Dom: 00:00:02 What up everybody. No. See you're not gonna trick me this time everybody. Fuck, fuck. Speaker 2: 00:00:30 [inaudible]. [inaudible] [inaudible] Dom: 00:00:38 welcome to the overachievers gimme podcast, episode 36 with two of the most handsome boys on this side of the Mississippi. Ms. Dixon, East coast best coast. Uh, she got me Ashley pastrami, [inaudible] Charlie: 00:00:54 and me, Charlie VASH. Guys, take your stick. My sip of coffee. It's early today. You can find us on Twitter at overachievers P on the Instagram OJ podcast. Our website being an The YouTube, the Patriots, the stitchers, the Spotify, my father polarizes everything. So here we are now following in his footsteps. Um, what's up Charlie? I know what's going on. How's it going? Are you also sick? No, I've just congested a shit. Oh, I'm sick. I'm getting over being sick. I was sick like two weeks ago. Really bad. Like how to take off of work really bad. That's how I, that's not bad. It is like, cause you know, for us in the freelance world, if you take a day off of work because you're sick, you don't get paid, we don't get sick. So like I was out, like you know, it's a, it costs roughly about 600 bucks a day for me to take off of work. So I try not to take off of work if I can avoid it. Dom: 00:01:47 Yeah, I'm just getting over and not feeling as terrible as I have been. I took off work a Thursday, we traveled, we had a shoot in Colorado, uh, travel. It was like a really fast turnaround. Traveled Tuesday, landed shot, left Wednesday morning and in, in the middle of that I got super sick. Here we are, but it's all good. Charlie: 00:02:06 Oh great. Colorado air, great Colorado air. I've had a trusty companion to keep me, keep me entertained while I've been sick in Pokemon shield. Oh snap. I want to hear all about that. We got a lot to talk about. So why don't we just open up with fun stuff. Let's talk about that first. Just talk, just dive right in man. You had a great transition, a great segue. So let's just dive in. It's a lot Dom: 00:02:29 of, there's a lot of hate on Pokemon sword and shield as it were. A lot of people get, they'll find something to get latched onto with a new game and they'll stick to it. Uh, I can't stress enough that this is one of the most fun Pokemons they've ever played. I haven't been, I haven't been able to put it down. Charlie. Like I, I bring on the subway, I bring it to work, I played up lunch. I, you're right there. Don't worry about me. Uh, this is, this is my favorite part about us looking at each other and no one else being able to see us cause I see you like Mississippi, your tee up or your coffee, you almost die because I choke on my with that was, that's what that was. Uh, this is easily one of the most fun Pokemons I've ever played and I've played nearly every Pokemon. Dom: 00:03:12 I'd only put them on if they haven't played, uh, were black and white. Uh, which was for the original, uh, DS system. Um, this game is fresh dude. It's so fresh. Uh, two dope additions to it. There's a lot of cool additions to it. My two favorite additions, uh, one is the wild area. So it's this giant area in the middle of the map that you can just go into and has different sections and there's just mad rare Pokemon and crazy like I chew. Okay, so this is Pokemon called drippy. It evolves into the pseudo legendary dragon of this game. Drag a pole. It's a ghost dragon Pokemon to find its first evolution foreign droopy. It's a 2% chance of it popping up in the wild in one part of the wild area. It's a little corner of the map called Lake outrage. You can only get to at the end of the game because you need to be able to swim. Dom: 00:04:04 You can't swim to the end, no spoilers, blah, blah, blah, or, uh, ride your bike. Um, uh, dreamy has a 2% chance to spawn only when it's thunderstorming and only in this part of the map. Two and a half hours yesterday, two and a half hours. I sat there and I grinded out in Lake outrage, just running and killing every stupid other Pokemon until finally Charlie, until finally it pops up my little drippy. You know, it happened. I accidentally killed it. Oh my God, yes. But you know, here's here. Are you okay? There you go. Um, you're the, uh, the RNG. God's blessed me because half an hour later it's evolution. It's next, it's second line and it's evolution popped up, which has an even smaller chance and even smaller chance. I ended up catching it so I still don't have droopy. And if I want to complete a puppet X, I got to get three B. Uh, but I got it and do this program. Dom: 00:05:03 That's awesome man. Ghost dragon. What a crazy combo. It's so strong. It hits like a tank. Um, but dude, like sh like that, it's so cool. Like if you want, like for instance, like my champ from the O G first-gen, you had to trade him a choke to get him a champ. But there's every once in a while in like the desert area, there's a champ walking around, you know what I'm saying? So like, it's just really cool, uh, over like rant, not random. There is, there is like a percentage to it in certain parts, but, uh, rare ass Pokemon are popping up in the wild area. And it's hard as shit, like don't get me wrong. Like that was a dude that was his, a lot of time yesterday spent just getting a stupid little Pokemon and I didn't even get it. Technically that's the funniest part. Dom: 00:05:44 Uh, but that's don't wild area. It's so much fun. And the second are the max raid battles. So they kind of took the idea from Pokemon go and there's like a gigantic Pokemon, they call them Bhagavad and you find them in the wild area. There's like, um, these little Wells that emit light. And if there's light a mini from it, that means you can read into it. Um, and you go to click onto it obviously and invite others or don't let others. If you don't invite anyone, you could do it yourself and NPCs. And usually it's fine. So Pokemon, the timer will go out though, because they're so Taiki. I haven't successfully done a raid with other people yet and I don't under, I don't know how that works. I don't know if it's like, I don't know the invite system to it. It doesn't seem, yeah, I don't, I don't get it. Dom: 00:06:32 I have to look into it more, uh, cause like some of these harder rates, I'm sure I just do it with another person there, but I just don't, I don't understand how it works yet. But um, yeah, it's, it's really cool though because there's like also some cool rare program on that. But the best gift or the best reward from that is you get like rare candies and stuff like that. So you get like level of Pokemon faster and you get a lot of items, you get like mad cash and like you get like technical machines that teach moves and stuff. Um, yeah, it's really interesting, really interesting like mechanics that they've added. And I, you know, the people, the reason that people were upset, cause not all the Pokemon are there, there's still over 400 Pokemon in this game. And I'd it game, jeez in this game. Dom: 00:07:14 Um, and I get it. It's annoying that you can't have your favorite Pokemon from put them on X and Y or whatever the fuck you light. I don't know. But I dunno. Honestly, so far this game is, is I, I'm having trouble putting it down dude. Like I got it really today. Like I'm a purpose just by accident and I just started playing like Mallory still asleep. I brought into my bed the wonders of the switch. Um, and uh, it's just dope. It also like having a PO, they got Pokemon on screen and like there are ways to do it before, like there were like either emulations or whatever. You can play Pokemon like as a console type game, but this is the console game and they did it. It's good. It's real. It's, I, I, I give this game. I'd probably say like nine and a 10, 8.5, nine and a 10. Dom: 00:07:59 All right. This is addictive and just fun. Gotta catch. 'em all dude. Gotta catch 'em all. Uh, I am going to start, once I get a more meta team, I've decided I'm gonna say streaming ranked Pokemon battles. All right. That sounds pretty good. I think so, right? I mean, it's like, yo, there's a lot of skill of Pokemon battles, man. It's like surprising. I've, I've actually, yeah dude, I've been watching some streamers lately. Like some like better Pokemon streamers. Well first off, they know every Pokemon, they know what abilities they have. They're off the bat like, all right, if this dude went up with this, I'm going to have trouble here. Hopefully it misses blah blah blah. I'm just like, wow. Like that's a lot of thought into like this one and like there's crazy. So like whether it's a thing now, it's been a thing for the last like gamer to certain POBA can make certain weather types like pepper. Dom: 00:08:48 It's like a Pelican Pokemon when it, when it went right when it spots on the field and mealy starts raining. So water type moves are, are beefed up and the fire take moves are pushed down. Um, but I was watching this one dude, I forgot his name. He built a all water team based around caliper ghettos and some other watertight Pokemon. Just cause they just get so strong after a Pella opening up and starting the weather, like the, the rainstorm. It's just like I, it's way more like in like technical than I thought it would ever be. You know what I mean? Speaker 4: 00:09:23 Yeah. It sounds like a kind of like the theory crafting of the MSF that we do that we love. Dom: 00:09:29 It's, it's, it's a lot more than I than I ever would have thought. So like, you know, each program out of natures that's been, that's been introduced for a while now. Uh, certain nature's give you an increased at certain needs to give you a decreased set. And like if you're, if you have a fighting Pokemon with, with a nature that makes your attack stat low, that sucks cause you want high physical attack. You know what I'm saying? So it's like crazy. Like it's, and like there's so much stuff, it's like way more intricate than when we were younger. But it's pretty dope in this game. This game is pretty, I'm really excited. I might, maybe if I did it today, I get smoked. I know I would. My poker mater. I have a good team, but I haven't like grinded out like a good IVs and good natures and like good stuff like that for my team. You know what I'm saying? So I'm excited. I'm excited to do it though. It's good. Speaker 4: 00:10:19 Interesting. I haven't, um, did I play the Pokemon game forever so you would recommend buying it. So what are the things that, um, well, I, I you, you, you would recommend it. Like for somebody like me who hasn't picked up my game and for sure Dom: 00:10:29 the first thing is you could pick it up and put it down and be fine. You know, if you want to like go hard grind, you can easy. But if you just want to a chill game just to catch the Pokemon beat, the gyms, I'm almost done the game now I'm at the champion. Whatever the hell he is, like the last Trinity fight. Um, storylines kind of whack, but like, it doesn't matter. Like you're not there for the story. You're there to catch you gotta catch 'em all, you know, just catch 'em all you got to catch 'em off. Uh, it should, it, you can either, I guess what I'm saying is you could either be show with it and pick it up, put it down whenever or you can go buck wild guided doing. Yeah. Speaker 4: 00:11:03 You know what I mean? I can't, I can't just pick it up, put it down. I got to go [inaudible] buck Dom: 00:11:06 wild. Yeah. I, that's what I'm saying like, and you would love it man. Cause like, okay, well like one last dope thing about the, the, the plethora of Pokemon. Now, you know, there's so many different Pokemon that let's say you wanted to build an all ghost team for whatever reason. You could have an all ghost team but with uh, with different secondary classes. So if you wanted to ghost fire a ghost ice, a ghost water goes fighting, whatever. Like they all ghost writer. That's hilarious. Uh, they all exist though. You know what I'm saying? So like if you wanted to all water team, you could have one. You know what I mean? Like you could do. There's a lot of crazy team-building, like granted, there are Pokemon that are just considered way over overpowered and definitely Metta, like Mim UCO is this little Mimico pronounce it. Dom: 00:11:57 It's a little ghost ferry, Pokemon and it's, it's, it's passive ability is called like, um, decoy or something. So Vic gets hit, no matter how strong the first hit is, no matter what the first hit is, uh, it doesn't do any damage to it. Uh, so like you can't one hitK and off the bat you have to w you have to like hit it with whatever, but it's so strong and so fast that you might be dead after your first hit when you destroy the Decaux anyway. You know what I mean? So like super cool Mehta, Pokemon like that. Um, but you do whatever, man. It's, it's, it's dope. I definitely suggest it. It's a fun Pokemon. Uh, anyone who is boycotting it or like set out to buy it, cause whatever dumb shit they're gonna eat their words, they're going to buy it. I guarantee you they're going to, they're going to see how fun it is for you to buy it. So yeah. All right. You gotta you gotta get them all. You gotta get them all. I've got to get all the Pokemons, the Pokemon as Mallory says. Pokemon's fantastic. Love it. Charlie: 00:12:59 All right, well maybe I'll give it a give it a shot. You know, I've been slowly teaching myself Python, so instead of maybe doing that, I'll, it's doing something creative. I'll do something less constructive. Dom: 00:13:07 Well, I mean that's pretty important too though. Teach yourself. It goes pretty quick eventually. I'll figure that out at some point. I guess there's one thing, there is not really a paywall of any Pokemon except one thing and it's kind of weird. They did it. I guess maybe, I don't know. I'm sure you could find, so mew does exist in the game. Like you can get AMU. The only way I know of is buying the pickleball plus and transferring it from the Pokeball plus to your game. So the pebble ball plus was a made for Pokemon go and put Gwen, let's go. Um, you could like put Pokemon in it and like walk around with it and all this dumb shit and like you could use it actually the, the catch Pokemon in the game. Let's go pick at you or let's go UV. But if you didn't use it for either of those games or for Pokemon, let's go. Dom: 00:13:58 There's a code that comes with the game. They're coming to [inaudible] plus and there's a mew inside of it. So me being the filthy a way, all that I am of some sort. I went out and bought a book of applause of course and brought it home and I got a meal for Megan. Uh, I guess technically that is some kind of paywall to get something for the game they vet. Like if, if you can't get you any other way in the game, then yes, they hit me behind a $50 paywall. Right? 50 bucks. Yes. That's how much pro ball pluses. Um, okay. The cool thing about the Pokeball plus at least is you could put a Pokemon, you could quit, equip, put a Pokemon in it and walk around with it. And when you bring it back to your game, it'll have, uh, X candies items and a whole bunch of shit like that. Dom: 00:14:52 So like if you can't play or like when I go to work for instance, I put whatever Pokemon in it and I put in my pocket and then I go walk around and like every like miles, we'll get you a whole bunch of stuff. So it has, yeah. It's not like it's just useless now, but I did spend as useless though. Yeah, pretty much. Thank God there's at least that I won't feel like such a dork buying this $50 Pokeball thing. Mallory's not here. I hope. Uh, yeah, that's about, I guess, I guess that would be it. And I, I guess maybe I don't like that there's not all the Pokemon, but in reality I'm not going to go catch 800 Pokemon Charlie. I'm not, I'm now, I will catch as many as I can. I caught 165 so far in the week that it's been out. Dom: 00:15:38 That's like, I feel like, okay, you know, I haven't added the 400, I've got like a quarter of the way there. Uh, but yeah, I guess that's about it. But we'll see. There's still more, I haven't gotten the end game yet, which is really just like making crazy teams doing elite force off doing, uh, online. I have, me and my coworker have battled. We're winning one. I had smoked him on Monday, so, uh, you know, my, my true, my true wants at this game is to be riding the subway playing and some random dude or, or whoever is playing, we lock eyes and that, that's it. Charlie: 00:16:17 And then you're like, I'll smoke you full. Do you want to get, what did Jonathan say? Dom: 00:16:21 Does he want to get smoked? Yeah. So that, that's, that's what I want. But nothing about Pokemon. I want to hear about stadia. I want to hear it all the mass radio. Charlie: 00:16:32 Oh goodness. All right, so stadia has came out this week. Um, I got my founder's edition because I had pre-ordered it and whatnot. Um, I'll have to say that it is little lackluster. I mean, I like what they're doing with it. I think it's interesting. The service itself is pretty good. I'd say like, you know, actually doing, you know, playing the game, what they, what they're saying is like, you know, you can do four K HDR over streaming of our network or whatever it is that they're claiming to do. And that works very well. It's just the, I dunno man, just like something about the, the games that they've started off with, which are not great, Dom: 00:17:16 does not have a lot of games yet. Charlie: 00:17:17 They have 20 games in their library. But I'm going, I'll, I'll get to that in a second. So I'm just, um, the thing how it works out is, you know, you need, it comes with you preorder the founder's edition. It comes with a controller and it comes with a Google Chrome ultimate, which is, um, you know, how they run their things. So like, you can play this if you have the stadia app on your phone, which is how they control everything. That's your hub. That's where you buy your game. It's where, yeah. You know, you talk to your, uh, your friends, um, you can, you, everything's centered around your iPad or your phone or you know, tablet or however you want, do it. You can do all that stuff through there. I haven't tried it like on a web, on a computer through a web browser. Maybe we'll try that after we're done recording stage to take a look at it. Um, but like the thing that I like about it is like if you have a TV that has Chromecast built into it, like God damn it my fucking eye. This does this all the time. Sorry. I don't know why my camera turns off. Um, it's literally plugged in idle mode. I don't know. Maybe just real annoying is what it is. Um, hello. Auto-focus isn't even working. Oh, there we go. Hold on. Charlie: 00:18:26 We're falling apart. We're still kicking over this cough. Speaker 2: 00:18:31 Okay, Charlie: 00:18:34 well I thought I brought my water down here anyway. So with the, with the services out there, like the actual performance and everything works great. It feels like I'm playing, um, a computer game on my TV through Chromecast. There's no delay. The control inputs. Great. I'm sure there's someone who's just like, well the doll is actually like, you know, 34 milliseconds as four 26 millisecond Dom: 00:19:01 zero zero zero zero zero zero, zero, zero one millisecond. It's unplayable some shit like that. I dunno, we'll see. The shadow it shadow had a delay that the previous, like that's what people were using for this type of a thing that did have a delay. My buddy used it and he said it was like, like a second delay. Charlie: 00:19:18 Yeah, no that's unplayable especially in certain games like RPGs and like turn-based games. Yeah. You could probably do that with, but with the other things, no, but I will have to say, uh, the, the tech behind it works fantastic. I'm actually very surprised that they got this behind. I'm testing it on wifi. I'm sure it will be even faster when your hard line. But right now, just the way I have it set up in my home, I can't get a hard line to it at the moment. So I'm sure if I bring it down to my basement and plug it into my projector and all that sort of stuff, then I can hardline it and try it out that way. Maybe I'll give that a try to later. But the thing about stadia is, so they have something that's called pro or you can say you buy the game, you buy the service, whatever, it's however much, and then you have access to a library. Charlie: 00:20:00 You can then use it like a, like a console essentially is what it is. It's essentially the whole point of it is, it's like a console for people who don't want to buy a computer, like a $3,000 top end computer. Now you have this whole thing that's like in a server, uh, like in the cloud, whatever gaming or whatever, they have the option of a, and like you can go on and buy games, you can buy, um, you know, however one of the games that you want to buy or whatever. Um, their library right now is not very good, which is what I'm going to get to in a second. Right out the gate, which I was very surprised about. Um, I was kinda not expect Dom: 00:20:37 they arrested. I wonder what the reason it could be that, I don't know. Charlie: 00:20:40 I don't understand that. Maybe it's a licensing thing. Maybe it's a bunch of different, anyway, we'll talk about it in a second. The actual performance, everything is fantastic. The thing that I'm not okay with, and I'm actually really surprised that they did it this way, is the amount of games that they came out with, um, are not great. And so pro, which is like their subscription base, you pay 10 bucks a month or $120 a year or actually I think there's a disconnect. You prepay and, and you know, something like that, um, gives you discounts on, on certain games, not all games, just certain games. Whatever they determine is the pro deals. So stadia pro right now gives me the option, like I'm looking at the, uh, the app right now so I can get like, um, it's not always a 50% discount. Some of it are, but like an older games. Charlie: 00:21:30 Um, but like, you know, like it gives you however many things that you want. So as of right now, like there's, they, they offer a couple of free games and by offer a couple of free, I mean they have destiny two and they have something called um, samurai showdown, which is like a fighting game akin to like mortal combat or some shit like that. Um, not exactly exciting, not exciting at all. No. To start the game. So like most people are going to try this and they're going to try as like, okay, well one of the free games I can play. I like destiny two. So I logged in quickly, I was like, I'm all, my characters are like seven, eight, 750 light level. I'm like, I don't remember what the fuck I was doing in this game. I don't have time to sit down and like Dom: 00:22:12 do you get to log into your accounts? Charlie: 00:22:15 So you can, you can enable, so if you go on a bungee website, you can enable stadia as part of your cross play cross Dave. So you can like, I mean you can play on your PC, you get, the nice thing is like if you wanna play in your console and then you just want to take your stadium controller with you and a Chromecast and you go like wherever. You don't have to like take your whole fucking console with you and you. Dom: 00:22:33 That's nice. Wow. Oh my God. That would have saved me dude. I was traveling for three weeks at one point and I was like trying to grind some dumb shit. Oh my God. That's hilarious. Here we are, Charlie: 00:22:44 but other, so that's what's free out the gate. I wish they would've given you like maybe a couple of other free games out the gate. Maybe like four free games. Like what's the point of paying that if it's so you can get discounts, but it does resume. So, so what they have available for their stadia pro, um, is Assassin's creed Odyssey with all seven of their versions that you can get final fantasy 15 Metro Exodus plus their gold additions and the other things, mortal Kombat 11 NBA two K 20 and tomb Raider. So that's it. You get the old tumor, not the main one. He said the pay for these, you still have to pay for these, but you get like a discount. Like are we talking like what we talk in discount Assassin's creed, Odyssey stadium ultimate edition. It was normally $120. With the pro, it's only 60 with mortal Kombat 11 you get a $20 discount with the NBA, twoK you get a 50% discount with tomb Raider definitive edition, the old ass game, the very first game that came out seven years ago, it's only $10. Um, final fantasy 15 is a discount of $10 down from 40. So it doesn't really make sense of why this is what this is. Dom: 00:24:00 Yeah. I was going to say like, yo, these should be like 10 15, $20 games. Yeah. And this is Google we're talking about. Yeah. This is, this is weird, right? Charlie: 00:24:11 Yeah. I mean they have, so they have a bunch of different games on here right now. So the only other, so that's, those are what's in the pro games. Here are the games that are on the regular. Um, I guess this is, it says best to stadia games. I dunno. Uh, let's just see. Let's just, I'm going to click on all games, see all games and let's see what we got. So the games that are available as right as of right now as we're recording, cause I think they said they're adding games all the time. So it's essence, creed, Odyssey tack him tightened to full-price destiny to final fantasy 15 discount farming simulator 19 and then they have their platinum edition football manager, 2020 grid guilt. I don't know if that is just dance woo, uh, kine Metro Exodus and mortal Kombat 11 NBA two K 20 with all their additions, rage two plus a digital edition and reached two, which has been out for a year at this point. Still full-price. They have red dead redemption, two for everything. Uh, actually this says game. Is this free for me? Uh, Nope. It just says game. I can't, I have to buy a bundle with it. That's fantastic. Thank you. So I came to buy the original game. I have to buy it with a bundle that's fucking bullshit. A rise, a tomb Raider Samar shoulder show now, which is free. Um, shadow the tomb Raider Thumper, tomb Raider trials rising and Wolfenstein young blood. That's it. That's all the games they have available at a weekend. Dom: 00:25:33 Yeah. Yeah. This is weird. Charlie: 00:25:36 Not very enticing at all from somebody who [inaudible] Dom: 00:25:39 like the first, like the, the red or the like the red carpet of this would be like glamorous. Right. Charlie: 00:25:47 I agree. I thought it was going to be like the way they should have done it out the gate. It was like, Hey, uh, you're a founder edition. Here's, you know, you have three free games that you can buy for $129 for the founder's edition. You should've gotten more than just destiny two in a controller. Yeah, 100%. Even though destiny two is free, Dom: 00:26:10 is it at least like all the expansions of the destiny two, it comes with the collection. So I have everything I'm going to get even so that's not I, and coming from somebody who loves destiny, that's not enough. That's not really enough. That's not enough at all. Charlie: 00:26:24 I'm curious to see what they do. I mean, I'm going to keep it and probably play, um, some more destiny because of this, but if it comes down to playing this on stadia or playing on my PlayStation, I want to play it in my place. Dom: 00:26:36 Exactly. I mean like, yeah, I, I don't, I don't, I don't, I'm like almost, I'm gonna get a little confused. I just expected a huge library. I expected a little more of a friendlier price point for games. Like, Charlie: 00:26:53 yeah, because it was still like, yeah, I mean I understand what the coming from, this is somebody who doesn't want to spend a shit ton of money on a gaming computer, but that's essentially what it is. But at the same, I mean, you're still locked into whatever price points they have for different games. So it's not like you're getting a ton of deals. I'm curious to see what they have for black Friday deals. If they have anything for them, hopefully. Hopefully they will. Yeah, I mean that's what, that's what is the selling point for this, you know, you know, there's a black Friday coming up. The holidays are here, they're selling the service. Hopefully they'll add some more games to it that might be enticing me. Like, Hey, you know, otherwise it's like, why am I, why am I paying $60 for a rage two when it's $15 on the PlayStation? Dom: 00:27:33 Right. Right. Charlie: 00:27:35 Quite literally. Like it's on a deal right now for 15 bucks. Why would I do that? It doesn't make any sense. And I've played Ridge too and I like rage too. I'm not spending $60 on it. No, I love Assassin's curiosity. I'm not spending $120 or $60 on the ultimate edition. Right. Have the game already. Dom: 00:27:50 It sucks it, they force you to buy bundles too. Yeah, that's, that's weird. I feel like that's definitely, that's definitely a weird bit too, that there's not the base game and then the bundle or the expansion through just like, Oh, you have to buy this. What was the one game on there? There's 120 bucks or you said this has to agree, but it's [inaudible] Charlie: 00:28:07 Assassin's creed Odyssey is discounted to $60. But that's because, but that's what the pro, so that's, if you spend the $10 a month, you'd get the pro edition. But I can go on my PlayStation right now and get the same thing for $40. Dom: 00:28:20 But I guess also if I didn't have it grow, if I just got stadium without pro, wow. Charlie: 00:28:28 So what's the point, man? I don't understand. I don't know what they're getting at with this. Maybe it's, it's like, uh, you know, they're launching it and they'll see like, Oh, this is how it's going to be at the gate. And then, you know, see how many people fall for it and blah, blah, blah. I mean, it's people fall five check. I'm checking it out from a purely research position and just seeing how Dom: 00:28:47 it doesn't really, I feel like it's under use for stadia really. Um, I, I, this is either someone who has to travel a lot or like, yeah. Like, uh, maybe, see, I was gonna say like, uh, somebody who can't afford a console, but I don't know. This doesn't really sound exactly like a price. Like, yeah, it's not, not enticing. I'm trying to think of who this is for. My, my buddy, my buddy Steve, he doesn't know Charlie: 00:29:20 the needs. This is for the new Yorkers who have small apartments that don't want to have a computer there. That's what it's for. Dom: 00:29:25 I would say. So my buddy Steve, he has a small apartment in Greenpoint. Uh, he has no, he has no consoles. He used shadow. Uh, I bet you this is good for him. The city is good for him. Charlie: 00:29:39 I would say so like, especially if you have, um, you know, a fast internet connection or you have the ability to plug in wirelessly without the founder's editions. Uh, I think it's just $60, but I couldn't get him that for Christmas. There we go. Good job. Tommy, what is it you're looking at right now? I'm looking at right now, uh, there's only the premier edition, which is 120 bucks. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah, it's very interesting. And their price points and what they're trying to do with it. So I don't know. No, no, no, it's the same price. It was a hundred. Hell, what's the, I don't understand what the differences to be completely honest, but you know, I just went with whatever was right there cause I was just, you know, I figured, you know, I'll give it a try and see what happens. And then, um, you know, I have it. Charlie: 00:30:27 I got three, well the thing is like I got three months of pro for free for the founder's edition. Maybe that's what it was, but at the same time it's like what's the, you know, I dunno if I'll continue with the founders edition or not. But can you play on your phone? Uh, I haven't tried that yet, so that's the thing. I haven't really had a chance to just try out. I'm looking at their website and it, it shows multiple kinds of monitors and one of them is a phone. Okay. So let's try it. Let's try this right now. So let's do, um, I'm curious. I wanted to go with, uh, Oh, I have my mom, my controllers upstairs. I can't look at it right now. So, but let's see. Um, I'm just going to hit destiny to choose where to play. Um, as of right now, I can't choose my phone. Dom: 00:31:11 I wonder if it's because it's an iPhone. There's no way they would lock that to only Google phones. No way. Charlie: 00:31:18 Uh, Oh, that doesn't say I can do it on an iPhone right now. Tablets and phones. So that's why. Oh, so right now I can play on a pixel two, three, three or four of the Android, but I can't play, um, stadium controller. We'll do Google Chrome. Uh, it'll do with, you know, it might be able to plug into the computer, but you can use a dual shock four controller if it's plugged in via Bluetooth or USB onto, on a computer. So you don't need to get to the stadia, um, controller if you don't want to currently not working on TVs and whatnot, but a state right now, in order to play on a TV, you have to get the controller that uses wifi essentially. So. Right. Okay. Dom: 00:32:00 I mean, the fun thing is enticing, especially since I'm going to be planning to move over to the Android family anyway. Uh, dang. Interesting. Okay. Yeah, I, I agree though. This something a little lackluster of a, of a start, but hopefully it, it sucks that we're at a position now with like every video game. Anything that if there's a lackluster start, the, the followup sentences. Oh, well, hopefully it'll be, Charlie: 00:32:24 well, it's just why don't you just make it better to have the gate? Dom: 00:32:26 I know. Why do you, why has it become this way now? Is it just so they can sell you more things you think? I mean, it has to be, Charlie: 00:32:31 well, it's either that or it's like, you know, w let's just just push it out and we'll fix it over time because of a, you know, it's whatever. Dom: 00:32:40 It's a weird business model, especially since like let, let's say, let's say it is like a RA. Well, we'll get them later, we'll sell them more things later. You just get such bad PR on the start. I mean, I don't know. Maybe, maybe it's just us. I think this is bad. Maybe there's a lot of people out there who find the use for this and then they go whatever. Upgrading. I'm happy I didn't, I didn't dub 20 a hundred bucks on a gaming PC. This is still worth it for me. Charlie: 00:33:02 I mean that is worth it. In terms of like a strategy or numbers position. Absolutely it's worth it. But Dom: 00:33:08 buy an Xbox or a PSP or whatever. Yeah. Okay. Maybe. Maybe in the long run that actually is still okay. You can buy like of of $500 like cheapo laptop plus games. You won't get to run anything. Games. Charlie: 00:33:25 Well, I mean if you were to buy it, so say like you buy like a Chromebook or something like that, you can buy a Chromebook and play all these data games off your Chromebook because it's accessing the servers and not necessarily something that you know has a high GP unit. That's essentially what people are looking for. They wanted to make this accessible to more people. Dom: 00:33:40 Yeah. Wait, did you just say you couldn't play all these games or you can't Charlie: 00:33:44 like, so without stadia, if you bought a Chromebook, you could not play these games on a Chromebook because the GPU is shit on a grumble. You need, you need this, you need the, I'm saying that's the whole point stadia is like, Dom: 00:33:55 right? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah. If you, the stadiums are in, it's 120 bucks for the controller and the Chromecast, right? Yes. And so, yeah. So that's 700 bucks there to play pretty good games on what would look a lot better than what you'd be, what you could do for 700 bucks. Charlie: 00:34:12 But I'm curious like, I don't know like what the customization is. Like if you can do mods or anything like that. And I am assumption is no, probably, I would assume they probably want as little mud as possible. Yeah. But it's like that's the whole, that's really the whole point of PC gaming is be able to write stuff like control stuff and doing, but anyway, that's my impression with it. Now we'll be talking more about what's, what's happening as I, as the service expands and what's good with it. A couple of days, a couple of days. Yeah. I think it came out, I think I got it on Wednesday. Dom: 00:34:40 Yeah, exactly this week. Right? Yeah. We'll see. Keep tinker with it. I dunno. Bring it, bring it to work. Charlie: 00:34:48 Yeah, I'll try it out. But I mean, um, now that I switched to T-Mobile, I ha I and I, you know, I can try it on my phone, but it doesn't work on my iPhone, so I don't know how else to play it. I don't know. I don't know if it's only available for T-Mobile. No, no. I switch to Teamup also. I have like actual true unlimited as shitty T and. T. Dom: 00:35:05 exactly. Yeah. Okay. Well we'll see. Come back to it. Yeah. Uh, let's talk about the love it or hate it. Death stranding. Charlie: 00:35:17 Ooh, okay. So I've put in about 12 hours into the game so far. Um, I, I'm now slowly, uh, I've, I've played death stranding, has convinced me now to quit my job in the film industry and I am going to be competitive. I'm going to be a courier and a package delivery person now. Um, so I only watched stuff I Dom: 00:35:38 haven't played, but my coworker Danny, he got it. I've watched some streaming of it. It is, if you're not into Kajima, if you're not into art every night in the cinema, this is not the game for you. 100%. And I think that's, I think that's easy to say. Uh, the people who don't like it are definitely like, where's my metal gear? It's like, well, dude, you're, you're, you're playing a weird art film right now, man leg. That's what's happening. So, uh, I dunno, chill. I did watch this dude. I felt so bad. He had like a full stack of full stack on his back, was running across the bridge, tripped and the, the stack went over the bridge into the river and then even go, all his stuff went into the river. He lost everything. And it's just watching that just float away. Uh, it, I think it looks cool. The cinema, the cinematic aspect of it looks dope. Like how are you feeling? Charlie: 00:36:31 I enjoy it. I love the world building is fantastic. I've now, I've gotten past, um, I had one big boss fight that I just did, which is I like how they're doing. They still don't have any guns, but then again, I haven't like gotten really that far into it. So I think I'm in the second world now. I think I'm like chapter four. I think there's like 16 chapters in the game or something like that. So I'm like a quarter of the way through the camp at this point. Right. Um, but it's, it's interesting. I like what they're doing story-wise. I think it's not overly campy, which is the demon tends to be overly campy things that are present. But, um, the motion captures outstanding. The performances from these characters are out of this world. They throw a lot. Yeah. I mean, it's like Norman Rita's, it's uh, uh, what the fuck's that guy's name? Um, Dom: 00:37:18 hi. Uh, the guy who was in the first scenario. Oh my [inaudible]. Charlie: 00:37:21 Yeah. Uh, not Daniel Craig. No. Um, Tony something. I can't remember. I can't remember the guy's name. Um, anyway, so anyway, the, the, the motion captures are great. So you feel like you're actually there in the end, the game with the characters watching this? Um, it's definitely, it definitely feels like a movie come to life in a video game, which I am all for. I love that shit. Totally. Um, I mean that's part of the reason why I really am a big gamer is cause the story and everything like that. So I, uh, Oh, okay. Yes. I know that's not who I was thinking. Oh, I was thinking of that. I was thinking about the bad guy who's in that. It's um, um, I always forget his name. Dom: 00:38:00 Jeffrey, right? Simon African. I don't know. Isaiah. Charlie: 00:38:03 He writes in it. Yeah. I'm just looking at his names now. Oh, that's pretty awesome. I like Jeffrey Wright a lot. Malcolm Sinclair. No, it's Tony something. I can't remember what it is. Tobias. Okay, we'll figure it out. We'll figure it out later. Anyway. Uh, yeah. So the, the game is fun. But I went into it knowing that it was a lot, it wasn't like a shoot them up. It's more of like a chill, you know, chill and carry and you're really going the point of the game. Just like to enjoy the landscapes and enjoy what you're doing. And then, you know, it's not some stealth action stuff with like the different strands in the strandings and you know, all that stuff and with those characters and enemies and everything like that. So it's like, it's, you know, it's interesting. It's new. I've never played anything like this. Charlie: 00:38:44 It's kind of reminds me of like metal gear meets. Um, you, why am I blanking on names today man? Um, granted that, Oh, I dunno. No, what's the game that was like the world builder that got a bunch of shit for it? No man's sky. No mascot. Okay. I'm gonna start with that kind of, no, that's not sport. So it kind of reminds me of a little bit of like, you know, metal gear, solid meets no man's sky really. Cause you're just, you know, you're walking around the world, it's really kinda chill. You're just picking up packages, you're delivering them and you get, there's like, I don't know if there's an infinite amount of packages, but like you can go and do a bunch of shit and you can just do that if you really want to. You don't have to like, you know, build this, you know, follow the storyline. Charlie: 00:39:33 If you don't want to, you can just run around. I mean I would recommend it because then you get to do go to different worlds. You can get different upgrades that help you out and everything like that. And I liked the social aspect of it, of everything. So like there's like likes, if you like something like you can build bridges, you can build ladders, you can build, um, ropes that you put down for yourself, but other people can also put them down for you and you can access them. Once you unlock an area and you go put it on the grid, essentially you have the access, the opportunity to access other people's stuff that they put down. And then you can, you know, like it, which, you know, fake internet points. That's what the whole revolves off of these days. But that's what comes down with that. Charlie: 00:40:13 And then you can, you know, that's cool. It's just, it's just helpful. I like that social aspect where you don't necessarily see other people but you see the effects of other people and what they've done. And it gives you an opportunity like to, um, you know, if there's like a whole, um, section where it's like all these ghosts are running around and it's like you have to be quiet and what not. But like somebody built a bridge over it, you know, over this mountain. Then you're like, Oh someone did that. Cause it takes a lot of resources also. So like, I mean maybe somebody built a, started building up a mountain or a building, a bridge or the mountain, but they couldn't finish it. So then you can go find some, some metal that's laying around in the world and then you can go construct it and that helps out everybody else. Charlie: 00:40:49 I don't know. It's kind of cool. I like that social aspect of it, but 12 hours in, I'm still going to continue to play it outside of whenever I have free time, which has never, although I am only working tomorrow, I took off Tuesday, Wednesday, so maybe I'll continue on playing with jet stranding. But I enjoy it. I as of right now I'm enjoying the game and I'm looking forward to finishing it and platinum again, which that's going to be, I feel like that's a feat. I mean that's going to be a feat, but like I'm not, I'm going to take my time with it. I'm not going to be like, Oh my God, I have to rush through the story and get through all this stuff and get through these story beats and all these different platinum trophies. I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna enjoy it. So cause right now this is like a perfect game for me, just do to help busy. I am. And it's like I don't really like, I can just sit down and pick it up, make her a package runner too. And that's my night. That's like, you know, 2030 minutes. And that's really all I had to play. And that's really, I just need to chill and relax and not worry about, you know, getting frustrated because I can't get my kilts Dom: 00:41:44 to tell me what, uh, what you're delivering. Charlie: 00:41:49 Uh, they're just, they're not a spoiler at all. So people have in the world itself, uh, like she manity has had something happen to that. I can't remember. Um, they, they start to go over it, um, a little bit, right. But essentially what happens is it's too dangerous to go, uh, you know, traveled with twin cities because of these ghosts that are out there. I forget the name of them off the top, the hand, um, that are, you know, if somebody dies and they don't get incinerated, they have like a 48 hour window in which they turn into like these crazy, um, things. Um, they look like a little ethereal, right? Like they're a little, a little ethereal ghosts and whatever. And so they create a huge craters, which then brings in more, goes essentially, like the whole point is like to not kill people because if you do, it kind of fucks you with a bunch of different ways. Charlie: 00:42:38 So it's, it's an interesting mechanic. So you have to do stealth, you have to knock people out, you have to do the sort of stuff, um, and cause the world's ever changing. Cause it's like if you do kill somebody and you leave it like now that that place is infected with ghosts and everything, it's just wild. Um, and uh, so I mean it's really just like people like need medicine and like, you know, they need it from one town to the other. And so your job is to carry them around cause you and avoid the ghost and do all this sort of stuff. So the danger, it's a dangerous job, which is why you can't just hop in a, uh, in a truck and go like, so I have to like go over mountains and go over rivers and create bridges and all that sort of stuff. So it's an interesting mechanic and I liked the story of what they're doing with it. Dom: 00:43:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I see. It seems dope. I think I would like it. I just, I know I'm taking my time with new games right now. Like I do poke him off for a bit then like I was, I was all, I was deep in back in the destiny dude. And then Pokemon came out. I was like, Whoa, sorry. Sorry. Destiny. Charlie: 00:43:35 Yeah, no, I understand that a little bit of free time that we get these days. That's, you know how it goes sometimes. But yeah, what I've been diving deep into, and we kind of talked a little bit about it on the whole last MSF podcast is, uh, I've been really enjoying Jedi fallen order. Dom: 00:43:51 Yeah. Yeah. That is again, that I might, I don't give a shit about my free time and I might just get it cause I w w I'm going to get it at some point Charlie: 00:43:58 so that, that game is fantastic because as we all know, I love dark souls and I love, uh, except for secure. Oh fuck. Security. And, um, I feel like this game is a little bit better than secure row in terms of, um, the ruthlessness of it. Sure. It's not as, not as crazy. I mean you're gonna adjust it. Um, all the difficulties in one on the fly if you really want to. But like I'm, I'm enjoying the star Wars aspect of it. I'm enjoying the game play mechanics of it. I'm enjoying the worlds of it. The graphics are incredible. Um, Speaker 4: 00:44:31 the it respond has just knocked out of the part with a little bit of little, a little bit of um, bugs and little performance issues here and there. But like, I don't mind it so much. Um, but the, I think overall if you like dark souls and you like action games and you like uncharted and you liked like these, they just combined like a bunch of different games into one. That's like kind of an action RPG with a, you know, some very difficult enemies. Like every enemy is, is challenging. And like you just can't run through in slash you know, hacking slash uh, you have to actually play smart and you have to, you know, every single encounter is tough, which I like a lot about it a lot and I'm very caring. I tend to be very careful with all my decisions and any kind of characters that I, um, or enemies that I encounter. Speaker 4: 00:45:21 And just finding new ways of doing puzzles and all that stuff with different force abilities and I think is pretty cool. So as of right now I only have four slow and force push. I don't think I have forced pull yet so I haven't gotten that far, but it's um, it's great. I you can go on in different worlds. Like the only thing that's kind of a bummer in this game, which I wish they had is I wish there was a way to fast travel back to the ship, which you are not able to do. So if like you, well, like once you unlocked different force abilities, like you can revisit planets and like, he's like, okay, well I need a force push to open up this doors or these, you know, this crack in the rock that I can get. Um, but it's like all the way at the end of the map. Speaker 4: 00:46:02 And so like you have to run away. They all the way there unlock, open up the chest that they have there and then run all the way back, which is kind of like, why can't I just force, why can't I just fast travel back to the ship, like to just make me, I don't care about around the world, just give me the option of force, uh, force travel, uh, travel all around the a, that's what they should call it for travel. Um, but other than that, it's great. Like, I liked the fact that they have a bunch of different customizations in the game, like all the chest you open up or different ways of, um, of, uh, you know, customizing like a poncho or your lightsaber or your ship colors or your, uh, BDA. Um, or I am, uh, I just finished [inaudible] chic his story. Speaker 4: 00:46:46 His story is good. Like I, I'm enjoying it. Um, it's just, it's, it's can't be star Wars, man. It's great. I love it. It's, it will, no, I'm on, I'm on my fourth planet, fifth planet, I think for planet fourth planet. Cause now I'm going back. Um, I think I'm probably 10 hours into the game. I think it's like a 30 hour game. It's not too crazy. I think it's not too crazy. It's, uh, it's attainable. Uh, I'm going to platinum this one as well. I'm thinking it's just a lot of fun. Like I'm, I'm definitely get it. I think, uh, maybe let's treat myself after Thanksgiving played over the holidays and stuff. I would, I would recommend it. I think like, if anybody who's interested in playing these, you know, uh, uh, dark souls version of a star Wars game, that's a lot of fun. It's Charlie: 00:47:30 just, it's, and [inaudible] the nice thing is to like, if you're playing it on Jedi master, which is the second hardest. Yeah. Um, and then if I've, there's been a couple of boss fights where I'm just like, I can't beat this guy, so I switch it down. Um, yeah, a a, a thing and then you just like, after you do that and then you just put it right back on Jetta master. So it's, it's challenging. So yeah, it's fun. I like, I liked the aspect, I liked that I have to work on my Perry's and like, as you're, you know, people are shooting at you so you like, you have to time your periods. So like it blocks the blast or bolt back to the guy and then he all of a sudden have to block quickly again to, um, not have like the Stormtrooper attacking you with a stun Baton and just, I just don't know. It's just, it's fun and like, and then you roll out of the way, slow him, you know, uh, attack the guy who's shooting at you and then come back and attack the other guy. I just don't know. It's fun. Plus it's, it's, I'm having a blast with it. Dom: 00:48:21 Oh yeah. That's good to hear. I feel like this game was like, I feel like we're all on our toes. Like, is this game going to be good? It's gonna be a crap shoot. Like would it be, what are we, what are we feeling here? But it sounds like it wasn't any good. Charlie: 00:48:35 Yeah, there's no, there's no loop boxes. There's no, uh, microtransactions there's no pay-to-win. All the stuff that you can unlock is all within the game. Dom: 00:48:44 Do you get to tell the last boss and it's going to be like, pay $100 to beat this boss? Charlie: 00:48:48 I mean, yeah, I don't, I don't know about that, but like all the characters are interesting. The dialogue's great. Um, uh, I thought, uh, I actually had some notes written down from like when I first started the game, but it's like the dialogue in the beginning of the game is so cringy and it's so bad. It's just like, but it's, it's classic star Wars. It's just like all of a sudden is like, your character breaks through like the roof of a train or something like that. You land and stormtroopers like, how'd you get here? I'm like, did you not just see me break through the roof? I'm just like, Oh my God. But that's, I mean that's, that's, that's star Wars. Dom: 00:49:20 So that is, that is to the T it's always a bit, it's space, opera, you know, space opera, ya gotta be [inaudible]. Um, let's, uh, let's move into exciting stuff coming. Cause I feel like there's a couple of exciting things on the horizon. Oh, was, was or anything else you got the game wise and you playing, which a lot on your plate. It's a lot of, Charlie: 00:49:41 yeah, that is a lot. I mean it's, it's really two games plus stadium. Dom: 00:49:44 I've just, yeah, but that's still way a lot of it. That's impressive. Um, some cool stuff coming specifically, I don't have it, but you have Oculus to two dope things. There's, there's the star Wars Oculus that looks pretty cool. And there's obviously the half-life Oculus game coming out next year. Uh, like wow, that trailer for half-life was like, it made me want to get God damn Oculus man. Charlie: 00:50:11 Yeah. So I have, well not only do I have the Oculus just because I actually work in VR and I've done a bunch of VR work, um, for like Facebook and everything. Um, I actually have the, the valve index. So with the valve index that's from steam, their thousand dollar Speaker 4: 00:50:28 a head Dom: 00:50:30 [inaudible] has like the individual finger control like you can do, you're going to be, you're going to be using that with, Oh fuck yeah. I assume that. Yeah. I figured that's probably what the, like the whole deal with that. Yeah. Cause like in the, in the trailer you see like individual finger stuff is part of the game. Speaker 4: 00:50:44 [inaudible] yeah. So I'm, I'm excited. I mean I've been using it for development development reasons, um, and also just, you know, for editing and all that sort of stuff. Um, I haven't done it in awhile, but like when I, when they first came out, that's what I was doing for, um, you know, when I was doing like Oculus venues and all that stuff with Facebook. So, um, you just have to be able to see what it looks like in different headsets. Unfortunately. And it's just the way the world goes with all that stuff. But yeah, it's, I'm, I'm excited for it, man. Like I, you said that it takes place in, in what? Between the events of half-life one and two? Dom: 00:51:15 Yes. If I remember correctly. Yeah. Speaker 4: 00:51:16 Yeah. So we'll, we'll put a link in the V in the description below. If you haven't seen that VR trailer. It looks incredible, man. I like the fact that they did this with their headset. It just kind of makes people want to buy a valve index, but you know, I don't know. Some people may not want to, I mean it's, yeah, it's 1000 bucks, but then you can get an Oculus quest and plug it in for 300. Yeah, Dom: 00:51:37 yeah. Which I might do, but honestly, like, man, I mean, I'm definitely not driving in grand on that, that vow deal, but it's for the enthusiasts really is what it comes down to. Do bet that's going to be dope though. Like actually getting it like, Oh man. Uh, the trail looked great. I, I'm hoping this is the first half-life thing we've gotten since, uh, chapter halfway of chapter two have half-life two, chapter three. Sorry. I think that's what it was. It was about 10 or something like that. Uh, like speculation, setting up for half-life three maybe. Maybe. I dunno, I, I guarantee you there's some fanboy and some steam forums that's pissed. It's this and not halfway three of course. Speaker 4: 00:52:22 Oh, of course. I would, I, I would 100% agree with that statement. Dom: 00:52:27 Uh, I can only imagine at this point that we're either not getting a halfway three or I don't know, like whatever. This looks cool. I, I'd probably going to play it. I'd probably get Oculus and play it. Cause it does look, it looks fun man. And like the story is halfway story is so good that you can make whatever garbage thing you wanted to and it will still probably be a story because it's such an immersive world. It's, it's just, it's just, yeah, I can give you my old CV one if you want it to try that. You think that'll work? Speaker 4: 00:52:57 Uh, yeah. I mean it's just, I mean it's a, see if you want, it's the up Oculus. It's not the rift S but it's the one before the riff desk. Okay, cool. Yeah. Let me try it. Give that a go and uh, and try it out and see how it works. But yeah, man, it's going to be, I'm so forward dude. I think it's going to be fantastic. Comes out of what March I think is what they said. Dom: 00:53:14 I think so. Yeah. Yeah. That's not too far. Speaker 4: 00:53:16 Yeah. So that'll be great out the gate and we'll be having some fun times. I can't wait for, I can't wait for that. Um, that episodes where can talk about how crazy the experiences is and I actually might stream that a little bit once it comes out. I think that'd be worthwhile to stream. Dom: 00:53:31 Yeah. It's such an interesting thing to stream, I feel like is VR stuff cause you can't see if people are talking to you. Right. Speaker 4: 00:53:38 Uh, you can, there's, there's ways to do it. Yeah. You have like, um, you have like Twitch overlays or something like that built into your headset so that you could, I mean, that's how I was able to do it with beat saber is I have the, the chat popped up within beat saber. Uh, granted that's a mod whatnot, but still, I think it would be probably the same. Well, cool, same case, but yeah, I'm S I'm stoked man, that half-life, uh, halflife VR because VR is still has a ways to go. Am I? Dom: 00:54:04 Yeah. It's, I believe for a minute they really tried to pump it for like a hot second and they're like, eh, but [inaudible] I feel it has to be the feet. One of the features besides like mobile gaming. Speaker 4: 00:54:13 Yeah. It's just like, it, it just comes down to, I mean, storytelling within VR I think is probably the best immersive experience because you are, it is what you see, you know, you're seeing the world, like as you turn your head and doing all this other shit, like it's just, it's probably like the greatest storytelling medium of our generation. Dom: 00:54:33 Sure. Yeah. Yeah. See what happens with it. But, uh, yeah, that's I think the other thing I'm excited for at BlizzCon the announced Diablo for, uh, did you see the trailer? I did. Cinematic. Speaker 4: 00:54:47 So the nine minute trailer cinematic, it looks ridiculous. Dom: 00:54:50 Blizzard man. They just, they do, they do cinematics [inaudible] Speaker 4: 00:54:53 yeah. They know. They know what they're doing. Man. It's just crazy. Just I'm, I'm so excited for that and that's supposed to come out in what next year as well. Dom: 00:55:01 Yeah. Yeah. Supposedly. Uh, wait a second. Did we talk about Dale before on the last day? Speaker 4: 00:55:06 We might've, I don't remember if we did or not. Dom: 00:55:09 Oh my God. I think we might've Charlie. It's early Sunday. It is early Sunday. That's fine. I was really excited for it. We're talking about things were coming up that we're excited for her. I'm so excited to shift for that Speaker 4: 00:55:21 four things cause we're so excited for it that we, uh, we've talked about it already and we'll continue to talk about it. Dom: 00:55:26 That's hilarious. I'm not embarrassed by that. I'm a little embarrassed by that. Speaker 4: 00:55:32 But I heard about some, uh, new things happening in the world of Anthem. You won't talk about that. And since you brought it up before we started, uh, rolling cause uh, that's hilarious to me. Dom: 00:55:41 I don't, I almost want like, yeah, so I guess BioWare's rehauling Anthem. They're calling an Anthem next. Okay. Uh, it's like what, what did we talk, what was it before fall, like, fall of 76 is doing this. Anthem is doing this. We see, I mean, we've seen it happen before. We've seen him with destiny. No man's sky did it. We've seen plenty of games where they've overhauled the game to make it better. I get it. But man, like, and we kind of talked about this earlier of uh, just make it right the first time, I guess. You know, you don't always have the foresight to do that, but yeah, there are complete overhaul in the game, the world, the loot, the weapons, everything. Not much info beside that. Decline the Anthem next. [inaudible] uh, besides Paul at 76, I don't think I've ever seen a game die so fast. Speaker 4: 00:56:31 You're not wrong. Yeah, it's just a, it's funny how I, well, I didn't even play it for it. I didn't play it. Um, I played it for, uh, I canceled my preorder. Um, I got it for, I think whatever the origin access was, which is like five bucks a month, something like that. I played it for a month. Um, and that was it. Like I didn't really get that far in it. Like I was just, I was intrigued by the, I liked the mechanics of that game. I thought it was like really well done in terms of how they, um, how they actually make the, you as a character feel with the flying mechanics. Like you feel like iron man, like it felt, it felt great, but man, the, it just, it did not deliver. Like it just did not deliver in the ways that I was hoping it would deliver. But, um, unfortunately that was just a case of just like, Oh, well, but Dom: 00:57:19 yeah, so they're, they're all around the game hoping that, uh, you specifically will come back. Speaker 4: 00:57:25 Uh, I don't know if I will come back, but I mean, I'll give it a, I'll give it a fair shot if that's the case. So, I mean, I didn't, I never bought the game, so I don't actually own it. But like maybe if it's like, I dunno, maybe if it's like if they say like, Hey, come back, it's, you know, free to play or some shit, maybe then I would be enticing. But as of right now, not enticing whatsoever. Dom: 00:57:47 100%. Uh, so yeah. Good luck. BioWare sorry that, that blue but [inaudible] me fam. Speaker 4: 00:57:55 Yeah. But we'll see. I'm sure that, what does that supposed to drop? Do they say 2020 at some point? I'm actually surprised they didn't pull the server [inaudible] Dom: 00:58:09 yeah, yeah. I mean who did that recently? Didn't it was fall three 60 that no, Speaker 4: 00:58:14 I don't remember. I remember hearing about something. You can still play falls to me six I think maybe. Oh yeah, you can definitely play still. You can still play it, but it's just a matter of like what's what's going on with it. So yeah, for sure. Which not much. No, I don't know what a rounding out the rest of our episode, we have a couple of things to talk about real quick. One of which I'm excited for is, um, you guys all know my love for divinity original sin. They have a board game coming out like a actual tabletop game, which I think I might, I think I might get or ask for Christmas or something like that. Cause I like board games. I think it'll be fun. And um, and yeah, we'll see what happens with that. And then finally, the Epic store has a bunch of black Friday deals going on right now where you can get some, Oh, I know, I should probably figure this out before I start talking about it. Uh, there's a bunch of discounts on games right now. Like you can get, um, Raj, you can get $20 off red dead redemption to the outer worlds and Metro Exodus are all um, currently on sale, which I think is pretty rad. So yeah, the fact that they're still doing that. Um, especially red redemption two since I literally just dropped like three weeks ago and now you can get it on, on sale, on, um, on the Epic store. So for black Friday deal. So Dom: 00:59:31 I actually might do that. Is, I have not played redemption two yet. Speaker 4: 00:59:34 I mean, it's only, it would be what? It's 40 bucks, I think is what it is. So I mean that's, that's a pretty good, that's pretty good deal in my opinion. So for 40 bucks for that game, um, or it's, you know, a 70 on stadium, Dom: 00:59:48 well a hundred, 130 and then 70, so it's $200 for me to do it. I'll say to you, yeah, I'm going to do it right now. Yeah, Speaker 4: 00:59:56 you could do it right now if you really wanted to get that stadia going, bro. We'll see. But, uh, yeah, so there's a lot of, a lot of good stuff to talk about this week. I was surprised, like, I'm excited to see what happens more with these, um, you know, with stadia. I guess Anthem will, I guess we'll see what happens with that. Uh, and a bunch of others. So anything else that you had that you want to talk about? Dom: 01:00:22 No, I mean, the last thing is, um, the end of the year, uh, work at three Reforge comes, uh, reforged comes out. [inaudible] forgot about that. Speaker 4: 01:00:32 Yeah, I couldn't really remember what was happening with that. Dom: 01:00:35 Well, there's a lot of blizzard stuff happening, you know? Uh, definitely though I'm, I'm definitely to get that, I'm excited for that, but I don't know, Speaker 4: 01:00:41 you know, I'm not particularly, I mean, because all it is is a rematch Dom: 01:00:46 master of Warcraft three. I honestly like, if you're not, I would say if you're not like a, not necessarily a blizzard enthusiasts. I dunno. I feel like this was for, this is for a certain type of person and I'm that certain type person. There's no reason to get this game. I'm just, I'm definitely to get it though. I love work. I have three, I love work craft in general, so, Speaker 4: 01:01:07 well, yeah. Well excited to hear your take on it once at all, uh, when everything drops and everything. So that'll be, it should be fun. Charlie: 01:01:14 Hell yeah. We good time. All right, well thank you so much for tuning into another episode of the overachievers gimme podcast where we get you to check us out on our website. [inaudible] never Uh, the Twitter is at, uh, overachievers P. I'm just forgot it. Uh, Instagram. Oh, gee. Dot. Podcast. And uh, thank you so much for tuning in again, another beautiful Sunday. We'll Tuesday for you, Tuesday for you, Sunday for us. And I also, FYI, just before we go, uh, this will be our last episode of the year for the OGP podcast. Just cause a dominant books have a lot of real life stuff going on. Um, so we're going at our Les, our next episode will be our game of the year podcast in which we will talk about, um, all the different games we love, um, from 2019. So I'll tell you that. So it'll be, uh, talking about the games. I'm excited to talk about my, uh, what's running or in the running for my, uh, yeah, game of the year. I did go. All right. Thanks Don. See you guys. See you guys later. Cheers. Dom: 01:02:21 This was I Speaker 2: 01:02:48 [inaudible] [inaudible] Dom: 01:02:49 how are you feeling? How are you doing? What's your Sunday looking like? What are you doing? Speaker 4: 01:02:53 Sunday's looking like, ah, I'm going to finish up some Watchman. Um, Dom: 01:02:57 that's good. You haven't watched the one actually. Good shows. Very good. Yes, I heard, I keep hearing mixed things. I really enjoy the graphic novel. And I did read the movie, so I was kinda like, I don't want these things ruined for me if the show's bad. But Speaker 4: 01:03:11 I showed good. They should have those show. His show is based off of the, um, it's a continuation of the comic as opposed to the TV show or the movie. So I think it ignores what happens in the movie and focuses primarily on the events of the comic book. Speaker 5: 01:03:28 So Dom: 01:03:30 I mean that's the, I've, I've, I've also disconnected myself from caring about if cinematic stuff is to the T what written stuff was, cause that's, I feel like you do a disservice to yourself when you read something and then you're like, Oh, this movie or show better be the same goddamn thing. They know it's a different universe. It's, you can't always do those different meetings. All those things don't always translate well. And it's one thing of, it's just bad. It's another thing if you don't like it because it's not what you wanted from the book or something. You know what I mean? You just have to go in with an open mind because it can't, it can't be to the team. There's very few cinematic things that have translated completely, 100% from way through. Literally literally literary counterpoint, you know, kind of cut apart, but okay. That's cool. That's dope. Um, you gotta watch episode three Mandalorian too, obviously. Speaker 4: 01:04:24 Yeah, I'm excited for that. Dom: 01:04:26 So it shows great stars in need of this for so goddamn long. It's like a very good Western, you know, like, uh, visually it's beautiful. The acting, there's like so little acting, but there's so much acting in that little, you know what I mean? Yeah, definitely. Speaker 4: 01:04:47 I feel that for sure. It's definitely, I don't know. I am enjoying the first two episodes so far. Dom: 01:04:53 Um, we're watching it every, every Friday we get together at work either before work starts or after we're done. I mean, watch it in our edit suite, which has like a 70 inch, like nice. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, it's pretty, it's been a pretty nice thing. I have to like, I have to like start, I dunno like three other people join last time and like they were going in and out, they were talking and I'm like, don't, don't do this. I have like started, I did hiding when we do it or something. I dunno. Oh. It's just like, and that's just rude. I was getting so pissed. Speaker 4: 01:05:25 I would be like, what the fuck? Why are you, why is everyone speaking the fuck up? Dom: 01:05:29 Some meetings. So coming in and out works out for the day. It's like five o'clock. Stop it. Uh, but yeah, that show great. I'm so excited for more of that. I, I on one hand, I do wish we had everything. On the other hand, I'm happy we don't, cause I would've just blew through it already easily. No doubt about it, the whole thing. But Speaker 4: 01:05:48 I just want to get a lot of good stuff, man. I'm stoked for that. I'm stoked for, I'm actually kind of excited to see what they bring to the table for the whole of the Marvel stuff that they're going to do. Dom: 01:05:56 Oh yeah, I did. Yeah, Speaker 4: 01:05:58 I did. The, I got Disney plus for three years for 140 bucks. I did the same thing, that Disney family plan or whatever. Yeah. And then it's, I'm glad I did it because then they upped it to a a hundred, uh, $120 a year. So since we got two years free, up to $10 a month, Dom: 01:06:14 so, uh, the only thing is then afterwards they came out with that bundle for Hulu and ESPN, but that's not ideal. Speaker 4: 01:06:21 Yeah, that's fine. Whatever. I mean, we already have Hulu without the ads. We have the Hulu live TV. Um, um, not really. Not worried about it. Dom: 01:06:28 Sure. So, yeah, we don't have Hulu, but honestly, I don't really, I don't really care too much about getting Hulu. I just, it would have been a maple leaf cherry on top, I guess. But Speaker 4: 01:06:35 yeah, I mean, we watch a lot, a bunch of like TV and whatnot, but it's definitely, you don't, you don't need it. Dom: 01:06:40 Yeah. Yeah. That's fine. Yeah. There's a lot of good, I don't know the dates though. There's one division. There's cap, there's a Falcon and winter soldier. Speaker 4: 01:06:50 No. Yeah, I can't remember what they are. Um, I do know they're coming out soon ish, so, Dom: 01:06:57 Oh, so I really wouldn't watch the Falcon and winter soldier because there are a few dudes that play Falcon and Bucky Barnes do solid, solid, solid cast. [inaudible] Speaker 6: 01:07:08 yeah. Um, Speaker 4: 01:07:10 right now it's saying that it's all happening in may of 2020. Uh, well that's insane. So the next the black widow movie is in may and then, um, the Eternals is happening, but I don't know if that's coming. Disney plus, um, Dom: 01:07:28 I would, I think that's a show. I think the smells is a show, isn't it? I would assume it'd been Disney plus Speaker 4: 01:07:34 and the theaters. Nope, that's not totally. Uh, Shang CI is, um, that's also a movie that's coming out for, is coming out and that's in theaters, uh, strange coming in. Theaters. Uh, blade TBD, uh, fall of 20, 20. So this time next year, best for movies. That right there shows the all Falcon Falcon a winter soldier comes out, fall 20, 21 division comes out. Spring of 2021, uh, the Loki show comes out, um, spring of 20, 21 to summer of 2021 Hawkeye is fall of 2021. So essentially it's going to be this time year is when everything's going to start dropping. So I'm assuming they're probably shooting it now or no? Dom: 01:08:19 Yeah, probably. Yeah, Speaker 4: 01:08:21 that would be my assumption. And then we'll, we'll see all that stuff. So that's going to be, I don't know, I kind of, I'm excited for all that stuff. I think it'll be kind of cool. Dom: 01:08:27 Oh, definitely. Definitely. And then movies wise too. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. What are you up to today? No, I didn't actually. Today is a promotional ceremony at jujitsu at noon. Uh, he doesn't, he doesn't, he doesn't use, usually our teacher is very like fucking like woo sensei shit. Like he'll just like throw a bill. He like, you don't know when it's happening, but he's like changing it up. He's like, Oh, we're gonna have a promotional ceremony. So everyone be here at noon and every, it's every, it's like we have a very small gym and it's going to be like a hundred people on the mat. I don't know how it's gonna work. It's not fun. It's gonna take. Exactly. It's going to take for fucking ever. Uh, that's what I'm doing. So after this and make a quick little easy breakfast, I have a little coffee and then get ready for, I might either. Dom: 01:09:15 I either I'm getting my Brown belt, which is the next belt after purple, which would be really cool. I only expect it. I don't think I have earned it yet. That would be just cool. I'll probably just get like, it's like in jujitsu, traditionally you get four stripes before you would get your next belt. I don't have any stripes. Our teacher doesn't really disrupt either. You don't have to do it. It's like kind of loose. But he might bring us right back to our gym. So maybe just get some stripes. Who knows? But I could be a Bravo a couple of hours, so that'd be cool. That'd be cool. It's one belt before black, so I don't know. I never thought I'd be here, let alone, I never thought I would come back to you, Jesse, let alone get back and do it and then get my Brown belt. You know what I mean? Yeah. And then just fucking start kicking ass kicking ass baby shit. I know Clint could claim the metals, but they're too far from my hand right now. Yeah, Speaker 4: 01:10:04 well that'd be fine. I can hear them. Dom: 01:10:06 Don't worry about it. Yeah, like we redid the office, so like I put like my, my medals and my belts like up on the wall higher than me. He used to just be like a funny thing where I described them, but now they're like hanging high nails and all those metals. Look at that. Yeah. They fit around your head so I could, yeah. That's good. It's fun. I enjoy it. I love to Jitsu. I don't know where I'd be without that shit. Even why I would be, I'd have more money and my body wouldn't hurt as much. Probably probably be a hundred pounds heavier, but I'd also probably be a hundred pounds heavier. A true, very true. Uh, yeah, that's my day and number. Just gonna chill of fix my door door's broken. It doesn't, uh, close all the way after to like, what's your, what's your address? Don't worry about it. I got nothing that, I mean, I got a cool computer, but no one needs to know that. Um, yeah, it's chill, man. Chill day, chill, chill day. I never was fucking sick. I get cold, whatever I got, man, it's fucking killing me. I hate being sick. Being sick is the worst. It is. The worst is the absolute worst. I wish this on nobody. Nobody. Just your enemies. Even them. I'm such a baby.