Allan Ritchie (00:14.241) Spring? Yeah. And you got a new puppy, so like... Allan Ritchie (00:27.813) Alright, it's believable. Definitely believable. Kids are crazy. Allan Ritchie (00:35.489) Today I thought we were going to talk about something I've been working with lately and I haven't done this other than toying with it but today we're going to be talking about Blazer, hybrid specifically. Blazer hybrid specifically. Allan Ritchie (00:57.777) Oh, you want me to explain it to you? All right. Well, it's basically modern day Razor in a browser. You can run it rendered by your server still. What do they call that? I don't remember the modes that they have for it. Or you can run it in WebAssembly, which is really where I care about it. I don't care about Blazor for any other reason other than I can run it in WebAssembly or in a Maui app. Natively. Allan Ritchie (01:36.661) Yeah, it's like a static render con static rendering, I believe, which is interesting. I guess it's to compete with the things like docasaurus. And there's another great one out there called Astro, which I use, but maybe that's what they're going for. I'm not sure. Allan Ritchie (02:01.369) Yeah, yeah, that's thick clients, man. Thick clients are better. That's my two cents on it. Allan Ritchie (02:15.941) Well, I've done a little bit of blazer, but mostly toying, right? It's really, I don't feel it's a safe sell for web assembly yet. There's a couple little performance things. I mean, Microsoft's been doing a good job improving it. The tooling is getting better. But, you know. Allan Ritchie (02:45.565) There's that and Apple was trying to very recently actually trying to kill like the apps within like within you know how you can install a website as an app. They've been trying to kill that for some time. Allan Ritchie (03:05.943) Whoa, the sound just went nuts. Are you, uh, can you nothing? Allan Ritchie (03:16.701) Okay, I'm going to try leaving and coming back. Something is messed.