00;00;00;02 - 00;00;09;11 Speaker 1 What's up, everybody? Welcome to the over Achievers in gaming part. God damn it. I was waiting for the quality check, too. Why is it always pop up? Can you just, like, not pop up? It's just really annoying. Okay, I'm gonna start over again. 00;00;09;11 - 00;00;10;05 Speaker 2 What happened was. 00;00;10;08 - 00;00;13;25 Speaker 1 There's a pop up window that says, like, quality check. Make sure you can hear what your thing is like. 00;00;14;05 - 00;00;15;11 Speaker 2 Does that mess up the recording? 00;00;16;00 - 00;00;22;11 Speaker 1 No, it just throws me off because it pops up. Because I like. I look at you guys while I'm doing the intro. Yeah. 00;00;22;21 - 00;00;53;13 Speaker 3 That's funny. 00;00;53;13 - 00;01;03;29 Speaker 1 What's up, everybody? Welcome to the Overachievers and Gaming podcast. I am your host joined as always by the one the only the yeah, I don't know where I'm going with this but anyway bye bye. 00;01;04;27 - 00;01;05;18 Speaker 2 Doing my pile. 00;01;05;18 - 00;01;09;22 Speaker 1 Oh to Paulie Walnuts is the real star of the show. She's the. 00;01;09;22 - 00;01;10;22 Speaker 2 Star of all the shows. 00;01;10;22 - 00;01;22;01 Speaker 1 Aren't you, baby? Dominic Almond Galliano and Josh Del Sesto that was Chef kind of are just enjoying. Oh, hi. 00;01;22;10 - 00;01;24;06 Speaker 3 I thought you were going to call me by my name on here. 00;01;24;06 - 00;01;24;28 Speaker 2 He's risen. 00;01;24;29 - 00;01;28;26 Speaker 3 He's risen bigger in homemade Chef, bro broke back condo. 00;01;29;19 - 00;01;46;29 Speaker 1 I can do that too. I don't I don't actually have the things up Other go away. Hello and welcome to the special edition of the Overachievers Gaming podcast, where we're going to talk exclusively about randomness. By randomness I mean video games. So it's really not exclusive. 00;01;46;29 - 00;01;48;18 Speaker 2 Really, just to let you video games. 00;01;49;00 - 00;01;57;21 Speaker 1 It's really just two video games we're going to talk about. And Jeff's like state in which he's in right now, which is just drug infused super. 00;01;58;16 - 00;01;58;24 Speaker 3 Huh? 00;01;59;07 - 00;02;02;06 Speaker 2 He's taken a most of these stories. Come on. I bet every. 00;02;02;18 - 00;02;08;08 Speaker 3 Year you don't even usually okay drug. I don't usually take muscle relaxers, so I'm a little loopy right now. 00;02;08;22 - 00;02;10;08 Speaker 2 They don't make you loopy, though. 00;02;10;20 - 00;02;13;19 Speaker 1 I feel loopy. They just make you rich. 00;02;13;19 - 00;02;36;24 Speaker 3 I didn't. I didn't sleep. Okay, look, when you have that, when you when you're all you're fucking like in your fifties like I am. And that's a joke. I'm 38 when year old asshole like I am and you got to broke back. Not a herniated disk. You got a literal broke back. Okay, I'm okay. I'm going to shrivel up, trivialize your problems, and make mine look worse. 00;02;36;24 - 00;02;45;26 Speaker 3 Okay. This is just video. Yeah. You getting all fine? They said. I don't know whoever said that, but I want to go back in time and punch my face. 00;02;45;26 - 00;02;49;13 Speaker 2 Yeah. I don't know if anyone, whoever did it, if someone said it, they're wrong. 00;02;49;13 - 00;03;03;22 Speaker 3 I know it's some point in time in my life. Somebody told me that things get better when you get older and they were full of shit and they lied to me. And I want to punch him in the nuts because deception is not cool. Only when you're deceiving. I'm sorry. 00;03;04;10 - 00;03;05;10 Speaker 1 It's up to consequence. 00;03;05;25 - 00;03;26;04 Speaker 3 Sure, sure. I was in all sorts of exceptions. Deception is not cool, especially when you do things like tell somebody you're going to be busy and you got to wait to start playing a video game and then you just go and you buy the fucking video game and you platinum the video game and then you just like happened to show the person that you bonded with. 00;03;26;04 - 00;03;28;27 Speaker 1 He's butthurt over the what do you do racist score. 00;03;29;19 - 00;03;40;05 Speaker 3 I was just bringing up the crisis. The worst thing he did to me where he did the where he told me he was me busy and then he platinum of the game and then got on stream and did the platinum trophy on stream. 00;03;40;05 - 00;03;41;18 Speaker 1 On the game of the Year edition. 00;03;41;18 - 00;03;45;04 Speaker 3 On the game of the year, by the way, I bought that. I bought that the other day. Finally. 00;03;45;05 - 00;03;46;17 Speaker 1 Oh, finally. How's it going? 00;03;46;20 - 00;03;58;22 Speaker 3 I haven't started yet. The guy. The guy at GameStop? Definitely. Okay, so you guys know I have a colored history of GameStop and that I hate them, but the guy they have working over at GameStop right now is really cool. He's like. 00;03;58;24 - 00;04;00;08 Speaker 2 Oh, you buy from them, though. 00;04;00;20 - 00;04;26;02 Speaker 3 Well, I know, but like the GameStop at my location had like really shitty management. But it's cool because this guy, I don't know, he used to be like a retired military dude is a cool guy, right? But anyways, he's he's taken over. He takes it really seriously. So now the is like we've been in shape anyways. He, he got, he, he got me with this whole like, oh it's power Debra you get like 10% off this 20% off that he takes you walk around the store and up walking out of there with like five games. 00;04;26;02 - 00;04;30;17 Speaker 3 Like, why the fuck did I buy five video games? Like, why? I have no idea. I buy. 00;04;30;17 - 00;04;31;10 Speaker 1 The gotcha. 00;04;31;14 - 00;04;52;22 Speaker 3 Yeah, they got me. I mean, I got a I got a little padding for for some good work I did this year. Anyways, I buy Tales of Symphonia remaster, which got I don't know if you guys ever heard of that or not, but it was a really, really, really easy. The Tales franchise is like a Ducktales yes. Ducktales That's correct. 00;04;52;22 - 00;04;58;29 Speaker 3 Yes. And I know there's like a like tales of Oh, Fantasia and Tales of Sinfonia. There's like all these different. 00;04;59;00 - 00;05;00;18 Speaker 2 Like some RPGs. 00;05;00;24 - 00;05;22;29 Speaker 3 That's correct. That's correct. Anyways, this one came out on the Gamecube. This game caused me to buy a Gamecube back in the day. Like, that's how much I was like, into it. So it was I saw the remaster. I was like, All right, let me copy that. I got Octopath Traveler, which I just wanted for the collection. I picked up Crysis core resident Evil four and I Wow, I can't remember. 00;05;22;29 - 00;05;32;23 Speaker 3 I buy some fucking games. I only remember the other one I bought, but yeah, video games. Did you get going with this video? 00;05;33;04 - 00;05;34;24 Speaker 1 You said you were buying some stuff and you got got. 00;05;35;01 - 00;05;42;15 Speaker 3 I finally did. I finally did play games though, like they weren't World of Warcraft securities. Great. I played two I played three games this week that weren't World of Warcraft. 00;05;42;15 - 00;05;50;03 Speaker 1 Can you repeat that for you? Before you get into that, let's hear Dom's tale, because I have a feeling we're going to dominate the thing. 00;05;50;05 - 00;05;50;27 Speaker 3 That's fine. Fine. 00;05;51;02 - 00;05;53;16 Speaker 2 I all famous. I played Diablo, so it's not like. 00;05;53;25 - 00;06;03;20 Speaker 1 Yes, I mean, well, I'm excited for that before because a lot of this is going to be about job. Yeah. I want to get into I wanted to talk about what you've done will do about the contest. Yeah, right. 00;06;04;02 - 00;06;06;10 Speaker 2 Wait, what have I done? I don't. I haven't done anything. 00;06;06;20 - 00;06;08;00 Speaker 1 You have done anything other than Diablo. 00;06;08;14 - 00;06;14;08 Speaker 2 Like video game wise? No, I've just been playing a lot of Warhammer as one would play little tournaments yesterday. I was fun. 00;06;14;28 - 00;06;16;17 Speaker 1 In the game as a game. Had to go. 00;06;16;17 - 00;06;35;12 Speaker 2 I went to win one. Very nice, very nice playing a big one next month for a team. One team Brooklyn strategist. Really, really, really fun. I'm a new anything. I've not been I've only been playing Diablo the last weekend and I've only played a little bit of Diablo this weekend just because of a message but I played a lot last weekend. 00;06;35;18 - 00;06;43;06 Speaker 2 So yeah, I'm just down time about that. If you guys want to do your whatever games you're talking about and then we can finish on Diablo, that's fine. 00;06;43;22 - 00;06;52;07 Speaker 1 So any games outside of the two you going to talk about Jeff as well as well, I'm going for you. 00;06;53;20 - 00;07;11;22 Speaker 3 While I was going fine. I'm Red leading and I have three red teams now. I red lead on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I'm actually going to do it in a little while. Kind of pissed off because every day this week I've woken up and right before the raid, like one of the healers bails out on me and they're like, the hardest. 00;07;11;22 - 00;07;12;03 Speaker 3 Fine. 00;07;12;08 - 00;07;13;21 Speaker 2 It's always the fucking healer. 00;07;13;22 - 00;07;22;14 Speaker 3 Oh, is this like in healers? So I currently am having a healer levels for myself right now so that if this happens to me again, I can just do it myself. 00;07;22;14 - 00;07;27;10 Speaker 1 What do you say? You're having a hero level for yourself? Like so our level, your character you're playing, You. 00;07;27;21 - 00;07;42;14 Speaker 3 Know, I am paying to like, okay, so he's been I'm not I'm not paying money. I am I have I have earned gold in the game. And I currently have a gentleman who is clearing out the dungeon. 00;07;42;25 - 00;07;43;26 Speaker 2 The gentleman? 00;07;43;26 - 00;08;02;22 Speaker 3 Yeah, he's he's a businessman. This gets a this guy's offering a service. It's a very, very professional, run boosting group that they have here. But I pay him 450 gold for five dungeons and it's probably going to take about 10,000 gold for me to get from 70 to 80. And I made I made about 40,000 last night in this raid I went to. 00;08;02;22 - 00;08;13;23 Speaker 3 So it's like no skin off my back, you know what I mean? Oh, yeah. So now that I organize the raids, I make 20% of the total pot in these raids. And I mean, yeah, like, I got it. 00;08;13;23 - 00;08;15;21 Speaker 1 Just like it's like dollars in the door right there. 00;08;15;21 - 00;08;23;27 Speaker 3 I mean, I mean, if I were if I were if I were to try to make money off it, like. Like if I could make money off this, it really wouldn't be bad money. I'm not playing. 00;08;24;17 - 00;08;26;01 Speaker 2 So much of the Dora there. 00;08;26;01 - 00;08;27;27 Speaker 3 Maybe if I, if I could turn around. 00;08;28;04 - 00;08;29;13 Speaker 1 Queuing up you for now. 00;08;29;14 - 00;08;30;02 Speaker 2 Oh, fuck. 00;08;30;21 - 00;08;33;28 Speaker 3 Yeah. Why? He's like, know I just. 00;08;34;04 - 00;08;40;09 Speaker 2 About while you guys we're talking about Final Fantasy or Resident Evil or something, you know, just let your boy get a little level on it. You know, I started. 00;08;40;12 - 00;08;42;23 Speaker 3 To do it. I haven't even hit 20 yet. I don't know what I'm doing. 00;08;43;00 - 00;08;43;14 Speaker 1 You got to do it. 00;08;43;14 - 00;08;45;11 Speaker 2 Like I needed to actually get it this weekend. 00;08;45;20 - 00;08;46;00 Speaker 3 I didn't. 00;08;46;06 - 00;08;46;17 Speaker 1 Want to take it. 00;08;46;20 - 00;08;56;03 Speaker 3 Because I played a lot of the alpha beta that we were in and I just didn't really feel like spending a lot of time on this one. Not that. I mean, it's just it's the same thing, right? 00;08;56;03 - 00;08;57;20 Speaker 1 Like a sensible 50 on that. You got. 00;08;57;20 - 00;08;58;11 Speaker 2 To get them hot. 00;08;58;13 - 00;09;03;21 Speaker 3 Dude. Yeah, I'm going to get it today. I'm getting it today. Don't worry. You know, I wouldn't miss the other. 00;09;03;22 - 00;09;05;17 Speaker 2 Party had their puppies too. Fucking cute. 00;09;05;29 - 00;09;07;22 Speaker 3 Yeah. Dominio today, I'm actually. 00;09;07;22 - 00;09;11;28 Speaker 1 How. How do you turn? How do you turn red leading into anger since what I want to know. 00;09;12;04 - 00;09;16;00 Speaker 3 Oh, well, that's easy. Okay, so, like, if So these raids I go to, right? 00;09;16;24 - 00;09;18;12 Speaker 2 You say, do you take wow. Money? 00;09;18;19 - 00;09;45;16 Speaker 3 No, I mean, hear me out. These raids I go to, they're called GDP, right? So everything is bid on with gold. Okay. I as the organizer, make I think 25%. I give 5% to the tanks or if 2.5% to the tank. So like, you give him incentive to to bring in the big boys because they because these parts get up to like 600, 700000 to 1000000 gold, you know, that's like 250 to 3000 gold. 00;09;45;16 - 00;10;02;14 Speaker 3 My pocket. Now let's now let's put this into perspective. If I were a gold seller, which people will always say that that's against terms years where it's been going on for fucking forever, you know what I mean? And there's tons of people, like there's tons of people doing duty. There's no way that Blizzard could shut down all the people doing it. 00;10;02;14 - 00;10;25;09 Speaker 3 I've been buying from the same dude for three years, you know what I'm saying? He's been doing it just fine. But anyways, if I were to turn around to sell this $22 per 10-K, if I walk around, if I, if I walk out of a four hour raid and I make 25, 20% of a $700,000 or 7000 gold pot, that's what like 200, close to 200 K or something like that. 00;10;25;14 - 00;10;32;18 Speaker 3 If I turn around and sold that for $20 per ten K that's not a bad chunk of money. That's a couple of hundred bucks right there. 00;10;32;23 - 00;10;34;26 Speaker 1 So, you know, it's not bad. You could. 00;10;34;26 - 00;10;56;19 Speaker 3 There. Now there are people that do that. I actually raid with a guy that that's what he does full time is he treats it like he is very much has it like a business where you have to like fill out forms and you have to, like fill out certain details like questionnaire forms of like, hey, if you get this certain debuff, what are you supposed to do with it in like a if you're playing a, you know, rep Paladin, if I call for this, you know, what do you do? 00;10;56;19 - 00;11;06;07 Speaker 3 And like he actually that's people really hard and but he makes I mean like last night the pot was 1.2 million gold so what's 20% of that? 00;11;06;25 - 00;11;08;18 Speaker 1 That's like 240,000. 00;11;09;00 - 00;11;14;18 Speaker 3 Yeah. So he, he's trying to sell it, so but he literally does it for a living. 00;11;14;28 - 00;11;18;04 Speaker 1 So anyway, so he's like making 500 bucks a raid ish. 00;11;18;04 - 00;11;36;27 Speaker 3 Yeah. And I mean people are actually paying him on the side more than that because the people that are like full buyers, they come as like, they're not like they can't contribute to the raid. You know what I mean? Well, yeah, he like, well, I mean, this dude is I mean, this guy legitimate. I feel like he's you can you can hear the aging in his voice when he's stressing out over these fights. 00;11;36;27 - 00;11;47;27 Speaker 3 Like last night. You literally I could hear him. He's like, you can hear it's like a mile. He's like somebody somebody will, like, die in the middle of the Rangers here. Like, you're like, Oh. 00;11;48;11 - 00;11;49;15 Speaker 2 You're fucking some business. 00;11;49;27 - 00;12;06;08 Speaker 3 He's about to get pissed off, you know, like, and like at one point he actually at one point he had, like, the classic, like, just kind of fucking cut. I'm just like, you know, I'm like, mute real quick because I'm too high for this shit. But, you know, yeah, it's, it's, it's always scary. 00;12;07;13 - 00;12;07;21 Speaker 1 Always. 00;12;07;21 - 00;12;14;09 Speaker 3 Gary Yeah, but anyways, that's how you, that's how you could turn. Ray leading and wow into paying your rent if you want to do. 00;12;14;14 - 00;12;16;15 Speaker 1 Then if you did not realize, then if. 00;12;16;15 - 00;12;35;19 Speaker 3 You think about it, if, if in theory you were a streamer down on top because that's what some of them do, there are, there's a guy named Alonzo. He's like the number one DPS in all of classic Wow, that's what he does. He raid leads and he does like all his top DPS and he streams and has like five or 600 people, you know, at a time. 00;12;35;19 - 00;12;53;21 Speaker 3 So to start compounding that, that, that revenue stream and it is not as bad but I mean that's that's a, that's a, that's a one percenter right. Like that's like a there's there's not a lot of those people doing that. But either way, there's a man, you know, there's always a way to make money out there somewhere. 00;12;53;21 - 00;12;54;25 Speaker 2 You got to hustle, you got to hustle. 00;12;54;29 - 00;13;04;08 Speaker 3 People will be buying and selling items and for you it won't be in the game directly, but there will be websites like GSP or whatever it is that you can buy shit from. 00;13;04;08 - 00;13;06;14 Speaker 2 So there's I mean yeah, that's always been. 00;13;06;22 - 00;13;30;16 Speaker 3 Have you not heard that before Charlie. Oh yeah. Look at d2 GSP dot com. Like that is a, that is, I think that forum has been around for ages. Like that's where most people were buying, selling and trading items on Diablo two and like org Oh it's orange. Sorry, sorry. Anyway, whatever I it's like a forum. It's like a trading forum. 00;13;30;24 - 00;13;48;08 Speaker 3 D2 GSP dawg. But anyways, I guarantee you they will be doing stuff with D on there. I mean I haven't been on there in forever but that I used to use it when they split DC like way back in the day, like probably like 2015, 2016. That's not even way back in the day. But it was around then. 00;13;48;08 - 00;13;49;11 Speaker 3 It's been around for a while. 00;13;49;27 - 00;14;01;13 Speaker 2 So I mean, yeah, I remember that. I mean, there was, there's wasn't any game that existed or websites for that. Like, you know, there was one for gamers. I mean there's one. Yeah, they exist, dude. 00;14;01;13 - 00;14;05;29 Speaker 3 There was one for Massive. How crazy is that that you could like there was. Oh yeah. 00;14;06;15 - 00;14;06;27 Speaker 2 Of course. 00;14;07;24 - 00;14;08;28 Speaker 1 But by all accounts. 00;14;10;11 - 00;14;11;25 Speaker 3 Account but no, no, no. 00;14;11;25 - 00;14;14;06 Speaker 2 Like, I mean that was just accounts. But you could. 00;14;14;06 - 00;14;27;09 Speaker 3 Buy couldn't you buy power cause or somebody would like log into your account and they had like some kind of hack where they would load up your account power. Cause I remember there was a thing, there was something, there was some fuckery that going on like that at one point in time or another. 00;14;27;15 - 00;14;29;15 Speaker 2 Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm sure. 00;14;30;02 - 00;14;34;28 Speaker 1 I'm sure you I don't know though. Anyway so since. Damn. 00;14;35;05 - 00;14;35;16 Speaker 2 Yes. 00;14;36;08 - 00;14;49;28 Speaker 1 Well actually I'll talk about the games I'm playing on the side so I'm trying. I'm Stortford playing Black Desert mobile. I'm actually having a lot of fun with it. Does that kind of play? Yeah, there's actually a lot of stuff that you do in the game. 00;14;50;02 - 00;14;52;25 Speaker 2 Okay? And it's like, you know, you start the game, you press autoplay button. 00;14;53;06 - 00;15;09;10 Speaker 1 It's not always that way when you're playing, when you, when you're at the you at the point where you can't progress anymore, like you're just stopped by levels. There's a lot of things you have to manually do to be able to make sure that your your gear level up your your super combat points up so that way you can progress. 00;15;10;04 - 00;15;26;29 Speaker 1 But a lot of it is that but something fun about just auto auto attacking doing stuff what's up so good I just really I just look at but I like I like I've been playing that and still the same two games so I've been playing that's just been my mobile game of choice recently. 00;15;27;10 - 00;15;27;24 Speaker 3 Which one. 00;15;29;03 - 00;15;52;13 Speaker 1 Doesn't mobile. Okay, you haven't tried it. I highly recommend checking out and if you are going to check it out and want to play, you can add me as a friend on there. It's fashion. Obviously it's all crossover now so you not be on the same server that people's friends. It's it's a lot of fun. I really enjoy it and I highly recommend people try it out like I have spent a dollar in the game in the three years that I've been playing it on and off. 00;15;52;13 - 00;15;54;12 Speaker 1 So it's definitely it's crazy. 00;15;54;18 - 00;15;59;03 Speaker 3 I've only spent dollar on the game because you you have to play it for a while. Yeah. 00;15;59;29 - 00;16;03;00 Speaker 1 Let's just goes to show that you can just go to go ahead. 00;16;03;03 - 00;16;15;14 Speaker 3 Speaking of which there is a mitch posted a a little teaser about it, but I think EA is coming out with a Lord of the Rings type like myself slash Star Wars Galaxy Heroes game. 00;16;15;14 - 00;16;18;23 Speaker 2 Oh, sure. Yeah. Yeah. No idea that it is, but I believe it. 00;16;18;28 - 00;16;25;28 Speaker 3 I'm going to try it out. I mean, it's it's silly. Out. Yeah, I already signed you sign up for the pre pre or whatever it is. 00;16;26;16 - 00;16;28;10 Speaker 1 I think it's an O.G. jet. 00;16;28;18 - 00;16;39;03 Speaker 3 Yeah. That's the one he posted in there. So I will. But that'll be a good game to get the boys on for a little bit until you know when it's time to slay it. 00;16;39;03 - 00;16;41;20 Speaker 1 Where did he post? I didn't see it in there. Six, six, six. 00;16;43;01 - 00;16;47;29 Speaker 3 Six, six, 20, 23. I'm not sure. Actually, I went to the website and I just filled out some form. 00;16;47;29 - 00;17;00;02 Speaker 1 They had something like on post again in the The Discord. So for those who are curious you can find that I posted discord dot me slash O.G. podcast network I've been doing social but it doesn't matter because doing the policies anyway. 00;17;00;14 - 00;17;01;07 Speaker 2 People follow us. 00;17;01;25 - 00;17;02;13 Speaker 1 We do follow. 00;17;03;00 - 00;17;04;02 Speaker 3 I follow you follow. 00;17;05;02 - 00;17;05;25 Speaker 2 I will follow. 00;17;05;25 - 00;17;05;28 Speaker 1 Him. 00;17;06;18 - 00;17;07;14 Speaker 3 Yeah. Where did he play. 00;17;07;15 - 00;17;10;20 Speaker 1 Since Dom is playing D for at the moment, he talked about playing. 00;17;10;20 - 00;17;13;26 Speaker 2 D for the moment. What the fuck do I turn that shit off, motherfucker? 00;17;14;05 - 00;17;15;01 Speaker 1 Or show us your screen? 00;17;15;21 - 00;17;17;27 Speaker 2 So my screen. 00;17;17;27 - 00;17;20;25 Speaker 3 Matias sent me so much stuff. Oh, wait, here it is. 00;17;21;07 - 00;17;33;09 Speaker 1 It's okay. You can't just do it now or. Anyway, so since you were playing and we're logged in, want you to give us a little bit of the updates about your. Oh, look at that. I'm right. 00;17;33;09 - 00;17;36;02 Speaker 2 Okay. The inception. The inception. 00;17;36;02 - 00;17;37;13 Speaker 1 Inception, conception. 00;17;37;21 - 00;17;46;16 Speaker 2 How do I get out of this? Like, what happened, how I gave this as manager to stop waiting now and stop crying. Oh, there we go. Okay. I mean, if I could have that recording, I missed it. But. 00;17;47;14 - 00;17;53;19 Speaker 1 Gigs. Yeah. So why don't you go as the resident Diablo fan among us? 00;17;53;20 - 00;17;55;17 Speaker 3 I that's definitely. 00;17;55;17 - 00;17;56;23 Speaker 1 Stand right what is happening. 00;17;57;18 - 00;17;59;18 Speaker 3 And is definitely the the phenom. 00;17;59;18 - 00;18;01;03 Speaker 1 Well I meant like who's here. 00;18;01;10 - 00;18;04;11 Speaker 3 Sure I gotcha gotcha. Yeah. Stan Stans busy right now? 00;18;04;22 - 00;18;05;01 Speaker 2 Yes. 00;18;05;01 - 00;18;06;22 Speaker 3 Dance, dance, dance. 00;18;06;27 - 00;18;10;13 Speaker 2 Like you're making fucking spreadsheets and shit like my guy. Yeah. 00;18;11;13 - 00;18;15;00 Speaker 1 I can't go that far down the rabbit hole with it, But, hey, you know. 00;18;15;02 - 00;18;15;20 Speaker 3 I appreciate. 00;18;15;26 - 00;18;20;28 Speaker 1 It because he's. He's been doing a lot of streaming lately, so if you haven't seen him, it's what's his stream thing is just. 00;18;21;00 - 00;18;22;06 Speaker 2 Playing games in. I think so. 00;18;22;09 - 00;18;25;00 Speaker 1 Got to play on Stan. Well, what is going on? 00;18;25;06 - 00;18;26;08 Speaker 2 What are you doing? What's wrong? 00;18;27;10 - 00;18;34;08 Speaker 1 No, it's just like. I guess there's a new. I'm using Microsoft Edge for this window. 00;18;34;16 - 00;18;37;24 Speaker 3 And why would you legacy. Why? Why is it even on you know it's. 00;18;37;24 - 00;18;39;06 Speaker 1 Actually pretty good browser. 00;18;39;06 - 00;18;42;19 Speaker 3 From out of here it's good browser my dude that's like saying. 00;18;42;19 - 00;19;08;04 Speaker 1 There's the thing go ahead. The thing that's crazy. And I saw this joke and I really I actually kind of laughed out loud Is Chad gpg if those who don't know Chad Djibouti is as a significant portion of funding by Microsoft. So they really own it. Yeah. Oh yeah. And big time huge into Egypt and so being has all of Djibouti's functionality built into it. 00;19;08;04 - 00;19;18;04 Speaker 1 Oh sure seems that into Microsoft Edge and so someone said that like I did the one thing that no one ever thought would be possible is make being relevant. 00;19;18;12 - 00;19;19;00 Speaker 2 Right? Right. 00;19;19;02 - 00;19;19;28 Speaker 3 Oh, yeah. 00;19;20;01 - 00;19;40;04 Speaker 2 Actually, you know, one being is actually a little bit relevant. You could form Microsoft points and you could get you can get free shit on the Microsoft store with points in the bottom. Yeah. And Bing is another way to farm points. Like if you do, if you do certain stuff on Bing, you get points. So every for every day, every day opens up. 00;19;40;04 - 00;19;43;23 Speaker 2 Bing does a couple searches, does some other dumb thing and gets like a few hundred. 00;19;43;23 - 00;19;49;24 Speaker 1 Points, take 5 minutes and you can get yeah, it's it's not a lot of money but like you can pay for some services for like. 00;19;49;24 - 00;20;03;17 Speaker 2 Oh no I have like he has banked points and has bought like consoles and like shit. Oh yeah. No, if you, if you like, do it like you do it, do it like you're going to, you're going to have banks some points. 00;20;03;17 - 00;20;04;00 Speaker 3 Make some. 00;20;04;11 - 00;20;05;01 Speaker 2 Denali. 00;20;05;19 - 00;20;06;11 Speaker 1 Bing, some points. 00;20;06;11 - 00;20;08;25 Speaker 2 Bing some points things the company is. 00;20;09;04 - 00;20;21;11 Speaker 1 I actually use Bing at work just because it's we're all Microsoft team. So I was like, what's your part? GROSS Fine. All right. So I don't know where I was going with this. 00;20;21;16 - 00;20;22;11 Speaker 2 How good looking I am. 00;20;22;22 - 00;20;23;05 Speaker 3 Some of my. 00;20;23;05 - 00;20;39;17 Speaker 1 Default. So. Yeah, so default. Yes. Dom, give us your your thoughts and your and your questions and your concerns. And you're like life hall dreams about Diablo four because it's very close away from coming out. It's like two months away that. 00;20;39;17 - 00;20;40;23 Speaker 2 June June 16. 00;20;40;26 - 00;20;43;02 Speaker 3 So you said six weeks 2023. 00;20;43;15 - 00;20;52;16 Speaker 2 See if it was six, six, 20, 24, then two plus four equals six and would it be coming out six, six, six. You know, they missed opportunity there. But I want to play because I wanted I want it sooner, you know, I mean yeah. 00;20;52;16 - 00;20;53;15 Speaker 3 I don't I don't I don't. 00;20;53;21 - 00;20;57;04 Speaker 1 Care as they come out last year it was two plus two plus two equals six. 00;20;57;04 - 00;21;08;04 Speaker 2 But the truth. February 2nd. Yeah. So I never played double. Do you remember. I know that was what some but some people were saying like oh it's like you mean. 00;21;08;04 - 00;21;09;03 Speaker 3 DG remastered. 00;21;09;19 - 00;21;11;09 Speaker 2 Or either. No. Yeah. But you didn't. 00;21;11;09 - 00;21;13;07 Speaker 3 Play Diablo to like the, the OG one. 00;21;13;22 - 00;21;30;29 Speaker 2 No I when I saw, when I was younger I was playing the other poster I was doing like Warcraft and Starcraft. Oh Diablo didn't really like Tickle My Fancy like it didn't really like a game that I like was like, Oh, I think I would like this, you know what I mean? So I didn't you know, I didn't do it. 00;21;30;29 - 00;22;12;19 Speaker 2 I didn't do Diablo, but I know a lot of people are saying that this it's similar in vain to Diablo two and some of that grittiness and whatever that is. So like all of those opinions on what that may be like kind of don't matter to me so much. But what I will say is the overall like feel and structure of the game seems like they took all the things that worked with Diablo three and just made them better or twisted them around a little bit to be to make them work more efficiently in this in this format. 00;22;12;19 - 00;22;22;22 Speaker 2 So I played last weekend. I got to level 21 on a rogue, really fun time doing a like melee slash penetrate penetrating arrow build. 00;22;23;00 - 00;22;24;11 Speaker 3 Hell yeah. 00;22;24;11 - 00;22;41;12 Speaker 2 That was very fun. And then I wanted to play more this weekend, but I just didn't really have the time, unfortunately. But I started to level up a druid, which I think is probably going to be like the main the main class I play when the game comes out. I know. You know. 00;22;42;09 - 00;22;43;01 Speaker 3 Really, why. 00;22;44;00 - 00;22;45;27 Speaker 2 And just really just the vibe, the. 00;22;45;27 - 00;22;47;03 Speaker 3 Esthetic. Yeah. You like Jared? 00;22;47;16 - 00;23;07;26 Speaker 2 Yeah, I just think. I think esthetically it's one of the coolest ones I like. Even if it might not be the strongest. Well, actually, I have more to say on, on the strongest aspect of it, even if it might not be the strongest. I just think it is. Fuck, everything is tight. You know, I'm trying to like. I'm trying to, like, be a bear all the time. 00;23;08;05 - 00;23;08;10 Speaker 3 Yeah. 00;23;08;21 - 00;23;09;16 Speaker 2 Yeah. I think it's is cool. 00;23;11;03 - 00;23;20;05 Speaker 3 I like that they took the shape shifting aspect out of it and they made it that the skills that the ability itself will transform you into that more. 00;23;20;05 - 00;23;21;02 Speaker 2 Yes. Yes. 00;23;21;08 - 00;23;21;18 Speaker 1 Go lot. 00;23;21;29 - 00;23;24;05 Speaker 3 That was huge. 00;23;24;05 - 00;23;43;05 Speaker 2 So I wanted to be more of it. I'm I might try to still, but I just have so much to do today. So we'll see if I can. But overall I really like the map is really it's fucking huge. There's so much to do in the single beta area, let alone this giant. 00;23;43;05 - 00;23;49;08 Speaker 3 The crazy thing to think about as it's only it's that's just one map and they have few more of those to come. 00;23;49;08 - 00;24;14;11 Speaker 2 You know it it's huge. And so I watched a video from Ryker. If none of you all follow Riker our age wiki er. Riker has been the the resident diablo. You, I would say, the most prominent source on Diablo content for years like, you know, D3 vanilla I go back into was that 2011 or something? 12 whenever the fuck that came out, I remember. 00;24;14;29 - 00;24;47;26 Speaker 2 And ever since then Riker has always been the one that like you listen to. He no, he just knows that. You know what I mean? He's he has all the info. And so he put out a video of the day and within I guess he was talking about there was some, some things answered from the devs. And the reason I bring this up, because I know a lot of people are saying that, you know, they feel like the barbarian, the Druid feel a little weaker compared to the Sorcerer, Necromancer and Rogue, which factually is correct. 00;24;48;03 - 00;25;18;11 Speaker 2 As it stands, if you start the beta or or the alpha or whatever, if when you start the game, it is phenomenally easier to play, to play in level right now as those three classes. The interesting thing that the devs said was that not necessarily that the skill ceiling is higher for Druid and Barbarian because it's not really like you need more skill to play them, but they are more dependent on their levels and their gear than the other classes are. 00;25;18;21 - 00;25;19;08 Speaker 3 Yeah, that's. 00;25;19;08 - 00;25;25;25 Speaker 2 That's very true. Yes. So once you get to higher levels and you get better gear, they fall more in line. So like. 00;25;26;19 - 00;25;28;04 Speaker 1 You might actually outshine some of the. 00;25;28;04 - 00;25;59;00 Speaker 2 Other. Yes. Like when you start the game it will be easier to level up with Druid, Sorcerer or Rogue. But as the game progresses, the the larger rogue necromancer and sorcerer. But as the game progresses, you'll find that all the classes will be like in a similar vein. Obviously, as time goes on and we find out more about build quality as an item, combos and things like that, there will be classes that just naturally outshine other classes. 00;25;59;18 - 00;26;01;11 Speaker 1 But that's all seasons are for. 00;26;01;23 - 00;26;20;19 Speaker 2 It's not necessarily that the Druid and the barb are like substantially weaker to the other ones. It's more so that no. One, we're just not at the point yet where we're seeing what all the classes can do, which like it's like, Fair enough. Fair enough. There was one thing I actually didn't. I didn't read it. All right? I had to drop the video at the time because I was busy. 00;26;21;01 - 00;26;30;16 Speaker 2 There was I guess we were complaining about the the level of there's too much similarity with the dungeons as they stand. And I know you're. 00;26;30;16 - 00;26;33;10 Speaker 3 All very, very little bland, in my opinion. Yeah. 00;26;33;19 - 00;26;34;29 Speaker 2 Well, yeah, this. 00;26;35;00 - 00;26;36;28 Speaker 3 There's just no directives. Like you basically. 00;26;36;28 - 00;26;43;16 Speaker 2 Just go well because there was never objectives for in there not only there wasn't really been right they. 00;26;43;16 - 00;27;07;28 Speaker 3 Were more rewarding like going into a dungeon. Even the older games historically was like in Diablo Y. Well first of all the other one, you just were in one giant dungeon. So but in Diablo two, like when you were running around the open world and you found a dungeon, it's like, you know, you were going in there to get a chest at the end or like there was a certain objective for going into that specific Well, not on this area, you know what I mean? 00;27;07;28 - 00;27;13;25 Speaker 3 I would say in D2, in D2, and I don't know, I mean D3, I don't really remember, but it's just. 00;27;14;10 - 00;27;33;25 Speaker 2 What's so always been sub to our Angie. Regardless our Angie were always dictating for sure anything or not. I mean you know I've done a million D3 dungeons and roll their wrists, their cod and nothing. That's just like the way the R&D works. But I'm more so not even just like getting any loot because like I shouldn't expect to get yet in the beta. 00;27;33;25 - 00;27;39;12 Speaker 2 I shouldn't I like loot is irrelevant as it stands now. You know what I mean? Like for right now, Well. 00;27;39;18 - 00;27;48;13 Speaker 3 A lot of it should be dropping like the Guild, the uniques and legendaries. We dropping like crazy so people can see what it's like to use them and stuff like that. And then when you get in the real game, none. 00;27;48;13 - 00;28;03;29 Speaker 2 Of us are at the point where the game isn't at the point, nor can we. I will not, like I say, we. I mean like more like the normal people, not like the people who are grinding for of three or four days, like right for like content or what the fuck ever. 00;28;04;08 - 00;28;04;18 Speaker 3 Yeah. 00;28;05;03 - 00;28;23;10 Speaker 2 They're, they're it's almost impossible that we would see any loot really because that's kind of what the game isn't really about, getting a lot of loot off the bat. You should be working for it and maybe like there is an argument to be made that for the, for the beta they should maybe up the drop rate, which I don't even know if. 00;28;23;10 - 00;28;43;02 Speaker 2 I mean, not that I don't agree with that, but I think really what I want to just see is the overall mechanics of the game first. Loot will come later because like in reality, Diablo doesn't start until you're done with the story and then you're just running through dungeons and all that shit. Like the story aspect of Diablo has never been what you're really playing for. 00;28;43;02 - 00;28;57;03 Speaker 2 You're just playing for the dungeons themselves, especially, and that's really how it was the job of three. Like the story wasn't relevant in any manner. It was just like, Can I, can I get past the story to then start doing the dungeons, which I feel. 00;28;57;03 - 00;28;59;19 Speaker 1 Is the I like the the expansion on D3 is. 00;28;59;23 - 00;29;23;20 Speaker 2 Well, I mean, that's what honestly, the expansion on Diablo three is what made the game pass vanilla like up until was it Reaper Weaver of Souls? I think it was called Reaper Souls. Diablo three was like dead Reversal literally brought the game back with adding a necromancer and then just adding in like, you know, the Herat, the Herodian, Rudra Cube or whatever and some other things. 00;29;23;25 - 00;29;50;12 Speaker 2 But still, like for me, I don't necessarily care too much that the dungeons are too similar because once the game is fully out, I'm just ripping through dungeons just to get to kill the boss and try to get some loot like the the the how the dungeon is shaped where the dungeon is, any of that shit, I'd die I don't care about because like, I'm just trying to rip through. 00;29;51;01 - 00;30;10;25 Speaker 2 I'm just trying to rip. I mean, you know what I mean? Like, I'm just trying to fucking rip and tear, you know? So I actually, I do want to go back in and watch the rest of that record video because I'm curious what the devs had to say about the the overall complaint of the game. Dungeons feeling lackluster in a sense. 00;30;10;29 - 00;30;31;29 Speaker 3 Well, it's really funny that you say that because in while like the Warriors, they're the same way like they are right now, they're they're really behind the curve as far as DPS is concerned. But the reason that they haven't buffed them in any way is because their damage scales the highest based off of the armor that they're wearing. 00;30;32;07 - 00;31;02;02 Speaker 3 So by the time the last raid rolls around, warriors go from being like middle of the tier or middle of the pack. DPS to like God. Tier ENSINO number one, uncontested DPS, you know what I mean? So it falls in line with that, which is kind of funny in a weird way, but I hope that's correct. I mean, the druid, the Druid wasn't terrible, but it definitely was lacking damage. 00;31;02;02 - 00;31;03;19 Speaker 3 So, I mean, you know, but. 00;31;03;19 - 00;31;08;17 Speaker 2 Also like, remember, like, are you going off of what you like? Did you play the Druid? I'm asking or my. 00;31;08;20 - 00;31;17;15 Speaker 3 Sort of my, my, my friend Toronto did he and I, he and I played the the the first version together exclusively like he was. 00;31;17;26 - 00;31;18;19 Speaker 1 Playing with you guys. 00;31;18;19 - 00;31;30;06 Speaker 3 Yeah. Yeah. Charlie was there, too. But I was. I was a sorceress and he was a druid. And when we played together in tandem, I did the majority of the damage, and he just ate all of the. 00;31;30;15 - 00;31;39;08 Speaker 2 And I think that still goes to the point I was saying before, is none of us, regardless of even how far Toronto has gotten now or how far you all got in the. 00;31;39;08 - 00;31;40;08 Speaker 3 Yeah. Yeah. 00;31;40;14 - 00;31;55;00 Speaker 2 Have gotten to a point where probably we're actually unlocking the full potential of these classes, surely. Sure. The guys in goal posted a video of him with a sorcerer, built the sorcerer ice and Hydra build like ripping through the bedroom in 2 seconds. 00;31;55;08 - 00;31;55;18 Speaker 3 Yeah. 00;31;56;02 - 00;32;11;24 Speaker 2 And that I get that because, a, the sorcerer is better as it stands right now. But also like that deal was has probably been driven through the game at a rate that we couldn't physically do right now because we're human. We're like normal adults with like jobs and stuff. 00;32;12;03 - 00;32;12;28 Speaker 3 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 00;32;12;28 - 00;32;34;02 Speaker 2 That makes sense to me. But in regards like us doing it, I got, I don't know if I could like, sit here and say like, Oh, I think this, I think I could I can give my, my opinion based off just what I did, but in terms of like what the game feels like, I just won't really or not, How am I trying to wear this? 00;32;34;02 - 00;32;53;16 Speaker 2 Not what the game feels like, but what classes may be better or not in the long run? I can't say because what the fuck do I know yet? You know, like if is if like one of those like Riker or, you know, like Diana Gold or some of those other players that may have been like, really? Remember? Oh, I played all five classes and I got them to 50. 00;32;53;16 - 00;33;10;18 Speaker 2 And then here is the opinion on base. Like maybe I'm like, okay, I guess. But even so, like we saw two months of the game comes out. Who knows what items will be dropping then? Who knows what they'll be end up changing by then. But my overall opinion is I really like the game. I'm very excited for all of that. 00;33;10;18 - 00;33;13;03 Speaker 2 Long winded to say it's I think the game fucking tight. 00;33;14;02 - 00;33;25;27 Speaker 3 It's a great game. I'm very excited. So excited. I think. I think my biggest problem is going to be that there's just so much to do and I can't compare two missions. 00;33;26;09 - 00;33;28;12 Speaker 2 To any other Diablo game. There's so much to do. 00;33;28;12 - 00;33;37;15 Speaker 3 Yeah, and it's not just clearing stuff out because there's a lot of exploration that goes along with it, which is, which is pretty cool. 00;33;37;15 - 00;33;39;03 Speaker 2 So I'll be the fucking map is. 00;33;39;26 - 00;33;58;07 Speaker 3 Yeah it's, I mean we, we truly have an even I mean even though there were a couple, apparently there was another end game closed beta, even though these things are going on, I don't think anybody's really seen the end game yet. You know what I mean? But I can't, you know. Yeah. So because you. 00;33;58;09 - 00;34;06;27 Speaker 2 Only be a part of one man, one portion of the map I think. Right. I don't think the beta goes past where we're starting where we start. 00;34;06;27 - 00;34;08;12 Speaker 3 Yeah. Yeah, that's, that's correct. Yeah. 00;34;08;12 - 00;34;15;26 Speaker 1 So you get the alpha. Definitely did, but not, not in this current area. 00;34;15;26 - 00;34;30;08 Speaker 2 I mean the level of map, the amount of dungeons are the, the, the system of what are they calling us. They're not like raids but like, you know, when a town gets taken over, let's take it back. We all that. 00;34;30;08 - 00;34;33;17 Speaker 3 Oh, yeah. We haven't even seen that. They haven't, they haven't done that yet. 00;34;33;17 - 00;34;36;15 Speaker 2 Yeah, we haven't seen that. That's fucking cool. That's all. Cool. Shit. 00;34;36;25 - 00;34;38;05 Speaker 3 Yeah, I agree. 00;34;39;04 - 00;34;39;11 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;34;39;19 - 00;34;43;10 Speaker 2 Yeah, that's me fucking state. So we take shit. 00;34;43;10 - 00;34;45;21 Speaker 3 It's going to be tight. Shit, man. 00;34;46;24 - 00;34;47;13 Speaker 2 Diablo. 00;34;47;26 - 00;35;10;14 Speaker 3 I'll be most excited to see the actual legendaries and the skins on some of them because that was always part of my favorite or one of my favorite parts of the O.G. Diablo games were the esthetics of, like the different armor pieces. And like when you're running around town and you could see somebody was wearing a certain item, you're like, Oh shit, I got a, you know. 00;35;11;17 - 00;35;13;25 Speaker 2 Fucking ripped. 00;35;13;25 - 00;35;38;11 Speaker 3 Well, I can remember a lot of the names of the items anymore. It's been so long, but yeah, pretty, pretty, pretty interesting to see how it's all going to play itself out. I played, I think last week and I played a Melee Rogue and I really enjoyed it. I went to Straight Melee because my Mike Tronto was a when he went rogue as well, but he went full arrow build and he was just ripping everything up. 00;35;38;11 - 00;35;42;24 Speaker 3 But I was having fun, just kind of like bobbing and weaving and like assassinating shit and. 00;35;43;28 - 00;35;48;11 Speaker 2 Yeah, the speed that I mean, of course, like, I would hope the speed is fucked with the speed of the rogue is just. 00;35;48;23 - 00;36;08;20 Speaker 3 It's fast. Like if you, if you actually build. I don't yeah I don't remember the name of the abilities. I won't because I only went 15, but one of them I picked up was like a straight, like a dashing ability. You just zip like straight across or whatever. And I would, I would basically just like throw a smoke bomb and then rip through. 00;36;08;20 - 00;36;16;09 Speaker 3 And then by then, you know, Tron does over there just like raining arrows in there. And it was it was it was fun, man. It was good for you. If there's a slight change a. 00;36;17;02 - 00;36;32;07 Speaker 2 Like I'm not it's not even a complaint that's in there already is If there is like one complaint I had I could have is that the rogue is so similar to the demon hunter. It feels like it's not even really a different a different. 00;36;32;08 - 00;36;36;21 Speaker 1 Well, the only difference, I think, is the demon hunter was only range. Whereas Rogue you can buy Really Orange? 00;36;36;27 - 00;36;37;09 Speaker 2 Yes. 00;36;37;28 - 00;36;41;25 Speaker 3 I think the demon hunter had the option. Ah, they were a few abilities, you. 00;36;41;28 - 00;36;42;17 Speaker 2 Know, mainly. 00;36;42;19 - 00;36;43;12 Speaker 3 Garbage. 00;36;43;23 - 00;37;05;07 Speaker 2 There was no melee. The only other the only other, the only other build you could do that wasn't a kind of aero build was there was a dagger build, but that wasn't you could melee still. It was still just you threw the dagger and it like that. It really is like the only real difference is that the fucking the the the rogue has melee in it. 00;37;05;13 - 00;37;14;11 Speaker 2 Like I feel like the dashes is the same like a lot. Almost all of the core mechanics of the rogue are the same as the demon. 00;37;14;12 - 00;37;15;03 Speaker 1 What about it, though? 00;37;15;10 - 00;37;35;04 Speaker 2 No, no, no, no, no, I'm not. I'm not necessarily either, but I don't know. When I saw the rogue, I thought it was going to be kind of a different kind of a different deal. So I don't know. I was expecting more stealth. I was expecting more like, Mm. 00;37;35;05 - 00;37;50;17 Speaker 3 Okay, well, then you didn't pick the right abilities, I'll tell you that right now, because there is there you that there is a stealth ability you can pick to where you're literally going in this and you're like shadow stepping. And that's what I was doing. Like I was surely. 00;37;50;29 - 00;38;18;27 Speaker 2 No, no, I'm not saying that. Like, I, I think I may have gotten that ability, but I mean, more is, is feels more aggro than I would have thought. I thought I'd be more like hit and run type things. I felt like most time I was just sitting in a group of mobs, like throwing, throwing my my like dagger like my dagger in the penetrating arrow around when I thought I would be running around more and like trying to escape and do shit like that. 00;38;19;03 - 00;38;51;00 Speaker 3 Okay, so that's definitely your build because and I'm only saying that because that your what you're describing is literally what I was doing. I picked the, I picked the ability where you do like the the dagger AIUI in front of yourself. And I think the apex the speed movement ability. And so what I would do is is I would do an attack to proc the speed movement and I would basically just zip around and I would like do a fan of knives and then run around San and I'd run around like I was never and then I would go like it is I would pop up behind somebody standing knives, a pack, like I call 00;38;51;00 - 00;39;10;12 Speaker 3 it fan of knives, because that's the ability and wow. But I don't know, like, I feel like I was I was sticking and moving the entire time, which is why I loved what I was doing. And I actually might even play that in the upon release because I kind of don't want to play Sorcerer. It's like I feel cheesy playing Sorceress. 00;39;10;12 - 00;39;22;25 Speaker 3 I don't know, like it's just too fucking good. It always has been. It always will be. Because I think that if they don't do it, the Fed, the fanboys out there or fangirls or whatever will. 00;39;23;03 - 00;39;23;24 Speaker 1 Get in people. 00;39;23;24 - 00;39;32;08 Speaker 3 If and people will be like super butthurt about it because it's always been the most open class in Diablo. And I don't know, I. 00;39;32;21 - 00;39;35;16 Speaker 2 Same build as you. Everything that I had, I just don't think I. 00;39;35;28 - 00;39;38;08 Speaker 3 I don't know. I tell you what I'll take, I'll take a picture of it. 00;39;38;12 - 00;39;39;06 Speaker 1 Really, dummy. 00;39;39;06 - 00;40;14;04 Speaker 3 No, no, no, no, no. I saw the easy get good. I think it's just like I think it's a place, the whole thing, because, like, I. I get bored when I play these games. If I'm just standing there and, like, casting spells and things. And that's why I mean, like, that's same. Yeah. Like I actually got really into the, like the speed of the, of the rig that I was, that I was witnessing and like just being able to, I fucking just walk it around in like zip around and you know, not be standing in one place like that was what intrigued me the most in it because when I played I played Barbarian in 00;40;14;04 - 00;40;17;01 Speaker 3 the first beta and it was trash. Like it just felt terrible. 00;40;17;01 - 00;40;17;27 Speaker 1 Has it gotten much better? 00;40;17;28 - 00;40;24;01 Speaker 3 God is so bad, dude. And I mean, I know that they're going to say they're going to make the claim that it's going to get better at the end game or whatever, and that's fine. 00;40;24;01 - 00;40;32;08 Speaker 1 I get it. But I made it. Barb is my second character and I got to like level 15 and I had a hard time feeling like Level 11 bosses is. 00;40;32;20 - 00;40;47;18 Speaker 3 Boring and like, it's not fun. And and right now everybody's like, Oh, well, you could do a thorns build. It's like, okay, cool. So basically I can build a character that I run around and get hit and I do damage like that Sounds pretty fucking cringe to me in a Diablo environment. 00;40;47;18 - 00;40;48;05 Speaker 1 I tried that. 00;40;48;05 - 00;40;50;25 Speaker 2 It's that was one of the biggest builds in Diablo was start. 00;40;50;25 - 00;41;11;17 Speaker 3 Yeah and I get it you know like it's it's totally a play style and if you enjoy the playstyle good for me I'm not a fan of it like it's not really my kind of game so I prefer not to have to be pigeonholed for that to be like, okay, dude, seriously, a barbarian for you. For them to tell me that the bar's best build is to be fucking thorns out. 00;41;11;21 - 00;41;29;16 Speaker 3 Dude, in Diablo two, they were the shit dude you could build. Like you can have like a giant pike or dual wielding swords and like, were winning everywhere. Like, were winning Barbies were the shit. I'm sorry, but, like, make barbs great again. Like, they're. They're trash right now, and I don't. I don't care what they. I don't care what they say about him being like end game Bill, which, you know, wrong. 00;41;29;16 - 00;41;31;26 Speaker 3 Dom Like, I know that's a point for like. 00;41;32;07 - 00;41;54;02 Speaker 2 I'm sure one of the things to which I don't know if there actually is much credence to it because the search is still very strong, but Barbies are one of the most strong and important factions in classes in Diablo three because they had the most versatility and build right. So maybe there is like some to it that they're like, Oh, maybe we need to chill a little bit. 00;41;54;02 - 00;41;54;17 Speaker 2 I don't know. 00;41;54;17 - 00;41;56;26 Speaker 3 Like you're not wrong. Yeah, about probably not. 00;41;56;26 - 00;42;11;04 Speaker 2 I but like at the same time though didn't really nerf it's not even that they because that's the thing like there is no Nerf finger buffing because it's a whole new game. So I can't really say like they didn't nerf the the sorcerer because this is a different source. This is a completely different Yeah. 00;42;11;12 - 00;42;18;03 Speaker 3 Yeah I just wish they wouldn't make frost sauce as strong as it is. And I love for sure. 00;42;18;03 - 00;42;22;26 Speaker 2 I'll take all these notes and all. I would like to think that they're listening to all this and. 00;42;23;09 - 00;42;48;27 Speaker 3 They definitely tune they 1,000% are because they are. Because a lot of the changes, like I said, there were a few things that I in the first beta and I noticed they were fixed and I remember exactly what they were. But both Toronto and I reported a bunch of stuff that we noticed were fixed. So they're definitely taking the the data and weighing the pros and cons of things getting shit fixed. 00;42;48;27 - 00;42;54;13 Speaker 3 But I mean, they want this to be a big game. They don't they don't want to fuck it up. The Diablo is too big of a name is. 00;42;54;13 - 00;42;58;29 Speaker 2 One of the most anticipated games I think of the last, you know, fucking long time. I mean, shit. 00;42;59;09 - 00;43;07;28 Speaker 3 When when did D3 come out? Came in like 27 or eight or do not. No, not 2000, 2000, nine, 2000, ten maybe 2012. 00;43;08;07 - 00;43;09;24 Speaker 2 It was 2012. Yeah. 00;43;10;05 - 00;43;12;13 Speaker 3 Yeah. 00;43;12;13 - 00;43;23;02 Speaker 1 It's crazy about the overall good things to say. This building is a building the height for you both right now. I think there's. 00;43;23;05 - 00;43;49;19 Speaker 3 A lot of builds. I think it's going be a lot of different. My hope for the game is that it's not like Diablo two where you have it. Because I'm only saying this because I didn't really play a lot of D3 and I don't know the builds in D3, but and a lot of people have commented and I felt this way as myself as this is more of a sequel to two than it is the three in the in the atmosphere and the like esthetic of the game. 00;43;50;02 - 00;44;08;04 Speaker 3 But I just hope that they don't do what they did where it's like from sources. The best you got out of hammered in. If you want to go kill Bale, you got to you know, if you want to go in an eight man party, you got to have one. Barbarian is dedicated to shouting only. That's like their only real benefit in the end game. 00;44;08;04 - 00;44;23;04 Speaker 3 Like, I don't want it to be like that again. You know what I mean? Like, if they're going to make all of these talent trees, make abilities, make hybrid builds worthwhile, You know what I mean? Let me be. Let Dom be a stealth assassin. They can pull out a bow and arrow and fuck people up from a distance, you know, like, I hate that. 00;44;23;04 - 00;44;25;01 Speaker 3 I hate that they pigeonhole builds. 00;44;25;10 - 00;44;51;25 Speaker 2 In other words, they get to look at it like it's kind of, unfortunately, an unfortunate byproduct of the game itself regards to what build becomes overall best because it's all about pushing. Well, I also don't know how they're going to work dungeons like, you know, in Diablo, it was all about pushing greater riffs and a greater riff was, you know, you just set the level of how difficult the the dungeon was. 00;44;52;03 - 00;45;20;25 Speaker 2 Yeah. So you almost always had to have a support. Barbarian. Yeah, Yeah. That's a bay, either a support Witchdoctor or and then like two DPS that was almost always the deal because barbs could pull enemies in. They could, they could generate high parking health potions and then the support witch doctor would, you know, negate like debuff like 100% armor. 00;45;21;04 - 00;45;43;03 Speaker 2 And so were there tons of other really fun builds to play. Yeah but if you wanted to push like the highest greater if you would almost always do like a combination of some kind of thing like that, hopefully with the class tree system, it won't always be. And also like depending on what the the deal will be with crafting gear and stuff like that because like crafting gear. 00;45;43;03 - 00;46;03;29 Speaker 2 And in the other three, at least in green, I'm, I'm basing almost everything off of the armor three just because that was the last game that came out and in crafting gear and double three was irrelevant. But it seems like it's a little bit it's been like it's gotten like a nice little glow up between those like specialty vendors exist and some other things. 00;46;03;29 - 00;46;38;07 Speaker 2 So I'm sure see how that falls into place. But hopefully with the level of expansion, with how they're working talents and skills and things like that, there will be more diversity. But in the end, it's all going to it will just fall down to what works the best to push like dungeons the most. And I don't necessarily know if that is a thing that blizzard like or necessarily Diablo if that's a thing that like like in this sense like Diablo isn't pigeonholing classes. 00;46;38;19 - 00;47;08;08 Speaker 2 It just so happens that when they made these classes the way they were, they just like the support bar. But whoever would I thought would have been a thing was the best support to get through. Yeah. A greater dungeon, you know what I mean? Like, right. So it's almost as a byproduct of someone found, oh, if I put this item on that pulls enemies in and I put, I use this item that generates, you know, health potions that do like 10,000 health per second, I can, we can set and tank any like the four man team can sit and take any from. 00;47;08;20 - 00;47;12;17 Speaker 3 This theory crafting people do in these but blizzard I love that it's like the. 00;47;12;18 - 00;47;18;11 Speaker 2 Theory it's like in no way was the developers of Diablo sitting down like, okay we're going to add this item and. 00;47;18;24 - 00;47;19;26 Speaker 3 You know they didn't do The. 00;47;19;26 - 00;47;21;25 Speaker 2 Barbarian is going to be massively. 00;47;22;11 - 00;47;23;01 Speaker 1 Fun, right? 00;47;23;01 - 00;47;38;23 Speaker 2 It's some fucking Dingdong sat there and they were building. They were probably just playing one day with their friends and at the moment they had on that sickle that pulls like and demons are monsters in and they're like, Oh, guys, we can get through this grift so much faster because now I can pull all the bad executive, pull the bad is it? 00;47;38;23 - 00;47;53;19 Speaker 2 You know, it's like shit. Like that is like really what ends up making the game is what people find out is the best combo of weapons and skills and talents and stuff and passives and shit like that. So it's going to be like in a couple of months when we see some fucking, you know, sweaty dude. It's like, Oh yeah. 00;47;53;20 - 00;48;01;18 Speaker 3 And it gets me like, I found this crazy thing where if you swap this weapon for this and then press that, then swap it back to this. 00;48;01;18 - 00;48;29;11 Speaker 2 Yeah, like at one point in D3, Thorne Thorne's crusader was one of the best builds where you literally just sat on your horse running through the dungeon and you just proc thorns and you killed everything. I would love to think that that was never a an idea that was like, Oh, we got to make Thorne's good. It just so fucking happens that you composed those two rings that make every if you have a different ancient on every single piece, you get like 40,000 times more thorns damage. 00;48;29;17 - 00;48;34;17 Speaker 2 You know, it's just like. It's like that silly shit, you know? We'll see how it is. 00;48;35;07 - 00;48;45;25 Speaker 1 We'll see. Yeah, it's going to be wild. I'm really looking forward to it. Like it might get me back into streaming. And I say that about every single game, but it might get me back into it. 00;48;46;01 - 00;48;51;20 Speaker 3 But without. With all the free time you have right the way it is, you're at home so much voice on your basement. 00;48;51;20 - 00;48;52;12 Speaker 2 So maybe, maybe. 00;48;52;21 - 00;48;53;04 Speaker 1 The time. 00;48;53;18 - 00;48;54;04 Speaker 3 Is done. 00;48;54;04 - 00;48;56;02 Speaker 2 I'll get mad this time. 00;48;56;02 - 00;49;04;16 Speaker 3 Oh, shit. So you know what he's going to be like? Oh, he's gonna be like, Oh, I got to go to China for six months to go do this deal for Adobe. 00;49;04;16 - 00;49;16;23 Speaker 1 And a laptop comes with me. Yeah. Or the Ps5 comes with me. But I. Yeah. So the basement's done with the exception of the trim which I can't put in for a while anyway. They're waiting on doors. 00;49;16;25 - 00;49;18;03 Speaker 3 They need to go pick up some trim. 00;49;19;07 - 00;49;19;24 Speaker 1 And trim. 00;49;20;15 - 00;49;20;23 Speaker 3 So. 00;49;23;09 - 00;49;24;11 Speaker 1 You're out of there yet. 00;49;24;16 - 00;49;25;18 Speaker 3 Maybe it just keep going. 00;49;26;19 - 00;49;35;22 Speaker 1 But I'm, I'm really looking forward to it and I'm really excited for it. And I just, I don't know, like, more importantly, it's going to get me to the point of. 00;49;35;23 - 00;49;36;08 Speaker 2 A bear because. 00;49;36;08 - 00;50;04;11 Speaker 1 I like being able to have dedicated time. And I know that sounds sounds silly. I'm sorry. The sun keeps coming out my house. Cloudy day today. It was rainy all day yesterday, but like being able to, like, have time to do stuff, I just don't have that right now. And just to be able to have, like, dedicated times like week where I'm like, I'm forcing myself to be done with work at like 530 or 6:00 because I want to, I want to train for an hour. 00;50;04;12 - 00;50;19;11 Speaker 1 Like, I just want to do that. Like, I just need to put more guards in my not safeguards, but like I got to put more in my personal life to like, I want to wake up earlier to work out like I need to do things. And I feel like having some sort of structure because everything right now is just chaotic and crazy. 00;50;20;03 - 00;50;40;12 Speaker 1 Because I've been working, I have a really big project at work that's about to come out, and once that's done, I can kind of calm down a little bit and just have some more time to do things. So I think with those two combinations of things that I'm going to be really excited to kind of just get back into it and just play games and be able to do it. 00;50;40;12 - 00;50;40;25 Speaker 1 So yeah. 00;50;40;26 - 00;50;41;05 Speaker 3 I feel. 00;50;41;10 - 00;50;42;15 Speaker 1 That being said. 00;50;42;15 - 00;50;43;18 Speaker 2 That being said, I'm back. 00;50;44;17 - 00;51;07;11 Speaker 1 I am. Yeah, my my. It is work life boundaries. My ratios are off their way off now. They're extremely they're more work focused right now than they are life focused and I just need to rein it in is what it comes down to. And part of that is, you know, I have a really excellent boss. My boss is he inspires me every day and he's really good, but he also expects a lot. 00;51;07;24 - 00;51;26;21 Speaker 1 So it's like I have there's a lot going on. There's a lot of things happening behind the scenes. And so I just really need to like set my own boundaries because like, I don't want to not perform. And I'm also like, still, I'm almost two years into this new job. So like, I'm still like weighing the like, you know, how I work in a corporate environment. 00;51;26;21 - 00;51;29;26 Speaker 1 After being a freelancer for 15 years, kind of tough. 00;51;29;26 - 00;51;30;20 Speaker 3 Talk to. 00;51;30;24 - 00;51;49;28 Speaker 1 Stuff. So because I'm used to like for those are remember for me I'm talking about in my film days, like I'm so used to like, okay, I'm going to work balls to the wall 12, 14, 16 hours a day for like six months. Then I'm going to take three months off to do whatever I want. They don't want to go back on another project blow up. 00;51;49;28 - 00;51;54;03 Speaker 1 I'm doing that, except they don't have that three months off. Is that your problem? 00;51;54;10 - 00;52;12;10 Speaker 2 Yeah, that was that was that was the the first thing when I transitioned from working on set to working a more normal job start at nine and the six I started ten actually. Sorry. Sorry ten. And the six. I don't answer a fucking thing past six. I don't do a fucking thing past six. I don't do I don't do nothing. 00;52;12;10 - 00;52;15;08 Speaker 2 I don't answer. I wish I did before ten. Well you can. 00;52;16;05 - 00;52;17;14 Speaker 3 Because I'm on the. 00;52;17;29 - 00;52;18;14 Speaker 1 Same boat. 00;52;18;14 - 00;52;22;27 Speaker 3 I'm technically on the board of directors now, so it's like. It's like I could do that. 00;52;22;27 - 00;52;25;24 Speaker 2 Right? That makes you. That means that you could do even more. So maybe. 00;52;26;08 - 00;52;47;11 Speaker 3 You can. I could, but in theory. Right. Who stands to lose the most? If things need to get done and they don't get done? I do because I own a stake in the company. So, like, in the end, it's ultimately screwing myself. So it's just one of those things. It sucks. You're right. I can if I wanted to, and I did earlier this week, I totally ducked out of work. 00;52;47;11 - 00;52;51;10 Speaker 3 Play well, but no, but you know, I. I feel like if. 00;52;51;10 - 00;52;52;06 Speaker 1 I hear a boss's. 00;52;52;06 - 00;53;04;05 Speaker 3 Email. Yeah, yeah. They actually you know what I did I straight up like, okay, so I wanted to go to this raid on Friday, so I just straight up went on the calendar and I put Doctor Josh doctor appointment from 2 to 5:00 and. 00;53;04;17 - 00;53;06;06 Speaker 2 Did I said if I can do this I see. 00;53;07;24 - 00;53;08;08 Speaker 1 Down here up. 00;53;08;28 - 00;53;16;27 Speaker 2 My thing is I actually do have a lot of doctors appointments right now, which makes you forget that. But I get to use it's an easy excuse when I didn't have a doctor, it's like, Yeah. 00;53;16;29 - 00;53;35;26 Speaker 3 Look, the thing is remote work is are you getting your are you getting your work done? Yes or no. Yes. Phone. Fuck. And like, leave them alone. You know what I mean? If they're not doing their job right, they're asked. You know, I'm saying it's very simple. Like it's it's cut and dry. You know, like if you have an employee that's performing, leave them the fuck alone and let them do their shit. 00;53;35;26 - 00;53;54;05 Speaker 3 You know what I mean? So, like, if Dom from 10 to 6 is getting his shit done, I would never in a million years ever bother him, you know, outside of company hours. Yeah, I'm saying. But if I had Joe Schmo that's like constantly dropping the ball, I'd be like, Homie, I know you think you work 10 to 6, but like, if you don't get your job done, I'm a find somebody they will like anyways. 00;53;54;20 - 00;53;54;26 Speaker 3 Yeah. 00;53;54;27 - 00;53;59;19 Speaker 2 Bump talking about you guys. I don't give a fuck. I know I'm saying that. 00;53;59;19 - 00;54;02;12 Speaker 1 I know, but I did. I did take off Monday. 00;54;02;12 - 00;54;04;09 Speaker 3 Charlie, they're workaholics. What do you want from us? 00;54;04;09 - 00;54;07;24 Speaker 1 We are. I am a workaholic. I'm not. I'm not going to lie. Because then I also. Then I'm a. 00;54;07;24 - 00;54;16;01 Speaker 3 Sleazy asshole and titled the millennial Young Degenerate Asshole. Yeah, that was. That was sarcasm. That was sarcasm. I'm. 00;54;16;03 - 00;54;21;04 Speaker 2 I'm not being sarcastic. I am I don't give a fuck about where I hate work. 00;54;21;04 - 00;54;24;18 Speaker 3 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Twitch. Twitch. Did you hear that? You don't give a fuck. 00;54;24;18 - 00;54;26;23 Speaker 2 Well, they just laid off 400 of my colleagues yesterday. 00;54;26;24 - 00;54;27;11 Speaker 3 Be really. 00;54;28;00 - 00;54;42;25 Speaker 2 Sorry. And there's 8600 more from Amazon in a week or so. So, I mean, let them. You know what? Yeah, I'm laying off 9000 people and 400 of that was twitch. Yeah. I hate fucking working, having a job. I hate giving my life to a corporation or anything. I agree. 00;54;43;03 - 00;54;44;06 Speaker 3 I want fucking you. 00;54;44;06 - 00;54;48;18 Speaker 2 Know, I don't get. Yeah. The, the Yeah. 00;54;49;04 - 00;54;50;07 Speaker 3 It's okay buddy. It's okay. 00;54;50;07 - 00;54;53;09 Speaker 2 I'm just playing with plastic toys all day. You know, when. 00;54;53;09 - 00;54;59;26 Speaker 3 When clearly aligners sells for like ten, you know, or like $5 billion. And I can retire early. 00;54;59;29 - 00;55;01;00 Speaker 2 When? What? When? 00;55;01;00 - 00;55;03;22 Speaker 3 Clearly aligners. It's the name of that I work for. 00;55;04;00 - 00;55;05;12 Speaker 2 Oh, yeah, right. Yeah. 00;55;05;12 - 00;55;24;23 Speaker 3 So we just change our name thanks to your boy when it, when, when the company sells and I can retire, we're going to start Chef Dell Enterprises. And you can be the you can be the regional cedi. There you go. So you can be the regional the regional Italian mafioso. 00;55;24;23 - 00;55;25;27 Speaker 2 Yes. Yes. 00;55;26;00 - 00;55;45;15 Speaker 3 Head of Fuck off Enterprises department. Yes. Okay. What that is? I have no idea. It's completely made up, but we just. We just designed your dream job. All you got to do is just put people in a headlock when I tell you to. And that's it, dude. That's it. You're. You're literally hired muscle. And I might make you ask you to make me a piece there once in a while. 00;55;46;27 - 00;55;58;05 Speaker 1 Let's say I'll tell you my dream job for you right now. Tell me if this is what you're going to do, because we're going to talk about this real alive. And but you just you just pay me it really a decent salary. Okay? You give me time to take off whenever I want, as long as I get my shit done. 00;55;58;28 - 00;56;02;03 Speaker 1 And that's it. Spent working. 00;56;02;06 - 00;56;31;09 Speaker 2 Hours. I do say I do see this whole the whole like, just don't fucking just don't fucking work the last bubble like I say all that. Yeah. Very spoiled because I have bosses that very much are a part of that life. So like if I have a stream that goes past working hours where bosses like, oh, I'd lock out your calendar for the morning, like you're not, if you're going to work past working hours, like you're not going to start the day as early as you like. 00;56;31;09 - 00;56;34;00 Speaker 2 You know, I've bosses like the Strip. Wonderful. Where they're like. 00;56;34;09 - 00;56;36;11 Speaker 3 Yeah, yeah, like our direct to. 00;56;36;11 - 00;56;36;26 Speaker 1 Be that way. 00;56;36;28 - 00;56;57;27 Speaker 2 The director of the other day was like, you know what, guys? Two days a week just pluck the first out of your calendar, go outside, go for a walk, go do something. You know, you like. They're very much very wonderful. Like we we're all doing great work. I don't give it like, do you do whatever the fuck you want type of thing, which is truly wonderful when you have a boss. 00;56;57;27 - 00;57;09;09 Speaker 2 It's like when I'm like, Oh, I, I as a person, you see my boss like, oh, take the day and make. Well, I know what I don't need. I only though they do, I just need like, you know, I got to I'll be back in an hour. He's like, You sure he's on the day? Like, you know, like I was it I so. 00;57;09;12 - 00;57;31;25 Speaker 1 I try to. I try to be that way. So, like, I'm a manager now. I have somebody who reports to me and I not I didn't realize we're going to get like I said, I did say we're getting into randomness today, but I, I, I mean, these tangents I tried to. I try. Yeah, exactly. I try to be had that mentality of just like I know, I know I come from the union world where like, everyone gets taken advantage of all the time for stuff. 00;57;31;25 - 00;57;55;20 Speaker 1 So I'm like, I try not to have that mentality and my boss is extremely good about like saying like, look, if you need a day to day, like, I can't, I can't to, I can't regulate your own schedule. You have to make you have to get your own stuff in order, which I very much appreciate. So so I do I took I had it we had a day off yesterday and I yesterday Friday or a global honest day at at at work. 00;57;56;00 - 00;57;57;18 Speaker 1 If there's not a better holiday, they give. 00;57;57;18 - 00;57;59;05 Speaker 2 Us a sense of keeping it Saturday. 00;57;59;16 - 00;58;10;04 Speaker 1 I keep they get Saturdays off and so with that I like to take long weekend so I took off tomorrow as well. So now I don't have to have as well on that ten. 00;58;10;23 - 00;58;14;29 Speaker 2 Which is off tomorrow because they gave everyone off at because of all the layoffs. 00;58;16;03 - 00;58;19;24 Speaker 3 I was like what's the new holiday tomorrow that I don't know about. 00;58;20;06 - 00;58;24;29 Speaker 2 Now? Well, for us it's just because they laid off 400 people and it's like it's like. 00;58;25;15 - 00;58;27;28 Speaker 1 What's that? And bereavement. It's for your fellow workers. 00;58;28;12 - 00;58;29;03 Speaker 2 Yeah, pretty much. 00;58;29;27 - 00;58;49;13 Speaker 1 Yeah. I'm. I'm in the same boat here. We have unlimited PTO at Adobe and it's excellent. And so they don't care as long as your stuff gets done. But I'm literally like I have a very big project I've been working on for the last like six, seven months and that's about to come to fruition. And so it's just been like super stress right now. 00;58;49;13 - 00;59;11;28 Speaker 1 So and that's why I've been doing lots of work work until 9:00 at night because I'm dealing with multiple time zones, differences and whatnot. But the nice thing is when I when I work until 9:00, I log in at like 11 the next day. So I don't I deal with it. I set my way message. And although I will say it's super annoying, people don't respect Slack stuff like just look, just look, look. 00;59;11;29 - 00;59;16;19 Speaker 1 There's a big red x one. Oh, there's a red x. What does it mean? Hover over to see. Oh, like I'm not of F's. Don't just. 00;59;16;24 - 00;59;17;10 Speaker 2 Still answer a. 00;59;17;10 - 00;59;17;18 Speaker 1 While. 00;59;18;06 - 00;59;19;23 Speaker 3 I don't use like all. No. 00;59;20;27 - 00;59;35;29 Speaker 1 No, I just put I just have my notifications on so it doesn't happen. But sometimes it gets through and I'm like, anyway, not to go off about work, but. So, Chef, how are you doing in Resident Evil or. 00;59;35;29 - 00;59;53;25 Speaker 3 Well, I had I had one full mental meltdown on Friday night over the chainsaw guy, mainly because my boy Toronto, killed him on like the second or third try. And I took it personal that I couldn't kill him. And I took it and I went like, dude, I was I was like at one point. 00;59;53;25 - 00;59;55;07 Speaker 1 The difficulties playing on. 00;59;55;16 - 00;59;59;07 Speaker 3 Our both playing on normal right now. First playthrough on normal. 01;00;00;18 - 01;00;01;04 Speaker 1 Yeah, it's. 01;00;01;16 - 01;00;23;06 Speaker 3 Last night I stopped off at I just got in that, you know, I got in the church, I got to Ashley and now I am. Fuck, we're not getting off last night. Oh you knew the part Where you in is it Carlos Luis. I can't remember in this game. Yeah. You and Luis find that house history. You and Louis, you. 01;00;23;07 - 01;00;38;23 Speaker 3 Are you running up and you find that house with Luis? You know, it's like the square house. And there's two stories to it. Stories to it, and there's the zombies. Keep, like, coming in, and you have to defend Ashley as well as and fend off. Well, anyways, that's where I started. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I stopped off there last night, so. 01;00;39;25 - 01;00;47;29 Speaker 1 There's not there's not a trophy for this, but I was going through the challenge. There's a challenge if you, if you finish that without boarding up and in the windows, you get extra sleepy for it. 01;00;49;21 - 01;01;03;11 Speaker 3 Nice. So nice. I did not do that. I, I spent way too much time trying to get the, the AC plus or whatever in the shooting shooting challenges. 01;01;03;24 - 01;01;17;04 Speaker 1 And I it's dude it's it's tough. Yeah I am I am just I'm a little bit ahead of you just because I had to make up for some lost time. I was like, real pissed off that I like, okay, I have Friday off. I'm going to play Resident Evil today. 01;01;17;11 - 01;01;29;06 Speaker 3 Dude told you that I know it. I, I had, I had a raid lead on Friday. Let it read yesterday about the lead went after this and you're over here like freaking out. It's like I told you, you're going beat blow pass me anyways. 01;01;29;22 - 01;01;43;22 Speaker 1 Well, no. Or roughly about the same. So it's actually been fine because I since I had no internet on Friday, I couldn't download the game. I couldn't play. So I was like, I didn't have internet until about 8:00 at night and I played for like 2 hours. Got to I can't remember. I got I got to the first shooting range. 01;01;43;22 - 01;01;48;25 Speaker 1 So I'm now currently I just got to chapter 12. So I'm on the island now. 01;01;49;15 - 01;01;54;25 Speaker 3 Dude, I'm only chapter six. You're basically done with the game almost. 01;01;54;25 - 01;01;57;28 Speaker 1 Yeah, but that's I saw you through even. 01;01;57;28 - 01;02;02;01 Speaker 3 Like, stop to look around at anything or do you just. I just read the game. 01;02;02;19 - 01;02;07;00 Speaker 1 No, I'm just. I'm trying. I'm trying to get all the collectibles on. The first run is what I'm trying to do. 01;02;07;05 - 01;02;13;11 Speaker 3 Oh, how are you? How are you? Already in chapter 12. And you make the claim you're trying to find all the collectibles. How much is. 01;02;13;16 - 01;02;18;04 Speaker 1 Hard? I have 9 hours in the game right now. 01;02;18;04 - 01;02;37;08 Speaker 3 You, my friend, don't take in any of the scenery. I'll tell you that right now. There's no. There's no way. Absolutely no way that you have the same hoarder itis that I do. Okay. Because I have, like, revisited the same area like, 15 times looking at the wall, like looking at the same shit to see if there's items I missed. 01;02;37;11 - 01;02;39;23 Speaker 1 I definitely probably don't do that aspect of it, but I. 01;02;39;28 - 01;02;40;13 Speaker 3 Clear out. 01;02;40;13 - 01;02;59;02 Speaker 1 Every single thing, every single urn you can or box, you can break. I go through it for sure. Yeah, probably not to that extent, but yes, it's definitely, definitely part of it. But I am trying it's going to be it's going to be a lot of playthroughs where I looked at it because I was looking through the trophy list. 01;02;59;02 - 01;03;03;13 Speaker 1 I was like, This is at least six or seven, I think. I'm like, It's it's tough. 01;03;04;07 - 01;03;18;14 Speaker 3 You can do the the I think the one of my favorite parts about the game is the addition of the the attachments for the case. The crafting is always great. 01;03;18;15 - 01;03;26;06 Speaker 1 Yeah you put it very eloquently in the in the discord chat about what you really about it I really like that break down a lot. 01;03;26;26 - 01;03;28;26 Speaker 3 I mean what did I say? I can't remember. 01;03;29;28 - 01;03;33;26 Speaker 1 All right But it's very the game itself is. 01;03;33;26 - 01;03;34;29 Speaker 3 Just it's just. Oh, yeah. 01;03;35;08 - 01;03;42;26 Speaker 1 The the animations are excellent. The voice acting or whatever. It's like, you know, it's the whole Capcom kind of likes like. 01;03;43;08 - 01;03;43;24 Speaker 3 Oh, yeah, the. 01;03;43;24 - 01;03;44;25 Speaker 1 Case you like that. 01;03;44;25 - 01;04;00;26 Speaker 3 Case. Attachments and being able to use different cases in general is a ridiculously cool addition, and the usage of the nice is top tier for combat. Yeah, I like being able to, I like being able to use it defensively. I use it offensively a lot. Like I use like the warmer you press L1 and you can like jab at people. 01;04;01;00 - 01;04;20;24 Speaker 3 I use it all the fucking time. The addition of the mini quests is extremely so I can cool for the spin room and the version I like the the secret items. Yeah, the merchants, the merchant quests are really cool. Oh yeah. The only thing that pisses me off is you can't upgrade the ammo capacity on an item and it refills the ammo. 01;04;20;24 - 01;04;41;08 Speaker 3 So we used to do that all the time in the original one where you would like empty out the rifle and then go and refill it and you would get like six ammo bullets. Or if you, if you emptied out the handgun and your ammo capacity went up to like 20, you basically gained 20 handgun bullets. Like that was like a cheap way of kind of getting some extra ammo back handedly. 01;04;41;08 - 01;05;11;10 Speaker 3 But they definitely remove that from the game, which I was kind of like my friend, not my voice. Toronto is like, Man, these motherfuckers caught on to us, man. Like, yeah, they took it personal, you know? So that is legitimately my only gear, all that. But that's my only real gripe with the game. The other great with my game or with the game is that I killed the motherfucking chainsaw guy right in the first area and in his dying animation, the fucking town bell goes off so he doesn't drop his emerald or whatever. 01;05;11;13 - 01;05;22;17 Speaker 3 Like he, didn't drop the item. I could not fucking believe I was so tilted, dude, because I finally killed the motherfucker. And then the bell rings. And in in his dying animation, I guess it like. 01;05;23;03 - 01;05;24;17 Speaker 1 Obviously, or something like that. 01;05;24;22 - 01;05;44;04 Speaker 3 Obviously the game, it's this like a don't drop item moment where you know it won't it just drop my item out was serious dude I literally like left the room. I was so fucking mad. I only went for a walk. I was so it took me an hour to finally kill the fucking guy. Like, I definitely have declined in skill. 01;05;44;04 - 01;05;53;05 Speaker 3 Like I 1,000%. I was like, Dude, I suck at this game. Like my friend. My friend was like, Dude, take a deep breath. You just you played too much while you'll be okay. I'm like, Fuck this shit. 01;05;54;23 - 01;05;56;06 Speaker 1 It's it's a tough game. 01;05;56;06 - 01;05;57;11 Speaker 3 It's actually not easy. 01;05;57;11 - 01;06;03;23 Speaker 1 No, no, it is not an easy game. And the boss fights are insane. 01;06;04;17 - 01;06;11;07 Speaker 3 I somehow have cream cake of the boss fight so far. Like the. I know, I know. I know. 01;06;11;07 - 01;06;30;12 Speaker 2 I just think choice words I cream cakes. Is that like a Florida thing or something? Like I know you weird down there but cream cakes the bosses like you like. Well I just want to have you feed them easily. Is that what that means? Like you. You like what them is That would. 01;06;30;13 - 01;06;41;10 Speaker 3 Go the my, my, my, my GrubHub driver is having trouble fighting my house. Although it's a I have no idea what it means. It just has a word that came out of my mouth. 01;06;41;10 - 01;06;52;15 Speaker 1 Oh, my goodness. That was I'm guessing he like it's like it's like whipped cream because he just whipped them. You know, he's got he can't defend himself right now. So he's I don't think it's I sitting here. 01;06;52;18 - 01;06;54;20 Speaker 2 Josh knows what he says most of the time. 01;06;54;21 - 01;06;57;09 Speaker 1 GROSS I'm glad he said cake is not pie as well. 01;06;57;09 - 01;07;02;18 Speaker 2 I don't think I think the majority of the time he has no idea what he's saying. 01;07;02;18 - 01;07;10;23 Speaker 1 So funny. That's fine. I'm really enjoying the game overall. Like, the animations are excellent. The voice acting we were talking. 01;07;10;23 - 01;07;11;05 Speaker 2 About in. 01;07;11;20 - 01;07;12;25 Speaker 1 Resin before people. 01;07;13;00 - 01;07;13;03 Speaker 2 You. 01;07;13;08 - 01;07;38;09 Speaker 1 It's kind of a may mean essentially it's it's okay but the thing like the animate like the facial animations are like out of this world like Ada Wong's facial animations are just like it's wild Like it's so good. Like it's such a good well, it's like, I don't know. Just the environment is excellent. Like there's a lot like the rain stuff and like, it's, it's challenging. 01;07;38;09 - 01;07;39;09 Speaker 1 It's difficult. 01;07;39;10 - 01;07;42;28 Speaker 2 Way more importantly, like more importantly, Charlie Johnson, if he gets a little use and. 01;07;42;29 - 01;07;44;06 Speaker 3 I'm back, I'm back, I'm back. 01;07;44;10 - 01;07;45;28 Speaker 2 You got your food though They on it? 01;07;46;22 - 01;07;47;24 Speaker 3 We found it. Okay. 01;07;48;18 - 01;07;48;24 Speaker 2 Sorry. 01;07;48;26 - 01;07;49;06 Speaker 3 I think. 01;07;49;10 - 01;07;49;24 Speaker 1 I lost. 01;07;50;01 - 01;07;50;14 Speaker 2 Virginia. 01;07;50;24 - 01;07;56;05 Speaker 3 Thank you. Thank you. It's my bacon cheese dog. Come on, now. You're in New York. Are you sure? 01;07;56;05 - 01;07;57;18 Speaker 2 11 a.m.. Beginning of cheese. 01;07;57;27 - 01;08;07;25 Speaker 3 And it was from a good deli, too. It's called Moe's. Moe's, NY Deli. Does you like that? How people use that? They'll be like, Oh yeah, NY Deli. 01;08;08;17 - 01;08;09;00 Speaker 1 But you're in. 01;08;09;13 - 01;08;12;03 Speaker 2 Yeah, we get, we get the, we get the fucking once. 01;08;12;16 - 01;08;16;11 Speaker 3 We get all the we get all the, you know the New York degenerates being shown here. 01;08;16;23 - 01;08;20;08 Speaker 1 It's true. True. They can't make it in New York so they go. 01;08;20;08 - 01;08;22;04 Speaker 3 For, to come down here and it's warmer. 01;08;22;04 - 01;08;22;20 Speaker 2 Down there. 01;08;22;22 - 01;08;25;28 Speaker 1 Yeah. Yeah. Anyway that's right. 01;08;25;28 - 01;08;50;20 Speaker 3 I my, my final synopsis is ten out of ten. I'm very excited to play through it again. I do not see myself getting the platinum trophy for professional ass Plus unless they have like an infinite rocket launcher in the game because I suffer from terrible evil order. Itis in resident evil games where, like, I just, like, physically cannot run past items and not pick them up. 01;08;51;01 - 01;09;00;23 Speaker 3 So and I have to kill as many things as I can find, which is the opposite way you get an ass plus. So yeah, let's say. 01;09;00;23 - 01;09;01;20 Speaker 1 Your mini defeat or. 01;09;01;29 - 01;09;05;20 Speaker 3 Mini defeat. I'm just telling I'm sitting expectations. Okay? Right. 01;09;05;20 - 01;09;06;05 Speaker 2 Yeah, yeah. 01;09;06;13 - 01;09;07;16 Speaker 1 Yeah. So you're getting defeat. 01;09;07;16 - 01;09;13;29 Speaker 3 I've already beaten the game on normal. Okay, I'm on my second playthrough. Okay. I'm on hardcore right now. 01;09;13;29 - 01;09;17;16 Speaker 1 Fine. It's about the platinum trophy. It's not about what playthrough you're on. 01;09;18;18 - 01;09;28;03 Speaker 3 I'm just going to definitely not. I'm taking my sweet time. I got to play for like an hour today and get from 15 to 20 so that I don't miss out on little Wolfgang, you know? 01;09;28;12 - 01;09;29;19 Speaker 1 I mean, that's not gonna get the part. 01;09;30;01 - 01;09;32;18 Speaker 3 So technically it'll take me less than an hour to do that time. 01;09;32;22 - 01;09;34;27 Speaker 1 But all about temp ups. 01;09;34;27 - 01;09;49;25 Speaker 3 Yeah, but I'm very excited to finish playing through it and. Oh, and, you know, it comes out next week from a week, a month from now. Star Wars Jedi survivor. Oh, really? 28th of April. 01;09;49;28 - 01;09;51;28 Speaker 2 Really? 01;09;51;28 - 01;09;52;06 Speaker 3 Yep. 01;09;52;15 - 01;09;57;00 Speaker 1 Oh, my God. Too much. Too many games to that many games. 01;09;57;00 - 01;09;59;06 Speaker 3 Yep. April 28th. Wow. Wow. 01;09;59;25 - 01;10;02;21 Speaker 1 I did not know that was. I did not know that. 01;10;02;21 - 01;10;23;01 Speaker 3 Was very excited for that. Cause my boy, my ginger brother from another mother know I'm saying so I can't wait to get back in that world. And I somebody asked me the other day, they're like, Oh, so my friend of my hero played Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. I was like, No, I was like, I ever wanted to just, like, walk up and force throw somebody off a ledge. 01;10;23;11 - 01;10;39;12 Speaker 3 He's like, No, I was like, You ever want to just, like, have like, a real ass lightsaber duel with somebody? He's like, Why? That sounds cool. I was like, And this is a game for you. Because I remember one time I walked around the side of a mountain and I saw a stormtrooper. I picked him up, threw me into his boys, and they all went flying off the side of the mountain. 01;10;39;13 - 01;10;42;04 Speaker 3 I was like, game. This game is so good. 01;10;43;03 - 01;10;45;11 Speaker 1 It's on. It's on my countdown. I should play it on PlayStation. 01;10;45;11 - 01;10;47;01 Speaker 2 I only play on thinking. 01;10;47;01 - 01;10;53;19 Speaker 3 I'm telling you, there is a very satisfying feeling of being able to walk up to somebody and just be like, Ha, yeah, like just falling out of the way. 01;10;53;19 - 01;10;55;29 Speaker 2 It's like a Star Wars Souls game, right? 01;10;56;07 - 01;10;57;15 Speaker 3 It is. There's no difficulty. 01;10;57;15 - 01;10;58;19 Speaker 1 Setting. It's just all the same. 01;10;58;21 - 01;10;59;09 Speaker 3 That's the way it is. 01;10;59;13 - 01;11;02;17 Speaker 2 The best man to deliver that shit that's. 01;11;02;17 - 01;11;03;13 Speaker 1 On its. 01;11;05;27 - 01;11;12;04 Speaker 2 Way. I can't. I can't. In just Dodge and Paragon Deep Bean. Fucking dip, dodge, duck. 01;11;13;10 - 01;11;15;02 Speaker 3 Dip, dodge, duck, Dive. 01;11;15;10 - 01;11;17;14 Speaker 2 Die, die. You can't do all that. 01;11;17;29 - 01;11;19;20 Speaker 1 You just die or die. 01;11;19;20 - 01;11;20;09 Speaker 2 I would say. 01;11;21;13 - 01;11;30;03 Speaker 1 Yeah, it's very, but definitely I definitely recommend playing it because the world worldbuilding in that game is excellent and there's lots of good stuff. I didn't realize it comes out so soon. I know how. 01;11;30;20 - 01;11;38;12 Speaker 3 I thought it came out at the end of the year, so I looked it up because my buddy was asking me about it and I was like, Dude, I didn't realize it was coming up so soon. 01;11;38;12 - 01;11;48;26 Speaker 1 Well, I'm going to in Vegas from April 13th through the 21st, so when I get back, it'll be a week later and I'll have my new projector. I'll play it downstairs in the basement by Ganesh. 01;11;48;26 - 01;11;50;05 Speaker 2 That's cool. Yeah, that'd be nice. 01;11;50;26 - 01;12;06;16 Speaker 1 Yeah, that's going to be fun. I'm looking forward to that. But my goodness, so many games and then D4 comes out like a month after that and then Final Fantasy 16 comes out two weeks later after that. I thought, That's not fair. 01;12;06;16 - 01;12;11;10 Speaker 3 That's yeah, I need to. I need to go ahead and quit my job and just be a gamer for the rest of my life. 01;12;12;18 - 01;12;16;07 Speaker 1 Yeah, I mean, you can, you can make money apparently selling while gold. So there you go. 01;12;16;26 - 01;12;18;18 Speaker 3 Apparently I could. 01;12;18;18 - 01;12;28;20 Speaker 1 That's what you should do when you sell your company. Just make wild gold. That's what you do is in your set. Don't have to do anything you just pays for. That's your beer. And then GrubHub money. Yeah. Wow. Go. 01;12;28;22 - 01;12;31;11 Speaker 2 That's the beginning of cheese from Moe's Deli money. 01;12;31;22 - 01;12;39;04 Speaker 3 And why don't you come on, Don't mind me. Don't disrespect cause. Oh, God, you're you're. 01;12;39;12 - 01;12;43;29 Speaker 2 You're too into the rabbit hole. That dude. 01;12;43;29 - 01;12;52;22 Speaker 3 Some good. Some of them are good. And then some of them have become a little. A little. You know, you could tell he's. You could tell his is is the straw. He's trying to. 01;12;52;22 - 01;13;00;25 Speaker 2 Say, Yeah, after like the first three, you know, you got the formula. You know, he's going to say yeah Schmidt the Schmidt cause. 01;13;00;25 - 01;13;09;02 Speaker 3 But I mean the the one, the one where he went into Dunkin Donuts, that one was actually fucking hilarious like that. 01;13;09;06 - 01;13;19;02 Speaker 2 I actually. So I don't know, Larry told you guys this. I have that, like, weird thing where, like, I can't watch something that I perceive as, like, cringing. 01;13;20;08 - 01;13;20;16 Speaker 3 Okay. 01;13;20;29 - 01;13;28;26 Speaker 2 So, like, I have trouble sometimes watching, like, the office or something, even though I know it's funny and I laugh, but I sit there and be like, Oh my God. Oh, you know, I said, It's. 01;13;28;29 - 01;13;30;14 Speaker 1 Like the same thing. A lot of. 01;13;30;15 - 01;13;51;15 Speaker 2 A lot of like Internet comedians that especially they do real life things. I'm like, I'm sure this is hilarious. I can't watch it. You can't watch it. I couldn't watch that one because the fucking people like that kind of like, like, you know. So, yeah, I had trouble watching things. 01;13;51;22 - 01;13;59;04 Speaker 3 I guess I'm the opposite. I usually find that should passing hilarious secondhand bears. Yeah. You know, I just, like, I totally get it. Totally get it. 01;13;59;16 - 01;14;00;15 Speaker 1 Because you care so much. 01;14;00;15 - 01;14;02;17 Speaker 3 Tom Izzo Really? Yes. 01;14;03;07 - 01;14;06;01 Speaker 1 I think so. It could be something like that. But anyway, I. 01;14;06;01 - 01;14;07;05 Speaker 2 Care about Ali. 01;14;08;00 - 01;14;23;24 Speaker 1 Yeah, there's just so many get in. I still have a sort of dead space to play and I start Midnight Sons to play, and I know that's 100 hour game, so I don't know. You know, it's just this is going to be a real tough year for game of the year opinion. It's going to be a real tough year for gaming. 01;14;24;04 - 01;14;24;22 Speaker 2 A lot of games. 01;14;24;22 - 01;14;26;18 Speaker 1 Probably a lot of good, good games. 01;14;26;21 - 01;14;29;15 Speaker 3 What do you think? I think I need to go downstairs and get my bacon and cheese. 01;14;30;00 - 01;14;49;03 Speaker 1 I think so. I think so. All right. Well, then we're going to we're going to call it here then. Thanks, everyone, for coming out. You can find us on Instagram. Oh, yeah. Podcast or Twitters, overachievers, peer websites, O.G. podcast. So that's where we get this episode. Every episode we're talking about. Well, we're looking forward to a little bit of game news and primarily just for going forward once that comes out okay. 01;14;49;03 - 01;14;54;14 Speaker 1 Yeah, if you like Diablo, you're going to like this because we're going to talk about a lot of stuff. Yeah. 01;14;54;23 - 01;14;55;15 Speaker 3 They didn't comply with us. 01;14;55;15 - 01;14;57;04 Speaker 1 Do any comply with you. 01;14;57;04 - 01;14;57;25 Speaker 2 Complain with. 01;14;57;25 - 01;15;10;23 Speaker 1 That if want to hit deal with us you can come to discord Me slash OG podcast. You can come hang out. You can find all stand's guides if you want to learn more about it. He streams a lot as well. And we have them set up on our our thing to. 01;15;12;00 - 01;15;12;16 Speaker 3 Announce. 01;15;12;25 - 01;16;33;04 Speaker 1 Yell whenever it doesn't take everybody any market streams like 19 times a day but it's still a it's still there but yeah. All right. We'll see you next time. Until then, may the force of Diablo be with you by.