Dom: 00:00:00 Uh, I guess I could be ready. I'm just gonna be ready. I can be ready now. We're ready. You know, I was looking away for two seconds and that's how I get God, that's how you get caught. I don't mind getting, how ready are you done? I'm not looking at the screen and you've already hit record. So, uh, the decision on my readiness could be up to both of you. You know, how ready am I'm ready? My top 10 right now. Speaker 2: 00:00:53 [inaudible] [inaudible] Charlie: 00:00:54 what's up everybody? Welcome back to the overachiever gaming podcast. We haven't done this in a while. I am your host Charlie AKA VASH, joined as always by my illustrious buddy Dominick Ashley pastrami. Well-prepared. The well-prepared, as strong as he is, he quickly goes to create his top 10 list, even though he's had two weeks to prepare. This is how he lives his life in the moment. And, uh, back with us in front of the pod shift. Rondo, Krato I think a, you are pretty much our third overachiever at this point. Dom: 00:01:26 Nice. Hey, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a fan of that. I'm an overachiever. You know what I'm saying? So I was going to get up here. We're all Charlie: 00:01:34 overachievers in all of our hearts. So anyway, welcome back front of the pod. You can find us on Instagram at G. dot. Podcast. Our Twitter is over Cheevers P our website is being over where you get this episode and every other episode where we talk about video games, sometimes Marvel strike force, maybe some cooking, maybe some pasta creation. And then you know, this episode you want to video games. Awesome creation. That's what's up. Pasta creation is what's up. Um, my wife made lasagna for the very first time yesterday and uh, I can't wait to [inaudible] Dom: 00:02:03 eat more of it. So we met in Yorkies last night. It was grace. Charlie: 00:02:08 Wow. Everyone is doing a little quick, uh, housekeeping. This is, we're going to take this podcast in 2020 a at least this segment it to once a month. So if you dig this podcast, the regular gaming, there's just a lot going on. You know, I'm buying a house and I just bought a crazy camera and I'm working full time on a show for like 70 hours a week. So I can't really do all of it and you need some time to spend with family. So I'm going to start doing that. And then, um, this, we're not going to do a Marvel strike force podcast this week either that we'll pick back up in 2020 as our normally scheduled podcast. So in two weeks you'll get the a or next weekend or were you doing it next weekend? I don't want, we were doing, Dom: 00:02:47 Oh we can. Yeah, sure. We can do it. We get, we get flip the script. Charlie: 00:02:50 All right, so we'll, we'll start next weekend with the, um, so a week from today when this podcast comes out is when we will pick back up with our MSF segment in one. That's because you holidays traveling, all that fun stuff. But anyway, this episode is the game of the year episode where we take everything we've talked about for the past year. I was trying to make up a number of weeks, but I think 56 weeks but divided by two 56 56 you think there's 36 weeks in a year buddy? Dammit. Oh look, that's up. I don't know. I think you're right. I think it's 52 weeks in New York. I can't, I can't do math. Anyway. So this a, I'm excited to talk about the game of the year. I'm curious to see what you guys are going to go with and um, what we've uh, I've asked everybody to list their top 10 games of 2019 we're gonna. We're going to do like a quick recap of 10 through six and then we'll go into detail about why we chose our top five and uh, eventually go into that. And then we have a little fun segment afterwards where we'll do the biggest disappointment of 2019 and the most overhyped game of 2019. So chef, since you are our guest slash third overachiever, uh, what is your top or your ChefCrondo: 00:04:09 I just got promoted, man. So like I just got welcomed into the fight where like we don't talk about it. No, no. We act, we want you to talk about much as possible. Oh, okay. Gotcha. Saying this, I don't think it's wise to get into a fight club with ashy cause he's probably just like actually right now, right now's the best time to, uh, I'm currently, I currently have a torn labor on the shoulder. Uh, so if you wanted to fight me, you'd have your bet. The odds are still stacked. Probably my favorite cause I have three other well working. Well that's even, that's even questionable. I'm getting, yeah, I'm getting an MRI, uh, Thursday. So two days after this comes out, uh, I will be finding out why my body is broken. Remember kids. That's why gaming is a good hobby. I'm just exactly impact. ChefCrondo: 00:05:00 E-sport you want me to read off my 10 through six? Yeah, let's go with 10. So number 10, I'm going to go with, I don't know if you call this a sandbox game or not, but untitled goose game. Have you guys played that? Okay. It's in my top 10. It's hilarious. Dude, like I bought it just to try it out cause my friend was telling me about it. Hilarious game. I'm like, I'm blown away by how much of a fun game you could have being a dickhead goose goose dude. You're just a goose. You're a jerk. All right, I got to run through this. Is it, is it like goat simulator now? Okay, so you're a goose and your whole, the whole thing. You get you, you win by like messing up people's activities their day. Like if there's a dude gardening you can steal his like tool or something. And like whenever. Yeah. All right. So number nine, uh, was not Speaker 5: 00:05:58 the best game but I'm a big fan of one piece so I had to throw one piece, world seeker under there cause like I just enjoyed being loofy and punching stuff like chef for me was enjoyable. Um, number eight, I'm going with Louise mansion three. I was a fan of the game as a kid and when I picked, I actually like red box. This one, I just played it for a weekend and I thought it was great. It's just a good game, you know? Yeah. Uh, number seven, I put kingdom hearts three and number six, I put legend of Zelda Link's awakening. Dom: 00:06:30 Solid, solid choice. I would've had Louise mansion in my top if I actually played it. I just never got it yet. Charlie: 00:06:36 Yeah. Yeah. I didn't have a chance to play many switch games, although I have Damon's ex Maki not committing to me, uh, from GameFly. Shout out to GameFly. Dom: 00:06:48 No, she's still trying to get sponsored. Aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. I'm good though. Is there some way that we could like search audio cause I would love to, to search GameFly and all of our episodes and it's like Charlie: 00:06:59 I have all the transcripts. I can, uh, I can just search for GameFly in the transcripts and find the point in which the, uh, Dom: 00:07:06 I'll do it. Send me the transcripts. I will do all this work. I will make a super cut of us mentioning GameFly. Charlie: 00:07:11 I just think we've gained flag games like game pie. Speaker 5: 00:07:13 What about GameFly? GameFly is a great way to trout games without spending a ton of money. Oh my God. I want to learn what the most over-hype game of the year is. which out without a regret. Charlie: 00:07:29 Yeah. I haven't really had much time to play any switch games, just due to real life stuff and also plus playing through all the craziness that's going on. Um, but yeah, so Don, what's your, uh, bottom five? Dom: 00:07:39 I'm going to preface my, this with my 10 through eight I've not played yet, but I just know the game. Uh, number 10 being called the amount of warfare, uh, having played it, but I know, I know that if I feel like it, I would be doing a disservice to my, my, like, gaming, like, like bringing up, if I didn't mention, uh, call of duty. Uh, Charlie: 00:08:06 it's good. It's a good game. Dom: 00:08:07 Exactly. It looks, it looks good. I just, I'm not going to buy it. I'm just gonna spend money on it, but I know that, I know it's exactly what I would want in a, in a call duty right now. Uh, I used to love OJI amount of warfare, blah, blah, blah. Uh, yo, she's crafted world again. I've watched tons of street uh, extremes of it. It looks like I'm just gonna spend money on it, but I know that I would love it. I just, my time is being unlimited. I'm not, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do that and follow an order. Honestly. Phone orders number eight for me on this. I haven't played it yet. Okay, fair enough. It's only number in this list cause I haven't played it yet. I just know for a fact that it's fire. I know it, I know it deep in my heart is man, I know I'm going to get in. I just, I again, I'm not, I'm not a say a number seven. I total goose game. I just never thought it has so much fun being a little jerk. All right, got to try this game out. ChefCrondo: 00:08:57 If you like being a Dick, that's a good game for you. True, true compliment or not. It's a compliment. It is. It is a number six also Link's awakening. Yeah. Yeah. It's a good quality game and I think so. I think so. Yeah. There's nothing like crazy good. But it was basically like a re skinned updated version of the link to the past and my opinion, which I'll never, I mean I don't need like I don't need anymore cause there was also, um, what was, you can go try it. I I need to figure, I need to look at the this uh, Charlie: 00:09:33 I don't want to take my time to sit my coffee while you have awkward silence while we talk about ChefCrondo: 00:09:38 great. It sounds I'm ready to Pat Pat between worlds. What was it? Um, Oh, can I throw a horrible mention? Can I can I know, can I throw an automobile honorable mention to code Dorn cause I didn't, I didn't really get to play that one too much, but I thought it was a sick game. Charlie: 00:09:57 I am sorry. Continue. I try code vein. Couldn't get into it. I thought this was too, it's too we Bish it is very wavish and I couldn't get into that at all. Like, yeah, I mean it was cool but like at first like I was not expecting code vein to be like a dark stuff. The dark souls getting into it or going into it. And I was like, what is ha? Like, why am I just getting wrecked? And I was like, Oh, this is a dark soul style. Cause the first boss that you fight and like in the little caverns and whatnot, I was like, what the fuck is this? And this is a dark Stolz style. And that changed my perspective of it. And I was like, okay, this is how I fight these, these, these enemies now. And I was like, okay. But it was all right. That's why it's an honorable mention. The, I like the concept, the story, which is a little out there, but you know, I only played it for like maybe three hours. So there's that. ChefCrondo: 00:10:51 Um, what does it before as Link's awakening, it feels to get better polished, uh, link between worlds, which was a followup of the three DS, which was a great game. Um, that's what I was trying to go for in the awkward silence before. Sorry. All right, Charlie: 00:11:05 so my bottom five, number 10 for me is apex legends. Just because, Oh, that did come out this year. Didn't it? It did. It came out in February because I thought it was a good, I know, I thought it was, it was a good, um, alternative to Fortnite and it did really, really well. And I enjoyed my time with, these are all games that I've played but really haven't the exception of two games on this list. I haven't really had much time, but uh, these are all games that, I mean, my whole point of this top 10 list is games that I spent a lot of time in. I really enjoy it and I thought were challenging and fun and the story where it was, uh, you know, overall good. So that's my reasoning behind my top 10 list. So anyway, uh, number nine was kingdom hearts three didn't really get a chance to play it. Charlie: 00:11:48 I was never a big kingdom hearts fan. Let's go. But I have to, I have to just give them credit where credit's due, where like they came out with a good game. I'm a good storyline from a lot of what I've seen on streams and people playing and reviews and whatnot. It was really well done. But it also feels like it's a [inaudible] game playing on a PS4, so that's why it's number nine for me. And then control. This was almost higher for me if I had a chance to play it. But after watching some reviews and some, some gameplay, it looks, it looks right up my alley, but I just haven't had a time to play this game whatsoever. But it's just, the mechanics seemed pretty interesting. The storylines seems really fascinating and I wish I had just had more time to dedicate to planning it. Number seven was kind of, I don't know, it was a hard, I wanted to put this higher, but I think there were other games that are better for, it was death stranding for me. Number seven. I really enjoyed that game quite a lot, but I think it's, ChefCrondo: 00:12:44 there's other better. There's usually, there's better games. Yes. I think they're are better games. A lot of games that are better than that. I don't know. I just really, I just really liked the, Charlie: 00:12:54 the style of that game where it's just, it's just a, you know, if you like, if you don't ever want to become a postal service delivery guy, uh, in the post-apocalyptic futuristic world, uh, he a Kadima then, you know, desk training is for you. Um, but I, I really enjoy the game. I like what it's doing. It's gorgeous. I think it's a fun game. So, but that's just me. I will agree with you. Um, and then my final is, uh, call of duty modern warfare. The newest one, I thought it was, this almost made my top five. The gameplay, like I'm not a multiplayer game. I'm, I'm really a multiplayer gamer for call of duty, I should say. I really focused on the single-player storyline and this really close to making my top five. I think it was, I, I bumped up my number five for this one just because it's, um, you know, it's call of duty, but I thought they went in a really interesting direction. It's a really dark and gritty storyline and I really, um, I really appreciate that. And it just made me 40 lines in those games. Yeah, it was, um, the modern warfare series have always been good. The black ops not so much, but, um, it was just, I really, I really enjoyed it. And it was, it was a heart. It was almost number five for me, but then something else beat it. So anyway, ChefCrondo: 00:14:04 those are my beat it spicy. Very spicy. Uh, how do you want to do the top fives? Do we going to go like, it's going to be detailed why they're top five, right? Charlie: 00:14:15 Yeah. We'll go into detail why they're your top five and all that fun stuff. So ChefCrondo: 00:14:19 my number one's going to look in the shake, the boat rock the boat one is, Oh, you already know my number one is I message you. I think I know what it is. I have a feeling that's gonna be what you say it's going to be Marvel strike force. I mean, it's a new game for me in 2019. You know, that's true. That's a new game for you. But please, I'd like to vote for a Marvel puzzle quest. Is that actually God? Yes. Yeah dude. It's like candy crush. But for Marvin, how much does it cost? Is the everything, everything. Yeah. And go there. You know, Speaker 5: 00:14:52 there are people out there that are dropping. Dom: 00:14:54 I can't think that could have been, that could have been a really good fucking was end game. No, a infinity war. A bit there. How much they cost everything. Anyway. Yeah. Let's get, let's get your top five chefs. Speaker 5: 00:15:07 Alright Jeff, let's go to number five. We'll all do number five. We'll go around. I like this. I like number five for me is going to be fire emblem, three houses, another game that I know I need to play. I had a feeling, so I actually played a lot of switch games this year and cause I, I have a buddy of mine that is a pretty high up dude at Nintendo and he kind of like, there were a few games he told me, he's like, you gotta play this game. So I did. And uh, I thought it was great. So the thing I liked about it the most is I'm a huge fan of, I mean, I guess you can call it an RTS game, maybe not, but the fantasy tactics is like one of my ultimate favorite games. And this kind of falls in that category of a RPG genre. I suppose the storyline is actually pretty good. Um, you know, if you're into the firearm series, they basically just carry the torch with this game. Uh, there's nothing like outstanding about the torch fire. Why didn't even think about that? Yeah. Damn, that was good man. Now you thought about that. Speaker 5: 00:16:10 Okay, good. Good here. But um, yeah, I mean that's why it's number five for me. Cause like it's like it was in the middle of the pack for me as far as like my favorite games of the year. I'm not gonna lie to you since I'm really bad, but I got into this game probably about, you know, logged in like 20 hours or so. And then I picked up dark souls too, so, and Charlie knows that I kind of like became obsessed with dark souls after that. So you know, it fell off, but I saw that it was a fantastic game. So anyways, that's my number five. Oh, perfect. I wanted to play that game a lot. I heard good things about it. They have like a permadeath mode too. Like if your character dies, like they're dead in the game. I played the casual node because I can tell you right now that the first time I lose somebody I'd be like, fuck this game. Like I'm done. My pallet didn't know. How did you, how could you kill Johnson like that man? Dom: 00:17:06 Yeah. Uh, my number five, I'm almost mad that it's my number five but also I can't, I can't deny. Okay. My number five is the division two and the game was quite frankly an under disappointment in the long run. But like I just still can't deny that. I love the division one I've put in, I don't even want to talk about how much hours I put in division one and division two is on its way to being the same direction, but then they just stopped doing anything for it, which is why it's number five. Honestly, it probably could have got into the six, the top six, but like I still did play a bunch of it. Um, Speaker 5: 00:17:48 barely it got better. I had a chance to Charlie: 00:17:49 revisit it. Dom: 00:17:50 And you know, that's always the, Oh, it's almost a bummer when you hear that. Oh, it got better. It's like, why couldn't they just didn't go Charlie: 00:17:57 what it is with all these game games of service? Dom: 00:18:00 Well especially, it's like, it's so easy for it to like, they're like, Oh, it'll be good. And it's like the community, like it's not good. It's like, all right, we'll make it better leader to say, hang on, you know? Uh, but yeah, division to me just hang on [inaudible] you paid 60 bucks for it. It'll get better, I promise. And that you're going to be paying for DLC and Oh, at least good. Maybe. Maybe I'll pick it up again. Especially, especially if it's gotten better, but you know, we'll, we'll see. But yeah, that's my number five, division two, Charlie: 00:18:28 yeah. I've actually been playing a lot of, I'm almost done with the trophies for ghost recon break point. And I've actually been having a lot of fun with that game and it made me want to pick up the division too because it's a break point. Feels like a shittier version of the division and kind of makes me wanna just go back and play the division cause I really think they did a lot right with that game. Sure, sure. I'm just curious to see. Um, well let's change the one that, so, all right, so my number five is, um, is a interesting, it is a Marvel ultimate Alliance three. Dom: 00:19:03 Oh yes. Okay. You know, honestly I feel like I probably could have kicked off number 10 called to do my welfare for ultimate line three. I just, I stopped playing the game after like three days to be honest. Yeah. Charlie: 00:19:16 Well it's fun. Like I, I had a lot of good times with that game. I beat the storyline, I won it. I was, I really what I wanted from that game I got out of it. So it's like, sure. There was a, it has the grind grinding this to it, which I kind of like, it has like the Diablo style beat him up, which I was a big fan of. It has a lot of, um, you know, it's got the Marvel characters, which like after playing Marvel strike force for the past two years, like I kind of got more involved in the Marvel games and movies and all sorts of, I wanted to learn more, introduced different characters. I started reading more comics. So for me it was kind of like, and just extension of all that. So whereas like having, you know, playing Marvel strike force, I was like, okay, I don't really want to spend money in this game because it's, you know, it's a cash grab. Charlie: 00:20:01 Let me, let me play other games that are interesting in that same realm. And I love Marvel ultimate Alliance one and two. And I booted up a Marlboro Alliance, ultimate Alliance to, for the PlayStation four just to see what it was. You know, I was like, Oh, you know, I still have this game as PS three. Um, or actually, no, I'm sorry. I boot up on my PhD and I was like, you know, I want to just try it out and checking it. It was a lot of fun. I was like, you know, okay. And anticipation for ultimate lines three. I kind of wish they brought it out for another system other than the switch because I feel, you know, I like playing, that's what gym, which I think helps it cause for portability cause you just take it anywhere you want, which is cool for sure. Charlie: 00:20:40 But the, I just kind of wish it was on a, you know, it has more fire power behind it because I feel like the graphics art style could have been a little bit better or they could have done a little bit more with it. I just wish it wasn't exclusive to the switch. Um, which it's fine I guess, but it wasn't whatever. So anyway, that was mine. Um, I still need to play more of it, but, uh, I got, I sent you, I finished the, I finished the campaign, I went back and level up all my characters, all the same level and then, uh, I got really busy and haven't played a sense, but it was definitely a, that's why it's my number five. So it just has a lot of, lot of checks, a lot of boxes and just, you know, it was fun. I enjoyed it quite a lot. Speaker 5: 00:21:17 That's good man. Hell yeah. Yeah, I know. I just didn't, I just couldn't keep it up. That's all. My number four is Marvel ultimate Alliance three. Tell me why that's the only why. So for me, mine was like, see you said you had the single player experience. Mine was purely 100% multiplayer experience and that's what I loved about it. So myself, my boy, Toronto, and I know, you know, Fett Fett, we thought the three of us basically just like obliterated the game together and we would like to take like one random person and we'd roll through missions and I dunno, it was just a blast man. Like it was probably one of the best multiplayer experiences I've had in a while because I'm a huge fan of Diablo three well down two Diablo three I got burnt out on Diablo three cause I mean it's been for many years and you know, you roll through those, I don't even know what they're called anymore, but you roll through those missions like so many damn times, rifts runs or whatever, it all becomes the same. Speaker 5: 00:22:17 Right. So you know, after I had my like 500 Paragon level, you know, hardcore character, I'm like well what do I do? So thing I like about ultimate Alliance is that they had like the challenge missions and stuff like that. So like even if your character was maxed out, there were still challenges that you had to not suck at in order to complete. So which I can't say the same for anything in the opposite in my opinion. But um, yeah, I don't know. I love the characters. I will say that I had one gripe with the game two, one, it was very short and I know that they're, I know that their reasoning behind that is because they're going to obviously release more content through DLC and stuff like that. But, um, there's I my one minor gripe and the other one was the skins were God awful. Speaker 5: 00:23:01 Like, I know that they've gotten a little bit better, but I mean, I was like, come on dude. It's like you're [inaudible] you gotta you do this, do this challenge mission and you unlock like, Oh, Overeem has like a yellow outfit instead of a blue outfit. You know, like, yeah, it's like a race skin color. It wasn't, there wasn't much thought put into that. And, um, but that was, that was it. I thought it was a great game. I think probably easily like, you know, 40, 60 hours into the game. And uh, yeah, we had a lot of fun, lot of fun with that game. That's fine. Charlie: 00:23:33 The only multiplayer experience I've had in the game was when it first came out and it had so many multiplayer issues with one domino. I tried to actually play the game together and couldn't I get it to work. I haven't tried it since then, so I'll have to, you know, maybe maybe a hop in with some games with your condo. Just have some good times. Dom: 00:23:49 Yeah, we should totally do that. We shouldn't have, Oh Hey, I would try again. Oh yeah, that'd be hilarious. Charlie: 00:23:54 That's, that's a after the game of the year, that's just all, you know. Ha. You know, Barry, our sorrows with whatever we think is our let down and then just put some hope in a line. Speaker 5: 00:24:03 I can't wait to hear this light down, man. I want to hear the rant cause I'm pretty sure that I know a game users and I, yeah. Anyways, Charlie: 00:24:12 dumb number four. My number four is resident evil to the remake. Ooh, okay. Yeah. Dom: 00:24:19 Let me tell you, there were, I was like, I don't, I'm not necessarily like, okay, I was gonna I was gonna try to tell myself up. I do scare easy. I was gonna try to say I wasn't scared. It was scary. It was terrifying. It was so good that Mallory, my girlfriend, who doesn't like just like a bit of games, like, you know, she'll play like Zelda or like Mario and stuff. She got like so into like, just like, she like passed by us and you playing it. She was like, what? What? I was like, Oh, it's a scary game. Blah, blah. She sat, she was, she just pulled up a chair, sat next to me and watch me play. Uh, it's, it's, it was really, really good, man. They nailed it. Like, and it's a remake. It's, I'm a new game, which doesn't, I think it's a remake. It's kind of isn't new game though. Like, yeah. Yeah, it really is. Speaker 5: 00:25:04 You obviously can see that I've got the RET back there. Like, I'll tell you right now, that is, that game is actually different in certain ways. Very true. Very true. Charlie: 00:25:13 Uh, Dom: 00:25:13 yeah, I loved it. Absolutely awesome. Because usually when they do remakes, they suck. They usually, yes. It's not. Yeah. Or they're men, you know, it's like, yeah, for sure. Yeah. Speaker 5: 00:25:23 And are three's coming on next year? Charlie: 00:25:25 I know. Speaker 5: 00:25:26 Oh good. I can't wait. Do you want to talk about terrifying dude? You know, nemesis never stops following you throughout the heap. Persist throughout the entire game. Like it's gonna be, it's gonna be so good. I can't wait to hear the sound, the sound effect of him just like crushing through the wall. Dom: 00:25:43 You're like, Oh shit. Just be like stars doors Charlie: 00:25:50 and not, not like, you know, not star fragment. It's just the stars. Um, all right. So my number four game is day's gone. Dom: 00:26:02 Ooh. I don't know. Chance I haven't played. I remember you were really into it. I remember you play. Yeah, Charlie: 00:26:09 I spent a lot of time in that game. Uh, and the reason why it's my number four, I mean it's a PlayStation exclusive, so if you don't know, sorry Dom, you don't probably won't play it on your top a PSR. But uh, it's uh, I S I platinum that game as well. I had a lot of good, I had a lot of fun with that. It was kind of like, um, you know, they, they had, they're the main things I really enjoyed with that was like a, it was a nice, fun, open world. They had a ton of, uh, mechanics in the game, which I thought were fun. Like, you know, just the hoard mode was a ton. I, I beat the, I beat the game and played the game before version point or 1.03 came out, which is where they, they fix a lot of shit. Charlie: 00:26:46 So a lot of people's problems with the games and the bugs and whatnot were still apparent when I was playing the game. But I didn't really have that many bugs. I had a couple of audio bugs and whatever, but you know, that's kind of, I kind of expect that. No, it's, it's fine. That doesn't take me out of the experience, um, as much as it does for some other people. But, um, I really enjoyed the storyline in it. I liked, I thought the, the voice acting was superior and was fantastic. I really had a good time with that, Dom: 00:27:15 which I feel like is not usually talked about the night. Usually it's a fight as ran right in my face. I feel like we didn't really talk about voice acting too much and I think it's such a critical part of, of this world. And I, I really, it's like, it's almost, you got to give a shout out, shout out like sometimes like when it's genuinely good, like that's a genuinely good actor doing that, you know? Charlie: 00:27:36 Yeah. And also the mocap was the motion capture just made you feel like you're part of that world and that, which to me as a filmmaker and storyteller is very important for me to like feel like you're involved in like your choices and decisions matter. Um, there, there are some questionable, um, there are some questionable things with that game of like the character's decisions and like, there's a lot of like, like when you go running out, running up on a, on a, on an enemy stronghold or whatever it is, he's just like, I'm gonna fucking kill everyone else. What have you [inaudible] I'm like, what the fuck is the last thing you said on the phone with his girlfriend? He's like, Oh, hi. Like this is a, it's like you're having a great day. Hope you're good at like, I'm going to kill you, Myrtle Estes and read this. Charlie: 00:28:23 Maybe. But yeah, it was, it was a little, it might have been a little much, but you know, the, the, the zombie hoard mechanic was, um, it was great. I felt like with the game itself, you never, you were never really felt overpowered, which I feel like is hard to do. And again, cause it's, I feel like it's very easy to make you as a, as a player feel like you're able to really, um, you know, just like roll through everything. Even an end game, like all, all of the hordes and whatnot that you're facing, um, are dangerous. Like they're, they're hard to kill. Like even if you have like the best armor, the best weapons, the best, whatever, it still takes a lot. It still takes a lot to go through and, and kill all those guys. So, um, I thought that the mechanic was great. Charlie: 00:29:05 I made me feel, you know, scared at times and made me feel like I was like, not in control. I would just like, you know, cause you're playing a game, you're like, okay, well how do I, you know, how do you do this on a game and what not to make you make a character or player feel powerful, but yet not powerful. Like all powerful, essentially not like true destiny or whatever it is. Well, I'm not all powerful. I play this thing. I get smoked all the time. I mean, we know that, but I'm just saying and whatever. So anyway, so yeah. Uh, number four for me is day's gone. So if you haven't played it, I'm sure there's plenty of deals out there. I definitely recommend you to go. It's definitely Speaker 5: 00:29:42 worth your time if you feel, if you're looking for a game that's kind of like a, a, you know, an open worlds zombie game. It was fun. I definitely recommend it. True. Dope. No. Oh wait, no, that was, that was in my, my numbers are we done a number three. Okay. Oh, I know, I know. I know. VASH is gonna love this one. So my number three is going to be secure shadows diet, the [inaudible] twice shadows doctor forever. We all know what a VASH is. A let down game is. Yes. So, um, I, I mean, I'm sorry, like I liked it so I didn't play energize you son of a bitch. I mean, it did win game of the year, but uh, which I I think is, it's not for me. I think that's a little bit of a stretch, but, uh, just, just for me personally, I, I think it's a great game, but there are flaws and so concerning the fact that Savage for me, it's like, okay, so I sure Charlie knows this is my first year playing these kinds of games. Speaker 5: 00:30:50 Like I just got into our souls earlier in the year to plowed through that beat. Dark souls played like you're half of bloodborne. And like I tried code vain for like a day. It was like, man, not for me. But then I had a friend of mine that he, he'd never played one of these games before. And I'm like, yeah, go get like dark souls two Darcel story or bloodborne, like don't start with secure, goes on by secure. Right. And he's like, this kid was so hard. I'm like, yeah, you dumb ass because it's the fuck. It's like, it's like they're the pinnacle of difficulty in their minds for sure. Cause I mean like all the game play mechanics in dark souls too or in dark souls is kind of revolved around like, okay, I can level up, I can Dodge, I can, you know, kind of find my way around things. Speaker 5: 00:31:34 But in this game it's just like relentless. Like you gotta be like a Perry master in this game in order to get through it. Like, and I, I gotta be honest with you, I am not a Perry master. That's a hard hand coordination. And I mean, I watched the guys that do like the 30 minute speed runs and I mean obviously I, you know, they're breaking through the maps and stuff like that, but either way you watch them do those boss fights and they're just flawlessly pulling it off. And it's like, dude, I did not have that kind of skill in these games, which is why it's my number three. Cause like for me, I think of this beauty. I think it's a beautiful looking game. I think the combat is actually really cool if I would suck at it. Speaker 5: 00:32:13 I just think it's cool. Like I think it's cool that the fact that they ha like it's very samurai S where, um, it's just, I don't know, just like everything's, you know, like [inaudible]. Yeah. No it's not, it's not Xbox. I think Xbox. Um, but uh, try to get that, I think it's a great game. Obviously. I think it's a very high skill cap if you're interested in that kind of thing. Like if you're the kind of person that finds games to be too simple or most of the time, let me tell you, that game will definitely make you bang your head against the wall if you take your controllers. Yeah. Like you're just like running through an area and somebody hits a, there was a shirk and at you, you don't even see it coming from your work just dead. Like, who's that dude? Like, I literally can't even see where you're coming from at all. Speaker 5: 00:32:58 And he just like one shot me in the head. Like that's some bullshit man. But hilarious. Yeah. And other things like I will say my biggest gripe with the game, which I think I understand why somebody was explaining to me why they didn't do it, but I don't like the fact that you can customize your character. Like it's sold born game kind of. So like, you know, you can't get new swords, you can't change your, you can't change anything about yourself. No, it's a straight up like, I mean you can level up your character in terms of, he can get different abilities and stuff like that, but you don't get to change your weapons or anything, which I thought it was definitely weird cause the from software games. So, and that's kinda what they're notorious for, uh, is the ability to like completely customize your character. But I think, huh, that's weird. I thought it was weird but I ate, cause I didn't actually know that before I started playing the game and I just thought the speed runners, you know, cause that's the only thing I'd seen leading up to that. I thought I just didn't do it cause you know those guys are so good, they don't need to do it to the end. And I'm over there on the first boss like yeah. Charlie: 00:34:02 Then you get to that bore fight and you're like I hate everything about those games. Hilarious. Surely fair. I think. I think that's a, it did. Obviously that game did not make my top 10 whatsoever cause I personally hate that game. But that's just Speaker 5: 00:34:15 I want, let's say that for the end. Let's say I want to, I want to hear your full on, I want to hear the full Charlie rant on that. Charlie: 00:34:20 Oh goodness. Okay. But I, but I will say like it, I think for people who have not played dark souls, uh, will have a better time at secure than people who have spent years and years and years playing dark souls. I agree. I think so. I think if you haven't played dark souls, play Siqueiros, you'll really enjoy it. If that, if you like a difficult game, um, and then go back and play dark souls. I don't recommend going playing dark souls and then playing secure, be easier it way easier. And it's, it's different mechanics. It's play styles. It's, I could not get the Perry down. Uh, I will talk about later, but it's just, it's, um, if that's your sort of thing, I definitely carry a, Speaker 5: 00:34:59 yeah. I don't know. Don't ask questions when I say that. It doesn't matter. Uh, let me tell you, I suck a pairing and secure. Oh, but you put a lightsaber in my hands. It's a whole nother ballgame. All right. So my number three could easily be switched. My number two, easily, uh, my number three, I put his Pokemon sword and shield. I thought that was going to be your number one. Now. Uh, I, that's what I'm saying, but my top three, realistically, all three of them could probably be, uh, like as like a single unit. But I think the way I put makes sense for why Dom: 00:35:38 they are the way. So number three, putting my sword and shield pretty much shield specifically, um, thoroughly, thoroughly, thoroughly. And during this game the mechanics were dope. Max rating is dope. Like, um, I honestly have no complaints probably about the game. I can't think of a complaint. Um, a little repetitive and I'm not in, I'm, I was for a minute, I was trying to get into the competition scene and like I was going to like stream some, some battles. But like I, I, I don't know if I want to bother to be honest. Cause the people that are doing that, they're sick, they're sick at it, they're light years ahead of me already. Like just, just from not playing a little bit, I feel like I'd had so much to catch up on, which maybe who cares, you know. But that is kind of the bummer is it is the grind is a little repetitive to get the dope Pokemon. Dom: 00:36:28 The cool thing though is you can rent teams from pro players or from anyone really. You could rent teams and play with those teams. So it kind of, it kind of could rent it. Yeah. So if you have a team, you could create a code for it and you can save that team, like put the, enter that code into your, into your, like your comp, your team compositions, and you can quote unquote rent a team. So like you literally play with those Pokemon from that person in a competitive way. So I can go into any game, play any PVP gameplay and use a rented a rented team. That's not a crazy. So like do any, do they get anything out of that? No. It just something you could do. You know, and I already, I've, I've played with some like dope, like team comps, which are really fun and I do and that is awesome that I could do that. Dom: 00:37:19 It is awesome that I have to like grind to get like a crazy, like hidden ability, Appleton, blah, blah, blah. But I still want that Pokemon even though it's hard to get, I still want that Pokemon. Right. And that's the grind to like part of the collection. Exactly. Uh, so it again, dope loved it. Uh, gravity's cool. I like, it's the first Pokemon for a console. Um, even though switches handheld, it is still is a console and I think that still gets wreck that should get the recognition it deserves for being the first Pokemon game on a console. Um, not like Pokemon stadium or snap or anything, but you know what I mean. I mean to create games, but in the, in, the cool thing about a sort of shield is it kind of takes elements from Pokemon stadium, which in my opinion was one of the best and six, four games. Dom: 00:38:07 That was the fun, fun, good game. And Safari one wasn't your favorite. I lied. I did love snap. I did love Homesnap idiom. Dope. I know, right? That's great. It's great though. But with stadium, I love stadium because they really did a good job of giving you that, that, that aspect. But so it sort of shield, all of the gyms are in a giant stadium and the new ability for Pokemon, uh, uh, G max your PO, you can make a Pokemon like gigantic, gigantic max is called a and they have like different abilities to shit. It's really cool. It's really fun to addition. People were like hating on it beforehand, but I think people are now like over that over over all the crap they were giving it. But yeah, it doesn't number three loved it. What was the thing? Cause like I actually don't even like there's a good million poker one at this point and then the Pokemon, you could, you could still get every Pokemon from the previous games. Dom: 00:39:00 It was called the national deck and you had to pick up my bank. So you'd bank all your Pokemon from this game and the next game you'd be able to add them to your Pokedex that you have a full, and this one they didn't, they don't have the Pokemon bank, they don't have the national decks. So people were upset that you can't collect every single Pokemon wall. I think that's actually good personal acts. Like there's a million Pokemon dude. That's a thing. The argument is that no matter how dumb or lame or small or whatever Pokemon is, there is someone on this planet that has their favorite Pokemon and you can always get your favorite Pokemon. But it's like, I don't think that that is enough to take away from the game. And I think by now all the people that had that argument, they're all playing it like all the big streamers and people who are like, I'm not going to play it. Oh, national decks, they're all playing it. They're all doing it. So it's like, you know, uh, it's okay. It's all good. The game is great. I think that it's consistent now that it's good game. So yeah, Charlie: 00:40:00 those are probably the same people. Dom: 00:40:01 Well that were like the new star Wars movie sacks. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I'm one of those people. Charlie: 00:40:12 Okay. I'm joking. I, we didn't get a chance to record our thoughts and whatnot, so just cause, uh, you know, life life happens. Nobody is adults. Um, yeah. Just is number three red sky Skywalker for you? Yes. Number three rises. Skywalker. No. Uh, all right. So number three for me. And so what I was gonna say is, um, you know, I enjoyed the rise of Skywalker. I just wish it was a little bit better. That's all it was. That's all I, you know, it's like why we complain so much about Marvel strike force. We care. We want to be good. That's why. Anyway, it wasn't, it wasn't bad. It wasn't great. Dom: 00:40:46 More dark Ray. Right guys? Come on. It was great. She didn't look sick. Yeah, it's in the trailer. That's fine. Yeah. Charlie: 00:40:57 So number three for me is the division two. Dom: 00:41:00 Oh okay. Charlie, I didn't see this coming from a mile away. I did not see this coming. I did not see it once. You didn't say it as top six through 10. I was like all right. He probably figured secure. I was going to be number three for him. It's this, this, this bit is the gift that keeps on giving. Charlie: 00:41:23 Yeah. So the, yeah, so for me, division two is obviously the division is one of my favorite games of all time. The original one just because of, you know, it's based in New York. I lived in New York for 10 years and so or close to 10 years, they actually, this summer will be 10 years for me. Um, well in the New York area I should say, cause I haven't been in New York in three years, but anyway, uh, I spent a lot of time in New York in the past, uh, decade and it just, it was, um, you know, I really enjoyed the division. So, and then obviously the division to set in DC and I'm from Baltimore, spent a lot of time in D C so really wanted to, I really enjoyed my time, uh, running around DC. Uh, the, the level of detail night game is outstanding. Just like the game play mechanics at the time. Charlie: 00:42:08 Cause I, I've played this before, right as the raids of the, I stopped playing right as the rates came out just because like the teams I was running with just didn't really, I mean they were, they were, you know, they could do the, the content, but I just didn't have the time to really devote to gearing up and do all sorts of stuff. There's kind of like, once you, once you hit at that point in time in the game, once you hit a certain level, it kinda got stale. And I just kind of fell off as, I didn't want to just run the same, I didn't want to run around the dark zone and just get gear for the sake of getting gear, just to have a different chance of pulling in different stat and blah, blah blah. So yeah, but the um, so, but uh, the classes I thought were great with the exception of the exception of like not being able to play healer, which I thought was kind of [inaudible]. ChefCrondo: 00:42:52 There's this division in RPG that's like no tactical shooter destiny kind of the division is like a shit up man. I think a shooter, I know we're here to talk about games and I know I'm a gamer, but like I gotta be honest with you guys, like when it comes to those kinds of games, I usually stay away from them because I will rage the fuck out of my mind over that kind of stuff. I stay away the fair, I think a lot of people are the same way in certain aspects. Yeah. Charlie: 00:43:20 Yeah. The, I thought that the storyline. So I really enjoyed the storyline from the division and they kind of carry that over. I don't know if you'd know that the storyline is condo. That's essentially a quick recap from the division one is, so they, um, there's something that's called the dollar flu is somebody, uh, injected smallpox into a bunch of dollar bills and pass them out on black Friday. So because of all the money changing hands in the world created like this pandemic with a of this virus outbreak and whatnot. Since, you know, mall box, he's like one of the most deadly viruses ever to exist. Um, it shuts down New York. There's bunch of like, uh, there's a dark zone, which is like contaminated and quarantine one that you can't go in unless you have certain things. It's just very smart play a game play. And they, they expand upon that and to D C, um, with, with, uh, the vision too. So the division one takes place, uh, from, from essentially in November through February, so in the winter months. And so they had like things where like you had a, you know, a winter storm comes through New York and it's a, you know, I have a survival mode constantly snowing, which is, which is made the game look gorgeous and it's still, I still recommend playing the division one, especially on PC. ChefCrondo: 00:44:29 I don't think it was the radio. Would anyone Charlie: 00:44:32 ever wonder why it's always, it's still snowing. It's like three years. It's like they even recognize that it's like a little fourth wall break there, but the, so division two takes place in the summertime in D C so it's, you know, a lush, lush screen's like it's overgrown. It's, you know, things are broken down. Like, you know, they, they, it's, it takes place I think like six months or a year after the events, um, of the division one still carrying all the storyline. So it's like, you know, the, the, after the world collapses essentially, because this virus is like all these different gangs start up and then, you know, you're, you're tasked to help the government like rebuild and as a division agent and take out these people. So I really like the squad mechanics of the game and I really liked the tactical elements of the, of the division and I thought it was just a lot of fun. Charlie: 00:45:21 Like the like the shooting mechanics are great. And the thing that, the one thing that I loved about these types of games who are like, you know, they focus on multiplayer aspect and they focus on like creating a squad and going through and doing everything is you can play the entire story by yourself and not feel underpowered. You can actually go through complete every single mission on your own by yourself without having the need for a squad. Or I've always feel like there comes a point like even for boss battles, like it might be tough, it's going to be hard. There's definitely a hard moments of it, but you can do it like it's not, it's not a game where you can't like you know, you need a squad to beat this fight. Like no, you'll, you'll, you can do it. You just won't get as good loot as you would if you had a squad you can go through and do it. And I thought that it was a smart way of doing it and making it fun so that way everybody could, um, if you don't want to play with friends or if you, you know, just antisocial or whatever, you can still go and do and all the, all the events and everything by herself. So, um, yeah. The only thing I will say that I don't like about the division two after playing breakpoint for awhile is how bullet, spongy everything is. Charlie: 00:46:31 That's always going to be a thing. Like, what do you mean by humble? It's spongy. You sit behind cover and just reload and you just hit, you're just hitting the boss for like an hour. Some guy you, you're just like, you're shooting a guy who's running around in like a, a a gas mask and like a vest, I would like cut off sleeves and whatnot and you're like shooting him and he doesn't do anything. He doesn't really. So that's really all because of the playing breakpoint. Like, you know, there's guys with armor, uh, you can shoot off their helmet and then you can one shot then with a headshot. But I mean that's, that's a different, that's a different game. So, um, it's, that's neither here nor there. Even though they have raised in that game. I haven't really played it, but I will definitely have to keep my eyes off for that. I would, I would say if you, if you find the division one on sale for like under 10 bucks, I'd definitely recommend playing that. Or actually, I mean it's on sale all the time. You know what I'm thinking. This might be the perfect game to rent from ah, that's Dom: 00:47:30 use our promo code. You don't have it is, but we could gain so I wasn't going to say it, but there is an affiliate program and I, I started the process of signing us up for it. Right now you have, yeah, it's already happened. Oh great. It's not done yet, but it'll, it's gotta be done soon. Promo codes shot Rondo. I tweeted to them, I treated them and they responded like here's our affiliate link. So Hey, Oh shit, let's do it. Anyway. But yes, Charlie: 00:48:02 so if you get a chance, uh, I mean definitely recommend playing to division one because I think it's a really good game. But if you, if yes, constantly on it's constantly on sale, um, on PlayStation and whatnot and PC. So like I bought it for both PC and console. I played it more on console obviously cause I have more friends on console but it's definitely definitely worth the gain. It's definitely worth checking out and is a game that I spent many hours on and I think I'm going to go back and try to see what they, cause they added a new class and they have some other things. I want to go back and check it out again. Um, just because I had just, I know I had so much fun in that game and I to the point where I was remotely playing, uh, the division two when it launched, cause I was in Texas at the time for South by Southwest in Austin and I was like remotely logged into my iPad playing on a, on a controller to like try to like the features cool level up. Yeah. It's cool. So anyway, Dom: 00:48:55 I tell you, I really liked that game by the way you talk about it. Yeah. It's just, I haven't, I haven't played it in a while, but it was, it's definitely, that's a lot of fun. So I just, I feel about my number one pick. Charlie: 00:49:07 Yeah. So, alright, so a Corona, what's number two? Speaker 5: 00:49:12 So my number two is going to be star Wars fall as a gen iPhone in order hit. Yeah. Jeff on or, yeah. So I just got this game two days ago. Oh. And I can't stop playing it. I guess I'm thinking about it. It's so good. So I actually wanted to ask you, Charlie, do you think it's like a combination of dark souls? And Assassin's creed. Charlie: 00:49:38 I think it's a combination of uncharted and dark souls. Speaker 5: 00:49:40 Okay. So I never played on charted, but like for me, the, so his, I have a bad history with jumping and things like that and my best friend knows that. So yesterday he asked me, uh, to, uh, to watch the game play cause he's, he was considering buying it and all he needed to do was watch me. I was on the first planet but Goda or something like that. No, no, no. Uh, no. The second planet with it starts with an N I think. Neefa I can't remember. Oh no, C started theZ anyways. Um, so I was doing that part where you, where there's like the turbines that are coming around and you have to use the force to stop him for a minute. You got to jump over and time everything perfectly. And there were parts where like, I would use the force and I wouldn't jump it, I wouldn't use it again. Speaker 5: 00:50:26 And I just be like going right into the thing as it was coming back around. And I mean stuff like that and like learning how to like force stop. The, the little things that are like, dude, they're like charging and charging out and you've got to like run in between them. I just do the Alta games. So good man. Like there's just something so satisfying about a, having a lightsaber be having a dual sided lightsaber so that like when I walk up to people I can just be like, you know what, let me pull up the second one and just do it and Oh yeah. Oh I just see, I just see this dude standing by ledge force push him right off. Like that to me is like the most as a nerd. Speaker 5: 00:51:06 So good man. I'm telling, I haven't, I've been playing the game for like, I want to say like 10 to 15 hours so far cause I just got it and I don't even think I've scratched the surface on it. Like it's, I know it's not a super long game, but I like the fact that there's a, those little, um, what do they call it? The little things you can pick up Charlie, the collectibles or whatever they have. Well there's, I mean that's another part that's really cool. It's like you can actually like, like customizing your lightsaber doesn't change the stats of it, but like you can definitely, and there's lots of options to make it look like how you want it to look. And that to me is actually very cool. It gives you a little bit of like personal flair and uh, I'm super excited too. Speaker 5: 00:51:49 I've even thought the first boss yet, dude. The first boss I think, I think I thought was like a big, uh, big ooga booga thing. Yeah. The dig to, and let me tell you, a dad did that thing like, so I went to that thing first. Like it didn't get BD one. So I go over to this guy, I died like 20 times. I'm like, fuck the fuck. You know, like, is this how this game is going to be? Is this going to be dark souls all over again? And I run around the corner. I'm like, okay, I got to try something else out. And they get [inaudible] you go back and you walk the toads ass and I'm like, Oh, okay, well I just wasted an hour of my life because I was impatient and went the wrong way. But that's not how those games go. Right. That's true. The fun thing about that is, um, uh, later on, uh, you get forced pull. You can pull the tongue out and chop it off. It's fine. Speaker 5: 00:52:37 A lot of stuff. Fuck this game, dude. It's so dope dude. I guess just because, I mean, look guys, I've got my, my Deathstar coffee mug here. I mean, you can tell I'm Horace real star Wars heads. So for me it's, it's definitely an, and, and it has been forever since they've put out a good star Wars game. I think that's the biggest thing. I feel like, I mean, Battlefront two is not bad. Now it's fire, which I'm, it does look pretty cool, but people are loving it right now. It's like genuinely like the latest light changes are apparently I'm going to start playing again. Definitely. Uh, I just think it's been since nicely old Republic too since I've really liked to star Wars game that was put out so or maybe Jedi Academy. That one was pretty good but yeah. So anyways, cause I know I, I have a feeling that uh, there's going to be somebody else here that puts that in, in their top three. But uh, yeah, Charlie: 00:53:28 I just wish I played it. Uh, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm gonna I'm going to do it. It would probably been higher for me. It's on sale right now. Yeah. Yeah, of course it is. You get it. Of course it is. I'll go real quick because my number two is also Jed. I follow. Oh nice. Nice. All right. So I took to expand on what you're saying cause I, I finished it. I've platinum the game. I've gotten everything you could do in that game. The customization is great. I thought like the worlds that we've always heard about Howard university, you'd never get to visit either in the movies or anything like that. Yes. Cause Sheikh is awesome. I, there's just the level of detail given to that game is great. And I was a little concerned with EA putting it out cause I was like, cause they had like collectibles and like in skins and you could do with the lightsabers of your, of yourself, a [inaudible] of your ship, of your poncho, whatever. Charlie: 00:54:19 I was like, Oh fuck, this is my action. Hell. Like it'd be cool. But like I just don't want to have like pop ups pop up and there's none of that. None of they were true to their word. Everything is collectible in the game. Uh, you can customize it however you want, uh, with colors, with like different material with lightsabers. And I would go back and change my color every now and then. I'd change like what the lights ever looks like. Little things like that, which I think were pretty bad ass. And uh, I just a ton of fun with that game and just, Oh man. It's just such a good, the Speaker 5: 00:54:49 things you have to do, like, okay, so the first puzzle I had to do when you're in that one artifact chamber or whatever, and you have to actually like use the force to push the ball around in certain places, like to me like that's so what, like if you were a jet dire, right? And you walked into these places, like you have to find yourself in situations where you'd look around and be like, well, what can I use this, this badass ability I have called the force to like get through this room. Right? It's like you have to actually, like that's the thing to me that I think is the coolest shit ever is I have to think like a Jedi. Like I can't just be like dark souls. You know, when I see a pack of four dudes, I'm like, all right, well I'm gonna go in and just get out my great, great Lance and just be like, fuck all of you. Speaker 5: 00:55:30 But in this game it's like you can't do that. So I mean, you don't have that ability. Maybe you do later on. But I don't right now. So, um, I'm not going to say, Oh yeah, I did that. That's the other thing, right? Is that like you actually like you see the progression of him from the very get go to like slowly building his power with the forest and like he gets a little better, a little better, a little better. And I mean of course it's any game in general, but like again, I just think it's so cool because it's Jedi and this is the first time I feel like that they've really captured the essence of what it's like to be a paddle on with the force and like slowly you're just like accelerating your skillset I guess. And um, everything's so bad ass about like the way that you saved the game. Like he just sits down and meditates and like you got this whole grid of abilities and dude, the, the like what you were talking about the attention to detail, right? The shit when you're going from location to location, the fact that you have to go sit in the seat and it actually takes you through Lightspeed or work speed and things like that. Dom: 00:56:29 I just, it's so good. Charlie: 00:56:32 I was really happy with what respond was able to do with that game. And like I was, I was concerned like I said, but like they really, their attention to detail was absolutely incredible and they like, they took their time and they did it well and you can kind of see little things from like Titanfall with like the wall running that they do running. Yes. And just like how they grab, um, you know, just like, you know, it's just, that's great cause then you can go back. Even though I've beaten the game, it's fun just to go back and like, you know, you get the thing where, um, you can just like, you know, you have storm troopers shooting at you and you just deflect all their bolts out once. Like there's a, there'll be a section later on, um, where it's like a, a like a, like a bunch of stormtroopers, like, like five or six or something like, well, like there's a, there's a commander and like this, they stop the aim. Charlie: 00:57:18 They fire all at once and if you just, if you Parry it, he'll, he'll deflect all of them back into it. It's so good. It's not a quick time event. It's just like, you know, they're up on a Ridge or something like that as shooting at you. So you can do that. And it's just like, it just makes you feel bad ass and makes you feel like you're in control and it's just like, it was a lot. I would have to agree with you. It is. Um, it's satisfying man. It's satisfying. It's fun. I, they don't have DLC plan for that game and I really hope that they get like community feedback and be like, okay, let's make some DLC for this cause I want to go to more planets. I want to play more of this game. Um, because I do feel like even if you, once you're done with, um, the main storyline and complete everything and 100% and go everywhere, like as much as I want to go back through and explore more, like I've already, I've already been everywhere. I've seen everything. I just want, I want an excuse to play more of this game. Speaker 5: 00:58:11 You know what I want to tell you right now that they need to capitalize on this. Charlie: 00:58:14 They need to do the SIF version of this game. Yes. Wouldn't it be cool? Like, yeah, it's kind of, it kinda made me want that. Uh, yeah. The scythe version of this game or just the ability to choose Oh Speaker 5: 00:58:29 better do like the idea of the Knights of the old Republic or not yet? Dom: 00:58:32 No, there was forced unleashed. It was like forced to leashes what they wanted this game or they wanted to be like this is the game that they want, unfortunately should to be enforced. Leash was not that it was bad. Oh you could go later. You could go later dark in that game. You could, which was pretty fun cause I just think it would Speaker 5: 00:58:52 cool to like shed light on the whole relationship between the sift pod or while he's not a paddle on, but because you know, in, in star Wars lore, the SIF, I think they only have, there's only two at any given time. Dom: 00:59:04 Yeah. But like, it's, yeah. But Palpatine kinda did what he wanted though. He had, he had, he had sip under him. He had like, they were technically like, like SIF light, you know, the true, true, you fight inquisitors I think in, in, uh, this game. Right. Did you find that visitors? Yeah. Right. I thought so. Charlie: 00:59:24 Yeah. But I think it would have been, yeah, just to have the ability to choose whether like, what path do you want to go down would have made this game just an extra bit better, even though he's still good. Speaker 5: 00:59:33 Hey, do they, as the game goes on, do they talk more about Cal's back story? Like, is that kind of okay? It's kind of like inception where you, Charlie: 00:59:40 you find out his whole, um, now you, you find out the whole, uh, thing and whatnot. And uh, I was, I wasn't really sure about the timeline for this. Apparently this takes place right after. Uh, well this takes place. Speaker 5: 00:59:54 Well they show obiwan so they had a holiday, but there'll be wanted it, duh, duh. Yeah, no, definitely. There definitely was a thing that I found where it was like obiwan comes out and says something. I didn't remember that, Charlie: 01:00:06 but I know, I know it was old OB one too. I think it takes place in the realm of star Wars. I think it takes place between three and four I think is where it takes place. Cause he that orders order 66 is, is a neck. Yeah. So that's what I think it is. Anyway. So mine and crown does number two, Jedi fallen order. Dom, what's your number two gears five. Speaker 5: 01:00:27 Ooh. Yeah. Dom: 01:00:29 Uh, not to be mistaken. It's not, it's specifically not called gears of war five. It's, which is weird. Uh, what if for whatever reason it doesn't matter why? Uh, yeah, I loved the game. I thought here's four I thought was okay. Uh, but five was very polished. The story is I think super cool. You get these really, really, really interesting landscapes, literally going from like frozen Tundra, like wasteland to desert wasteland, like, uh, and you have this cool skiff that's either obviously snow or sand. Um, but just I thought really fun story. The multiplayer was really good. Big shots. My boy Danny back home, Pennsylvania, we, we played together having played gears since gears three, uh, I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed it and uh, you know, the story of four was like kind of may, but like five I thought was fire. Uh, I'm just such a sucker gears. Dom: 01:01:26 The gears of war series has been one of my favorite video game series of like straight up all time. Uh, like years a were two and three, just like masterpieces for me. And here's the word for, kind of dropped it off a little bit, but we don't talk about whatever that like prequel one was. But gears five, I don't even remember what it was called, Armageddon at. It doesn't matter. But here's five was really good. I enjoy, I put, I put some good time into. I really enjoy playing it. It just, it really brought back, it felt like an older gears game, which is what I enjoy cause I just love the older cures. Uh, yeah, simple. Just really, really enjoyed it. Loved it. Charlie: 01:02:03 I've seen it on sale just to play it on PC. I've, I've contemplated picking it up just because like, you know, if it's on sale for 20 bucks, why not? You know, give it a Dom: 01:02:12 dude. Honestly in, in, in, there's something that is like notably the itches gear. Like it's, that is a game. I feel ChefCrondo: 01:02:19 like there's no other games. I feel like years of war and no, it's definitely wanted its own. It is genre and it's just, it's just really fun to play when they do it. Right. It's, it's just perfect. Yeah. That's exciting. Do you still get to like when you walk up to people, do you get still like chainsaw them and it wouldn't, it wouldn't be the game that they want. That's like the most unique part of gears of war was the fact that you could like walk as people went from machine gun and just saw them in half, which was how I died all the time. Normally the name of it with the chainsaw. Yup. Yup. Alright, cool. Well before we get into our number one, I'm going to take a piss real quick. So I'm here at damage. Really? Now's a good time to plug now they're going to, they're going to be like, you know what, you're going to be like a joke to you. ChefCrondo: 01:03:09 Yeah, right. No, I just, I just, uh, this is the, this is my, this is my welcoming into the, uh, the overachievers ring of whatever. And uh, I don't even know what it would be called. I don't know what it is either. [inaudible] probably has some name for it. I dunno. He, he, he's, he, he knows all this. He like has thought all these things. I, you know, I gotta be honest and I'm looking in the background in his office. Does he have the fallout? Like is that the battle chest thing right there? Oh probably. Yeah, that looks like a big fallout chest. The big green thing on the middle shelf. Yeah, to the left. I don't know what it is. A good question. I actually wanted to put for the biggest flop to be fall of 76 but technically it came out in 2018 so I had to leave it off my list, but it did. ChefCrondo: 01:03:58 Yeah. Let me tell you right now, man, since he's not here. Well it's just to fill the time. That game was my biggest disappointment ever. Sure. Everyone's love fallout dude. I love the follow series and so does my best friend that I game with and we were both just like, I think we will. I think we got to the max level. We did everything you could do in the game and it didn't take that long. It's a couple of weeks and it's like for an online game, there's just nothing to do. Like we launched the nukes. Build your, build your house up. Yeah. And then what can you do? Oh, I could pay $10 to get all the shit that I wanted in the game that I paid 60 bucks for. You know, I paid 60 bucks for that game. And let me tell you how fucking mad I was when like two days after it came out, they dropped the price like half of what it was. ChefCrondo: 01:04:42 I was URIs. Charlie walks away. Try that comes back and Rondo is screaming. We were talking about fall. No, no, we're talking about, so we talking about what we could be, uh, that conversation could be traded into that one. No, I was talking about a false 76. Is that a sorry, go ahead. Ask. No, no, no. Go ahead. I was gonna say, it's almost unfortunate it came out to you as 19, because it should be a two. That's my team flop. Is that a, is that a followup battle chest? I see behind you. Sorry. Yeah, I was saying that the fall of 76 would have been my biggest disappointment, but it came on. I Speaker 5: 01:05:17 totally forgot about that game. Yeah. And you shouldn't because it should have been the shit. Charlie: 01:05:22 It's true. They do. I know I've, I've seen it on sale a bunch of times. It makes me like, just want to buy it just to play golf. I played the a, I played the beta, the beta, like I pre-ordered, played the game. Yeah. It just, it just means I love everything about fallout. So like I just wanted to play, I was like, Oh, this would be great. And then I was like, I'm not interested in this whatsoever. So Speaker 5: 01:05:44 like the, yeah. Anyway, we're not here to talk about fall 77. Yeah, let's get the number one. Let's get to number one. All right. Start off. Oh yeah. All right. Well, uh, boys, my, my, uh, my number one pick is going to be the remake of resonates. Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But that game for me was the shit. You did apologize about it. It was a really good game. So I'm a huge [inaudible] fan. I mean, the game gave me nightmares when I was a kid. I thought to me it was just at that point in time, dude, there was nothing like it. I mean, are you one so fucking scary? I was a kid, you know what I'm saying? And [inaudible] when it came out was the ultimate game for me, right with Leon and Claire and you could play through a play through be on the other character for me when they did this remake, which actually came out like right before my birthday, I was just like, man, this is like the gaming way of saying happy birthday to me because as you were saying it was so fucking good. Speaker 5: 01:06:45 Like the, the attention to detail. Um, the fact that like you're walking around which the pistol and a flashlight for the first portion of the game and I mean the first time you played through the game you obviously have no idea what's coming. I mean as you play through it, you can obviously anticipate things are going to come at you. But like the first time I came around the corner with Leon and the tyrant pulls back the helicopter and just looks at you and he basically like, bitch slaps you in the face. I was just like, what is this game dude? They made it so good. They took the same game that was already amazing and they made it even better. I mean I have no complaints about that game. I don't have a single complaint about that game except that I could have played it for infinitely infinite amount of time. Speaker 5: 01:07:26 Yeah, for sure. I mean I easily played through every scenario I could in that game and I, and I'm not, I'm actually really bad about not completing games. Like I'll get like 80% of the way through the game and get Ooh, squirrel. There's something else shiny over here, Dan. Lately. Yeah, just incredible. And I'm so high, we were talking about it earlier, I'm so hype about the fact that they're doing it. The same people are doing RA three so that guarantees the fact that that game is going to be an amazing uh, uh true dude. I mean like the tyrant follow you around in [inaudible] like the first time I was playing the game cause I was playing it with like volume all the way up, lights off just in the darkness and like when he would be following you around you all you hears it. Don't, don't, don't, don't you just turn around and he's right in your face and he's just staring at you and then just like grabs you by the throat. It's, that was terrifying ChefCrondo: 01:08:16 dude. I had to turn the lights on. I was shitting my, I couldn't play with lights off. I couldn't play the lights off to me screaming like straight up either dude. Actually scared. Yeah, I was actually scared. It's like as a grown ass man you're like, is that really just scared of her a video game? Yeah cause the scary, scary shit dude. And then you start seeing, you start hearing things, you're like, they did such a good job with the ambiance. They did such a good job with the environment and the [inaudible] of the environment and just hearing a moan or scream farm. Yeah. Agreed. Dan? I also liked the sock thing. Okay. So the reason that I said that this is different than what they did, this is a good remake is because they actually kind of Speaker 5: 01:09:01 chopped and screwed the whole storyline. And they actually, uh, built upon what was already in the original Ari too, and kind of like, went into more elaborate detail with certain things. Like, um, I can't think of the name of the, it's been, it's been like, I played it in January, so I can remember the name of the characters off the top of my head. But the, the daughter, the, you have to follow. And like when you're in the little room and the old guys trying to follow or trying to get you or Sherry, that's her name and you got to like crawl under the space, you gotta hide behind the guy, even though he's like right around the corner, he's like, where the fuck are you? You know, like, just all those parts of the game. We're not in the original. And, um, ChefCrondo: 01:09:39 Oh man, I'm very excited to see what they're going to do with three very, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, I, I, the only thing I don't like, I feel like I won't have the same passion that Crohn's had just displayed for his number one. And I feel like I'm just not doing a service. Nah man, Charlie: 01:09:56 I'm going to step into your toes. Dumb. Cause my number one don't resonate well to say number one. Well that's because it was so just a, just a piggyback off of that. Well mine comes also comes from that same same uh, nostalgic quality of like, okay well here's this, here's this game. You know, cause it was for what? PlayStation two I want to say it was, no, it was PlayStation one when it was PlayStation one. Yeah. Cause I guess you have right there. So at the time the original is like as 19 years ago or 20 something years, it was 90, 99, 98, something like that. So it's over 20 years old at this point. And so like it was, I'm happy to have the box actually since you haven't read them, I'm happy that they brought it back for another generation to experience this game. Charlie: 01:10:45 Because at the time, like you said, it was a, it was a feat. It was a gaming feet to be able to do this and have like a sort of emotions being brought out from you as a gamer and that's what it really set the stage for a lot of different games. So back then it was a big thing but the reason why it's my number one is for a lot of what you just said. So even if you've never played a rest and evil before, you've never played it in these games, you don't know anything about these games whatsoever. If you play this game, uh, you cause you want to play a zombie game, like it is a survival horror game and I'm also scary easily as a grown ass man. Zombie horror survival game in my opinion. It evoked emotions out of me that I didn't know that I had. I just like cause I'm sitting here cause you're playing, you're playing at your house. Like I'm sitting down here in my, my theater playing it so I have surround sound all around me. Charlie: 01:11:38 It was, it was, it was absolutely terrifying because when mrX was walking around, cause he's not just, you know, you have to run away from him, you hear him upstairs. And so I'm literally hearing him walk around upstairs from me, all the speakers. So like, like as the door opened, I'm like, I'm like, I'm turning around like what the fuck is the real as fuck? I'm like on my screen. Like, why am I turning around to see it? Listen to what's going on here. The sound design is top notch, the character's top notch story. Like you said, they took elements from the original story and, and molded it to fit a modern day scenario. And like, it was just great. It's just like, you know, like why don't they just call for help? It's like, well that's cell phone towers are down or whatever. Charlie: 01:12:17 I couldn't do anything. It's like granted still, I still think it takes place back in the, uh, in the nineties too, right? If I don't remember if I remember K nineties. Yeah. So it's like, you know, they don't necessarily have all these, you know, the same technology we have today, but it's just like when you look at the cars, they're driving in the game, you know, like very old schoolish. But like, just like the environments are there. Like, you know, they brought back some, some of the boss battles that have, like, if you remember it whatsoever, but it's took a different spin on it. Like the crocodile site, for example, a crocodile fight as well as, um, man, it's just, it's just so good. Speaker 5: 01:12:52 For example, like in my opinion, they didn't have the clock tower in the original Ari to do, you know what I'm talking about? Like where you have to get the, you have to go up in there because that's the first time that you have to interact with the tyrant, like constantly persistently following you. And that wasn't, that was not in the original, but that's the thing that's like, that's one of those little things they did to this game to step it up a notch and to not make it so linear and boring, I guess, in a sense. Charlie: 01:13:15 Yeah. Yeah. And just just having that sort of like ticking time bomb as you just can't get away from him. But just like that was tough. Speaker 5: 01:13:24 Sorry. That was so terrifying the first time like I do. Okay, so speaking to the clock tower part, when you have to go into the library and you have to push the, the bookshelves together. That part right there caused me so much stress and anxiety because the first time I'm like I can hear him walking up and I'm just like close the show faster man. Like why are you taking your sweet ass time with it? And you turn around and he's literally right in your face. It's terrible. It's so good. It goes so good. Charlie: 01:13:50 They know how to scare you again dude. And you have limited amount of 'em bullets and [inaudible] Speaker 5: 01:13:57 definitely ran out of ammo. I had to restart the game. Die cause you can't kill everything. Stuffed will respond. And I and I and the original Ori too. That is not how it was like you killed shit is dead. Charlie: 01:14:08 Yeah. Oh yeah. Stuff respond and they come back or Dom: 01:14:12 is that, I got to hop in. I'm so sorry to derail you from saying I was scared. This game is, I have to babysit in 10 minutes. So could be, you could write this thesis on hotspot. I'm with you. I'm with you. Uh, my number one, uh, is going to come to a shocker to a lot of people I think. Uh, except for you Charlie. Obviously it's a apex legends, which I, I feel, I feel like I'm going to get question marks for the why this the game number one. Well, okay, thank you. Uh, number one. Um, well, because I've got a massive pro scene, right? It does, but naive, just that I, I loved Overwatch. I D I do like battle Royale games. I D I really did enjoy Titanfall and I feel like respond made all three of those in one game and did it. Dom: 01:15:05 Okay. How, how often do you hear this descendants? A game came out, nothing was broken, it wasn't boring, and it didn't suck in, in 2019. You don't hear it. Right. And not only respond to it, they did it with no advertising. This can like shadow. Like overnight I moved to, I was away at where I wasn't going away for a weekend at work and it was like, yo APEC letters. And I was like, what the hell? And I got him a plate. I was like, Oh my God. But not only was it just a really well done game, it actually toppled fortnight for a, for a hot minute, let God just overnight it toppled. Fortnite for a legitimate amount of time, like as the most viewed game on Twitch and stuff. And like you have people leaving, you have pros for night pros leaving to play apex, which I feel like a lot of it is migrated back since [inaudible] but it picks legends just really, really nailed it in replayability for me. Dom: 01:16:03 Like just like if it wasn't for destiny two, probably this year in destiny two actually being fired for this year, I probably, it probably would have been my most played game was apex legends. Um, but destiny was fired this year anyway. But, uh, the map dope, the class or the characters, Joe gameplay dope. Like there wasn't ever a time where I booted that game back up and was bored. You know what I'm saying? It really ticked every box for me in terms of, uh, and that's what, that's what it is from renounce replayability because I'm like you, like, I've never been that way as I was younger. But as an adult now I play a game and like 80, 81 80% of the way through. I'm just like, okay, I'm, um, I, I got and it's not because I'm bored or I don't like it, I just, there's, I don't have the attention span for video games like I used to when I was a kid. You know what I mean? Um, and apex and do that genuinely loved it, loved every bit of it. I still do like, you know, so I liked it for the fact that it took people away from Fortnite cause I hate Fortnite. I do too. And the great thing about apex toppling fortnight was it still kept ChefCrondo: 01:17:10 all the like super young kids in fortnight and apex is definitely a more, I would say I'm more adult game 100% 100% kind of borderlands ish in the, in the shirt art style. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. [inaudible] you a beard ashy would have been the one to do. No, I'm not, I'm not a border lamps. That's hilarious. I'm actually surprised it wasn't a year. Charlie. Uh, I, I mean, I dunno. I enjoy, I totally forgot this. Can we get, can we do animal mentions on our, we'll mention, well, okay. In that case I have two honorable mentions I would love to throw out. Uh, well, world war Z, genuinely dope games. So much fun. Just a fun game. Uh, and Friday the 13th, the game, I don't know if you played Friday, me and my buddies might like clan from destiny too. We have a phrase that we, it's like every Sunday we, we like eight of us will be that fry at 13. ChefCrondo: 01:18:06 It is so much fun. It is so much fun. It's so stupid. Of a game. It's so much fun. That's an honorable mention. Right? So we're going to go through and do the biggest flop and the most over-hyped, like the TLDR version of it since you've got to run. Yeah. Uh, well you guys, I don't want mentions, mine was borderline story. Mine was code vein. Okay. Okay, fair. All right. I got my biggest flop and my most over-hype. You ready? I feel like we're all going to be the same except for Charlie. I'm curious. You know, biggest flop for me was Anthem. Yeah, that's mine. Really. It, we'll wait. Charlie Securus not yours. Biggest flop and I biggest flop. I guess I was mixing biggest flop and and over-hype and not like to game. Yeah. Our biggest disappointment. ChefCrondo: 01:18:55 I was actually thinking about what you guys were saying about the voice acting and stuff like that. I thought the voice acting in Anthem was fantastic. Like the conversations you had to have with people. Like they did a pretty good job, but we can all this, we can all agree that game sell short epically. Alright. Yeah, it was definitely like I was, I had a lot of, I really wanted that game to do. Well. We apparently, they're like, we've talked about it, that they're, you know, like redoing it or whatever it is. But um, for like Anthem year two or whatever they're calling it hard pass hard as 100%. Alright. Maybe it's over. Maybe if it's like five bucks, all my bias is five bucks. Yeah, exactly. I'm not going to lie. I don't think if that game was out for free I wouldn't, I just don't care. ChefCrondo: 01:19:40 Like, yo, you had your chance to make this buy your game. Finally. The gameplay was pretty cool. Yo, when I first saw it I was like, yo, this is so cool. Iron man. I'm literally iron man black. Yeah. Oh wait, I'm iron man and I do the same thing over and over and over again that I've been doing since like level one for sure. All right. My most over-hype game, death stranding. Ooh. You know, I just don't get it. I don't, I don't get it. Like, I'm sorry, but yes you can. You can. You can Polish a turd any way you want. It's still a turd. Right? To me that is not a game. You're a literally a, it's a, it's a delivery. You're FedEx simulator. The way I think, I view the game as being a vessel for the cinematics. Like all the games, all the gameplay you're doing is a vessel for the cinematic like output of the game, which I think could, I think that's what he, I think that's what he wanted. ChefCrondo: 01:20:44 I can totally see that. There's not much, there's really not much game playing and the way watching streamers play it and it's like, I was just, I remember just sitting there and being like, what the fuck are you doing, dude? Like you're literally like climbing and running and getting the shit that falls off your back. Like, yeah, I just didn't get it. But you know, Charlie said it earlier. Um, that's, uh, definitely a niche game like [inaudible] or that kind of thing. And for me, I would fall asleep within the first five seconds of playing that game. Cause it, Charlie: 01:21:14 I would say that's on the same realm as um, no man's sky is like, you just need, it's a, it's a good, it's a good like game and chill kind of game. It's just you can't, um, yeah, you just gotta be able to enjoy it essentially. I like, and you have to know that this is what you're getting into. It's not something that you're going to just, you know, it's not an action game. It's just, it's, it's literally just like hang out and chill and like, don't worry about it. So, and my most anticipated release in 29 or 2020 gonna be to Ari three and final fantasy seven remake. ChefCrondo: 01:21:48 Oh, I can't wait for that game. That game is going to turn the internet. It's going to turn the internet upside down. I can't wait for that. We're going to have to have a full podcast just for that game. The FF signed edition. I'm 100% on board. You guys can do that to read. You guys can do that for each other. I dunno if I care enough about it to be honest. I'm sorry. I just never know. That's the thing is like you either are or you're not like, cause cause that game [inaudible] to me was like, I'm think I was like 10, 12 years old, that first game I really got like balls deepen, you know? Yeah. When Eric, when Eric died or Erath like I remember just sitting there like I don't get her back. Like what? So yeah, true. Sephora up looks so dope. Okay. Anyways, but anyways, I love you. I love you. So Don, what was your most overhyped was an Anthem as well. Yeah. Yeah. I mean everyone was saying, let me be the destiny killer and uh, Hey look, look what's thriving right now with not, you know what I'm saying? Charlie: 01:22:58 Yeah. Well I guess you guys can take a guess of what my most of them ChefCrondo: 01:23:02 w yes, in a years. Dom: 01:23:07 No horse fallen order. Was it the division two? No, it's borderlands three. Wait, what? I'm joking. I hate you. I was like, you actually got me. I got got, there you go. You kick. Got both of us. I got God. Okay. Charlie: 01:23:24 Well, just, just because, uh, I mean it's, it's fine. I mean, I just, it's just, this is me personally talking, like I just did not enjoy the game whatsoever just because of the mechanics of the game. Um, but, and I just, I just, it's just cause I played, we've had a discussion about this. I've, I've just played board, I played dark souls for so many years. I just got used to [inaudible]. Dom: 01:23:42 Yeah. And it's like, honestly, I could not wrap my head around it. Yeah. And I feel like when you hear the dark souls, the dark souls, people are like making another game. You anticipate dark souls kind of in a way. And when it's not that like you, you go into a preconceived notion of what the game is going to be. And even if it's not bad per se, it's not what you expected or wanted. So automatically has a negative bite in your subconscious. Right. [inaudible] yeah. Charlie: 01:24:06 So anyway, that's a, those are our games of the year, I'd say collectively resonate, but one or resonate with to remake. Dom: 01:24:15 Oh yeah. We all enjoyed it, I think. I think it'd be hard not to enjoy that game to be, unless you just only hard games, which is fair too if you don't, you know, I mean, Charlie: 01:24:21 yeah, it's, it depends on what you like and what you don't like. But yeah. So I think collectively that would be the overachievers gaming podcast of 2019 is arisen eval to remake. I also am looking forward to the a remake of reasonable three. I will be playing the shit out of that game. I'll play it, um, hopefully in my new house whenever that hell yeah. But anyway, thanks grotto for being a part of our podcast. You can find us on O G. dot. Podcast uh, on Instagram or Twitter is over. P a our website is being or you can get this episode and every other episode of what we talk about for a video game, Marvel strike force, a final fantasy tactics and all that fun stuff. So, uh, also quick question, not question. Quick announcement. We're doing a giveaway if you like. Um, Marvel strike force. Charlie: 01:25:10 We're doing a power core giveaway for when we hit a thousand downloads per episode. We're very close, right? Like nine 50. So tell your friends, uh, we'll put a, I'll put a link in this so you can, you know, hang out and, um, our discord. Oh, I forgot. We also have a discord that we talk about stuff. We have a good time where we all, all of our guests come in and talk about, you know, games, all that fun shit. So I always put a link in the description below, you know, check out the disc score, check out the, uh, the giveaway that we're doing. Uh, probably will happen in the new year, probably like midway through January, what we do to give away. But anyway, so yeah, thank you all for coming out again. Have a one eight 20 Pappy end of the decade. God bless everyone. Speaker 2: 01:26:08 [inaudible] [inaudible].