00;00;00;00 - 00;00;00;18 Speaker 1 Non bread. 00;00;01;18 - 00;00;02;21 Speaker 2 I love. Not great. 00;00;03;05 - 00;00;03;29 Speaker 1 Scrambled eggs. 00;00;05;21 - 00;00;06;17 Speaker 2 The sun's delicious. 00;00;06;27 - 00;00;19;12 Speaker 1 A little bit of your daughter. Like when I cook my eggs. I always, like, put a little bit garlic powder in the oil so that when it, like, lays flat it like powder, it becomes like garlic oil almost. So that's. 00;00;19;24 - 00;00;20;08 Speaker 2 Genius. 00;00;20;23 - 00;00;28;08 Speaker 1 And I do that with a little bit of salami and some of Macarena. My breakfast sandwich of choice right there. 00;00;28;19 - 00;00;33;16 Speaker 3 It's boys, but I'm. I'm just a scrub, and I just. I just eat, like, four sausage links because they're, like, the tiny ones. 00;00;33;28 - 00;00;36;01 Speaker 2 They're wonderful. 00;00;36;23 - 00;00;41;23 Speaker 1 I wish I had bagels, but I'm in Florida where our bagels are very subpar. 00;00;42;12 - 00;00;54;00 Speaker 2 So the problem is not that most of it's not that other states don't have good bagels, is that other states don't have people that are making bagels long enough to have good bagels. New York has, like, the O.G. Bagel. Like how? You know what I mean? Like. 00;00;55;03 - 00;01;09;25 Speaker 1 Yeah, well, I'll be there for my birthday, boys. And when mark my words, when I'm there for my birthday. This January ish, we're going to toast to bagels before we do our next podcast. 00;01;09;27 - 00;01;13;07 Speaker 2 I mean, really funny. Have you come here while I'm away? I'm away. In January. 00;01;13;29 - 00;01;16;11 Speaker 1 I will be the last weekend in January. 00;01;16;15 - 00;01;17;00 Speaker 2 Are you actually. 00;01;17;00 - 00;01;17;17 Speaker 3 Serious? Oh. 00;01;18;02 - 00;01;18;12 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;01;18;20 - 00;01;20;10 Speaker 2 Because I'm away in Las Vegas. Las Vegas? 00;01;21;20 - 00;01;22;10 Speaker 1 Convenient. 00;01;23;03 - 00;01;28;19 Speaker 2 I've been I've first off, I've been talking about this Warhammer tournament I'm doing forever now. 00;01;28;26 - 00;01;35;03 Speaker 1 Yeah. So you conveniently scheduled your Warhammer tournament to be on my birthday weekend? 00;01;35;03 - 00;01;37;27 Speaker 2 I conveniently scheduled. This is the. 00;01;37;27 - 00;01;42;21 Speaker 3 Last. It's my birthday weekend, too. So it's like Donald Duck and us both at this point. 00;01;42;21 - 00;01;43;14 Speaker 1 I call that great. 00;01;43;14 - 00;01;47;02 Speaker 2 Charlie Shop and was like, Hey, can you guys do me a favor and scheduled the lost? 00;01;47;02 - 00;01;48;27 Speaker 1 Yeah. I got to get out of. 00;01;48;27 - 00;01;53;16 Speaker 2 Warhammer tournaments in the country on this specific weekend just to fuck over my two friends. This is. 00;01;53;16 - 00;01;56;01 Speaker 1 Ashley Pistachio. I need to have a. 00;01;56;01 - 00;01;58;19 Speaker 2 Big favor and a favor. Yes. 00;01;58;29 - 00;02;03;24 Speaker 1 I have a thing I need to get out of. And this just seems like the best way to go about doing it. You know, you. 00;02;04;00 - 00;02;05;18 Speaker 2 Just guys are. 00;02;07;09 - 00;02;13;17 Speaker 1 As they say. That's my that's my birthday gift to you this year, Charlie is I'm going to come see you. 00;02;14;16 - 00;02;27;26 Speaker 3 Thank you. I'm sure it would be like a joint birthday thing to be great. It'll be awesome. We'll go gallivanting around in the city, go out and do this. We can. No, you can have some Connecticut different pizza. The New Haven pizza. 00;02;28;17 - 00;02;31;20 Speaker 1 Why can't I have New Haven pizza and Connecticut pizza? 00;02;31;27 - 00;02;34;08 Speaker 3 You could do there, man. Baby, you can do it. You can do whatever you want. 00;02;34;13 - 00;02;38;03 Speaker 1 But I didn't have some Brooklyn style pizza. I need to have. 00;02;38;11 - 00;02;43;18 Speaker 2 What most in New York is like pretty much the same except for the if like Naples style joints, which are. 00;02;43;18 - 00;02;46;12 Speaker 3 Not that. Yeah. It's like what Grimaldi is I think is the only one. 00;02;47;28 - 00;02;50;21 Speaker 2 Only what is a few. There's a bunch of Naples style pizzas. 00;02;50;22 - 00;02;51;08 Speaker 3 Oh, really? 00;02;51;08 - 00;02;56;11 Speaker 2 Oh, man. Yeah, very good. There's even a Detroit sale now. 00;02;57;02 - 00;02;59;14 Speaker 1 Oh, God, no. What is Detroit style? 00;02;59;28 - 00;03;05;16 Speaker 2 Detroit style is pretty much a pizza. It's very good. I haven't had a yet. I can't tell. I don't even know. 00;03;05;18 - 00;03;06;26 Speaker 3 That I like a pillow. 00;03;06;26 - 00;03;07;11 Speaker 2 Looking. 00;03;07;11 - 00;03;07;24 Speaker 3 Answer. 00;03;07;27 - 00;03;08;25 Speaker 2 Oh, my God. It just. 00;03;08;25 - 00;03;09;19 Speaker 3 Look have that. 00;03;10;00 - 00;03;11;16 Speaker 2 The pillow pizza. I don't know that it's yeah. 00;03;11;18 - 00;03;17;29 Speaker 3 Somewhere insane. It's in Bensonhurst I think where it is. Like it's all bread and a little bit of sauce. 00;03;18;13 - 00;03;20;14 Speaker 1 Okay, yeah. Yeah. You're talking my language here. 00;03;20;27 - 00;03;24;27 Speaker 3 That's. That's honestly how some of the traditional thin crust pizza, that's my favorite. 00;03;25;03 - 00;03;37;14 Speaker 1 Somebody of the day who is a health nut was like it said to me, oh, I mean, when you eat pizza all you want to do is eat the cheese and the and the meat, right? Like the breads that the part doesn't taste good. I looked at him. 00;03;37;14 - 00;03;38;25 Speaker 2 I just stopped talking to the person. 00;03;39;03 - 00;03;47;26 Speaker 1 I was just like. Just like I couldn't I couldn't I didn't comment on that, but I just I just nodded and wrote him off as a he then. 00;03;48;09 - 00;04;05;07 Speaker 2 I, I very I actually don't I very rarely tell people that are wrong on their food preferences because I feel like, you know, however you get by in this mortal coil, like you got to do what you like, you got to get by. I think food is one of the very few things that you can like the what is considered the gross thing on the planet. 00;04;05;07 - 00;04;14;00 Speaker 2 But if it gives you pure joy, that's awesome. Like you go with it. I don't care. I don't care if you want mustard and pineapple on your plate. Don't give a shit. That's fine. Do you like whatever? 00;04;14;21 - 00;04;16;27 Speaker 1 Tomato, mustard and. And pineapple. 00;04;17;05 - 00;04;19;07 Speaker 2 Obviously, I like. That's not really just. 00;04;19;07 - 00;04;20;17 Speaker 3 I like pineapple and pizza. 00;04;20;21 - 00;04;27;13 Speaker 1 I mean, I feel like you could do that, though, because ham and mustard go together. Mustard and pine. I mean, mustard. Ham go together. 00;04;27;21 - 00;04;30;02 Speaker 3 So like it. What is it tonight? 00;04;30;02 - 00;04;35;23 Speaker 1 What if this is, like, this thing and and Ashley Pistachio just discovered, like, one of the greatest concoctions. 00;04;35;23 - 00;04;41;07 Speaker 3 It's it's like when you got like you got, like, the sweetness of the pineapple and the acidity of the the what I'm doing together. 00;04;41;13 - 00;04;47;08 Speaker 2 That makes it more. And there's more to this. There's more to this. But what I'm saying is, like, you could, like, whatever you like. 00;04;47;08 - 00;04;48;29 Speaker 3 They still haven't gotten to the intro. 00;04;48;29 - 00;04;55;08 Speaker 2 But there are few things that your people are just wrong about. And to say the bread is the worst part, that person is just wrong. 00;04;55;19 - 00;04;58;13 Speaker 1 Right, right, right. No, but yes, I fully. 00;04;58;13 - 00;05;02;12 Speaker 2 Agree. Let's talk about let's I'm playing video games these days. Not much. 00;05;03;17 - 00;05;04;28 Speaker 3 But you're playing video games. 00;05;05;10 - 00;05;06;25 Speaker 2 All right. That really barely. 00;05;39;09 - 00;05;59;21 Speaker 3 Watchable. Everybody, welcome to the Achievers Gaming podcast. I am I was a match joined as always sometimes by Ashley Pastrami and mostly Chef Quando. How's it going, gentlemen? You can find us on the Instagrams at O.G., the podcast or Twitters over to P, which I'm I'm, you know, I'm not going to include Twitter anymore because why not. 00;05;59;21 - 00;06;00;29 Speaker 2 I've already reactivated. 00;06;00;29 - 00;06;01;15 Speaker 1 Myself. 00;06;01;21 - 00;06;19;01 Speaker 3 Or Instagram is a podcast are Twitch is Twitch TV's last O.G. podcast. Our website is O.G. Podcast FM where get this episode every episode we're talking about video games, what we're playing, what we're looking forward to, a little bit of gaming news and some hot takes about pizza. Yeah, obviously. I mean. 00;06;19;02 - 00;06;21;05 Speaker 2 It was hot to I don't even know if it's hot takes, you know. 00;06;21;12 - 00;06;23;19 Speaker 3 It's not really you know it's not really that hot take my. 00;06;23;20 - 00;06;30;13 Speaker 2 My blood my base foundation if if we weren't recording the podcast yet just enjoy what you enjoy. Just get through this world, Harry, again. 00;06;30;25 - 00;06;32;11 Speaker 1 You know it's a bomb ass pizza. 00;06;32;12 - 00;06;33;09 Speaker 2 You happy? You know. 00;06;33;26 - 00;06;41;24 Speaker 1 Broccoli rub chili red chili flakes and sausage like spicy Italian sausage meatballs. 00;06;41;28 - 00;06;42;06 Speaker 2 Again. 00;06;43;00 - 00;06;47;25 Speaker 3 I wish we had more free time to just have a random bullshit podcast. Really? 00;06;48;22 - 00;06;52;06 Speaker 2 But that's what you just said. That isn't what we did. 00;06;52;06 - 00;06;58;16 Speaker 3 I that is literally what this podcast is. That's the overachievers. I mean, we're kind of over. 00;06;58;18 - 00;07;00;23 Speaker 1 To talk about video games at some point in time. 00;07;01;01 - 00;07;01;22 Speaker 3 Yeah. I mean. 00;07;02;20 - 00;07;04;04 Speaker 1 You get around to it and get our video. 00;07;04;04 - 00;07;10;06 Speaker 3 Game talk at this point. Let's just be honest about it. Come on, let's just, just just call it. This is just art. This is our therapy session. 00;07;10;15 - 00;07;15;14 Speaker 2 Big shots, a big pop in our discord right now. If you're not on a discord, please go to discord at me. 00;07;15;14 - 00;07;17;10 Speaker 1 Such as is O.G.. 00;07;17;11 - 00;07;17;21 Speaker 3 Podcast. 00;07;17;21 - 00;07;18;03 Speaker 1 Building Your. 00;07;18;06 - 00;07;18;18 Speaker 2 Discord. 00;07;18;22 - 00;07;19;07 Speaker 1 Building. 00;07;19;07 - 00;07;37;05 Speaker 2 Slash O.G. Podcast I am I finally started Marvel Snap, which I don't know why I did the opening tutorial and I was kind of just like, this is I don't understand the purpose. Like, it's not like hurts art stone or well, actually it probably is more like hard stone, but it's not like magic in any way. And it's fine. 00;07;37;14 - 00;07;55;21 Speaker 2 I never play Hearthstone, so maybe this is like Arsalan. But I was, I was just like, oh, I need to really do is just gain more power on my side to win the match. I was like, this is, this is silly. Like, I don't care. And then my buddy Chuck, he's just he was staying over because he also has a friend running the New York Marathon and I let him crash my place and then go watch, you know, your marathons. 00;07;55;21 - 00;08;02;04 Speaker 2 I'm run now. Pretty, pretty cool stuff big out to all those motherfuckers that are braver than I to run 26. 00;08;02;04 - 00;08;03;27 Speaker 3 26.26 point. 00;08;03;27 - 00;08;22;05 Speaker 2 Two miles. Jesus Christ, I got to go watch my friend in a bit run. But so he is like, you should play more with Sam. It's fine. Like, it's just, it's just like an addicting. Like, just like if you're not doing anything, like, just, you know, whatever. And what do you know? He's right. It is just like. Like an easy, silly fun. 00;08;22;24 - 00;08;27;22 Speaker 2 And so I asked in our discord, in our wonderful discord that has tons of resources done, people that are very helpful with all. 00;08;27;22 - 00;08;29;24 Speaker 3 Games been off lately. 00;08;29;25 - 00;08;46;20 Speaker 2 How many people there are that play different games? You come in and you're like, I want to play whatever I want to. Oh, well, there's this or that, there's this. But you know, it's very nice. So it court and it is very now giving me some tips on starting a strats on on beginner deck building. 00;08;47;29 - 00;09;01;26 Speaker 3 Yeah I got to look into that because I have I played the the beta I play the beta I really liked. I didn't have time because it was only available on Android. Obviously I only had I bluestacks and so I didn't have time. Well it's also now that it's out. Yeah, I'm saying now it's on while you can get on iOS. 00;09;02;12 - 00;09;03;13 Speaker 3 That's from I'm playing on my phone. 00;09;03;15 - 00;09;04;21 Speaker 2 Yeah but it's Crossplay too. 00;09;05;05 - 00;09;17;23 Speaker 3 Yeah. Between steam. But I just haven't had the I, I mean I played it, I was like, oh all the progress carried over which is I actually, I kind of like that to an extent, like you're starting over, but I just haven't really had the time to dove back into it. 00;09;17;23 - 00;09;44;29 Speaker 2 So it's like, get all this. Like, it's, it's, it's more fun than I. It's more like nothing more fun, but it's more innovative and, like, technical than I thought. Once I play that story, I think all I'm doing is trying to get more power. That's that's like, stupid. And then I'm like, you know, there's tons of different ways to play cards to make a deck in the fact that there's there's different genres of decks similar to like magic or I'm sure hurts until like, again, I've never played since. 00;09;44;29 - 00;10;04;14 Speaker 2 I don't really know. Like there's like the zoo deck, which is like low level creatures and use a combo to make them stronger. There's with the move deck which has like you use all cards that move between the two to do some fun stuff there that's all pretty cool. I'm I'm pretty I think now that I know all that I'm I'm a little more into the idea of it. 00;10;04;14 - 00;10;10;10 Speaker 2 I'm definitely going to try to I want to this move deck sounds pretty cool to me. 00;10;10;10 - 00;10;12;18 Speaker 1 That one's the shit. That's the one I'm using right now. 00;10;12;28 - 00;10;13;17 Speaker 2 Oh, cool. 00;10;13;17 - 00;10;39;29 Speaker 1 It's the shit. Yeah. Like you, basically, huh? Yeah. So, I mean, I got lucky in one game, I posted a picture of it, but like, the middle node was if you play a card here, you get a copy of it back in your hand. So I played fun. I played multiple man like three times and I actually what I did was, is I put Hulkbuster on the first multiple man. 00;10;40;08 - 00;11;02;14 Speaker 1 So it gives me a seven power, multiple man. Right? So multiple man's card says the one. He moves to a different location. Another copy of him stays the one originally. So I had three multiple man in the middle and I had one on the right and I had like one of their card in the left. Turn six I play Heimdall, it moves all cards to the left. 00;11;02;22 - 00;11;22;10 Speaker 1 So every copy of multiple man moves to the left and duplicated himself. So then I catch. Yeah. So like the whole board was filled with them basically and I had like seven power, multiple men like. And he usually has three power. I had seven powers all across the board. And I know the guy. I know the guy and the enemy had like snapped. 00;11;22;10 - 00;11;25;05 Speaker 1 Like they're like, oh, I got this in the bag, you know, and. 00;11;25;10 - 00;11;26;10 Speaker 2 It just snap emote. 00;11;26;21 - 00;11;27;27 Speaker 1 Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh. 00;11;28;16 - 00;11;29;24 Speaker 2 Yeah, I'm right. Snappy. 00;11;29;25 - 00;11;32;04 Speaker 1 Oh, yeah. Oh, for sure. Because was always snapping. 00;11;32;05 - 00;11;32;20 Speaker 2 Left and right. 00;11;32;21 - 00;11;50;08 Speaker 1 I mean, you're going to you're going to like you're going to hit the snap but right. But like, I mean, because if you know you're going to win, hit the button, right? If you feel like your opponent doesn't know what they're doing, then you hit the button. But like, then you're going to run across people that turn one will hit it against me. 00;11;50;08 - 00;12;05;16 Speaker 1 And I'm like, Oh, okay, you know, like, let's fucking go and I'll hit it back and then and then I do some move like I did right there where they're like super confident. They're probably thinking I was. I was like, What the fuck is this dude doing? Like, why is you stuck in all these cards over here and then turn six? 00;12;05;16 - 00;12;13;05 Speaker 1 I'm literally like, Oh, I had a plan this whole the whole time I've been playing this game, I was planning to drop this one card on you, and. 00;12;13;07 - 00;12;15;05 Speaker 2 You were kind of a fucking marvel snap, I guess. 00;12;15;06 - 00;12;18;25 Speaker 1 I don't know about that, but this design is pretty slick. 00;12;18;26 - 00;12;21;29 Speaker 3 We always have the OG chats. We always have. 00;12;22;00 - 00;12;28;06 Speaker 2 We had I'm just saying we had success being a strike for his podcast and strike for streamers. You never know. 00;12;28;19 - 00;12;30;04 Speaker 1 I mean, it's just there's not. 00;12;30;05 - 00;12;30;19 Speaker 2 You never know. 00;12;30;19 - 00;12;33;21 Speaker 1 I don't I don't I don't know if there's, like, enough there to do this. 00;12;33;27 - 00;12;43;27 Speaker 2 I've been wanting to dream again. I just don't have any love for any of the games to stream. But, you know, this isn't a phobia, which I enjoy playing is too much of an effort to get my friends to play with him. Not playing in a public server. 00;12;44;08 - 00;12;45;06 Speaker 1 I was like, Yeah, my. 00;12;45;07 - 00;12;45;24 Speaker 3 Dream to make. 00;12;45;24 - 00;12;57;27 Speaker 1 It. There was a game. There were a couple stories I played yesterday where I was kind of like, Oh shit. Like I just pulled out like something at the last minute and I'd be so hype about it. And I was thinking about like, Oh man, I wish that I. 00;12;57;27 - 00;12;58;25 Speaker 2 Do another. 00;12;58;28 - 00;12;59;24 Speaker 1 Recording or. 00;13;00;10 - 00;13;01;27 Speaker 2 Anger it is def the. 00;13;01;27 - 00;13;02;11 Speaker 1 Matches. 00;13;02;26 - 00;13;03;28 Speaker 2 Yeah six round I was. 00;13;04;05 - 00;13;05;16 Speaker 1 I was sometimes it could be seven. 00;13;06;11 - 00;13;08;27 Speaker 2 Is that like a thing for you. Extend the round via card. 00;13;08;27 - 00;13;13;23 Speaker 1 I've never seen it get shortened, but I've definitely seen one of the nodes pop up where it says there will be seven. 00;13;14;05 - 00;13;14;29 Speaker 2 Wow cool. 00;13;14;29 - 00;13;16;17 Speaker 1 Seven rounds this game. Cool, cool, cool. 00;13;17;01 - 00;13;25;03 Speaker 2 Yeah I think. And who just who is it someone just yet gen like person and move deck in the chat that seems pretty cool on this are checking that out. 00;13;25;15 - 00;13;48;19 Speaker 1 You know the other thing I like about this game is the fact that well I mean this is this is how well in all card games there's, you know, going to be people that have like I'm going to put like ten of these cards in my deck, but three of these in my deck or whatever I like that is just straight up to just one, one card, you know, like there's no duplicates and it's just super simple. 00;13;48;27 - 00;13;49;21 Speaker 1 That's the thing for me. 00;13;49;21 - 00;13;50;25 Speaker 2 Is cards just playing? 00;13;51;10 - 00;14;04;24 Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The collection, the collection level, the the battle pass and the collection. Because your collection power is where you really get a lot of your cards. Well, yes, yesterday and the day before I finished out the battle pass, I did not like that's what I was doing. I was just. 00;14;04;28 - 00;14;06;06 Speaker 2 Like, should I get the battle pass? 00;14;06;13 - 00;14;09;29 Speaker 1 Not right now, because it resets like tomorrow. Oh, so. 00;14;10;10 - 00;14;12;06 Speaker 2 Timing wise is not worth the. Okay, guys. Yeah. 00;14;12;06 - 00;14;23;05 Speaker 1 Yeah. So I bought the premium with five days left and I did manage to get the whole thing completed in time for my, for anybody that's like wondering, but I would like. 00;14;23;15 - 00;14;24;09 Speaker 2 To see the cards. 00;14;25;12 - 00;14;34;23 Speaker 1 Well, yeah, yes and no. There are the, there are the variants out of there, which I got to be honest, the variants are my absolute favorite part of the game. 00;14;34;23 - 00;14;37;03 Speaker 3 Yeah, this is kind of cool. I like the eight bit stuff is pretty rad. 00;14;37;03 - 00;14;46;01 Speaker 1 Yeah, the eight bit, the eight bit version of the cards and the TV versions, the cards are my absolute favorite. Like, I have the Chibi Colossus and it looks cool. Just looks funny. 00;14;46;01 - 00;14;51;05 Speaker 2 Where's Miles Morales in this one? Um, Miles Morales is in the. 00;14;51;15 - 00;15;05;13 Speaker 1 Oh, yeah, I have the. I have the miles. Actually, eight miles was my first. Like, I love the and the sound effects when you level things up like frame break or it'll say always the last. Yeah, got it. It was like 3D. They put you in a meeting board or something like that. 00;15;06;17 - 00;15;09;16 Speaker 2 Is that the battle pass? I don't see him in the battle pass. 00;15;09;16 - 00;15;19;24 Speaker 1 It's the level. It should be low 50 of them. I say, is there a level one for free. Oh wait. Are you in the are you have you completed the beginners battle pass. 00;15;19;24 - 00;15;20;12 Speaker 2 I have no. 00;15;20;12 - 00;15;23;01 Speaker 1 Idea. Yeah. Yeah. So there's the. 00;15;23;01 - 00;15;24;05 Speaker 2 Recruit season that. 00;15;24;21 - 00;15;40;05 Speaker 1 You haven't even, you haven't even unlocked the Spider-Man season pass. So. Yeah I haven't either. That's you could you but you could, you could, you could finish that out today easily like and because it resets technically Monday night or Tuesday morning somewhere. 00;15;40;05 - 00;15;41;07 Speaker 2 Okay. So there actually. 00;15;41;13 - 00;15;45;05 Speaker 3 Is the battle pass. It's a five bucks, ten bucks. Ten bucks. Okay. It wasn't that bad. 00;15;45;08 - 00;15;46;11 Speaker 2 It's not bad at all. It's not. 00;15;46;11 - 00;15;57;20 Speaker 1 Bad. But I got I got a bunch of stuff out of it. So I got a bunch of the variants. You get a bunch of the skin there. I guess like I said, skin, that's not the right word. You get the. 00;15;58;02 - 00;15;59;27 Speaker 2 I guess there's. Yeah. Kind of skins, right. 00;15;59;27 - 00;16;06;02 Speaker 1 I mean I guess, yeah, it's just not the right term for it. But, um, yeah, I've been. 00;16;06;11 - 00;16;21;08 Speaker 3 I've been on a stream as well, so I've been trying to think of that. I really want to do the thing that, which is gave us the idea of workable episodes ago. Marvel Strikeforce No, it's called free to prove free to set free. Typically free to paywall is what. 00;16;21;08 - 00;16;22;14 Speaker 2 It's free to paywall. 00;16;22;14 - 00;16;22;25 Speaker 1 So what. 00;16;22;25 - 00;16;29;15 Speaker 3 Is that? So as you just well, you just play a game for free. Like you play like a free to play game and you see how long it takes you to get a paywall. 00;16;30;13 - 00;16;32;29 Speaker 2 And oh, until like you it's like I should, I need to get a paywall. 00;16;33;00 - 00;16;34;04 Speaker 3 Something is like I can't. 00;16;34;04 - 00;16;35;15 Speaker 2 Like I need to do things. 00;16;35;22 - 00;17;03;24 Speaker 3 I need to pay either. Well, it's like I can't progress until I open my wallet, that sort of thing. Like I can't do which is, which is. I think that's a really good idea for a series of oh god. Yeah. I want to try. I want to try that. Yeah. So, but I want to do two things. So I want to do that and I also want to do like, okay, how long does it take until Pop Up comes up, which, you know, it's one of the first games I'm going to do is Marvel Strikeforce because it's like literally 10 seconds when you open right or pop up. 00;17;03;28 - 00;17;08;16 Speaker 1 That game, you would you would be done playing it in like a couple of hours. 00;17;08;18 - 00;17;12;16 Speaker 3 Know you can get pretty far in like the first two days with playing. 00;17;12;17 - 00;17;17;05 Speaker 1 You can tell me that I was like all the way. I was like hanging out of the camera view onto whatever. 00;17;19;13 - 00;17;22;28 Speaker 3 I yeah because I do things vertical stuff because it's easier for stepping up. 00;17;23;02 - 00;17;50;24 Speaker 2 Oh, fair snap snap. Yeah. So yeah, I was, I was actually really fun now. I mean, great. I've only been doing it for like since this morning, but so I had a sponsor stream the other day for the candy brand. Trolley, trolley, trolley. I keep saying their name wrong. Charlie Crowley and it was a Halo tournament series. And so the new Halo are not new. 00;17;50;25 - 00;18;00;07 Speaker 2 It's about Alphabet. He loved it and I even played I, you know, I love Halo and I haven't played Infinite in forever just because like, unfortunately they. 00;18;00;07 - 00;18;01;08 Speaker 3 Just did a good job with the. 00;18;01;08 - 00;18;14;16 Speaker 2 Game. But so I've been playing here with it and it's been like actually really fun to play a, like a more competitive like multiplayer game, which I haven't done in forever. You know what I mean? 00;18;14;16 - 00;18;21;14 Speaker 1 I'm actually interested in this. So is it, is it, is it pretty close to like what Halo two was back in the day? 00;18;22;01 - 00;18;42;18 Speaker 2 Um, there, there are things that are very different, like the, the, the extra pieces are there of like, like the thruster or the grapple shot or things like that are very obviously very different. But it is very, it is like the pixel's like one of the best guns, which is really obviously like very halo. 00;18;42;18 - 00;18;43;10 Speaker 1 Yeah. Yeah. 00;18;44;06 - 00;18;46;18 Speaker 2 And then like. 00;18;46;25 - 00;18;53;06 Speaker 1 Can you do the all a little plasma pistol and and handgun, you know, I mean that you might actually which is pretty. 00;18;53;06 - 00;18;53;26 Speaker 2 Surprising. 00;18;54;05 - 00;18;54;17 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;18;54;18 - 00;19;19;20 Speaker 2 You don't see much plasma pistol combo with guns but honestly, mostly I start an arena match and I just go right to pistol and am like unless I get like a beer or something, I'll switch to the VR, which is like the sword. The sword, they have swords in there. So like the famous like the sword in the rocket, which are like they're like obviously the assault rifle, you know, I'm like, yeah, I've been like really enjoying it. 00;19;19;20 - 00;19;27;27 Speaker 2 I'm waiting. The new season starts on the eighth and of course I'm traveling that morning. I have to be able to buy it. Would say. 00;19;28;07 - 00;19;29;12 Speaker 1 Would you say that new season of. 00;19;29;22 - 00;19;49;20 Speaker 2 Yeah Halo or the new season. But there's the Winter Update, which is a big update. They're doing like some playlist changes and something arena changes and stuff, I think. So I am really curious to see like what the different. Like for me it's not big of a difference because I've like not really been playing that long enough to like feel the difference, like, you know what I mean? 00;19;49;25 - 00;20;10;29 Speaker 2 My friends are like, Oh yeah, I got the new season, I'll get back into it or something, you know. But yeah, it really funny because the series I actually follow about the series was three like the bigger name Halo streamers, one of them being a pro. He was on Team Optic, which has won Halo the world championship like three weeks ago or two weeks ago. 00;20;11;20 - 00;20;30;18 Speaker 2 It was him who he's APG and then it was his to like more like, well, they're both very good, but like when I say casually, they're not pros like him, but these, these two other casual streamers relay Spartan and kidnap and they were great like lady. No, she was really good. Really. Spartan was like, very like I like loud and like, silly. 00;20;30;18 - 00;21;01;06 Speaker 2 Like he wore a halo, like, build near a armor that I think he built himself. It's obviously is I'm sitting here beforehand like, oh man, obviously this pro is going to like Smash these challenges because he's a pro. He did not he came in last actually in the challenges really Spartan one. And once we realized like once we saw him play and compared to the other two as a pro he only plays like a few maps ever in like a few guns ever in that's it because he's probably you're going to play the best Oh yeah. 00;21;01;07 - 00;21;27;15 Speaker 2 Playing in a play on the matter and, and like the arranged arena playlist stuff like that. So we had him doing all these challenges that were very silly. He was having trouble with them, whereas these two, like Lydia and Spartan, were having a little bit more success with them because they, they play everything always and are silly, you know, where he's coming at it from a very strategic like pro mindset, like get 20 grenade kills or or killed ten people intended for weapons or shit like that. 00;21;27;15 - 00;21;37;09 Speaker 2 It was like really interesting actually. I felt a little bit that because, you know, he's a pro, you know, he just won the world championship and he came in last place and the very silly like candy. 00;21;37;09 - 00;21;40;14 Speaker 1 Spot, I mean, but that series, I mean, that's kind of I mean. 00;21;41;10 - 00;21;48;27 Speaker 2 It was very funny. The winner, really Spartan. He won a year's supply of trolli candy worms, gummy worms. That's pretty. 00;21;48;27 - 00;21;50;18 Speaker 3 Jealous. About how many is that? Like three bags? 00;21;51;11 - 00;21;51;19 Speaker 2 Yeah. 00;21;52;28 - 00;21;54;06 Speaker 1 They do last a long time. 00;21;54;07 - 00;21;57;29 Speaker 3 Oh, sure. I mean, they last a long time. And so how many can you eat before you're like, okay, I. 00;21;57;29 - 00;21;58;03 Speaker 2 Know. 00;21;58;23 - 00;21;59;01 Speaker 3 It. 00;21;59;03 - 00;22;13;24 Speaker 2 Is like a silly. Yeah, it's very silly, but it was very fun. Challenge series like these three, these three Ding Dongs. I do, I do in Halo though Halo does have a lot of work where they're like, I got my game cast a whole bunch and then started playing like. 00;22;14;05 - 00;22;15;18 Speaker 1 Where were you playing with these people? 00;22;15;29 - 00;22;18;23 Speaker 2 No, no, no, no, no. They were Paul and just doing oh, so. 00;22;18;24 - 00;22;21;07 Speaker 1 You help, you help organize those kinds of things. Yeah. 00;22;21;07 - 00;22;35;20 Speaker 2 As a producer, producers, community events. Well they're not. Community events are like they're they're essentially ads like when you sign on on Twitch, a brand can advertise a few different ways, either just a commercial, which we all love, obviously. 00;22;35;20 - 00;22;37;08 Speaker 1 Kate Yeah. 00;22;37;08 - 00;22;38;19 Speaker 3 Or the one of 19. 00;22;38;20 - 00;22;47;20 Speaker 2 It's a sponsored stream. So like that's a, that's what we try to incentive. I've always used to just sponsor stream and do some fun stuff on the stream because people will be more into that. Will a commercial. 00;22;47;20 - 00;22;48;17 Speaker 1 Yeah. Yeah. 00;22;48;28 - 00;23;06;16 Speaker 2 And the nice thing about the sponsor streams is it's actually really cool. When I first start doing this, I kind of thought the community of the streamers would like not be into it, but it's actually it's the opposite. The chat is like hype that the streamer that they they follow and love are like getting sponsored and it's like a lot of hype in the chat. 00;23;06;16 - 00;23;16;10 Speaker 2 It's like actually really cool to watch their regulars be like, Yo, this is crazy. You got 20,000 people watching where normally they have like maybe 100 or something. 00;23;16;11 - 00;23;21;09 Speaker 1 So like, do you do you have to is it your job as a producer to go out to find people that'll be good for this? 00;23;21;17 - 00;23;24;15 Speaker 2 No, like, yeah, there's an entire team that does all they. 00;23;24;15 - 00;23;26;07 Speaker 1 See that does like pilot stuff. 00;23;26;09 - 00;23;50;15 Speaker 2 I like, I, I get a vendor that creates the graphics. I help create the challenges. I think if there's there's not always jobs matter. Right. I just help think of the fun creative ways to make the stream good. Yeah. Essentially. So, yeah. And so, like, for that one, I found a vendor I knew that would be good to, like, have a multiple stream series where they have like challenges that worked out between all of them and stuff like that. 00;23;51;28 - 00;23;55;22 Speaker 2 But yeah, so like the crash bins here, you get haircut recently. 00;23;56;06 - 00;24;08;02 Speaker 1 Yeah, I did. Yeah. Yeah. The idea I went like probably like almost three months about cutting my hair. I'm just an idiot. I don't know, like the girl that cuts my hair and why do you knew she like the girls? Cause my hair, like, gets mad at me, actually. 00;24;08;12 - 00;24;10;09 Speaker 2 Because you take forever to come in it. 00;24;10;13 - 00;24;24;10 Speaker 1 Yeah. And it's like, harder for her to, like, I guess it's just like anything else. Like, if you're cutting it more regularly, it's easier to trim it. But when you have a big mop top like the shaggy look, you know, it, it takes longer to, like. 00;24;25;10 - 00;24;26;04 Speaker 3 Us unite. 00;24;26;27 - 00;24;46;27 Speaker 1 Huh? Yeah. Oh, you're nice, man. I, i, i yeah. I mean, I don't know. I don't I don't want to say that I would prefer not to have hair, but, you know, it definitely would be nice and I have to worry about it, but I would not look good with the ball like you pull it off like you got the you got the look and the beard. 00;24;46;27 - 00;24;49;08 Speaker 3 I'm glad I can pull it off. At least usually. 00;24;49;20 - 00;25;07;02 Speaker 2 One of my old bosses when I was growing a CamelBak ski resort, he was bald. And one day I made a comment about, like, something kind of like I said something like, I wish I could just shave my head like yours. And he's like, I don't purposely do this. 00;25;07;02 - 00;25;18;20 Speaker 1 It's like, like that, actually. We go, we go really good on the watch. People die inside, so get it. 00;25;18;21 - 00;25;19;11 Speaker 3 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 00;25;19;11 - 00;25;20;18 Speaker 1 That was so good. 00;25;21;08 - 00;25;27;08 Speaker 2 Luckily, he was like a funny sport about it, but it could have been like, not that way. Obviously, he's like, I don't choose. 00;25;27;08 - 00;25;33;27 Speaker 1 So you can't. You kind of have to be a dude. Like, you can either choose to be a douche about it, the funny thing is, or you can choose to like. So it's actually like. 00;25;34;06 - 00;25;40;22 Speaker 2 All right, he actually was cool about it because. Yeah, what was his name? Bob. That's what his name was. He was the and no. 00;25;40;22 - 00;25;41;25 Speaker 3 Barry Bob thing to do. 00;25;42;04 - 00;25;56;24 Speaker 1 You know what and if I were that if I were him, I would be like I would play it off as like, yeah, you know what? I am angry all the time. You want to like cause I'm fucking bald look like, wouldn't you, shithead? Like a little, you know? So that's how I would play it off. But, you know. 00;25;57;07 - 00;25;58;25 Speaker 2 But, you know, I would lock in nerve. 00;25;59;04 - 00;26;03;28 Speaker 1 Go, what a nerve. That's do this shit for fun, huh? 00;26;04;09 - 00;26;12;09 Speaker 2 It was like, so funny. Like, oh, god. Growing up, working in a ski resort was very funny, I tell you. 00;26;12;16 - 00;26;16;09 Speaker 1 Yo, so. But you up video games, you know I'm done. 00;26;16;09 - 00;26;17;19 Speaker 2 That's all. I was playing Halo Infinite and. 00;26;17;28 - 00;26;23;29 Speaker 1 Marvel's Charlie what have you. I mean, we all know what I've been playing live. You hear that? That's the sound of heroin going. 00;26;23;29 - 00;26;24;15 Speaker 3 Back in there. 00;26;25;03 - 00;26;25;22 Speaker 1 Are you joking? 00;26;26;01 - 00;26;26;23 Speaker 2 You're such a. 00;26;27;01 - 00;26;36;28 Speaker 1 You're so dude. The girl playing, I mean. Well, I mean, I don't want to sound like a simp or anything, but, you know, it's something we work at. Yes, yes, we play together. We don't we don't. 00;26;36;28 - 00;26;43;22 Speaker 2 Actually want to see them real quick, actually. Really, based off of what you just said, I don't want to like assemble anything. There's nothing wrong with being a simple Josh. 00;26;44;01 - 00;26;46;07 Speaker 1 But I'm not. I mean, there's there's a big difference there. 00;26;46;07 - 00;26;51;21 Speaker 2 If being as simple just means that that's what you want someone and you're courteous to them and you're showing interest in their interests. 00;26;52;02 - 00;27;03;03 Speaker 1 Oh, well, then that's. That's fine. I mean, I wouldn't classify that as being as Oh, hey, we can't say that word on Twitch. I just realize that, like, for whatever, we're not big enough for it. 00;27;03;05 - 00;27;06;13 Speaker 2 No, no. Yeah. Also, we were talking. We got it. We're talking about it. 00;27;06;18 - 00;27;06;28 Speaker 3 Got it? 00;27;07;15 - 00;27;07;27 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;27;08;13 - 00;27;10;25 Speaker 2 You don't hear that, my boss like. Hey, can you ban the channel? 00;27;11;22 - 00;27;15;25 Speaker 1 This douche on my podcast was, like, just dropping bombs like crazy. 00;27;16;28 - 00;27;19;10 Speaker 2 Yeah. When you talk in a derogatory term, like, yeah, yeah. 00;27;19;10 - 00;27;30;16 Speaker 1 I didn't look at it, but, you know, we do. We play it. Yeah, we play well. We've, we rated together for a while, but we weren't like that's not when we were together. Now we are. 00;27;30;16 - 00;27;31;18 Speaker 2 And it's like, we'll look at you. 00;27;31;22 - 00;27;48;27 Speaker 1 We'll play like Llegar. She's teaching me how to play teamfight tactics. I truly don't understand the game. You know, I can't get into it is she loves it like absolutely loves it. And I'm like, like, oh, he's in there playing and she's like, Oh, Roland, you do this and this and this and and then I'll like, beat the shit. 00;27;48;27 - 00;27;51;17 Speaker 1 So she's like, Oh, yeah, look, it's so much fun. I'm like. 00;27;51;20 - 00;27;52;29 Speaker 2 We think it's some scrub lady. 00;27;53;14 - 00;27;53;23 Speaker 1 Huh? 00;27;54;19 - 00;27;55;29 Speaker 2 Do you think some scrub? I know what to do. 00;27;56;00 - 00;28;18;28 Speaker 1 Yeah, I hammanskraal I don't know what I'm doing. Like, that's I it's pretty sad and pathetic, but definitely definitely not an overachiever at the teamfight tactics. I'll tell you that right now. Underachiever at best but yeah that's I've been playing that and I think wow the the rough patches I mean RATH is just for me it's just so much fun but it's you know. 00;28;19;00 - 00;28;20;02 Speaker 2 RATH Is fun, though. 00;28;20;19 - 00;28;30;18 Speaker 1 RATH Listening is a lot of fun. Yeah, I believe it. It's not as I'm not grinding and more like just just get in there and get it. 00;28;30;25 - 00;28;32;21 Speaker 2 Do you think they're going to keep doing? 00;28;32;25 - 00;28;33;12 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;28;33;26 - 00;28;35;00 Speaker 2 The expansions for the energy. 00;28;35;01 - 00;28;35;14 Speaker 1 I don't know. 00;28;35;14 - 00;28;36;25 Speaker 3 I don't know. Just start over, man. 00;28;36;26 - 00;29;01;00 Speaker 1 That's really they definitely will not have any success. So they've already the season of Mastery was the first like Rewrite Rewind of them doing classic again and it fell off hard like it had it really I mean it had a DS I think they had, I think they said they had like I think it was like 20 or 30,000 consistent player base, which is not good, but like. 00;29;01;00 - 00;29;01;13 Speaker 2 Right, right. 00;29;01;14 - 00;29;26;11 Speaker 1 Right. Like they're not, they're not they're not going to redo it again for that many people. Okay. I mean, there are a lot of people playing. RATH Like, actually more people playing. RATH right now than there is retail. And I think that they said with the combined population of of classic and retail that it is the biggest MMO population wise right now, like more than half of 14 New World. 00;29;26;11 - 00;29;33;14 Speaker 1 What's the other one, Lost Ark and which is surprising I get Dragonfly comes out in I think two weeks they're doing they're in the best. 00;29;33;14 - 00;29;35;06 Speaker 2 The newest expansion right. Yeah. 00;29;35;06 - 00;29;56;25 Speaker 1 Yeah. And people are really digging it from what I've heard. Like they apparently they believe they've done a good job. I'm not going to try it out and don't really retell for me just doesn't do it but and not to mention I just don't like balls deep in her ass. But, um. Hmm. Yeah. Retail looks cool. I heard good things about it from people that are like really into playing both sides of it and hated shadowless ends. 00;29;56;25 - 00;30;01;26 Speaker 1 Like they said, shadowlands is probably like the worst expansion next to battle of battle for Azeroth. Dang. 00;30;02;11 - 00;30;03;00 Speaker 2 That's a bummer. 00;30;03;12 - 00;30;04;16 Speaker 1 Yeah. So as. 00;30;04;16 - 00;30;06;02 Speaker 3 Far as like the we all bought and never played. 00;30;06;07 - 00;30;23;08 Speaker 1 I definitely, I definitely see them doing cataclysm like without a doubt. Without a doubt. They're going to, they're going to roll it to cannibalism next like I because these things they they they pick they pick up so many subscriptions from doing it. And I don't think that it's like super hard for them to redo it, but they're not going to rewind it again. 00;30;23;10 - 00;30;43;02 Speaker 1 Like it's not going to work for them. People people have openly stated that the only way that they would do classy again is if they did classic plus, which is like they roll out new raids in that like level 60 classic environment, you know, and they're never going to do it. So yeah, it's just this is kind of I they might they might do it. 00;30;43;02 - 00;31;01;13 Speaker 1 They're going to do another season of mastery. The people are hoping that they actually do something with it instead of it just being, Hey, we're going to rerelease the game again, but the boss is going to be like, Oh, they're going to hit you harder and you know, you're going to have to be that much more on top of your shit, which, you know, not really enough to get people to sign back up. 00;31;01;21 - 00;31;10;19 Speaker 1 But the game is really fucking got me by the balls that I'm interested about comes out next week. Was that. Oh actually in three days time. 00;31;10;20 - 00;31;11;05 Speaker 2 I got to work. 00;31;12;05 - 00;31;13;11 Speaker 1 Yes. Yeah. 00;31;13;24 - 00;31;16;08 Speaker 3 Yeah. It's definitive. Yes. Yeah. 00;31;16;09 - 00;31;18;22 Speaker 2 Like it's yeah we all know that's yeah. I mean. 00;31;18;22 - 00;31;19;19 Speaker 1 Yeah, I'm, I'm. 00;31;19;20 - 00;31;22;17 Speaker 2 I'm very excited. I can't wait. I'm working hard for Charlie to get it's like a. 00;31;24;16 - 00;31;25;17 Speaker 1 You're going back to play. 00;31;25;28 - 00;31;32;11 Speaker 3 Very well. I don't know because I have to figure out to figure out how that works down because I got the Ps5 version, s five version. 00;31;33;07 - 00;31;37;07 Speaker 2 Or I have. Oh, okay. Maybe I was. So I can buy I could buy it. I mean, it's like. 00;31;37;21 - 00;31;39;21 Speaker 3 You have the ability. You have the ability. Yeah, I. 00;31;39;21 - 00;31;41;25 Speaker 2 Know that that that Bezos money. 00;31;42;21 - 00;31;46;12 Speaker 1 Basis basis. I mean it looks I was watching it so apparently people have. 00;31;46;12 - 00;31;47;14 Speaker 3 Already I've not seen it. 00;31;47;20 - 00;31;49;16 Speaker 2 The highest rated games ever now apparently. 00;31;49;16 - 00;31;52;18 Speaker 1 Got a ten out of ten from IGN I think is what I. 00;31;52;18 - 00;31;58;07 Speaker 2 Read. It's it's one of the highest rated video games all time that's like yeah which is crazy. Which is crazy. 00;31;58;07 - 00;32;08;28 Speaker 1 Yeah it really is. It really is. Because, I mean, just because it's got a war doesn't mean that it automatically earns that title. It has to be a good game. Like they're not going to just slap that on a bullshit game for sure. 00;32;08;28 - 00;32;17;06 Speaker 3 Excited to play that I'm I'm in the middle of the I'm so busy in the next two weeks so like I'm really going to have a hard time trying to find time to play it. 00;32;17;22 - 00;32;20;25 Speaker 1 But yeah, but then when you're done, you can, you have all the time to play it. 00;32;21;17 - 00;32;31;15 Speaker 3 Uh, yeah, sure. Okay. Yeah. Yes, I do want to. I do want to play. Maybe I'll try to find because I'm, you know, I'm in the city pretty much all next week and then I'm, I'm interested. 00;32;32;03 - 00;32;35;15 Speaker 1 You get it off, you see. So you can't wait as a piece excuse. 00;32;35;16 - 00;32;36;03 Speaker 3 It's five only. 00;32;36;18 - 00;32;38;21 Speaker 1 And. Oh yeah, you know. 00;32;38;25 - 00;32;41;15 Speaker 3 You're right. I'll try to do remote play to. 00;32;41;23 - 00;32;47;14 Speaker 1 Guarantee you people that have the PS4 are going to go. Would you explode trying to play that. 00;32;47;17 - 00;32;55;14 Speaker 2 So have you. Yeah. There is like the articles about how it like sounds like a jet engine travel. Actually I'm very curious to see if I could do it. 00;32;56;00 - 00;32;57;10 Speaker 1 I saw a meme that was. 00;32;57;10 - 00;32;58;03 Speaker 3 Like, should be fun. 00;32;58;18 - 00;33;12;12 Speaker 1 I saw a meme that was like, spot the difference and it was somebody playing the God of war on the PS4 and they put the they put it right behind the fan and it's like super loud. And then they put it next to like a jet, like underneath a Boeing jet engine. It's like, split the difference. 00;33;12;21 - 00;33;14;24 Speaker 2 Yeah, that's that's what I saw. It's like, it's like. 00;33;17;01 - 00;33;41;13 Speaker 1 It is what it sounds like. I remember when I was playing, um, who do they playing on for them to do that? Um, I think, actually I think it was actually, I think was resident Evil two remake, which by the way, since the last time we've talked, I don't I don't think they announced this yet. But have you seen the footage for Resident Evil four remake now? 00;33;41;19 - 00;33;42;11 Speaker 1 Oh. 00;33;42;27 - 00;33;43;26 Speaker 2 It's the thing. 00;33;45;04 - 00;33;47;26 Speaker 1 It's so good. When was the thing? It was like I think it was two weeks ago. 00;33;47;26 - 00;33;50;11 Speaker 2 And even though that was with I don't know, there was. 00;33;50;11 - 00;34;20;05 Speaker 1 So they did. They did. The other resident evil did their I guess Capcom did their Resident Evil showcase and they did the intro for what is it, Resident Evil eight Shadow of Rose or Rose's Expansion or whatever. I personally just didn't really care about that much. People were really upset because she can use like some kind of magical ability and some residual fans are like, Oh, now just have magic on the resident evil world. 00;34;20;05 - 00;34;22;16 Speaker 2 Like magic in the world where they're zombies. 00;34;22;22 - 00;34;26;12 Speaker 1 Yeah, right, right, yeah, right. How dare you? Oh, yeah. Like horrible. 00;34;26;12 - 00;34;26;29 Speaker 2 On this. 00;34;26;29 - 00;34;36;06 Speaker 1 Like the lost plague. As you know, these like creatures that emerge from your skull is a big, giant worm looking thing. Like, Oh, God, they can't have magic in this world. Fuck that. 00;34;36;06 - 00;34;36;28 Speaker 2 Like, God. 00;34;38;02 - 00;34;39;05 Speaker 1 Yeah, it's. It's it's. 00;34;39;08 - 00;34;40;07 Speaker 2 So funny. 00;34;40;20 - 00;34;56;06 Speaker 1 It's great fucking losers. Anyways, they, they also did like there's like a multiplayer I think it's called reverse is what they call it. But yeah, I mean it looks cool, just not my style of game. If I were a first person shooter person, I would definitely try it out. 00;34;56;06 - 00;35;10;24 Speaker 2 When you talk about is this is this a thing where it just came out? There's a reason I just were reading about this today. There's a resident evil thing that just came out, and it has it's been out for like a day and it has zero people playing it or something. 00;35;10;24 - 00;35;12;13 Speaker 1 That might be it actually. 00;35;12;13 - 00;35;13;28 Speaker 2 Was him, I think he said reservoir. 00;35;14;03 - 00;35;17;27 Speaker 1 It's reverse. Like it's like r e colon. 00;35;17;27 - 00;35;20;15 Speaker 2 Yeah, it is that. So it's a, it's a multiplayer thing, right? 00;35;20;15 - 00;35;23;28 Speaker 1 Yeah. Yeah. People don't like it. A lot of people do like it too. 00;35;23;28 - 00;35;28;20 Speaker 2 Like it's yo if you look. So they posted the steam charts for it. There's like 100 people playing it. 00;35;30;00 - 00;35;53;29 Speaker 1 Honestly would not surprise me because all the majority of fans that are that are big, avid fans of Resident Evil in general will openly tell you that it is a complete waste of time and they wish they would stop working on it and like start working on things like doing a remake of Code Veronica or a remake of one or anything else that they like. 00;35;53;29 - 00;36;14;11 Speaker 1 Nobody wants it at all. But at the end of the you're at the end of the showcase, they actually showed the gameplay and the release date for Resident Evil four remake and it's pretty, pretty delayed. Dude, it was pretty delicious. Yeah. I wanted to say. It was the same fucking thing. That's okay. It was good, dude. It was good. 00;36;14;11 - 00;36;28;10 Speaker 1 I'm like, I ever eat it all up all week? Cause four was. I mean, two is my favorite for nostalgia purposes. Before was kind of like four came out on on pasta. And I remember it just being. 00;36;28;10 - 00;36;29;08 Speaker 3 The 2 hours of three. 00;36;29;13 - 00;36;55;00 Speaker 1 Now I was two and Leon was like a solo badass, like, through the whole thing. And I just remember like opening up, you had the briefcase and you have to like perfectly put everything there and getting all the upgrades and the merchant dude and then there's like collecting the gems and leveling up your weapons. And I just for me it was, it was one of the best videogame experiences of my life and I'm pretty stoked to see that they had that. 00;36;55;04 - 00;37;03;07 Speaker 1 So the people that did Ari to remake did this one, not the same team that did three because a lot of people didn't like three zero. 00;37;03;11 - 00;37;04;04 Speaker 2 The remake of three. 00;37;04;15 - 00;37;21;09 Speaker 1 Remake a three was done by a by a different studio then than you did to remake. And they're not the same studio that did this one. So this one is going to be way better than three basically is what what I'm getting at. I like I mean, I like three, two. I am playing personally. I have no problems with three. 00;37;21;14 - 00;37;28;01 Speaker 1 But, you know, the sweaty, the nerd herders, they I don't know what the name of the I don't I don't I don't know. 00;37;28;01 - 00;37;29;04 Speaker 2 The word it that is. 00;37;29;13 - 00;37;30;10 Speaker 3 What is a. 00;37;30;14 - 00;37;36;14 Speaker 1 Nerd herder. A nerd herder. They're like the herder of nerds. They're like the, you know. 00;37;36;22 - 00;37;38;16 Speaker 2 Like, yeah, yeah, I do, I do now. 00;37;38;25 - 00;37;42;19 Speaker 1 Yeah. Like the comic shop guy, like in Simpsons. Like he would be a nerd, right? 00;37;42;26 - 00;37;44;00 Speaker 2 He is. I'm sure he'd. 00;37;44;00 - 00;37;47;00 Speaker 1 Be like he be he's the poster child of a nerd herder. 00;37;47;04 - 00;37;48;18 Speaker 2 Or in. So, yeah, I feel you. 00;37;49;05 - 00;38;07;12 Speaker 1 I feel like neither one of you have heard that word before. And I've never and I never, ever, like, I've heard it, like, a million times. So, like, I it's funny. I feel like the odd man out right now. I don't know if it's Yeah. For remake I when does it come out again. I can't remember dude let's talk about this for a second. 00;38;07;14 - 00;38;23;23 Speaker 1 Why is the collector's edition of it like 500 fucking dollars? Like, why? Why these aren't these people need to, like, get real. Like we live first of all, we're in a I mean, our economy's not great. Who the fuck has $500? The buyer isn't evil collectors. No shit. 00;38;23;25 - 00;38;37;28 Speaker 2 I mean, the point. That's the that's the of and here's my soapbox. That's why inflation isn't real. Inflation isn't inflation isn't a real thing. These fucking companies will tell you inflation's happening. So we're going to raise our prices. Everyone then raises an. 00;38;37;28 - 00;38;38;24 Speaker 1 Excuse, right? 00;38;39;05 - 00;38;44;17 Speaker 2 Our dollar goes down because now everything's more expensive. People aren't buying. So it's like it's it's all bulls. You want it? 00;38;44;24 - 00;38;54;01 Speaker 1 I'm going to make my fucking general advice in life even more expensive now. Just fucking because. Okay, everybody else is doing it right. 00;38;54;02 - 00;38;54;19 Speaker 2 That's what they do. 00;38;54;19 - 00;38;57;15 Speaker 1 What else is doing it? It's out. Anyways, with that being. 00;38;57;15 - 00;39;00;04 Speaker 2 Said now everything is so much fucking money. 00;39;00;08 - 00;39;20;14 Speaker 1 So March 24th Resident Evil for remake. I mean, there's so many good things. Come on. I got we got the Harry Potter one Hogwarts legacy got got a war I got tactics Ogre reborn coming out and like a week or two got off Nancy Grace Court can't forget that cannot forget crisis caused by the way we look they're maybe they're. 00;39;20;14 - 00;39;21;10 Speaker 3 Made to be. 00;39;22;00 - 00;39;22;17 Speaker 1 Wasted again. 00;39;23;06 - 00;39;24;06 Speaker 3 Oh I took days off. 00;39;24;24 - 00;39;50;17 Speaker 1 Fuck. All right, you know what? You know what? Hey, let me. Hold on. Let me. Let me not know what you mean, right? Let me try in real quick and make sure he has something to do that weekend. Sorry, that's must be a joke, but texts you go Ryan Reynolds, make sure you're working that weekend. Make an offer you just can't can't turn down. 00;39;50;28 - 00;39;52;27 Speaker 1 It's the only way out is the only way I win at this point. 00;39;53;14 - 00;39;54;04 Speaker 3 You're not going to win. 00;39;55;00 - 00;39;56;18 Speaker 2 This is hilarious, you fucking dorks. 00;39;58;22 - 00;40;02;02 Speaker 3 Talk about nerd hurting. I'm causing me nerd hurting. Josh right now. My call. 00;40;02;02 - 00;40;08;06 Speaker 1 Amanda, like, hey, do me a favor. What do you want to write your money? 00;40;08;06 - 00;40;08;20 Speaker 2 Can you just. 00;40;09;03 - 00;40;14;17 Speaker 1 Send you some melatonin real quick? Slip one of these and this is power drinkers. 00;40;14;17 - 00;40;15;01 Speaker 2 That's for. 00;40;15;01 - 00;40;17;28 Speaker 1 Me. Waterloo or whatever. Seltzer water. Seltzer. 00;40;17;28 - 00;40;21;06 Speaker 3 He's drinking or or seltzer. 00;40;21;07 - 00;40;25;15 Speaker 1 Okay. I don't know. You change your polo or you drink. I mean, you change your seltzer like every every week. 00;40;26;07 - 00;40;28;26 Speaker 3 Courtenay It depends on what's on sale at Costco, bro. 00;40;30;24 - 00;40;34;23 Speaker 1 I drinks go with you. I drink one. Delicious. I'm a bubbly bitch. Right. 00;40;35;21 - 00;40;36;10 Speaker 3 You see, she. 00;40;36;11 - 00;40;38;00 Speaker 2 Says it's all the bitch. 00;40;38;06 - 00;40;42;11 Speaker 3 It's all the same, it's all the same shit. I just drink whatever is most cost effective. 00;40;42;14 - 00;40;58;15 Speaker 1 Mm hmm. Speaking of cost effective, don't buy the fucking collector's edition. Because these assholes are full circle. Full circle for these companies and their bullshit ass. $300 Collector's Edition. It used to be that you could just buy a click. 00;40;58;15 - 00;40;59;27 Speaker 2 Through my day. 00;40;59;27 - 00;41;10;03 Speaker 1 70 for like $10 more, 15 times more when you got, like, a cool ass steelbook you got some like a nice do. They don't even put anything in these fucking games and they charge you like 80 bucks form. 00;41;10;05 - 00;41;18;17 Speaker 2 I used to love after buying game opening, I've been looking at the little booklet and saying 100% love, 100% have more stuff. They'd have like images. 00;41;19;27 - 00;41;20;15 Speaker 1 100%. 00;41;20;15 - 00;41;22;22 Speaker 3 Dude. Yeah, like a discount code. 00;41;23;03 - 00;41;31;04 Speaker 1 Not even dude. You don't even they don't even put they don't even put your inserts in there to join their mailing list or anything anymore. There's nothing in there. Nothing. Yeah. 00;41;31;05 - 00;41;33;02 Speaker 2 If you're fucking lucky you get that shit. 00;41;33;09 - 00;41;39;09 Speaker 3 Nothing. That's why I get the still books after the fact. That's fine. If you like it on the digital stuff, they like. 00;41;39;25 - 00;41;42;01 Speaker 2 It, you know, we didn't the, you know. Mm hmm. We didn't know. You know. 00;41;42;13 - 00;41;44;04 Speaker 3 It's so I've been playing games. 00;41;44;10 - 00;41;47;17 Speaker 2 Who are you? What games you. 00;41;47;17 - 00;42;07;03 Speaker 3 Play? All right. I have actually been. I'm so I'm going down a path of, like, all right, I'm going to play some games I've been wanting to play in my backlog forever. And, well, first off, if you haven't gotten or noticed that this month on the free PlayStation game, you get Neo two, which is one of the best games I've ever played. 00;42;07;20 - 00;42;11;11 Speaker 3 And you guys should all go play it for you to PlayStation. Yeah. Yep. 00;42;11;12 - 00;42;18;05 Speaker 1 You like me? It Neo's kind of like. It's kind of like dark souls, but it's not Dark Souls meets Diablo. 00;42;18;14 - 00;42;19;03 Speaker 3 Essentially. It's like a. 00;42;19;06 - 00;42;21;07 Speaker 1 It's like a samurai game like that. Yeah. 00;42;21;15 - 00;42;22;21 Speaker 3 It's like. It's amazing. 00;42;22;21 - 00;42;28;01 Speaker 2 It may seem like that to fuck with that stupid Dark Souls game that Charlie hated. 00;42;28;05 - 00;42;29;04 Speaker 1 Oh, Sakura. 00;42;29;25 - 00;42;35;25 Speaker 3 Fuck that game. It's just. It's an start to knee jerk reaction. Yes, it's a good fucking feeling. 00;42;36;04 - 00;42;36;20 Speaker 2 You're a fucking. 00;42;37;05 - 00;42;38;06 Speaker 3 Fuck, fuck, fuck. 00;42;38;07 - 00;42;54;06 Speaker 1 They remember that one time I said I could beat it because Charlie couldn't, and then I had to give up. Do you get that? Oh, yeah, dude. Again, because. Because, like, my nuts. I'm not sure. I'm not wasting my time on that. With the valley, with the snake. Goodbye. I was done. I just logged out. Never put the game in this place. 00;42;54;12 - 00;42;55;09 Speaker 2 Never, never. 00;42;55;09 - 00;43;06;01 Speaker 3 Forget it. Yeah, but I've been playing Deathloop, which is amazing. It's by Arkham Studios, which is the same people who did Dishonored. I loved Dishonored Southern. 00;43;06;04 - 00;43;06;11 Speaker 2 Yeah. 00;43;06;24 - 00;43;13;07 Speaker 3 And I was like, Oh, this seems kind of fun. I found out yesterday that it's actually in the same universe as Dishonored two. 00;43;13;14 - 00;43;14;20 Speaker 2 That's cool. That is cool. 00;43;14;20 - 00;43;26;10 Speaker 3 So, you know, because there's something at the very end of the game, I'm not going to give spoilers for anyone who is spoilers, who cares. Oh, so anyway, so the end of the game, you get this, it's what I mean. I guess it's been out for like. 00;43;26;12 - 00;43;27;08 Speaker 1 Ruining the games. 00;43;27;13 - 00;43;29;16 Speaker 2 People do, kind of joking about spoiling. 00;43;29;16 - 00;43;48;07 Speaker 3 It. But anyway, there's like, there's these, these, these two pistols at the end of the game that you you get essentially that are the pistols from the that are from EA Dishonored series a camera which one is it's one or two. It was like it's got all the logos, it's the same thing. And then the game director confirmed that that's actually that it is in the same universe, which is kind of rad. 00;43;48;09 - 00;43;50;15 Speaker 2 So that is, you know what, that's kind of rad. 00;43;51;11 - 00;44;13;11 Speaker 3 So but I've been I've been that I'm trying out my platinum trophy for it. I'm in the game is super fucking buggy, which is really annoying because I had to do this one. There's one trophy run which is like you have to kill all the visionaries, which is like little mini bosses, whatever. If they kill every single person in one loops, they have for days, you know, morning, noon, afternoon, evening. 00;44;13;21 - 00;44;22;17 Speaker 3 And then you have to essentially corral everybody. So that way you can like, you know, assassinate every single person through the entire game. So and I yeah, I mean. 00;44;22;23 - 00;44;24;23 Speaker 1 Cause why why are you so angry. 00;44;25;03 - 00;44;26;12 Speaker 2 And so angry? Let me. 00;44;26;12 - 00;44;52;08 Speaker 3 Comment handy. Yeah. So they have to have this thing we have to kill everybody with. Without killing any of the eternals, which is like all the minions or whatever, not the people of the whatever. And I did it three times and it didn't pop at all. So I was like, Fuck it. I just went through a non-lethal route and just like essentially went through and did everyone's like a silent special. 00;44;52;08 - 00;45;12;20 Speaker 3 And then it worked like, oh, like what? What is it? What is it? I don't. Don't understand, but I'm getting it to go. But it's been it's been really fun. It's been fun to play. If anybody got it last month, it was on last month's PlayStation Plus to try out. So if you happened to download it and you want to give it a go, I highly recommend playing it. 00;45;12;20 - 00;45;30;15 Speaker 3 It's quite fun really, the concept of it. And now I'm just working on all my miscellaneous trophy clean up sport classic. I got like four left classic. So yeah, I mean, it's just like if it's fun and I enjoy it and the trophy is not that far off, the platinum trophy is not that hard to go for. It. 00;45;30;15 - 00;45;31;22 Speaker 2 You know what? I appreciate that. 00;45;33;09 - 00;45;40;18 Speaker 3 But yeah, I just mean I've been playing that. And the other thing I want to talk about is Diablo four. 00;45;41;28 - 00;45;44;15 Speaker 1 So what are you talking about? What is there. 00;45;44;21 - 00;45;52;18 Speaker 3 Yeah. So the best thing about. Oh and then, and that's like that's not even the best part. The best part, right. 00;45;53;22 - 00;45;55;21 Speaker 1 Yeah. Dude, I hear you funny. 00;45;55;27 - 00;45;59;13 Speaker 3 The best classes are very funny. 00;45;59;13 - 00;45;59;28 Speaker 1 I agree. 00;45;59;28 - 00;46;02;15 Speaker 3 I agree that I give it a whole. 00;46;03;29 - 00;46;04;25 Speaker 2 Yes, yeah. 00;46;04;25 - 00;46;09;06 Speaker 3 It's very funny. Then it's really my thing is it's totally out of ten. Yeah. 00;46;09;09 - 00;46;16;09 Speaker 2 Okay. Must be nice to get on that a lot better, you know? I mean, dude. 00;46;16;09 - 00;46;26;07 Speaker 1 I'm not going to lie. Do you want to get on the beta? A lot of the do don't don't don't get upset about a lot of I'd say like 60% of the beta was crashing and my computer. 00;46;26;07 - 00;46;29;25 Speaker 3 Shit it only goes for another to a couple more weeks. So I'd say two weeks. 00;46;30;03 - 00;46;36;04 Speaker 2 I'm like, I can't be it. I'm just going. I'm just seriously I should have been the beta should have got me to play. 00;46;36;12 - 00;46;40;12 Speaker 3 Well they said that the or you didn't use your powers of twitch to give you. 00;46;41;06 - 00;46;48;25 Speaker 2 Know I didn't use my power. You think I got powers. Do they actually have that? My powers. You keep my job. That's my power. Your power. That's the power of these other powers. 00;46;49;03 - 00;46;57;28 Speaker 3 They specifically said that you need to be able to play in game of double to resurrect it, which you don't play and also double tomorrow, which you don't play. So it's your own fault. 00;46;58;08 - 00;46;58;23 Speaker 2 Oh, okay. 00;47;00;02 - 00;47;05;29 Speaker 1 Yeah. You got a you got that. You got to, you got to swipe on a card. Just get a swipe of the AMAX. 00;47;07;16 - 00;47;11;05 Speaker 3 Oh, no, it's like I why did I get an invite? Why you didn't do the things they said you. 00;47;11;05 - 00;47;13;06 Speaker 1 Didn't need to do in order to swipe at a visa? 00;47;13;29 - 00;47;15;20 Speaker 2 Well, what is this Italian thing you're doing? 00;47;16;10 - 00;47;16;24 Speaker 1 I don't know. 00;47;17;23 - 00;47;19;20 Speaker 3 So swipe at a visa? 00;47;19;20 - 00;47;27;02 Speaker 1 Yeah, I just. I just. I just. I'm not doing it because you're Italian. I'm a tiny. I'm the junior. 00;47;27;10 - 00;47;31;04 Speaker 2 It sounds like you're singling me out. 00;47;31;04 - 00;47;34;08 Speaker 1 Singling you out? Yeah, because you didn't swipe. 00;47;34;23 - 00;47;37;10 Speaker 2 Swipe up, but it's all the visa. And in swipe. 00;47;37;11 - 00;47;38;00 Speaker 1 Wipe visa. 00;47;38;00 - 00;47;38;13 Speaker 3 Visa. 00;47;39;26 - 00;47;41;17 Speaker 2 The old nerve but I right. 00;47;41;29 - 00;47;42;27 Speaker 3 Swipe at Amex. 00;47;43;03 - 00;47;44;22 Speaker 2 Yeah a lot of like in there okay. 00;47;44;22 - 00;47;46;05 Speaker 1 Swipe at a discover. 00;47;47;16 - 00;47;48;18 Speaker 3 Anyway. 00;47;49;24 - 00;47;50;24 Speaker 1 Tick tock, tick tock. 00;47;51;02 - 00;47;52;18 Speaker 2 It's still like the beat us alive. 00;47;52;29 - 00;48;02;02 Speaker 3 Yeah. So are you happy to go? Actually, I'm really I'm really excited for that game to come out, which I know it will probably be. 00;48;02;10 - 00;48;06;06 Speaker 1 Apparently it's rumored to come on April three, but that was. 00;48;06;06 - 00;48;07;09 Speaker 2 It. That's the rumor. 00;48;07;10 - 00;48;22;13 Speaker 1 That there was a thing on Reddit this morning that a rumor the rumor that was leaked is that and of course according to read it, I don't know shit about the beta. Yeah. I mean the game is pretty much done. I don't know to be honest with you. 00;48;22;13 - 00;48;23;26 Speaker 2 Like it feels that way. Is that you're saying? 00;48;24;00 - 00;48;30;26 Speaker 1 I don't know. I genuinely I mean, it it didn't. It didn't it it's like computer was better. 00;48;30;26 - 00;48;31;17 Speaker 3 Yeah, yeah. 00;48;31;17 - 00;48;41;14 Speaker 1 Like my computer was better. It could handle it. It's just I genuinely and I have a good computer. That's the thing that's crazy about it. Like it's, it's a resource hog. So definitely. 00;48;42;00 - 00;48;42;26 Speaker 2 I would expect so. 00;48;43;05 - 00;48;43;27 Speaker 1 I would definitely. 00;48;44;04 - 00;48;48;11 Speaker 3 Want a data system stress testing and to get and get results and see what works. What doesn't work. 00;48;48;11 - 00;48;51;01 Speaker 1 Yeah, I would I would definitely you know, my point obviously. 00;48;51;14 - 00;48;52;18 Speaker 3 Is to figure out what's wrong with it. 00;48;52;25 - 00;48;57;12 Speaker 1 Obviously is not me saying and disclosing any information about the game, but what I would say to any. 00;48;57;19 - 00;48;58;22 Speaker 2 Like blazer, please don't bother me. 00;48;59;07 - 00;49;01;23 Speaker 1 Yeah. Any users that like about. 00;49;01;23 - 00;49;05;29 Speaker 3 Who doesn't get any these are blizzard account band and chef right now. Yeah. 00;49;05;29 - 00;49;07;26 Speaker 2 And you actually should get his account banned. No. 00;49;08;08 - 00;49;11;23 Speaker 1 No, no, no. 00;49;11;23 - 00;49;12;27 Speaker 3 Please don't hit somebody. 00;49;13;00 - 00;49;45;08 Speaker 1 Please don't. Yeah, I figure I was. I was going to, like, go out on this whole addiction thing, but. Yeah, no, the game. The game is a resource hog. I would strongly advise if you don't have like a really good CPU. Nice. Not even your graphics card. The game just played super tanked my frickin CPU and I would recommend getting it on Xbox or PlayStation because according to some of the users that were on consoles, they did not have any of those problems. 00;49;45;14 - 00;49;46;03 Speaker 3 I didn't have any problems. 00;49;46;03 - 00;49;52;28 Speaker 2 So I just I know I'm not going to play that game the way I normally would on console. 00;49;53;19 - 00;49;54;29 Speaker 3 Why? What do you mean, mouse keyboard? 00;49;55;00 - 00;49;56;28 Speaker 1 I mean, yeah, you can you can hook up. Yeah. 00;49;58;17 - 00;50;01;16 Speaker 2 I'm not hooking up a mouse keyboard to my fucking console. Okay. 00;50;01;25 - 00;50;05;12 Speaker 1 What's is this console on your desk now. 00;50;05;23 - 00;50;08;28 Speaker 2 Oh I could put it on my desk but not doing that. 00;50;09;11 - 00;50;13;05 Speaker 3 So you're going to you're not going. So what's the console console is just to do? First of all. 00;50;13;14 - 00;50;14;08 Speaker 1 If you have a good. 00;50;14;08 - 00;50;15;29 Speaker 3 Computer and you have a box, I. 00;50;16;10 - 00;50;18;22 Speaker 2 Know graphics, I don't I'm not doing that kind of needs. Yeah. 00;50;18;22 - 00;50;21;07 Speaker 1 I was going to say like you have a good you have a beast machine. 00;50;21;07 - 00;50;23;06 Speaker 3 No access to it anyway, so I'm going to bite. 00;50;23;06 - 00;50;26;18 Speaker 1 Them. Your computer's way better than mine. So you have a 38. You don't. 00;50;26;18 - 00;50;28;21 Speaker 2 You do 3070. Which is still. 00;50;28;24 - 00;50;31;00 Speaker 1 Yeah, I did. I'm yeah, you're way ahead of me. 00;50;31;00 - 00;50;34;21 Speaker 3 So by the way. 00;50;34;23 - 00;50;35;12 Speaker 1 Anyways. 00;50;35;12 - 00;50;58;01 Speaker 3 I'm going to play them both so I'll probably play on PC and console mainly because I've mainly played on console just because when I'm in and I just sit at night, I'll sit next to where I it's tough to do remote. I've tried to do the whole steam, not steam, Jack, but what's the steam thing used do where you could do like remote. 00;50;59;03 - 00;50;59;19 Speaker 2 I don't know. 00;50;59;22 - 00;51;00;15 Speaker 3 Steam link. 00;51;00;29 - 00;51;01;27 Speaker 2 Oh steam like yeah. 00;51;02;06 - 00;51;18;17 Speaker 3 You're just have so that we have a computer on it like, like broadcast too. That doesn't really work that well so it's very kind of laggy even on my network which is really. Yeah, it's just weird. I just never really, it never really worked for me so and I just had weird resolution issues with my TV and it never looked right. 00;51;18;26 - 00;51;35;04 Speaker 3 I was like a monitor journal. So, but yeah, I'm really looking forward to that. I will play the shit out of that and the I think they said the close beat is happening early next year. So it makes sense if they're doing like a closed beta like mid to end January, I'm sorry, open beta, mid to end January. 00;51;35;21 - 00;51;48;14 Speaker 3 Taking that feedback during two weeks and releasing in March or April. It makes sense, but I would play that out of the gate and I'm looking forward to diving into that march. So when it could games come out next year. 00;51;48;15 - 00;51;57;26 Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It definitely is going to be. I mean, I have a lot of hours sink into that game. It's, it's, yeah, it's fun. 00;51;58;24 - 00;52;16;24 Speaker 3 I'm getting down to the point. Yeah there's a lot to do in the I actually got oh I'm not I won't get into it but I got all the way to end game. Yeah. And it's just, it's just the tip of the iceberg. It's just. It's wild. Like, I looked at him. Oh, shit. Okay. Yeah, I know, but. 00;52;16;29 - 00;52;18;12 Speaker 2 And she made just the tip joke. 00;52;18;23 - 00;52;40;01 Speaker 1 There's a lot I like. The one thing about D2 and game and D3 end game is that D2 in game is like farm 99 or farming gear where and then D3 is like let's just slay paragon levels. Whereas this game it feels like a mix of both. 00;52;40;01 - 00;52;45;19 Speaker 3 Yeah. There's a reason to do paragon levels. Yeah. Like just, you know, that was just for shits and giggles. 00;52;45;19 - 00;52;51;09 Speaker 1 Yeah. Yeah. I always felt like, like, that's the whole point. That's the reason I got bored with D3 is because I just felt like there's no. 00;52;51;25 - 00;52;53;17 Speaker 3 Yeah, it's like, oh, I can get to Paragon 250. 00;52;53;17 - 00;52;54;23 Speaker 1 Oh I can maxed out. 00;52;54;24 - 00;52;58;20 Speaker 3 I get 1.1% evasion rate. Oh cool. 00;52;58;20 - 00;53;16;24 Speaker 1 Which, which is fine. Like if I mean well first of all, I think D3 is more of like a repetitive game that people like to zone out to and just slash, which, you know, that's fine. That's like, that's okay, that's good for it. But I like the I like the ability. I like being social with other people. I like the fact that you can. 00;53;16;24 - 00;53;24;00 Speaker 1 Quest I like the fact like raid bosses. There's there's just more to it. There's more to the game than just. 00;53;24;02 - 00;53;25;29 Speaker 3 This is all stuff that they've said already. This is nuts. 00;53;25;29 - 00;53;29;00 Speaker 1 Yeah, there's. There's this. Yeah, it's the. None of it. None of it's. 00;53;29;00 - 00;53;30;05 Speaker 2 That break in India. 00;53;30;08 - 00;53;39;14 Speaker 1 No, no. Okay, boys. Yeah, it would be it would really be more of a India breaker if I told you about that. It I. 00;53;39;14 - 00;53;41;24 Speaker 2 Think. Charlie. Oh, what. 00;53;42;19 - 00;53;43;12 Speaker 3 About what now. 00;53;44;00 - 00;53;45;20 Speaker 2 Oh, he's, I'm. 00;53;46;09 - 00;53;48;28 Speaker 3 Yeah, I was trying to cut him off for it cause I didn't have it ready. 00;53;48;28 - 00;53;56;04 Speaker 2 Yeah. Yeah. The main thing is he would still not be bleeped. The bleep noise would just be there. So you could still technically hear him. 00;53;56;13 - 00;53;59;07 Speaker 1 What if I did that? And then I actually said something like. 00;54;00;24 - 00;54;04;10 Speaker 2 They didn't really do anything. Yeah, that'd be very funny. 00;54;04;10 - 00;54;08;01 Speaker 1 No, but. But thankfully, I get to keep my blizzard account today. 00;54;08;12 - 00;54;09;01 Speaker 2 Thankfully. 00;54;09;11 - 00;54;11;00 Speaker 3 Just today. Tomorrow. 00;54;12;04 - 00;54;12;17 Speaker 1 What I do. 00;54;12;17 - 00;54;12;23 Speaker 3 With that. 00;54;14;02 - 00;54;18;12 Speaker 1 But what I do with my life if I didn't have my blizzard account. It's great question. 00;54;18;13 - 00;54;18;28 Speaker 3 Creative. 00;54;20;22 - 00;54;27;26 Speaker 1 Is that a jab fucking Charlie over there is a Javers today dude. Charlie is a fucking job with Uber. And we. 00;54;27;26 - 00;54;29;27 Speaker 3 Brought up we brought up Diablo and no. 00;54;29;27 - 00;54;39;08 Speaker 1 I know this man. This man is just pissed off because he's about to lose the overachievers gaming podcast extravaganza Showdown 2022. 00;54;39;24 - 00;54;51;16 Speaker 3 Do you know what I am excited for though? And this is something that Josh and I talked about while we were playing the closed beta that we didn't actually have access to was the fact that we're all actually going to play a game together. 00;54;51;25 - 00;54;54;10 Speaker 2 Yes, it's been quite a bit. 00;54;54;10 - 00;54;55;23 Speaker 3 So do we have. No, we need to. 00;54;55;23 - 00;55;04;20 Speaker 1 Actually like we need to put a contract in there that states that you're going to at least play it for more than 2 hours and you will at least, like communicate to us that you're going to play it. 00;55;04;28 - 00;55;05;05 Speaker 2 So I. 00;55;05;05 - 00;55;06;23 Speaker 1 Me Yeah. 00;55;07;08 - 00;55;22;01 Speaker 2 Me Yeah, I have. You guys could play Diablo three for a year like solid and I would still have more hours in both you and Diablo three. You feel what I'm saying? 00;55;22;02 - 00;55;24;03 Speaker 1 So is that what? Is that why you're upset? 00;55;24;10 - 00;55;26;10 Speaker 3 But that's. That's then what about now? 00;55;27;01 - 00;55;33;06 Speaker 2 Yeah. And I will, I will make the time for Diablo four. I don't think, I don't think you're quite. 00;55;33;06 - 00;55;58;11 Speaker 1 Did you, did you see any of the videos that were leaked about it. Because there's videos out there. Here's I here's my question. No, actually, I really don't understand how people got footage out because my shit's like my screen the entire time we played was covered in PCR test build and is covered in like I mean they water, they watermarked, everybody's everybody's thing. 00;55;58;11 - 00;56;15;08 Speaker 1 So like, I don't know how I don't know how people I don't have people got footage of the gameplay and leaked it. Like I genuinely don't like those if that had to be those aren't people from the closed beta. Those are people from like internal because I don't know how you would, you would remove the watermark from that video. 00;56;15;22 - 00;56;22;07 Speaker 1 So yeah, the video game industry comment ban. 00;56;23;06 - 00;56;24;26 Speaker 3 I'll play if it released today. 00;56;25;15 - 00;56;30;04 Speaker 1 I'd be playing it okay. Even with World of Warcraft, I would be playing it all day. 00;56;30;17 - 00;56;34;08 Speaker 3 Yeah, that's what I would just be doing. Like all my projects are in the house, we're not done. 00;56;34;28 - 00;56;43;02 Speaker 2 Yeah. I mean, in reality, I'm probably going to at least take off at least a day. 00;56;43;02 - 00;56;51;07 Speaker 3 At least I would recommend because a lot of it is online only I would recommend not taking off day release. 00;56;51;10 - 00;56;53;23 Speaker 1 You never do. Never do I. 00;56;53;23 - 00;56;57;17 Speaker 2 Ever forget for the vanilla. A bunch of us did that. Yeah. 00;56;57;17 - 00;56;58;07 Speaker 1 My D3. 00;56;58;19 - 00;56;59;11 Speaker 2 For D3. 00;56;59;16 - 00;57;16;14 Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Disclose the area code. What was their code. It was like there was a special one that because I remember we got home. Well yeah we, I got home, we ate taco because I was with Michael and we, we, we sat down, we saw the game and it was like air code 22 or some shit like that. 00;57;16;15 - 00;57;20;11 Speaker 1 Nobody could get into it until like four in the morning or something like that. 00;57;20;11 - 00;57;35;17 Speaker 3 Yeah. I would not take the day. No. The first day off I would probably take the next day or the day after and then that's, I mean that's my, my plan. Whenever it comes out, I will take, I'll take some time off and just play. It's I just what I want to and I don't give a fuck what time when it is if it's right in the middle. 00;57;35;17 - 00;57;36;24 Speaker 3 Nabi. Sorry. 00;57;37;03 - 00;57;38;00 Speaker 2 Sorry. Anybody. 00;57;38;28 - 00;57;58;21 Speaker 3 Sorry or somebody with the hot take. 22 2022 Dom I would make time for diablo four two 2020 should be 2023. First of all, I'm sorry guys, I can't get on to play. I have shared a unicycle ride for local rats. I've been for local rats. 00;57;58;28 - 00;58;00;02 Speaker 2 But that is a sad. 00;58;00;08 - 00;58;03;21 Speaker 1 Especially that that's changing. 00;58;03;27 - 00;58;09;23 Speaker 2 The whole area is that is that's hilarious. That's that's hilarious. I have nothing to say. Oh, that's. 00;58;09;23 - 00;58;11;10 Speaker 1 Good. That was really good. I was. 00;58;11;12 - 00;58;12;13 Speaker 3 You know, zero. 00;58;12;15 - 00;58;17;24 Speaker 2 Retort. I've never been called out in such an accurate fashion. 00;58;18;10 - 00;58;21;03 Speaker 3 It's oddly specific I should say. 00;58;21;05 - 00;58;24;09 Speaker 2 Is specifically accurate is yeah fuck off. 00;58;25;15 - 00;58;25;26 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;58;26;08 - 00;58;27;04 Speaker 2 Yeah. Oh gosh. 00;58;27;12 - 00;58;27;23 Speaker 1 He's like. 00;58;27;23 - 00;58;31;05 Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. That was really good. I'm mad about how good it was. 00;58;31;25 - 00;58;44;02 Speaker 1 Oh, good. I have a charity unicycle ride for local rats that have been displaced. They. 00;58;44;02 - 00;58;44;17 Speaker 2 I love it. 00;58;45;27 - 00;58;54;04 Speaker 1 It's how that is. The knuckles. This this good. That's good. 00;58;54;09 - 00;58;58;04 Speaker 3 That's good. You're now officially our social media man on that isolation so. 00;58;58;04 - 00;59;02;27 Speaker 1 You actually worked out with to go, oh, he has to go now. He has to go 11. 00;59;02;28 - 00;59;05;20 Speaker 3 Yeah, yeah. That's fun. All right. I'm going to put. 00;59;05;20 - 00;59;07;07 Speaker 1 His he's going to put his bucket hat on. 00;59;08;08 - 00;59;15;04 Speaker 3 So good. So good anyway, thanks, everyone, for coming out thanks for joining us this week on the overachievers me this. 00;59;15;04 - 00;59;18;05 Speaker 2 Like once every once in a while you're acting like one. 00;59;18;17 - 00;59;19;29 Speaker 3 Once a month. All right. 00;59;20;04 - 00;59;22;07 Speaker 1 It was an inner circle ride last week. 00;59;23;10 - 00;59;43;11 Speaker 3 Oh, yes, I go circle the circle. Anyway, thanks everyone for coming out. You can find us on Instagram, O.G., our podcast or websites O.G. podcast at and we get this episode every episode we're talking about video games, what we're playing, what we're, what we're looking forward to a little bit of gaming news. Oh, fun shenanigans. And then you can watch us if you're not already subscribed to us. 00;59;43;11 - 01;00;01;19 Speaker 3 And watching us record this live on Twitch is Twitch TV slash O.G. podcast. If you want to play Marvel, Snap and get some more hot tips from everybody on our Discord at Discord, I mean, slash O.G. podcast, and then you can always follow us on YouTube, which is too which is YouTube.com slash at O.G. podcast because that's what we all share. 01;00;01;19 - 01;00;57;20 Speaker 3 So then what are you doing? Is this just like steps? Oh, my marvel step. I get it. All right. Thank you all. We'll see you all in two weeks. If I'm not completely dead from being in Japan by.