Hi Divas! I’m so glad you’re listening today. I made something special for us. After going through an intense period of burn-out in 2017, I knew I needed to make some changes in my life to avoid feeling that way again in the future. I hadn’t spent a lot of time with guided meditations or affirmations before then but I heard one of my mentor’s voices in my head saying, “just throw everything at it.” So, I did. I found that I really enjoyed certain guided meditations and affirmations and I love them in audio form for when I’m walking the dog or getting ready. In fact, I even make personalized tracks for my clients. If you’re interested, you can find them for purchase in my store on my website meganihnen.com. Remember, that’s m-e-g-a-n i-h-n-e-n. I find that when I’m listening to my affirmations, my brain can really run wild “decorating the idea” - I love to embellish it and add on to it the more I listen. If you’re into law of attraction stuff, there’s a “17 second rule” that states that the manifestation process begins once a single thought has been held for 17 seconds. I tried to create the pauses between the phrases in this meditation to allow for that amount of time so that you can really let the idea take hold. Anyway, here is my affirmations for divas track for you to listen to whenever you might need a little more oomph. LET ME TAKE A MOMENT TO REMIND YOU WHO YOU ARE You are a brave, bold, and valuable musician. You are doing your best and always getting better. You are a confident and successful performer. You are a unique and fascinating human. You are powerful and fearless in your art-making CLAIM THIS NOW: TODAY I CHOOSE TO be happy and joyful during my practice sessions. be grateful for my voice and my musicianship be proud of myself. release negative self talk absolutely own my power in rehearsal and performance take in valuable feedback and ignore harmful judgment or criticism. accept rejections without letting it break my stride. Be present in every moment for inspiration and growth. feel good about the musical choices I make. Love my body because it is my instrument. FEEL INTO THE SPACE OF Hitting your income goals through the musical work you love doing Using your voice in fun and fulfilling ways Having a completely full gig calendar SAY IT WITH ME I find joy in auditioning and performing I consistently impress and delight directors and audition panels. I regularly perform on the worlds’ most lauded stages. It is safe for me to dream big and act on those dreams. VISUALIZE NOW Being a respected authority in your field. Winning the grant you applied for Working with a respectable agent or manager who is working toward your mutual success. Being a grammy award-winning musician Your life bursting at the seams with new gigs, opportunities, awards, residencies, and more income. WHEN I RUN INTO CHALLENGES I will stay positive and seek solutions I will turn to my singing team for advice and support I will remember that it’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them. I know that good things will continue to happen in my life. I can rest and recover without fear. WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE to have prosperity and abundance flowing to you and through you? to level up in your musical career? to be a magnet for incredible musical colleagues? to overcome any anxiety you have around performing? REPEAT AFTER ME I am a gig and opportunity magnet I welcome abundance, visibility, and growth I am the CEO of my musical business With each breath, I become calmer, stronger, and more confident I am not worried by the things I can’t control I can be happy for my friends and colleagues because good things are happening to me too. I am worthy of attention HOW DOES IT FEEL TO Celebrate your next album release? Completely believe in yourself and your abilities? Perform your dream repertoire in your ideal venue? Be proud of the musician you are? TAKE A MOMENT TO DREAM NOW. WHAT HAVEN’T I SAID? WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WANT TO JOYFULLY BRING INTO YOUR LIFE? IT’S ALL YOURS. TODAY AND EVERYDAY.