[Show Intro] Jala Hey, thanks for coming! I'm glad you're here. Come on in! Everyone's out on the patio right now. Looks like a couple of people are in the garden. I can't wait to introduce you! Can I get you anything? [turned away] Hey folks, our new guest is here! [Intro music] 00:00.00 Jala and Dave Hello world and welcome to Jala-chan's Place. I'm your host Jala Prendes (she/her) and today I am joined by Desiree (she/her) and Dave (he/him). Wooooo! 00:14.62 Jala and Dave Hello I'm back again I appear every few episodes. Yes and you edit all of them and we love you for it? Desiree how are you doing so the last time that you were on was what the death. 00:26.92 Desiree Um, I'm doing great. 00:33.25 Jala and Dave Positivity episode from last year maybe 00:36.67 Desiree Ah, so it was the emotional intelligence episode which I will wrap myself out and as I was scrolling back through episodes looking at titles and things to prepare for this episode I was like oh empathy. 00:40.90 Jala and Dave Um, oh hello, Ok cool. 00:52.79 Desiree Emotional intelligence that sounds like an awesome episode. Why didn't oh I into it I was on it and I hate my own voice. So. 01:01.41 Jala and Dave Ah, that's wonderful I've been doing some some fun rediscovering of episodes myself a little bit here recently? um, mostly because I have been um in a position where people um, have need of further ex. Clinics and and discussions of certain types of topics that have been covered on the show in the past. So um I have recommended them to people and then been like maybe I should also re-listen to them. So if they talk to me about them I know what I said because I don't remember um. You know so so doing some kind of revisiting of old shows for that reason and that's kind of what led me to go. You know Um, this is our 2 year anniversary of jolaine's place so um this particular show has been around for a couple of years and I wanted to do an episode that was about the show and like you know retrospective there's a lot of people who do like an end of the year mail bag. You know, kind of retrospective favorites kind of thing around Christmas time and I just chose the anniversary of my show. So I thought that would be a good idea for this episode. So right? at the top here. We usually let the guests talk about the things that they do that are out there in the world. 02:23.64 Jala and Dave And Desiree I don't know that you have anything out there in the world publicly that people can go look at. 02:28.81 Desiree Probably not I tend to ghost the internet as much as possible and being in a Ph D program I I look on and the internet I follow things other people do and promote their amazing work. 02:34.45 Jala and Dave Wise yep. 02:44.97 Jala and Dave Right? right? So I will then pass the mic instead to Dave all right? Yeah I run another podcast monster deer monster which is also on our media network and that one is. 03:04.49 Jala and Dave A sort of ongoing look at monsters in popular culture. We over the years sort of changed more into a kind of film studies podcast. We just watched more movies than than anything else. But. We have a few seasons of episodes that are focused on books short stories comic books that kind of thing. Um and this year so through 2024 we will be doing more interviews with other ah creators musicians authors. Um, onto the podcast to kind of change things up a little bit right right? and the most recent episode that I listened to of the show that was out as of the time that we are recording. This was the one that you did that was the ah interview with. The author of the book of yokai. Yes, it's it's it's a yokka encyclopedia um that the full title escapes me because it's very long but ah that was written by um, tersa matsura and she is it will. Coming out a little bit after um, this episode actually and um, she is ah a host of the uncanny japan podcast which she records in binaural audio she lives in Japan and. 04:30.28 Jala and Dave Kind of takes the opportunities to kind of walk around the seaside and things to get some local village soundscapes that book in question is the book of japanese folklore and encyclopedia of the spirits monsters and yokai of japanese myth which comes out on the April thirtieth yeah so that was a fun episode. It was very cool to listen to Overall it was also really cool to just kind of like here's something a little bit different not that I ah don't like the the other stuff where you guys are talking about random monsters in movies. But it is fun to see something a little bit different in there as well. The interview was very good. Thank you? Yeah I like to shake it up too and that's that's why I'm trying to include um this kind of episode content in the future and also gets the podcast myself and the other hosts kind of involved in the communities of. Media and things that we we enjoy you also had the monsterdeer monster presents of a police story here recently? Yeah, so myself and a few other podcasts hosts um figured out we didn't really have a specific place to put. Ah, discussion into some of the Jackie Chan films that weren't they're not as much martial arts centric so they are like police dramas with martial arts in them and some stunts and we want to talk about it. So I just sort of put it under a banner. Um. 05:58.65 Jala and Dave Inside the podcast. There are bonus episodes. We will be covering the entirety of the police story franchise and people can also be on the lookout for a few video game ah Centric episodes as well. That will be under that monster de Monster presents banner. 06:14.75 Jala and Dave Yeah, with some voices that folks who listen to the show will already be familiar with woo crosspollination. So yeah, um today again, we're doing kind of a retrospective episode where we're going to be talking about. 06:28.95 Jala and Dave The inception of the show onwards um right at the top we're going to talk kind of broad strokes. You know, ah the kind of evolution of everything about the show and then after that we'll go through each episode just do like a quick rundown of ok episode one was this two was this. And then you know make a couple of comments move on down the road get us all out of here. Ah for a chill Saturday evening. So that's the plan. Um I mean for this to be kind of like if people are new to the show and they're interested in knowing what was covered in the past and they don't really want to go scroll through everything and like read through. Can listen to this episode here kind of like okay this is what's out there on offer right now here's some stuff that's coming up and then you know let go and let god yeah, so ah, that's the plan there one last programming note. 07:20.71 Jala and Dave Ah, you can follow us on coffee which is ko-fi.com/fireheartmedia you can kick us a few bucks ah there are various types of patron tiers that you can do that you can get bonus episodes which include extra content that relates to the show's monster ear monster in Jalahan's place and ah random stories that we tell random stories that we write all different kinds of stuff available there as well as some reviews and things like that. So check that out K O hyphen f I dot com slash fireheart media now. Let's get on to the topic. So. I've told it before and I think I even said it on the very first episode of the show but like my whole point and purpose of making my own show is that I was on the level for a decade and um, I'm still on the level sometimes and I kind of like. Started to appear on muster to monster to your monster to talk about some stuff that I like I was like hey Dave have you talked about x no well then I want to be on an episode so I can talk about x and then at one point um I wanted to talk about the ah Robert Pattinson 08:31.83 Jala and Dave Ah, Batman movie and I was like hey Dave Batman movie and he's like no, we're not shoehorning that in to Monster Deer Monster and I said what you tell me? no I shall make you edit. 08:45.44 Jala and Dave hours and hour hour hours and hour hour hour s and hour hour hours of podcasts by making a new podcast just for myself to go talk about the stuff. You won't let me talk about on your but then thus my show was born. Um I'd actually had the idea like several people were like you should do a podcast about wellness and fitness and all these other things that I'm like I don't. But don't want to do like a fitness only podcast a wellness ah like ah a topical thing like that was in my willhouse but I didn't want to just focus on only the fit There's so many places that do that. So and I also I wanted to talk about media but I didn't want to talk about only media and I was like you know what? it's my show. Can do whatever I want so you know what is going to be jollibbrain recorded so here we are today. So I know it's a weirdo show. Um, but it's it's something that's been interesting to see. Like the popularity levels change because like when I first started I thought you know I think that probably people are going to tune in only for the media episodes of the ones that they like ah they're going to tune in to because they are used to hearing me talk about video games and stuff so they're going to tune in to. Video games if I do video games and then like maybe a thing here or 2 if I talk about a movie they like and I don't know that they're going to listen to the topical episodes but I want to do them anyway. But lo and behold the topical episodes are very popular. Um, they might even be more popular than the media. So. 10:12.58 Jala and Dave Um, that's been very cool to see so um I had you on the show pretty early in Desiree. Ah, and you've kind of sporadically appeared ever since. Um. You were on what was it episode 5 or 6 something like that. Ah 7 7 no ah through okay I'm I'm too far ahead. Okay yes, 3 so there you were one of the very first people I wanted to have on my podcast I was like Desiree. We. 10:34.61 Desiree Ah, de ib is episode 3 10:47.59 Jala and Dave To talk about this. It's important. So um, the very first topical episode was you and yeah yeah, and then like you were on some other topical like I think you've only ever been on the topical episodes on my show haven't you. We'll find out when we go through the. 10:51.16 Desiree It was so. 11:00.87 Desiree Possibly. 11:06.59 Jala and Dave The list but um, yeah, so that kind of set the tone though for kind of going forward having the very first topical episode be d I b or diversity equity inclusion and belonging. So um, that was you know like our our overview that kind of kickstarted everything from there. Dave I kept off the show for a long time because I was like no no I don't want to have him have to be on the show so much and then also because we talk on our own a lot. Um, so I was like I don't want to you know necessarily have I want to have a bunch of different people on but then over time like it ended up being hey Dave. I need to talk about this that and then if we couldn't if it was too short term or a lot of folks were just really busy. So I would just like pitch hit pinch hit I would sub in when there's like someone just couldn't make it or. No one wanted to talk about something I don't doesn't matter I just if I'm called for I show up. Um because I'm in the same household. So it's you know, just walk walk around the corner and now we're recording right? right? You get the stink eye from the other room if you're my. 12:24.80 Jala and Dave No, but so anyway, so really, um, stuff that's changed over the years ah the main thing I can say is just like there've been some fine tuning of the way that I present material. Um, when I first started and we were doing the. Different episodes I didn't have like a spoiler wall on any of the media right? at first that was a later invention I ah kind of just let everybody talk about stuff. However, they did kind of like how monster dear monsters format is where they just kind of um present an overall picture. Um. And then go through play by play. What's going on in the movie and make comments as they go and that's the format I adopted originally. But then I split it up I decided to do spoiler wall so you have pre and post spoiler wall and then you have some information um allow people to kind of talk sugar or whatever. Ah, you know, whatever their opinion is at the beginning and then kind of get into the play by play and um, with topical episodes instead of having all of the academic stuff and the experiential stuff all glommed together to where like. 13:34.40 Jala and Dave You know we're not able to necessarily hit the academic stuff as quickly because we're stopping to insert stories. Um like we still do that on my show but you know because ah, that's just organic and natural to conversation. But. Um, I've tried to make it to where there's like a whole discussion portion after we're all on the same page about definitions and you know different aspects ah from like just studying about the subject at hand and I feel like that has worked out pretty well. Overall. Ah, yeah, it's just little fine- tuning things and that's something that even sort of happened with the media centric episodes where over time after the first I don't know 5 or 6 of them. Ah it. It became a little bit. 14:26.98 Jala and Dave More useful to tie in like maybe the previous episodes topic or an upcoming episodes topic into how ah jolly would take a look at whatever the media was so if it's a particular movie seeing what the themes are and then going. Okay, how does that relate to something that's been discussed or we were about to discuss. And just kind of weaving that through the podcast as a whole but still allowing those media episodes to be sort of buffers where they don't require quite as much intensive research and note taking gives a bit of a breather but still they have a point to them. Right? right? And that's kind of something that um I I don't know like I didn't ever anticipate doing but then it ended up just kind of happening naturally where there's kind of a through line that goes you know comes into comes into like. Development and then just is there in the podcast ever since? Um, once 1 episode you know 1 topical episode would build on the next one would build on the next one and then you know like 1 sets up the next and although you can listen to them individually. There's so many times where we're like well also in that other episode. We talked about x. You know and we we always say that on the episodes you know if there's repeat hosts and things like that. So um, in that way. There is like a through line through most of everything that's presented on the show. Um. 15:58.50 Jala and Dave And more so now where like the media like we're looking at it through the lens of some of these topics. Um, for example, when we were doing the portal episode and we were talking about that through the lens of like toxic masculinity and corporate culture and things like that. But I had episodes on toxic masculinity and. Unraveling grind culture and things like that. Ah, right around that same time and then the internet and identity episode I put that 1 right before the simulacra episode which deals with it's ah it's a series of found phone horror games. And they actually deal with a lot of internet identity stuff. Ah and like the way that media and the internet and social media affect us and how we interact with those things and engage with them and the world. So um, you know trying to do a little bit more conscious. Choosing of subjects to kind of match up. Not all the time. But um, there there is a little bit of that that goes on these days so desiree from your perspective as not somebody who edits the podcast or hosts the show every time. Um, you know like what do you think about. How it's changed over time. 17:14.40 Desiree I mean so I've seen some of the behind the scenes as it were in the show notes and that's something that I think has consistently been solid from the first episode. You do so much intensive. Research and are so thoughtful and intentional about how you're compiling the information about how you're preparing it and organizing it. Not only for yourself, but also to then share with other co-hosts so that I think has consistently set. Show up to hit those high bars and those high standards that you set. Um so it comes across as a conversation like you said it's just like friends sitting around a table over beers or coffee or something rather than like a rigid here. All the notes. That I've prepared that could basically be a dissertation in of themselves. 18:18.30 Jala and Dave Right? right now I write pages and pages and pages and pages of no buts and um, like anybody who's been on my show knows that I write so many notes and like I research stuff sometimes for multiple years before it shows up on the show. 18:34.93 Jala and Dave And um, so like there's something you know like say the neurodiversity episode I've been researching about that for multiple years before I'm I'm even recording that. That's hopefully sometime this year. So um. 18:47.82 Jala and Dave Things like that and that's just because like I I like to to get different sources of information and see different sides and have different perspectives on to talk about the subjects and like I Really the the whole point and purpose of the show is to be. Kind of open forum that is safe for people to come on to or to listen to and be able to kind of like sit with topics that are hard or sit with media that they like and talk about you know or dislike or whatever you know and talk about like what works for Them. What doesn't and. You know, like there's not flames. There's not whatever and you can be vulnerable and you can have a moment where you're overwhelmed on the show or whatever because that has happened and like it's fine because this is a safe space and it is a space where like we're working through some things that are hard. You know like all of these topics are hard topics. 19:43.55 Jala and Dave So You know, um, a lot of times I find that the people who come on the show for the topical episodes in particular will say oh wow that was cathartic I feel so much better. Having talked about that if it's something that's very troubling for them or you know in in. Some cases a couple of people have been like oh now I feel really worn down because like that was just a lot of a lot um of of work right? that they went through during the the course of the episode. Um, you know like beneficial work good work to have done. But. 20:20.54 Jala and Dave You know, Ah, it's very deeply entrenched in them and for the media episodes. It's usually like no that was fun I love talking about this thing you know because usually the people who come on for a given topic. They you know for for like the media. Anyway, they like the thing or they. 20:38.77 Jala and Dave Fairly well liked the thing you know they they just kind of you know said yeah I'll check that out you know and and we talk about it there've been a couple of episodes where we've talked about stuff and been like you know this wasn't great like the the Roger Rabbit novels for example we were like wow this is there. There was a kernel of an idea that was really. 20:57.61 Jala and Dave Good and then I don't know what happened you know those kinds of situations. But you know all of that I feel is still beneficial to have a listen to but um I feel like I get ah as much out of it as anybody Listening. Or anybody who's on the show with me personally like I take something away from it whenever I'm done you know recording for that day. 21:23.17 Desiree And I think also the intentional have a media episode and then a deep dive into something more serious if someone did want to sit down and listen from start to finish through just everything all after. 1 after another that would keep it really fresh and okay, you've got your deep dive into something informative and topical and maybe a little heavy or a tender kind of topic and then on to just some light dishonored or something like that. 22:00.79 Jala and Dave Right? Although those dishonored episodes were so like boy those those fellows were very, he talked for like 7 hours of help that game between the bonus episode and then the ones that were on the public feed. So um, yeah, but like. Ah, still it's it's a lot of fun to do those episodes and it provides me a break so that I do not have to be frantically studying even more than I already do like I read so many books but like you know it gives me the ability to have like a breather and talk about a media I still present. You know I still. Prepare all my notes and present my information and everything but like they're they're chill by comparison for sure. So yeah, Dave what do you think about how the kind of themes and stuff have changed over time. Well I will say that um, kind of in the beginning. It was more these topics like pique my interest and so you would just kind of come up with them not with a super like ah long-term plan initially it was more like I've studied some of this I have something to say about them I will kind of. Solidify what I'm thinking get together the academic side of it and then just have a discussion and as you went forward. It turned into more like well I'd like to schedule things out in advance. So I can plan for guests so I can have returning people. Um. 23:33.58 Jala and Dave Or there's something like you'll have a topic and it needed to be expounded upon like maybe you didn't realize that as you were recording it the first time and then oh there's another point of view that we need to kind of look at or I found more more information has come to light. Let's take a look at that again. Um. But we'll we'll do that in a way that is not just a second run at it. But we're going to put it together with something else because the other thing is the main topic and this is like a footnote that we can still say hey refer back to episode 7 and go. There's just 2 to 3 hours of like very specific content on this. That's already there but in the few months or whatever since that's been recorded I have learned more things or I'm I'm more sure in like my opinion on something and I feel more informed. So. Here's why that thing is still relevant and maybe why that also infers ah Xyz right? and there are some times where it's like um, 1 episode will just naturally flow into another one coming up like ah when I was doing the. Body dysmorphia gender dysphoria episode when I was doing all the studies for the dysmorphia stuff all the stuff I was reading also lent itself for you know, lents itself to me for the use of like the fat phobia episode that then naturally kind of grew out of that. 25:07.85 Jala and Dave And it's kind of like ah when I did the toxic masculinity episode and we were all considering okay, we should do a part 2 or something I was thinking about it and thinking about it and talking to people and then some folks were kind of interested in seeing say from a perspective of a parent. And so like that came up because of listener feedback and in interest levels and so you know like some of these things are are things that I don't experience firsthand like I can't speak to being a father. But you know I can facilitate that conversation and we can have like the the kind of same structure of the jola cha um examination if you will ah while we're having this discussion and I can pull some folks for that. So um, yeah, and that's something that I do like people do sometimes suggest. Topics and they'll go into the hopper. Um I only have just so many episodes I can release a year ah partially because I am always frantically studying and I can only study just so many things at 1 time. Um, and then you know like when you add in all the other stuff I do you know I really cannot. Release more than biweekly. Um, so you know like the format and everything ended up being something that kind of worked out overall in the end. But yeah, like some of the very beginning episodes were kind of setting the ground floor. You know into place putting the foundation down and building the ground floor so that then. 26:36.13 Jala and Dave Later episodes could build upon them to where it's like now on topical episodes we are referring back to other episodes and dropping like 3 3 different other episode you know um, mentions throughout that episode right so um going forward what I'm going to be doing and I did this on one of the recent topical episodes is putting those links in of like if you like this one here's some relevant ones where we're talking about similar subjects. So that way people can you know refer back to the prior episodes if they are so inclined. so so yeah um I I can't really say that there's 1 particular big lesson that I've learned out of all of this except for the fact that I'm like hey. The the kind of weird way that I set this thing up actually worked and people like this format and everything. Um, that's very cool to me. Um I I was very nervous about it when I started and I'm glad to see that it worked out. Ah all of the conversations that I have on this show. Tend to leave me feeling enriched. So thanks to all of the people who are on the show for that including the 2 of you and yeah like I can't say that there's a 1 particular thing that stood out is like this is the 1 thing I I learned because I'm constantly studying for this show. Ah kind of hard 1. 28:01.73 Jala and Dave Dave how about you? Yeah so something that I've realized just because I've listened to every episode I've had my my hand on each episode to get it out the way it needs to be um, is that when there's new guests or even repeating ones and they're. Hedging or hesitant on a specific topic even if it's something that interests them and they're thinking. Oh ah, you know in the green room or just in discussions prior to recording like maybe I you know I don't know if I have a whole lot to say about this. Well if if they've thought about it at all. And they're invariably. They do they have something to say and they're usually quite passionate about it. It's just that like little step ah to commit to like engaging with whatever that topic is and that that energy kind of comes through to continually make the show. Like ah a pleasure to listen to and everyone is just they're having a good time even on the episodes where people yes they they did maybe have a bit of a struggle because the topic is heavy. Um, but when they came out the other end it was just relief like. They enjoyed the experience. They learned something and by virtue of that like the listeners gain that too they gain that learning experience and even if it's something that's not completely new to you. There's probably an angle you haven't thought of because ah. 29:34.48 Jala and Dave Jolly You do a really good job in arranging for guests that have ah not always not say contrasting viewpoints but they have viewpoints that aren't just the default like a normal normal viewpoint and it's able to make the The. Show and the content. Um a little bit more objective on things and not just only subjective like oh here is our view and it's just this because it's never just cut and dry. It's never just oh I came in and I had my my preconceived notions and I left and you know nothing changed. Because that's that's not what the show's about right? I appreciate that for sure and yeah, like there have been a lot of people who have been nervous about ah coming on the show and then like they come on and um, you know they they realize that there's a lot more for them to say and they just needed like the safe space right. In order to do that and then when they were reassured that yes it is in fact, a safe space and they can They can talk about the thing. Ah, you know that tends to help a lot So desiree How about for you? What do you think. 30:44.66 Desiree Um, well Dave used all the best words I mean Dang Dave um but no I I think this show is curiosity if curiosity could be. Distilled down to a single thing that is exactly what this is. It's oh I was questioning. You know what is this d I b thing my friend talks about let me go have a conversation with her or hey this is something that has sort of come into my periphery. Let me do a deep dive into that it is. Demonstrating that constant philosophy of being a lifelong learner and it's also demonstrating that you can have those academic conversations and then the ones that are just about fun media. Things. Are held in the same regard. So. It's not being dismissive of video games or anime or anything that you're interested in. So I think it's incredibly valuable that it's giving all both of those things equal weight. 31:51.57 Jala and Dave Awesome! Well thank you? So um I don't want this to be super um you know like masturbatory where it's like oh yeah, yeah, praise me more praise me more I don't want it to be that. So. 32:03.88 Jala and Dave Um, I think the best thing to do is to kind of go into like that episode list and kind of like revisit. All the hits you know? So ah first episode was just like a few minutes long and it was just an introduction hi my name is who am I why are you listening to me. 32:22.22 Jala and Dave Ah, you? Well I don't know why you're listening to me but here's who I am anyway and what my intention is for this show and I don't remember everything about that. But I do remember 1 thing ah the intro to this show with you know the knock on the door and opening it it and Britney you know, allowing the people in and and all of that that welcoming. Thing that I have that little skit. Ah that was intended originally just for the first episode and then lots of folks really really liked that intro so much that they were like advocating for me to keep it. As like the thing that's always at the beginning of the show. So I rerecorded it. Ah, nice and clean and then we have it on every show now. Um, but that was something that a listener like multiple listeners but especially Jack I'm going to name name you Jack Jack chicken riggies. 33:13.39 Jala and Dave Ah, very specifically was like no Jala you need to put that in every time and I'm like okay and I mean to be fair, he's 100 % right because like that's the the vibe of the show is people are coming over. We're chilling out. We're just hanging out at the house. You know, just talking to each other and you know. Discussing something whatever the topic is so you know ah good call Jack yay yeah, and at the very very beginning I was trying to do these little easter egg endings where I was talking about some random story at the end and those only lasted for like. 33:37.59 Desiree Yes, well done jack. 33:51.22 Jala and Dave Ah, few episodes and then I just kind of dropped that out of existence. But it recently reemerged as omaque box which is one of the bonus shows you can get on the coffee where it's random stories that I tell or random stories or random random. Discourses between Dave and I that are just very random and weird and you know sometimes they actually have like a theme to them and there's like a narrative going on and other times it's just nonsense that Dave did that I'm telling everybody about a lot of times I just. Feel. It's me channeling the far side comic and I just I say things and then I'm informed that people don't say that not in a not in a bad way but in a like thats do humans. What are you doing? What does that thought come from and I'm like I don't know I beamed it in. I'm channeling it. It's very funny and cute. He has ah his own unique lexicon for sure. But yeah, so so that's another thing that I remember we did at the very beginning that just kind of like got knocked off after a while. Um. So the second episode was ace attorney the movie and that was with cole ross and I had cole ross and I think dave weren't you on that one that the first second one yeah yeah you were on that one too um 35:13.10 Jala and Dave And that one I did more in the style of like a bonus level. It was short. It was felt it was just kind of going over it. Not really like digging into it at all. Um, in ah, a super meaningful way just kind of like telling you about the thing and then moving on down the road. So the third episode was the diversity equity inclusion and belonging episode with Desiree which was fantastic. Everybody should go back and listen to it and um, that episode was kind of like laying the foundation and setting the tone for. All of the topical episodes to come right. 35:46.29 Desiree Um, it Yeah I mean it has that connective tissue all the way through um in all of those episodes and it's one that you know I'd hear you refer back to that one a lot. Um, yeah. 36:00.80 Jala and Dave All the time. 36:04.67 Desiree But it I mean it makes sense. It's all of the things that make up who a person is and so and how to respect who other people are which is also a very common thread throughout. Your whole show and everything you do. You may not agree with what they think or what they say but you have to respect them as a person. 36:28.17 Jala and Dave Right? right? So Fourth episode was the batman movie which was the whole reason I started my show the one that I was waiting to do the recording on because I was like Dave I cannot believe I cannot believe and now I'm cursed you to. Always edit. Yeah, so when we saw that movie in the theater we spent probably like an hour and a half or so afterward just in a coffee shop going through the movie and then going hey this is really good like podcast recording material where we're burning cast. Right? And then you weren't on that episode because I just represented us. Ah, so yeah, but I had multiple really good conversations after watching that movie and so I was like yeah I think I just need to talk about it. So ah, the fifth episode is also another one of my favorite ones performance and identity. That one was with serif who's here in town and it's very hard for me to rankle serrif to get them here to my house to record. Um they are phenomenal that episode kind of lays. A lot of foundation for um, to be honest, a lot of the. Self-image and um, gender stuff that came afterwards and then you know of course we'll get there but like there's so many gender episodes but that's because it's a thing that a lot of people are thinking about because the gender spectrum overall has been just kind of like you know, um. 38:02.60 Jala and Dave Looked at more intensely and more recent times than it has been for the rest of of my life. Um, you know and other other people who listen to this lives as well. I'm pretty sure. Ah that was a fantastic episode and I wish I could get seriph to. Slow down long enough to record another show. They are fantastic I I hope one day I can do that fingers crossed. But if I do like I'm going to have to just record on a random subject not put it on a schedule to to plan it and then just stick it in there somewhere. How I'm going to have to make that happen. So um, you know I'll I'll I'll work on that so episode 6 was p g woodhouse and his man jeeves we were talking about the ah woodhouse materials like the jeeves. Stories and that was a lot of fun I need to get Alex back on the show for sure. Um, those stories are very very fun to read and to talk about a lot of nonsense. Dave I think you were on that one too you were on that one do talk? Yeah I was on that one that was I think. The one where we got the new mics now was we were trying to do two separate mics and I just I haven't had the time to sit down and and mess with that to get it to work. Um because it would be great if I could separate the channels that way. But you know I just I don't have time. Yeah. 39:27.13 Jala and Dave Ah, right? right? So um, you were on for that just to just to see if we could get those mikes to work I think we were going to just roll with me and Alex otherwise but yeah, like speaking of Dave and his editing prowess. My show forced him to learn how to do a lot more editing than he ever put into monster near monster. Yeah, every now and then there'll be a little peek behind the curtain but on average, whatever the runtime is of. That particular episode you can triple it and that's about how long I had to spend editing and putting it together for this show. Um, whatever the runtime is for monster dear monster you might be able to cut that in half. No. It's considerably less. 40:13.97 Jala and Dave For that show mostly just because of the format and I don't see the need to excise um, really much of it. Ah or do more than just kind of level it. But but this I spend a lot of time to try to make sure everyone sounds at the best they can right? and another thing that makes it more difficult is that. I have on my show. It is only me that is constant unlike monster deer monster which has fairly constant. Ah you know set of hosts and so ah, that being the case, the people who are coming to my show are coming from various levels of experience. They also have. Various types of equipment some of which is better than others and so so depending upon that depending upon if they are a Fidget or ah Dave can hear you don't do that please move she mute yourself. He can you know if even if it doesn't pick up on your little waveform. He can hear it on the the show and he's got to edit that out. So. Um, that kind of thing so you know that that's all definitely he he puts in a lot of work. A lot of work for everyone but it sounds phenomenal when he's done with it. So thank you Dave so ah, the next episode was my first kind of book report episode and we've got another one of those coming up soon. Ah, diversity in the next generation that was the episode that I did with Simon talking about the book white kids by Margaret Hagerman which is basically it's a book that is um, examining like is of a study of. 41:45.37 Jala and Dave White affluent children and then you know like their home lives and their parents and everything and then just trying to take a look at diversity and like what these white kids who you know are are kind of primed for having leadership positions and power. And you know the funding and all of that how they view other races and other people underprivileged people things like that and you know where is it coming from how are they growing up and and this that and the other and it it really examines all of those things. It's very very interesting. Very great book. Highly recommend. It. Definitely go listen to that episode if that is a topic of interest for you. So then we had the interview with Devaki studios. So that was a lot of fun that was talking about murderous muses which is their most recent fmv game and just kind of talking about their stuff in general Tim and Linda are wonderful. And I definitely think that everybody should check out their games. So yeah, then we had intersectionality and that was a very good episode with Marcus and Breyer who are 2 mvps of this show. Um, and Marcus turned into one of Dave's Favorite favorite people on the planet. Ah they they jive quite well. So ah, you know like they they found out. Oh my god we have so many of the same interests. We like the exact same type of anime and as that in the other. So um, that's great. That's great. So um, that was formed as well. 43:18.61 Jala and Dave So ah episode 10 was who framed roger rabbit the movie and so that was with Leonard and Adam and that was a lot of fun as well. Both of them were great for that episode because Leonard does film stuff and then Adam does animation stuff. And so to have them to on to talk about who framed Roger Rabbit was phenomenal. So Dave I want you to comment on some of these I'm sick of reading. Okay, let's see episode 11 was engaging with femininity. Um. 43:55.63 Jala and Dave So this was oh it doesn't show me there. No here there we go so so that was ah Addie addie and marcus all right? Yeah, um, yeah, addy and marcus were talking about engaging with feminity and that's another um hallmark of the show. Is that you're able to get on guests that have like direct experience with whatever the topic is generally. It's not only an academic experience. It's like a lived-in experience and just having that it makes the show so genuine. And that's something that over time. Ah, you've only refined and been able to like pull in more guests. Um in in direct relation to those things so that's something that does I wouldn't say it's changing specifically but because it's something that already existed when the show started. But it's something that you fine tuned right? right? So then we had then we had episode 12 was koy milgaya so that movie in particular began are like so. Our bollywood. Yes, our our torrid love affair with indian indian movies and specific actors and it just continues to inform I think a lot of the. 45:26.48 Jala and Dave Sensitivity to cultural aspects even when we're watching movies and things that aren't specifically for the podcast. Ah it's It's definitely colored a lot of our perceptions and we already have a pretty wide appreciation for arts and. Film. But now we're able to kind of really like laser tune that into specific cultures and start to build a um ah cultural knowledge of things so we can watch films and when we're discussing them. Now have a little bit more insight into that particular culture or cultures. Ah Mores values they're In. They're sort of like inside jokes or commentary all of these things that when you're watching the movie with specifically a. An outside Perspective. So if it's like an ah Eastern film and you're watching it with only like a western lens you're missing a lot of the context but we're slowly building a bigger vocabulary for that to kind of really reframe how we look at other cultures. Um. 46:45.60 Jala and Dave Filmic exports but also they're novels and then in turn kind of take those ideas and then look at stuff that's sort of closer to home and say oh this is written with a specific audience in mind like why is that. And you know what? what does that say about when it's written like because everything's it's nothing is in a vacuum. It's it's informed by something right right? So Desiree have not given you a time to talk and all of that. 47:17.75 Jala and Dave So ah from these topics. So let's go from like intersectionality who framed Roger Rabbit engaging with femininity Koi...Mil Gaya which I made you watch. Ah. 47:28.56 Desiree Yes, not made offered the opportunity to um so intersectionality I think that episode is another one that if somebody just wants the broad strokes. 47:42.97 Desiree What are all these topics. That's a great episode to listen to and also like you mentioned Seraph on the performance and identity fantastic guest. Could listen to them talk about anything all day long. Um Marcus and Breyer also great. 48:03.21 Desiree Guests that are recurring and just delightful to listen to and I think the femininity episode was one of the first where or at least one of the first that I can recall where. People maybe got a little emotional or were having some realizations as they were talking through these things and so many of those moments are really powerful to listen to you because you're being present for someone realizing a deeper level of who they are which is just fantastic. 48:34.44 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah. 48:36.47 Desiree Um, and quayil guy delightful all of the movies that we've watched together even if I don't you know a hundred percent get why you are as excited about it as you are. It's still a great time. 48:50.37 Jala and Dave It's it's at least fun to watch me be very excited. Ah right? Well Coy Mill guy is a movie that's like 7 different movies at once and so um, like and that's the thing is that every single time I watch a movie from India. 48:54.76 Desiree Um, exactly. 49:04.62 Jala and Dave I Never know where it's going to go ever and anytime I think I know where it's going to go I'm wrong. So like every single Indian movie I have watched to date it surprises me somewhere and you know like I'm just like I can't believe it's going that hard I can't believe this light heart. What the heck just. 49:24.27 Jala and Dave Yeah, but like it it they go places. That's that's all I'm going to say about that. It's an adventure. It's really an adventure to watch any movie from India that I have seen at least so um, yeah, moving along we had we. 49:38.96 Desiree We're up to mascula engaging with masculinity episode 13 49:41.33 Jala and Dave Yes, yeah, so engaging with masculineity was ah because Briar oh Breyer's internet was yeah Breyer wrote a thing was cutting out. So yeah, that ended up being yourself in zombie. Um, yeah, that that one was I think. I remember that being a lot of fun and that was something where oh ah, the the things that Breyer had to say were really informative and at at least Breyer was able to get that and up to us in a post. So. It's still available because that that's it's always a shame when there's a technical issue. Um, on someone's part right? right? So the one after that was the phantom of the opera and phantom by Susan K so we didn't just talk about the phantom of the opera the original book by guest on laroe. We also talked about phantom by Susan K mostly because I wanted to talk about phantom by Susan K but you can't talk about that without talking about the book that it you know inspired it in the first place so that ended up being like a broader conversation. We also kind of touched on the musicals and the movies and stuff like that as well. Ah, that was a very fun time and that was with Alex and Slade and that was that was great. So I did I had Alex on for that episode too. Yeah Alex Alex who only shows up for books apparently ah need to read another book and get and get Alex on for that too. Ah Alex is currently in Hawaii. So yeah, anyway, um. 51:11.97 Jala and Dave So moving right? along then we had being a first generation american that was one. It's because I was reading a thing at the time and it triggered me going. Oh my gosh. There's so much I need to talk about with this and there's some people that I need to have this conversation with and so I brought them onto the show and said hey let's talk about this and you know like at this point. there' are several other people that I know who are first generation americans that could be on another show about that same topic but we covered it so well. That first time I don't feel like I really need to revisit that unless I have like a ah specific sub topic for that. So um. Phantom by Susan Kay is an amazing novel. Everybody go read that? Ah the next one after that was deck of wonders we were talking with Dennis Furia of furia games about his card game and I played that boy I had to call him and text him and he's just like it's in the man. You know I'm like no the manual doesn't say this one specific thing and he's like you know if anybody is going to break it. It's you because I had these many play testers and nobody found this 1 thing except for you and I'm like I know that's why I break every video game I play Dennis yeah so. 52:26.44 Jala and Dave And yeah, and then the next one after that disability and ableism I'm just going to pass the mic over to Dave Dave tell us about disability and ableism episode that was a good one. Yeah, let me refresh myself with seeing Lance who was okay that was lance that was a good one. Um, so this one specifically. Ah, is one where jala you were fortunate enough to know ah know some folks that can speak to these topics. Um, very personally and in lance's case. 53:03.40 Jala and Dave That's something that informs his his whole life. I mean it's something that he deals with all the time and has to deal with not only um, the the day-to-day but also the systems that are in place. That don't really do what they were supposed to or I guess you can argue that they they work exactly as designed and it's not helpful to like the ah the end user or the the general populace. It's ah this country in particular has a lot of problems. Um, in in many ways but in in particular in addressing and funding and helping ah folks that ah do need assistance in 1 way or the other. And instead it makes things like more of roadblocks instead of assistance and making things incredibly expensive because a lot of it's privatized and so when you do need to get specific equipment. Or anything that would make your day-to-day life easier. Ah yeah, at the end at the end of the day you just may not even go to afford that and now you're stuck with like either nothing or stuff that this doesn't work so that was a big eyeopener because ah. 54:35.53 Jala and Dave Like personally like I'm aware that there's issues but didn't really ever have like a full um picture on. 54:48.39 Jala and Dave The the troubles that folks deal with just trying to get some simple like simple transactions or if you need medication. There's just it's such a confounding reality for folks and that. Honestly, it's just gotten worse because now there's a scarcity of just medications and things and a lot of times. It doesn't really feel like it's a supply side Issue. It feels like it's a profits issue. Um, but when you boil that down. 55:23.63 Jala and Dave At the end of the day I mean we all have to kind of try to pull together. So there's a lot of things in ways you can help other folks and that aren't um, they're not something to where it's like oh I pity your situation and I'm just. 55:43.48 Jala and Dave Throwing money at it. It's more like no, we understand the situation and we're building that empathy and there's petitions. There's things you can do that can like civically um, help everyone? Yes, Yeah, yeah to work On. Correcting the systemic issues and in advocacy and. 56:03.37 Desiree Well in the other piece. Oh yeah I was gonna say the other piece of that that you pointed out everyone assuming you live long enough will become disabled at some point in some way. 56:21.90 Desiree So Whereas people think of disability as something that happens to somebody else or maybe they know someone that uses a wheelchair this or that it is something that will impact you as an individual and you know you should have that empathy for other people and be able to care about them. Regardless of whether or not you've experienced it but really telling people look. This will be you potentially at some point so pay attention now and start working on that empathy. 56:52.39 Jala and Dave Right? Well yeah, empathy the systems you know, ah this this topic led me to also discuss um universal design principles to make things more accessible. Ah, just for everyone's sake because that actually helps everyone. Because wheelchair ramps and things like that are not just used by wheelchair users. They're used by delivery people. They're used by moms who have you know their um kids in a a stroller. Yeah stroller a carriage or whatever baby carriage. Whatever and you know they're using. That space that same thing and it just makes it easier for everyone having wider aisles that can you know allow for a power wheelchair to go through or something also allows you know again like a. Freight to go move through if somebody is trying to to put the freight out. You know Dave can talk about that or like you know other stuff like that. But that that's a future. We haven't got to that episode number yet. But yeah, like um this episode led to that episode and really like um. The thing that like there there is a bad attitudes podcast I recommend it highly. I've mentioned it several times on different episodes. Ah Laura Stinson does an amazing job that is a short listen. It's 10 minute episodes and she herself is disabled and she speaks to different things that are of interest or. 58:20.85 Jala and Dave Um, you know of concern to people who are disabled and so you know like it's it's definitely worth a listen very short, very well constructed. She's amazing. Check her out. Um, it will open your eyes about lots of different things that disabled people have to deal with and or that you know ah are are parts of their reality that they have to face because of the ableism or whatever and including internalized disabled near able. Internalized ableism. Thanks Dave fixed that. So ah so anyway, um, that's a good podcast like I I would like to look I'm interested in more of that topic. However, as I am not disabled. 59:09.84 Jala and Dave I don't want to you know nothing about us without us. You know like I don't want to be doing a show with a bunch of of different stuff about disability without having people who are disabled actually on the show to talk about it. So I've been trying to kick around the idea of been kicking around the idea of trying to ask Laura to come on and talk about something but. Um I have not as yet done that mostly because I know that she is very busy so we will figure that out at some point in the future. That's definitely bucket list for me. So ah, moving along. We had murder on the orient express and that was with will Hughes. And so that was a fun episode. A fun time. Ah, he was being pretty good and not channeling too much of that. Everything to Guppy energy. But ah, you know when he tried to he got kind of like the silent treatment and so we just kind of moved on. So. You know, ah that was that was good though. 01:00:06.55 Desiree Um I I will say ah yes, ah will Hughes is someone that John my husband who was all the way back on the bat being an episode a guest on that episode. He's potentially the only one maybe more elusive than I am um. 01:00:24.34 Desiree He and will are best friends. They stream things on Friday and Saturday nights and when John and I listened to this one. We were both like huh will was on his best behavior. 01:00:34.36 Jala and Dave Ah, right right? Well I didn't know what to expect and I was just like well whatever, whatever happens is fine I mean you know? Ah, if he makes me want to Strangle him also fine. We'll get that on record that can go in the duck feed lore. So whatever. 01:00:53.60 Jala and Dave But moving along. We had the heritage and heredity episode which was our most listened to episode for a very long time actually ah Dib was up there and then after a while heritage and heredity overtook it. Um, that was with Raul and Simone and we were discussing ways that we learn our heritage and pass it down to the next generation or in my case since I don't have kids share it with other people and you know, ah just other stuff about that like how does it? How does it? How do you deal with being like in this country and also. Um, trying to keep a heritage with you that is not Mercan right? So um, that was ah a fun episode for sure then we had 1 of my favorite movies vikrum veha and Dave you were on that one too. Like we we try to limit how many times you're on the show but you actually end up showing up a lot talk about it. Well I mean I also pulled myself off of future episodes to go this but it doesn't need me on there. Let's see if we can rotate some guest in or whatever. Yeah vikra beta. That is a movie that we I think we just ran into it by accident. no no no I was followingri Tik Roshan who was the star of koyilgaia and other stuff and therefore like one of the actors that kicked off the indian movie craze for us. 01:02:16.98 Jala and Dave And I followed him and he was doing like a promo for vikram bedha because he's in there and he plays bedha and so I was looking into it and then I was like oh yeah, it's in theaters. Let's watch it and then I was like hey. This is actually a remake of an original tamil movie that was back from what 17 so ah, let's go watch that one and then we watch that and we're totally floored and then the fritik Roshan remake was it was it was fine. It wasn't as good as the original in my opinion I think that that's what I meant was. Not that we found that by accident but that we were like oh this one coming out is a remake. Um and when we watched the original it at some points I felt like we're like I kind of wish everyone didn't exist but it it still kind of needs to because again, ah, that's. Putting a film into another internal film industry. So it's marketed toward a different audience. Um in India which made the movie a little different it. It changes a few things but the the fun part of it is. It's the same. Ah, directors writers cinematographers so they got a chance to like remake their own movie and it. 01:03:38.58 Jala and Dave I can't say it's for better or for worse but they did get to add some context to a few things. Um, but then the rest of it definitely is a this is ah a bollywood production and had a different vibe. Do it right? right? So I was so proud of us. 2 because that was an hour long episode but we did so good at hitting so all the points but that's because we had talked it to death before and distilled it down to just like the perfect essences and everything. And yeah, that was a lot of fun and ah thanks to Raoul for being on with us for that because Raul had read the original Betel Pacizzi which is the um, the um folktales that it originated from I were like that that is referenced in. In the story and everything and has again, it's it's one of those things that I mentioned earlier where we're continually ah expanding our cultural cachet for for indian films and understanding like the sort of genesis of that folklore. We've seen it already in a few other movies we're like oh that's the that that's from that folklore. That's what this is oh there's some more names popping up again in there. It's it's now like if you watched a Marvel movie but you so you've seen them from the beginning is a different thing if you just jumped in and. 01:05:06.30 Jala and Dave Watched I don't know civil war or something and then had no ah foreknowledge of what was going on with the rest of the movies like that's how it fails sometimes to watch ah like an indian film and not not have the context for that. But moving forward. We were. Gaining more and more and more so when we do have a chance to discuss some other movies where we have a a stronger um base to kind of like speak to them from what's also fun about that is that um I ended up getting into a conversation with my friend lucky who lives in Rishikesh and um. He he loves movies. He loves indian action thrillers and stuff like that. So like when I told him oh yeah, I love vikram beta and you know then he he gave me you know like I asked him some questions about it and then I I put that in the podcast. But then after that like now he's just like Jala watch. Brama you gum and I'm like oh yeah, that one's on my list because I saw the trailer or whatever so you know it started a whole conversation and now we have like a thing that we talk about and it's specific with me and lucky yeah and we're very fortunate that one of the theaters nearby which we don't particularly care for that theater otherwise but they have a lot of films from India that they just. Stream there and so it's like 5 minutes away which is nice right? right? So that's another reason why you will never stop hearing about indian movies from us. But yeah, so um I did I make you watch the did I offer you to watch. 01:06:40.68 Jala and Dave Vikram vedha also Desiree. 01:06:42.49 Desiree I Believe so I am pretty sure that I did However, my memory It's absolute garbage see previous comment about not remembering if I was even on an episode. 01:06:55.70 Jala and Dave Right? right? So it's kind of that's okay because like I was like man I only had Alex on for that 1 time and there's like no actually he was also on the episode for phantom of the opera. Oh yeah I was thinking about having him on for ph up. Yeah, so. 01:07:13.70 Jala and Dave So there's my memory too and then we kind of move into some other fun stuff I had attraction and identity and that was zombie and Marcus and um, yeah, just talking about different types of attraction and you know what that says about you and this that and the other kind of like after we talked about. All the gender stuff. Well, let's get into like attraction and sexuality and things like that as well because that's kind of part and parcel of okay who am I okay, how do I relate to other people and get close to them in in what ways do I get close to them right. So and you know how do I feel about this that or the other. So um, that's where that stem from one I I say it all the time every one of these is a wonderful conversation every one of these people is fantastic, but like um, yeah, the fun episode. Ah, it was a lot of fun to look at all the different stuff and break down attraction into all these little different compartments and so look at them and go oh you know there's actually like a lot more to think about with that than you would expect like what do you mean? neither. There's different types of attraction and there's this whole thing and. Whatever but Marcus especially um, actually teaches like workshops and stuff about this topic. So um, you know, ah, they were a perfect person to have on for that episode. Ah then we got into who censored Roger rabbit which was the book. Ah the the novel upon which. 01:08:39.41 Jala and Dave The who framed Roger Rabbit movie was and like when I first read it the first time after I had watched the movie I was like oh well do diligence for doing that episode I'm going to read the book and then I actually the thing that I liked about it because I was like yeah I really like the book. The reason why I really liked the book is because number one I didn't read the other books in the series yet I'd only read the one and I liked the ideas that were presented there with how comics like because it's it's not animated characters. It's cartoon strips that are in the novel and. You know, like the way that that is used in the way it's written is great. You just don't don't go any further than the one book and even the one book has some questionable stuff in it. But like this is ah, an older dude who wrote this and like I think this late 70 s or something like that. Ah, and then it was like published in the early 80 s or some something like that. Um, but anyway like there were there were things I like about it just from a conceptual level that then just didn't bear out, especially if you read anything else after that and if you're a proponent of reading fan fiction. The books read as if they're like self-insert fan fiction even though it's his It's very strange and the man's on full display. He I don't know I'm not going to Kinksham anybody um, but it definitely the latter books. 01:10:09.95 Jala and Dave Particularly feel like it's written and then like pandering to yourself like this is the stuff that they're they're they're willing to publish me but I'm just going to write what I want to write like well you know, go for it I guess it's getting you money. The funniest thing about that is that like there's so many times where people are like yeah the game is really good when they when you know when someone says oh make the game for yourself. Not for like the audience but make it for something that you would like you know and that's exactly what that guy is doing but anyway, um, yeah, so that was. First time that we were like you know like there's some ideas here but boy is it rough. It's kind of like if you read lovecraft like I compared it to lovecraft except um, these books didn't go anywhere else like I wish that they had so you know, kind of triggered the sort of thing that lovecraft did. Because Gary K Wolf which if you look at any of the images. It's actually Gary K Wolff like if you look at the the book covers and stuff. It's a photo of him in like a trench coat and a hat grinning at the camera with like a drawn in Jessica Rabbit on him at all times and so it's super super. Bad um, you know he's super ah mary suited himself in there or whatever is this is this cringe upright right? But I I really I wish though that somebody else had taken the ideas of the the kernels of the the stuff that is interesting kind of like with Lovecraft right. 01:11:40.35 Jala and Dave The kernels of what he has that are interesting and then develop something good out of it. That's what I was hoping was going to happen and it never did yeah the most we get his cool world in that also was not very good. So sad days. So then we had the accessibility and universal design episode already talked about that previously. And then we have the poetry of aokke I love the poetry of Alok did you listen to that episode desirerae. 01:12:08.11 Desiree Ah, yes, that one it has been a while ago. Um, because Alok is someone that I haven't read a ton of their stuff but I have seen several of the interviews and things they've done and in fact, we use 1 of the interviews that they did. For part of a training that I facilitate in my day job about unpacking whiteness in the workplace and just a loke talking about you know I'm not the problem I love myself I'm glorious. You all are the. 01:12:42.74 Desiree People who have the problem with me and that means you need to do some reflection on you and just so many great messages even in the interviews and the tiny bits of poetry that I've read. 01:12:52.77 Jala and Dave Right? right? Well I would definitely recommend that episode to every single person on the planet. It was me and Breyer and we were talking a lot of sugar we were talking about a locus a person and what all they do. And then we were talking you know from there we went through the books of poetry and we're reading aloud some selected poems or parts of poems and just kind of talking about them and there's so many times in that episode that I just would read it out loud and then just stop and then just go damn because it was just so good. 01:13:26.64 Jala and Dave Yeah, and I believe that um you mentioned that Alok is putting out the audio versions audible has an audiobook version of both of the 2 poetry books at this time. Um, if you are a member. It's like 399 but it's like 7 I think if you're not. An audible member to get the audio. It's under an hour to listen to and have a look themselves reading their work. Um, there's also like the what 2 two and a half hour episode of me and breyer going through reading some of them talking about them and talking about aok kind of generally. So. Um, ah, highly recommend the poetry. Highly recommend that episode fantastic episode for sure. So ah, the one after that was sexuality and identity and that was again Marcus and zombie ah, you know like power team like every once in a while I get like a power team and then like they're on a few episodes together. Um, and that's one of those power teams for sure you and Marcus Dave you were also one of the power teams. But um, yeah, that one was a good one um talking about just you know as much as you like oh sexuality like if you're you're clutching your pearls going. Oh my god you know sexy time like we we keep it like you know like yeah, we talk about some stuff but like. It's not in-d depth raunchy whatever we're discussing you know, just kind of like broad strokes about a lot of different things and strokes is the perfect word to use for talking but sexuality episode if I didn't say is somebody was going to you know, definitely put it in the episode discussion channel later be like joa. 01:15:04.49 Jala and Dave Strokes really? so um, anyhow, that was actually ah again, it was a really good episode paired up intentionally with the attraction episode kept the same people so we could keep kind of a through line going on those topics and yeah, a lot of fun there. 01:15:22.77 Jala and Dave So Dave let's see then that brings us to Krish and Krish 3 Yeah, the deceptive movie tiplling because these are in fact, the sequels to koit melgaya and more hehi Roshan. Ah yeah, i. Love those movies. We've seen each of the movies individually are about 3 hours runtime and I think we've watched them collectively 3 or 4 times apiece easily so in the double digits of hours just really appreciating this fantastical take. Down and reimagining of like the superhero genre in India ah, but it's it's self-referential and then still referencing a lot of western superhero ideas. But then he's sort of using that framework as a mirror to look at current at the time. Um. Popular culture in India they're they're fully fun but they're also the budget goes places like there's there's things that they spent the budget on and then there's things that probably should have been very important that the budget did not get spent on. The trash suit Desiree Desiree please please tell us about animals. 01:16:47.53 Desiree Um I I may have blocked that part out I know I have seen these movie and I know there are animals I Just ah ah. 01:16:53.40 Jala and Dave Um, yeah, ah, they're not human. They're not animal. They're animal hosts. Ah they are. 01:17:02.98 Desiree They sure are and I you know have a whole thing of science fiction work with science fiction people and well that was a bit over the top even for me. Thank you. 01:17:13.10 Jala and Dave Ah, yeah, they are. They are some wild movies for sure. Um, yeah, but um, so so we had to put those in there just because we couldn't do koy milgaia without talking about the other movies in the series. But it's like I didn't want to do 3 episodes on on the whole series I'm like we can mash the other two together. It'll be fine. Ah hoymill guy is the one that goes the most places. So um, and I think honestly like it stands on its own just fine. They really didn't need to make more of them. Ah Chris and Chris 3 are fun either way. 01:17:48.20 Jala and Dave But you know then the next episode after that is the death positivity episode which is one of the funniest episodes I think we've ever had on the show. It is hilarious. Actually you and Cameron Desray made that so fun. 01:18:05.62 Jala and Dave Because of your like anecdotes and stuff we had a grand old time talking about death. But. 01:18:12.74 Desiree And apparently I said some smart things I don't know a ah friend of mine was listening to it and telling me all about these amazing things that she heard in it and learned from it and I was like oh really, yay, She said you said that? Oh ok. Ah, maybe ah I do talk about death quite a lot and these are all things that seem like yeah I could have said that. 01:18:40.36 Jala and Dave Right? right? Well I mean um, that was probably one of the ones where I learned the most ah just because like we I of course did a lot of study to get into that episode in the first place but it's also like. I I had to do even more then even after all the studying I did then you know you and Cameron brought stuff in that I also didn't know so filled in some more spots for me for things that I wasn't aware of so um, that was a really good episode for that and I know a lot of people shy away from the topic of death. But like first off that. Ah. So it is fucking hilarious Second off second off, it's a topic that it is just as pertinent to every single person as talking about disability right? because everyone's going to die and. 01:19:26.00 Desiree Um, yeah, some people more than once. 01:19:33.77 Jala and Dave Ah, yeah, and and Cameron has been my co-host on monster dear monster for this is year eight like we're going into year eight and I learned things about Cameron listening to that episode that I did not know that um I thought he was just a music teacher surprise. 01:19:52.74 Jala and Dave He had his face right in the middle of some Budd's Grandma's chest cavity mummified his chest cavity so you know whatever news to you? Well now you know like why he's so cheerful when he talks about these horror films. 01:20:12.23 Jala and Dave I Mean not everyone gets the chance to motorboat the dead. So respectfully I heard respect right? right? So yeah, yeah, so um, that was that was a fun episode and seriously there's a lot of content in there. It is not a depressing episode to listen to. Ah, we do talk about some some heavy topics but we do it in such a way that it is actually probably the most delightful like heavy topic episode that I think I've ever done. It was so good. Um, that ah. 01:20:38.35 Desiree Well and I could of course go on about it all day because it is something I'm very passionate about that idea of embracing it because it is so universal and there's a book that just came out called briefly perfectly human it's written by. Ah, alua that's her last name Alua Arthur she is a death doula so people have heard of like baby doulas. Whatever she' is a death doula and when it helps people and not just dying people embrace that idea and come to terms with. 01:21:14.99 Desiree How can you have a good death and what does that mean for you. Um, again could go on. We have other episodes to get to. We can always do a follow up on that for sure and I can weave in my dissertation topic at some point as well need to. 01:21:28.45 Jala and Dave Yes. 01:21:32.84 Desiree Get as much of that out there as I can so I can stop thinking about it for 2 seconds 01:21:37.92 Jala and Dave Right? right? Absolutely So um, yeah, so you actually mentioned that dissertation topic on that death Positivity episode. So if you want to you know like ah the the ethical preservation and keeping of books that are bound in human skin. 01:21:55.59 Desiree Anropodermic Bibliophagy it has also recently been in the news. Um, Harvard has 1 of the 18 verified human skin books and they just came out a couple weeks ago and said we are going to remove the piece of human skin from our book. Tbd what we do with it I had you I I had I think 10 different people send me that article within a couple hours of it being published from so many sources I was like ah I'm the human skin books person. What does this say about me. But. 01:22:25.43 Jala and Dave Yeah, well I'm I'm the cute bird video person like the 1 new one comes and becomes viral and every person sends it to me everyone and we found out that well desiree won that auction. 01:22:36.14 Desiree But that's so much better. 01:22:47.72 Jala and Dave It's all I could think of is that oh it's it's my my maths textbook that normally has like the little ah um, like little paper bag cover that people put on it but you got the fancy 1 01:23:02.13 Jala and Dave And yes, we are all just meat sex. Ok ah so moving right? along? Ah this very pertinent topic. Ah so my one year anniversary of the show. Was a special episode that I dropped that was salemore the problem with death. It was a quick 10 minute scripted sketched thing that featured Gary Butterfield and Cole Ross from duck feed as actors on that and um I just. Made a little audio play for the comic I was writing which I may end up making it into some kind of primarily prose possibly like an illuminated manuscript style thing or something at some point in the future. Um, which is to say like using the. Words and the pictures and stuff in such a fashion that even though it is primarily text. There are you know aspects to the design of the page you are looking at that are additive to the experience of reading the book and you know have some illustrations and so on. So we will see more on that at some point in the future but the next one after that was the Rupert booth interview. So I got another I love me some fmb games and got me an fmv actor from you know? Ah, he's most commonly known as jenx from the contradiction ah video game. 01:24:29.74 Jala and Dave But he's been in several things including a lot of stuff for decky studios. So it was kind of a natural thing when we were chit chatting and then you know I was like yeah you know I'd love to have you on my podcast sometime. He's like sure. Let's schedule the thing and I'm like ok so that's how that happened. But um, yeah, and then after that we had pursuing your passions and that's with ah Matthew from monster to your monster who is a blacksmith and we had a really good time talking about just doing the things that you love um, whatever it is that float your boat makes you excited. Um. And really like I've I've done a lot of art I've done a lot of writing people are like oh you're so talented this that in the other and you know like the the different things that I've done including this podcast are all part of my passion because the whole reason why I started writing is because I wanted to. Help other people like I want to tell story sure but like I also wanted to create something where people felt like they weren't alone and because like a lot of times in my early life like I I was alone I didn't have anyone like propping me up. There was like. You know I was pretty isolated in a lot of ways even if I was surrounded with people you know like there were a lot of ways in which I didn't have a support network. So um, reading and you know absorbing myself into stories and considering the kinds of things that characters were going through and everything is really what helped me through. 01:26:05.83 Jala and Dave So I wanted to give that to other people and then I was like but I also want to illustrate this and so I started to teach myself how to draw and I even went so far as to go to school for painting and to learn how to do the thing to illustrate my own work and then you know I I even worked on a comic for a bit say lamore. And other things like that and I was doing more stuff where I was building up stories and I was trying to to you know, create art that that brings people peace or or you know, um, does something like evokes something in them to show them. You know like my whole general artistic thesis was one of. Essentially memento Mai you know, remember that you will die like cherish the moments that you have when you're here on the Earth You know, appreciate the beauty in front of you when you see it but also be aware that your time is limited and that's why everything that you're doing right now is so precious. That's the point of salemore you know and. This podcast is about like finding your inner peace finding you know yourself learning and growing as a person so that you can be a better person for yourself and everyone else so you can have the best life you can while you are here and. You know? So So it's funny because for a long time I was like man I'm not doing anything creative and then I was like well okay, the podcast isn't really a creative endeavor. But it's to the same point. It's for the same reason that I was doing all these other things that I was doing Why did I become a personal trainer to help people do the same thing to like help them find their best life right. 01:27:34.31 Jala and Dave So I've been doing it the whole time through every different thing I've been doing so that's like my life's work right? there. That's my passion. So Mike Drop I know I was like am I gonna I'm no applause. 01:27:47.15 Desiree So yeah, done can't no notes. 01:27:53.67 Jala and Dave Ah, well then Dave you move on and talk about the next one we got from there all right from there ah dick Tracy so this is on the Dick Tracy movie um, and that had Leonard and Adam again because that's the that's the duo that power covers yeah covers the the bases of of these films particularly dick Tracy which is like it's a really good um adaptation of the dick Tracy comics and they captured that. Through like really the lighting lighting the set set pieces and the costuming so that holistically just really hit all the points it needed to and it still remains like just fun. It's a fun thing to still watch I think it aged better than maybe Roger Rabbit which is still good tech technically good. But I I don't know Dick Tracy was I liked it a little bit more um, me too me too I didn't say it on the Roger Rabbit movie episode but like I appreciate it through the excitement of Adam and Leonard ah, it is a good movie. I actually like Dick Tracy More even though like Roger Rabbit's doing a whole lot and you know is like a standout animated work anyway, moving on. Yeah, then we have episode 32 which was body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria. 01:29:18.91 Jala and Dave And that one had Addie and zombie. So. there's a yeah there's a trend of um, having guests and a lot a lot. This is something that um I appreciate from the show is that um you involve a lot of folks from the listening community and give them. Ah, voice give them the opportunity to if they have something that they really want to say or they feel like they can contribute to um, they can come on to the show and and do that and that's not a thing that a lot of podcasts offer ah particularly if there's a single host. They may not have guests at all and they're just a speaking platform. But that's not what this is this is a discussion space and freeing that up for for thought just guest you handpick and Google do volunteer and they come on to the show but it's open to like whoever's interested in this. Or whatever the topic is and giving that like just a warm, cozy little place to talk and there's no pressure. A lot of times. Ah, yes, extra research is always appreciated, but it's not necessary because you've done dissertation level work for every. Ah, topical episode. 01:30:38.51 Desiree And it gives the people like you were seeing Dave an opportunity to share a little bit of who they are share their stories and like Jala mentioned earlier. We don't want to talk about people. We want to be in conversation with them. And so they're representing themselves. You know you only have so many identities yourself. So how do you pull in people that have those others and be as representative as possible see intersectionality episode. 01:31:12.67 Jala and Dave Right? right? Absolutely and so like I'm always expanding like the number of people that I'm talking to ah granted I have a limited amount of time in a day but you know like I try to touch base with folks and I try to you know like yes we have our mainstays of folks who show up a lot on the show. Um, but then there's also a lot of folks and that's just because like we'll we'll get into conversations about these topics. So I'm like oh actually I think we need to do this on air. Um, but there's also like and a stream of new folks coming in pretty regularly as well. Yeah, folks might I guess if you're around our age. Might remember like web rings and it's definitely a thing anymore but we have like podcast network affiliates like a lot of the over the last year in particular um jalla has taken the time to just get involved with other podcasts. A lot of similar interests and those folks have their listeners or their hosts and everyone just it's making bigger and bigger circles and drawing in more interests into each of the individual. Um. Hobbies and pursuits like some people you get a lot of cross-pollination I guess um, where we as listeners will tune into these new shows and then learn a little bit more about whatever that particular hobby is and a lot of times this is is video games but. 01:32:38.95 Jala and Dave Everyone's coming at their um their particular hobby or their interest from like a slightly different um angle and it's really fun to hear that and in turn have them join the the listenership um of this show and put in input and that just makes the show. Grow and become better because we're getting ah more um, points of view and that just serves to broaden our own horizons right? Absolutely and so. Speaking of broadening horizons and having folks on and stuff. Ah the very next episode after that was the longest episode I think that I've had of this show the absolute longest 1 metroid fusion. We had several guests on for that. Ah, one of which was Dave Jack and from tales from the backlog which is um, one of the the folks from you know our web ring of podcasts to use a day viism. Um and like ah he's he's also been on one of the topical episodes as well. We'll get there eventually. And yeah, like he's ah a great guy I've been on his show. We talked about resident evil 4 remake and that was a lot of fun and ah also Daniel was on this episode which Daniel is ah one of the people who was on for dishonored so dishonored was also like. 01:34:09.69 Jala and Dave 7 hours of talking about his son and so ah, Daniel's a powerhouse for sure for sure and then we also had moon as well. Moon is a regular on this show as well. So. Ah, there was that ah moon and that episode was bringing so much of the the technical mechanical stuff in such a fantastic way. So um, yeah, that was a that was a great if you love metroid fusion or Metroid in general. We have a lot to say about that and I I remember I was looking at the clock and i's two and a half hours and I'm like ok, let's wrap up and then there was another hour after I said that so that's how we rolled on that episode then ah next one after that was fat phobia and eating disorders so that was kind of like again like the ah body dysmorphia episode happened but a lot of the stuff I was reading led to the fat phobia episode but I did have a different guest on for that I actually had Breyer and Raul but then Breyer's internet crapped out again. So Breyer then therefore vanished about halfway through ah but Raul and I finished the rest of the episode from there. Ah, that is a good and informative and kind of raw look at ah, some real ah real stories of how you know we have struggled with internalized fat phobia. You know like for ourselves not towards other people but the way that we internalize it and then turn it. 01:35:39.91 Jala and Dave On ourselves as a weapon and that's a lot of what we were talking about in that episode and then like how the fat phobia in our family and and everything ah kind of like messed us up roll bad. So um, yeah. 01:35:55.21 Jala and Dave So desireeye did you have anything to say about like I've it's been a while. So um, yeah, Dick Tracy Body dysmorphia gender Dysphoria ah metroid fusion fat phobia and eating disorders. 01:36:08.91 Desiree Metroid and Dick Tracy not as much my things this was a period where was definitely more into the topical episodes because these were two that I was contemplating volunteering to serve on actually and then other folks. 01:36:26.50 Desiree Hopped in and took over which they were both fantastic episodes and like you mentioned the fat phobia and eating disorders when could be a little raw in places and that is what makes this podcast phenomenal is that giving that space for people to have all. 01:36:45.83 Desiree Of the emotions and um, so yeah, if folks want to get into those topics. Those are both really good episodes for sure. 01:36:52.99 Jala and Dave Yeah, and when we talk about Fat phobia. We're talking about. We broke it down from where did it start right? So we're trying to look at like where is modern fat phobia like what what happened to get us to where we're at and what what is wrong with the body Mass Index which is. 01:37:11.66 Jala and Dave A lot of bullshit. But why is it bullshit you know and all of this stuff and we talk about all of that on that episode. It's very informative. Even if you're like I don't I don't think I need to worry about faphobia. It's whatever you don't have anything to tell me put no seriously. There's some good stuff on there. Um, so. 01:37:27.25 Desiree Ah, and the pieces about family impact and the residual trauma that folks can experience as a result of that all of that Even like you said, if you don't think oh this doesn't apply to me. There is something you can gleam from it and you know it Then. At the very least develop more empathy for other people. 01:37:48.14 Jala and Dave Absolutely. So then we had the fire emblem I p episode. This was my first time tackling an entire I p but that while I say that actually I started doing that crap originally on Dave's show when we were doing monster dear monster because. We started in Desiree you and John were part of that we we went in some of those old episodes of Monster Dear Monster where it was all guest guest episodes and it was us and we were talking about along with Greg the ghostbusters but like all of the ghostbusters movies and we also read the books and we were also talking comics a little bit and. All this mess and we were talking the entire ghostbusters ip you know over the course of a multiple episodes but we were doing it and then we talked about riddi but we talked about all of riddi like the novelizations the video games the movies like everything Riddick everything. All of it. You know and so like I've been doing this whole like let's look at the entire thing. 01:38:42.91 Jala and Dave For a while and I think that's partially like I'm curious and I want to see the original stuff but also Dave always tries to read the book if any horror movie that he watches for his show has a book so he also does this a lot. Yeah, and a lot of that comes from just wanting to know the source material for something. Ah or when it was in in relation to monsters in particular I didn't okay, this came from a legend and it had to come from somewhere and where was that but that treatment I I enjoy that. Um, and then just taking ah ah like stepping back and looking at a franchise or iterations of something and looking at the whole thing like how was it received when it started you know where is it going now. Are they doing more of it. Um. And those give you little so because a lot of that stuff doesn't come out at 1 time. It could be over 10 years it could be longer. Um and those things are all informed separately by what's going on and what current events are happening and that shapes production that shapes the writers and. Being able to kind of look at that whole thing I think makes for better. Um, critical overviews on something well and then you add the fact that my topical episodes were getting more like you know like I I was already doing a lot of research but like. 01:40:09.22 Jala and Dave The notes and everything were getting more refined and ah and everything by this point and so I was doing so much research for the topical episodes that it was like no when I look at the media I also have to look at it in context I can't just pull it out by itself I have to look at the entire thing that it's doing and. You know who are the people that worked on it. What did they do before and what is it doing in video game history at this time and you know so so then it started getting the media started getting the treatment that I give to topics and that's really what happened so that one is kind of like a good overview. The fire ml one of kind of like. Ah, where did strategy rpgs develop in the first place like how did they come about in the first place. What were the predecessors. You know all of that kind of history and then just kind of like broad strokes about fire emblem as a whole we sat with awakening ah we also sat with engage quite a bit as well. And um. 3 houses and so that was Addie and Nick Facoy who from Friday night gamecast shout out to y'all? Um I hope to have will his co-host on sometime in the near future. So um, yeah, Nick very last minute because ah my sherpa fred. Had a personal thing come up and could not be on the show and I was like hey Nick you just messaged me and said hi to me I don't know you but we're doing an episode on fire emblem. Do you want to talk about fire emblem as an I p and he says sure I've got the time. 01:41:39.60 Jala and Dave So ah, he was a real good sport and came on the show and like brought it. It was great. So ah, that was that was one of the first quick substitutions I did and ah that was that was a lot of fun. So then we had unraveling grind culture that was moon and moxie. And we found out that moon really needs. Um, like there's a lot of things going on that. Um, kind of contribute to the constant state of burnout there. Um, and and so like there's there's more than just looking at just the burnout that has to happen in that scenario. Um. But like different types of burnout where burnout comes from and all of that we're actually going to be doing a whole episode about burnout desiree and I here soon. Ah covering a book kind of doing like the read read a book club kind of book thing ah like we did with the diversity in the next generation episode and she and I will be talking about that. 01:42:39.90 Desiree I Very much looking forward to that because those types of experiences reading a book about something that you are going through or have recently gone through on ah And. Earth's a lot of trauma and processing and all those kinds of things and I think that future episode is also a great example of the evolution of this podcast. It's you know, taking a format and then applying it to the same to a different book and things like that and that's showing that these topics. Do then lead to others So The grind culture piece Burnout is just one component of that. So Let's go and focus in on that. 01:43:23.70 Jala and Dave Right? right? So moving on then we've got portal ip talk about all of portal that was a lot of fun. Um, that had several guests on it that had Ben and Dennis both from the level and then also Matt storm from fun and games podcast. Shout out to Matt They are wonderful. So is Ben so is yeah Dennis no no shade to my level co-hosts of course but some Matt was like the new voice for me on the show. So ah, that was a good time that was very informative. Ah in terms of like the game itself and all of that stuff because all of those folks had interesting experiences to bring to the table about that and then when we were analyzing it and talking about it. There were some perspectives that were. Presented that I had never thought of before and it was a really good time. So a very great analysis I feel ah almost at the same length as the metro fusion episode just like 5 minute shy or something like that. So after that we had the one that was a relief to me because it was much shorter. Ah, toxic masculinity and that one had Breyer and Lance and so um, every time Lance has been on the show. Ah he brings his whole heart and you can hear it in his voice when he's talking and so like you know he he's very passionate about the subjects that he has been on the show. Ah. 01:44:48.32 Jala and Dave And as such you know he's made a big impression on folks to where people are like you know you did such a great job I Want to hear you on the show again. People want to hear a lot more of Lance. But I think that that would bird lance out to and to to the worst degree Because. Ah, he brings so much of himself to the table for that. 01:45:07.98 Desiree He does and shares bits of his story and his life. Um, like thinking back to the disability episode and saying you know people say oh well, you have a cool robot hand and his response being. Do you not think I'd rather just have my real. 1 back that I did that didn't break or that didn't you know, get dirt caught in it and all these sorts of things and you're right. He is so vulnerable in those moments and because he has the space to do that here. 01:45:37.35 Jala and Dave Yeah, right? So Dave read about these you were on these you could talk about them. Oh I was on these episode 39 tenji muo in love this was you me and Mar Marcus ah and we. Spent the almost hour it's like the runtime of the film um throwing shade at this movie. It's it was a fun nostalgic watch to realize oh my. 01:46:15.40 Jala and Dave Teenage self ah had ah had a specific sense of taste that did not maybe age as well. Um, but we could appreciate like what this movie in particular like what this series what that led to. And we use that as a point to say here is the beginning of a certain type of genre or at least like a formative example of it and what has that done to um, ah, future shows and then we have internet and identity and I was you and Mark and. Yeah, yeah, that was a back-to-back another one um with Marcus and we looked at a study and a book of um, breaking down kind of what people. Present themselves as online and whether or not that that's a valid space to say that if I'm offline isn't that still me or what I've presented to myself or ah as myself to other people like that's. That's still a real thing because people are interacting with it and there's a lot more That's that that digs into um, but that was a lot of fun and we I think that that's something when we spoke about it that can use. Not really a revisit but like. 01:47:46.50 Jala and Dave Taking that frame and then yeah and and and doing some other discussions right? Absolutely so the 1 right after that was the simulacra ip episode where we talk about the kaigon games found phone horror games I mentioned this one before. This is actually right up there for like number of downloads overall number of downloads like a lot of people really wanted to hear about that I guess because nobody talks about this game I don't think that there's a lot of ah folks chatting about it. But yeah, that was a really good episode that was with Greg from the snnes podcast and Josh from still loading podcast. Both of whom are fantastic and we had a great discussion about those games and you know just kind of the themes and stuff that go on in there and it really pairs well with that internet and identity episode. Especially so yeah. Desiree. Do you have anything to say about those ah episodes which had been since the last time I asked you. 01:48:42.81 Desiree Ah let's see apparently ah 10 Chi Moyo is a movie I have seen according to John did it stick clearly not um, internet and identity. Definitely a good. Episode there and I think also very ripe ground for a potential um other little pieces of that to go off and become other episodes in the future. 01:49:14.40 Jala and Dave Yeah, for sure and um, yeah, the toxic masculinity one I haven't really said I haven't spoken a whole heck of a lot of sugar about Breyer Breyer's fantastic. Every time briyer is on ah they are just lovely. They were on the aloca episode they were on the toxic masculinity episode. They were. Ah, trying to be on the episode with the ah well they they were on the fat phobia for about half of it. Um, and then they were trying to be on the ah masculinity episode and then their internet just did not work at all that day. So um, unfortunate situation because I feel like Breyer would be on even more. If I could drag them on provided that their internet worked so sad. Sad days there but hopefully more brier in the future. So yeah, then we had the empathy and emotional intelligence episode. 01:50:03.21 Jala and Dave And yeah, that one included you Nick are you ah desirerae and then also Nick from friday night gamecast came back for that. So and then also Matt from fun games so we had a couple of video game people who you know video game podcaster people who were on for a topical episode joined also by you as well. Desiree. 01:50:22.82 Desiree Yes, and apparently there were many good things said during that episode some possibly by me. 01:50:32.23 Jala and Dave Yeah, um I need to actually go back and re-listen to that episode now. Um, and you know like some of the things too that I've been thinking about a lot lately because I'm trying to dig into um some more of like Indian physical culture because Indian physical culture is. Ah, something that combines like a spiritual connectedness with your breathing with your mindfulness of other people and like you know, being conscious of the stuff you put into your body.. It's yoga and Iur Veta and you know like your your physical exercises. Whatever the form those take. And a lot of other things. All mash together. It's meditation a bunch of stuff all together to where it's like a wellness holistic kind of approach to it that is very foreign and to people in the west to compartmentalize everything right? So um. 01:51:26.29 Jala and Dave 1 thing that I I do know about like say the the yoga philosophies and things like that is that you know the concept of emotional intelligence and having to develop empathy and stuff is just like really foreign for them because like that's part of like the yogic practice like mindfulness is part and parcel of. Like living Basically if you are a yogi you're trying to do that all the time. So um, you know like it'd be interesting to re-listen to that episode now that I'm kind of steeped in that that kind of alternate culture. So. 01:52:00.82 Desiree Um, it's something that I am just surrounded by every day in my teaching capacities working with 18 to 22 ish year old college students and. Going back to things like your episode on universal design trying to instill those ideas in students things like the ramps all across campus sure those were put there with the disability in mind. However. You also benefit from them and so getting them to empathize with people that may look or present differently than them because you all actually are benefiting from these kinds of things. So it's something that is very near and dear to my heart and something that I talk about in so many different contexts. All the time. So probably why I can't really recall what I may have said there. 01:52:56.99 Jala and Dave Right? right? right? and you know vice. That's the thing is that like the times that I pulled you on for topical episodes have very often been because like those are things that you are are trading in already your day to day so much so it's like you know you you don't know what. You said there because you don't know what you said in class either because you know you're just talking about this a lot you know so for sure and then Dave we had you back on again for episode 43 voices of a distant star and she and her cat but we also had Ollie for the first time. Ollie the delight that is the irish fellow. The main thing I remember from that episode is just like o he's very pleasant to listen to. Ollie's great and he's going to be coming back on soon to talk about. Ah, actually the next episode after this episode is going to be the next episode with Ollie on it and ah oie and case from men of steel will be on to talk about the many deaths of Leila Starr which is also kind of like it's a media that brings in kind of the death positivity stuff. So desirerae you might want to listen to that and then like go read the comic because it's great. So yeah, so that's that's a 1 ah, that's coming up that'll be the next one after this. So yeah, moving right? along the next episode was the fitness ah Ama and mythbusting episode and this was. 01:54:06.76 Desiree For sure. Yeah. 01:54:21.41 Jala and Dave Dave and Marcus Power team again. Um, and this one we were talking about it in the green room but like this was an episode where it was so good and we had all these new people listening to the show because they wanted to hear this specific episode and and hear their questions answered and things and then like. Somehow before we recorded the mic had switched to the internal mic or like the the webcam mic and so like we sound like we're in a bathroom or something and it was so bad because Dave tried so hard to edit that I kind of got it fixed. But yeah, the audio is not great. Which is very disappointing because we had so much fun doing that like and questions and answering them like that I would wanted to do that again. Um, it doesn't have to be that same topic just that that forum is like that was a blast I'd I'd like they send in more questions. Ah. Right? right? Um, ah, while we can. We can aggregate a whole list of other questions and and see like I just have to figure out a topic that people won't be shy about yeah ah, that's the problem right? like trying to get people to engage at all is hard but also trying to get people to engage with a very focused topic. Um. You know, like that's that's a difficulty so you can have like a theme go into the episode I guess I could just turn it loose and be like ask me literally anything and I will answer it but who knows what'll come out of that anyway. Um, moving right? along then we had the nightly news comics. So yeah, that was. 01:55:54.34 Jala and Dave A very fun one to do that was with you Dave and also with case from men of steel and ah another passes another of his shows and that was the first time that case was on and ah Dave you were just like there were a lot of people who were just really busy and like I guess I could have just done the 1 person but I really liked having like I I like the. The flow of 3 people. Best I think well and not only that that's one that I think I was interested to talk about I liked the ah the comic and what it just had a lot that you could sit there and talk about without. Doing a frame by frame it just it was a full discussion. Um, and it so the comic was 2009 something like that it it was a while ago, but it's actually more relevant now than it was um at the time. So I thought that that. Ah, just that point alone made it like not only well worth discussing but something specifically hey look at this because the media landscape back then. Was not nearly as bleak as it is now. But what it was pointing to was what happened and understanding that and understanding why we are where we're at um in in regard to that in particular is important because we have to try to like fix. It. 01:57:21.98 Jala and Dave Um, and you can't fix a thing unless you know it's a problem right? right? So after that the the first episodes January first of 2024 the year we are recording this so ah. That is the first time that we started doing the bonus episodes. So the first bonus episode for each of the bonus shows is out on the public feed for folks to listen to. We had cutting room floor episode 1 which was fire emblem redo so like. I had Fred who couldn't be on the fire emblem I p episode come on to talk fire emblem himself because he was unfortunately unable to be on the episode the longer episode. So I just gave him his own space to talk fire emblem with me and then we also had a glass darkly which is. The episode where Dave and I trade off about just reading some of our writing out to folks. So ah, that episode was our story which was just a short little piece phantom of the opera inspired piece kind of picking up from a part in the original. Larone novel and then taking it to a whole new place and it was just a reading of that story that I wrote and then oachquebox which oakebox is that weird story you know liked hey I'm just going to hit the record button and. 01:58:45.12 Jala and Dave Tell you about some random thing Dave did you know here's a random story from my childhood and I just tell you various things in short format a lot of times like so the audio on that I can't do too much about because we're like sometimes we're out walking. Um, outside and walk in the dog and I'll say something or 1 of us says something and then all of a sudden I there's a phone really close to me saying and jaless say that again now now that it's recording and I have to try to re. 01:59:18.81 Jala and Dave Say whatever nonsense I probably said and keep the same like tone because it was off the cuff and trying to do that twice is like well it's not going to be the same thing the second time but here it goes no a lot of times too. It's just me after the fact going y'all. 01:59:38.59 Jala and Dave I have to tell you this thing that just happened just now you know and this is this first o monkeye box was one of those pozolla foot and other tales so that that was with the pozola foot incident these used to be times when I used to call desirere up randomly at any time of the day. Everyone. I would just call desiree and just be like you want to know what happened just yeah, you want to know we came out of this man's mouth. Do you want to know this thing that I just thought about and I would just tell her a thing and she just laugh and make a comment and I go That's all ok by and that was it that was the conversation. 02:00:17.40 Jala and Dave So I turned that into here's a bunch of little little stories. A little nuggets like that of of me, you know, randomly calling desiree at different times of day to tell her things ah to let's let's put that on a podcast put it out there for everyone to listen to and enjoy so here you go everyone pos all a foot. 02:00:33.56 Desiree Yes, you're welcome folks helped them workshop all of those refine it. So you're getting the best of the best content. 02:00:38.59 Jala and Dave Absolutely absolutely Absolutely so then we had ah body image and weight fluctuation that was one that I did at the start of this year with Dave Jackson so ah that was a really good episode. They're all up. They're great episodes. Um. That was a good talk ah with Dave and we were going through just like so so but Dave had actually lost over a hundred pounds and this is not something that a lot of people know about Dave Jackson ah because he's doesn't really have anywhere to talk about that per se set Mike. Space of course not my space not like Tim is it Tim Tom Tom there you go I don't even remember his name anymore. Yeah ah, instead of ah my space with Tom you have my space jaless place. So ah, but yeah, like we were talking about that and just kind of like thinking. 02:01:30.79 Jala and Dave Like how we thought of ourselves and how we felt about ourselves and like what drove us to change stuff about you know our lives or whatever to get to whatever point we were at you know what relationship we have with our body image and how was it healthy or unhealthy and how did it change over time and a lot of how other people treat. And how that changed because I also went through a significant weight loss and then also in more recent times because of the powerlifting and everything else and injuries and stuff I've gained a little bit of weight back and like the way that people treat me is also different from when they treated me when I was little you know like when I was running marathons and stuff. So. Ah, having a lot of conversation about that and also having it from a signed female at birth and assigned male at Birth Perspectives so um I think that was a really good time. Really good talk. Ah check that out. So then we had bio zombie I had Addie and Adam on. 02:02:25.69 Jala and Dave You know for a fun time talking about a zombie movie the the first Hong Kong zombie movie it is a zombie comedy. It's like a slacker comedy but it's like a zombie movie also at the same time It's very fun, very funny, a delight to watch also a great time. Ah, a great episode as well. So that led me onto like this kick of trying to find international zombie movies. So like I have another one waiting ah waiting in the queue for me to go watch but it also made me watch zombie readyady which is the first telegu language. Ah, tollywood zombie movie like horror movie I think or is it is it horror movie or zombie movie I can't remember which zombie movie. Okay, so Dave what do you think about zombie ready short terms. 02:03:17.91 Jala and Dave Zombie-ready is fantastic and another one of the films where it's like it's what genre is this? ah and let's see how political we can make it but then maybe not because we changed markets again right? right? The the you can watch Zombie Reddy. 02:03:36.43 Jala and Dave On Youtube but it is the Hindi version the hindi dub and they also edited some stuff I talk about this in one of my ah reviews that I do for patrons at ah even the $2 tier. You can you can see those. Ah so one of my most recent reviews was on zombie ready and I was discussing. You know, like the changes that happen in that film and I don't I don't spoil the movie I just kind of like talk about how it's made like what the kind of setup is and you know the cinematography and how that works out and you know like I was curious to see what's indian about this movie right? Is it. An indian cultural. You know, kind of movie or is it just pulling from western concepts of zombies and stuff like how how is this movie made and what you know all of that like how does it resolve and everything and when it got to the resolution I just laughed out loud I'm like sure of course, why not. 02:04:31.47 Jala and Dave Because like that's a lot of what happens in almost every movie from India I'm like why not sure that's that's of course, what's going to happen. Why wouldn't it and that's why they're so delightful. So um, yeah I don't know if you happen to listen to like I know ah you probably. 02:04:49.23 Jala and Dave Probably listen to those bonus episodes at the least as a. 02:04:52.67 Desiree Yes, um, did listen to the bonus episodes and to go a little bit further back to the Q and a type episodes. Love that format. That's definitely something that I think is fun and. 02:05:01.00 Jala and Dave Yeah. 02:05:09.34 Desiree Like you mentioned engagement in any Arena is incredibly hard to find the little magic solution that'll work to get folks excited and engaged in things and that type of Participatory Q and a is fantastic. Also. You have the questions written in advance for your more introverted introverted hosts. That's a fantastic way for them to then process and have responses even if you wanted to do sort of a rapid fire. Okay, everyone give me 2 Your 2 word response to this kind of thing. So There's all sorts of. 02:05:45.24 Desiree Fun that you can have there. Um, and you you also mentioned opening things up to just anyone ask me anything. That's actually how you and I met and started talking you were like on Twitter anyone give me a topic and I'll give you my top 5 and I just randomly was like hey. Seeing this person post lots of cute bird things. What are your top 5 favorite bird accounts to follow and here we are so many years later um ah 02:06:12.47 Jala and Dave Little did you know that you would be inundated every day with cute animals for years. Ah. 02:06:17.95 Desiree Ah, oh no, well it kills me I hate it so much. 02:06:21.45 Jala and Dave Top 500 you mean right right? right so this is true. This is true that you know it's very funny that you mentioned that because I was like yesterday or something I'm like how. 02:06:27.55 Desiree Woo Love it. 02:06:39.48 Jala and Dave I meet Desiree I don't remember how I met Desiree I actually don't know it's kind of like I don't remember how Breyer and I met I don't know how I met them I think it might have been Twitter too I also met Dave on Twitter Twitter's actually been pretty good for me. Um. 02:06:57.30 Jala and Dave So yeah, and like I and like I tell people all the time. My Twitter is full of art and people that I like and then like cute animals just so like I'm fine on Twitter nothing bothers me there. Um, except the occasional spam bot now that we have the certain people in charge. But anyway. 02:07:17.20 Jala and Dave Moving right? along that we had the navigating toxic masculinity episode that is specifically from like a parent so you know point of view. So this was one that came up again just because we were talking toxic masculinity previously and I was going to do a part 2 with Lance and Breyer. And then I was like you know I think I also you know like when I was talking to people and people were interested in like you know, ah toxic masculine. How do you deal with toxic masculinity when it comes to your kids and this that and the other and there were conversations happening in my server about it. So I'm like you know like I I should just get people on and talk about that and then when we did. It was like oh actually with all the stuff that we covered in that episode I don't feel like we need another toxic masculinity episode at least in in the kind of vein that we were going in the first one. So like. You know it's not like we won't treat with that subject again, but we're going to have to have like a a more honed in kind of ah focus for the episode whenever we get back to that topic. So. 02:08:17.99 Desiree Or just a different lens is always helpful to write a different perspective on the same topic. 02:08:25.67 Jala and Dave Yep, absolutely and that's kind of part of too of like that because like you know Lance is a father lance could also be on the talk navigating toxic masculinity as a parent episode right? Um, but I had some other folks on ah partially because lance. Is actively working to deconstruct and and detoxify you know, ah things that he has been taught throughout his life and you know he's you know a very lovely person but also like I was thinking about it in terms of well. Okay Dennis and Simone. Are 2 of the most like pointedly nontoxic people that I know how did they turn out that way. You know how did they turn out to be the way that they are and like what are their? What is their approach to how they um, you know like grapple with these topics because Dennis has several boys. And then Simone has a little girl so like you know as fathers of different gender children. You know like how does how does this play out for them. So um, that was kind of where I was going with that. But then we had dishonored episodes. Ah the dishonored I p covered in 2 episodes. Ah, those were 2 of the episodes more recently and then we also had muscle dysmorphia and skinny phobia so that was moxie and you Dave yeah, that was a ah lot of fun I guess um. 02:09:56.52 Jala and Dave It was definitely bringing up a lot of things that I would say I still deal with and it's the same for moxie but a lot of the content was like. How how do we cope with this. How have we overcome some aspects and it it wasn't just ah oh I'm I'm still sitting in this problem. It's more like no I've come to terms with. My own point of view and myself and what do I do to kind of keep that mindset. How do we move forward if some of those things are still difficult and just taking the time to recognize that it's a thing and to provide that space for for listeners. Um, who might ah have those same issues or something similar to know that. Yeah there's there's ways. There's ah, there's a path forward. There's a way through this to kind of sort of declutter your own head space. Um, and process things so you can just feel better about yourself right? and so then in the place of a topical episode for the first time I did an interview episode and I put it in the topical slot because I've had. 02:11:27.51 Jala and Dave Really rough time in the last couple of months I I was worried about even trying to be able to record today as a matter of fact but ah, things have kind of calmed down enough that I was able to have like presence of mind to be here and to be recording. Amongst ah, lovely folks. So um, yeah, like I shifted away from the heavier more intensive topic to do an interview with elmandine Todd the creator of god shard the I p. Including godhard chronicles which recently had a very successful kickstarter. It's going to be a cool little um pixel art video game action rpg ah with a lot of people who worked on stuff like the lunar series and things like that. So ah noriyuki withare and some folks who were working with some of the writing and this that and the other art involved in this project. Also John Truitt the voice of Galleon from lunar. Is a voice of 1 of the characters in this game so you knew everybody was sending me the link to the kickstarter when it finally opened up even though like I had heard about it before but like once it started everybody was sending me the link like Jala. It's a lunar thing. You've got to go look and I was like okay. 02:12:48.59 Jala and Dave Well then let's ah, let's do an interview. So ah that we did that and then the very last episode before this was Barbie we were talking about the Barbie movie I was trying to do this last summer right? after the Barbie movie came out I was like we're going to talk about a new thing and then it was a strike. 02:13:07.36 Jala and Dave So then we didn't talk about the new thing until it became old. But um, yeah, so we had more kind of ah intensive talk talking about media rather than topics lately. Um, it's not that's ah you know I'm I'm not. Studying or anything I just don't have bandwidth to discuss just yet I will I will hopefully be having the next topical episode come out in its regular spot at the regular time. Not the next episode but the episode after this. After that. So ah, 2 episodes from now you should have another topical episode so I'm not sure which one yet I will figure it out depends upon who's available. so so yeah that brings us up to date so desiree. What do you think about the last several passel of. Eps. 02:14:01.87 Desiree Ah, so the dishonored episodes in particular I adore I love those games I love everything out of arcane that I've played also. Ah, my kitten who just turned 1 whole year old on April Seventh is named cuvo. So here you know anytime I take him to the vet or something like that I have to say his name multiple times quo what what did why'd you name your cat cuervo. No. 02:14:34.53 Desiree Corvo like core vid but core vote. It's a whole thing and so hearing his name from other people multiple times like well I'm trying to work and have things go out with oh corfo. What do you do? nope. 02:14:50.58 Desiree Ah, my cats do tend to be named after video game characters the 17 year old is atlas after bioch shock and then ah Astrid the 4 year old whose birthday is today 4 20 um, her name is astrid after the assassin from skyrim so always love. Things where I can tie my cats into it clearly that's super important to me. Um, and the the muscle dysmorphia and skinny phobia episode again just giving people a space to be vulnerable. Always love hearing Dave share stories and things like that and. Just having that space to do so and on a topic that's not you know, super common everywhere. Love that I haven't gotten around to the Barbie episode just yet. Although I am sure it is absolutely delightful as are all the other episodes. 02:15:47.71 Jala and Dave Well Rachel it was on that episode and they are ah 1 of the hosts along with Matt storm on the screen snark podcast and unfortunately that is on hiatus right now because Rachel. Is in the middle of becoming a professional wrestler and is currently a wrestling manager and has some fun stories on there about that. So um, ah, they're at an absolute delight and they're on that episode. So definitely take a listen to that. Ah, they they just they're glowing. 02:16:23.45 Jala and Dave About the Barbie movie. Of course that's something well mean I listen to these as I edit them and I was just grinning going I want to just listen to this wrestling story now like I like Barbie I like all this stuff that's going on with it. Um, it's it's very important to look at these these themes. But yeah I'm just. 02:16:43.28 Jala and Dave I want to watch this wrestling story unfold. Well, ah, that's the thing is that on screen snark if you go back and listen to because the the whole backlog is still there. You can definitely go listen to that. It's on certain pov podcasts along with podcast network along with. The men of steel and fun and games podcast anyway, ah you can find screensnark there the whole back catalog you can listen to various play by place stories and updates from Rachel on that show about the different things going on in the world of you know, learning like wrestling school and like learning how to be. Ah, professional. Wrestler. So so yeah, ah, that's that's there for folks to go and have a listen to um and again desiree will be on a future episode here coming up talking about. Burnout and like where it comes from and why why we are suffering from it and why millennials are called the burnout generation and so um, originally I was just going to do kind of like a part 2 on the grind culture episode but the more I read it was like everything was just. Um, well here's how to just deal with it and keep going and it's like no like ah some but I'm looking more we need to break the system down and fix it. It's broken I'm not all about that daily grind I'm grinding to a halt right? exactly exactly. So um. 02:18:10.45 Jala and Dave Yeah, and that's that's kind of like where where this all kind of came from and so like there was one particular book that I read that really clicked that was like yes this is cut like there's I'm sure there's lots of other academic books out there that would have you know better information more information or whatever but this is a very good overview book of this topic. So We will be talking about that coming up soon. So that that might be the next topical episode depending upon where desiree is with reading it might be the one after that. But it's coming up down the you up down the pipes. It's it's somewhere I don't know you'll find it. 02:18:46.42 Jala and Dave Ah, so ah, yeah, final thoughts about like show so far. Ah, the various plans for the show and the future all of that stuff. Desiree. 02:18:56.10 Desiree I mean you've said it several times I've said it Dave said it. It's a delightful show even on topics that might feel heavy. It's having a good time. It's people sharing stories. It's having a casual conversation. And there is literally something here for everyone I love the variety the getting creators on to talk about their works that is huge because that's the promotion piece but also kind of that behind the screens. And humanizing creators because we're all just people which is also a common thread. We're all just people spinning on this little world around a giant ball of gas trying to get to the next day and trying to do it together without causing harm to each other and. Great overall theme for the podcast. So yeah, it's always a delight to be on even better to listen to other people have smart and fun things to say no. 02:20:00.23 Jala and Dave Because you don't want to listen to yourself. Yes, we we come. It's interesting to me because like there is science behind it. There is science behind like your voice sounds different in your head because of like the way it reverberates and is processed in your ears and stuff like that then it is. For you to hear it when it's recorded. That's an actual that's a thing that's a thing and you know, um so I actually have that a lot I have several people who have told me I can't listen to myself on this episode like elmandine Todd on his episode ah godhard chronicles here recently said you know, um. 02:20:37.81 Jala and Dave Having fun recording this not going to listen to it. Can't stand my own voice I'll make somebody else. Go listen to it for me so you know that's how that goes. But yeah Dave how about you like you have had to edit all the 7000000 hours where like how many hours are we at right now. 02:20:56.81 Jala and Dave I don't know too many so many hours hundred a hundred and four or something maybe a little bit more than that I think it's it's somewhere more than a hundred hours okay but yeah if I just. 02:21:15.71 Jala and Dave Don't think about multiplying that by 3 because that's how long I've sat and listened to ah all of the episodes. Um, not back to back. But just as they go. It's a lot. Um, but it's it's I have. I have the ah the the benefit of like hearing everything in advance like I get you know the behind the scenes I get to hear all the recording stuff well before it drops. Um, hopefully sometimes a few hours 02:21:54.32 Jala and Dave But for so or one hundred and fifteen hours yeah um but two years two years of this fantastic podcast with many more years to go because there's no end to the wonderful topics that you're able to just dig into. And each thing leads to something else every book that you read every study that you look at has like 10 to 15 ah works cited of other cool things to look at and each of those has it just it doesn't end. Um, but that's that's life. Um, life is learning. All the time and just hearing from so many different voices or hearing some of the same ones. Ah another time and seeing that maybe that they have changed from the first time that you heard them on the show and that's I think um. Something that's also heartening because I can't think of an instance where anyone's changing. It hasn't been for the better right. 02:22:58.91 Desiree Ah, Dave you always have the best words. 02:23:02.81 Jala and Dave Ah, yeah, Mike Drop Mike Drop I don't have anything else I I have talked one hundred and fifteen plus hours about this subject and all of the subject of my show. So I don't have anything further to say but what I will say. Is that I thank all of the listeners for listening for the past couple of years and listening to this kind of overview episode of all the things and to both of you for being on the show with me here today. So desireree you are an internet crypted I am told ah you only exist for me to send you cute animals. So. 02:23:31.60 Desiree Ah yes I do I am on Twitter if people want to follow me there. It's at DNines that's NEYE and s um I occasionally post. 02:23:46.62 Desiree Things there not super often, but it is a place I can be found. 02:23:50.50 Jala and Dave Right? And how about you Dave where can you be found I need to make like a link tree I think that's a thing. Um, you can find me easy easiest that monster dear dot monster. 02:24:01.83 Jala and Dave Right? Because he's he gave up on trying to give his socials because they're different in different places and I have to correct him but you can find me anywhere that I might be found at Jelllaton including Gelaton Dot place where you found this episode and all of the others. So until next time. Take care of yourself and remember to smile. [Show Outro] Jala Jala-chan's Place is brought to you by Fireheart Media. If you enjoyed the show, please share this and all of our episodes with friends and remember to rate and review us on your podcast platform of choice. Word of mouth is the only way we grow. If you like, you can also kick us a few bucks to help us keep the lights on at ko-fi.com/fireheartmedia. Check out our other show Monster Dear Monster: A Monster Exploration Podcast at monsterdear.monster. Music composed and produced by Jake Lionhart with additional guitars and mixed by Spencer Smith. Follow along with my adventures via jalachan.place or find me at jalachan in places on the net! [Outro Music]