[Show Intro] Jala Hey, thanks for coming! I'm glad you're here. Come on in! Everyone's out on the patio right now. Looks like a couple of people are in the garden. I can't wait to introduce you! Can I get you anything? [turned away] Hey folks, our new guest is here! [Intro music] 00:00.00 Jala Hello world and welcome to Jala-chan's Place. I'm your host Jala Prendes (she/her) and today I am joined by 2 lovely guests Adelaide (she/her) and Adam (he/him) who yay hurray happy day. How is everybody. 00:13.48 Adam _he_him_ Woo You can't get rid of me. 00:13.78 Adelaide Yay. 00:19.18 Jala Yeah, everybody comes back around at some point Addie how you doing. 00:22.90 Adelaide It's true I'm doing Okay I just got off work. So I think I told you guys I ate a piece of bread and now I'm ready to podcast which is literally true I know I just got home. 00:33.54 Jala Ah, not even any gruel. Not even any gruel with your bread. 00:37.10 Adelaide I had a sliced piece of sourdough and now I'm ready to go. 00:39.63 Jala At least it wasn't like the crust and moldy with a rat attached to it. Okay, but are you in the dungeons Geez Okay, well at least at least you're not at work So that's that's a bonus. 00:53.10 Adelaide Yes, exactly yes. 00:57.32 Jala Yay yay and Adam how are you doing. 00:57.76 Adam _he_him_ I am doing adequately I might even say above average. 01:05.21 Jala But I love it and there's also lots of a's and so that works because there's Adam and Adelaide and they're adequate and average above average even yay! So that's good news I am okay ah. Exist in the world I'm very busy that never ends but um, you know, ah not too bad otherwise could could be worse I was telling Addy about how like ah 1 of my favorite enamel pins now that I got in the last couple of months is one that says "no spoons only knives" and that's like really my energy going into 2024 for the listeners. We're recording this like right before January so there's a tail end of 2023 yeah so hooray but anyway ah, let's go ahead and do a round Robin about what y'all do. 01:44.72 Adelaide Guests on the cusp of the new year 01:56.10 Jala So Addie, what do you do. 01:57.96 Adelaide Oh um, I haven't done a thing in a while um to be perfectly. Um, but but I do sometimes I I am trying to regularly switch or stream every friday. 02:04.27 Jala Ah, well you have a YouTube and you do it sometimes. 02:15.37 Adelaide Um, except for this Friday obviously because we're recording um, but most Fridays I try to stream I've been streaming parasite eve. Um, that is @SisterAdelaide at twitch.com um and then I also have a Youtube channel that's I think mostly remained untouched for a year. Ah, which is backonmybs and you know maybe someday I will upload a video to it. 02:44.85 Jala Sounds like me like I'll go through like this frenzy of just uploading like fitness videos to my Fireheart Fitness one and then there's like 300 new videos and then nothing nothing and I get like all these new subscribers and then nothing happens and you know whatever. 02:58.95 Adam _he_him_ Yeah. 03:00.53 Adelaide Well, you know it's really terrible. It's like it's a so it's a process to make Youtube videos and we obviously don't have to get too diverted on this but like what I'll do is I'll be like I'll get really excited about a game and then I'll be like okay I'm going to sit down and play this game and I'll get like you know, ah ten or twenty hours into it and then then I'll be like. Man I really just don't have anything interesting or insightful to say about this game. So now I just have 20 hours of recorded game footage that I guess just lives on my hard drive for the rest of my life. 03:30.50 Jala Yeah, yeah, yeah I hear that so the thing about me though is that like when I used to stream stuff back when I I had a computer that allowed me to ah it wasn't that I had anything really cool to say about the things that I was playing usually not in the moment at least but what it was is. 03:49.62 Jala My commentary my colorful commentary as I was playing the game and like my so because I'm I'm very salty and sarcastic and it sounds like I hate everything but I'm playing it. It really does like every time I talk about and then that's why on on The Level. Everybody's always like Jala you just hate this game I'm like no actually it's pretty good. Like what but you rag on it so hard I like I don't know what to tell you man. 04:14.66 Adam _he_him_ I've seen a couple of your ah like you're playing some horror game and it's a new horror game. Not one that you're familiar with but like some kind of jump scare thing will happen and you like but then you're always just like okay was that was to impress me or something. What do you want from me right now. 04:24.25 Jala Yeah, ah I be like I tell you'll I Tell you all I Just don't jump scare very easily. So like anytime it's a jump scare in a thing. It's not going to work. It just isn't going to work. You know. 04:40.56 Jala So and it's very funny because like there's ah a vod or ah, a clip or something up on my Twitch like the only thing that's on there right now and it's like a little clip of I think it was Moons of Madness where Dave I was playing with headphones on. He couldn't hear it. He saw it on the screen I saw it and I'm like ah. So there's going to be a jump scare over here and then I go and I had already said hey it's a jump scare home boy behind me without the headphones can't hear a damn thing Jumps and's like but like why are you jumping You can hear it. You can't be like all you can do is st it. Oh. 05:15.21 Adelaide Um, was so powerful. 05:18.25 Jala Wow. So anyway, that's neither here nor there Adam what do you do now that we've tangented quite a lot there. 05:26.80 Adam _he_him_ Like so much. Um, hello once again I continue to be an animator and game designer. Ah you can find and podcaster I wear a lot of hats now. Um like most of us here I'm rather fickle with my hobbies and so I'll just. 05:52.31 Jala And podcaster. 06:02.76 Adam _he_him_ You know ping pong between what I'm doing with no set schedule which is not great for algorithm reasons. But you know I Just ah, follow my interests. So Ah yeah I You can find my games on ah boocherry.itchio including relevant as always. Um. Enter the Survival Horror which is my tabletop game inspired by Resident Evil and let me tell you you could definitely run a Bio Zombie game. 06:27.44 Jala Oh now that you mentioned it I wanted to exist. 06:29.40 Adelaide Ah, yeah, definitely. 06:38.10 Adam _he_him_ Um, I also do a podcast by podcast is Halftone Takes ah come check it out. We just had a great guest ah with ah Scott White who's a voice actor who I am friends with and. Ah, yeah, that was a good time. 06:51.97 Jala He did like 700 homer impressions and they were different and it was great. 06:57.40 Adam _he_him_ Ah, yeah, he he ah didn't brag on the podcast but he's the only actor aside from the guy who always voices Homer Simpson to a voiced Homer Simpson in a professional capacity. He's the only like official impersonator. Ah which is cool. 07:08.50 Jala Um, awesome. That's very good because he started training as a child. Yeah, like according to the podcast and that's very fun. Yeah, your podcast is a lot of fun to listen to you and Cory are lovely. 07:30.98 Adam _he_him_ Don't don't worry. We'll have you on sooner or later it'll happen. 07:23.62 Jala Um, you know you've only just started doing the guest thing but that's cool and fun and neat and look always look forward to new episodes from Y'all that wasn't like me saying hey I would need to jump in and get in on that piece. But I mean like that's cool. 07:33.97 Adelaide And by the way. 07:38.50 Adam _he_him_ I know but you will get in on that piece is what I'm saying. 07:41.83 Jala Okay, cool, cool. So talk about pieces and getting in on stuff I will go ahead and plug our ko-fi. You can support this show and Monster Dear Monster which is Dave's podcast good by going to ko-fi.com/fireheartmedia and checking it us out. 07:46.84 Adam _he_him_ You can do. 08:01.18 Jala There you can subscribe there are monthly Patron tiers and now there are new and improved bonus episodes. Yay So you've got cutting room floor which is bonus material that relates to either Jala-chan's Place or Monster Dear Monster or both. You've also got. 08:09.32 Adam _he_him_ Woohoo. 08:19.81 Jala A Glass Darkly which is a short little form podcast where we are reading our creative endeavors so we have written works by us neat and then there is Omakebox which is a bunch of little random short stories by yours truly about random things sometimes and. Moment most of the time in the moment where Dave does something weird and I have to tell everybody about it I share these a lot to the Discord server but this is like the greatest hits. It's a compilation of all the random crap plus extra stuff too. So yeah, a lot of fun. Check it out. 08:40.25 Adelaide We love them. 08:50.56 Adam _he_him_ I can confirm that I am delighted by those little short stories. 08:54.29 Adelaide Absolutely yes. 08:55.24 Jala You don't actually think you don't you don't even know how much fun they are until you listen to them because like sometimes I'll forget about whatever the instance is and I'll go back and I'll listen to the little audio clip because I've got them all stored on my computer now and I'm like that's hilarious. Actually so. 09:14.68 Jala So yeah, um, but yeah, by the time this comes out everybody will have already gotten the first episode of each of those shows for free. So yay, but the rest of them are going to be back for patrons only on coffee so without further ado let us continue on and talk about Bio Zombie. Yay. 09:31.68 Adam _he_him_ Bio Zombie. 09:37.34 Jala I wish they had the voice like that. But I don't know so so yes ah Bio Zombie what the hell is it and why are we talking about it? Well ah this is a 1998 Hong Kong Horror comedy zombie film it was the first zombie movie to ever be. Produced and released in Hong Kong actually and it was released in the us on DVD in 2001 and that is when I saw it I went to an animic convention friends of mine who were really into horror stuff I wasn't yet ah ended up picking up a copy and we all watched it in a room together and it was. 10:13.59 Jala Goofy and funny and weird and so eventually I ended up with a copy of it and we ended up watching it with random people I just kept I have the DVD to this day and I just watch it with random people including Adam and Adelaide. So here we are now. Ah, what's so cool about it. Well. 10:31.88 Jala And instead of me talking I Want to see what you'll think so I'll turn it over to you What? what is so cool about Bio Zombie. 10:41.74 Adelaide Um, I So I Just as a background note I had no experience with this movie. Basically I was um, looking at the the list of episodes and I usually jump on the topical ones because I have generally more things to say about those things that I didn't see anything that was like super relevant to me so I was looking at the media episode and I was like what the heck is a Bio Zombie like that sounds dumb. Um, and then I like looked at the Wikipedia article and I was like oh this seems really funny. Um, and it is like I I think it's. Um I think later on in the notes you have it um compared to like a slacker comedy and like that's such an apt comparison that like I I feel like there's a lot of like genuineness to it. Um, that like. It's it's supposed to be funny and you can tell everyone's having fun and like they're they're having fun doing the comedy but they're also having fun doing the horror stuff too like everyone just seems so genuine while they're working you know and I think that's like. 11:48.95 Adelaide Ah, quality that you don't necessarily see in in horror movies. Um, you know you these people all seem like friends and that's that's a really cool like vibe to bring into it. 11:58.92 Jala Yeah, yeah for sure and Adam how about you. 12:01.13 Adam _he_him_ So my history with this movie and forgive me if I'm jumping ahead if you're going to ask about the history of what that was that Jala just pinged me and was just like Adam I think you'll like this movie. You should watch it and I was just like ok ah and Jala has got my number because I had a great time with it. Ah, it's a it's a good feeling to just like see something and be like I bet I bet my friend would like this and then to be right? So ah, revel in that a little bit Jala. But yeah to me this is. Really kind of a perfect sweet spot between like ah Resident Evil Trailer Park Boys and something like ah Kung Fu Hustle where it's just got a real like unhinged zany madcap energy. 12:55.40 Adam _he_him_ But also like the main characters are just these absolute dirt bags. Ah who I have a great time hanging out with so I had a great time. 13:02.13 Jala Yeah, yeah, so for me I I keep on watching this movie I keep on subjecting other like new audiences every every several years I pull it out of my my pile of DVDs and go aha yes Bio Zombie it is time. 13:20.40 Jala To inflict it on a new generation of friends I just bring it back out again while they just recently released a new Blu Rayy that has like a bunch of extra stuff and like ah a commentary with a film um historian and things like that and so I was like oh that's really cool. There's a bunch of all. 13:37.76 Jala This extra stuff and it was remastered. That's really Neat. You know I need to talk about this movie because it's really fun and you know it's It's related to interests of various individuals on my server so we'll do it. We'll talk about that. So Um I like I said before I'm not. At the time that I first watched it I was not into horror stuff and I'm still not a horror movie fan like I'm not a big fan of horror movies mostly because a lot of them at least the ones that I had been subjected to because of the friend groups and the preferences of those friend groups. Heretofore. 14:13.20 Jala We're like slasher or gory or whatever and jump scary and stuff like that that I don't enjoy and so it's like no I like psychological horror I like creeping dread I like stuff like that I don't like you know and and this is none of that This is just. = 14:21.80 Adelaide Right? yeah. 14:26.74 Jala Goofy and weird and it makes fun of a lot of stuff. It makes fun of horror movies. It makes you know it calls back to horror movies that are you know, like definitely very familiar to a lot of folks and it also calls back to video games and in pokes fun at a lot of stuff and makes a lot of references to a lot of different. Forms of culture and so like when this movie first ah crossed my paths 2001 I was in college so I was just out of high school and this was something that you know slacker comedy type stuff I was familiar with that. You know oh Jay and silent Bob Clerks whatever and then this has a lot of that same vibe. But then there's also. 15:05.20 Jala Zombies and like videogame-y stuff and things like that and it's like oh this is really cool. So you know it stuck with me even though you know it was a kind of genre I didn't think that I was going to be like real into but turns out yeah, it's my jam. 15:20.49 Jala And it might actually be part of the reason why I ended up really liking Resident Evil because Resident Evil is cheesy in a lot of the same way like this has a lot of like Resident Evil energy to me at least like early Resident Evil type stuff you know? 15:24.56 Adam _he_him_ Yes, very much. So. 15:39.75 Jala So yeah let's talk a little bit more about it. It was directed by Wilson Yip. It was written by Wilson Yip, Matt Cho and So Man Singh. the music is by Peter Com and yeah, it did all right at the box office but it only had like a modest profit at the time but it then it turned into what the director termed a gradual success because over time it turned into more of like a cult. 15:59.75 Jala Film that was beloved and people were like nobody paid attention to this at the time but hey this is actually really cool that this movie exists. You know, given the different spins on zombies and zombie movies and different approaches to it that were taken from around the world and there is an extra on the Blu-ray. Where a film historian is talking about just that and like framing it in here's some different directors from around the world and what they were doing with zombie movies and then this is this movie and how this is different. It's very cool sue. Yeah, so your main cast on this are Woody Invincible. 16:36.19 Jala Crazy Beeee those are the 2 the the 2 main ones the the slackers. So ah, yeah, yeah, then there's Jelly and Rolls who are girls that work at a beauty shop and then there's Mr Kui. 16:38.68 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, your your dirtbag duo. 16:48.73 Adam _he_him_ Ah, their names taken from the the Megaman collection of ah naming conventions. 16:55.35 Jala Right? exactly and then Mr and Mrs Kui ah Mr. Kui is a an asshole of a guy who runs like a cell phone shop and then Mrs Kui is basically his ah domestically abused spouse you know who just you know can never do any right by him because he is just an asshole and will not allow. 17:15.23 Jala You know, ah her to have a second's reprieve ah then we have Loi the Sushi Boy who works in the little cafe area at a sushi shop and he's real sweet on one of the girls from the beauty shop and that plays a real significant part in the movie. 17:32.70 Adam _he_him_ Shout out to Sushi Boy I don't respect him but I love him. 17:32.90 Jala As it goes so. 17:37.25 Adelaide He's Mvp I love justice for Sushi Boy I love him. The only man I've ever loved. Um. 17:41.00 Jala The Sushi Boy is well the Sushi Boy is such a sweetie. You don't you know like you go through the movie and you're like oh it's him again. Geez how pathetic and then like you see what happens later in the movie and you're like Wow Wow I Really oh. 18:00.86 Jala Poor Sushi Boy. So yeah, the the spoiler free summary of this for folks is that there is a group of young shoppers and employees that have to band together when a zombie outbreak occurs in their Hong Kong shopping arcade in the middle of the shopping day. So. 18:15.33 Adam _he_him_ I will say to me that that is an accurate description of the second half of this movie because no. 18:20.75 Jala Yes, the first half it's literally and and we were looking at the timestamp when we were watching it together. It is half the movie that is just a slacker movie hanging out with the characters before any zombie stuff happens the whole first half is like. 18:36.69 Jala And that's why like the first time I watched it I was just like you said this was a zombie move here and like I saw the dudes you know, like like very in the very beginning. There's like this whole whole setup where you can see that there's government or military agents that are are doing a deal and they did some stuff and and there's. 18:56.50 Jala Definitely a guy who made a zombie somewhere but like how it has any relation to this little shopping arcade is beyond your comprehension for a good half the movie. So. 19:06.18 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, it is just background noise until like pass the halfway point. Um, but but let me emphasize that the first half of this movie is a slacker comedy but it's a good slacker comedy I have so much fun with the first half of this movie. 19:16.92 Adelaide Yeah, absolutely. 19:20.76 Adam _he_him_ Second half too but just like it. It switches genres almost in a like um from Dusk till dawn kind of way. 19:27.10 Jala Yeah, yeah, it definitely does and the thing is is that both of the parts of this movie are really well paced within themselves and they do a good job of being the thing that they are for the section of time that they are being the thing that they are so um. 19:38.83 Adam _he_him_ Yes, very well phrased. 19:43.97 Jala And I also like the fact that like in the second half of the movie where the zombie stuff starts happening and shit gets real. It still brings in some of those comedy elements but in with the tragedy and the horror of everything else going on. So it's all kind of side by side and commingled. So it's not like it goes from. 20:03.85 Jala Comedy to suddenly super Uber dark and then it's no longer funny at all hardly I mean there's still so many funny parts but there's also development of of pathos because there's a lot of characters that you saw in the beginning of the film that you spent all this time with and you got to know and then. 20:21.30 Jala Now you're seeing like what happens when these zombies come and you know like that is affecting but only because you spent all that time in the beginning. So. 20:30.75 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, it's closer to um, like despite the fact that this is like a zombie movie that takes place in a mall so like dawn of the dead is going to come to mind of course but like it's closer really to something like evil dead where it's Like. Madcap almost looney tunes antics. Ah with the the horror elements. These zombies do bits these are comedy zombies and they are funny. 20:49.24 Adelaide Yeah, yeah, absolutely. 20:56.42 Jala Yeah, yeah, and I think that um so when I was watching the extras with the director he was talking about it and he said part of his inspiration for making this was the dawn of the dead and he wanted to put it in a shopping arcade because of that movie. 21:09.41 Adam _he_him_ Of course. 21:11.42 Jala But he wanted it to be a shopping arcade aka like how Hong Kong had them rather than you know like a western style mall because they're very very different so like the shopping arcades over there usually tailor themselves to like different sections that are for guys which are like cell phone shops and you know ah bootleg movie. 21:31.16 Jala Places and things like that which were very prevalent at that time in the late 90s in Hong Kong and then there's also the sections for ladies who were like the beauty shops and the spas and whatever nail places and stuff and that was all for ladies in fashion. So that's why. 21:48.58 Jala These ladies are in 1 part of the the shopping arcade and the dudes are in the other part of the shopping arcade because they're catering to different types of customers within that overall overall space. So um, something else that was mentioned in those extras was that this Hong Kong shopping arcade style of. 21:55.31 Adelaide Interesting. 21:58.89 Adam _he_him_ For sure. 22:08.30 Jala Place is kind of going the way of the dinosaur at this point because of you know online shopping and things like that there aren't and especially after like pandemic stuff hit everybody in the world and the shopping. Our kids. Are no longer as prevalent. So. It's also kind of a snapshot in time of like a culture that flourished during a certain section of the 90 s so it's like nostalgic for a lot of people in Hong Kong because it's something that they grew up with that's not there anymore. 22:35.37 Adelaide Well, and interestingly enough I'm just kind of dovetailing. It's like it's a different type of shopping mall. But like that's kind of the same thing that's happening now right? like we or people of like my generation the previous generation like also grew up with like mall culture right? And that's. 22:55.22 Adelaide Something that we can be like nostalgic for even if it's like malls of different execution. 23:01.88 Adam _he_him_ Um, yeah, absolutely ah and then also I just want to shout it out as what a great location for this kind of horror movie because like yeah it does have like some Dawn of the Dead stank on it but like. The mall and dawn of the dead comparatively is so open and so um, like different and feel this is like really claustrophobic with like these narrow winding hallways and also like. 23:31.78 Adam _he_him_ All of the doors are made of glass like every place is just like oh none of this feels secure. There's no good place to hole up here. Um it as a result like I Just really enjoy it as a setting for this kind of movie. 23:37.30 Jala Yeah. Yeah, yeah, so I did want to camp out on some other stuff that I learned from the extra Stuff. So The people who played the thug protagonists were very famous at that time. 23:56.25 Jala For being in slacker comedy type movies and other stuff like that so playing pretty pretty much the same thing is kind of like if they somebody had made a movie in the time of Jay and silent Bob but had Jay and silent Bob in a comedy zombie movie. You know it just lifted them and put them. 23:58.53 Adam _he_him_ Perfect. 24:15.21 Jala Because they were like icons of that particular generation and like the slackers and and whatever and so you know that was intentionally cast that way and they were intentionally put into those Rolls so that they would you know ah evoke automatically for those audiences over there. 24:33.95 Jala Ah, the exact thing that the director was wanting so but um, yeah, ah and according to the director. This is some other stuff that I wanted to bring up. So according to the director he did not intend any particular. Political meaning with the film because he said he couldn't handle that at that time he was just basically trying to survive the gloomy nature of this tone of this movie especially towards the end was not related to the 1997 handover of Hong Kong it was natural because of the material itself. The theme. Is the relationship between people fighting for survival and the despairing tone mirrored the popular sentiment of that era but in a way that it is natural for you to to reflect your feelings of of how you're doing into your work not like because he was trying to say something about. You know the what was happening politically. 26:59.90 Adelaide Yeah, that's interesting because like I mean I my um historic knowledge of Hong Kong is basically 0 Um, but like even even the even the like government spooks or bad guys or like whatever aren't. 27:14.86 Adelaide Aren't really even anything. They're just like a vehicle for the zombie stuff to start happening. There's no like comment about you know, government oversight or like the you know dark science that they're doing or whatever. 27:22.38 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, yeah. 27:28.84 Jala Yeah, definitely and that's that was something that I hadn't thought about either offhand but then as soon as I was listening to that part of the ah interview I was like oh yeah, that actually is a really good question because around that time. 27:44.37 Jala You know, ah Hong Kong was undergoing a lot of massive changes so that's actually pretty interesting. Um, but yeah, like he and everybody else was feeling the way that they were feeling and then it's kind of like if I decided I was going to make a movie at the end of 2023 you know so. 27:59.68 Adelaide Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. 28:04.37 Jala Ah, just saying but yeah, um, also another thing I wanted to mention is that the makeup was handled by a friend of the directors who happened to dip his toe into special effects makeup. So it wasn't like an established special effects makeup guy. It was a guy who was a makeup artist otherwise who just. 28:23.45 Adelaide That's pretty cool. 28:23.82 Jala Started Yeah and and that's cool because like because of those limitations because he's not like a superpracticd whatever like you know the the special effects of the makeup and everything they're done well but like you can tell that it's makeup effects applied to somebody's face and like. 28:41.14 Jala That works with the cheesiness of the tone of the thing and like if they had realistic zombies I don't think it would feel the same way so that actually works to its benefit to my mind. 28:41.85 Adam _he_him_ Oh yeah. 28:46.71 Adelaide For sure it is. 28:55.11 Adam _he_him_ Again I'm invoking a lot of other movies. Ah know that I'm not like trying to be reductive when I do that I'm just like it to me this feels like it is pulling from so many different things that I all love and so I'm just ah, you know ambiently pumped about all of these little like comparisons. Um, but like Evil Dead 1 like that that level of jak with the makeup ah feels like an appropriate comparison where it's like this is clearly just some guys like messing around more than any kind of professional. 29:25.13 Adelaide Yeah, and I think honestly like I I don't It's not like you gross I can't look at it gross. But like I think that the the makeup is like grotesque in a way that maybe like a more accomplished or more professional person wouldn't do. If that makes sense at least to like my sensibilities. Yeah. 29:46.48 Jala Um, yeah, absolutely so a few more things from the director interview. The director said that he specifically chose that shopping arcade location. 29:49.49 Adam _he_him_ It lends itself to comedy. Well I think. 30:00.82 Jala Because of the there's a scene in the movie which y'all of course know nobody else ah knows unless they've watched it where there's 2 policemen that are interrogating the 2 protagonists and it looks like they're on a split screen but it's really just an intersection in the shopping center. 30:18.19 Jala And they're right next to each other during this time and it was something that was inspired by the movie Top Secret by the makers of Airplane!. So um, you know he's definitely like the Wilson Yip was looking at a lot of stuff and taking pages out of things for sure So like comparing it to other works is fair. He's. 30:34.93 Adelaide Boom. 30:35.29 Jala Drawing inspiration from a lot of different films. So ah, this director is also currently working on another zombie film. This one is in pre-production and will be a wuxia Zombie film called Dragon Gate Zombie Inn. 30:39.50 Adam _he_him_ Is it. 30:47.54 Adelaide Incredible. 30:53.20 Adam _he_him_ On my radar. 30:55.22 Jala For sure. So ah, just a few more things I just just want to cover some of this in the pre-spoiler area before we put up the spoiler wall and then talk about the exact plot of the movie. So ah, the way that the movie opens at the very very beginning is just as if it's a pirated VCD of a new movie and. This is an ode to Hong Kong's thriving black market for movies in the late 90 s it's estimated that 40% of movie revenues at that time went to the black market because of how much stuff was pirated on VCD at that time. So that's really interesting and cool. Something else I didn't know is that the drink in the movie that is used as the vector for the zombie virus or whatever is something called Lucoade lucaade is actually a British glucose drink. It's real and it was sold in stores in Hong Kong with the slogan. 31:50.75 Jala "Lucoade Aids in Recovery" which is very ironic because that's what kicks off the zombie pandemic. 31:56.82 Adelaide Gotcha right. 31:58.43 Adam _he_him_ Finally Aqua Cure is here. You got it. 32:00.23 Jala Ah, yeah, and then also another thing to note if you were starting to watch this movie for the first time is that this film is known for using Dutch angles to create a sense of unease Dutch angles are where the camera is tilted and thus the viewer in the view that you get is. 32:18.48 Jala Off it's off-centered. It's uneasy. It's at a little bit of an angle. So. It looks a little bit askew. So yeah, the Hong Kong arcade is definitely narrower and more claustrophobic and it has a lot more neon lighting. So that also adds to the kind of creepiness factor as Adam already mentioned so that is the extent of the bonus extra stuff that I wanted to talk about there. Um, do you all have any particular recommendations of who you might say should watch this movie. 32:52.36 Jala Or any like Pre-spoiler wall things you want to say about the movie. Overall. 32:55.74 Adelaide I Honestly think that like every buddy should watch it I mean I I Guess if you're like squeamish about violence or are someone that just is like I don't ever want to see another zombie thing in my life. Um, then like don't. Watch it but like it's a It's a good movie like I can't ah stress enough How much I like win into this expecting it to be because like I'm an appreciator of like like camp and cheese and like bad good right? And then there is like. Just bad bad and this is like legitimately a good movie. 33:40.98 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, this is this is low budget parentheses charming in a way that I love. I've already compared it to a bunch of things. So if the things that I've mentioned sound appealing like. Trailer Park Boys, Kung Fu Hustle, Evil Dead um and even I like I think that this goes into my pantheon of great horror comedies. It's up there with a Shaun of the Dead or ah, you know whatever? Yeah, ah, this movie is. 34:15.74 Adam _he_him_ I have now watched it twice my ah older brother comes to visit us during the winter. He's a travel nurse and so he makes us stop here for some time I am going to be showing it to him imminently so I will be watching it twice in a week 34:28.64 Jala Um, yeah, yeah, absolutely and um, obviously I I tell people all the time as much as I cover a lot of movies on this podcast I Actually don't watch movies a whole lot. 34:31.38 Adam _he_him_ Which should be a pretty ringing endorsement. 34:41.64 Jala Like I don't watch Tv I don't watch anything unless we schedule a watch party for it and that's like a week and a half in advance usually um so I don't normally see a bunch of movies. But if there is a movie where I will watch it a bunch and I will keep watching it over and over again. 34:56.79 Jala Then that's something that I obviously really enjoy and Bio Zombie is one of those movies last year. There was also vikram vha and Barbie the both of those are movies that I will watch over and over again I love both of those as well. Um, so like Bio Zombies up there with those movies. So. Ah, if you listen to the Vikram Bedha episode and you enjoyed that you watched that movie or if you watch Barbie then you know and or even godzilla minus one that's another one that I would say is is probably 1 of my favorite movies of 2023 that I watched so ah, this is this is a movie that is. Imminently re-watchable for me as well up there with the movies I just mentioned so take that for what you will so without further ado let us erect a spoiler wall erect erect erect erect fully. 35:47.98 Adam _he_him_ And here we want you no more. 35:51.36 Jala Erect See Yay I Did the chant. Ok, we're all very erect now. Ok. 35:51.56 Adelaide By goodness. 36:01.77 Adelaide Ah, oh my God throbbing. 36:03.64 Adam _he_him_ Um, this spoiler wall is uncommonly turgid. 36:05.96 Jala Ah, well I mean it works for the movie because this movie has like some folks who are real hornt out for a little bit there. 36:13.10 Adelaide It's true. Yeah big Horny energy. 36:24.46 Jala So yeah I would like Adam to start reading out our summary of this movie because. I've been talking a lot. 36:29.90 Adam _he_him_ You got it. So first of all, we have the aforementioned like quick little vignette where it's basically pretending like it is itself a pirated DVD which is a very cute way to start the movie. Ah, but then. Yeah, it starts with us meeting our protagonists. Ah Woody Invincible and Crazy Beeee. Ah and quick note wasn't it did did you tell me this that like Crazy Beeee is maybe an imprecise translation in that that like. 37:04.11 Jala Yes, correct correct that is correct. Ah that was the way that it was translated when they brought it over originally was Crazy Beeee but it actually is like the the characters and the whatever the pronunciation and everything actually is more accurately. 37:04.20 Adam _he_him_ He was originally called like Zom Bee putting it even more on the nose. That's so funny. 37:20.34 Jala Zombie but that is like that that gives away some things. So so when they brought it out. They just call him Crazy Bee. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. 37:25.83 Adelaide Yeah, they didn't think that Bio Zombie would do that upfront. Ah. 37:26.90 Adam _he_him_ They were like no, that's 2 on the nose. 37:34.98 Adam _he_him_ That's very funny and also um, worth noting should have mentioned this earlier we did watch this with the English dub which is very funny. It's a good. Ah ah I mean. 37:50.20 Adam _he_him_ Is it a good dub I don't know but there's a lot of comedy in like these line deliveries. So we had a great time with it I think it adds to the cheese. Ah recommend English dub. 37:55.61 Jala It does I would also recommend that I have watched both versions with the original ah language as well as the English dub and I actually think that the English dub is the funnier version because there's subtleties that like you don't necessarily get without understanding the nuance of the language and like the subtitles and everything are a bit different. Um, it doesn't read the same as it does with the the kind of punchy English version of it So I actually would also Recommend. The English dub which is atypical for me I Usually don't say that. But um, it's It's nothing against the original audio of course but just like for a western audience unless you are really familiar with you know the the dialogue that is being spoken. It's It's better for you in English in my Opinion. 38:55.33 Adam _he_him_ So ah, taking it from the top. Ah, our movie starts introducing us to Woody Invincible and Crazy Bee ah we are introduced to our location. The New Trend Plaza mall and we get to spend a little bit of time with them as they walk through the halls and like just get to establish a rapport with the setting and some of the people and basically it becomes immediately obvious that these 2 are. Slacker dirt bags. They don't have real jobs. They're doing petty theft. Ah they have a place in the mall where they are selling bootlegged VCDs which I don't even know what a VCD stands for but ah yeah, they're selling bootleg movies. 39:31.39 Jala Yeah, it's a video. It's yeah yeah, VCDs were easier to copy and so like VCDs people would record onto VCDs and then burn on to VCDs and basically any pirated stuff out of Hong Kong would be on a VCD disk and it would play. 39:32.42 Adelaide Video CD. 39:51.18 Jala Ah, it would play everything it would capture everything and be on like a disc format that you could easily just you know, ah upload the information to but that was like because that way you could go into like a movie theater and record it and then drop it and that's that's what Ah the. 40:09.51 Jala 40% of of sales of you know, like new cinema stuff ended up going to the black market because of the VCD sales. So yeah, so they go into their shop and like even just the way they're walking down the hall just their they're the way that they're dressed their faces. 40:29.23 Jala The way that they saunter like they're swagger when they're going down the halls I mean just the moment you lay eyes on these 2 You're just like yep I know exactly what type of characters. These are you know it and not only that but they are just like hey. 40:44.14 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, absolutely unearned confidence. 40:48.19 Jala Get out of the way feeling entitled about everything and being kind of Jerkish to everybody and then you know like trying to flirt with the ladies who are just rolling their eyes and this that and the other and then they walk into their bootleg shop and then they have a customer who's mad at them because he couldn't see the move. Because you know there's like oh you can't even see the actor's face and how do you know it was the actor if you couldn't even see his face and yeah, yeah. 41:17.24 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, it's clearly like a handheld camera recording of a movie theater. Ah that you know was not worth it at all and they they tell the guy to fuck off and to take some porn on his way out to as compensation. 41:29.11 Jala In Crazy Beeee wields a like a light gun from video games because they were playing video games before he came in and you know uses the the light gun as like a threat like to pick out 2 pornos and leave like okay. 41:32.69 Adam _he_him_ Which is very funny. 41:41.92 Adelaide And high. 41:45.87 Adam _he_him_ Um, yeah, also this is very important Crazy Bee has a Game Boy camera Hell yeah, that's all. 41:53.89 Jala That's that's a very important detail. It is for sure. Yeah, absolutely. But yeah, like they meet Jelly and Rolls and they also have a run in with Mr Kui the cell phone store owner and then. 41:54.15 Adelaide Said Checkhov's Game Boy camera. 42:10.49 Jala Also Rolls happens to see the Sushi Boy as she like walks away from Woody and Crazy Bee and the Sushi Boy is smitten with her. It's very obvious from the way that he acts right from the beginning and she's just basically flirting with him in order to get free snacks. 42:24.86 Adelaide Yeah, she's definitely like winding him up just to get sushi coupons. 42:34.62 Adam _he_him_ Which if I can say is unreasonably effective. She gets so much free shit from the Sushi Boy. Ah yeah I in my notes. Ah, originally this ah section labeled him as Loi. 42:51.81 Adam _he_him_ His name. Ah which I replaced with Sushi Boy with the note I don't respect Sushi Boy enough to call him by his name. His name is Sushi Boy. 42:55.77 Adelaide And I think it's it. It is actually so like 1 of this thing. The thing that this movie does that I think is really interesting and like almost feels like a stylistic choice if it like it might be a cultural thing but it from my perspective. It feels like a stylistic choice that like. Almost nobody has a real name as far as I know unless we're supposed to believe that like Woody and and be are those characters actual names which I don't think they are. They're supposed to be nicknames and like so the same thing as true for a Sushi Boy also like. 43:33.10 Adelaide He's only ever Sushi Boy you only know his real name because of or his given name because of like the credits So like even characters that don't know him refer to him as Sushi Boy. Oh. 43:43.16 Jala Well I will correct you there Rolls when Rolls talks to him she says Loi she doesn't call him Sushi Boy she calls him Loi. She's the only one who does everybody else calls him Sushi Boy. So. 43:59.56 Jala Ah, you do get his name but like it rolls right off your mind and then falls out your ear. Ah pretty quick. so ah, yes so ah but the thing I will say too is that Mr and Mrs Kui have actual names. 44:10.73 Adam _he_him_ Rolls right? off. 44:16.17 Jala And you know they have honorifics in front of their names. So you know, um, you do have some characters with names but all of the Slacker characters basically have no names they have just nicknames. 44:32.40 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah as part of this you know they are working at this ah DVD bootleg shop. Ah but they have a boss and the boss has told them to go and pick up their car. Ah. 44:46.63 Jala Yet the boss's car. So it's like a what is it like a jaguar or a Lexus or something something real high end. 44:49.33 Adam _he_him_ Which is getting repaired so they take it. But. 44:58.27 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah, but oops. Ah, naturally the boys have gambled away the money that they were supposed to pay for for repairing the car with and therefore are it A pickle. Ah, while they're there. There is a very funny sequence where I describe this as having the most incredible trailer Parks Boy Energy. You could absolutely just transplant this scene wholesale into Trailer Park Boys and it would fit perfectly. Ah, but the guy who is fixing their car. 45:32.73 Adam _he_him_ Has kind of loose shorts on and is under the car right? and then they just start like peeking down and looking up his shirts and they can't stop talking about his balls. It's crazy How huge his balls are I could fit a so. 45:38.30 Jala No, but they're like those are the biggest hairiest balls I've ever seen. Yeah. 45:43.52 Adelaide I'd like I like pretty loudly to it's not like they're being like subtle about it and whispering they're like having a full odd conversation to write in front of this man. 45:51.51 Adam _he_him_ Ownin' his balls. 45:57.20 Jala And then like but the the best part about it. The the absolute crescendo of comedy here is when Woody decides. He sees a roach crawling around and he ends up. 46:11.46 Jala Guiding the roach with a stick into this guy's shorts until the guy starts scratch scratching in stuff and then so lapses his hand down on his shorts and squishes the cockroach in his pants and then that. Ends up causing you know the mechanic and all of his buddies to get pissed off at the the you know, Woody and Crazy Bee and be like you know ready to fight you know and so at first then would he's like oh yeah, you want to fight. Okay, let's do it. 46:27.43 Adam _he_him_ Nasty. 46:42.70 Jala You know and then one of the guys has a shirt on this says I know Kung Fu and then he's like oh shit. But. 46:51.26 Adam _he_him_ Um, god that's so funny. Ah yeah, and then ah my favorite lied from that sequence is after starting all this shit. He decides to ah. You know, wind down the tension by saying come on. This is the twentieth century can't we resolve this with our brains instead of our fists and I think he like turns he's like come on Mr. Big balls. 47:20.49 Adelaide I think this is also the first time we get to see a Woody's shirt which is like maybe the most amazing costume piece I've ever seen. Um, which is like a so a skin tight long sleeve shirt with like magenta toned. 47:33.57 Adam _he_him_ It's wonderful. 47:38.37 Adelaide Like pictures of like Jesus in ecstacy. It's it feels so like early two thousands like club kid where it's so incredible. 47:48.47 Jala Yeah. 47:51.38 Adam _he_him_ In in the notes I say that he got his shirt from Dan Flashes because the patterns are so complicated crazy. 47:58.48 Jala Right? right? So then while this is all going on. There's like a cut over to a bunch of government agents that are trying to negotiate for a bio weapon which turns people into zombies and the people they're trying to buy from are. Showing a zombie like they have a zombie with them to prove what the effect of this particular substrate is and it breaks out of its box of course and then kills a couple of agents and on the way back as the as Woody and Crazy Bee are coming back from. 48:25.94 Adelaide Of course. 48:36.90 Jala You know they're their're escapades their Trailer Park Boys escapades end up running over a zombified guy who's carrying a bottle of the poisoned lucoade ah with him and he like well actually he's not zombified yet. He's he's. 48:53.63 Adam _he_him_ Um, is he's been. Yeah, he's been bitten ah like 5 people were bitten by this zombie that they had chained inside a metal box. So that tells you the level of competency of these these government agents. 48:54.11 Jala I Think he's infected but he hasn't turned. 49:11.15 Adam _he_him_ Ah, but yeah, he got bit and is like stumbling around and then waters into the road where he gets hit by the car as they're driving back and ah previously B was like why are you driving so slow and he's just like I'll show you illegal speeding. 49:21.60 Jala Yeah, at which point he goes Po Donk Oh shit we hit somebody you know? And yeah, then after this we get another nonsense scene where. 49:36.89 Jala The boys are there and there's blood all over the road and there's the guy and they're like oh shit, you know what do we do and then there's a cop that pulls up behind them and it's like you were speeding. What are you doing you know and that walks over doesn't somehow miraculously see all the blood but then. 49:55.74 Jala Adam please describe what they were doing. 50:01.63 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, so ah, again, channeling their Trailer Park Boys. Um, they sweet talk their way out of this police situation by Weekend at Bernie's-ing this guy who's on death's door. And they're just like proing them up and they'll be like ah sorry man our our friend had just a little bit too much to drink. Ah what a rascal like ah this guy we're going to get a back in the car drive home safely following all the laws and the cop is just like ok sounds good. 50:25.64 Jala Yeah, yeah, and not only that but they are also like ah 1 of them is is very obviously holding his hand and moving is his hand back and forth with a cigarette between his fingers to pretend like he's just trying to smoke it off or or whatever and it's just Wow. Wow. 50:47.61 Adam _he_him_ Um, yeah, it's very funny. Um, so then after that um he the the guy tries to warn them about the the soda which is a bio weapon. 51:01.57 Adam _he_him_ And then they're just like oh he's talked about soda. Well, there's a soda right? there let's give him a drink and so they ah pour the infected soda into his mouth and then what what do they do that. He just like drag him off the side of the road. No they put him in the trunk. 51:08.79 Jala Well what happens they put him in the trunk because at that point after he drank the soda he was spittting it back up and they're like well don't tell us you want to drink something if you don't want to drink it and then he ends up like. 51:10.38 Adelaide They put him in the trunk. 51:23.19 Jala Dying dying for all intents and purposes and so they're like oh shit he died now what and then they're like ah put him in the trunk and so they put him in the trunk and then they drive back to the mall. 51:36.62 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah and again, this is the boss's car which they just picked up from the repair shop and then smashed into a dude and that they put a dead body into the trunk. 51:42.95 Jala Yeah, in that the meanwhile the soda has taken up residence on the inside of the car because they took it with them and they just like forgot about it in the cup holder. So yes, absolutely Addie how about the next part. 51:50.74 Adelaide Yes, that will also come back later. 52:00.74 Adelaide Um, so they get back to the um they get back to the parking garage for the mall.. There's a little scene where like the the nerd who like was angry about the video comes back and I think it's supposed to be kind of like a fake out. Ah, like oh no is everybody in the mall a zombie but like they just have a fight and like take off all his clothes or something they're like Wow what a weirdo. Ah you know you're super impressive. 52:22.36 Jala Okay I I have to I have to stop you right there because what happens is that nerd comes up and says you guys are thieves or whatever and spits in it in Crazy Bee's face and Crazy Bee licks his lips. 52:32.64 Adelaide Oh that's right? Yeah yeah. 52:41.71 Jala And then gets pissed after that and then pulls out a knife because he's he's ready to kill everybody. So um, you know that's that's what I was because Crazy Bee has a knife strapped to his leg and this is something that he pulls out all the time he is He is ready to kill somebody sometime. So um, but anyway they they pants him. 52:59.96 Jala And they they tell him to get lost or whatever and then there's also yeah, yeah, they do they do? yeah and then after that then one of the little security guys comes by as well. Don't they or is that later. 53:00.87 Adelaide Right? Oh yes, that's right? Yeah yeah. 53:04.52 Adam _he_him_ They do a double nipple twist on him brutal the most brutal thing in this movie. 53:21.36 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, they do like 3 or 4 like fake out jump scares in this section. Ah and a and he's just like I'm just wandering around and they're just like fuck off. 53:23.30 Adelaide Yeah, ah but you write? Yeah um and I think they go back to the car at this point and like are like oh owner, No, that's after so they they go back to their store. 53:39.85 Adelaide Um, and they're like just kind of messing around and playing a house of the bed. Um, which is a nice fun shout out there and and one of the things that I like about this movie particularly is like the the video game stuff in it has like plot importance. So like. 53:59.60 Adelaide Instead of like it being like oh these characters are playing the latest final fantasy game or like you know they're doing it as like an advertisement or whatever product placement. Ah right? um like it's ah. 54:11.80 Adam _he_him_ Yeah I'm playing Shadow of the Colossus to grieve 9/11 54:20.26 Adelaide Ah, oh my God Oh my God Um, ah I'm sorry ah um, like it'll come up later right? like. 54:33.62 Adelaide That you know the the experience of the video game becomes relevant later on in the movie. 54:43.65 Jala He Yeah absolutely so the cell phone that Woody gets that he then tries to sell to Kui doesn't he get that from the guy that they found in the road. They just picked him up off his body and tried to go sell it to Kui who is the cell phone. The Asshole cell phone dealer down the way. 54:44.80 Adam _he_him_ It's a very um Shaun of the Dead style callback. 54:59.86 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, yeah, and and at this point they're desperate for money because they gambled away the money they were supposed to spend to repair the car now they need to repair the car and now they need to repair the car more because they damaged it further. 55:05.99 Adelaide Right. 55:16.87 Adam _he_him_ And then also previously Rolls was ah hitting on them and saying that yeah I you know we'll go on a date or something if you give me, you know by Coupons worth like $400 or something like it was an obscene price. 55:30.15 Jala Yeah. Well in I don't know if we mentioned this but they open up the trunk and they find out that it's like the guy kind of cocooned or something and then just like fucked up the entire trunk with with weird goo and stuff and he's not like reanimated at this point. It's just weird goo and stuff in the trunk. 55:35.60 Adam _he_him_ For it. But you know these these petty criminals are are looking for cash At this point. 55:54.11 Jala And everything so like something's happened. The car is even more fucked up now. Not only did they hit a thing but now the trunk's messed up and now they have to fix it more. So. 56:06.74 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, so they're pawning the the guy who they hit and run. Ah you know pawning his shit trying to to get a payday and ah, predictably getting only a pittance. 56:15.30 Jala Yeah, and then after that we have like the the height of their absolute stellar behavior. 56:28.31 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah they see Rolls who they ostensibly like and they're like we should Rob her that would be a great idea and they're just like yes and I am going to kill her and then what he's like I'm sorry. 56:39.14 Jala Yeah, like for like so so Rolls goes to the bathroom and they're like let's go in after her and and steal her shit so they go into the bathroom after her and then Woody puts a bucket on her head to keep her from seeing their identity and he's like get the ring. 56:57.56 Jala Get the ring off and then because it's on her hand so tight then Crazy Bee is like frantically using the soap to you know soap dispenser to try to get enough soap to loosen the ring so he could get it. He's like I got it but like B also has that knife and he tries to like. Ah, chop her head with it before the bucket comes down so he was like ready to literally sever her head and into pieces to get this ring off so it is dramatic and frantic and then like they should they take her ring and then they take her purse and then they just. 57:27.58 Adam _he_him_ It's a dramatic escalation. Ah for sure. 57:34.15 Jala Leave the bathroom after that in a hurry and then Rolls is just you know likes left. There're all covered and and stuff and just like you know, yeah discombobbled. 57:45.42 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah in the notes I do describe putting some a bucket on someone's head to Rob them as the Skyrim gambit. 57:53.55 Adelaide And ah and B is like I know we talked about it but like he's real ready to kill people at like a drop of of a hat like before that scene. He's even like let's let's just go out and kill somebody and like take their shit like I've always wanted to kill somebody. 58:08.79 Jala Yeah, he says that very often and he's like the the sweeter of the 2 of them. So it's very funny. It's very funny. 58:11.65 Adelaide Um, right? Yeah, it's very strange. 58:18.28 Adam _he_him_ Yeah up until that moment I Definitely interpret it as bluster and then I was like oh shit. Ah yeah. 58:21.13 Adelaide Know he's got the machete at everything. Yeah. 58:23.55 Jala No, he means it. He's like I knew I would kill someday. Okay, oh oh I do have to mention back. Ah when we were talking about Kui. So ah, Kui the asshole guy. 58:37.40 Jala It was this time watching it and only this time watching it that I realized this but the person who does the english dub voice of Mr Kui the asshole cell phone guy is the guy who does Tenchi's English voice in the Tenchi Muyo! anime series which is really wild. It's why. 58:51.27 Adelaide Oh that's pretty wild. 58:55.96 Jala So it's tiny. The milk toast protagonist who's a happy nice boy and then there's Mr. Kui the asshole and they're both like voiced by the same I think his name is Mark Miller so yeah 59:12.49 Adam _he_him_ Um, so after that she's just been robbed. She goes looking around to see who's the culprit. The bootleg v h s store is right next door and Woody ran in there and then pretended to be asleep. Ah badly. 59:28.63 Adam _he_him_ So she immediately is like he definitely just robbed me and then she does a pretty clever pLoi which is she comes in. She's just like hey I just got robbed I'm going to pay you private detectives to find out the identity of who it was and so they're just like oh awesome. Double payday where we get to Rob her and then lie about ah ah doing detective work to fix it. 59:49.19 Jala Yeah, yeah, so then she ends up telling them that she's going to give them a free meal in exchange for doing all this and they're like ok yeah, cool. 01:00:03.58 Jala Um, so so they're putson around and Rolls actually goes back to see Jelly at some point in here and then she tells Jelly that she knows like that These guys robbed her. She's pretty sure that that's what happened but she needs Jelly to play along with her. 01:00:19.35 Jala Because she's trying to get information out of them to figure out where her shit is so that's why she's offers them a meal. They go to the little sushi restaurant where the Sushi Boy is serving them and being heartbroken all the while and she's trying to get them drunk as hell. So that way she can take. 01:00:37.24 Jala You know, like get information out of them and find her stuff again and so Jelly's there just basically to you know like help her get them drunk and encourage them in their behavior. So. 01:00:49.90 Adelaide Yeah, and they're being like truly awful ah like restaurant patrons they're being like loud they're being Rowdy. They're being so like disruptive that there's like a soccer team. Next. At the table next to them and they're like gosh these people are being so loud right now. 01:01:09.94 Adam _he_him_ And also you know you're just like oh Rolls is like going to to buy the meal and get them drunk and do that in order to get a confession which is her plan but she's getting all of this shit for free by exploiting Sushi Boy. 01:01:19.81 Adelaide Oh yeah, for sure. 01:01:26.88 Jala Yeah I know absolutely well and then not only that. But then because they're both drunk Woody and Rolls end up wandering off like um I think like Rolls says she needs to go to the bathroom and then. 01:01:27.40 Adam _he_him_ The profound level of disrespect happening to Sushi Boy. 01:01:42.33 Jala She goes and then what he's like I'll go with you and then like she's in the bathroom and she's trying to rinse off and and you know like get all cleaned up and stuff and then Woody goes in after her and you know he's like hey I you know like trying to get some and she ends up throwing up all over him when they're trying to get it on and he's trying to. 01:01:57.48 Adelaide Yeah, very good. 01:02:02.25 Jala You know, take advantage of her because he's that that terrible and I. 01:02:04.80 Adelaide And I think it's at at this point they also have like an actual conversation where she's like hey did you Rob me and he's like yes yeah. 01:02:16.91 Adam _he_him_ You know a baby of course I did. Ah yeah, ah they are regardless of that though they are both ah too horny to care in this moment. 01:02:29.15 Jala Um, yeah, yeah I know like that's a lot that's a lot you know, ah the bile is real. 01:02:31.65 Adelaide Oh for sure. Yes, now. 01:02:32.30 Adam _he_him_ I would not make out with someone until they brush their teeth after barfing on my very complicated shirt. 01:02:39.62 Jala so so yeah it also during that party b makes you know tries to to mention to Jelly. Oh well, it's my birthday today you know I was hoping Woody would remember or something. So. 01:02:50.88 Adelaide That's right, yeah because it's like a running thing a conversation at the beginning of the movie where like ah where b is like oh like you know let's go see a movie. Let's go see Titanic and. And Woody is just kind of like pushing him off and he doesn't at that point mention that it's his birthday but it kind of like gets revealed later on that like that's why he wanted to do something. 01:03:17.76 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, right, right? now it feels like he's just trying to do the S Meagle gambit of ah telling someone that it's your birthday in order to get something that you want. But. 01:03:24.71 Jala Well, he also is trying to take everybody's picture with his Game Boy camera because that's like a running thing as well like he's trying to to commemorate the moment of all of them together and they're all drunk in the restaurant which is a cute little scene for a bunch of drunk assholes. But you know ah so it goes. 01:03:39.42 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, he wants to take everyone's picture just in case they die and then they can use this as you're in your obituary this great Game Boy camera. 01:03:44.70 Jala Yeah I don't know if he says that at this point I don't remember if he says that at this point but it definitely comes up later. So but yeah, and then when Woody and Rolls go away for so long then Sushi Boys like they've been gone a long time I wonder what's going on and then he goes after them. 01:04:04.30 Jala And then he gets his heart promptly broken because of what and so he runs off to the men's bathroom to go and and cry and then he gets attacked by the zombified agent who has wandered into the bathroom or has wandered into that rather he's watered into the hallway. So when. 01:04:23.83 Jala The Sushi Boy comes out of the men's bathroom there. The the zombie guy is there and so um, Sushi Boy runs into the men's bathroom again. The Zombie chases him he manages to dodge him dodge the zombie and then push the zombie into the toilet and then use his. 01:04:25.80 Adelaide That's right? yeah. 01:04:42.18 Jala Big old ah sandals wooden sandals to stomp on him and then runs out screaming and then goes into the other bathroom to tell Woody and Rolls that there's a monster. 01:04:51.80 Adelaide Right? And they're not having it. 01:04:56.50 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, um, another very fun detail Another very funny detail is that like he's mad because he's like I specifically put a wet floor sign in front of this bathroom. So no one would interrupt us making out. 01:05:05.56 Adelaide Um, that's true. Yeah can't you see the wet floor sign. Why are you here. 01:05:08.53 Jala Yeah, yeah, absolutely. so so yeah like when he goes in there then you know, ah you know Loi's like oh there's the zombie. There's a zombie. There's a monster rather he's not saying zombie he's saying monster. There's monster. There's a monster it it. 01:05:25.77 Jala It attacked me and you know like I think he got bit at that point didn't he yeah, he had gotten bitten so he's like it bit me it bit me and um, so then Woody's pissed off and doesn't want it and like tells him to go away but then Rolls is like no no, no, no, you should go check and then of course there's nothing in the bathroom when. 01:05:28.30 Adelaide Yes, he did get bit. 01:05:30.86 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, he is infected. 01:05:43.18 Jala Woody goes and so he just smacks Sushi Boy upside the head and then just you know basically is just pissed off at him. 01:05:54.61 Adam _he_him_ Yep, ah, at that point. Ah there is I can't remember if it's exactly now it's it's coming up in the near future. But there's a ah, funny little short scene between ah be and Woody where Woody is just like god I got this. 01:06:14.32 Adam _he_him_ Boner and now he got enough to do with it and then and that B is just like you want to kill Sushi Boy and he's like no not now all right? 01:06:30.30 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, so that's just a little interstitial. Ah, but what happens next is that um is it is it Jelly or is it like an unrelated girl who Sushi Boy got it. 01:06:33.30 Adelaide So it's a different character this was confusing to me for a while but there's a third girl named Cindy who's only ever mentioned like once or twice she's only in the in the beauty salon. 01:06:50.83 Adam _he_him_ Right? So she takes pity on Sushi Boy and she's just like hey man I know you got no riz but like a facial would do a lot for you right now and he's like ah yeah. 01:06:57.40 Adelaide Ah, yeah, she tries to sell him like 5000 year old like Bud or something right? Yeah yeah. 01:06:57.19 Jala Because you got a bad pimple Your complexion's not looking too good. 01:07:12.40 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, for for half off just for the friend discount wink. Ah and he is like I'm literally bleeding from with the neck and I I don't really I'm not really in a place to object to this so sure. Whatever ah, so. 01:07:21.30 Jala Well and then he's yeah, he's also like not able to talk anymore at this point like he's struggling to say anything because he's definitely turning blue. He's definitely got stuff developing on his face and he's like turning and so. 01:07:37.20 Jala You know she is totally oblivious to the fact that he is turning and this is all happening. So. 01:07:45.11 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, so then we have ah I think that previous interstitial scene and then ah they they walk in on the Beauty Parlor to see and we have almost exactly the Resident Evil Zombie head turn. 01:08:00.92 Adam _he_him_ Ah, as they find Sushi Boy hunched over ah Cindy ah turning around after taking some ah big old chops out of her and everyone just like oh my god. 01:08:08.72 Jala Yeah, well and to be specific. It's not Woody and Bee that come at this time. It's Rolls and Rolls ends up getting captured and then meanwhile the agent the zombie agent who was in the trunk. 01:08:19.22 Adam _he_him_ That's right. 01:08:25.82 Jala Goes to the cell phone shop breaks open the the shop glass and takes the cell phone that was his cell phone that was sold to kui by Woody and Bee and so he takes that and then wanders off and meanwhile. 01:08:41.10 Jala When would he and be come wandering by you know would he with his raging heart on and be ready to kill people. Ah then then Kui yeah then ah Kui pops out and then is accusing. 01:08:48.99 Adam _he_him_ What he would he living up to his name. 01:08:54.58 Jala Would he and be of having broken this stuff in the shop and taking the cell phone because of course they would because they're low lifes etc and then he also like they're screaming so much that the security guard ox ends up coming into play. He comes over to see what's going on. 01:09:11.49 Jala And then ends up calling the police. 01:09:16.75 Adelaide Right. 01:09:17.70 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, and this is an escalation for what who he wanted he was threatening to call quote 50 guys to come beat them up. Ah, but that but he didn't actually want like authorities to get involved. Ah. 01:09:26.87 Jala Well in that itself. The fact that he's like I I can get my guys to come and get you and he calls up somebody and says yeah, bring over all your guys and this that and the other and then a moment later Woody cell phone rings and his boss. Calls him and he says oh boss. Yeah, what do you need? Oh so you need me to do a job for you. Oh Kui wants a whole bunch of men but you know he ain't shit no more yeah, okay, yeah, I'll take care of him. 01:09:58.44 Jala And then that was like the the end of that and then that's about the time that Ox comes over and then is ends up calling the police. So. 01:10:08.50 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah at this point. Ah yeah, the 2 the 2 policemen come up and um I love these police men. These policemen are absolute homies. 01:10:15.70 Adelaide Yeah, very very much MVPs 01:10:26.20 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah and they at this point do that? Ah interrogation with the the great split screenshot that you referenced before. 01:10:30.49 Jala Yeah, and it's it's so good and both of these policemen by the way are not referenced by their names. They are like by the book and they seem kind of like their rookies and you know they're like badge number 3001 and badge number 9466 and they only refer to each other as those numbers. 01:10:49.93 Jala So ah, yeah, it's very funny. But yeah, when they do this interrogation neither would he nor be is listening to the other one even though they're right next to each other in actuality and so like their stories do not corroborate and so this is very suspicious The officers end up handcuffing them and taking them to the security guards office at this point. 01:11:15.32 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah, very funny sequence with the the dual interrogations happening simultaneously ah that comically do not line up. Um. Also I put a note here I love that similar to Dick Tracy they get in trouble for the one crime that they didn't commit. Oh. 01:11:29.45 Jala Yeah, just like Big Boy Caprice calling it back to the other episode you were on woo. Ah, yeah, yeah, oh yes I Love your other note on here, Please please tell us. 01:11:46.89 Adam _he_him_ Ah, the partner energy coming from the cops is the strongest that I've seen since Resident Evil 5 there. There is a secrets literally where Ox is like ah. 01:11:57.30 Adam _he_him_ Ah, one of them like violates procedure or misses something obvious and ox the security guard is just like you guys don't seem like very good police. Your your partners seems like like kind of a dumb ass and then the other one is just like he is my partner. Do you know what means? ah a partner is a sacred bond. 01:12:02.89 Adelaide Yeah, yeah, right? like what am I excuse you. It's very adorable I love them. 01:12:08.59 Jala Absolutely I mean they're very bumbling but they're very sweet. So. 01:12:16.90 Adam _he_him_ Man like yeah, they're so sweet. 01:12:25.98 Jala Yeah, and it's during this time when Woody and b are handcuffed in the security office where b actually does tell Woody that it is his birthday and Woody forgot all about it and there's like this that sad little scene for a minute where Woody feels contrite and Bee is just like sniffles. 01:12:45.60 Jala You know I love you anyway. But you know whatever. 01:12:51.54 Adelaide And I I feel like this is kind of the turning moment in terms of like tone for the movie. Um, because like I I think that's the first like real sort of like genuine moment that we've had between them. 01:13:05.12 Jala Yeah, absolutely. 01:13:10.89 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, it's the moment of ah actual vulnerability that we see. 01:13:14.76 Jala Yeah, so while they are currently being watched by ah, agent number 9466 agent number 3001 goes out into the ball to try to find witnesses for the theft and that's where he comes across the Sushi Boy. Who kills him. 01:13:33.86 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, um, they they are the the security officer and 9466 are monitoring the situation from the security cameras. Um and previously they were looking for ah like through the security footage and someone's just like. 01:13:47.25 Jala Yeah, that yeah, that was that was a very good that was a good moment too because he's so authoritative and serious when he says pan the camera over and yeah, that's very good. 01:13:47.25 Adelaide The cameras don't pan. 01:13:48.87 Adam _he_him_ Panned the camera there and he's like this is a recording dumbass What if what are you talking about? um. Yeah, but. 01:14:03.94 Adelaide I think it's also this part that um, like Woody and ox are sitting in like a separate room by themselves and like Woody is like chained up to a chair or desk or whatever and they just like have this really nice like little chat where like the the. 01:14:20.21 Adelaide You know, like what he's like oh like what's your name and the security guard is like oh it's ox and what he's like oh that's my name too. They kind of like chuckle about it then like he's like hey can I like bum a smoke and then like they talk about where they grew up and like they're from the same town and it's just like this. 01:14:39.39 Adelaide I Don't know it's it's It's just like a cute little like again like it. It feels kind of like what would have happened like it's realistic I Guess you know like that The security guard doesn't actually care about his job. He knows that like. 01:14:56.34 Adelaide Woody is a scum bag but like also being mall security is kind of a shit job. So like they kind of just bullshit for a little bit. 01:15:02.93 Jala Yeah, they do and it's it's a really like it's a nice scene too because again it gives you that pathos a little bit of pathos for Woody but also a little bit of pathos for ox who up to this point is just like another face. You do you just expect him to just die anytime. 01:15:21.10 Jala And you're like whatever with this guy you know, but like this movie does a really good job of making all of the characters that are on screen for any like appreciable length of time characters that you have some degree of investment in when the shit hits the van. 01:15:42.63 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, there is a fundamental decency to the security guard. Um, which ah they they all of course exploit immediately as he gets killed almost in the next scene. 01:15:51.60 Jala Yeah, so like where the security card security guard gets killed isn't that ah is that is that the point where Sushi Boy is back in the sushi restaurant or does he just happen to walk by where Sushi Boy is in the Beauty Parlor I forget. 01:16:09.31 Adam _he_him_ Ah I think he is in the sushi restaurant because there's this whole bit where they're fighting and he's like using the nets that are part of the decoration to try to to get him. Ah and. 01:16:24.55 Adam _he_him_ Ah, Sushi Boy here is doing his best young Frankenstein impression because he's captured his one true love and he just keeps going her um ah Sushi Boy somehow kills the cop I'm not really sure how they just kind of flail at each other zombie style. 01:16:42.16 Adam _he_him_ And then he gets you know blooded, but ah yeah, ah he we've already established with um the government agent like taking back his cell phone but like it's really getting reinforced here that like there are traces of humanity to these zombies like. 01:17:01.47 Adam _he_him_ Ah, Sushi Boy has kidnapped role and somehow like is still trying to make a connection through this infection. Um, yeah, which is which is sweet. 01:17:10.37 Jala Yeah, he has a gift for her which is like a little Precious Moments figure or something. Yeah and he tries to give it to her and he know like ah at some point which I'm not sure where it's at um. 01:17:14.86 Adelaide Ah, oh my God yes. 01:17:16.81 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, love that. 01:17:27.45 Jala Yeah I think it's I think it's around this same time where there's a bunch of zombies because people are starting to turn Zombie all over the place at this point. Um, and there's a bunch of zombies who are trying to like eat sushi and he's preparing things. 01:17:39.96 Adelaide Yes, was so good. 01:17:43.34 Jala Sushi like human finger sushi for them and he oh Okay, Okay, okay, well, ah, do we want to talk about now since I already started it and then we'll we'll kind of or do you want to wait. 01:17:45.72 Adam _he_him_ God I Love that so much. Yeah, that that's that's a little bit later on but like absolute joy like the the I was clapping at the screen. 01:18:01.96 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, yeah, yeah, sir. No we we can We could touch on it. 01:18:02.29 Jala Until that. Ok so so yeah, there's a ah scene talking about Sushi Boys humanity where you know he's he's serving so finger sushi to the soccer team who was pissed off at the at everybody earlier for being loud and rowdy. 01:18:20.24 Jala And so he's serving it to them but they're starting to get suspicious because Rolls is just sitting there kind of like upset and panicked in a corner and so Sushi Boy takes a finger sushi and hands it to her and is trying to like is looking at her and looking over at the other zombies and is trying to get her to eat it. 01:18:39.00 Jala Or pretend to eat it or something just to like you know deceive the other zombies into thinking that she's you know. Also one of them and is okay, you know to try to protect her. 01:18:51.79 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah, which is a complicated gambit for a zombie to attempt he's he's he's making a lot of assumptions and it almost works. Ah. 01:18:53.99 Jala Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll put a pin in that and come back to that when it's appropriate in the story. So so yeah, right about that time. 01:19:07.41 Jala The agent bursts back into the or burst into the security office and kills Ox and then attacks number agent number 9 4 6 6 01:19:17.64 Adam _he_him_ Yeah I love that like the cop is again monitoring the situation through the security cameras and he's just looking at a security camera and being like that zombies outside a door. 01:19:31.59 Adam _he_him_ Oh shit, it's this door and door open that he immediately gets bitten um during this ah struggle the cop is shooting the zombie. It's not effective and that's when b gets his like little flashback to house of the dead and he's like. You got to do the head shot bro. At which 9466 does to successfully kill the zombie but then succumbs to his wounds leaving ah them chained in the office. Ox and 9466 are dead. 01:20:07.70 Adam _he_him_ So they are just handcuffed with no way out. Ah with with some ah zombies and some people who are going to turn into zombies imminently. 01:20:12.30 Jala Yeah, absolutely so then they have to try to concoct a ah way to get the handcuff key away from the police officer 9466 and so Bee manages to use I think it's his his knife isn't it to try to get the the. 01:20:28.27 Adelaide Yeah, it's the machete. Yeah. 01:20:31.73 Jala Yeah, he gets his machete and then pulls the gets the the key free and then frees himself in Woody so they end up trying to head towards the mall entrance. But then they see Jelly huh. 01:20:44.64 Adam _he_him_ Ah, point point of order. They do not successfully ah, get their handcuffs off like 1 of them is ah handcuffed to like a computer somehow and has to like. 01:20:56.69 Adam _he_him_ Carry the computer with him as they are like they're they're still handcuffed to shit and they have to take the shit with them as they escape the scene. 01:21:02.31 Jala Oh, but also something else I wanted to mention from the being in the office is that right? when they first get themselves more or less out of the handcuffs or at least b gets his handcuffs off and I think it's Woody that has the monitor. So ah when that's happening. They are also looking around to. Kind of scrounge for supplies survival horror style and then like they're they're checking. There's no key There's no ammo in the gun and there's like little icons that flash on the screen to tell them that there's there's empty, empty clip empty. no keys no nothing it's very good. It's a very good. 01:21:35.54 Adam _he_him_ So good. 01:21:37.70 Jala Reference to survival horror stuff. So yeah, like as they're going with this monitor. They are trying to head towards the mall entrance and then they see Jelly who is Rolls coworker and she seems to be okay so far so they run over there but then. 01:21:57.47 Jala Right? about that time like the the reanimated Ox he's come back from his his dead just long enough to close the malls shutter to trap everybody inside because he's now a zombie and he's just you know now he's into Zombie business and he wants to keep everybody there. 01:22:09.68 Adam _he_him_ Classic. 01:22:16.84 Jala So right about that time they're all trapped inside and then the 3 of them end up meeting the kooeys who are also trying to get the hell out of there and then the whole group ends up going back to the beauty parlor to kind of hang out and hide out for a little bit. 01:22:34.57 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, so now we have our full like roster of survivors who ah. 01:22:37.34 Adelaide You get a little bit more like pretty damning evidence that Mr Kui is just like a piece of shit. Um, because like you know everyone's hanging out and like obviously everyone's on edge and like he's like oh I'm hungry like where. 01:22:55.20 Adelaide Do We have any food like I want to eat something and his wife is like oh we just have instant noodles and he's like go bake them for me. Um, and then like she makes them and brings him back and like hands him out to everyone and he's like why did you give him. Fucking Seafood Noodles I Love seafood noodles and she's like oh here have mine and he like throws them on the ground. 01:23:16.67 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, and and he doesn't just yeah, he he spikes them on the ground instead of just being like I would like to trade or I would for not he's being real petty. 01:23:22.99 Jala That's because Bee has had a crush on Mrs Kui he's said that since like the first time she's mentioned and then Mrs Kui is starting to like seem a little bit sweet on b and so. 01:23:39.65 Jala Once he sees that Mr Kui is like unreasonably jealous and that's when he's like you know I don't want these noodles and just throws it on the ground and just wastes everything. So. 01:23:49.44 Adelaide Yeah, and then be like hands her his noodles and and and you know he's like oh why. 01:24:00.14 Adam _he_him_ She she she she gives him her seafood noodles and then ah b gives her his noodles and then he Mr Kui spikes the noodles on the ground again out of just pettiness. 01:24:09.43 Adelaide Yeah, yeah, he sex we hate him. 01:24:18.11 Adam _he_him_ And then they have a real dumb ass altercation where it's just like you want to go outside. You want to go and he's like yeah you want to go Not really okay, we'll stay fine. 01:24:19.72 Adelaide Right? yeah. 01:24:25.50 Jala Yeah, yeah, that was a very fun nonsense bit. 01:24:36.24 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, just like you know both of them have these egos and this pride but also are are trying to be pragmatic. Ah, ah they at least recognize that going out and trying to kill each other in the zombie hallways is a bad idea. 01:24:45.42 Jala Yeah, yeah, so then what happens after that Adam. 01:24:54.85 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, so at that point ah we um, we have a little scene where the security guard ah 9 4 6 6 Ah they find his body in the hall. 01:25:12.00 Adam _he_him_ And he's got the keys and they're like oh shit we can finally unlock ourselves from this stuff. Ah B is like I'm going to go get those keys and tries to pick them up and then Rolls a natural one and absolutely. 01:25:28.34 Adam _he_him_ Fumbles the keys into his mouth into the mouth of 9 of dead 9 4 6 six who they don't know if he's going to turn and then they have to do a real Resident Evil 7 of just like ok um, could he use my machete to kind of prop open his mouth while I slowly reach inside. 01:25:46.79 Adam _he_him_ So I could get the keys that we need and ah it's it's genuinely fairly tense despite how silly the the situation is but they get the keys 9 4 6 6 of course comes back from the dead. Ah, but at this point Woody has gotten 9 4 6 6 is gun. And finally has a proper way to defend himself and so after that ah he goes out with the gun and goes to rescue Rolls. Ah, he is being a good survival horror protagonist. He is conserving his limited resources. He is not getting into fights that he doesn't need to get into. 01:26:21.50 Jala And that's where you get the sushi Sushi Boy Sushi with human fingers scene. 01:26:36.66 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah you get you cuts over to the sushi Parlor where Rolls is being held captive and that's when Sushi Boy is serving the soccer team some finger food of my my comment is just fuck this movie rules. Ah. 01:26:47.92 Jala It is such a good scene. 01:26:49.21 Adelaide Yeah, this is this is like literally one of the silliest and funniest things I could possibly think of them doing um and I think it's also like so we talked about like how in the movie like the zombies like retain little bits of their. Like personality or motivations and I actually think like just outside of this being an incredibly funny scene like it's kind of a clever trick to pull with them because instead of them ceasing to be a character once they become zombies. They actually. 01:27:24.22 Adelaide Continue to get characterization even after they like lose their identity essentially. 01:27:35.52 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah, which is a great way to handle it. Um, genuinely good stuff I love this scene. Ah, the Sam Ramy energy is off the charts. Ah, ah at that point. Um. 01:27:48.60 Jala But oh but when when Rolls is handed this sushi she tries to pretend to eat it. She tries to eat. It gets real sick about the whole idea pretends to be like RaRa which is actually very very funny. 01:27:52.14 Adam _he_him_ Woody goes into as starts. 01:28:06.28 Jala But she's also terrified and it's very well acted but because she didn't actually eat the sushi this aggravates and enrages all of the soccer team who then want to eat her because she's a human and they she's been found out so Sushi Boy. 01:28:22.87 Jala Has to then fend off the soccer team and at this point he has given her the little precious moments thing that he gave her um and you know all of that So he's already tried to protect her and tried to to hide her he has given her a gift that he had already stored away before he was turned into a zombie. 01:28:41.61 Jala And then now like now he's standing up to the entire soccer team of zombies in this sushi shop to try to keep her alive. 01:28:54.20 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah and ah Sushi Boy fights off a bunch of the soccer team. Ah Woody Rolls up shoots a couple ah manages to rescue Rolls but Sushi Boy grabs her and she escapes by hitting him. 01:29:09.64 Adam _he_him_ With the the precious moments statue and they escape and then the camera lingers on the broken statue and plays the saddest music in the world as Zombie Sushi Boy cries. It's what a precious baby I Love him. 01:29:20.85 Jala Yeah, yeah, so after that they decide that they're going to get into the elevator and try to go down to the parking garage because that's about the only place they can go at this point since the mall entrance has been rolled down. 01:29:39.39 Jala They decide they're going to hit that that route and they go into the elevator and then there's a bunch of zombies that are starting to come after them at this point but the elevator can't close and move due to the weight limit. So. 01:29:50.14 Adelaide This also feels like a very like video gamemy thing like I like I know for sure, there's a part in like Silent Hill three where this happens but just like the whole like. 01:30:03.46 Adelaide Oh no, we're in the elevator like but the elevator won't go. It's it's tense because the zombies are coming for us. 01:30:09.69 Jala Yeah, well I will say this though, there's no way that elevator weight limit is going to be like undone by the this like number of people that are in there because you know how many people get crammed into an elevator in a mall or whatever like it would have been fine, but. 01:30:12.70 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, very much. So. 01:30:18.86 Adelaide Oh for sure. Yeah, yeah. 01:30:27.44 Jala You know for purposes of this movie Kui has to be proven to be the shittiest person on the planet and so as a zombie is coming up. He ends up pushing Jelly which is Rolls friend out of the elevator into the clutches of the zombie and closing the door. 01:30:46.89 Jala Yeah, and so everybody's pissed at Kui and they all tried to go back to rescue Jelly but they find her dead. 01:30:47.47 Adam _he_him_ How despicable. 01:30:59.51 Jala So as they're continuing on from there to go on to the parking garage area. Both Mr and Mrs Kui are accosted while because they they like ah Woody and Bee and Rolls are all mad. 01:31:14.29 Jala And so they are going to just like separate from Kui and Kui is just unrelenting unrepentant and everything so he says I'm going to stay right here and until somebody finds me or something like that and then Mrs Kui stays because she's the wife and she's been paying you know doing this this whole movie. 01:31:34.10 Jala So they're there. They're doing their thing and then the other three go off on their own and while that happens both Mr and Mrs Kui are accosted by zombies and they end up both getting bitten and there's this interest. Scene wherein Kui is shown to be like get your hands off my wife and he tries to go and actually stand up to a zombie rather than running away like he would for basically any other point of this movie and he actually tries to save her. 01:32:01.60 Jala Fails to save her and they both get bitten and they both die like with their hands clasped together trying to hold on to the very last moment. So yeah, yeah. 01:32:06.54 Adelaide Whatever too little too late I don't buy it. 01:32:15.52 Adam _he_him_ Um, can it can I also say I think it was a little bit before this moment. Um, but at 1 point I think he's out of bullets and so he's just like okay everyone we need to arm up grab a weapon and then they have the most amazing like. 01:32:24.72 Jala All the scenes. Yes. 01:32:29.96 Adam _he_him_ Resident Evil 1 intro cut scene where it's just like Woody you weapon power drill like it. 01:32:32.61 Jala And it's like a three sixty degree model that spins and it's like standstill and it just spins them on like a black background or something and it shows like they're their stats and their weapon. 01:32:45.68 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, yeah, it's extremely character select screen. Um, and it's so delightful like I love it. 01:32:50.64 Jala Well, there's also a montage while they're all trying to fight through and I don't know exactly where it happens in the movie which is why I didn't mention it where they are doing some real silly slapstick looney tune stuff to kill some of the zombies. One of my favorites is the point where. 01:33:08.73 Jala I Think it's Crazy Bee takes a pipe and shoves it into a zombie eye and turns on the pipe and then it like gush What it's just. 01:33:21.72 Adam _he_him_ It was very. It was very important that you mentioned that um they reference that you can do exactly that in Dead Rising. 01:33:31.34 Adam _he_him_ Ah, which and also a great touch point for that There are like shower faucets that you can grab as a weapon and then you can stab it into their head and then they'll like shower blood out of the faucet. Ah, it's wonderful I Love it. 01:33:42.88 Jala Yeah, so oh oh I think instead of going to the parking garage that when they split off they were trying to go to the security office because they have to unlock like the the roll down ah in order to get out through the parking garage is the thing so they had to go back to the security office again and. 01:34:00.58 Jala That's about the time when Mr and Mrs Kui are killed by zombies. so so yeah but then b happens to see see like the tail end of all of this stuff happening and he ends up ah distraught when he sees Mrs Kui has been. 01:34:17.17 Jala Killed he sees like the dead bodies. They they happen to pass by again. They see them and then ah, he's upset and he ends up getting bitten by a zombie. 01:34:30.99 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah would he they they managed to get Woody or Bee to a safe location. Ah but he is infected and he's dying. 01:34:45.60 Adam _he_him_ Ah, and then there is a like genuinely like vulnerable and sweet scene of them trying to comfort him. 01:34:48.40 Adelaide Yeah, this is another one of those moments where like I'm so impressed that like this movie is able to like very wholeheartedly and like wholesomely pull off these. Like vulnerable character moments in what are otherwise is like kind of a is either like too outsized to be realistic or just like like we've been talking about like just silly comedy movie. 01:35:20.74 Jala Yeah, because at this point b's like oh well, it's my birthday I really wanted to go. They say that if you you make a wish at whatever midnight or or something. Ah you can get your wish and I just wanted to go see a movie with a pretty girl that likes me. 01:35:36.78 Jala And like it's the the saddest saddest stuff right? and he's you know he's as he's slowly turning he's like Woody I'm so cold I'm so cold. Oh take my my Game Boy camera you know, ah take a picture of me for my obituary before I turn all the way and you've got to. 01:35:48.60 Adelaide Right? We use it on white gravestone. 01:35:53.94 Jala Yeah, you've got to kill me and and whatever and then Rolls and Woody are both like holding him and trying to keep him warm and and talking to him and you know it's okay, buddy you'll pull through and he's like I know I'm going to die I know I'm going to die but take a picture of me. 01:36:09.30 Jala And so then right about the time that Woody takes it and he's wiping away tears and he enRolls step back and then you know he takes the camera and he says okay smile and he bee is about to smile when he gets pulled through a window that's broken by Ox. 01:36:25.39 Jala And he just gets destroyed and completely murderated by ox. So at that point Woody is so pissed off that he takes bee's machete and then just like grabs it on both ends and then just totally beheads ox in you know pushes pushes him. 01:36:38.86 Adelaide Yeah, this kind of pops his head right off. 01:36:48.69 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah grabbing like the blade of the machete for leverage and cutting his hand ah in in a pretty pretty metal way like pretty hardcore. Ah and at that point we are firmly into the the finale as. 01:36:50.32 Adelaide Oh that's right? yeah. 01:36:59.70 Adelaide The first. And actually really quickly. They they do do a thing where they like linger on him like having cut his hand by holding the machete and I what I was was wasn't clear on is if that was. 01:37:04.98 Adam _he_him_ It's just Woody and Rolls left ah and they have to get through the parking garage. 01:37:21.84 Adelaide Supposed to imply that like he had gotten infected blood in a cut and therefore was now infected himself or like if it was just sort of supposed to build the gravity of the of like what happened. Okay. 01:37:35.38 Jala That was not something. Yeah I think it's the gravity but it wasn't something that was addressed in the director interview. Ah the director did mention that he made 2 endings for this movie which I will talk about when we get to the ending we're almost there. so so yeah we'll we'll talk about it. 01:37:36.33 Adam _he_him_ Yeah I think it I think was just the gravity. 01:37:48.74 Adam _he_him_ Oh interesting. 01:37:51.14 Jala But yeah, so wooden Rolls head down to that parking garage. It's totally crawling with all the zombies I don't know they were all in the mall somewhere. We didn't see him the whole time but they're now in the parking garage every one of them and so they're trying to fight their way through and they end up getting to Woody's boss's car and then. As they're trying to get out. They get pulled back by a bunch of zombies who won't let them go. They're trying to grab the car and halt them halt their progress and right about that time as the the roll top because I think um. 01:38:24.44 Jala It's one of the other security guards ends up trying to push the the roll top down or is it already down in in. 01:38:28.13 Adelaide I Think it's already down. 01:38:34.44 Jala I don't remember I I seem to remember it going to like it rolling down like I think one of them pulled it either way. Either way the the rolling door to to shut them in is ah also an impediment. 01:38:46.53 Adelaide It's closed. 01:38:48.34 Jala Ah, along with the zombies holding onto the car. So Sushi Boy like oh oh the the car runs out of gas. That's what it was. There's something happened like they couldn't start the car. So Sushi Boy was pushing it. Sushi Boy was pushing. It is what it was so Sushi Boy was pushing the car. 01:39:05.56 Jala And trying to push it up so they could get out and then because the rolltop was down too Far. He ends up trying to pull the rolltop up and all the zombies are attacking him and biting him at this point and he goes down just as. What he gets the car started and then they peel out of there and the last thing that you see of Sushi Boy he is on the ground like reaching out towards Rolls as he is being eaten by other zombies. Yeah. 01:39:32.14 Adelaide Yeah, seriously what a what a moment Sushi Boy nobody would have survived without him. 01:39:33.67 Adam _he_him_ What a hero Thank you for your service, Sushi Boy. 01:39:40.84 Jala Um, yeah, and that's the the thing is that like Sushi Boy is like really surprising because you really don't think when you roll up on this movie that that character is going to be that important and that he's going to do that many heroic things you know like you're not expecting that at all. So. 01:39:49.62 Adelaide Okay. 01:39:57.20 Jala Yeah, so roll and Woody or Rolls in Woody go to a gas station. They're trying to get some more gas they're trying to figure out what's going on. He's trying to find a phone so he can call somebody and so he stops and as he Woody goes up to the gas station and it's completely deserted there. 01:39:58.22 Adam _he_him_ Yeah. 01:40:15.32 Jala He goes up to the gas station to just kind of see if the phone works and everything he notices an emergency broadcast being shown inside the store which is apparently locked and closed and it warns people against drinking soft drinks because they might be ah bio hazardous. They might be biochemical substances that will do things to you and make you terrible so he looks he turns and looks and and this in this version because there's 2 endings he turns and sees Rolls drinking from the bottle. The lucoade bottle. 01:40:50.17 Jala That he took from that agent that was in the car the whole time and so like he sees that realizes that Rolls is going to turn because she drank that drink and so he gets into the car Rolls asks him if he was able to contact anybody what he looks at her. 01:41:07.72 Jala And says no or whatever and then drinks some of the drink like stops and looks at the drink for a second. You're not sure what he's going to do if he's going to kill her or what but then he takes a swig of the drink puts the little cap back on it and then like it pans out from there and that's your ending. 01:41:25.71 Jala So that's the ending that they went with for the official release the other version of this is justice dyer a little bit different. So after he hears the emergency broadcast he turns and Rolls is not in the car. He walks towards the car and Rolls jumps out at him and bites him. And then it cuts to plaque so there were the one that's actually on the DVD or on the bluray. Yeah, the official ending I like a lot better because it has like that moment of Woody trying to make a decision of does he want to. 01:41:44.98 Adelaide Um, oh yeah I like the other ending much better. 01:42:00.38 Jala Go ahead and drink this drink and be a zombie Also since his girlfriend and his best friend and everybody were turned into zombies or what and something that the director said at this point in the interview was that ah for him That's really a reflection of his own mindset. 01:42:17.99 Jala Because for him if that were him in that situation and you know he lost his best friend and his girlfriend was like that he wouldn't personally want to go on. He would have made that decision himself and that's just the director directly. You know, putting that in there. So but it's affecting. 01:42:36.23 Adam _he_him_ Yeah shades of like ah the end of John Carpenter's The Thing where you know ah that that kind of bleak ending after everything they've been through. 01:42:42.20 Jala Yeah, yeah, so so yeah, and that is the end of Bio Zombie yeah, the end of Bio Zombie which surprised the hell out of me even the first time I watched it because I was not expecting to feel anything watching. 01:42:42.10 Adelaide Yeah. And there you have it. 01:42:59.98 Adelaide Right. 01:43:01.81 Jala Movie right? and and so like you know I laughed a lot and I'm like boy I hate everybody in this movie basically and then like it turns out that they make you feel for these characters and even some of the little throwaway characters you feel. 01:43:17.40 Jala Stuff about them because you get some kind of identifiers and you get a little bit of humanity like moments of humanity from all the characters that are important and you know like even ox and the the 2 police officers they have so much character to them and so much care to them and like you see. 01:43:36.56 Jala Relationships like the director Wilson Yip talking about how he really focuses on those relationships between people as they try to survive like that's very apparent because that is so prevalent in this movie and. 01:43:52.74 Jala Something that's interesting is that before this he had directed a whole gamut of other stuff. He's done action films. He's done rom coms he's done like everything but this was like his first time doing. 01:44:00.39 Adelaide Interesting. 01:44:03.81 Jala Yeah, yeah, he's done a bunch of different styles of movies and this one is kind of like a mashup of a lot of different elements of of other things that he's done in the past as of the point when he made it. So. 01:44:19.74 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, you know it's easy to look at this and to to see the jaank in the the low budget. Um, which again parentheses charming for me. 01:44:31.73 Adam _he_him_ At the end of the day like I think that this is like a rock solid script I think this is a really fun Premise I think these characters are really well sketched and the amount of like genuine pathos that is. 01:44:44.69 Adam _he_him_ Ah, able to be extracted from the absurdity of the situation like I I Just like this a whole lot. 01:44:51.10 Adelaide I I think one I sorry Jala um I think one of the things that like struck me because I rewatched it a couple days ago before the podcast to prepare and sort of think about it and I think one of the things that really struck me as being impressive about it is how. Universal it is you know I think a lot of times when we approach foreign media what we we say oh like well this is a good movie but there are like caveats because you know there are these like cultural things that we don't quite get or like you know there's a language barrier or there's um. 01:45:25.83 Adam _he_him_ Correct. Yeah. 01:45:28.70 Adelaide You know, like references to history or mythological characters that we don't get and like the thing that really struck me is this is such a universal movie. There's almost nothing but actually like actually literally there's nothing in the movie that like you couldn't just. Present to ah a person from the west and just be like this is a zombie movie and they would get it immediately. Yeah. 01:45:54.23 Jala Yeah, absolutely so what did you all think about the ending I mean like for me, it was definitely the only way it would have satisfactorily resolved itself but at the same time as but like especially the very first time I watched it I was like wow. 01:45:56.95 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, it's ultimately very approachable. 01:46:13.55 Jala That's a pretty grim ending for this mostly comedy movie I've been watching you know, but like I didn't I didn't dislike it. Ah it was memorable in part because that ending was the way it was. 01:46:26.14 Adelaide See It's interesting in thinking about it like I it is It is a grim premise because like by the end of the movie. We've either zombified or lost all of our protagonists but like him making the choice to become a zombie himself isn't like. 01:46:45.39 Adelaide Hopeful in the way that we think of like hopeful endings but it feels hopeful to me in the sense that like kind of like the director I think the idea of like living without. You know your girlfriend Your best friend. Everyone that you have close ties to and carry on on without those people is actually a much more like bleak future than like just taking taking the zombie thing and being a zombie. 01:47:18.80 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ultimately to me it comes down to like I don't think that this movie would have been bad if it ended with a gag or a twist. You know again think like Sean of the dead where it's just like oh my best friend turned into a zombie but I've got him chained into the shit and we play video games. Anyways, you know. 01:47:38.30 Adam _he_him_ I Think that you definitely could have done something like that. Ah, but like what this is a symptom of is the fact that this director chooses to take these characters seriously like these are absurd well in an absurd situation but they are people and he treats them. 01:47:57.35 Adam _he_him_ Um, you know with with with a kind of dignity that you might not expect from this kind of genre. 01:47:59.50 Jala Yeah, and I think that's really like the best word that you could use for it because really he did grant them all a certain amount of dignity. Even the characters who don't deserve it. But so. 01:48:12.71 Adelaide Yeah, right stupid Mr. Kui 01:48:17.97 Jala But I mean like it's interesting because you end up getting kind of like a growth arc for everybody you know to some degree Even the little cop guys and everything have like moments where they're trying to do a good thing or whatever you know like having ah a moment of humanity in the middle of all this chaos and you know. 01:48:21.46 Adelaide Prison. 01:48:25.54 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, better. 01:48:36.60 Jala Even though it it's not going to redeem him. Mr. Kui has a moment a brief moment brief shining moment where he seems almost like a normal guy for a minute you know, but oh and we didn't mention one of the other very fun scenes. So a fun fact, the director was in this movie as a zombie he was. 01:48:55.56 Jala Zombie that was leaning up against the coke machine when Mr Kui was squished against the wall and the zombie couldn't get the coke out of the coke machine and was mad and then just sits there and then Mr Kui shoves some Kuins in there to to get the soda. So the zombie would go away that zombie was the director. 01:49:10.90 Adelaide Oh that's cute. 01:49:14.26 Jala Yeah, yeah, so very fun. Ah that little bit but definitely very fun this entire movie and yeah, it kind of goes into so many different places and has so many different levels and so much care to the treatment of the the subject matter and like it's very aware like the director or the writers are very aware of. 01:49:17.13 Adam _he_him_ That's very fun. 01:49:34.10 Jala The whole like oevre of like zombie stuff out there. You know and it really shows and like they're paying homage to a lot of different types of of movies and you know styles of movies. 01:49:48.57 Jala And you know just different scenes and different ways of directing that are really effective and cool. So I mean yeah, it's it's definitely worth taking a look at because it is you know it's again, it's the first zombie movie to come out of Hong Kong and it is a very solid recommend for me for anybody because I didn't even think I wanted to watch a slacker comedy or a zombie movie and I got a slacker zombie movie and loved it. So you know here I am twenty years later twenty plus 22 god Twenty two years later still talking about it. 01:50:24.80 Jala So yeah, well. 01:50:29.48 Adam _he_him_ Um, ah after our ah dick Tracy episode I have forced other people to watch that movie I will be forcing people to watch this movie. 01:50:37.75 Jala Yes, my recommends continue to be solid. Yes, ah yes so I think that wraps us up for this episode on Bio Zombie so without further ado where in the world can people find you on the internet if you are to be found and. 01:50:42.81 Adelaide Um, yeah, definitely. 01:50:43.88 Adam _he_him_ Yes. 01:51:01.21 Adam _he_him_ Yeah, ah, if you would like to chat with me the most easy way to find me is on Discord I am available both on and around Fireheart Media's Discord channel as well as my own Discord channels for Boocherry games and Halftone Takes. Ah, so you can find me there if you would like to hit me up. Ah, you can find my podcast half tone takes wherever podcasts are found and you can find my games including enter the survival horror on ah boocherry.itchio that is boo like ghost cherry like fruit. 01:51:33.94 Jala Yay and also like now that you put the whole Bio Zombie/Enter the Survival Horror crossover into my head you know I'm going to that's going to be on my wish list now I mean like I can't I. 01:51:43.43 Adelaide Ask for it next christmas 01:51:48.45 Jala Right? right? I can't twist your arm and make you do it. But like now it's on my wish list now I'm thinking about it all right? and Addie where in the world might people find you if you are to be found. 01:51:58.56 Adelaide Um, I hang out in the Discord for Jala-chan's Place um I also have been on previous episodes of this podcast. Um I stream every Friday did. Theoretically except for this Friday um, at Sister Adelaide on Twitch and I do have a Youtube channel that is Back On My BS. 01:52:26.41 Jala Yay! All of that links are going to be in the show notes of course and I am always found in places on the internet and in life @jalachan including jalachan.place where you found this episode and all of the others woo. And that is all for now folks. So until next time take care of yourself and remember to smile. [Show Outro] Jala Jala-chan's Place is brought to you by Fireheart Media. If you enjoyed the show, please share this and all of our episodes with friends and remember to rate and review us on your podcast platform of choice. Word of mouth is the only way we grow. If you like, you can also kick us a few bucks to help us keep the lights on at ko-fi.com/fireheartmedia. Check out our other show Monster Dear Monster: A Monster Exploration Podcast at monsterdear.monster. Music composed and produced by Jake Lionhart with additional guitars and mixed by Spencer Smith. Follow along with my adventures via jalachan.place or find me at jalachan in places on the net! [Outro Music]