Speaker 1: 00:00:12 [inaudible] Charlie: 00:00:12 what's up everybody and welcome back to another edition of the Marvel strike force insider edition of the overachievers gave me, we've got to find a better way to say that. That's just like [inaudible] ChefCrondo: 00:00:21 full arable strike force in fight or addition. Ms F, mrs Shafer, Charlie: 00:00:26 the MSF I S O. G P a. This is the, a a Marvel strike force addition of our [inaudible] gamer podcast. We can, we can, we can, we can totally do that. We just have J T maybe whip something up for us. It'd be, uh, it'll be fine. Sixties game show right now. Okay. Continue with say. Anyway. Uh, this week we have chef rando back on from twitch.tv/chef Rondo to talk to us about, uh, what's all going on in the past two weeks in, in the, uh, MSF or what's up chef, marvelous show. Mom. Thanks for having me. Of course. Have something wonderful cooking this up. Something great. Maybe that's what the whole call the title of this. ChefCrondo: 00:01:09 Yeah. You can ask. You've been seeing the Instagram posts lately. Charlie: 00:01:13 Yeah, I know. I've been watching as well. ChefCrondo: 00:01:14 Everything are you like, are you, are you full time? Scheffing again, are you back? No, I do. I have a slide that's started a side business as a private chef. So I do like, I do like private dinners at for people on their yachts and a version in their homes. Yeah. I only do the bougie clients because I find that, I find that when you work with the people that yeah, when you work with the people that are on a budget, they're always like a Royal pain in the butt. So I decided to, uh, which is usually me. I'm usually that person that's the painted the bud dude. I'm a pain in the butt to try to get from experience. That's awesome man. Congratulations. That's really cool. It's pretty red. I'll try and try to take it. Trying to, you know, like keep the old passion alive and that you don't make a ton of money working at restaurants, stuff like that. So it was like a nice way to feed the beast, you know, so I can pay for things like red stars and stuff like that. You're literally Charlie: 00:02:07 all right. You can find us on Instagram at OJI dot podcast or Twitter is overachievers P. our website is being over achiever.com we can get this episode and every other episode plus what we do, our normal gaming podcasts where we talking about video games, things we love and hate. Coming up next week, we're going to be talking about jet. I fall on order, which is fucking fantastic. Rando I know you're a soul's fan. I highly recommend that because it's star Wars we've sold. ChefCrondo: 00:02:29 Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Okay, so, so I know we're not here to talk about this, but I was holding off on purchasing it until I heard some reviews. Give me the, the the super T O O one liner. Charlie: 00:02:42 VR is, it is light. It is dark souls meets uncharted with a star Wars, so, ChefCrondo: 00:02:47 so it's star Wars, but you dialogue. Yes. Okay, cool. It's good and it's hard. Wait, can't wait. It's good. It's, I mean, I'm buying it for a bit and that's fine. Whatever. It's good. Charlie: 00:03:00 Oh, I will. I will leave it at that next $60 it's worth the $60 thank you. Yes. Next. Next up is a real talk about Jeff falling order. We're going to talk about dark death stranding cause I put some time into that. Dom's going to talk about the new Pokemon go. Yeah, go. That's going on with that. Oh well I don't care anymore. I have the games. Great. So I'm okay. Well you're going to [inaudible] we have a, we have a big episode coming out next week for our normal scheduled gaming podcast, but this week we are here to Hemet haul over Marvel. Strike a crowd that we're going to people find you on the Instagrams or on the social media is, are all on the internet. ChefCrondo: 00:03:36 Yeah, I'm on Instagram chef. Delicious. That's the word. Delicious. But with an O instead, like a delicious, uh, yeah, which I'm actually active on it again now, so I have to be great. I'm actually making Thanksgiving dinner this week for 30 something people in my office. So yeah, it's our, it's our friends giving. So I'll definitely, I'll be posting some, a nice tasting Charlie: 00:04:01 pictures from that, that meal who have to keep an eye out and see if I can get any tips or anything like that for our, uh, Thanksgiving. Do you guys ever have cooking questions? Hit me up. I got you. For sure. I'm understanding your sweetheart. Things are coming back on again. All right. So this week on the two week recap, we had quite a bit happening. Hella dropped in a blitz a and she had Tupelo drops, she hella drops. Ah. Um, I went hard on hella this, uh, the first time around I had 12.5 million points and I missed it by 150. I was 16. It felt like I'm not doing that again. ChefCrondo: 00:04:41 Wait, was that, was that like the nail in the coffin for you on blitz? Charlie: 00:04:44 Yeah, that was the nail in the coffin for me. ChefCrondo: 00:04:46 So can I, can I actually I, I this, this is one of the things I actually want to talk about today cause like I feel like blitz is probably the game mode in this game that needs to be reviewed the most. And because, well do they've been saying shit like that for forever, but Charlie: 00:05:03 posting like we recognize that not what it should be. They said they're going to add more cheers. Gee, ChefCrondo: 00:05:07 I feel like I don't even, do you think the tears is the answer to the problem though? Because I think it's a matter of like do 12.5 million man. Like that's a shitty feeling dude. Just spend that much time grinding it out. See, but here's the problem. So in my mind, I'm thinking of it this way, it's like it's, it's, it's a big bit of a bigger problem because like we could say like, Oh well, you know, it's not that big of a deal. Well you know, people get over it, blah, blah, blah. But I think that as time goes on, people like you've asked that that value doing the blitz is, that's like what you like to do in the game. Like enough of that, that happens enough times to you and you're not gonna want to do it anymore. Now that happens to X amount of people to play the game. I mean we're talking about like probably the number one game of next to Wars in terms of like participation in the game. Ah, you know, that's not good in my opinion. But um, especially for the longer run of the game. So they, they 12.5 million. Man, that's so awesome dude. Charlie: 00:06:06 And so much time and also, sorry, hold one second. ChefCrondo: 00:06:09 No, but there's a lot of, not to cut you off, but there are a lot of people like I'm coughing. There are a lot of people like you because I think I read a post this the other day that there were like a few thousand people that were in the same shoes as you and that's, yeah, that sucks dude. If you 500 people, it's okay. It's, it's, I think it's more like you could tell it's an easier pill to swallow. If there were like, you know, 15 people that did it, then it's just like, sucks to be those 15 people, but a few thousand Dom: 00:06:35 dude. The fact that they're like you, I wouldn't, you'd have to pay me to set a timer every two hours. We wake up my ass up every two hours. You know what I'm saying? Like there's like that's in the, that's you know me, I'm the advocate for mobile games. I think this game is great. I think there's a lot of cool games coming out that are on our phone. I think this is like straight up feature shit. You know what I'm saying? But like that is on or not. That's absurd. Charlie: 00:07:08 Yeah, it was. It was just, it was just nuts. It's just, the thing that annoyed me the most about it is I put that much time into it. I was out of like, like I did as much as I could. Like okay, this is why I could get 12 I mean that's my highest. So far. It's 12.5 of ever and I missed it by 150 ranks and it was the same amount. If I had just put 3 million points into it and just not touch my phone all weekend. That's all it was. Yup. So I, I, I spent probably what, 20 hours playing the game and it got me nothing as if I had done two hours. Dom: 00:07:39 That hurt that hurt. That's a problem man. That's a problem. God, you know what it's realize and like the one day I hit top 10% once and you're like, Oh I was in the same tier and I was only at like I think five mil or something. And you were like still, I don't know. I was at three mil and you were still quite a bit. That was a, that was the most I've ever done in a blitz. That was like when I went the hardest ever. And you were still like fairly far above me and we were still in the same like yeah, right. I was like this doesn't make sense. Charlie: 00:08:08 Yeah, you did nothing. So, I mean the added different tiers on, see if I can find the, the, the posts that they make. Cause we have a, a thing on our discord. ChefCrondo: 00:08:15 It's just that the CRE, the power creep is going to get even worse because, you know, it's funny, as you just said that you just said you got top 10% with three mill. What I think of when I very first started playing this game is I got top, I got tough 1500 in all of the blitzes with a 3 million score, like you know, and so that was a, that was a year ago. So within a year, the creep on that is that it went from an average of two to three to four minute flashy. Four to five mil was like you were in the top 100 and now it's like you gotta be 12 1520 plus million in order to get into the top 100 like, dude, it's going to be like, what about a year from now you're going to score 40 million points. It's like that will literally take you the entire three days to make that happen. Charlie: 00:09:00 Yeah. So here are the new changes that they're talking about. I'm sorry, my camera shut off for some reason. I'm not sure. I thought you were just so mad. You were like, I'm done with it. God damn it. I'm just done. Bless Charlie and rage. Quit. Uh, yeah. It says the current rank is 101 to 1500 reward capital increase to conclude places 101 to 2000 not great. It should be three. Technically the current rewards in the top one to 10% will be changed to a top six to 10%. An additional tier will be added for top three or 5% which will contain additional charts comparable to the tops of six to 10% in additional tier will be added to top one to 2% which will contain additional character charts comparable to the top three to 5%. They said that this will take some time to implement. Who says that? But we will play on the roll this out next week. It's going to take some time. It's going to come out next week, so, okay. ChefCrondo: 00:09:47 Yeah. Right. Oh, you know what? Hey Jay. Hey Charlie. Actually we put a, did you guys watch the strike time video last week? Oh my God. Oh gentlemen. Oh, I didn't know that. Okay. So I'm going to go. So no, hold on. Wait. So, so I almost feel as though I'm happy that they put this out because I finally put a face and a name. So the guy that has really liked just Dick this hard all over, his name's John [inaudible]. Yeah. D, U R R. and you know, I hate to sound like a high school kid, but that really sums up why I feel as though there's a lot of dumb ass decisions right there. Cause you know, they probably just sit around and saying his last name over and over again. Like I would so, um, anyways, he says in the midst of his, you know, just whatever. Uh, he says that he promotes a fun and quality experience with this game. Yet. I don't know guys. I haven't had much fun and I don't think that I've had a quality of experience in awhile. Yeah. Trolley not surely did 12 minutes did logging in and see the use. You were short on that blitz. Was that a quality and fun feeling that you had? Charlie: 00:10:49 Definitely wasn't a and fun feeling. It was a feeling, I wouldn't say quality or fun. ChefCrondo: 00:10:54 Yeah. Yeah. Well, so sir, what was that feeling that you were, you were having a poop emoji Charlie: 00:11:07 before this? Before we started doing this podcast and I did. ChefCrondo: 00:11:09 Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, I just, I just love that there's a face and a name now. So like when I, when I pulled that fifth four-star red, black Panther or whatever, I could finally just scream to the heavens in his name instead of, damn you random person at Fox. Next did. Since since sinister has dropped, I've gotten four, four, two red stars finished. Mr Zinner drops four. I had to buy cumulates Charlie like those are useless. I know. It's cool that I got that, but it's like four, Charlie: 00:11:44 nothing's better than pulling four or pulling multiple four red stars of the same character multiple times in a row. That's good. That is a slight chance. How is that possible? ChefCrondo: 00:11:54 You know, it's not hard. It's very low. Um, you know, I actually, I'm curious. So you guys, you guys, uh, you just did a whale Wars casino, right? Oh, I did. Me smacking the shit out of casino. What number, what number episode was that for him? Yeah, I don't know. All I know. All I know was that 20 something right at this point it's live. I was the second live stream to whale Wars, which was cool. That was nice. So yeah, he didn't post it yet. Okay. So like this is one thing I was thinking about. It'll be episode 20. His last one was Valley flying an episode 19. Okay, perfect. Okay, so here you have an example. Okay. So the, the, the fun quality experience thing. I keep driving this point home because we, developer of the game said that that's their emo. Okay. ChefCrondo: 00:12:41 So like y'all, I don't like casinos. However, I'm about to defend him because like I feel as though it needs to be stated that they aren't really providing a fun and quality experience. Homeboy has spent $2,000 on the game right there. Okay. And he is the number one source of marketing for this, for this game. He plays this game every single day and he puts out these videos, right? We're actually, in theory, they're getting $4,000 for that because all the other person's office spending money and he has how many? Seven red stars. Zero zero fucking horse shit, dude. Like, yeah, no, go ahead. No, that, that's, that's the PR. Honestly, uh, it's surprising that there's still so chummy with him because he is all, in my opinion, the number one source of proving how broken that system is. Yeah. No, no, no. He is playing any money on it. ChefCrondo: 00:13:31 To counter it to counteract the exact point that you just made. My, my, my homie that I do my show with Toronto, he has a seven red star and he has six, six red stars and he has spent $0 million on red stars. So you know, I'm just saying that you have that like I'm not, okay, you should just give the guy seven red stars because he plays the game on strike, on stream or whatever. But that should be a very clear indication that something is either that or they know that they created the Holy grail of all fuck you paid and wind systems, you use that on a marketing standpoint. They would just hand him a couple seven red stars, right? Like NDA, do not tell anyone that we gave you this. Yeah, we just can't have you doing this anymore. That rises me. Right? ChefCrondo: 00:14:20 Cause we're all adults here. We all have jobs. You guys work in tech or you, you work, uh, you work in film like, like you know that there are marketing departments out there and it's like really, really, really important to do this stuff right? They haven't done that. That's really surprising. Especially because, I mean I don't know about Shuber. I think of like the top content creators because like they're the ones that are like the, the the link between us and them since they don't do a very good job of talking to us very frequently and especially this game. It's like not many games are I and this is where I will say something about Fox next in Dom: 00:14:52 this is because they're a small studio and like they're there, it's not like call of duty obviously, but not many studios and developers actually talk to their people as much as I feel like Fox next does and regardless of if it's ever information that we need or want or whatever, it's still, it still happens though. Like they told with their envoys like they do and I don't know. I, that's something I guess I get, I don't know. I'll be trying to, I'll try to make up something that sounded, yeah, but it's not really there. Charlie: 00:15:24 Dude. Speaking of envoys. Luke [inaudible], who's one of their envoys, chills on my stream. He said it's been 500 and something days and he still has not received his first six red star. Dom: 00:15:34 Dang sucks man. I, so I got my first seven red started like three or four weeks ago. And how did you get, what'd you get? I've gotta uh, CRE cyborg, Charlie: 00:15:47 super sick people. I bet man. Oh yeah. Yeah, he really does. He really does. I suppose I still have zero seven red stars. I though my last six red star wasn't King red star King pens. You know what? They gave it to you Dom: 00:16:05 ball man. That's some balls. Got phobic shit right there, man. That's how [inaudible] what the heck man, that's hilarious. Cigarettes are Falcon though, don't you? Yeah. That's like the sickest pool ever. That's actually, yeah. Charlie: 00:16:18 Carnage and Falcon were my first two six red stars and then I got Curry noble and paint pens and hide your armored guards. [inaudible] got five, six red stars. Low key. That's really funny. Just dropping it, just drop it in real quick. But anyway, continuing along. We had some more stuff happened this past week. We had the gold calendar. Yup. Just finish up today. Which you know, if you logged in for a week, you got, you know, an extra 300,000 gold, which I think should just be the norm. I think it's as you log in and get that honestly, firstly 100% that's like what one level for your character. Not even, not even right dude. Not even man. It cost me 480 something gold, 480 K goal just to level up from 74 to 75 so [inaudible] Dom: 00:17:04 honestly the level grind after a 70, they've really storms. I agree. I only have one tune. I was like, you know what, let me just put rocket to 71 and I was like, it's that much gold. Charlie: 00:17:16 Yeah. But it's, it's a good resistance upgrade off sort of stuff. So I put, I put my shield team with Colson all the way to 71. Uh, and then I have my arena team all the way to 71, although my arena team is now a 75, 74, 73 and 73 across the board. And then my red team that I'm working on as well. So for algebra seven so, which, I don't know if you guys have experimented with the anode Dom, you're not even close to the ultimate seven, but I don't know of if you've tried the tech wing for ultimate seven at all. It works fantastic. I'm still getting smacked Dom: 00:17:50 in it, but we do two ultimate sevens raids a week. Yeah. I mean they're good. I just, we, we get to 30. That's it. Charlie: 00:17:58 Yeah. That's all I needed. I mean, 30% in ultimate seven is the same as you know, a hundred percent ultimate six. So we would do four days Dom: 00:18:04 part as you get the gold. Uh, Charlie: 00:18:07 yeah. You get the T four months, that's your for a T for, I don't know. I mean same thing, but you know, just say what I see. Um, and then also happening this past week is still starting off now, I guess is continue on. It actually started today was the feast calendar with some Redstar upgrades. What do you guys feel about that? Dom: 00:18:23 I like daily. Yeah. John and I both had the same agreement that this should be like a daily thing from now on until the end of time. Charlie: 00:18:31 Yeah. So you get what, 70? Uh, it looks like 70 credits I guess for, you know, one to four for the, um, you know, whatever, you know, can take somebody forward. It'll take us four months to get a five star instead of two years basically faculty. And then you also get some forward star credits going forward. So it's like you get, it looks like a, you know, I can't do math right now. Seven 25 times 7,000. Right? No, wait, no, it's seven. It's, it's 14 days of a, you get every other day you get either 10, a Redstar credits or you get 10 or 725 for red star elite credits. So whatever, some in 25 times, um, you know, seven is, which I can't do math off the top of my head, which is 5,000. So you get a one one red star leap at the end of this two weeks. So. Great. Dom: 00:19:23 Thanks. We know things. My sister duplicate black Panther. Oh sorry guys. Fantastic. Is there even like coding in there that like the duplicate rate should be lower, you would think, right? I don't know. It just seems like, yeah, Charlie: 00:19:46 one can only hope. Um, but yeah, so with that we also got strife being announced with the Marotta team, with mr sister dropping as well and going with your whale Wars. A comment from earlier Dom, how'd you do with the mr sinister Redstar drops with a casino? Dom: 00:20:02 Did you get hurt? The most I got was a three red star, which is so cool. Or whatever. It's a new character. Like how many, how many did you open up? How many, uh, orcs? Yeah, 2029. And you got a three stars. Your best thing at first sinister that my best drop was uh, I had two actually pretty good drops. I had a five Redstar drop, a CRI a Reaper, which usually my team is actually killing me right now. Well the reapers really good repute seven or start a cyborg and then a five Redstar Reaper. They just recruit team melody. They melt and then they got four red star vision, which was nice. Oh, that's super good. Yeah, that helped out actually. Really? No. And uh, and I got my group, got something. My group got something. I don't remember. Yeah, ChefCrondo: 00:20:50 I was going to say if you opened up 29 orbs and all I got that I was going to, Dom: 00:20:54 no, that's some good stuff. Some tables. So one of my $100, by the way, the point system starts, it was like, it's, it, it's the amount of points per, or like if you get three stars, three points, blah, blah, blah. If it's, um, an upgrade, you I think like double or some shit. If it's new character, you double blah, blah, blah, blah. But as you like in my, in all my sh my cheat sheet here of our points, it's a lot of a, it's a lot of twos and threes and ones for every once in a while you got a five. But it's a lot of like, it's a lot of just very small increments and it's just like, Oh man, that's the indication there that that's the like, it's just, uh, it was, it was embarrassing. Like the fact that we got it was the end result was 91 to 83 that I, that I'd beat him. And I only actually did that, uh, because in the, the last round you open your elite four or that's like the 29th orb and it's, it's tripled. And, and so I got my Cree Reaper was upgrade, so I got 18 points just off the CRE Reaper and then I beat him. Charlie: 00:22:07 Wow. Crazy. Well, I guess we get, as soon as we start talking about restaurants, we can talk, you can open it up with red stars before we get into what's coming up next. So yeah. Do you have anything kinda this week for your red stars? Dude, I actually ChefCrondo: 00:22:19 see, I was telling ashy that I got sick on Friday night and I didn't open orbs yesterday so I'm gonna I'm going to wait till next week and get double the double the fun. But I did get a, uh, I got like a four star Sheree last week and it's not bad. Oh no, wait, that was a duplicate. I forgot. So, uh, the answer's no. I haven't gotten anything good. But um, uh, it's not a red star thing, but I did get my ghostwriter and Elsa to G 12 and, Oh, I'm a supernatural team's actually pretty dirty Dom: 00:22:56 dude. I somehow miss ghost writer. I am, I mean that's not here and there, but I'm like, I really want to play supernatural. I can't, I gotta wait [inaudible] ChefCrondo: 00:23:02 they're actually really good man. Like I, I used it against the Colson team the other day. I mean they were, I mean I, I was, it was like a 20 K punched down cause they were weak Colson team. But I obliterated it. And I mean, you know that Colson team is actually, if you don't use your it team, it can eat you alive. So I was surprised that they took them out that easily. So, uh, cause you know, I have teams that are about stronger like spider verse and spider verse can't kill shit. So um, spider versus good for like, Oh this person put a random hodgepodge team of equal power. Let me see if I can pull this one out of my ass. Charlie: 00:23:41 Yeah. But I had, I put half my spider verse team on brawlers and then just left the carnage and venom out for brotherhood match mismatch. Or if you know, I tend to use, um, I use kingpin and venom in a, in a uh, brotherhood team to take out minority. Dom: 00:23:59 Okay. Well I've, I've heard about that one right there. Yeah. Charlie: 00:24:02 Yeah. It's cause by the time if you save your, if you say the pyro all a special and use it for a and use kingpins all you survive the rocket ultimate with the defense up. And then you have all fence up and then you can just wreck with pyro special. The next turn cause grid has already cleansed. So that's great. What'd you get for red stars, Charlie? I just uh, I had saved up I think 24 Hela. I opened a 10 of them for hella, I got none for Hela. And then I don't want her to, not even a one. I had to buy it all from the store. And then I saved up the other 10 for mr sinister and I ended up with a three Redstar mr sister. So I got three red star for Hela. Dom: 00:24:47 I fucking hate you. I think I actually, I actually had a scale. Let's start. I have some. Okay. Red star luck. I mean, you know. Charlie: 00:24:54 Yeah. Well we're, I mean that's, you're, you're in that position where like you don't have a ton of um, red stars cause you didn't really open many. So like you actually, the whale Wars worked out in your favor for that reason. But yeah, Dom: 00:25:04 I said that I'll say I'm going to beat you to death cause I have statistically better chance of getting more things for more upgrades and stuff than you did. Yeah. Charlie: 00:25:11 But uh, yeah, so that was that for me. And now I'm saving up for strife when strife gets released. Dom: 00:25:16 So how did you guys feel about that Marotta team? I'm curious who the, who are we talking about being the fifth? It, uh, we don't know who that fit's going to be right now, but I mean like for now though, while there is no fifth, uh, Ooh, that's a good question. That's what I'm saying. I know at some point there's going to be a fifth. It's how you gambit or something like that. But I mean we don't have that yet. So who's, who shuts? Would that fit? I mean I think you could use ms Marvel cause I mean aren't half of them brawlers too. Charlie: 00:25:42 Yeah, but they're not hero. Brawlers that's fair. Yeah. I wouldn't, I wouldn't put ms Marvel went down. Cause you know there's so many better teams for her, but way better teams. True. But uh, I don't know. I haven't really thought about that at all. Villain attacks you could yes. With um, uh, some of them aren't really mercenaries though. I was always the only mercenary, I thought this is village or villains, but I'm saying you get bonuses too if you have both in there. So. Well this mercenary then I would probably use like the right guard. You actually have a tank as well. You'll have straight what did I described this, the tank. Yeah. He's supposed to be the dude for that. So yeah. I don't know. That's a, that's a, that's a good one too. Yeah. Just to speed up and off. Fence up in a little bit of heels. Yeah. It's actually not bad. I guess the distributes energy a little bit too. Yeah, that's very, that's probably a really good spot for, I gotta work on my merch Lieutenant. He's only like 13 gay. I lifted him up. Dom: 00:26:36 [inaudible] who's like a, he's a hidden treat I feel like I've said. Yeah. Yeah, he's, he's [inaudible] unit. He's definitely like, cause the merch team Charlie: 00:26:44 is obviously garbage, but I would say he's the best. He's the best part of Merck. Merck ride guard with, um, with what condoms as opposed to as opposed to a Coya is really good for war defense really, really, because if you go, so if you're thinking about it, um, Killmonger is, he does, is his attacks based on whenever he gets defense up. And so Merck ride guard defends up like every other term is a really small meter, right? For that. So yes. So it's, it's an every over the turn thing. And then, uh, so he'll, he'll defense up and Tom turn one and then when he's taught disappears, um, what's name, uh, embark, who will then taunt turn one or it turned two. And then, um, after that, then you have, you know, a merch rod guard up Tom again. So you're just ping pong in between in Baku and Merck, right guard almost the entire fight. Charlie: 00:27:35 So unless you can take them out. And so if you have a high enough Mark riot guard, which I have one of the guys in our word offense, who's got a 300 K, what kind of his team? He took his, I told him to say, Hey, just do me an experiment. Take your marker right guard to like tier 12 for me. Cause he was already at like tier 11 for him. And it's like, I just want to see and he just, he's just wrecking people in defense cause nobody can get through it cause he's a tanking motherfucker and Bako is just ridiculous. So I don't know, I like the theory crafting part of it. So I thought it was kind of interesting. McCray guard instead of a coy for Wakandans try it. Just try it out. Yeah, that'd be your right. So continue on, uh, in that regard. Charlie: 00:28:14 I don't know what else we have with that. Uh, so we started out with the red stars sooner. Oh yeah. What's upcoming? So there's a bunch of new stuff coming out. Soonish I guess stripes coming out in a blitz. Great. Can't wait. It's just thought about that. Oh no, but before that, mr sinister is coming out in the bloods next week, Thursday, are you going to go for either one of them? I don't know man. Well, I'll say that need like a buffer. Right? You need like one day that's kind of like get nay. Yeah. So if they do they implement the tiered system like they did? Like if so they may get the top 2000 as opposed to then yes, I'll push forward. If they don't from mr sinister, I'm not going to do it. No, I'm just going to get my phone. I'm going to go to like, you know, 5 million, which is roughly, you know, that's just me. Charlie: 00:28:58 Like, well, you know, just doing it haphazardly was like, Oh, I have, you know, I'll just log in and do my rotation or whatever. I just hit auto and I don't care about it. Um, then I'll do it. But other than that, no, I'm not, I'm not doing it again. It's the worst. I do not recommend all that stuff, um, whatsoever. So, yeah, mr sinister and strife coming via blitz, which I am not happy about, but they need to find another way to do it man. Cause like I'm at the point where I'm not even getting out characters. How about raids? Like they used to, they used to like the gamma rage come out to release two characters like with denim and uh, yeah, it wasn't um, and juggernaut and, and, and black Panther. Fantas dead pole. It all blitz it. They're all a, not bloods, they're all raids. And that was awesome cause like you were, everybody was working together to get the new character as opposed to you're just working by yourself to get the bullets. Just like, yeah. What are they, what are they thinking over there? It's like Speaker 5: 00:29:54 Charlie, it's simple man. They're not making any money off of that. Oh fucking hell. Just to be serious. I'm just telling you like that's why I'm in there. Sadly. That's, that's the answer. Charlie: 00:30:04 Yeah. But like how much like are they paying out the nose for like, like rights or something like that now. So that again, they have all their stuff get updated that they have to like choose, you know, how they'd released all these tests. I dunno. It's just, I wonder if they have to pay for the licensing rights for each new character that they come out with or if they just get like a bulk amount of information they can use for paying for the IP. Like well I dunno, like I dunno, two years, something like that. Yeah, maybe Dom: 00:30:30 that's the hard thing too is you know, I obviously also like shitting on companies whenever I get the chance, but on the re and like it almost certainly is just the money factor. But I think as we just don't know and that's all in that, that's tough too. Cause like I, I can only imagine if I was just like some, some dude working at Fox and X and I, I know like what goes, like, I know like how hard it is to do whatever this shit is or why the decisions are made for this integrate. Again, most likely it's bullshit reasons, but like, and then just, but, but if it's not, and I can't say anything because the NDAs or does anything, but then I just see everyone's like, Oh yeah, Fox, next you suck. You just try to make money. You're killing their game. Dom: 00:31:13 You'll, you're the, and it's like sitting there just like, Aw man, bumper dude. You know? But like, but it's almost certainly dumb reasons or because of money or whatever. But it's also hard because who knows, who knows these, any of these reasons that, and that's what is so difficult because we don't know it just easy to assume, but you know, it would make it easier if you just, if they just said it, they said so, but I guess you can't really do that. Right? You can't say, Hey, Marvel's squeezing our balls. So that's why we gotta do this. Sorry guys like you. Speaker 5: 00:31:42 Yeah. Yeah. You can't, they can't fit it on them cause that'd be a PR Dom: 00:31:44 nightmare, dude. Could you imagine? Hey, yeah, we would love to give you things for less money, but Marvel's literally got our balls in a vice grip. You know, Speaker 5: 00:31:53 I, yeah, I mean it's just, it's just like, I, I dunno, I guess cause I work for, I work in tech and I see it and I see like how the reasons it is almost certainly because of money or like whatever Dom: 00:32:06 stuff. But man, I just know that it's probably just not easy. It's not easy to like hear that. Speaker 5: 00:32:12 Well, it's not easy, but I'll still give them credit for creating the most incredibly, uh, yeah, no, I mean they, I I S I will say that I played a lot of these games man. And like dude stars just like the Holy grail of money into yeah. Because I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was, I was really big on star Wars. Galaxy Dom: 00:32:33 galaxies do like worse. [inaudible] Speaker 5: 00:32:36 Oh man, dude, star Wars was making $16 million a month. I was playing it. That's Dom: 00:32:40 what I'm saying. They did. They did things that were, that were more [inaudible]. The reason, the reason that star Wars, I feel that their model is better. I'm going to use the term better loosely, but there's no orangy factor involved in how strong your team can get. Like that's the, that's the reason why MSF and my opinion, like they should win the award for the most incredibly brilliant money milking system because of the fact that, dude, there's so many people that, look, dude, casinos spent $2,000 in the game. It doesn't have one seven red start of how many characters like [inaudible]. Dom: 00:33:21 It's kind of brilliant. It's really impressive how the lengths people will go like the whales that play this and I'm not going to shitty sit here and shit talk on whales. Like, dude, if you got the money, good for you. You want to spend it on this game, awesome. Whatever. I'm not. But like, uh, the fact that there are people that will dump thousands of dollars that aren't making money playing the game, they're just playing it. That's insane. And like, you're right, like Fox next has, they have realized that there are people that play this game that will spend thousands of dollars to get their team like up there, you know, and then you get like a really competitive Alliance in a very niche game that wants to be, that wants that, that bragging. Right. I'll be on the top Alliance then, you know, you know between leads you to cabal and pants the hall, those dudes are dumping money. Paul, let me tell you, they're all bawling too. None of them are pinching pennies to make it happen. No, I, you know, I bet you that there's a prerequisite you've got to spend. You guys bet. I bet. Yeah. Charlie: 00:34:23 That's one of the reasons why I think Mack left it because yeah. You know, he has some family stuff going on and so he's like, I can't afford to do this, so I'm going to go make my own. And it's like, we're going to talk to that in a bit. But yeah, Dom: 00:34:34 pants doesn't have a, I mean I have a personal friend that's a co-captain of pants and he told me that they don't, I don't think they have spending requirements. I think they have activity requirements. Correct. [inaudible] and like you have to like, you know, have your rate energy saved up. Thinking about that man. It's like you might as well be saying there's a spend requirement because you've got to do this activity at a hundred and you got to do it like get this, this. And it's like yeah that's gonna cost me like a hundred an hour. You know, it's a crazy concept man. But anyways, I want to hear about, I want to hear about the drama you guys got. Charlie: 00:35:09 Yeah, we'll, we'll get, we'll get to that in just a second. Cause I want to talk about some of the other stuff that's coming up soon. There's still stuff coming up. There's, so there's some data mind stuff of hap things that are happening and you know, maybe we can make a date in mind section if we want to. Oh, there is one thing they got data mind coming up that I'm pretty excited about. So there's something that's called data mine stuff though. Well this is like stuff that's pulled that's going out into the mail, you know, it's stuff that's gonna come into your mail system that they have queued up and ready to go within the week. That's pretty legit. Yeah. Charlie: 00:35:38 So we have a sharpshooter gold blitz where, uh, you know, the gold pay outs of the blitz are going to be updated. So that's what we talked about before with the gold blitz with Hawkeye. So you'll have that ability or that event that's happening probably starting Monday morning after or Monday afternoon, once the, uh, Monday night. Sorry, I can't think about things whatsoever. Um, so, uh, that'll be coming out for, I guess for, I guess we'll get it. Everyone earns at least three gold orbs rank through, through rank awards with a chance to earn up to 12, which, so there's orangy for, you're right there. Strife is coming out obviously. Uh, then we have mr. Fantastic. Going to ultimate is basic and premium mega and supply section of the store. So you have the, you know, mr fantastic is finally going to the mega orbs in a lot of fun stuff. Charlie: 00:36:23 Um, and then also if you do unlock strife and mr sinister with the upcoming blitzes for them do not level them up just yet because there is going to be a, uh, I don't, I don't remember if you actually joined the game when this came out, but kinda you'll remember this. So when new characters came out and you start to level them up, you started to get additional rewards for leveling them. What they're going to do. One of those, they're going to do one of those again. So like they're bringing things back from like a year and a half ago, which I thought was good cause it made you like want to save up and like level up these characters and spend these things. Cause you've got, you know, additional like cores and, and uh, he got additional shards and then you got additional materials and that sort of stuff. Charlie: 00:37:03 Actually, I don't bring any of that though, that, that'll, that'll be good for her. But the thing that's coming out is with, uh, with strife and mr sinister. So if you unlock mr sister Oh and strife with blitz us, hold off on leveling them up because you will get additional rewards for doing that. So I mr mr I unlocked mr sister already cause I, you know, pay to win and um, I haven't met level 55 and tier 11 already, so it's not gonna help me out, but I'll wait for strife and I'll just level them up once I locked him through bliss. Cause he's only a hundred, I think a Stripe is, or is he striped 40? I don't remember what he's at a, I don't really know locks. I can tell you and probably if I was 45 so he will be a, he'll be very attainable through blitz in my opinion. So, but yeah. Anyway, so continuing on with the drama that's happening with us in our cluster. So anyone who doesn't know, Dom and I, I am hyping it up. Dom: 00:37:57 You're a mother, you're clickbaiting the shit out of this right now. I got up this morning just to hear this drama. Don't she told tell him you two are a terrible combination and you know what, I haven't started the combination, that shit before. I don't hate borderlands. You know, so fuck you. Oh that was the last time we were on. I forgot. Yeah when you filled in. Charlie: 00:38:20 Yeah. When Don was in here cause he had to do something. That's what happens to him. You're not hearing, you know Dom: 00:38:24 who was that technical? He was, he was literally kicking ass. Oh sh Oh yeah, that's what that was. Yeah. I'll throw big shots in my team. Yesterday we took home a lot of metals. That was really nice. Awesome. Uh, Charlie: 00:38:37 so hopefully I'll try to do this without coughing, which I feel one coming on so it's going to be great. I don't, I'm not sure I might, I might die three times in the queues. They're like, you know, get your cue going. Oh God. Yeah. Three pops on deck. Oh my God, that's so bad. Well if I had to go get some water cause I needed something to help with, but God damn, all right. So the drama that ensued. So there's a bunch of stuff happening with, um, my Alliance leader, so I'm in the MCU hydro, which is like one of the top of, uh, top alliances in the MCU. And uh, there was something going on where like myself and the, our Alliance leader wasn't like exactly happy with how things were going with the Alliance, um, with the MCU leadership and all that sort of stuff. Charlie: 00:39:28 Just due to like, you know, we need help recruiting and nobody was funding and it was just kinda like, it was getting really frustrating. We couldn't really do much. Um, even though we kept reaching out and doing all sorts of stuff, it's like, it's, no, it's like, I understand people get real life stuff. It's not a problem. I'm not no shitting on anybody or anything like that, but like, yeah, it's just like, you know, if you asked for help or anything like, I mean, we're still right in this right now. We're like, we're trying to find a new leader for our Alliance. And like no, they said, Oh sure we'll help ya. And nobody's done anything. So anyway, that's neither here nor there. But so, uh, I was going to leave my Alliance, I have our leader, um, it was also going to leave as well. Charlie: 00:40:02 Well he actually come um, you know, reached out like, Hey would you be interested in doing this? I was like, yeah, sure. You know, if it comes down to it, whatever, let's, we'll just figure it out. So, but he and his brother are like a duo. So I was like, okay, let me just see if I could reach out to a few people and see if we, you know, if anyone's interested in taking us and then we'll figure it out from there. And so I reached out to mystic Mack cause like something along the lines of a couple of weeks ago I was like, Hey, are you still in lead? You have a curve ball? Like because they're their top guy. I think hipster is in my, my arena shard and he just got like his, his team is ridiculous. It's like, I think it's like his arena defense team is almost 500 K. Charlie: 00:40:40 I can't, I can't, yeah, I'll send you a screenshot and say it's like 484 K or something like that. It's ridiculous, but a, I can't, I've tried beating it once. I was, I couldn't do anything once. Yeah. I was like, I'm not doing this again. Anyways, I just reached out and said, Hey, tell the pips or whoever it was, uh, you know, GGS on this, like I can't beat this. And he's like, let's say I'll hope things are going well. I was like, Oh yeah, I know. I did my, I left cabal to do my own thing. Uh, you know, I got some family stock coming up so I like, I couldn't, you know, deal with the requirements, so I just made something more casual, so on and so forth. He's like, yeah, if you ever w you know, if you ever want a come join the Mac mansion, you're more than welcome to. Charlie: 00:41:19 I was like, all right, cool. Yeah. So anyway, so the going on with that, I was like, Hey, um, I was like, Hey, I kept that in my background mind and you know, when I was looking at, you know, switching alliances like, Hey, are you still interested? Do you still have room myself? And you know, I have two other guys coming with you're interested in. So yeah, sure. So like we were going to do that. Um, and then we, you know, we're trying to find a leader for our Alliance and through our leadership in the MCU and like nobody was responding. So I was like, you know what, why don't we just take our hydro with us to max, uh, you know, to join max cluster and we'll just go with that. So like, we were about to defect, like this whole big thing and like, people were like kinda really angry about it and that just caused a whole bunch of drama. Charlie: 00:42:04 And then out of nowhere Mack was like, Hey, why don't I come to your guys' cluster and help take over? And then we can rebuild MCs brand and rebuild it. And make it into like a super top tier Alliance cluster for everything. And I was like, not expecting this whatsoever because, you know, I was expecting more to be more, um, you know, more casual and all that sort of stuff. And I was like, I'm all for being intense and whatnot if there's, if it's worth it, essentially, which currently right now it's just not worth it because of how everybody works out. Um, in our, in our current alliances, it's just a lot of people who just don't put the participation and it's really frustrating. Um, which I'm sure everyone has those people in their alliances and whatever. And plus everyone does. Yeah. So with that, they, you know, they, Matt came over and it's rebranding and doing all that sort of stuff and it's just, it's just been crazy. Charlie: 00:42:56 I hadn't, I did not expect that he was going to come to our lion's cluster and just completely take over and do all this sort of stuff to help everybody for the better. Like it worked out better, you know, we didn't end up having to leave. We could still stay in our cluster. We still do this and still be a part of this community. We have a, there, there was a vote for name change but I think it's going to stay MCU. But I think the, yeah, I, I hope that I like the new name man. I so myself and my leader, you know like we've gone back and forth about this. Like there's been so much drama regarding the name change and like people don't understand that re like if once your name gets tarnished for a brand, the whole, the best part is to like rebrand and re come up with a new name because nobody knows who pants a Hawker leads with cabal RPA before they switched all their names and everything like that. Charlie: 00:43:44 They used to be different alliances. They know them as what they are now. So like the whole point of rebranding is to, you know, re establish yourself and re make a name for yourself. It's just marketing one-on-one and like these, I don't know who these people are and the leadership are in these different leaders in these different clans, but man, they do not understand how this works whatsoever. And like there's people threatening to leave the cluster if MCU is changed the name. I was like, get over yourself. Come on. It's like, it's, yeah, it's like, it's one thing to leave the cluster if you're not happy with how everything's performing, but it's like you're, you're thinking of leaving the cluster because the is different because you liked the movies. You could still like the movies just be in a different cluster. You're going to be, if you leave the cluster, you're going to be in a different cluster name anyway. If people get hung up on a name. Right. Anyway, that was the, uh, that was the drama that, that in a suit. And so, uh, actually Mack has agreed to come on from the next episode of the MSF insider. So we're going to all can talk about that more in depth and what his plans are, all that stuff. So I'm kind of excited to hear what's happening with that. Dom: 00:44:48 You know, you know, the funny thing is, uh, I doesn't, none of that shit matters. I don't give a shit. Yeah. I'm still [inaudible], Speaker 5: 00:44:56 you know, I gotta be honest with you. Out of that story that I pulled that I'm the most upset about is the fact that he left behind the Mac, the Mac mansion to come join the MCU. I honestly assume you said that I wanted to leave my Alliance and join the Mac mansion. Dude. I know I didn't answer it. I'm very disappointed. Dom: 00:45:13 There's, there's I, I'm a big fit. It is so funny. In the video game, especially in the streaming or like whatever world you give, like your communities, these names like, and you always hear like ridiculous, like things like what up? I don't know. I can't even, I can't even think Speaker 5: 00:45:31 the McMansion dog leg. I'm, I'm so on board lists. Charlie: 00:45:35 The greatest part was his, one of the clusters, his cluster name. So he had to, so it was going to, we were going to be the third in his cluster. So we were going to, I was, I told him, I said, why don't we just call ourselves the hydro mansion, which I thought it'd be hilarious, but like his second cluster they had, it was called max pool house. Speaker 5: 00:45:50 Oh fuck man. Oh I really love. I would totally have been like max smoke lounge or something like that or the smoke room, like the study. Let me, let me, come on, let me get somebody. The library. Yeah. Oh well you, you basically are in the library right now. That's how old I am. Charlie: 00:46:06 But yeah, so it's, yeah, I, I agree Dom, it's, it's funny but it gives people a sense of endearment I guess. You know, they, they feel like they want to be a part of something, which is cool to some extent, but at the same time, just like, come on guys, it's a fucking video game to get to there and we can go ahead. Again, Speaker 5: 00:46:24 it reminds me of people that work at a company and like somebody comes into rebrand something and they don't really get it right because rebrand. Well, I mean, branding is an entire conversation in itself, but you know, when you're trying to like put a new face behind your entire group or whatever, if, if, if, if people aren't on board with it because of the fact that they're like, you know, Oh, I want the MCU name, dude, you're, Dom: 00:46:51 that's not what it's about. I don't care if this gets me kicked out or not. I had thought a Alliance being called the MCU is stupid. Anyway. Why? Why is the Alliance called the MCU? Why would the Alliance see the Marvel cinematic universe? That makes no sense. Like there's so many other cool names, but I don't care. Charlie: 00:47:08 I think it's a, a stands for a Marvel cluster. United. Dom: 00:47:11 Oh, does it? Oh, thank God. Charlie: 00:47:13 It's not the MCU. I think so. I think that's what it stands for. But I could be completely, you could be right. It could be just the Marvel cinematic universe. I'm just like, why? Dom: 00:47:22 Maybe it is. But honestly, the other option was as guardians of the galaxy, which is, I liked that a lot too. It's a really good, it's a really good comic run right now. If you don't know, it's really fun. And also it's just a cool name that as guardians of the galaxy. Ah man, Speaker 5: 00:47:38 well yes, there's something is, okay, so you guys are in the cluster. Like do you find that I was in a cluster once and it was nothing but drama and a lot of people wanted me to like put together, they wanted to put together this spreadsheet with like every person's power in my lions. Take some one and put it in another one. Dom: 00:48:01 Well, my specific Alliance in the cluster is because we're, we're like a, a very good middle point for being like heavier. Not like we all have spreadsheets, but like it's not a requirement to update it. Like it's more if you want help with your roster, fill this out and we'll have a couple of our higher dudes do it. It's, I haven't updated it in like two months. I was actually about to, because now I'm almost at 2 million CP, so I wanna. Yeah, finally. Oh my God. Uh, uh, I want fun to be, Hey, like do this, this and this, you know, um, and like are the requirements or only do, do like two attacks where you go to bed for war. Um, do we, we better hit like 30 and, and like ultimate seven a hundred off of the six. We tried to get 60 on all the ABCs. Dom: 00:48:54 Like he like it and those aren't, I feel like hard. They don't require money. They don't require like to, if like you, if you have to be gone for a day, like no big deal, someone will fill in your stuff. Yeah. So it's, it's a pretty good middle point. Yeah. But like, yeah, there is like there's that, I mean, whoever made that spreadsheet made a very good thing, but it's not required of us. It's just literally like, Hey, if you want some help, fill this out and we'll, we'll take a look at your roster. You know, it's cool. It's been helpful for me like as a low, as a low collection power player. Like definitely. Uh, but yeah, not like nothing. I'm sure like some of the top top deals, like you got dudes probably check every, every little point that goes into a character and they're probably like changing that shit, you know? Speaker 5: 00:49:36 Yeah. That's why I'm looking forward to an API or something like that. Cause you just do it automatically, right? Yeah. Right. Like the Oh they said it's coming. Oh they did. And you do. The funny thing is I w I've worked in development, like I literally create web applications and to make that happen it would take somebody with experience like probably a couple of days at most. Like hopefully I hope, I hope it's an easy thing. It would be nice to have, I literally am like telling you that like, like technologically speaking it's super easy, like super duper easy. It's just a matter of like them being lazy or not wanting to cough up the API credentials. Like it's super simple. Dom: 00:50:17 I wonder if like, I wonder if opening up the API at would like shed light on anything and they're afraid of being shed 100% 1000% yeah, that's probably, that's what I'm more so like, yeah. Charlie: 00:50:28 My guess would be they're probably cleaning up a bunch of stuff. They're like, ah, this is the broken glass broke and blah, blah blah dude. Oh wait. Speaker 5: 00:50:38 I mean hardly having an API gateway. I mean, dude, yeah, you're exposing yourself to a lot of things, but at the same time, if your program is, you know, written really, it's not an issue. However, that might be indicative that they have a shitload of Genki codes, so I wouldn't be a show surprise. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, there is dude, based on the fact that a lot of the PR, well first of all, based on the fact that the code base is essentially taken from an entirely different game model and then they take it over here and they're like, let me just change the class thing, all this stuff like that. I mean it's, yeah, it's not, ChefCrondo: 00:51:18 yeah, but Speaker 5: 00:51:21 considering how much money they make, I feel like they should be able to hire developers. Charlie: 00:51:24 I agreed. Yeah. Agreed. It's definitely, it should be there. Oh my goodness, man. What a, what a time to be alive Speaker 5: 00:51:32 because dude, we're all adults again, like the entire player base of this game I feel are not 16 year old kids. There were all dudes with jobs, careers and money of below and like those little, um, like I want to say that's a quality of life feature. Right. That'd be so cool. If we all had a website we go to like star Wars, uh, G. dot. G G where you can like literally just go ahead and Oh, this game, this thing automatically sinks in and pulls all of the levels might be done. Yeah. I mean, I was so legit, dude. So like if I was looking for a new Alliance, I could be like, Oh boom, go look@my.gg or whatever. And they could go look at it and be like, wow, this dude's actually for real, you know? Charlie: 00:52:09 Yeah, yeah. Or you can start like for me, cause I took over as the war captain for my Alliance. Like no, I can go through people's lineups. It's like, Hey, you should do this. Cause as opposed to like, Hey, send me screenshots. I mean 19 screenshots of your, your, your blitz characters, Speaker 5: 00:52:24 inflated characters, you know, and they don't, and they late, like they'll, they'll sit there like as it is an MSF right now you could be like, what's your collection power? Okay. So, Oh, I have 3.8 million. Okay, well what if I have 3.8 million and I have eh, three good teams. And then the rest of my entire roster is everybody's at Jeannine, right? Yeah. Like that's not gonna, that's not gonna really help at 3.9 million, you know? ChefCrondo: 00:52:46 Okay. Charlie: 00:52:48 Yeah. Fair math, man. I don't know how people do it. I've actually been thinking about a, going back and relearning some stuff that I'm teaching currently teaching myself Python right now. So I'm to try and man trying to do something a, uh, of my time off. Yeah. I've been trying to do it. I'm doing it on my iPad. That's the easiest way for me to take things around. I don't really have a, well I have a laptop but I don't really use it that often. But anyway, neither here nor there. So after that we have a, so I guess we'll continue on with what we normally do. Cause that's a really long tangent. And since we're the over overachievers, tangent podcasts. Yeah. Max Manchin. Yeah. Uh, I hope he keeps it the names. So it's the MCU, Mac mansion, I think. I hope that that, I really hope so. Charlie: 00:53:31 Mack. If you're listening man works. I'll be the, I'll be the smokehouse man. Come on. There you go. Yeah, the [inaudible] man. Yeah, it's pretty good dude. That's pretty good today. That's fantastic. I love it and hate it. Segments since uh, we've switched it up a little bit and we only ask our guests what they love and hate about the game. Cause we've already talked about what we love and hate about the game. So a chrono, what do you hate? What do you love and hate about the game? So we'll start with love since we just ditched or do you want or do you want to end on love and start with it and continue with the hate? Speaker 5: 00:54:03 I mean I'm filled with hate for this game but I'm after like that's, I feel like that everybody knows that. But um, even though I still play it all the time because I wish it were better, man. And I play a lot of other games now because of how boring this game is. And like it sucks because I still log into play this one every day because of how invested I am and I don't want to give up on it. You know, like I, I like hanging out with you guys. I like to stream. I like the community, you know, like I feel as though the last, you know, four to five, six months, it's, you know, Speaker 6: 00:54:35 okay. Speaker 5: 00:54:35 They don't give me a reason to not bitch dude. John Deere goes on there and said some dumb shit like, Oh I won't, we're, we want to promote a fun and quality experience, then promote a fun and quality experience. Cause like getting shit on is not my interpretation of a fun and quality experience. I can go out and spend 20 bucks on dark souls. Two darts was one Darko story. I got to spend 60 bucks on falling over. Like I'm gonna buy whole games that'll give me 80 hours of gameplay but the same price you were charged me for strife or like mr sinister and on lock to drag and shit and you just came out and they're killing it. You know my dragon champions is killing it because they offer very value, like, like very good value for their packs. Okay. And sure. I mean the dealers have an IP behind it so like you know the character storylines weak and all this stuff, but it's a fun, I'm having a lot of fun playing it because it's not like this fuck you of RNG and I F I, I hope that within the next few months they somehow pull it back in dude because like you need to, they really need to because I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but stream numbers are down for everybody across the board. Speaker 5: 00:55:45 Numbers are all down across the board. And that's not because we aren't good at providing quality content to people. Because if you notice it's the same people that come back and they're just like, Oh dude, I haven't seen you in a while where you been. It's like, bro, I got a life because this game is not that great. I can't stream it all the time. You know, like what am I going to straighten myself sitting here doing blitz and you know, falling short by a hundred K and like it and then I don't want to do it again. You know, like it's just, it's, it's man, I, I've said it before and I'll say it again. They need to do something about playing in this game. You know why dragon champions is a game mode where like every day there's a tower, right? And you'd go in, there's like different teams gotta use and I mean sure the argument could be made at that's what blitz is supposed to be, but bullets past a certain point as we've said before, earlier in the stream, it doesn't have like any sort of incentive to go past the very minimalistic point of entry. Speaker 5: 00:56:37 I mean I blitzed for like 20 minutes. I get 750 K and I'm done for the next two and a half days because I see no point in wasting my time to get an additional 15 charts for character that I'm not going to get the five stars within the next four to five months and uh, be great if we could like, you know, somehow solve this, like make characters more available in the shops easier or quick more quickly, you know, make, make a timeline and stick to it instead of this like, is it going to be four months before we see this character again? Still can't form an Aruba even though she's really not even that good anymore in my opinion. Cause I may not. I mean, yeah, I mean the argument could be made that she, she breaks through the darkness. But I mean, Ashley, how close are you to fear the darkness? Dom: 00:57:20 What's fear? The darkness. I don't know. You're talking about the one you need a character. I don't want you to talk. Well, so like Speaker 5: 00:57:30 BOLO, wait prime. That actually is, is a really good thing to say right there. So you're, you're at the Vashon I or at the end of the game, people in our, our echelon have, have beaten fear. The darkness. We have no desire to do it again. Dom: 00:57:44 No, I'm nowhere near somebody like you. You're not even near it. And you've been playing the game for how long? This is how near I am. Oh, you can't even say a four out of whatever at a 12 game or for one, I'm not a, I'm not even close to being through 13 for one character. Let us find that walled off from content that is like the only real content actually do in the game. I mean, I'm almost done. Enter the darkness, but also like what does that care, that isn't a tier 13th year. Hopefully. Hopefully that'll, here's the thought is supposed to segue you into fear the darkness, isn't it? Is it still an orangy based drop or am I guaranteed? No, it's orangy based exactly how I'm going to get the same garbage crap I've been getting. I'm nowhere near the two things I need the most because all my, all my goddamn five characters of course tech, you know, so like, yeah. So what I need for rocket, I need, what's that blue shit? Uh, um, idiom. I need palladium, palladium and then for you know, homegirl Minerva, I need superior gamma radiation, which is more, it's like rare than the goddamn white. It's like the white whale. I feel like at this point, you know what I mean? Like yeah, Speaker 5: 00:58:59 that's my, okay. So that's my thing. That's my whole point drive home about what I don't like about the game right now is that like they need to round out the quality of life and stop just like jamming characters on it though. Cause characters are not content. Okay. I figure I leveled up the ghost writer and, and Elsa to G 12. They're done right. They both got their orange passes on them, ChefCrondo: 00:59:22 the Colson's done. And I'm over here like, what am I, why did I even do that for, I did it for an extra war team. Cool. But anyways, what do I to do? Yeah, what do I like about this game? I like the community and I, I actually love this game. Like I liked the animations. I, I like the overall like, um, I like the, the combat system in this game. I think it's great. Like there's so many good things about it and that's why I think we all get so frustrated and animated about the things that are wrong with it. I don't mind more characters. I just gave me more characters, but giving me the things that make that like give me more characters, but like, give me more gold, give me more trading abilities. Yeah. Don't make them both needed to upgrade or like, you know, whatever. ChefCrondo: 01:00:10 They can stop giving us fucking tech character. So the love of God, dude. Like, fuck, let me difficult Charlotte. You're smiling and grinning, dude. Right? Jesus Christ. People like, how fucking stupid do you gotta be? They sit down in the board room. It's like we want to come up with a new character, slap a fucking tech thing on and make half is geared tech requirement and you know, because I just immediately thought of that weak character that comes out has tech items. It's so stupid, dude. I mean I immediately thought of that mean more. It's like the board room and it's like, what do we do next? And it's like ticker checkered and then one guy's like a tech character on it. They go, yeah, that guy's like bio character. And then the next one is [inaudible] and that's me. I'm the guy that gets thrown out the window at Fox next like on a daily basis, man. Almost to the tee was, yeah. Anyways, Charlotte, what do you love about this game? Man? I want to know you're at the same bullet point. I am in the game. What shit? What make, what keeps you playing? Charlie: 01:01:05 Definitely not blitz, that's for sure. Um, I don't know. It's tough, man. It's hard. I honestly, what it comes down to is, uh, I'm really enjoying the difficulty of ultimate seven. I will have to say I like right now, I like the fact that I had to come out and gear up a whole new team to, uh, tackle that because it's, it's different. I don't like the fact that I have that I time out almost in every single node because I don't have enough, you know, this so many animations when I'm trying to express. Oh yeah. By the way, I found out something interesting. If you turn your graphics down, I'll look under your, your settings advanced, you turn the graphics down, you actually get more speed because they don't go through all the animations. If you're timing out on office seven, you can turn that down on your phone or whatever emulator you're using and it'll help you get past that point if you want. Oh, interesting. Cause yeah, cause I'm, I've been just timing out like nonstop. Like I'm actually looking into what I have to do right now. Um, but I can get, I can go through, uh, all the way to the, uh, pass the second boss in ultimate seven by myself without wow. Wow. ChefCrondo: 01:02:07 That's actually pretty awesome. I got a question. Is that how, how, how much in your little tech team you got there or your little a [inaudible], whatever, whatever you wanna call it. How much is that six red Charlie: 01:02:20 South helping you out there? It's actually not doing that much. It's because it means, well because like the only thing that's helping out is, is his ultimate, but it really doesn't really do that much damage. It's not game breaking. No, because really what Falcon brings to the table is he brings to speed up for, um, for everything as well as, uh, I mean the ultimate, it helps, but like I'm trying to kill people with, uh, with Ultron because if I'll try and gets the last hit, he extends the box on all the tech, all tech villains, which is scientists Supreme and Minerva and himself plus all his minions. So that's what really helps out a lot. So it really, Falcons, I just brought Falcon in just for survivability because he's got six red stars, but he still dies all the fucking time. It's not like, it's not like, you know, they're tickling him for like nine or 10 damage. Charlie: 01:03:06 It's like, it's not that at all, but it's really come down to scientists Supreme. Um, really is what it is. And I'm like, I love this. She's actually like getting some use now. Hilarious. Yeah, it's very hilarious. But I'm older the other day. Yeah. I just hit all my entire you 17 is [inaudible] now, which I'm very happy about it, but really start looking into it, getting some teeth, 13 characters that aren't, you should man that aren't tech. You had some to some bio hookers I'm working on. Fantastic for right now for today, the tier 13, just because, um, with all the stuff that happened with the merger, I'm actually, so I'm still leaving hydro today and I'm going into, I'm going into max Alliance, which is going back into our cluster, so I'm not leaving the club. Max mansion. Yes, exactly. So many fucking Alliance now. Or you can just come join us in the Mac man to come join us in the pool hall or the essence talking about branding. Charlie: 01:04:03 Now there's some branding for your branding. That's, that's good ass branding right there. Yeah. Max mansion. But it's just a, I don't know. I like, I like that, that squad a lot. That's what I'm like enjoying. I'm liking the theory crafting and trying to come up with this. I mean, I've always loved theory, cramping about this game. That's what I also was talking about earlier with like true Merck, right guard will condoms, like thinking about of kind of stuff and how it would play out and then trying it and blitz and seeing him, Oh, this actually works. How would this work in a war defense if someone else like myself would attack this, that kind of thing. So I know that's what I'm enjoying about the game right now. And uh, that's really all that's, uh, honestly keeping me still playing this game is this theory crafting and also the friends that we've made along the way. Charlie: 01:04:43 So yeah. That's good. It's good difference we meet along the way. True. Yeah. I mean that's what it comes down to. It's just friends. But uh, yeah, I'll not, I just wonder how long the whales are going to keep wailing. I don't know. I mean it's, I feel like with people who are whales cause uh, I mean I can understand where they come from in a certain sense, but it's like it's fallen, I'm skiing, falling on like it used to [inaudible] but it's the want to be number one in something. And like if you're a whale on this, if you're a wellness game, Dom: 01:05:18 you actually have the chance to be number one at something or to be highly competitive at something because you can just spend money and when you know, that's what this game tells us, that money is everything. So it's like, it's different than any other game because they are the games you need skills to do. There is quite frankly no skill in this game. It really isn't true. There really is no yo. Cause if you, if you haven't met a teams and you're going against better teams, you know the formula. If I'm going, if I have a defender's a mere match, I know to do this, this, this, this to win. Maybe RNG might ruin me, but almost certainly like almost every time if, if I'm brother and I'm going against a regular shield team, I know this, this, this, the win every time. Like every once in awhile RNG messed something up and you go, Oh, I have to do this now instead. Dom: 01:06:08 But like quite frankly, this isn't a shooter, this isn't RTS, this isn't a fighting game. Like it's formulas based down to the T. every single match we have is a formula and the only time you will lose that match if it's the, if it's the guaranteed formula, when is an orangy says, Oh my vision did it didn't get the ability block on, on own Luke cage or something and now the defense is up and now maybe I won't get that, that first turn or that first kill after, um, rescue is ultimately, you know what I mean? Like, like maybe, but quite frankly, we're not looking at like a game that requires like hard, hard thought process and skill. And that's just realistic. So this is a game where there are people who can be in the top 1500 of a game and that's, that's a big deal cause your games are hard right now. Dom: 01:06:59 I couldn't imagine right now starting fortnight from scratch. Gee, Myrtle, call of duty for Scott to call the duty or, or counter strike or StarCraft, any of those games. Cause you would, it's people have been playing that for decades. People like people who are good in fortnight per se, but like especially Counterstrike of StarCraft are the two biggest examples here. And like league. Exactly like I met, imagine getting into legal legends right now. Oh my God. So it's like a chip is there in the game. Yeah. So I mean it's not like that where people playing as a, it's like that. That is daunting to think of. But yo, you got game right now. You playing in front every single day and put some money towards it. Y'all, I could be at the top 1% or something of analytes. You know what I mean? I don't know. So that's why I think that's why I think you, you will, you won't see people unwell because if, especially if you're in the top deal, why would they stop if people stopped playing though? That gives the whales even more incentive to play because now they're guaranteed to be in the top. We have less competition I guess. Yeah, I hadn't thought about it. That's a good way of putting it. I'm a guy named genius. She'd go into marketing almost like I had been to pregnant. It's almost like you've been a producer or whatever or something like that. So Hey. Charlie: 01:08:16 Yeah, so man, craziness. How are you guys doing for Wars this week? Not to switch topics? Speaker 5: 01:08:23 Well I got a funny thing to talk to you guys actually yesterday, but Fridays are chill days so we don't really care. So my Alliance split up because people want it. Half my Alliance including me wanting to be like a little bit more casual tours, meaning like we didn't want to stress out about it and be like paying and people all day long and so we had it. That's why we split. And like half my guys went to one of your places in MCU and the rest of mine state. Right. So since that has happened, my Alliance has actually been promoted one tier to silver for the people that left us are currently in gold. One received 30 more orange mass a season than us and basically broke up two years of friendship over nothing there because any more than that. Yeah, basically. Basically. And I think that's like probably my favorite thing about Wars right now is the fact that like, I feel justified in saying that I didn't want to be a fucking loser and tag people all day long over a very mediocre game mode. Speaker 5: 01:09:25 All this drama ensued. I had to like actually ring my people back together. We have zero requirements in the Wars and somehow we stay in silver four and we literally just like cat very casually, uh, you know, do stuff and do data has made my enjoyment in the Wars increase. [inaudible] cause I just log in, I see somebody see you. I'm like, I'll lend you shit on this guy's team real quick. Yeah, no, I ain't going to worry about like whether or not this guy, you know, messed up his attack or you know, uh, there's so many things that go wrong in the Wars, but it has definitely made it more enjoyable for me. And, um, I love shitting on people with my aim team dude. Cause you guys remember that. Like those, the first one was on this show. Oh, you're talking about the AME team. Do you my AME team, is it like 280,000 right now and they fuck like, let me tell you that they're a banger of a team man. Like I love shitting on people with it. Charlie: 01:10:17 Did he, I guess if you get like a security or S or react or something like that, man, you just wrecked people's day. Speaker 5: 01:10:23 Yeah, it's really fun man. So like that is, that is, uh, yeah, my, my feelings on war have actually like gone up over the last few weeks since we, uh, I dunno, I don't have to stress about it anymore. And, I mean, that's not to say that there, I mean people that want to be competitive with it, you know, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just that I, my job is, you know, like I have, I'm running a business, my brain is just like constantly involved with a lot of questions that I don't know how to answer and things like that. So I don't want to be like sitting here thinking in the back of my mind like, Oh these three assholes over here that never hit in this war. Like I gotta go track them down and why aren't you hitting in the war dude? You know? And I've so Charlie: 01:11:00 yeah. And you're like, well cause I have a, a real life. Speaker 5: 01:11:02 Yeah. Cause you know, someone's gotta be that guy. Right. And I'm the leader of my lions, so like if I want, you know, if you're in that role, you have to be that guy and it just got exhausting after a while, you know? Totally. I could sympathize with people that don't want to because it's, it can be exhausting after a while. I've been doing it since the beginning. Charlie: 01:11:17 No a hundred percent of my and that's, and that's the whole, that's one of the reasons why, um, or we were talking about leaving is cause my Alliance leader is a fantastic guy and he's done loads to bring hydro from the very bottom of the MCU to like one of the top alliances in the MCU. But it's exhausting. Like I totally understand. I've been a captain now for four months, something like that. And I help out with war. I'd set up a bunch of bots to help, you know, do automatic tracking cause I was tired of pinging people. So I just made one that just pinged everybody nice automatically at certain times. Um, I'm actually working, that's one of the reasons why I'm, I'm relearning code is so that way I can actually make a war specific one where you just type in, they have a drop down of like, Oh you know, our war is this time. Charlie: 01:11:56 And like, or do you want reminders? 10 minutes, 15 minutes, five minutes beforehand. Yeah. What do you want it to say? And that's what I'm working on building a discord bot. Cause I think it's, you know, challenging because I don't have enough to do with my free time. Um, outside of playing games and you know, seeing my wife at some point. Um, but yeah, it's just um, I understand why people get burned out from the game and just from leading cause people, you know, some people just want to play the game people, some people like want to be competitive with it and some people just don't give a fuck. So I feel like that's most people lately is they just don't, we've had people completely, people who have been with us and hydro for a year and a half at this point completely just say, you know what, I'm done with the game and quit just completely quit the game. They have like four and a half million T speed. They're like, I'm done with it. Quit. I'm like, good on you man. I don't know if I could do that because I still enjoy the game, but Speaker 5: 01:12:43 I still want to give it my stream man. Like I love, I love doing this. I like opening orbs, you know, like it's just fun. But then it's like Sunday night rolls around, I gotta do the blitz like eight o'clock I'm stoned, tired. It's five in the morning to go to the workout. I'm like, ah, I'm going to do the [inaudible]. Charlie: 01:12:59 I will, I will say I am enjoying the fact that with daylight savings time, I now have an hour earlier. Speaker 5: 01:13:05 Okay. Charlie: 01:13:08 Normally I'd be up until like I'm in the same boat where I have to get up at like four 45 five o'clock for to get to work on time. Totally. And it's just like a, I know I can do, I can, you know, do all of my rotations in like an hour as opposed to, you know, and be done by nine as opposed to being done by like 10 10 30 I can sleep. Yeah. My wife's like, why are you on the, are you on your phone again? Like I just have to do the rotation. Why? I'm like, because, Speaker 5: 01:13:35 because it's the only blitz that really matters. Charlie: 01:13:38 Yeah. We're really is completely honest. So, yeah. Anyway, anything else going on? I thought I missed everything. Like we always nail it. That's great. Anyway. Oh, Speaker 5: 01:13:52 Rhonda, thank you very much for coming back on and being [inaudible]. We always enjoy your rants and raves and all that. One of these weeks. If you guys invite me back, I'll have like, I'll, I'll, I'll keep the, the, the like negative rants down to a, uh, down to like one or two. Uh, Charlie: 01:14:12 used to, let's see, last time and year ago. Yeah. Anyway, Chron de streaming Saturdays most Saturdays at Twitch, that TV slash shut Pronto. There'll be Lincoln prescription below. If you want to check them out, you can find us on Instagram at O G. dot. Podcast. Our Twitter is overachievers P website being over cheever.com or you can get this episode and every other episode, which we talked about video games, male fashion advice, sometimes cooking, uh, but mostly video games in which we talked about and what was love and shit about them and a, yeah. Anyway, we'll see you guys next week with our crazy review of jam pack, bold review of a bunch of different things that just came out. So anyway, bye Speaker 6: 01:14:51 Peter. [inaudible] ChefCrondo: 01:14:57 recording. Recording. Is that recording? Stop recording. You want to do a little push mystic max mansion that recording. I will try this. I'm going to be the only leader of mystic max grow house.