To get our animated conversation out of the way, it works perfectly fine. Yeah, big Adam is lame Tinnell like addicted in like a week and a half. So that's how it is that like I find a lot of people, they they have that that stigma where it's like, oh, you know, I don't want to be a weave or anything like that, but then you watch like a like a bleach or my hair and you're like, shit, that's fucking that's kind of dope, man. Like, I want to see what's going on here for sure. Yeah. I mean, my friends, which by the way. Yeah. I mean, I'm literally wearing a rubber cross T-shirt right now. Nice. Yeah. Like. Yep. Yep. That's the other night. That's the dog right there, man. The Macross saga was one of my favorite animated series. All right, I still have like the original Robotech videos on VHS. Like that's how it was, though, it was like budget transformers that was like cooler than Transformers. Yeah. So that's what she had originally Transformers. Original Transformers was budget transformers. He definitely was. And then we had the then we had the Gobert's the Kmart Transformers. What's up, everybody, welcome to the Overachievers Gaming podcast, I am your host of Ashe, joined, as always by Chef Kirundi Pastrami, because actually pastrami is out gallivanting in the wilderness of Seattle. I believe he's on the West Coast for work, so he's unable to join us today. He'll be back next episode. But filling in for the DOM extraordinaire is Chewbacca 84. What's up, buddy? Welcome back to the show. Always a pleasure, guys. I feel like now that I know I'm replacing him for a week, I should have like a fake accent and likes to wear pizza and stuff. That's like the gist should. Yeah. And then you just eat, you know, you just got to fight everyone and just, you know, that's what that's what it is. That's how I work. Yeah, I would have to say everything, but had I not. You got a grand slam people and talk about pizza and you've got it covered. Sweat. Yeah. So yeah, this week's going to be a good one. So we're going to talk about our usual topics. But the main topic of today is going to be E3. But before we get into that, you why don't you tell us what other podcasts you're a part of the project. Yeah, sure. So at the moment, we're just doing one, although we're getting back into the tubes at the moment. So we're doing the alternate reality podcast. You can find us on YouTube and also on, you know, all the places you can find these guys. So, yeah, ultimate reality is where you can find us. We may be rebooting one of our DNA pods soon, though, so I may help you guys to see if we're looking for a fourth. But yeah, now just the up or. Well, I do I will have some time coming up in the next three weeks. So but it's great. So that's just what YouTube, Twitch, all the fun stuff for in Arpad. Essentially what it comes down to. Yes, it is time for the podcast itself, ultimate reality. Otherwise, for social's, it's pretty much O'May. So just at Ljubica 84 on every platform imaginable, except for if we're thinking about that one. So what can you do with off with Genndy, though it could be fun. I think there's plenty of days and days on, I'll have to be fair. So, I mean, there's all options everywhere. Absolutely. You can find us in our social's on, first of all. My goodness. And dude, it's been a minute since I've done this. You can find us on Instagram, Ogie, the podcasts, our Twitters over Cheevers P. Our website is Oggi Podcast FM, where you get this episode every episode where we talk about video games. Only fans and people getting banned for not doing things on Twitch that they should be doing anyway. So. Also, if you're if you're interested, I unfortunately made a tick tock for the podcast. I hate myself for doing it. Yes, I do dances. No, it's just going to be gaming. Gaming? No, I'm not. I'm like, dude, do you really want to see me dance? No. You don't want to see that. It's worse. Dude, it's worse than the Elain dance from Seinfeld, though. It's going to be. I mean, you realize that that would make you infamous on Tick-Tock at this point in time, right? I mean, I guess I can only help the podcast, right? Point. Yeah, but you can find us on Tic-Tac at Ogee Podcasts. It's also there, too. I'm trying to make that just like the brand across all things goes right up my ass. Yeah. So we'll see. Just because Ogee podcast is already taken by someone else called like I mean, I wasn't even a gaming thing. It's just like some other weird thing. So I was like, oh, man, they're not the Yoji. And there's also like somebody took Vache already as like a as a name on Tic-Tac. I was like, all right, cool. You know what's interesting? I actually saw a girl that I've been hanging out with. She's a psychologist and one of her friends that she like does. What's the thing called? Club Bolthouse. You heard of this application for. Yeah. Yeah. So the friend that she does a lot of stuff with, her name is Dr. Vash. And I was I was dying laughing. But I mean, I didn't realize that that's actually like an Indian. Like that's the last name is pretty common in India. But it's, you know, this whole time with the voice. I'll be really impressed. Yeah, absolutely. All right. So let's get into the news, not the news of the week. Let's get into what we're playing choose. Since you are our guest, why don't you give us a little rundown of what you've been playing lately? Yeah, I'm going to let the team down quite a bit this week, the last month for me. I'm going through a transition to work into a new role, so onboarding new staff, so not much. It's it's been mobile gaming actually for the first time in a long time. Oh, no. Just for a little bit with my hero, Accademia, the strongest hero has been pretty much the only thing I've played other than a little bit of BiOM on PC. Oh, how did you like that, by the way? It's hard going. It reminds me a lot of around the time when Fable two drops, there were so many games like this that have this really cheesy, like really badly written narrative that like that alone was enough to kind of put you off before you even got into it. But it seems to me there's a lot of things that really scale the game down. The combat feels a little bit clunky, especially if you're rolling melee. The guns don't feel too good early. I think the only way that I played it so far, it feels fun, is if you're just throwing spells around with psy ops. But it takes a probably a good three or four hours into the game before you start to really get some of the decent, you know, abilities. So, yeah, I love any any world that's kind of like there's a world now and there was a world before. And this kind of hints to, you know, the old world like a horizon or fallout's or anything like that. You've generally got me interested enough that'll give you patience. But yeah, by mutants missing a few bits and pieces, I think that hooks you. And personality is the biggest one. It sort of sells itself as this big kind of like Kung Fu Panda meets Comikaze Babbs today if you watch the trailers. But it's just it doesn't have that personality that any of that really has outside of it. So, yeah, I can't say I recommend that. That's the only game I'd like to play. Concours Bradford and Rashad combine to not play that honkers, that's a that's an old that's an old that's a throwback. That's DeCock. If you know that game, you love that game, hunter. Yeah, I love so much shit. He talks in that game. Yeah. Well, it's basically it was Deadpool on Nintendo realistically. And that has made him a spare. That's that's what that game was. Yeah, that's actually super accurate. Yeah. Big fan of that. But so so those the only mobile game you're playing is that one? I did. I listen to the episode that kind of was on, but I didn't remember that. You said talking about that game per se. What is that? What does that game about? So it's kind of like someone looked at all the popular mobile games and kran all the game modes into one. So that's that was kind of the interesting thing about it. And when you first start all like it's there's a lot to do, you can kind of pick your lane, the things you want to focus on, whether it's PVA arenas, kind of broken PvP, the ping kind of defines everything and it just is running around dodging and waiting for someone to make a mistake. It's not really that fun. I will say that they've gone through a massive controversial period. Seems to be every mobile game I pick in the last three years does this where they're getting reviewable. And right now they're about one point eight as of this morning. They'll four and a half last week because the Taiwanese servers been out for a lot longer than ours. But it's kind of you look at what happened on their servers, and that's kind of the roadmap as to what's going to happen for us. But the the global devs keep changing stuff. So you guys know what a PD system is with your games, obviously. Yep, yep, so the pity on the Taiwanese civil was 60, and then about three weeks ago they changed it on global up to 100, which for this game is is significantly worse because to max out a character, you need 12 pennies, basically, which is insanely expensive. It costs about two and a half, three grand us to even get close to maxing out one character. If you have to rely on pity, like really, really bad. Yeah, because they need cards and everything as well to optimize them. So that was bad. And then, yeah, that the character was kind of tipped to be the peevey God. He was really, really good endeavor on the Taiwanese server. They know if the absolute Christ out of him, but they did not tell anyone that they done it. So, you know, we've all pulled it with logging on that day, testing. He's dying. Where is unkillable on their servers? So everyone's kind of blown up that they they've changed it. Knowing what everyone was expecting with absolutely zero announcement. So that communication's been really bad. Yeah. They're kind of using like an in-between dev just to copy and paste what's happened on the original server. And then they're making these minor changes worldwide. But all the changes have been in the midst of money. But I think I know why they're trying to do it, because it's kind of broken as a system. If you get two particular characters, you can just annihilate the entire game is worth the content. So, yeah, it's in a weird place. The game is really fun. It's got a great IP, obviously. But yeah, monetization wise, they're really going full grid mode. So then they had the craziest compensation today. They've announced that anyone that's pulled it every role that you've had at the end of this event up until now and the next two weeks as well. Anything that you rolt, they will give it back to you, but you get to keep everything you had at the end of the event. So imagine buying like all about all about all about all the Marvel strike force for a month. And then they just gave everything back to you for the in-game currency. All right. Yeah, that's kind of crazy. Yes. I think that's broken the game because they don't realize it yet, but yeah. I played it for like a week and a half, and I reached a point where I said to myself, I think I'm just burnt out with mobile games in general, like it's just I think I'm just hit that point where they don't do it for me anymore. But I think the number one thing that I've noticed is that. Every one of these games. It's no longer about is this a fun game? There is a ramp up period, and they're all built and designed the same way to make it fun at the beginning of the game. But then you get like three quarters of the way through it and you feel that hard wall that they put in that game, the hard paywall. And I just think it's shitty that they're all gunning to just dig deep into people's wallets and they know how. At this point in time, there's enough research and studies to show like people that have Bomo and addiction problems, yet we'll just go all in on it. And it's it's crazy to me how that entire genre of gaming has evolved into a straight up fucking just. They are bleeding money out of people, you know, I mean, they're sucking money out of people and it's it sucks because I started on summoners war so many years ago. And I mean, yeah, that game was somewhat paid to win at first. But I mean, I didn't really throw too much money into it. I had a fucking blast with that game for years, you know, but I can't say the same about a lot of other games out there, especially like Strikeforce and Contest Champions is another one , for example, where people just stole so much money into that game. I keep hearing that you have to put two to three thousand dollars for a character is I mean, that's a beginning. Yeah. Yeah. For any for any development team sitting down and strategizing how to build out a system like that. And they know full, full and well that that is the way that they're going to, you know, paywall it. That's fucked up, man. It's just it's it's out of hand at this point. And I don't want people to I don't want the government to come in and step in and, you know, mess with this kind of stuff . But, man, it's it needs some kind of regulation, honestly. Yeah, they're going to have to I mean, it literally is the most profitable market of gaming now. Like I mean, it's it's in there close to hundreds of billions now. I mean, you look at games like Gargantuan Impact, made a billion dollars by itself in its first 12 months. Wait, I just said again. So Gentian Impacts has already cost one billion dollars revenue. That's insane as. Yeah, I think it's like eight months maybe. It definitely hasn't been a year. That's insane. And and I think that it's funny because I mean, the game is straight up rip off wild. That's that's crazy. I guarantee you that the team that put that game together did not expect that to be the case. Hundred percent they didn't. But it's I think it's probably the best done version of this, because if you truly don't want to spend money in that game or you just want to buy one character and then ride that, and you absolutely can, and there's enough to do daily when you're not gated by stamina. I mean, yep, it's not perfect. There is still some wolves that you hit that are pretty hard, but honestly, that has hours of content daily if you want to. I think Gentian impact is the best version. And anything that's like if they did Marvel Engine, which we're kind of hoping future evolutions is that's enough for me to say I'm going to play the crap out of that game. Yeah, that would be amazing. I'm hoping that I mean, we've talk about mobile for a bit, but like the and I know we've said this on the podcast before, but like future evolution is like the next game that I'm like going to be diving into making content for. We're going to be talking about it again. We're going to that's when we're going to open up, I guess, our Marvel gaming segment, I think we're going to call it. But they're not going to call it Yelp's specific to my future evolution by just thinking about, you know, Marvel gaming in general, just because I think there's a lot coming out. We'll get into about all the games that are coming out that are Marvel related. But I really hope that that game succeeds and I hope they don't pay wallet too much, because I know it's expected it's net marble. They're going to do it. But just a matter of is it limited to skins? Because if it's limited to skins, I'm perfectly okay with it. But I just hope it's not like, you know, oh, you have to I just hope it's done like strike force level types of gaited. But I don't know. I didn't think that future fight was that a wild. But I didn't play future fight in the end game. I only played it like casually for on and off for a couple of years. I don't really remember how that worked out, but I'm really hoping that that game is as funny. And I'm I don't know. Have you heard anything about a release date? I heard like maybe this year it's coming. So the 29th of this month, there is going to be some kind of an announcement that is going to be worthwhile. They're basically running a 24 hour streamer event, which you guys can absolutely join in on. We're signed up, but we have no idea what is actually going on yet to get back real quick. One point there. So future fight. Let me say this. A lot of people hate how monetized it was, but I will say that what I loved about their monetization strategy, if you were whale, is you could see what you wanted and just buy it. So, for example, the equivalent of getting a maxed out like level 17, Strikeforce, you could pay 100 bucks. And you it you just got it. And then if you wanted to fly the Red Star to it, it was like a hundred bucks done, like it was whatever it was, it wasn't random chance. It was just you got it. So it was old school monetization. It was way overpriced, but at least there was no randomness to that part of it. There was lockboxes in the game, but you could go around that. I mean, like once a month. I think they gave the community one of those instant upgrade tokens of each type as well. So you could take one character straight up to max level, one character straight up to Max Boost, like Red Star equivalent. So and it was a genuinely fun game as well. I just got into it too late. That's the only reason that I didn't keep going, because the way too far behind to compete then. Yeah, I did the same thing. I started playing feature fight, thinking that it would strike for its day, like my friend told me about Strikeforce and I went and downloaded Future Fight and I was like playing it for the full day. And he's like, Where are you, man? And I'm like, I'm looking for you in game, but I can't find you. And I take a picture of Sendejo. He's like, yeah, you're on the wrong game tickets. So I was like, what? Yeah, but it's, you know, fingers crossed. And they've been putting out a lot of content. Like I know that we're a part of that, that discord that we just scored, that Thorn seven and Wohlforth are part of as well, which I'm actually kind of excited for. We did sign up for the the streamer event. I just haven't heard back from this. What that means for that. So we'll see all that fun stuff, whether or not that's just talking about the game or just like having discussion about it. I don't know. A pussy that's in the twenty ninth is when that is 29. That's all I know. Apparently they've allocated they're going to allocate time for each streaming that signed up. But I mean, we haven't got confirmation that we are. So I have no idea, mate. All right, I'll just keep it, keep an idea or an idea, keep keep a lookout for the discord or I guess we'll put an announcement there for us, or if you guys get it to let us know and we'll put it in our discord to spam out to everybody. Definitely. That's up. Crono, what are you playing? World of Warcraft. Surprise. Surprise. I know I'm addicted, man. I'm straight up addicted. I, I was telling Charlie earlier about earlier that I became leader for one of the ten bands in my group. And it's been consumed me. It's been a lot of fun. It's kind of I definitely miss the wild banter like this shit talking and the. Blaming the constant. Yeah. Yeah. Like the constant like competition, internal competition, friendly competition and trash talking. I don't know. I forgot I was talking people at. So not not in like a kill yourself kind of way. I'm talking like very. Yeah, like you were saying, blame the hunter or blame the good, good or get good, yeah. Like, yeah, that's the that's the one right there. Like whenever somebody pulls a threat off me, even though I know they're being an idiot, they're just like, hey, could you just like get good at taking place? But that's been a lot of fun. Yeah, Leeroy Jenkins is right and I am Leeroy Jenkins. That's what I do now. And it's I just run in and they were shut out of things. But I'm playing that. And what else I was playing, actually. So I since he was doing his other what does he call it, beer? The beer caster game of the beer game of the beer. Once he showed me about this dot app application where I can actually my buddy and I can sink into each other's computers and play games together. We've been going back and playing some old school games. And we like we were playing Secret Amanah together the other day on Super Nintendo. That's a good one. Yeah, it's a it's a nostalgic title. You know, we blew through it real quick in like a day and a half. And then we were playing Champions and Neurath together, which is like an old school. I want to say it's like a Diablo ASC version of EverQuest. So they took like EverQuest lore and they turned it into a Diablo game. That's tons of fun. It's it's a very classic game that we play with a lot when we were younger. And it's been called like be able to, you know, kind of have like a nostalgic throwback chip and play that. But kind of I mean, we we have everything on farm in. And while so I mean, we're into your four right now and it's like there's like not much to do. So now that I've pretty much beat the shit out of the content that's in the game, you know, it's not like I'm not addicted to it. So I got to go back and actually beat Resident Evil eight a bunch of times and start trying to get my platinum trophy that I claimed that I'd get before you and I would even try to get. You got you got time because I still have one left. And I just can't I can't I don't want to do it. I can't finish it. I feel like it's a motivation factor that you don't want to finish it, because if I was sitting here doing it the same time as you, you'd be like, oh, fuck this shit. I got a I got two. Do, do. Yes. I got I got a big condo at it. So now, since you're just like, oh, I'm not going to get it on my gas, no, it's this way. I'm going to get the bug. And then all of a sudden it's going to creep up on you and you're going to be like, oh, shit, I got to get going to get real quick. Yeah. Yeah. I've been playing. I plan to play that following that once I beat a couple of times, I'm one hundred percent about to pick up Demon's Souls because I picked it up the other day and found a use copy at best or at a GameStop and I was like, wow, okay. That's the rare sighting, I believe. I can't believe people will pay 70 dollars for a game and then return it or take it to GameStop and accept twenty two dollars for a game. And then they turn around and sell it to me for sixty two dollars. Like eat a dick game stop. I hope it. Yeah. I just don't understand how that company works and how they stay in business. But I guess they're the only xpro stock stocks. Yeah. Yeah. I guess you're right. The company was about to go down. Right. So. We have nothing but ourselves to blame for that. We have nothing but Wall Street best to blame for that one. And speaking of, I completely recouped all of my losses from GameStop. So nice snap. Yeah, so that whole like when I was on and you were out and you guys were asking me like, oh, how much did you lose? And I lost a lot of money. I never sold because I got busy and forgot. And so I still have everything. I've recouped everything. You probably made a bet on AMC, too, if you bought. Yes, quite a bit. Very much so. So bought in at six dollars, Ramsbottom. Wow. OK. Did you really? Mm hmm. And a few options. Yeah. And that is open. So. So when you're going to. Yeah, you've done well. And promised and I'm just hanging out at this point, so I'll just just be like out. Might as well, something like five figures off of that one, probably. No, I'm not I'm not bad. Not bad. I've been actually playing a couple of games real quick, and I'll gloss over it for the most part. And I want one of which I was very much looking. Wasn't expecting to play, but I've had a lot of fun since my a good friend of mine pretty much convinced me to get Rashdan clanked the rift apart. And that game is phenomenal. It looks amazing to the to the point where like I love playing games in 60 frames per second on the best five just because I just love the feel for console gaming. I'm actually playing that game infidelity mode at thirty. And the game is just gorgeous. And I've never had a game play that well without hiccups. It just looks incredible. It's just I forgot how fun those games are of just like, yeah, it's cutesy. I don't know how you describe it. It's not like cartoony or childish, but it's just like it's just good, wholesome fun that just has like a lot of charm and character to it. And so if you're if you're a fan of something, it's like fine. I mean, in the game, it's not that hard of a game. And and I think it's like maybe ten hours for the whole stuff. But it's just very it's just it's good. You know, I looked up like the platinum trophy out and I can get I'm talking like 15 or so, of course. Yeah, of course, every game. I always look up platinum stuff, foith. I can't. I can't. That's right. That's how the overachievers was born, because would you play a game based off how easy it is to platinum the game? Even if the games itself sucked? It's cheap. That's I I've I've definitely I've definitely purchased games for like a dollar just because it was an easy platinum trophy. I I've definitely this. Please, somebody just beat it. I have definitely padded I have definitely padded my platinum trophy account because I think there's one that was just like a figure out, which was like a bubble bubble, like something. It was like an arcade thing that was like play the game for an hour and you get a platinum trophy. Definitely. Definitely. I've I've done that. So playing there, it's still playing mass effect, which is great. I'm still in Maastricht, which I haven't had a lot of time to work. And then there was one other game that I was playing. I remember what it was on my head is not coming to me at the moment. Oh, greed for what it there's like a the free on Vyas plus I like I download it. Never really played it and I played it on stream for a little bit. But I've been just like logging in here and there. It's fun so. And then I can't really talk about this one too much, but I can say that I am playing. I got into the New World Alpha, so I'm playing. That's has potential. OK, is that there? Is that Amazon's MMO game? Yes, I am still my preorder on that Web. Oh, I am the last bit of salt and then retribution for canceling Lord of the Rings. Yeah, I wonder why they canceled, did they say why they canceled the Lord of the Rings, a Momoa? They just said it was just too expensive to clock in regards to development. They had apparently massive bro culture up in the management and they were just absolutely greasing the dev team consistently. Is the rumors out there that it was just a horrible culture. Everyone hated what they were doing. They missed every milestone. So then they just put it on the boys who were actually doing the coding. And yeah, it just sounded like a mess. Yeah, it's unfortunate, but. I know I had paid for a new world a while ago, so I was just like, oh, keep it. And I was playing Crow Fall for a hot minute last week because it is a fun game. I know. I think I mentioned I mentioned messaged you about it, too. That's a fun game. But it's I don't know if it's free to play going forward or if it just has like a, you know, a freemium type feel to it. That's just a quick it's a fun game to pick up and play. But I think it's just the. I watched a few of the like previous beta releases for New World. And with how I'm seeing the game play now, I'll probably stick to my preorder and just try it out. So, I mean, I already paid for it a while ago. Surmisal all under my desk. Try out. I will try out. I mean, it's fun, right? I mean, that's the whole point of playing. It reminds. Right. Yeah. I mean, it's like action based MMO. And I kind of like that. And it's just, you know, it reminds me like Guild Wars a little bit. But like also, I don't know if you guys ever played Dark Fall in terms of like how skill-based stuff levels up. Like I was a big dark ball player and it just kind reminds me a lot of that. So it's kind of like really, you know, the more you use your sword, the more you just shield, the better. So it's just about in one hand. It's nice because it's you can focus on things you want, but it's also at the one. On the other hand, it's tedious because then he's like, oh, I want to be a mage now. I have to level my fire magic. Yeah, great. But still, it's just I'm sure there's, you know, lots of different things that they're doing. But it sounds like they're they've overhauled like the UI system and how the combat feels. It feels good and looks really good. So, yeah, good point about that. But I will probably be playing that and back for blood and Battlefield. That all comes out. So but with that, let's dove into I know we're already half an hour ahead, but let's dove into this week's topic of E3. There's a lot of stuff announced, like a lot of stuff was announced. And before we getting into all that, I will have to say I absolutely cannot believe that the battlefield trailer put in the jump out of the jump out of the jet and blow up the other jet rocket in the trailer. Like, I don't know if you guys have ever played a lot of battlefield one out, but like Battlefield was like my shit, like 20, 42, I'm sorry, 20, 1942 was like one of the first games I got. I was played on PC. It was amazing. I love Battlefield is like my is my go to game. Battlefield three was like so ridiculous. And Battlefield Bad. Company two was just absolute so much fun. And it really hasn't gotten back to that game in a long time. But I am very much looking forward to playing Battlefield 2042, and that's probably going to be I keep saying there's gonna be a lot of games in play and we're playing that game a lot. I'm very much playing that game. Mm hmm. Yeah, definitely. Obviously, you play that game. Probably the Russian dude that invented that move, the bailout of the thing. Get the rocket launch. Pump the guy chasing. Got to get back in. Did you see his reaction to that in the trailer? No, I did not see it. My favorite reaction videos on Twitch this week because like it was, it's his move. Right. And he's wanted it back ever since. And when he saw it in there, he just lost it, man. Definitely worth a watch if you're a fan of that manoeuver. Yeah, I forgot the actual name of it starts with an arc I remember my head, but it's very that looks insane. It just looks like, you know, it looks like pure battlefield and every gameplay looks a lot of fun. And I just had so much fun with it. Serious. But anyway. So what do you guys think of the E3 announcements and everything like that? There's a lot of good stuff announced. No, chef, there's a couple of things that you're interested in. And a few before we started recording, you had some hot takes about Microsoft, of course, or that sort of all that sort of stuff. Yeah, it was it was. We don't expo in the sense that I think like many things like TV shows or gaming just all through 2020, 2021, that we've got such a hunger for content. I think a lot of us thought E3 was going to be much more. But it seems to be the same story of all the really, really, really big launches. That's still going to be 2022. So, yeah, but Microsoft absolutely won this event. Like I mean, then Nintendo goes second and then probably U.B., I think, in third. And that is to Cliff after that. Yeah. No, it was some really great Traylor's. But the problem is it's all Traylor's. It's it's that trend of let's announce the big thing or let's do a big cinematic set piece to show you we're still working on something and like maybe three, four seconds of gameplay. That's it. So, so many of these games, I really want to see what they are, but I have no idea what they are based on what we saw at E3. They're building up the hype on him. You know, it's like I would say that probably 70 to 75 percent of those trailers were all cinematics. There was no gameplay in any of them except for Nintendo's Nintendo. Every game that they announced how to add gameplay in it. Well, every every Nintendo trailer for the last like five years has been exactly the same. There is a cut shot with a guy standing on the top of a mountain and it slowly drifts back, showing the grass physics. There is a guy slow walking through a town, right. With people walking past on the street like it is literally the same trailer over and over again with three or four little reveals. Like if you look back at them, it's 100 percent the same. Actually, I thought Square was probably the worst one, one of the worst ones. They are having a imane, like if you really think about Square Enix is reputation, say, 18 months ago versus now? Completely. Yeah. Yeah, they they well, always go and dove into this one. And because I mean, I made a list of of like eight or nine games that I'm really excited about. And this was on the list. But I don't know that it's so much excitement as it is to see whether or not they can actually adapt to the giant fuck up. That is Marvel's Avengers. But they did the trailer for Guardi. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. Right. And. At first glance. I don't like it. Like, first of all, it doesn't seem multiplayer oriented at all. No, it's it's nice. Yeah, it's it's singleplayer, which I'm all for that. You're all for that? I'm all for that because it's by it's by. Adios, Montrealers. It's the same people who made their sex. Yeah. Gosh, I fucking love dance. Me, too. Like it is death. Sex is probably like maybe my second or third favorite game series of all time behind Assassin's Creed. And they've just done a stellar job. I was wondering if they're going to do a dance, another dance act. But then I guess, like after they did Human Revolution, they switched to this. And I like. That team is so good about detail oriented stuff, there's going to be so much so many things populated in the Guardians of the Galaxy Games that like instant preorder for me, like I heard those ideas, Montreal is a preorder. So do you care what it was? Do you think that it's going to be a overall much better game than Marvel's Avengers? Considering that it's not all anonymous. Yes, they probably they're not even comparable, considering that they're not comparable. OK, well, I think I mean, Mara Liasson, if you look at the first 10 hours, which is the fun part of bubbles of engines, which is the story, the campaign, when you basically are playing it like a single player campaign, I think that that's basically what we're looking for here. But it's such a weird choice to have an ensemble comic like it really is, like five characters tell the story, but we're only playing and swallowed. Yeah, that's weird, right? Like, I can't place tracks or I can't play as, you know, Groot or something like that, you know, or Gomorra, maybe it's like a team based thing, kind of like Dragon Age origins or something like that, you know, like we have them all in your in your lap. I don't know. Let's see. Yeah. You also troll him and then apparently you might like tap a button and call an assist kind of ultimate alliance style seems to be the way that they've described it. It's weird. It's an interesting choice and very much the comic guardians as well. So like people who fell in love with the movie versions. Some of these characters are going to be very different to what they expect. They wanted that, right? Like they didn't want Chris Pratt, comedic star lord. They probably wanted a little bit more. A little bit more serious, maybe, I don't know, I don't know, actually, because I didn't read the comics, so I would know. But I'm assuming that in that regard, that's pretty much a goofy dude. So maybe they wanted to kind of navigate a little bit away from that. Maybe. But either way, I will be playing this game 100 percent, and just because I love that studio and I know everyone's like mantra, I was like, no, no preorders, but like my money, if I really enjoy it, I mean, I say that for a why am I blanking on the name of the company? Who's the worst company? Yeah, that's right. Like I want people to like as much as I want. Battlefield 24 put you on that preordering that game. I'm going to wait probably a week until after comes out and then I'll probably buy it because it'll probably be on sale. But, you know, and I go out and I talk about the the game that they announce that I'm the most excited about. No, you're not allowed. I actually understood cutting. You could go for a go. I mean, everybody that that listens to this show already know that when they think everybody tagged you on Discord. Yeah, I think I got a I got a giant nerd boner when I when I watched the trailer, because it's basically everything that a from software fan wanted out of it. And it's it's I think it's very telling of a game studio that actually produces quality games, because that game is going to come out complete and it's not going to be DLC, this DLC that in app purchase, they make these games and they make them fuckin challenging because that's what the that's what the fans want. They want that game to be hard. They want it to be stunning. And it looks amazing. What I'm most excited about is the fact that George RR Martin had something to do with the storyline. Like I'm actually intrigued because Dark Choules doesn't have a storyline really. Like, I mean, there is a storyline, but it's it's vague. You know, it's not really like the main overall part of the game, like. Yeah, I mean, there is a storyline, obviously, but you kind of have to go digging for it. Bloodborne and Securo had a stronger story than any of the dark games. Three was the game that had probably the strongest storyline, because, I mean, two is a very disconnected game. And one is just I don't think I mean, to me, there's like no storyline in one bite. That's the thing that I'm most excited about is like how this this interacts and I mean, there's like apparently they changed the weapon, the skill weapons system to where like, you know, and originally in in dark souls, one or two or even three. Like if you wanted to do a like the great sword would have a different heavy attack from the two-handed mace or, you know, the rapier would have a different special attack, this weapon. Well, in this game, they're gravitating a little bit more towards what Secura did, where you could level up certain skills and use those weapons to utilize that skill. So it's they're kind of branching out and making it a little bit more. I want to see progression based where you actually have to like spend time, you know, acquiring souls and leveling up to do certain abilities and techniques. And apparently they're doing a little bit more of an emphasis on making the magical combat the better, which is I'm always a fan of those dark souls. That's like kind of a harder, more challenging run than in previous games. And in three, the spells were insane compared to two or one. One spells are like. Good luck, dude. Not not a good run. Not a fun run. But overall, I mean, they brought they got bounce in the game. Now that you can ride your horse up a mountain top, jump off of it, slice a group of monsters like the game was fucking sick and I can not wait to sink my teeth into it. Now they have a piece five, you can now Adobe as far as I can. Yeah, I can preorder this batch, which they. I think this is another game is going to come out in 2020 to. They did they didn't say anything about any. It's January 2020 to him. Oh, they did say it's January. They did, yeah. So all I'll be curious to see if they get to it, because, I mean, they went from announcing it and then disappearing into the ether. So, I mean, just coming out now and then announcing something inside six months. I'll be surprised if it holds to that date. But I agree with you. It's got probably the best chance of anything we saw in those trailers at eight three that wasn't Nintendo of coming out completely. Yeah, which which I'm excited about mad because like it's something it's been bothering me with a lot of these games, like Marbles Ventures, prime example 476. You know, they have the like what do they call like the no man's sky effect or whatever. But it's it's becoming a trend in a lot of the other dude. Wasn't cyberpunk a little bit like that where it wasn't really like there's a lot of bit like that. Yeah, there's a lot of like that. It's still. Have you played it? It's the new bar to where, you know, they they want to just push to release these games and they don't care if it's not complete because they're like, people will buy it. Oh, they'll come back to it. You know, the hype is so real. Like, who cares if they, you know, continue playing or not. As long as we get to sell the sale of it, then, you know, whatever. But I know I the guy. What's his name like a dealer. I'm not going to I'm not going to give his name. The creator. Yeah. The creator of these games. But he just something about the his touch man, like he makes quality video games. I can not wait to sink my teeth into this game. And have like three panic attacks over it. Yeah, looks it looks pretty insane. I'm very much excited to also play that out because I see I still have dark souls to play on because five I just been locked in so many other games. But I'm definitely going to get that. I'm going to get this one game. It seemed like there was a lot of I'm just going down going through the list of all the stuff. There's a lot of like our Xbox slash PC exclusive games. Is this going to really like, man, I really don't want to buy an Xbox, but I might have to. No, I want to play. I don't know. They made it. They made a power move by buying Bethesda. Like that's really what it's all about. So many. I know, I, I guess I could play on PC. Yeah, you can play it through your TV. That's the big game plan for twenty twenty two. They announced it at the start of E3 that they're basically releasing like a Chromecast I'll plug in. And they are saying that they think they've got the stadiums, Toltec. Right. So you're going to have to play anything that's on game past, on mobile, through television. I think the ultimate fuck you move is going to be when they release it on my Sony Bravia. I cannot of like 100 percent. Oh, my goodness. So you're saying I understand that you're seeing it Chromecast like off of your PC. And so they're saying if any TV that comes out from now on, they're basically negotiating with all the main major manufacturers that they're going to have built in facility to do it. But for that, people that already have TVs, obviously you need something, right? So if you've got an Android UI, TV, like I do, they just be built into things like Google Play. But otherwise they're going to release this sort of Chromecast plugin that allow you to do it and just controller straight into wi fi, straight through the TV. So that's. So you don't necessarily need that. I think they've realized how much the chip shortage kind of boned, how much they wanted to pivot to series it straight away. And now they just don't have to. So even they were sort of going, you don't really have to buy an Xbox if you want to. We've got something coming for you guys. So, yeah, what's the basement is like is it's because they don't really sell the consoles at a profit like they're all consoles are pretty much at a loss of just about getting games into people's hands. But to have the game pass plus as well as the you know, I mean, I have a beefy PC and I'm still trying to get a thirty nine. He still cannot get to thirty ninety like terminal seven months later. It's just insane. I can like I need it for work. Crappy, overpriced ones here, like the ones that are almost like spec down there that badly configured. We've got some here if you want to. Yeah, yeah. If I get desperate enough, I'll let you know. Done. But I mean my twenty eighties are still fine for right now. But yeah it's just, it's yeah that's that's enticing to definitely be like oh I don't need to buy an Xbox but I could still do. I mean games past is such a good deal. It's, it's almost worth just having the base. Was it five bucks a month or something like that just for the basic game that like ten bucks a month, something like that. Yeah. And then fifteen if you want the PC as well. So I mean, this literally does make it Netflix because all you need is the TV and then you're good to go. I mean, so it's it's the first one that'll make that leap. It's just a question of do they have the hobley? And let's face it, if anyone's get the budget to make this happen, it is Microsoft. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And it's definitely like it's I don't see I hope they do it just as a fuck you to Stadio, because I, I like the idea of stadia, but it's just execution and the games and just the pricing. It was just not good. So and I mean, I still have my stated controller. I still have my Chromecast for K Ultra that came with it, but maybe that'll be when I play Xbox games. So be kind of fun. So but yeah, with with a lot of those exclusives like the new Arcan studios, the guys who made Dishonored Prey and also to have that red fall to you, that's actually number two on my list. The trailer for that game looked phenomenal, honestly. Like if that game trailers now if that game has. The game played it back up the trailer, it looks like the storyline that they portrayed was centered definitely a game out, like hands down like it had that like Borderlands meets vampire kind of vibe. And I'm all about it. I'm all about it. It's like elements like it is look dope. It's just interesting, though, that like, yeah, I like the I like Arcan. Steve is a lot like preI, I thought was like an underrated game. It's definitely such a classic. Excellent. Yeah. Nobody did. They did the original prey to right as well. Not prey, but I can't remember what I'm saying. I think I said you guys before my favorite trail of all time is the trail of the prey to which never came out. Yeah, I know, but like the original prey was phenomenal. Yeah. And the one that came out like the survival horror game, still great. Just I went through I beat the game. I was in my trying to run on my platinum for it. And I got like distracted. Never did it, but like they had a bunch of DLC that came out for it, which is great. And it's always on sale if ever looking to play a game that's just fun to play. And just as a lot of awesome mechanics, too. It's great. But I was just I was just looking at the trailer for Red Fall, but it's just like it's literally everything is Bethesda Studios now. Yeah, it's just wild. So as you were saying before, kind of the the acquisition of Bethesda is essentially like that is the home run that they that Microsoft got, because now they're just doing all these things and they really having this powerhouse of themselves because, you know. Outside of what? Skyrim and Elder Scrolls and Fallout, like I haven't really seen much of an exclusive title come out of Bethesda in a minute, that wasn't like trying to look like a new unique IP. Not sure. Well, let me ask you guys this question. Who do you think is the Microsoft studio that releases the next fallout? Do they give it back to Bethesda for another run or do they go back to the old school boys, which is obsidian because they own them two? Give it to Obsidian Malpaso 100 percent. I want that so badly, do you guys play at a waltz? I did not play out of worlds, I watched a bunch of like I watch a bunch of speed runners play that game with the players. But I did not have not done, although they should say they announced. I think so. You know, it's two games past is on. It's on. Get a pass now. Yeah, but if you want all the deal Saes, I'm waiting to read the play through Caires July. They've got the latest DLC coming through. I'm going to play the crap out of that. But Al the world's two is now announce E3 as well. So and I really hope the trailer that was just the audition piece, they needed to get it back because the soul that they built into their fall out games is what they'd fall out, what it was. And that soul kind of died a little bit in three, you know, went on to its deathbed in four. And then just, you know, read the last couple of Goths to find New Vegas was such a good game. That was obsidian. Yeah, that was that was probably my favorite one out of the whole series. I don't either that one or three, I did like three, but four was four was good. I mean, Forest four was a good game. It just wasn't. It fell short. Few areas, in my opinion, but seventy six blue Astle. Like I was one of those people that bought seventy six the day it came out. And then, you know, read online the price dropped by like thirty, forty bucks two days later. And I'm like, you got to be kidding me, man. I was saying, but it is actually in a good place now. But I think you really want to play it with friends because it's it's definitely that kind of MMO. Otherwise you just wandering around by yourself in nothing, which is nice for a while, but you get over it pretty quickly. So I hope that happens. And that avowed is the other one that I was really hoping that we're going to have more about. But that's kind of obsidian crack at Skyrim is what they're working on. So we didn't see anything else from E3 about that. Has anybody have they made any notion that they're working on another Elder Scrolls game period, or are they just not? They know they are, Qiana. OK, so I couldn't my buddy and I were talking about this the other day, you're thinking about like buying oblivion just because of how gangster of a game that was. And I'm like, man, are they ever going to make another one or are they just like going to focus all their efforts on MMO? No, I mean, there definitely there it's yeah, it'll it'll definitely be here, I wouldn't expect to for a couple of years. I mean, it's it's going to be they are going to Skyrim, the shit out of that game. And so it's definitely going to be like their next powerhouse of gaming and whatnot. Probably for I'd be curious to see what they do at launch. But, you know, a Skyrim came out, what, 2011, something like that, 2013, something like that. It was it's been a long time out for a long time. And it's honest it on literally everything you could. I'm actually surprised. Yeah, I'm surprised. It's not all my Tesla is what it is, what it is right now, because literally compared heads to my Tesla. But it's like I'm it'd be hilarious if that's that comes to that at some point. But it's definitely I let them take their time with Elder Scrolls six, because that's going to be like I wouldn't be surprised if that's like the next crisis for your PC, which is going to require like some insane sort of hardware to run it, especially with all the mods. It's just going to be so there's there's such good games, man. I just got to play the Skyrim VR, Joe. Yeah, it did. It was surprisingly OK. I was expecting a lot of Jack, just like a last minute port. It's like, well, we put it on to everything but smart fridges, I guess. Beyaz there anything we haven't touched yet, right? I mean, it's no halflife, Alex, with how much is responsive, but it's not terrible. Like it feels pretty good with like the, you know, magic in one hand, Solan the other type playstyle as well. No, I was I was actually impressed. The full out version, not so much, but yeah, the elder Scrolls Skyrim was pretty going to be up. I constantly have fallout for VR on my wish list on steam and like never goes below 30 bucks and I know what to do, but I can't no, I just say I like if it comes down to like 10 or 15, then I'll probably pick it up. But I'm not going to buy another. Another version of I spent like hundreds of hours and fallout four. So I wasn't I'm not really going to spend another hundreds of hours and fall out for VR because I get sick VR into it just like it's going to be. I've already done all that I can or but I just want to experience fallout. VR, I think it'd be fun. Well, maybe next year with the the new headsets being full for K, for the PSP, R2 two and then the new Apple one coming in, a parent I'm sorry, vivoda coming in on five K with O LEDs in each. And it's hard. It's not it's not a good time to switch careers, but I have nearly as much money as I did. And I just got out of the race. I can finally get off the set. Yeah, there you go. But next year's game of the year. Yeah, I'm all over again. I'll wait for it. VR, too. I will 100 percent pick up because I, I look out of all the headsets that I that I own. I think the PC VR is still one that I super enjoy. And the quest is just still good. Get like I it's just such a good pick up. Go bring with you. I usually bring my PlayStation and my PSP are with me on my way jobs and I just take the and I just do it. Enjoy. So you can't go you can't go wrong with a little bit of cardio while playing video games. So it's good. All right. Anything else that really stuck out? I know there is the I mean, I mean, obviously, I'm not like ending the conversation and saying, well, what's up next? I know for me, I'm curious about talking since we're getting into the Bethesda Game Studios type stuff. I'm curious about Starfield. Yeah, it looks like Skyrim in space, I guess. But maybe they're trying to like combat like another mass effect. Like, I don't know. It looks it looks interesting, but I'm very curious to see what they what they do with it. So what do you guys think? I think, you know, I think it's we're all kind of expecting Skyrim in space. Right. And if I don't get a space kouji it like I'm not I'm not preordering. Yeah, well, if it's like a space lizard or I mean, that's been done more, but I mean, I guess it's a good consolation prize. Yeah, I mean, because I would love to kind of them to do the whole Warhammer thing. Right. Of saying, OK, well, we'd have Skyrim. What if we just took that same worlds and the timeline and we fast forward it and basically you can see what Doc Els would be like, you know, thousands of years in the future. I don't think they will, but that's what I would have really, really loved. But yeah, I don't know this space. Everyone's kind of going for CInt Star Citizen announce what it was doing and we'll never release, I guess. But yeah, I don't know. I'm guessing it's going to be pretty much a skowron. It's mass effect. Yeah, because I because there's there's no announcements for another mass effect after Andromeda, as far as I know. I know they've they've basically announced now that they are putting teams back on to something. So, yeah. Acquired that sort of remasters Special Squad now. So they're the ones that are going to go through and look after all their old great ones. So that was enough to put new resources on that. But they have said that there will be another mass effect going back to this universe. And everyone's kind of talking that somehow ship is going to come back because they realize that it was Sheppard and that crew was so much about why people fell in love with and want to see more of. You know, I think Andromeda had a lot of potential because in the same universe, but they just butchered the the release and again, the soul. They really forgot a lot of what made the first one so important. Yeah. I mean, I, I still enjoy the game. Still looks great. Bugs aside for it, if you can get past it. But like I mean, if you ever want like a good 60 hour game, that's like ten bucks. Like, I mean, I think I see OHC Andromeda on sale for like seven dollars on PlayStation and you can't go wrong with it. So I'm very curious to hear what the the Arjan Pro I wasn't going to get up there was it takes two and I think of something else that was enough was like a well, if you bought those two games, it's still less than an annual a ascription. Right. So where I normally wouldn't play Battlefield, now I will. And obviously that falls under there as well. Yeah. Yeah. So that I mean, like you said before, everything is like just trailers, announcers. I'm wondering if like, you know, everyone in the past year has probably just affected everyone's development teams for, you know, being locked down in coronavirus. So I'm assuming like like with all this stuff coming out in 2022 or at least whatever. Well, we'll get more details, I guess, next year or even. Probably I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if these all these games that are being nassr. Just, you know, December twenty, twenty two and then like, oh, hey, 2023, 2024 or so. Yeah, we'll see what did what all came out from Ubisoft. I know I'm very curious to get into Nintendo because I did not look at anything regarding it in terms of I'm actually curious to hear what you guys think. But it was up. They just really had what they had an Avatar game and then they had another watchdogs. I want to say I didn't see any evil watchdogs unless it was DLC. They've got the Valhalla stuff still coming out very shortly. They've got this site of the siege of Paris is on its way. So they delayed the last couple of Daleks trying to make that a bigger deal. So there's hope there. Far Cry six, obviously, is the big release they've got coming this year. So that's what I was not not quite sure. Yeah. And the Avatar one, there was absolutely zero gameplay in there. But I will say, if that game looks sixth, the environment anyway, 60 percent of what we saw in that trailer as good, it's going to be on the most beautiful environment games have ever seen in my life. Yeah. Going to be interesting. I need to actually see the trailer over here. I'm going to take a look at just the quick preview of that while I speak. I'm just really scrubbing through. It looks very interesting. I mean, yeah, if they stick to that like jungle environment for Avatar, it's just going to be I don't know how they're going to dedicate resources to that. But, you know, I'm curious to see how they do it. I mean, I will have to say that the environments in Assassin's Creed, Valhalla are probably like some of the best looking environments on a console I've ever seen for a long time. And I like how they're able to render all that stuff fast. And Ubisoft has always been very good about environments and realistic looking and literally everything. Gameplay aside, it's still like they just nailed space. Right. And, you know, you have you have one of the greatest love hate relationships with Assassin's Creed Bahala. It's fantastic to like have seen the progression of your love, disdain. Fondness. Like, I don't know, it's just funny to hear your progression of emotions, your wide range of feelings on the game. Yeah. But yeah, so I mean, it looks it looks wild. And then they also had what was at the talk to a bunch on stuff with like the new rabbits or something like that. I was looking at Sally's website and I said, my rabbit sparks of hope. Yes. I'm sorry. My advice is rabbits. No, never played it. Did you actually do you guys like at Somia? Yeah. OK. Would you like a version of that has adorable characters and actually requires more strategy the next step? All right, Mario, wrap. I mean, I say is surprisingly surprisingly a like a much better 10 base cover shooter than the reboot. Definitely better than or. Gameplay wise, maybe a bit of the the come to. Interesting, you son of a bitch, I'm in. Yeah, I didn't think I would enjoy it, but no, I actually really cannot wait to play this. We talked about it a little bit on Outpoured this week, and I didn't realize anyone else like this game. But fortunately, Hootch is also a big fan. It is it is a really good turn based co-op shooter. Very slick mechanics, man. All right, I'll have to I'll have to take a look. Is it Nintendo West or yes, or windswept? Yeah. Well, my wife has completely taken over her switch because I mean, it is her switch. I bought it for her. But there's ever another like switch pro that comes out next year and the following year. Who knows? I'll definitely. Or next gen switch, I'll probably pick up another one and play it on that. Yeah, it's interesting. Speaking of the switch, can I talk about another one of the games that I'm super excited about for it, too? I've got two. So number one, they showcased Metroid Dread, which I want to I want to give a give a round of applause. The Nintendo for not doing what every fucking game studio does and trying to make this game that everybody wants it to be. And they're trying to like do the final fancy 15 thing where they got to make everything so fucking flashy and over the top and they went back to the original way. The Metro just played like like super maturate and they made it a better version of it. And it looks fantastic. And I am super excited to play that because I am anybody listens to me knows that I'm a huge fan of nostalgia, like throwback, you know, retro games. And I'm glad to see that they took the original form of the game and made it better. And that's what I think myself and a lot of fans out there would like to see. I mean, don't get me wrong, the first person, Maturi, that they did on the Game Cube, I think was the first one they did . Was we that they released the first. Yeah, it was game. Here it is metry prime, right? Yeah, those were fantastic. Don't get me wrong. I thought they were great games, but I'm a old ass gamer. I just I I'm I'm happy to see what I saw and I will buy that. No questions asked. I hope that they should have put all the new mechanics in, like I hope they really did sells it, like if they sort of bring in all these new mechanics that are just red hot right now in the metro. Sort of vibe. It looks great. Yeah, it's every one of my most anticipated now, for sure. And the other the other Nintendo title, there's actually two more that they showcased. But my party superstars, I saw this last year that one of my biggest disappointments was the fact that I my my best friend and I actually two years ago, my best friend bought me a switch for Christmas so we could play games together. And we both bought Mario Party, put it in, and we realized, oh, we can't we we could we could play three mini games with each other. We could play three mini games with each other. You couldn't play like the actual. Let's play a game of Mario Party, you know, and I thought that was the dumbest thing ever. And I have a buddy of mine that works for Nintendo. And we we both told me were like, this is the this is twenty, twenty. Like, why is there not online play ability with this game, you know? And that's one of the number one things that they both did with my party superstars, is that there will be full online capability, which I'll buy it. No questions asked. I got I got to beat my friend. I got him and his girlfriend, like they talk all kinds of shit about the last time we played it together, which was like two years ago. And they beat me and I got my revenge. And so I'm glad that they're going to be able to pull that off, even though, you know, I don't understand why Nintendo has such a hard time with anything online. I see. I see. That's a very good question. They just seem to like fall short on anything that requires online pliability. They they don't even have an impact, you know? Don't know. You have. Oh, they finally got for it. Gotcha. I've had four. They're like the only company that doesn't have like good online liability, which is so weird to me. But that's their thing. The other one that I'm excited about is a throwback to a game from the Gameboy Advance advance. Worse, like they're doing a reboot of wanting to, which that's just another one of those regular games. Yeah. I mean, it's just like one of those it's an old school game that I mean, I was a kid when they came out and they're just like old school versions of. Oh, God, how to explain it? It's kind of like Pokémon ish, but a different style. That's not that's not really a good way to. I don't know how to even compare it, but yeah, I'm excited about it. Those are some of the things I'm really that I'm pretty much that everything that's on my list except for one game, which. I mean, I blew me away that they were doing this. This was the only one that where did that I like was a stranger paradise, final fantasy origin, where they're basically making like a Dark Souls version of Final Fantasy. And yeah. And they actually showed gameplay. They actually showed gameplay in the trailer. And it looks pretty Boller not going to lie like I hadn't even heard of this. Oh, I'm in it. I'm in like I'm buying it like no doubt. I mean, that's that's the day one by for me. All right, fair enough. Oh, apparently hatched in online play at my apartment switch. I know that. Oh, good to know. I haven't played my part in a while. That was like that's a big party game for us. Like we like whenever we have friends over. Yeah. Well, now that we can know, people are you know, things are starting to ease back up now. It's it's nice to we had friends over last night and like, oh, we should bust up the switch on some Aarti party. But there's a game that is coming out that we've talked about asked. Actually has a release date of September twenty third. And I instantly bought it on yesterday. Oh. Oh, I know you're going with this. Oh yeah. Jabbo to resurrection. Why is five it's give the most expensive place to buy it. Why do you think graphics on the platinum trophies trophies, bro? Of course, why? I mean, you get it for the trophies because that's an easy platea. Yeah. I mean, Gallifrey was not a free was not an easy plan. But talking about dude, it was not an easy play. It was you had to like the hardest part about that was just was a leveling up every character to 80 or whatever, whatever the idea was on that game. Yeah. And then doing the beating everything and going to max level to 80 on hardcore, which I think it's always that I just don't play that game in hardcore mode. Dude, that game is so easy. But still, I have two platinum trophies. Diablo three and Resistible seven. OK, like that's tell you, I should tell you all you need to know about my opinion on how difficult it is to platinum Diablo three. Fair enough. Fair enough. There's a lot of guys in the game that much. I don't know. Yeah. I mean, I'm I'm going to I'll probably I'm definitely playing it on. I mean, I'll probably play it on PC as well. But I definitely picked up on I, I don't know, I just like those, you know, isometric type games on a console. I don't know what it is. I just think it's a lot of fun. And and I really felt that Diablo three on console was really well done. And so I was like, you know what? I would like to vote with my wallet. And so I like you know, this is what I want. I want more of this. Please give it to me. All right. But. All right. The one game that I saw that was like I had not heard anything about that. I actually had game play, even though it didn't show UI and also stuff. And I didn't realize this is sort of like an MMO at all. Was Babylons Fall if you guys heard about this? No, it's not much. It's kind of like it's from square. It's kind of I wouldn't say an MMO. I guess it's like games as a service is probably more of a a good way of describing it. It's going to be coming out on PC and and PlayStation. But it looks it looks interesting. It just it kind of has like the it's kind of like a I guess I guess it's an action in an old games as a service kind of thing. It's just like medieval combat, that sort of. Oh, speaking of those, we talked about it. I've been playing a shit ton of scheler, too. I was going to ask you about that, because the slow twitch announcements earlier in the week, if it was any good, it is one hundred percent worth of forty bucks. I have not so much fun in that game as I steam sales. I was next week, too. So I'm hoping a lot of these hit sale this time. It's cross, not cross play, it's cross platform. I definitely have a bunch of easy stuff. It's a shit ton of fun, mindless medieval siege grinding, but it's just I'm just having a blast with it. No, it's just it's just I've already maxed out all my characters. I'm just I'm just having a blast just now. I'm just trophy chasing at this point, so. Definitely, definitely a fun game, I would recommend it, but I'm I'm trying to go down this list and see what else we got coming up. I wait until we breath of the wild to. Yes, thank you. Oh, so let's go down the Nintendo list, because I didn't know. I have not they're not watching anything Nintendo related stuff. Yeah, well, it looks interesting because if you watch the trailer and the fan theories are just rampant at the moment, there's a chance, by the looks of it, that you might actually be playing as a young man and dolls. Young, interesting perspective. Yeah, I'd be curious if they do it like kind of give you the whole empathy for the villain type idea. I'm dumb about it. I love when they do that, actually, because that's a it's a spin on on the on the whole storyline that, you know, a lot of people want to see, honestly, because , I mean, there's two sides to every story. Right. So, I mean, maybe Gandalf has a good reason for wanting to take over Irel. You know, that's it. I'm assuming it just, you know, look in the future and just wanted a piece of Zelda saw those people already up in the hole, is that huh? Yeah, this is he was the original Encel. He was the one that you know. You're not wrong. Yeah, wrong. He just he couldn't get in there, only fans, and so he took over the whole world. That said, he foresaw 2020. A lot of this went Bernhardt's. Yeah. Zyga God, they're going to be doing hot tub streams. And I get dressed as as LINQ. That's good mazing, so good, actually. You know, I saw one I saw one person make a comment about the wild two and they're like, hey, can you please make like keep the weapons system the same but not make it so painfully tedious for people to have to farm new weapons? And I have to agree with that. That was my biggest turnoff with the game. And I got it right. The point at the whole system was to make you utilize more than just one sort. Right. Which that's cool. Like it makes perfect sense. But it was also dumb, as dumb as hell that like I, you know, like farm weapons to use and like you would just break in the middle using them. And I guess that's like a whole part of part of the game, yada, yada, yada. But for me, not a fan of that style, etc. It was fun. I enjoyed it. I never I never actually completed the game. I did everything in the game except for like actually beating the and also I didn't want the experience to end. And then I never finished it. So I finished it. I mean, it was great. I mean, I definitely it was definitely one of those things where I took my switch to work and played it during set ups. Like, I don't I don't do that on set. Don't do that. Don't actually like take gaming consoles to work and then play them when you're supposed to be paying attention. Not a good way to keep a job, but yeah. Anything else that's. It looks good that came out of E3 for you guys, I mean, I'm not surprised you didn't see so much what you want, man. It looks so dope. Well, they have like a square. Is it a Sony thing coming up soon? I want to say right at the end of this month, July or whatever they call it. Yeah, they're going to have their own thing. I wouldn't be surprised if we see more stuff that at that time it was just released without fanfare, 16 something in the next couple months, because that was those the omission from the show. They I think there's two. I saw somebody mention that there might be a different show where they're going to release the trailers or talk about 16 and seven to we'll call it the second chapter of seventh remake. Oh, yeah. So, yeah, because I think both of them are slated to come out. They said that 16 is supposed to come out next year. But I mean, they have shown no gameplay footage and they haven't been talking about it very much at all. So I'm inclined to think that. Might be a 20 23 release, but, you know, we'll see. Yeah, well, they had the new. Take your time, take your time with us. Don't fucking rush. Yeah, well, they have the new thing with Yoffie that can just came out to the next chapter, so. Yeah. Got it. Yet it's twenty dollars. I understand that. I mean, I'll I'll get it if it's like ten bucks. But I'm not going to get it right now. So but, uh, I say I'm trying to I'm looking at to see if they have anything about the next state of play, which is a good point, where the game is called Zelda, but it's always a story about LINQ, like it's actually a really good point if it's because Zelda is like the controversial figure. Maybe I don't know. It's just she's the driving force, I suppose, like without the without here is motivation. Like what would link be doing if she wasn't a thing? Well, so is Linka Symp. Maybe I reckon he definitely have like a pottery studio, gentlemen, with the amount of life that God is love. Smash the crap out of pots. I have a feeling life for sure is definitely going a thing that gets a guy that owns a kill. You're a man, for sure? For sure. Yeah, I think I mean, he uses an ocarina and I mean, he's actually a hipster in all for all intents and purposes. I mean, the way he dresses, you know, he kind of has that like retro vibe. Yeah. Chickens attack him. That kind of thing. Oh, yeah, I can see the word on your can I do the same thing on Astrium the other day? I completely forgot the new rules. What, on Twitter. You're not allowed to say that? No. In fact, I think I said the words which don't have to say here as well. Oh, heaven forbid. And it's one place, Ruzena, like now I say, well, it's a good thing. It's a good thing. We're not like, you know, platform streamers. So does it really? They would never be able to figure that out. I can I can pivot us to something. Holsten, if you want to go straight there. Pokemon, unite, pivot, you guys pumps. Wait, what's that? Pokemon as mobile. What? Oh, Don did talk about this a while ago, I missed this. Yeah, I had no idea. I didn't watch anything. I miss the screen waiting for for ages, but I actually showed. So there's obviously a trail up and they showed a little bit of gameplay. So the only wild card at the moment, and this is kind of leaked out of the lustbader is it's not just a flat Moabite like most of it plays that way, but there seems to be some kind of like sporting mechanic that there are like balls and that you can pick up and throw them through hoops, kind of Quidditch style. I don't really know how it works in yet, but the gameplay that they showed of the different characters, like they had everyone sort of converging into a narrow hallway and a Mr. Mime basically threw up a barrier which is trapped the whole team before they went him on them. There's like Lucario ripping out a couple of big counters. It actually looks really slick, but it's coming out on switch next month on New July. And then the mobile version will be September Will and definitely played on mobile. For sure. Dude, I will definitely try this out. Yeah. So, yeah, like a delicious looking. It literally looks like Lee, but it's Pokémon. It's really leak skins, like they go on Bush. They got it, dude. Yeah. All right, if I can if I can be sidewalk rolling around in. Or Bulbasaur, I'm down with it. Man, one to percent. That's the beautiful thing, is you can make like all the lower classes, just copy and paste and rip them off because they all kind of fit a Pokemon some way. That's true. Oh, my God, this is actually hilarious. Snorlax is the tank and it's hilarious. Yeah, so we're going to be all in there. And but I'm sure there'll be a jigglypuff of the sleep mechanic. And I'm definitely looking at I'm looking at a five five match up and it's Blast or Venus or ganger a champ Sario against Char's Zahed Snorlax Kleef Fable Pikachu and Talin Flame. I don't know who this guy, but it's looking good. But I think you guys were sort of questioning something before that I have questions about as well as that. How the hell is this going to play on the switch version? Because they're online formatting and playing with people that aren't already your friends is terrible. Yeah. Yeah, that's very. I'm very curious, I'm. Hmm. I mean, they got to figure out matchmaking. I mean, that's I mean, hopefully they've added some development to that. This looks actually it looks really good. You're right. It's just like Ligue skin Pokémon. Yeah. If I really a game that we needed and didn't know we needed it until they told us about it. And now there it is. So now my question is going to be. How do you how would you choose? OK, I want to play Charmander, Shamlian or Shazad? Like how do you pick between the three of them? I like to say today. No, no, no. Like but like what would be the like? That's that's my question for this game is like how do they like what's the difference between the different evolution or the evolved stages or when you start playing with one. Yeah. Do we start playing with one? And then the more we play that that champion, it allows us to unlock like a further like the evolved stages. So like a veteran player would be able to play his last voice as opposed to like somebody is playing as well as they may if they have to scan, it doesn't look like they have. It's a hell of a missed opportunity because you know how in like Liq and Doda that they have that leveling progression, like you actually have like three and four, and then like you unlock your olds at like six, seven or eight, depending on those games. Like there are logical points in a match where you could just have evolutions and it's like some Pokemon to just the same all the way through and let us get progressively more powerful and ramp others have these massive power blocks or based on you playstyle, you could choose to evolve and evolve like there's so many things that they could have done with this that are awesome. It doesn't look like they will. But I mean, we've seen so many different MOBA style games where, you know, there are different versions of that same character, like, you know, might be Kerrigan. And then it's like that's her as a noble operative from Starcraft. And then they have their brud version. The other mean. So there's so many different ways we can give them different kits for the same characters, for the different evolutions. But I have a feeling that's not going to happen for a while. Like they'll do the major archetypes first, then they'll loop back around or what they'll do with skins that you'll be playing Charizard. But you could like just play it under the charm and or charm alien skin. Yeah. Like some of the skins they've got already. And they're just hilarious. Like there's an outfit in there. It's got like Snorlax with like a floaty device and stuff like that. So there's a lot of like adorableness. I think you can get out of it. The part that I think is the best that is Nintendo. I think it's unlikely to have a lot of the big micro transactions outside of Skins. So that's encouraging as well. Yeah, I will 1000 percent. Trying that out, Habré, I'll be watching for both platforms. So come onboard. All right, I mean, that's definitely going to be I mean, as much as I really enjoyed while Drifty got real sweaty real quick, so I thought Lord Reffed. So I need I was looking for that. And then also, you know, rip the Marvel Nobakht. That's never going to happen. Super War. Yeah. It's officially not going to go global now, right? Yep. Yeah. Well, who's that, Nettie's, right? I don't know, I don't think it's net news, I think it's somebody else, I think understand what's happening. Like why did they never push it out in the States? It comes down to like if they didn't get enough if they didn't get enough traction in the like the limited launch in the Philippines and whatever reason why they didn't. But the fact that Ada was not great. I I'm actually really excited about this program I gave that looks like fine, you know, like I and I and I hopefully it starts out like wild rift where there aren't a bunch of sweaty boys on there and sweaty girls. But like I think it'd be an accessible mobile. I think it's going to be more like heroes of the storm. I have a feeling that they're going to deliberately put in objective's on the map that are going to force you away just from Griffing the whole time. Like I have a feeling that there'll be other ways to win other than just, you know, smash. I hope they do that. I hope they do that because that's that's exciting. Right? League is a. If you want to be a media player, you understand that you need to actually do the objectives in the right, but the average person just brain dead, zoom out and focus is on kill, kill, kill, kill, kill. Let me just snowball and win the game. Right. Which that's one way to play it. But it regularly. You can't do that. So and while Riffe that's what ended up happening is, is that you just had people that would snowball and win the game done. But. Oh, man, this this I don't I think I think what you're saying is right there, they're probably going to make this less. Sweaty, there's people that are going to find a way to make it sweaty, but I think that they're going to make it more accessible, like you said, in terms of there's going to be a much younger audience that are playing this that the league is targeting. Hmm. Yeah, I think it'll be like I mean, they can make it like the rocket league kind of level of accessibility where like you can sort of bring that extra level of skill to it and really optimize it. But, you know, a six year old could play at the same time. I think if they aim for that and pull it off, it'll it's going to potentially be massive. And it's Pokémon IP man like. Yeah. Yeah. How can it not be super warbly? Who's bringing that? Yes. Yeah, yeah. So who's being who is developing Pokemon, you know? You know, I think it is Nintendo who's doing the mobile version. That's a good question. Many studios shy in Miami studios. Oh, yeah, they did. Was it the massive game that they did? Well, they actually the ones abroad brought while Reffed I remember they did. Call of Duty. Call of Duty. That's Aretha Fowler. Arena is actually a pretty big mobile game. Yeah, I like I actually like I played Arena Valya when it came out like years ago. So I was a big fan of that. So it's funny that Coalhouse, they have they call of duty street cred. I mean, that that put on false call duty is exceptional. It's yeah. Amazing. Yeah, I played I stream that game for a while, like when I first came out like a year and a half ago or two years ago, I stream that game, played it on my phone. It just talk about a lot of fun with like a battle royale because I played that in Pobjie on mobile . Like I'll still pick it up and play it. It's just it's just they just knocked it out of the park and it's fun. And it's like not challenging in terms of like if you know what you're doing, it's not challenging you. I mean, obviously, if you don't know what you're doing, it's art as fuck. But like once you get the hang of it, it's like it's easy to just, you know, stomp on people and just have a lot of fun with it. And just it's just one of the most satisfying shooters on Obel that I've played in a long time, though. Absolutely. If they're doing it, if they're doing on Monday night, I'm all for. Yeah. Make it look so good. I know. Man, it looks good. We've been sweating on this since we first heard about it last year. And then when we saw like the actual game play and now it's going to be a month away or less then. Come on, man, get excited. I won't be joining you guys on that one. We will have a little little five five. Yeah, I'll try to pull my switch away from my wife. Switch away from her. Well, you don't have to say. I wonder I wonder, was September I wonder if Mobile can play with people on switch as well. They're going to be cross platform. I hope it's cross progression as well, because I'd love to take my account and just pop it on over there. But I have a feeling because it is a different like Dev calling, it may not be the case. It depends on whether Nintendo has got the its name slapped or not for Mobile. Do you guys plan to play it on mobile or switch both? Research for three three-month program known jump ship. I mean, I never use my switch for anything, so like the fact that they're releasing games that I'm excited about on this, which is something there was actually another RPG that they RPG that they announced that I'm not going to try to pronounce the name, but I'm excited about that. The advance word game, Metroid, Super, Super Mario or Super Mario Party. Such supermarket party. It's my party. And there's also a Wario game that they announced of it and just look stupid. What found a way out? Yeah, I like Wario because he's like the most underrated. I want to see villain in the Mario world. I don't know. I just find him to be absolutely hilarious. And he doesn't get enough of. Yeah, or a while the. I just think a lot. While the wages are lower. It's just like it's just ridiculous. I mean, it's just silly. So awesome, man. Well, I think I think that covers a lot of these three stuff. I don't know if there's anything that we're missing, but there's a lot there's a lot of stuff out there. Bethesda, I think, is just killing it. Like you said, Microsoft, I think won this like won this event. Granted, there wasn't really no big Sony stuff because they have their own conferences. Probably gonna be out later on that summer of curious to see that will definitely be covering all that too. So. Chiu, thanks so much for going back and filling in for AC. Very much appreciate it. Anytime guys, let me know. Thanks for dealing with the technical difficulties. Yeah, good. Yeah. I mean it wouldn't be an over Cheevers gaming podcast episode if it wasn't some sort of technical default. Yeah, literally. We should just call ourselves, you know, ogee tech support and just the podcast reflecting the state of gaming that like bugs are just part of the show now. Yeah. Amazing. So anyway, where can people find you? Your podcast. Give us a little plug in. Absolutely. Yeah, definitely. So we're getting back into the YouTube swing of things slowly. So YouTube dot com forward slash alternate reality, the podcast, alternate reality pod bean apple. Basically any way that you can find good podcasts and then myself at Tubac. Eighty four everywhere. So Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, which have been using much but soon. So yeah. That's me. Yeah. All social stuff. Stuff. I'd take care of all that stuff. And I just always forget about all the time. So I'd write harder to keep up on. It's just it's just so exhausting. Keep up with it. Well, now now that you have a new job and you have time, we can sit down and we can plan this out, right? We can. Yes. They have time to stream work on the podcast and all sort stuff. I'm actually that's honestly one of the one thing I'm looking forward to, besides being able to work out of a schedule to work out, which I plan on how to get you on tick tock with some dances back. Oh, you can find us on Instagram, Adobe, podcasts or Twitters over Cheevers for your websites, Ogee podcast, where you get this episode and every episode where we talk about video games. Not me talking. Oh, yeah. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there. Oh, yeah. Is Distractor. Happy Father's Day, Shubra. Happy Father's Day. Thank you, Aziz. In September, I think. But I'll take it. Yeah, well, it's not a. Oh, I guess that's just a status thing. Oh, is this thing is that a thing in the US? Sure is. I didn't know that. Well, you asked around the world to friend who's. I'm just kidding. The Hallmark holiday, like the rest of the world, just loves you guys. Yeah. Hats were big, loud, obnoxious, though. Thank you all for coming out and make sure I didn't I didn't talk about sponsors, but you know, you all know about it. You better make sure you knew Banerji OG ODG 15 for 15 percent off any order at Newb Energy dot com. Or you can go to Newb Ugie podcast that EFM same link. All right, so you guys next week and make sure you follow tick tock tick tock dot com slash Oggi podcast. I think it's a tick tock. I subscribe now so that you can see Charlie doing stances. I'm not dancing.