109 === [00:00:00] Charlie: [00:00:30] What's up everybody? Welcome to the Overachievers Gaming Podcast. I am your host Vash joined as always by the one, the only, the ginger hair man himself who needs a patchy beard roller to get things going. Chef Krondo. [00:00:45] Josh: Damn, just, damn, just savage, just called me out. Savage out the gate. Just called me out, man. [00:00:51] And then the [00:00:52] Charlie: Bar hopper, aficionado himself, Ashi Pastrami. [00:00:56] Josh: You go to one bar and you're Yeah, Ashi, Ashi's had one for [00:00:59] Charlie: [00:01:00] you. I'm doing a athletic brewing company, A Rare Pursuit. It's a lemon, a lemon Sounds wonderful. Lemon Riddler. It's a non alcoholic. I should have had [00:01:08] Josh: a seltzer. So. [00:01:09] Dom: I had a vodka soda before I came. [00:01:11] Josh: And he's freaking wasted right now. He is [00:01:13] Charlie: tanked. This man can barely. Just fun, fun, fun fact. But before I get into a fun fact, you can find us on Instagram, OG Podcast, our website is ogpodcast. fm. Oh my God. Hold on. Wow. It's been a minute since we've done this. Uh, our Instagram OG podcast or Twitter's overachievers, [00:01:30] p our website's f uh, OG podcast at fm, where get this episode and every episode where we're talking about what we're playing, what we're looking forward to in a little bit of gaming news. [00:01:36] And also, I'm gonna try to make this thing happen. I try to make it for this, it didn't work. Uh, live on TikTok, that's at OG dot podcast on our TikTok. Maybe we're gonna do it, maybe not. Apparently you can do gaming now on, on TikTok. So. Sorry, Dom, that I know you work for, you know, for Twitch, but here we go. [00:01:57] So, uh, we'll see what happens. [00:01:59] Dom: I'll tell you right [00:02:00] now, Twitch isn't going to be upset by us doing stuff on Tik [00:02:03] Charlie: Tok. I just meant like, we're just like giving it to the man. So, [00:02:06] Josh: oh, I actually just got an email from the Twitch CEO. He is, he is pissed right now. Let's bring it up on the stream. Mr. [00:02:13] Dom: Clancy, he is. [00:02:15] Pissed. That's fair. I'd be pissed too. He's so mad. Achievers gaming podcast with their three people watching who are certainly just us three. Dude, he is a hundred percent. He can just, he [00:02:26] Josh: can just feel the monetization just bleeding away. [00:02:30] [00:02:31] Charlie: But Hey, you know what? I'll take it. Um, we have 31 followers on tick tock with, um, that's, [00:02:37] Josh: that's, that's, that guy is definitely pissed off now. [00:02:40] Okay. Hold on. You guys are just making it worse. [00:02:42] Dom: I am pissed. [00:02:43] Charlie: Yeah, you should be. [00:02:45] Dom: I'm pissed. [00:02:46] Charlie: I don't know how to work the TikTok algorithm, but we're going to have a fun experiment with it, with all this gaming stuff. So we'll see what happens. But I wish there was more, honestly, you know what I, with every, I don't know if anyone's been following all the AI talks that's been going on. [00:02:58] What I really want [00:03:00] from AI for the most part is like, just make it easier for me as an individual who has zero time to do anything fun and creative to be able to just make editing easier. Cause I don't need to go through and shift. And, you know, sift through every single, you know, cause you know, an hour, hour and a half. [00:03:15] Oh, I have, I have a different [00:03:17] Josh: tool that does that. There's there's some tools that just came out. You can do that, but I don't want to pay for it. Oh, well, then [00:03:22] Dom: let me tell you something, pal. I got a friend who's an editor that's losing rent money. Cuz that fuckin AI [00:03:30] bullshit, okay? Lemme tell you something. [00:03:32] You got a lot of fuckin I'm callin the hall. You have a giant rat sitting outside of your home tomorrow. Okay? You want an AI editor? [00:03:39] Josh: You talkin to me, or tryna For bullshit. For bullshit social stuff. You want, like, creative? Scab. I'm not [00:03:45] Dom: Scab. Scab. [00:03:46] Charlie: I'm not scab. Scab. [00:03:49] Dom: I'm not scab. Do you even have your card still? [00:03:52] Charlie: No. Okay, I gave that up three years. Oh, is that what you guys used to [00:03:55] Dom: do? [00:03:56] Josh: What don't [00:03:57] Dom: you guys were [00:03:58] Josh: editors? You know, [00:04:00] [00:04:00] Dom: I'm making a union joke. [00:04:01] Charlie: Yeah. [00:04:02] Dom: Oh, okay. Okay. You know, [00:04:05] Charlie: fucking local 52 is going to come knocking on my door and being like this motherfucker right here is like No, but anyway, um, wait, do you know this person? [00:04:14] Dom: Chef i'm just this is the most random trading. Yeah, while [00:04:18] Charlie: 77 is one of our sponsors for her Patreon Oh patreon [00:04:23] Dom: member [00:04:25] Charlie: Lyle 77 the one of two patreon members that you can get us that [00:04:30] you can also sign up It'd be one of two patreon and one of three patreon members of patreon. com slash [00:04:34] Dom: ojipod [00:04:38] Josh: Yeah, I actually have slowed down on my Pokemon purchases, thank you very much But I have heard of this Star Wars unlimited game. [00:04:44] I don't have any of them, but it does look like it's pretty fun [00:04:48] Dom: Game stores trying to really get A lot of people into that. [00:04:50] Josh: Yeah. Yeah. They've been there. There've been some, some heat around it. Um, there's a bunch of, there's a heat, bunch of new games like this one called metazoo. They, they completely just stopped, [00:05:00] um, making new cards and people are pretty pissed off about it. [00:05:04] Magic is like blowing up right now because they're doing all these collab, actually the newest set. They're doing a collaboration with Warhammer. [00:05:11] Dom: Everyone's doing a collaboration with Warhammer right now. Yeah, nuts. Yeah, yeah, it's like Call of Duty. Yeah, [00:05:16] Josh: yeah, that's been the that's been the new thing that Magic is doing. [00:05:19] I think they did like Doctor Who. Then they had a Lord of the Rings set. The last one they just did was Fallout. And then the next one's going to be Warhammer 40K. And and those set like the Warhammer ones and the Fallout [00:05:30] ones are. Mad expensive for the collection box, man, like mad expensive. You can't, if you can get your hands on one of them. [00:05:38] Um, but anyways, that's, that's, what's been up in the TCG world. Pokemon's really falling off for me, man. I love buying Pokemon cards, but like this, this, [00:05:47] Charlie: how far the fuck. the king has fallen. [00:05:51] Josh: Yeah, no, I mean, here's the thing. They come out with six sets a year and for the most part, the main four sets they release are more [00:06:00] catered towards the younger crowd slash like the people that are playing the game. [00:06:05] And they're less about like pure collection value. And the one that I went for last summer, that was, uh, called 1 51, which was the original 151 Pokemon. Well, yeah, I was posted some of that. Yeah, that was really fun. And I got like the whole master set. And then after that I just kind of like was buying random shit and I'm like, man, like what am I doing here? [00:06:25] Like, I don't even know what I'm collecting. And so I'm kind of like waiting for the next set [00:06:30] like that to come around. And then I'll, I'll probably like get hard on it again, but the, um, hard on it. You get a hard on for you. Get hard. Yeah. I, you know, I have a way with words sometimes. Sorry. It's, uh, just know they're all getting hard. [00:06:42] Yeah. Still get [00:06:43] Dom: hard. [00:06:44] Josh: Yeah. , yeah. At 39 when without help, that's always a, uh, comforting thing, but Yeah. Um, [00:06:53] but, um, hey, uh, so what you guys been playing. [00:06:58] Charlie: Oh, the video game stuff. [00:07:00] Uh, let's see. There's a lot to talk about. There's a lot to talk about. I think the last time we recorded, which was about a month ago and apologies for everyone's life's crazy. [00:07:09] Josh: Yeah, we were going to go last weekend, but we had, we all had Easter stuff and then [00:07:13] Charlie: Easter really wanted to make it work. [00:07:15] Um, it just hasn't been, we're just all. Life's crazy, life's busy, all that fun stuff. And, um, yeah, so with that, I don't think we've talked about Final Fantasy Rebirth. Are [00:07:28] Josh: you talking about the, the minigame [00:07:30] collection? [00:07:31] Charlie: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, so, so, sorry, uh, Final Fantasy VII Minigamer. It's called mini edition. [00:07:37] So in a game edition, [00:07:39] Josh: I've concluded that the game is, um, it's awesome to the core, right? Mine games minus the mini games. If you, if you just, if you just took the game as it is right now, took every mini game out except for the golden saucer. And I mean, the Fort Condor shit was pretty cool. Actually. I'll, I'll leave the Fort [00:08:00] Condor stuff alone. [00:08:00] Cause I was like, Like, uh, Warcraft Rumble slash, um, uh, it's like a tower defense kind of game with the fantasy units. That one was fun. Annoying, but it was annoying, but it was fun. Um, some of the other ones like, dude, I don't even know how far you are, but I'm, I'm, I'm in the last towards the end of chapter nine. [00:08:19] Oh yeah. You haven't even met the, you haven't even come across the gears and gambits, which is the dumbest fucking game minigame they put in this damn game. It is so. [00:08:30] Fucking stupid dude, like I really would have loved to have been in the room for creative when they were doing that and whoever came up with that idea, just slapped him across the face and be like, get the fuck out of here. [00:08:40] No, like, you know that, you know, that meme where it's like everybody makes a suggestion and they kick somebody out the window or whatever, that would have 100 percent been me kicking that motherfucker out the window. Cause fuck that mini game, dude. Like I hate it with a passion. Like it's so dumb. Do you not like it? [00:08:56] I love it, but, um,[00:09:00] [00:09:01] But no, the game the game itself is actually really fun like the queen's gambit, which is the card game they put in it Super dope. That was [00:09:08] Charlie: fun. I really enjoy that And but they just like at the beginning of the the game when you just They tease you with Queen's Gambit, you're like, Oh, this is fun. Oh, this is just a fun on me. [00:09:17] Oh, yeah. And behold, just wait, just wait. [00:09:19] Josh: Yeah, yeah. But I mean, I, I asked everybody in, in Queen's Gambit, like Queen's Gambit is my shit. Oh, mainly because like I did triple triad, which is there, which was, I think, [00:09:30] which one did that come from? Was it 10? No, 10 was blitz ball. I think. I think eight are no triple triads from eight. [00:09:37] What am I talking about? Anyways, um, Rebirth storyline. Awesome. I love what they did with the storyline. Fuck the mini games the combat I actually you know If if anybody's been following me talking shit about games and I talk a lot of shit about following se7en remakes combat system Rebirth is way better in my opinion Like it's it I don't know what I don't know what the difference is between the two [00:10:00] But it wasn't nearly as painful and I actually enjoyed it So I'd say, like, truthfully, 70 percent of the game is minigames, 15%, no, yeah, 20 percent of it is storyline, like cutscenes, which are all, they're all fucking badass. [00:10:16] Like it's the way they did everything, the way that they expanded upon the story and dove in deeper with, uh, Zach's backstory. And, um, Just cloud and Sephiroth and all the, like the, [00:10:30] the weapon material part. Have you come across that part yet? Uh, like the giant weapon material comes out of the water. Like that was super cool to see. [00:10:38] Charlie: Yeah. I just got to the point where you just rescue Tifa from that. So, [00:10:42] Josh: Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Think about what you guys are talking about. Would you play Final Fantasy seven? [00:10:48] Charlie: Did I [00:10:49] Josh: yeah, no charge, you know Dom Dom. No, I've never yeah. Okay. Well then you wouldn't you wouldn't ever right? So you wouldn't get it. [00:10:54] But I mean, it's um Wouldn't get it Well, no, I mean it's it's [00:11:00] a like not even full disclosure. Yeah. Well, okay. It is. Okay [00:11:08] Yeah, so anyways games great if you're a fan of the game try it out But it'd be prepared for a lot of frustrating ass minigames like, you know, what's, what's the dumb ones like, uh, Oh, you haven't even got, have you, have you, have you had to do the chocolate Chocobo hang gliding yet? It's basically like, [00:11:28] Dom: it's basically like, um, [00:11:30] that's an amazing sentence. [00:11:31] What? The Chocobo hand gliding. The Chocobo hand gliding, yeah. That's an un I love video games. [00:11:37] Josh: Where you literally have to do this part where the Chocobos, like, their wings flutter, and you have to, like, go through rings. It's basically like a pilot wings game, or like, something from, um, Breath of the Wild. [00:11:47] Like, isn't there a thing where you have to, like, fly through shit in Breath of the Wild? [00:11:51] Dom: Yeah, well, uh, in Tears of the Kingdom, there's some flying through stuff. Whatever. Flying in Breath of the Wild. I don't, I don't, [00:11:57] Josh: I don't know why I thought of Breath of the Wild, but [00:12:00] it, it just, there's definitely a great amount of disdain I had for that game. [00:12:05] Um. Yeah. Uh, everything, again, everything in the golden saucer, there's like basically like a rock, paper, scissors type game where you have to play against a AI that, you know, it can either throw like a jab, an uppercut, blah, blah, blah, blah. You got to basically like, guess what they're going to do. And because it does like this weird body contortion where you're like, man, I have no fucking clue if that's an uppercut or a jab or nothing. [00:12:27] You kind of got it. You kind of got a guess. Right. [00:12:30] And which is, which is whatever. And then there's like the queen's blood thing. Oh, and then the, uh, the street racer is dope. The snowboarding game is fucking badass. The Chocobo racing is actually basically like Mario cart with Chocobos. And that's just like the main mini games. [00:12:44] They made everything a mini game. Anyways, I'm done talking. Yeah, [00:12:48] Charlie: they essentially, yeah, they, they literally made it literally everything, dude, like. It's just like, bro, it's like, come on, like, what the fuck is going on? Just wait [00:12:56] Josh: to come to Gears and Gambits. [00:12:58] Charlie: [00:13:00] I don't mind it so much, but at the same time, I'm like, this is just absurd. [00:13:04] Like, this is like straight up, like, just absurd. Um, and I guess it's like, it's fine, but I don't know. It just, it gets, [00:13:13] Josh: it's filler content is 100 percent filler shit, dude. Those could have been, [00:13:19] Charlie: it just, it just feels like. And it doesn't even feel like filler content like I mean, I'm maybe it is I mean, I'm 60 hours into the game and I've been barely being able to play because I am do a thing [00:13:30] 90 [00:13:30] Josh: And I'm not even done with the game yet. [00:13:32] So like you're, you've got a ways to go. [00:13:35] Charlie: It's like, yeah, maybe they can cut back on half of them. It would be fine. [00:13:40] Josh: So Toronto finished Toronto, finished the game. I mean like he finished, finished the game. Like he beat all every, he beat every mini game on hard mode, whatever. Like he's [00:13:50] Charlie: yeah. I'm trying to work my way through that. [00:13:52] That's just real. Yeah. [00:13:53] Josh: He took him 130 hours to finish the game. That's a lot of time. I, I haven't heard of a. of a [00:14:00] person having to do a single playthrough in that many hours in a long time to beat a game. I think the [00:14:05] Charlie: last time that I did that was Assassin's Creed Valhalla and that took me 200 and 209. [00:14:12] I [00:14:12] Josh: thought you were going to say Elden Ring. [00:14:14] Charlie: No, I did Elden Ring in like 65 hours. [00:14:19] Josh: All right. Well, I'm done. I'm done talking about Rebirth. Oh, I am. I will say one more thing. Sorry. Um, Um, yeah, [00:14:30] I, I, I will very, I'm highly anticipating the, uh, the last portion of the series because that, that, because what they do with the last part of the game is probably the most important part because anybody that's played seven knows that like, once you get past where the rebirth ends. [00:14:48] That's kind of the best part of the game to play like that's the part like everybody's really like getting to that's Or like you know, it opens up and there's like a lot of different fun shit you can do but um, [00:15:00] yeah, so I I hope that they I hope that they just Stay away from the mini games a little bit and just keep pushing the storyline that they were doing And the combat and just that's it. [00:15:10] They don't they just sometimes, you know, you just Just Stop it with the mini games, please. Anyways. Tom. What? It, it is a lot's Tom, what you been playing, man? Besides war hammer just [00:15:24] Dom: hell di most well, yeah, mostly war Hammer. Yeah. Uh, video game wise is mostly hell divers, which is, I [00:15:30] need to, I heard they just play [00:15:30] Charlie: that. [00:15:31] Josh: I heard they just came out with a new patch for it and it's like super cool. [00:15:34] Dom: Well, they, they do a lot of patch stuff, not all of it Good. Uh, they're so far, they have not been the best. With balancing, like, guns and, um, guns and, like, abilities and stuff. And so, like, some guns are auto take, and that's the only thing people use. [00:15:59] [00:16:00] And so, they kind of just nerf them to Oblivion, but they don't make the other guns better. So it's kind of wonky in that regard. Um, I think they'll figure it out. Um, I don't think they've ever done anything like this before. So I don't know if they, I think they'll figure it out, [00:16:16] Charlie: you know, do it live, you know? [00:16:19] Dom: Right. And that's really what they are doing in life. And a lot of people are, are like annoyed because I think some of it is warranted the annoyance, but also like. I don't know. Calm down. Also. Yeah. It's [00:16:30] a video [00:16:30] Charlie: game. Like [00:16:31] Dom: relax. Like, you know, it, it makes the game a little harder. Have fun. Play the game. [00:16:35] What do you want me to tell you? It's the silliest game. It [00:16:37] Josh: looks like a lot of [00:16:37] Dom: fun. It really looks like a lot of fun. It's a very silly game. It doesn't take itself seriously, but people are taking that nerfs, like the nerfs seriously, but they do like, you know, it's not a battle pass, but they have seasons, but the seasons don't go away. [00:16:54] So you get to unlock stuff from like. The current unlock thing or the previous unlock [00:17:00] thing. So that's right Yeah, it's just it's a really great game it's like very fun to hop in with your buds Fucking spread some democracy and oh, yeah, I've also had to been traveling a lot So I've been playing a lot of my little my little [00:17:15] Josh: do a game [00:17:16] Dom: boy and my little game boy emulator Do you wish you were playing on there? [00:17:19] Yellow Pokemon yellow Nice. That's a good idea. I need to get one of those. I really do. It's great. It's a good little thing, dude. I mean, [00:17:30] it comes with like. I'll send you a link to this one because this one's good because it comes with everything all the games loaded and has yeah Yeah, a thousand games, you know, I mean, yeah, [00:17:37] Josh: I'd love to get one just to play some uh, something like that Well, you know what? [00:17:41] I really have had a hankering for really lately not to cut you off But Pokemon the trading card game. Do you remember the like the og1 on game boy? Yeah. Yeah Yeah, I've been like wanting to play that one. [00:17:51] Dom: Yeah, it's on there It has like, you know, it has like every fucking game. It's awesome Yeah, I just I will You [00:18:00] I really, I had to travel, so the past couple weeks have been a whirlwind, I had to go to LA, I, I land in LA, I find out the, the stream I was there for had to be cancelled, within an hour of me landing, so I fly back the next morning, and reschedule it to this week, so I flew again back to LA on Monday for the stream, got back Wednesday, so it's been a very funny, sleepy last couple weeks, but, I wanted to play, I wanted to play Pokemon, I started playing Red, and I was like, wow, Red, Like, [00:18:30] quite frankly, I did not think it held up very well. [00:18:32] Yeah? Yeah, why is that? Too slow? It's just a hole, dude. Like, it is very slow. Like, no running. Getting through items is like so slow. It's actually like quite a grind. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Uh, but then Nostalgia hit me and I was like, oh, let me try Pokemon Yellow, which is pretty much the same game, but just like a couple [00:18:55] Josh: There were some tweaks. [00:18:56] There were some tweaks they added to it, and it also was in color, right? [00:19:00] I mean, [00:19:00] Dom: technically. [00:19:01] Josh: Well, [00:19:01] Dom: yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, in a way, right? Yeah. Um, Yeah. But it's really fun because the nostalgia is hitting really hard with it with Yellow. It's been really fun to play Pokemon Yellow. But yeah, Helldivers, Pokemon Yellow. [00:19:17] Still Daisy. Still, still ripping Daisy. I love Daisy. I don't know. I'm just like kind of a Daisy stan. I don't know why I like DayZ so much. It is like not a, it's not like a big game by any means. I [00:19:27] Josh: can't tell you why I like WoW so much. So I mean, you know, [00:19:30] sometimes you just, there's games you just like to play, you know, like you just can't, I can't get enough of it. [00:19:35] I, I, I, we're gamers. I don't [00:19:37] Dom: know. [00:19:37] Josh: Yeah. You just enjoy it. Yeah. Just enjoy it. I do. It's, it's, it's a lot of fun. [00:19:43] Dom: So yeah, just, uh, Helldivers, Pokemon, and DayZ. And obviously Warhammer, I have a big tournament coming up. End of April. So that'll be really fun. [00:19:53] Josh: Uh, yeah. Where are you going to go this time? How are you feeling?[00:20:00] [00:20:00] Well, so I'm playing [00:20:01] Dom: a team tournament. Uh, I'm playing a team tournament, which is less about your overall winning and more about scoring points because the team overall accumulates points based on each game. Okay. Like, hypothetically, it's an eight man team tournament. So, hypothetically, we could, we could lose, we could, we can go four and O in a round, right? [00:20:26] Like, four of us could win, four of us could lose. Okay. But we can score enough [00:20:30] points that we could beat a team that, that, that won six and only lost two. Does that make sense? Yeah. Or even, technically, even if they won seven and lost one, if we just, if like the four people that won scored perfectly. And the four people that lost didn't lose that much. [00:20:45] So it's all about points. I think I'm playing a very pressure army, an army that is supposed to score a lot. So I'm hoping that that means that I will Do well, you know, I mean cuz That's kind of like the point of the [00:21:00] army. I'm playing So yeah, I don't know. I would like to do I would like to win everything to be honest, but you never know You know, I mean, yeah, that sounds like fun Fun team team tournaments are like the way warhammers. [00:21:12] Yeah, I feel like that's probably a lot of fun It's it's tons of fun. Yeah, truly The best actually [00:21:20] Josh: Yeah, that's why I was I really wanted to like get into the Pokemon trading card game But I realized very quickly that I just don't have that. Um, I don't have that [00:21:30] bone in my bank got that dog I ain't got that dog in me. [00:21:32] No, I just I ain't got that dog in me. No, I just yeah, I just don't I don't. And, uh, you, cause you, like, some people are very creative with the way that they like to put together decks or they like to approach certain things. Like, I feel very, um, hesitant at times. And I feel like the hesitancy is where, you know, You tend to fuck up, you know and make minor mistakes or like you yeah, I find I find a lot of the games I lost [00:22:00] I'd have been like Dude, if I had just like not played this card a second ago like I cuz and I was telling myself I shouldn't have played it, but I played it anyways And that I feel like I've lost so many times because of that and it's like I just never learned my lesson And so that's a very fair. [00:22:16] That's fair Yeah, um, super fair. In fact, yeah, you know, someday, man, some, sometimes you're good at things. Sometimes you're not trading card games. I feel like I just don't, I feel like. Not a, not a good, uh, [00:22:30] that's [00:22:30] Dom: again, [00:22:30] Josh: kids. And I was like playing with my kids or if I was like teaching them how to play where it's less about like, you know, if I go out to a tournament and I want to, I just don't have that boat. [00:22:41] I, I will want to fucking win. Like I will want to like stop people. So, um, Yeah. Anyways. That's my trading card games. I never really got into it. I know. It doesn't really seem like you're sure. Charlie, there's no platinum trophy in trading card games. So of course you didn't do it. [00:23:00] Sort of is. Wow. Yeah. But I mean, that's children. [00:23:04] Yeah. [00:23:05] Charlie: It's like making the Connors cry. [00:23:06] Josh: Yeah. Yeah. Big Connor cry. Bullshit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, [00:23:12] Charlie: I mean that that's that's the real prize it's the tears of the children that you really vanquished [00:23:18] Josh: right that sounds that sounds accurate [00:23:21] Charlie: Yeah, I mean, why else I'm not ashamed. [00:23:24] Josh: You shouldn't feel shame Kids got a fucking learn one way or another, you know, [00:23:28] Charlie: yeah world's not fair [00:23:30] man. [00:23:30] We're always a cold [00:23:31] Dom: cruel place man of this whole thing that we're talking about is I end up letting Connor win if you remember the story. [00:23:38] Charlie: Oh, so it's Dom's tears that we're actually like, [00:23:40] Josh: yeah, but see the thing, see, but here's the, here's the, here's the five head play, right? See Connor in like 10 years is going to find that podcast, right? [00:23:50] Cause it's going to be etched in history forever. And he's gonna, he's gonna be on the internet. Yeah. Yeah. Wait a second. He's gonna be like, wait a second. Shit. He let me fucking [00:24:00] win? And I, and I thought I was the shit for so many years after this? Does that mean my entire, like, everything's a lie? And he's going to go through an entire fucking existential crisis. [00:24:11] He's going to break down, fucking go to Vegas, gamble all his shit away, Warhammer's gone. It's just, it's, it's, he doesn't understand that this is his destiny, but we just manifested it alive today on the OG podcast. [00:24:27] Charlie: I love this tangent right now. [00:24:30] [00:24:30] Josh: This is what happens when I don't smoke weed. My brain goes places. [00:24:33] Yeah, well, yeah, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a clean, it's a clean chef, so. [00:24:37] Charlie: Yeah. How, how's it going, by the way? How are you feeling? [00:24:41] Josh: Uh, Tuesday was two months of no smoking, so. Oh, okay. Um, took myself out for some fajitas. They were actually, like, fucking delicious. I found this place right in front, yeah, right in front of my house that, uh, Fajitas. [00:24:57] Charlie Anderson, everybody. Fajitas. [00:25:00] Fajitas. They bake their, uh, they make their corn tortillas by hand. I'm sorry, man. They're, you know, I love, I'm, we're Italian, right? And I, I mean, for, for me, there's nothing like some good pasta, but like those fresh corn tortillas, man, they are. Fuck so anyways, that's that was that [00:25:19] Charlie: there's a there's a good there's a good place There's a good like taco truck. [00:25:23] Not too far from us the cheetahs Ceviche which is so good. So [00:25:29] Josh: [00:25:30] oh and I found that I play World of Warcraft a lot better when I'm sober and people have noticed it and Like so I think that's a I think it's a good [00:25:37] Charlie: so you make more gold Because you yeah, [00:25:41] Josh: yeah. Yeah. Now we got now we got like really good people to want to come to our runs because we aren't scrubby anymore [00:25:46] Charlie: It's not a performance enhancing drug is what you're saying [00:25:49] Josh: maybe for maybe for some people but for me, it definitely makes me slow stupid and very ragey, so [00:26:00] So not not a team player, [00:26:02] Charlie: correct. [00:26:04] Okay, just so we're on the same page a [00:26:05] Josh: resentful team player [00:26:08] Charlie: A resentful team player. [00:26:09] Josh: Okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay. What you been playing, Charlie? Besides mini game? Besides mini game extraordinaire. [00:26:17] Charlie: Mini game extraordinaire is the best. Mm-Hmm. . Um, it's mini game simulator essentially. It's like, it's like, it's very meta 'cause it's a game within a game. [00:26:24] So. I can't wait for them to do the mini mini game. So it's the game within a game within a game. Stop. [00:26:30] So, it'll be really good. So you're playing a mini game, you gotta play a mini game in order to beat that mini game in order to finish the mini game. Which then you're playing the game because you as the person are playing the game. [00:26:37] So, um, it'll be really, it'll be fun. It'll be fun. I'll be curious to see how it goes. Um, but the, so I've been playing a whole bunch of stuff. We're gonna get into one of them that I'm really excited about. Curious about your take on, um, but I've been playing quite a bit of mobile games recently. Same. And one that I've been playing that is really, um, well, I should say, there's a few. [00:26:59] [00:27:00] So Call of Duty mobile came out and I gave that a good try, or not, sorry, not Call of Duty mobile, uh, Call of Duty Warzone mobile, Warzone mobile came out. [00:27:08] Josh: That seems like it'd be such a complicating game to play on a mobile device. It's [00:27:13] Charlie: not really, um, Did they simplify it? It's, I mean, it's, it's pretty straightforward, but the problem is there's the, the, the mobile, the mobile shooter genre has improved so drastically over the last, like, three years, that when the [00:27:30] game came out, it just felt very dated immediately. [00:27:33] Because it just, it doesn't feel like modern day stuff. Like there's no, you don't see visual indicators of people around you. Like as they're moving or shooting or whatever, like you have to, you really have to pay attention. You have to wear headphones to do it. And there's so many bugs where like my headphones would just randomly disconnect, stop playing audio. [00:27:50] Um, which when you need audio, it's a problem. And then like my, my backbone controller just stopped playing. It stopped working. So I had to like switch to actually playing on the screen. Um, and then right in the middle of a [00:28:00] firefight, if your audio goes out or the Backbone controller die or like stops working like you're fucked because you're like what and then you die And I definitely was in a lot of situations where I was like the last like two or three people alive It was in the middle of a firefight and just lost. [00:28:13] I'm like, well, I don't want to do this now Yeah, so [00:28:15] Josh: that [00:28:16] Charlie: does suck but that that That's fine, but there's another one that came out at the same time that threw a lot of shade at Call of Duty Mobile. I was getting some, I saw some like Reddit stuff on there, it was kind of fun. Um, it's called [00:28:30] Bloodstrike, and I actually kind of like that, that one. [00:28:32] So, I, I never really played PUBG Mobile whatsoever, but I've been starting playing Bloodstrike, and, um, I like mobile shooters because I'm actually surprisingly decent at it. Um, because it's not very, it's a little hard to play. It's, it's not hard to like figure out, and I couldn't tell like if I was having a Dom moment where like I thought I was doing really, really good and then it was just all of a sudden I was, no, they're all the bots spots. [00:28:59] the [00:28:59] Josh: dom [00:29:00] moment. That [00:29:00] Charlie: was happening Savage, but then I actually played against the people with actual, actual usernames. So what game, [00:29:06] Dom: what game was that, that you did that with? It was the Marvel, um, Marvel that they did. [00:29:12] Josh: Do [00:29:13] Dom: you remember? Oh, [00:29:13] Josh: yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Uh, what the, yeah, what was the name of that super, super. [00:29:21] Maybe [00:29:22] Charlie: some people were yes, of course. Yes rewards. That's what I was. Yeah, I forgot about that game Yo, hold on system. [00:29:28] Josh: Was that funny though? [00:29:30] Did you guys see I know I actually will never be in my brain We'll talk about whatever. I'm about to bring up we can wait we can wait till what we're looking forward to I was about to get sidetracked continue. [00:29:40] No, I mean Now Charlie's still talking about what he wants to play through who cares [00:29:46] Charlie: Yeah, so I've been so playing the bloodstrike was actually has been pretty fun Pretty fun, then I went back to Call of Duty, I'm like, this is just a cash grab, it just feels like, icky. What [00:29:54] Josh: are they selling? What the fuck are they selling in that? [00:29:57] Charlie: Like, battle passes, you do skins, you [00:30:00] do upgrades, uh, you can fast track all your upgrades for all your guns if you want to, I'm like, I'm not doing this, like, I would rather, I would rather play a game, um, uh, from a developer who's like trying and doing some other stuff, I'm like, I'll give it a go, and there's always like the one dollar pack that's like, okay, I'll give you a dollar to do something, and like you unlock like that, and it's like, oh, you Spend a dollar get like some like unique skin. [00:30:23] I was like fine a dollar sure spent more on dumb shit So I was like, okay, [00:30:30] but yeah, I mean, I like bloodstrike. I'd play it like once a week. It's nothing crazy but I don't go nuts on it like I used to because I just don't have time and But it's been fun On the other thing i've been playing that's kind of like a 5v5 collector which i was kind of waiting for afk journey to come out i was just looking for different things to play is this this game called souls [00:30:50] Josh: oh yeah yeah i tried that too yeah [00:30:53] Charlie: so [00:30:54] Josh: yeah it's it's not a bad game it's not a bad game [00:30:57] Charlie: i like the art on it it's a good art style [00:31:00] i like the i like the vertical like uh layouts for like the the the game um the the characters are cool i've just been like Low key, just a login, collect all, do quick dailies, done. [00:31:13] Like, I don't fuck around. Like, I'm not worried about it. I'm not, like, trying to max out characters or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I just, like, whatever. But, um, it's been fun. I've been enjoying that. I'm still playing Honkai Star Rail, um, which has been awesome. Dude, how do you [00:31:27] Josh: play all these games [00:31:30] and I actually don't, I would like to know this question at the same time. [00:31:33] Well, I'm telling you, you are, you've definitely figured out how to clone yourself and you're fucking with all of us. 100%. [00:31:40] Charlie: How [00:31:42] Josh: are you Ryan Reynolds best friend and you got all this time to do all these fucking games and, [00:31:48] Charlie: alright, keep [00:31:48] Josh: going. [00:31:49] Charlie: You find time. Uh, there's, I mean, I have so much time I drive between sets, so, I just play it while I'm driving. [00:31:54] Josh: Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. [00:31:56] Charlie: No, I, the trick is I don't play them all the time. I just, [00:32:00] every now and then, right? No, [00:32:01] Josh: I don't know what that's like. You don't, so you don't, you don't raid seven nights a week, basically. Okay, gosh, that's where all my fucking time is lost. Got it. Okay. [00:32:08] Charlie: No, I have friends and family and Oh, fuck, friends? [00:32:12] Josh: The fuck is that? Family? [00:32:15] Charlie: Yeah. [00:32:15] Josh: Yeah, shut up, nerd. Shut up, nerd. [00:32:17] Charlie: Um, but anyway, yeah, so I don't do any of that stuff. Um, but yeah, so, yeah, it's just like, I play a little bit here and there. Yeah. Um, and also Honkai is also on PS5. So I've been enjoying that [00:32:30] because you can do cross save. [00:32:31] Josh: Yeah. Stan was asking if you've been playing on PS5 or not. [00:32:35] Charlie: I have. Yeah. And, uh, which is what I'm going for. [00:32:38] Dom: No, of course you, you have played hell diapers, right? Charlie. [00:32:42] Charlie: Yeah. I was [00:32:43] Dom: playing on PS5 or on computer. [00:32:44] Josh: PS5. Yeah. But we could, we could play together if you're on PC and we're on PS5, right? Yeah. That's dope. That's dope. Yeah. [00:32:54] Charlie: Yeah. But, uh, and then finally, what I've been, uh, enjoying and playing, um, with a few of the other [00:33:00] people in the community is, uh, AFK journey. [00:33:03] Josh: Yeah, that's the shit. The fuck is this? It's the, it's basically the best mobile game has come out in a really long time. Like I, like just straight up, I, I've lost, I've lost a lot of time to it. The last, I don't know what, I think I'm on like day 10 or something like that. Yeah. [00:33:19] Charlie: Yeah. Yeah, I'm pretty stuck right now, but I've just been playing. [00:33:22] I just been, I refuse to spend money in it. Like, I think I did like the, the 10 pack and I was like, [00:33:27] Josh: so you and I are the polar opposite. Basically. [00:33:30] I have definitely, I have, I have spent more on this in a short period of time than I have ever spent on a mobile game ever. It's [00:33:37] Dom: like, I don't need weed money anymore. [00:33:38] I need that AF. Yeah, [00:33:40] Josh: dude. [00:33:40] Dom: Hey, Matt. Okay. [00:33:42] Charlie: Yeah. You have other methods of paying reasons and methods for paying for it. So there's like, that is also true. That is also true. Yeah. [00:33:49] Josh: Yeah. Oh, oh, okay. Yeah. Mr. Mr. I got fucking three clones of myself hanging out in the back room. Yeah. Talk to me about [00:34:00] it. I know you got, I know you got, I know you got one of them. [00:34:03] Yeah. 20 bucks an hour, man. If you clone yourself five times, there's a hundred dollars an hour boss. Like, come on, get out of here, dude. It's all about efficiency. Right now, Charlie. Or was that automatic? I think it was automatic. What? It says OG Podcast is taking an ad break. Stick around to support the stream. [00:34:18] A minute and 10 seconds. [00:34:19] Charlie: I didn't touch [00:34:20] Josh: anything. Did we get that revenue? Yeah, I want to know if, I mean, we're spot, we're, we're pushing Phillips Norelco right now and Dove's [00:34:30] Mencare. So I mean It's R supposed to get. [00:34:32] Charlie: Ad I have not seen a single dime [00:34:35] Dom: from you. You should check out the dashboard. 'cause I'm pretty sure they did change it so that affiliates could get a small portion of ad revenue. [00:34:40] Okay, I'll, if we were on kick, [00:34:42] Josh: we could get a salary. [00:34:44] Dom: We, I tried kick for a while. We would not get a salary on Kick . We would not get it. Someone else would get a salary. Ain't us. Ah, come on. People, people get salaries when they want, when Kick wants them. [00:34:57] Josh: Oh, you're saying, listen, [00:35:00] if the Twitch CEO personally reached out to me and was like, Hey dude, get the fuck off of, uh, tick tock or else you tell me that the people from kick don't want us. [00:35:12] Dom: Oh, I, I was like, at first I was like, wait, what are you talking about? I remember there's a bit earlier. Okay. Uh, yeah, dude. Yeah. The Kiwan Kick wants Cake. Specifically wants you chef. [00:35:24] Charlie: He just wants probably, yeah. They, they want you just to ranch all. I [00:35:27] Josh: mean, a Aiden Ross is down in Miami. I mean, I'm not [00:35:30] that far away from him, you know what I'm saying? [00:35:31] He's basically their ambassador. So, you know, I could just head down and go hang out at, at the douche bag. Palace [00:35:36] Dom: stopped. You could have stopped the entire sentence that Aiden Ross is their ambassador and it would've told us everything we need to know. Okay. [00:35:44] Josh: Yeah, he's, uh, he has a place that I say is the center point of douchebag palace down in Miami. [00:35:54] That's basically like what I've coined it, but yeah, [00:35:58] Charlie: I was speaking of, I'm going to [00:36:00] be in Miami in October, so. Oh, [00:36:02] Josh: shit. All right. [00:36:03] Charlie: All right. Really? What are you doing? Adobe Max is in Miami this year. Oh, cool. [00:36:08] Josh: Oh, dope. I'll [00:36:08] Charlie: be there. [00:36:09] Josh: Yeah. Well, we're going to have to, uh, yep. So yeah, it used to be that Miami was only like a 30 minute drive, but lately it takes about like an hour and a half to get down there. [00:36:19] But that's not a problem. I'll come down because of Aiden Ross Yes, he is the sole reason that there is a [00:36:30] overcrowding and overpopulation issue in Miami that is Completely his idiot. It's because of his dumbass big head. It just takes up too much space Yeah, I figured as much I got a chuckle out of Dami on that [00:36:46] Charlie: Still playing Diablo Immortal, and then also playing, still playing Oh [00:36:48] Josh: wait, hold on, hold on, let's go back to, let's go back to, let's go back to AFK Journey. Okay, AFK Journey. So the reason the AFK Journey is so badass is that it's basically the entire IP from AFK Arena, and they rolled it into a [00:37:00] much better version of, like, the art style is amazing, the combat is great, the characters, they're, like, it's just I don't know. [00:37:10] I'm loving it. I'm like actually into the storyline. Um, no, [00:37:14] Charlie: just story. I've [00:37:14] Josh: skipped [00:37:15] Charlie: past all [00:37:15] Josh: of it. Yeah. I mean, well, I mean, I, I, whatever, I guess, I guess like, I just, I definitely am a little bit more into reading and, and, uh, getting into stories and things like that. So, um, reading that's like [00:37:24] Charlie: words that are like, think sometimes you can like, it's like you can actually use your eyes to hear. [00:37:29] [00:37:30] Yes. Yes. [00:37:31] Josh: I can do more with my eyes than watch the subtitles on my anime. I can actually do that. Um, Yes. I, excuse me. Yeah. I said that's, that's amazing. And yeah, Charlie, Charlie is [00:37:44] Dom: you're, you're you, dialect. Yeah. Impeccable. . [00:37:48] Josh: Yeah. [00:37:51] Yeah. So, um, thank you. I know, I know a few words like Kuai, uh, but, um, yes. [00:38:00] Yeah. But, uh, so, so a FK journey, um. We're playing with, uh, the guys over at Alternerd, and, um, Chewburger is absolutely wailing the fuck out on this game, and is like constantly in the top three leaderboard, like ping ponging around with some other dudes that have Chinese symbols for their names, so I don't know who they are, but, um, yeah, Toronto. [00:38:26] And I've been joking about it like all, like we joke about it nonstop. [00:38:30] Cause like, we'll see, like, like somebody go to number two and chew all of a sudden dip to three. And then he'll like, all of a sudden shoot up to number one for a little while. And then the other guy, we're like, man, we basically got like playing [00:38:39] Dom: Starcraft and you see the Korean symbols. [00:38:41] You're like, okay, I lost. [00:38:44] Josh: Yeah, it's, uh, it's, it's so good, dude. And we've actually, we've had, so like, I, I've dove in, I'm, I'm, I think I'm about like 250 into the game so far. And I mean, I can feel it, like, I'm actually like, my team is actually slapping. Um, I got one of my [00:39:00] characters to S plus and I unlocked the weapon on [00:39:02] Charlie: plus. [00:39:03] Josh: S plus is the max it can go. So it goes, it goes epic, yeah, it goes epic, legendary, mythic, mythic plus, and then, uh, S and then S plus. So, um, my Rowan is, is S plus, and then my Vala is, um, supreme and I unlocked a weapon on her and I got this, uh, bundle last night for 9. 99. [00:39:24] Charlie: Haven't gotten weapons, gotten weapons, so. [00:39:26] Josh: Well, I mean, yeah, well, dude, like I've, I've, oh, so there's, [00:39:30] there's a little bit of a cheap maneuver you can do to instantly get a fuckload of gems because they, every time you buy the 5 monthly pass, uh, it gives you 3, 000 gems. So when, and to buy 3, 000 gems in the game would cost you a little bit more than 50. [00:39:46] So you can just keep buying the 5 thing up to about. I think you can do it 10 times and then it will, you cap out on the days, it's like up to 300 days. Anyway, just like a really cheap way. I may have done that already. And [00:40:00] um, and I just sat there and like kept opening, uh, the, the ones on the, the banner for Vala. [00:40:07] And this is what pisses me off. Okay. So Toronto has spent, yeah, dude, this shit really grinds my fucking gears. Okay. Toronto has definitely spent a hundred dollars less than I have maybe a little bit more than that. And he is definitely ahead of me because this asshole has way better fucking luck than I do and it pisses me off of the high heavens like he literally okay so they have in this game Dom where [00:40:30] he can open up like say you open uh 40 40 gems and or summons [00:40:35] Charlie: the classic gazette thing you're talking yes [00:40:38] Josh: yeah you can keep buying that over and over so um you They have a pity time or they have like a pity count on their, uh, the, the summons that you do. [00:40:48] So like, like for the, the monthly one, if, or for the banner on Vala, if I open up 40 gems, I'm guaranteed a copy of her, right? This asshole twice got on the first fucking poll. My, [00:41:00] me? I had to fucking pull 40 every fucking time, dude, every time this motherfucker, we were sitting there playing and, and he opened, he's just like, I'm going to open one and just on a, on a whim and gets fucking to mess. [00:41:13] Yeah. Then fucking five minutes later, it gets another way. I'm going to open one gets another to messy. I'm like, dude, what the fuck, man? Like, I actually hate you. Like you're my best friend. I love you, but I hate you like, yeah, but I love you. But it's just like, damn dude, like it's just, there is definitely a difference in some people's [00:41:30] luck and it sucks, but, um, that's, that's RNG for you. [00:41:34] Random is random, right? So, you know, you can only, I can complain about it, but [00:41:38] Charlie: I didn't know you could buy that over and over again. That's fun. Yeah, [00:41:42] Josh: there's a, there's a couple of cheap offers that were insta buys for me. Like just not even think I bought the 100 one because obviously about somebody bought some gold from me. [00:41:50] So I was just like, yep, wailing out, dude, like never done this before. I'm going to try it out and see what it's all about. I'm still getting my ass whooped because guess what? There's always someone out there that has more [00:42:00] money than you and they will spend it and remind you of it. So that's the lesson that I've learned so far. [00:42:05] This game or real life. Um, well, I was joking about it in terms of the game and life that I should say that much, but I'm having a lot of fun with it. I was playing this game legend of the mushroom for a little while. [00:42:21] Charlie: I was playing that too. [00:42:22] Josh: Yeah. It's definitely a lot of fun. Like I, it's super cheeky. It's dumb as shit, but it's a great game and, and dude, [00:42:30] people wail the fuck out on that game. [00:42:32] I couldn't believe how much money people were spending because you can actually like see on the leaderboards, how much people are. At in certain things. And it's like, if you like, I spent a little bit, I spent like 20 bucks on the game and I was straight like I mean I was in the like low end of top 100 and then the top three dude these people must have been spending like just swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe just endlessly because they put offers everywhere in that game.[00:43:00] [00:43:00] I thought MSF was predatory. I thought MSF was pretty, but see what I always used to say with MSF is I was like, give me cheap offers and I'll buy them. Well, this game, that's all they got pretty much as cheap offers. And I kept finding myself, like I kept finding, I kept having to tell myself like, dude, If you're joining comes on a couple of days, like stop spending all your money. [00:43:17] Cause like, cause like I kept buying these like little 99 cent offers left and right. And before I knew it, I was at like, within like two days, I was at 20 bucks. And I'm like, Oh, okay. Like I see, see these guys were actually smart, but, um. [00:43:30] I saw somebody playing MSF the other day, and dude, it just looked like such a foreign game to me. [00:43:36] Oh my god, I could, I, I, I, I couldn't even, I, I didn't see any, all the characters I saw in this person's top row, I didn't, I didn't recognize any. I mean, I knew who they were, but I'm talking about like from when we were playing the game, I didn't recognize any of the characters that were being used. Oh, yeah, I'm [00:43:48] Dom: sure. [00:43:49] I mean, I, Since then, I'm sure there's just a plethora of new shit. [00:43:53] Josh: Yeah. It's kind of funny to think that that, my dad was asking me, he's like, how do you know Charlie and Dom? And I was like, man, you know, [00:44:00] it's a good question, you know, and I had to think about it. And I was just so funny. Like how, um. Mobile game brother. [00:44:05] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it is. Yeah. And I mean, I've got. Talking [00:44:08] Charlie: about, talking about shit. [00:44:10] Josh: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, um, mobile games. Submit some really good ones out that came out like late like within the last month alone I feel like there was like a there's like a dry spell for a while And then all of a sudden like the floodgates opened and there's like a whole bunch of really good ones out there right now [00:44:30] [00:44:30] Charlie: Yeah, I would say the past year has been really good. [00:44:32] Yeah, there's been some good stuff So and the one that's still coming out that I'm waiting really the game that I'm waiting for is the division We're like, I'm like, I'm fine to spend like 20 bucks max on these type of things So like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna go the, the way that I went on MSF. Um, yeah, I don't know [00:44:50] Dom: if I'm necessarily waiting for the division. [00:44:52] I'll definitely play percent [00:44:54] Charlie: in i, 100% in waiting for that. So did you know that you can actually play a FK journey on the pc and it's [00:45:00] [00:45:00] Josh: Oh, I mainly I by nine. Yeah. I mainly play it on the pc. Oh, you can, you can go full, full screen. [00:45:05] Charlie: No, no, no. Well, you can do vertical or is it just wide screen? [00:45:08] Josh: You can do both. [00:45:09] Oh, you can do both. Oh, yeah. [00:45:12] Charlie: I haven't. I've done. I have a download. I haven't played it at all. [00:45:15] Josh: I, I've, I pretty much have exclusively been playing it on PC because it runs so much better on there than it does on my phone. I am. I'm at the point where I need to start looking at getting a new phone because I'm on a 11, I think 11 or 12. [00:45:27] And, uh, it just runs really slow. I'm not, I don't [00:45:30] need to get a new phone because of the game, but I'm just, you know, I'm a tech guy. Like I should, I should have a new phone or I should have a modern phone. I've been having like cell reception problems, whatever. Anyways. Okay. So the game that I'm really excited about, did you guys see the preview that Mish posted with, uh, the Marvel game that that's going to be a MOBA? [00:45:52] It's kind of like Dom. Did you play smite? I played it. Okay. You played smite. So for some reason, I knew one of you two [00:46:00] did. So it's basically a Marvel game, but smite version. So like think like League of Legends kind of game, but from like the top, like a, like a not third part, is it third person? Would it be like second person kind of view? [00:46:13] I guess it's top down, right? Top down is isometric. Yeah. [00:46:18] Dom: It's like an old Grand Theft Auto, right? [00:46:21] Josh: Like you could look around and you know, no, I'm sorry. Let me, let me, let me just, no, no, no. I'll back it up. Like overwatch. Yeah. Like Stan, Stan just reminded me. It's like, it basically looks like [00:46:30] overwatch with Marvel characters and it looks awesome, dude. [00:46:34] Like super off. Like, Oh my God. I, I legitimately, like I was watching the combat of like iron man up in the sky, you know, rain and air, uh, rain and rockets down. And Hulk came in and just started like Hulk smashing people. And Magic came out and did her thing. Like it looks sick. Absolutely sick. I can't, yeah. [00:46:55] I can't wait to play that. I, I, that was, I saw it and like, all I could think was like, okay, this is the next [00:47:00] game that I'm gonna get where I can like, play with the boys. 'cause like, that one's gonna be one of those games where you wanna get on there and start talking shit to other people. And, I don't know, just it's that, that looks like fun. [00:47:10] Looks like a lot of fun. Hell yeah. Yeah. [00:47:12] Charlie: Yeah. I just noticed. Watch is funny. I know, I, I logged in and noticed your comment about my profile pick. This [00:47:18] Josh: man, this man has a picture of a picture of Ryan Reynolds as his, as his, uh, profile pic. [00:47:26] Dom: You know, he's, uh, [00:47:28] Josh: Hey. [00:47:29] Dom: You [00:47:30] know, he's, uh, he's gotta, uh, keep that jobs coming. [00:47:33] Yeah. [00:47:33] Charlie: You know, homie's gonna, homie's gonna homie, you know. Homie's gonna homie. But yeah, I mean, it's, it's fun. I'm enjoying it. So I keep getting stuck, but like the nice thing about this is like, you know, like, okay, I'm stuck. Fine. [00:47:47] Josh: It's AFK journey, dude. You're, it's I'll wait. I'll wait. Yeah. The game's literally, the game comes to a chokehold, choke point, where You have to like, actually wait. [00:47:56] You just, you just have to so point that's [00:48:00] in the name, [00:48:02] Charlie: but yeah, I'm enjoying just, um, just playing it. [00:48:05] Josh: I also love, I can like randomly find people in the world. Like I just kept finding hooch and like sending him screenshots of finding him in the wild for the first few days. And, um, [00:48:14] Charlie: yeah, I found you and chew together. [00:48:16] Yeah. Yeah. [00:48:16] Josh: You just like randomly, like my, my favorite ones when I find Toronto and I'm just like, what the fuck, what are you doing, bitch? That's how we talk to each other. I was like, Hey, what are you, are you working right now? You wouldn't. What are you doing? You should be AFK. Like, why are you, why are you running [00:48:30] around? [00:48:30] But, um. It's [00:48:31] Charlie: great. I mean, I love the little open world thing where you can walk around, grab chests, materials and whatnot. So it's great. [00:48:38] Josh: I love it. It is hands down the best mobile game I've played in a while and I, I really, um, I'm looking forward to like seeing where it goes and, um, What other characters I can get? [00:48:52] I don't know. I got a lot of good ones so far. So I got pretty, I got, I got pretty lucky too. I, even though I'm complaining earlier, [00:48:59] Charlie: I mean, [00:49:00] I really liked like the, um, the different battles that they have, like the, uh, the, the solo challenges to tactical challenges, like certain characters were like, yeah, think about positioning and [00:49:14] Josh: It's really good about, um, teaching you like how to actually use certain units, mechanics that are kind of not your top five that you're using. [00:49:21] So you actually have to learn everybody's abilities and yeah, it's pretty, pretty helpful when you're talking about, um, doing like [00:49:30] arena and who you're fighting against and knowing how to counter them and things like that. But yeah, I need to go make some dinner. [00:49:41] Charlie: Oh yeah. It is like eight o'clock. That's what happens when we record at night. [00:49:44] So Dom's got to go back to the bar. So [00:49:47] Josh: Dom's going to go play some hell divers. [00:49:50] Dom: Probably gonna go play smell divers. Maybe [00:49:52] Josh: nice nice I'm gonna go hang out with the way send me the link for that thing cuz I want to buy one with the Gameboy. [00:49:59] Dom: Oh Yeah, well, yeah, [00:49:59] Josh: [00:50:00] I See him on tik tok, but I'm like, I don't know if they're if they're you know I don't I really trust all the console [00:50:08] Dom: the me mini [00:50:10] Charlie: Yeah, I can't, I don't know, I have a hard enough time just using my phone for stuff. [00:50:14] So I don't know if I would want to dive into that. It sounds cool, but yeah, see right now I'm stuck at, I have to do AFK stage 300 and I'm at 239. That, [00:50:23] Josh: I hit that wall just tonight or earlier today. I'm, I'm at um, I'm at 533 and I need to get to [00:50:30] 545. [00:50:31] Charlie: Yeah. You have, you have invested a little bit of a cash. [00:50:36] So I've only spent 20 bucks. So [00:50:39] Josh: when people do proxy fights, cause you can actually do that. You can like a lot, you can request for other people to like, use your team to help you get past the stage. Every time I see somebody post one, I always try. And yeah, dude, like I immediately I'm like, fuck man. Like my team is. [00:50:54] Pretty fucking juiced out compared to this person's squad like damn. I would not like to be this [00:51:00] But um, yeah, I'm pretty uh, I had a lot of fun with that I'm looking I'm looking forward to seeing Chu Chu keep up his battle with the the names. I can't let's see. I can't read [00:51:11] Charlie: Let's see what he's at. Uh, no. [00:51:13] Where do [00:51:14] Josh: you think it's funny about him? Is that like, I, I'm like, I ping him and I like, I like talk cheeky shit to him and he never responds. I'm like, [00:51:23] Dom: that sounds, that sounds accurate. [00:51:25] Charlie: What is it? Where do you see little leaderboards in this? I forget where it is. [00:51:28] Josh: Uh, well, there's a couple of different [00:51:30] places. [00:51:30] There's the, the dream realm, which it just reset. So I probably won't see it. Yeah. Um, I just noticed that, uh, Oh, it's in the battle modes now I'm trying to, because there's one that's like. He's definitely not on top of the arena. Somebody else, there were, there were other people that were on top of the arena, but, um, [00:51:47] Charlie: yeah, it's same like the, uh, the leaderboards. [00:51:50] Yeah. I don't, I don't see him anywhere in the, he's 13 in the arenas, but there used to be one like where you could see who was, uh, top, like. [00:52:00] Characters themselves or whatever. So I like the different modes you can do in. It's like the arcane arena, the arcane labyrinth. Yeah. The, um, [00:52:10] Josh: how about the one where you, how about the, yeah, that, that one where you don't have a team and you have like a new team every time you go in and it's random, like you can buy with a currency, you can buy, um, Like three unidentified cards and then they turn around and you know, you either got like, [00:52:26] Charlie: it's just, I mean, it's r and g luck. [00:52:27] It's fun. Super fun. Yeah. [00:52:28] Josh: It's, I, I, I [00:52:30] did one where I, my team was all Wilders and I went 10 and oh, and since then I have absolutely gotten dumped on. Like, I get, I just get, these are all words I know. Like getting dumped on. [00:52:41] Dom: No. Why? I don't even, I don't know what you guys are talking about. Oh, [00:52:43] Josh: I know we're talking about the journey game, but. [00:52:46] Anyways, Wilders? Wilders? Wilders. Wilders. They're the faction. There's the Graveborn, the Wilders, the Maulers, and the Lightbears. Is that the last one? You want me to be a baller, shot caller, [00:52:59] Dom: [00:53:00] wilder. Yeah. Yeah. I can't think of anything else. [00:53:03] Josh: Yeah. 20 inch blades on the Impala. Baller, get laid tonight. All right. [00:53:10] All right. All right. All right. Chef [00:53:11] Charlie: culture. Let's see. Alright, well with that, we're gonna go continue to play some more AFK Arenas. [00:53:17] Josh: I'm on the highway, talking about the [00:53:21] Charlie: highway. Um, so thanks everyone for coming out, you can find catch us on Instagram or Twitter is over achievers P or website's OGpodcast. [00:53:28] fm. No, not yet. [00:53:30] Um, OGpodcast. fm where you get this episode and every episode where we're talking about what we're playing, what we're looking forward to in a little bit. Of gaming news next time you can check us out on tiktok at OG podcast and I will try to get this Streaming live so to be fun and then open that up to that world for some reason I don't know why we're deciding to do that, but we're gonna try we're gonna see what happens. [00:53:50] So yeah, why not? The tiki talks indeed, so thanks all see y'all next time [00:53:59] Josh: peace [00:54:00] I just opened afk journey and it just Blasted my fucking eardrums out. I don't think I can hear [00:54:30] anymore