00;00;00;06 - 00;00;07;15 Speaker 1 So like Ashley, you know what it is like you were growing up, you know, for the real world TV show, yeah, I feel like Twitch has turned into. 00;00;07;15 - 00;00;11;02 Speaker 2 A garbage version variant. Oh, yeah, yeah. 00;00;11;12 - 00;00;12;13 Speaker 3 The makers of that. 00;00;12;16 - 00;00;23;12 Speaker 1 Yeah. Like the other day I saw like I saw this thing where it was like the the the girls to be a porn star image makeover, whatever it was like in a room with all these little like popular Twitch streamers. 00;00;23;12 - 00;00;26;12 Speaker 1 And they're all like talking about taking turns with their stuff like that. And I'm like. 00;00;26;21 - 00;00;29;12 Speaker 2 How is this like? This is garbage. 00;00;29;12 - 00;00;34;10 Speaker 1 Entertainment like people. It's like, it's like garbage reality TV, except it's like. 00;00;35;17 - 00;00;37;10 Speaker 2 I don't know, I feel I feel like so. 00;00;37;10 - 00;00;42;26 Speaker 1 Weird, like who are the people that are watching this and are like engaged in it and are like, really interested in it, you know, like it's. 00;00;42;26 - 00;00;54;08 Speaker 3 Just who are the people that watch anything, who are the people that I watch? Like, it's awful for violence on television or even the same type of smut until I mean, it doesn't matter where it is true. It like it's either on television cable, it's on the internet. 00;00;54;08 - 00;01;05;09 Speaker 3 It's onto like, I think the people are upset about stuff like that being on Twitch because they think it should be only for video games where clearly it's not becoming the case. In March, which is its own entertainment company at this point. 00;01;05;09 - 00;01;06;21 Speaker 3 Outside, yeah, it's video games. 00;01;06;28 - 00;01;15;08 Speaker 1 I like what you said about how you think it's like people. I guess I'm one of those people I think you should only be. I don't think it should be about video games. I think it should be about like. 00;01;15;16 - 00;01;20;22 Speaker 3 That's that's the clear thing is that Twitch cannot survive being only Virgos are cool. Video games will ever be. 00;01;20;23 - 00;01;21;11 Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. 00;01;21;20 - 00;01;38;14 Speaker 3 It doesn't. No, no. Niche platform can exist without it and without having something external. Enter it. Whether it be ads, people are like, Oh, I got to watch 1,000,000 ads. Well, that's not what I mean. Like, that's the funny thing about the free market is. 00;01;39;15 - 00;01;40;10 Speaker 1 It's not free. 00;01;40;10 - 00;01;59;01 Speaker 3 It's not. It's not free. And if you want it, if you like capitalism, it's kind of it's kind of funny to complain about the aspects that make a thing. Survive and Twitch does a lot of new things which like the ad, the DMCA stuff, having things outside of what its foundation was created on, become the norm on 00;01;59;01 - 00;02;06;01 Speaker 3 it. But if you want it to exist still at these things, these external factors will will add into it. So I mean. 00;02;07;15 - 00;02;13;13 Speaker 2 But is this the again biggest video game, what have you? You could always. 00;02;13;14 - 00;02;15;11 Speaker 3 That's the thing, too, as you just have to watch that stuff. 00;02;15;18 - 00;02;17;14 Speaker 2 Well, I know, I know. 00;02;17;14 - 00;02;19;21 Speaker 1 It's more like I just think it's. 00;02;20;03 - 00;02;21;00 Speaker 2 I think it's in the. 00;02;21;00 - 00;02;32;16 Speaker 1 In the timeline of Twitch. And like as a viewer, I've noticed that like since it started, as you know, this like underground thing where all these? 00;02;32;27 - 00;02;34;21 Speaker 2 Yeah, I like it. It keeps. 00;02;34;22 - 00;02;36;14 Speaker 4 The TV effort is that. 00;02;36;22 - 00;02;38;05 Speaker 1 It is evolved into like. 00;02;39;10 - 00;02;40;17 Speaker 3 It's an entertainment company. 00;02;40;18 - 00;02;41;21 Speaker 2 It's a very commercial. 00;02;41;23 - 00;02;50;25 Speaker 1 It is evolved into a very heavily commercialized entertainment where she accused a heavily commercialized because that is what a high level entertainment company does. So, I mean, it's no good. 00;02;50;27 - 00;02;56;19 Speaker 4 I was going to say that like, you know, people come to this podcast for a few games. We just go untended, tangible, late stage capitalism. 00;02;57;06 - 00;03;14;10 Speaker 3 But I mean, that's the thing about Twitch is Twitch will never Twitch will never be the thing that people want it to be before as big as it gets. They have to take down copyrighted things. They have to ban people for, you know, like, that's like, never again will you have a never again will it exist where 00;03;14;10 - 00;03;27;00 Speaker 3 you have? I mean, we saw Mixer tried to do just video gaming music stuff, and then that failed. They failed miserably. YouTube gaming not really that good Facebook gaming. Facebook gaming is garbage, no matter what they tried. But I mean, you'll never. 00;03;27;00 - 00;03;30;11 Speaker 2 Metaverse. Don't, don't they? Don't. You dare disrespect the matter. 00;03;30;20 - 00;03;33;07 Speaker 1 OK, your social credit score is going to tank. OK, buddy. 00;03;34;25 - 00;03;38;04 Speaker 4 No, but I mean, Facebook gaming is garbage, but it gets a lot of use. 00;03;38;05 - 00;03;39;08 Speaker 2 It does get a lot of it does. 00;03;39;09 - 00;03;43;25 Speaker 3 Nothing is there there. There is no. And will there never be again this like. 00;03;44;03 - 00;03;46;08 Speaker 2 An underground, grungy watch. 00;03;46;11 - 00;03;46;22 Speaker 3 Watching. 00;03;46;25 - 00;03;48;25 Speaker 2 It's not going to guess that. 00;03;49;18 - 00;03;54;01 Speaker 3 Videogames are cool now, so the gaming commercialization of it. There's a man who's an entertainment factor of it. 00;03;54;14 - 00;03;55;07 Speaker 2 That's so. 00;03;56;09 - 00;03;59;29 Speaker 1 Anyway, you know what, actually, let's start the Charlie do the intro. Yeah, with Charlie to the. 00;03;59;29 - 00;04;02;26 Speaker 4 Intro, I'm having a good time. I'm sure our listeners are having a great time. 00;04;03;03 - 00;04;07;25 Speaker 3 I mean, it's relevant. At least we're not talking about fuckin pizza making, which is what I mean. You know, obviously. 00;04;08;02 - 00;04;08;22 Speaker 2 I can't tell you. 00;04;08;23 - 00;04;14;13 Speaker 1 What we could do an entire podcast because you know what your boy is ordering and Ernie, so I'm going to join the fam. 00;04;15;20 - 00;04;19;04 Speaker 3 I believe it. Yeah, we're better than you audit our own, you know. 00;04;19;04 - 00;04;20;22 Speaker 1 Like I went for my dad for Christmas. 00;04;20;23 - 00;04;22;05 Speaker 2 I thought I saw that you ordered one. 00;04;23;03 - 00;04;24;15 Speaker 1 No, I mean, I got him that. 00;04;24;24 - 00;05;09;01 Speaker 4 Oh yeah. All right. We. What's up, everybody, welcome to the overachievers gaming podcast, I am your host of ACHD joining you. Fresh from COVID, it's fantastic. Not recommended. Don't get it. It's not fun. 00;05;09;05 - 00;05;12;16 Speaker 1 He sounds so enthusiastic about it. Ladies and gentlemen. 00;05;12;17 - 00;05;20;03 Speaker 4 I am so enthusiastic about it. We are welcome to 2022. Let's hope that it's a much. 00;05;20;11 - 00;05;22;04 Speaker 2 Easier nine. 00;05;22;18 - 00;05;28;11 Speaker 4 Days and this is being recorded January ninth, 2022. Don't forget to add to. 00;05;28;19 - 00;05;29;12 Speaker 2 It, not the one. 00;05;29;13 - 00;05;32;23 Speaker 3 And I do everything for a solid two months. I'll be adding in 2021. 00;05;32;28 - 00;05;38;21 Speaker 4 Yeah, always do it anyway. You can find us actually time before I do that, man. I'm all over. The place is just covered brains. 00;05;38;21 - 00;05;39;09 Speaker 2 You doing a great job? 00;05;39;17 - 00;05;47;16 Speaker 4 Just wrecking me. Anyway, I'm joined by my lovely host Ashley Pastrami. Dale Retro Dale Retro. 00;05;48;06 - 00;05;51;27 Speaker 2 Yeah, man, you know that's actually a pretty good. That's a good. That's going to be my that's. 00;05;51;27 - 00;05;52;29 Speaker 1 Going to be my, my name. 00;05;53;07 - 00;05;54;12 Speaker 4 That's a good moniker, for sure. 00;05;54;26 - 00;05;55;22 Speaker 2 Don't OK. 00;05;56;07 - 00;06;09;14 Speaker 4 Anyway, you can find us on Instagram, Photoshop Podcasts or Twitters over Cheever's P. Our website is O.G. Podcast FM, where you get this episode. Every episode where we talk about video games, what we're playing, what we're looking forward to and a little bit of gaming news. 00;06;10;06 - 00;06;26;21 Speaker 4 So anyway, how are you guys and I, we were just kind of like going on a rant and whatnot. If you're if you're tuning in on on YouTube and watching this after the fact which you can get to, which we don't have our YouTube link set up yet because we're still missing like 600 subscribers where we need 00;06;26;21 - 00;06;29;28 Speaker 4 to get 1000, we're at like 337 subscribers or something. 00;06;29;28 - 00;06;31;03 Speaker 2 You just mash. 00;06;31;03 - 00;06;32;01 Speaker 1 That like, but. 00;06;32;03 - 00;06;35;28 Speaker 4 Smash it like button fan that fam fam bam, bam, bam. You know. 00;06;36;25 - 00;06;40;07 Speaker 2 Whenever Dom does, Premiere Pro brand brings bam. 00;06;40;11 - 00;06;41;03 Speaker 4 Bam, bam, bam. 00;06;41;06 - 00;06;42;01 Speaker 2 Bam, bam, bam bam. 00;06;42;08 - 00;06;43;17 Speaker 4 Yeah, it's fam it and. 00;06;43;23 - 00;06;45;20 Speaker 3 I get I get it. You're killing the joke today. 00;06;45;22 - 00;06;46;15 Speaker 2 Oh my goodness, you're. 00;06;46;16 - 00;06;47;15 Speaker 3 Just like, You're on point. 00;06;48;03 - 00;06;56;18 Speaker 4 Anyway, so how's how's everyone's holidays? How's everyone's winter break? It's been almost two and three weeks since we last recorded chill, so. 00;06;57;04 - 00;07;05;27 Speaker 1 I went on my one of my first excursion for hidden video game treasure at the flea market. You're in for a long, you know, called the swap shop. 00;07;06;13 - 00;07;08;05 Speaker 4 You guys talk about that. I'm going to get more coffee. 00;07;08;09 - 00;07;08;27 Speaker 2 Instead of. 00;07;09;10 - 00;07;13;23 Speaker 1 Instead of finding video games. I think I found a third world country within Florida. 00;07;14;16 - 00;07;21;20 Speaker 2 Oh, well, yeah. So even even more even deeper, yeah, it's I. 00;07;21;20 - 00;07;24;13 Speaker 1 Was like, crack it up, right? Like the whole scenario because. 00;07;24;20 - 00;07;25;20 Speaker 2 I I'm like. 00;07;26;02 - 00;07;40;13 Speaker 1 I go to the banker. I mean, I've been watching all these YouTube videos and pictures that like, go to like these, you know, flea markets in like Arkansas or Cincinnati, like in the Midwest or like southern regions. And they're like, fine, like really cool shit, like not just like things they could resell, but they find things that 00;07;40;13 - 00;07;49;27 Speaker 1 I'm looking at and I'm like, That would be cool. That's like, like, you know? So I get my buddy who's like a veteran of the swap shop, which is like what they call this big place here. 00;07;50;08 - 00;07;51;02 Speaker 2 And. 00;07;51;20 - 00;07;53;17 Speaker 1 I go to the bay, I get my first stop. 00;07;53;17 - 00;07;54;02 Speaker 3 Shop. 00;07;54;05 - 00;07;54;27 Speaker 2 Swap shop. 00;07;55;06 - 00;07;56;13 Speaker 3 And I said this flower shop. 00;07;56;14 - 00;07;57;11 Speaker 2 Slapshot should. 00;07;57;11 - 00;08;04;21 Speaker 1 Be called the slop shop, honestly. So I get I get 500 bucks out of the bank, right? I roll wrote this thing. We drive up and I'm thinking to myself, like. 00;08;05;21 - 00;08;05;29 Speaker 2 What? 00;08;06;20 - 00;08;21;21 Speaker 1 What is this desolate wasteland of junk? And like, there's no way to find anything. Yeah, it's it's it's incredible, right? And. We walk around for like three hours. I found like a broken Xbox 360, like a. 00;08;21;21 - 00;08;23;16 Speaker 2 Broken dude. Yes, they show like it. 00;08;23;16 - 00;08;38;09 Speaker 3 Was like really made it look like you'll go to some random fuckin town. Yeah. To like some random fucking storage container, spend 50 bucks and get like $40,000 where it's so hilarious. How not true that that is like people. 00;08;38;09 - 00;08;48;01 Speaker 3 I feel like people that do that for, like a living, you're just traveling all over just like that. Maybe this, maybe that, you know, it can't be. It's not like you're going to show up to some fucking thing. 00;08;48;21 - 00;09;00;11 Speaker 3 And I also I hear that because of that show, a lot of people suddenly think they're going to show up to some storage container, correct? Spent a lot of money. They're going to get shit and they're like, Oh, I spent fuckin ten grand on a search team that has like old photos in it. 00;09;00;15 - 00;09;09;10 Speaker 1 The price of like the more I get into and I've like had to 2022 is all about for me is all about building out my collection and like which. 00;09;09;12 - 00;09;11;02 Speaker 4 I have to send you some stuff, by the way. 00;09;11;12 - 00;09;13;13 Speaker 3 Which you both have to upload stuff into there. 00;09;13;15 - 00;09;14;01 Speaker 1 I know, I. 00;09;14;01 - 00;09;16;12 Speaker 2 Know this due this know you can. 00;09;17;01 - 00;09;24;08 Speaker 3 Be like Twitch clips. I'm talking like fun stuff of like the photos of fucking all of the games or whatever. 00;09;24;14 - 00;09;26;14 Speaker 2 It's it's my it's my fault for not. 00;09;26;14 - 00;09;27;25 Speaker 3 Just talking about like fresh. 00;09;27;28 - 00;09;28;09 Speaker 2 Clips. 00;09;28;10 - 00;09;29;17 Speaker 4 I'm also doing Twitch clips. 00;09;29;17 - 00;09;30;26 Speaker 2 You're hearing it, you're going to live here. 00;09;30;26 - 00;09;45;16 Speaker 1 People are actually pastrami is crushing me right now because I am failing at my job week one. So y'all are hearing now, but hold on so. So we go to this thing, right? And I walk out and like I remember, like midway through the whole thing I tell, I look at my friend and I was like, just 00;09;45;16 - 00;09;49;26 Speaker 1 , you know, these people were like, Chase me down being like, you know, $1, $1, $1. And all I. 00;09;49;26 - 00;09;50;26 Speaker 2 Could think to myself is. 00;09;51;11 - 00;10;01;26 Speaker 1 Man, if I ever complain about my boogie life ever again, just tell me to shut the fuck up, please. Because like, it was such a humbling experience, like being in there to like, see all these people that are like. 00;10;02;25 - 00;10;03;02 Speaker 2 Just. 00;10;03;18 - 00;10;04;25 Speaker 3 To try and sell like the shittiest. 00;10;04;25 - 00;10;18;15 Speaker 1 Yeah, just trying to sell her junk man for like a dollar, you know? And I'm thinking about these people are in like the blazing sun. Like all the great. What was it like meant to turn into like some like, you know, make you feel sorry for people thing, but it's like, you know, you really sometimes you go 00;10;18;15 - 00;10;33;20 Speaker 1 out on these adventures and you it can be a humbling experience, you know? Sure, I'm all about perspective. And yeah, that was some of my first video game. Exploration excursion was not successful, however, with the app whatnot, which you guys haven't heard about it yet, you should check it out. 00;10;35;15 - 00;10;47;27 Speaker 1 I have purchased way too many things, like way too many things. It's like I bought the other day, actually, you know what? I'm going to. I'm going to spoil it for anybody because I've bought and probably I've bought, and I have purchased probably like a dozen different items so far. 00;10;47;27 - 00;11;00;11 Speaker 1 And I mean, I keep meaning to take pictures of them all when they come in the mail show to ashes so he can post on social media because I want to share my adventure with you guys. But my goal for 2022 is, do I want to try to get all of the Gameboy Advance space? 00;11;00;12 - 00;11;10;04 Speaker 1 Like there's eight different colors, so I'm trying to collect all eight different colors, and if I can get them in box perfect, if not, that's cool. I just want working versions of them. Sure. And then I want to show. 00;11;10;04 - 00;11;14;26 Speaker 3 You guys you can do like a Logan Paul and put them on an epoxy and make it like a. 00;11;15;00 - 00;11;16;18 Speaker 2 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 00;11;16;19 - 00;11;16;23 Speaker 3 No. 00;11;17;06 - 00;11;19;22 Speaker 2 No, no, no. I have seen that, though that is. 00;11;19;28 - 00;11;22;11 Speaker 1 I mean, I will I won't lie. That is a cool piece, right? 00;11;22;17 - 00;11;25;02 Speaker 2 Cool. It kind of shit. It kind of makes. 00;11;25;04 - 00;11;26;18 Speaker 1 As like as like a gamer like. 00;11;26;19 - 00;11;28;16 Speaker 3 Stuff, but it looks cool. Like, I don't, you know? Yeah, look at. 00;11;28;16 - 00;11;30;10 Speaker 1 Possibly the human garbage, but like. 00;11;31;02 - 00;11;35;11 Speaker 2 I'll admit, like it. Let's go. It looks cool. You know, looks really cool. I love you. 00;11;35;11 - 00;11;46;08 Speaker 1 Bad to have, but I kind of just because I've got a storage unit for back here. But anyways, I'm trying to collect the Gameboy advances. I want to collect all Resident Evil games like I want all of them and I'm talking. 00;11;46;08 - 00;11;47;20 Speaker 4 Like, you want the original two that I. 00;11;47;20 - 00;11;58;02 Speaker 1 Have? That's correct. Yes. I like I want all the Resident Evil games like Get My Hands On, so I started purchasing like anything I came across that if it's a variant like like even the great, the greatest hits ones, I'm going for them. 00;11;58;02 - 00;12;13;28 Speaker 1 I want every for every Dreamcast, Sega, Saturn, N64, I want all PlayStation anyways. And then nineties JRPGs. That's my goal. So that's this year is going to be all about collecting those four categories. 00;12;13;29 - 00;12;18;10 Speaker 3 The last, you know, I did everything game of the year with my buddy Chuck, the last two ones. 00;12;18;11 - 00;12;20;13 Speaker 2 Oh, huge RPG. 00;12;21;00 - 00;12;24;06 Speaker 3 Yeah, but the whole town was just me complaining about how much I hate J RPGs. 00;12;26;01 - 00;12;26;22 Speaker 2 I think I was in the. 00;12;26;22 - 00;12;28;04 Speaker 1 Chat talking smack to you about it. 00;12;28;04 - 00;12;30;12 Speaker 3 Oh, it's so funny. This is so much unfun. 00;12;31;08 - 00;12;33;00 Speaker 4 So much unfun. Why are they on fun? 00;12;33;05 - 00;12;33;25 Speaker 2 Because you had to. 00;12;33;25 - 00;12;37;23 Speaker 3 Sit through 40 minutes of fucking wall of text to move four feet. 00;12;37;23 - 00;12;39;16 Speaker 2 It's all about the story, man. 00;12;39;23 - 00;12;42;08 Speaker 3 Come on, I don't have time for the story, man. 00;12;42;13 - 00;13;04;29 Speaker 2 You find a face who is a Final Fantasy to slash five is one of the most legendary RPGs of all time. Groundbreaking. Revolutionary. So I was talking. 00;13;04;29 - 00;13;07;06 Speaker 3 I fell asleep at the thought of Final Fantasy two. 00;13;07;18 - 00;13;12;01 Speaker 1 No, I was just talking about jujitsu and ignoring it is I. 00;13;14;05 - 00;13;14;15 Speaker 2 Yeah. 00;13;14;26 - 00;13;15;29 Speaker 4 It's amazing. 00;13;16;13 - 00;13;17;00 Speaker 2 Backwards. 00;13;17;09 - 00;13;27;05 Speaker 3 I listen. The games were groundbreaking. They set the precedent for a lot of videogames to come. I get it. I just did not think it was very fun. I just had to hit the fast forward button, the emulator, because I'm not kidding. 00;13;27;06 - 00;13;29;16 Speaker 3 It was like 20 minutes of just text. 00;13;29;24 - 00;13;33;01 Speaker 2 Yeah, I'm sure the personal computer. 00;13;33;28 - 00;13;35;03 Speaker 3 That's the text going by. 00;13;37;21 - 00;13;40;24 Speaker 1 So we told you that you should do like sound effects professionally for a living. 00;13;41;26 - 00;13;43;25 Speaker 3 What was that dude from fucking police academy? 00;13;44;12 - 00;13;59;02 Speaker 2 All because he was a Spaceballs two, right? He's got the beeps and the creeps and sweeps. Sure. Yeah. We got jammed. Oh yeah. So that's good. Are you? Are you playing these games or are you just collecting them? 00;14;00;19 - 00;14;02;07 Speaker 2 So I don't know. Like, you. 00;14;02;07 - 00;14;03;02 Speaker 4 Should play them. 00;14;03;03 - 00;14;08;22 Speaker 2 I mean, I on them. I know. I know. Well, I mean, I don't believe their inbox. 00;14;08;22 - 00;14;09;29 Speaker 3 You should probably play them both. 00;14;10;00 - 00;14;10;17 Speaker 2 Well, I'm not. 00;14;10;23 - 00;14;22;24 Speaker 1 OK, so here's the thing. Like, I don't really. So my philosophy is I don't really like the. The graded games, right, like it's not my style, I'm not really kind of one of those like, I'm sure, the pristine perfect collection. 00;14;22;24 - 00;14;31;02 Speaker 1 I mean, they're cool, they're bad ass. Like if I get my hands on me and sure, no problem, but they're really expensive. And I kind of like, I kind of like the used. 00;14;31;17 - 00;14;33;08 Speaker 2 Versions of things because it kind of gives you that. 00;14;33;08 - 00;14;33;18 Speaker 1 Like. 00;14;34;01 - 00;14;34;27 Speaker 4 That character to it. 00;14;35;01 - 00;14;39;11 Speaker 1 Yeah, I don't know. I mean, we all I mean, we all played them when we were kids, right? And so I mean, even. 00;14;39;12 - 00;14;40;12 Speaker 2 Even the. 00;14;41;08 - 00;14;45;06 Speaker 1 Like out of of earthbound, like, I opened up the Gameboy Advance one the other. 00;14;45;06 - 00;14;45;17 Speaker 2 Day. 00;14;45;27 - 00;14;50;06 Speaker 1 I wasn't going to open them and then my friend was like, Dude, they're not the original copies like, why are you. 00;14;50;19 - 00;14;54;11 Speaker 3 Also like the my like if they're in plastic, that's a different thing. Yeah. 00;14;56;09 - 00;14;57;17 Speaker 2 I can do it, so. 00;14;57;17 - 00;15;12;02 Speaker 1 I don't know. I think I just want to collect as much as they possibly can. That's kind of fun, right? I don't know. I was going to start going around to different Goodwill's and pawnshops and try to like, buy and resell games. 00;15;12;02 - 00;15;22;14 Speaker 1 But like the more I thought about it, like, it's a really it's a grind. I mean, it's like a big shrine that people are doing. And I mean, there's money to be made there, but at the same time, like I make triple to quadruple that amount of money. 00;15;22;27 - 00;15;23;08 Speaker 1 Yeah, it's. 00;15;23;12 - 00;15;23;17 Speaker 2 Like. 00;15;24;00 - 00;15;26;18 Speaker 3 It's like, it's like there's no point to do it as. 00;15;26;22 - 00;15;27;10 Speaker 2 Yeah, like. 00;15;27;18 - 00;15;31;03 Speaker 1 I can just buy what I want and not in a fraction of the time, you know. 00;15;31;11 - 00;15;33;16 Speaker 2 Which kind of defeats the kind of like. 00;15;33;25 - 00;15;48;21 Speaker 1 Takes a little bit of like the treasure hunting aspect away. But at the same time, I mean, you still got to find the stuff. But I think I think that I'm going to try to find it not online, but like either in like stores when I travel or, you know, because like Beattie was just saying, like, I 00;15;48;21 - 00;15;57;03 Speaker 1 need to come to trader's world, like there's different stores out there that have like different gems in them that, you know, it's it's all old shit. So I mean, there's only so much of it available. 00;15;57;15 - 00;16;07;16 Speaker 4 Yeah. Yeah, it'd be fun. I still need to send you all the stuff that I have, like my all the old stuff that I don't really care holding on to. So you can have it all. I just got I just got it. 00;16;07;16 - 00;16;13;17 Speaker 4 Like, I'm finally over my ten days of quarantine, so I'm good. 00;16;13;26 - 00;16;15;13 Speaker 2 Well, if you're listening. Get back to work. 00;16;15;14 - 00;16;18;01 Speaker 4 It's only five of your asymptomatic. I was not. 00;16;18;05 - 00;16;19;01 Speaker 3 Back to work anyway. 00;16;19;15 - 00;16;20;15 Speaker 4 Oh, I was. I was going to. 00;16;20;22 - 00;16;21;22 Speaker 3 Get back to work or. 00;16;21;29 - 00;16;24;21 Speaker 2 Die. And before we change thoughts on. 00;16;24;21 - 00;16;25;05 Speaker 4 What happens. 00;16;25;27 - 00;16;35;01 Speaker 1 If you have any of your old shit you don't want, get me up on Discord or Instagram. It does show video games. I don't want your old shit, shit, I want light. 00;16;35;12 - 00;16;38;10 Speaker 4 I'll send you my shit, shit, I send it to you. 00;16;38;15 - 00;16;40;17 Speaker 3 I have a bidet now, so I can't give my shit shit. 00;16;41;03 - 00;16;42;06 Speaker 1 I got a big day for Christmas. 00;16;42;28 - 00;16;45;28 Speaker 2 Phenomenal. The game changing heated seeded. 00;16;46;20 - 00;16;48;10 Speaker 3 There's a blow dryer on it. There's everything. 00;16;48;16 - 00;16;49;09 Speaker 2 I feel like. 00;16;49;09 - 00;16;50;08 Speaker 1 one of the first. 00;16;50;08 - 00;16;51;12 Speaker 3 I'm telling you. It's really good. 00;16;51;16 - 00;16;56;14 Speaker 1 I'm saying it now. I feel like one of the first advertisements we need to go for birthday sponsorship. 00;16;56;15 - 00;17;00;10 Speaker 3 I can't believe that Americans haven't, haven't embraced the bidet. 00;17;00;10 - 00;17;02;13 Speaker 1 It is a great it's one of the greatest inventions of all time. 00;17;02;15 - 00;17;12;04 Speaker 3 How do we use toilet paper? All right. I hear the rant coming on now. Why don't you show the paper? My, but it's never been so clean in my entire life is insane. If it's true, Toto, I have. 00;17;12;04 - 00;17;20;17 Speaker 1 I only I only have toilet paper for guests at this point because my guests will come over and they're like, You don't have any pilot paper. I'm like, I don't need it. Why? 00;17;21;10 - 00;17;24;17 Speaker 4 How do you get over like the initial like, Oh, there goes the stream right up. 00;17;24;21 - 00;17;29;17 Speaker 1 A booty hole has never been cleaner, man. It. I mean, it's the greatest invention of all time. 00;17;31;05 - 00;17;33;06 Speaker 4 We have one I just haven't really hooked it up since we moved. 00;17;33;18 - 00;17;35;01 Speaker 2 Terrible. Get on. 00;17;35;01 - 00;17;36;25 Speaker 1 It. Amanda. Aw, thank you. 00;17;37;21 - 00;17;43;19 Speaker 3 Sir. It's great. It's great. Anyway, mine has a mine. There's a there's a lot of love. 00;17;44;01 - 00;17;45;09 Speaker 2 And to hear all those you. 00;17;45;09 - 00;17;47;03 Speaker 1 Podcast the B-day podcast. 00;17;48;17 - 00;17;49;23 Speaker 4 Where it's a podcast. 00;17;51;12 - 00;17;53;07 Speaker 2 Are you just going to make a. 00;17;53;07 - 00;17;54;23 Speaker 3 Birthday or video games right now? 00;17;54;24 - 00;18;05;09 Speaker 4 It does. It does. Does Tesla make a birthday? I don't know. Well, actually, I don't know. I've been trying to figure out whether or not this is going to cause a heartache debating whether or not I actually want to buy another Tesla. 00;18;05;24 - 00;18;06;22 Speaker 3 Oh, after the accident? 00;18;07;02 - 00;18;11;20 Speaker 4 Yeah. Well, no. I mean, I want to, but I'm just saying like, is it financially responsible to do so? 00;18;11;29 - 00;18;12;14 Speaker 1 Why are these. 00;18;12;21 - 00;18;14;00 Speaker 3 Hackers from the. 00;18;14;10 - 00;18;28;05 Speaker 4 I mean, they hit the pay off. I paid off my loan, but they still gave me like 25 grand towards a new car, so. So expensive. I don't know, but something different, I guess. Yeah, I mean, I work from home, so it's not like, I need it. 00;18;28;06 - 00;18;32;09 Speaker 4 I mean, the main reason why I bought the test in the first place is for all the late night driving. 00;18;33;29 - 00;18;35;18 Speaker 3 The don't yeah, don't get it, say some money. 00;18;35;22 - 00;18;36;05 Speaker 4 You know, will. 00;18;36;05 - 00;18;36;26 Speaker 2 Say yes. 00;18;36;26 - 00;18;41;23 Speaker 1 There's money and buy, buy more video games. Because there are a lot coming out. 00;18;42;21 - 00;18;44;10 Speaker 4 There are a lot coming out. I'm very excited. 00;18;44;17 - 00;18;46;13 Speaker 2 Well, I say retro stuff right now. 00;18;46;17 - 00;18;47;08 Speaker 4 Yes, that's. 00;18;47;08 - 00;18;49;09 Speaker 2 Me. Yeah, yeah. 00;18;49;11 - 00;19;04;15 Speaker 1 So we just started the new season of league legends and I'm pretty excited, boy. Yeah, I'm pretty excited because they the whole off-season, my friends and I were getting absolutely wrecked like just dumpster at every game and I was just like, What is going on? 00;19;04;15 - 00;19;21;01 Speaker 1 Like, have I like, forgotten how to play league or are we bad? Like what's happening? As soon as the new season started, we started just demolishing people. So I think that they like we're making it really hard to break up, and they basically put us through like hyperbolic time chamber of practicing only because I'm absolutely just like 00;19;21;01 - 00;19;31;15 Speaker 1 dumpster hits. And it's not normal. Like the other day I went like 31 and two in a game, which is just like, never happens, man. Like, I was just destroying people. So I've been having a blast with that. 00;19;33;00 - 00;19;44;02 Speaker 1 I'm also last week, a friend of mine was over and she was like, You know, do you play like or video games? I'm like two, I play horror video games, you know you're talking to here. So I open up Bloodborne and. 00;19;45;24 - 00;19;56;29 Speaker 1 Kind of been going down the road of plates, bloodborne, get ready for Elden Ring to come out, you know, it's going to get my little girl, get my soul's born, you know, get I got to get to the Dash abilities back, you know, before that game comes out. 00;19;57;00 - 00;19;57;18 Speaker 2 So you got. 00;19;57;18 - 00;19;59;24 Speaker 3 To be dashing. Yeah, he always be dashing. 00;19;59;26 - 00;20;01;09 Speaker 1 I had this like, I had this like. 00;20;03;01 - 00;20;03;09 Speaker 2 You know. 00;20;03;10 - 00;20;15;10 Speaker 1 We're talking about social media clips. I had this good idea for like when I stream Elden Ring of like the first, the initial reactions or I'm just going to be like, Oh, like a wide eyed. It's like, Oh my god, this is amazing, is the best game ever. 00;20;15;11 - 00;20;19;20 Speaker 1 And then like. And then just do like the SpongeBob thing where it's like five minutes later. 00;20;19;25 - 00;20;23;13 Speaker 2 Fuck to have a sort of a pretty poker game. 00;20;23;23 - 00;20;26;11 Speaker 4 Yeah, you should. I mean, that's that will definitely be made. 00;20;27;09 - 00;20;28;18 Speaker 2 Yeah, because you know, that's. 00;20;28;18 - 00;20;48;20 Speaker 1 Going to happen like, without a doubt. So but other than that, I've been playing. I bought the soccer frontier, which is old school RPG. About that on the switch to playing that, I tried playing Demon's Souls again. I don't know what's going on, but I'm like unable to progress in that game. 00;20;48;20 - 00;20;54;13 Speaker 1 And it's very frustrating because I'm not bad at these kinds of games that are really understand what's going on. 00;20;54;13 - 00;20;56;22 Speaker 4 But you just got to get good, my friend. 00;20;56;24 - 00;20;57;21 Speaker 2 Oh yeah. 00;20;57;29 - 00;21;04;05 Speaker 1 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I think we learned on the Game of the Year podcast that both of you guys think I suck at video games. 00;21;04;05 - 00;21;07;21 Speaker 2 So I mean, that's why I collect them, though those and. 00;21;08;07 - 00;21;12;21 Speaker 4 Those who can play, those who can't stream, those who definitely can't collect. 00;21;13;10 - 00;21;17;10 Speaker 2 What I don't know. Yeah, I'm not. I'm not going to. Yeah, the truth of the matter. 00;21;17;10 - 00;21;26;04 Speaker 1 Is I'm not going to play the games I collect because I'm not good enough to beat them. So I just keep buying more of them because if I have all of them, then that means that I'm obviously good at something, which is one thing. 00;21;26;10 - 00;21;29;26 Speaker 4 And then it's just like, people are like, Well, you've played all these games, then you can be like, Yeah, absolutely. 00;21;29;26 - 00;21;30;01 Speaker 2 Oh. 00;21;30;12 - 00;21;33;08 Speaker 1 Every one of them, dude, I'm not. I'm not a I don't have a life. 00;21;33;18 - 00;21;42;09 Speaker 4 No scrub. It's fine, whatever. I don't know what that was all about. So you're just you're just playing Demon's Souls and. 00;21;43;25 - 00;21;55;18 Speaker 1 I'm playing, Wait, oh, I play. I've been playing in Wow. Burning Crusade. The new the new rates are about to hit. Yeah, the new raids are about to hit. So and I hit 63rd in the world as a rep paladin. 00;21;55;24 - 00;22;01;04 Speaker 1 So I'm pretty, pretty stoked about that. There's like 12,000, I think. 00;22;01;05 - 00;22;05;19 Speaker 4 Did we have an entire podcast just about the fact that chefs stopped playing well? 00;22;07;01 - 00;22;11;08 Speaker 2 We talked about it. We didn't have a sure fire, but I mean, it was the title. 00;22;11;08 - 00;22;12;08 Speaker 4 Of the podcast. 00;22;12;14 - 00;22;14;12 Speaker 2 What it. Yeah. Well, I mean, I. 00;22;14;12 - 00;22;16;00 Speaker 4 Was a chef stops playing. 00;22;16;00 - 00;22;29;00 Speaker 2 Wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Oh, well, you know how? That's fine. I got a dog. You know what? You know what, let's let's let's shift the let's not call. 00;22;29;00 - 00;22;31;13 Speaker 1 Me out on my problems and let's talk about Warhammer. 00;22;34;10 - 00;22;43;13 Speaker 2 It's not a problem for one, for one, it's not. Let's talk about slippery slope, not a problem. Yes. 00;22;45;20 - 00;22;48;14 Speaker 1 Where have you started conceptualizing army number four yet? 00;22;48;26 - 00;22;51;01 Speaker 3 No, no, no, no. I the. 00;22;51;01 - 00;22;52;12 Speaker 2 Reason I have no, no, no, I've been. 00;22;52;12 - 00;22;53;22 Speaker 1 Conceptualizing army number five. 00;22;54;01 - 00;23;01;22 Speaker 2 The reason I have left the army. That's right. That's right. So the reason I even. 00;23;01;22 - 00;23;17;16 Speaker 3 Have the army is my first army. The thousand suns. The class space wizards. Super cool. Very fun. I play them a lot. I really want to play a second army, so I got my next army where they're called the Harlequins, which like space clowns, essentially like space elves. 00;23;18;02 - 00;23;20;24 Speaker 3 Their whole thing is like, it's a whole. It's like a long. 00;23;21;14 - 00;23;24;01 Speaker 1 Elves and clowns are too different now. 00;23;24;01 - 00;23;24;22 Speaker 3 But so I mean. 00;23;26;16 - 00;23;27;25 Speaker 1 Does I think clowns I think of like. 00;23;28;27 - 00;23;29;10 Speaker 2 That that. 00;23;29;23 - 00;23;45;07 Speaker 3 Space elves. But they they they. They dress up like clowns because they're trying to hide from this demon, it's like a whole fucking thing. So I got them a bunch of them. I have a nice army of them. 00;23;45;16 - 00;23;57;16 Speaker 3 They're really cool. They're fun to play, but they're they're not updated yet. So they're actually like super weak and they get beat. Very, very. It's not even fun to play them because they die so fast because they're so, they're so behind it being updated. 00;23;57;23 - 00;23;59;17 Speaker 1 So then why did you build an army of them? 00;24;00;02 - 00;24;08;11 Speaker 3 Just because because at the time they weren't, they weren't getting as stomped. But now every other army is getting updated. They're like, they're like one of five that's left. 00;24;08;14 - 00;24;10;28 Speaker 2 So how often does it get like, Oh. 00;24;11;08 - 00;24;26;26 Speaker 3 It's a Warhammer goes by in additions. Right now, we're in ninth edition and they're still in eighth edition and additions come out roughly. It's hard to say every two years or so. But it's like not everything gets updated at once. 00;24;26;29 - 00;24;35;21 Speaker 3 It is like within those fucking two. We can we can go to 10th Edition and there might be something that literally just got blown into ninth edition. And that's what I'm saying, which is a very frustrating thing that happens. 00;24;36;21 - 00;24;46;09 Speaker 3 They are. They're still really fun to play, but they have they don't have a lot of the updated ninth edition mechanics and a lot of other factions have. So they're fun to play, but they just get beat a little easily. 00;24;46;10 - 00;24;57;05 Speaker 3 They're getting updated. Hopefully in the next couple of months, which will make the all the difference. And so I built them. I do like them. The really fun, the paint, like I did a really crazy paint job with them. 00;24;57;25 - 00;25;09;22 Speaker 3 And as much as I do like them, I have always wanted to play it, which you exerted from Starcraft. Like the big bugs, the private units, it's like there was called a horde army. So you need like 100 little guys in like a single unit. 00;25;09;22 - 00;25;12;24 Speaker 1 Like, oh, it's like a really time and time intense for me to put together. 00;25;12;29 - 00;25;20;19 Speaker 3 They recently just got a really cool update where it buffed all the big monsters, so you could just play the big monsters like it's called Nerd Zilla. So I have like. 00;25;20;28 - 00;25;21;22 Speaker 1 Did Zilla. 00;25;22;22 - 00;25;23;14 Speaker 4 Like Godzilla. 00;25;23;14 - 00;25;26;12 Speaker 2 But yeah, but it's the New Zealand. 00;25;26;13 - 00;25;28;13 Speaker 3 I mean, like, it's just all big dudes. 00;25;28;23 - 00;25;29;19 Speaker 2 That one dude on the. 00;25;29;19 - 00;25;33;10 Speaker 1 Right looks. I swear it looks like Hogarth from legal looks so cool. 00;25;33;18 - 00;25;45;07 Speaker 3 Yeah. So like, it's like all these big bugs are now playable as an army by itself. And I'm really sorry because that's really fun and cool, and I'd rather play them than like a bunch of the little guys that are. 00;25;45;07 - 00;25;45;25 Speaker 2 Like, you must be. 00;25;45;25 - 00;25;50;24 Speaker 1 Pretty stoked for the game to come out. Well, game that is there Warhammer game coming up. 00;25;51;02 - 00;25;57;19 Speaker 3 So it's it's total war Warhammer three, but that isn't based on Warhammer 40 K that's based on age of Sigmar, which is like their fantasy version. 00;25;58;00 - 00;26;04;13 Speaker 1 OK, gotcha. Oh, so it's like so it's the same concept of the game. It's just a different light universe, I guess you could say. 00;26;04;25 - 00;26;10;09 Speaker 3 So same universe. So interesting. Mars, literally just it's the same universe, but like. 00;26;10;20 - 00;26;11;14 Speaker 2 Well, actually. 00;26;11;14 - 00;26;12;15 Speaker 4 30,000 years earlier. 00;26;12;22 - 00;26;14;28 Speaker 2 No, it's not the same game, just a different. 00;26;14;28 - 00;26;16;20 Speaker 1 Faction or a different storyline. 00;26;16;22 - 00;26;23;11 Speaker 3 So one is high fantasy. So like eleven like swords, OK, dragons fight. And the other is like science fiction. 00;26;23;11 - 00;26;26;16 Speaker 2 Like swords? Yes. Give me a fantasy. 00;26;27;26 - 00;26;28;29 Speaker 1 So Charlie likes that once. 00;26;29;01 - 00;26;30;08 Speaker 2 You've already determined. 00;26;30;08 - 00;26;30;28 Speaker 1 That's Charlie. 00;26;31;07 - 00;26;42;07 Speaker 3 Yeah, but fun thing the Segway into. I've been playing a lot of total war Warhammer two, which is the predecessor because I think or I think, true war Warhammer three is good. No Games pass. 00;26;42;08 - 00;26;43;17 Speaker 4 Yes, February 22nd. 00;26;44;01 - 00;26;44;13 Speaker 2 Yeah. 00;26;44;13 - 00;26;46;13 Speaker 4 So 220 2:22. 00;26;46;25 - 00;26;54;13 Speaker 3 So I've been playing a lot of Warhammer virtual Warhammer two because I'm trying to get ready for true or Warhammer. I'm just they were hammered three, which is. 00;26;56;13 - 00;26;56;17 Speaker 2 Tongue. 00;26;56;17 - 00;27;10;06 Speaker 3 Twister one I've never played. See, I never play like Civ or any of those games, and that's essentially what it is. It's like civilization, which is a game that's like beyond my mental capacity. Talk about a difficult game, in my opinion. 00;27;10;14 - 00;27;12;17 Speaker 3 Are all of those like style of games? 00;27;12;25 - 00;27;16;08 Speaker 1 That's my best friend. He loves games and I don't don't like impossible. 00;27;16;08 - 00;27;16;20 Speaker 3 I don't know how. 00;27;16;24 - 00;27;17;23 Speaker 2 Many people are good at it. 00;27;17;23 - 00;27;29;24 Speaker 3 So I've had to restart the game. I'm not kidding you. I've restarted playing it like seven times, though, like different factions just trying to get. I just don't. Because I want to start streaming it like I want it. 00;27;30;03 - 00;27;47;29 Speaker 3 So next week, I wanted to get a grasp of it in any way because it is so fucking it's like genuinely a difficult game to play. Mm hmm. And it is. It is definitely fun. It's just like the battles are so cool because it's not like an arts where you're like on the map and you might have 00;27;47;29 - 00;28;00;11 Speaker 3 a lot of units going here and here, whatever it's like, you're looking over a giant battlefield and you could have like thousands, thousands of units going, you know, going at it and you zoom out really hard and they're all just little dots. 00;28;00;12 - 00;28;16;29 Speaker 3 Or you can zoom all the way in and see an individual swordsman within a group of like 100 fighting against, you know, it's really cool like that. So I I've been trying to like get the feel of it and also the it's kind of a cool, a bad thing because the cool thing about the games is if 00;28;16;29 - 00;28;31;03 Speaker 3 you've had any of the predecessors, you get all that content into the newest game, which is awesome if you if you've been a long time player and you play all them. But if you don't, you're kind of missing out on some stuff because they want you to have that those old games to add in for like to 00;28;31;03 - 00;28;40;11 Speaker 3 be a part of the new game. So like with total war Warhammer two, I'm playing it, but I can't play as one of the factions because those factions are locked behind the first games and I'll own the first game. 00;28;40;14 - 00;28;41;01 Speaker 3 You know what I mean? 00;28;41;15 - 00;28;43;20 Speaker 1 So it's just like, buy a DLC for that or. 00;28;43;26 - 00;28;54;16 Speaker 3 You had to buy the game. You want to play the game, you want to play it at all. But it's by it's by the game. Like it's all 60 bucks right now. Like, if I missed it being free for a fucking minute on the epic story, which is hilarious, I just fucking missed it. 00;28;54;16 - 00;29;02;20 Speaker 3 But it's kind of weird like that, which is like, again, if I was like a long time player, that's awesome. Oh my God, all the shit I'm playing, it's just like. 00;29;02;20 - 00;29;03;18 Speaker 2 00, or more. 00;29;03;20 - 00;29;21;03 Speaker 3 Hot in what I mean. But it is kind of funky, but the game is super fun. It is very difficult. I like I have to like I save after every turn. Because because you don't know up making, it's it's I don't know, I don't mind if like a random army, just come to the stumps me, but I 00;29;21;22 - 00;29;33;21 Speaker 3 am trying to figure out the best choices to make to move forward. And when I make a fucked up choice. All right, go back. OK, that makes now like I think about me. OK, that's why I should have done this, or I should have upgraded this or or not done whatever, you know. 00;29;34;28 - 00;29;52;10 Speaker 3 And I think for next week and I start a very fresh game where I'm not doing any of that, it just going and seeing the way fate fate decides, you know, the play, but it is all fantasy. It's all literally just like fucking, you know, knights on horseback and in like high high mage elves and like fucking 00;29;52;10 - 00;29;53;11 Speaker 3 lizard people and shit. 00;29;53;24 - 00;29;54;17 Speaker 1 Charlie shit. 00;29;55;12 - 00;30;07;01 Speaker 3 Yeah, they do. They do have a K version, but it's really old. They don't have a new 4K version, which I can't wait for that to happen. But it is a fun game and I'm going to play the third way, especially if it's technically free on games fast. 00;30;07;12 - 00;30;08;22 Speaker 2 But did you guys, you. 00;30;08;22 - 00;30;10;01 Speaker 1 Should play the Halligan to. 00;30;10;18 - 00;30;11;04 Speaker 2 Charge it. 00;30;11;09 - 00;30;12;22 Speaker 3 So I'm joined in it. 00;30;12;26 - 00;30;28;09 Speaker 4 I just started the server essentials where I ended up doing so. I didn't really. I haven't started playing again, but I just I rebooted the O.G. podcast server because now, and like my big thing over break was re learning how to do virtualization with the server that I purchased last year. 00;30;28;09 - 00;30;30;26 Speaker 4 So like, I hadn't really bought it, figured it out yet? 00;30;31;12 - 00;30;32;08 Speaker 2 Well, you wouldn't. 00;30;32;10 - 00;30;38;00 Speaker 1 I figured you wouldn't have the time considering you were. I think you played a little bit of a game called Rift Breaker. 00;30;38;00 - 00;30;39;12 Speaker 2 I agree. Hey, it's just. 00;30;39;13 - 00;30;40;14 Speaker 4 A tiny bit of that. 00;30;40;14 - 00;30;41;08 Speaker 2 Yeah, I've probably. 00;30;41;08 - 00;30;43;14 Speaker 1 Spent like, like 20 minutes or so, right? 00;30;43;23 - 00;30;44;22 Speaker 3 You got further than I did. 00;30;45;11 - 00;30;46;07 Speaker 4 Yeah, I mean, I gave. 00;30;46;07 - 00;30;47;28 Speaker 3 Up after a minute cause I just couldn't get any further. 00;30;48;14 - 00;30;50;14 Speaker 1 Really. Actually, you and I are kindred spirits. 00;30;50;14 - 00;31;08;15 Speaker 3 I think I start with the part where you have to create the rift generator, where you have like that crazy magma. I think the fusion magma, whatever the fuck going into, you have like three separate pipes going into that building to make the rift stabilize after like three minutes in every time the ref would destabilize. 00;31;08;15 - 00;31;13;14 Speaker 3 So I was like, I'm fucking done. And this is like annoying the shit out of me. I could. I couldn't stabilize the ref. So I like. 00;31;14;00 - 00;31;15;05 Speaker 2 It's funny because I feel. 00;31;15;05 - 00;31;23;28 Speaker 1 Like we have two people a you and I. We play a lot of games like we love trying them out and we're like, I appreciate this aspect of it. I love this aspect of it. It's a great game. 00;31;23;29 - 00;31;31;11 Speaker 1 And and Charlie, just like, yeah, I just I I platinum did. I spend like 200 hours on this game like, you know, and. 00;31;31;27 - 00;31;33;04 Speaker 2 Yeah, it's just. 00;31;33;16 - 00;31;44;03 Speaker 1 You know, it's a great game hero and ash and are just like, Yeah, I can't. I spent like, I got to this point where you had to like, you know, do this puzzle. I tried it three times. Fuck this, I'm going to move it on with my life. 00;31;44;18 - 00;31;45;28 Speaker 3 Almost certainly exactly. 00;31;46;09 - 00;31;46;26 Speaker 2 It's fun. 00;31;46;29 - 00;31;48;09 Speaker 3 The game is fun as fuck. 00;31;48;09 - 00;32;01;21 Speaker 4 Yeah, the game is definitely fine. I mean, that aspect was difficult, and I had the same issue where, like I had, I kept having things fail. Yeah, and I didn't. I didn't realize that with that, because that's the very last thing you do in the game, by the way, that's the end of the game. 00;32;03;18 - 00;32;04;01 Speaker 2 And I figured. 00;32;04;01 - 00;32;05;15 Speaker 3 That was the case. I would just think I'm done. 00;32;05;21 - 00;32;22;06 Speaker 4 Yeah. So what happens is you have to make sure that there are all the stuff that you're feeding into the the Rift's portal make or whatever the book is called has to. You have to need you need more of those resources going into it because it drains it slowly. 00;32;22;06 - 00;32;25;12 Speaker 4 And so therefore it automatically like stop doing the things. 00;32;25;12 - 00;32;25;24 Speaker 2 I always had. 00;32;25;24 - 00;32;40;08 Speaker 3 Trouble keeping things. Like, stable in terms of resource, like things were always just flashing red for me because I would either take too much or things would be storing or not going out or whatever. It's difficult. It's a good game is difficult a little bit in that. 00;32;40;08 - 00;32;40;17 Speaker 3 Yeah, they. 00;32;40;17 - 00;32;42;04 Speaker 4 Don't they don't tell you a lot of stuff. 00;32;42;04 - 00;32;43;22 Speaker 2 In the game. That's the thing that really telling you. 00;32;43;28 - 00;32;53;26 Speaker 4 Yeah. So like I did, like I did a bunch of sleuthing and trying to figure out stuff online and realizing their resources and all that stuff. Of course, my dogs are going nuts right now, so. 00;32;54;19 - 00;32;57;01 Speaker 2 It's like, What is that? Who is that? We're like, Who are you? 00;32;57;02 - 00;33;00;13 Speaker 4 Yeah, exactly. No, they're just is just running in the other. 00;33;00;13 - 00;33;02;04 Speaker 2 And so it's like Archie. 00;33;02;05 - 00;33;10;08 Speaker 4 Archie, look at them. Managers ran from one end of the house, the other because I'm like sitting in like here. I could see my mind, right, buddy. I mean, I don't know if I could. 00;33;10;24 - 00;33;11;19 Speaker 3 Tell who made it running. 00;33;11;20 - 00;33;13;27 Speaker 4 It's like, I see all this stuff over here. 00;33;14;03 - 00;33;14;29 Speaker 2 At the Fire Dog. 00;33;15;08 - 00;33;16;10 Speaker 4 So you should like the fire. 00;33;16;11 - 00;33;18;03 Speaker 2 Hey, you should fuck anyway. 00;33;19;22 - 00;33;26;00 Speaker 4 Yeah, I mean, the game is great. I really like the different aspects of it. It's like tower defense meets command conquer. 00;33;26;02 - 00;33;27;16 Speaker 3 Yeah, it kind of. Yeah. 00;33;27;22 - 00;33;36;23 Speaker 4 And I was like, since you had mentioned it and I was like, super sick. I was just like, You know, I would just I don't really feel like streaming. I was going to do like a stream like on New Year's Day. 00;33;37;01 - 00;33;49;13 Speaker 4 End up doing it yesterday instead. And then I was just, you know, I'm going to try some stuff. Dom really talked about this game. It's on Game Pass I have downloaded. I just try it. I I think I played that game on the game's pass for like nine hours that day. 00;33;49;13 - 00;34;00;11 Speaker 4 I was like hooked into it because they have some cool stuff to integrate with Twitch on on desktop, which I kind of wish they put in PS5 or the console because I, you know, I played it for nine hours. 00;34;00;12 - 00;34;09;10 Speaker 4 I was like Googling something, and then I saw that it was available on PlayStation. Like, Fuck that, I'm playing this on PlayStation. I'm going to platinum this game. It's exactly it happened. 00;34;09;10 - 00;34;10;09 Speaker 2 Like this game. 00;34;11;15 - 00;34;23;21 Speaker 4 So it's nice. But what they could do is, like they can they do interactive chat where like, it'll actually the chat can vote on what happens in the game. Like now you have boons or banes or anything of that nature happening in the game. 00;34;23;22 - 00;34;37;07 Speaker 4 It's just a lot of cool concept, and I really liked it. I really just I got to the point, though, on PS5 were like any sort of wave that would spawn on one second. 00;34;39;05 - 00;34;40;07 Speaker 1 Oh, he's dying. 00;34;41;14 - 00;35;02;11 Speaker 4 Just get and just Flemmi coughs at this point, any time that there was any time that there was also was any waves of enemies, it would slow down my PS5 to like, you know, like three frames per second because there's so many things going and I had so many towers and everything just died. 00;35;03;29 - 00;35;11;01 Speaker 4 It was just it was crazy, but I highly recommend it. So I know Dom is one of your games of the year. It would have been in my top ten had I actually play the game, or it's. 00;35;11;06 - 00;35;18;04 Speaker 3 Also like the fact that it's from a very small company. LeBron making this game for a long last time, a lot of community work into it. 00;35;18;27 - 00;35;19;19 Speaker 2 I think they really want to. 00;35;20;07 - 00;35;39;04 Speaker 3 It's just funny because it's it's like. It was a very like small deal of a game, but it's on games for free and also it was one of the game show in AMD's new line up, like when they when they're like releasing the new graphics cards, it was like one of the games shown as high as like 00;35;39;04 - 00;35;44;01 Speaker 3 a high value or not, like a high graphical. Yeah, it was kind of funny. 00;35;44;10 - 00;35;55;03 Speaker 4 Well, it is because there's a lot going on with that. Yeah, there's a lot going on with it and it's a lot of fun. But also like it can, it can be challenging in terms of like CPU stuff, too. 00;35;55;04 - 00;36;06;19 Speaker 4 So. But but it's really it's really weird because like I couldn't I have like a 4K monitor I was using. I could only get like 6400 by twelve resolution like would not go above. Yeah, which is really annoying. 00;36;06;21 - 00;36;14;29 Speaker 4 But yeah, it which makes it that when you do that, all the graphics are like mushy and pixelated on stuff like but. But anyway. 00;36;15;09 - 00;36;17;12 Speaker 2 Speaking of the gamer, you're. 00;36;17;22 - 00;36;18;14 Speaker 1 Speaking of the Game of the. 00;36;18;14 - 00;36;21;21 Speaker 2 Year episode Shaanxi. 00;36;22;01 - 00;36;24;10 Speaker 1 Was absolutely hilarious to have on again. 00;36;24;16 - 00;36;24;29 Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. 00;36;26;03 - 00;36;29;00 Speaker 1 I think I think that was a very funny episode. 00;36;29;05 - 00;36;31;09 Speaker 3 He's a funny dude. Shaanxi is such a riot. 00;36;32;00 - 00;36;32;26 Speaker 2 And the best part. 00;36;32;26 - 00;36;36;08 Speaker 1 Was that he actually brought games to the table that we had. No. 00;36;36;16 - 00;36;40;18 Speaker 3 Well, that's the thing I do play is more video games in a week than we do in a year. 00;36;40;19 - 00;36;41;26 Speaker 1 No, I know. But it was this No. 00;36;42;05 - 00;36;43;04 Speaker 4 You play any or not. 00;36;43;14 - 00;36;47;25 Speaker 2 Yeah, I YouTube motherfucker that do plays. 00;36;47;25 - 00;36;49;21 Speaker 3 More fucking videogames. All of us combined. 00;36;50;11 - 00;36;53;06 Speaker 2 You're not wrong. You're not wrong. But I play and I play a lot of. 00;36;53;06 - 00;36;55;05 Speaker 1 Video games, but I just play a lot of. 00;36;55;06 - 00;36;55;16 Speaker 2 But like. 00;36;56;03 - 00;37;08;04 Speaker 3 You play it when you see you play a lot of video games, are we talking like brain TV games no one's ever heard of? And no, no, yeah, no. There's just a lot of video games. I'm saying he's playing 1,000,000 different video games. 00;37;08;05 - 00;37;12;09 Speaker 3 Yeah, constantly. He plays more video games than any of us easily. 00;37;12;15 - 00;37;13;19 Speaker 4 Oh yeah, I know 100%. 00;37;14;04 - 00;37;23;01 Speaker 3 I know that he just gets sent video games all the time just to try on his stream. I mean, he is of right. He is a that is what he does for a living, and it is his he's a variety streamer like that. 00;37;23;01 - 00;37;27;06 Speaker 3 Do you play memory games in all of this combined? Is that an insult or are you guys get defensive about it? 00;37;27;21 - 00;37;33;20 Speaker 2 Oh, you job. Oh, maybe it's more that you like. That's what he does. I don't play a lot of it was it was more it. 00;37;33;20 - 00;37;39;01 Speaker 1 Was more a jab at the fact that you don't play, that you only had five video games is your top five of the year. 00;37;39;08 - 00;37;43;01 Speaker 3 That's well, maybe it also says something that there weren't that many. There weren't many good games to attend to it. 00;37;43;20 - 00;37;46;19 Speaker 2 And that's true. You hear that game developers, there's. 00;37;47;07 - 00;37;52;25 Speaker 3 Other games that were worth even mentioning to give as a as a a pity in my top ten. 00;37;53;02 - 00;37;55;08 Speaker 1 I will say I don't think that's going to be the case this year. 00;37;55;11 - 00;37;56;00 Speaker 4 I don't know. 00;37;56;02 - 00;37;56;13 Speaker 2 You know. 00;37;56;13 - 00;38;02;12 Speaker 3 I mean, there's yeah, this is going to be a lot of games, a lot of big, big, big, big games. 00;38;02;14 - 00;38;11;16 Speaker 4 Yeah, I'm I'm excited to redo my time redoing my entire office to be able to do more streaming and be able to do more video content. So I'm very excited to actually get into that. 00;38;11;16 - 00;38;15;03 Speaker 3 So I'm excited for you. I'm excited for you to do that. 00;38;15;09 - 00;38;15;17 Speaker 2 Yeah. 00;38;16;02 - 00;38;17;26 Speaker 4 You know, this is the year of no. 00;38;17;27 - 00;38;18;21 Speaker 2 The other day, by the way. 00;38;18;26 - 00;38;19;27 Speaker 4 We did get like six. 00;38;19;27 - 00;38;23;16 Speaker 3 Inches and we I remember waking up like six in the snow and I was like, Oh, this is nice. 00;38;24;00 - 00;38;24;17 Speaker 4 Yeah, it's right. 00;38;24;23 - 00;38;25;11 Speaker 2 I don't know anything. 00;38;25;11 - 00;38;26;11 Speaker 1 About that guy. Sorry. 00;38;26;22 - 00;38;28;08 Speaker 3 Snow snow is great. I love snow. 00;38;28;08 - 00;38;30;08 Speaker 4 Snow is when it rains, but it stays on the ground. 00;38;30;12 - 00;38;39;07 Speaker 3 I love snow. I think snow in New York City is like the most magical romantic thing. I think I fucking love waking up and looking at my city and seeing snow. It's beautiful. It's so cool looking. 00;38;40;17 - 00;38;51;05 Speaker 4 But I did play a couple other games while I was raped or not. Did you play with Breaker? I got hooked yesterday on a game. I did not think I was going to get hooked on those. 00;38;51;05 - 00;38;52;23 Speaker 1 Some of you got hooked on Marvel Strike Force? 00;38;53;08 - 00;38;54;15 Speaker 3 No. Well, he was playing. 00;38;54;20 - 00;38;55;00 Speaker 2 I was. 00;38;55;00 - 00;38;56;22 Speaker 3 Playing. Thanks for reminding me to make fun of it for. 00;38;56;27 - 00;38;57;05 Speaker 2 Yeah. 00;38;57;18 - 00;39;05;08 Speaker 4 No, I just did. The one year in review. Yeah, I logged it and was like, Hey, let's see what what's new in the next year? Yeah, it's garbage. 00;39;05;14 - 00;39;07;07 Speaker 2 Hey, can you give us? Give us, give us one. 00;39;07;07 - 00;39;08;11 Speaker 1 Give us a little rundown of that. 00;39;09;24 - 00;39;13;14 Speaker 4 Nothing's changed. They're still charging astronomical money. 00;39;13;20 - 00;39;15;23 Speaker 2 It looks exactly the same as to exactly wash your stream. 00;39;15;23 - 00;39;17;07 Speaker 3 I was like, This is exactly the same. 00;39;17;08 - 00;39;18;27 Speaker 2 They have announced any new, any new. 00;39;18;27 - 00;39;20;09 Speaker 3 Oh, there's a lot of new characters, but like. 00;39;20;12 - 00;39;24;24 Speaker 2 Oh yeah, nothing worse. There's like, of course, there's new characters that's in. 00;39;24;24 - 00;39;25;04 Speaker 3 Tons of. 00;39;25;05 - 00;39;28;15 Speaker 1 Characters. But I mean, like, there's nothing new about the game. 00;39;29;00 - 00;39;36;26 Speaker 4 Yeah, no. As far as I can tell, there's nothing new about the game that I could see. I mean, I had like a little 51 character is an account that I had because it's like, whatever, I don't care. 00;39;37;25 - 00;39;44;07 Speaker 4 But the game that I got really hooked on and this is a game that Shaanxi plays all the time, which I was like, Oh, I should try to escape from Tarkov. 00;39;44;15 - 00;39;45;27 Speaker 2 Really, it was. 00;39;45;27 - 00;39;48;00 Speaker 4 That was what? 00;39;48;25 - 00;39;51;24 Speaker 1 Well, I mean, like, why do you why are you hooked on it? 00;39;52;13 - 00;40;10;17 Speaker 4 It's just it's it's it's like I was a big fan of Daisy, but like the original Daisy that he had to go through with Arma two, Inarritu is like a military simulator game. So literally, if you if you jump from too high, like your leg will break the deal in the game and that's what it's like. 00;40;10;17 - 00;40;23;11 Speaker 4 As well as like you have, there's risk involved. It's hard to see enemies. It's just like it has like a heart pounding moments. They had a big thing where, like, my buddy came into my stream yesterday, I was like, Hey, I have this extra game. 00;40;23;11 - 00;40;32;22 Speaker 4 Could do you want to try take off like I've always wanted to try it? Sure, I'll give it a go. Like, you know, if you want, I'll take it go and whatever. So he gave it to me and then I was just playing. 00;40;32;22 - 00;40;36;22 Speaker 4 I played it for like eleven hours yesterday. It was wow. Absolutely insane. 00;40;36;25 - 00;40;38;11 Speaker 1 Should holler at our boy dies. 00;40;38;26 - 00;40;52;26 Speaker 4 Yeah, I know I need to, but like, I was just like, OK, cool. Like, I want to get into, I want to play it. I'm like, You know, I might stream it if I get decent at it. But it's definitely a game that requires good headphones to be able to hear what's going on around you. 00;40;53;00 - 00;41;06;21 Speaker 4 Oh, yes, yeah, it's very unforgiving. It's very unforgiving with all that stuff. So yeah, it's it's a it's great. I'm going to definitely try to put more time and hours into it. 00;41;07;02 - 00;41;08;28 Speaker 3 May I miss Armitage version Daisy? 00;41;09;16 - 00;41;10;11 Speaker 4 Yeah, I mean, I think it's. 00;41;10;16 - 00;41;11;08 Speaker 3 So much fun as. 00;41;11;08 - 00;41;11;28 Speaker 2 It has. 00;41;11;29 - 00;41;14;16 Speaker 3 Been. There's like, it's like, it's like teeter ramp. 00;41;14;16 - 00;41;16;08 Speaker 4 It really makes sense. 00;41;16;08 - 00;41;17;15 Speaker 3 That you can't do anything. 00;41;18;09 - 00;41;27;01 Speaker 4 Yeah, I mean, I don't make sense, but either way. Yeah. So I play that a lot. And then I also dove into Mortal Shell in anticipation for Elden Ring. Yeah. 00;41;27;02 - 00;41;27;22 Speaker 2 How do you like it? 00;41;27;26 - 00;41;29;06 Speaker 4 It's not my favorite. 00;41;29;07 - 00;41;30;14 Speaker 1 It's not the best, right? 00;41;30;14 - 00;41;31;19 Speaker 2 The the problem. 00;41;31;19 - 00;41;48;26 Speaker 4 I have with that game is it is impossible to it's impossible to parry in that game. Yeah, because it was like the and the animations for pairing doesn't work whatsoever. And also, like enemies just go from like seated to like attacking immediately, which is like, what the fuck? 00;41;48;26 - 00;41;49;18 Speaker 4 Like, it's. 00;41;49;18 - 00;41;49;28 Speaker 2 A shitty. 00;41;49;29 - 00;41;51;06 Speaker 1 Game in my pocket, honestly. 00;41;51;06 - 00;42;04;03 Speaker 4 Just for it. So I was like, I, I played it for an entire day and I just didn't. I was like, I got all the way to the first Temple and I was like, OK, well, I don't want to. 00;42;06;10 - 00;42;17;04 Speaker 4 I don't know, I don't really want to go back to it because I'm like, OK, cool, like I got to the point where like you go in the first Temple and the guys with like the shields and the and and the like of the Knights in the temple. 00;42;17;23 - 00;42;22;11 Speaker 4 And like, I destroyed him easily and then I went through and then, like three, attacked me. I want some like, OK, I'm done with this. 00;42;22;14 - 00;42;24;06 Speaker 2 Not that's the game. 00;42;24;06 - 00;42;28;06 Speaker 1 In my opinion. Like a was a bad rip off of the souls born game. 00;42;28;06 - 00;42;29;23 Speaker 2 Like, it's just a. 00;42;31;01 - 00;42;45;18 Speaker 1 Good concept, but it just like it wasn't executed properly. Maybe, maybe. If they try again, it might be a little bit better, but there are a lot of little things about it that just fell short. Good game for a game of the month, though, because it is. 00;42;45;25 - 00;42;48;10 Speaker 1 I paid 30 bucks for it. I think when it came out and I mean. 00;42;49;22 - 00;42;52;11 Speaker 2 It was it was I would have been pissed. 00;42;52;11 - 00;43;01;21 Speaker 1 If I paid. Well, first of all, I will. I would not have paid $70 for it, but if I did, I would have been livid that I paid $7 for that game. $30 was the perfect price point for it. 00;43;01;24 - 00;43;02;16 Speaker 4 Oh yeah. 00;43;02;16 - 00;43;02;23 Speaker 2 Yeah. 00;43;02;26 - 00;43;04;28 Speaker 1 When it came out, it was 30 bucks. So much was. 00;43;05;02 - 00;43;14;13 Speaker 4 Yeah, I try. I mean, it was free on purpose. Yes, money. So I was like, I'll try it out. I mean, I always play the free PS Plus games and I'll give it a go, but I hadn't really like. 00;43;16;13 - 00;43;28;09 Speaker 4 Well, I wasn't like super enthralled by it, to be honest, I was like, yeah, it's fine. I mean, do I think I'm going to play it and continue playing it? Probably not. I'll probably pick it back up. 00;43;28;20 - 00;43;30;15 Speaker 1 Just a waste of your played bloodborne. 00;43;31;03 - 00;43;32;00 Speaker 4 Yeah, platinum, blah blah. 00;43;32;01 - 00;43;32;18 Speaker 1 Oh, OK. 00;43;32;20 - 00;43;33;20 Speaker 4 I mean, I'm not. 00;43;33;22 - 00;43;34;17 Speaker 2 Oh, that's right. 00;43;34;17 - 00;43;35;19 Speaker 1 Yeah, that's right. I forget it. 00;43;35;20 - 00;43;39;09 Speaker 4 Forget, but it's still not bad. I'm not bad at those games. 00;43;39;09 - 00;43;47;19 Speaker 2 I know you're not bad. Not bad at. Well, first of all, I was not questioning whether or not your best. first of all, if you two are the assholes that keep saying, I'm going, I'm. 00;43;47;19 - 00;43;49;25 Speaker 1 Not good at video games. OK, your favorite games? 00;43;49;27 - 00;43;53;15 Speaker 2 Yeah, I don't know. You don't. I don't know. 00;43;53;15 - 00;43;55;25 Speaker 3 Why. Why do you even say stuff like that? 00;43;56;15 - 00;43;57;17 Speaker 2 Oh, bad. 00;43;57;25 - 00;43;59;10 Speaker 4 We just tell you to get good. That's how you feel. 00;43;59;14 - 00;44;02;05 Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. I'm just giving you advice. I don't. 00;44;02;05 - 00;44;04;23 Speaker 3 Know. I think you're this is all made up of fake. 00;44;04;23 - 00;44;07;25 Speaker 2 News, fake news and fake news. 00;44;07;27 - 00;44;15;08 Speaker 4 Exactly. Yeah, I don't. I don't know. I mean, I have some other games to play them, and I like try to finish up and dove back into. 00;44;15;13 - 00;44;19;29 Speaker 1 So, yeah, I have a game that I'm very excited about that's coming out here and like. 00;44;20;04 - 00;44;22;13 Speaker 4 Let's say, you know, what are you guys looking forward to. 00;44;22;17 - 00;44;24;07 Speaker 1 Pokemon Arceus? 00;44;24;14 - 00;44;24;23 Speaker 2 Do you see. 00;44;24;23 - 00;44;25;22 Speaker 3 That the Japanese. 00;44;25;22 - 00;44;27;15 Speaker 2 Trailer? Oh. 00;44;27;28 - 00;44;29;29 Speaker 1 I don't know, I've seen a bunch, I've seen a bunch of different things. 00;44;30;00 - 00;44;34;14 Speaker 3 It's like a gameplay trailer where it's only it's only been released in Japan so far and. 00;44;34;15 - 00;44;34;28 Speaker 1 Oh no, I. 00;44;34;28 - 00;44;51;22 Speaker 3 Haven't. See, I didn't realize the game is the trainer against the Pokemon. I thought it was just like third person. You have a Pokemon, you're doing stuff. But like the trainers are literally dodging like that in the in the trailer, it's like a Garchomp does like Scream. 00;44;52;10 - 00;45;01;27 Speaker 3 The trainer, like, gets knocked backwards, and then the Garchomp starts playing like rock smash and run to dodge the rocks and shit. I'm like, Wait, what? This is like way more serious. I thought it was, yeah. 00;45;01;27 - 00;45;11;12 Speaker 1 It's supposed to be like your adventure to collect them all. It's not a really more about like Pokemon battling. I'm sure that that will probably be a feature of it by now. 00;45;11;13 - 00;45;16;10 Speaker 3 I mean, I mean, it looks, it looks cool. It definitely peaked. The trailer piqued my interest. I would say, check it out. 00;45;16;26 - 00;45;17;17 Speaker 2 It's it'll be a. 00;45;17;17 - 00;45;33;08 Speaker 1 Good game to try out, and I don't know. I mean, I think it's going to be a really good. first of all, it's on the switch, obviously, spokeman, and I've been looking for any reason to play my switch because I don't have that many games that I play on the switch and this is one of them where 00;45;33;08 - 00;45;41;27 Speaker 1 I'm just like, no brainer. Like, I'm going to try that out just for me and me. And what I like to play because I find the switch to be one of the best consoles on the market easily. 00;45;41;27 - 00;45;50;26 Speaker 3 But what's funny ever since we talked about it, you know, I got Malorie, both the switch parties and we played every night. We play my part every night. Is it. 00;45;50;26 - 00;45;52;27 Speaker 1 Awesome? Isn't it? Is a great. Yeah, it's great. 00;45;52;28 - 00;45;55;03 Speaker 2 Yeah, it's the the first. 00;45;55;03 - 00;46;08;23 Speaker 3 one is better than the newer one, which is hilarious because the newer one advertises itself as more maps and shit, really. But the what is it? Super Mario is my party. Super Mario Party. And there's Mario party superstars. 00;46;09;01 - 00;46;26;03 Speaker 3 Yeah, so Super Mario Party was the 2018 version, and that has like more characters, more maps, and it's like you get the cool character dice, which is really fun. And Super Mario or Mario party superstars was like 2021, and it's really fun, but it's like five maps total. 00;46;26;03 - 00;46;27;25 Speaker 3 But there's like hundreds of mini games. 00;46;28;00 - 00;46;28;15 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;46;28;15 - 00;46;34;25 Speaker 3 And I guess it's like what they expect is like, just you just play. I'm not. I want the board game aspect of it more than, yeah, the mini game as well. 00;46;35;02 - 00;46;41;13 Speaker 1 Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 2020 or the earlier one, you can't play that online with other people, right? But you. 00;46;41;13 - 00;46;42;16 Speaker 2 Can play, you can play. 00;46;42;16 - 00;46;45;23 Speaker 1 The mini games, other people. But can you play the board game online with other people? 00;46;46;02 - 00;46;49;10 Speaker 3 Yeah. I mean, when you start a board, it'll say, like, I'll find an online play. 00;46;49;12 - 00;46;53;08 Speaker 1 Oh, interesting, because that was not when I first bought that one. That was me. 00;46;53;08 - 00;46;57;28 Speaker 3 Wrap their mind, but we're just little. Okay, got me in her and then to computers. But yeah. 00;46;59;17 - 00;47;00;21 Speaker 4 How are you playing with computers? 00;47;01;09 - 00;47;02;11 Speaker 3 And it's just. 00;47;02;27 - 00;47;04;24 Speaker 1 Yeah, it's just like two bots on you. 00;47;04;26 - 00;47;08;15 Speaker 4 Oh yeah. Oh, sorry, I like that. You're actually playing like on a laptop. 00;47;08;21 - 00;47;09;25 Speaker 2 Like, No, no, no, no. 00;47;10;00 - 00;47;24;08 Speaker 3 I've had the Switch emulator. Yes, I did emulate my WI when I first, when I first came out because I couldn't get one. Use the dolphin emulator back and you could like get like a Bluetooth adapter for your computer before Bluetooth were like on every single motherboard. 00;47;24;17 - 00;47;29;16 Speaker 3 But you could you could do the fucking we. We know it was hilarious. 00;47;29;21 - 00;47;44;19 Speaker 1 Speaking of which, this is what I'm actually really excited about. So I, as I was exploring Resident Evil titles, that this is obviously not something it's coming out, but it's something that I'm looking forward to play. They made a couple of like first person shooters on the week. 00;47;45;05 - 00;47;46;09 Speaker 2 That you do. They're great. 00;47;46;20 - 00;48;04;24 Speaker 1 Right? I've never played them before. And yeah, there's a whole bunch there. I think there's like four or five of them, and I bought a couple of them on whatnot the other night on auctions. And so I actually broke out the we and I definitely have the frickin the plastic gun holster and everything. 00;48;04;24 - 00;48;05;09 Speaker 1 I was like, Do. 00;48;05;22 - 00;48;06;05 Speaker 2 They have the. 00;48;06;24 - 00;48;09;11 Speaker 3 House of the Dead version? It's Resident Evil. 00;48;09;12 - 00;48;10;10 Speaker 2 Yeah, that's yeah. 00;48;10;10 - 00;48;13;07 Speaker 1 That there's like there's a couple of what they are. They're like. 00;48;13;07 - 00;48;14;21 Speaker 2 Fine, they're super fun. 00;48;14;21 - 00;48;29;28 Speaker 1 They're basically the there's like one of them. It's like all about Albert Wesker, who like, if you played Resident Evil, you know, Wesker is it's like it's they dove deep into stories of the Resident Evil like universe, you know, but it's like variations. 00;48;30;05 - 00;48;40;15 Speaker 1 They're different. They're like outtakes of things that are happening in the Resident Evil universe outside of the games that you're playing or in the games you're playing to, like characters like Ada Wong is, it's like a feature character and one of them. 00;48;40;27 - 00;48;43;07 Speaker 1 So like, I'm super excited to play a couple of them. 00;48;43;07 - 00;48;53;11 Speaker 3 And then when I first got the way I play the shit out of that, that like, how's the dead version? Yeah, same with the we when you bought the gun accessory, it came with that game, which is. 00;48;53;13 - 00;49;03;10 Speaker 1 Yeah, there's there's a there's someone there's actually some of them on the on the DS and the PSP as well. That's another thing. I mean, I want to I had to get my hands on. It's I want a PSP. 00;49;03;10 - 00;49;03;23 Speaker 1 I don't know. 00;49;04;07 - 00;49;04;13 Speaker 2 What. 00;49;04;13 - 00;49;13;19 Speaker 3 I was heavy into wanting to replay Gameboy games. I wanted to get a PSP to emulate it, to put all Game Boy seven. But yeah, they're not cheap for that reason because a lot of made them. 00;49;14;15 - 00;49;18;00 Speaker 1 PSP are actually still like upwards of two 250 things. 00;49;18;03 - 00;49;21;13 Speaker 3 Like the PSP Mini is like even fucking harder. Yeah. 00;49;21;24 - 00;49;27;20 Speaker 1 Yeah. I actually saw one for the first time last night on one I didn't even know existed where you can like, pop it open and there's like a four. 00;49;27;27 - 00;49;28;29 Speaker 3 one on eBay 400. 00;49;28;29 - 00;49;30;10 Speaker 1 Bucks. Yeah. They're really cool. 00;49;30;10 - 00;49;31;07 Speaker 4 Then for what? 00;49;31;07 - 00;49;32;26 Speaker 2 Now for the PSP? 00;49;33;26 - 00;49;45;00 Speaker 3 Well, the PSP is the only 200. The Mini is even more expensive because a it's harder to get and be. It's more compact to put in your pocket like it's a great emulator. Like people just play like that's one of the fuck on. 00;49;45;03 - 00;49;46;07 Speaker 2 That's one area. 00;49;46;07 - 00;50;04;00 Speaker 1 Where like, OK, I know the switch is like a is a handheld, right? Technically, I still prefer personally playing on the DS or Gameboy Advance or a PSP and I. And I hope that like at some point in time, one of the two of them comes out with some a newer version of one of them. 00;50;04;00 - 00;50;14;02 Speaker 1 Because I mean, I know I can get games on my phone is like that, but there's something about. The Diaz or like like the PSB, like having the hand held in my hands like I really. 00;50;14;02 - 00;50;18;07 Speaker 3 Enjoy it, I doubt you'll ever get a Nintendo to make another. 00;50;18;16 - 00;50;19;25 Speaker 2 Yeah, probably not. 00;50;20;02 - 00;50;22;00 Speaker 3 Now everything is just being put to the switch. 00;50;22;04 - 00;50;26;10 Speaker 2 Yes, which wouldn't surprise me, even though. But you know what? It's just a. 00;50;26;11 - 00;50;36;23 Speaker 1 Weird. Strangely enough, I don't enjoy holding the switch in my hand like I do ads like the 3D XXL that I have. I'd rather hold that in my hand that I would the switch. The switch feels so much more awkward. 00;50;37;12 - 00;50;43;10 Speaker 1 But that's just me personally. Yeah. first World problems. Anyways, that's. 00;50;43;10 - 00;50;53;12 Speaker 3 Actually, you know, what's funny about that? I remember I got a this like 3D printed piece, so I have the Switch Pro remote, which is just like an Xbox controller. Pretty much. 00;50;53;12 - 00;50;53;29 Speaker 2 Yeah. Yeah. 00;50;54;02 - 00;50;58;29 Speaker 3 And it was a piece that connects to the back of the Switch Pro. And then you get and then it connects with the switch. 00;50;59;03 - 00;51;01;19 Speaker 2 So you can hold it in your hand while you. 00;51;01;19 - 00;51;12;25 Speaker 3 Hold, you hold the you hold this the remote, the the thing. But then there's a piece that's like this. Yeah, and then and then above it. So it looks like this, essentially, that's like how you play it. Like that? 00;51;12;26 - 00;51;14;01 Speaker 1 Oh, interesting. 00;51;14;11 - 00;51;16;29 Speaker 3 It made it. It made it really nice to play, to be honest. 00;51;17;13 - 00;51;18;06 Speaker 2 When I was actually. 00;51;18;14 - 00;51;30;01 Speaker 3 Having in like because that would be my switch me when I travel and I would just do it like that. It made it definitely a lot nicer a travel thing, you know? But it's also a third party thing, yet again, a line that was like, right? 00;51;30;14 - 00;51;31;04 Speaker 3 But I don't know. 00;51;31;15 - 00;51;33;27 Speaker 1 Charlie, I want to know what you're excited like board over there. 00;51;37;08 - 00;51;40;17 Speaker 4 We gave you that aspect because I look forward. 00;51;42;07 - 00;51;42;17 Speaker 2 I was just. 00;51;43;02 - 00;51;50;29 Speaker 4 I don't know, what am I looking forward to? I'm looking forward to the new Horizon zero Dawn and also I'm looking forward to checking out the new PS too that they just. 00;51;50;29 - 00;51;52;19 Speaker 2 Announced, although I think it looks. 00;51;52;19 - 00;51;53;07 Speaker 1 Dope. 00;51;53;25 - 00;51;56;25 Speaker 4 Well, you don't. The specs look up. You don't know what it looks like. 00;51;57;01 - 00;51;58;29 Speaker 1 I know, like it looks cool, though. 00;51;59;18 - 00;52;12;16 Speaker 4 Yeah. So I'm excited to see what they do for the SVR version of that, as well as just her, you know, Horizon zero Dawn or Horizon Forbidden West, as well as Dying Light two. It's like there's two games. 00;52;12;16 - 00;52;13;18 Speaker 4 I'm really looking forward to my. 00;52;14;24 - 00;52;21;00 Speaker 1 I think I might have to try to get one because I've never die, I feel like I got a try. Resident Evil seven are one of those things. 00;52;21;02 - 00;52;21;13 Speaker 2 Oh. 00;52;21;22 - 00;52;29;17 Speaker 4 So original. VR is crazy. I mean, I think I did like a six hour playthrough in VR one time. Yeah, like last year. 00;52;30;07 - 00;52;32;04 Speaker 2 Do you have to be standing for that? 00;52;32;10 - 00;52;33;03 Speaker 4 No. Sit down. 00;52;33;10 - 00;52;37;23 Speaker 1 You can sit down for VR. Okay. And I really think I really try that out. 00;52;37;27 - 00;52;55;08 Speaker 4 It's it's it's tough. You have to get used to it. But I definitely think it's a fun. It's a fun experience. And like, I don't know, I've I used to be like super into VR, and then I got really sick from VR just because of like how my brain doesn't like the thing. 00;52;55;18 - 00;53;06;07 Speaker 4 Whatever the motion sickness with it doesn't work for everybody. That's rare, which is unfortunate because I was like working in VR a lot during that time, and I just couldn't view the footage just like it would make me queasy. 00;53;06;07 - 00;53;19;29 Speaker 4 And I had like, I got like ten seconds and I have to take my hats off. But I really want to get into. I'm curious to see what they would do or the VR because it was specifically tailoring it to the PS5. 00;53;20;00 - 00;53;31;25 Speaker 4 So with all that, the nice thing about it is just like, I mean, I had like the index and whatnot, but I sold the index because like I my computer at the time, I just couldn't. I couldn't run it like it wouldn't. 00;53;31;25 - 00;53;37;21 Speaker 4 It wouldn't like it would just be choppy. And if VR gets choppy, it's like it just throws you off, just makes you sick and like, I just can't do it. 00;53;39;00 - 00;53;42;06 Speaker 1 So but that doesn't that's not something that's going to happen with the VR. 00;53;42;07 - 00;53;51;25 Speaker 4 No, it's not going to happen. Yeah, because of how they're integrating it. So like, you don't have to worry about having having to have a free thousand dollar PC in order to run this game or any games, you want to. 00;53;52;02 - 00;53;52;14 Speaker 2 See how much. 00;53;52;14 - 00;53;53;05 Speaker 1 It's going to cost. 00;53;53;24 - 00;54;10;22 Speaker 4 I would assume it'd be about the same cost as SVR, which is 399. So about art. So I'll probably pick one up because I think the the VR aspect of playing games is great. But like the PS VR that I have, I had the original one that came out like six or seven years ago or something. 00;54;11;03 - 00;54;24;27 Speaker 4 And it's it's hard to play games on that because it's just like, absolutely, it's out. It's very outdated. Yeah, screens on. And so I could I'm sure it's a lot easier. Yeah, I mean, it's just like it's going to be it'll be kind of rad. 00;54;26;07 - 00;54;35;04 Speaker 4 And I just I just it's going to be it's going to be cool and I'm really looking forward to it. I think it'll be a fun time. So we'll see. We'll probably will probably be an early adopter of it. 00;54;35;09 - 00;54;37;24 Speaker 4 So. Hell, yeah, there's a lot of. 00;54;37;24 - 00;54;38;25 Speaker 3 Money considering coming back. 00;54;39;19 - 00;54;43;01 Speaker 4 You need to get back in a Beat Saber. That was my workout regimen for a long time. 00;54;43;09 - 00;54;45;17 Speaker 1 Etc.. It's definitely it looks like it could be, man. 00;54;46;21 - 00;54;58;23 Speaker 4 I mean, I mean, it definitely definitely was because I was like, there's the longest I ever played. Beat Saber is like three hours straight. That's pretty. It was like 4500 calories and like three hours because it's like cardio. 00;54;58;24 - 00;54;59;14 Speaker 1 That's crazy. 00;54;59;22 - 00;55;00;23 Speaker 4 I am really good at it. 00;55;01;19 - 00;55;03;04 Speaker 3 You were killing it. It's too hard for me. 00;55;03;12 - 00;55;17;27 Speaker 4 Yeah, but. Well, I'll give it a try. Maybe we'll be safer comes back, the thing I liked about Beat Saber, though, was all the odds and what you could do. But like they disabled the ability to do mods, and I stopped playing it because it's like, Well, what's the point? 00;55;18;07 - 00;55;37;22 Speaker 4 You can't like load times if you want to play and beauty stuff. But I haven't played Beat Saber in two years. Yeah. I don't have anything else. No look or no, there's really not a ton that I'm like, I'm sure there's a lot like, I'm just probably like glossing over it. 00;55;37;25 - 00;55;55;26 Speaker 1 Dude, I so I can't wait to read Black Temple and now IJl in. While Rediker said, because this new group that I'm with, we're like, we transferred over to fairly now, which is where, like all the streamers are, so now I'm like competing against all of like the super sweaty nerds and the guild I'm with. 00;55;55;26 - 00;56;12;29 Speaker 1 They're actually we're actually contenders for like, you know, world firsts and verse and things like that. So it's going to be actually like we've already been practicing on private servers and like, it's going be pretty cool. I don't know, like I've never been involved in like playing with such an organized crew. 00;56;13;01 - 00;56;26;19 Speaker 1 And it's actually pretty. It's pretty fun, man. I feel like the great thing is is like the other. When I was playing it previously, I was like so wrapped up in and being a guild leader or officer and shit in this one, I'm just like a member. 00;56;26;19 - 00;56;37;12 Speaker 1 So I just like show up on Tuesday and Wednesday. I slave I, I press buttons, I kill shit, and the rest of the week I worry about it, you know, so it's like I, it's like way less involved for me right now. 00;56;37;24 - 00;56;40;13 Speaker 1 And yeah, it's it's been a been a lot of fun. 00;56;40;22 - 00;56;47;01 Speaker 3 That's fair. I'm just like really waiting for them to announce fucking breath of the Wild sequel. They said, 2022, yo. 00;56;47;25 - 00;56;49;01 Speaker 2 I have seen in the years. 00;56;49;09 - 00;57;02;22 Speaker 1 I've seen, like so many little like rumors floating around on on Reddit about like different announcements are going to be making this year and there are going to be gems coming out of the switch. I know coming soon. 00;57;02;24 - 00;57;06;12 Speaker 1 Like, there's some really cool stuff they've been announcing. 00;57;08;00 - 00;57;17;01 Speaker 3 Hopefully, I want to I really going play that, no. Is also notorious for being like this game is not perfect, will wait for years until it's released. 00;57;17;09 - 00;57;18;19 Speaker 1 Metroid Metroid. 00;57;18;26 - 00;57;19;25 Speaker 4 Tried some Metroid. 00;57;20;25 - 00;57;21;07 Speaker 2 Like. 00;57;21;14 - 00;57;26;16 Speaker 1 I still dying for the new like First-Person Metroid because I mean, dreadful brain. 00;57;26;16 - 00;57;26;28 Speaker 3 Corruption. 00;57;26;28 - 00;57;29;28 Speaker 1 For, yeah, like, oh, it's going to be. So it. 00;57;29;28 - 00;57;31;23 Speaker 2 Was such. 00;57;31;23 - 00;57;32;09 Speaker 3 A good game. 00;57;32;28 - 00;57;37;23 Speaker 1 That see that that's like, I can't wait to try to track those down. I need to get a GameCube like that's. 00;57;38;27 - 00;57;39;07 Speaker 2 Prime. 00;57;39;07 - 00;57;45;04 Speaker 3 Prime corruption's three, two and three were No. three was on the the we. 00;57;45;06 - 00;57;47;25 Speaker 1 Yeah, the prime was awesome game I was the. 00;57;47;25 - 00;57;49;13 Speaker 3 second one was also on the we I don't. 00;57;49;13 - 00;57;57;26 Speaker 1 Remember the first first person shooter was on the game. I'm not mistaken. Yeah, and that was fire. Yeah. Yeah. 00;57;59;01 - 00;58;04;24 Speaker 3 The prime question three, those my favorite game of all time. Just beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I want to. 00;58;04;24 - 00;58;06;25 Speaker 1 Play some cool games coming out, man. You know what. 00;58;06;25 - 00;58;07;11 Speaker 2 I. 00;58;07;16 - 00;58;20;17 Speaker 1 Boys, I need one of you guys to go ahead and win the lottery so we can just like, you know, turn this into a full time thing and bill play games because like my old job and career are really interfering with having fun playing games. 00;58;20;20 - 00;58;22;08 Speaker 4 So tell me about I'm in the same boat. 00;58;22;09 - 00;58;22;25 Speaker 2 It's just. 00;58;23;06 - 00;58;31;13 Speaker 1 You know, it's kind of it's kind of really fuckin with my flow. And, you know, I like being successful is is not. It's all made out to be because like, there's. 00;58;31;13 - 00;58;35;29 Speaker 2 Just so much time and effort into all of these men like know stuff. And then you. 00;58;35;29 - 00;58;39;28 Speaker 1 Got to worry about other people. And I just want to go and play video games, man. You know. 00;58;40;23 - 00;58;43;03 Speaker 3 I'm just watching videos of Metroid Prime Corruption three. 00;58;45;05 - 00;58;47;12 Speaker 2 That he's watching videos. 00;58;47;12 - 00;58;58;05 Speaker 1 I'm over here complaining about that one more time to play video games. But I mean, y'all out there can probably feel me. I mean, it's like the older you get, you know, there's all these cool games coming out and you want to play them all and you've got responsibilities. 00;58;58;05 - 00;59;07;22 Speaker 1 And how do you fit it in? You know, so it's it's definitely a. It's like a double edged sword, right, because it's like, I think it's a good and a bad thing, you don't have. 00;59;08;02 - 00;59;11;28 Speaker 3 To play games bad all the time. When you're old, you have the money to play the games. We have no time. 00;59;12;01 - 00;59;13;09 Speaker 1 Exactly. That's why. 00;59;13;17 - 00;59;14;25 Speaker 2 And in a weird way, that's why. 00;59;14;25 - 00;59;27;10 Speaker 1 I feel like the collecting. Yeah, it's piqued my interest so much because it's like it's like big boy gaming, like you're out there looking for the treasures, you know? Yeah, I don't know. Like it, but you're out, you know? 00;59;28;11 - 00;59;37;00 Speaker 1 Able to do things and are not so confined to like, you know, sitting at home in your room, playing games, it's. Leveling up. 00;59;38;10 - 00;59;49;24 Speaker 4 Yeah, I definitely need to spend more time, and actually I have to like, have so many things I need to do. I'm just like, I just don't want to do any of it. And now that I have, like all my server stuff back up and running, I can actually work on focusing on. 00;59;51;06 - 00;59;54;12 Speaker 4 Redoing my my room downstairs to go. 00;59;55;12 - 00;59;56;09 Speaker 3 You don't want stay upstairs. 00;59;57;01 - 01;00;08;19 Speaker 4 No, I mean, I'm I'm I'm. My office is going to be upstairs, but eventually I'm going to move my office in the basement. But I have to put the mini theater we have. I have to rip all out. 01;00;08;27 - 01;00;17;22 Speaker 4 I got damage from flooding. So I've just been I've been putting it off for three months and I really should. I really shouldn't, because it's just festering old shit. 01;00;17;28 - 01;00;20;27 Speaker 3 Oh yeah, it's probably not. Yeah, not. I definitely don't want that. 01;00;21;12 - 01;00;22;00 Speaker 2 Well, I'm pretty. 01;00;22;10 - 01;00;34;06 Speaker 1 I will say that I'm pretty excited about the games that are coming out this year, and I'm also excited about what we can possibly do as well, and we should probably try to like. Play some games with our community every once in a while. 01;00;34;07 - 01;00;36;04 Speaker 1 I think that's something I want to try to do, you know. 01;00;36;20 - 01;00;37;19 Speaker 2 Mario Party Night. 01;00;37;29 - 01;00;45;14 Speaker 1 Dude, I would love to have a party night. So if you guys are ever, you know, interested in doing stuff like that, you know, some of the discord talk to us about it. 01;00;46;01 - 01;00;47;12 Speaker 3 As could bring back among us. 01;00;50;04 - 01;00;51;00 Speaker 4 Do we play that? 01;00;51;11 - 01;00;51;18 Speaker 2 Yeah. 01;00;51;23 - 01;00;54;04 Speaker 1 I never played with people, but I think you guys did. 01;00;54;07 - 01;00;56;03 Speaker 4 I mean, we did the Jack Jack boxing. 01;00;56;12 - 01;00;57;05 Speaker 2 And I'm over here. 01;00;57;05 - 01;01;06;01 Speaker 1 I over here saying we should play together, and I appear to be the antisocial one because I didn't get in on the Valhalla and I didn't get it on among us. But I do like other games. 01;01;06;28 - 01;01;07;08 Speaker 4 Yeah. 01;01;07;19 - 01;01;11;17 Speaker 1 You can always play DH CWC with the Rondo. 01;01;11;29 - 01;01;13;20 Speaker 2 I don't. I don't like D.C.. 01;01;14;11 - 01;01;20;02 Speaker 1 I just don't like D.C. I can't sit. I mean, I'm a nerd. I like D.C., but it's just not my. 01;01;20;08 - 01;01;20;27 Speaker 2 Cup of tea. 01;01;21;05 - 01;01;23;18 Speaker 4 Not your cup of tea cup. 01;01;25;04 - 01;01;27;20 Speaker 1 Now, I wish they made one of these games with just X-Men. 01;01;27;26 - 01;01;28;23 Speaker 2 Just the just. 01;01;28;23 - 01;01;29;10 Speaker 1 X-Men. 01;01;30;07 - 01;01;31;19 Speaker 4 Yeah, they could. They have a bunch of stuff? 01;01;32;00 - 01;01;37;07 Speaker 3 I mean, never again will I play a No. one of those games, regardless of what the contents are. 01;01;38;00 - 01;01;42;24 Speaker 2 Fuck that. Done with it. I mean, yeah, that's what. 01;01;42;25 - 01;01;43;19 Speaker 4 Is the Warhammer one. 01;01;43;25 - 01;01;44;23 Speaker 3 There is a Warhammer one. 01;01;45;03 - 01;01;45;24 Speaker 4 Yeah, I know I played. 01;01;46;01 - 01;01;48;23 Speaker 1 I actually just came out not too long ago, right? 40 game. 01;01;48;23 - 01;01;54;29 Speaker 3 But it's better for a little bit, but it's so it's all the same. It's all the fucking same game. It's all like you had to pay more money. 01;01;56;01 - 01;01;59;03 Speaker 2 Yeah. Oh yeah. I mean. Oh, bless you. 01;01;59;09 - 01;02;04;08 Speaker 4 Remember when you were like, I'm going get into a phone specifically for gaming. Remember that the whole thing? 01;02;04;14 - 01;02;05;25 Speaker 3 Yeah, I didn't think God. 01;02;06;12 - 01;02;12;23 Speaker 4 Yeah, you're like, I want to get this Razer Phone because it's great for gaming. And like me, I don't understand the words saying. 01;02;12;27 - 01;02;14;12 Speaker 2 It's aims of changing. 01;02;16;03 - 01;02;29;22 Speaker 4 Well, it's like, well, you could either spend like $2,000 on a gaming PC and $60 for per game that comes out, or you can get a phone and spend $0 for a game that comes out and then spend $10000 on in-app purchases. 01;02;31;00 - 01;02;31;25 Speaker 2 Yeah, exactly. 01;02;32;18 - 01;02;37;10 Speaker 1 There's so much to get, man. I got to get it. I agree. It's Saturn. I got to get a Sega CD, I got to. 01;02;37;10 - 01;02;38;06 Speaker 2 Get a. 01;02;40;18 - 01;02;41;07 Speaker 1 So I got to going to get a. 01;02;41;07 - 01;02;42;11 Speaker 2 GameCube. 01;02;43;10 - 01;02;44;26 Speaker 4 You're getting it. So. 01;02;45;22 - 01;02;52;23 Speaker 1 Oh yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm telling you because because actually, you don't really need to send that to me because I mean, I do have. 01;02;54;12 - 01;02;54;26 Speaker 2 This. 01;02;55;03 - 01;02;55;13 Speaker 4 Right. 01;02;56;17 - 01;02;59;01 Speaker 1 As what? You could sell it. You could sell it on eBay for like. 01;02;59;11 - 01;03;00;17 Speaker 4 100 bucks or so. 01;03;00;24 - 01;03;04;04 Speaker 1 Probably, honestly, because I don't even search for this. I mean. 01;03;04;05 - 01;03;09;15 Speaker 4 I have everything. It's all sitting in a bar, in a bag. That's okay. All right. Fine. Well, yeah, I'll sell that shit. I'll make. 01;03;09;18 - 01;03;12;21 Speaker 2 Neil Armstrong give it to you, and you can start trying to take your. 01;03;13;00 - 01;03;29;29 Speaker 1 Your shit if you could make money off it. I, you know, turbo graphics is like one of the turbo graphics and Jaguar and links like those are those things where there's just like. They're so hard to find, and there's so much money when you find them, dude, it's it's not even worth it, my opinion. 01;03;31;07 - 01;03;33;08 Speaker 4 Turbo graphics are, you know, a turbo graphics aren't. 01;03;34;19 - 01;03;35;13 Speaker 2 You never heard of a term. 01;03;35;13 - 01;03;37;00 Speaker 1 Of graphic 16. No. 01;03;37;14 - 01;03;39;07 Speaker 3 What is it really console? 01;03;39;17 - 01;03;41;13 Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it was. 01;03;41;13 - 01;03;42;08 Speaker 1 It was like a but. 01;03;42;14 - 01;03;43;05 Speaker 2 It was like. 01;03;45;09 - 01;03;55;20 Speaker 1 Turbo graphics was like ahead of its time, for sure, but they didn't have any of the iPads that Nintendo had, and I don't think that they really ever took off, you know. 01;03;56;02 - 01;03;57;03 Speaker 2 But and it was. 01;03;57;03 - 01;04;14;10 Speaker 1 Also is way too expensive like everything was so same thing with Jaguar. Jaguar was like one of the earlier computer Jaguar. But yeah, those are definitely like, really, really hot, like rare collectible items that they're very expensive gaming. 01;04;14;14 - 01;04;32;29 Speaker 1 I mean, if you're if you're a gamer right and you like you kept your stuff from when you were a child. I'm not playing like your stuff has value. It's crazy right now. The gaming and the like. The game reselling market for retro stuff is insane right now, like the peak of what it's ever been, and people 01;04;32;29 - 01;04;49;07 Speaker 1 are paying ridiculous prices to get their hands on certain items. And it's crazy. I mean, I'm sitting on this app whatnot like a lot because I'm looking for like specific items, and it's crazy to me that the prices people are paying for just. 01;04;50;14 - 01;04;55;09 Speaker 1 They just want to complete their complex, their collections, you know, and it's it's crazy to me. 01;04;58;07 - 01;05;01;05 Speaker 4 All right. Maybe I'll look, maybe I shall look into it, I don't know. 01;05;02;07 - 01;05;12;07 Speaker 1 Dude, if you're if you're like ever on Facebook Marketplace and you see somebody saying, Huh, I don't do Facebook. OK, if you ever on offer up or you know, any of those apps that you use any. 01;05;12;07 - 01;05;13;03 Speaker 3 Local marketplace. 01;05;13;03 - 01;05;15;07 Speaker 2 Online and if you use any local. 01;05;15;07 - 01;05;22;20 Speaker 1 Marketplace online because the Metaverse. But it is what it is. You know, there's people out there that are. 01;05;22;20 - 01;05;25;09 Speaker 2 Like, you know, oh, just, you know, clean out the attic. 01;05;25;09 - 01;05;35;10 Speaker 1 And grandma had too many, you know, it was holding on to all these Gameboys and stuff, and I don't know what to do with them, and they'll charge like 50 bucks. It's like, that's a thing worth like. Yeah, no. 01;05;35;14 - 01;05;48;11 Speaker 1 $700, you know, and they don't even know it's crazy. Happens all the time. And it's because our generation is in the position where we're all making money and we want those things. And so supply and demand, you know? 01;05;50;29 - 01;05;55;15 Speaker 1 Sure. That's what I've been working out on since. 01;05;55;28 - 01;05;58;25 Speaker 4 I mean, you got to have something to do. I've just been getting my ass kicked in TARKOV. 01;05;59;17 - 01;06;00;25 Speaker 2 Oh yeah, it's. 01;06;01;00 - 01;06;03;07 Speaker 1 A big rift rift breaker. 01;06;03;14 - 01;06;12;13 Speaker 4 Yeah, I have the I don't know what I want. Excuse me, sir. I don't know what I'm going to plot them next. That's the next. I mean, figured that out. I don't know. 01;06;12;24 - 01;06;13;23 Speaker 3 The funny way to put it. 01;06;14;26 - 01;06;27;00 Speaker 4 Well, it's just like it gives me a goal, right? So I mean, I've been I've been working on Kingdom of Amler Re Reckoning, the remake for a while, but it's starting to get old. So. But I just got to figure out, I don't know. 01;06;27;00 - 01;06;36;19 Speaker 4 Maybe I'll finish that one that I still probably have another 40 hours left to play them again. So just it's a lot when I don't, I can only play like two hours a day. Yeah. So it's a long time. 01;06;36;26 - 01;06;37;24 Speaker 2 That's that's fair. 01;06;39;03 - 01;07;00;02 Speaker 4 Not even halfway through that game. So it's annoying. Yeah. Anything else you guys want to chat about or no good? AP 2022 to everybody who's listening, and I hope you all come through and continue to be fans of the show in the pod and everything like that, and if you want to come hang out with us, you 01;07;00;02 - 01;07;11;23 Speaker 4 can hit us up on discord. If you go to Discord, that means Slash Ogy podcast, that'll I'll get you to our discord that give you access to come hang out and chat with us and, you know, poke fun at chef's ability to get good and everything. 01;07;11;24 - 01;07;17;22 Speaker 1 Yeah, and I want to know, I want you all to come in and tell us what you want to see more of us in 2022. 01;07;18;19 - 01;07;21;13 Speaker 4 There you go. Engagement. There you go. Yeah, it works. 01;07;21;16 - 01;07;36;19 Speaker 1 Yeah, we want to know. We want to know what the people want to see. Like, we got a we need some feedback. We want to know like a chef shut the hell up. Stop talking about this. Or, you know, like, Hey, Ashley, like, you know, start working on that fifth Army, you. 01;07;36;19 - 01;07;38;14 Speaker 2 Know, like, I don't know, just just. 01;07;38;25 - 01;07;48;00 Speaker 1 You know, people that are into Warhammer that are like, Hey, you know, you suck at painting, you know, it's better or like, Hey, you're awesome at painting. This is how do you do this? You know, like people like. 01;07;48;09 - 01;07;49;00 Speaker 2 Hey, Charlie. 01;07;49;15 - 01;07;58;06 Speaker 1 Hey, Charlie, like, I'm fuckin terrible at this game. How did you platinum like your God? I don't know. Just come in and tell us, like, talk to us. 01;07;58;06 - 01;07;59;03 Speaker 2 You know, we know. 01;07;59;06 - 01;08;00;25 Speaker 4 We know they're going the platinum next, you know? 01;08;00;29 - 01;08;09;27 Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah. There's people out there. They're listening, you know, we just want to like, we want to. We want to know what you all want to see, and we want to want to grow and be able to continue doing this for you guys. 01;08;09;27 - 01;08;19;07 Speaker 4 So yeah, we used to have a hashtag on Twitter that we used to do. We haven't used it in a long time, but I got it. But again, it was a hashtag ask Wasn't. 01;08;20;02 - 01;08;21;08 Speaker 1 Oh yeah. 01;08;21;10 - 01;08;30;13 Speaker 4 Is the hashtag on Twitter? And what that would do is that would go to a Google Sheets that I have set up that automatically populates, I think with three people and a three and a half years. We've done this. 01;08;30;13 - 01;08;40;06 Speaker 4 I've used it nice. If you have questions, feel free. You can use that hashtag on Twitter if you're the one to let go, that populates automatically so. Yeah, I'll be able to see it. 01;08;40;13 - 01;08;40;21 Speaker 2 Yeah, you. 01;08;40;21 - 01;08;41;10 Speaker 4 Get that. 01;08;41;13 - 01;08;41;28 Speaker 3 Going again. 01;08;42;22 - 01;08;50;19 Speaker 4 Anyway, thanks. Thanks for you guys for coming through. So I hope it's everyone stays healthy. 01;08;50;20 - 01;08;52;13 Speaker 3 22 year year of plenty. 01;08;52;25 - 01;08;58;08 Speaker 4 Year of plenty, for sure. So many games to play, so many games to talk about. Looking forward to playing. 01;08;58;08 - 01;08;58;29 Speaker 2 In is the paint. 01;08;59;09 - 01;09;00;06 Speaker 4 So many pieces. 01;09;00;07 - 01;09;03;29 Speaker 2 So many video games to collect? Yes, the Dell. 01;09;03;29 - 01;09;04;23 Speaker 1 Retro. 01;09;06;02 - 01;09;18;17 Speaker 4 You can find us on Instagram Ojudu podcaster Twitter over Cheever's P. Our website is Ogy Podcast for this episode. In every episode where we talk about what we're playing, what we're looking forward to, and a little bit of gaming news which we didn't do any gaming news this time. 01;09;18;18 - 01;09;19;06 Speaker 1 And pizza. 01;09;19;15 - 01;09;20;23 Speaker 4 And pizza and a little bit of pizza. 01;09;21;02 - 01;09;23;07 Speaker 2 True fucking pizza is the best man. 01;09;23;21 - 01;09;32;13 Speaker 4 It really is. Know we said tonight for a while. So but anyway, catch you guys later until next time, we'll see you all. 01;09;32;13 - 01;09;32;20 Speaker 2 You can. 01;09;32;20 - 01;09;33;06 Speaker 3 Find two. 01;09;33;06 - 01;09;33;13 Speaker 4 More. 01;09;33;17 - 01;09;34;06 Speaker 2 Did you give us? 01;09;34;07 - 01;09;36;29 Speaker 4 Did you already? Did they literally just finished saying that? 01;09;37;03 - 01;09;39;07 Speaker 2 Yeah, I thought it might actually. 01;09;39;07 - 01;09;40;18 Speaker 1 Zoned out and I. 01;09;40;18 - 01;09;42;04 Speaker 3 Did. I zoned out like, Oh man, I'm baked. 01;09;42;04 - 01;09;44;02 Speaker 1 And I was even proposing crazy hard. 01;09;44;02 - 01;09;45;19 Speaker 3 I heard pizza. My mind was just. 01;09;45;19 - 01;09;46;07 Speaker 2 Like, Oh. 01;09;46;08 - 01;09;47;26 Speaker 1 Yes, the dough. 01;09;48;01 - 01;09;49;08 Speaker 2 Just like any way you shoot. 01;09;49;10 - 01;09;49;22 Speaker 3 That, would you. 01;09;50;11 - 01;09;55;05 Speaker 4 Go ahead? So anyway, all right. Catch you all later. Thank you all for coming through. We'll see you in two weeks just by.