What's up, everybody, welcome to the Overgraze Gaming Podcast. I am your host, Vache joined, as always by Ashu Pastrami, the man, the myth, the legend, the only deli meat capable of beating this. Thank you. When I was so curious of what you're going, I don't know. I never know what I could say. You know, usually the name him, I will say that's one of the first ones where you you stop yourself, but you faltered usually you you know. Yeah, I guess so. It has been a month since we've done this. It's true. It has been a little crazy. I've had actually. Oh, actually, when I arrived, I do requena. I've had one of the craziest months, a month and a half of my entire life. Nummular, I've been through the ringer. We had sewage water, Fleder basement, about a foot of water at the last hurricane. We had the change. We had you an entire an entire engine swap out of our car. I had knee surgery and one of the most busy travel summers I've ever had of my career. Absolutely crazy. Couple of months for me and things like that. But luckily, everything's OK. We're all healthy or cats are okay. The apartment will be OK. Our cars will be OK. It's very expensive, but everything is working itself out. So I'm very thankful in that regard that, you know, nothing is like so bad that bankrupt or it's unfixable or whatever. So that's why I've been absolutely unable to do anything. And I will take the I will take the the fall as well, follow my sword for why we've been so hard to schedule things, just because I've not had any consistency to anything. Literally, just a little. We just got our car fixed. I'm three weeks of healing and my my knee or our apartment is drainages being fixed? Hopefully soon. Yeah. Chris, what do you see? Audio meters on your screen? Because I do Nazis'. I like me like when I talk. I do, yes. OK, good. Because it used to pop up for me and I don't see it desperately, does it? Yeah. It's Quantcast change everything all the time. All the time, dude. All the fucking nuts. Who fuck. Oh, you can click on. I could change it to a decibel meter. I like that better actually. Ooh, that's less pretty interesting. Let's take a look. We're going to see what we're going to do this right now. Where is that? Click on the. Oh, it's clearly not that. No, click on click on the physical. Oh look at this. A UV meter or the audio decibels. Oh, schnapp. This is great. All right. Cool. Yeah, less obtrusive. OK, anyway. Yeah, it's been a crazy month for me to like we had our entire basement or garage flood from that from I don't know if we talked about that. We may have. We may have. But yeah, I remember that was I was a middle of August when that happened. I let me tell you, I can't. But anyway, it's just like a lot of little craziness happens. I went on vacation for the first time in four years. Wonderful. Oh, let's say about you. Father Josh is with us right now. Chev Kronos reading tonight. And wow. Yeah, he's the true overachiever right now. He can't be pulling away. His schedule is fucking insane. Actually, it's a good job like they read like every night. It's crazy Hellfires here. But you're the you would be here anyway. You're the fourth member of the pack so far. So, yeah, it is crazy. It's like it's like every every night it keep saying, how do you like have. I don't like and it's like like hours like hours on. Ali, I saw it like he's really into he's really into second well, I guess I mean, I actually can't say. You said it. Oh, yeah, they do. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday is rades. Definitively and then who knows whatever else they do crazy, you still get you still get dragon points for that stuff. I'm talking about, you know, that is right. No dragon punches like we used to like. That's how you would get your coins for gear, essentials like you do if you kill a boss, you get a certain amount of drag and punch. And then like whoever has the most dragon plans, you want some piece of item that drops like like bids their dragon points. And if they win and they win, they lose their dragon punch. You know, it's like currency. That's from waterwork decay point. Yeah. DCPI, no idea where to work out so they can kill me. And like I play where I have like sparing a barely ever. Yeah. Yeah. Well, not down today. So, yeah. But we're here. Happy to be here. As it were. It's like the like olden times, just too. I know. Yeah. Back in the day. Back in the day. Uh. So let's talk. Oh, first off, you can find us a ogee podcast at EFM. Overtures on Twitter up hackers and the Instagram's YouTube Overture podcast. Getting there, should we do? I mean, we're sorry, but I really am getting over a cold, too, because like, you know, I since since I work from like November all the way until like two weeks or a week and half ago, like, you know, the whole like when you stop working, all of a sudden, like your body is like, oh, it's time to get sick now. Yeah, this happens. So at the end of my vacation, I just got home, the AA traveled and I just got a hit like a I can be the kind of djamila beautiful look. Absolutely beautiful. Germany was fantastic. Switzerland, yeah. Just Germany. You went a couple of countries, right? Yeah. But Germany, Switzerland, Austria. No, no. They're not sure why I thought Austria. No, I was before I was like four years ago. Yeah, right. Yeah. We're actually doing a trip abroad at some point. I definitely recommend Germany, if you like, drinking beer and eating very good food. I definitely recommend it. I've quite fun. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah. Other than that. Nothing else to talk about. Thanks for the agreement. Thanks, everybody. Yeah, OK. That one really good. Yeah. Yeah. You know, for those of you that don't know, Cherlyn, I. Work in the film industry, Tomek Charlie, it's I know Charlie, I'm trying to tell the story in the past, but the first movie I worked on, Charlie was wearing a girl was too short . And I started talking to him and we became buds. Then fast forward to here and here I am here Dumby and Charlie Together podcast works tons of times together, blah and all the cool stuff. So. Roommates for a bit. That's right. Evergreen. What was that, 361. Evergreen 381. Yeah. So my six here evergreen crazy apartment. Funny faac fun fact but you know Shonai where anthology trolly still union I applied and got accepted to go union but then I quit. Set work started working, doing jobs here and there, and then here I am now as a producer, that's very small agency, USA Today. Not the same type of work. Very, very small. Very small. But the film industry is. So also, I'm going to preface this, that we're going to talk about the state of affairs in film issue real quick before we get into Pakistan. So the film industry fucking sucks. It is a harsh, unforgiving. The thing to be a part of, and it's been this way for a very long time now, has been this way for a long time. It's almost celebrating. Oh, my God. Really? A fucking question doesn't go by. Talking about let's talk about labor stuff, and here you go. So that's the Oggi man. So you get the fuck out of here, Watsu. I don't know why he tries to record with were now open anyway, so, so funny stories, but it's always it's always, always been celebrated as being a harsh working thing, I guess. Yeah. And it's way for one hundred years, you know, very long. It's always been it's how we always used to do it. Yeah, exactly. Very long hours treating your your underlings like shit, never having information of what your job next will be or no security, no health insurance unless you work, unless you're union. And even then, if you work a certain amount of hours to six hundred, six hundred to qualify, six hundred in a calendar year to qualify every hundred, four hundred or nine hours every six months to keep your health. So it's likely that you're paying your dues, you get health insurance, because that's you know, that would be too easy. It no protection, no security. The 600 has like local 600, which is the pretty much the union for all kamera stuff. International Cinematographer's Guild, like 90 percent divorce rate. Yes, 90 percent. You know, constant stories of overdoses falling asleep at the car, at the car, driving home, cause all the crazy shit twice. It's terrible. But we all got into it because it was like this magical, cool thing that at least for me, I don't want to say all of us. That's not that's not fair. But majority of us. Yeah, because it was this it was a cool ass thing to do. And there was like this awesome making movies or making TV. You're doing all this shit like I've had. I met some of my best friends, worked some of the coolest jobs, met some really cool celebrities, had some, you know, great time. That being said. It fucking sucks. Yeah, it's difficult. It's extremely difficult and it's it's grueling, it is taxing in ways you don't necessarily realize until once you get out, you're like, oh, my God, I can't believe I didn't put up with that. Yes. So I quit. I quit working as a camera assistant back and turns fifteen. I put my avocation in the 600 and got accepted, was about to start working on what was the first show that Chris worked. It was a Netflix. It was a Marvel Netflix show. Daredevil was a daredevil. It was one of them. So I was in the car with them. That was like the place I was like, all right, let's go this one. We take this the next move of my career. I go I go union, start working shows, say goodbye to whatever little life I had. Right. I literally do that because it's literally that you say goodbye to whatever half life. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I worked my last movie. Death house. And it was a feature that was shot in like 20, maybe less than 20 days, which is very difficult. The 18 days are very difficult. You know, the average movie, the average nonunion low budget movie is like a 30 day movie, right? It's it's it's it's it's five to six weeks. Yeah. Which is 25 to 30 days. Right. So I quit. I couldn't do any more. Blah, blah, blah. I was very overweight. Federalization, but their failed relationship just absolutely depressed. I quit. I lost all this weight. I started having. Actual disease is great, you know. Well, you actually you actually called me. I can remember when that was. I as you called me while I was on a job, like, hey, I just got this offer to work it off Hollywood. Yeah. Do you think I should do it and say, look, you can try it? It's the same thing that everyone told me is like, you can try it. If you don't like it, you can always come back. Yes. It's the film industry will always be here. That's the one of them. You know, that is what they call it is freelance. So, you know, you can go on vacation, you could do things and come back. I still work every once in a while, which was nice. You know, makes me feel good because that's the thing, too. You make good money in the film industry. You make good money. You make good money, one, because you're you're making things that are expensive and B, you work a lot overtime. That's right. And that's also one of the problems, too, is that a lot of people, they make the money they do because they're working so much overtime, the overtime. I mean, you technically you'd be better, but even so, you make a lot money because you're working a lot of hours, which I will I will preface it by saying that camera typically makes the most money. Yes. As they play it, there's people like art department where wardrobe, costumes, all sorts stuff. They typically make like 15 to 20 dollars an hour, typically. Yeah, just a breakfast. It that's a good point, because this the so what's happening right now is all these problems that we talked about, the problems that led me to quit and I don't want to leave Charlie, but I assume left him to quit to these these over overall harsh things. A lot of people are finally at the breaking point. And the the the collection of unions got together and and are now talking about a strike. There's like a whole lot of mechanical things behind it. But the easy thing is there's there's talks about a strike finally that the strike authorization went out with this weekend. Yes, it came out in two days ago. So on October 1st, it ends today, October 3rd. But before we like before to kind of get an idea of what happens. They didn't just call a strike willy nilly, whatever. Right. Right. So what ends up what ends up happening is every three years is a negotiation on a basic agreement. A basic agreement covers like Netflix shows, HBO, Austock. Now, they have their own separate categories called pay TV or for like, you know, back when it was like pay per view. They have different breakdowns and categorize categories up based on what they're looking for, for their type shows and so on and so forth. So with that, they have this new thing called new media. So new media has a contract that came out 10 years ago when YouTube was first doing its streaming services. Right. So they're saying it's new media, you know, the state of media. So essentially a lot of the funding for our pensions and health care and all that sort of stuff is generated by like you get residuals based on CDs, DVD, movie, CD, Blu ray sales, all sort of stuff. So like they're saying, oh, hey, this is a new thing, new streaming, streaming thing. We're going to make content for streaming. We don't know what streaming is. And so they like they wanted a a contract for new media that didn't have provisions for putting any sort of any money into the pension, health care, any of that, and there's no money that all these shows like, you know, all the all the all the Disney plus shows, all the Amazon shows on Hulu shows, none of that stuff contributes to the I.R.S. pension and health care fund at all, doesn't exist because of this contract new media that they've been operating on for. Ten years, so that's a big thing that they've been like trying to negotiate every year, like, hey, we want to we want to like renegotiate this deal like a new it's been around for a long time. And every every single time they come to the negotiating table, they're like, we'll take care of it next time, you know , we'll just we'll do. You know, do our basic things. You know, last last negotiations, I asked him, I say, hey, we want you know, we want turnarounds. We want, you know, extended meal breaks. We want to have actual weekends and so on and so forth. And the the they damp, which I don't remember what it stands for, the Association of Motion Picture Television Producers or something. Something. Yeah. Like how about as best I can do is three percent raise and you can get you can get a hotel if you're tired. Best I could do is treatment for you. Yeah, exactly. Three fifty. So anyway, so what they. Comes up every year. And so now we're like we're seeing like we're in the middle of a pandemic. Buster asks like we everyone like if they're saying they like, they adhere to protocols. We saw that there's money in the budget for Covid stuff because like now, like every movie, budget, TV show, whatever streaming thing now has like a dedicated like would like 20 percent, something like that, probably more for budgets for Covid. Now that you have to dedicate like 20 percent of our budget just to make it, I it's nice that even production even think about it, because I just had to do whatever like I had many crews I had I had to get Covid tests. It was like a lot of money. Yeah, it's a lot it's like a thousand dollars a test for Covid test. And you have to do it three times a week per person. Just to give you it, sorry, I'm like getting over a cold, so try not to, but anyway, so it's like we saw that there was like all this money that like it was like, oh, hey, this new thing that popped up all of a sudden, like they said, there was no money for like raises or any of that stuff like hotels. They're all like, well, we don't have money. We don't. We're like, we're broke. We don't know. We don't know. Like if we can afford this, blah, blah, blah. All of a sudden Kove comes around. They're adding on an extra 20 percent of their budgets of millions of dollars be to handle this in order to work. Yeah. Oh, they were like, oh, they have money. They were just they just want to pay. So now it's like what's happened is we're at the point now where this last negotiation negotiation started back in, I want to say June. So there is a June is like four, six weeks, we assume, because they couldn't do it in person, obviously didn't get anywhere for negotiation based on what they want. They took a break, took like a, you know, a month break, came back in August, negotiated again for like six weeks, whatever. A law that you can get you can get these things of like being like, all right, cool, like we're going to have these discussions and negotiations. But it's like. So I artsier, which is the International Association of Staged Theatrical Employees. Essentially, we're saying like, hey, this is what we want. We want actual turnarounds. We want guaranteed at least 10 hour turnarounds for every crew member, because 600 right now has guaranteed 10 hour turnarounds. A gripped electric has a guaranteed nine hour turnaround. And that's it. And everyone else is go fuck yourself. Yeah, it's essentially so actors sag sag after they have a guaranteed 12 hour turnaround and other things. We're like, hey, we want twelfths, just give us guarantee twelve's. We'll take 10. Just give us 10. Think everybody give everybody 10 hour turnarounds. Doesn't matter who they are to our terms because you need to sleep. It's been proven scientifically proven that like if driving while tired is is more dangerous than driving drunk. It's been scientifically proven. So they're like, we want sleep. We want actual meal time, because there have been definitely productions where they there's this there's this term in the industry is you Mr. break for lunch at six hours because it's a typical 12 hour day. At six hours, you're supposed to break for lunch. If you don't break for lunch, you incur what's called a meal penalty. And it's supposed to deter productions from like never breaking for lunch. That's what it's supposed to do. It's like. But it's it's an arbitrary number now. It was set back in the 1980s or 1970s of like six dollars and seventy cents or something like that. Yeah. Back then, a lot of money. Now not so much. They just they just budgeted for it. Yeah. At this point, which is know, they'd rather they don't have the money for anything else, but they're already budgeting. And the fact that they're going to go through lunch and shit. Yeah. And overtime and our stuff. Yeah. So there's there's other there's other things too, like what happens with millionaires. Cuz like every every half hour you get like seven dollars and fifty cents or something. And it's going it goes up slightly increments. It's like I think the maximum for six hundred is like twelve fifty. So like every half hour it's twelve fifty. Yeah. Now what happens when some of the other locals but it doesn't necessarily happen with 600 except for interesting contracts. We have something that's called prevailing rate. Prevailing rate is something that happens when on the fourth meal penalty. So two hours after you're supposed to break for lunch. My dear, that's someone's full workday at five at 2:00. At two hours, you are supposed to make on top of your meal penalty. You're supposed to make your hourly rate at that moment. So if you're on double time, it's that and it's double time. Your hourly rate at that moment per half hour per Milperra, it is supposed to be a deterrent to make sure that people don't abuse their workers. Right. And if they're going to, you know, things comes up, we get it, we get it like there's an issue, like there's a storm roll through. Like you only have a certain amount of time, like, hey, we can get it. We can shoot the entire day out in nine hours as opposed to 13 or 14. So let's just push through lunch. We'll do a working lunch. I mean, it sounds like commercial once where LeBron James, LeBron James was six hours late. And by the time he got there, supposed to be our lunch is for a commercial for or for Beatson, it was the project six hours late. Showed up when we were at the break for lunch, went through lunch to shoot it, and three, three hours of not it for lunch by that time when we finished practicing, OK, we're done. Everyone go. Yeah. You know, in that aspect. I understand. I get it, Teleco. I actually like it. We have something that's something we have here called French hours, too, or it's a 10 hour day. And they factor that in this fear factor. Raillery. Now, a lot of 600 does not get that. I've gotten that on a few shows, but it's not typically the case with a lot of different options. There's not a common occurrence. Right. Of course, it gets very expensive. Like I said, supposed to be a deterrent. You're not supposed to do to do it. However, when you do get it, it's a nice chunk of change. Sometimes, you know, it happens, but. So that's interesting to, hey, we actually want to have lunch because like, you know, operators can't get away to eat food. You have AC's, you can't get away as script supervisor. You can't get away. Anyone who's like needed to be on set like head department heads for like hair and makeup, wardrobe actors. I mean, they can always eat like at their station or whatever they or their chairs or whatever they need to like, you know, people who are always needed. Like DP's. Yeah. Producers, directors that can get away to eat whatever it doesn't like. They're just doing whatever. So with this there. So I actually like, hey, we want rest. We want actual adequate time for meals, like guaranteed meals. We want to like raise the penalties all USSR's up to deter people from doing this. They want hotel. Last night, they got hotels. And also but the main thing is, I think I want to say it's a there's three main things they're trying to take away is like we want sleep meals and we can turn around. That's what it was. And we can turn around so we can turn around means that so typically at seven a.m. on a Monday is when you start your day that's starting work, being on set, ready to go, ready to work at 7:00 a.m. That means if you have a 7:00 a.m. content for me, like 7:00 a.m. callsign today in New York City, I woke up at four thirty to get to work. Give you an idea. Woke up, had to get ready, shower, had coffee is the bathroom. Get my car five forty five to drive an hour 645 find parking find a parking spot. Hope I got a spot on the set on street parking. Otherwise I don't have to pay sixty dollars for a lot. Yeah. Get all that stuff there. Get to set be ready to go. Hopefully there's like no traffic. Anything in by ready to go. Ready to work at seven a.m.. That's how it works. And so that's happened on Monday. By Friday is the hours can shift throughout the week. It's like you have said me. I'm calling on Monday. On Tuesday, it could be a nine a.m. call on on Wednesday. It could be 1:00 p.m. call on Thursday. It could be 3:00 p.m. call. And you're also battling traffic and all of these aspects, too, by the way, depending on where you live. So on Friday, you could have what's called a Friday, which means you're starting work at night on Friday. So you start like 6:00 p.m. on a Friday and you get done with work at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. So you start work, you do it all overnight and do all those nights scenes you see in movies and TV and all that stuff. You work all night. You get done at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday. And then what do you have to do? You have to start work at 7:00 a.m. on Monday again. So that's a 36 hour turnaround, essentially. That is guarantee that they're like productions are trying to get a 48 hour turnaround. Seems pretty reasonable, right? If two days. Two days. Because like what? What else are you what are you going to do that Saturday? I would typically just stay up because if you're getting home at like 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning on a Saturday, if you try to sleep, you're going to see, what, maybe three hours or are you going to sleep a for eight hours? You now going to sleep till five p.m., waste your entire day, try then go back to bed at like 10 p.m. So you've been up for five hours to do whatever it is that you want to do and then try to sleep and then reset your clock by Monday to get the fuck out of here . It's not gonna work. It's never worked. I've done it for 15 years. It's a terrible thing. It's not something that anyone needs to subject themselves to. It's a terrible way of doing work, in my opinion. It's just it's just not feasible. You can do it like every now and then, but like. Yeah, purely for TV shows, for doing this constantly throughout the year, six months to nine months out of the year. It's fuckin sucks. It really fucking sucks. And it hurts a lot of relationships and friends and families and all sorts stuff right away. Pretty reasonable request, right? We won't sleep. We'll turn around and we want to be able to eat. That's all we want. So the reason why there's an authorization strike, and that's a long winded response. I want to give everyone the kind of the no, I wanted to like set up like why is this important? It's important because people I mean, why would anyone note this, you know? Yeah. Nobody nobody ever really understands the ins and outs of it. So what's happening is the producers came to them, say, hey, this is the I.R.S. It was like, this is what we want. This is like the best I could do is one percent raise. And we don't want you to have meal breaks. Right. And and also just a preface. If you're not making a cost of living raise every year, you're losing money every year. If you're not making at least a six percent raise every single year, you are losing money. They wanted to see one fucking percent, one percent raise. It's been three percent every year, one fucking percent. Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, that's especially because, you know, it's interesting to to look back at, especially the last couple of years, of how much money streaming services have made. You know, they have literally said we don't have money for this. And then like we don't have money to pay people a living wage. We don't have power and money, just like if you don't like it, find another job. And then it literally said within a week gone on bragging about how much money they're making, record breaking profits always break. Like just like making money hand over fist. Ha, ha, ha. Like where are the winners here? And fuck that. In fact, labor, which is always so interesting because you think there would be more subtle about this stuff. But they also they have to say they're making a lot of money for the shareholders. Shareholders should. But like and then on the other hand, they're like, oh, yeah, but we can't give you that. Raise a sorry dog. But no one fucking knows anything about it. It's really funny. You can tell I'm getting animated, but it's something I've been so hoat 15 years that so it's going to change. Yeah. So so now what happens is since the producers aren't playing ball, they're like, hey, we need to we need to come to agreement here and like now take it or leave it one percent, Gnomeo, take a look at it. And they're like, well, what do we do? The only thing they can do is strike. So what they have to do is they have to call for a strike authorization vote first. So that means they have to let all the workers go back. They go to their unions and they go to their membership and say, hey, here's what I just told you. Here's the whole list of shit that they're saying. Saying you have to. We're now calling the ability for our leadership to call a strike. They're not going on strike. They're just giving the leadership the ability to go back to the negotiation table, which, by the way, did you know this? There is. So the AMPTP is a group of lawyers. I Ötzi not lawyers. Right. Lawyers versus not lawyers? Yeah, lawyers probably not in the actual fuck is that. Yeah. What in the actual fuck is that? Why in the actual fuck would you go negotiate with lawyers when you're not lawyers yourself? I just wanted it anyway. But so anyway. So now the leadership who are not lawyers can go back and and if the strike passes, which we'll know tomorrow, whether or not it passes or not, they can then come back to the lawyers of the producers studios and all of our stuff and say, like, look, if you don't give us what we want, we're going to stop all productions. And they have the authority to do that because their membership voted on it and gave them the ability. So if if the producers don't play ball to the I.R.S., which has never done this ever before, in one hundred and ten years of filming, he's never, ever done this, never cut off a strike authorization. But there's always been rumors of it. They've never done it and have never gone on strike ever. The Writers Guild, Producers Guild, DGA, DGA went on strike for four hours. Writers Guild was like, you know, like 2007, stuff like that, which lasted like four months, which is why we got that like terrible year, terrible TV. Yeah. But like if if all the workers stop working who are working under a basic agreement, like I said, certain contracts don't have that. So it's like you can't strike in solidarity because that's a federal offense. But so if all the separate workers stop working, they're going to find out real quick that they should give in to demands. Yeah, exactly. But they can't do that until they've pulled their memberships and have given a specific amount of. Reasoning behind it. Right, so it's like you have to have the strike authorization vote you go through, and how that works is it's there's 13 different locals, locals, meaning like, you know, departments of the camera, wardrobe, sound group, electric, blah, blah, all that stuff. And it has to be a a unit not unanimous, but has to be a majority vote. So within the local themselves, it has to be a seventy five percent voting. Yes. Of eligible members to vote yes for each local. That local of out of 13. There has to be seven that say yes for them, for the I.R.S. overall, to then go back to the producers and say, look, our memberships and votes in favor of this, give us what we want. Or like the markets, like you want to pay up or some bad things. Yeah, exactly. That's what's been going on. And I know that's long winded, but that and I don't really care if that's not supposed to be told or whatever you're like, fuck the idea that the I think the producers. Yeah. And it's going well, except for the fact that the producers know when I say the Fox producers, I mean Stuti positions on big decision. No, it's funny because like. Well, that's a good point though, because producers themselves aren't the bad guys here. It's not the producers, it's the studios, it's the people. Some producers are fucking bad guys. Well, I mean, you're not wrong. But I'd say for the most part, it's the studios of the people who are making these calls, like Disney, Netflix, Hulu, also people who are just like. Yeah, I don't fucking care, like, oh, let's just give like this like double the extras for the day, having no idea what that means. I mean, it's like none of them know what set work is, you know, and it's like how could you understand the plight of their laborers when you don't know what they're doing or why it is or whatever. And, you know, it has been obviously I'm a little biased in the sense that most people, I would assume, agree with me on this . But like my Instagram feed is all just been like ivory. Yes, but yes. But, you know, so I know a lot of people that our audience is great. I'm very happy that that is have I. I'm very curious to see people who don't agree with the strike, which I don't think I would find many. I mean, I went to the strike rally on last weekend in City Hall Park, and there was a lot of people there. And it was really tight. It was great. So some friends, I was seen a long time, felt really good to be a part of the energy, you know? Very curious to see what happens. I did just hear one in a Teamster. I know I do jujitsu with. He was telling me today that he heard that the producers are coming back to the table ever since. Like, I'm sure they know that it's a strike as an athlete. There's no way you can't or you know that. Yeah. So apparently it was a very, very cute. I really hope which. The thing that worries me is a lot of the the the film guilds and unions usually don't have this sort of. But it's going to be completely honest. No, they've never had this much various prizes. I am worried that the producers are going to come back and be like, well, here's a little bit more stuff and they'll be OK. Yeah, great. Thank you so much. It's not enough. That's not enough. I really hope that they don't just like shrink back and say thank you for the 350, you know, the 350 and. Well, you know, we'll try and a half percent. Yeah, we'll will shut up now. So hopefully it doesn't happen. I hate to see my ending. My one of my friends get fucked. Yeah, it'd be it'd be nice to like. Not that I needed any more because I'm not I don't work on set anymore. But it'd be nice. Like you used to be a thing called night premiums. So like after a certain amount of time, you get double time. Well, the crazy thing, if you've had you ever watch a documentary, you need sleep. I have not, but I know of it. Yeah. Who needs sleep? Was documentary made by. Oh, my God. It's not Werner Herzog. No, actually, I need a lot of support. Who need sleep was made by a famous director. Yes. Yes, Jesus. Oh, my God. Come on, dude. Google's failure in it actually is failing me. Has Haskell Wexler. Oh, yeah, he's got his first AC, which was his camera assistant. His focus puller. He's like, go to essentially the first issue to the director of photography is your go to it's the camera department head. For all intents, his first day die driving home the lead, shooting L.A. driving home from a OfflOW off studio shoot super late, working long hours, drove a drove off the road, died. So he made this documentary Who Needs Sleep? Literally talking about all this whole place. It's actually a great thing to watch if you have no idea if you can't really get an idea what we're talking about. Great documentary. I think it's on Vimeo for free. And now they talk about up until probably the 60s and 70s film. And she was a great was a great thing to work in. You had like is nine to five. You know, I mean, it was like people showed up to work in suits and shit, you know what I mean? Like it was a very chill existence. And then over the years, obviously, you know, shit changed. That's like every everything will get worse over time when people realize they can make more money by expert. Yeah. No, exactly. As I'd say, they realize that they can get all they can get people for the will offer you more money if you stay longer. So great documentary. Check out if you if you if you want to give understanding of why. But the point making this is that it used to be more chill and now it's not so. Yeah, it's really frustrating. Thanks for thanks for coming to our TED Talk. About a rogue chat or oggi chat, talk about this important topic in both Charlie and I's lives and a lot of people we know and love, and hopefully it goes it goes towards the better. Yeah. So so it's it's a it's a big thing. It affects literally all of the entertainment industry. Yes, it could affect me for all I fucking know, you know. Yeah. I don't even work in media anymore. I mean, it could affect me because we rely on other shows, productions for shooting and doing all sorts of stuff or, you know, Framo. But at the same time, it's just like it's very important that this gets squared away and taken care of now, because if not, it's just going to snowball. And like, if I Ötzi doesn't come back and have the strike authorization vote, that just means that the producers can just walk all over and that they have the backbone and the membership's don't care. And we're just going to get what they're going to get fucked. I'm out of it. I don't really care. Yeah. I mean, I do care, but like I don't like it doesn't affect me. It will affect me directly like it would have. Yeah. So it's just like so that way people can just do whatever the hell they want. So it just it needs to happen in the if you want to understand, like a lot more of what we're talking about, there's an Instagram account called ieH Underscore Stories. It's IAZ stories. It's really highlights a lot of it's anonymous tips of people like sending in their stories of what they're been going through from from production assistants to wardrobe to costumes to 600 producers, library users. This was a very EYE-OPENING Adobe, if you want to put it in chat, take a look. Moling, get blown. Oh, OK, sorry. Dying over here, like I said, hopefully the cops don't like too much, but anyway, check that out. Definitely take a look at it. It's it's a really eye opening stuff and we'll make sure to put it in our our discourse as well, Pind, as an announcement. So I'll check it out. But. Since we are the old overachievers tangent, I guess we couldn't not have that because it is a significant thing that has affected us. And you guys have all know that. I've talked about it a lot. And that's why I said like a lot of cameras typically paid the best on a on a film set. But that doesn't you know, it means like people are working like, you know, 18 hour days or like twenty dollars an hour roughly on set at the lower end. And it's it's just it's why people are like, well, I need the hours, because they only make so much they only make so little hourly rate that they have to in order to keep up with a certain lifestyle. So if they were paid more and worked less, you wouldn't have to work so many hours. And they don't have to worry about like cancer or mental health issues and all that sort of stuff. And they sleepiness and and divorce rates and all that sort of bullshit. So. Now, that's bullshit, I'm saying like the fact that it's like they have to go through that. But. Any who would you play this week? I've been so, yeah, getting into video games, I would do the same thing I assume you been doing is playing New World. Yeah, I'm playing a lot of New World and some other stuff, too, but I. I mean. Q. Q Well, you see, I didn't play for the first two days. After two days of filing. So I wanted to join the same server, as, you know, you and the whole gang. Lots of people play on the server. Really cool. Joined it for the first few days. Could it get in? And I was like, think I will wait. And we don't play my friends and play my friends. And at that point, I'm like, everyone's ahead of me might actually be able to play with anyone right now. So I said, fuck it. I started on a low pop server, like no people on it. And now there's a lot of people, and I hope it doesn't screw me. But for two days, I couldn't even play. And I was granted. I was stubborn. I should've just played a year. And you even said it like you paid for the game. Play the game. And she just joined it the first day. I thought I should join a I should've just joined a little pop server just to play. But yet now even playing very, very. Not a lot, though, to be honest. I'm only at level 13 or 14, I think, going very slow because I have like a million a million miniatures to paint for it for like the game is is. It is very well. I think the thing that I like the most about. Oh, yeah, he replied. Crazy, crazy, crazy schedule for Charlie and I and Schaeffer's rating right now. So we decided to be part of the world is absolutely beautiful. The world building is like, wow. Like there are some cliffs I've been on like. And just looking at like, holy shit, this is a lot of detail, you know, and it's like a pretty damning to Rameau. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it is very pretty. I haven't decided what I like the most in terms of like a play style. I'm sure I'll get to that point later in the game anyway. It doesn't really I'm sure it is a matter right now as much. Yeah, I'm sure. I really do like spellcasting stuff. I think that's really nice. The also the the combat is really cool because Mimos, it's not usually it's usually fixed targeting, right. Moza Mimos, you click, you have a target, you bash buttons, whether you're shooting at it or you're you're mailing. But in this game, it is straight up aim to hit rather be whether it be casting or shooting things you're sort of aiming to hit. I think that is usually unheard of in an MMO, and it's really fun to have live blogging also, which is cool, which is not usually a thing. You have block channels and dodge chants and all that shit. You know, it's cool to actually have to dodge and block and to shoot and fight in real time, which is not usually a thing. And when you have like you're in the woods, you got to kill 14 lynxes to go do this thing and you got other people doing the same thing, and then you got some people trying to get whatever it's it is an element to it. That's pretty. Yes. SKILL-BASED Exactly. It is it is actually more exciting, I think. Yeah, compared to like I love I love like, you know, I love the public service or public, but like it is that I'm target that giant robot. I just I'm smashing one, which is my melee. Smashing to to do what? Something else real quick and done. Right. Or I'm you and I'm just shooting I'm just smashing one to shoot or like clicker or whatever it is to actually. And things seem more stronger in this. And I assume because you have an actual dodge and all that shit I've done quite a bit. I don't know. I'm also like probably under levels of the things they should be doing. I should be doing more SciQuest to boost up level. I don't know, maybe that's a a thing, whatever it is, but like to be able to like just straight up like, oh, this bears about the charge me. I better dodge. I know. It's it makes them more say and like, you know, for the people who are chopping trees down right next, you think, oh, this bears like far fight this bear this guy, you know, whatever insight this day. Yeah, it's a lot of fun if you can actually get in the world. So this is this is going to this is going to drive a little bit of this is going to split the vote a little bit. But I'm very much in the guise of like if a game if I pay for a game like an MMO, like I'll give it a little bit of like, you know, day one, bluez find server time server cuz great or whatever. It's been a week and they're still crazy mail server cuz Hellfires. Eleven hundred and enqueue right now to get in video game. I should not personally be penalized for a trying to play a game that I purchased. Yes. Online. Yes. And so for that I will straight up to say I pretty much made an auto macro key to keep myself in the game and I'm perfectly fine. Say that. Oh, you're 876 now. Great. You've gone down four hundred. Ah, three hundred fifty, 350 points. Great. We've been laughing for forty minutes. That means forty minutes ago you were eleven. That's actually not bad. But like I just like. Yeah, the hooches. Well, you know, you're cute. I try to make it. I'm trying to make a character on your server and there's like a 900 person queue when I try to do it. So I'm not fucking doing it. I do the and went to some other crazy random server. I'm actually sort of a gamer right now because I want to see if my little pop server now at eight p.m. East Coast time, which is probably a busy time. Yeah. On a Sunday night, it might be Adobe anyway. So like I. I'm not proud of doing this, but in it to be able to play because like I'm not going to play like I wake up now early like six 30 in the morning to play because I get, you know, two and a half hours to play a new world of work. And so while I'm there, I'm like, all right, I'm just going to I know there are a lot of people are just like running into walls and doing auto hockey stuff. Like I'm just chopping trees down or whatever in the fucking woods automatically happens. I have a randomize between, you know, five seconds and 30 seconds is when it hits the key to fucking get up. And it does some other stuff, too. So it randomize. It can't really it's really hard to detect for macro stuff, macro detection. But at the same time, like if I should not have to be penalized as a player who wants to play, when I want to play with, you know, someone who I want to play with or friends or whatever, just because Amazon, one of the biggest companies in the fucking world, the world in the world cannot understand. How to do a server cap? Yes. A 2000 person server cap. Yeah. Are you fucking insane? How did you not understand the amount of desire for you? Granted, I understand they have like well, we have like, you know, 50 to 100 world. Yeah, but even still, how do you not understand that like two thousand people to a server is like it's not battlefield here. Like, you know, it's like it's like what are you what are you doing? Right. Like like well, like I don't know if anybody has can pull up whoever who's watching this live right now at Twitch, their TV's Shochu podcast, if you can, you can pull up. So. So my little pups are right. Joined instantly. So that's nice at least. But I purposely went and went I found alcopops over because and that's what. And that sucks because you want to play a massive multiplayer online game with your friends. That's the point. But the point of it but that's one of the great things about doing this is that you're playing with. I should tell the people, right, like, yeah, if you know, I will say if things don't change, if I if I. So, you know, they're going to do server transfers. If. Right. So I joined how far I did I do have a to help, I went to a server that once was that big was on it, and we got between Rosicky. If if when server transfers come soon, if by that point they haven't increased the population of the servers and I can't move to a server where I have a bunch of my friends playing. I'm probably not going to keep playing this game. I'm not going to play this game. I don't give a shit enough about it. Oh, probably Dolapo transfer off of the server to somewhere else so we can actually play. Oh, interesting. Yeah. Like, honestly, like I I'm like the only person that like I enjoy playing with at the moment is fire. And we are grouped for, you know, the first part of the game and then. Yeah. Is now like level like sixty seven or something like that. So. Wait, what is RoboCop anyway. Sixty six. Sixty. But now he's like 42 or something like that. So yeah. Like my, my, the dude Chuco I do a game of the beer with he, he's getting a little higher. He did the dungeons of the day. He was really fun. They're there. I do want to do end game stuff. The game is well made. I guess the combat is cool, but if they don't change these things, that allows me to play with people. I want to play a random survey and want to play at random. Yeah, exactly. And the hooch in the chat, if you if you're not watching on YouTube, where you can actually see the whole channel screen here. Yeah. Dude, you're saying the server cap was set when the plane was allowed for cross server communication and social that featured didn't make it in for launch, which is all sorts of kind of fucking stupid on Amazon. Exactly. Like he trysting if you're going to have a server cap, but then you don't give the reasons or you don't allow for or you don't have the technology in place to actually make it a good reason for. Interesting. What the fuck are you doing? Interesting, I Buchheit adds. Very interesting. OK, I guess. To quote, red versus blue, it was running this r.B, right? Nice. Nice. OK. Well, yeah, I mean, I don't know what you left us. Fukai went on the server and I just did. I mean, you could you could automatically. How did how could that be? They should have said something. Yes, they absolutely should have. No, I mean, I looked if they said because of the population thing, like, yeah, we're we're like we're supposed to get like one streamer and the streamers on our guild or whatever and some guy named Bash or whatever. It's like if we can if we can transfer off, I'll fucking transfer off in a heartbeat. Yeah. I mean, we were just going with the Hilfiger's. Oh, we're going to be the low pop server. We might as a band together, which is just because I came in, I came in launch day and that server was not low pop. I'm curious. Number three and all the servers. No. Three and all the servers. Well, actually, well, yeah, they did fire, but shit ton any servers very quickly. Like I said, it doesn't go from playing the game, but I want to play with my boys and play with them. When when are they doing the server transfer? They said within two weeks. So my guess would be sometime. Of course, next week is one week. So. All right. I mean, yeah, we give a shot. I'll say it's funny because as as much as do. So I this is actually the first in a while that I've actually been like, OK, I'll play this game because I just don't really have I don't really have that time anymore to play to devote to Moz. Yeah. But of course, I'm I can sit in queue for it. Right. And of course, right now, though, I just had a surgery for my knee that's been bugging me for months and about a week or two ago, finally introduce it again. So I tend to do that. I have a bunch of travel stuff coming up. And like I said, I'm playing a Warhammer tournament on October 24th that requires my full army to be painted and they're not. So I did paint a lot of stuff before October twenty twenty fourth. So I'm going to try to put a lot of time into this. But, you know, I went to miss. Yeah, the juice of which means they hope they can figure out all this shit out in two weeks. Exactly. Yeah, 100 percent. I mean, I have friends playing like my old guild mates. You know, Kotey is playing on, you know, Cuni. So if that's the case, I don't know what that is. But when it comes when it comes down to it, I play with those guys a lot. So like I might just be like, hey, let's all switch over to, you know, gooney say fuck it. Yeah, go for it. Because, I mean, it's fine. But like, you know, I haven't like grouped up with anyone outside of Hellfire. No one. I mean. No, you know what? What is it like? There's no benefits. Like there's no like, oh, you get extraconstitutional, you get extra like Healthpoint or attack or whatever that I've noticed. I could be wrong. I have. Yeah. What? So I'm not really like. If you find a server, we get it all put on little be there, yeah, I mean, yeah, well, I mean, we still have like a couple a little bit of time to figure out the server thing, you know. You know, once this year, July, what's the go live on the server transfers then we'll like we'll still have a conversation at scored. We actually you know, I just realize one server transfers are alive. We should give it like a day or two because everyone's going to do the same shit at your in our own area, everyone in and hip hop servers and go, oh, here's a laptop. So let's. Oh, yeah, let's join it. Let's join it. Boom. Suddenly the laptop servers are high about servers. We should give it like for all we know, after transfer change, strautmanis could be like low. It could be cheering, could be lit. It could be the place to be fucking fire. That means I'll have to delete my level. One, I should just do that right now, even though I have a level watch, Tony. Still delete it from my name. Keep you because you have to keep the name because it's a it's. Oh, I know. Another dumb thing is just now it's it's going to have one name perte entire game. Yeah. So I have millions of people. So which are tonus I have arshi pastrami for whatever. When I'm wondering now I've ahci salami skipp then I'll go what other deli meats rhyme with her and with e uschi baloney uschi baloney uschi capellini arshi I got actually the figure actually spaghetti that works do all these work. You know this I mean it could be any time that sheilas. Um. Um actually. Yeah, well actually Tony, actually Oshi rigatoni is pretty funny. Ashley Pinay, Ashley, Ashley White, as you know, axillary, that's funny. Yeah, my life's a joke. This is really fun. This is fun. This was fun. Remember this when we do. Doing this is fun. Yeah. At times. Yeah. So anyway, the games. The games, definitely enjoyable. I'm happy I'm having a blast with that even. Well, they have to keep working with it, so. Yeah. So I would just say, fuck it. I JFK farming like. Well, let's let's talk about actual mechanics stuff because you know, you bring up farming. What are you farming and why? So I'm farming iron and silver for the most part, to be able to make new weapons. So is that. OK, so crafting does seem pretty important in this game. I remember someone in Hellfires server talking about or you might have been hours talking about, oh, my weapon is this level. Should I be Crafton? Everyone's a guess or that we are the weapons are way too low or something or whatever it was. Yeah. So crafting is important in the game? It is. Yeah, it seems to be. I mean, Hellfires, the MasterCraft or at this point, because he's like, you know, almost 200 woodworking or something, so and so. So to get higher levels in crafting, you have to craft. And that means you have to farm to get the chance to craft. Yes. So should I be at level 14? Should be crafting shit right now. Should be crafting. Absolutely. You want to get your engineering up to level 50. And that's just like engineering is like when you go to your workbench and you make some stuff, not your camp, but your workbench locates where you can you craft some you'll see in the left hand side like the name of it, you'll see a little icon that determines like what is adding to it, which I found out today. Like, if you go to Armr Smith, you start making some like, you know, Spears', it's going to count towards engineering, is not going to count towards aamber. Something which are weapons mission with, doesn't make any fucking sense is about to forge. But whatever. Well, yeah. So you get the nice thing is, is this is something I really like in Guild Wars, is you actually get experience for crafting and farming and all that stuff. So you can actually I know a career and he was a coyote and has been in our server for a long time. He's completely he's level 19 or 20 just from crafting and farming. He hasn't done any quests at all. So. Yeah. They should be gathering shopping. So I'm like doing all the ABCL is you crouching baby? You know it. But yeah, so craft, you know, craft what you want, like depending on the bill that you're going for. Like I'm doing a tank build, I'm doing a tank and heal off a tank. OK, let's go. What? Let's stop you there. Also, great point. Are you what level are you right now, Charlie? 23. So 23. Are you already thinking about and putting attributes to tank and game or is that you get to end game? Then you could respec and do that golf, blah, blah, blah. Oh, I'm just having fun. Like during like the first day like hell fire is talking about like like we did everything in Constitution to level three. So that's what I'm doing. I'm doing everything in health for the Constitution and to level 30. And that's OK. That's what I heard you say. And that's what I've been doing, too. Yeah, but you did survive and like I have like, you know, 4000 healthy level 23. It's ridiculous. So they can say now I'm at I'm at level 13, my constitution is at 39. And I did a couple of things of intelligence. Yeah. You don't need it in strength or whatever. Like, so what? Like you can function, you know, survive like a motherfucker, so. OK, exactly. Increase in damage. A small increase in health is huge. Absolutely. You should definitely be doing Constitucion of everything. OK, good. Good to know that. Well, you know, so I just been I just been messing around with a couple of different weapons and like like Guild Wars two as well as like we're depending on what weapon you have equiped, is determining your abilities an attack style. So which is nice, you can you can have two different ones. So like, yeah, I like I have the sword and board for main hand and then I have a life staff for heels and just like, you know, aoti range or whatever, they want to just hit people with that. I'm like running it right. I'm not high enough level for like a demon invasion stuff. And I'm just like pupu. I try not to dove when they try to. I mean, I was like right away. But yeah, immediately it's the respect button. Yes. Hillary? Yes. Yeah. Try it, hootch. It's it's great. It's a respect. Go for it. It's a lot of fun. So six hours. Yeah, it's crazy. It's it's it's it's it's a lot and it's great. And it could be it's a lot of fun. The fun and. Exactly. So I'm at my workshop. My workshop is that we talked about before. Workshop? Yes. OK. If you look at the top right. You'll see where it says like the skill level, like engineering armor, spiffing weapons, something, all that sort of stuff. Wait, where do you see this? Oh, anything skills at zero? Yeah. So if you OK, so if you're looking at the items names. Right, to say like the bow one. Right. Just look at a bow to the to the the very far right of that screen though. It'll say like zero with a little gear icon or something before. Yeah. So the gear icon, if you look at the gear icon and then look at the top right of your screen goss', it's the same. Oh, I got it. Got it. Got it. So what should I be crafting there? Anything I can't really make anything for now should I just make whatever I can make and make whatever can you get like a while you're out like go and farm like your ear. You say, oh, well, I need to I'm going to gear up my my engineering's. So therefore I need to mine because the engineering gets you better crafting or gathering skills. So like you start at like, you know, Flint Knife, Flint cicle or stuff that you go to Iron Sickle and then you go to steel and then you go to, what is it, star metal or whatever it is like. I don't know. It's like engineering's the way you get there. So I mean, one fucking learn right now. Yeah. So like I just I like fifty two engineering or something like that though. But yeah. And it's just. Yeah. Just where you just find something like hey what, what is, what gets, what is the least amount of materials to make the most amount of items and you start to craft that way. Mhm. So like a lot of it is, you're going to need a lot of timber. You're going need a lot of iron. Yes. That's what I've been doing, the farming, a lot of timber and a lot of iron is I will be going to rocks. Yeah. Just got rocks and there's a hellfire. Yeah, there's a map for war zone. I just park myself in like a a big iron node and just let it I can run like this morning, like I woke up and I was like twelve hundred, twelve hundred, a health twelve hundred capacity and I couldn't or anything resource map over that stone, though that's not a stone stone. It starts doing songa stone iron goes out there to completely different things. Oh I found iron. Yeah, iron urn urn. They're typically they look like rusty metal poop. I feel like I just learned so much about a game I've been playing already for. No, timber does not come from mature trees. That's ancient wood comes from an ancient. What if something starts today? I don't know where this timber comes from is as young trees you crafted into timber. Yeah, I. Hi, yeah, I am. Just learn how to play this game, everybody. You just got to go. Yeah, I mean, that's just I mean, the nice thing is that we've just been. So the reason, too, is like I like my wife and I like to sit and watch television in the couch and like I like to play something. And like I'm also playing games on my phone, which we'll talk about. And but like I've been like just wanting to craft and want to play, like if I want to log in, like after I'm done with work. Like I now have to wait until like 11pm p.m. to play and then I'm going to bed anyway. Right. Like I'm not going to play. So what's the point of playing? Like what's the point of me giving them 40 bucks if I'm not going to stay cutin? And I understand cheeseburgers descent with me being like, you're the reason why that people are like the server caps are are shit because of like all this stuff, I guess. But also, it's not my problem. It's Amazon's fault. They just had to. Even if they doubled it to four thousand, I would be OK with that because the queues wouldn't be that long. Right. Like just double it. Yeah, for sure. You're not wrong. Sorry. You're not wrong. I don't know. It's just like honestly, it's not that big ass. Just be like, hey, it's 2000. Just make it to four thousand five and it'll be fine. It's I have a lot of problems. You don't need to spin up a hundred more servers. Just take the 50 servers and double the capacity. Yeah, right. Yeah, exactly double size, I mean, have I would have had a queue. Exactly. So you can. So I don't have to have my computer on all goddamn day long. Shoot in, like spitting in a fucking circle. Like I can just I can just play when I want to play. That's what makes sense. Then when he finished, because we'll run out of why, why didn't it just snap his fingers and double the resources for everyone? Oh, what a wonderful what a hilarious. Oh, that's actually hilarious. God damn it. I don't even need to say to you right now. That was so funny. You're not? Yeah. Well, let's commit genocide always. Death and destruction, why can't it just be, oh, we're going to help everyone? Or make resources faster. That's socialism, pal. OK. Socialism is not when the government does things, it's when the workers own the means of production. That's why I say exactly. There you go. Anyway, I say a new world's great. I'm a big fan. When you can play, when you play, it's great. It's it's really good. Hopefully, hopefully we'll know in in the next week or so. By the time we do, this next podcast will be able to tell people, hey, we have a new server, come play with us. But yes, hopefully soon enough. Yeah. Yeah. So we'll see. We'll see what Amazone happens. Has to say 20 server cap is a fucking stupid idea. Despite their good ambitions for having social change, we we saw very quickly with, you know, Marvel Avengers like, oh, new content coming out soon, like this new feature that we've had. Yeah. We wanted to release the game with is coming out soon at eight months later. Right. Exactly. Mad. Crazy. Yeah. Well, you know, what are you going to do? What are you going to do? They shouldn't complain about it. Medicament. Exactly. Yeah. Which is making. But yeah. Yeah. But anyway, so there's also another game in playing another game too. There's another game. Not not a mobile game. It is more games. Not not going to talk about the mobile game just yet because. And I'm going to steal this from chef because it's his own goddamn fault. Because you decide to raid sort of hang out with us as priorities. He's really friends ish as opposed to his digital fringe ish. So Diablo two Resurrection is O. Not played. I know you haven't played because you're on the boycott for Wizzard, which is not blind, flying blind and playing with your stuff until they change their their shit and which is that's a great philosophy. And I would totally keep keep with you on that, except I preordered it on PlayStation before that all happened. And it is next to impossible to stop a preorder on PlayStation. I've tried the only time the only time things were different were cyber. But they actually did cyberpunk, right? That's all that's ever been close. Yeah, well, that was Saeedi project red giving authorizing a refund request. Right. But it was just. Yeah, but anyway, it's I have to say, it's it's a lot of fun. With the exception of talking about server issues, that also game also has server issues. Right, where like I couldn't log in for I made like an assassin, I guess, like level eight or something like that. Yeah. Finish the first act. And I was like, well, we can't log in. It's like it was having some problems like. All right. I guess I'm as me being a trophy whore likes to go around and like one of the trophies is to get a level of ninety nine hardcore character. So like I'm going to start hardcore character offline so I can just do it. So I'm doing it. I'm level now level twenty seven necro and the next day and yeah I think Avengers is coming to Game Pass now so I cannot have it for have not. So I cannot have fun for free though. You would think so. That's so you could not have fun. Exactly right. But anyway, I'm surprisingly enjoying it. It's a lot with a lot of fun. I'm just doing a full. Was it officially? Officially Mansour, which is just like you just cast out all your skeletons and they just do all the work for you. I'm just doing full skeleton master Bill. There you go. That's fun. Elliot did. And it's like I'm having a good time. It's it's pure nostalgia. Yeah. I mean, sure, it looks like. Oh, shit. Sorry. If you haven't guessed yet. I'm pretty plain neurotic. Oh, you actually are in the game. Yeah. Play. Yeah, I'm doing. I told you I deserve them on is so low population think it's stayed this way that players come in. I ask you. Servers for company. Yeah. How do you tell your server he had to log out and I'll tell you what server you're truly is it on that. Why does the choice of a hashtag server is what should be earned backlash over what should be most likely to anyway? It's fun. I enjoy it. Chefs also have been playing it a lot. Some. Chefs. Why didn't you see in their chat? And it's like he's been playing so many games lately. He's been playing DTU, our World of Warcraft Tier five, as well as Valya Legend, which we'll talk about a minute. So Balr Legend. Yeah, that's the mobile game we've all been playing. We'll get to that in a minute. OK. You still got some more stuff on newworld. No, I got on anything on New Earth, but I'm saying like I was doing the world. OK, yeah, let's talk about that, whatever the fuck you talk. Yeah. So so we have Stan to thank. So Guttenplan Stan, who's a active member of our A Discussion. Ogee podcast. And he introduced us to a game like a gotcha style game that's very similar to summoners war and F.K. Arena called Balr Legends. And it is surprisingly a lot of fuckin fun and a lot of fun. And we're on if if anyone wants to play an download game where there's less different servers, you can choose. And we are surprisingly has no server issues or on ESP 120, CE 120. And and so we're it's just it's just a lot of fun, like where I was like I like I was just like, whatever, I'll fucking I'll download something Stan was talking about. I'll try it out. Yeah, I'll try it for a day. So I try while we're traveling to Europe and I've stuck with it, man. Like I was like I was like, I'll give it a dollar. Sure is like a dollar. Whatever Unlocker character gets into gear for it. Cool. Whatever. Now I spent thirty dollars in the game, so it's a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun. It's I have I've been like I really like to stretch the strategy of it. There's a lot to do with it. And I feel like I'm actually progressing in the game at a reasonable rate. Doesn't feel too hard. And the nice thing is to like if like if I'm at a point where like I can't get past like come back tomorrow. Right. No pressure to play a sidu type. You don't need to log out just in game anyways. Bottom right hand corner. So there I guess that's I check your server. Wait, Peyton Manning, men, you top right and bottom left. Oh. Zukin East Coast. Huh? East Coast or West Coast? East Coast, West Coast. Yeah, coast to coast, coast to coast to coast. Yeah, so this river is second to dry. Not even just join. So we're all going to ask your server to come through. Well, actually, if we don't come through when we're saying we're going to give it a give it some time when we find out what you know. Yeah, well, anyway, Valerie Legends is a lot of fun. If you want to play a song 20, you can message me. Vashion game. We're there. We have a general set up for it on our discord going to meet. I'm also going to be doing some changes to our discord to not just to I'm going to like set it up kind of like what H.R. did, because they're smart, I'm dumb. I haven't had time to do it. I'm also really the only one stuff on discord anyway. So. So I'm just going to get that set up. Some if you don't want to see all the crazy amount of channels we have for our discord, you can just deselect shit if I. Any idea, like Stan just said, any other daily research as they give us for free are enough to actually be offered to able start progressing again after. Yeah, for like like if I'm having a hard time on a on a on a level, I just give it like a day or two. Right. Give it a day. Let it go. I mean, Ranji is r.g like game, but at the same time very ploying heroes to be able to feed to upgrade your heroes very much. Sumners were in that regard. It's just fun. Yeah, it's a fun little freak mobile game. The devs are very active in the discord and on Reddit, like they respond to stuff. And his standard was saying that he was having. He had like a suggestion and then it was hot, hot, patched into like the next the next day. So. OK, I need more gear for my characters, VALGE, you need to join a guild if you haven't joined our guild already, you Stephi, join our guild hooches. So that way you can get all that gear from doing all the the guild dungeons, because then you can get the currency for that and then you can start buying all your your currency, all your items, which, by the way, if you're playing this game F, why do not dismantle or absorb any two star. Go to star purple items, save that shit. One star, Purple Burgoo do star purple items. Don't don't get rid. So I'm in your gallery. Oh, you're doing today. Well then OK. Well then fine. You'll be in the in the in the magic store. Depending if you get to like have a twenty dollar offer that's like gives you like a shit ton of gems in the game. It's very good amount of getting the gems that they give you the great offer. It's a lot of value in that game. You can do a lot of shit and I've that's that. And I think I've only spent twenty one dollars so I got the one dollar offer in the twenty dollar offer. That's it. So it's definitely worth it, but it's not straightup straight up. This mobile gear. I'm just saying that's fun. Peer pressure not playing Marvel, Future Revolutionary War, which also had an update recently. Now there's level one. 10 is the maximum level. But the new area, the doorman, those dark dimension, dark room or the fuck, it's called door Mamou Dormouse Firmament already to already be the story level. I'm still a hundred and three. Apparently the only way you can press progress in to get more experience is to do the PvP area, which is bullshit. So I probably know improv. Yeah, like that. Gear does mean a lot of stuff, but I'm saying like Cret and whatever, so. The new Mafa patches even pulled me away from Valge, it's me, too, I'm waiting for a new character in Mafa. That's what I'm waiting for. I've been hoarding all my crates and whatnot, ready for the new character come through. And I really hope that new characters fun. And if it's not, I'm probably not going to play it anymore. Yeah, that was really big on that game. But it's just really it's too r.g heavy this. The difficulty goes like way, way too fast. Yeah. I was just like I could not feel like I could progress without spending a shit ton of money. And I have four characters. Level one hundred. What are you what are you spending money on that game, though? So you spend money, a chances to get it. Sound familiar? Oh, yeah. I'm not the. Yeah. Yeah. Sounds about right, unfortunately. Yeah. But frustrating, but I hope they fix their stuff and I hope they had come out with some new stuff because I really like food revolution. It's kind of fun, but I'm also not going to keep my iPad on all day long to to get eight, 10 percent of your level. Yeah, for sure. Not do it. I did this shit for Black Jazzmobile, and that's what made me stop playing that game. But I like the fact that they and the needs to do is they need to implement more ways of using the rest of your alz somehow in the game, because that's something that black doesn't mobile started to do. They took they have like these tower events where like you can take your characters who are you're not playing and send them into rooms and they would get experience and items and stuff for your squad. Super awesome concept. Yeah. These are the people you've already it gives you more reason to go back and actually play those characters and level them up and do some shit other than just for shits and giggles, you know, for something to do. Yeah, but and they have a lot of like I've come back to like Desert Mobile and play. They have like 19 different classes. You know, it's crazy. Yeah. So I just play playing the new characters as they come out. Little Sico. Yeah, so I really hope that they come up with new stuff. I hope the new character is good. And do we have a. Does anyone know in the chat if we have a release date for Mystic yet or no? Hopefully. But yeah, that's miles of my problem to me is my problem with MFR when I was playing was when you get to the point where you can play PvP automatically, you have to go up against scratchcards. Yeah, that's exactly. Yeah. People who have spent a shit ton of money, it's a one shot me. And I am like my my captain marvels at like seven, seven, 20 k power. So not insignificant, but also not bad. It's about a hundred bucks a game. That's it. I was. But I'm not spending any more on it. No, I'm not getting I'm not getting the second run of the pass, I'm not getting any additional alpha, Jim shit. I keep trying to like get like these every time I get like 1500 crystals in Mafa that I'll like take my chance at a opening 10 boxes of costumes, hoping, hoping I'll get the the one set piece that I need to complete my set for Midgard, you know. No kidding. Here's a question. So, you know, through prime gaming, there's a Loutre for New World. Where do we get that? That is it's prime dhok gaming. Sure. I think it's a common game, though. It's automatically in your costume. So as long as you link your two together, which if you haven't done your drops, too, by the way, do your drops, eye drops with them. Yeah. It's like, you know how well we used to dewdrops for like trying to get Valant key back in the day. You can watch certain streamers, you get actual skins. Where am I skin that I it's under costumes. So if you right click on an item. Go all the way down to the bottom of the right click, you'll see something charred skin say just skin everything release basin. Sure. Yeah, right. I Swashbuckler Hatcher. It's a it's a shame, too, because I really like Marvel future evolution. I really enjoy the game. Looks gorgeous. It's a lot of fun. I really enjoy it. But it's just at the same time, I'm like, what am I doing? I'm just grinding for the sake of grinding. I can play on ORDELL all day long, like at the same spot every day. And also have any has anyone found a good spot to level outside of dark dark dimension at the or the dark war with fuckin thing is called the war hourly war thing. You have a day where. I haven't found a spot for you. Like I like a spy that's really good for boosting. So I don't know because I'm not going to play that. I'm not going to think it's just just like it's like we do like a one hour war session, which is fine, where like you go and you do your thing. You tag all the mods. But it's like it's like you have to actively be playing that game for an hour. Like, that's my lunch hour. I'm not going to be very actively for that. I have other shit to do. Yeah. But anyway, that's it. That's all I got for games that we've been playing, there's a lot of cool stuff happening here. I'm curious to hear what Jeff has to say once he gets back. Talk about Tier five rating and wow. But that boy's rating always be raised an eyebrow ring in your show bracket over going. All right, what about that? Sorry, I suppose we're doing it, too. Yeah, I don't really do that much anyway. Really? I mean, I need I need to stop. I don't I barely drink at all. Oh, I drink. I am. I drink with you. Clambers coming over to see if they were Hamers. So he's probably forced me to drink because he's the worst. But no, just tell me you're doing it. Just doing it. You're doing the Alex Purifoy Act sober. Yeah. I mean, claimer comes over. We play for him or he brings over like a 24 pack of seltzer and we go through it usually. Usually. What are Tuesdays? Are you tell him you're not drinking because I mean, I'm not drinking. No, we're fine. I'm just being a brat. It just it's just good because we like. So the crazy thing is, like I drink so much beer and drink and ate so much schnitzel while I was in Germany. And as you said, I lost five pounds. Wow. Yeah. Well, I guess I lost weight eating and drinking while away. That's pretty funny, actually. It just goes to show the food in America shit. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. That's so funny. Phuc side question. Have you done any more Warhammer stuff yet? No, I did. What the fuck? What have I had time to have, Warhammer? I don't have time to play newworld. That's why I had the game playing for me. Well, now you have all the. Of the games playing for you. That's true. I think it's important. Well. I'm playing a tournament, and I told Mallory, I said, hey, I'm never going to do anything stupid with this, you know? I was like, I'm playing an official itse tournament on the 24th. You need, you know, full two point army. It needs to be battle ready, which means it needs to be like nearly fully painted. There's like some exceptions needs to be all like legit models, like no proxy, like third party resin. They print shit. Yeah, I'm doing an out a an actual tournament on the 24th, which should be fun. We had a million million things to paint, which is hilarious, but very excited for that. The Warhammer has become my favorite hobby I've ever had, and I wish I start it way sooner. But it's OK because, you know, still, young boy. So I just need a better paying job so I can afford more shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. Yeah, that's a whole other conversation, but. I was going to say we claimer play every week now, claimers or as our own buddy who's also from the film industry. We play every week, which has been super fun. Of course, claimer has the exact counter to my army, so I can't beat him. I've gotten very close. But he is literally blaming the big. The counter, yeah, there's one other army that could be even better counter, and of course, that's his second fucking army. Oh. I need I need to get into it now that I still need to like maybe I'll make it a point this week to at least finish priming everything. There you go. I already got me an airbrush, which has been really cool. Law school. Which makes priming ways here. Funny enough, I wish I did this so much sooner, but I was like very stubborn as apparently airbrush. I could paint prime. And it works. You can do it. Turns out airbrushes is a lot easier. Fun fact. If anyone's wondering the push er on to sort of like er two things. That's why it's an airbrush. Yeah. So, so there's a little compressor. So yeah. No I know. I was just being facetious. Here it. Yes. Now you're now you're just painting you're just painting your microphone out. Oh, I clean this every time there's a decent clean air brush, baby, and clean it, clean the shower. So painting has become way easier, which is very nice. Yes. And airbrushed over. Yeah. Where are they going with this? I don't know. You're asking me if I had know dived into your silly habit and uh, had some Arpad. Come on. Which they have used your hairbrush to make pizza yet? How could I do that? How can I do that? Please let me know. I would love. Let me know how I could use airbrush my pizza because I. I'll gladly do it. I love pizza so much. I'll try it. It will absolutely give it a go. But yeah. Now, where is that tournament? It's what is the area? Clinton Hill. It's off the court. I think it's the Court Street G or whatever. So the Brooklyn strategist. What day is the 24th? You know, I'm looking probably for this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday tournaments. Super excited for that. Super said I'm going to get smashed, Mosaab. One person. That's all I care about. Do I care about? That sounds fine. Currently finishing up my HELBERT. Oh, it looks dope as fuck as I mess it up. I meant to do some affect on it today and I messed up the paint, scratched off. It looks super cool. Very excited, losing some metallic paint on it. Well, when when when you look at it this way, it looks really bad. Yeah, super excited for the sky. Wow. I need to get I need a supplement game like some of my my Terminator's, I'm trying to finish up. SPB. Yes. Yeah, the side hustle is definitely airbrushing the T-shirts. That's definitely the side hustle. You fuckin ding dong. Don't disrespect my toys, and Miller likes to call them my toys. I mean, hey, whatever makes you happy? Hey, there are miniatures. OK. First and foremost. Now the toys where they miniatures of toys, of their toys and miniatures of full, full scale models. No, there's no full. Oh, although that'll be great. Well, I mean, actually Bend, I think makes a full scale couple of space Marines. Yeah. So that's what I would say is what type of our himber. That's all the noise. I don't mind it. It's cool. I like it. I need I need I do need to get back. So I'm going to make I'm going to make it a point this week. It's annoying. You know, what got me really excited was seeing people play for the first time. And I was like, oh, yeah, fuck you, I want to do this now. And that's when I was like, oh, maybe I'll come visit you for your your tournament. Yeah. Coming out. Yeah. The kid. I'd buy an old Parga Airbus T-shirt, you know, I would make one just for you, Ozio and Hellfire, too. I don't want him to get upset. He gets he gets so he's so sensitive, he gets upset when we do things for other people, not him. So he gets upset when he misses Miss PR. Someone. He's he's like a little he's like a little golden retriever. You got to give him the attention or else he gets upset. He's a sensitive boy, you know, so little Archie like he's as Archie said when he plays lately. When you play with like running or something. Yeah, if you play with me. Yeah, that's right. Anything else? Anything else coming up? Anything coming out that you're looking forward to? I think we talked about, you know, the Sony the Sony presentation was great. Obviously, they got we talked about that and got a word that's not for a while, that between that Retha World tour, the two games, I'm most excited for Spash about the wild to Jesus. I can't wait. I don't even know. I mean that even prior to this game, they had they had so much DLC stuff, they're like, fuck it, give me another game, you know, which is a good place to be in. Like what? What a treat to have so much content for a game. They're like, all right, we're getting ahead of the game out of this. I don't know. No, no, not nothing. Nothing, nothing. Nothing new besides what very talked about. So. So. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Now that you say Metro Dread, I'm OK with you. You know, I probably won't. If someone gives me because I've always been a big Metro fan, I'm very excited for Metro Prime for. Very excited for that game, if it ever comes out at this point, like fuck. I mean, I get a tenor, a perfectionist, but like, come on, I probably won't buy Metroid dread just because I'm not going to I'm only spending money on things I absolutely want to spend money on right now. So and that's not one of them. So we're himber with. It was not. Oh, God, Malayali, no. Looking at my pile of shame right now. Six boxes. Oh, my goodness, still got more on the way. Never ending. There's never, ever this every day you find something cooler you want to do and then you just do it. Here we are. Beautiful. I love it. Thanks for doing a later podcast. I appreciate you. Oh, it's fun. Yeah, normally I would do like weekly podcast with a beer or two or five, but yeah, it'd be nice to like not sober. Yeah. Drink. It's for the birds. I try. I'm good. I'm going to try to extend it more than a month. So I've done the month. No drinking before, but I'm going to do going back on keto in a.. In like two weeks. So it helps. I can promote the first person version because it's a phenomenal fucking all the Metro Prime series in general. Is a phenomenal metcher prime three corruption is one of my favorite video games to this day. Talk about a beautiful world. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, as I can and I will do that one. All right, I will I will take the non. Traditional around boxing. Yeah, you got to flex haters, the haters. You know, I'm not I'm not totally original. I play the original, which I go, fuck yourself. You shut up, shut up, shut up, Booth. You shut up. What's an end and turn it off? Fuck it. Turn it off. I'm over these these are the haters I feel. You know, I feel like right now that I was going with this joke. Story of my life, did kids do this? Anyway, yeah, I mean, I knew metrazol cool, I've never been really a Metroid fan per se, just because I don't really like sidescroller games. That's just me. So that's just me. Yeah, that's fine. A military RPG person, a person shooter, but I mean, it looks I mean, if it if it came out like it was like one of the things that came out for free and, you know, for a fact that that metro game is never going to go. So ever. Never know what. It's never going to go on sale. It'll never go on sale. I mean, that's come out first, I'm saying. But it's Nintendo. They don't deliver. But they do say they did. They did. A day back for blood again. You know, back for bullets. Going to great. I can't wait to play it on games fast. Awesome shooter. That's in two weeks. 15TH. Is that what is with you? That's right. It's something like that. Those tough repetoire Hellfires are in the queue stream. Big, big ups. Five new followers to bitch and six viewers. Oh, my goodness, I'm one of those viewers. I'll have you know, I'm an Idol and Idol viewer right now. Should we just. We should just wait. What is it? When a scroll chat in Europe, weder, I was looking for a Hellfires. Well, we're going to do it right here instead of the rest of us. We're going to do is it? Oh, are we are we reading them or getting no, I'm just I'm still switching the whole. The whole thing to just help, are you just putting on it's just putting it on air here at five thirty five has a pretty funny. Did you go? A. Six, yeah, look at that. That's your own. Is a house are you always had a separate profile for just streaming? Oh, affects your lives at 14 and a half K now, is these like practically a tribute to anyone who we. Affects your life? It's like the number one story. Got it. Anyway. All right, that's sounds pretty good. I don't have nothing else to contribute to outside of I'm waiting for battlefield. Yeah. Yep. Like a lot of battlefield. I'll be I will be streaming a lot of battlefield. Yeah. B, get ready. I'll be getting probably frustrated. I went back with them. All right. Well, I think that's it, you can find us on the podcast that found that whatever the fuck is. All right. You can find. You can. You'll figure it out. You can find us on Instagram Ojito podcast, Critter's Over Cheevers Be. Our Web site is the Ogee podcast at our FM. You and get this episode. Very absurd, where we talk about video games. Well, actually, it's really it is what we're talking about is what we're looking forward to, what we're playing and addiction to. I have a Prius. So make sure you check us out at Twitch TV Slash Ogee podcast. And you can also follow us all of our on our discord and discord slash ogee podcast. And tell your friends, tell your friends. I think we're going here and have fun in our chat. Are you playing the world's later now? Yes, I will be playing tonight. And I said I want to stream this tweet that streams. Why not? I'm not sure some fun with it. You know, it's about who's who's able to come watch my stream. They can watch hell fire in the queue. You know what I mean? I mean, you could you can probably stream the entire night's worth of. That's true. I mean, I do want to watch the time of the Q tick down. Hellfire straight is pretty funny. I don't watch you play. I'm as excited as literally like me. It's what it is. It's PTSD at this point. Exactly. That's funny, Kimberly, you have seven people watching for you. If they're what they're watching him not now is kind of exciting. I like that. Are you seeing any? I don't. Are you saying anything or is it just having muted? I can't. I don't know. I don't hear anything. There's literally no audio and just Hellfires. I you know, I will go live. You're talking. You shouldn't be talking. You should not have any music. It should just be quiet. If you're going to watch me, you're going to get the same ol lo fi kfab, chill, relax, beats the study and and relax too. I might I might play from I might stream link from my PC to my laptop device. What a nice thing. I want a customer service like. That's pretty funny, baby. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. That's not really. And that's a game show. Those are games called very important ones. Please stay on the line with you any moment. All right. That's it. And then I'm done. Let's let's or we're just going on a tangent story. All right. Thank you all very much for coming through. We'll see you all in two weeks. Once we hopefully the queue is fixed by that point, I'll know. But anyway, you can hop in our discord. Just let me. So Sergie podcasts and those there or you can come watch Hellfires stream. Which will rate right now? Oh, sure. You guys out of toothpaste.