111 === [00:00:00] Dom: You can't just uber down the monitors? [00:00:04] Charlie: I got other things to do. I got other things to do. You gotta get a good slice of pizza? Uh, I get a good slice of pizza. Can I have it again? [00:00:12] Dom: That's the bit. That was the joke, Charlie. Um. [00:00:16] Charlie: Um. [00:00:24] Josh: Okay.[00:00:30] [00:00:54] Charlie: What's up, everybody. Welcome to the Over Cheaters Gaming Vash. Joined as always by [00:01:00] Ashi Pastrami, as well as the world builder, house critiquer, and Himself, Chef Krondo. What's up everybody? Oh look, there's a cat and I don't remember which one. Is that Polly or June? [00:01:12] Dom: It's Polly. Hey sweet baby Polly. She's mad. [00:01:16] Yeah, she's like, you need to put me down right now. She just wants to, she wants to lay on my lap and I won't let her. Cause I have to, I have to like sink. Cause it's too tall. She'll fall off my lap. Cat [00:01:30] problems. What's up, boys? What's [00:01:31] Charlie: up, everybody? Welcome to the podcast this week on episode 111. We are now all living in vaults. [00:01:39] Essentially is what we're doing. That's [00:01:41] Dom: Fallout 76. I quickly dropped Fallout 4 for Diablo 4. [00:01:46] Charlie: Or Diablo, because they're all like, you know, they're all vault nightmare vaults, dungeons, whatever. It doesn't matter. [00:01:51] Josh: So I re downloaded Fallout 4 and like, You've also re downloaded Diablo 4 too, right? Yeah. I did, but I haven't played it. [00:01:58] Um, [00:02:00] I, oh, then you do the intro. [00:02:01] Charlie: I didn't finish it, but continue. Well, it doesn't matter. No, no, no, no, no, no. Fuck me. [00:02:05] Josh: It's okay. No, no, no. Fuck me. [00:02:07] Dom: Well, I tentatively it's fuck Charlie. It was actually fuck Charlie. And then it was fucked. It's always fuck [00:02:12] Josh: Charlie though. That's like, that's like the theme of that's like our stick is like the first five minutes have to be interrupting Charlie trying to do the intro so that he can never actually do the intro. [00:02:23] Charlie: You know, I can just meet all of you later, I don't have to listen to you. [00:02:25] Dom: I double dog [00:02:30] dare you to do that shit. If you want to do that later, that's fine. But right now. Zen. [00:02:35] Charlie: What do you want? You can find us on Instagram, OG to podcast or Twitter is over achievers PR our website is OG podcast. FML. Get this episode. [00:02:42] You Oh, I can't get through. We get this episode and every episode we're talking about what we're playing, what we're looking forward to a little bit of gaming news and you can also, uh, find us on patreon. com slash OGpod and thank you very much to Lyle77 and OSUBD for their contributions. Without you, we do not make this podcast. [00:02:59] Dom: Is [00:03:00] Lyle in our discord? [00:03:01] Charlie: I believe so. He comes on the, he comes on the stream. No, yeah, I see him [00:03:05] Dom: in the stream. We're going to add him to our Patreon only, uh, Discord. I think he's in, [00:03:09] Charlie: I'll have to double check it. I don't think so. It, it, it syncs. So it syncs between Patreon and Discord. So if he's in there, it'll sync. [00:03:16] Um, so with that too, um, you can, if you want to become a Patreon member and help us out, you can go to patreon. com slash OGpod and that will get you there. Um, as well as, uh, there was something else I wanted to say, and I don't remember what it was, but anyway, [00:03:30] cool, here we are, Sunday, thanks everyone for coming out. [00:03:34] Oh, that's what it was, Twitch. If you want to watch us stream this live, you can go to twitch. tv slash OGpodcast. Or is it OGpod, I don't remember what OG, I think it's [00:03:43] Josh: OGpodcast. [00:03:43] Charlie: Oh yeah, it's literally in the stream, in the thing above my head. Yeah. In the, in the stream. So, uh, yeah, thanks everyone. Okay, uh, so this week, I guess we've all Played nothing at all. [00:03:55] It's been no changes. We've just been hanging out not doing anything Um [00:04:00] dad life is whatever. It's fine. So [00:04:02] Josh: Yeah, I don't play video games. I'm just a sham. [00:04:04] Charlie: We've all quit. This is this is our exit episode. Thanks to everyone Five years. It's been fun. [00:04:09] Josh: I definitely haven't been playing a buttload of world of warcraft and fall 76 Definitely haven't been playing a lot of Diablo [00:04:22] Charlie: 4 and Fallout 76 and other stuff. [00:04:25] No, I definitely haven't been doing any of that stuff. [00:04:27] Josh: I have not been playing any Fallout or Diablo [00:04:30] 4, but, um, you two have. [00:04:34] Charlie: Oh, I definitely haven't. I don't know what you're talking about. Charlie, how, how, how far, how, I can't speak. Um, and you're ragging on me for not getting through the intro. [00:04:44] Dom: Hey, I have been in the woods. [00:04:47] For two days, three days? What is [00:04:49] Charlie: that? It's, uh, like the trees outside my house. [00:04:51] Dom: Yes. I was camping in your trees. [00:04:53] Josh: So were you like a skin walker now? [00:04:55] Dom: I am. I'm what you call regular reference old Davy Davey Crockett. I'm a, [00:05:00] I'm a woodsman outdoorsman. [00:05:01] Charlie: Mm. [00:05:02] Dom: I made a fire with my hands [00:05:04] Charlie: king. All of the old frontier with these hands. [00:05:07] The crock. [00:05:08] Dom: Uh, [00:05:09] Josh: do you feel, do you feel extra manly? [00:05:13] Dom: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I guess so. I feel pretty manly enough. [00:05:17] Josh: You said that with a question mark, so I'm not convinced. I don't [00:05:21] Dom: know if I need to build a fire in my hands to feel manly. [00:05:24] Josh: Yeah, but it adds like plus 10 manly points. [00:05:28] Dom: I'm pretty confident that I can [00:05:30] beat up like 90 percent of like just normal people. [00:05:33] So I don't think I need the extra points from building a fire. You know gotcha gotcha about the fire aspect, you know what I mean? Yeah Yeah So is the is the [00:05:45] Josh: is the 10 that you can't beat up are those professional fighters [00:05:51] Dom: It's either people who've trained because even if you train a little tiny bit If you know how to throw any kind of punch You're already better than the normal human being on the street because most people punch you're gonna probably break their wrists [00:06:00] Because they don't know how to punch you're either at someone you've trained any sort of martial art because that adds a little bit of uptick. [00:06:05] Yeah. You're probably like Russian. The Russians are scary. They are. They are. [00:06:09] Josh: Yeah. [00:06:09] Dom: Albanians to throw those in there. Um, uh, who else? Um, yeah, I don't know. Maybe that, maybe that's it. Anyone who's fought Russians or Albanians, they scare me. [00:06:24] Josh: Gotcha. So if I've gotten my ass kicked by a Marine, does that mean that I qualify under the category of knowing how to fight?[00:06:30] [00:06:30] Charlie: No, that just means you know how to receive a fight. Uh, [00:06:37] Dom: what were we talking about? Oh, yes, Diablo 4. Diablo 4 is back, baby. D4 is back. It only took them a whole year. We looked at them a whole year! Uh, which is the same thing, actually no, in Diablo 3, Actually, I'm really curious about this. Diablo 3 Vanilla, right? [00:06:55] Uh, Diablo 3 release date was May 15th, 2012, [00:07:00] right? Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls was two years later, March 25th, 2014. It took Diablo 3 two years. To give them a game, redefining expand. See, this is an expansion. See, this is the, this is the difference. Diablo three vanilla was not a very good game. Diablo three Reaper souls was an entirely different game. [00:07:26] I would argue that Diablo 4's Season [00:07:30] 4, the Loot Reborn, isn't a completely different, uh, redesign of the game, or shift in the game and its mechanics. It just probably is what it should have been at launch. And I was watching a really good video by, uh, Ryker. If you don't know Ryker, Ryker does really he used to be only Diablo content, but then once, like, Diablo kind of dried up, he moved on. [00:07:48] But Ryker is a great source of video game content in general. Riker had a video yesterday about like Diablo 4, is it back or whatever, you know, type of thing. And it was saying like, [00:08:00] hopefully for some people it's not too little too late. Um, and he's like, I can't fault Blizzard for not doing these things because it's not like, it's not like they didn't make a good game at the start. [00:08:11] There just wasn't enough, but they took almost all the feedback that could have happened in the last year and they put it into Loot Reborn. And so it's definitely not a game redefining. Like season or patch or update, but it definitely is the quality of life. The game has jumped way up. And so like, would we get another, like different thing, like a year where [00:08:30] they completely redesign everything and it's better, but as it stands with reborn, cause I played season one. [00:08:36] Actually, I don't even know technically the season without yet. I played when the game came out, I got to, I finished the story. I got my bar. I got my drew what I think to level 70 or whatever. And I was like, okay, I don't really care enough. But I didn't really feel the grind like the grind and like trying to like upgrade my loot find stuff I need Get the aspects, you know, even unlock the whole map I didn't really give a [00:09:00] shit, but I don't know everything that seems like not easier, but it seems much more streamlined right now So like I have like nearly every aspect I need And I'm just ripping through Helltide stuff. [00:09:11] I haven't started doing Nightmare Dungeons yet. I only did that with you when you were power level. What is the end game? Like, what do you do in the end game? I think the pit, I think the pit is the end game. The pit [00:09:19] Charlie: seems like the end game and that's essentially greater rifts. Right. [00:09:22] Dom: Yeah. Which is what I love. [00:09:24] I love grinding those. So like, I'm excited to get to that point and really try to rip those up. [00:09:30] Um, But so far I've also, I think, I do think I just didn't enjoy the druid and quite frankly, when I played the game, when it came out, I should just switched. Switched classes. Whatcha are you playing? [00:09:39] Charlie: You're doing other stuff. [00:09:40] I think you're doing a lot of war hammer stuff when that came out too. [00:09:42] Dom: Yeah. But like I'm still doing that now and I'm playing different prior, [00:09:46] Josh: you know what I mean? Yeah. But what are playing now? Aro? Oh yeah. I mean, the rogues are kind of op. [00:09:54] Dom: I mean, they're definitely not like the most up here right now is between Barbarian and Necromancer. [00:09:58] Oh, really? A good, [00:10:00] like, there's like the tiers, right? S tier is like Roland Bar and like Minion Necro. And then, like, in the A, there's like four different rogue builds, which is nice because that's not, you know, usually that's not the case where a single class has that many, um, that many viable builds, I guess. [00:10:16] But, oh, and Bone Spirit, I guess. Actually, no, sorry. Interesting, because if you go to like the tier, like on like, you know, max roll, S tier, minion necro, shadow minion necro, bone spirit necro. I [00:10:30] could've swore though that uh, the whirlwind barb, This is interesting. [00:10:35] Charlie: It might be, there's like uh, arrows indicating whether or not it was up or down. [00:10:39] Dom: Oh, this was updated, because the whirlwind barb, They were thinking that I was gonna get um, nerfed because there was an item that made it so that like, There was just like 40 whirlwinds on screen at once and it just was deleting everything. Oh, you mean [00:10:52] Charlie: the dust devil? [00:10:53] Dom: Dust devil, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:10:56] But it looks like that's not, that's under BG. No, not the case, [00:11:00] [00:11:00] Charlie: not the case no more. [00:11:02] Dom: Huh. Uh, but yeah, I've, I've been really enjoying it. I'm really excited to keep grinding for better stuff. Uh, because that's what I like to do. I like, that's the funny thing about Diablo. It's not like, what is the end game? [00:11:14] The end game is just making your. Gear better time of year. It's min. It really is like min maxing and just ripping Dungeons and trying to make that shit. Okay, Polly. What what do you what do you want? [00:11:26] Josh: She's been she's been crawling around on you this whole time [00:11:30] [00:11:30] Dom: So, yeah, I I'm at level 70 I only started playing it last week Charlie was gracious enough to give me some love It's funny though cuz in d3 dude, if you wanted to go from 0 to 100 It was like 10 minutes max of just sitting in a dungeon And your friend is clearing it, and you were at 100 level, then you started doing your own shit. [00:11:48] So much different in Diablo 4. Like, you can't really do that. Like, [00:11:52] Charlie: No, you can sort of do it, but it takes a little bit longer. It takes a little bit longer, but you don't [00:11:56] Dom: need to. That's the difference. You don't really need to, though. Because in Diablo 3, you [00:12:00] couldn't touch anything. Cause like, if you, you know, if you were in a certain, you know, greater rift or the world, whatever, because there weren't world levels, you would die instantly, yeah, but the scaling of this is just so much better. [00:12:13] Like the way, and I think that's actually not something that's talked about very often is the scaling of this game has done very well. So if I'm level 15, you're level 80. I could still like run around with you. I can't really do much, but I can still run around and like, try to like, just get levels and get gear and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, [00:12:30] that's my, that's my whole D three spiel. [00:12:33] So it sounds like you're really enjoying this, uh, [00:12:35] Charlie: D4 and D3. Sounds like you're really enjoying this season, then. [00:12:41] Dom: Oh, yeah, definitely. Well, also, yeah, I think I just, I just, I really think I should have just made a Rogue at the beginning, because that's always my playstyle. It's very fast, ranged. Like silly build type of deal. [00:12:52] And I think that's why silly build, I'll probably end up making a, a, a, uh, a, a wizard after this [00:12:57] Charlie: wizard. Sorcerer. Sorcerer, sorcerer's. Great. I'm a big fan of [00:13:00] that. Um, I think like sorcerer is also like second in second in line. I am enjoying the, so I'm playing the, I just. Don't like I just don't want to play the afk build. [00:13:09] Yeah, I want to play the afk build I want to play so I want to I don't want to like fuck around with like Oh, let me min max this thing and squeeze every little dps that I can out of a character class I was like, I just want to play what's fun Uh, there's a lot of people who've done a lot of that work for me. [00:13:22] So i'm like i'm happy to have that So let me just let me just play the game the the class that's just like op as fuck and then i'm just gonna have a good [00:13:30] time Playing with it because I really what i'm doing is. Um I'm playing It's like, I just want to play. I just want to play through the seasonal content. [00:13:37] I want to get to like, rank 80. Uh, I want to fart around with some stuff. I want to clear things with my homies. Uh, and that's about it. Like, I don't really care about like, pushing to the end of the pit or the greater rifts or whatever it is. I was playing with a friend of mine yesterday. Um, he's like, one of my childhood friends I haven't like, really talked to in a long time. [00:13:56] And so he and I, just like, we're just pushing. Content I think we [00:14:00] got to like rank 40 or something like that Um, and I tried a different survivability build for the necro and I don't really like it They kind of put me off because I spent all my gold and uh, because gold's like Before I was like gold was like comically unused at all Now it's like you need a lot of gold to do stuff. [00:14:16] Definitely not the [00:14:17] Dom: case anymore. [00:14:17] Charlie: Not the case anymore So now I have to like spend some time Like going through and doing a couple more whisper events and maybe doing some more dungeon stuff lower tier stuff [00:14:29] Dom: Well, I mean, it seems like [00:14:30] the whisper the whispers are the key to getting gold you get millions of gold each whisper turn in [00:14:35] Charlie: Yeah, exactly. [00:14:35] It's like [00:14:36] Dom: the nice thing is farming Helltides is like you can Simultaneously do Helltide and Whispers of the same time, which is so nice. Exactly, [00:14:42] Charlie: exactly. And that's why I [00:14:43] Dom: think it's so nice about the season, you could like do multiple, multiple things at once. It's not like you have to go, I need to do this to farm this, stop, I need to do this to farm this, stop, I need to do this to farm this, stop. [00:14:52] The [00:14:53] Charlie: only caveat to that, and they did, they introduced this last season and they didn't do it this season, and I'm really kind of [00:15:00] upset about it. Um, is last season, because I've played all the seasons, right? I played, I played at launch and then I'm, um, Don't you owe me a season? [00:15:07] Dom: Do I win a bet? [00:15:08] Charlie: Yes, you won a bet when they were going to introduce it and I was off by a week. [00:15:11] So yes, I do owe you a season. [00:15:13] Dom: Next [00:15:13] Charlie: season. Um, I forgot all about that. Just keep pushing it. It's fine. That's so funny. The, the thing that like is kind of as annoying for me, um, right now, and I'm just like, I was kind of pissed off about it was, so last season they introduced, um, it was like seasonal construct. [00:15:28] They had this whole [00:15:30] new. Area in the game where you need to get um, it's like a whole new dungeon thing. It was super fast It was like really great. I really enjoyed how fast based those dungeons work. You can do a dungeon in like three four minutes. [00:15:41] Dom: Yeah [00:15:42] Charlie: To get the new seasonal requirements to upgrade your gems to upgrade your or your construct items or whatever it was called to It also gave you Glyph XP, so you didn't have to run Nightmare Dungeons. [00:15:56] You could run this as well, so you could do the same, uh, do them both at the [00:16:00] same time. I wish they had Glyph sort of leveling in Nightmare Dungeon, or Nightmare 2. And, uh, Hilltides, so that way I can choose what I want to do. I don't want to like, okay, I'm going to run all these Hilltides. Now I'm going to go through and run all the nightmare dungeons again, which is what I've done forever. [00:16:17] Dom: Yeah. I mean, that kind of makes sense though, because like there should be some separation because you can't do everything in all the same area or else it would just be like way too fast. [00:16:27] Charlie: I just want, I, yeah, I just want variety. That's [00:16:30] it. Just let me pick and choose what I want to do with my times. Right [00:16:33] Dom: now though, between like. [00:16:35] Nightmare Dungeons world bosses hell tides [00:16:38] Charlie: no because you still if you want to upgrade your if you want to get like build out Your character you have to run nightmare dungeons to level up your glyphs glyph XP, and it's still such a long grind to do it [00:16:47] Dom: I mean, I love the dungeons. I actually was about to ask you like I want to start doing But I've [00:16:53] Charlie: been playing solo so it gets real boring real sure I [00:16:57] Dom: mean, yeah, there was so much better I think it's [00:17:00] like night and day like What is it what is a nightmare dungeon actually because I've only ever done it when I'm like Following you? [00:17:07] Charlie: I mean, Nightmare Dungeon just has like different affixes. They've changed those around a lot, by the way. So where do [00:17:12] Dom: you [00:17:12] Charlie: enter the dungeons? That's what she said. [00:17:15] Josh: Why would she say that? I like to enter, I like to enter the dungeons from the back door. But what? [00:17:24] Charlie: Yeah, there's always You can just port to them, it's fine. [00:17:28] Josh: Dom's like, I don't like this. [00:17:29] Charlie: [00:17:30] I don't like this conversation. Just [00:17:32] Dom: talk to me. [00:17:32] Charlie: Just the, uh Nightmare Dungeons, you can either craft sigils, uh, through the occultist, or you find them in the world and you activate them, so Oh, the sigils Get you in the dungeon correct you activate them They have certain so before they used to have like one small little bonus, and then a lot of negative stuff So like you would do a bunch of stuff, and it was just really kind of annoying they've changed it So it's like it's one bonus and like one negative affects, and that's about it like they only [00:18:00] have like Like the storm Bane's wrath. [00:18:02] I had all these what [00:18:03] Dom: the fuck is this for [00:18:04] Charlie: yeah, so you use that to Use that to start the nightmare dungeon. This is your first time playing d4 [00:18:12] Josh: Pretty much it's probably his first time. I think he leveled to like 40 last time and then stopped [00:18:20] Charlie: Fucking joke Charlie, okay, I'm tired. Okay, you know what? [00:18:25] Dom: here [00:18:26] Charlie: All right, are you gonna [00:18:27] Dom: rage [00:18:27] Charlie: quit? [00:18:28] Dom: You're gonna rage quit the [00:18:30] cast so I open this back up because I opened d4 back up someone talk about this actually because I Want to do nightmare dungeon so I have A bunch of these sigils, right? [00:18:39] Charlie: Mm hmm. And what does it say? [00:18:40] Hover over it. What does it say? [00:18:41] Dom: So, like, there's a few, right? I have, like, core dragon barracks nightmare sigil. But it says tier 45. Is that, like, level 45? a whack one? [00:18:51] Charlie: So, tier 45 means it's the So, the nightmare dungeons go all the way up to tier 100. Um, so, typically what the I forget what [00:19:00] the actual, like Um, the, the number, oh, the number of the enemies are, it might actually tell you now, so essentially it will tell you what the level monster [00:19:08] Dom: level 99. [00:19:09] Charlie: Yeah, so that's what Okay, so those are [00:19:10] Dom: hard. [00:19:11] Charlie: Yeah, so it's essentially, it's 50 plus whatever the Oh, okay, so yeah, [00:19:15] Dom: and I have one like monster level 75, monster level 76, which I could probably do those. [00:19:20] Charlie: Yeah, so what you want to do actually for Nightmare Dungeons to be efficient in it is you want to choose anything that's a night, that's a monster level between 10 and 20. [00:19:27] 20 levels. So, because [00:19:30] 10 levels above your level right now is like the, because you can kill them fast and you get a good XP and you can run through them the dungeon. Mm-Hmm. . Because in reality what you're doing is you're farming xp, you're farming gear, and you're farming glyph, xp. Um, because you gotta take your glyphs, I think to level 20 is the, is the max level. [00:19:45] Uh, 15 is where you need all your glyphs to be, to um, to essentially have like the double range of the. of the stats. I wish you, honestly, I wish those were like 10. I wish it wasn't 15. If it was 10, it'd [00:20:00] be great because it takes a couple runs. The problem is, like, when you start to do your initial build, and you're like, well, I want to try something else, you now have to level your entire glyph again. [00:20:10] Which takes about three hours per glyph to do. That makes sense. Of just doing that one glyph you're trying to do. So it gets, it's better than it was, but it's still like taxing. I just wish it was like half the level. So if it was like level 10, cause you can do, you can run one dungeon, uh, and gets like level nine, seven or nine. [00:20:28] That makes sense. In one dungeon. So [00:20:30] anyway, that's my biggest gripe with it right now. But, um, like I said, I've been playing mostly solo. Um, uh, Stan and I have played a little bit, but like, um, I've just been, Biding my time between d4 and fallout 76 so but if you're gonna be on later when I get back from my my errands In the city, I'm happy. [00:20:45] Yeah, [00:20:45] Dom: I'll probably be on all day. I'm really trying to grind a bunch today. [00:20:49] Charlie: Yeah, it's fun I might switch back to a different build I was looking for different bills to run the pit because I think that's the next thing I want to do Yeah, but I don't I'm not a big fan of like [00:21:00] the one I was like, oh you can solo this to like pit 100 and I It's not my play style. [00:21:06] Yeah, it's not fun so I now I have to like Get another 10 million goal or so to redo all of my stuff again, and I'm just like this is annoying. [00:21:12] Dom: Well, that's why I really like the rapid fire rogue I've been building out because it's good for Pit speed farming bosses like mm hmm. Yeah, I just need to get that stupid fucking ring that I can't get [00:21:27] Charlie: Why can't you get it? [00:21:29] It [00:21:30] hasn't dropped [00:21:30] Dom: for me yet. [00:21:30] Charlie: Yeah, it's an uber rare drop for Dom. So the thing is that like, I would be more than happy to run all that stuff all the time. But I still need my glyph XP. Like for instance, I'm not going to run Nightmare [00:21:42] Dom: Dungeons all day long. [00:21:43] Charlie: But like, I want to do, I want to help you get that ring. [00:21:45] And like, but you can only get that ring from getting the explicit blood, which really only drops from like the nightmare tier. I looked [00:21:50] Dom: it up cause it's starting to really get on my nerve. And what does it say? It does drop from, I think it actually does drop from, um, drops from world bosses too. Just from world [00:22:00] bosses, but it also said it drops from, it does, it run nightmare dungeons. [00:22:05] Charlie: It does. Okay. [00:22:06] Dom: Yeah. To raise your chance of getting Sound of Chaos, participate in world events like gathering legions, slay world bosses, or run nightmare dungeons as these are the best for acquiring the high tier loot. [00:22:16] Charlie: It's [00:22:16] Dom: just crazy though that we did like 10 times we did Ward sir, that's [00:22:22] Charlie: that's [00:22:22] Josh: Diablo Surprised I wish I was into Diablo man. [00:22:28] I [00:22:30] just can't get it. Oh wait required world to your world tier 5 [00:22:35] Dom: That's not a thing right? That's not a thing. What the hell that just must be that must been Yeah, type of Someone's just [00:22:42] Charlie: trying to throw shade. That's all. [00:22:43] Dom: Hey, what do you mean? Uh, Josh, you like Diablo. I don't. I don't like [00:22:47] Josh: Diablo [00:22:48] Dom: 4. Diablo, uh, okay. [00:22:50] That's fair. It, it [00:22:53] Josh: Tell us why. Yeah, I think, I think I'm just too, I think I'm too You know, this is the same problem I have with WoW. Like, I play WoW Classic. Like, I [00:23:00] don't play Retail. I find the game is very convoluted and it's drops and I can't stand it. Like I don't like, uh, I don't know. Like when I played Diablo two, just too much. [00:23:15] It's just too much. It's just too much. The same thing with path of exile. I think I just don't like the fact that [00:23:19] Dom: it's definitely too fucking much. Oh my God. [00:23:20] Josh: Way too much, dude. Like you're not even, you're not even picking up like 90 percent of the stuff that drops on the ground. And that feels bad to me. [00:23:26] Statistics major to play. [00:23:30] I don't know if maybe they made it better, but the reason that I really didn't like Diablo 4 the first time was because all I would do was, is I would go out, we would go out, we would farm one dungeon, I would fill up my inventory, and then I'd have to sit there for like 10 to 15 minutes trying to figure out like, is this an upgrade? [00:23:47] Is that an upgrade? I can't, I [00:23:48] Dom: can't wait to tell you. How better? Yes. The answer is yes. Yes, they fixed that. Yes, they fixed that. [00:23:54] Charlie: Not, they haven't fully fixed it. There's still up arrows telling you whether or not it's better than not. But for the most part, you can [00:24:00] ignore yellows. [00:24:00] Dom: Yeah, ignore yellows. And then everything else, if you just straight, if you go to the blacksmith, And you just salvage every single thing in your inventory. [00:24:09] Yeah. Automatically adds the upgraded aspect to your codex. [00:24:13] Charlie: Yeah, and they've made it only three. I think it's like a maximum of four items per legendary. I think it's mainly three. But it's also, they've completely removed a like, half of the affixes that didn't really matter. Like you don't need to have like, shadow damage on critical strike if the enemy is [00:24:30] 15 minutes, 15 meters away. [00:24:31] And also it has like, uh, Dingleberry. I don't know. Something like that. But it's great for, um, Ooh, we got a little bot! Look at that. Someone's buying that. I don't have access to [00:24:41] Dom: it. Wait, wait. I'm trying to. Why did it say the user doesn't exist? I got it. I got it. I want [00:24:44] Charlie: to do this. You got it? Okay. [00:24:45] Dom: Uh, yeah. [00:24:46] So I hear you. That is, uh, I would give that portion of, it's annoying, but this, I don't know. I would give [00:24:52] Charlie: it a [00:24:52] Josh: try. [00:24:53] Dom: Well, I'm not [00:24:53] Josh: going to because why'd [00:24:55] Dom: you download? Why'd you just tease this down that fucking, that [00:24:57] Josh: I don't Well, I was going to, I was [00:25:00] going to, but it's like that listen thing ever. Hey guys, I'm downloading it. [00:25:03] Hey, first of all, I have been, I, I have never not been playing game. I, I'm a fucking loser that plays video games seven days a week. Okay? I just play you right now 'cause I play war Hammer. I'm calling. Yeah, I am calling you out. I'm calling both of you out because you over there got a fucking, you got a fucking son and you work with like, you know, cool people like Ryan Reynolds and shit like that. [00:25:26] You film like intros to Rexum. Dom's got his Warhammer [00:25:30] shit. Me, I'm just a fucking degenerate that plays World of Warcraft seven days a week. So if you're a degenerate, maybe you could be degenerate. I really, what I really need to do is, is I need to quit bullshitting and I need to like actually do some social media stuff for us so that I can like just quit my job and, and do this shit full time. [00:25:49] But like, I'm an actual idiot and I don't. And I'm a professional procrastinator. That's, uh, that's first of all, you're not an idiot. Number one, . I know I'm not an idiot, but being so [00:26:00] detrimental yourself, I, I am idiot. Listen, I am definitely a hundred percent a professional procrastinator. That is without a shadow of a doubt, a true statement. [00:26:08] And I'm not even being detrimental to myself, is just, that is the realness of it. But like, like I was telling Charlie. Like I was telling Charlie yesterday, I was sat down with my wow friends and I've like for fucking 30 minutes sat there and did like, you know, professional reviews of people's homes like, you know, walk around like, Oh, this is a nice home, you know, like it fought 76, but I should have been recording it. [00:26:25] And I don't know why I didn't cause I had, I have the stream labs open. All I had to do is just hit the record button. [00:26:30] So I'm just a bonehead. But uh, anyways, back to, [00:26:34] Dom: um, wow. The auto mod tagged OSU for, uh, Degenerate not for idiot. That is [00:26:44] Josh: That's how you know That's how you know that like that word is used so much on twitch that somebody out there gets offended That's the thing you listen to call me a degenerate To call me a degenerate for playing WoW, I'm gonna be like, yeah, you're right. Like, to [00:27:00] somebody that gets offended when they're called a degenerate, you're a fucking loser. [00:27:03] I'm sorry. Like, straight up. You, being called a degenerate is almost like a compliment in the gaming world these days. So, I don't know. I mean, when do you hear somebody being called a degen and they're not awesome at the game they play? Hmm? That's right. So, um, 2024, baby. Degens are in the cool now. We're cool. [00:27:25] He's like, just like there's dozens of us. Dozens of us, [00:27:30] dozens. There's thousands of us here. Lemme, hold on, let's, lemme go pull up how many people I'm doing. The rest of the, oh, the rest of it. How many people are streaming on Twitch right now? Like, there's a, there's a whole bunch of DJs right there like that. [00:27:41] You wanna hear one of the most degenerate grinds on the planet Earth is trying to become a Twitch streamer in 2024. Like, I mean it is, I'm not saying that in a bad way. I'm saying it in, you have to, here we are. No, you have to grind a lot if you wanted to like, yeah, but we're not only trying to become famous I don't know how many people like young young kids like [00:28:00] 18 17 19. [00:28:02] Yeah. Well, you're famous in your you're famous when it comes to your mom Just like me doing your mom always thinks you're famous. You know what I'm saying? Like that was Very no, no, I wasn't saying No, no, no, I, you know how you, like, people always say, like, uh, Oh, you guys. Yeah, I'm a super streamer. You [00:28:21] Dom: want to see streamers get naked? [00:28:23] Then go here. [00:28:23] Josh: No, [00:28:24] Dom: you're getting banned too. Why are there so many bots? [00:28:27] Josh: Because that's what Twitch is in 2024. You [00:28:30] work for them. Come on now, man. You is a problem over there? No, because you're not on that team. You're on the, you're on the sponsorship team. So you actually. Is he going robotic for YouTube? [00:28:38] He's [00:28:38] Charlie: going, he's going pastel. He's going. Or losing him. Artistic. [00:28:42] Josh: What did I do? What am I doing? I have nothing. It says, it says your connection is unstable. Hide incoming video. You know, how about I just close the Twitch stream? How about that? Maybe that'll help. I don't know. I, I, It, [00:28:55] Dom: it, it. Oh, he's doing that on purpose now. [00:28:58] You're, now you're good. So yeah, [00:29:00] I thought he was, I thought he was actually losing. [00:29:01] Josh: I had to close the Twitch train. I dunno what's going on my computer. Like, I, it is definitely time for me to, it's probably internet. Just burn Comcast to the ground, metaphorically speaking, not literally. And, um, you had to throw that disclaimer out there 'cause you know, um, people would be data mining the [00:29:18] Dom: internet. [00:29:19] OSU is going to report you. [00:29:20] Josh: Hey, man, this shit's out there. And you know, the, the overlords are data mining everything with AI. So you're getting a job in your, in your marriage. But did you in 2024, so you want [00:29:30] to burn? I'll be like, in fact, yes, in fact, I did. Yes. In fact, I did. Um, metaphorically speaking, uh, what were we talking about? [00:29:40] Fallout 76. Game's fucking great, man. I, you know what, you know what the thing about the game is? Is that it was not great when it came out, and it's like, I, I feel like, if the show didn't come out, it wouldn't get the attention that it's deserving right now. Because Oh, so you're saying [00:29:56] Charlie: that a game who came out that didn't meet your expectations has gotten [00:30:00] better with the gameplay over time. [00:30:02] Get the [00:30:02] Josh: shit out of here. Listen, I play, listen, Cataclysm comes out on Monday, I got shit to do, I got, yeah. Yeah. Okay. [00:30:15] Charlie: Listen. What you're saying is, you gave another shot at having a lot of fun with it. I [00:30:20] Josh: know. I know. [00:30:21] Charlie: now doing. [00:30:22] Josh: I now represent the number two speed running guild in the United States in regards to, I am their organizer for [00:30:30] their GDKP raids. [00:30:31] And it's a very big deal for me because they are a actual like professional group of people. And like, I have to, you know, I have to have three characters, like full, full, full Pre raid best in slot items for night by next weekend and like, I gotta take your shit seriously. So uh, you know, it's a saying is you're just kidding. [00:30:50] I'm overachieving baby. I am. I am. Hey, you want to see some platinum trophies? I got all the platinum trophies in wrath of the Lich King [00:31:00] baby. So that's, that's uh, I didn't get them in Elden Ring or what was the other one? Resident Evil eight. Which other one do we did? One other competition. I can't remember. [00:31:07] Oh, it was, it was, uh, it was, uh, I don't know. Um, the one that you did before I even had the game. Yeah, Crisis Core. Yeah, you know what's funny? You know what? I never even played the game because you piss me off so much by doing that. So [00:31:20] Charlie: Last December of like, not this past one, but like, platinuming it on the stream. [00:31:24] Honestly, that was my favorite. That's been one of my favorite moments of everything. [00:31:27] Josh: That was not one of my favorite moments. That was one of [00:31:30] my least favorite moments. [00:31:31] Charlie: That was You know how long it took [00:31:34] Josh: me? You had it planned for the, yeah, you had it planned the whole time. Yeah. I mean, that's, I couldn't think of a better compliment to me as a human being that you sat there and took all that time just to like have a gotcha moment with me. [00:31:48] So I felt like even though I was pissed off, I had to feel complimented at the same time because you care that much about upsetting me that you had to go through and spend a degenerate amount of hours. [00:32:00] Yeah. Um, Dom, [00:32:08] Dom: I don't even know where we're at anymore. I don't even know what's going on. We're just [00:32:10] Josh: talking shit, man. [00:32:10] This is, if you, honestly, if you had been in any of the voice chats between, I think, you know what it truly is, is I think that my boy Toronto has rubbed off on Charlie because they, the two of them has spent too much time ganging up on me in 76 and like, we'll be running around doing expeditions together. [00:32:26] Oh, how about that? How about when we went into the fucking casino and you and [00:32:30] Toronto kept winning money and I lost? like 500 caps or some shit like that because you know, there is definitely [00:32:37] Charlie: the latest expansion was Atlantic city. So yeah, you can go into, uh, you can go into it, [00:32:41] Josh: you can do these things called expeditions and it's like, you can go on like a team of four and they have like, they're actually pretty cool because they're kind of like mini raids slash quest lines and you get. [00:32:53] pretty fat rewards for completing them. They take like 15, 20 minutes, sometimes 10 if you do them quickly. But one of them, there's, [00:33:00] there's one where you actually go into the casino floor room and there's these slot machines. And one of them is this like giant slot machine. And, uh, it costs like 100 caps, by the way, the cap, the max you can get is 40, 000 caps. [00:33:13] So, I mean, at the beginning of the game, like one hundred caps is. A good amount. I mean, Charlie and I are definitely at the point where I quote unquote, last night declared it as like, you know, I'm buying shit from people because I need to make my cat problem their cat problem because I've got too much shit. [00:33:28] My stash is full. [00:33:30] I'm almost maxed out on caps. Like, so I just go around buying shit. Caps are your currency? Caps are the currency. Yeah, you know, like the little, so the little Nuka Cola bottle caps are like the currency in the post apocalyptic world of fall. Pre war money is, uh, or like the actual dollars, like you can break those down into cloth, I think. [00:33:48] Yeah. [00:33:48] Charlie: Yeah. [00:33:50] Josh: But, um, it's [00:33:51] Charlie: actually called pre war money. It's actually [00:33:52] Josh: pre war money. That's right. That's fine. Um. Yeah, I mean charlie and I are still I I actually i'm i'm super enjoying it. Yeah, [00:34:00] i'm level 165 163 this morning And I still feel like I have a shitload of stuff to do and also My house keeps getting better and better like I have found I found some even better shit this morning to like fuck metronome [00:34:15] Charlie: bunker underground. [00:34:16] Josh: Yeah, he did dude. His is really crazy Oh, and I, I also, I found this plot. I didn't know you could build multiple camps. So now I'm really excited because I bought all these like prefab items because they take up less, uh, you have, you have a specific budget that you can use [00:34:30] to build things in the game. [00:34:31] And if you see my dumb, I see the redneck Riviera is like an actual constructed home. So it takes up a shitload of the budget. Well, the, the redneck village, which is going to be my next one, I found this [00:34:45] Charlie: redneck Villa. Uh, [00:34:46] Josh: The redneck villa. Yeah, we'll call it redneck villa. Um, I found an actual plot of land where there's like a road in the middle and I saw someone else do this, uh, where they, they built their house on like polar, like opposite sides of the road. [00:34:58] So it looks like you're actually [00:35:00] walking up in like a little miniature town. Well, I'm gonna do the same thing because I found, I found one that like works perfect where there's like a flat, like an actual flat line and I can just like put shit. So I bought like the, the snack shack's going to go on one corner. [00:35:12] I got the mud hut. I got the, I actually bought, they call it a, uh, what's it called? Is it the redneck mansion? Is that what they called it in the game? I can't remember, but it's like a, it's like a three story prefab building. Where, but it's made out of like, uh, mobile, like, uh, dumpster, like containers. [00:35:30] It looks so fucking stupid. [00:35:31] It's basically like redneck as shit. And, um, yeah, I'm, I'm, the first floor is gonna be Charlie. Second floor is gonna be the bitch boy Trondo. And then third floor is gonna be me. And, uh, It's going to be great. It's going to be glorious when I get done with it. Yeah. Um, he's been working on it. Yeah. [00:35:47] Apparently he's been working on, uh, his new home and he doesn't want to show it to me until he's done with it. But I, I can only imagine that he's putting, I hope that he's putting the same amount of time building a fuck you room to me as I have built for him. [00:36:00] So, cause I just keep making his worse or like worse and worse and worse. [00:36:04] So, um, yeah. That, that, uh, that pink Brahman plushie I bought last night for 10, 000 caps or whatever. I put one on his bed because, you know, he's a fruitcake and likes pink things. So, um, just kidding. I'm just joking. It's my best friend. We talked a lot of shit to each other. There's nothing wrong with liking pink. [00:36:18] I love the color pink. Um, but yeah. [00:36:26] Oh, man. Anyways. Um. [00:36:30] Are you laughing? [00:36:34] Dom: Are we still on Fallout 76? I don't even know anymore. Yeah, [00:36:37] Josh: we've been talking about 76 this whole time all I hear was [00:36:41] Dom: caps and [00:36:41] Josh: pink and Well when you get to the point of the game like the end game of fallout 76 is actually just inventory management There's like a limit on how much shit you can have and Charlie and I are both like oh overflowing with bullshit. [00:36:57] So we're just trying to offload our bullshit to other [00:37:00] people. And uh, in the process, like I've been going around buying these like over expensive plans and creating the items and putting them in Toronto's bedroom just to like make his bedroom more, uh, more fun. Terrible and yeah fun fun, whatever you want to call it But um, that's what you do in fall 70. [00:37:19] It's a post apocalyptic world The whole point is you're supposed to be able to go out scavenge shit and bring it home Right because that's like that's kind of like part of fallout's Charm, or it always has been is the fact that you can [00:37:30] build Uh, like even okay So so I was saying this at the beginning, but I I redownloaded fallout 4 because my friend She and I watched the series together. [00:37:37] She wanted to see what the game looked like So I downloaded it and then she fell asleep and I internet is so [00:37:42] Dom: bad. [00:37:45] Josh: She you downloaded it Yeah. And then, uh, I started playing it and I realized how, like, choppy it is, kind of like me right now.[00:38:00] [00:38:00] I'm just going to stop talking then. [00:38:03] Charlie: No, keep going. It's fine. I'll get the recording and it'll be fine later. So it's just right now. [00:38:06] Dom: How, wait, how old are the, Oh, because the recording is locally. [00:38:10] Charlie: Correct. [00:38:10] Dom: Oh, I was in this whole time. Like this is just unusable, but you'll have the local recording. Oh. Oh, then yeah. [00:38:18] Keep going. [00:38:19] Josh: I don't know what's going on my internet. I'm going to punch somebody. And the nuts, preferably [00:38:24] Dom: Comcast [00:38:24] Charlie: heard what [00:38:25] Dom: you're saying and they're like, Oh, yeah, they had, they had the ears to the wall, [00:38:30] [00:38:30] Josh: wiretaps wouldn't surprise me. I'm narcissistic enough to believe that actually world revolves around me and Comcast bases all their decisions about what they do with their internet based off what the fuck I'm doing at that moment in time. [00:38:44] Oh, they are laughing. They're laughing every 120 a month. I got to give them. So, um, But yes, you downloaded it. She fell asleep. I just didn't like it. I thought it was, it was dated. It felt dated. Like I wanted to, I actually stopped playing it [00:39:00] to go back into 76 because like I just, it was too slow. Like the, like the, the game, like not like the game's actually laggy almost in a weird way. [00:39:10] And I don't know if that's because of the update or if that's just me being too accustomed to next gen gaming. But um, What are you, what are you fucking snickering at over there, Charlie? Is my shit fucking up again? [00:39:23] Charlie: Keep going. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I'm, I'm, I'm amusing myself right now. [00:39:28] You're [00:39:28] Josh: amusing yourself. Yeah, okay, I'm sure you [00:39:30] are. I'm amusing myself. Yeah, right. Yeah, okay. Anyways, um. You're so cute. It's been, uh, it's been a lot of fun. Actually, I don't think Charlie and I have ever played a game together as much as we have with 76. [00:39:41] Charlie: No, that's that's very accurate. Yeah, [00:39:43] Josh: like even msf that much. [00:39:45] Oh, yeah, we've been playing [00:39:46] Charlie: like almost every night 80 hours in it already [00:39:48] Josh: Oh, yeah, we've yeah, we've easily and if the thing is there's an achievement to play the game for 7600 hours um, which you know, jesus neither one of us will get because I just saw on reddit somebody hit it today and [00:40:00] they said That they're level like 3100 Something like that. [00:40:04] There's just fucking bonkers. Like I like the game, but I don't like it that much But there is a new there's a new uh Season starting next month and they're gonna have like a whole new, um, DLC kind of thing coming out. So I'm pretty excited. Apparently there's a new free. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. [00:40:21] Charlie: Like all the updates they've done, like all the new content, it's all been free. [00:40:24] Like you don't have to pay anything for it. That's nice. [00:40:26] Josh: And the other thing that's cool about the game [00:40:27] Dom: subscription based game though, [00:40:29] Josh: like no, you can, [00:40:30] you can buy a subscription, but you don't really need to. Like if you're like me and Charlie or Charlie and I, and you want, like, like I have a problem like I keep buying, they keep adding shit to the store, like random shit. [00:40:41] So yesterday I, I dropped like 40 bucks and got 5, 000 Adam points. So I can like, I got like a, like a Nuka Cola dispenser in my house. And I got like a, like a bowling, like a little ski ball machine for the house. Like you can't actually play the ski ball, but it's just again, like I just, I am so into the home creation. [00:40:59] Part of the game [00:41:00] that I just keep adding kind of like cool shit like that to my house and uh, Once I turned on the vendor so that my thing is public I noticed more people come to the house and they want to buy your shit and I actually Have everything priced pretty fairly and i've been selling like a shitload of stuff in the game That's why I have a cat problem right now because i'm i'm just like No cap. [00:41:21] I've been like, you know, I'm just kidding. Um, yeah, anyways, cat problem. A cat problem. The other day I logged in and there were cats [00:41:30] outside of my fucking house and I was dying. Like I had, I had to take a screenshot of it. There's a little orange tabby outside of the house. I was, I was cracking up. But, um, yeah, I mean, I, uh, I, I, other than that, I'm going to cataclysm comes out. [00:41:44] Yeah, bless you. Oh boy. Those look like some fierce sneezes. It was a wet one today. How's your back? Did you pull anything? [00:41:55] Dom: No, I got a bunch of gross snot on me though. [00:41:57] Josh: Nice Just wipe it off [00:42:00] your shirt. No problem. Yep, but anyways So other than fallout cataclysm comes out tomorrow. I'll be playing a bunch of that. [00:42:07] Unfortunately, I'm doing every Expansion as I don't know. I mean, I, I don't know. I mean, the, the, they're definitely going to go to Mr. Pandaria. I definitely, I know that for a fact, because they put out some survey and it appears that Mr. Pandaria was a really popular, um, expansion. So they're only going to, [00:42:30] so the biggest problem at the time though, when it first came out, people hated it. [00:42:35] Dom: I don't know. I mean, I didn't, I wasn't playing, so I have no clue. I didn't realize that, like, so I'm like, oh, I didn't think Cataclysm was even that long ago. The release date for Cataclysm was, uh, 14 years ago. [00:42:44] Josh: Yeah, yeah. So, I didn't play Cataclysm, and I was told that the reason that Cataclysm bombed was because the last raid, which is Death wing came out and then for a solid year there was nothing come there. [00:42:57] Nothing came. So people were really pissed off [00:43:00] about it. So they're only gonna make cataclysm one year long, and then they're gonna roll right into mis apen area. So, I don't know. Um, I'll continue playing as long as um, you know, my raids are still running. 'cause I mean, I'm having fun with it. We have like a, we're actually, like I was saying earlier, we're raid with high, this you'll call high class now, and the. [00:43:20] Quality of people that we got are so much better. So it's like, it's like way more enjoyable for me to play the game. Cause I'm playing with people that are playing on a much [00:43:30] higher level. So there's not as much dumb ass shit going on and people aren't dying to certain, you know, things where you're just like, bro, come on. [00:43:36] Like we've been doing this boss for like 30 fucking weeks. Why are you still standing in this? And like, why are you still dying to that? So, um, for me, it's, it's going to be fun to like, And I never played cataclysm, so I don't know any of these raids like I am going in um, I'm not gonna be I'm gonna be playing three healers exclusively and playing a rest of shaman a disciplined priest and a holy paladin and um The healing is [00:44:00] supposed to be like way harder in cataclysm So it's gonna be like that's mainly what I had [00:44:03] Charlie: to pick a class to start over with for cataclysm What [00:44:07] Josh: would you pick shaman shaman or hunter? [00:44:09] Yeah, hunter hunter hunter is going to be the most overpowered dps in the game. Um, like by a long shot Oh death knight blood death knights are like blizzards coveted, you know, they fucking love death knights So death knights do disgusting damage. They're the best tank in the game Hunters do the best dps right now [00:44:30] The best healer is gonna be dismal police discipline priest and arrest a shaman I have two shamans and I'm gonna be playing one is elemental and one is resto and Anyways, yeah, so if you were if people are just wanting to get back in the game, I would 100 percent roll a shaman I mean a hunter because they're just They're just gross dude Like they have they do such disgusting damage either that or a blood death night because the blood death nights You I mean, I have one, I'm going to level one eventually, uh, actually I have two [00:45:00] because I have 10 level eighties, but, uh, which is fucking stupid. [00:45:05] Like nobody should have 10 level eighties. It's just degenerate behavior. Yeah. I mean, straight up degenerate behavior. So anyways, that's going to be me. I'm going to be playing a lot of Kata. I should, I should, I, I, I'm thinking about recording. So like that's why I got to get a new computer. Cause I can't even, I can't even do this shit without [00:45:25] Dom: having lag problems. [00:45:27] I think it's, I think it really more as an internet issue, not your [00:45:30] computer. [00:45:31] Charlie: Well, the good thing is if you get, if you're based off what you were talking about, if you get a brand new one and you completely build it, you can use the one you're using now to like be your streaming machine [00:45:39] Josh: if you want it to be. [00:45:41] Charlie: Oh, [00:45:41] Josh: that's a good [00:45:42] Charlie: point. Yeah, that's a good point. When I was, like, getting really heavy into, like, um, PC streaming in Fortnite, back in, like, 2018? 2017? Um, I would have two PCs. One was my main PC that I could actually run it, and be, like, no problems. And the second one had the capture card, was connected hardline to the [00:46:00] internet. [00:46:00] Um, and I had another monitor set up for that, so that way I could see it, or you could, like, remote, remote into it. And that is like dedicated just for that, right? So it doesn't, you don't need it to be super fast. They just have your capture card and all that stuff. And the thing about streaming for me [00:46:11] Josh: is like, I, I enjoy it and I wouldn't mind making content again, but like, I hate the periods where you're, there's nobody in there and you're just talking to yourself. [00:46:20] Like, that's the worst part about it. Like when you're getting started and I don't know how people deal with that. Cause I can't, I can't fake it. I can't sit there for like, talk to myself. Like it's just not, I [00:46:30] mean, this is not going to happen, but [00:46:33] Charlie: it's fine. You don't have to. I mean, if, honestly, if it hadn't, um, if it wasn't for the fact that the fallout 76 keeps crashing all the time, I would probably be streaming fallout 76. [00:46:42] Josh: I think it's, oh my God, dude, it crashes so fast. Fucking much dude at the most inconvenient times to like oh, hey, there's an event going on. Yeah. Oh, hey There's this event going on that. I really want to go do [00:46:54] Charlie: you hit your map button to bring up your map crash [00:46:57] Josh: Yeah, oh I need to get my power armor crash [00:47:00] Oh, I need to teleport to this place crash if I need to [00:47:03] Charlie: jump [00:47:04] Josh: crash Oh, there's a Scorch beast flying around and there's like 20 people around me. [00:47:08] Let me just pull out my Dead so But I I've heard that it's not as bad on PC. So [00:47:17] Charlie: it's a console problem. Yeah, it's definitely it's a [00:47:19] Josh: ps5 problem apparently, it's not that bad on Xbox which destroys me to hear but You know Yeah, you fucking smirking over there [00:47:30] you son of a bitch [00:47:30] Dom: It's [00:47:32] Music: just [00:47:33] Josh: so funny cuz I know like we used to when when ps5 came out we used to and uh Was it the s what did they what is what was Xbox's last system [00:47:43] Charlie: box x series s? [00:47:45] Josh: Yeah, whatever it was like we used to have our little we used to have our little like you know comedic comedic debates about which was better and I've always been a, I've always been a PlayStation guy, so it bothers me when it doesn't operate at optimal performance. But um, right, [00:48:00] anyways, that's enough about that. [00:48:02] Um, I'm really, you know what I haven't heard about, which is really making me curious. There's two Resident Evil nine. I have heard nothing about, and I'm really curious to see what the next remake in the Resident Evil series is going to be. Because I know they're supposed to be working on something, but they haven't announced it it yet. [00:48:19] And I'm, and you know, as me, I'm hoping they do cover on, well, apparently they stay stated that they're not going to do five because they don't feel that five is old enough to [00:48:30] remake or they feel like five is good enough as it is and they don't want to remake it. So they're going to have to go backwards and the only ones they haven't done yet are zero code Veronica. [00:48:39] And, um, The original I mean that You know, they did do a remaster of the original one. I hated it. I thought it sucked. I did not enjoy it So I would really like if they did like a remake of one with the RE engine Which is what they've been using to do two three and four I would even be glad if they went back and [00:49:00] actually fixed finished three because three was like half the game that it should have been. [00:49:04] Um, but yeah, I'm, I'm really curious to see what they're going to do with it because I've been, um, I've been itching to play a Resident Evil game, even though four came out last year. Um, and I played the shit out of it, but, um, also the Elden Ring DLC comes out soon and I am definitely going to be getting in on that when it comes out. [00:49:21] I think it comes out in June, June or July. What? You're going to pass on the DLC for Elden Ring? Why? [00:49:29] Charlie: Yeah, [00:49:30] I'm just like, I don't know, not in the Soulsborne mentality. [00:49:33] Josh: You do have to be in a certain mentality for it. You have to be in the mentality of like, I hate myself, and I want to punish myself because I feel like a sack of shit. [00:49:42] And that's why you load up a game like Elden Ring. You can't [00:49:44] Charlie: pause in that game, and you can't quickly go somewhere else. Oh, [00:49:46] Josh: yeah, yeah, yeah, with your kid, yeah. That would be pretty tough. Like, although your son would know that my father is an Eldon Lord and I can't mess with him. So, [00:50:00] [00:50:00] Charlie: you know, don't you know that from the platinum trophy? [00:50:02] And that's just, [00:50:03] Josh: oh, the platinum trophy. I forgot about that. So, have you heard, have you heard, I'm gonna [00:50:08] Charlie: get, I'm gonna get like the little, uh, PlayStation mobile, uh, trophy icons. Mm-Hmm. put around his, uh, his cribs that way. It's just like, it's like, do, do, do. It was all like the platinum icons, that's what I know [00:50:21] Josh: you're just talking shit, but it'd be really funny if you actually did that [00:50:25] Charlie: No, I'm 100 percent looking at [00:50:29] Josh: Be [00:50:29] Charlie: great, [00:50:30] [00:50:30] Josh: it would be great. [00:50:31] I'd love to see that personally. Yeah, but yeah Dom's anything coming out you're excited to play other than well, you're pretty stuck on d4 right now, right? You got any of Warhammer tournaments coming up? Yes. Saturday, [00:50:42] Dom: uh, I, I pretty much do like two little, like ti they're called RTTs. They're like the, the smallest version of like a tournament. [00:50:49] I pretty much do two of those a month. Um, and then every few months, like some big thing, like in June there's the Atlantic City Open. So I'll be there for a weekend in Atlantic City doing a Oh, nice. A super major, [00:51:00] probably like 800 people or something. Actually, I don't know how big. It's not like Vegas. [00:51:03] Vegas has over a thousand people. Lemme see. Open knows have this much people, but, [00:51:07] Josh: um. I read this, uh, I read this funny, like right before we got in this, I read this Reddit post and it was in the magic subreddit. And it was talking about what do you do when your opponent smells like literal shit. And apparently this guy at a local game store, like sat down to a commander's game and. [00:51:24] Yeah. They said that he actually smelled like poop and somebody [00:51:30] like did a drive by misting and the guys pressing federal like pressing charges on him for assault and uh, no, no, no, I mean, I think it, Oh, maybe it's an older story, but I mean, this, this was something that apparently happened at a local game store not too long ago, but, um, salt for You can, so in certain states, if you spray any type of chemical on somebody, there are actual grounds for assault charges. [00:51:56] Yes. I, [00:51:58] Dom: I, I, I, [00:52:00] that's not that surprising. I get it. I mean, if you like spit on someone, it's assault. Like assault is a very, you know, uh, Probably just be like, hey dude, you're a little stinky. You should probably just pull up inside and be like, hey dude, can you put some That's [00:52:09] Josh: what I would do. I would be like, bro, like, come on man, like, you, you need to go take a shower. [00:52:14] Like, I'm not, we're not playing. I can't, I can't, I can take B. O. Like, B. O. is whatever. I mean, I grew up playing football. You grow up, you, you get used to it. I mean, you work in kitchens. Like, dude, everybody's like, sweating their ass off and B. [00:52:26] Charlie: O. is [00:52:26] Josh: like, a little different. It is different when, it is [00:52:30] different when you're sitting down to like, Play a game that you're just, yeah, [00:52:34] Dom: when I look at, yeah, when I play magic, there's something with magic card games. [00:52:38] I don't know. I don't want to, I don't want to generalize, but like people don't shower for, I don't know. There's something about the card game community. Sometimes the other night me and my buddy Jasper were playing just like a casual, well, it was competitive like prep, but it was like just playing casually. [00:52:54] And it was the night of a Digimon tournament. And we like better go in the back cause uh, it's going to get [00:53:00] stinky. [00:53:01] Josh: I don't get it, man. I mean, I, I've been playing card game. Well, I guess I don't play them actively anymore, but I played them when I was younger and I'm definitely one of those people that, uh, if I, I can't, I can't, I can't feel, I don't feel good about myself. [00:53:14] If I smell myself, like if I smell bad, I will be the first person that's like, I'll be right back. Like I gotta, I can't, I can't do that. [00:53:21] Dom: Yeah. [00:53:21] Josh: It's uh, that [00:53:22] Dom: same thing isn't. You know, for everybody [00:53:24] Josh: or they did, right, right. They don't standing isn't, they don't have the social cues. Maybe they weren't raised with [00:53:30] like, you know, a, like, Hey, you know, hygiene is common decency, [00:53:35] Dom: some, some deeper nerd communities where it's definitely like a, a, I don't know if it's like a, a like shut, shut down type of thing, like against like the world or like whatever. [00:53:47] I don't know. Like, I've noticed that like a few times where like, Mostly car, yeah, mostly car games. Warhammer, luckily, that's not usually a thing. I don't know what, maybe because you have to stand? [00:53:55] Josh: It's a good thing about actual gaming, like, we don't have to actually, like, smell each other, [00:54:00] so, you know, that's Smell o vision. [00:54:04] Dom: Smell o vision. Right. No, no, there's no, all the games I wanted to do was, uh, not all the games, really, it's just, fucking, the new Warhammer game got pushed. Other than that, I'm just not, there's nothing really else that matters. [00:54:16] Charlie: Oh, so there's Space Marine 2? [00:54:17] Dom: Yeah, it's probably not gonna come out this year, which is kind of a bummer. [00:54:21] Charlie: Speaking of that, we didn't really talk about it, is the Division mobile game got pushed to either end of this year or early next year. I thought [00:54:29] Dom: it was [00:54:30] cancelled indefinitely. [00:54:31] Charlie: No, no, no, that's the Battle Royale one that they were talking about, the free to [00:54:34] Dom: play one. Oh, that's funny. I didn't even realize that I was, I thought it was the mobile one that I was talking about. [00:54:39] Charlie: No, I would be very upset if that's the case. Although, they did say that Um, since we're on the topic of what we're looking forward to, uh, a new Assassin's Creed's coming out this year that I am all about. [00:54:51] Josh: I heard there's a lot of, there's a lot of like little controversy surrounding that right now. I don't care. [00:54:56] Because there's a black [00:54:57] Dom: person in it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a, [00:54:59] Music: oh [00:55:00] man. [00:55:00] Dom: Oh my god, heaven forbid. There's a black, which also the best part about it is it's not even a made up thing. There's historical pieces. That dude Yusuke who was the, the African samurai. Uh, there's a black person in it. Bummer. Guess we can't play it. [00:55:14] Man, you [00:55:15] Charlie: know when I watch you. They all, they all like, you know. The internet can just do whatever the fuck it wants, but I'm playing that game. I mean, you know what's the shit? [00:55:21] Dom: It's gonna be cool! Of course it's gonna be cool. [00:55:23] Josh: Fuck a bunch of babies. You know, I watched recently made me think of that whole thing was, uh, I watched Robin Hood men in tights and I love at [00:55:30] the end when they make, uh, [00:55:31] Music: yeah, [00:55:33] Josh: it works in blazing shadow, blazing saddles. [00:55:35] Yeah. That's, that's so great. That movie that, you know, that movie reminds me so hard that in today's film industry of the way that society is, there's no way you can make a movie like that. Like they, they agree. I, you good? You think you could? I don't know. They stereotyped [00:55:53] Dom: everybody, dude. Of course. But you know, you know the fucking difference. [00:55:56] That was funny. It was. It's so funny, man. The [00:56:00] difference between like, if you're gonna do shot comedy, like here, here's Dami over here, fucking ultra PC fucking comedy. Fuck off guy . Call me Fuck off guy. I think if you're gonna do shock, you better be funny. Yeah. But if you're just sitting there like, oh. [00:56:19] What's up with all these trans kids, right? Like, that's not, like, you gotta be fucking funny. And if it ain't funny, you're just being an asshole. [00:56:25] Josh: They did trans shit in there. Like, I mean, they did everything. It makes me, anyway, continue. But like, if [00:56:29] Dom: you're not, if you're [00:56:30] not gonna, if you're gonna, if you're just, if you're just trying to shock and not be funny, and then people are mad at you because you're not funny, and then you're like, well, no one can take a joke anymore, then of course, then the rhetoric is like, oh, no one can take a joke anymore. [00:56:39] But it's like, if you're not fucking funny, then, You're not funny. Yeah. Like if you watch, like watching, like Robin, that's a funny shit. You watching like old Eddie Murphy, like people, you can't say I do drugs anymore, but yes you could. Cause that shit's funny. Like you got it. Dude. Beverly, Beverly [00:56:53] Josh: Hills cop one, two and three are so damn funny. [00:56:57] Dom: You gotta be funny. That's the thing. If you're going to say fucked up [00:57:00] stuff, it better be funny or if it's not, you're just being a fucking asshole. [00:57:03] Josh: I love the scene when they're doing the they're like, um, colluding to Kill robin in the the archers tournament and the guy says he'll be dead D. E. D. dead Like it's such a whole He's got the cotton the cotton balls Yeah, dude So good. [00:57:27] It's so good. The whole movie is great. And [00:57:30] then the [00:57:31] Dom: I'm on the east side. I'm on the west side. It's so good, dude. Little John of the Water? Yeah, the movie is That movie That movie is fucking funny. That movie is funny. [00:57:39] Josh: It's It's just God, it was so good movie. Yeah. I watched that and what was the other one I watched? [00:57:44] It was Cause We're Men. We're Men in Tights. Yeah. Great movie. Uh, what was the other one I watched that was like a classic? Anyways, whatever. So we're not here to talk about movies, but you just brought that up and it made me think about the [00:58:00] movie. Oh, you brought it up. I know I brought it up, but you said something that made me think about the movie. [00:58:04] Oh, it was the comment about the black person in, uh, in the new Assassin's Creed and people on, people on Redditor are like, share [00:58:12] Dom: with us. Let me hear your ears. [00:58:15] Josh: Let me hear your ears. [00:58:17] Dom: That's disgusting. We didn't land on Plymouth Rock. Call [00:58:23] Josh: the locksmith. Hold the locksmith. Oh, the other, the other great, the other great scene is [00:58:30] when, uh, the two, the two, the, um, maid, Marian and her. [00:58:33] Oh my God. Why can't the broom Hilda, is that her name? Um, they jump off the balcony and the, the horse like gives a fucking horse . [00:58:42] Dom: They came with a subtitle, they [00:58:44] Josh: horse [00:58:45] Dom: subtitle. [00:58:46] Josh: There ain't no way dude [00:58:47] Dom: movie. Probably in like 20 years. I can't believe. Remember [00:58:49] Josh: as much? Yeah. Pull it up on Hulu. It's, it's just like, it's such a good watch to like, because you haven't seen it in so long. [00:58:54] Um, that's funny. Yeah. [00:58:56] Dom: Uh, good job everybody. [00:58:58] Charlie: Thanks for sitting through [00:59:00] this [00:59:01] Dom: one This is [00:59:02] Charlie: definitely a tangent podcast for sure [00:59:05] Josh: We talked about Diablo 4 we talked about fallout 76. We talked about what we're looking forward to we talked about stinky gamers Some Warhammer tournaments the gaunt Dom's going to we talked about your kid. [00:59:19] We talked about To the word degenerate being outlawed on on twitch being fucking blasphemy and And It just, it [00:59:30] just, it just, the hot mod picked it up. Are you doing it again? [00:59:36] Dom: Is that outlawed? Do you like, do you, are you okay with this word? I hit allow, and never again will we see that again. [00:59:43] Charlie: One and done. Never again. Anyway, thanks all for uh, I banned it. Yeah, still playing that a little bit. No, [00:59:49] Dom: Charlie, get the fuck out of here so we can play Diablo. Yeah, I [00:59:51] Charlie: gotta go, I gotta go run some errands. [00:59:53] Dom: I'm trying to play Diablo 4. Well, go [00:59:55] Charlie: for it. [00:59:58] Dom: Why don't we just keep, let's just, you know, [01:00:00] try like me and you can leave, and we'll just leave Josh up. Yeah, Josh can stay [01:00:02] Charlie: here and talk the whole time. Yeah, didn't you just say you don't like talking with yourself, you know, the whole thing? Anyway, uh, thanks everyone for coming out, um, You can catch us on, on Instagram or Twitter's over at TBRSP, Our website's OGPodcast. [01:00:17] fm, where we get this episode and every episode where we talk about what we're playing, what we're looking forward to, and a little bit more. Oh gaming news. And uh, you can also watch us record this live Twitch death TV slash OG podcast as well as help us out on [01:00:30] Patreon by patreon.com so you and live. [01:00:33] And thanks so much to our two Patreon members, OSU. That's also, I think OG podcast is where it is on the TikTok. Um, so anyway, thanks all. I appreciate it. I'll see you all next time. When we get, uh, maybe we'll play some more, uh, video games. Maybe that's more different people on. So, can we have another guess? [01:00:51] I might stream [01:00:51] Dom: Diablo 4 later if you come hook up, Charlie. Yeah, [01:00:54] Charlie: I'll probably be back around, what's it? 1. 30 now? I'll probably be back around like 3. 30 or [01:00:58] Dom: so? Oh, perfect. Yeah. [01:00:59] Charlie: Maybe 3. [01:01:00] 30, 4 o'clock, so. That sounds good. Alright, see y'all. Cheers, bye. [01:01:30] Goodbye.