00;00;00;01 - 00;00;02;23 Speaker 1 But I haven't. No, you don't. Hold on. Whoa, wait. 00;00;03;05 - 00;00;11;02 Speaker 2 We're missing a golden fuckin opportunity here. We need to introduce the OG coin right like the OG NFT. And it could be like. 00;00;11;13 - 00;00;14;22 Speaker 3 I feel like we have so many gifts of Dom smashing that there. 00;00;14;22 - 00;00;22;09 Speaker 1 Could be the White Claw on the head. It could be me stuffing it down into my mouth. The clash with the puppies. Like, there's so many we could have. 00;00;22;17 - 00;00;24;05 Speaker 2 We could have Shaanxi with a Budweiser. 00;00;24;05 - 00;00;27;26 Speaker 1 Had coming out of his face. No, no, no, no, no, no. Here we go. We got, we got. 00;00;27;26 - 00;00;39;17 Speaker 2 We got Shaanxi with a Jagermeister and a bottle of what's what's your other drink of choice? We got tequila and Yegor Meister, and he's just like, I just go into town on it. Sorry, I got a little carried, I got carried away. 00;00;39;29 - 00;00;40;18 Speaker 1 This is great. 00;00;40;21 - 00;00;48;26 Speaker 3 It's amazing. I love you all. This is awesome. Now this is how a podcast full time. That's how it is. 00;00;48;27 - 00;00;50;00 Speaker 1 Yes, you should have got that. 00;00;50;00 - 00;00;51;12 Speaker 2 Is the intro that should have been the intro. 00;00;51;12 - 00;00;55;03 Speaker 3 That should have been the intro. And I told you, although I could put it back in front with you could. 00;00;55;03 - 00;00;57;24 Speaker 1 You could. You could. That's what she said. All right. 00;00;58;22 - 00;01;01;02 Speaker 3 Maybe I will put it back in as the anthrax attacks begin. 00;01;02;10 - 00;01;03;16 Speaker 1 Or Dogecoin? 00;01;03;26 - 00;01;08;08 Speaker 3 Dogecoin. All right, here we go. Don McKinney, your timing. 00;01;09;05 - 00;01;13;26 Speaker 4 Well, good do bad, I'm trying to promote us in other channels, sorry. 00;01;13;29 - 00;01;14;19 Speaker 1 Oh, very good. 00;01;15;00 - 00;01;19;24 Speaker 3 OK. You're Mike. There you go. OK, here you go. What's up, everybody, welcome to the. 00;01;20;19 - 00;01;24;27 Speaker 1 Oh my god, I'm going to start, I'm going to start. 00;01;24;27 - 00;01;28;12 Speaker 3 I'll start that. I'm going to do that again. Occupy, you got it in my head from Dogecoin. 00;01;28;28 - 00;01;29;22 Speaker 1 Blame it on Ashi. 00;01;30;00 - 00;01;35;18 Speaker 4 Yeah. Listen, I tell Mallory this every day. Just blame everything on me. Makes it makes everything that. 00;02;06;07 - 00;02;22;29 Speaker 3 What's up, everybody, welcome to the overachievers gaming podcast Amy Coast Vash, joined, as always by the one and only the kid deli meat himself, the ashy pastrami, as well as chefs. I'm too old for NFTs, Cronos Howell or chef. 00;02;22;29 - 00;02;23;24 Speaker 4 I'm a boomer crowd. 00;02;23;26 - 00;02;26;22 Speaker 1 I'm here to brush up on the Greek Rondo, have you? 00;02;26;29 - 00;02;40;26 Speaker 3 If you're wondering what the hell we're talking about, you should go back to our Twitch and watch the video. Or actually, because it's only going to be live for a week or so on our YouTube channel. I post the entire thing from when we start streaming live on to YouTube, so we definitely check it out based on 00;02;40;26 - 00;02;49;22 Speaker 3 what we're discussing. And joining us this week for our traditional end of the year game of the year episode, this is becoming a tradition now. Shaanxi is. 00;02;50;02 - 00;02;50;23 Speaker 1 Traditionally. 00;02;50;24 - 00;02;52;05 Speaker 5 Only done it twice right. 00;02;52;08 - 00;02;53;06 Speaker 1 Now. It's three and. 00;02;53;13 - 00;02;53;26 Speaker 3 three times. 00;02;54;07 - 00;02;55;01 Speaker 5 three times. 00;02;55;02 - 00;02;55;22 Speaker 3 This is the third. 00;02;55;22 - 00;02;56;15 Speaker 6 This is the third one. 00;02;57;03 - 00;02;57;29 Speaker 5 Well, that's awkward. 00;03;00;24 - 00;03;04;22 Speaker 1 So there would be something about a supernova landslide. No, it's like. 00;03;05;22 - 00;03;12;22 Speaker 2 It's like that one night stand you had where you don't remember it in your light. They're like, Yeah, don't you remember it was like, like two of the greatest nights of my life. And you're like. 00;03;13;04 - 00;03;16;26 Speaker 1 Oh, yeah, yeah. And this is the third one, right, that. 00;03;16;26 - 00;03;20;29 Speaker 4 We we just got we just got that by by Shaanxi. 00;03;20;29 - 00;03;21;20 Speaker 1 Wow. Yeah. 00;03;21;22 - 00;03;23;19 Speaker 6 You know, it's OK. If is anyone else, it's. 00;03;23;19 - 00;03;24;11 Speaker 1 Going to be like. 00;03;24;16 - 00;03;25;22 Speaker 5 Afterwards. That's going to be the. 00;03;27;11 - 00;03;29;00 Speaker 4 But it's you. I'll take it. I'll take it. 00;03;29;07 - 00;03;34;27 Speaker 3 So anyway, thanks for joining us this week, Shaanxi or again for, you know, for the third time this year. 00;03;35;09 - 00;03;35;28 Speaker 1 I really enjoyed. 00;03;36;12 - 00;03;39;25 Speaker 5 Enjoyed the last last. two times. So much so I thought, Yeah, yeah, no. 00;03;39;25 - 00;03;43;06 Speaker 1 For the very memorable mission we left. We left. 00;03;43;25 - 00;03;45;25 Speaker 2 It's a huge impact on your life. 00;03;46;25 - 00;03;48;01 Speaker 5 You know it large. You know. 00;03;48;28 - 00;03;53;23 Speaker 3 Where can people find you? Shaanxi streaming or Twitch or whatever? Instagram. 00;03;53;23 - 00;04;06;14 Speaker 5 YouTube? Literally just on Twitch or YouTube or your local boozer at the bar? User pretty much. Yeah, Shaanxi on all the socials. That's not an old person to find. 00;04;06;26 - 00;04;19;10 Speaker 3 Yeah, I'm speaking up. You can find us at Instagram, at Ogidi Podcasts or Twitters over overachievers PR websites OG Podcast FM where you get this episode. Every episode we're talking about video games, what we're playing, what we're looking forward to and a little bit of gaming news. 00;04;19;10 - 00;04;19;24 Speaker 3 OK. 00;04;20;07 - 00;04;20;16 Speaker 6 Well. 00;04;21;16 - 00;04;34;01 Speaker 3 It's good that I've had three cups of coffee this morning, so I'm very good. That's good and I'm doing coffee without any cream or sugar, so I'm doing it straight. Because I'm trying to do intermittent fasting, and I realized that, you. 00;04;34;01 - 00;04;35;24 Speaker 4 Know, technically, technically it's calories. 00;04;35;28 - 00;04;36;24 Speaker 3 Yeah, it breaks you fast. 00;04;36;28 - 00;04;38;22 Speaker 6 So there are actually there's. 00;04;38;22 - 00;04;46;05 Speaker 4 Some school of thought that say, 50 calories in the morning is OK. So that would equal about a tablespoon of your. 00;04;46;15 - 00;04;53;03 Speaker 3 Yeah, but I can't I can't judge like, I'm like, inept when it comes to like mm, whatever. Like, I just don't understand any of that. 00;04;53;09 - 00;04;53;16 Speaker 1 You know. 00;04;53;16 - 00;04;56;01 Speaker 4 A tablespoon works, all right. You just get a thing. 00;04;56;01 - 00;04;57;09 Speaker 1 And look at a tablespoon. 00;04;57;17 - 00;04;59;12 Speaker 4 You get your thing. You put in the tablespoon. 00;04;59;13 - 00;05;00;21 Speaker 1 Yeah, but then it's like it. 00;05;00;26 - 00;05;08;01 Speaker 3 It doesn't do anything for me. And then I'm like nine tablespoons in in the morning. I'm sorry, I just rather do it. Nothing. I rather I'm an all or nothing kind of person. So got. 00;05;08;01 - 00;05;08;05 Speaker 4 It. 00;05;08;23 - 00;05;18;05 Speaker 1 Let's go with what this frosting thing that was funny. That's funny. 00;05;18;15 - 00;05;31;07 Speaker 3 This year, this year, this episode, we are doing our Game of the Year episode, and that's what do we do every year. We're talking about like the games that were our top ten games of 2021 or whatever the years that we're doing this in. 00;05;32;03 - 00;05;43;00 Speaker 3 But we're also going to discuss before we get into that. Said we're going to go through and list our top or bottom ten through six and then we'll get into discussions of our top five and what we consider to be our game of the year. 00;05;43;15 - 00;05;55;29 Speaker 3 Before we get into that, we're going to we're going to hit into two categories, which is what is what was the biggest disappointment for 2021, as well as what's most anticipated for 2020. But I guess we'll do the most anticipated after we're done. 00;05;56;06 - 00;06;04;03 Speaker 3 Give the your stuff. So anyway, thank you. Since you are our guest this week, what is the biggest disappointment for 2021 for you? 00;06;04;04 - 00;06;06;08 Speaker 5 Oh man, there's been a lot of disappointments this year. 00;06;07;15 - 00;06;10;24 Speaker 1 It's more disappointment. It's been a long been. Yeah. 00;06;11;18 - 00;06;24;27 Speaker 5 I've really struggled coming up with a top ten, and I haven't even got a top ten right now. I'm going to wing this the whole way through. I've got a list of games that I've played this year that I liked, but there's very few standout games I'd say. 00;06;24;27 - 00;06;27;06 Speaker 5 Probably the biggest disappointment was was. 00;06;27;06 - 00;06;28;08 Speaker 1 Outlawed is out this year. 00;06;28;27 - 00;06;29;24 Speaker 3 OK, it's out this year. 00;06;29;24 - 00;06;31;19 Speaker 5 Yeah, Outriders for me. Then that was. 00;06;32;02 - 00;06;32;21 Speaker 4 Yeah, he took me. 00;06;32;25 - 00;06;38;23 Speaker 5 That was bleak. That was very bleak and they didn't let me in the content creation program. So screw them. 00;06;40;09 - 00;06;42;19 Speaker 1 Screw them. Let you do Creative Cloud Adobe. 00;06;42;21 - 00;06;54;29 Speaker 5 Not only are they opposed to the old warfighting partners and stuff like that, loads of people, they they approached about the content creation program. Apart from Mace, I sent them an email was like, Hey, I'd really like to get involved. 00;06;55;06 - 00;06;56;05 Speaker 5 They're like, Yeah, whistle. 00;06;57;18 - 00;06;58;20 Speaker 1 Because I want my. 00;06;59;11 - 00;07;00;04 Speaker 5 I want to play you. 00;07;00;04 - 00;07;01;10 Speaker 1 Guys. Yeah. 00;07;01;18 - 00;07;03;26 Speaker 4 Yeah. But yeah, it's pretty wack. 00;07;05;06 - 00;07;14;04 Speaker 3 Yeah, that's fair enough. I know I wanted to play that, but I just never got into it, so I couldn't go for it. So, all right. Dom, what's your. 00;07;14;10 - 00;07;22;14 Speaker 4 I just picked out this easy I pick about it was also Outriders for me. I think I I mean, I think I would say Cyberpunk if I played it, but I didn't play it. 00;07;22;14 - 00;07;24;15 Speaker 3 So no one come out last year. Yeah. 00;07;24;29 - 00;07;25;25 Speaker 1 Oh, did it? Yeah. 00;07;25;25 - 00;07;26;23 Speaker 3 Yeah, it came out December. 00;07;27;14 - 00;07;40;04 Speaker 4 Oh, OK, that's fair. It was. It was so close to the beginning there. Yeah, I I enjoyed it at first and then I was like, Oh, OK, this is it, you know, I mean, it is then did resonate. 00;07;40;21 - 00;07;41;15 Speaker 6 If you're going to have a. 00;07;41;15 - 00;07;43;05 Speaker 4 Game with any kind of like. 00;07;43;05 - 00;07;45;16 Speaker 6 Loot or grind or whatever, you got to. 00;07;45;16 - 00;07;57;06 Speaker 4 Make it like returnable, like, not returnable. I don't know. Like, you got to give me the hook. I have to I have to feel like there's a reason I'm going to keep like doing these missions and like doing this and that. 00;07;57;06 - 00;08;12;22 Speaker 4 And I thought the class system was OK. But I also thought it was it wasn't as much as it could have been. I played the like, not the engine. It wasn't an engineer, but it's the one where you laid down like, you're like your bio like weapons that shoot out and I'm OK, this is OK, I guess 00;08;13;23 - 00;08;16;29 Speaker 6 . Yeah, it was right. It just also like. 00;08;16;29 - 00;08;28;00 Speaker 4 I felt that there wasn't really that. I feel like this year wasn't that crazy in terms of releases. So it's not even like I didn't actually think Outriders was shit. I wasn't like, Oh, this game Bucky's? Oh, I just I wasn't. 00;08;28;13 - 00;08;32;19 Speaker 4 If I had to pick my most disappointed game, it was. It was that only you know what I mean? 00;08;34;19 - 00;08;35;24 Speaker 3 Until it makes sense. Yeah. 00;08;37;04 - 00;08;38;20 Speaker 1 Jeff, man, I'm. 00;08;38;24 - 00;08;40;26 Speaker 2 Struggling to figure out my biggest disappointment. 00;08;44;11 - 00;08;45;05 Speaker 4 There really wasn't that. 00;08;45;13 - 00;08;52;00 Speaker 2 OK, so I have like I have one, but it's also my top ten, so it's like I feel like it's completely OK. 00;08;52;16 - 00;08;52;25 Speaker 3 Yeah. 00;08;52;28 - 00;09;12;03 Speaker 2 Then it's going to be Resident Evil eight, like easily. And for me personally, I think everybody knows that I wasn't really like in love with it, but it's a good game. It's just that I was disappointed that it wasn't scary at all, like it was just it was just a fucking great game again for the people out 00;09;12;03 - 00;09;13;09 Speaker 2 there that are like, you know. 00;09;13;12 - 00;09;15;28 Speaker 1 I decided this. 00;09;16;13 - 00;09;36;02 Speaker 2 Was a disappointment. So you don't know what it's like. Not it was a great game. Just like seven Pulitzer seven was ultra creepy and like, really had me on the edge of my seat. eight was a action thriller game where, like, it was basically like they took the last of us and merged it with Resident Evil and 00;09;36;02 - 00;09;46;01 Speaker 2 made a first person shooter out of it. Great game again. But yeah, wasn't really like. And again, it's in my top ten. But you know, that's just because, like fucking waters or games. 00;09;46;13 - 00;09;52;13 Speaker 3 Yeah. Like, I was also in my top ten biggest disappointment for me this year. And this is like a big shock. 00;09;52;14 - 00;09;54;29 Speaker 2 Oh, I already know what it's going to be. I already have a feeling. 00;09;55;07 - 00;09;56;04 Speaker 3 Oh, do you? 00;09;56;07 - 00;09;57;20 Speaker 1 Yeah. Mm-Hmm. 00;09;57;29 - 00;09;58;17 Speaker 3 What is it? 00;09;58;27 - 00;09;59;24 Speaker 2 It was a battlefield. 00;09;59;25 - 00;10;00;08 Speaker 3 It is. 00;10;00;08 - 00;10;08;14 Speaker 1 Battles. Yeah, I do a lot of that. I do and do it. I forgot the game came up. And what can I, the boy? 00;10;08;17 - 00;10;09;20 Speaker 5 Can I change my answer? 00;10;10;25 - 00;10;22;08 Speaker 3 You said if you really want to, I guess it's like the reason why it's my my biggest disappointment of the year is I was so hype for Battlefield. I played the beta and I was like, This needs needs a lot more work. 00;10;22;15 - 00;10;35;01 Speaker 3 This feels like an alpha. Then I played, I played the the, you know, the release beta. Whatever the couple days before, it felt it was definitely better. And I put probably another 2030 hours into it playing with friends. 00;10;36;02 - 00;10;51;11 Speaker 3 And the game is phenomenal. When you playing with friends, you have a good time. But if you're playing solo like I play solo quite a bit, the game is fucking terrible to play solo because it's just a running simulation running simulator for the most part, and I actually just realized that I need to add another game in 00;10;51;11 - 00;10;51;26 Speaker 3 two minutes away. 00;10;51;26 - 00;10;53;13 Speaker 4 We fucked up. Yeah, we forgot one. 00;10;53;18 - 00;10;54;09 Speaker 3 Yeah, you're totally free. 00;10;54;23 - 00;10;56;20 Speaker 4 You know, it was so bad. We forgot about. 00;10;56;20 - 00;10;57;08 Speaker 1 It that literally. 00;10;57;08 - 00;10;59;23 Speaker 3 That said, it just reminded me, so I have to. 00;10;59;24 - 00;11;01;08 Speaker 1 Yeah, it's actually I. 00;11;01;08 - 00;11;01;19 Speaker 4 Messed up. 00;11;01;19 - 00;11;05;12 Speaker 3 Collectively. Yeah, New World. Collectively, no new world. Is that what it is? 00;11;05;13 - 00;11;06;03 Speaker 1 Oh, I do. 00;11;06;08 - 00;11;07;29 Speaker 2 I knew the game was going to be a flop anyway. 00;11;08;01 - 00;11;09;24 Speaker 4 No, it wasn't. It was Avengers. 00;11;09;24 - 00;11;12;15 Speaker 1 Do you know that later? No, I didn't come out. 00;11;12;18 - 00;11;14;10 Speaker 5 This was definitely last year. 00;11;14;19 - 00;11;22;11 Speaker 1 It came out in March on PS5 or something. It came out this five. Oh yeah, but you could. You could. You could technically. 00;11;22;16 - 00;11;31;00 Speaker 2 Rope it in because. Biggest disappointment, right, was the fact that they introduced Spider-Man didn't have his own storyline, and it was basically. 00;11;31;00 - 00;11;31;23 Speaker 3 Like teasing. 00;11;32;09 - 00;11;35;04 Speaker 6 You actually, you you. You ended. 00;11;35;04 - 00;11;36;13 Speaker 4 Up, Oh my god, jesus, damn. 00;11;38;02 - 00;11;38;15 Speaker 6 You. 00;11;38;15 - 00;11;40;16 Speaker 2 And no, Charlie disappointed. 00;11;40;16 - 00;11;42;28 Speaker 4 No try. You ended up being disappointed by New World overall. 00;11;43;05 - 00;11;45;03 Speaker 3 Overall, I mean, I'm not playing. I started. 00;11;45;14 - 00;11;45;24 Speaker 1 Trying. 00;11;45;27 - 00;11;47;13 Speaker 6 To, but I still thought it was OK. 00;11;47;15 - 00;11;52;01 Speaker 3 It was fine, but like I, I'm just like, it didn't push me to like, log in. 00;11;52;05 - 00;11;59;22 Speaker 5 I don't feel like there was any game with with new Typekit. OK, like they released it to fail as it's their first game and stuff like that. 00;11;59;27 - 00;12;00;23 Speaker 3 So we get actually. 00;12;00;23 - 00;12;02;15 Speaker 1 Calendar graphics leads. 00;12;03;04 - 00;12;03;20 Speaker 6 You to. 00;12;03;29 - 00;12;04;11 Speaker 1 Do it. 00;12;04;24 - 00;12;20;06 Speaker 2 I will say this right now, though, like I am following what's going on New World and Day. I will say, like for me personally, I thought it was the shit game to come out with my personal opinion, but their devs are actually like gung ho about improving the game. 00;12;20;10 - 00;12;26;22 Speaker 2 That's one thing I can say is a step above anybody in the fucking blizzard community right now. So like that that I'll give him props work. 00;12;26;22 - 00;12;41;11 Speaker 3 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it was just disappointment because I really I really wanted to love that game and really want to play it. But I really felt, no, I mean, I want an MMO comes out and I'm like, Why I want to play MMO like I play like hundreds of hours into, if not thousands of hours 00;12;41;11 - 00;12;49;24 Speaker 3 into Guild Wars two. Like I played that. I played that game for over ten years. Loved to go two hours to. I can always come back to it. I never really felt a drive and desire to go back to New World. 00;12;50;01 - 00;12;54;00 Speaker 3 So, yeah, that's another way. Battlefield. My disappointment came out of that. 00;12;54;00 - 00;12;57;08 Speaker 6 So yeah, which is actually when I went to my new world. 00;12;57;17 - 00;13;11;24 Speaker 4 Because I actually I enjoy. I'm not playing anymore, not because I don't want to. I was not playing anything. Well, that's not true. I'm not. I actually am playing. So I'm just I'm not playing anything right now, which is a lie because I'm not playing anything else right now. 00;13;11;24 - 00;13;23;02 Speaker 4 Besides, like one game, I just don't have the time to to do it, you know? I mean, I listen, guys, I have not been home in a long time. 00;13;23;11 - 00;13;23;15 Speaker 1 And. 00;13;24;16 - 00;13;30;24 Speaker 4 It is I don't know what is up from down, you know what I'm saying? So I'm sorry. My timing is. 00;13;30;24 - 00;13;31;09 Speaker 1 Ashley's. 00;13;31;09 - 00;13;33;28 Speaker 2 Biggest disappointment in video games was himself this year. 00;13;34;03 - 00;13;34;20 Speaker 4 Exactly. 00;13;34;20 - 00;13;35;27 Speaker 1 Yeah, I'm just kidding. I'm just. 00;13;35;27 - 00;13;39;26 Speaker 2 Kidding. Was his free time not like it himself? Was his free time. There we go. That's that's better. 00;13;39;27 - 00;13;41;09 Speaker 4 Yeah, that was funny regardless. 00;13;41;09 - 00;13;43;26 Speaker 6 But I actually. So I think New World, I usually. 00;13;43;26 - 00;13;51;16 Speaker 4 Don't like fantasy members, even though I did like goers too, but I almost wonder if I like go too because of you. I don't know. Maybe I was. I was biased. 00;13;51;16 - 00;13;52;20 Speaker 1 Oh, that's cute. 00;13;53;05 - 00;13;55;24 Speaker 6 You know, I usually get offensive. 00;13;55;24 - 00;14;06;25 Speaker 4 Memos, and I thought new role was good. I think they built a really good world. I think it was intricate. I just it just, yeah, once I start that, it's really like one of those things. Once I stopped, there wasn't the motivation to get back in. 00;14;06;26 - 00;14;07;05 Speaker 4 Exactly. 00;14;07;05 - 00;14;08;02 Speaker 3 That was my problem, too. 00;14;08;03 - 00;14;16;03 Speaker 4 Yeah. Like once I took a minute to not play it, I was like, Oh, OK, I'm done. You know, this game is done now. I think that's fair. Yeah, I still say Outriders, though. 00;14;16;13 - 00;14;16;21 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;14;17;05 - 00;14;19;16 Speaker 3 All right. Before we get into the top ten, do you guys? 00;14;19;16 - 00;14;20;11 Speaker 1 We didn't, we didn't. 00;14;20;17 - 00;14;24;14 Speaker 2 We didn't do the the most hyped game for 20. We're going to do that afterwards. 00;14;24;23 - 00;14;25;12 Speaker 1 Oh, I'm. 00;14;25;12 - 00;14;34;17 Speaker 3 Going to do 2021, though. We're going to say at the end, what? We're OK. OK, before we get into do you guys any honorable mentions like like games that you wanted to put your top ten but didn't get to? 00;14;34;29 - 00;14;36;20 Speaker 4 I don't even know if I have a top ten this year, dude. 00;14;37;06 - 00;14;37;22 Speaker 1 Dude, I'm not. 00;14;37;23 - 00;14;46;02 Speaker 2 I'm OK. I'm gonna agree with Shaanxi. Like, I sat down yesterday and I was like, OK, let me go over my list and I spent a good like hour looking at the games. 00;14;46;10 - 00;14;47;29 Speaker 3 I do the same thing this morning. 00;14;47;29 - 00;15;01;13 Speaker 2 I did not play that many games this year, like it actually shocks me, and it's not for a lack of me wanting to try different things out. It's just like I'm looking at the like the titles that are coming in 2022, and there's so many games I'm looking forward to. 00;15;01;13 - 00;15;10;11 Speaker 2 But this year was just like, not that great. And it's funny because my number two game was like, I didn't even know it was coming out, you know, like, I had no idea. So anyway. 00;15;10;11 - 00;15;23;03 Speaker 4 I remember to, you know, with the pandemic in 2020, I'm sure a lot of things either got like hard pushed or like releases got changed or weird. Or, you know, 2021 was kind of a weird year all around because of what, 20 2020. 00;15;23;21 - 00;15;24;20 Speaker 3 20, 20. 00;15;25;01 - 00;15;27;04 Speaker 1 What is going on. You need to go. 00;15;27;05 - 00;15;28;21 Speaker 2 Smoke a bowl or something, man, what the fuck. 00;15;28;21 - 00;15;29;03 Speaker 6 Is going on? 00;15;29;14 - 00;15;30;19 Speaker 1 You okay? I guess I. 00;15;30;19 - 00;15;44;11 Speaker 2 Got an honorable mention. So I remember straight up I didn't play these, but I would watch watching streams of the Pokemon on the Pokemon ones that just came out. I thought they I think they look great. I'm sure that's probably becomes top ten, but they looked great. 00;15;45;14 - 00;15;54;27 Speaker 2 There was another one that I that I had on my list and I can't remember now. Oh, hills, the rise on the switch. I didn't even know about this game. It's like a sick RPG game as part of the tail series. 00;15;55;04 - 00;16;04;03 Speaker 2 It goes back like a long way back. I haven't played it yet, but I actually just ordered it because I'm like, Really? I saw that I was checking it out like, OK, this shit looks like it's right up my alley. 00;16;04;03 - 00;16;08;15 Speaker 2 Like, why have I not bought this yet? So, yeah, that was mine. 00;16;08;26 - 00;16;23;09 Speaker 5 I think my honorable mentions games have been out for a while, but they're still improving. You know, like patches and things like that. Warframe has just released a massive, massive addition to their quest that looks really good. Still not quite enough to get me back to the game. 00;16;23;10 - 00;16;38;16 Speaker 5 Escape from Tarkov has just released like a VoIP mode and has which has changed the game entirely. So probably like games still. Push in, even though they've been out for a while, so if they would be like honorable mentions. 00;16;38;25 - 00;16;39;29 Speaker 4 They come in through love for you guys. 00;16;40;00 - 00;16;45;14 Speaker 3 Yeah, actually, get your mike a little closer. Your your your your attack is is slightly lower. 00;16;45;14 - 00;16;49;00 Speaker 5 So I don't know if I don't know which might. This using should be. 00;16;49;00 - 00;17;03;25 Speaker 3 But says your church. Yeah, so you can just move it. Of course, you should be thankful. Yeah, I mean, you're that's all. A bunch of different updates for games coming out soon. Like Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Valhalla has a new update coming soon. 00;17;03;25 - 00;17;05;15 Speaker 5 I was like, It's be really good that as well. 00;17;05;21 - 00;17;10;29 Speaker 1 Yeah, but it's Valhalla. But anyway, we'll see. You spent like a. 00;17;10;29 - 00;17;12;29 Speaker 2 Hundred you spent. Did you spend like 120 hours. 00;17;12;29 - 00;17;14;04 Speaker 3 And like 40 hours that can. 00;17;14;29 - 00;17;15;12 Speaker 1 Get you. 00;17;15;21 - 00;17;16;26 Speaker 3 Under 20 hours in that game's. 00;17;16;29 - 00;17;17;20 Speaker 6 Too much. 00;17;17;24 - 00;17;38;14 Speaker 3 Crazy. I have. I have three games for me that are in my honorable mentions. one is Pokemon Unite, which was the MOBA game. Yep, yeah. This was King Arthur's Knights tale, which is kind of like it's an RPG like arts game for computer, which I know I'm a huge King Arthur fan. 00;17;38;14 - 00;17;41;13 Speaker 3 For anyone who doesn't know me and Deathloop. 00;17;41;21 - 00;17;43;03 Speaker 1 It was Oh, that one. 00;17;43;17 - 00;17;44;01 Speaker 2 You know what? 00;17;44;01 - 00;17;46;03 Speaker 1 I haven't even played it yet. 00;17;46;21 - 00;17;59;18 Speaker 3 But yeah, I really wanted to play it. But it's in my honorable mention because it looks good has kind of gotten a lot of good reviews, and I really wanted to play it. But I tried to keep this to my list of games that actually played this year that I was really looking forward to. 00;17;59;24 - 00;18;07;19 Speaker 3 That's in my top ten of games I played. But so like Declan, there's an honorable mention it looks good, but it's just not numb. I can't get it. So you know what. 00;18;07;19 - 00;18;13;16 Speaker 2 Was the lowest rated game of the year, which is actually really surprising to me, was the Grand Theft Auto trilogy. 00;18;14;21 - 00;18;20;19 Speaker 5 The nation's holiday bugs, though, when that drop that I got, they started refunding that and saying it was that bad. 00;18;21;05 - 00;18;22;04 Speaker 1 Really, I say. 00;18;22;07 - 00;18;26;00 Speaker 5 Easy for them to start the funding, like pretty much from date. 00;18;26;00 - 00;18;27;04 Speaker 1 So why. 00;18;27;05 - 00;18;28;03 Speaker 5 Be unplayable? 00;18;28;10 - 00;18;31;27 Speaker 4 Damn, there wasn't. That's intense. That's intense. 00;18;33;02 - 00;18;33;12 Speaker 3 All right. 00;18;33;14 - 00;18;36;03 Speaker 4 So I have a single, honorable mention, I guess. 00;18;36;03 - 00;18;37;11 Speaker 1 Oh, here we go. 00;18;37;26 - 00;18;40;11 Speaker 6 What's up, baby? I think I think Marvel. 00;18;40;11 - 00;18;54;12 Speaker 4 Future Evolution was good, but not good enough for me to care more. I think if I actually I think between new or the Marvel feature revolution, I put them side by side. Like, I enjoyed that game. I thought it was for a mobile game. 00;18;54;12 - 00;19;02;00 Speaker 4 I was like, Wow, this is very well-built, really good graphics, like, pretty intricate, but I just didn't want I'd say once I'd done, I was back and that it. 00;19;02;00 - 00;19;07;25 Speaker 5 Felt too bombastic for me. I was really excited about future evolution, but it just felt too button bashing for me. And I was like. 00;19;07;27 - 00;19;08;14 Speaker 6 Yeah, and. 00;19;08;14 - 00;19;16;03 Speaker 4 Like, That's I mean, that's kind of what those games are. And it's like, I get it. But it was enough for me to care more, you know? 00;19;17;04 - 00;19;19;16 Speaker 2 So before we do this, can I show can I show you, my new friend? 00;19;19;28 - 00;19;27;25 Speaker 3 You sure can. And while we don't want you doing that to chef shaking, you can just change your are you using the Google Harmony or Go Explorer? 00;19;28;02 - 00;19;31;23 Speaker 1 Oh, you have a chance, Toby. Whoa. This is Toby. 00;19;32;00 - 00;19;32;18 Speaker 3 Pretty cat. 00;19;32;25 - 00;19;34;11 Speaker 2 It does not look very happy right now. 00;19;34;21 - 00;19;36;04 Speaker 1 Who's Toby? Look at him. 00;19;36;15 - 00;19;39;29 Speaker 6 No. But is he a new cat? Look at him. Do you have a new cat? 00;19;40;09 - 00;19;41;05 Speaker 2 Big Ham, boy. 00;19;41;15 - 00;19;43;03 Speaker 1 He's my mom's cat. Oh. 00;19;43;22 - 00;19;47;17 Speaker 2 I'm watching him for the next few weeks, and I'm kind of like, I don't want to give him back to her now. 00;19;47;24 - 00;19;48;11 Speaker 1 Yeah, fair. 00;19;50;27 - 00;19;58;01 Speaker 3 Shakes you just for your Google. I just change your your mike attack down to like 180 or something like that. 00;19;58;05 - 00;19;58;29 Speaker 5 Yeah, no drums. 00;19;59;22 - 00;20;06;17 Speaker 3 Yeah, because it just it just keeps cutting it out. So we just want to hear you. We want hear you full. All right. We get. All right. 00;20;06;23 - 00;20;07;12 Speaker 1 That's all right. 00;20;07;15 - 00;20;08;10 Speaker 3 It is that time. 00;20;08;10 - 00;20;09;25 Speaker 2 So don't look at my face. 00;20;10;02 - 00;20;20;14 Speaker 3 Chef at the show. Madonna in your face, in your face. Yup. And so with that, Shaanxi, what are your bottom five games? So ten through six? What do you do? 00;20;20;18 - 00;20;24;04 Speaker 1 OK, that's I only have five games. Go with. 00;20;25;16 - 00;20;26;12 Speaker 5 Biomutant. 00;20;27;07 - 00;20;28;28 Speaker 3 Oh, I really wanted to play that game. 00;20;28;29 - 00;20;36;23 Speaker 5 Yeah, Biomutant was pretty cool when I start with that. Aliens fired. Same. This sense. 00;20;38;03 - 00;20;39;14 Speaker 2 Are we just going through this, the top five? 00;20;39;20 - 00;20;47;25 Speaker 5 Yeah, I'm just not about just just to win the Senate, Chernobyl I really enjoyed and projects on board. 00;20;48;21 - 00;20;49;15 Speaker 3 OK. OK. 00;20;50;06 - 00;20;51;16 Speaker 6 You know, I love having Shaanxi. 00;20;51;16 - 00;20;51;23 Speaker 4 On. 00;20;52;02 - 00;20;55;28 Speaker 6 Because you've not heard of any games. This motherfucker plays like every. 00;20;55;28 - 00;20;58;19 Speaker 4 Game that ever comes out. He let you know what I mean. 00;20;58;19 - 00;21;00;07 Speaker 6 Like, should you play games? 00;21;00;07 - 00;21;05;12 Speaker 4 I wouldn't even have like you if you had a gun to my head. Like, tell me a random game right now, I would know you just. 00;21;05;13 - 00;21;08;08 Speaker 6 You know, you just you play so many games. It's impressive. 00;21;08;18 - 00;21;10;06 Speaker 4 I mean, you know, you can't do this for a living. I go. 00;21;10;11 - 00;21;11;01 Speaker 5 Do it for a living. 00;21;12;05 - 00;21;13;18 Speaker 1 I literally play games. 00;21;14;11 - 00;21;15;29 Speaker 6 Once your variety streamer. 00;21;16;15 - 00;21;18;17 Speaker 4 It makes sense. It makes sense. 00;21;19;25 - 00;21;21;23 Speaker 6 It's a it's obviously I'm gonna let you hear. 00;21;21;26 - 00;21;31;03 Speaker 5 I've got 60 hours a week to fill in of random games like, yeah, I. I go for 60 hours. Yeah, between 40 and 60 hours a week. 00;21;31;16 - 00;21;33;00 Speaker 1 Yeah, that's plenty in work. 00;21;34;10 - 00;21;36;13 Speaker 3 That's great. But that's why we like having Shaanxi on. 00;21;36;28 - 00;21;37;12 Speaker 1 Absolutely. 00;21;37;16 - 00;21;39;15 Speaker 3 It's like I. What games do we need to play now. 00;21;39;23 - 00;21;43;13 Speaker 1 If we play them? We haven't heard of the games so about. 00;21;43;18 - 00;21;45;11 Speaker 6 You know, I preach about Shaanxi, and. 00;21;45;27 - 00;21;50;09 Speaker 4 The reason I like Shaanxi so much is let me let me just keep, you know, fluff me up here a little bit. 00;21;50;10 - 00;21;56;17 Speaker 1 Yeah, I was going to say this, not because this, you know, you have you have since coming back next year. 00;21;57;15 - 00;21;58;03 Speaker 4 For this thing to. 00;21;58;03 - 00;21;59;21 Speaker 1 Remember, is this time for the second. 00;21;59;21 - 00;22;00;08 Speaker 3 Time next. 00;22;00;08 - 00;22;00;23 Speaker 1 Year, you had. 00;22;02;03 - 00;22;03;11 Speaker 6 Such an optimistic. 00;22;03;14 - 00;22;14;09 Speaker 4 Look on a lot of things, especially video games like you're like, usually pretty slow to play the game. And it's just really funny, though, when you play a game you don't like because it's just like, it's just it's the complete opposite. 00;22;14;09 - 00;22;17;07 Speaker 4 It's either like the love it or hate it. Actually, most times, yeah, but not. 00;22;17;07 - 00;22;20;26 Speaker 6 Like, you know, like, fuck, this game is shitty MOBA. So yeah, well, for me. 00;22;20;29 - 00;22;23;18 Speaker 4 And for me, you know, it's just a fun. 00;22;23;26 - 00;22;28;19 Speaker 5 To write many crazy and stuff. Just focus on the negative and misery loves company people. 00;22;28;19 - 00;22;29;13 Speaker 2 70%. 00;22;29;17 - 00;22;41;20 Speaker 5 So you start doing YouTube videos about how much I hate this game and everything like that. I've got time in my life to yeah, to get nicked out by. Yeah, I mean, I'm I'm in my life to go, Oh, with this is terrible thing that needs to be tried. 00;22;41;26 - 00;22;43;07 Speaker 5 It's not my game. I didn't develop. 00;22;43;07 - 00;22;43;24 Speaker 1 It for sure. 00;22;43;29 - 00;22;46;19 Speaker 5 So for sure, I either like it or I'm done with it. 00;22;46;29 - 00;22;48;09 Speaker 4 100%. I feel you on that. 00;22;49;10 - 00;22;52;08 Speaker 3 Yeah, but great. Those are all. Those are all awesome. 00;22;52;09 - 00;22;52;24 Speaker 4 So thanks. 00;22;53;02 - 00;22;53;04 Speaker 1 To. 00;22;53;09 - 00;22;54;17 Speaker 2 The entire polar opposites. 00;22;54;25 - 00;22;55;26 Speaker 4 No one. No, no, no. 00;22;55;26 - 00;22;58;03 Speaker 3 We're going to. We're all going through to the top, the bottom five. 00;22;58;07 - 00;23;00;16 Speaker 6 So I'm going to have I only have five games. 00;23;00;19 - 00;23;03;21 Speaker 3 Well, then OK, I have nothing for any Adobe contributes nothing. 00;23;03;23 - 00;23;04;10 Speaker 5 So we should. 00;23;05;08 - 00;23;06;21 Speaker 3 Check whether you're ten through. 00;23;06;21 - 00;23;07;16 Speaker 1 six, right? All right. 00;23;07;20 - 00;23;08;08 Speaker 2 All right. All right. 00;23;08;08 - 00;23;10;28 Speaker 4 So I just give you guys just guidance. 00;23;10;28 - 00;23;23;22 Speaker 2 I already I already know I'm going to let Ashley go ahead and dove in on this one. But I must say Halo Infinite was my number ten only because I just used to play again. It's just because I have I've played like two games of it. 00;23;23;22 - 00;23;33;28 Speaker 2 OK, but it's fucking awesome. All right. So it made it into my top ten. All right. Everything else I spent more time on. OK, I'm gonna let you. I'm a I'm a I won't steal your thunder since you know you don't have five other games. 00;23;33;28 - 00;23;46;29 Speaker 2 Talk about number nine for me. Number nine is going to be Pokemon Snap. Great game, you know, just not like nothing crazy, but it was great to like, get ripped. And, you know, the girls day. We were just like. 00;23;46;29 - 00;23;47;16 Speaker 4 Photos of. 00;23;47;19 - 00;23;59;25 Speaker 2 Naked photos and, you know, playing around great game. I found that was a great game to like, chill on the couch. And yeah, especially with your significant other because you can just kind of like it's not. There's no skill curve whatsoever other than like, Oh no. 00;23;59;25 - 00;24;00;10 Speaker 1 I didn't take. 00;24;00;10 - 00;24;04;23 Speaker 2 A picture of this thing while it was bent over winking at me at the same time, we'll stick it in its butthole or something, you. 00;24;04;23 - 00;24;12;22 Speaker 1 Know? And we were talking about Pokemon this past weekend in Florida. 00;24;12;22 - 00;24;14;14 Speaker 4 So like Josh's love life? 00;24;14;25 - 00;24;15;14 Speaker 3 Yeah. Oh my. 00;24;15;14 - 00;24;17;11 Speaker 1 Goodness. So anyways. 00;24;18;13 - 00;24;34;19 Speaker 2 Moving on, so no is going to be end Walker Final Fantasy 14. For me, the new expansion that just came out, I am about like probably 1213 quests deep in the storyline, and it's actually really, really good. My best friend and I are playing through it together, so I think it's real. 00;24;34;20 - 00;24;45;21 Speaker 2 I'm really excited about it. Number seven for me, although I was, this is a stretch, but I spent so much damn time playing it. It had to go into my top ten was while classic Burning Crusade like that came out earlier this year. 00;24;45;21 - 00;24;46;05 Speaker 1 And if. 00;24;46;06 - 00;24;47;00 Speaker 4 You're going to mention that. 00;24;47;03 - 00;24;59;23 Speaker 2 Yeah, I mean, I'm back playing it again, but I'm playing well. I got invited into this guild. That's like one of the it's a really big one. And yeah, it's a lot more professional. I'm really enjoying it. So we hey. 00;24;59;23 - 00;25;03;21 Speaker 6 You, you enjoy what you enjoy. Maybe you know what I mean? You know, I enjoy what you. 00;25;03;21 - 00;25;19;05 Speaker 2 And I do, man. I mean, I'm a I'm a heroin addict. What do you want from me? You know, fighters anyways? Number six for me, moving on to talk less about my video game addiction with World of Warcraft is going to be Pokémon Unite because your boy loves MOBAs. 00;25;19;05 - 00;25;33;18 Speaker 2 And I also love Pokemon. And this game was fire and I could play it with my friends on Hey Nintendo, you fight this. This year I got two games on my list that the only reason the main reason they're on my list is because you guys pulled your head out of your ass after 20 fucking years and 00;25;33;18 - 00;25;47;05 Speaker 2 finally made games online. Like, Holy shit, fuck, it's amazing that they. They finally got with the trend. So anyways, yeah, that game was actually phenomenal, and right now, like they've added so many different champions to it that it's. 00;25;47;19 - 00;25;48;24 Speaker 1 I if I. 00;25;48;24 - 00;25;49;28 Speaker 4 Was a play, I can, if. 00;25;49;28 - 00;25;50;25 Speaker 1 I was it, if I wasn't. 00;25;50;25 - 00;26;09;18 Speaker 2 Such a wow. I mean, like a legal legends like, you know, I still believe is still probably one of my favorite games of all time. But Pokemon was really fun, and I implore anybody is into a if you like like the idea of playing Dota or league, but you find them to be too intense or serious. 00;26;09;20 - 00;26;11;08 Speaker 2 This is the MOBA for you because it's. 00;26;11;08 - 00;26;12;02 Speaker 6 Like I've always said about. 00;26;12;02 - 00;26;12;25 Speaker 4 Heroes of the storm. 00;26;13;12 - 00;26;18;13 Speaker 2 Yeah, this this is this is like a cheeky version of a MOBA, and it's like. 00;26;19;01 - 00;26;20;09 Speaker 1 It is. It is. 00;26;20;09 - 00;26;31;00 Speaker 2 It's it's it's not. I mean, like, you know, as a jungler, like, yeah, which is what I play in league. I mean, it's it's such a loose there's I don't know, man, I think it's a great game for anybody that wants to try it out. 00;26;31;01 - 00;26;37;25 Speaker 2 You know, it's it's not that it's just the learning curve is nowhere even close to the other movies out there. So anyways. 00;26;38;10 - 00;26;48;01 Speaker 3 Moving on? Cool. All right. I'll go through my top ten and then I'm going to go talk to you, so I'll try to check in. Takes over for Jackie Genki. 00;26;48;08 - 00;26;49;04 Speaker 1 Shake, shake, shake. 00;26;49;20 - 00;27;00;12 Speaker 3 Shake. Yes, I misspoke. Anyway, so no. ten for me is back for blood. I really enjoyed it, but I was just I played a couple of matches, did a couple of stories stuff. I was like, That's not for me. 00;27;00;17 - 00;27;10;27 Speaker 3 Yeah, that was it. Number nine, I'm also in the same boat with chef. Halo Infinite is in there just because I played a couple of matches. It looks awesome, but I just didn't give it a ton of time to play. 00;27;10;27 - 00;27;16;27 Speaker 3 But I definitely see it just reminded me of like sitting at home playing the original halo on. 00;27;17;04 - 00;27;17;09 Speaker 1 And it. 00;27;17;09 - 00;27;18;12 Speaker 4 Also just came out. 00;27;18;12 - 00;27;32;03 Speaker 3 It literally just came out, too. Yeah. Number eight is Resident Evil eight for me, which is ironic that it's number eight. Also with a lot of the same stuff the chef was talking about is anyone knows me. I'm a huge, you know, platinum trophy hunter. 00;27;32;10 - 00;27;32;24 Speaker 1 Now. 00;27;32;24 - 00;27;44;24 Speaker 3 Boy. And I just like, I got to the very last one where you have to go through like the arcade mode in that game. In fact, the Resident Evil game has an arcade. Just like, no thank you. Not knowing that number seven is Marvel future evolution. 00;27;44;24 - 00;27;58;26 Speaker 3 I just I'm back playing that game, and I think it's really fun and I love, like, you know, mobile MMO since I had a good time and number six for me. You guys might forget that this actually came out with the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. 00;27;59;09 - 00;28;01;26 Speaker 2 It's no. No, I never remember Mass Effect. 00;28;01;26 - 00;28;02;16 Speaker 3 I love. 00;28;03;16 - 00;28;04;17 Speaker 4 The MasterCard. 00;28;05;11 - 00;28;13;00 Speaker 3 And I did a great job with it, and I think I beat one Mike like through aspect, too. But I'm playing other games that. 00;28;13;00 - 00;28;14;02 Speaker 1 Have all the mass effects. 00;28;14;13 - 00;28;21;05 Speaker 3 Yeah, and they redid one and two and like, they did some stuff with like the make going on sort of stuff to make it actually better. 00;28;21;13 - 00;28;22;18 Speaker 6 I just never got a mass effect. 00;28;23;07 - 00;28;24;02 Speaker 3 So it's great. 00;28;24;26 - 00;28;26;13 Speaker 1 You didn't even get a decent. You can get it ten. 00;28;26;13 - 00;28;27;08 Speaker 2 Games this year. 00;28;30;05 - 00;28;32;10 Speaker 1 I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I don't even think I want to give. 00;28;32;10 - 00;28;34;14 Speaker 2 Your big ass hug. I was just joking. 00;28;34;14 - 00;28;36;25 Speaker 3 There's 2027. You stay on my list this year. 00;28;37;02 - 00;28;37;17 Speaker 1 You got into. 00;28;37;17 - 00;28;40;01 Speaker 2 Warhammer. So like Warhammer counts as like. 00;28;40;09 - 00;28;41;10 Speaker 3 20 games or one for of. 00;28;41;15 - 00;28;41;22 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;28;41;22 - 00;28;42;16 Speaker 3 So right. 00;28;43;16 - 00;28;47;00 Speaker 4 Remember when I was allowed to have that be, oh. 00;28;47;00 - 00;28;48;07 Speaker 1 My god, awesome. 00;28;48;22 - 00;28;49;29 Speaker 2 That does look bad. I can't. 00;28;49;29 - 00;28;51;00 Speaker 4 I can't wait to tackle. 00;28;52;13 - 00;28;54;27 Speaker 3 Once you're done, toss your number five section up. 00;28;54;27 - 00;29;13;15 Speaker 5 Line number five is chivalry. 20, chivalry. So I had a lot of fun with that is sword and shield hack and slash multiplayer battle royale style game just so much fun chivalry. So really, really enjoyed it. It's one of them. 00;29;13;26 - 00;29;14;12 Speaker 1 You can just. 00;29;14;22 - 00;29;25;12 Speaker 5 It's one of the games that you can just jump in, you know, like you don't need to grind, you don't need to worry about, yeah, anything like that. And if you get good at the game, you can really like when you're fighting someone that's good at the game, you can barely touch them. 00;29;26;03 - 00;29;27;10 Speaker 1 This looks cool ish. 00;29;27;18 - 00;29;28;27 Speaker 5 So cool, man. Similarly. 00;29;29;09 - 00;29;29;24 Speaker 6 See you play. 00;29;29;24 - 00;29;35;07 Speaker 5 This. I really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed it. Siege warfare like storming castles. 00;29;35;07 - 00;29;36;20 Speaker 1 Let me ask you something. This is the. 00;29;36;20 - 00;29;40;03 Speaker 2 Combat style kind of similar to the way that, like a Dark. 00;29;40;03 - 00;29;41;19 Speaker 1 Souls plays or a little. 00;29;41;19 - 00;29;46;26 Speaker 5 Bit. Yeah, a little bit. I don't know if you are more like the game mode. How much? Yeah, yeah, very similar to that. 00;29;47;09 - 00;29;48;06 Speaker 6 What was the game you said? 00;29;48;25 - 00;29;49;05 Speaker 5 Out. 00;29;50;01 - 00;29;51;18 Speaker 6 You know, it looks like to me, what was a game. 00;29;51;18 - 00;29;56;10 Speaker 4 Where you you each were different melee factions, right? History? Was it just with honor. 00;29;56;17 - 00;29;58;28 Speaker 5 That's like dynasty warriors or something, isn't it? 00;29;58;29 - 00;30;00;21 Speaker 6 No, not that I think it was called. 00;30;01;20 - 00;30;03;08 Speaker 5 Honor to honor. 00;30;03;08 - 00;30;04;12 Speaker 1 The four honor. 00;30;04;12 - 00;30;05;16 Speaker 5 Those four honor, yeah, it's. 00;30;05;27 - 00;30;06;27 Speaker 6 It looked a little bit like that. 00;30;06;27 - 00;30;07;26 Speaker 1 Little bit little bit. 00;30;08;12 - 00;30;17;18 Speaker 5 It's it's a really good game. I'd really recommend anyone checking out. It's on the Epic Store when we do great fun about this year. It's like February. I think it was early in the year. 00;30;18;18 - 00;30;21;01 Speaker 4 It's honestly hard to keep up with games that came out the beginning of the year. 00;30;21;04 - 00;30;28;27 Speaker 2 That's just, you know, that's the crazy thing about like the games generals like, I would love to play this and I've never I like I've never seen anything about this. 00;30;30;11 - 00;30;32;17 Speaker 1 Yeah, I think it's quite big. 00;30;32;17 - 00;30;33;26 Speaker 5 It's like 30 boxes, it's a. 00;30;34;09 - 00;30;35;19 Speaker 1 Fight, man. You don't think. 00;30;35;19 - 00;30;45;21 Speaker 2 It kills me, dude is like there's so many games that got big that I just don't even think deserve to be big. But some kid played it on Twitch. That's like popular and then it just blows up out of control. 00;30;45;22 - 00;30;47;00 Speaker 2 You know, advertising done. 00;30;47;03 - 00;30;47;12 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;30;48;09 - 00;30;52;06 Speaker 2 So let's hear yours, Mr. Ashi. Your introduction to the. 00;30;52;09 - 00;30;53;14 Speaker 6 one he gave off. I've already. 00;30;53;21 - 00;30;55;04 Speaker 2 No, no, no. We're going to buy one. Right? 00;30;55;11 - 00;30;59;04 Speaker 3 Number five. Yeah, we're doing fine. Yeah, we all do number for the military to one. 00;30;59;05 - 00;30;59;16 Speaker 6 Got God. 00;30;59;28 - 00;31;03;02 Speaker 4 My number five is fire teams, elite aliens, fire team. 00;31;03;03 - 00;31;05;25 Speaker 2 I need to try that game. I need you were hyping the game. 00;31;06;13 - 00;31;11;28 Speaker 6 So here's the thing when we talk about what what would that? What would what would you guys call. 00;31;11;28 - 00;31;19;21 Speaker 4 That genre, though, like zombie horde team? Because it's the same thing. It's back for Blood War Z. It's left for dead. That's a fire team leader. 00;31;19;21 - 00;31;22;07 Speaker 2 I think they're I think they're like survival games, aren't they? I guess. 00;31;22;08 - 00;31;22;28 Speaker 6 Survivor. 00;31;23;08 - 00;31;25;24 Speaker 5 So I think you'd call it like a horde. Sure. 00;31;26;02 - 00;31;32;02 Speaker 6 I guess so. So like, I wasn't the biggest in left for dead. I wasn't, I thought back. 00;31;32;04 - 00;31;37;12 Speaker 4 But I was OK. I think World War Z was actually a really good game because they did so good with the like. 00;31;37;18 - 00;31;38;00 Speaker 3 The word. 00;31;38;00 - 00;31;39;13 Speaker 4 Mechanic. Yeah, it was really good. 00;31;39;29 - 00;31;45;24 Speaker 6 But like, I'm not the biggest fan of those games. I play them because because like, whatever but the obviously. 00;31;45;27 - 00;32;01;08 Speaker 4 I like sci fi stuff in a lot of ways, and I think fire team, I guess it was quite frightening to fire, to whatever was really good because I love the Alien franchise. I think it's just a really good like bit of storytelling. 00;32;01;20 - 00;32;04;12 Speaker 4 And B I I like to Morgan sci fi stuff. 00;32;04;15 - 00;32;05;09 Speaker 6 And yeah, is it a. 00;32;05;11 - 00;32;18;17 Speaker 4 Game? It was a game that I get easily bored. We just hop in, go through a level and then be done like I thought it was just generally a good time waster. It wasn't the most. Crazy, like, well, Bill, like blah blah. 00;32;18;17 - 00;32;20;01 Speaker 6 Blah, it was just it was fun, I. 00;32;20;01 - 00;32;26;07 Speaker 4 Enjoyed it. I enjoyed it enough that it definitely I thought I played enough where I think it deserved a spot. You know, that's my number five. 00;32;27;28 - 00;32;29;20 Speaker 3 RNA played five games this year, didn't you? 00;32;30;02 - 00;32;30;08 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;32;31;12 - 00;32;32;17 Speaker 6 Dude, I'm lucky I even. 00;32;32;17 - 00;32;42;23 Speaker 4 Played five games. This year is such a busy year for me. I traveled more in this year than I have in my entire time producing, and it was during a second, a crazy year or so. Yeah. 00;32;43;15 - 00;32;44;24 Speaker 3 All right. Cool. All right. 00;32;45;04 - 00;32;46;03 Speaker 1 Number five. 00;32;46;17 - 00;32;48;20 Speaker 2 Mario party superstars. 00;32;48;24 - 00;32;50;14 Speaker 4 Dream. I need to get it. I need to get it. 00;32;50;14 - 00;33;04;10 Speaker 2 It's the shit. I'm sorry. Like, I'm sure it's for me as a 36 year old adult. OK, OK, OK, so I'm going to I'm going to give you like my favorite. All right. So my my best friend and I like we're we have a lifelong rivalry in Mario Party. 00;33;04;10 - 00;33;16;28 Speaker 2 I mean, this stems back to N64 days where he would play Mario. I would play like Donkey Kong or Bowser. You know somebody because, you know, fuck Mario anyways. I swear I'm convinced that. 00;33;16;28 - 00;33;17;27 Speaker 1 Mario can. 00;33;18;09 - 00;33;20;04 Speaker 2 Look. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about like, like. 00;33;21;23 - 00;33;23;14 Speaker 1 I'm talking about, like, funny, like, Hey, the. 00;33;23;14 - 00;33;38;06 Speaker 2 Mario Mario in in my opinion, in all of these games that include Mara, he gets a hidden buff, OK? And in Mario party, he gets a fuckery buff where like, you'll just always pull out some dumb shit on you that just really shouldn't happen to anybody else. 00;33;38;13 - 00;33;49;00 Speaker 2 Anyways, we're playing this game. We decided one afternoon it was like a Saturday afternoon where we wanted to play like a long game, you know, so we put we pick like a like a 25 turn game, which takes like two hours to play through. 00;33;49;09 - 00;34;01;22 Speaker 2 And my my friend is his soon to be fiancee is like, you know, she she's into it. And now she's like, gotten in on the shit talking and like, she's she's she. I mean, she keeps up really well with us, and it's amazing. 00;34;01;23 - 00;34;14;05 Speaker 2 I'm actually really I love it, but know so we're playing our game and it's like down to like turn 24. And she's in the lead. And she's just, I mean, she's talking like copious amounts of shit to my friend, and I can only imagine them sitting in the same room and I know him. 00;34;14;09 - 00;34;28;21 Speaker 2 He's just he's just chill, you know, very stays, very calm and do the last fuckin turn of this game. He lands on Boo's thing and he steals a star from her, ends up winning the game. And I swear to it, I know they actually got into like a real fight, like. 00;34;28;21 - 00;34;32;14 Speaker 1 She knew she was her party cause she was so. 00;34;32;18 - 00;34;33;04 Speaker 2 Mad. 00;34;33;04 - 00;34;34;01 Speaker 6 Like she was. 00;34;34;08 - 00;34;44;15 Speaker 2 So mad, dude. And I'm over here, just laugh and like I was. I mean, they're having a full on brawl like right in front of me and it was due to is so good. 00;34;44;17 - 00;34;45;12 Speaker 6 Do the two more. 00;34;45;12 - 00;34;51;25 Speaker 4 Games that have caused the most real life arguments for me are Mario Party and condemn both of them. 00;34;52;10 - 00;34;55;19 Speaker 6 Like real, real ass arguments? 00;34;55;19 - 00;34;55;29 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;34;56;06 - 00;34;57;09 Speaker 4 Despite those games. 00;34;57;12 - 00;35;00;09 Speaker 1 It's heated, dude. And so for that. 00;35;00;19 - 00;35;04;11 Speaker 2 Very reason, like I find it to be highly entertaining. 00;35;04;22 - 00;35;05;09 Speaker 1 And. 00;35;06;22 - 00;35;12;16 Speaker 2 They they introduced the online play. Finally, thank you, God. I appreciate it. You know, so that was my. 00;35;13;17 - 00;35;13;23 Speaker 1 Take. 00;35;13;25 - 00;35;14;01 Speaker 3 On it. 00;35;14;13 - 00;35;15;04 Speaker 4 I need to get it to. 00;35;15;07 - 00;35;17;08 Speaker 1 Oh, we need to have a party. Are you kidding me? We need to. 00;35;17;08 - 00;35;20;07 Speaker 2 Have an O.G. game and do it live like that would be the. 00;35;20;07 - 00;35;22;11 Speaker 1 Way to do it. That would be cool. Yeah. 00;35;22;19 - 00;35;29;29 Speaker 2 I'm telling you it's all you can. You can change the amount of turnover in the game so you don't have to do a two hour game. You can do like a 3045 minute game like that. 00;35;29;29 - 00;35;31;09 Speaker 4 That exists. I love it. 00;35;31;09 - 00;35;32;07 Speaker 6 That is such a good. 00;35;32;07 - 00;35;45;05 Speaker 2 And they and they pulled the they pulled all of the games from previous or party games. And I mean, they have some new ones too, but they'll like, actually tell you what the game it came from. And the boards are all from previous games, so I thought it was really good. 00;35;46;03 - 00;35;48;04 Speaker 2 Great job market party. 00;35;48;17 - 00;35;49;00 Speaker 3 Awesome. 00;35;49;26 - 00;35;51;14 Speaker 4 Your enthusiasm for my party. 00;35;51;27 - 00;35;55;12 Speaker 3 Number five for me is Diablo two Resurrection. 00;35;55;12 - 00;35;57;02 Speaker 1 Oh, everything. 00;35;57;02 - 00;36;03;06 Speaker 3 I spent a lot of time into that. I stopped playing it because I got I play on hardcore. 00;36;03;06 - 00;36;04;29 Speaker 2 Because once you get to hell, it becomes stupid. 00;36;04;29 - 00;36;05;26 Speaker 3 Because again. 00;36;06;07 - 00;36;07;19 Speaker 1 There's no doubt there's. 00;36;08;09 - 00;36;08;15 Speaker 5 No. 00;36;08;15 - 00;36;08;29 Speaker 1 Ladder. 00;36;09;09 - 00;36;16;29 Speaker 3 Yeah. Note that the no other thing, but the thing that we're like really was an issue for me was just like the grind took so long. 00;36;17;04 - 00;36;18;06 Speaker 1 And it didn't they? 00;36;18;17 - 00;36;26;14 Speaker 3 They did this recently, the recently, but it wasn't in there when I was playing it, they didn't have the ability to do this Flash Player eight in and console. 00;36;26;22 - 00;36;27;17 Speaker 1 With the added it. 00;36;27;23 - 00;36;28;27 Speaker 3 They added it. Yeah, so. 00;36;28;27 - 00;36;29;07 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;36;29;19 - 00;36;36;06 Speaker 3 They added like about a month ago, and I just I haven't been able to pick it up. two sides have been super slam with work and everything like that, so I'm going to pick it back up this week. 00;36;36;07 - 00;36;37;20 Speaker 2 Hell yeah, I'm glad you told me that. 00;36;37;27 - 00;36;43;05 Speaker 3 Once I finished with it, Kingdom of Military Reckoning, which is what I'm playing right now and I'm super hooked on it. But anyway. 00;36;44;21 - 00;36;45;16 Speaker 1 You got what? What's going to. 00;36;45;16 - 00;36;46;13 Speaker 2 Be this top three. 00;36;47;04 - 00;36;50;16 Speaker 3 Like game didn't come out this year because I actually did my research on like other people. 00;36;50;22 - 00;36;56;17 Speaker 1 Oh, that's not. That's amazing. Is that towards me? I know. Certainly that's OK. It's OK, although. 00;36;56;17 - 00;36;57;28 Speaker 3 If I really wanted to, I could. 00;36;57;28 - 00;36;58;16 Speaker 1 I could g. 00;36;58;16 - 00;37;00;28 Speaker 2 Wait for the number one game to have come out last year. 00;37;00;28 - 00;37;03;15 Speaker 1 I can't wait, dude. I cannot. 00;37;03;15 - 00;37;04;13 Speaker 6 Wait time. 00;37;05;00 - 00;37;06;13 Speaker 1 But twice we. 00;37;06;16 - 00;37;07;13 Speaker 6 Did not have a choice. 00;37;07;15 - 00;37;10;08 Speaker 3 But once you literally just said today with Cyberpunk. 00;37;10;15 - 00;37;11;22 Speaker 6 Oh, but that is not a number one. 00;37;12;06 - 00;37;12;15 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;37;13;05 - 00;37;14;16 Speaker 6 That was that was that. 00;37;14;18 - 00;37;16;22 Speaker 3 Then we'll have to go back to the archives. Look at that. 00;37;16;23 - 00;37;17;26 Speaker 6 And it was it. I didn't say. 00;37;17;26 - 00;37;18;23 Speaker 4 It was number one, I said. 00;37;19;08 - 00;37;22;05 Speaker 6 Honorable mention the bad game. I thought it was shut the fuck up. 00;37;22;06 - 00;37;22;17 Speaker 1 Keep going. 00;37;23;03 - 00;37;36;25 Speaker 3 So I was just a big fan of Diablo two like I. Like the game for me, up is a big I don't know, it's a big throwback for me and it's really nice to see, but I'm very much looking forward to going back and playing it and finishing that game. 00;37;36;25 - 00;37;45;28 Speaker 3 I'm going to try to platinum it, but it's going to take. It's not a game, it's a game about the way I just play a couple, you know, a couple of hours a week and that's, you know, try to level up. 00;37;45;29 - 00;37;48;26 Speaker 3 You're trying to get in level 99 on a hard character is. 00;37;48;26 - 00;37;49;07 Speaker 1 Fucking. 00;37;49;15 - 00;37;50;05 Speaker 3 Insane. 00;37;50;05 - 00;37;53;17 Speaker 5 I think it's in their blood so than any other game. 00;37;53;26 - 00;37;54;15 Speaker 1 Like you. 00;37;54;23 - 00;37;57;14 Speaker 5 Are. Yeah, I think all the games I've played are probably. 00;37;57;15 - 00;37;59;21 Speaker 2 You mean, like regular hours regular. 00;38;00;13 - 00;38;13;22 Speaker 5 Okay. Yeah. But I wasn't that impressed with the resurrected. Not really got me back on the grind a little bit, but without a ladder that's nearly without like a hardcore ladder, without something to aim for, like 99 is awesome. 00;38;14;14 - 00;38;23;26 Speaker 5 But what's the point if there's not a ladder with the server issues like the constant action and stuff like that, it enraged me to the point I don't want to pick it back up. 00;38;24;16 - 00;38;38;01 Speaker 3 Yeah, I 100% play it offline. I had to not play online whatsoever, so I played only off offline by myself as a necromancer. Super fun. So on hardcore. So anyway, Shaanxi, what's your number four? 00;38;38;28 - 00;38;52;07 Speaker 5 I think I'm going to have to go with the Resident Evil Village. I know, I know you guys have already mentioned it and stuff. I really like that. I thought Village on the first playthrough. I think Resident Evil do a great job of changing the game for your next playthrough. 00;38;52;16 - 00;38;55;15 Speaker 5 I don't think any other franchise can quite do that. 00;38;55;26 - 00;38;57;02 Speaker 1 So you mean like when you. 00;38;57;02 - 00;38;57;29 Speaker 2 Beat the game and you. 00;38;58;07 - 00;39;12;26 Speaker 5 Like, like so you beat the game, you played through it the first time and it's a bit of a hall of thing with some intense moments and stuff. And then once you've beat the game, you get unlimited ammo for this crazy game and then you just run through like an arcade shooter like left for dead style or 00;39;12;26 - 00;39;14;06 Speaker 5 House of the Dead. I think the arcade. 00;39;14;19 - 00;39;17;15 Speaker 4 Oh yeah. Craig, don't have fun. Yeah. 00;39;17;21 - 00;39;27;07 Speaker 5 And like, literally, you just go in there with unlimited ammo, shotgun, whatever you want and just start into it. You really enjoy beating the. 00;39;27;07 - 00;39;42;03 Speaker 4 Resident Evil and House Dead when the Switch or another Switch. When Nintendo we first came out, they had and Resident Evil style House of Dead game where they had the member, the old we like rifle. Yeah, you put the the remote in it. 00;39;42;11 - 00;39;44;02 Speaker 4 They had a Resident Evil house for. 00;39;44;02 - 00;39;45;03 Speaker 2 The Outbreak Series. 00;39;45;13 - 00;39;50;03 Speaker 6 It was. Yeah, it was. That was that was so fun. That was super fun. You mentioned both. 00;39;50;03 - 00;39;50;25 Speaker 4 Those at the same time. 00;39;51;29 - 00;40;01;23 Speaker 5 Yeah, I really enjoyed village. I really enjoyed it. Like, I put a lot of time into it. I thought the I thought the characters were really cool. I thought it was a really good story, good gameplay. And yeah. 00;40;01;26 - 00;40;03;11 Speaker 1 Yeah, it's funny. It's funny. 00;40;03;11 - 00;40;16;10 Speaker 2 The thing you said about how Resident Evil does a good job. That was me was like every one of them. Because like, if you beat Resident Evil two, you get to play through it as clear scenario on the alternate side. 00;40;16;14 - 00;40;25;29 Speaker 2 Then you go through, you can play as Claire and then play the alternate version of what Leon's going through at the same time. And they reward you for like going through and beating all of those variants of it. 00;40;26;04 - 00;40;39;18 Speaker 2 And then you can go plays like one of the like. I think it's hunker, whatever with like one of the guys. It's like on the SWAT team that's kind of actually trying to steal the biohazard or the yeah, what's it called the tea virus, I guess? 00;40;39;18 - 00;40;50;05 Speaker 2 I don't know. So I'm Resident Evil nerd, and I was like making sure that I actually remembered. But you're right, J.C., that's one of the I. There's very few games that get me to replay that through them, and they're one of them. 00;40;50;08 - 00;40;58;05 Speaker 5 I genuinely think they're a class above when it comes to replayability. They just changed the game entirely for second place. 00;40;59;06 - 00;41;00;12 Speaker 1 You know what? Just in. 00;41;00;12 - 00;41;07;26 Speaker 2 seven. I don't mean to cut you off, but like in seven, you could like, actually, there was a store that you could get things in from, like beating the game over. There was an. 00;41;07;26 - 00;41;09;04 Speaker 5 Argument there was in village. 00;41;09;06 - 00;41;09;29 Speaker 1 Yeah, that's. 00;41;09;29 - 00;41;11;12 Speaker 2 Such a cool mechanic, man. 00;41;11;20 - 00;41;14;28 Speaker 3 Yeah. What do you think of the arcade mode shaky at the end? Like that? 00;41;15;12 - 00;41;25;19 Speaker 5 So it was fun for a little bit. Yeah, it was fun for a little bit. I'm not a massive platinum or anything like that, so I got a couple of like A-grade, less great. But you've got to get on all of them and. 00;41;26;04 - 00;41;27;12 Speaker 3 Yeah, you get to do. 00;41;27;12 - 00;41;28;08 Speaker 1 That like, yeah. 00;41;28;20 - 00;41;42;03 Speaker 3 But because you have to like, do it perfectly, like you have to time it perfectly nonstop. Like for some people for like speed runners, you know, that kind of makes sense. But like, I don't want to like have to like playing every single shot like and make sure like, I hit this guy and then I sprint up 00;41;42;03 - 00;41;45;28 Speaker 3 the stairs and I get this guy who was like, half second lot to shoot, you know, the bear and you've. 00;41;46;06 - 00;41;54;08 Speaker 5 You've really got a speed run like you've really got a you've also got to try and line up headshots for multiple headshots like one bullet, two headshots type. 00;41;54;08 - 00;41;54;19 Speaker 3 Thing. 00;41;54;19 - 00;41;57;09 Speaker 1 Yeah, and it's it's tough. 00;41;57;21 - 00;42;00;14 Speaker 3 Yeah, OK. 00;42;01;01 - 00;42;04;23 Speaker 6 Dump number for this game called the Rift Breaker, and. 00;42;04;24 - 00;42;06;03 Speaker 3 I really wanted to play that and. 00;42;06;03 - 00;42;06;23 Speaker 6 Finally came. 00;42;06;23 - 00;42;14;02 Speaker 4 Out. It's on Xbox Game Pass on PC. It was a game I've been watching since it got announced. 00;42;14;02 - 00;42;16;15 Speaker 6 I don't know if it was two years or a year ago. It's been like. 00;42;16;24 - 00;42;21;03 Speaker 4 In production forever. It's this European based game development studio. 00;42;21;13 - 00;42;24;26 Speaker 6 It's pretty much a mix of kind of like there's arts. 00;42;25;00 - 00;42;44;15 Speaker 4 Elements, so you're building a base and you're. Mining, but mineral or would it be mature? Whatever you call it, your mining resources, resources, thank you so much. And then there's also almost like a hoard like dungeon crawler mode, where at certain times waves of enemies come at you and you have to fortify your bases and there are 00;42;44;15 - 00;42;45;25 Speaker 4 different parts of the world you go to. 00;42;46;05 - 00;42;52;15 Speaker 6 So it's really fun, kind of like kind of weird. Yeah, I don't know what Jan. 00;42;52;16 - 00;43;06;13 Speaker 4 Called, but it just I've been watching it for a while because I remember seeing it randomly get mentioned somewhere and I like, join the discord and, you know, kept up with the game. And then once they announce there's going to be Xbox Games Pass like free for PC, it's like, Oh, this is easy. 00;43;06;15 - 00;43;07;20 Speaker 4 Like, what an easy thing. 00;43;08;14 - 00;43;09;03 Speaker 6 To super fun. 00;43;09;03 - 00;43;23;04 Speaker 4 Mechanics. It's weird. It's different. You know, you're not building an army, you're not like, like a traditional like Starcraft or something. You're not like building like a big, you know, army to go kill bases. You're on this like planet that you're trying to like move to from Earth. 00;43;23;04 - 00;43;36;27 Speaker 4 The Earth is like, you know, dying and stuff like that. Classic trope you insert. You're finding another planet that old, you know, survive humanity. And so you're like looking on different parts of this planet for, you know, survivability. 00;43;37;04 - 00;43;40;09 Speaker 4 There's always alien creatures that like, come after you and. 00;43;40;20 - 00;43;44;19 Speaker 6 It just it just kind of like, it's just fun. It's like a fun, little addicting thing. 00;43;44;29 - 00;43;58;09 Speaker 4 You know, I haven't been able to beat it. It's actually kind of difficult because it's pretty intricate in, you know, you first get the planet. There's like very basic minerals to mine and then it just keeps going up from there of like the resources and the resources are not infinite. 00;43;58;10 - 00;44;11;11 Speaker 4 They're finite. So like you go to one part of the planet that has like this one resource that's specifically to power nuclear reactors, and you find all of that resource that you can find. But there's like a bunch of enemies and it's just like very intricate in the way that is built. 00;44;11;11 - 00;44;26;12 Speaker 4 And how do you build or how to generate resources off of what you find super fun game. I really enjoy if you have an Xbox Games pass on PC, which I can't stress enough, how great of a of a of a of a deal that is. 00;44;26;17 - 00;44;27;05 Speaker 1 Such a good deal. 00;44;27;18 - 00;44;40;15 Speaker 4 You can say that's like what's been saving, I think Xbox in the last year or so. If you have it, it's on there and I give it a shot. It's weird. It's difficult, but it's fun. So yeah, that's my number for. 00;44;43;08 - 00;44;44;13 Speaker 3 Cool, awesome. Chef. 00;44;47;09 - 00;44;51;21 Speaker 2 Well, we are just we already talked about this one, but Diablo two resurrected was my number four. 00;44;51;28 - 00;44;53;19 Speaker 6 That's where it's always funny. It's always funny to see the. 00;44;53;19 - 00;45;07;06 Speaker 4 Overlapping of who prioritize games and certain hours. I mean, this is like one of my favorite things actually about this. This game beer thing is because some people like you didn't like Resident Evil Village in Shaanxi over here, there's no, you know, no force. 00;45;07;08 - 00;45;08;11 Speaker 4 It's like very it's interesting. 00;45;10;07 - 00;45;10;18 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;45;10;18 - 00;45;19;07 Speaker 2 So Diablo two resurrected, I thought it was like the shit. I mean, for me, I played it mostly on console because. 00;45;19;25 - 00;45;20;24 Speaker 4 Oh, what you're saying? 00;45;21;02 - 00;45;23;13 Speaker 1 Well, it's funny, funny things. 00;45;23;13 - 00;45;42;20 Speaker 2 So you play Diablo to you're held to keep lines on, you know, wherever you want on the keyboard, right? And when you select a skill with your keyboard, you then still have to click the mouse button in order for it to go off right while on the PS5, I can map any button I want or any spell 00;45;42;20 - 00;45;53;01 Speaker 2 I want to different buttons on my controller. So if I want to throw out a frozen orb over here and then start teleporting around, I don't have to switch spells to be able to do it. I just press different button. 00;45;53;02 - 00;45;53;25 Speaker 2 Yeah, I can try them. 00;45;53;25 - 00;46;00;22 Speaker 5 I know it's not ready. Is five. It was really good like this and stuff like that. Or if you were trying to teleport and cost and. 00;46;00;29 - 00;46;02;26 Speaker 1 It was all like an issue. 00;46;02;26 - 00;46;10;21 Speaker 5 That you can't do that in a normal Diablo game and all alone won't teleport in and Ahmadinejad same time. It was. 00;46;10;21 - 00;46;11;11 Speaker 1 Also it's. 00;46;11;15 - 00;46;13;22 Speaker 2 It's kind of broken. I like. 00;46;14;01 - 00;46;15;00 Speaker 1 That it's playing. 00;46;15;00 - 00;46;33;22 Speaker 2 Playing a sorceress and being able to, like, use telekinesis and then be able to teleport and then also throwing Blizzard's down and the of energy shield and frost armor. Like, I can have all of these things. I can just press L1, L2 and I have both my aunt, my shields on. 00;46;33;29 - 00;46;43;29 Speaker 2 I got telekinesis on our one. I got teleport on to. I got lightning abilities here, four possibilities here, and I don't have to press anything to change my ability. That's not how it is on. 00;46;44;07 - 00;46;44;18 Speaker 6 See you. 00;46;44;22 - 00;46;49;00 Speaker 4 Play on PC Josh there. If yeah, it's just called getting good. 00;46;49;14 - 00;46;54;12 Speaker 1 Oh God, I got I'm sad. 00;46;55;02 - 00;46;59;21 Speaker 4 Sad and I never listen. I'm sorry, I didn't. 00;46;59;21 - 00;47;02;18 Speaker 1 I didn't want to burn. I didn't want this yet. 00;47;03;12 - 00;47;05;29 Speaker 4 I didn't want. I'm sorry, you're the best that was. 00;47;06;22 - 00;47;10;17 Speaker 1 That was good. Oh, wow. OK, OK, OK. 00;47;10;24 - 00;47;11;28 Speaker 2 But anyway. 00;47;11;28 - 00;47;12;13 Speaker 1 Whatever makes. 00;47;12;13 - 00;47;13;14 Speaker 4 It easier, that's like. 00;47;13;14 - 00;47;13;21 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;47;14;13 - 00;47;16;08 Speaker 6 When I'm playing Halo with my. 00;47;16;08 - 00;47;17;27 Speaker 4 Xbox controller on PC. 00;47;18;24 - 00;47;20;13 Speaker 1 You get a keyboard like whatever. 00;47;20;13 - 00;47;20;26 Speaker 4 You know, it's. 00;47;21;18 - 00;47;27;18 Speaker 2 So stupid and I you totally threw me off my game. 00;47;27;18 - 00;47;28;03 Speaker 4 So sorry. 00;47;28;13 - 00;47;31;18 Speaker 2 No, it's OK. It's OK because I'm bad. 00;47;31;24 - 00;47;34;11 Speaker 1 I'm bad at job. Apparently not getting. 00;47;35;03 - 00;47;36;01 Speaker 6 Out of Diablo two, I. 00;47;36;01 - 00;47;36;28 Speaker 1 Don't know. Yeah, oh. 00;47;37;00 - 00;47;37;06 Speaker 3 Yeah. 00;47;37;16 - 00;47;49;08 Speaker 2 Oh yeah, for sure, dude. Yes, I'll tell you what when. But one of my very, very, very close friends, his brother is one of the top speed runners in the world with Diablo two. And when you watch him play it compared to me. 00;47;49;08 - 00;47;51;23 Speaker 2 Yeah, there's people that are very bad at Diablo two. 00;47;52;26 - 00;47;54;17 Speaker 1 That's it. Yeah, but. 00;47;56;26 - 00;48;02;02 Speaker 2 The other thing that sucks not playing on the console, J.C., is the inventory management, right? That's like that's a. 00;48;02;02 - 00;48;03;10 Speaker 5 Different story as well as. 00;48;03;10 - 00;48;03;24 Speaker 1 Horrible. 00;48;04;03 - 00;48;16;00 Speaker 2 On what I just talked about are all the advantages of playing it on the console. But like the advantage on the PC is inventory management, because let me tell you what, that shit is infuriating on the console. Like, I wouldn't even do it. 00;48;16;00 - 00;48;20;00 Speaker 2 I just I just farm on my on the console, and then I log in to my PC to do all the work. 00;48;20;01 - 00;48;25;22 Speaker 5 I was doing exactly the same. It's kind of especially when you have to like, transmute your gems together and stuff like that. 00;48;25;22 - 00;48;26;21 Speaker 2 Oh, forget. 00;48;26;21 - 00;48;29;08 Speaker 5 It, dude. Can't do it. No nightmare. 00;48;29;20 - 00;48;38;17 Speaker 2 Yeah. Either way, hey man, I'll give. I'll give credit to Blizzard. They they fucked up astronomically with the servers, but. 00;48;39;08 - 00;48;41;24 Speaker 1 Not at least at least. 00;48;41;24 - 00;48;46;11 Speaker 2 I can log in on the same character on my PC and the PS5 that. 00;48;46;13 - 00;48;47;06 Speaker 1 I will give them. 00;48;47;06 - 00;48;48;01 Speaker 5 Yeah, that was very cool. 00;48;48;21 - 00;48;59;24 Speaker 3 I wish. I wish. I'm not going to buy it on PC if it goes down, if it goes on sale for like 15 bucks, I might buy it on PC, but I was going to pay another $40 for it on PC when I already bought it on PS5. 00;48;59;24 - 00;49;11;12 Speaker 3 But I like that idea of like, Oh, it's gets cross days, so I just play it on my PC and then like, Oh, but you know, want to hang out with my wife on the couch? And she's going to read her book and I'm just going to play a game, but we're hanging out like she doesn't care 00;49;11;13 - 00;49;12;21 Speaker 3 , like as long as we're just together. 00;49;13;09 - 00;49;17;07 Speaker 2 Which really, which is a new thing with her Diablo two, at least. 00;49;17;10 - 00;49;24;20 Speaker 3 Yeah. Well, they did. They started that with like Destiny two, I think, is when they started doing that, when they went to PC having that ability, which is great. 00;49;25;06 - 00;49;26;08 Speaker 2 There we go. That's my number. 00;49;26;08 - 00;49;26;18 Speaker 1 For. 00;49;27;13 - 00;49;33;03 Speaker 3 All right. My number four is Yankees number five. My number four is chivalry. two I had. 00;49;33;11 - 00;49;34;08 Speaker 1 I have and I. 00;49;34;09 - 00;49;46;22 Speaker 3 Have been going for that. And so because it was such a good like I was watching you play it, I played the original chivalry and I loved the original one and I watched you on a couple of your stream, Shaanxi, of being like, Hey, how do you think, Zack? 00;49;46;22 - 00;49;49;27 Speaker 3 Oh, it's great. And I was like, All right, cool, I'll give it a try. 00;49;49;28 - 00;49;52;21 Speaker 4 Place by my fantasy nerd over here was like, Oh. 00;49;52;21 - 00;49;55;03 Speaker 1 I go to. 00;49;55;03 - 00;49;56;05 Speaker 3 DC. I like to. 00;49;56;06 - 00;49;57;28 Speaker 1 Have I like swords. 00;49;57;28 - 00;50;00;04 Speaker 3 I have King Arthur like tat. I have an entire suit. 00;50;01;02 - 00;50;06;00 Speaker 5 There's nothing quite like getting a massive sword and charging over the beach and like. 00;50;06;02 - 00;50;09;16 Speaker 4 Do we all get it? You touch a lot of sword and toss and other dudes, right? 00;50;09;18 - 00;50;19;17 Speaker 1 I'm straight back to London in them, hours straight through hell. Oh, wow. Oof, that was good. That's good. 00;50;19;25 - 00;50;21;05 Speaker 3 Yeah, but yes, eventually we. 00;50;21;05 - 00;50;21;28 Speaker 4 Even heard of this game. 00;50;22;09 - 00;50;23;14 Speaker 3 You never heard of it, really. 00;50;23;14 - 00;50;24;09 Speaker 1 I had neither. 00;50;24;09 - 00;50;25;02 Speaker 3 It's so good. 00;50;25;12 - 00;50;27;05 Speaker 6 Yeah, it's funny, which I probably actually. 00;50;27;05 - 00;50;34;21 Speaker 4 Saw Shakespeare playing it, and I just chalked it up to another fucking whatever. I was like, Oh, it's so fucking dumb games explained I. 00;50;34;28 - 00;50;47;19 Speaker 3 There's there's a clip that I have on my YouTube that I put up that I got the summer of is just me. Like, just like decimating, you know, kids with a catapult. And all of a sudden this guy just gets in the catapult as I launch it and just launches him. 00;50;47;19 - 00;50;51;06 Speaker 1 Over the over the what's funny, I really dying. 00;50;51;06 - 00;51;01;20 Speaker 3 Laughing. It was so fucking funny. It was the funniest. Such a good guy. It's such a fun. It's it's the nice thing about it is there's a bunch of updates right now. I haven't played it since the summer, so I really need to get back into it. 00;51;02;04 - 00;51;17;10 Speaker 3 They added a couple more modes, added a couple of maps. I want to say, Christian, there's a Christmas update right now. It doesn't take itself seriously, which is fantastic, which I love about it. And that is knows that it's just like, you're just having cheeky fun, cheeky, a lot of fun. 00;51;17;21 - 00;51;27;16 Speaker 3 And it's just like, it's just it's it's hard to like. It's like when you first play, you're like, Oh, I don't like this. I don't I don't understand these mechanics. I understand how to swing the sword, how to do the combos. 00;51;27;23 - 00;51;41;23 Speaker 3 But then once you get it and it clicks for you, it's a lot of fun because you can just like you just wrecked some kids, man, you just get up. There is like, you know, you parry this and just like line up, there's like two of the line up and you like, spin your controller and like you 00;51;41;23 - 00;51;45;04 Speaker 3 just decapitate like three people in front of you, dude, it's so much fun. 00;51;45;05 - 00;51;45;18 Speaker 1 How am I not. 00;51;45;18 - 00;51;49;07 Speaker 2 Played this game? You just you do it the way you just summed it up inside. 00;51;49;17 - 00;51;53;10 Speaker 5 People's heads off. Pick it up and launch their be. 00;51;54;04 - 00;51;54;13 Speaker 1 You can. 00;51;55;22 - 00;51;56;15 Speaker 6 Not see them ever. 00;51;56;16 - 00;51;57;05 Speaker 4 Heard. You say. 00;51;57;06 - 00;51;57;28 Speaker 1 That's like the. 00;51;57;28 - 00;52;02;03 Speaker 2 Most disrespectful thing you could possibly do to somebody in a PvP game. 00;52;02;03 - 00;52;04;18 Speaker 1 Like fucking amazing. They might said. 00;52;05;00 - 00;52;05;21 Speaker 4 That's pretty, can you? 00;52;05;21 - 00;52;06;19 Speaker 1 Can you put the head. 00;52;06;19 - 00;52;08;17 Speaker 2 In the catapult launched back over the past? 00;52;08;17 - 00;52;09;05 Speaker 3 Probably. 00;52;09;17 - 00;52;13;14 Speaker 1 Oh man, how about I would love to do that? And then like, just like. 00;52;13;25 - 00;52;20;07 Speaker 2 Just be great for just like launches over, just like lands in his home, his face just like dunk right on top of them? Oh man. 00;52;20;13 - 00;52;20;23 Speaker 4 That's pretty. 00;52;20;23 - 00;52;21;03 Speaker 1 Funny. 00;52;21;23 - 00;52;22;25 Speaker 2 I have to check this out. 00;52;22;25 - 00;52;34;15 Speaker 3 It's very it's very good. They have sales on all the time. I think it's on sale right now for like holiday bundle for PS5. It's fun, but I will say it is difficult to get started. There's 100% if you're not used to it, it is hard to get do get started with the game. 00;52;34;15 - 00;52;46;11 Speaker 3 Definitely take some time and learn the tutorial on how to play the game and then do a couple of matches that are like, like, kind of like whatever. Just have fun with it. And once you learn it's not fast paced whatsoever, you have to like time your swings and do the sword stuff. 00;52;46;12 - 00;52;47;27 Speaker 4 I'm too fucking lazy for that, but. 00;52;48;08 - 00;52;50;26 Speaker 1 I like I don't have to just. 00;52;50;26 - 00;53;01;02 Speaker 5 Jump in there and play and get my kid into crazy fights. That's when you come across someone. That has actually learned the combos and comparé up, but you won't be able to such a light. 00;53;01;07 - 00;53;02;15 Speaker 1 You know, so the question is. 00;53;02;27 - 00;53;03;24 Speaker 6 You know, it's the thing I realize. 00;53;03;29 - 00;53;13;14 Speaker 4 How many these games and shakes these top ten are the ones you sponsored, and he's going to clip. All these are senators sponsors like CBC. He's just sitting there like looking at his phone bank account, like changing. 00;53;14;07 - 00;53;14;22 Speaker 1 Fantastic. 00;53;14;26 - 00;53;19;18 Speaker 3 That's awesome. All right. J.C. Watts number three for you. 00;53;19;26 - 00;53;20;09 Speaker 1 Oh. 00;53;21;05 - 00;53;22;29 Speaker 5 I'm going to go with Guardians of the Galaxy. 00;53;23;00 - 00;53;24;15 Speaker 1 Oh, I forgot about that. 00;53;24;19 - 00;53;37;27 Speaker 5 I'm going to go with Guardians of the Galaxy. I thought that was absolutely awesome. Really, really fun playthrough. The more that I played it, the more I started to enjoy it when I first learned about this combat. 00;53;38;01 - 00;53;38;18 Speaker 6 It happens in. 00;53;38;20 - 00;53;43;29 Speaker 5 The of characters. I don't know that voice actors. And the more that I played it, the more I was like, This is this is. 00;53;44;26 - 00;53;46;22 Speaker 6 That's it's really that's definitely real. 00;53;47;25 - 00;54;00;07 Speaker 5 So, yeah, Guardians of the Galaxy makes it was it was one of them games that. Though a bit sad when I finished it, you know, I was like, Oh, man, like Michael, she wasn't any replayability. Yeah, there wasn't any requirement to play it. 00;54;00;07 - 00;54;10;09 Speaker 5 You're not going to jump back into it. It's like playing through a film type thing. Yeah, but I had such a good time with it, though. Yeah, when it hit the end, I was like, Oh man. 00;54;11;15 - 00;54;13;17 Speaker 1 Oh shit. 00;54;13;17 - 00;54;25;03 Speaker 5 Yeah, God is the Galaxy Cool. You go round to get a bunch of different outfits. You know you can customize your team to look the way you want them from all different comic books and stuff. And you know, I really enjoyed it. 00;54;26;01 - 00;54;26;14 Speaker 5 Oh yeah. 00;54;27;04 - 00;54;28;29 Speaker 3 Oh yeah, awesome, Tom. 00;54;30;06 - 00;54;36;09 Speaker 6 My number three was Valheim. Yes, in February. 00;54;36;09 - 00;54;39;22 Speaker 1 Yes, I'm sure to come out this year. Yeah, sure, it came out this year. 00;54;40;27 - 00;54;42;22 Speaker 4 They can go fuck yourselves. It came out in February. 00;54;44;14 - 00;54;49;00 Speaker 1 Adobe Sure. Yes. Yeah, fucking come in because it's. 00;54;49;18 - 00;54;51;09 Speaker 5 A much on as well like. 00;54;51;19 - 00;54;52;17 Speaker 1 All right. All right. 00;54;52;26 - 00;54;53;17 Speaker 4 Are you actually. 00;54;53;19 - 00;54;58;24 Speaker 3 Literally Googling right now? All right. February second. You are right. You're correct. That's making sure. 00;55;00;12 - 00;55;02;00 Speaker 6 I so I don't like those type of. 00;55;02;00 - 00;55;06;15 Speaker 4 Games that like survival games. I don't like my own. Sorry, please don't fucking blow my DMs up. I don't. 00;55;06;15 - 00;55;07;05 Speaker 6 Like Minecraft. 00;55;07;05 - 00;55;08;03 Speaker 4 I'm not really into like. 00;55;08;03 - 00;55;09;11 Speaker 2 Like just a dumb ass game. 00;55;09;23 - 00;55;15;23 Speaker 4 Listen, listen, it's the most popular game every single year for a reason. You know, I mean, there's a reason for that. People play it. 00;55;16;03 - 00;55;17;26 Speaker 5 I don't know what the reason is, though. I don't. 00;55;19;07 - 00;55;20;00 Speaker 1 Enjoy it. I don't. 00;55;20;10 - 00;55;20;16 Speaker 6 Do it. 00;55;20;16 - 00;55;24;20 Speaker 4 But like, dude, there are people that fucking love my love. 00;55;24;20 - 00;55;27;15 Speaker 2 You know who who, she said. It's because of kids. It's kids game. 00;55;27;16 - 00;55;35;20 Speaker 4 Yeah, that doesn't. That doesn't invalidate it. You know, there's still no the most downloaded game for a reason like. Well, that's not like my that's not my jam. You know, I don't matter. I don't feel like. 00;55;35;23 - 00;55;39;15 Speaker 6 That's not my job. But like Valheim did such a. 00;55;39;15 - 00;55;41;18 Speaker 4 Good job building. 00;55;41;29 - 00;55;50;27 Speaker 6 This like super cool world that like, dude, they're like the first half of the year or like since since it came out for like probably four or five. 00;55;50;27 - 00;55;53;00 Speaker 4 Months of Valheim or when it since it came out. 00;55;53;08 - 00;55;54;13 Speaker 6 I was glued to that game. 00;55;54;14 - 00;55;54;25 Speaker 1 Yeah. 00;55;55;03 - 00;56;10;29 Speaker 6 I play the game too much like I, and I still look back like, why did I do what was right? Because because I'm just like, It's not my thing, you know, but like building the ships going off to like, I, you know, I was I've never. 00;56;11;15 - 00;56;17;15 Speaker 4 Been into like, like building shit and like, you could just go, you can go bug while building building. 00;56;17;21 - 00;56;21;26 Speaker 5 You see some of the stuff that people have built on that dude. Like they go like the Millennium Falcon. 00;56;22;02 - 00;56;24;20 Speaker 1 We make we have like a cool. 00;56;25;02 - 00;56;33;23 Speaker 4 Little island going on for a bit. We're like, we had some like really fun shit being built there. They have, like Vash, built like a nice like generating. 00;56;34;05 - 00;56;35;06 Speaker 3 All those melter, the. 00;56;35;06 - 00;56;36;02 Speaker 6 Oddest military. 00;56;36;02 - 00;56;37;18 Speaker 3 Yeah, and not all about that. 00;56;37;25 - 00;56;39;00 Speaker 6 It was super fun and. 00;56;39;01 - 00;56;43;25 Speaker 5 We had a massive Viking long house. Like, it literally looked like it was that Valhalla like it was. 00;56;44;11 - 00;56;57;00 Speaker 4 So we had like a the island that we finally went to where it was, we were just starting to get like all like the better resources and stuff. We had the giant sleeping house. We had a giant storage house. 00;56;57;00 - 00;57;04;02 Speaker 4 We had the oddest mounting house. We had the dock for the ship like it was getting nice, like. And then I. 00;57;04;02 - 00;57;04;18 Speaker 6 Saw playing. 00;57;04;18 - 00;57;13;23 Speaker 4 Around my birthday, and that's when I started getting too fucking busy to do things. And I was like, I don't have the time to delegate because you could just happen and do stuff if you want. But like I wanted to like, do stuff, you know? 00;57;14;01 - 00;57;15;23 Speaker 6 And now they actually they update it now. 00;57;15;23 - 00;57;17;23 Speaker 4 Right now, they have the other world and stuff or the other. 00;57;18;00 - 00;57;19;16 Speaker 6 I think they I think it's like the there's. 00;57;19;18 - 00;57;23;23 Speaker 5 Something they've had an update, but I think it's purely a cosmetic slash building site. 00;57;24;07 - 00;57;26;23 Speaker 1 I think it's weird that they added the final area. 00;57;26;25 - 00;57;27;03 Speaker 6 Because. 00;57;27;07 - 00;57;27;16 Speaker 1 They were like. 00;57;28;03 - 00;57;34;23 Speaker 5 Oh, I think I know there's updates due for it, but I think it's house on Earth that they've. 00;57;35;25 - 00;57;39;00 Speaker 6 Updates terrified as all the science is coming. Honestly, once. 00;57;39;00 - 00;57;42;17 Speaker 4 Midlands comes out, I'll probably I'll probably hop back in. 00;57;42;21 - 00;57;43;20 Speaker 6 I think the game deserves. 00;57;43;20 - 00;57;52;11 Speaker 4 More play time. I just want to I want to give it, I think what it deserves in terms of how much I want to play. I don't. It's not a game. It's like fighting for me when I was a cop and play him there and hop out. 00;57;52;11 - 00;57;54;06 Speaker 4 I want to like, play it. You know, Ben's. 00;57;54;07 - 00;58;01;27 Speaker 5 Made my strengths say no life. That man we didn't know. I thought it was such a good game. Such a good experience. Oh man, it's my number one. 00;58;03;06 - 00;58;07;04 Speaker 1 It's my number one. Well, spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. 00;58;07;15 - 00;58;08;26 Speaker 6 I want a boiler alert. 00;58;08;26 - 00;58;10;07 Speaker 4 I didn't. I did not see that coming. 00;58;10;07 - 00;58;12;29 Speaker 6 OK, well, OK. So you hear from me, we're here to get. 00;58;13;00 - 00;58;15;09 Speaker 4 Rejected, so we'll keep the train going. 00;58;15;12 - 00;58;21;03 Speaker 3 Yeah, I told I honestly completely forgot about the game 100%. It's not even and you played a lot to me. I did play a lot. 00;58;21;03 - 00;58;24;20 Speaker 6 I mean, I played a lot together, like we played the game a lot together. 00;58;24;20 - 00;58;35;12 Speaker 3 I still have all the server data, so I'm actually over Christmas because I have off for the next week and a half. I'm actually I'm spinning up a home lap server at home, so I'll put the. 00;58;35;20 - 00;58;36;21 Speaker 6 Will you be able do it for free then? 00;58;36;29 - 00;58;42;22 Speaker 3 Yeah. Well, yeah, I'll be able to spin it up and have it ready to go for it and put it back online. So yeah. 00;58;42;22 - 00;58;44;11 Speaker 6 What's miscellaneous comes out? I'll play the shit out. 00;58;44;12 - 00;58;47;06 Speaker 3 Yeah, I mean, it cost me nothing because I have it all up and running for, oh. 00;58;47;06 - 00;58;48;03 Speaker 6 Good, because I remember you were. 00;58;48;03 - 00;58;52;16 Speaker 4 Doing an actual dedicated thing for because it was easier. It was like $4. I was, I don't know. 00;58;52;16 - 00;58;56;20 Speaker 3 Yeah, I had. I had something dedicated, but it just got too costly because I had to like I could. 00;58;56;20 - 00;58;57;09 Speaker 6 And we were just. 00;58;57;09 - 00;59;04;09 Speaker 3 Playing windows. Yeah, we just, you know, it's got busy, you know? But anyway. Sweet, Josh, what's yours? 00;59;05;11 - 00;59;08;09 Speaker 2 We are number three. Number three. Yeah, OK, sorry. 00;59;08;11 - 00;59;11;22 Speaker 1 Smoked RB eight. 00;59;12;03 - 00;59;13;28 Speaker 4 Do you like weed or something? A little bit? 00;59;14;05 - 00;59;24;16 Speaker 2 Hey, hey, it's my medicine. Thank you very much. I chose Resident Evil Village. So this is I will say that. 00;59;24;24 - 00;59;25;00 Speaker 4 This. 00;59;25;01 - 00;59;25;21 Speaker 3 Weird very much. 00;59;25;25 - 00;59;26;13 Speaker 1 The. 00;59;27;08 - 00;59;34;23 Speaker 2 The one playthrough that I did. Well, probably my favorite part was is just collecting everything I thought the the. 00;59;35;01 - 00;59;35;14 Speaker 1 The. 00;59;35;25 - 00;59;51;07 Speaker 2 I'm a huge sucker for that. So they kind of took like, I feel like they took seven and four and kind of merged them together, right? Because and then with a little bit of the last of us in there like this, the hordes of zombies or whatever they would, they call them in this game. 00;59;51;07 - 01;00;05;14 Speaker 2 But I thought I thought, it's pretty cool. The fact they were like random item drops and you could kind of go around and farm a little bit and, you know, buy items. And I loved the vet, the the the big, the big guy that was the vendor in this game. 01;00;05;14 - 01;00;11;03 Speaker 2 It totally gave me vibes of the Resident Evil four guy and I thought he was just the shit toy shop really. 01;00;11;12 - 01;00;12;28 Speaker 6 Was that the one was like, What do you buy. 01;00;12;28 - 01;00;16;06 Speaker 1 It? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, yeah. 01;00;16;06 - 01;00;21;26 Speaker 6 There was, there was. There is a dude he did like forever ago when they can come on again, really? Before. 01;00;22;05 - 01;00;24;17 Speaker 2 Oh, back in 2006. 01;00;24;17 - 01;00;26;28 Speaker 6 I remember there, there was a funny Ibom. 01;00;26;28 - 01;00;33;16 Speaker 4 World or whatever one of those other websites where you dressed up like him. It would go, go to like the supermarket. What are you buying? 01;00;33;17 - 01;00;36;09 Speaker 6 What he says preve everyone's like, what is wrong. 01;00;36;09 - 01;00;37;19 Speaker 4 With, you know, it got it, you know. 01;00;37;21 - 01;00;39;09 Speaker 1 So we we cut it. We kind of. 01;00;39;09 - 01;00;51;13 Speaker 2 Named him the same name as the no problem. We we named him the same name as the guy we used to buy our stuff from back in the day. So like, I was OK with it. Yeah, we've always we just fight with this guy and his then we used call McDonald's. 01;00;51;13 - 01;00;58;05 Speaker 2 So like we would call this guy McDonald's, and he would show up randomly throughout the game and be like, What do you buy in and do that? And like, we'd be like. 01;00;58;05 - 01;01;01;09 Speaker 1 Oh shit, this McDonald's, like, he just popped up. 01;01;01;09 - 01;01;12;08 Speaker 2 In the most random places, you know? So anyways. Same. I had the same vibe in a with that because, you know, he would just like, randomly roll out behind a curtain or something and just be like, Hey, you know, I don't. 01;01;12;09 - 01;01;21;05 Speaker 2 But that was a that was a really good part. I will say one of the most disappointing things for me and I don't mention is that you can use the Lady Dimitrescu. 01;01;21;19 - 01;01;23;12 Speaker 1 Lady to win that fight. 01;01;23;18 - 01;01;35;12 Speaker 2 I'm sorry, dude. But like that chick looked so badass and she was the easiest boss in the game. Like, I kind of there were many bosses. There were harder than her, either. For me personally, I find that to be a huge disappointment. 01;01;35;20 - 01;01;41;01 Speaker 2 But just because she was so like hyped up leading up to it and I will. 01;01;41;01 - 01;01;53;23 Speaker 3 I will say, though, that the point when you're playing on the hardest difficulty setting, when you're going platinum run. Yeah. And you had that moment where, like she, the fight changes, by the way, based on the difficulty. Oh, really? 01;01;53;25 - 01;02;01;01 Speaker 3 Yeah. So the fight changes in that part. Or she's like chasing after you, like when you're in like the Crips and you have to like you get your hand cut off or whatever. 01;02;01;01 - 01;02;01;26 Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah. 01;02;02;06 - 01;02;03;26 Speaker 3 She will. Once she will one shot you. 01;02;04;03 - 01;02;06;06 Speaker 1 And you OK, OK? 01;02;06;09 - 01;02;15;01 Speaker 3 You actually have to, like, get around and do stuff. So like if she if she hits you, you're dead. And it's just and there's other enemies that pop up and get in your way and you can't do anything about it. 01;02;15;01 - 01;02;32;09 Speaker 3 So you just use the the other enemies that come through, like the lichens or whatever it is to actually block her and she'll kill them as opposed. And she like doesn't. But anyway, the harder difficulty on Resident Evil eight adds different complexities to it, which I totally forgot about until you just mentioned it. 01;02;32;09 - 01;02;34;26 Speaker 3 So yes, I did call out. 01;02;35;12 - 01;02;45;24 Speaker 1 He called me, I'm a play on you. I got asked you over here telling me to get good jobs. I got bashed over here telling me I'm bad at Resident Evil eight. I why do I podcast you guys? 01;02;45;24 - 01;02;46;13 Speaker 2 Man, I'm kidding. 01;02;47;06 - 01;02;48;02 Speaker 1 I'm getting a job. 01;02;48;05 - 01;02;48;13 Speaker 2 No. 01;02;48;14 - 01;02;50;19 Speaker 1 So I actually. 01;02;51;04 - 01;03;07;16 Speaker 2 I will be really interested to see what they do with Resident Evil nine because like, they've kind of established a new style of the game now, and I'm wondering if they're going to walk it back to like the tank controls or they'll like, try something different again. 01;03;07;16 - 01;03;23;04 Speaker 2 But like because I mean, it feels like they're trying to like push the bar a little bit different every time and not make the same game, but stick with a kind of consistent vibe and feel I'd be fine if they went back to either like four or seven or even like a Resident Evil two like remake, kind 01;03;23;04 - 01;03;39;06 Speaker 2 of kind of kind of thing, but I'll be real interested to see what they do with nine. And I'm also super initiative. See where they're going to take the story because they're kind of digging into like complete completely different sections of the Resident Evil universe that like didn't exist in the other ones. 01;03;39;06 - 01;03;48;02 Speaker 2 And by the way, if anybody hasn't seen the new, well, they just did a Resident Evil two movie in the theaters, it was like Raccoon City or whatever it was Resident Evil. 01;03;48;07 - 01;03;48;17 Speaker 4 Like. 01;03;48;26 - 01;03;51;02 Speaker 2 Yeah, it was they actually this. 01;03;51;02 - 01;03;52;13 Speaker 1 Not this. No, no, no, no, no, no. 01;03;52;13 - 01;04;10;10 Speaker 2 This isn't. This isn't an animated movie. It's it's a live action. Yeah, no, no. It's like action. It's called, it's called Raccoon City. It just came out like, it's interesting. It's basically they would end the I'm sorry. Like, I don't know, the person that plays Leon does not look anything like the character Leon, and it kind of 01;04;10;10 - 01;04;16;12 Speaker 2 bothers me a little bit and I know why they did it and it just kind of it. 01;04;16;15 - 01;04;21;14 Speaker 4 It makes sense. And I saw the Milla Jovovich. I don't want to watch it, you know what I mean? That's all saying. 01;04;21;17 - 01;04;22;15 Speaker 1 It's not so I'm sorry, you. 01;04;22;15 - 01;04;23;22 Speaker 4 Know, they just want to watch it. 01;04;23;23 - 01;04;32;25 Speaker 2 But anyways, the movie, the movie is great. I thought they did a great job. It kind of doesn't really feel like kind of movie that should be released in theaters definitely should have been on like Netflix or something. 01;04;32;25 - 01;04;36;02 Speaker 2 But check it out if you're an evil fan. 01;04;36;15 - 01;04;38;02 Speaker 3 I will check it out. And you know that was the thing. 01;04;38;10 - 01;04;39;08 Speaker 1 Yeah, it was pretty good. 01;04;41;05 - 01;04;45;28 Speaker 3 Sweet. Awesome. My number three is Returnal. 01;04;46;19 - 01;04;48;26 Speaker 2 Oh, sure, I knew it was gonna be somewhere in the top ten. 01;04;48;27 - 01;05;09;29 Speaker 3 Until, yeah, that game. I am not a fan of roguelike games whatsoever because it just makes me frustrated and super frustrated. But the fact that that was a PS5 exclusive and it really took advantage of the PS5 mechanics and you know how it does all the ray tracing in the higher fidelity graphics and everything like that, and 01;05;09;29 - 01;05;26;20 Speaker 3 also told a pretty cool, cool story. I really dug the story in that game of just like anything that has to do with like what is perceptual? What's reality like? I'm like, stuck in my own mind. That sort of stuff is like, very fascinating to me, just from, you know, how I like to tell stories and everything 01;05;26;23 - 01;05;43;23 Speaker 3 . So it's like really resonated really well with me. I really like the weird shit that they did in that game, and it's just I just really enjoyed it. And it was just it felt very dark souls to me in the fact that like I was just I really had a lot of satisfaction when I finished a boss 01;05;43;23 - 01;05;56;15 Speaker 3 that I was just having so much trouble with. Because when you die, you start over from the beginning of that level. So I'm like, now, I got to like, run through and do this stuff. Or even like there's like three sections of again, there's like, you know, three chapters and it's like you're at the end of chapter 01;05;56;15 - 01;06;00;27 Speaker 3 three and you die, you start all the way over from beginning of the Chapter one in that I was like. 01;06;01;10 - 01;06;01;21 Speaker 4 Them. 01;06;02;11 - 01;06;13;20 Speaker 3 And it was really challenging. But when you beat it, like you could beat it in like two hours if you really wanted to. But the only thing that I really hated was like, you couldn't like, pause the game and like, pick up where you left off. 01;06;13;20 - 01;06;27;28 Speaker 3 Like, if you want to play something else like you're stuck playing Returnal. So like I was just like in Returnal mode and just finished it, I didn't platinum because the fact that there was too much R&D involved with it, I just didn't care enough to to go hunting for like twelve more hours, trying to find things that 01;06;27;28 - 01;06;42;24 Speaker 3 would just randomly show up or not on a specific run, which is just kind of frustrating in and of itself. But I definitely I really wish that like if you bought, if you finished the game and beat the game at the end, they give you like super like make you a little bit more open, so you have 01;06;42;24 - 01;06;54;28 Speaker 3 more fun with it, but they did not do that. But either way, I really enjoyed the mechanics of the game and was I had a lot of fun with it and very excited to. I hope they come out. 01;06;55;04 - 01;07;04;12 Speaker 3 I think they're coming out with DLC for it, but I'm not sure, but I will. Eventually, I'll try to pick it back up and try it platinum because I don't have much left to do a platinum. I think I like choose. 01;07;04;18 - 01;07;19;11 Speaker 3 I'd like to find a true ending and the pick up some more collectibles, but the collectible collectibles are completely randomized and where they show up. So it's just it's you just get lucky or not. And it's just like, I don't like luck mechanics with regards to collectibles. 01;07;19;12 - 01;07;23;22 Speaker 3 It just feels like cheating. So just to get you to play the game more so. 01;07;23;22 - 01;07;23;29 Speaker 1 Yeah. 01;07;24;25 - 01;07;28;17 Speaker 3 But that's it for me. So anyway. All right. J.C. Watts, number two for you. 01;07;28;24 - 01;07;32;21 Speaker 5 I'm really excited about this one. The last stuff crown of the Magister. 01;07;32;23 - 01;07;34;05 Speaker 3 What the fuck is that? 01;07;34;12 - 01;07;38;18 Speaker 1 I know you. one of you know, I saw last night. 01;07;38;21 - 01;07;40;29 Speaker 4 I was I was so off on even just spelling it. 01;07;41;13 - 01;07;58;06 Speaker 5 Yes, the last the crown of the Magister Dungeons and Dragons. They've got the divorce that they've all passed the rule set. Whoa. A little bit like ice wind now. It got me into all OPG's again in a massive way. 01;07;58;17 - 01;08;10;07 Speaker 5 It was just an absolute joy to play through to the point where I was like, I really want to get involved in Dungeons Dragons. Now what? I really want to play. That's not a table top, oh, it's. 01;08;10;14 - 01;08;11;02 Speaker 2 Tons of fun. 01;08;11;03 - 01;08;25;24 Speaker 5 It's so, so, so good this game. And if you're anywhere near a fan of like Dungeons and Dragons or Ice Window Boulders Gate, you need to pick up this game. What is the last semester that crown of the Magister? 01;08;25;24 - 01;08;26;24 Speaker 4 Yes, to. 01;08;27;01 - 01;08;28;07 Speaker 3 I said one more time I can't. 01;08;28;27 - 01;08;33;04 Speaker 6 Sohal Easter. So last solo a star. 01;08;34;02 - 01;08;36;25 Speaker 5 Such a beautiful game really, really does clean it. 01;08;37;14 - 01;08;42;19 Speaker 2 Doesn't it? Dungeons and Dragons, if you play with the right people, can be a shitload of fun. 01;08;44;27 - 01;08;47;15 Speaker 3 Likes puppies for dinner chat, so you feel. 01;08;47;16 - 01;08;49;09 Speaker 5 Games pass as well. I was just. 01;08;49;09 - 01;08;52;04 Speaker 6 To give us the fucking bastard. I can't think. 01;08;52;04 - 01;08;52;21 Speaker 3 Doing it right now. 01;08;52;26 - 01;08;57;11 Speaker 6 Game's best. Everyone needs games fast. It is insane how much free shit. 01;08;57;11 - 01;08;58;01 Speaker 4 There is on it. 01;08;58;11 - 01;09;00;22 Speaker 1 Like animals, if they is such a good. 01;09;01;13 - 01;09;03;14 Speaker 2 I love how much you love the game fast. 01;09;03;22 - 01;09;04;22 Speaker 6 Dude, I'm tired. 01;09;04;23 - 01;09;05;12 Speaker 3 I like it too. 01;09;06;03 - 01;09;06;23 Speaker 1 Fox Friends. 01;09;07;06 - 01;09;13;15 Speaker 6 In an interview with me bill, an Xbox fan. It has to do with the fact that the games they put on it are almost too big for. 01;09;13;15 - 01;09;13;29 Speaker 4 A. 01;09;14;09 - 01;09;16;01 Speaker 6 Like. Do they have released the newest. 01;09;16;01 - 01;09;16;23 Speaker 4 Halo on it? 01;09;17;10 - 01;09;21;03 Speaker 6 I, you know, I'm saying like, that's not just like, Oh, here's. 01;09;21;04 - 01;09;28;19 Speaker 4 Fucking Civ two, you know? You know, it's like, Oh, here's our Triple-A game of the year. This is a big deal. 01;09;28;19 - 01;09;32;00 Speaker 1 To use it to. I can see this is your barometer. 01;09;32;00 - 01;09;33;25 Speaker 2 Can like I go filler bullshit. 01;09;33;25 - 01;09;40;26 Speaker 1 Game because it looks like anything but like if it was true like these, that's like such a. 01;09;41;07 - 01;09;42;15 Speaker 2 I don't know, that was hilarious. 01;09;42;16 - 01;09;45;14 Speaker 6 Let's, you know, it's like we're on games pass immediately. 01;09;45;14 - 01;09;46;26 Speaker 4 Day one back four blood. 01;09;47;12 - 01;09;47;19 Speaker 5 The. 01;09;47;26 - 01;09;51;15 Speaker 4 Halo. The new fucking Warhammer will be on it like. 01;09;51;19 - 01;09;55;10 Speaker 6 These are fucking these are big, you know, I'm saying like, Yeah, it's one it. 01;09;55;22 - 01;09;57;02 Speaker 1 It's the. 01;09;57;02 - 01;09;59;23 Speaker 4 Regular version. It's like five bucks a month and you have access to. 01;10;00;00 - 01;10;01;00 Speaker 6 A huge games library. 01;10;01;00 - 01;10;04;24 Speaker 5 And is funny back. The blood was like 60 bucks or 70 bucks or something. 01;10;04;28 - 01;10;09;11 Speaker 1 It was always considered it was crazy, you know? Yeah, and it was free on game. 01;10;09;11 - 01;10;10;15 Speaker 5 Stuff and it was free home games. 01;10;10;22 - 01;10;12;12 Speaker 6 So it's funny. Actually, I always get this. 01;10;12;12 - 01;10;23;07 Speaker 4 Argument all the fucking time. The discriminative, like a lot of my my buddies up against with whenever I say like, Oh, it's free on games past, like it was technically not free, I guess semantically, I know it's technically not free. 01;10;23;07 - 01;10;25;29 Speaker 4 You're paying Oh yeah, something fun. Yeah, but with that. 01;10;25;29 - 01;10;27;00 Speaker 6 Being said. 01;10;27;02 - 01;10;27;22 Speaker 5 Free on games, while. 01;10;28;07 - 01;10;29;05 Speaker 1 It's on game stocks. 01;10;29;25 - 01;10;32;03 Speaker 3 You're not paying extra for it outside of your sorry. 01;10;32;05 - 01;10;43;00 Speaker 4 Ultimate OS, right? There is the ultimate version which gives you games pass between your console and your PC, and that's what you need for exactly twelve, twelve or 15 bucks. Yeah, you need that, but. 01;10;43;00 - 01;10;45;23 Speaker 6 You're still getting so many games crazy. Yeah. 01;10;46;23 - 01;10;48;23 Speaker 2 Yeah, it's much better than the PlayStation. 01;10;48;23 - 01;10;52;17 Speaker 4 I turned my blog down. I'm looking at my bank account because Michelle, from for Microsoft just going like. 01;10;52;17 - 01;10;53;23 Speaker 6 Bing, Bing, Bing. 01;10;53;23 - 01;10;55;22 Speaker 5 Bing sponsored over there by games. Wow. 01;10;55;23 - 01;10;57;10 Speaker 1 So sounds great. 01;10;57;27 - 01;10;58;29 Speaker 4 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. 01;11;00;09 - 01;11;01;13 Speaker 3 So it would be the dream, though. 01;11;01;20 - 01;11;05;18 Speaker 4 Sorry, I hijacked a hijacked four games pass. Would you just do? 01;11;05;27 - 01;11;06;12 Speaker 3 No, no, no. 01;11;06;12 - 01;11;07;20 Speaker 4 Just your porn folders away? 01;11;07;21 - 01;11;11;02 Speaker 3 No, no, no. It's just like, I'm trying to figure out why. Like, I started to do this. 01;11;11;02 - 01;11;13;04 Speaker 4 I don't want to ask porn folders anymore. You know. 01;11;13;10 - 01;11;23;19 Speaker 3 No one has anymore. No, I try to do that. Don't like, start to download. And then all of a sudden my quality started to dissipate. I was like, Oh no, stop, stop the stream. I need to like, make sure it doesn't sell out, but I have it ready to go. 01;11;23;19 - 01;11;32;18 Speaker 3 I want to play it for sure. I just look at the screenshots on it looks very much my style for like divinity, original sin Balderas Gate Lawyers. Yep, very much. 01;11;32;18 - 01;11;34;14 Speaker 4 Looks like it was sort of my solicitor, right? Sorry. 01;11;34;14 - 01;11;34;28 Speaker 3 Yeah, yeah. 01;11;35;05 - 01;11;35;28 Speaker 5 It's a great game. 01;11;36;09 - 01;11;37;27 Speaker 3 Top Chef number two. 01;11;40;09 - 01;11;43;08 Speaker 1 Sorry, yeah, I know. OK, listen. 01;11;43;27 - 01;11;45;22 Speaker 6 We met with chef. Really? I want to have you. 01;11;46;02 - 01;11;46;06 Speaker 4 Say. 01;11;46;07 - 01;11;49;09 Speaker 2 No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm super strong on my number two. 01;11;50;04 - 01;11;52;29 Speaker 6 Uh, mine is Pokemon brilliant diamond. 01;11;53;19 - 01;11;54;07 Speaker 1 Oh. 01;11;54;16 - 01;11;56;04 Speaker 2 How is that game? Please tell me. 01;11;56;13 - 01;11;57;21 Speaker 6 So there's a lot of people that has. 01;11;57;27 - 01;11;59;17 Speaker 4 Some problems with it here and there. 01;12;00;07 - 01;12;01;09 Speaker 2 Of course, because. 01;12;01;23 - 01;12;03;18 Speaker 6 The problem is so I'm not a. 01;12;03;18 - 01;12;05;09 Speaker 4 Hardcore Pokemon player. 01;12;05;09 - 01;12;16;15 Speaker 6 I enjoy Pokemon just for the nostalgia of it. Sure, I don't. I'm not in it to get to, like, get certain natures of Pokemon or Go hard to PvP or any of that shit. I'm in it just because. 01;12;16;21 - 01;12;27;25 Speaker 4 I just want to play a fun game. And so far, every every morning I wake up and play Pokemon Diamond. It's like Premiere morning routine now where I sound robotic. 01;12;27;25 - 01;12;35;08 Speaker 3 Yeah, it's on my, it's my side because I started doing the download. So it's the it's the streaming aspect of the stream. Sounds robotic, but you won't be on podcast. 01;12;35;15 - 01;12;36;18 Speaker 4 Why are you fucking ding dong? 01;12;37;00 - 01;12;37;04 Speaker 1 OK. 01;12;38;14 - 01;12;49;07 Speaker 4 So it's a very it's a well-made remake. It had I really enjoyed Diamond Pearl, so I'm playing a game I've really enjoyed as a kid in a more modern way, and. 01;12;50;21 - 01;12;55;27 Speaker 6 It's just that. That's all. There's no fluff to it. There's no like it's just it's a well-made game. 01;12;55;27 - 01;13;02;06 Speaker 4 I'm playing a lot of it, probably one of the most games I played this year outside of like Valheim or something. 01;13;04;15 - 01;13;11;23 Speaker 6 It just a fun. It's a fun remake. That's all I could say. I like Pokémon, I like I like, you know, got to catch them all, etc cetera. Um yeah. 01;13;12;16 - 01;13;15;15 Speaker 4 I I'm no, I have no like fluff to add to it. You know what I mean? 01;13;16;09 - 01;13;19;17 Speaker 2 Can I show you something badass that I that I found this week? Please do. 01;13;21;04 - 01;13;21;28 Speaker 6 O t. 01;13;22;00 - 01;13;23;27 Speaker 3 O g cartridge. 01;13;23;27 - 01;13;26;03 Speaker 2 In box with all the booklets and everything. 01;13;26;05 - 01;13;27;18 Speaker 6 Oh hell yeah. Oh yeah. 01;13;27;29 - 01;13;29;12 Speaker 4 And there's my vocabulary there. 01;13;32;02 - 01;13;34;06 Speaker 1 Yeah, we see it. There you go. 01;13;35;01 - 01;13;37;24 Speaker 6 I love that. That's the thing. But like, there are people that. 01;13;37;24 - 01;13;40;09 Speaker 4 Are very into the competitive aspect of Oakland. 01;13;40;18 - 01;13;42;10 Speaker 6 Which it is actually crazy me that. 01;13;42;10 - 01;13;51;10 Speaker 4 There's not more sport around competitive Pokémon because on Twitch and streaming and stuff, it's huge. It's big. There are tournaments and stuff, but it's. 01;13;51;10 - 01;13;57;14 Speaker 6 Not like a fish. The television and sports, and it's kind of weird that they're not everything they do. 01;13;59;01 - 01;13;59;28 Speaker 4 In terms of like their. 01;13;59;29 - 01;14;05;18 Speaker 6 Competitive stuff, is all third party from Smash. There's no more. It still blows my mind. 01;14;05;18 - 01;14;16;16 Speaker 4 There's not competitor Mario Kart. I'm not kidding you. How there isn't is beyond me, but no Pokemon. The Super Smash Brothers. It's all third party stuff, and I just don't get why they haven't embraced e-sports. I know. But yeah, that's that's my whole thing. 01;14;16;16 - 01;14;17;02 Speaker 4 It's pretty easy. 01;14;19;26 - 01;14;22;21 Speaker 6 Purple Rain, Purple Rain. 01;14;22;22 - 01;14;24;09 Speaker 2 I just thought it was a bad ass shirt. Thank you. 01;14;24;10 - 01;14;24;24 Speaker 6 Whose shirt. 01;14;26;01 - 01;14;26;15 Speaker 1 Come next? 01;14;26;24 - 01;14;27;27 Speaker 6 The real correct? 01;14;30;13 - 01;14;31;00 Speaker 2 All right. 01;14;31;00 - 01;14;33;14 Speaker 1 So no chance for me. 01;14;33;14 - 01;14;38;22 Speaker 2 Is going to be ruined. King a league of legends story. Game is fucking. 01;14;39;00 - 01;14;41;07 Speaker 1 ten out of ten, dude. 01;14;41;18 - 01;14;43;21 Speaker 3 Bad boys are not number one. 01;14;44;15 - 01;14;49;23 Speaker 2 Because because there was even better game than this that came out this year in my, in my opinion, in. 01;14;49;23 - 01;14;51;01 Speaker 6 My opinion, what is this game? 01;14;51;23 - 01;14;53;13 Speaker 1 I it. You remember how. 01;14;53;13 - 01;15;04;07 Speaker 2 Earlier how I said there was one of my favorite games that came out this year. I didn't even know it was just come out. This is the one. So they straight up took so riot's right now. No, no, no, no. 01;15;04;07 - 01;15;05;20 Speaker 3 It's it's a it's a. 01;15;05;26 - 01;15;06;15 Speaker 1 It's on console. 01;15;06;24 - 01;15;07;28 Speaker 6 Oh, interesting. 01;15;08;01 - 01;15;28;10 Speaker 2 So it's a fucking bad ass, turn based RPG based around a story of a character called Diego, who is the ruined king. And you know, they are taking characters from the legal legends universe and telling a story about it is just crazy. 01;15;28;10 - 01;15;45;21 Speaker 2 Like you've everybody's already heard me talk about this because, you know, I talked about, I think like one or two pods ago, the game is just phenomenal. Like as a as a nerd for the League of Legends universe, like this is the first time I've been able to like, engage in storylines. 01;15;45;21 - 01;15;58;27 Speaker 2 And like when I found out that like gangplank and misfortune or beefing with each other, I had like no idea that this was happening. And then like, Ari's is like, there's so many different like angles they took from this and they did such a great job of it. 01;15;59;02 - 01;16;10;06 Speaker 2 And the best part about it is the fact that they're going to make a shitload of games like this from different stories. And I'm just like, give me more, you know, like I have and I paid 30 bucks for the game and my best friend and I logged in like 60 hours each. 01;16;10;19 - 01;16;25;05 Speaker 2 Fucking great game, dude. Like, absolutely bad ask. Apparently, it's like it's very similar to another game that came out called battle chasers, I think, and I like the way that it plays. But dude, for me, it was so much fun, man, so much fun. 01;16;25;05 - 01;16;30;21 Speaker 2 I enjoyed every second of it. It's actually a kind of a challenging game, too. 01;16;31;11 - 01;16;35;24 Speaker 5 I want to play that. I desperately want to play that. I've seen a few streams of it looks really good. 01;16;36;05 - 01;16;43;10 Speaker 2 They do change the year and you're very sure. Let me tell you that you don't need to know anything about like legal legends and you're going to enjoy the shit out of it. 01;16;43;21 - 01;16;46;28 Speaker 5 As a leaked out. OK, OK, I'll leave then. 01;16;47;04 - 01;16;53;08 Speaker 2 Then you'll then you'll thoroughly enjoy it because it's like it's so good, man. It's so. 01;16;53;08 - 01;16;55;05 Speaker 1 Good. They did like these cool. 01;16;55;16 - 01;17;10;19 Speaker 2 They didn't like go over the top with the animations of everything, and they kind of use like in some, like the cut scenes, they'll use this like like comic style approach. You know, where they're like. They have these like big bad ass bald moments and then they'll like, come down and like, bring in a new, different scene 01;17;10;20 - 01;17;12;21 Speaker 2 . I thought it was great, but for a 30 dollar game. 01;17;14;02 - 01;17;14;16 Speaker 1 Tottenham, you'd. 01;17;14;16 - 01;17;17;24 Speaker 5 Be watching the League of Legends and Napoli, OK. 01;17;17;25 - 01;17;21;28 Speaker 1 OK, yeah, yeah, I want to say it's well, it's dude. 01;17;21;28 - 01;17;35;13 Speaker 2 Listen, you know, you don't even have to be in to lead to the league. It's if you're if you like just good animated series. Excellent because they don't like there's so many different characters in the league. I mean, there's like 130 different character, 144 characters in the game right now. 01;17;35;25 - 01;17;51;25 Speaker 2 But like they're telling these stories to people that if you don't know anything about it, it's enough to where you don't need to know that they're telling the history of these characters, basically, and it's sick for you. 01;17;51;25 - 01;17;52;04 Speaker 3 Got it. 01;17;52;05 - 01;17;57;26 Speaker 2 So yeah, the music, the theatrics, like the animation, like everything about, it's really good. 01;17;59;10 - 01;18;04;17 Speaker 3 Awesome, I know I just I should be more into Riot Games just because my cousin works for them. 01;18;04;18 - 01;18;05;02 Speaker 1 Yeah. 01;18;05;11 - 01;18;16;22 Speaker 3 It's just like I really should be. Not only just if anyone missed that conversation before or that podcast I think it was last year. It is actually like the lead game designer for Legends of War and Terror like he created. 01;18;17;14 - 01;18;37;04 Speaker 2 Speaking of which, honorable mention they they added some some features through interior this year that were fuckin awesome, man. They added a whole PvE element to it. And I said this earlier and this this is going to be my statement moving forward that Riot is going to take over as the King Dick Company in in the gaming 01;18;37;04 - 01;18;57;16 Speaker 2 industry for anything like they're taking their game studios and giving or they're giving their IP to like different game studios. And they're not going for this like approach of we need to sell a Triple-A title for $70 and blow your tits off with like over the top graphics and crazy features. 01;18;57;16 - 01;19;13;19 Speaker 2 It's like, no, they make simple games that are awesome and TFT. We're in Terra League, Druid King like and they have another one. They just tested out like they're over. It's like blowing up. It's huge right now. It's going to be the best company moving forward. 01;19;13;19 - 01;19;15;17 Speaker 2 Blizzard's out, Riot's going to take over. 01;19;15;23 - 01;19;19;10 Speaker 3 All for it. Yeah, or for we need this. 01;19;19;10 - 01;19;20;28 Speaker 5 Blizzard's definitely done. 01;19;21;14 - 01;19;23;23 Speaker 2 Oh yeah, done. We're going to be done. 01;19;25;05 - 01;19;30;00 Speaker 3 Awesome. Was it me? Now remember to produce Kobashi? I can't remember. 01;19;30;01 - 01;19;31;09 Speaker 1 No, no. He went dead. 01;19;33;19 - 01;19;39;09 Speaker 3 Number two for me, and it's probably no surprise to anyone else. Guardians of the Galaxy is my number two game of the year. 01;19;39;17 - 01;19;39;28 Speaker 1 Yeah. 01;19;40;08 - 01;20;00;08 Speaker 3 Which as a as a filmmaker and a storyteller. I absolutely. They're one of the things I loved I loved about, like the last burst last of us part two. Essentially, all these games that make you feel immersed in the world is the fact that they have like banter and discussion and conversations between characters that make you feel 01;20;00;08 - 01;20;13;18 Speaker 3 more that you just you're doing more than playing a game, you're experiencing a story. And as somebody for me, like, I don't play games just for the fact of like, you know, just to shoot, pull, trigger whatever collected the collectible, do whatever. 01;20;13;18 - 01;20;29;17 Speaker 3 Like, I play games because of story. And I fucking loved Guardians of the Galaxy. I thought the voice acting was like, super interesting. Like, we have all these like side quests and side, you know, conversations you can have with people, people's backstories about stuff. 01;20;29;23 - 01;20;40;15 Speaker 3 I'm not a huge Guardians of the Galaxy comic book reader, but it made me want to go, and I started reading some of the original stuff like it made me want to go back and learn more about characters and do things outside of the game. 01;20;40;20 - 01;20;54;23 Speaker 3 And each time that something can make me go. What do you like? Explore something outside the medium that has been that it's been presented to me in is a winner, in my opinion. So and I know that's kind of like why they kind of give these EFPs out, too, because they want you to explore more stuff with 01;20;54;23 - 01;21;06;18 Speaker 3 it. But I thought it was just phenomenal. I love that. I liked it. There was like a perfect balance between like all the combat, which kind of was I mean, it was monotonous, but like at the same time, it felt fresh. 01;21;06;18 - 01;21;22;11 Speaker 3 It felt good, like the end fights felt great, even though it was like you're fighting the same enemies like throughout the entire game. But still, like the blueprint is presented in a way that was interesting, thoughtful, not just like, Hey, here's a bunch of like, you know, 500 enemies go kill them all, you know, so they actually 01;21;22;11 - 01;21;40;27 Speaker 3 gave you like challenges trying to figure things out. Bosses boss fights were interesting, new, unique, that sort of stuff. So I really enjoyed that game in its in its entirety. So it was so it was such a like, you know, as you were saying, change it to give you all different costumes and figure things out and like 01;21;41;01 - 01;21;51;15 Speaker 3 , mix them. I was constantly mixing and matching costumes throughout the thing, and I love the fact that the costume stayed during the cut scenes. Yeah, it's great. And like the dark horse, Batman was like, super like super like, Oh my. 01;21;51;15 - 01;21;53;15 Speaker 5 God. Of course, of all of my guys with. 01;21;53;15 - 01;21;55;09 Speaker 1 All cool stuff, it just on skin. 01;21;55;15 - 01;22;03;20 Speaker 3 I loved it. But then like I did one like with like, I put that on rocket. Like as soon as I got it, I was like, No, this is super creepy. I can't do this. The golden guys can do it. 01;22;03;20 - 01;22;12;16 Speaker 3 Nope, not doing it. But it was different, right? But yeah, for me, number two. All right, J.C., we think we know who, we think. We know what. 01;22;12;16 - 01;22;28;23 Speaker 1 Number one is. Well, I think I have no idea why you think like, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. No, I forgot. I guess, just like you guess, I'm going to get lazy. Hello. Islands of Adventures. Oh. 01;22;29;13 - 01;22;43;18 Speaker 5 Valentine. Such a good game, man. Valheim was such a good game. I played it with a stream team we know liked it for probably about a month. We had a server up. We talk of all fell into a bit of a roll as well. 01;22;43;22 - 01;23;02;04 Speaker 5 When I was going out getting the loot because I'm a lot and one of the guys was building and the other guy was like decorating the base. It was just such an enjoyable game that come out of nowhere sailing across the map, like going into the different areas like, honestly, we've got a clip of when we went 01;23;02;04 - 01;23;12;19 Speaker 5 into the Plains area the first time and this like goblin runs over to us and we all panic and start running away. And one of them, one of the guys, was like, I'm going to see if we can fight him. 01;23;12;29 - 01;23;20;12 Speaker 5 And then he just blows up his backdrops on the floor and in no sympathy work, like in. 01;23;20;19 - 01;23;21;14 Speaker 6 The first time you find. 01;23;21;14 - 01;23;21;28 Speaker 1 A boy. 01;23;22;00 - 01;23;24;05 Speaker 4 He's a funny. It's the funniest shit lie. 01;23;24;06 - 01;23;28;24 Speaker 5 It was the mosquito's coming out of nowhere and then bashing up the body. Like, What is this? 01;23;29;13 - 01;23;31;13 Speaker 6 It's so funny. The version you play a troll, you're like. 01;23;31;13 - 01;23;35;10 Speaker 4 Oh, it's pretty easy and you find a goblin mosquito and you're like, Oh, this should be fine and instant death. 01;23;35;18 - 01;23;35;26 Speaker 1 Yeah. 01;23;36;03 - 01;23;42;05 Speaker 6 Yeah. I remember I was feeling I when I came across a random island and when the stream was like, I was like, Oh, there's goblins. 01;23;42;05 - 01;23;43;10 Speaker 4 And around everyone, the stream they. 01;23;43;13 - 01;23;44;06 Speaker 6 Run, run. 01;23;45;01 - 01;23;47;14 Speaker 1 Do no know like 30,000. 01;23;47;14 - 01;23;50;28 Speaker 4 Jobs at once about how to run. It it was so great. It was so much fun. 01;23;51;01 - 01;23;51;09 Speaker 1 Yeah. 01;23;51;11 - 01;23;59;16 Speaker 5 Although to be fair. Streaming on Twitch, if one more person told me I could say boars, I think I was going to Banham my lich every two months, you know? 01;23;59;16 - 01;24;07;04 Speaker 1 Yeah. So it in this game. You know, you can take blows. This game shut up like that unless you have. 01;24;07;07 - 01;24;10;29 Speaker 4 Those accents more often because impersonations, because that was very funny. 01;24;12;12 - 01;24;14;12 Speaker 1 It's such a good game. I really, really enjoyed it. 01;24;14;13 - 01;24;15;28 Speaker 6 I'm telling you, once Mist Lands. 01;24;15;28 - 01;24;17;27 Speaker 4 Comes out, I'm a dove back in. Like, no doubt about it. 01;24;18;01 - 01;24;19;06 Speaker 3 I'll spend the server back for sure. 01;24;19;06 - 01;24;19;23 Speaker 6 But that's about it. 01;24;20;24 - 01;24;22;07 Speaker 3 All right, Don, what's number one for you? 01;24;23;25 - 01;24;26;10 Speaker 6 So quite controversial. 01;24;26;10 - 01;24;29;00 Speaker 4 In the said community. 01;24;29;17 - 01;24;29;24 Speaker 1 All right. 01;24;30;23 - 01;24;33;01 Speaker 2 Well, he said, Warhammer, I know it's going to. 01;24;33;01 - 01;24;34;13 Speaker 6 Be it's not does kind of the video. 01;24;34;13 - 01;24;34;21 Speaker 4 Game. 01;24;35;19 - 01;24;36;12 Speaker 6 Next year. 01;24;36;12 - 01;24;41;25 Speaker 4 Total war Warhammer three will be probably game of the year for me. OK? No, but Halo Infinite was. 01;24;41;26 - 01;24;44;00 Speaker 1 I just want to say, yeah, I knew it won. 01;24;44;07 - 01;24;46;17 Speaker 6 The campaign, I find. 01;24;47;17 - 01;24;50;08 Speaker 4 Is massive for action. 01;24;50;09 - 01;24;52;21 Speaker 1 For sure. Strike Force Yeah, definitely. 01;24;53;16 - 01;24;55;22 Speaker 6 Definitely. I mean, the only person that quit Marvel strike. 01;24;55;22 - 01;24;58;26 Speaker 4 For is that that is says it's a bad game stuff. 01;24;58;26 - 01;25;00;07 Speaker 6 From the it's a good game. I think the. 01;25;00;19 - 01;25;02;21 Speaker 4 Game, the game fucking sucks the shit game. 01;25;02;25 - 01;25;11;14 Speaker 3 I'm actually going to go back and do. And on January first, I'm going to go back is like one year sober. What? What's new in like do a complete thing just four clicks. I'm losing it. I'm literally doing it for clicks. 01;25;11;14 - 01;25;14;22 Speaker 6 Gamers listen, I respect all my friends who. 01;25;14;23 - 01;25;15;26 Speaker 4 Are, you know, make. 01;25;15;26 - 01;25;17;11 Speaker 6 A living off the games. So dope. 01;25;17;12 - 01;25;25;12 Speaker 4 I love it. I hope the game exists just so you have a living cell. But fuck that game and fuck those devs and fuck that whole thing. Fuck all of it. 01;25;25;19 - 01;25;26;10 Speaker 1 But it did bring. 01;25;26;10 - 01;25;28;22 Speaker 2 All of us together, so that's that's the one thing. 01;25;28;22 - 01;25;30;17 Speaker 1 We can hope it's true. 01;25;30;22 - 01;25;35;18 Speaker 6 But yeah, he'll Infinite's campaign. OK, so here's the problem the halo. It does have some. 01;25;35;18 - 01;25;44;24 Speaker 4 Problems right now. You know, they don't have co-op, they're there. Their servers were having trouble. There's like a weird thing about their playlists. 01;25;45;23 - 01;25;46;23 Speaker 6 There's definitely some. 01;25;46;23 - 01;26;01;03 Speaker 4 Problems right now with with Halo Infinite, that's for sure. The Halo five story was really bad and hit the devs at Halo had a the writers had, you know, they had some work to do, you know what I mean? 01;26;01;12 - 01;26;02;09 Speaker 6 And I think they did it. 01;26;02;17 - 01;26;13;28 Speaker 4 And I think that Halo Infinite's campaign, which also from games best, by the way, everyone one of the largest shooters of all time, is free. If you have games past, that is still what I'm saying is crazy. 01;26;15;16 - 01;26;16;23 Speaker 6 Halo, even its campaign. 01;26;17;07 - 01;26;25;25 Speaker 4 I'm literally at the last mission right now. I'm like about to do Boss Fight to end the game. I tried to finish this morning, so I really wanted you before that for you coming in, but I just didn't have the time. 01;26;26;18 - 01;26;27;01 Speaker 4 The game. 01;26;27;01 - 01;26;28;09 Speaker 6 Is wonderful. 01;26;28;09 - 01;26;37;23 Speaker 4 The story, the storytelling is wonderful. It's an it's the first halo. It's open world halo, which and there are many things. It's always been a linear progress gameplay. 01;26;38;01 - 01;26;39;08 Speaker 6 Where you guys are fucking smiling. 01;26;39;08 - 01;26;40;21 Speaker 4 Look in this chat. Look at me with the. 01;26;40;21 - 01;26;43;17 Speaker 6 Fun of you guys. Like you say with the fucking scene in there. 01;26;44;00 - 01;26;47;17 Speaker 4 What's going on in there? You were friends through rehab. 01;26;47;21 - 01;26;49;20 Speaker 1 Yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's why. 01;26;49;21 - 01;26;50;25 Speaker 3 We're spineless as giggling. 01;26;50;27 - 01;26;52;19 Speaker 1 Though, I was listening to what you're saying and it's. 01;26;52;19 - 01;26;52;29 Speaker 4 Funny. 01;26;53;11 - 01;26;58;04 Speaker 3 It's really I really thought your your review of Halo Infinite is just hilarious. Sorry, I. 01;26;58;04 - 01;27;00;23 Speaker 6 Have. Exactly. I haven't actually done BPA, which is. 01;27;00;23 - 01;27;10;28 Speaker 4 Always been my biggest fun thing of Halo. But that's where I hear the complaints really rack up is the PDP of Halo. It's just not it just not living up to people's expectations again. 01;27;11;03 - 01;27;12;03 Speaker 6 But I mean, I'm sure there's. 01;27;12;03 - 01;27;15;04 Speaker 4 People that are harder into multiplayer than I am. 01;27;15;13 - 01;27;16;14 Speaker 1 Yeah, I'm not. 01;27;16;14 - 01;27;17;26 Speaker 4 So that's fine. I get it. 01;27;17;26 - 01;27;19;02 Speaker 6 But we're already hearing the. 01;27;19;02 - 01;27;35;01 Speaker 4 Critiques are real. Like the playlist stuff is definitely, you know, real. But yeah, I'm really enjoying it. The story is really good. I'm really enjoying smacking up elites and brutes and grunts. Oh my god. Also, guys, the writing for the for the The Bachelor, the bad, isn't it? 01;27;35;18 - 01;27;47;09 Speaker 4 The grunts? It's just so funny. It's like whoever wrote for all these little grunts deserves something because it is so funny, like hearing the shit they say. Like, It's really good. 01;27;47;28 - 01;27;49;16 Speaker 5 Check it out. I can't believe I'm not playing it yet. 01;27;49;28 - 01;27;50;21 Speaker 1 Let's check it out. 01;27;50;22 - 01;27;51;11 Speaker 6 He's got baby. 01;27;51;24 - 01;27;59;08 Speaker 1 Let's go Game Fest, baby, let's go. Surprise you don't get that tattooed across her chest. Gave fans baby. It's true. 01;27;59;21 - 01;28;03;28 Speaker 3 It does a shirt, at least. Yeah, yeah. All right, Jeff, what's number one for you? 01;28;07;09 - 01;28;08;17 Speaker 1 No one. 01;28;08;17 - 01;28;09;10 Speaker 2 Is going to. 01;28;09;10 - 01;28;11;16 Speaker 1 Be like Metroid. 01;28;11;16 - 01;28;12;07 Speaker 2 Dread. 01;28;12;21 - 01;28;14;23 Speaker 6 Oh yeah, I can't believe I not play Metrojet yet. 01;28;14;25 - 01;28;17;24 Speaker 2 Donna, what you do with your life games, the shit. 01;28;18;01 - 01;28;18;26 Speaker 4 I can't we haven't played the. 01;28;18;26 - 01;28;24;21 Speaker 1 Game is the shit. Not sure. It is thus shit. 01;28;24;22 - 01;28;27;23 Speaker 6 Yeah, dude. It's the best we can do. Side scroller. 01;28;27;25 - 01;28;28;20 Speaker 4 Metro game I. 01;28;28;20 - 01;28;29;14 Speaker 3 Wish I'd like, so I can. 01;28;30;08 - 01;28;31;25 Speaker 1 I mean, y'all know everybody, everybody in the. 01;28;32;17 - 01;28;50;06 Speaker 2 If there's one thing I hope I've instilled upon, y'all is I'm a I'm a richer gamer at heart. And this game was such a it's like it's like Super Metroid modernized and they didn't go crazy with having to like. 01;28;51;07 - 01;29;11;20 Speaker 2 Come up with different ways to. I don't know. Try to come up with new ideas for new mechanics and things like that. He's perfect. Honestly, ten out of ten, like if you got a Switch and you liked Metroid and you and you like Metroid, get it, this ney is worth every penny. 01;29;11;21 - 01;29;27;07 Speaker 2 I mean, no, it's not the first person version that they did on the we and GameCube and stuff. That was fantastic. They went back to the old school 2D version side scroller like after saying, and it is perfect, like it is so much fun, so much fun and it's huge. 01;29;27;07 - 01;29;45;08 Speaker 2 The game is huge and like they really like dialed in on, you know, knowing that there's like. But most people that play Metroid or completionist and they really like they. They tell you like in each area of the game, how like, what percentage you've collected of all of the items and all that kind of stuff. 01;29;45;08 - 01;29;58;23 Speaker 2 And it's a fantastic game. I can't say a negative thing about it, honestly. Negative only negative things is $60, and I wish videogames were less expensive so I could buy more of them. 01;29;59;04 - 01;30;02;00 Speaker 4 That's fair. I think it's fair. Yeah. 01;30;02;28 - 01;30;20;07 Speaker 2 Let's switch games to me. I feel weird spending $60 on Switch games, that's why I don't have that many and most of the Switch games, I have a agree. But Mario party likes like Pokemon Snap, I can't believe I spent $60 on my game, but I did it because it's a Pokemon game and I wanted at the 01;30;20;07 - 01;30;31;23 Speaker 2 time I was dating a girl that wanted to play it. I was like, You know, whatever. But in hindsight, I played it a couple of times, and that's not worth it. Gotcha. I dread worth every penny, but yeah. 01;30;32;13 - 01;30;35;02 Speaker 3 All right. Not a not a fan of nice guys, but I'll give it a go. 01;30;35;13 - 01;30;36;00 Speaker 1 Yeah. If you're not. 01;30;36;00 - 01;30;38;21 Speaker 2 Since high schoolers, then it's not your thing, right? But again, like. 01;30;38;21 - 01;30;40;02 Speaker 5 Today, it's definitely not my thing. 01;30;40;13 - 01;30;48;17 Speaker 2 Yeah. Like, like, like for me, like for me, like, I fucking like one of my favorite games of all time, Super Metroid. 01;30;48;20 - 01;30;53;25 Speaker 4 I also, I love you. That's a big thing for me, too. That was also very surprising. I haven't done because I love Metro. 01;30;54;09 - 01;30;56;00 Speaker 2 Oh, it's so good, man. 01;30;56;01 - 01;30;56;23 Speaker 4 Series of games. 01;30;56;23 - 01;30;59;11 Speaker 1 It's yeah, I hope that's something. 01;30;59;11 - 01;31;08;13 Speaker 2 We all have different tastes and games, right? And that's like, like City for me. I didn't even touch Valhalla because to me, that's like, to me, it's giant waste of time. Like, in my opinion, like, I know. 01;31;08;14 - 01;31;09;22 Speaker 4 A Sastry Valhalla item of. 01;31;09;22 - 01;31;11;13 Speaker 2 Valheim. I'm sorry, Valheim my bat. 01;31;11;21 - 01;31;14;29 Speaker 4 I knew that I knew it. I knew exactly that's what you were talking about. 01;31;14;29 - 01;31;18;27 Speaker 1 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Hey, hey, you had the. 01;31;18;27 - 01;31;21;12 Speaker 2 Problem talking at the beginning. I'm tailing off at the end. 01;31;21;13 - 01;31;23;06 Speaker 4 OK, so I constantly have. 01;31;23;11 - 01;31;23;28 Speaker 1 I'll pay. 01;31;24;00 - 01;31;33;07 Speaker 2 We're here. We're here to prop each other up. So anyways, yeah, Metrojet there, right? Who chairs it? The only negative thing about that is that it, which I still haven't been yet, but it's. 01;31;34;06 - 01;31;41;02 Speaker 3 That's good to know. Good to know. My number one game is a PS5 exclusive. 01;31;41;08 - 01;31;43;00 Speaker 4 Battle for Battle Battlefield 26. 01;31;43;14 - 01;31;56;02 Speaker 3 You know, and I had such a phenomenal time playing it. The mechanics in this game, which just out it was just like outstanding. Like I was had I had to be convinced to buy this game was like, I don't to play this game. 01;31;56;02 - 01;32;01;28 Speaker 3 It's just it just seems dumb. I just like why I want to play this game and is my favorite game of the year platinum that had such a good time. 01;32;02;00 - 01;32;02;26 Speaker 6 Oh my god, what the fuck do you. 01;32;02;26 - 01;32;05;00 Speaker 3 Figure it out? Was Ratchet and Clank Rift? 01;32;05;02 - 01;32;07;06 Speaker 1 Oh man, you want to play this? 01;32;07;06 - 01;32;09;09 Speaker 5 I really want to play. I'm annoyed at myself. 01;32;09;19 - 01;32;29;00 Speaker 3 I'm nominal. It is probably like the best looking game of that I've ever played on a PS5. It was so, so good and fun and like, it continued on with the sentiment that, you know, cinnamon. The Synology is just very cheeky. 01;32;29;00 - 01;32;45;13 Speaker 3 Whose fun it was didn't take itself seriously. It was a ton of fun. Just had a great action vibe. I love the Ratchet Clank series. They've always just nailed it every single time, Insomniac, just as phenomenal Typekit phenomenal game started and they can do no wrong, in my opinion. 01;32;45;13 - 01;33;01;16 Speaker 3 So and they just like they have like the ability to do like, you know, performance at 4K 60 or can do best fidelity. Like I was constantly going back and forth between like full on 60 frames or Jacknife 4K 30 with like higher, better ray tracing on stuff. 01;33;01;17 - 01;33;18;22 Speaker 3 The game just looks incredible and I'm just super stoked to see what they do in the future with other Russian classics. But like the garish mechanics was just like it was just bananas, in my opinion. And like the, you know, there's problems with the game, but I thought, like overall out out of everything I played, I just 01;33;18;22 - 01;33;31;05 Speaker 3 keep going back and thinking to that and get it straight up. And so it was so good. It was so good. So that was it. Yeah, my no. No. one of the year. 01;33;31;18 - 01;33;31;28 Speaker 6 Oh, like. 01;33;32;12 - 01;33;35;02 Speaker 1 Today people roast. You make a. 01;33;35;08 - 01;33;38;19 Speaker 4 Mistake and it's like, damn on the fucking crew on the warpath. 01;33;39;25 - 01;33;41;06 Speaker 1 Hey, man, at least it's at least. 01;33;41;06 - 01;33;45;16 Speaker 2 It's just calling you out for having a forgetful memory. At least no shit gamer. Like, apparently I am. 01;33;45;22 - 01;33;49;19 Speaker 6 I want the right to check, you know, at the same time. It wasn't. 01;33;49;19 - 01;33;55;10 Speaker 5 It wasn't a big fan, though, chef. At least you had taken games on your top seven to. 01;33;57;01 - 01;34;00;13 Speaker 6 Hey, listen, you know, I do not play much video. 01;34;00;13 - 01;34;01;01 Speaker 4 Games this year. 01;34;01;01 - 01;34;07;03 Speaker 6 It's unfortunate. But at the same time, I've found a new hobby that I pretty much enjoy, so I won't apologize for it. You know. 01;34;08;06 - 01;34;09;24 Speaker 2 Just apologize to your bank account. 01;34;10;09 - 01;34;15;23 Speaker 1 Oh, yeah, yeah. You know, so now that. 01;34;15;24 - 01;34;20;07 Speaker 3 Our our top ten games a year are out there in there, what's the number one game. 01;34;20;10 - 01;34;20;27 Speaker 1 Option. 01;34;20;27 - 01;34;23;25 Speaker 3 Forward to for 2022? 01;34;23;26 - 01;34;26;12 Speaker 6 I have three. It's funny, I don't have ten. I don't have ten games. 01;34;26;12 - 01;34;27;23 Speaker 4 I have three. I'm looking for. 01;34;27;23 - 01;34;30;14 Speaker 1 You for next year. All right. If you want to like, you can say, Yeah, I got you. 01;34;30;14 - 01;34;32;03 Speaker 2 I got two for next year, actually. 01;34;32;16 - 01;34;35;12 Speaker 3 Actually, well, looks like the one or two games that you went. 01;34;35;18 - 01;34;40;01 Speaker 5 two Elden Elden Rings or, oh, well. 01;34;40;15 - 01;34;40;24 Speaker 1 Yeah. 01;34;41;11 - 01;34;42;02 Speaker 6 There's two different things. 01;34;42;05 - 01;34;43;17 Speaker 4 Elder Scrolls. There's Elden Ring, right? 01;34;43;18 - 01;34;44;25 Speaker 3 Those girls are not coming out next year. 01;34;45;07 - 01;34;46;11 Speaker 5 Yeah. Elden Ring. 01;34;47;04 - 01;34;47;11 Speaker 1 Yeah. 01;34;47;21 - 01;34;50;12 Speaker 2 Oh yes. Tell me, why are you looking forward to this game? 01;34;50;22 - 01;34;57;27 Speaker 5 Because it looks really good. It's bad. And I don't tend to look too much in into the future when it comes to games because I'm so fed up. 01;34;58;08 - 01;34;59;24 Speaker 6 You're a man of the now. 01;34;59;24 - 01;35;07;07 Speaker 5 Yeah, I'm so tired of being let down and getting excited about it and then like getting into the game and thinking, it's just I've overhyped myself. 01;35;07;07 - 01;35;10;14 Speaker 6 Oh, I young, I don't care anymore. I don't care. 01;35;10;15 - 01;35;12;08 Speaker 4 I don't preorder games anymore for that. Exactly that. 01;35;12;19 - 01;35;23;29 Speaker 5 So Elden Ring, I've watched a few trailers and it looks really good. Don't know much about the game, won't know too much about the game until I jump into it. But from what I've seen of it, it's up my alley way. 01;35;24;09 - 01;35;26;24 Speaker 1 Oh yeah, nice. Yeah, dump. 01;35;28;03 - 01;35;42;00 Speaker 4 I'm hoping. I'm hoping Ragnarok comes out next year. God of War Ragnarok, I don't think at all. I think it can be 2023, but it still hasn't been announced yet. I'm hoping I'm very much hoping it's next year, but the two games are definitely coming out next year. 01;35;42;00 - 01;35;53;14 Speaker 4 That I'm very excited for are the new total war Warhammer three arts from Warhammer, that it's a super fun game. And now that I actually know, Warhammer makes even more fun. Before I was just like, What the fuck is this shit, you know? 01;35;54;16 - 01;36;10;28 Speaker 4 And then Pokemon Atreus, they're like, Yeah, it's like take on like a an open world kind of Pokemon or Pokemon roaming around and shit. It looks pretty. It looks, it's different. And that's what I want. You know, it seems like they base that off of the last Pokemon and say Moon. 01;36;10;28 - 01;36;20;26 Speaker 4 They had an open park area where Pokemon were just like roaming around and you can you see them going and then you go up and catch them? It kind of looks like that just more fleshed out. So I think to me, good, I'm excited about it. 01;36;21;09 - 01;36;24;14 Speaker 5 I've always wanted an open world Pokemon game in VR, right? I feel. 01;36;24;14 - 01;36;25;00 Speaker 6 Like I instantly. 01;36;25;23 - 01;36;26;17 Speaker 5 Lose my life. 01;36;26;26 - 01;36;28;29 Speaker 1 I feel like it's it's. 01;36;28;29 - 01;36;38;09 Speaker 2 They're having a lot of bug issues with her right now. I don't know if you've read that or not like they they did a playtest. The. It recently and people were just like up in arms about some things, you know, of course, they were going to be. 01;36;38;16 - 01;36;45;24 Speaker 2 But they got some good feedback and they they're going to be making some really good changes to it. So. But I'm right there with you. I'm very excited about it. 01;36;50;00 - 01;36;51;28 Speaker 3 Jeff, what's one game you're looking forward to? 01;36;53;14 - 01;36;54;00 Speaker 1 Hmm. 01;36;54;01 - 01;37;04;26 Speaker 2 Well, if anybody knows me at all, they already know that I've probably blown off like 15 loads to Elden Ring, like that game is going to be the ultimate shit like it is. 01;37;05;22 - 01;37;12;03 Speaker 6 You know, I think, you know, Judge, I think you could take a page out of Shankly's book with probably bringing down expectations. 01;37;12;03 - 01;37;13;01 Speaker 1 Now a little bit. 01;37;13;01 - 01;37;15;05 Speaker 2 Now. I don't even need to like, I, you. 01;37;15;05 - 01;37;16;21 Speaker 4 Know, read word for. 01;37;16;21 - 01;37;17;19 Speaker 6 You as all natural. 01;37;17;23 - 01;37;19;29 Speaker 1 Yeah, from software, from such a. 01;37;20;13 - 01;37;21;08 Speaker 5 Dangerous path. 01;37;21;10 - 01;37;37;06 Speaker 2 Though now man from software doesn't know how to make a game like they're they're the only studio I've ever, I've ever played. I've I've played all their games, pretty much, and I can tell you that there's well, with the exception of one game that can lick my balls, which is called sicuro. 01;37;37;07 - 01;37;39;21 Speaker 2 Shadows die fucking 10 million times. 01;37;39;23 - 01;37;47;16 Speaker 1 Fuck that game. That game, you're a man. The only reason I'm saying that is back is not because, yeah, now I'm not saying the game is. 01;37;47;16 - 01;37;59;22 Speaker 2 Bad because it's that I'm saying it's bad because I'm bad at it, and I wish I were good at that. So that's getting tough. That game is the truth. But like, let me tell you that every game I've played from from software Dark Souls one to three. 01;38;00;28 - 01;38;02;00 Speaker 1 Demon's Souls. 01;38;02;00 - 01;38;16;25 Speaker 2 Sicuro Bloodborne, like, I've never played a bad game from them. So like that is like the only thing that they could potentially screw up is the fact that this is an open world game compared to all the other ones, which are like a pseudo open world. 01;38;16;25 - 01;38;18;04 Speaker 2 You know, like it's it's like. 01;38;18;08 - 01;38;19;10 Speaker 3 It's a linear open world. 01;38;19;18 - 01;38;30;02 Speaker 2 Yeah, they're linear, open worlds. It's a good way of putting it so like you mean you progress linear, but you can always backtrack and go from here to there. But Elden Ring is going to be either. I mean, I've already what? 01;38;30;04 - 01;38;42;07 Speaker 2 So I've already watched this guy who's like an infamous dark soul speed runner distortion, too. He's already done a bunch of play throughs of Elden Ring and I watched a bunch of the content. Even he's like, This game is amazing. 01;38;42;07 - 01;38;57;19 Speaker 2 Like, He's that and that kids is one of those people. It's like every game sucks, you know, kind of person. So I'm pretty excited to see what it's going to be all about. The only thing that I will say that it could potentially be bad about it is how punishing it is, you know, because like, if it's 01;38;57;19 - 01;39;13;15 Speaker 2 as punishing and brutal as is, then that could be a downfall. But either way, like, I'm still going to play the crap out of it. And Final Fantasy origin story. Strangers of Paradise. I'm very excited about this game. 01;39;13;15 - 01;39;26;22 Speaker 2 Like it's an alternate. It's not going to be a turn based RPG. It's going to be more of like a single player, you know, beat em up kind of game for Final Fantasy storyline. So I'm pretty interested in it because it's going to be. 01;39;27;16 - 01;39;32;21 Speaker 2 I'm assuming that the graphics are going to be out of this world champions five. So I'm pretty excited about it. 01;39;33;02 - 01;39;33;23 Speaker 6 Can we saw a real. 01;39;33;27 - 01;39;40;23 Speaker 4 Brother being messed up like three things in 2021 already and no one's shitting on him? And you know, Ortiz is one for me to be like, Well. 01;39;40;24 - 01;39;41;10 Speaker 1 I. 01;39;41;23 - 01;39;43;07 Speaker 3 Know podcast. So that's why. 01;39;43;19 - 01;39;44;18 Speaker 4 Yeah, yeah, whatever. 01;39;44;27 - 01;39;49;22 Speaker 2 Also, like your your your mustache man. Like I have. 01;39;50;15 - 01;39;52;00 Speaker 3 Just Pussycat Dolls top. 01;39;52;00 - 01;39;53;15 Speaker 4 Deflecting. Yeah, you're not wrong. 01;39;54;20 - 01;40;14;03 Speaker 3 I have two games that I'm well, I have. I've had actually like four or five years, but like the one actually like the game that I didn't think I was going to be excited for and I'm very hyped about comes up March and there's like a free demo itch that you can play now on PC for really 01;40;14;03 - 01;40;20;22 Speaker 3 want to is tiny Tina's wonderland. I'm very much a Borderlands fan. 01;40;21;03 - 01;40;22;18 Speaker 1 And it's oh, I was like, we were whole. 01;40;23;06 - 01;40;40;08 Speaker 3 Yes, to kick games. Essentially, they are gearbox. I should say with Tony Jena's one of them, they have like a demo that's out right now. Yeah, it's it's out on. I want to say it's Epic Games, so essentially you could play what they're proposing for the next. 01;40;40;09 - 01;40;53;28 Speaker 3 It's not a demo of the entire game. It's like you can play the current classes set in that world, essentially. So it's not like you don't have the new classes or anything of that nature, nature, but it's all queued up on my screen so you can see where it is, but I think I'm pretty sure it's on 01;40;53;28 - 01;40;57;19 Speaker 3 there. I played it like, I love Borderlands. I didn't think it's like. 01;40;57;19 - 01;40;59;25 Speaker 2 Oh, whatever, it's always the bomb do. 01;41;00;04 - 01;41;11;25 Speaker 3 But they're they're they're adding like the ability to do spells in like the quests are fun and like the you talk about like games that like just have a ton of like banter back and forth. That game is, is is amazing. 01;41;12;05 - 01;41;15;25 Speaker 2 Can I guess your next one? Sure. Gran Turismo seven. 01;41;16;07 - 01;41;16;16 Speaker 3 Yes. 01;41;16;16 - 01;41;16;25 Speaker 1 Yes. 01;41;17;19 - 01;41;19;20 Speaker 2 Yes, I know my boy. That's right. 01;41;19;27 - 01;41;34;04 Speaker 3 GranTurismo is 100% also there. The Racing Simulator. So I'll probably I'll see. I got I got to figure out my streaming setup for my PS5 because for some reason, I can't stream. I can't connect my PS5 to my Elgato HD. 01;41;34;05 - 01;41;36;22 Speaker 3 For some reason I can't. I just don't know why I can't get to work. 01;41;37;06 - 01;41;50;06 Speaker 2 Yeah, another one of just another one. This can be badass. She wants to go ahead, you know? Oh, I was going to say. Horizon Forbidden West, the sequel to Horizon Forbidden Dawn, that's going to be a sick game straight up. 01;41;50;13 - 01;41;50;26 Speaker 3 It will be. 01;41;51;23 - 01;42;02;20 Speaker 5 My one that I'm excited about. I don't even know if it's meant to release in 2022, so well, if it indeed ever will. But Star Citizen Squadron, 42, looks amazing. 01;42;03;06 - 01;42;10;07 Speaker 3 I have star and installed. I really want to. I played Sars's and when it first came out, yeah, and I have not been. 01;42;10;07 - 01;42;23;25 Speaker 5 It's still a little bit too buggy for me. Like I had a rage. Quit trying to farm up for the ship was doing these bounties and everything was just bugging out. Like at the end of the quest. It went well and I was like, I'm done with this until they drop a new patch. 01;42;24;06 - 01;42;33;16 Speaker 5 But I'm really excited about stasis and if they carry on the way that they go in. It could potentially be the best game ever made. 01;42;36;13 - 01;42;37;20 Speaker 2 I love video games then. 01;42;38;12 - 01;42;52;09 Speaker 3 Great. Who'd you say it's five bucks for that? I don't think it's a demo. It's just cause it's up a one off one shot adventure. So it's it's set in that world. It's not the same. It's literally I don't know if I can go to the page itself. 01;42;52;20 - 01;43;02;02 Speaker 3 So it's not a demo per se, but it's like it's still set in that world and you still have like all the fantasy elements of it. So it's is it worth five bucks? Absolutely. It's worth five bucks to play it. 01;43;02;21 - 01;43;16;18 Speaker 3 1% definitely would recommend it if you can. I was not like I was not expecting to like it. I was like, Oh, fool. But yes, it's right here. Tangent. Yeah, you're right. It is $5.01, but I have it in my library because it was free. 01;43;16;25 - 01;43;25;22 Speaker 3 one month. I get like the pop ups that said, Hey, you can install this game for free or something like that. I was like, Oh, I'll give it a go. It's free, whatever. And I like it was last week and I played it all weekend. 01;43;25;23 - 01;43;40;28 Speaker 3 It was great. So it's simply it's not it's you're playing the Borderland classes, the O.G. borderline classes in it. So there's no spell casting none of that stuff, but he can play the whole class. So say, Yeah, I get the pop ups all the time for that. 01;43;40;28 - 01;43;47;26 Speaker 3 So I definitely missed it, but I wanted to give it a go. It's fun. I definitely recommend. Definitely worth the five bucks. 01;43;48;24 - 01;43;50;08 Speaker 2 It's been fun voice episode. 01;43;50;22 - 01;43;57;00 Speaker 3 Yeah, it's long episode. So Damon, our 42, so thank you. Thank you very much for coming on in and continuing the tradition. 01;43;57;02 - 01;43;58;22 Speaker 5 Thanks for having me for the third time. 01;43;59;10 - 01;43;59;19 Speaker 1 Yeah. 01;44;03;05 - 01;44;05;24 Speaker 3 For sure. So where can people find you streaming. 01;44;05;24 - 01;44;06;09 Speaker 1 All the fun stuff. 01;44;06;18 - 01;44;13;20 Speaker 5 For me on Twitch? Shaanxi for me on YouTube? Again, Shaanxi and Twitter Shaanxi. 01;44;14;08 - 01;44;14;23 Speaker 4 Again. 01;44;15;10 - 01;44;16;10 Speaker 5 No hard person to find. 01;44;16;29 - 01;44;32;04 Speaker 3 Not at all. There's awesome. Thank you very much. She's always appreciate and you can find us at Instagram, at ojudu, podcasts or Twitters over Cheever's P, our website podcast. And we can get this episode in every episode where we talk about video games, what we're playing, what we're looking forward to, a little bit of gaming news and 01;44;32;04 - 01;44;45;08 Speaker 3 then always stay frosty. I don't know. I don't know what I'm saying. All right. See you later. Thank you all very much for coming out. Until next time, we're not doing anything else for the rest of the year. 01;44;45;08 - 01;44;52;23 Speaker 3 With the exception of once Tom Dorsey sees the next Spider-Man, we're going to do a little O.G. jab because I'm very excited to hear your your thoughts on Monday morning. 01;44;53;05 - 01;44;54;14 Speaker 4 Monday matinee. I can't wait. 01;44;54;19 - 01;44;55;01 Speaker 3 Awesome. 01;44;55;19 - 01;44;57;15 Speaker 4 I'm seeing it alone. Very excited. Yeah, I'm. 01;44;57;15 - 01;45;08;29 Speaker 3 Looking forward to that. I. It's when you do it. Let me know and we can schedule the chat such because it's going to be dizzying. We may not do it live. We may not do it live. It might just be a thing, but we'll. 01;45;09;00 - 01;45;10;05 Speaker 4 Have to see. Maybe, yeah, we want to. 01;45;10;09 - 01;45;11;13 Speaker 3 We don't want to spoil it for a lot of. 01;45;11;24 - 01;45;14;06 Speaker 1 If you believe you over cheat. 01;45;14;20 - 01;45;16;12 Speaker 4 Well, publicized. Not so bad. You know. 01;45;16;24 - 01;45;28;15 Speaker 3 If you believe you can achieve. All right. I will keep that in my back pocket for next up. So anyway. See you all later. I'll be streaming later on today. Somebody wants to come through. Feel free. Otherwise, you guys my no, not money. 01;45;29;17 - 01;45;30;21 Speaker 3 All right, guys, check.