening to this way in the future at 8:00 PM Eastern. So you can go to personal finance made easy to sign up. And in this training, he's going to teach you why saving is just not enough. Like you can't just have your savings. You need to invest which stocks to buy the easy and effective way to invest. And what buttons to click to get started. I mean, this is your crash course to getting started with investing. Plus if you are listening after this live trading, he's going to give my listeners $20 off his course, but that sales is only good until Sunday, April 3rd, at midnight, with a code budget's made easy. And I'll put the link in the show notes as well, of course, but you can go to budgets, made to check out the course. And don't forget to enter the code. Budgets made easy to save that $20 this week said 40 or $59. Like I am not kidding you when I tell you that I know of numerous investing courses that are like 2000 and more dollars, like $59 where you can learn quickly, easily, where you understand what you're doing in the risk involved. And you can just set it up in like 10 minutes online and get started. Like, it really is that simple for $59, of course, after that Sunday. So if you're listening even further into the future, it is the regular, the $79 at this time at 79, of course the price could go up because like I said, that's really cheap, but you know, I know Jeremy likes to keep things affordable for everybody. Plus he gives 20% of the revenue, not the profit, the revenue to charity. And I even get to pick which one for my sale in that awesome. Like I get to pick which charity to get the money to like, I'm so freaking excited about that. I know that sounds a little goofy and I don't know why, but that just like really makes me happy that I get to choose. So be sure if you want to learn more about Jeremy, because he shares lots and lots of really great content on Instagram and like little graphics to show you like why certain invest, you know, investing is an index funds is good. And even if you're starting late, how much you can still say, like he does all these little like infographics and comparisons of different scenarios. I love him. So go follow him on Instagram as well at personal finance club. So everything's personal finance club. Again, the training link to sign up for the free training this week is personal finance made easy to sign up. And if you can't join us live, you will automatically get the replay. And if you're watching after the webinar go to budgets, made and use the code. Budgets made easy to save $20 before Sunday. So, oh my goodness. Let me know what scares you the most about investing on your own, because it can be overwhelming, which is why I'm doing this training for you, because it doesn't have to be. And I put it off for so freaking long because I was just too scared to mess with it. So honestly, like I didn't want to deal with it. And so I procrastinate because, you know, if I can't go all in on something, if I don't know what I'm doing, it just overwhelms me and I procrastinate. And I know a lot of you are like that because you do the same thing with your budgets. I was just doing it with investing. I was putting it off and didn't want to deal with it until I took this course. And I'm like, oh, it is that easy. Like I did not know all of this. I really didn't know. And I feel like I should have known, but now is your opportunity to learn so that, you know, and you can know sooner because as personal finance club, he always says invest early and often and live below your means. And so, you know, the sooner you get started, the better, like in it doesn't matter how late you are in life, you can still invest, but the sooner the better, right. It's better to invest now than a year from now, but it's still better to get it going. Even if you feel like it's late. So come join me for the free live training with Jeremy this week. Again, that's personal finance made easy to sign up for the free training. So I am really looking forward to this. And I'm really curious if you are looking forward to it as well, because if you really like this topic and want to learn more than I can get some more free trainings going for you. So be sure to tag me on Instagram and let me know it. Budgets made easy and I will talk to you guys next week.