Phil: [00:00:00] Chris, Chris: [00:00:00] Fell Phil: [00:00:01] why have we not done a bacon episode yet? Chris: [00:00:04] maybe because it seemed too obvious. No, actually, I don't know. I don't know why I haven't thought of it, but kind of feels like a little bit necessary now. Phil: [00:00:12] if I said that every dad in the universe likes bacon and that it's a dad thing, I think my lovely wife would kill me because I think girls love bacon just as much as boys. Chris: [00:00:24] Yeah, sure. I think so. Phil: [00:00:26] It's a mom thing. Yeah. Yeah. It's a human being thing. Chris: [00:00:29] I mean, it obviously has become like a, I don't know, not going to stereotype, but like more of a trend. Maybe it's a big, it hasn't been a trend to people in Phil: [00:00:37] you think it's overrated? Chris: [00:00:38] No, no, no, No, I don't, I don't think it's overrated because I mean, have you had bacon? Phil: [00:00:44] Only every day in my life. Chris: [00:00:46] Um, especially, especially like good bacon, like thick bacon, Phil: [00:00:51] Like, like a girthy slice of meat. Chris: [00:00:53] little fast slab Phil: [00:00:54] Yeah. Thick. Chris: [00:00:55] No, I think it has become a little bit of it's. It's become one of those uh, little, little trendy things, right. Maybe, Phil: [00:01:02] perhaps it's only trending now because people finally figured out how to make it. Like we're finally cooking bacon the proper way. It's not in a frying pan. Dan is an absolute genius. It's done in the oven. And if you are still on team pan, then I'm sorry. We'll find a new podcast for crying out loud. Yeah. Chris: [00:01:22] No, I think, I think Dan definitely definitely has the one true way there. I will agree with that, but uh, even, even more than that, on a serious level, I think, I kind of went in, wondering like, you know, how do we, how do we. In this digital age, like connect with their kids and all of this, but honestly Phil: [00:01:41] just make bacon. Chris: [00:01:42] sure. Done. Yep. That's it? Yep. Phil: [00:01:44] I'm sorry, that's not what you're going to say, Jack. Chris: [00:01:47] No, I think there's this element of I dunno, it turns out that like maybe instead of trying to fix my kids, I need to fix myself first. Cause I can definitely be like the worst offender of, you know, like technology stealing my attention. Phil: [00:02:00] Oh yeah, me too. Me too. Chris: [00:02:01] I think, I think anytime we can throw a new. New year's resolution to the mix and that might be mine. Phil: [00:02:08] It's still January, Chris: [00:02:09] Yeah, Phil: [00:02:09] but I'm with you. I don't think it's ever too late to start being a better version of yourself, you know? Chris: [00:02:14] Yeah. And I don't want to get too sappy, Phil. I don't want to get too like heartfelt here, so I'm going to leave Phil: [00:02:20] Right. Chris: [00:02:21] Dan's just changed my life. He's he's made me a better person. Phil: [00:02:24] he has me too. Yeah, and you know what? He's just a dream. He really is just a good, good guy. So, Dan, thank you so much for coming on the show. We've we're in heaven. Chris's in heaven. Chris: [00:02:34] I would say generous is the, only way to describe somebody like Dan Benjamin Phil: [00:02:39] Yeah, I can't wait to have Chris: [00:02:41] way. Phil: [00:02:41] We've got to have him on for a barbecue episode. Chris: [00:02:44] I think it's a must. So, Thank you again to Dan and be sure to check him out. He has some really fantastic podcasts out there. Uh, As we've mentioned before, back to work as a favorite of ours and all of the five by five network podcasts are. Just absolutely top-notch worth, worth your time. Dan also has a podcast hosting service called firesides dot F um, which just makes the whole, the whole podcasting process is super, incredibly easy. So, make sure to check Dan out, especially if you're looking for a new podcast to listen to Phil: [00:03:19] And if you like what you heard and you like our podcast, then, uh, do us a huge favor and subscribe and give us five stars on Apple podcasts. It really means a lot to have that support. And, um, you can also check us out at dad's kitchen co on pretty much all the social medium platforms