Charlie: 00:00:00 Dom, you want to bring us in? [inaudible] Dom: 00:00:02 uh, yeah. Oh, as you see, the thing I don't like about squad cast is you can stealthily hit record, hit record, and I looked like an idiot cause you're going to bring us. And I'm like, Oh yeah, I'll just fart around. Yeah. Speaker 3: 00:00:18 [inaudible] Speaker 4: 00:00:36 [inaudible] Speaker 3: 00:00:42 [inaudible] Dom: 00:00:45 what's up everybody? Welcome to another episode of the UK meet. Do you have it? Charlie: 00:00:49 Oh, you haven't done it in awhile. You totally screwed it up this time. You may do it. Dom: 00:00:53 No, I'm a big boy. I'm a real boy. A of the overachievers gaming podcast with your boys. Uh, me, Ashley astronomy Charlie: 00:01:04 and me VASH, AKA Charlie. That's Tom over there talking. He can't remember how to do the intros anymore this week we have a very special guests hailing us all away from polar Bandler land in Chicago comes max Richter. Thank you very much max for coming and being a part of our show. You can find us at [inaudible] dot podcast, Twitter over achievers, PR websites being over We can get this episode and every other episode of where we talked about video games, what we love about them, hate about them. Sometimes climate change, we talk about some, uh, maybe some, uh, you know, wine aficionados, Chicara aficionados, all that kind of stuff. But mainly video games of what we love about them, what we hate about them, all that mostly love. But uh, yeah, so max Hills, us from Chicago is also a part of the Avast agency, which we, whom we've got to know those guys very well over there. We're doing a couple of giveaways and promotions when I was maxed. Thank you very much for joining us this week. Max: 00:01:56 Thank you Charlie. Thank you Dom. I'm really very excited to be here. Dom: 00:02:00 Hell yeah. Yeah, yeah. Tell him there's max. Uh, where can people find you? They can find vast. Um, what, what are like the avenues that y'all, I, I, I also, I recently saw you guys started doing the streaming stuff too, so yeah, let's talk, let's talk about where they could find you and let's talk about that in general. Max: 00:02:16 So if you guys want a spicy meme so you can come to my Twitter, which is at DNF dragon. Otherwise you can find vest agency at ax Avast Gigi on any platform, um, thing Twitch. I mean we even have a Pinterest, right? So if you want to, if you need some decorations, go ahead and had we even have a Pinterest. Yeah, definitely. So that best GG for absolutely everything. And also, thank you for bringing up the, the streaming on the vest channel. It's something that I've been doing recently. Uh, and people are eating up Minecraft right now. Don't really know why, but Hey, I'll keep playing it. Dom: 00:02:48 Do. People will always love Minecraft. They'll literally never die. Minecraft will never die. Call of duty will come and go. A destiny. All these games will come and go. Minecraft is forever. It's like Bhutan. Yeah. Max: 00:03:01 Some of those add ons they have in that game. Cause I mean I played it when it first came out and then maybe what like a four or five year hiatus and then everybody on the channels is having me install these different mod packs and they have, it's like every single AAA game pack into like an add on inborn cracks. Like that's crazy. You have like you doing like a community streamers or you're doing your, are you doing like affiliate streamers or something or is it just really the vast agency streaming? Well I mean as you already know, fast is a community built around streamers that are our marketing to our, our, our fan base. So we actually bring in streamers the wall, we'll host them, we'll add them to the rotation on the stream team. They can come on the channel and stream. And it's just another way to integrate our community with our, our community streamers without, you know, like pushing giveaways. It's kind of like gets in there, Charlie: 00:03:52 which, which I think is smart and also much needed in this like gaming community of streaming. Cause everyone just thinks like all it's, you know, they're the big people who are streaming there and you know, how do they get there? That kind of stuff. But also realizing like, you know, there's some good people who are very entertaining, who are smaller streamers and whatnot. So I feel like that's a great way of introducing people to different types of, uh, you know, personalities, that kind of stuff. And I think it's very smart of which way you guys are doing and what, and, uh, before we get too far into, I want you to just to give us a little blurb about what Vass does in general. Um, I'm very curious to hear your take on it just because I like, you know, hearing what people think about themselves. So, Max: 00:04:30 yeah, no, absolutely. Um, so as you mentioned before, Avast is a company that is mainly based around giveaways. Um, the, the whole premise of ASCE is, it's essentially it billboards, the gaming and eSports audience. We run incentive marketing campaigns that, um, cultivate hard conversions. So like if you were actually to drive by a billboard on the highway, it's a visual impression. You see it, maybe think about it, you keep going with a avascular way. You are actually forced Bosch and say, Forrest encouraged there you go to to like follow and right. Uh, uh, and engage with whomever's running the, the activation. So the whole idea is we, we meet with the client typically, um, a couple of weeks beforehand we say, Hey, you guys need to have a content plan before this giveaway rolls out. Uh, once that's in place, we actually run the giveaway from, other than all our different socials, they do the same thing on their end. And then we have that fan base driving to all of their posts that they want to promote. And then that's their chance to engage with content that they may have never seen before. Never heard of maybe a brand new game and um, basically interact with them. Yeah. Recently this, they started adding Spotify integrations for music. Dom: 00:05:59 Yeah. That's something we'll have to take advantage of again soon. Charlie: 00:06:02 I think we, yeah, we tried it on the Alaska boy that we'd, yeah, it just, it was weird about the integrations and whatnot, how that would work with podcast specifically. But it works great for like artists, like you can follow certain playlists, you can follow like an artist specifically. So hopefully by the time we do another one, uh, cause you guys are great and we're happy to do that yet again. Um, it's just hopefully by then they'll actually add some more podcasts integrations. Now that Spotify has acquired Gimlet media, which is crazy. Max: 00:06:29 Right? Have you heard about that? I have not. Charlie: 00:06:34 [inaudible] media is like a huge, like podcasting company based in Brooklyn. They do like, uh, you know, reply all. They'd do a bunch of like different shows and whatnot, but they bought a Spotify bog inlet for $100 million. Dom: 00:06:47 Whew. Wow. Okay. Um, let's say, um, uh, from a person standpoint, as someone who like, you know, me and Charlie, I've used you guys twice so far for different giveaway campaigns. Uh, love y'all. Seriously. You guys do great work. Very professional. You make it so easy, like legitimately so easy to, to like to use you guys, which is what you should. It should be like if I'm a client and anything really I want to use a product, uh, the harder it is to use the product, the lesson that I want to use it ever again. Am I, you know what I mean? Uh, you guys circumvent that and you just make it, uh, it's very easy process and thanks. Thanks for your thanks for doing that. Um, yeah, so they perpetrate into the vast appreciation podcast. You can find this being ever to your flash. We love that. Uh, blah blah blah. Uh, but uh, yeah, so that's really cool. You guys do really good work. Max: 00:07:38 Thank you. Thank you. Charlie: 00:07:41 So tell us a little bit about yourself, like how you got into gaming. You mentioned before we are recording that you used to work on borderlands, Dom: 00:07:46 which also real quick before we get into this fake news. I don't hate borderlands. Charlie's an asshole. Uh, but continue. Please Max: 00:07:53 do you guys want the longer, the short, cause there's, there's definitely a very long, a long story of how I got into gaming overall. Uh, if you were interested, Dom: 00:08:01 give us the long version. We're here. We're here. We're here for an hour. Entertainment right now. Let's go buckle. All right. Max: 00:08:07 So I came from halo. I've been playing, um, tutors since Wolfen Stein. 3d. Uh, I'd been super, yeah, super net, the FPS John, uh, pretty much my entire life growing up. I, I would, I mean play halo with my dad until I kind of graduated from that to my friend stacks box life and uh, found me competing around probably end of 2006 of being in 2007. I played competitive halo for, uh, about five years. Um, and I was also, um, playing baseball competitively. I say competitively collegiate sports into, um, kind of like pro am and I kinda had to make a decision, uh, in, in college is what I was going to pursue because I was trying to play games. Uh, professionally. I was trying to compete in baseball and I was trying to be a computer engineer all at the same time. It didn't work. Max: 00:09:06 It didn't work out. So I ended up, uh, leaving school, uh, when it was streaming and playing, um, pretty much halo 24, seven. I ended up kind of catching my first break over, uh, with the original destiny. Uh, you know, I thought it was normal. Like you guys are gonna laugh at me. I was playing destiny. Um, I have four or 500 concurrent streamers within the first three days of me streaming. How that ever happens, do not know. I actually quit. I stopped, I stopped, I combined beat destiny and I'm like, eh, there's nothing else to do. So I stopped streaming, came, came back like three months later with like six viewers and I'm like, what's going on? What are those people that used to be watching? And uh, Kay, I've been on and off of streaming pretty much the entire time and I actually left to go play Overwatch professionally in Las Vegas. Max: 00:10:03 That was good segue there. But I, I've been competing in Counterstrike at the time and, uh, left for Vegas to go play for Nova e-sports. Um, kind of in the whole building of the Overwatch league in those beta seasons. Uh, our org eventually got dissolved. Unfortunately, uh, shots the Nova guys love, love y'all. And I ended up finding my way into a management position at rogue who's also out of Las Vegas, just through mutual friends. Um, do all sorts of stuff with tournament logistics, uh, you know, working with players, working with the investors, a sports organization. Yes, it is a multi, multi team e-sports organization out of Las Vegas. We are owned by a rec gaming with ConEd by imagine dragons, Stevie Aoki and a new basketball, uh, athlete that I've, his name evades me, but I'm all super awesome guys. I love the road crew. Um, and when I joined road, um, one of the guys who co founded, um, vast, we, we were going back and forth and I told him my background was in halo and he's like, Oh, Hey. Max: 00:11:20 Pretty much my, my, my best friend and coworker is a Trey tri who was a, uh, very, very, very good halo rich player, which is kind of like, that was like on my way out after halo three, I pretty much called it quits, but I'm gonna reach into my favorite halo. Uh, so I love and hate reaching the same time. Right. A lot of people, I know you guys mentioned last podcast that this is the tangent podcast. So I'm going to, I'm going to refrain from going down that rabbit hole. All we do baby. Great. But I basically, I caught up with, um, Trey as you guys know him now, who is the founder of fast and w you know, we kind of reminisced about halo, uh, your traditional trash talk because obviously, you know, halo reach is not a real halo. So I have to go and like assert my dominance in that way. Max: 00:12:12 I'm just kidding. And then he, he kinda brought me into the fray and he's like, Hey, you have all these ideas. I mean, I was working with vast, for free, for VR for a long time, just kind of like given my ideas, you know, trying to, um, I mean it's just friends working together and then eventually just it just scaled up. He's like, Hey, you have a tech background, can you help us with this, this and this? I said, sure. And we, we ever since been working on it. Pretty much say today. Beautiful. Beautiful. That wasn't that long winded. That was like five minutes. I spared some details, but did you, did you mention the borderlands pizza? Did I miss that in the fray? Oh, I was focused. I focused on vast. I do. I worked like a million different jobs. Um, the, I also worked with the company called Leviathan core. Max: 00:13:03 And this is, this is part of the, I mean, I had this Mike, my ADHD kicking in. Um, I totally, if, if George, if you're gonna, if you're gonna listen to this, don't, don't hate me. I totally forgot to mention you. One of my biggest inspirations for the gaming industry and working in the game industry is, is my friend. And, uh, now boss, uh, George, he, when I was kinda struggling with the whole e-sports, um, job thing, I mean, e-sports as a career, it's very difficult at any point in time you can get replaced. And it happened to me a million times. Uh, I was working at Starbucks, uh, it was a coffee master. I've, you know, it's an easy way to get your benefits and even school taken care of this at the time. And, um, he would routinely come in, he worked with a bunch of big, uh, influencers and he'd been working in the industry for top 10 years, right at that point. Max: 00:13:57 I dunno, 10 years, maybe a little high, but he's very experienced. And he's sitting there and he's like, man, he's like, you gotta get outta here. So you gotta, you gotta leave Starbucks and you actually have to pursue exactly what you want. And I ended up doing just that. And he founded a company called Leviathan core. So we are behind the scenes, a marketing company. We try to, you've sort of talking about, Hey, let's you and I just went right there. Um, uh, kind of like a white glove marketing company that integrates into publishers and brands, marketing teams and assist them in rollouts for games, influencer marketing campaigns. Um, you know, obviously the publishing, the brand, they do all the heavy lifting, but we're in there to help with all of the small details, especially with when we're dealing with influencers, right? Because we have a legal process, you have a financial process and the actual fulfillment of obligations. Right. Um, and so fortunately we were able to, um, work with twoK interactive with borderlands and that was an amazing experience. We love everybody over at [inaudible] and yeah, I mean the game is fantastic. Dom: 00:14:59 Yeah, we're a big fan of borderlands on this podcast. Charlie: 00:15:02 I love Orleans. I just finished it last week, so I checked. I'm just as everything arc, bow, the game, play, loop, all that stuff. So Dom: 00:15:12 I'll never get away from this. There's like nothing, you know, it's a bit that I'll never lose for no reason. But you know what, that's, that's, that's what we do sometimes in life. We have bits that we can't lose, you know, what are you guys? Max: 00:15:22 No, but Hey, it's a a, it's a pro. Personally it was my first borderlands experience. I did not put the first one or the second one. I went back and um, you know, pick, pick them up, play through them a little bit. But the third was definitely on its own level. It's fantastic game. So Charlie: 00:15:39 yeah. Yeah, it's, it's definitely great. I mean I had, I've owned a, I think I've owned all the borderlands I've gotten, I've always gotten through like halfway through. Borderlands gets is a lot to get through in and can get. So, but this is a word, Alliance three is the first one that I actually finished all the side quests finish all the main quest just went through and just had a really good time with it. So definitely recommend it. Dom, you should give it another try. Dom: 00:16:01 Yeah. So anyway, I think it's really interesting. I think that a, there needs to be more like marketing and ad agencies and stuff really need to dip your toes more into this world. Especially like e-sports and gaming and stuff. Cause I feel like we're in this weird, we're in this weird position right where we have these like most of the time kids now. Now some are adults too, uh, who are playing these games like these influencers that are streaming all this stuff and they don't really know the advertising and marketing world. They don't know. They don't know what to do realistically. And you get like some awkward situations like there was that kid, I don't think as a kid, I think it might be 19 or 20, whatever, I forgot who it is. He's a dude who was on Twitch and one of the bigger partners, streamers who does like a lot of like brand partnering, which which right. Dom: 00:16:46 I think he had, I think it was a McDonald's ad he was, he was doing on his stream and he accidentally said burger King. Oh, so not only dude dude, he's here. He like came out in the stream afterwards. Like, Hey guys, like I just the biggest mess up my life, a Twitch will no longer be doing brand partnerships with me. Like all, yeah, he, I apparently it almost caused like a lawsuit for Twitch. It was this crazy thing. And granted, how do you mess that up? Number one, how do you mess it up? You had a ding dong. Uh, but to like do these is these, these people who, these influencers, they just don't know this world. They're not acting talent. Like, you know, we come from professional, we come from the film world. I mean try this so we know how talent, excellent set and that you, you get ready for this. Dom: 00:17:35 Like you need, you know, you, you study lines, you do all this stuff you get right. And most of these, these, these people aren't, aren't that, you know, and like, uh, some of them are good, some of them are good and they have like their personas and they're, they're at this point they're used to it but some aren't. And I think it's a really interesting like, like environment we're in now with all these streamers who are now becoming in their own ways like, like on air talent. Like, which they are, they are like, they are essentially their own TV shows, you know what I'm saying? Absolutely. But in terms of like their brand and then having to deal with other brands or having to deal with like remark and it's like really weird. It's like a crazy time. I find it very funny. It's very interesting. [inaudible] Max: 00:18:18 yeah, I mean, absolutely. Especially in the marketing world, um, with what you're talking about with those kind of promotions that they run on stream, there's a very, um, I don't want to say like disruptive idea, but, uh, I'm, I'm personally a fan of the show. Don't tell a situation because, um, my background is from marketing wise, this from, from Groupon and they had a very rigorous marketing, kind of classy you have to take to get familiar with all the, the traditional marketing practices. And uh, by far word of mouth is the best way to actually get somebody to purchase a product or check it out. And so this whole, this whole plug, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not a fan of the, you know, like Oh like make sure to try the operator Whopper at burger King sponsored by call of duty hashtag. Again, I'm not a fan of that. Max: 00:19:06 I would rather, I would rather it's, it's the same thing with, with w what we did with, with burger lanes, you know, you give somebody the game, they play the game and they enjoy it and everybody else sees them enjoying it and then they want to enjoy it as well. But you know, if it's gonna be like a McDonald's or burger King or whatever it may be, they actually just did it. I shouldn't say just did it a couple of months they did it with Ninja is he was, he's working with Uber eats and this is, you know, legal wise, I didn't work on this with him or anything, but they would send, they would send Uber eats to his house and he would get it delivered and he's like, Oh, this is so easy. Look, look at this food. It's delicious. Right. And that sort of tactic is going to take you much farther than you know, your traditional Oh Dom: 00:19:50 100%. I also think affiliate programs are probably, in my opinion, when the best like things a a, an like an influencer or a company or anything can do, cause you're supporting the person that is like, like, you know, do use it, use a code OGP to get a discount on vast agency you campaign or something. And it's like great. Then like that person gets kicked back. The company that sponsored them gets the um, Oh by the way, we don't obviously have that code that doesn't exist. I was using an example. But um, the influencer or the person gets that it gets a kickback and then the company gets obviously business and you're kinda like, it's like creator codes and then like Fortnite you know what I'm saying? It's like I think that always really good cause you know, a streamer or a gamers community will always want to support them. You know? And it's easy with streaming because you donate, you subscribe, whatever. But then there's always that nice little extra thing because we can all use almost every like, well not like sometimes people have just like garbage things that they're like yo talking like bad stuff. You know, like uh, Charlie: 00:20:54 well that's fun. That's been podcasting. Advertising in general is just like, you know, there's a lot of those [inaudible] fair. It just, you know, cause they'll have the same concept of being able to send somebody a product, have them use it and say, Hey if you like this, you know, then you can set up some advertising, which I think is great because then you have real people discussing real their experiences with real products and which is why like when we say that we love vast, we're not just saying that because we want a affiliate program or anything like that. We generally like your your services and that's like why we wanted to talk to you guys about like, or have you want max to talk about like how you came into his world. Cause we were curious about like how it worked out. Cause like we, it's just, it's one of those thing, it's a, like you said, word of mouth is, you know, by far one of the best ways to promote yourself and get a real people who want to do stuff. Charlie: 00:21:40 And like we'll senior year, well we'll say, you know, they'll recommend you guys to everyone. Like I even have like musicians who like saw what we were doing or like, Hey like can I do anything for an album release? I'm like, yeah, absolutely. You're going to have so many different people that you can reach out to. And maybe a different told. Totally different. Like JT was interested about it cause he's a musician, he's doing a side project. And so he was curious about how the whole thing, and he's a gamer too, so it's like crossing the lines and bringing people who normally wouldn't listen to his music to hear stuff. So it's just an interesting way of developing a new audience and everybody loves getting stuff for free. Dom: 00:22:16 Especially like the gleam a platform is just so easy to like he's clicking stuff right. It's like you're playing a video game to win. I've won. I've won something off of the, uh, uh, I dunno if it was vast specifically, but it definitely gleam giveaway. Uh, the Bruce Lee store had a giveaway and I wouldn't approve the shirt. That's the only thing I've ever won in like two years. I've seen fleeting giveaways around, which is hilarious. Yeah. It's funny that you mentioned that. I've actually never won any giveaway ever, and I've probably launched more, more giveaways. And you're your average person and Oh, I got it. I rolled a giveaway and I actually won and it was like this gaming PC and I'm sitting here like licking my lips. Like woo, like you can't do it up here. Dom: 00:23:04 Yeah. I almost clicked our two giveaways, but I was also like, there's products right behind me. I don't need to do this. Yeah, you don't need a hold on. That won't happen. If you won that though, that'd be kind of funny. I would say, Hey, max reroll that please like God, I can't post that. I won the giveaway. People would never deal with it. But you'd be surprised how many people don't respond. Like people that walk. God, I can say I imagine course. Yeah. Yeah. I can only imagine. We have like a 48 hour cool down. It's like a window where you know, somebody has to at least acknowledge the fact that we've reached out to them and they've gone, I mean, I've had people win, you know, $5,000 worth of product and you know, a month later Max: 00:23:46 they're like, wait, Dom: 00:23:48 I need that. It's like, yes, I have noticed that. Um, in the, especially the last campaign we did with you guys that um, there were like Instagram profiles following us that literally said like fast to give away it number like eight, nine, five, six like people just making accounts just for giveaway stuff. And it's like a very interesting, and it's like, it's a N N nature of the beast in Florida, you know, unfortunately. But I am sure that that exists. And like these ding dongs probably you're making these profiles to get more clicks and then are just like not looking, I don't know, like stupid, stupid stuff obviously. But we were lucky, both, both of our giveaways, people responded real fast and they were very happy, which was nice. But if you're still listening to podcasts, you know, tweet at us, let us know how you're enjoying our products, our giveaways. Dom: 00:24:32 What was that? Oh, the first one was the keyboard in the headset. And then the second one was the, uh, the amplify wifi kit. That's right. Covered. We do for 31. Charlie. We have to do some fun. I don't know. We'll figure it out. Let's be honest. That's not anytime soon. Maybe we'll do some, you know, soft drink giveaways don't, so he's saying this and that's, that's dangerous territory. He's saying this because we were in [inaudible] at that party out. No, you keep it in. No, you don't. You know what? You keep it in. I won't say who we are. Uh, we have been approached to maybe have a paid sponsor slash advertisers slash something beneficial for the podcast. That's it. That's anymore. Okay. Charlie: 00:25:19 Uh, but anyway, yeah. So that's, that's pivot a little bit. And, uh, max, tell us what, um, do you have time to game these days or like, are you gaming, are you playing anything right now or like, or what systems are you typically when you do, if, if, and when you do find time to play, what do you, uh, what do you plan on you as Xbox, PlayStation, PC, Mac. Max: 00:25:38 Oh, please. Smash. Oh yeah. So I, I, I don't, I really don't have a whole lot of time to game anymore. Um, there are instances where, you know, you, if you're, for example, for working with a client that's a game, it's obviously beneficial for you to understand the game, right? You don't wanna market something you've never, you know, never touched, never seen. Yeah. But, um, yeah, so I've been, I've been playing FPSs for so long that it's kind of, it's like, it's like a natural process for me, just like owning newbs 24, seven I have, I'm going to have to map to plug myself there. But, uh, fighting games are something that I found like your, your basic combos you land at once and it's just so rewarding that you can't stop. I mean, I, so I, I got started with street fighter and street fighter, you know, I love this huge franchise, very difficult to get into. And um, I just enjoyed getting beat all the time and I would just sit there and I have that one friend who's always better than me no matter what I did. I just played him for hours and hours and hours and I fell in love with the entire, and I feel Dom: 00:26:44 it's, I feel like it's a very underappreciated genre in the gaming industry currently. Tell you how difficult it is to get into it. And um, Oh man, I just love it. I eat it up. I actually haven't thought a little bit of call of duty in there though. Oh, there you go. Charlie: 00:27:00 Speaking to it. Speaking to call of duty, I don't know if you've played the new one, but the, we talked about our last podcast that the storyline is actually very good. I'm almost done with the storyline and the multiplayer is definitely challenging. I'm not a call of duty fan whatsoever, but, uh, I don't know if you've, we've, we've kind of pivoted a little bit where like I don't have very much time to play anymore. Like I've been, I just bought deaths training, which, and been waiting. It's been queued up. I just launched the intro while we're waiting for this podcast to start. So I was like, I'm going to start on this. And I was like, ah, this is, let's feels like it's gonna take me forever to get through. Well, I'll talk about it in two weeks. Won't do with just you and me dumb. Charlie: 00:27:36 But, uh, so what I was going to get with is we've been playing a lot of mobile games and a lot of the stuff that we do now is a lot of mobile game related. So max, you might actually enjoy the new college, UT mobile. I don't know if you've played it much at all. It is actually quite fun. Um, and I know I got, there's a bunch, a bunch of people have reached out and given me a bunch of shit. I'd be like, you're just playing against boss the whole time. It's like, yes, that's true. They get to a certain point. What's your rank up it up and guardian starting to get into like the elite status. It gets real hard, real hard, real quick. So Dom: 00:28:05 also who gives a shit? What you want to play? Play a game on my phone. It's the future. Shut up your dorks. Like that's awesome. We're literally in the future. Charlie: 00:28:17 Yeah. Literally playing call of duty multiplayer on my phone and doing battle Royals and smoking news on my phone. Dom: 00:28:23 Great. I'm uh, I'm actually changing phone EcoSys I'm finally leaving the iPhone family because I want to play more games on my phone. What are you getting? I'm getting the, well when it finally drops, I'm game though. One plus 70 pro McLaren edition for that song. The first 5g T-Mobile phone. Uh, Charlie: 00:28:45 well I will say is I actually just, I am finding, talking about tangents. I am finally free from 18 T Dom: 00:28:51 Oh, there you go. That's good. Any mobile yesterday. That was great. T-Mobile, I can't praise T-Mobile enough. They have one of the few claims that are fully unlimited. It's like 70 bucks a month. They always have good deals and they're getting the first five G. I don't know what the first you phone. I'm sure. I think Verizon actually has a five year phone, but they're getting one of the best ones in the world. Like people can't praise the one T seven the one plus 70 pro enough. And uh, this phone has, is 12 gigs of Ram, a stupid processor, three lenses, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, you know what, I, I've been wanting to leave iPhone for a bit. I think it's time and I was waiting for the phone that would do it. And this phone does it like it. It can do anything really. Uh, I'm just excited and it's like cheaper than the iPhone 11 pro max, whatever the fuck it is. And like, yeah, it's better phone. So that's it. Charlie: 00:29:38 Well, let me know how you feel about that. Cause a, I, I'm not gonna leave my phone anytime soon, but yeah, it's just unreal. Dom: 00:29:45 Let me know. Yeah, I'm curious. Charlie: 00:29:48 Yeah. We always like to have different, uh, you know, differences on the podcast and talking about different things. So now that we've moved to move towards mobile gaming, I'm curious to see what happens. Dom: 00:29:55 Yeah, man. And also like, there's a lot of like, um, unofficial stuff you could do with Androids. Like there's like Pookie MMO, which is like a literal fan made Pokemon MMO and you could, it's desktop based, but you can do it on Android. So that's cool. Uh, so I want to do it for that. Of course I would do it for that. You can image a Pokemon all day. I got next week I get my new Pokemon. You know what I'm saying? Like I forgot I got to preorder that. Yeah, baby. Um, Max: 00:30:21 you get your dirty ass game on. Uh, you get your 3d uh, 30 seconds. Dom: 00:30:25 So game on your switch. Three XL game. We, you so much. Oh, have you not heard? Have, I've not heard of the, the drama with Folkman. It's going on right now. Well, I know that the drama is that it's like they don't have like the national decks, but it's just something else I'm missing. Max: 00:30:38 Oh yeah. That the, the specifically the YouTubers are going off on the new Pokemon game because they're reusing animations from the three DS game. Yeah. Dom: 00:30:50 Yeah. I, I kind of a, I mean that sun and moon I feel like was what really changed the, like graphics of Pokemon. I'm not surprised by that. I don't, I don't, honestly, that doesn't bother me. The national index not being in the game does bother me. Like, it's like only like half the Pokemon that exists in this world of like a million Pokemon. But like, like that, that is what's bothersome to me. I don't mind so much that because the graphics from 30 S from sunny moon were pretty fire. But also like, you know, the, and the heat tubers will complain about anything so, but I don't find any, cause they're gonna buy into it, that that's what gets the views. Am I right? But, um, absolutely. Yeah. I mean the, the real big bummer with the national decks and then also like the one dude from the, not in the antique from a game freak or whatever, it was like, Oh, we just don't really have the time to do this. Dom: 00:31:41 Like don't give the answer, say anything else. Say we, we couldn't make the national decks in time for release. Say that. Don't say we found the time to do this because I'm paying you money. You shut the time to do anything. Like you should do anything. Everything, you know, I don't know, but that's, you know, here or there. But back to it, I am excited for an Android phone. I'm excited to leave iPhone. I'm signed to play cause I do it. My phone is just crashing all the time now I have the a iPhone XR and like if I want to do right for us, dude, like I have to exit out of every other app I have going because my phone just can't handle all the Strikeforce and like other other apps. You know what I'm saying? Charlie: 00:32:17 Oh, that's unfortunate. Yeah. Well. Uh, all right, well I guess we'll have to find something. I mean, this is a, a non problem, but later, but like, we'll just, uh, out that chat on like Google Hangouts or WhatsApp, Dom: 00:32:27 why we couldn't use text messaging. Yeah. But it's shitty for like everything else. Oh God. Charlie, you know what, let's move on because this is, this is, and this is the problem. I'd have friends be like, you're just, you're detecting the green Tech's like, yeah, fuck you on. Yeah, I'll spin, kick you into oblivion. Shut up. How are you supposed to use your AirPods man, I don't have their pots. So problem solved. I have a better head. You know what I'm, I gotta go. Um, uh, but what do you, so you just said you're just playing smash mostly right now. Yeah, Max: 00:33:03 the smash is the biggest one. Um, uh, it's just, they, they released, they started releasing what traditional fighting characters in smash, which makes a lot of smash fans unhappy. But I'm sitting here with doing quarter circles, like, you know, like I, like I'm playing street fighter. Dom: 00:33:18 Well, hell yeah. Max: 00:33:20 There's this, um, very new concept for a fight stick in smash called a Smashbox. So instead of using a controller, you're using directional buttons like an arcade stick. Right. And you know, a lot of people are like, Oh, it's too easy to do all these inputs and, but it's tournament legal. And I just, I just got one that I absolutely love it. Dom: 00:33:41 Oh duh. I mean, I come from a lot of two D fighters growing up. Like we, yeah, we have one of my best friends on awhile ago, Jonathan Fernandez, and he's just like the King of like S and K and Capcom games. And he would just smoke day. But like I would just play with him so much growing up that I kinda got out of fighters once it went into like, even with street fighter, I kinda like got out of it. But um, that sounds cool. They're doing that for smash at least. But I mean, I, I've been wanting to play the new Spanish. I just haven't, I just haven't gotten it and I, at this point, I'm not going to smash it all don't. And I there's no home. Yeah. I just honestly, I know that I play played a lot and so I just, I'm not, I don't want to just, unfortunately I don't have the, I don't want to sound poor, but I'm poor as fuck right now. So if I'm going to spend money on a game, I'm to like play it hard. No, I probably won't be playing it too much comparative. I guess Charlie: 00:34:31 I just finished, uh, what did I just find it? I just finished, uh, ultimate Alliance three last night, so I just finished it. Yeah. I just went through that Pete the storyline for the first time and they're like, okay, here you go. You can now go through the whole campaign on different difficulty level, but how do I level up all these other characters? That's all you have. I'm like, Dom: 00:34:51 great. Yeah. [inaudible] standards sucks. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I mean, the thing I love about, I just, I think that the super smash brothers has a really funny community, right? I mean, do you stream it to max? I do not know it because of that reason about, I was going to say, it's like such a heart. They're so harsh. They're scary. Like super special for this. Fans are like scary. Like yo watch you tournament videos. It's insane. They're insane. So like actually what brought me, me too, Max: 00:35:25 uh, compete in fighting in tournaments is in e-sports across the board. Unless you're talking gears of war, uh, there's no trash talk ever anymore. It's gone. And then they do it for PR reasons, but um, for fighting game tournament, it's the wild wild West. They're out there. I bet this guy like screaming, ripping off his shirt. Dom: 00:35:45 Yeah. They are nuts. I love it. It's scary. Max: 00:35:51 As harsh as they are. Uh, online. When you go to tournaments, it's, it's everyone's share. They're very, very timid. Dom: 00:35:58 Yeah. Yeah. That's fair. That's fair. Um, dang. I, uh, I'm a, I'm a, I'm going to take us on a, on another bit here. Charlie, you don't wanna I to playing lately was a world war Z. Oh yeah. How'd you like that? It's honestly such a fun, stupid game. I forgot that [inaudible] with like games pass or something. Charlie: 00:36:18 I really liked that game a lot. I wish I had more time to like sit and play. I may be over, I might pick it up from GameFly which we're not sponsored by GameFly whatever, but shout out to game five for actually giving me I treat. Yeah, I love game five because it just gives me an an opportunity for to play a whole bunch of different games without breaking my wallet right now. Dom: 00:36:36 What did he do for that? What does that, what does it cost? Charlie: 00:36:39 It's like a, I don't know off the top of my head, I think it's like 15 bucks a month and I get two games that comes with me. Dom: 00:36:45 Do you find that like here's what I'm at with the problem with subscription based services? I have to fucking many right now guys. I've cut back significantly. Yeah. I'm like every time like Oh it's only six bucks a month, I want to not just do this. And it's like, Oh cause I have like 40 of those right now. That's why. Yeah. Charlie: 00:37:02 What did, I mean we, we cut back significantly when we went through our finances cause right now we're trying to buy a house so we're just kinda like went through, it's like, okay, what do we have this for? Oh God, that's it. Um, and then I just found that I was spending too much buying video games and not being able to play them. So like, you know what, I'm just going to go to, I'm going to go back to game fly and try it out because like, you know, I can play it for a day and know whether or not I'm going to like the game and I'll, I'll continue it and then I'll, if not, I'll just return it. Cause right now what I have out is I have Tom clients, he's a ghost recon breakpoint, which I haven't even put in my country. Dom: 00:37:32 Yeah. People love that game. They don't, they Charlie: 00:37:34 no, they fucking hate. They really talk about it is true for what I, well apparently not to go on another tangent, tangent Pat Pat podcast. Uh, apparently what's been going on is, I mean it's a full price, $60 game, but they made it, they, they put a lot of the gameplay behind like freemium stuff of course. Why wouldn't they? So it's just, I don't know if it feels like they tried to do like a cross between um, wild lands and some other game. I can't remember. Essentially I haven't, I haven't even tried it so I can't comment on the actual game play loop in the game play mechanics and whatnot, how it works. But I'm interested in try. But apparently they just like threw a bunch of like microtransactions in here and like, you know, Hey, if you want to actually play the game, but like leveling up and getting items and whatever you have to pay to like increase your chance to find gold or whatever and just like eat that shit. Charlie: 00:38:28 So the only time I've ever actually bought one of those offers like was this ass discrete Odyssey out the gate. Like it was $2 and it's a 200% XP boost for the entirety of the game. I was like, okay, I'll spend $2 to get an XP boost. Cause that to me is worth it because I'm a trophy chaser. And I was like, one of the things is to get a level 50 and one of the trophies. I was like, okay, I'll do that, I'm going to report back on that. But right now what I have out is a Tom Clancy's ghost recon break point. And then I also have a plague tale innocence, which I'm actually enjoying plague tail innocence right now. It's kind of reminds me, it's a, as you know, I have a love for anything medieval and it's, this takes place in a, I want to say this is France with the uh, the black plague at that time. Charlie: 00:39:11 And it's a, you're, it's a, it's primarily a stealth action game. So it's like you're hiding, you're solving puzzles, you're trying to avoid getting eaten alive by, you know, plagued rats the entire time. But it's good. I enjoy the, the game play. I enjoyed the game. I think I'm like halfway through it at the moment and maybe, maybe played maybe five, six hours of it. And so I know it's cool. It's something different. That's why like I normally wouldn't play this game otherwise, but like I put it in my game ply cue and I was like, Hey, you know, when I'm done with the game I'll put it in there, whatever. And like that's how I was able to play a couple of games on switch as well. And it just like, and I'm not spending, you know, $700 a month on buying new games because you know, if I buy it, I bought all these games. Charlie: 00:39:57 I'm like spending so much money whereas all spend like, you know, 15 bucks a month, like, and if I get a, you know, if I don't like a game, it's no problem. I was like, I'll play it for a day and put it back. But what you're, what I was getting back at with that is I had world war Z from game fly and I'm very, but I really, really liked it. So, and I was, I wanted to buy it and keep it, but it was just a little too pricey. It was still at like $45, which are a, it was like $35 cause I think it's normally 40 bucks. I was like, Oh, I'll wait for a sale, pick it up there. But yeah, I enjoyed that game a lot. Dom: 00:40:26 It's all good. I've got it on Gates pass. And uh, I was like kinda, I was, I had nothing to do yesterday or not, nothing to do, but I was like waiting for Mallory home and it's like, Oh, let me play a fast thing. And that was there. I was like, Oh, this is probably fast. And then I, I realized an hour went by him hours are already home. I'm like, Oh, I should probably, I should probably get going. Charlie: 00:40:42 Yeah, that's a, it's kind of like a, what's that? I left for dead. Dom: 00:40:47 Yeah. But the, the like swarm, it's like really fun. I was like blown away. I was like, Oh my God, there's now 3000 zombies crawling over that fence. Uh, why am I, well, I'm going to die in seconds. Charlie: 00:41:02 Yeah. I wish I could. I wish I had more friends that were um, on PlayStation or actually played it or maybe it's, it might be worth picking it for PC if it ever goes on. Dom: 00:41:09 Well, if you could, if you see it on sale for PC, I'll get it for PC. We can play it on that. Charlie: 00:41:13 Yeah. That's fun. I enjoyed it. Max, have you played that at all? Dom: 00:41:16 I have not. I have not. I had a couple of friends that were playing it, um, relatively religiously and they have fairly, the multiplayer is also stupid fun. It's like as long as you don't go into it expecting like an Eastport. It's right. A lot of, it's a lot of fun. Well, I cheat up for that yesterday. Not really realizing I was, I thought it was a King up for the campaign and I was like, wait, is it just literally multiplayer like played against players? Is there zombies involved at all or is it just PVB Speaker 6: 00:41:44 [inaudible] Dom: 00:41:45 do you know? It's just PDP. See if they answer this on. That would be wild. Oh man. I mean, I was watching, I was watching a moon moon play left at two and I played that game so much. Oh yeah. Left at three wins. Come on Val. Need it and need it though. Like I'm not, I'm not no pressure, but like make the gains we want, you know, give us half life. Three give us left for dead. Do, do the thing that we want. Always. What? Even the about doing right now? What do they do? You know what I mean? Like what they got going on? Nothing. Just con they're just there. They're happy making their money on content, doing all this stuff. What does it, what does valve own right now? That's a game that is placed in a platform, man. That's all it is. I think for the most part. Right. Counterstrike global offensive. I'm an idiot. That's right. Dota is a big one too. Oh wait. Valvoline's Dota two how did I not know that? Oh my God. Speaker 6: 00:42:41 [inaudible] Dom: 00:42:42 Oh well they always push the international on the, on their page 24 seven whenever it's running. Right. That's fair. Good for you though. Well either way we for that three halfway three, come on, let's go make it work. Yeah. Um, but uh, yeah, I'm just stupid excited for next week. Uh, for the new Pokemon, even though I have my gripes with like that they, I think here's the thing, I think, I think that they're gonna uh, I think they're going to slowly like release the rest of the Pokemon to the game. Hope. I mean, if they were smart they would do that. Oh my God. There's a lot of people who are not gonna play that game because there's no national decks. There's like a lot of international decks. Cause I'm describing, I have no idea what national Dex is. All Pokemon. So there's the, so essentially there's the Pokemon bank, which is like a digital bank. Dom: 00:43:26 So between every Pokemon you can store your Pokemon in the bank and then when the next title comes out, you can get that essentially. So you can like keep getting your, your, your Pokedex, uh, filled up. You know what I'm saying? So any Pokemon that was in a previous game that aren't the new game is fine because it still has the full national decks and you can get them from your bank or you can train them up, blah blah. Uh, this game just, just doesn't have a lot of the Pokemon in the game and you can't get them from your previous Pokemon bank. Um, so a lot of people are set because I think they're supposed to be now honey, Pokemon. Um, all you have to tell me, I'm looking at right now, you're looking at, okay, I giant. It's a lot of Pokemon. So there's like over 400, right? Dom: 00:44:14 So there's, there's maybe 200, I think there's, it's still leaks. It's still not confirmed how many Pokemon are actually in the new one. Uh, but it's, it's guessed to be around 200 and people were upset because some, some people's like, chances are regardless how dumb Pokemon is, that's probably someone's favorite somewhere in the world. You know what I mean? And like, even when they have like leafy or whatever the fuck it's called leafy nice. Now. Now see you're going to, I'm going to now a plug about how much you hate Pokemon at a donut. It sounds like I'm going to, that's what happened just now. I'm an O G red and blue. If the last time I played Pokemon, uh, but people were pissed, a lot of people were set because it's their favorite program that's not going to make it to the game or they're, they're like, they're also kinda like you in the sense where they just want to collect, they want, you know, the fucking tagline has got to catch them all. Dom: 00:45:01 So I mean some people are upset about it. Uh, rightfully so. I, it's not enough for me to not get the game. I'm still gonna enjoy it, play and enjoy it. You know, like people, I think that's like a little bit more like fanaticism at that point. Like, I don't know, I kind of equated to how people act with star Wars. Like with any new star Wars. Like Oh, these star Wars or trash, nothing. The old ones, I was like, shut up dude. You get new stuff. You start Wars shut up. Like, if you don't the Mandalorian exactly. If you don't like it for legitimate reasons, like you didn't like it cinematically or the story maybe, but like don't compare to old things, just get the new thing and find what you can enjoy out of it. And if not, then don't, you know, whatever, uh, fuck up. Dom: 00:45:38 Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Uh, but yeah, that's essentially that. I'm still getting it. I, I actually, I pre-ordered it, uh, if you preordered it through the Nintendo online store, you get to pre download it so you get to play like start of a launch day. Um, and I have a, I have a shoot in Denver two days after that, so I'll be flying and stuff, so I'll have plenty of air time to, uh, to be playing, which is dope. So. All right, well I'm curious to try it. Max, are you a Pokemon guy at all? Yes. No, Max: 00:46:11 I mean, I'm in Charlie's bed. I played a lot of the old Pokemon games. Uh, as soon as they, uh, the newer titles, especially when they were more handheld focused, I stopped playing the most part. Uh, and then I would get an emulator on my phone and play the games cause I to this day, I think a true, a true Pokemon on mobile would absolutely kill it. But I understand the kind of public kill it. Oh man, they're trying to push their switch sales. I get it. Um, I will be getting sort of shield and playing it and trying it out. Um, the national deck thing is definitely a lot of the hardcore Pokemon fans are completionist. So again, and I get it, that's asking to be tough one. But my, my only gripe is that it's any, it's not even really a grind. Right. I'm not going to complain. I'm still gonna enjoy it, but no elite for, come on. That was like the thing, it's like you've gone to the elite four in your life. Dom: 00:47:00 Oh wait, are you fine? That for really [inaudible] Max: 00:47:04 yeah. So they, uh, the last game they took out gyms and left you before, now they're putting back gyms and removing the ULI for, Dom: 00:47:13 Oh, you just say that inside. No, I, I just, I just must be misremembering. When you say the last game, you talk about sun and moon? I believe so. Yeah. Cause in, uh, I don't remember not being gyms and send them in, but also that was like a couple of years ago at this point. So I, I could be forgetting. But yeah, I mean I think that a, if they released the O G games as a mobile game, that's not gonna hurt your Twitch sales. You know, it's like our switch sales and I, I really wish that they would at least do that. Like you'd give us like red, blue and yellow as a mobile game. That would be insane. Uh, another reason going to Android is because it's easier to get emulators on your phone. Otherwise I have to like jailbreak or do some other bullshit with my iPhone and I could then I could play Oh gee, Pokemon games on my phone, which I'm excited for it for that. Dom: 00:48:04 But, um, yeah, I they, you know, it's like, I, I imagine when you're, when you were making a franchise for so long, you have to think of ways to change it up, I guess. And unfortunately, sometimes the way they change it just isn't good. I mean, we don't know. It's not gonna be good yet, but some people are. I mean, especially the completion. It's like a hardcore book. My fans like I love, let's go peek at you. I loved it, but I was, I was told I was trashed by someone for playing it. Everyone was excited. Real Pokemon game, your trash. I was like, okay, cool. Thanks dude. I'll, uh, I'll just go back to drinking your juice box. Yeah. He's, uh, we are not AGS. We like little kids here. No, that's weird to say. Oh God, no, we're not, we're not ageist. That's what I meant to say. Dom: 00:48:48 Oh God. Uh, you can cut that. I try. That sounds weird. That's going to be the, the one clip we make there. It's like, dude, you know, uh, it's always sending episode that when Frank, uh, has the, the kids, the kids beauty pageant is like, we don't fit all kids. We don't, they make that song. Right. I feel like that's exactly, I just walked into, I have now framed from, it's always sunny. Um, but moving onto some news. Did you all see, uh, I don't know if you're a blizzard fan max, but did you guys see BlizzCon stuff? I did. I'm very excited. It's yellow shirt right now. Oh, awesome. So here's the kids. Here's the problem. Then I want nothing more than Diablo four. And I'm like, yo, that cinematic with Lilith coming through. Oh my God, that's fire dope. Uh, having a Druid back, having all this like it looking way more dark. Dom: 00:49:38 The talent trees, the skill tree, blah, blah, blah, blah. Excited. Even though it's like two years at least. Probably a way. Uh, I'm hope. I'm hoping in two years blizzard is less up China's butt. But, uh, until then I'm like kind of, I'm like torn man, like blizzard has it been doing like the best like ethical business practices lately. But, but I wanna I wanna play Dell before, you know what I'm saying? Uh, it's just such a weird, and they also like, you know, you have a watch too. There is a new world, the work have expansion that looked really job, that cinematic was also fired. I mean, you know, blizzard is the King of game cinematics. Like I think, um, yeah, it happened for awhile. Habit. If you go to my Twitter, you'll, you'll see I disagree quite a bit. I think. I think we, we got Max: 00:50:28 it. Don't get me wrong. Okay, so halo three, table two anniversary. Halo two anniversary. [inaudible] anniversary. Yeah. Oh yeah. Full budget. It was insane. Now generally speaking, those are like the two, the two big boys. Dom: 00:50:48 Are we talking cinematic? Like, like, uh, I'm talking, I'm, when I say cinematic, I mean PR like prelaunch, like, uh, essentially rendered. So I'm not talking like game cut scene. No, no, no. Yeah, but pre-rendered stuff cause I, I mean the halo anniversary stuff, all those kinds of things where we're very nice obviously. Uh, but may I, I mean like I'm not, I don't want to disagree with you, but I'm going to disagree with you. I, since I was a child the first, okay, I have three there. Cut scenes started coming out and then StarCraft two, uh, just buck wild. Right. But it's really the world of Warcraft stuff. Even though I'm not like the biggest work work I fan and the Diablo stuff have always been just, I think some of the best visual like video game, visual cinematics that have come up, man. But you're, you are right though, dude. Halo, halo cutscenes and cinematics especially, you know, halo three, uh, when it's that close up on the helmet and then, and she puts it on and then jumps over, like he throws the shield down. Oh my God. Max: 00:51:59 Yeah. Sorry. Night. I sat that on my iPod video and if I was getting pumped up for a workout or anything like I had to go to, I would, I would throw that on. I loved the areas. It's like my pre-workout is so good. That's what I, I agree with you as well. I mean I, the first time I've literally built a gaming computer to play Diablo three when it first dropped. Yeah. I've seen those cinematics cinematics for the first time. Absolutely incredible. Same thing of wow. Yeah, yeah. Charlie: 00:52:28 I'm looking forward to Diablo three. I'm not looking forward to giving more money to Activision, but at the same time it's just like you pull, you pull those strings for me, like Diablo three or Diablo in general was like my rebellion for I growing up cause I grew up in a very fundamental Christian household. So it's just like for me that was very much like I'm rebellion against my parents. I'm going to go play job while behind there. Max: 00:52:50 I love. So Charlie: 00:52:53 even though my parents like, you know, they found my disks and all that sort of stuff, they trashed on blah blah blah. I was like, you know what, it's still fun. You're still, you're still fighting against the demons that you're fighting. Dom: 00:53:05 Uh, yeah. I, I did enjoy Diablo three I thought. I thought it definitely was not as dark as the first few. Diablo is M very excited to see the, the the like early game play stuff. It just looks gloomy. It looks like. Yeah, it does. It has a good feel. So hopefully by then, I mean have you, I don't know if you got solved, the director of Overwatch recently came out with a statement saying that he disagrees with the handling of the blitz Chung situation and thinks of that dude should, uh, have, Charlie: 00:53:35 well, the president himself came out of BlizzCon and say, no, Dom: 00:53:39 I feel like it was a little busy washy. I feel like what he said wasn't, I don't know. Charlie: 00:53:43 Well I can't, you can't have, I mean he, he at least they at least owned up to it and say like, we apologize. We overreacted too soon. You're blah, blah, blah. At least it's a public statement of apologies. So what else can you add? Dom: 00:53:56 What else I can ask is to reduce this. Do fend still, the dude's still has a van going like, I don't know, like yeah, it's cool that he apologized on stage but nothing changed with Butch Jones or, or their, their handling of, I do get it. And on one hand you have to have I guess decorum at tournaments and you, Charlie: 00:54:16 yeah, the policy is no political outcries in the middle of a, an a statement. And so there's that. Yeah, sure. But you know, on one hand it's like, it's anyway not to get into the politics of the Hong Kong protest, which I'm in full support of. It's just a matter of like, you know, it's very tough. It's like, okay, well what, at what point do you, you know, do you police these, you know, these rules that you have. It's like, you know, if, if someone cries out, you know, you know, pro Trump stuff, like how do you handle that, you know, it's the same thing. So it's like you have to, you have to have it for both, both sides of the coin. So I'd be very interested. There's any pro Chinese government cry out. I know, I'm just saying it's like that would be [inaudible] I feel you though. I feel. Yeah. But either way. So I know we're getting kind of short on time here with max, but let's, uh, so max, is there anything coming out that you are, that are you're interested in, in, uh, you know, coming up for you? Dom: 00:55:13 Um, all of the right games. Okay. They, when they dropped that was like five titles. They had a dungeon crawler, a fighting game and FPS. Sure. Card game. Oh yeah, they dropped like five games all at once. Charlie: 00:55:26 My, uh, my cousin works for riot games. I have to ask him about that stuff. Dom: 00:55:30 Oh man. You project day, they live there. They're like, well, we're going to take the best things of Overwatch and the best things to Counterstrike and mash it together. I'll immediately was in love. Cool. And then I saw fighting game. I mean they right now kind of has the, the wealth of characters that people are super familiar with and then you pick them up in a two D fighter, how looks like street fighter and they just go at it. I'm ready. Okay. I am. Oh yeah. Charlie: 00:55:55 Right. I'm excited for team fight tactics to come to mobile. I don't know if you guys, I'm very excited for that fight tactics. What does that, Oh bro, that's a, it's like a, so essentially what it is is you have these characters that you build up and you can like train up their abilities, kind of like league of legends and you placed them in certain like strategic places on the board and then you just let them fight. You can't, you can't control them. Oh, interesting. It's almost like a tower defense thing. Is it like people, it is, no, not necessarily. Not necessarily tower defense game. It's more like a, the best way I could describe it is like, um, Max: 00:56:25 but when you say they fight, like is it just like one V one? Is it like [inaudible]? Charlie: 00:56:29 No, it's like five. It's like five 85. So it's kinda like an re it's kinda like, um, you set them up on the board and they all like run out, you know, based on like they start to attack people in proximity. So like you can kind of have like your archers in the back corner, a healer in the back corner and then like tanks up front to kind of attack and people are healing and attacking based on different things. So it's pretty, it's pretty cool, uh, in, in neat like um, game play mechanics on that. So I'm, I'm curious to try it. I'm not very good at it. I, I've maybe played for like two hours of that game, but having it come to mobile, I'm very excited for it cause then I'll definitely be playing that because it's quick. They're quick matches, they're like, you know, 60 seconds shoes match. So, okay, perfect. Max: 00:57:08 That game is my weakness. I've sunk a million hours into team five tactics. Have you seen, have you seen a, what was it like the first or second Harry Potter, whether they're chess pieces that actually come to life and each other? That's exactly what team five tech got. Yeah. Okay. So those pieces come together to turn the life and fight each other. But that game has been overhauled tremendously. I just play, I started playing it again, maybe three or four passions later. Um, the beginning of this week and Oh, just the, they're now implementing skins for, um, you know, you'll have syndrome, it'll be the oceanic syndrome. She has like that ocean, that water kind of affinity and it's abs adds infinite depth to that game. And as soon as it comes to mobile, Oh yeah. I'll be right there playing dope. Cool. Shit. All right, let's get another, another mobile game that I can play on my new phone, uh, whenever that happens. Okay, cool. All right, well, um, Charlie: 00:58:02 I'm excited for that, so we'll have to talk more about that or have you back on in, you know, a couple of months or whatnot and see how you're doing and see if you're still playing it. Max: 00:58:09 All right. Thank you guys for having me. I appreciate it. Yeah. Charlie: 00:58:13 Oh, max, where can people find you and find vast again so they can keep up. Keep up with you guys Max: 00:58:19 again. My name is max Richter. You can find me on Twitter at [inaudible] have dragon as well as, uh, at vast GG for all of our socials. And uh, yeah, feel free to send me your spices means Speaker 7: 00:58:31 when I'm on break as memes and sit and tweets to Elan Musk. He showed me that, that was really funny by the way. That was, that was great. So anyway, yes. Thanks so much max for being a part of the overachievers podcast. Uh, over two years gaming podcast. I dropped the gaming. Uh, you can find us on Instagram at G. dot. Podcasts or Twitter is over to you if your group's P where we don't really post spicy meme. So really in much of anything we need to get more on that. Actually, I just real quick one last tangent. I a just shit talk the KSI and look at Paul, uh, boxing match VR Twitter. So if we get any hate, Oh great. Can't wait, can't wait to see all those notifications. I gotta re enable all of this. Our website is being over We can get this episode and every other episode and you hear more about us. Speaker 7: 00:59:15 Talk about Marvel strike force, which is our sub panel sub podcast that we do a every other week. So you can get your fix, all of us talking about that with all the things, and then you can, uh, you know, subscribe, blah, blah, blah, up on stuff and leave us a review if you liked this podcast, like other podcasts leaves a review on your favorite podcast, platform of choice, and maybe Dominic will start singing more on podcasts, which I don't recommend at all. Thanks all. And, uh, yeah, basically max cheers to you guys for having me again. Have a great day. Speaker 4: 01:00:04 [inaudible] Speaker 3: 01:00:11 [inaudible].