[Show Intro] Jala Hey, thanks for coming! I'm glad you're here. Come on in! Everyone's out on the patio right now. Looks like a couple of people are in the garden. I can't wait to introduce you! Can I get you anything? [turned away] Hey folks, our new guest is here! [Intro music] 00:00.10 Jala Hello world and welcome to Jala-chan's Place I'm your host Jala Prendes (she/her) and today I'm joined by Moxie (any/all) and Will (he/him)! Yeah fan fair woo so Will yes this is your first time on the show. Welcome. 00:17.34 Will A Yep, Thank you, Thank you very much for having me on. So yeah, I'm very excited to finally be here and especially talk about such an interesting movie with you all right? So this is this is is gonna be a ah great way to kind of jump into it. So I'm very excited. Thank you for having me. 00:29.92 Jala Absolutely and Moxie I know that you love ah Bunraku That's part of why I was like oh yeah, I'm absolutely and absolutely gonna have Moxie on to talk about this because you know we we have a history. We know we talk about it. Yeah yeah. 00:39.16 Moxie! Oh yeah, yeah I was a little shocked to I realize well public end of this spy was little shocked to look at the reviews and find out apparently I'm the only one that loves this movie. 00:50.45 Jala Know yeah, it's very divisive this movie and so we we we will absolutely get into all of that. But the way that I would like to present it is like if you are going into this because it is pinned as an action movie if you're going into this thinking that this is going to be like a Jason Bourne title sorry it's not. 00:53.54 Will A Um, it really is. 01:10.18 Moxie! So I actually had a funny, um, funny way I was um, introduced to this movie but I feel like it actually worked really well. Um, someone told me that this was like. 01:25.22 Moxie! Either a Tarantino movie or like a tarantino produce movie or something like that which is totally not the case like he I think at most maybe like he's at some point said he likes it or something bio don't even know if that's the case. 01:39.33 Moxie! But I feel like that puts you in a good mindset for this movie. 01:42.44 Jala Right? right? right? for sure. So um, before we get into more about boon rau which is the subject for today's show I'd like to ask how y'all are doing I'm sweating. It's memorial day weekend and it is very hot. There is like a heat dome. And we are already at like um the heat index of 106 so that's where I'm at I've got the air on I've got the fan on I've got a cold drink and I'm still sweating so hooray we're not even in like real summer yet. 02:11.41 Will A Goodness I will say luckily North Carolina is not that bad right? So we year in ah we I was outside yesterday wife and daughter and a couple of the god parents so we were out like um, having a picnic and it was nice. It was good. Weather. It was just hot enough to be hot, but definitely not. You know 100 and something so I do feel for you there I am a Florida transplant so I have been in those hundred degree weathers and especially with the humidity here I know Texas is more of a dry heat but maybe depending on how close you are to the the look. You are to the water. Okay, okay. 02:35.19 Jala Oh no no I'm I'm in Houston so ah, I'm I'm surrounded by water so it is very very humid. We're it like the dry heat is further out out into the hill country. Yes I oh I know. 02:45.40 Will A Okay, so they're the morere kindred spirits because yeah in Florida you would walk out during the summertime and swim like it was just like nasty good. You get the the worst of both worlds there you go. 02:53.25 Jala I know I used to live in Miami so yes, ah right right? I've just only ever lived in a place that feels like soup. So. 03:01.42 Moxie! So the thing we have in Don Alabama I mean cre it's not real great although not nearly as bad as like Florida or Texas but the thing we have is just the pollen apocalypse. 03:13.99 Will A Off that getting me. 03:14.23 Jala Oh yes, we have that too. Yeah and it's yellow. But huh yep yep and I'm allergic to Texas we talked about that on the last episode of my show when we were talking about um biodiversity and stuff and. 03:18.11 Moxie! You have the thing where you'll like come out to your car after a day of work. It's yellow. Yeah. 03:32.55 Jala 1 of the weird things that happened to me when um, the pandemic stuff happened and I was wearing a mask and I was not going out to go do runs and stuff because I was scared of bringing something home to my immunocompromised parents one of those side effects was that since I wasn't outside in it all the time. 03:48.28 Jala Then I got really really bad allergies and so now like I just did a Spartan super last weekend and I did the bear crawl and I ended up having a complete rash like on. Ah, both of my forearms. It was really bad and swollen and red and itchy for like an entire week and that's like with taking in a hist means and stuff. So um I. 04:07.42 Jala Allergic to everything here is so pollen season and which is all the time means like I'm always got some kind of allergy stuff. So um I have to now forcibly go outside in the hundred and six heat advisory weather to acclimate myself. Oh hi Moxie nobody knows this. But. 04:08.92 Will A Um, sleep like fun. 04:21.82 Moxie! Um, yeah I didn't realize we're doing video sorry. 04:27.28 Jala Knows this we are on video so we can see each other and um Moxie just got their video up. So anyway. So yeah, yeah. 04:30.52 Moxie! Yeah, let me see if I can. 04:33.19 Will A You know I'm I'm right there with you as far as that pollen, especially because last night like I told you yesterday we went out to the picnic. It was fun. It was a good time but I can tell towards the end I started getting into some sneezing fits and then all last night which I'm glad I sound I guess decent today because all last night I was just stuffed up and. 04:50.76 Will A Running into all the all the fun stuff all the stuff that makes me look like a model right? I have like yellow snot and just shoving toilet Tissue I'm like I have to sound good by tomorrow. 05:01.37 Moxie! So our big thing is ah we're in a valley here. So all of this stuff just kind of flows in and sits So yeah. 05:09.99 Jala Yeah, yeah, absolutely so and it was funny. Um like what was it yesterday morning I was taking the dog for a walk and there was a breeze right? and it wasn't a hot hot humid terrible breeze of death. So I was like oh it feels pretty nice. Outside and Dave's in Dave's like it's hot. What are you talking about it because it was like 94 but the feels like was like a hundred and I was like it's not 106. This is amazing. This is a break. 05:35.93 Will A You're not wrong. Yeah, you like it a hundred with a breeze so you got to really take into account that breeze adds a lot. Yep. 05:40.58 Jala You It's It's not a hot breeze. That's amazing. Yeah, yeah, absolutely Well, he doesn't sweat. That's his problem. So ah, like he sweats only on the top of his head So that's the only place that he gets any cooling like his hands and everything heat up real bad. But. 05:40.99 Moxie! And oh the breeze totally makes makes everything different. 05:57.85 Jala I can be outside and still have really cool hands and feet because like I I sweat in I temperature regulate that way very easily. So of course that means that I'm taking like 700 hours a day but in whatever anyway, let's talk about some other things first off. Ah yes. 06:12.66 Moxie! Yeah, so I do I do have to ask though. Ah you walked your dog was in the park and if so did you see ah ah hood Lum duck. 06:22.32 Jala No, no, it wasn't in the park a little Poo bear likes to go around the Cul deac but she gets real hot if we go far. So um, plus I think that the Mr Pompador the the gigantic duck that you are talking about with the pompadour on his head. Um, he would probably attack poodle. 06:40.52 Jala And I she's fourteen I don't I don't want to play that game and have to be battling wildlife to save my dog. So so yeah, all right? yeah. 06:48.92 Will A In the pompadour theory. Yeah, that's like the traditional delinquent haircut. So no, you don't want to mess with that duck. 06:55.49 Jala Absolutely absolutely. Mr. Pompadour is a menace to society So and there's more pompad ducks out there too now. So yeah, absolutely does. So so um, where. 07:01.39 Moxie! But he protects his score against rival or scores you know I heard of gold. Ah. 07:01.73 Will A Um, ah, that's true. That's very true. 07:11.35 Jala Have folks heard you guys before? Well first off Moxie I'm going to do your pitch for you because you're first off, you're eating something but second off like every time I've asked you before you're like I don't know how to describe the level so I'll do it for you? Ah, ah. Moxie and I are both on the level podcast from Duckfeed tvv which is a variety show video game roundtable that is done every week and everybody who is on brings whatever they're playing. They do a multiplayer question and then there's also some news and stuff like that and that's again like a weekly show. I used to be on it a whole hell of a lot and these days I'm on it sometimes so ah but Moxie is regular so y'all can listen to that at thelevelpodcast.com and will where have you been in the world out there. 07:55.40 Will A Right? So I'm will I am the half of the duel of the Friday night gamecast. So I know Nick if I'm not mistake and came on to an episode all it was last year or was the year before last. Okay, it' so always mentioned a couple. Okay, good good. Yeah, so your listeners hopefully familiar with Nick. 08:03.77 Jala Couple of them couple of episodes last year 08:11.35 Will A And if you've ever you know heard them talking about before is like oh when's Will where you're talking about Will his Wills half of the Friday here I am congratulations you are now able to witness me so we do I've been summoned exactly you say my name 3 times and then I pop up just like Beetlejuice. So that's normally how it goes up. 08:20.25 Moxie! Um, you have been summoned. 08:27.67 Will A But we do at the Friday Night Gamecast a little bit of everything we are definitely like a variety podcast so mostly video games of course but we do talk about maybe like top 10 or top 5 list. We have brands a little bit more into reviews lately, especially last year so we have some really good review episodes that I'd have people go check out I know a lot of the times people say you know. Stay away from our first episode because that's when we were getting used to it I personally love our first episode I feel like that might be a really good way to kind of get into the feel of how Nick and I are so I would tell people if you want to start somewhere start at boom square 1 go ahead and hop there and kind of see how we are and you know we're available on all those. Podcasting platform Spotify Apple everything. So hopefully you give us a listen and you enjoy what you hear. 09:08.52 Jala Yeah, and also you have guessed it on several other podcasts from other friends that have been on this show before. So there's a lot of cross pollination happening in our little podcasting ring of people. 09:18.38 Will A They are all good friends here. So yeah, you can definitely you know, hopefully catch me on a little something here and there and I'm I'm looking forward like I am now here, especially so thank you once again for having me on to branch out a little bit more and you know pop up on more and more your feeds you'll be hearing more of me. Definitely. 09:33.85 Jala Yes, indeed. So yeah I do want to also say um, this is calling it back to next first time that he was on my show and we were doing the fire emblem episode and we were not on video for that because um, a lot of the folks that I podcast with. Have bad connections and so like they can't handle doing the video in the audio like their their feedstrops. So ah, we don't tend to on my show be on video unless I know the people who are on really like it so on that one the idea had only just talked to Nick for the first time that day and I was like hey we had a call out ah talking about fire emblem. Um, you want to pop on and talk about fire mm do you know about fire alarm but he's like yeah sure great that sounds wonderful. So ah, he was a sport and popped in last minute but as a result ah he was like well if you were on video. You could see that I had this poster in the background with the 3 houses and this at and the other and I am seeing it now it is it is behind will. 10:25.29 Will A Um, it is real right. 10:26.64 Jala So yeah, yeah, so like you're borrowing his podcasting equipment and you're you're doing the thing over there. So like I get to see it very belatedly there. It is you know so Nick whenever you listen to this if you do I see it I saw it so there. Yeah right. 10:36.91 Will A I See you. 10:40.39 Moxie! Yeah I feel like I'm the odd one out. The only thing I know about fire emblem is ah Pepsi chiam. 10:45.59 Jala Yes, that's fine. You don't yeah I mean like it's I don't know that it's your type of game I I don't know it might be but I don't know. 10:47.95 Will A Um, let's say that's a good thing to know. 10:55.74 Moxie! My my favorite thing about at least that character is. It's super easy to tell when someone's coplaying her. 11:03.10 Jala Yeah, that's very true. So. 11:05.54 Will A It's true say it's perfectly fine. The only thing I knew before talking to Nick who is a you know big fire emblem fan. So he you know of course is gonna lord dump on me but anything noted before that came straight up from smash brothers so once melee dropped and I was like oh yeah, Marth oh Roy. 11:21.30 Will A I love ike in you know 3 So everything past that has been straight up Nick kind of just feeding me information like a matrix jack into the back of my head but before that I was just like oh fighting games. 11:30.84 Jala Yeah, yeah, like dude um when I played Kingdom hearts the first one but then eventually I got into seeing other people who are big Kingdom Hearts fans and anytime you encounter a kingdom hearts fan they are going to Lowerre dump on you like it's it's. 11:45.86 Will A You knew it. 11:49.33 Jala It's automatic I think it comes like you know, prepackaged in the box. There's like a contract that they sign so like I have heard so many random things about the Kingdom Hearts lore which is already bug nuts to begin with. So. 11:59.92 Moxie! Yes, good say you've heard so much and yet you don't understand any of it because that's how Kingdom hearts works. 12:06.50 Jala No one does. That's the thing So anyway. Ok so ah, as for this show you already know where you found it. But you can also catch us on coffee. It's kao hyphen f I dot Com Slash Fire Heart media. You can get us few books and things like that to get extra content. We have extra shows. 12:23.46 Jala And we also have extra media reviews and things like that that are there. Ah check it out if you would like to. But for now I am very excited to actually transition into talking about bun Rocku Yay Yeah, well there there probably will be a music sting or something anyway. So yeah. 12:36.91 Will A Cue The music. 12:42.73 Jala Ah, Twenty ten american action film I I don't I don't know that I would call this an action film like it's it's a kind of a question marked talk calling it that like there. There's some action in it. But it's not It's not like ah a born film or ah, a schwarzenegger film or anything like that by any stretch of the imagination. It's some. Very it. It's it's very much its own thing. We'll we'll just leave it there for now. So. 13:03.96 Will A It's its own thing like talking about that at the top of the you know call to I definitely appreciate you giving me the heads up Jaa you're like hey I know it looks like it's an action movie. It is not like an action movie because just like one of the things I read when I was doing a little bit of research too often. 13:21.20 Will A Straight up the wiki was someone saying it's worth watching for those who know what they're getting into and I feel like that's probably a great quote to like put ahead like know what you're getting into because then it's definitely worth it. But if you go in thinking it's you know a B or C and it turns out to be Z Yeah, you're going to be ah, scratching your head quite a bit through the film. 13:36.84 Jala Absolutely so um, just spoiler policy for this is same as usually happens on my media episodes these days where um, we will talk non-s spoilery stuff generality stuff like that production things like that and then we'll have a little spoiler wall. And then we can get into the actual nitty gritty of the story for anybody who would like to just listen to that. But um, yeah, so don't feel like you have to turn it off right now like have a listen for a little bit and if it sounds cool. Go check it out and then come back and listen to the rest of the show. So yeah, this is directed and the screenplay was written by. A guy a guy with some hair like ah go look up guy mosh. AhMOSHE and you will see what I'm talking about. Um, it's like if Bob Ross had less less hair or if or if Alan Moore was less dour. 14:33.38 Jala Something like that is yeah so that's that's kind of guy mush in in what he's bringing to the table. Um, anyway that the music is by Terence Blanchard and it was produced by snoot entertainment which I had never heard of before and bergman. 14:33.54 Will A The both excellent descriptions. Yes. 14:50.94 Jala Productions in picturesque films. So there was a lot of production companies ah brought up for this snoot entertainment I found out was actually a label that was created by a guy who wanted to help fund this project to make basically artsy films so you know, um, this was one of the first things that was produced. That was kind of in this artsy you know, ah unique line of movies. So um, yeah, it was distributed by arc entertainment and accelerator media and yeah, like this film. The reviews are on the extremes you have people who love it. And you have people who hate it and you're at 1 or the other camp There's like no middle reviews anywhere to be found. People are like it's another one of those samurai ninja or samurai ah cowboy movies. It's like how many of those are there. Do you think like there's not that many of those what you know. 15:44.83 Jala And this one is definitely very unique Anyway. Um, but it's also so something I have to say about this movie before we get into a whole bunch of it is that this movie is aware that it is playing with tropes. That's the point. The point is that it is taking us a samurai without a sword and a cowboy without a gun. And putting them into the situation and it starts off with like this is a time honored kind of tale. This is another situation like this other kind of situation that you're used to hearing about and this is just another iteration. This is another telling of a tale that is like other stories that you've heard it like it knows what it's doing. 16:22.54 Will A One ah hundred percent and I feel like when you're watching this film. You're going to know almost immediately if you're gonna like it or not in the first like scene do which I personally I'm just not gonna bury the lead I did love it I did love that scene, especially um. 16:22.64 Jala It puts it out there at the top of the entire thing. 16:37.85 Will A Felt very belly I was taking my little notes on the side. Um, yes that that one too especially I was thinking a little bit more about the the next scene. So I just technically the second scene more like when you see the live action people in like the how they interact with each other. Um, but I did like the animated a scene. So yeah I don't want to skip past too far with that one. Um I think they had ah a separate company come in if I'm not mistaken and made. 16:38.13 Moxie! Um, you you mean that they animated. 16:46.53 Jala Um, yeah, the first live action. Yeah yes. 16:57.37 Will A That whole kind of like you know the Pre-war This is why we're in a situation now where there are no guns and that was really really cool I did like that setup because is that also I know it's not quite with the title of the film. But how that word derives from like the puppetry. 17:11.70 Jala So Bunraku itself. The word bunraku is referring to a type of Japanese Puppet theater where um people are dressed in black and you will see them in that animated cut scenene in the beginning that there are some little um hand puppets that are being. Wielded by figures in black and that's Bunraku, right there like they worked it into the animation style of it. So um, but yeah, it's a puppet theater in that puppet theater would do time honored tales. It would be stories that you've heard before that are just being reiterated to you on this little scene. 17:44.43 Will A Once there immediately get you there. 17:44.67 Jala With these puppets and everything. So the title is telling you what it is but the problem is that it's it's marketed to people in America who don't know what that is so like you have to do a little bit of research if you're not familiar. 18:00.42 Jala Or listen to this podcast so you can hear a little bit about what that is before you get into the movie proper. But um, um. 18:05.49 Moxie! What And also even though I feel like the rest of the stuff of the movie's weird aesthetics is almost more a pop-up book. Um I still feel like that's. 18:15.69 Jala Yes, yes. 18:21.62 Moxie! Kind of puppetry adjacent. Ah, but yeah, so that always reminds me of that too. 18:23.53 Jala Yes, oh absolutely. And um so the color palette on this movie is wild. It's all over the place. It's very very bright and vibrant and colorful and there is a lot of um, ah train scene transitions that do like a pop up. 18:30.29 Will A Yes. 18:40.67 Jala Kind of thing or do do a lot of like um theater place stuff like there is for example, a scene where someone is talking on the phone to someone else and then the person they're talking to shows up behind them through the wall and that's something that you would see in a theater. 18:57.23 Jala If you had like you know like a screen between you know the two actors on the stage and that's a kind of you know conceit of theater presentation. So um, this movie is not just drawing on Bunrau Puppet Theater. It's drawing on kind of a lot of different styles of theater and styles of narrating time-honored stories. So You know like if you have any appreciation for theater arts like this is a good movie to watch for that as well and comics as well because it has a lot of comic con seats going on. 19:24.66 Will A Yeah, lot of comic influence for sure. 19:29.57 Moxie! Yeah, and well sorry I didn't mean to get sidetracked on the the animation part like I totally agree with you that the um first like live action scene does amazing job of um, putting its best foot forward. 19:46.39 Moxie! Um, another thing I actually like about is for me I I've kind of a weird relationship with like gore and stuff like that in movies and ah. 20:00.66 Moxie! Because I love like martial arts movies I Love you know, even something like on back. That's fairly heavy hitting. But sometimes if you know if something's not quite. You know, right? with the gore that's a turnoff and I like I feel like they pretty. 20:12.81 Jala Yeah. 20:18.90 Moxie! Immediately establish like here's you know here's here's what combat's going to look like in this you know here's kind of the level of ah of yeah where we're going with that which I think is pretty well done. 20:30.13 Will A Yeah I think it's very artfully done for sure. 20:32.11 Jala Well in speaking Yeah well speaking about that combat too. It's it's kind of dance like ah be. It's very choreographed but like in in choreographed to give you pause like it's not. 20:45.87 Jala Ah, high action Punch Kick Blah Blah Blah Blah blah with the slowdown. It's slow and metered and you know like there's facing off that happens and things like that. So um, in that way. It has more of like a dance presentation like kind of like a not quite but kind of like a ballet presentation or a stage presentation of a battle. Again, using more you know theater stuff so you know like that the way that the action is shot in this is not the way that action is shot in anything else from the time period. So yeah. 21:15.35 Will A I immediately felt like I was in a musical watching that first like live action scene I was like this is pretty much perfect like what you're expecting, you know the the main characters kind of interacting with those kind of goons and the mobs and then as they're moving through to I just love seeing in the background. Of course you see it at the end of the scene. But. 21:33.56 Will A People coming up and kind of like handling the mobs that he had like knocked down so that when you get to that very end they have that simultaneous like little sword push which all felt very no stage play felt very musical. So I loved it have either of you I'm just curious I try I'll try not to make comparisons all the time because I know everything has its own thing but I just wanted to get this one out of the way because. 21:52.96 Will A Felt it throughout the entirety of the film but have either of you watched Repo the genetic opera oh man? Well yeah, if y' all love on Rockku I would highly recommend that. It's like the ah at one point there's a repo that's more of like an action-ish kind of thriller but Repo the genetic opera specifically that's. 21:55.40 Moxie! No, that's been on my list for a while. But. 22:10.95 Will A Have of vibes I was getting from that film like with this one as well. So I would highly recommend if you all love these which sound like you know you do check that out too because it's very awesome. 22:14.23 Moxie! Yeah, yeah, definitely check that. 22:19.10 Jala Drop the name in our little chat and I'll make sure we put a link in the show notes for folks if they want to check that out. So yeah, um, but to another thing I Want to mention is that this is a high octane superstar cast that they've got going in this film. 22:21.89 Will A Awesome. 22:33.81 Jala You've got Josh Hartnett for the drifter and gaact for the summarai which gaed is not a big deal in America but ah was one of my favorite musicians for a long time and yeah I went to Japan to go see this man. So so like when I heard he was in this movie. That's why I watched this movie so you know that's that's what that is um. 22:41.39 Will A Um, nice Oh nice. 22:52.46 Jala But yeah, then Nicola, the woodcutter is Ron Pearlman we have Woody Harrelson for the bartender Demi Moore for Alexandra I mean and Kevin Mckid for killer number 2 and Mike Pat as the narrator. So like those are all of your major cast folks and um. Yeah they're all like pretty well-known folks even if some of them you know like Kevin Mckid maybe not ever been knows who that is but um, you know like if you've seen other movies with this guy in it. You're like oh that guy. Yeah, you know. 23:20.29 Moxie! So I I actually one of the things I wanted to ask you guys because I don't watch a ton of movies. Ah Josh Hartnett like what is his I don't know reputation whatever because the only other thing I've seen him in is penny dreadful. 23:37.74 Moxie! Where he's playing the exact same character as in this movie. 23:40.97 Jala Yeah, well let me pull up his Imdb and I'll tell you the other movies. He's been in. 23:42.97 Will A Yeah, say just based off everything I've seen him and that I like like he's been in a couple of things before that have been like rom -com focus um, so he's run a little bit of the gambit between you know, being kind of like a heart throb and then being an action star. My favorite thing that I see him in which I kind of see shades of this as well is a thirty days of night I love that all. 24:01.16 Jala Yeah I was going to say that's one of the top movies lucky number Slevin the faculty black hawk down oppenheimer black mirror Diehart operation fortune a whole bunch of different stuff. So he's been in a whole bunch of different things. But um. 24:11.79 Moxie! Okay. 24:18.20 Jala Yeah, so like I know of that he he was in like RomCom a lot like the stuff that I saw him in was more like romcom and then I saw him in blackhawk down before this one and so like I know I knew that he had you know done a few different types of roles in everything. But yeah like I think he plays a lot of this guy. 24:34.63 Will A Yes, yes. 24:36.70 Jala You know, like this kind of character. So so yeah. 24:37.84 Moxie! I have to say and again this could be the because I'm on the like half of the polarization that love this movie. So maybe I'm biased but I'm really surprised that Gackt didn't have more of a like western movie breakout from this. Ah, role just cause like I know like I think he's a good actor I think he did a good job I also think you know he's someone. 25:11.12 Moxie! You know, not being a native English speaker. He's still very understandable like I'm I'm surprised he didn't do more English speaking roles after this. 25:20.87 Jala Well, what's kind of fun is that Miyavi who's also another musician that I like from Japan or liked his style has changed so much that I don't really like his current music. But anyway um, miabi ended up being in what was that um shoot is it and unbreakable. No not um. 25:38.90 Jala Go I can't remember somebody else talk while they're looking this up well and ah yeah, unbroken that's what it was and he was also in Kong Skull Island apparently and maleficent he was in maleficent as well. 25:40.62 Will A But and I don't know as I I from seeing the whole movie I did like gaact as well. So I I wish you had gotten a little bit more traction on the West Unbroken oh. 25:56.69 Jala So um, Miyavi who a different musician has come in and some other stuff. Um some kind of higher or higher profile movies over here. Um, weirdly Gackt does have a thing with his voice like he's got some kind of voice problem. That's why he stopped making music for a long time. 26:14.89 Jala So like I don't know if that had something to do with that. Um, Also, he's also very busy with his music which is his primary thing. So like he had been acting for a while and then um, he went to do like another music tour and stuff like that. But then right after that then he started having. Um. You know, after a couple of tours then he started having more problems with his voice like right now he's on a hiatus for that so that could be something something to do with that. So. 26:40.74 Will A Yeah, get that Gackt to my list of ah people that I wish would you know? well they went from like entertainers musicians and then they did acting that I really liked and I wish I saw more of so right next to raine from ah Ninja Assassin If either of you seen that as well. 26:55.63 Will A I I saw ninjas as and for the first time in theaters I had no idea who rain was and I was like oh this is neat and you was pretty much like a a boy band you know like sell Korean you knowing and I was like oh this this is really cool I really hope there's something else. Nothing nothing sense then that I'll see and so. 27:02.19 Jala Um, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, well check out me Abby's acting as well. 27:09.23 Moxie! Ah, oh also he was in speed Racer which was also excellent. 27:14.62 Will A Oh yeah, the what's called that's the um shoot from the creators of the the matrix of world right? Yeah, the house skis did that speed racer. That's not super underrated movie I Love that movie. Gotta do that. 27:18.65 Moxie! The wakowskis. Yeah yeah, checked out hasn't act kind of ah. 27:24.20 Jala Yeah, yeah, but yeah, check out me Avi if you like act though. Um because me obviousvi's work is pretty good too. 27:33.34 Moxie! I'm not into this scene. So I'm I'm probably explaining this wrong but like my understanding is he had also kind of I don't know become kind of a father figure of like Jpop in terms of like he's like helped launch a bunch of acts and. 27:49.29 Jala Could be. 27:51.26 Moxie! That that was my understanding that like he's done a lot of as he's gotten older a lot of like behind the scenes where he's kind of not necessarily actually been on stage but it's been really influential in the music community. However, like I said I'm. 28:03.30 Jala He could be it could be I know the me obvious done a lot of that like Miavi made a lot of people famous by you know, bringing them along. But anyway, um, that's a little bit too much into the weeds on it's let's like move on to the movie. Um, so for production stuff. Ah this is kind of interesting when I was looking up stuff about this. So. 28:12.54 Moxie! Yeah, sorry my bad. 28:22.95 Jala Um, the director screenplay writer began working on this project in 2006 inspired of course by westerns and martial arts movies and he sold the screenplay to a production company and then they didn't make anything out of it so he got mad and bought it back so that he can make the movie. Yeah and he did. 28:35.95 Will A You know if I'll do it myself. 28:41.92 Jala So um, yeah, in a 2008 interview Josh Hartnett ah who was also instrumental in getting the film sin city made ah compared the look of bun rocku to Alfred Hick Hitchcock's rope in that it it will play out or plays out. Um. In 1 long unedited take that's what it looks like like it's 1 long take of a thing and I got to agree that is pretty pretty much how that feels like when you're watching it. It feels like 1 long you know shot you know session in the the studio or something. Um. Yeah, ah Heartnett explained it as in the vein of sin city or something um like that where the world doesn't look like reality at all some of the scenes are more my michelle gondry like um, but a lot of them will be green screen as well. It's not fantasy like narnia. But it's a film that I don't know how to stick it into a genre but I would say it's more like sin city than anything else and that's when I first saw this movie boom not good. That's the first thing I thought of was sin city when I'd seen it because it has that kind of surrealness to everything that you're looking at on the screen like you know it's representation. It's a representative representation of the actual world but it doesn't look like the real world and you know so again, it's it's more of that stage play feel to me like I think that would be the easiest way to put it. But. 30:02.15 Moxie! I Especially love that because this is technically post-apocalypse. So I I know I'm I'm a huge like I have a weird like so box of like I don't think it's realistic that you know. 30:19.96 Moxie! The apocalypse will happen and humanity would be like well guess everything The thing's going to suck forever now. So like I know I like the Ky re built um look yeah. 30:30.48 Jala Yeah, well, um, another one of the actors um mckid the one who plays Killer number 2 said ah the world. It's set in is almost circuslike in the feel of it and it's all origami the whole universe is constantly folding paper. To create a cityscape or interiors of rooms or the sunrise and that's really how the transitions work it's like fit paper folding pop up books that kind of a feel. So um, yeah, they are also that when they were making this they also were using the idea that the movement. The camera work should dictate the set rather than the set design limiting the action. So if a character performed a kick which needed a physical context such as a wall that would be provided in the design rather than you know like designing for the camera rather than working the camera around the set design. So ah, in that way. The actors have a total freedom of space to work and do whatever they're doing so yeah, like that was an interesting approach and I think that that worked really well for what they were doing with the action in this movie um to make everything feel cohesive. With the world that they were presenting everything in. 31:43.15 Will A Yeah, 100% I felt like all the fighting in there especially to so reading specifically off of this quote I'm like okay that makes sense now looking at everything with that context because all the fighting looked awesome and it felt like oh this is like effortless as far as how it works in the world and the situations and the the areas where they're fighting in. 31:43.44 Moxie! And that's really cool. 32:02.42 Will A Especially like the the restaurant which I'm sure we'll get to a little bit later as well. Like that was one of the first fights as well where I was just like okay yep, this is definitely going to click this is going to work for me. So yeah, seeing that once again, you're fighting the choreography and the the camera placement and that's what's going to kind of dictate how the set looks. 32:03.53 Jala Oh yeah. 32:18.48 Will A I think was a really masterfully way of looking at this world. 32:18.61 Jala Um, absolutely. 32:20.60 Moxie! Yeah I don't know I don't know if it's necessarily like an explicit inspiration the way some of the other things are but I feel like this approach. Almost creates a look of like a beat em up game sometime. 32:38.33 Jala Yeah, well and then there's there's a scene in the movie. The prison saying where there's actual video game noises and things and it's like so absolutely a beat em up that you're watching you know? So um, yeah, it definitely has that that vibe so like ah. 32:41.25 Will A Yes, exactly. 32:41.29 Moxie! Oh yeah, yeah that. 32:55.11 Jala That's another reason why I was like I really want to talk about this movie because it has so much video game Dna too in comic book dna it's like it's it's doing a lot of interesting things with a lot of different types of media and and you know um types of stories that are being told and like I wish more people in our community. 32:57.92 Will A It really does. 32:58.58 Moxie! Oh yeah. 33:14.62 Jala But in in general as well actually knew what this was you know? So um, yeah, so the budget was $25000000 and it was shot for twelve weeks in Romania and um in an interview. The producer said that we needed a lot of stages available because the whole movie is green screen and we had to build 30 something sets we needed to take control of a space for five months and the the best most economical place that they could do this was Romania that's why they ended up there. 33:36.85 Moxie! Wow. 33:47.90 Jala Um, but yeah, the ah person who did the opening animation was brazilian filmmaker Gil Anme ah mar cones. So you know that's ah, another filmmaker who does animated stuff who was then brought in to do that opening animation. so so yeah does somebody. Yeah else because I've been reading these notes so long. Want to talk about that spoiler free summary will yeah. 34:10.97 Will A Oh yeah, let me go ahead I'll hop onto this weather. Free summary here. All right? So this is a from wikipedia in the aftermath of a major global conflict which caused untold amounts of death and destruction guns have been outlawed. However, even in spite of their not being firearms anymore. People still continue to fight and kill 1 another except now they rely on eitherlated weapons or their bare fists. So yeah, that's the fly. It's pretty good. Yeah, coming been in there was it was pretty awesome seeing that I I'm trying to remember there was a show I think a movie called badlands that was on Fx that had like a similar kind of. 34:49.48 Will A 5 whereas like hey everyone's either. Yeah, you're either fighting with your fist or you're fighting with a blade so that made the combat at least to me, especially with the cinematography a lot more visceral and um, intimate because yeah, you have to get right in. Someone's face in order to you know like shove the blade in their chest. 35:01.28 Jala Right? right? Well and then that also. 35:03.62 Moxie! Yeah, that's a and oh as that's ah another um, great one to add to our list of you know if you like this, you'll probably like bad lands. 35:13.44 Jala Yeah, yeah, so it it also again with leads to it feeling more like a beat him up because and a beat em up. It's you beat him up. You get a little pipe or something and you smack somebody or you're using your fist. So yeah within this new world of Mike makes right. Where your strength and skill in combat determine your place in life Nicola the woodcutter is the most powerful man east of the atlantic a shadowy crime boss who rules his territory with an iron fist and his nine elite assassins called the killers with his right hand man killer number 2 a coldhearted smoothalking murderer in a red hat. And armed with deadly caned sword and his unwilling lover Alexandra a femme fatal with a secret past the citizens live in fear of Nicola's gang and wait for the hero who can overthrow them. 36:04.69 Will A So I am so interested in one I just love that I feel like anytime they mention Nicola it was also you're the most powerful man east of the Atlantic like that's just like the second part of his like moniker. It needed to be added it. Um. 36:12.94 Jala I Know it's like the whole thing. 36:19.13 Will A Um, I'm curious just from both your sides as far like we know we're not going to get too much into any of the spoilers or anything but you know they talk about the 9 killers aside from corz and kolers you killer number 1 But how how did y'all feel about like the the killer as a whole like the list of I know obviously the main focus is really put on killer number 2 But you know like 3 through. 36:38.23 Will A Any any kind of thoughts about them at all as far as like their introductions or like how they kind of fought or acted. You know any wishes on their end. Maybe. 36:43.55 Jala I this movie is already if it has parts that are like because the pacing in this movie. So if I if I have a critique of this movie. It's about the pacing because like there's parts where it's like it's going. It's going. It's going in then it's slow slows down it like 2 thirds of the way through and you're like why and then it speeds back up again at the end. 37:03.30 Jala And like there's like kind of a lag in there and then some of those fights. Um for some of the lower number killers and stuff like they're just footnotes. They're just there for a minute and it's like I wish I would have had more time to spend with them but at the same time the movie length wouldn't really allow for it. So it's kind of unfortunate that some of them. You just don't get to see a whole lot of is how I feel about it like they definitely each have a shtick but I mean some of those shticks are so impractical we will get there when we talk in the the spoiler section which will be very soon but some of those ah shticks that they have are very impractical which is why Killer number 2 is the one who's. 37:22.42 Moxie! Right. 37:41.84 Jala Actually succeeding. But um, you know, Ah, there's kind of something for everybody and I really wish that this one would be like a video game or something because that would be really neat to actually be able to play in this world with like a larger kind of role playing sort of feeling. 38:00.10 Moxie! Yeah I'd be interested to know like this is definitely. It seems like at least in like anime and stuff like ah a trope of like I think particularly of no more heroes where they have like. 38:15.92 Moxie! You know the ranked assassins and stuff like that like I don't know if this if that actually descends from something like you know if is that like a yakuza thing that kind of became part of the culture like I have no idea. But. 38:33.40 Moxie! You know it definitely it does play into kind of that thing it. Also this is gonna be a weird and all led but it almost reminds me of like kojima's writing in terms of like is. 38:47.90 Jala Yes, it does. 38:49.20 Will A I See that. 38:51.86 Moxie! His his like need to like like what was it in um snake eater. The 1 guy like invented sniping. It's like that doesn't even make sense like you can't invent the concept of let's shoot good. 39:00.23 Will A The end here. 39:08.77 Moxie! And so like I feel like there's that there's similar thing of like we need to put like numbers inde. Ah you know like proper nouns to everything for no reason. 39:16.42 Jala He Yeah yeah, well and then to like kojima just likes to make a guy right? He likes to to make a guy that is this is the thing that the guy does right? and you know then put him into this. 39:23.55 Moxie! Right? yeah. 39:31.49 Jala Scenario or whatever and then give them some kind of name that is memorable for some reason I mean like you know sniper wolf and whatever but like you know all of those and this it's it's killers killers number number 1 through whatever but like. Still you get the idea and then each one of them has a shtick like I said they have a shtick and that's that's really a kojima thing. You know that's also anonyme thing like that's that's from the eastern culture especially like I mean they they have that in you know western films and stuff too. But it's really really apparent from from eastern stuff. 39:50.42 Moxie! Okay. 40:04.67 Jala So um, but continuing on with the last little paragraph of our our spoil spoiler free narrative. So then we can spoil a shit out of this movie. So um, however, one night a mysterious drifter enters. The horseless Horseman's saloon and talks to the bartender asking for 2 things a shot of whiskey and a game of cards. 40:24.32 Jala However, the drifter learns that the only place in town with both of those things. The russian roulette is controlled by Nicola and only accepts rich players later on another stranger enters the same bar alone samurai by the name of Yoshi. He traveled far and came to this town in order to fulfill his father's dying wish and recover a lost medallion which had been stolen from the the village armed with crossed date destinies incredible fighting skills and the wisdom of the bartender. The 2 eventually joined forces to bring down the corrupted reign of Nicola. Yeah, so that's that's how you get the east me sweats west here's the the one drifter guy the cowboy and then you've got the samurai who walks in after that at some point and they cross paths in the bar and that's when. 41:11.92 Jala Stuff really starts happening I mean like there's a lot of movie that that occurs beforehand giving you world building and characterization and things like that. But like that's really when the movie starts is right about then? Yep yep, and that's all we've got for the spoiler free section other than just like a quick little recommendation thing. So. 41:18.95 Will A Yeah, like the plot jumping off point for sure. 41:21.86 Moxie! Oh yeah. 41:30.73 Jala I would say Ok, what's your favorite thing about this movie and then who would you recommend it to Well how about you. 41:37.25 Will A I would say the overall style So we've mentioned it before previously but just to really double down on it If you're the kind of person that looks at Cinema right now and you're like oh everything's boring. People are taking these safe bets yadda yadda Yada and it's like you need to branch out and then watch yourself some Bo Raku because this is when you're going to get. 41:56.22 Will A Stuff that kind of like blows your mind you're going to get these crazy wild sets this interesting choreography and then these characters that we talked about you know they they can't be tropey but they use that tropes in my opinion to their advantage in this kind of crazier world this open-ish world and you're able to just have a lot of really good fun with it. So I highly recommend. If you are a fan of fun right? It's a super broad. But if you're fan of like goofiness and silliness if you don't want to take your films too. Seriously, if you like just really fun and very tight choreography and also if you just want to kind of look at something different if you're getting bored with the same old same old and you want to switch up give this your time. We talked about the length a little bit especially to jolly you mentioned with the pacing. It took me a little bit when I first recognized it because I'll sitting watching I goes like oh this is kind of going for a while and like I didn't really look at the the minutes before I was like this is almost a 2 hour movie or it's like it's pretty much like a 2 hour movie at that point. So definitely give yourself some time as a new parent I've been like. 42:51.96 Will A 1 hour to 90 minutes and I'm just like okay at this point like I have to check out and do a little something else. But yeah, give yourself some time. Take it taking this little bit of time to yourself and really give this a shot I recommend this time I'd say most people in for my like overall kind of like a mini grading thing if you're doing out of stars I probably do like. Three and a half stars like it's ah it's a solid watch and worth knowing once again, if you know what you're getting into. 43:17.25 Jala Um, about you Moxie. 43:18.82 Moxie! Um, so I think for me I'd say the narration ah and just more generally the dialogue. Um, you know in the in the same way that all of the action is. 43:32.72 Moxie! Done to be as dramatic and stylish as possible. Um, all of the dialogue is very similar to that. Um, you know there's just you you look at ah like Wiki quote or one of those you know. 43:49.10 Moxie! Quotes from the movies. It's literally almost the entire dialogue of the movie. Um. 43:50.36 Jala Yeah I know I know there's I pulled some quotes too that are in here. So we're definitely going to be getting some of those. 43:59.71 Moxie! Ah, so one one of my huge pet peeves is especially and like probably also modern movies but especially modern like Triple a games is the. 44:16.50 Moxie! Dialogue and the characters are just so freaking boring and it's like dude there are tons and tons of like unemployed english majors in the world just like hire someone like. 44:31.31 Moxie! And that's the thing like I'm not necessarily go to say that Bunraku's dialogue is like amazing in the sense of like I know like a Shakespeare. Yeah you you know some sort of like printapp profound. Whatever but like just taking. 44:48.21 Moxie! Every every line and being like how can I make this this individual line as interesting as possible like it kind of works. Um, in terms of who I'd recommend it for um I I agree with will almost anyone. Um. 45:07.95 Moxie! I would say in particular if you're into some of the alternate history Some of the like ah steampunk diesel punk that sort of thing This isn't exactly that but really gets you know some of that. Ah, that feel. 45:26.41 Moxie! And then I also think if you're someone who's um, a fan of um I guess like eighty s ninety s action to me this kind of has some of that you know they they don't make ah anymore. Action movies that aren't either just like ultraviol like old boy and the raid which I love but still or like ah you know like ultra serious and edgy like born stuff. 46:00.92 Jala So what would you give it out of 5 stars? 46:00.95 Moxie! Was this is more of almost say Adventure movie. 46:09.84 Moxie! Oh man that is tough like this is literally one of my favorite movies of all time. So I feel like I should give it 4 stars at the same time like it's definitely not a ah, a perfect movie so I would say like if I was going. 46:27.58 Moxie! If you if you should rate movies on their quality I'd say like 3 three and a half stars if you should rate movies on like their soul I would say 4 46:37.44 Will A I Like that. 46:38.80 Jala Yeah, yeah, yeah, so for me ah the thing that I like best about this movie is just like um the way in which they are playing with a lot of different ways to tell a story. Um, you know they they have the puppet theater in little bits. They have video game stuff in little bits. They have the folding paper like on the nose like the bartender is making a pop a pop up funny Book. He's making Comics. He's making little comics and stuff like that that are popup that do the same thing that the sets are doing but then they also have some things that are very much like you're watching a stage play. 47:03.10 Will A Yes. 47:14.47 Jala And they have some aspects like to the action that feel like ballet or something like that and so um, the way in which it kind of keeps shifting and just kind of shows. Its love of not just the kinds of stories and cultures that these that that are being drawn from but also of. The medium that they're working in like what can we do with this and then just maximizing what they can do with it and put as much of that in there as they can while still keeping it cohesive like that is a pretty unique accomplishment now. Do I want to see like a sequel. No I don't I don't ah like this story in itself. Is contained and it needs to be its own thing like it's kind of like how everybody these days is talking about how Mattel is like planning all these barbie movies getting the wrong message from the Barbie movie right? like the Barbie movie should be the Barbie movie and that's it like we don't need any more of those that is its own thing. You know like it doesn't need iteration right. 47:53.64 Will A Great. 48:12.30 Jala And this is something that I feel is like that too I also was talking to Dave and I was talking to him a little bit earlier today and I was like you know I really the thing that I would like to see if I had you had my druthers right would be like the director and everything going back to this movie and then doing it again. Doing the movie over again, having learned what he could have learned from the process of making it and editing it and everything like that and all the feedback and everything that he got you know, not that I wanted to change it ultimately but like he could fix some pacing things and maybe give a little bit more breathing room to some of the killers and things like that. That's what I would love personally. 48:30.83 Will A Um, me could see that. 48:36.78 Moxie! So totally. 48:49.31 Jala So um, me I I am actually pretty charitable I would give this 4 stars not because I think that it is oh this is like the best movie of all time like I love this movie is 1 of my favorite movies too. Um because it sticks with me in a way that a lot of other media doesn't and does it have flaws. Yes, but I'm going to rate the movie on. It's longevity for me and I have continued to love this movie and other movies haven't knocked it down from that unique little place that it's got because it is so original. So for me I would say it's 4 stars. So um, who I would recommend it to people who like stage plays or. Something like sin city or something like a clockwork orange or something like that some weird weird stuff right? If you like weird movies then this is one of those that you know, um, really kind of fits that bill so you know that's that's my shtick and and this is really like a love a product of love. 49:44.59 Jala For people who like Western some aspects of western culture like the cowboy you know, ah Rogue guy doing you know the adventure story and also who like stuff like Samurai films in anime and things like that. So like if you like those things too. There's something here for you as well. So. 50:00.45 Will A Oh yeah. 50:03.62 Jala That would be my review for it. So ah without further ado I believe we are ready to erect the spoiler wall who it's being corrected. It's being erected. It is fully erect. Okay, ya Okay, yeah. 50:16.23 Moxie! Wait a minute. 50:17.67 Will A Ah, ah so you did the thing. 50:21.79 Jala But I I did the thing I do every time now I did it once when we were talking about something or another with the people that I was on the show with and then it just kind of became the thing that happens so and then sometimes um, some people are like Yay it is here. It is impenetrable or link it like they they. Try to take it in a nice kosher. Not not gross direction. But no, where yeah, yeah, so you learn a lot about a person by how they deal with the Spoiler Wall. So All right? Um I actually just straight up took the audio. 50:42.69 Will A Is this? no, that's not what we're doing here. 50:59.28 Jala Ah, like the the text from the opening animation and I put this in here for the the thing because I think it's really great for the world building and everything will you were doing such a really good job when you were doing that reading you want to read that. 51:09.32 Will A All right? Let me long before the dawn of man strife was already a major component of life. Whether a creature shared a piece of land with another. It was just a matter of time until a struggle for resources would ensue man was no different. Showcasing a perverse fascination with violence man and civilization brought forth more innovative ways of taking human life than any other function needed for survival. There are more ways of killing a man than there are ways of making bread or making love while the latter 2 are quite limited in scale. Man has gone beyond imagination with his capacity to destroy life with one push of a button between uncontrolled crime in the streets and escalating war on the borders. It was all just a matter of time from the ashes. A new world was born. The surviving nations finally realized that man's unstoppable appetite for destruction must be contained a ban on all firearms was strictly enforced and just as the sword gave way to the gun. The gun gave way to the sword leaving the authorities to carry the hopes of the nations on the tip of a spear. Little did they know that the self-destructive nature of man could never be stopped. There's not enough love in this world. Not enough money to prevent this ancient circle from coming around again when the time is ripe evil will rise personified in our case with a woodcutter Nicola is his name and this is his town. 52:42.90 Will A His land The God forsaken place where our tale begins in as many ways as there are of killing a man. There are equally as many ways of telling this old tale of strife. It's really nice. 52:52.15 Jala I Love it I get chills every single time I hear it I that that included right there when you were reading it I was just like yeah like it I like I get excited I Really do and like I like the the kind of conceit of this movie so much. 53:00.42 Moxie! Um, oh it's great. 53:07.60 Jala You know like I love the conceit of this movie the way that it's It's being presented to you and there are really so many quotes in this movie that you're just like the turns of phrases are fantastic like there's um I had them all throughout this. 53:22.66 Jala Summary that I wrote so you will hear those little little bits here and there um you know like the the one about ah honor dear life Japanese person and all that oh that's that's fantastic. There's so many there's so many and so um, you know. 53:32.14 Will A Yep yep, got that and I wrote that one down too. Yep, definitely. 53:38.38 Jala The way that they tell the story is is so timeless to me and it's it's great and that's really the thing that makes me the most excited whenever I think about this movie although there's so many things to look at like every time I watch this movie I notice more details to it that I didn't see the first time or the second or the tenth time. so so yeah we start out with the occasional midnight challenge where there's a fight between someone who is rising up against Nicola and then his killers because Nicola doesn't go and fight just anybody he sends 1 of his minions to do it for him because he doesn't need to bother with it right. 54:16.68 Jala So ah, this time is a fight between killer number 2 and 20 soldiers from the red army and the challenger is valentine. Yeah, yeah, so the challenger is valentine. The contenders of the elps and there's an announcer that you don't know where he's at, but there's a guy announcing and he's just like. 54:20.89 Will A Yeah, because they had to have 20 people right. 54:33.96 Jala And then there's also the people from the proletariat league up in the the rafter like they they are so conscious of what they're doing and they're telling you oh those people on the roof that you see those are people from another you know faction that is just coming to see what happens and how this pans out you know and things like that and it's very neat. So um, you know like. Nicola and his men are well aware of what's going on and all the different groups that are trying to rise up in power. They're just not concerned right? So yeah, ah. 54:59.99 Will A Yeah, which makes sense especially to how the killer number 2 like handled the 20 men that game at it and good like no I just I just loved like the way because you know you you have like you mentioned everyone has your stick and killing number 2 hit you with that stick and like right off the bat and no you. 55:06.16 Jala Go ahead, tell us about it tell us about it and I don't need to say everything. 55:18.89 Will A He's very much listening versus just visually looking at someone in order to attack them. You know you have the classic kind of fighting. Oh I have really strong eagle eyes and I can see what you're going to do before you do it? Killer number 2 takes that a step forward. He's like I'm just going to look away. You know he has like the the band that's not quite a bandanaa I don't know exactly is it a bandananer. 55:35.20 Jala It's like a handkerchief or something. Yeah. 55:36.22 Will A Yeah, then he goes like a handkerchief. Yeah, he's like has that is handed like hasn that out almost in like a you know like come to me type of situation while he holds the cane and he's just like waiting for you to get close enough for him to strike like a cobra like it feels so cool seeing that it's like I mentioned before it's like the first you know, live action scene where I'm like oh. 55:53.14 Jala Yeah, well and then two every time that he's listening. There's like this xing noise in the background like this metallic like kind of noise in the background to let you know that he's like tuned in and he's listening and that actually is used against him at later parts in the movie too which was very cool. 55:53.83 Will A The tone has been set. 56:13.22 Moxie! I I Also like the way. Ah, this might be getting ahead. But the way Killer too kind of evolves in a way in that like he's actually kind of a creeper. Yeah yeah, yeah. 56:24.25 Jala Oh yeah, he absolutely. He's not kind of he is a fucking. Yeah. 56:27.62 Will A Um I know for sure. 56:30.36 Moxie! And so I like the fact that like there, there's a little bit of arc of like he kind of you know, sets himself up as this badass and then you're like ah this guy is kind of an incel like yeah. 56:45.80 Jala Well, he's pretty he we'll get there. We'll get there. Um, but you find out more about him that makes Demi Moore's character of Alexandra like her dripping absolute complete. 56:58.92 Jala You know, revulsion and hatred for him makes it more justified. You know to where you're like oh I understand now especially from her position as essentially a sex worker. You know a unwilling captain captive used as you know like a mistress right? Um, so like. 57:16.86 Jala From her position especially of course she hates him you know, but ah yeah, we will. We will get there there. Alexandra's very far into the movie. But yeah, so yeah, you find out in this opening section about the killers that there are 10 of them total 10 total killers. 57:33.25 Jala And that they fight amongst themselves in order to go up the ranks in order to be like a higher up killer in the ranks of ah you know his his forces or whatever and um, yeah, Nicola actually shows up and he's in the shadows and he just waits until ah there is like. The point where valentine is the know like the the contender of the hour like when that guy comes up and everything and then like he just throws his axe and just right through the middle of the guy skull splits his skull. Yeah splits him but that's after Killer two has wiped out all of the other 20 men that were with him. 58:01.81 Will A Oh splits them? yep. 58:10.90 Jala And everything and it was just valentine left and you know Nicola yeah. 58:11.50 Will A And it gave him a chance he he's like stop. He's like look you can just go back to working underneath Nicola it's perfectly fine I'll even forget the fact that you called me a buffoon. Whatever and it's like just you know fall in line he like he you tried to give him a chance. Yep. 58:18.15 Jala Ah, yeah, yeah, even the buffoon pot. Yeah and he does a little curtsey. It's like yeah because because Valentine ah insults killer number 2 58:36.39 Jala Calls of a bunch of stuff including a buffoon and yeah, after wiping out all the other 20 men killer number 2 is like yeah well we can. We can forget this if you want to just go back to what you were doing even the buffoon part as he does a little curtsy and so like you kind of like. 58:50.89 Will A Um, at the beginning. Yes, yes. 58:52.12 Jala Killer number 2 at the beginning anyway because you're like he's pretty badass. Actually you know. 58:55.16 Moxie! So I had never considered it in tone now. But I wonder the ah you know him doing kind the the year you know the hearing thing and the sword cane If there's a little bit of a zadoci reference. Yeah. 59:09.43 Jala That doicchi. Yes, yeah, absolutely absolutely oh well, do you know about Zatuichi ah we. 59:10.70 Will A The hair. 59:13.21 Moxie! Yeah I never considered that. Yeah. 59:17.89 Will A Now what is is that to eat you from oh here we go oh I am familiar with you I'm familiar with Jill Jimmbo but ah yeah, have not seen the Zatu wechi. 59:20.00 Jala Got to do a a to oi movie on this. We got to do sat tochi versus yojimbo all that's one of my favorites. There's there. Ok so so Zata Wechi is a blind swordsman who has a cane sword. He used to be a yakaza and now he's like a traveling do gooder he goes around and as a massurur. 59:23.60 Moxie! Oh that would be a great. 59:38.73 Jala Um, who has is blind everybody thinks that he's just a guy and like everybody will talk around him as you do like when you go to the massage therapist if you have 1 you you will say whatever massage therapist massage therapistit everything right. 59:52.70 Jala So um, he finds out stuff about what's going on in the village or whatever by giving massages and then he goes and takes care of the problem and rescues people and stuff like that and it's like this long running series of movies and a whole Tv show and everything and it was very long running very influential if you know for example, um. 01:00:11.32 Jala What is it guilty gears zato 1 Zato Ichi Zato Ichi Zato one is is does a zachi. So um, yeah, and there's lots and lots of other references as well. So. 01:00:12.61 Will A Is that a reference is yeah there you go? Okay there you go that makes sense that makes sense. 01:00:18.64 Moxie! Yeah, he's he's also just ah, very he he is a super like good character like but most of the time he's very much like the do good or samurai. He's. Also though sometimes a little bit of like a petty little kid and so particular. Yeah I go say yeah, especially Zaduicci versus your Jimbo like a significant part of it. 01:00:42.27 Jala Oh yeah, absolutely especially with yo Jimbo oh my god that was such a good movie. Ah yes. 01:00:52.76 Moxie! Is just them being assholes to each other for no good reason. 01:00:54.95 Jala They are like little boys I so will. Um, we're already going to I I don't know when we're gonna do it but we're gonna do that to eat you versus you Jimbo and you're coming and all 3 of us will do it again. So yeah, for sure for sure. So yeah, um, but yeah, like that is definitely a. 01:00:55.59 Will A Um, oh I love it. Yeah. 01:00:59.25 Will A We have that well on there all right I'm locked in I'm locked in. 01:01:11.13 Jala Zaowicci referenced that immediately as soon as I saw it I was like yeah because he's listening and everything and he's doing the thing that Zaowicchi does because he's blind right? so so yeah but um, yeah, so the narrator right after this scene informs us that Nicola is really just sorely missing a real challenge. He's bored. 01:01:12.53 Will A There It is and. 01:01:17.29 Moxie! Even East. 01:01:30.49 Jala Because he is the strongest man east of the Atlantic which means which means that there is no no challenge anymore. There's no joy in his life. There's no um, you know thrill of trying to actually you know get into a fight that you might not win that kind of thing and for a real warrior that of course is a a problem. So yeah. 01:01:31.38 Will A East of the Atlantic. 01:01:50.45 Jala Ah, the narrator also says that such a change would only come from outside of his own dominion and the scene shifts something like it's outside of the dominion coming in possibly on a train like this one and then it takes you to the train. It's like. 01:02:03.20 Will A Yeah, right to a dream. 01:02:07.44 Jala Subtle hint you know this is this is where we're going with the story and I love I love the fact that it is so intentional in that way like it's it's like yeah, the only way that Nicole is going to get challenged is if somebody else that's not from his area comes in and hey look there's some guys on a train if this is probably where they're coming. 01:02:25.27 Moxie! All also I this is probably just me but like is the assertion that there is now a train from Japan to US. 01:02:25.74 Jala From you know and then it shows your new folks. 01:02:36.62 Jala No no because Yoshi has been traveling for a long time from his village in Japan and so like he has been on a journey and this is just the last leg of that journey where he's just getting there that would also imply like if if it were actually a train from Japan. 01:02:55.28 Jala Then that would also mean that the drifter was coming from Japan and all those other white people were coming from Japan and that does yeah I don't think that's probably the case. So yeah, at that point you see yoshi you see the drifter yoshi gets off the train and the drifter goes on a little bit. Ah. 01:02:59.43 Moxie! Um, good point. Good point. 01:03:11.72 Jala Goes a little bit further but then he eventually gets off and then comes across the bar I didn't see anywhere that it said it was the horseless horseman but it must have been in the script somewhere because you know like. 01:03:18.87 Will A Yeah I think that was in the script and then later on the film they like pan bound to the bar again and then they show the sign those the horseless horseman I was like oh neat. Okay, it's cool. 01:03:27.20 Jala Ah, okay, okay, it must been like one shot in the movie that showed you what the name was so yeah and I like that for the barkeeper because he's got the limp right? So he can't even like run or anything like that because he's got the limp going I mean like his run would be um, you know a little bit more challenged. 01:03:44.40 Jala So um, anyway, so the drifter walks into the bar and then he oh yeah, yeah. 01:03:47.57 Will A That you even before he walks in he already starts to showcase his his skills to the the guy outside the bars. It's such a funny way. Those couple of minutes between the drifter going from you know, like the the train into the bar and actually talking to you know Woody Harelson's character the bartender he. There's no talking. It's it's completely void of dialogue so he goes up guys stand outside the bar is like the barki or the not bar manager what his name like the bouncer right has a cigarette. He just like grabs it of his mouth like you just got to showcasing how fast he is with his hands and then he just walks in goes over to the bartender. 01:04:11.72 Moxie! The bouncer. Yeah. 01:04:23.99 Will A Um, assuming never met him before he's like his first time on the train he goes down starts playing cards pulls out the joker moves the cards around you know does the nice little card trick with him gets the joker back again. So this is his wave like 1 showcasing his skills his his hand speed you know, look the kind of quality of character. He's going to be throughout the the movie and then it also like. 01:04:42.99 Will A Gives him that kind of initial rapport. Umm I'm guessing the bartender is like oh this is like a cute trick. All right cool you're going to be like a good person to have around as opposed to these scumb bags that are in the bag that are about to fight you. 01:04:47.40 Jala Um, right? well and the thing that is also notable is that when he grabs the cigarette out of that guy's mouth. He takes it in. It's unlit and you know the guy was about to light it when um, the drifter comes over and just snatches it. 01:05:05.58 Jala But then when he does he just like runs it under his nose and smells it and so like you get this idea this cue that all the people in here are fucking weird right? because you got because like Killer number 2 was doing a weird and then this guy's doing a weird. So everybody's got a weird thing that they do and there's like something that ah that that it's their power up right. So you know each buddy each each one of these guys has like their different super ability and you know for some reason this has to do with the smell of the tobacco for this this cowboy looking guy you know? so but yeah, then he goes in and he does a little car trick and then you know he keeps on pulling out the same card that the bartender had selected initially. And you know all of that and then you know the bartender pours himself a drink and you know starts kind of chatting with them a little bit and um, you know so I haven't seen you around here before you know whatever who are you kind of thing. So yeah, um, and then he also says. 01:06:00.51 Jala That um the drifter reminds him of someone else that he'd seen before and that kind of gives you like this this kind of hint like you you kind of already know from kind of the way that the tropes are at least the first time I watch this movie I already automatically was like it must be his dad like you know I was like it. It's. 01:06:19.93 Jala Going to be a hereditary thing and it's probably his dad that he's talking about that I have I've seen somebody else like that before who's able to do the same thing you know so for me like I registered immediately that ah it was his dad but um, anyway. So That's just like a little wine that's dropped in there just so you have like a kind of motivation or something for why this guy is here and yeah, then he's like I'm looking for a game of cards or whatever and then the people at the table behind the little sczz sczz buckets that are behind him at the table having their drinks or whatever. 01:06:50.71 Jala Get up and they're just like what a game accords you know? Yeah, no no. 01:06:52.11 Will A But what they're like pilot helmets on I'm like is that just a separate gang because they're not the red suits like the guys from the first first one they're just like a bunch of random skisoids and they're just like time to messle people in this bar I'm like okay. 01:07:04.46 Jala Well and then too like the line that they say is fucking weird the like the first guy who gets up has an accent and he's like we're not in dodge city anymore total. It's like what. 01:07:18.16 Will A I'm just like what is happening. Yes. 01:07:19.40 Jala I mean like right there they're dropping it like some nonsense right? They're dropping in. Okay, so Dodge City we're talking westerns they they very very clearly are putting laying it out there. What this is right? and then toto just like you know the awareness, the pop culture. 01:07:28.59 Will A A wizard of oz. Yeah yep. 01:07:32.78 Moxie! With sort of oz yeah. 01:07:36.10 Jala Yeah, yeah, the the pop culture awareness of of things that are are that would have been in the past from this world but you know aren't in play here. You know so um, but yeah, anyway, they they stand up to each other and they're doing the little like you know bro intimidation thing or whatever. 01:07:53.92 Jala And then the guy who insulted him smashes the bottle like he's going to you know fuck this guy up fuck the drifter up and the drifter so fast gone just he falls over. So. 01:08:01.86 Will A Incorrect. And just just tell us what split in his ah like all it must have a bounty on right? It's like anybody want some money? yeah. 01:08:09.73 Jala Well, the thing is is that the people at the table are like you killed him like it wasn't you you kind of did a little bit too much there bro like you you know? ah and then yeah, the drifters like of is there a bounty on his head and they're like there's no bounties. No bounties, no cards. What's a lone man to do. 01:08:29.35 Jala You know is what he's he's comes back with and um, yeah, he's like I say he's worth a thousand that's a hundred dollars each and then they all get mad. They're like what like now you're extorting money from us. You know that kind of thing and then of course they have a big fight and then. 01:08:47.99 Jala He takes down somebody else. That's two Thousand split nine ways doesn't quite go in does it and then you know all the guys end up. Yeah yeah, then they just like all scrounge up the money give him the money and then just run the fuck out of there. They're like okay, we're just not going to be here anymore. 01:08:53.00 Will A Mean like you get in the message. 01:09:09.27 Will A Because I'm trying to remember at that I think he does but I don't know if they necessarily like make it a big gleaming showcase of it but is he using the Knuckle dusters at that time or does he get those later on I felt like you okay got you. 01:09:20.67 Jala Um I think those come in late he doesn't have anything at first. 01:09:21.57 Moxie! Yeah, yeah, the Knuckle duststers they get when they're doing like the final Us all E gets that. 01:09:27.58 Will A Okay, because that's what I was trying to figure out I was like otherwise he's just cold cocking people to death with his bare him like goodness gracious. 01:09:32.52 Jala Yeah, well and that's the thing Yoshi is also doing the same thing Yoshi doesn't get a weapon until they are going to go fight and then he gets a bow and arrow. He only gets a sword later on when he's fighting a swordsman and takes that sword. 01:09:45.18 Moxie! So that's 1 thing well do they ever explain why he doesn't have a sword like not not that they have to oh because he has the vow of yeah. 01:09:53.99 Will A I picked up the gin. 01:09:54.95 Jala Because of his big. Yeah, it's because of the gene like ah because his the vow of peace and so he's intentionally not caring a weapon. So so yeah, but um, yeah. 01:10:01.24 Will A But there. 01:10:07.67 Moxie! So this is oh sorry gone. This is just kind of off topic but sometime ah take a look I posted thing the ah there's a scene in have have you seen black belt. 01:10:21.63 Jala No. 01:10:22.13 Will A No I have not. 01:10:25.38 Moxie! Good movie basically about like 3 kary ah practitioners in Japan during like the militarization and like the government trying to recruit them and that sort of thing but there's an amazing scene where like. 01:10:42.52 Moxie! Why the army officers is just yelling at the guy he's got cigarette at his mouth and the crowdy dude just goes and kicks the cigarette out of his mouth and that that's why I always think of that opening scene is you know, very like. 01:10:51.70 Jala Um, yeah, well and you know that could very well be a reference for this because the director screenwriter obviously loves a lot of. 01:11:02.38 Jala Different types of things and is already referencing stuff like Zatuicchi and whatever probably watches that you know movies like that. so so yeah um the drifter goes back to the bar pulls out a cigarette and puts it in his mouth and the bartender goes to light it but the drifter kind of moves it out of the way like so now you know like that's part of a shtick. It has to be unlit. 01:11:23.52 Jala So um and the bartender Hu spike. Yeah yeah, yeah, and I'm sure that's another reference like is probably a reference to that. 01:11:25.42 Moxie! It's the the the Oh what's they dude from um Cowboy Bebop Sorry spike Yeah, he's got the the spike thing going on. 01:11:31.95 Will A Spikes Beagle yeah, the the unlit cigarette. Also let's talk about the the lighter too that the bartender has the little dehrringer pistol in a world with no guns. His lighter is you know a pistol. Obviously this is very intentional but not as funny that cute little derringer pistol. He just puts it in his face too. 01:11:53.17 Jala Yeah, yeah, well and then too The only place that has the game of cards is the Russian roulette which the whole but I love the building design. We'll get there. We'll get there but um. 01:12:03.14 Jala So yeah, he's told that he has to go to the russian roulette that's Nicola's special club and it's only like the elite of the elite you have to have a lot of money to get in there. So then you know the drifter leaves and then we skip over to see yoshi and Yoshi has gone to well actually Yoshi's not in yet. We go to a japanese restaurant. And then yoshi arrives just after you see like the scene. You've got some red suits there and they are being served by a young girl and the father and they are being harassed like the red suits are you know, um, treating the you know guy running the restaurant like shit. And in bullying him. Yeah, we came for the fish. It's so weird. How race says fish in this movie because they they always emphasize it in this weird as way. So yeah, anyway, yoshi arrives and he comes and you find out that this is his uncle and his cousin and so he's. 01:12:41.57 Will A Um, we're here for some fish. 01:13:00.97 Jala Explaining that he's there to fulfill his father's wish and then the Uncle's like this is nonsense just go down to the bazaar and go make a copy and bring that back because like he's he's yeah and then yo she's like no I can't do that I have to find the actual medallion and the uncle's like. But your father sent you here to be a man like him so you find out Yoshi's father is someone who was very violent and that is why Yoshi has taken this vow of peace and and tranquility this this vow of gene and this belief that he has and you know, ah the narrator even is like. Ah, peaceful warrior. That's not going to work out too. Well for you bro you know, no not in this situation but like the uncle is making a point of telling yoshi your father brought you here so that you could be a man like him. He's trying to make you like him is what he wants. So the medallion is a mcguffin you don't need the medallion actually, that's you know. 01:13:56.40 Jala So so that's what he says and ah it also that that same medallion happens to be like you find out way way later, but it's in Nicole's possession so that's how that comes into play here. But um. 01:14:06.99 Moxie! That is one of the weird pacing things is that they don't really explain that until pretty far after it's relevant to the story. Yeah. 01:14:24.15 Moxie! Like I know it's just very weird like the medallion to a significant degree isn't really actually their motivation for going after you know ah Nicola so it's. 01:14:35.17 Jala Well yeah I mean not really because at that point Yoshi has several different reasons to be going after Nicola but um, yeah, so I mean like and it it really is a Mcguffin but like the first time you hear and the mention of it. You're told it's a Mcguffin like. 01:14:40.90 Will A Exactly. 01:14:41.22 Moxie! Right? Exactly right. 01:14:53.39 Jala And that's what this movie does all the time like it tells you as soon as you see the thing. What the thing is it explains it to you and like that's part of the the whole um, you know way that the the narrative is working is is trying to make it very apparent to you. But even though you know what what's happening there. You also know how the story is going to play out that Yoshi's going to still go after it anyway, you know so then the red suitits come in. They start harassing everybody and then yoshi gets mad because you know they're treating his uncle like shit and so ah, he stands up to them and then this is the line. 01:15:26.10 Will A Yeah, so oh you have it written and here I know I wrote it down on my own as well. Okay, all right? So it is the dear man holds honor far more precious than dear life. Especially if that man happens to be japanese. 01:15:27.24 Jala Will do you want to have the honors of saying the line. Yes, it's in there. It's in there. Yeah. 01:15:42.92 Jala Well the the whole the whole line life Every yeah yeah, yeah yeah here I can I can read if you want but okay life every man holds dear. But dear Man Holds or. 01:15:45.14 Will A And I was just like oh the entirety of it we get thorough. Oh where is that Boom Rocku go. 01:16:02.10 Jala But I can't even do it. Oh my god Dave. Life every man holds dear. But the dear man holds honor far more precious than dear life. Especially if that man happens to be japanese then I was good I was like oh man, that's that's too good. That's too. Good. 01:16:16.42 Will A Yep, and that one drop and I was like what? yeah. 01:16:23.59 Moxie! See that's the one character for me or the the 1 line for me that I don't know gets a little wee boo for me like. 01:16:24.18 Jala So yeah, but. 01:16:34.48 Jala It is It is so it is definitely weabu so for sure. But yeah, ah Moxie How about you tell us what happens with the red suits. 01:16:43.50 Moxie! Okay, so the red suits proceeds to you know a a waiter is walking past with a huge tray of wasabi one the red suits proceeds to grab a handful for sabi and just kind of ah you know. Smash it on Yoshi's face and sort of you know rub it in ah yoshi proceeds to completely calmly kind of wipe it off his face and eat an entire mouthful of with sabi and then pick that. 01:17:19.29 Will A Yep, this is no reaction. 01:17:20.10 Moxie! Um, I will say ah from from watching. Ah oh after watching this movie I Definitely every time I at the ah Chinese buffet like build up my tolerance to was sabi that I could just eat it. Um, that is actually yeah, that. 01:17:34.48 Will A So just in case someone shoves it in my mouth. 01:17:36.40 Jala Right now? Well and the thing is is that if you look at Ga's face. It really looks like it was wasabi and he fucking did it. You know like it. It looks like he really did and knowing gaed. He probably did. 01:17:39.30 Moxie! Actually a thing I did. 01:17:54.17 Moxie! I Don't think this is a reference but it always just reminded me of the um, the squid scene and old boy just in terms of ah one just you know, eating something just horrible. 01:18:11.32 Moxie! And also the fact that like you said in both scenes I think the actor actually did it. 01:18:14.15 Jala Yeah, yeah, so right after he does that and he's ensues like the fight ensues yoshi beats the shit out of the red suits and like wipes the floor with them. But this also tears the entire restaurant up and the uncle turns and looks at Yoshi light. 01:18:27.60 Will A He flings them out the window. 01:18:32.93 Jala And then he sends him out like screams and sends him away. He's like you are exactly like your father get out. You know so Momio which is the um cousin follows yoshi and tells him where to find the red suit's office where he can find Eddie who is the leader of the the red suitits in this area. 01:18:52.83 Jala And says that that's his best lead for finding this medallion that he's looking for because yeah, a little westworl. So so yeah, then we cut back to the drifter who's heading to the Russian roulette and ah. 01:18:55.83 Will A Say you got to go to little westworld I was like great. 01:19:09.40 Jala He knock clocks the bouncers like the bouncers like hey you can't and he goes Bam Bam and they're down for the count. But I mean like we've already established this man's hands are kind of like diamond in the first place so they're probably dead because I mean he killed that other guy in the bar very casually and. 01:19:27.46 Jala 1 hit to the and he didn't even hit him in the head but he hit those bouncers in the head so they're dead. But yeah, then ah he goes there and then the elevator after you go in. It's like a little round thing and then the whole elevator rotates around like it is um the chamber of a gun and then. 01:19:46.31 Jala It rotates around to the floor and then it has ah a gun shooting sound and the lights change and then it opens up to the floor that you're going to also a note that I had like that I didn't put in the notes but like something that I wanted to say is the drifter like when you first see him in that first scene right? when he's leaving the bar. He does this thing where he swipes his hand across the brim of his hat and it makes this little like revolver noise or something and I love that so much that I started to buy and wear hats as a result of that in specific because I was like ah because I saw a hat that looked like that was like oh it's the hat. 01:20:05.14 Moxie! Yes. 01:20:16.35 Will A Ah, awesome. Ah. 01:20:20.47 Will A I Need it. 01:20:22.20 Jala This is my hat I could be like the drifter and I I bought one and then I found out that I actually look really good in hats. So thank you drifter. 01:20:27.95 Moxie! Yeah, and that that becomes like he does this throughout the movie like whenever he puts on his hat or it's also funny because that's not exactly good for your hat. Ah so. 01:20:35.99 Jala Yep yep. 01:20:41.16 Jala No, it's not I don't do that. But I think about it. So yeah, ah he goes up to the window and now it's interesting the way that they shot this part because some. 01:20:53.10 Jala He opens he it opens up and then you see him walking out um of the elevator and then it just kind of like freezes like it pans over everything and then everything freezes and then you just see him up at the window talking to the guy behind the counter and like when it freezes like that it makes you think because this guy is so fast. That he just like went through the crowd without anybody noticing that he was there you know and he goes up to the window and ends up talking to the guy and you know asking like where can I get a ah good game or whatever and finds out that the door behind um you know in the back is is where Nicola does his game every Friday and that it's 50000. 01:21:31.47 Jala To get in. so so yeah there's also a brief scene where um, ah there there's a guy. Um, when Yoshi is out in the streets that's screaming you know like workers union he's trying to become like the head of the workers union or vote for Boris vote for Boris and Boris is in this club. 01:21:50.91 Jala And um, you know like that's another thing you end up seeing that come back later like when you see Boris and you see everybody who's in Nicola's little group but um. 01:22:00.16 Moxie! Yeah, because isn't there also like a priest or something like that. 01:22:06.45 Jala There is um, there's Boris that I think that's the guy who you think is the priest because he's got like that that weird caller um, but then there's um, the head of the chief the chief of police and several other people in there as well. That ah are seemingly against Nicola but they're actually. 01:22:13.78 Will A If the chief policed. 01:22:20.66 Moxie! Right? exactly and that that's the that's why we're thinking with the priest. But yeah because I mean the idea is that like all the levers of society are actually like completely corrupt and you in on the whole thing. Yeah. 01:22:34.49 Will A Yeah, all all under his thumb. 01:22:35.59 Jala Yeah, yeah, yeah, so that's what that's showing is you know like we get that really brief scene where you see vote for Boris Vote for Boris and then you know he gets off of the off of the pedestal or whatever. But then he comes back later and you know he introduces himself. They make it a point to say the name again later on when you see him again. But. 01:22:55.13 Moxie! That is one one thing I do like about this that I feel like is kind of a underappreciated is um, you know it's presented as I think fairly you know this is you know the the. Gun Slinger without a gun and the samurai without a sword but there's also a lot of like Eastern Europe Eastern European Ah you know, like ah, kind of almost like Soviet Punk. Ah. 01:23:29.80 Moxie! You know, aesthetic to this. Um, which I think is both really cool and also kind of weird because like I don't know like I feel like the implication is this is set on the United States East Coast considering is you know west of the Atlantic or whatever. 01:23:47.22 Jala Well remember that this was shot in Romania. So yeah, so that probably has to do with like why there's this but also it's kind of to me. It feels like. 01:23:48.31 Moxie! But yeah, as go say I Wonder if that was just like all the extras. 01:23:51.92 Will A Yeah, the the Pi has little something to do with it. 01:24:03.13 Jala It's it's like the big shakeup right? like when everything has been blown up. There's not really quite. You know like people are going to be from wherever they are and they're going to all aggregate together wherever they can rebuild society right? So like we don't know what happened to Eastern Europe you know they might have all immigrated over to wherever it is that Nicole is at in. We presume the us. So. 01:24:23.65 Moxie! Yeah, and this is this would I think be kind of reading into the movie more than is probably appropriate for this type of movie. But for the sake of argument. There is almost almost a commentary. On the way that um, ah, a lot of like in in american society a lot of like ethnic backgrounds that sort of thing kind of become almost the like Disney world version of them. 01:25:01.26 Moxie! In terms of you know it's like you know, like yeah, you're irish but that base clearly means that like on St Patrick's day like you you know like people make jokes about ah you know, leprechauns and shit I feel like there's. 01:25:18.35 Moxie! I again I don't think this is trying to make like a social commentary but there is some of that energy to this. 01:25:23.18 Jala Well and then because this is like 1 of those those sorts of tales that it's it's it's pulling from a lot of different sources. But it's not digging into those cultures deeply like of course it's going to feel like epcot. You know like you know it's it's got like the surface level kind of. 01:25:42.70 Jala Read on a lot of these different cultures and stuff I mean like yes, they've got the the honor of the Japanese or whatever but like it's not deep. It's not. It's not deep. It's. 01:25:48.90 Will A Yeah, know it's not they're not breaking any kind of you know ground when it comes to like oh let's do a deep dive into it and we're going to maybe subvert anything like they're just telling you very face value. What things kind of look like in this world. 01:25:57.83 Moxie! Oh yeah, yeah, totally. 01:25:58.30 Jala Yeah, and it's going off of the media right? It's going off of the media of Japan the media that we present of western society is this this cowboy from from dodge city right? So you know it's going from media representations. So yeah, yoshi goes to Eddie's office 01:26:03.89 Will A True true. 01:26:17.96 Jala And then Eddie calls killer number 2 in a panic because they're like oh my god the guy who beat up my guys is here in the office and he's like um I have a problem and and calls killer number 2 and this is that scene where he's on the phone and then you see. Killer number 2 on the back wall behind him and it looks like 1 of those um you know theater tricks where they've got the guy actually behind like a ah gauze or something so you can still see him but it looks like he's somewhere else. so so yeah 01:26:33.44 Will A Being projected yet. 01:26:44.50 Moxie! And it leaves for me like with the way all of the characters have acted up to now and particularly the way killer 2 is acted like I wasn't completely sure that like killer 2 was it. Bit early on the other side of like the wall and like just since they did like no if you want me, you must pick up the phone like that's not what they're doing but when I first saw am like are they doing a bit. 01:27:10.70 Jala Um, no right? and then he breaks through the wall and smashes Eddie in the eye. Yeah, like yeah, but like ah Killer number 2 He's like ah there's something odd about this. 01:27:11.74 Will A I wouldn't be surprised though that seems like something that could easily happen him. 01:27:26.50 Jala You know and then killer number 2 is like odd singing docs are odd eddie man beating up your guys is not odd. It's a problem. You know it's a problem your problem and if you bother me again, you will see the end of my sword. 01:27:27.61 Will A And odd. 01:27:36.28 Will A It's like why you bother me with this. Yeah, exactly. 01:27:43.85 Jala Literally speaking. Of course you know like yeah foreshadowing exactly what happens. So yeah, and ah Eddie ends up. Um you know talking like yoshi comes in and he's like trying to offer a deal I have money. 01:27:47.39 Will A Foreshadowing. Ah. 01:27:59.33 Jala I will pay for this medallion and Eddie's not hearing any of it and tries to beat him up and then of course there's a big fight and Yoshi beats everybody up and leaves on again. so so yeah then yoshi ends up at the horseless horseman at the bar and he's asking for any kind. Ah, okay. 01:28:05.72 Moxie! Again. 01:28:08.73 Will A Yep. In that but down 2 before before we get to like all fit too as well. Like when Yoshi was doing the fighting I think I'm not mistaken isn't that where the umbrella was there and the the top part popped off and he had like the cando stick so that he was just beating everybody with the kendo stick so you know he doesn't have a sword on him but you can tell that he is trained like you know it's not like oh I choose not to. 01:28:30.33 Will A And I'm unskilled with it. It's like if I had a sword this fight would be over in 10 seconds but 01:28:32.26 Jala Yeah, yeah, absolutely and you're right there there is that whole umbrella bit where the top of the Umbrella pops off and he just uses the stick. Yeah, but then he goes to the the bar and then he tells the bartender he wants any kind of drink. So the bartender says any kind and takes the very very top shelf. 01:28:51.73 Jala He has to get a little step stool to get top top shelf and then pours him a drink. 01:28:56.54 Moxie! Yeah, they sees that that drink pouring I think would be strangely enough if if someone just wanted to know like what is this movie style. I Think the best way to communicate is like this is how someone pours a drink in this movie. It's like yeah I mean all of it Yo it takes it Off. He smells the cap he pours it precisely a little drop drops. He. 01:29:17.15 Will A It's not bad. That's not bad at all. 01:29:28.35 Moxie! Dips his finger in and licks the drop like the whole thing. It's literally like ten twenty seconds of him is pouring this drink. 01:29:35.63 Jala And he's just like he's he's relishing it because it's such a high dollar item too. So you know, but yeah, that is definitely a whole lot about what this movie style. Yeah. 01:29:43.69 Will A Year. She's like how much is this like the price like 55 is like you said any I'm like yeah, be careful what you wish for. 01:29:50.15 Jala Yeah, yeah, well and so like the bartender's trying to see if this guy is loaded and you know like he's watching to see how much money that Yoshi is pulling out and everything but Yoshi pulls it out in such a way that he can't see how much money he has but he's. Presuming from the fact that he presents the money to him that he must have a lot of money on him and um, so then ah the bartenders working on his little pop up book and this is arachnidus which is his spider Man Story I know? Yeah, yeah, so. 01:30:18.64 Will A But man like everywhere I go Spiderman. 01:30:25.74 Jala And it's arachnodus and he's telling this tale and he's doing it in like a mythological kind of way and has little popups and everything but it is you know like ah it's a Spiderman story you know. 01:30:34.20 Will A Yeah, even had jy Jonah Jamison at the end. 01:30:36.40 Moxie! What what's isn't that later on though because I I thought that was like after ah, that's after they kind of get beat up and yo ways kind giving the Pep dog right? Oh okay, Okay, that's right, That's right. 01:30:44.18 Jala This no ah he's he's working on it. A second time later on this is a first time that you see it? Yeah, so and he's like pop up funies you know and he's like you know they were they were having a whole little exchange about it and when when it was just yoshi. So. 01:31:00.73 Jala Yeah, and then Yoshi's like ah I'm actually not here for the drink and bartender's like shocker. Really yeah yeah. 01:31:07.26 Will A You haven't haven't touched it at all. So. 01:31:13.28 Jala So he says that he's looking for information on a man named Nicola and that causes everybody to bring you know pop up again. What Nicola you know and then there's a whole fight again. So ah, he starts to beat up a few people and then the drifter walks in and then as soon as the drifter walks in everybody's like oh shit and they all just like. 01:31:31.70 Will A I'm out cadet. Ah. 01:31:32.77 Jala And they they back off, they're like okay and so Yoshi doesn't know why they backed away from this drifter guy but he's like okay and he just sits back at the bar like I guess we're done with that now. But um, yeah, then the bartender's like you know what are you thinking about or whatever to the drifter when he comes back. He's like 48 01:31:51.14 Jala 40 eight thousand somethings. You know, got something on your mind 48000 of them. You know which tells a bartender he's looking for money so and then of course bartender is just like signaling that you know, ah well this dude he's he's got some money. He's got some cash on him. You know to the drifter and says hey well. 01:31:57.42 Will A Exactly. 01:32:10.82 Jala You know I think that you might be in luck yoshi because this guy you know might be able to help you with information that you're looking for. So um, at that point the drifter is like the drifter doesn't say anything like giving any information to yoshi and is just like I need a loan. 01:32:30.16 Jala You know and Yoshi's like I can't give you the money like no I don't know who the fuck you are I don't know you and also I need it for information and I also need to get this medallion. You know? So um, but anyway he's like yeah I'll pay you back in two days with interest and he's like no. 01:32:33.61 Will A It was I don't know you. 01:32:50.80 Jala Sorry and um, because of that the drifter decks him because that's how the drifter does. Yeah, but you know she doesn't die instead. They have a really great fight scene in the rain. 01:32:53.40 Will A Natural you know, just just makes sense. E. 01:33:02.79 Moxie! Yeah, this is I think probably my favorite fight scene in the um in the in the movie. 01:33:08.31 Jala Well, it's one where they're both holding their own and like there isn't that power differential which makes a big difference and like it's a longer scene and it has like the bartender whimsically in the background with a little umbrella and like a drink. 01:33:22.99 Will A Yeah days are going on yet. Yeah. 01:33:23.57 Jala And smoking and just like chilling out and clapping and whatever in the background. 01:33:25.31 Moxie! 1 is is this the one where yoshi that halfway through like takes the umbrella from um, right? yeah. 01:33:32.92 Jala Ah, yeah, yeah, he does so. 01:33:33.96 Will A Because I like that too when you know they start the fighting initially a bartender iss like whoa whoa take this outside and then like you mentioned with the transitions is just like delete do a spin 3 60 round and then boom they're outside. 01:33:43.33 Jala Yeah, well and then 2 you got the train rattling in the background at one point which is like that of how both of them came in as well. So like they're calling it back with some of the little things that are happening and then of course it rains because of course it's got a rain. It's got a rain and they got to be like. 01:33:55.74 Will A Any it has got a rain. It's got a rain. 01:34:00.31 Jala Sitting there beating each other up and all muddy and stuff and you know like eventually they just both get tired and just fall over and you're like okay good show Gentlemen I'm going to go to sleep now by and once they fought and got it out of their system then they're like. 01:34:15.82 Jala You know yo she's like I still can't loan you the money though like they they get washed up and they go back and indoors and he's like sorry I still can't give you the money. So but yeah, then we cut over to Alexandra which is Nicola's mistress she is yeah yeah, so. 01:34:23.71 Will A Saying in. They love that transition. 01:34:33.91 Jala Do you want to explain how they do that part. 01:34:35.80 Will A I mean I Honestly can't I'm trying to remember I Just know when she comes up out of the the tub on the backside I can't remember whose face or like who they have it initially transitioned from but I just know like when it goes from there and then she pops up out of like the the tub. 01:34:47.75 Jala I Remember smoke I Want to see maybe the bartender was smoking and then like it. It has the smoke and then it makes it look like the milky water that her face is arising out of and and she pops out of the water you know, soaking wet and everything. 01:34:52.45 Moxie! Oh this moke makes the water. Yeah yeah. 01:34:58.10 Will A Yeah, and then she pops out of it. 01:35:04.34 Jala But um, she also seems like she's either drunk or high or both at this point she's real sloshed. Ah, but she's also pregnant and they talk about that. 01:35:14.43 Jala And ah, she's very mad about it. She's also very self-destructive and self-loathing which you can tell by how she's present like the very first time you see her how she is so um, she and killer number 2 come across each other at the bathhouse where number two is about to ah punish a couple of red suits. Who were found in there bothering some of the ladies and so both of them exchange insults and then she's taken away to be made up for Nicola and then number 2 kills both of the red suits says somebody's got to take the fall for this and bye you know, but we see a wordless backstory for her. 01:35:46.10 Will A That's it somebody. 01:35:52.47 Jala Presented it in kind of a comic book form the pop up funny style that looks like the way that they've been presenting the stuff from the bartender and so it shows the bartender and Alexandra they were together and then Nicola found them in an alley and the bartender was injured and on the ground you know and and. Kind of helpless and reaching out and Alexandra gives herself to Nicola to spare her lover's life. She intercedes to spare the barkeeper's life. But then she ends up being taken away as mistress. 01:36:21.42 Moxie! So this is this is something that I'm sure we'll get into more but I think this is kind of the first one. The first instances of um, one of the things I really like about Nicola is he's kind of a weird version of the. You know that trope you know, just because you're a bad guy doesn't mean you're bad guy like I love the fact that like he he very much is he's the type of villain that like totally if someone was like. Gave him a good reason not to kill someone. He'd be like all right? Yeah I won't kill him like I and that's that's especially a I feel like almost makes him a foil of Killer two who just. 01:37:11.00 Moxie! Why I think kills more of his own men than he does anyone else. 01:37:13.28 Will A We can just kill quite a few people. Yeah. 01:37:14.86 Jala Well, he does at the same time Nicola still takes Alexandra to be his mistress and she hates him. So. 01:37:19.39 Moxie! Well exactly and that's why like like he's not. He's not the villain with a herd of gold. But he's the villain. That's like not just cartoonishly evil right? exactly? Yeah yeah. 01:37:30.40 Will A Yeah, like he didn't kill the bartender after taking her anyways or something like that I was like some people would be like oh it's more cruel to let him live in his limp and then knows that he's never gonna get his. You know his lover back and it's like yeah, it's it's a lot Nick Nicole is ah at the end of the day like oh especially to what you mentioned him the being of the foil with. Killer number 2 I know we're gonna talk about a letter of oil but that um they keep going back to the air like around the time of death which I think they do have that 2 kind of like differing at least initially and then maybe it comes back together at the end where they're kind of still in that same vein of it. 01:38:02.00 Jala So back at the horseless horseman. That's when you see yoshi in the drifter and they're buds now. But Yoshi still like I'm still not giving you my money. Sorry and um. 01:38:18.93 Jala But yeah, then the bartender and is sitting there making up his pop pop up funies and he makes a little ah drifter and a little yoshi and then he you know he's like you know what? you don't want to be a paper tiger and then you know like they're talking about it and then they're like I'm you know the drifter is like I'm not a hero. And the drifter or ah, the bartender says sometimes it's just the guy or the hero is not always the strongest man. Sometimes it's just the guy who leads the way and then the drifter says sometimes it's just the guy who serves the drinks you know and I like that because like. Even though there's clear these are the hero Heroes in this and everything at the same time you know it's is pointing out that everybody plays their part to the the extent that they can to whatever it is that they can do you know towards whatever the goal is so I like that. But um. 01:39:15.80 Jala Yeah, the bartenders like life Life's not all about fighting and then the drifter's like come on Now you know that ain't true. Yeah. 01:39:23.39 Moxie! That is ah on my list of ah quotes from this movie that I love just that you know that ain't true. 01:39:29.11 Jala Yeah, yeah, yep, so but yeah, um, at that point the drifter when Yoshi tells him I'm not going to give you my money. Drifter says don't get in my way if you get my way we're going to have it out again in the rain by the train. 01:39:47.90 Jala Yeah, yeah, so yeah, the drifter then sets out and yoshi hangs out with the bartender learning that Nicola lives in the countryside and leads the killers because when he first came to power. He only had 9 men so he has 9 killers. In honor of the original 9 men that he had which we presume are all dead at this point or something. 01:40:07.23 Will A Yeah, they mentioned though like they've been going in and out whenever somebody dies. They replace them with someone else. So. 01:40:14.80 Moxie! When this this kind of plays into um some of nicolay's word weariness where you know he's kind of the only one left. 01:40:20.82 Jala Um, yeah, yeah for sure and that's why you get the sense like that even killer number 2 even though he's really strong. He's not from the original group like he's not like he's Nicola is so much older than everybody else. 01:40:36.48 Jala It's like no, he's he's still strong but he's the only one left. So yeah, um, he finds out yoshi finds out that the killers live in Nicola's mansion with him and the red suits have a camp that is nearby and all of this plays a part in later on in the film. Um, while yoshi and the bartender are talking the screen shifts to show. Number 2 talking to or taking Alexandra to go see Nicola so like it while they're talking. There's like ah a screen shift where you can see um Killer number 2 and Alexandra and some red suitits and stuff all like on a motorbike or something going. You know so I like that. Even though this movie has some pacing problems. It's still like trying to cut some of the interim time down by showing stuff at the same time and like you know putting stuff side-by-side where you can see you know different scenes playing out at the same time because one scene doesn't require much attention but you need to know it's happening. 01:41:30.44 Will A Yeah, let's stick with that comic books kind of style. You know you can drop that in whenever you need to just fill up the panels and then people kind of moving through the panels themselves. 01:41:39.13 Jala Right? right? So ah then Nicola when he meets up with Alexandra admits that he's getting older and looking forward to the child that Alexandra is pregnant with because that's his only legacy and while this is happening Killer number 2 ah. Sees Eddie in the russian roulette and ends up killing him just finally killing him for his failure because he did not take care of the problem with Yoshi because Yoshi is still out somewhere. Yeah. 01:42:03.48 Will A He said does this edge look edgy. 01:42:07.24 Moxie! Let's be clear killer yeah killer has 2 killer 2 has 2 verbs ah lear and kill. 01:42:17.67 Jala Yes, this is true. So yeah, ah then he also ah he kills Eddie when he finds out that the chief of police is there and tells the chief about yoshi and threatens him saying you know Yoshi is now the police is problem. 01:42:33.47 Jala You know you better take care of this because Eddie didn't fucking take care of this and you just saw what happened to Eddie so you're next if you don't take care of this problem. This is now your problem. So then the bartender says hear that my bed is calling and then he leaves to go to bed and yoshi leaves and then gets into a tangle with the police. Who then arrest him and throw him in jail so the bartender then in the middle of the night goes to see the drifter and tells him hey the police took yoshi and so they stage a jail break and the jailbreak scene is actually probably one of the most memorable fun things for me. 01:43:08.15 Jala Like I love the way that they organized it because what they do is they basically show you kind of a Dollhouse representation where like you can see as if like 1 whole wall is cut out the whole scene inside of the jail and you can see the stairs and they're running down the stairs and there's like all of these like donkey kong noises and stuff like video games. 01:43:24.30 Will A And yeah, but just they you like I'll keep calling Pac man something like that. Yep. 01:43:27.25 Jala Sounds yeah, something like that where there's a bunch of like Mario sounds and stuff happening. Ah while people are getting punched and and things are being opened and whatever and they get yoshi and they break him out and they take him. Ah. 01:43:39.70 Moxie! I Feel like we we can't skip over one of the best narrator lines just the ah happy Birthday motherfucker. 01:43:48.42 Jala Oh and that one I think is um I have it in the the trivia section of my notes. But um, that's I think that's actually a line from So the narrator is a guy who's from a band and that's a quote from one of the songs I think is the thing. Yeah, yeah, so. 01:43:58.18 Moxie! Yes, yes, it is. 01:44:05.64 Jala Anyway, they take yoshi to Yoshi's Uncle's house and he's drugged so he he's not actually as bad off, but he's going to be down for a while. So ah, the drifter takes yoshi's money and momoco the cousin does not want to let him out and the uncle's like don't disgrace us and she's like I don't trust this guy but. You know they he saved his you know Yoshi's life and and whatever. So then the drifter leaves with the money so he can go to the russian roulette and. 01:44:24.10 Will A Your cousin's life. Yeah. 01:44:30.28 Moxie! I do like I do like what I think one one of the things in racu does well is it doesn't really take a lot of stance. On whether any of the things any of the characters do are actually good ideas in terms of like it's kind of got this setup where like this is a world where you know fighting is inevitable and like you know you know. Violence you know is a thing and you can't get away from it but the same time.. It's definitely.. It seems like it's not necessarily saying like maybe that's just people being self destructive and irresponsible and I feel like they do a good job of that with the drifter in that like. 01:45:25.74 Moxie! He's definitely kind of an anti ah antihero but the same time like he doesn't really just ever just straight up take the money or whatever like there's a certain degree to which like he does kind of have a sense of honor that's kind of fun. 01:45:41.54 Jala Well he does return the money later on in the movie. So like he does bring it back and and does honor his promise and everything but but still yeah yeah, so the sween the the sween. 01:45:44.53 Will A Yeah, exactly. 01:45:45.59 Moxie! Right? Exactly exactly? yeah. 01:45:50.74 Will A It just a means to an end. 01:45:57.56 Jala Scene then switches back to Nicola and Alexandra number 2 comes in to see Nicola to report about what was going on with what's all happening because Nicola has no idea at this point. So ah, Nicola expresses his absolute onway at the top. Um, and how he has very few pleasures left in life. And how nothing is a challenge and so when number 2 like while this is happening Killer number 2 is there to report in and Alexandra has like this massive hammer that she's using to smash walnuts to hand the walnuts to um to Nicola for him to eat. 01:46:32.30 Will A Can you call that him. 01:46:35.20 Jala And so like knowing and like she's doing this and looking over at killer number 2 like I got you fucker you know because like he's has to be there to make his report and meanwhile he's you know his. 01:46:46.17 Jala Hearing is being damaged constantly by her because she's slamming it extra hard on the table just to to you know, dig it in a little bit for him. 01:46:52.52 Moxie! And and in particular, she's messing up all of his lines like it's always whenever he's about to like deliver A really dramatic line just where. 01:47:04.91 Jala Yeah, yeah, she is and um, while all that's happening and you know Nicole is sitting there with Alexandra wondering why he's interrupting every single thing that Killer number 2 says he says a line. He's like well there was a guy and he beat up a bunch of Eddie's men and. Is is the response from Nicola and and and like the deliveries that Ron Perelman is giving is really good because he sounds so bored and so over it over all of it and doesn't care about a damn thing and that's why like he just it. 01:47:38.96 Jala When he gets told that the one japanese restaurant in town that he liked the 1 restaurant that he liked that he only ever got food from is now closed because all this stuff happened. You know he's just like and now my one little bright spot in my day. This japanese restaurant is now closed. You know like he's just. 01:47:56.94 Jala That's when he's just unleashing and he's just like I am so bored I'm bored I don't have any pleasures I don't go anywhere I don't do anything and now even my favorite restaurant is closed. Ah, the worst day ever. 01:48:08.90 Will A You know say he's got my 1 restaurant. He's got my 1 poker game. That's all I got in this life and y'all keep taking this away from me. 01:48:13.69 Jala Well and then he says yeah all I do is play this one game a night and then that's when Killer number 2 is like about the game on Friday night. Also don't go to that and Nicola is like what you know so they end up working at a thing where Nicola doesn't physically show up. 01:48:20.39 Will A Felt that. 01:48:32.61 Jala But he is doing it via like remotely via like a little camera. Yeah, he Skype in. Yeah, yeah, it is. It's. 01:48:34.75 Will A Yeah, he skyped in is he's he's on his Zoom call yet. 01:48:38.80 Moxie! Be it? Yeah yeah, yeah, it's it's steampunk Zoom I do like that. Ah, just one it one. The elements here of like all of these. Um. 01:48:53.65 Moxie! The sinister things that have been done in ah Nicola's name up to this point. It seems pretty clear that like Nicola probably wouldn't have actually authorized them like if anyone at Ed actually ask like hey do you wants to like beat up this. Ah you know. 01:49:13.18 Moxie! Bar that like ah you know, beat up Eddie's guys Nicola Whiin like not he's a punk like I don't care so I do love that that kind of element of this of like he's almost not really in control of these are these elements they being done a his name. 01:49:30.65 Jala Well, he's not because everything is um, you know sourced out. Everybody else is taking care of things killer number 2 does everything for him and he Nicola just sits in his mansion is all that he does. 01:49:40.63 Will A True. 01:49:42.33 Jala And that's what he's talking about when he's talking about how Boredy is he's like I'm not even involved in like anything. He's so removed from the world that nothing is exciting anymore because he's not in the middle of anything anymore and you know like he doesn't have to be because he's top dog or whatever. But that means that that's it's lonely at the top right. 01:49:43.41 Moxie! Yeah. 01:49:58.74 Will A As exactly yeah the line. 01:50:00.97 Jala So yeah, yeah, so then we see the drifter he pays the money he goes into this game and so you find out the police chief and Boris and other people are all there and Nicola then of course skypes in because of number 2 wo's warning. So ah the thing about it is that they're also cheating they have some red suits up in the the chandelier fixture looking down through and I think this is really great because this is exactly the kind of thing that happens in the Dick Tracy movie at 1 point in the movie where um. The mobsters are making their plans in this one specific room and then they planted this one detective whose name is bug because it's dick Tracy ah, who's up there in the rafters looking down through the chandelier and getting the information and has has you know like a listening device and is hearing all the plans and that's how. 01:50:41.70 Will A Of course. 01:50:53.87 Jala The cops start foiling everything and that the mobsters are doing well, it's that same kind of thing except it's being used by Nicola to cheat during the card game. So he wins so he's got a couple red suits. Yeah I haven't lost a card game in years and that's because he cheats. So. 01:51:03.41 Moxie! Results. 01:51:03.58 Will A Boy He's never lost a card game in years right? yeah. 01:51:09.16 Moxie! Well I feel like this also kind of is sort of an interesting almost makes Nicola an unreliable narrator. In that like he's like all like oh my only ah, my only thrill is this card game. It's like what you cheat like like it's not really a card game anymore. You know. 01:51:29.54 Jala Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly and that's the thing it's like that's that kiss us his only interaction with other humans that aren't number 2 or or Alexandra you know because he doesn't go anywhere or do anything anymore. So. 01:51:29.95 Will A Yeah, what thrill him. 01:51:48.13 Jala But yeah, um, so yeah, the drifter comes in he starts playing card game and despite the fact that they have guys above who are reading all the cards he keeps on winning and he keeps on winning and the drifter keeps on winning and keeps on winning and ah, eventually after he beats Nicola. He hands all the money back and says you know, um I'm not going to feel you know like I really won until I meet you face to face and then Nicole is like. Are you asking for a challenge and he's like yep, yep, and then that's the thing. So. 01:52:13.98 Will A And like that town. 01:52:24.86 Jala Anyway, ah they set a time and a place for a fight so in the square tomorrow at midnight and then the drifter gets Yoshi's money back and then goes to return the cash over to yoshi but he learns that Yoshi's goal is the medallion which he saw around. Ah Nicola's neck in that video projection. 01:52:41.85 Will A Yeah. 01:52:43.46 Jala So he saw the the actual medallion. So but he lies to yoshi and says no I didn't see it anywhere because he wants to kill Nicola. So oh no I haven't seen a a medallion and then momoco even says like the cousin who is ever vigilant and knows everything is like you're lying. 01:53:00.66 Will A Lying? Yeah, she got eagleized is like you're lying for sure I can smell it on you. But honestly say if you were talking you know earlier you're like we don't need a sequel which I mean I agree. But if you were gonna do one there you go. 01:53:03.11 Jala You know you're lying. Yeah yeah, it's like I want Mobileco Story Let mobileo do more I I know if you were going to do one. Do it on mobile call. Yeah for sure. So. 01:53:07.65 Moxie! Yeah. 01:53:13.65 Moxie! Oh yeah, yeah, totally. 01:53:18.23 Jala Yeah Nicola tells number 2 to set up the meeting in the square and then the scene shifts to Alexandra holding her pregnant belly and it swipes over to the bartender who is who had received a gift from Alexandra who is hiding and watching so like he gets you know something outside. He gets up and he he looks around and he's like you know where did this come from. Because there was like a note and then there was a gift for for him. But then you see her across the street and she's got like a big hat or whatever on and she's just hiding but you know she's been giving him gifts and stuff this whole time. Just. From a distance without being too close because she can't be so you get the feeling of course that both of them still love each other even though they haven't seen each other so ah then the scene shifts again this time to killer number 2 telling Killer number 4 to find out who the drifter is and then it goes to Yoshi who's going to be. 01:54:10.40 Jala Um, leaving to go to the fight to go back the drifter up and when he's going. You know the Uncle's like why are you doing this? Why are you involving yourself in this. You don't have to you don't know this guy you know and you she's like I must go you know and he's like you aren't your father's son. 01:54:25.12 Moxie! I am very Japanese I have honor. 01:54:28.49 Jala Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, my honor my honor so in this square all of the lower killers are there so you know all the lower killer numbers and stuff and um so number 4 says Nicola wanted me to tell you if you really want to beat the house. You must first beat the odds. 01:54:30.90 Will A Um, my honor. Yeah Jim. 01:54:47.89 Jala And then killer number 4 is the circus guy. It has a bunch of acrobat people in weird circus suits and in like clown outfits and whatever and they all fight the drifter until first blood and the drifter gets cut. So. 01:55:02.68 Moxie! And this am I remember it correctly. This is again you know iron I Really like action. This is almost a really cool matchup for him because you know his whole thing is he's you know punch Good guy. 01:55:20.14 Jala Um, yeah. 01:55:22.63 Moxie! And these are all these people that like will get knocked across the thing and then like do a backhand spring or like bounce off a trampoline so it's I mean it's silly. It's it's you know, almost like 1 piece level of like action choreography. 01:55:39.94 Moxie! But it's still like these are almost like his natural counter which is just kind of a silly way to do it. Yes, exactly life lessons. 01:55:45.88 Will A Yeah, you don't want to fist Fight Circus So lay. So yeah, he was not having a great time. 01:55:51.90 Jala Right? Do you know how strong you have to be to do some of that stuff I do because I did aerial poll for a couple of years so yeah so so yeah, ah this sheet the scene shifts again this time to number 2 and his men coming to Yoshi's Uncle's house 01:55:57.71 Will A Oh you know that stuff. 01:56:07.87 Jala And Yoshi's uncle fights him using 2 chefs knives but he's ultimately murdered by number 2 and momoco is taken. 01:56:14.23 Will A Oh he did so well. 01:56:16.27 Moxie! Strangely enough my second favorite fight in the thing just like the uncle. 01:56:18.69 Jala I loved it when the guy pulled out his his chef's knives and was like xing xing and I'm like oh get it, get it uncle get it I am waiting for this and Moico does put up a fight but she's very small compared to the very large guys that are coming at her. she did try. yeah she did try 01:56:19.68 Will A Oh The great. Yeah, she tried though she tried she can't say she did not try. 01:56:38.47 Jala So and then um, this is the first part time where you see the creeper come out in number 2 because he's like oh I like your spirit you know and all this other stuff and and then he's like take her back with I want I want her for myself or something and it's like child. It's a child. Ah yeah. 01:56:50.75 Will A I was like oh yes, yeah. 01:56:55.54 Moxie! Um, yeah, how how old is she like. 01:56:56.22 Jala You know Also so we don't know. Um they don't say um, the problem is is that because she's Japanese I can't tell she is so they don't say. 01:57:02.17 Will A Gan didn't give. 01:57:07.16 Moxie! Yeah, isnt sorry this is a tangent but isn't gat like is mid 40 s in this movie or something. 01:57:16.45 Jala Ah, he is currently in his forty s so no, he's not in his forty s in this in the movie. So. 01:57:18.88 Moxie! I know he's like 10 to 15 years older than like most of the rest of the cast at this point. 01:57:27.35 Jala Ah, he is about my age and I'm going on how old am I 42 I'm all I'm going on 42 this year so ah he's around my age maybe around 4042to45ish. so so yeah um he's about mid 40 s now. So in this time he was like 30 something. So anyway, I don't know either way. Um, we cut back to the drifter who's still getting beat up by the circus guys and then Yoshi and the bartender arrive and then they finish off all the goons and also number 4. 01:57:57.77 Jala So then they split up the remaining killers and Yoshi takes the swordsman. He's like I better take the swordsman. Okay, fair game. You know, like here's your count and that's the thing right? So like they put the drifter against the weird circus people and they continue to do so because the weird circus guy is the one that the drifter fights. 01:58:14.79 Jala But then Yoshi just gets another swordsman like you couldn't have picked something else more interesting except for another like another swordsman but oh well I know it like and another swordsman. Yeah, ok, ok, but. 01:58:22.32 Will A So there later on we got to do another swordsman. Ah. 01:58:29.61 Will A You get a swordsman and you get a swordsman does? Yeah ah the Oops Mom all swordsmen he pulled the sereal out. 01:58:31.28 Jala No only Yoshi gets all swordsmans all the time. Yeah, exactly like I want yoshi to go against the circus guys that would be an interesting fight I Want to see the the drifter figure out how to deal with a sword that would be cool like they could. 01:58:48.90 Jala Done some cool matchups like that if they had switched up a little bit of what they were doing. 01:58:53.85 Moxie! I feel like yoshi versus the the ah oh yoshi versus the circus would have strong like Batman versus joker vibes in terms of like let's just match up. The the clowns with the 1 guy that has no no sense of humor. 01:59:14.21 Jala Right? right? right? but that would have been a good callback to like a good reference point and everything that would have been fine. So yeah, um so in these fights like I I actually don't remember much of anything about yo. She's fight with a swords guy because he's just doing a Swords guy thing I mean whatever. 01:59:32.10 Jala I do remember though the weirdness the thing about the Josh Hartnett drifter fight versus the acrobat guy. So. It's like this this considerably taller guy in like and very oversized suit making him look very ridiculous like he's a a live person who is in a big big checkered suit. And um has like dreads little dreads and ah anyway, like they go into a circus tent and then they have to get up on a high high rise trapeze thing and see that there's that the high rise trapeze thing that could be like a reference to like Robin but they didn't go there anyway. 02:00:06.41 Will A They didn't nope. 02:00:09.87 Jala But um, so he's up on this trapeze and you find out that the drifter is afraid of heights because he's just like oh my god and but so I was like okay what is going to happen with this fight and then it turns out not a whole lot. They they smack into each other they fall down into the net and then they bounce around a little bit until eventually Josh hartnet. 02:00:23.70 Will A Um, yeah, napa. 02:00:29.87 Jala Fumbles into smacking him once and then he falls over and that's the end and like. 02:00:32.20 Will A Could it looked like to me he did like you know the the movie or like the video game like Nextsnap where it's like super fast and everyone you know nowadays everyone debunks that theyre like to actually snap someone's neck and wouldn't be that dead-dadada up. But yeah, look they're bouncing around in't like the little net thing and then at one point it just like gets behind the midmouse and you's just like. 02:00:49.72 Jala Yeah, yeah I know and it's like that was underwhelming. You know like they just had to wrap it up real quick before they moved on it but like the the presentation going up to it makes it feel like it's going to be a big fight and then. 02:00:51.72 Will A And then he falls over and I was like oh okay, that was it. 02:01:05.61 Jala You do get like let down by these fights. These fights are not the fun fights. You know, like the fun fight. There's certain prize fights that happen and I don't know if it's budget budgetegetary reasons that they had to cut it short or what because to pay for the choreography and the retakes and everything might have been outside of their budgetary concerns snow. 02:01:20.55 Will A That is very true like I brought that up in some of my notes I was like the 1 on 1 fights generally feel a little bit worse than like the big group like the 20 v one fights or you know if you're fighting like a bunch of people together I'm like some of these are a little me. 02:01:21.33 Moxie! Yeah I could do that. 02:01:28.99 Moxie! So I feel like that to do a way call back to when we first started that gets into some of the this This isn't really a martial arts movie like it's almost. 02:01:47.47 Moxie! More it. It is much more of like a beat em up Adventure you know, like almost more like um like the mummy or something. Yeah. 02:01:55.75 Jala Yeah, yeah, that's a good way of saying it. so so yeah those fights end we switch over to momoco who is being tossed by number 2 towards all of the ah ladies of the evening so that she can be prepared for him. And so that's yuck and then he goes to see Nicola and informs him that the drifter has beaten up all of the the killers that have been sent after him so far. So ah, cutting back to our protagonists. The bartender takes them to a secret underground training camp where like there's the general who has. The information he was only going to reveal it at the time and but time is now. 02:02:35.54 Moxie! Yeah, they're they're they're getting back to Koji my speak. You know everything must be the blank. 02:02:35.75 Will A They were like let's wrap this up. Ah. 02:02:44.42 Jala Yeah, yeah, yeah, so so yeah, um, they end up I don't know how long they're in this camp because like they're training people. How is this this? yeah Evelyn Wood speed training course for beating up redsuits I don't know because like it goes real fast. 02:02:50.20 Will A Yeah, there's a montage. Yeah. 02:03:01.12 Jala Ask because like they do a little bit of training with the people you see them all in sync and they they they're ready. They've been prepared and then um, the drifter gets his his brass Knuckles and yoshi gets his bow and then the people follow ah follow them and then they go into a massive battle waged in the red suits camp. Which of course they found the way there the secret way there because the general told them. So. 02:03:24.14 Will A It's just it's such an interesting like little transition that happens there with the general in that group of people because they've been dealing with the bartender this whole time bartender knows to varying degree that they're after you know Nicola and they're like oh like okay now that you've killed a couple of the killers. You've proven yourself I will now give you a small army. 02:03:40.45 Jala Yeah I know. 02:03:40.79 Will A To manage like go like why didn't you do this an hour ago. You could have saved grandpa or uncle. You could have saved uncle if you did this earlier We could have been done this. 02:03:54.76 Moxie! I I do like this though in that it's it kind of gives more context to before this point the bartender is kind of a weird character in terms of like he's obviously like. 02:04:13.94 Moxie! Very purposely trying to convince these guys to be Heroes which is weird because like so far he's just been kind of cynical and like you know I just want to sell people overpriced drinks and so I do like that you then have this thing that's like oh no, he was like. 02:04:32.54 Moxie! Totally setting up a rebellion this whole time. 02:04:34.10 Jala Yeah, he's at least part of the rebellion and he's like he's he's made the bar so that he can find the guys to be the Heroes So like he's been basically their sherpa the whole time like they he was waiting to sherpa these people you know to. 02:04:50.24 Will A Sometimes the Heroes pour the drinks. 02:04:53.72 Jala Yep, exactly? so so yeah then there's more killers in the camp they fly by I don't even know what numbers they were. They got killed the drifter and Yoshi took them out in the camp but a fire breaks out at the brothel and Alexandra. 02:05:09.91 Jala Freeze momoco who is tied up to a pillar with like some really thick ropes and she's got like this little teeny tiny little knife and she's trying to like frantically cut it yeah to to get it. Um get her freed and she ends up happening you know, happening to. Get mommoko free and then tells her to run. But then right about that time one of the pi the beams falls and stuff and she gets trapped inside. But as the bartenders running up to the fire and momoo runs out towards him. He looks up and sees Alexandra and she sees him and they just have a moment but then you know. She turns away and goes back into the fire because she knows she's pregnant with Nicola's kid and she she can't face him. She's ready to to you know, take that legacy of Nicola with her and go go to the grave. So. 02:05:59.80 Will A And the police blows up and I was like surely she will pop up again. This will ah was like there's there's no way this has to be like a a gotcha moment right? and you never see her again. Oh man. 02:06:08.90 Jala No no, she really died. She really died. So I mean like like that's ah, a really you know like this movie is not like um, a movie that has like a whole bunch of ooh tear Jerker moments or anything but that was like the one point where you're just like damn. 02:06:24.19 Jala You know life really damn man. Ah because you know she she and he cared about them. You know each other so much but like the circumstances were unavoidable to where like they couldn't make a life together in the end and I mean maybe she could have come come out and they could have raised Nicola's child to be a good person or something. But. 02:06:42.25 Will A No wasn't meant to be. 02:06:43.79 Jala You know, like that's not the way that this story and traditionally that's not the way that these kinds of stories would end. You know. 02:06:49.88 Moxie! I Was gonna say I feel like to a certain degree. Ah maybe the director. Yeah I feel like the director maybe knew knew this is a western movie. It's going to have you know more or less a happy ending. But. Kind of wanted to do the samurai movie where just like everything sucks and it's a unhappy ending and the you know people die. 02:07:12.10 Jala Well, the thing is is that like if you look at myths and things like that the way that it would have ended if it were a myth would be that she would die so like you know it's a it's a modern hollywood conceit that there's a happy ending to every story and this person really didn't die the Disney death that kind of thing. 02:07:20.10 Moxie! Oh yeah, 100 you present? Yeah oh like right? yeah. 02:07:31.64 Jala That's a modern conceit. That's not what they're doing here what he's trying to do is tell like the tale is oldest time right? but not the Disney version of that. But the actual yeah yeah, yeah, so. 02:07:31.93 Will A We're here. 02:07:36.25 Moxie! Exactly right? Yes, exactly. 02:07:37.93 Will A Nothing Do anyone like that The Grim Square Tail version. The one for people die. 02:07:45.80 Jala After the battle the drifter and yoshi set out for Nicola's mansion and both protaxs face mirror battles against the exact same thing conveniently that was another killer so like there's a killer that dresses and looks similar to the drifter and there's a killer that dresses and looks similar to yoshi and they have to fight each other. 02:07:53.33 Will A Yes. 02:08:05.50 Jala You know I have to fight that these mirror battles where they're moving opposite each other and they're doing a lot of the same things and and whatnot and I feel like Yoshi's was the most boring because a lot of it was just staring at each other and just waiting you know? yeah. 02:08:15.40 Will A 1 slice they did the classic like ch. 02:08:16.57 Moxie! Yeah, yeah I would say this is the one point of the movie that I think's kind of poor is like this section at least me like. 02:08:34.19 Moxie! I Realize this isn't really what makes the movie long but but in my mind this is this scene is what makes the movie a long movie. Yeah. 02:08:41.55 Jala Well because it's very slow right? and it just slows it down to molasses and even in the the scene in the the reds suitits camp. So let me go back to that for just a second I'm going to be recording an episode of nostalgia mccar our conm with Doug about the predator movie right. 02:09:00.40 Jala And there's like that 1 scene in predator where they are attacking the palapa and that is really well shot where you feel like you're in that moment in that scene, you're part of this and all of the guys who are coming in like the the people in the the special forces group or whatever. You feel like they're a part of it. Everything like you're there right? Not so with the red camp redsuit camp you're just out here on the periphery seeing a thing happen over there and it looks like a big mob of stuff right? So you know like that. That's why it's like it's not shot like an action movie. You know it's really not. So. 02:09:36.86 Jala Um, but yeah, like both of them end up winning their fights against their mirror match and then it's time to fight Nicola and number 2 and because number 2 killed Yoshi's uncle Yoshi now has a vendetta against number 2 you number 2 is also the one who stole his cousin and was going to you know, make her into a concubine. So. He definitely wants to kill number 2 he's like I'm going after that guy which of course leaves the drifter to fight and Cole up. So. 02:09:55.70 Will A They got problems. 02:10:02.67 Will A But you know it's go to turn out great I think the drift is going to walk in immediately just put the hands on Nicola there's no way he's going to get hit with an axe immediately. This is not goingnna happen. Ah. 02:10:12.54 Jala That's something that I cannot say I expected to have happen and that and then too Nicola goes over and while he's writhing on the floor because it hits him right in the shoulder like Nicola goes over there and steps on oh my god ooh that that hurts man. 02:10:19.99 Will A Yeah, just with monologuing. Yeah Ep saying definitely not a bad idea. But yeah, walk in I was like okay here we go final boss fight. Oh Wow. Okay. 02:10:27.71 Jala Take his arm out right away. Smart man. 02:10:34.69 Jala Yeah, okay, and then the whole thing the whole thing that the the fight but to between them after he's got the the axe shoved in him is they're talking or actually Nicola is talking Nicola is bored Nicola is telling his story and talking about how. 02:10:46.49 Will A It's monologuing. 02:10:52.76 Jala Man There is I'm so bored and there's always somebody stronger than you and you know, whatever all this other mess Actually ah, it's the drifter who says there's always somebody stronger than you and he's like I heard that from a man before and you know I thought he might have toppled me but he died. 02:11:09.11 Jala And then you find out at the end that that's that was my father you know and then like he manages to take out Nicola and kill him finally but like you know like it's it's a lot of Josh Harnett writhing on the floor in pain and then Nicola stomping around going. Ah. 02:11:10.50 Will A My father. 02:11:25.30 Will A So bored I thought you could be the one but I was mistaken. 02:11:28.77 Jala So bored? Yeah yeah, and like I liked all of the character that they gave to Nicola but I wish there had been more of a fight anyway. But like. 02:11:40.17 Will A Yeah, they were like do we want Ro Ron Pearlman to try to fight Josh Hartni and like we don't know about that when chief because I don't know how long was this compared to um hell boy I wasn't even thinking it about like how far how far away those were because I mean I felt like he did a decent amount of. Fighting and stuff Although of course hell boy just really has the couple of punches here and there and then mostly uses the gun. 02:12:00.41 Moxie! Yeah I feel I feel like that's the problem is like I feel like um the the drifters fighting style and like the the type of. 02:12:15.34 Moxie! I guess like physical presence that Pearlman is use is is really good at are the same thing you know like Proman is a great brawler character like actor and yeah so I feel like it would be tough to have this fight scene just because yeah. 02:12:18.71 Will A Yeah, yeah, just like brawling. 02:12:31.18 Jala Well and that's a thing because Ron Pearlman choose scenery so much. It's like if they were having a hand to hand fistfight thing. You'd be like no this is already this is over before it started which is how it actually ends basically and. 02:12:47.41 Jala And then by a fluke of of Ron Pearlman being so bored he dies. So and yeah, and then like the whole fight with ah yoshi and um killer number 2 they have to go fight in the little garden where there's a little like soccer a tree in in the garden and they have to fight in the garden and. 02:12:53.39 Will A Honestly, it's not paying attention. 02:13:06.65 Jala You know yohi gets sliced on the nose and got the blood because you have to have the sammitai with a cut on the face somewhere and all that mess and you know ends up pinning killer number 2 to the tree and finally like taking him out at the end of the thing but like you know, even that fight like at that fight was more interesting than the Ron Perolman fight although I did like Ron Perlman's 02:13:25.88 Jala Dialogue but like I don't know how they could have done it any differently but also like a lot of the 1 on 1 fights are really just not where it shines it shines when they've got a big group of people and there's like massive undertakings going on so and those scene transitions and things like that. That's where they really are doing a lot better work like. 02:13:45.21 Jala To me. It feels like they ran out of money when they got to the back half of this movie because like if they had been able to do more of the working with the set that the scene itself in the choreographies and stuff they could have done a lot of really neat things visually but you notice they knocked off all the visual tricks at the. 02:14:03.67 Jala Last third of the movie. So I think it was budgetary. But yeah, so anyway at the end everything ends and and finishes out the bartender and momoco go into business together serving sushi and Sae and the drifter finally lights his fucking cigarette and takes a nice big old drag and then. 02:14:05.51 Will A You It sounds about right. 02:14:23.70 Jala He's going to head off for parts unknown after avenging his father he says I can't even find it. He can't even seem to find a sunset to walk off into. 02:14:30.35 Moxie! Yeah I'm I'm a product of a fucked up generation which I feel like that That's to me that is like the the millennial bumper sticker. 02:14:39.75 Jala Yeah, yeah, right, right? And yoshi of course having avenged his uncle and seen his cousin to safety and having also retrieved the medallion is then turning away to go to his village so they both like in front of the new establishment with momoco and the bartender. 02:14:39.92 Will A The Anthem put that on my tombstone. 02:14:58.37 Jala Yoshi goes off in one direction. The drifter goes off in the other and they say see you see you around and then the narrator says tomorrow is a new day. The sun will rise and set again in this endless cycle of life and strife and that's the end of the movie. So. 02:15:14.70 Jala Again, like giving you reminding you again. This is just one tale among many of this kind of thing you're going to hear this tale over and over again because this is an endless cycle of how this happens and plays out. So um, I really wish that they had more money to fund the last third of the movie because like really it's like um everything up until about the point where you like after after the scene with um the uncle passing away like the rest of the movie is not accept exceptional in any way shape or form and it's it's much more standard fair It's not as artsy or creative and I just think they ran out ran out of. Funding or time or whatever. So. 02:15:56.12 Moxie! So we did skip one of my favorite scenes which is the ah ah which is the car chase. 02:16:04.98 Jala Oh yeah, the car chase with a little cuts like the the bartender has the teeny tiny car. Please tell us all about the car chase. 02:16:05.17 Will A Oh yeah, that's true. Yeah yeah. 02:16:12.90 Moxie! So so well the bartender has a fee a classic fiat 500 which is very close to my heart because when I watch this movie I actually had a vat 5 hundreded? um. 02:16:28.94 Moxie! The only thing is ah I have the modern one which is about ah 25% bigger which is relevant there because like you do not understand. There is no way the people in the back seat of that car were at all comfortable like that is it is. Maybe like half again as big as a smart car. Um, but yeah, just I love that. That's another one of the very um, the very video game ah influence scenes in terms of yeah, having the sound effects as they like. 02:16:49.41 Will A Jesus. 02:17:05.13 Moxie! Bounce off off of walls and stuff like that. 02:17:05.82 Jala Well and then it pans to an overhead view where you can see the streets and the little cars going and everything and it does this like kind of Pac man looking thing. Yeah and I think it even has some Pacman sounds and it's really fun. 02:17:19.85 Will A Yeah, sound like some pinball sounds when the other cars got like jammed up behind the train. So yeah, it was very funny. 02:17:25.81 Moxie! Yep. 02:17:26.12 Jala Yeah, and yeah, yeah, so yeah, that's also another really good scene as well. But um. 02:17:31.30 Moxie! And there's there is 1 quote I want to highlight my favorite choir of the movie revenge is an active style for all practical matters. No one is known to come back from the dead after being avenged in the name of justice. Ever. So a man can fight anything but his nature an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth will forever make grammatic better grammatical balance than turning the other cheek. 02:17:56.35 Jala Yeah, the better grammatical balance turning the other cheek is a really good line. Yeah, and I just like and and really when you mentioned the Narrator Moxie like the narrator is so good in this I love. 02:17:57.79 Will A Like that balance. 02:18:08.84 Will A Great. 02:18:10.69 Jala The way that he presents everything the way that his his cadence is because he has these pauses in everything and in the way that he presents it is just great. It's It's very um, evocative and memorable. So. 02:18:26.29 Jala So yeah, um, any other random comments about the movie itself or you want to get into the discussion questions to get on out of here. Cool Great. So ah, how would you describe this movie to somebody else I already we already kind of covered that it's a highly stylized surreal East meets West Adventure story with archetypical characters and plots. 02:18:32.50 Moxie! Ah, sweet. 02:18:32.28 Will A Yeah, but can get into questions. Let's do it. 02:18:46.18 Jala Points that are self-aware. So um, this is meant to be a mashup of stories and styles. So what kind of elements. Do you see in this movie. 02:18:58.30 Will A Yeah, so you mentioned there like but the spaghetti westerns. So we have the westerns there. We definitely have those kind of look you you jimbo you know old style 7 samuraiis kind of setups in that situation. Um, it's funny Moxie when you mentioned the kind of the eastern european side. It's like since I don't have a whole lot of. Context in there but now I'm gonna have to I'm sure watch this for the second time of you know, many going into the future but kind of keep that in the back of my mind or probably go a little little bit more research in the the background of that just so I can have that context for it there too and then we we already talked about the video game since of course that's something near and dear to me, it's like I noticed that the second they were picking up like. Video game sounds in the prison fights and in the the car chases. So you're definitely getting some gamification in there as well. 02:19:41.50 Jala Right? right? And there's also sin city elements ah Scott Pilgrim versus the world which none nobody's mentioned but it's got that element and that kind of feeling to it with the strong color theme and aesthetic sense of a dick Tracy but cranked up cranked up a lot. 02:19:56.77 Jala So it's got all of that. Yeah, it also has a lot of fantastic elements. Um, so like the rolling barrel sound when the drifter is is touching the brim of his hat and the elevator and the Russian roulette and you know all of that stuff like there's a lot of fantastical things that are impractical but cool. 02:20:14.28 Will A Yeah, neat. That's the rule of cool The rule of cool is main supreme for sure. 02:20:15.94 Jala You know that are there for the style. Yep, yeah, yeah, so ah, what is your favorite character and why. 02:20:26.83 Will A Moxie got a favorite. 02:20:28.50 Moxie! Um, well I'm going to I'm go skip over the narrator because we've already talked about that. Um I think probably nickolai. Um I just really like ah. 2 things 1 I like that he brings in in a very silly way some of the kind of shakespearean tragedy energy type of thing I also like I feel like he does a good job of reinforcing the idea of like. 02:21:01.00 Moxie! Hey this is a story that's been told again again because you know he's kind of narrating. It's almost like if you know we're talking about this doesn't need a sequel like if there was going to be a sequel I would want to actually be a prequel that was like Nicola's story 02:21:20.46 Moxie! Feel like you don't really need this because I feel like the whole thrust of his dialogue is relating the fact that like I Oh I already had this story play out in my life and it's almost. Ah. Almost makes it more of a redemption arcaway in terms of like you know all these characters tried to have this story before and the bad guys won. 02:21:48.60 Jala Well and the thing about Nicola is that um he is so bored. He is really just waiting for someone. He's like he when he talks to the drifter in that last scene with him in it. He's like you know I was thinking. Maybe you'd be the 1 that would actually be able to kill me because he's just waiting for death at this point and it's kind of um, it's a different take on like a mob boss or a big big bad or whatever than you ever usually see because usually it's like more ha I'm taken over the world I got all this power right? and they're power drunk but like. 02:22:22.49 Jala Nicole is so world weary he's over it. He is like now I'm in this position and I can't get out of this position and I don't want any of this you know so it's kind of got like that King Koan feeling right? like when koan becomes the king he's like I'm just. 02:22:37.80 Jala Ah, dude I don't really want to rule and be on this throne and now I can't go have adventures and stuff like you know. 02:22:40.71 Will A True true. 02:22:41.98 Moxie! Well and because of that I liked the whole like axe to the shorter thing because like if you were taking this from like an anime villain what they totally do would be like. 02:22:58.17 Moxie! Oh I'm looking for a worthy Challenger so we will now do all on equal terms whereas I like almost some of nickolai's like whole problem in life is that he you know it's like going back to the gambling thing Like. He would probably be happier if he actually played the game of cards but like his whole personality is he can't not play to Win. You know I mean he like he cheat. He's going to cheat because that's his entire world. 02:23:30.85 Jala Yeah, yeah, so like it is ah a deeper character than a lot of people would think when you roll up on this movie for sure. So um and it's kind of similar ish fain like I like the bartender a lot. Ah, he's. 02:23:45.27 Jala Kind of like a batman origin story but instead of becoming like you know the main hero himself. He's just like the dreamer who's serving downtrodden folks and you know, um, trying to hold on to hope so that he can eventually maybe help facilitate someone else. 02:24:03.98 Jala Doing the thing that needs to be done. You know and um, kind of taking the the you know backstage to all of this and like just helping mentor someone and in sherpa them along and getting everything in line to prepare for the day when the hero comes so I like that because. He could have easily turned into the Batman character. You know, even with the limp. It doesn't matter. You know like he could have done the thing himself and he chose not to he chose to you know, take this other path. So. 02:24:31.43 Moxie! 100% 02:24:33.11 Will A Yeah, and then my favorite character I would say is probably killer number 2 is like from the beginning of the movie when I first saw him I was like okay like this is this is cool I love the style you know I I love the the action that this character is kind of bringing to even with the s skizy stuff aside towards the end. 02:24:49.45 Will A Um I Don know I just love seeing one of these kind of cool comma collected characters how he is betrayed at the very beginning and then watchinging them slowly throughout the course of like the film Tv show etc unravel and become more like you know, like unhinged if things aren't going their way and just like watching that facade drop I do love watching the facade drop off of especially like a villain because no. 02:25:09.17 Will A You you watch them slowly start to fall into you know what's going to be their end of course pinned to a tree and so like it reminds me very much of kind of like a you ever seen like Leon the professional when like Gary Oldman's character eventually starts to just unravel was like that classic gif where he's like bring everyone everyone is like you kind of see that in killer 2 where you know he's just. 02:25:29.26 Will A Killing men love his own men back and forth because they're not able to do what he's ultimately not willing to get into the trenches and do himself until the very end of the movie. 02:25:37.75 Jala Right? right? So ah Kevin Mckid who is the guy who plays killer number 2 like I feel like not a lot of people know who that is but like he does such a good job with this character. He was in train spotting kingdom of heaven dog soldiers. Um. 02:25:44.11 Will A It wasn't familiar with. 02:25:52.34 Jala He also was in Gray's anatomy and some a bunch of other stuff like he even was um, a character in brave. Yeah, he was in brave as well. So um, you know he was in a lot of different other stuff but like um, you know he's a good actor. He's solid actor I really enjoyed that. So um. 02:25:55.63 Moxie! Brave. Apparently. 02:26:07.25 Moxie! He also looks a lot different in almost everything else. He's in. 02:26:14.26 Jala Yeah, yeah, so ah, yeah, would you like to see more movies like this. Why or why not. 02:26:19.65 Will A Yeah I definitely would. It's something that once again, just breaks that status quo you know I love my Marvel movies I love my popcorn flicks and you know I like my my tent poles for hollywood but for me whenever I'm watching something like that and I'm enjoying it I'm like okay, cool as long as this pops off and does well. Should hopefully allow the companies. The producers et etc to now take a gamble and do something exciting and fun. So. It's always good whenever you see something like this that's different. You know I love my my Terry Mcgillm ah brazils I like my ah metropolis. So you know? yeah I want something that's a little off the wall off the kilter you know things need. 02:26:56.81 Will A 2 exist like this one so that we can come make great content about it right? and talk for two and a half hours and have a good time about it but also just being able to push that medium forward. Even if it's something that does not take traction unfortunately kind of like how Bo Rock who has right now hopefully somebody will enjoy this. They've grown up watching it and then when they go make their big hollywood movie. 02:27:16.70 Will A They take inspiration from this film and similar to what you were saying Jalla if we can't have guy come here and then redo Bunraku knowing all of his trappings and then make a better version. Maybe somebody can make an improved version of it sometime into the future and that's kind of what my hope is for. 02:27:34.93 Moxie! Yeah I think oh it's gonna say I think for me. Yeah I definitely would um one I'd love to see you know more just you know, ah to you know channel Juliet you know, stylish action movies. Ah. 02:27:51.45 Moxie! But I feel like the 2 things I'd really highlight that I feel like you know to do like old man like they don't make them like they used to um one would be like ah a few weeks ago I saw in theaters for like the anniversary. Um, the mummy. Ah. 02:28:10.96 Moxie! And I feel like Hollywood doesn't really do the kind of adventure action type thing anymore. Ah that I feel like this is and I I wish they'd rediscover that and then the other thing is I hate that it feels like. 02:28:29.23 Moxie! Hollywood has kind of polarized into you've either got like Michael Bay Movies or you've got like Oppenheimer movies. You can't have a movie that's mostly a forefront action movie but like at least has some you know. Artistic elements and like narrative depth and that sort of thing and I'd love to see that come back. 02:28:53.20 Jala Right? right? Yeah so I don't know if I want something in this exact style but I like the the screenplay of this I Like how it was working and I wish I could see more of this kind of thing I looked up what else guy mosh has done. Um. 02:29:09.51 Jala So Holly in 2006 lx 2048 and 2020 and prisoner's daughter. He executive produced so like he's done some other stuff but not a whole lot. Um. Because I was wondering if like maybe he'd done something else and maybe I could go look at that. But there's not a lot out there really to look. Um. 02:29:30.14 Moxie! Yeah I feel the thing that scares me is um, the the other movie that ah this kind of reminds me of in terms of like being by like a smaller more indie director but that I really loved is equilibrium. 02:29:47.19 Moxie! And um, I know if you know if yeah, how much you guys are a fan of but basically from the success of that movie I Forget the director's name but basically got all the money he wanted. To make like right make your your actual vision of like what equilibrium could be and he did and it was ultraviolet which is not a great movie. 02:30:14.33 Moxie! So so like that's the thing where I totally get what you say when you're like oh I'd love to see him remake this but part of me feels like ah. 02:30:22.16 Jala Yeah, right? So so um, my my thing would be like I just want to see more like this this movie feels like an indie game and I like indie games like in the way that it's being so experimental. 02:30:22.90 Will A The stop all your head. 02:30:35.39 Will A I agree. 02:30:36.73 Jala And I love that I would like to see more art house or indie indie feeling stuff and I know that like well you're not going to get it out of big Cinema Jolly you have to go to indie places to find you do things but like you know I would I would still like to see like more variety than just like the the same thing that always gets. 02:30:38.53 Moxie! Yes, Yes, exactly. 02:30:55.60 Jala Pumped out in Hollywood You know so. 02:30:57.42 Moxie! I Mean this is feels like a super weird thing to say but like it almost feels like that's kind of what ah bollywood and what what is the the? ah yes, yes, yeah, yes, yeah. 02:31:07.37 Jala Bollywood Hollywood Hollywood Mollywood All of the others. Yes I I watch so many Indian movies. Yes I I want to? oh. 02:31:09.91 Will A Yeah, ah exactly all the woods. Yeah, you got your RRR's 02:31:13.54 Moxie! But I feel like wait. What is the one with like the 2 bros and like 1 so resistance there and 1 ne's the super cop. 02:31:21.41 Jala Oh you're talking about Vikram Bedha which by the way will you have to watch that movie is fucking amazing the original one not the bollywood one The um toml one I'll send you link. 02:31:26.92 Will A Okay, got you got you. 02:31:30.66 Moxie! But but yeah like I feel like that's a movie that is like a unique kind of indie take on action. That's really really good. Yeah. 02:31:40.32 Jala Yeah, it's Neo Noir it's awesome so yeah um yeah so what aspects of this movie stay with you the most like for me like I I keep on there scenes in quotes that stick in my head the most like and and they just live it there all the time and you know like. 02:31:58.38 Jala Every once in a while. It'll just come up in the surface of my memory and I'll just be like oh yeah, there was that really cool scene and then I want to go back and watch the movie again to see the part or whatever. So um, highlights of of different things like that and then just kind of again like the way that it's It's coming across in this creative fashion when they're telling the story. So. 02:32:18.50 Will A It's definitely gonna be the quotes for me so very quotable. Lots' of goofiness in there I Kind of wish I had more quotables too like I know I got to the end in my notes when they were like to beat the house. You gotta beat the odds and I was like I should hear more of that like why don't I have more of those in the movie. So. 02:32:32.23 Will A I Kind of honestly want I don't wanted to turn too too quippy because I know that would kind of take away from maybe some of the the overall feeling but I do love those little goofy like does this edge look edgy to you and I was like okay I want a little bit more just sprink sprinkle on a little bit more goofiness know the the movie Definitely yeah, appreciates a nice little bit of a hamminess to it so anymore that would be nice. 02:32:51.32 Will A Um, also just the backgrounds where they talked about earlier where you mentioned hey like a lot of it's green screen. They did well. But I think it's really cool. A lot of the backgrounds we talked about the one on one fight that the drifter and Yoshi had I love that rain with the train the background like the big open wall. We talked about the prison section with that kind of. 02:33:09.70 Will A Split in half you know, like bisected dollhouse style. So just every time I'm I'm thinking about the movie itself. A lot of the times I'm picturing the environments where people were fighting in that's it's kind of circle square area where you initially had the fight at the very beginning of the movie and then they bring that back when they have the fight with the circu sole team. So it was cool I like it. 02:33:23.98 Jala Yeah, yeah, yeah for sure and like that's another thing like the way that the movie is shot and the way that they do all of those environments and stuff I would love to see more like that and like the way that they played in they built the scene for the camera that would be so cool if more movies did that kind of a thing. So. 02:33:42.70 Moxie! Yeah, there's a whole thing with if if you read or you know watch any of the like you know Youtube you know essays you know, discussing fight scenes and stuff like that. There's a whole thing where you know modern hollywood is. 02:34:01.40 Moxie! Horrible at um, at shooting fight scenes. Ah partially because shooting good fight scenes is actually takes a lot of time and extra cuts and stuff like that. So it's expensive. 02:34:15.12 Jala Um, yeah, yeah, Jackie Chan jackie cha right right to call over to monster dear monster's recent police story episode. Okay anyway. 02:34:15.85 Will A Then or you do no cuts and you have to hire consummate professionals which I prefer. Yeah, exactly. 02:34:19.32 Moxie! Right? Exactly in fact, like. 02:34:31.30 Moxie! Yeah, so I think I think the thing that stands out with me is you know one everything you guys have said but I think that big one is the body language. Um, you know, just the fact that there's so many just interesting way these characters move. Um. 02:34:48.92 Moxie! You know the most obvious being um I think the um the you know the hats hat thing you mentioned I think the other one though is that's kind of cool. Is. You know if you go back and watch the drifters super speed like. There. There is no, he doesn't move Fast. There's no you know camera tricks or fast forward or anything like that. It's really all just ah body language and ah sound that gives the it the impression that he's moving faster than everyone else. 02:35:23.34 Jala Yeah, yep, yep! So so yeah, we already covered the other stuff that's on here before so I just want to hit up some real quick trivia then we'll get on out of here. So um. The Bunraku theater is a 400 year old form of Japanese Puppet theater we talked about that. Um, but they are four foot tall puppets with highly detailed heads that are operate operated by several puppeteers. It's something that you can still find films of bun naaku theater on Youtube and stuff like there still exist. Films that are made in this style. So um, you can find those um Dave had sent me some links on that I'll shoot it to y'all after the show and put it in the show notes as well. So people can see what that looks like. So um, yeah, the happy birthday mother happy birthday motherfucker thing is from the song the gentle art. Of making enemies by faith. No more and the narrator is the lead singer of faith. No more. So ah, then also the bartender and Alexandra have matching tattoos on their necks. The bartender's right ear and Alexandra's left ear so Alexandra Wears Yin the dark side and then. But bartender wears young. so yeah so um also ah, this was according to Keith Caldder the movie is heavily influenced by the look and style of classic hollywood musicals except that the singing and dancing are replaced with combat sequences. 02:36:35.52 Will A Nice did not notice that. 02:36:53.65 Jala That Evoke Gene Kelly by way of blood sport. Yeah so um and Kevin Mckid did most of the choreographs for his character by himself so he choreographed his own stuff so that's very cool. He trained for about seven weeks and 02:36:55.29 Will A I like it. 02:37:05.71 Moxie! That that's cool. 02:37:08.60 Will A It's very impressive. 02:37:12.25 Jala Ah, he had to pull double duty on the martial arts because he never did martial arts before and also never danced before but then pulled it off with styles. So good job Sir Yeah, and um, yeah, so all of the the drifter and yoshi and the bartender are all men without their signature stuffs. 02:37:19.69 Will A He agreed. 02:37:30.70 Jala Cowboy without a gun samurai without his Katana and a horseman without his horse. So yeah, um, they would eventually of course all get their thing. Ah so like the horse for the bartender would be his getaway car is Piot. So yeah and also the in in which the just. 02:37:47.17 Jala The drifter was staying in was the ok coral which was the ok corral. It's a nod to the ok corral. So that's very cool. So yeah, um, that's all of the fun show notes and stuff I've got there. We've talked the hell out of this movie longer than the movie runs So we've done a good job. Y'all. 02:38:01.33 Will A It actually is I Love it. 02:38:06.40 Jala So um, parting thoughts. This is a fun movie and even though I know that it's a flawed movie I would rather watch an interesting flawed movie than a really good boring same stock standard movie. So um, that's that's where I sit with things I like it when something is is picking at my brain in a new and interesting way I like to see something different. So. 02:38:15.96 Moxie! I Totally agree. 02:38:26.20 Jala Ah, that's where I met with this any parting thoughts y'all? No yeah, sure. 02:38:30.54 Moxie! So I'd like to give ah 1 more movie suggestion if you enjoyed this have either of you guys seen Tai Chi 0 um worth seeing. It's a kung fu movie that is basically. 02:38:38.96 Will A No I don't think I have. 02:38:48.10 Moxie! A heavily heavily fictionalized steampunk retelling of the origin of Young Style Tai Chi which is partially interesting just because like that's like. Not a story that's particularly relevant to retail like it's it happens to be that. But basically it's a Kung fu Movie. Ah, but it has a lot of this energy so to give you an idea. Um virtually every character in the movie. 02:39:24.93 Moxie! Is um is a celebrity from old ku fu movies. So like you know in the in the village. Um, where you know they practice Tai Chi like all of the like 70 year old people are all people that. 02:39:42.21 Moxie! We like Shaw Brothers Martial art stars and whenever they first appear on screen everything stops and a title card comes up that you know says such and such they were the star of whatever or you know, whatever movie they are in. 02:40:00.00 Moxie! Ah, the ah, the other thing that's interesting about Tai Chi zero and its Sel Tai Chi Hero also has one of the weirdest messages. I've ever seen because the the overall message of the movie seems to be that education is bad like it's it's about like the the main villain. 02:40:19.94 Will A All right. 02:40:26.94 Moxie! Is someone that ah like moved to the village as a little kid and because he was an outsider they refused to teach him Tai Chi so he goes back to the west and learns to become an engineer and ah comes back as like hey I wanted to make right by the. Village so like I'm going to you know use my training to like make the village a better place and ever and in the village. It's just an asshole to him and so that's why it becomes very like it's a very weird movie. But anyways that I would recommend that. 02:41:00.61 Jala Um, okay, who all right? we'll we'll stop there. So um, anyway, we're in the world can people find you on the internet if you are to be found anywhere. Will. 02:41:14.16 Will A All right? So you can find us on most of those social media platforms Instagram Twitter and the like. So I believe the Twitter handle is at fngcpod and then on Instagram if you just type in Friday Night Gamecast. You'll be able to find us there as well. So that's where you can check to see when we're dropping things. Um. And latest stuff we'll put some funny memes in a question questionnaires in there as well. So hopefully you check either 1 of those out and give us ah a listen give us a little follow and we'll love hearing from you. 02:41:39.85 Jala Yeah, and like your most recent episode at least of the time we're recording this as the Helldivers 2 one right. 02:41:47.17 Will A Yep, so we just had the Helldivers 2 episode so it was really great. Highly recommend people check that out and I'm thinking by the time this comes out. We'll probably have our next episode out as well. Which is a little bit more of those kind of like list of our games which that one's going to be our worst day one purchases so you can you can you can. 02:41:47.19 Moxie! Um, oh nice. 02:42:02.73 Will A Exactly you get you get to hear all the sadness drain out of us when we talk about things like um anthem and ah the Marvels avengers games sad sad Jason. 02:42:08.32 Jala Oh oh oh ok and Moxie How about you are you able to be found anywhere. Oh I know I can find you on the level podcast dot com. Yeah. 02:42:21.90 Moxie! Yes, yes, normally normally I am hiding like a ninja but ah, but yes, you can find me on the level which is part of the Duckfeed community. 02:42:30.10 Jala Yeah, who and of course you can find me anywhere that I may be found at jalachan in places including jalachan.place where you found this episode and all of the others and since I cannot speak. It is now time to go so until next time take care of yourselves and remember to smile. [Show Outro] Jala Jala-chan's Place is brought to you by Fireheart Media. 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