[Show Intro] Jala Hey, thanks for coming! I'm glad you're here. Come on in! Everyone's out on the patio right now. Looks like a couple of people are in the garden. I can't wait to introduce you! Can I get you anything? [turned away] Hey folks, our new guest is here! [Intro music] 00:00.00 Jala Hello world and welcome to Jala-chan's Place I'm your host Jala Prendes (she/her) and today I am joined by Daniel he him and Miguel (he/him) hi yay we have a returning guest in Daniel who was on the metro fusion episode over this summer of last year at this point. Wow um, and then we have new guest Miguel how are you doing today. Miguel. 00:11.12 Daniel Hello. 00:12.20 Ryzana Hi Jala. 00:26.44 Ryzana Oh good just here you know enjoying the Alaskan winter. 00:30.76 Jala Yeah I didn't know that you lived in Alaska until you told me that you lived in Alaska or actually when we were record where we were scheduling to record this and I was like oh oh you lived there? How cold is it right now. 00:45.74 Ryzana Now right now. It's actually not terrible I think we're in like the high twenty s the snow helps with the you know with the cold a bit. It's just snowy right now. So it's a good time for me to have an excuse of not going out recording this. You know. 00:59.52 Jala Um, yeah, yeah, well, that's that's ah dare I say cool. Ah, ah, yeah, exactly and Daniel has already kind of ah told you and if you already know from the episode title. You Daudnloaded this thing. You know what you're listening to. 01:02.23 Daniel Living in a Tyvian wanderland. 01:15.56 Jala Ah, we are going to be talking about the Dishonored games today. So that'll be super fun. But first Daniel how are you doing. 01:22.66 Daniel I'm doing good guy've you know enjoying the Alabama winters which it's little cold but I I think I have it ah just a bit better than Miguel. 01:35.56 Jala Yeah, yeah, ah 1 of Dave's co-hosts on monster dear monster Matthew lives up in Vermont and he also happens to be a blacksmith and so right before a recording he was. Streaming on Twitch like some of his blacksmithing that he does so he just popped into the forge and was getting stuff going and was explaining stuff and it's really cool. So um, yeah, go check him out at the ugly machine to it anyway. Ah yeah, so on the note. Promoting things I just want to let everybody know we have a Ko-fi for this show and Monster Dear Monster both you can support them by going to ko-fi.com/fireheartmedia and either dropping us a one-time donation or subscribing. And as of the recording of this episode we will have all the new bonus shows and stuff out so you've got Cutting Room Floor and Omakebox and whatever that other one is that I forgot the name of right now that's going to be all the creative stuff but you see it on the feed when you go to the Ko-fi and check it out. So um. There's those things and also you can always rate and review and tell a friend so that's that's all the admin I've got at this top of this episode we are talking about and Dishonored 1 Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider the games only at this point there will be a follow up as episode to this that will have more about the lore we will sit with the world building and just all the stuff that Arkane and other folks made around this. We'll talk media tie ins spoiler the novels suck sorry I've I've been losing my mind ah trying to read those for the show and um. I don't think I can get through them a hundred percent so yeah ah yeah. 03:20.51 Daniel Yeah, that has been an adventure to see the commentary about that. 03:23.46 Ryzana It just just a little peak just a little peak for the audience. Ah in the Discord Jala's comments about the book has been a bit of a stream of conscience about she goes paragraph by paragraph. 03:35.62 Jala Yeah, like losing slowly but surely like degrading into insanity. It's kind of like I have stared into the Void and the Void stared back at me and. 03:46.91 Daniel And then you repeat that line five more times. 03:50.97 Ryzana Um, yeah. 03:51.30 Jala Ah huh yeah, 5 more times with extra extra adjectives and stuff for word padding on on your word counts. You know because you you sold a certain length of a book. Ah anyway, anyway, let us talk about the good stuff. Let us talk about the games where it all began. So ah spoiler policy for this show. Is that ah out of right here at the top we are just going to be talking about generalities. We're going to be talking about the series as a whole we will talk a little bit about mechanics but we will save anything that might potentially be spoilery for after the spoiler wall and that's that so let's get into it and Dishonored is a series of. Action adventure stealth games from a first person perspective developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. Dishonored was the first game developed by Arkane after it was purchased by Zenimax Media I don't know what they made before that. Do you guys know. 04:48.40 Daniel Not offhand though. 04:51.30 Jala Yeah I feel like Dishonored was basically what put Arkane on the map and made everybody pay attention. So ah, the main creators were ah Raphael Colantonio and Harvey Smith so there's those. 05:10.89 Jala The first Dishonored game was released in 2012 Dishonored 2 followed in 2016 and Death of the Outsider which is sort of like half the length of the game. It's more like a very meaty DLC but it was released as a separate um a separate product was in 2017 05:26.40 Ryzana Yeah to me Death of the Outsider. It feels like very more of a meaty epilogue to Dishonored 2. 05:32.50 Daniel Yeah. 05:33.14 Jala Yeah, it does it does. It's it's kind of like um when they released Dishonored 1. They released the the main game then there were the DLCs for that and the DLCs combined are about the same length as Death of the Outsider and those DLCs kind of flesh out stuff that's going on. In the first Dishonored game and Death of the Outsider is kind of like you know the consequences of of stuff that is set in motion actually before the time of Dishonored 2 um and just kind of like wrapping everything up. 06:03.97 Ryzana Yeah I mean we'll get deeper into this past the spoiler wall but I do love that the 2 DLCs for Dishonored 1 run concurrently with the Dishonored story so you can kind of see where oh you saw this happen during playing the game and now playing the DLC is like oh here's why these these events occur. 06:12.24 Jala Yeah. 06:23.40 Jala Absolutely and that's because in the DLC you are playing a different character. You are not playing the main character of Dishonored Corvo Atano you are playing a different character in those. So um, there are some loose ties. 06:23.72 Ryzana In each other's story. 06:39.93 Jala For the Dishonored series in 2021s Deathloop which is a first person shooter by Arkane um, it's like Deathloop is set in essentially like the future of the world of Dishonored right. 06:50.61 Daniel Yeah, that's correct. It's not not taking place in done wall. It's in it on another land essentially but there are plenty of references just mostly small things. A lot of references but the developers have said that. 06:58.29 Ryzana Yeah. 07:06.51 Daniel Yes, it does take place in the future of the world of Dishonored. 07:07.96 Ryzana Yeah, and like the biggest hint is locked away and the endings with an item. It reveals you know. 07:16.70 Jala Yeah, yeah, so it was also leaked in this year um in the fall and then yet again ah before the time of this recording where they they it was just you know, leaked that they are working on a Dishonored 3 and um I don't know what all was leaked out in September it was just a document that was confirming it. But then I saw when I was googling around again just to refresh my memory about what was going on I saw some actual like what looked to be a footage of a game. You know, potentially a trailer or something for Dishonored 3 and I don't know if somebody else made that and they just used it on a video about Dishonored 3 being leaked or what. 07:59.64 Ryzana You know the most I ever saw was that list. It looked like almost like an excel sheet you know of like what's on the docket I'm excited for a third one. Um, this will be more relevant for the second part right for the lo episode but I'm I'm fascinated what they would set a third game in. 08:19.50 Jala Well I'm kind of curious about like what where like? ok so so Dishonored and Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider all kind of like raps real. Well so um, I'm satisfied with the ending as as portrayed in these 3 games. So like I don't know that I I I don't know what they would be doing in Dishonored 3 It's not like they can't do one and that it won't be good. It's just that I'm not sure where the story is going to go from there but we will will. We'll talk more about that after the Spoiler Wall. So um, let's talk a little bit about what what is the narrative of this. 08:55.45 Jala Series of games. So the narrative for the first game is that royal protector Corvo otano is framed for the assassination of empress jessamine Kaldwin. He allies with the loyalists a resistance group fighting to reclaim Dunwall and the Outsider who is a supernatural being who grants him magical powers. In order to restore Kaldwin's daughter Emily to the throne and he receives special Void powers from the Outsider who lives in the Void which is this like otherworldly dimension. Um, where it's also kind of like the the realm of the undead like people who die go to the Void and. Whatever or the Void consumes them. However, you want to phrase that and um. 09:37.65 Ryzana Stick around for part 2 where we'll talk more about the Void and how fascinating that world is. 09:45.98 Jala Ah, yes, yes, yes, you can tell ah Miguel is very excited about ah talking about that one. So um, I'm looking forward to that lore episode as well. I think it's going to be real fun, but ah, yeah, so anyway, put a pin in that Void powers. Cool magical power is coming from an alternate dimension via a godlike being called the Outsider and so um, the Outsider is a guy who controls the fates of mortals and takes an interest in what. Specific mortals. Do he doesn't grant his Mark. That's that's how he gives his powers is via his mark on the back of your hand. He doesn't grant that to just anybody you have to be like real interesting and he has to be interested in what you might potentially do and that's actually kind of ah a sticking point. That's very funny. For um, at least 1 character probably multiple characters. Um, if you dig through all the lore bits in the games where they're like desperate to get the ah Outsider's attention and the Outsider is just like. You know if you really wanted my attention you could start by being more interesting so that's that's ah basically what we have going on in the first game. Um I like the setup I like the story overall of the first Dishonored game. 11:08.52 Jala Better than I like the story of Dishonored 2 or Death of the Outsider. Death of the Outsider is really interesting to me but it like necessitates you having played the first 2 games to really understand what's going on. Um, Dishonored. Is an encapsulated story that has an ending which is satisfactory or potentially not satisfactory depending upon um, how you play because it does have multiple endings but it's also like an interesting story that feels like. Ah, something grounded very much in reality. Even though there's like magical powers and stuff at play and this is obviously a world that is based on our world but not, you know it's not our world. So um I think what's most compelling to me about the narrative of the first game is the fact. That you know these kinds of political machinations and the things that happened throughout the course of the game are things that you see happening throughout history in our world all the time. So um. You know it just feels very real in a way like true to human nature I think is maybe the best way to put it and that's a little bit more compelling to me than what they do in the the second game in particular like narratively speaking. 12:26.81 Daniel Yeah, because a lot of it in particularly in the second game involves a lot more of the magical side of things whereas the first one. It is political machinations. You know dealings on the table corruption that kind that I think even though there are like magical powers that. Have somewhat of a science to them given some of the counters to the Outsider's magic. Um, but yeah, it's just like it's more grounded as you said. 12:56.85 Ryzana Yeah, to me it also is the you can tell like the you know how they say like someone you're you can find a lot of creativity when you're put within restrictions right? like too much freedom of expression leads to kind of wandering and like in Dishonored 1 they're very. 13:15.92 Ryzana Boxed into a specific like I will talk about indep later about how like when we talk about the levels but Dishonored 1 ne's level structure is much more defined because in 2 they really start playing with well what if we put in like little alleyways you can go and there's like a little story here or a little story there. Or a treasure here. You know Um, so it's not as concise like and if you put them separately like both are decent but this r one is like if you play it from the start to the end and it was only that game. You'd be fine with that game. 13:47.90 Jala Yeah, yeah, Dishonored 2 is another one that is predicated upon you having played the first game to understand what's really going on like you can play Dishonored 2 in and of itself and just kind of pick it up but it definitely feels like at the start of that game. It's in the middle of a story. 14:04.31 Ryzana Oh but not but not even just playing the first game. It's it's big thing is predicated on having played the DLC's the widget which is the more it's fascinating that went that route but also just I think to a detriment because. 14:20.82 Ryzana I know for me playing Dishonored 2 when original came out I was like who is this character because I at the time couldn't afford the deal cs of 1 right? So I had never played them so going into it. He's like who is this character. 14:33.22 Jala Um, yeah, yeah, well I will tell you we'll we'll talk more about Delilah Copperspoon ah will we'll all segue into ah Dishonored 2 and what the narrative is there but Delilah Copperspoon I played the DLCss before I played to and. 14:52.30 Jala She's slippery slip slid way out of my head and I still like I was in the middle of playing Dishonored 2 and I kept on asking both of' like what is the purpose of this. What is even going on like not because I couldn't follow the narrative but just like she's the teflon villain for me. Um. I Just ah, nothing about her sticks or seems interesting and that's unfortunate because they put a lot of energy and time into her. 15:15.72 Ryzana Yeah, yeah, has as like we'll talk about like the big bads throughout the series because the way it. Yeah if you've played any of these kind of ah yeah day sex like games. Yeah, every mission ends with so ahchieving. Ah, a. 15:33.48 Ryzana Objective especially in this, we'll talk about like you know the assassinations right? Um have the big bads between both games. She's still the most yet like you said teflon like almost the most trophy of the characters. 15:49.40 Daniel Yeah, it doesn't help that all of her ah lieutenants I guess he calm or allies are for the most part more interesting and I I don't want to go more into that because of spoiler wall reasons. 16:02.57 Jala Yeah, we'll we'll get to that. But so in Dishonored 2 the witch delilah Copperspoon who claims to be jesamine that's that's ah the empress that was killed in the first game. Jessamine's older halfister and the successor to the throne topples. Emily's rule Emily being the daughter that you saved in the first game. So the player who assumes control of either Corvo which is you know the the main guy in the first game or Emily who is now of age. She's like 25 ish by the time this happens visits Karnaka in search of clues behind. Delilah's source of power and attempts to reclaim Emily's throne so both Corvo and Emily have Void powers in the second game from the Outsider but they manifest in different ways and ah you find out if you played the Dishonored 1 DLC. Basically everybody has you know like slightly different. Renditions of the powers and then like if you play Death of the Outsider. It's a little bit different I think um and Dishonored 1 the powers in the DLC are pretty close to Corvos aren't they. 17:10.58 Daniel Yes, they are. There's one maybe I think there's a second one you get in the second DLC that ah Corvo doesn't have but for the most part they share a lot of powers and there there's like some. Explanation for that which again don't want to get into yet. 17:26.14 Jala Yeah, yeah, but yeah, so that kind of like goes to show that by the time they were working on Dishonored 2. They're like what else can we do to make. You know, interesting new things happen. Well let's do a little bit of gameplay quirks by changing how these Void powers work for either 1 of these 2 characters that you decide to play. So. 17:46.84 Ryzana Yeah, when we get to it like Emily's powers like the way they manifest are fascinating to me compared to like corbos right. 17:55.80 Jala Yeah, yeah, and to wrap it all out because it's very very short of a summary. Ah the spoiler free summary of Death of the Outsider which is the ah short little minisode that follows Dishonored 2. Is that Assassin Billy Lurk Seeks Assassin Daudd as they set out to eliminate the Outsider so they are trying to go kill the godlike figure that has given everybody powers. Ah yeah. 18:26.14 Ryzana Congrats. It's become a final fany game. We're going to kill God Yeah yeah. 18:30.19 Jala Well I mean like it's right there in the name Death of the Outsider I mean she you know that's what that game is about the end I mean yeah so um, yeah, right at the top though. Um. 18:33.62 Daniel Literally gives way the game. 18:43.81 Jala I also wanted to mention when it comes to just you know the narrative elements and stuff the way that the individual missions wrap a lot of times for me. They seem more consistently hits for Dishonored 1 than they do in Dishonored 2 ah, in Dishonored 2. There's some really really high points to the gameplay and the way things wrap up for certain of the the different you know, um resolutions to the missions. But then other ones are just kind of forgettable and I've I've like went through half the level before I remembered. The level even though I played through for hours and hour hours and hour hours and hours on this game. So um, yeah I I found that Dishonored 1 kind of was more consistent overall even if I found that Dishonored 2 has some really neat stuff in it. Really really neat stuff. But like it feels more like a roller coaster where Dishonored is more like level ground. You know like it's consistently very good throughout Dishonored 2 kind of goes all over the place and different directions in my opinion and that's not to say that I don't like it I I love Dishonored 2 and for the longest time I thought that was my favorite game. Ah, but when I replayed all of them again. I'm like you know I think Dishonored 1 is more cohesive. So what about y'all. 20:06.82 Daniel Um, I think an app comparison given what you said is that Dishonored 1 is most like the first 2 thief games which ah this is Dishonored. Ah owes a lot to thief and looking glass games that kind of thing the first 2 thief games. All. 20:22.37 Daniel 2 has more of a feeling of the third one which was developed after looking glass was ah done with I believe ion storm put that one out. 20:28.72 Jala Yeah, that's a good comparison. 20:34.76 Ryzana Yeah, like to me I think just because ah the way I play games I Think as a concise kind of mechanical game I think Dishonored 1 is much better at what it's doing than two does. But boy do I enjoy being in. 20:51.72 Ryzana The world of 2 just the just like I could forget the mission. But if just let me walk through the streets of you know we'll get to it to the streets of you know Karnaka just these different biomes I think are much more fascinating than. 21:07.17 Ryzana What we see in one which is you know again, it was their real stepping their toes into the water right? as this new studio. Um, but it's a lot of you know, concrete building cityscapes like we'll get to it like but the mansion level is a big standout right. 21:20.23 Jala Um, yeah, yeah, so and the thing is is that in Dishonored 1. It takes place in Dunwall which is based on like a mixture of I believe it's Edinburgh and London isn't it. Where um, they're they're basing it on that and all of the people in the game the artwork for all of those characters that show up are based on like prison photos from australian convicts if I'm not mistaken I had to double check on the notes. But. I think that's where they had gotten all of that from and that's what they were basing. That's what they were referencing and so like they're trying to make this world really grimy and bleak and Dishonored 1 feels very unified and of a piece when it comes to the theming and the way that the narrative comes together. And all of that in a way that like Dishonored 2 is kind of like the the the world is fun to look at and to explore and all of that and it's not like it isn't in 1 but in 2 it's a brighter. It's got more more color to it. You know. But that's kind of like a shiny veneer over the corruption and the stuff like that that you uncover during the course of that game and actually thinking on it that makes a lot of sense because the the main focus for that game is on Emily and she is. 22:49.49 Jala Hopeful. She is the new empress. She has not been out there on those city streets the same way that Corvo has coming up from you know, nothing and so like she is also very hopeful and you know very bright and yeah and youthful. And brings that kind of energy. So the the design and the world of Dishonored 2 mirrors emily better and the Dishonored 1 mirrors Corvo better. 23:20.66 Ryzana Yeah, yeah, something also comes to mind is something we'll learn once we're past a spoiler wall about Emily but she loves her venture stories. So she lives she does live a bit in her head of this fantasy life that wearing the crown denies her and. 23:39.65 Ryzana I think you're right like 2 is sort of it's this veneer that slowly gets peeled away like it would be for her finally seeing the world for what it is and not what she dreams it could be. 23:50.51 Jala Yeah, and you know thinking on it now that I'm I'm thinking in this line of thought here um Death of the Outsider and the way that that world you know how how the the settings are so varied in Death of the Outsider. That also kind of really speaks to the character that you play in that Billy lurk. Um, that speaks to her experiences and her life and how it's been. You know had very many different incarnations. So um, that's really cool. I hadn't thought about that before but like the way that they designed the world for each of these different installments really kind of mirrors. The mentality of the people that you play which is very cool. So ah, that's a great segue though into the visuals. So let's talk art. 24:38.80 Jala So ah, the art leads on this project were Sebastian Mitten and Viktor Antonov and the overall setting takes from victorian architecture and fashion mixed with steampunk elements as well as love craftian stylization. We already mentioned that the world is grimy and bleak and wicked. There is nothing appealing about living in Dunwall ah, the food is primarily disgusting tins of whale meat and rotten and fruit and vegetables for the most part unless you happen to be at um, Lady Boyle's party which we'll get to after the spoiler wall but most everything is rotting or. You know in tin cans and stuff in Dishonored 1 that you get better fair to consume when you play in Dishonored two and kind of a mixed bag when you get to death at the Outsider. But ah the city. Yeah in Dunwall is beset with plague and rats. 25:21.99 Daniel Substances. 25:34.71 Jala And there is decay and there are weepers which are infected plague victims roaming around in addition to military style lockDaudns with the the Royal guard because the empress has been assassinated and they are looking for the assassin. Ah, So there's also gangs on the streets. So like the place is not safe. Dunwall is really um, dark and Moody and gray and rough. What do you? all? think about Dunwall. 26:05.69 Daniel I Mean it's it's It's very much like said Victorian kind of intrigue. Ah you know noble houses that are you know corrupt to the gills. You know there is a plague going on as well at the same time which also. Probably also adds to like the difference between you know the the grime of one to the kind of the bright cheery colors of 2. 26:29.36 Jala Yeah. 26:32.65 Ryzana Yeah, um, you look at it too. It's like it's very much invoking that age of industrialism right? like especially but that you mentioned the cities in in the u k that this is based on. It's like you go to the poor area. What is represents the poor areas of this of the city. It's like. Ah, this brutalist concrete manufacturing you know districts and when you get to the like the nobles like the you know Boyles Party it's like veneered wood. Ah everything is dressed in gold and finery right like marble floors. 27:04.82 Ryzana Um, the streets are cobbled rather than just this paved concrete. So it's like just even the just sitting there looking at it. You can tell how they've you know show that the the duality of living in the city but where we're living in any industrial age city right? just. 27:24.19 Ryzana Those who have less and those who have more. 27:24.40 Jala Yeah, and the mood for the visuals for at least Dishonored 1 were partly inspired by the artists. Ah such as John Atkinson grimshaw canal Leto and Gustav Dor Rey which Gustav do rey especially like I'm very familiar with that particular artist and that work that's that that's the guy who illustrated several different things but also illustrated paradise lost like 1 of the various versions of paradise lost so a lot of black and white. Emphasis on lighting very dark. You know, kind of ah so you know starchy kind of stuff but like ah very detailed and breathtaking but also just very very focused on the lighting and that's something that you notice throughout Dishonored any of the games is the lighting. Is really very good. Yeah, so this world also includes cthuoid space whales got to love them whales with their weird little tentacly faces and yeah, anyway, ah the whales are things that the people depend on. 28:19.51 Daniel Yes. 28:25.52 Ryzana Love those whales. 28:36.30 Jala And they eat them and they use the whale oil to power their machinery and all kinds of stuff. This machinery also includes stuff like alarm systems, sentry towers and other mechanisms that we'll talk about when we get to the gameplay section. But um, we also kind of talked about in the green room. How the whale oil is toxic. It is a toxic substance and they have to wear gas masks and stuff like that. Um a lot of the assassin characters that you come across in Dishonored 1. They're from a gang called the whalers and they have on a whalers outfit. So they're covered kind of like a plague doctor with a mask and everything gas mask and stuff so it's like world war 1 slash plague doctory kind of look. 29:24.80 Ryzana Yeah, and I mean again, you go back to the the inspiration right? like you think of people who worked in coal Mines steel factors right? It's It's not Good. There's fumes everywhere right? Um, add in probably like the plague. Who wasn't getting sick especially in this type and era right. 29:41.31 Jala Um, yeah, yeah, so what do you all? think about the space whales. 29:46.90 Daniel It is weird because you hear whales you think oh whales. But then you like it to I Believe it's a book that talks about doing a dissection one of this like oh yes and here are the tentacles and mouths like weight what and the fact that like. 30:05.70 Daniel You know their oil is like essentially a battery more or less which it's It's a bit odd and there are there are like ah there are some things with the whales again that don't want to talk about this pre Spoiler wall. Ah. 30:21.10 Daniel But there were definitely some theories about what the whales were within the world. Ah, whether that still holds up or not with the because this was particularly when only one was the only game out but ah, there were some theories on like exactly what the whales were. 30:36.10 Ryzana Yet I was Goingnna mention is like also we have a lot even in the first one we have different views on like what the whales represent like religiously right between the we'll find out there's ah you know a state church compared to the more. 30:52.82 Ryzana Want to say Pagan kind of religions that the that we'll talk about in the DLC. But ah, you know more naturalist view right. 31:03.23 Daniel Yeah, it was. There was a kind kind of a shout out to like thief where there was kind of that ah a a technology versus nature kind of thing going on with 2 factions in there as well. 31:17.96 Jala And something that I like is the fact that you get to encounter the whales but you don't ever get to encounter them. Um, when they're free out in the wild. Ah you you come across dead ones you come across ah dying ones. 31:34.33 Jala And then like ah there is a part in 1 of the sections of the DLC where you get to go into a whale butchery. So ah, that is very exciting and fun. Ah, the wild thing to me is that in the initial planning of this game. They ended up. Setting it in like that the original like plan they had it set in Medieval Japan and that's just wild to me because like I mean like if they were just using the elements of stealth and planning like the general broad strokes. I guess you could put it in anywhere you want but like this game to me is is so much about the world that they ended up developing and Japan's not part of that you know. 32:19.34 Daniel Yeah I think they said the reason they decide not to go to Japan is because they just didn't know enough about Japan to like do it? well. 32:27.74 Jala And you know like I actually think it's better for it. I like the setting that they came up with for Dishonored and it works really well with some of the artistic references they were drawing from and some of the other things that they're doing with it. And the way that they turned it into like the whole broader Dishonored world. They turned that into um basically like oh well this is a certain period of european history during the industrial era and then these areas of the world are still kind of. Largely unknown and so they're just like like pandysia the dark continent we don't really know much about that. You know that's a wild place over there. They haven't really explored everywhere yet and um, you know like they're they're innovating and in. Traveling and stuff like that. But everything is still kind of segmented like all of the different countries and stuff they have relations and you can get to and from but not within any 1 particular game. You know. 33:29.30 Daniel Yeah, absolutely and it is kind of like given this is an american company this this ah era and location kind of reflects what you kind of get a general sense of in like a history class in the us. So like that that kind of. I think that kind of also plays into like why they would have selected a Victorian England type setting. 33:55.32 Jala Right? right? because it's gonna draw people in more if they are kind of familiar with you know, um, the area that the thing is from you know, like if they're if they if they know stuff about the culture more or less that. This game is based on then they are more invested in seeing what's going on with this story because it's familiar to them. There are people like me who also really like oh give me something 100% new but at the same time like I feel like it's ah much more solid for having been based in actual. Places and history. You know so. 34:33.21 Daniel Yeah, absolutely. 34:35.22 Ryzana Yeah, yeah, and you have that flavor of the age of imperialism right? exploring new lands. It's um, even you know even with its kind of rough history, especially you know, kind of people looking back on it now and that discourse going on. Um. 34:51.87 Ryzana Everybody kind of has in their mind. What that era is like you know of sailors going off to sea for months and years to come back with treasures from a new land right. 35:02.61 Jala Um, my favorite treasure is Bertie the bird but we will talk about bertie later. Ah. 35:08.74 Ryzana Boy What? what? Um, it is a fascinating model to look at. 35:11.35 Jala Well not only that. But there's like actual lore text in there too that you can learn about as well which is very cool. Yes, there is I Love Birdie Anyway, Okay so these games are well rendered, but everybody has these cartoonishly exaggerated features. 35:18.35 Ryzana There's a whole entry on birdie of the bird people. 35:30.80 Jala And like and larger than life hands and like you know they're they're like a little bit more warped but at the same time they look you know, convincing enough like I guess like they they you can tell that they are caricatures. And that they are a little bit cartoonish but they're not cartoonish in a way that looks slapstick. It just makes them ugly. It makes everybody ugly which suits this game very well as well as the narrative of this game. So. 36:03.18 Daniel Yeah, there some of the designs like particularly unlike some of the guards are almost um I Guess the closest term is Simian like almost Likerilla like in the way they're built. 36:11.28 Jala Um, yeah, yeah, absolutely and I think that there was I I think I read something about like what they were modeling the walk cycles off of but you're not wrong there like they actually were using I think they were using some animal. Walking patterns. Ah and and like features and stuff in some of the modeling when they were working on it. Not like one hundred percent but just a little hint of it. You know? Um, but also the fact that they look cartoonish and they're not trying to render it 100% realistically means that this game has aged pretty well like I go back and I go into this game and I still go in the game and I'm still appreciating the look of this game and this is a you know 11 year old game at this point. 36:59.25 Ryzana No yeah, no like that was one thing I wanted to mention is like you go because we replayed these games for this episode going back playing you know, ah disarm 1 which released what was it two thousand and twenty twelve cheese um yeah it's like. 37:07.66 Jala 2012 37:10.44 Daniel Over 10 years wow 37:16.50 Ryzana You look at it's like are there rough spots because of its age sure. But overall it's still great to look at nobody. It's not like you go back to say you know some of the hyper realistic ones from that same era right? like go see gears of War Maybe probably the same vintage and. 37:33.46 Jala Um, you could even go to resin evil 6 which I played a million hours of and you know like that's 2014 and that 1 looks rougher than Dishonored does. 37:44.49 Ryzana Yeah, like it that choice of like caricature of making them kind of almost spaghetti limb is I know how is it like they've got big clubbed hands and feet. Um. 37:57.56 Ryzana Exaggeration on some of the features like chins and noses right? like um ah it gives it a kind of just a place where it will it look old eventually sure but you you its style won't have aged out I think it's the same thing people would make for like cell shading you know. 38:16.15 Ryzana Um, like I think you could do like the first borderlands is still. It still looks rough, but it hasn't aged terribly because they did that kind of art style. You know. 38:25.44 Jala Yeah, yeah, so ah, yeah, so the endgame characters were inspired by illustrations from adventure and pirate stories such as captain blood from 1922 the works of Charles Dana Dana Gibson and Mugshots like I mentioned from edwardian. London and Australia so ah, each of the classes of citizens are given a posture animation and so on to express their class and emotions. So oh yeah, yeah here it goes in my notes. The city guards have small heads. Low shoulders and big hands with animations that blend human and monkey movements. There. It is yeah I found that in my notes. Yeah I knew I remembered the thing. So yeah. 39:04.64 Daniel Okay, yeah, makes a lot of sense. 39:12.93 Ryzana Do do you know? do you know what remind when I kept looking at the regular like you know the stock guard model What it reminded me of um so what is it soldier from T F two that big big Chin low helmet. Just just. 39:28.36 Ryzana Big chest puffed out you know, big shoulders. 39:29.47 Jala Yeah, absolutely. So do you guys have anything further to add on the visuals or do you want to move on to sound. 39:36.72 Ryzana I Got to say I Love the design of the uniforms of so many some of these characters Corvos his like when you look at his model I think the empress has the Wonkiestt kind of outfit for like a regal design just the highest collar in the game I think. 39:49.30 Jala Yeah, for sure I know like that that Caller cannot be any more seventy s so. 39:49.88 Daniel Since the sister. Yeah. 39:59.44 Ryzana Ah, yeah, but I just love that Even the choice of outfits like you can tell who's a noble even if they reuse bottles like the way they decorate them compared to the military officers right? I I mean and we'll talk about Sokal Love's outfit. 40:14.44 Ryzana Boy is he a character. 40:16.32 Daniel Ah, oh boy. 40:16.59 Jala Um, yes, yeah, and Daniel did you have anything further about the art of okay, cool rock on. So for the sound the composer of the music for this series is Daniel licked. 40:23.80 Daniel No I think we've touched upon all that. 40:34.10 Jala Liked I don't know how that's pronounced. Um it is ambient and violin heavy meaning to evoke the feeling of Nineteenth century London in the first game in particular. So ah, he describes the music as an evil fog that fades in and out of the game without being scripted to do so. As if to warn of constant danger and I will say like the music does really slip in and out on the first game. Absolutely like I'm not really conscious of of what it's doing It's not like ah when you play a whole hell of a lot of elder scrolls. Especially if you played marwind and like you've have 30 minutes of soundtrack for marwind that plays for 7000000000 hours however long it takes you to get to balmora because you're walking forever to get there. Um, but anyway yeah, and the composer wrote the end theme honor for all. Ah for for Dishonored 1. 41:30.69 Jala With his nephew John who also provided the vocals and 1 of the promos for the first game included the drunken whaler a rendition of the drunken sailor sea shanty which is pretty cool. You can also read the text for the drunken whaler. As well. It pops up in one of the lore notes you can find in the game. Um, yeah, yeah for sure. But yeah and when I finished Death of the Outsider. Ah the very very end of it said that it was. 41:50.69 Ryzana On Youtube you can find a real creepy girl version of it too. 42:06.62 Jala You know in memory of the composer. So I suppose he passed away sometime I don't know where I guess during the period of time when they were working on Death of the Outsider since that was the one that was dedicated to him so but the music is very good and very cool. Sound design-wise um I always like playing any stealth game of course or survival horror game or whatever with headphones on I like headphones because you know, ah the locations of things is important when you play Stealth or horror I mean like when you play anything but especially in Stealth and horror situations. And my opinion How did you guys play speakers sound off. 42:48.99 Daniel Just regular speakers just through the Tv that it's just that that's fine by me and like most you know I mostly just keep the subtitles long. It's like oh I can like just barely I could because I can just barely hear the conversation I get the full subtitles. 43:06.94 Daniel You know, depending on where I'm at and where I'm hiding so that that makes it a lot better for me. 43:11.70 Jala Though. Yeah I always put on the subtitles Anytime there's an option. 43:13.11 Ryzana Yeah, yeah, same speakers. Um I'm never really comfortable wearing the headphones within playing a game. Um I think for me the I don't know about you guys, but the sound of when you get spotted that. Thrill kind of like just string chord is probably the most iconic sound out of the series for me. 43:39.38 Jala And every time that I hear that it's like oh there's a fifty fifty chance I'm going to be reloading in a second just just because at least when I first when I first played Dishonored 1. So so let me say this. Ah my gameplay experience which we're going to be sliding into here next. 43:57.22 Jala My gameplay experience what Dishonored is that I I went into Dishonored never having really played a stealth game as a stealth game anyway, even if I was trying you know trying to play a stealth game I was never playing it as a stealth game. Um, but I did try to stealth and Dishonored especially because like the very very first. Level which we'll talk about after the Spoiler Wall involves a lot of like requisite stealthing and I bounced off of it a lot and I eventually learned how to play it but the first time I played through the game. It was very hard for me because I wasn't accustomed to playing a game like this. So um, by the time I came back to replay it for this show. It was a totally different experience and I was like oh this is really fun like I I played so many hours of Dishonored before now. Ah that when I went back to replay it for the show I was like oh this is. You know it can be challenging but it's really fun and it's not nearly as challenging as I remembered it being because ah like I learned how to play the game by the game's rules if you will so. 45:07.50 Daniel Yeah, because yeah, the first the first level just you don't you don't have any like of the tools or the powers that you will. You'll have later on it is just like your only verb is like you can either kill or you can choke people out and even then the. If you're doing non-lehal you have to stealth there is there is no no way to get non-lethal if you've got everybody chasing after you essentially. 45:36.72 Ryzana Yeah, and at that first level you're also at the weakest overall. So so even doing even if you're not caring about doing. We'll get into it like literally right next about you know the is it really the morality system the low low and high chaos system they and put into here. 45:55.57 Ryzana But it's like if you're not paying attention to that Really like even doing the lethal path like combat becomes a thing where you're just overwhelmed by numbers. 46:02.72 Daniel Yes. 46:04.30 Jala I Yeah yeah and that's something that I do want to mention like well what we are now officially moved into the gameplay section were just talk about it now. Um, so one thing I Want to say that I really love about Dishonored is the fact that there are not bosses. 46:19.64 Jala Like there. There are bigger bads that you have to fight against sure but like they really don't play like ah, any other boss battle I've ever played. You know? Ah,, There's not really bosses. The levels are the bosses you getting found out and then having a swarm of guards. On your tail and you either having to lose them or blow everybody up or whatever you're doing that is your challenge that is where the difficulty spike is. It's in the getting to where you're going. You know more than it is the resolution of whatever is going on in that. Particular Mission. So What do you think. 46:58.47 Daniel I mean yeah that that's case there are there are like very few that a few targets here and there that could be considered a boss so to speak of that your main targets the ones that advance the story for the most part. They go Daudn with a single sneak attack pretty much all of them with 1 or 2 exceptions. Ah, but yeah, they're they're just as vulnerable as your average guard for the most part which makes it yeah all ah I think that makes it better because. The times where where there are those exceptions it gets a little frustrating. It's like oh I didn't even know they have this like insurance against that it's like okay, whatever I'll adapt or reload as the case were. 47:47.65 Jala yeah yeah I I like it because Corvo as well when you start playing this game. You are just as squishy as anybody else and everybody else that you fight against is also squishy like you eventually get your cool powers and then you level those powers up and that gives you an edge. Um. But there's also an achievement for going through the game and not using any powers. So ah, that choice is up to you whether or not you decide to take the powers and whether or not you use the powers throughout the game and I could see myself going through this game again and not using the powers and seeing how that turns out. Not as my first run because I'm not that guy but but as a subsequent run when I'm kind of more familiar with everything and you know I've already done some of the other stuff as a kind of you know self- challenge rather than play like on a higher difficulty or whatever I would just. 48:40.56 Jala Play through again without using powers and see how that goes so. 48:42.83 Ryzana Now and you can tell that it was a popular way to play because you know going to design to they it becomes part of the gameplay like you get a choice near the start of do you get? Do you choose to accept the gifts or you can play. What do they call it like iron man mode. Essentially. 48:58.27 Daniel Of flesh and steel I think. 49:00.21 Jala Yeah. 49:02.29 Ryzana Flesh and yeah, essentially played the game but with none of the Void powers which tells you kind of like you know the community enjoyed the challenge of what if I'm just a regular person with no, you know, no superpowers. 49:15.95 Jala Yeah, and we'll talk about it a little bit more but that the the powers and the combined with the high chaos low chaos scheme which we will ah elaborate on here briefly those things. Kind of a sticking point when it comes to people getting into Dishonored and things that they have problems with with this. So ah, let me go ahead and cover a little bit of the overview of the gameplay and then we'll talk about it a little bit more. Dishonored is described as a series of immersive sims in which players navigate levels and select their path as well as their means of neutralizing their targets. You have the freedom to move around anywhere and the Void powers can take yeah anywhere that the Void powers can take you if you are. Ah, using the Void powers and the game rewards exploration with treasures and lore and there's always just like new and interesting things to see on all of the different areas of the map that you go to and that right there is something that. I absolutely adore about the series and I wish more games would reward exploration the way that Dishonored does I started playing some more of resin evil for remake which I had to rush through earlier in the year 50:35.93 Jala Um, because I was recording podcast on it. So I didn't get to take my usual 7000000 hours in so I wanted to go back in and I started to play through a level and I love that game but I was like wow there's really nothing to see other than the main path and like there. There might be a thing here or there but it's not. The level of care and you know fleshing out of the world and making it feel like a living breathing place that Dishonored does and that was kind of like a shock because I spent how many hours you know like 50 hours or whatever playing Dishonored over again for this podcast episode. And then as soon as I load up something else I'm like whoa I just I just came out of a world where everything is just so rich and vivid you know. 51:23.37 Ryzana You know you can tell that they built the levels with the powers in mind you know, but but at the same time There is a way to get around even if you don't take the powers like you can go through the streets and everything. But of course they knew what gamers are going to do the moment that you get a power to teleport distances is. 51:41.30 Jala Um, yes, absolutely I am I am all about skyrimminate I am I'm going to try to get up to the highest heights and the lowest lows I want to get into everywhere I am the person who likes to explore So ah when I went through this game. 51:41.70 Ryzana Can I get onto the roofs. 51:59.50 Jala Very first time the reason why it took me double the time that it took everybody else to play is because I went through the level one way and then I turned around before I I proceeded to the next section of the map and then I explored the other half of the map that I didn't get to yet. So like I went in one way. And then I backtracked through the other route that I didn't take and I also took Daudn systematically either killed or you know non-lethal took Daudn everybody in the level and put them into one pile somewhere in the level every level. So I have yes yes and that was me I that was that was how I played this game but like I took so much joy because exploration and traversal if you make that fun I will love your game I will love your game. 52:36.19 Daniel It's a giant pile of bodies in the town square. 52:53.77 Jala I Will love your game and that's that's that's what I like the most about Dishonored above all else. Although the world building and the lore stuff is right up there I Still I Just love the traversal I Love the exploration. I Love how they reward you with that lore and that world building and all of this other stuff and everything feels like it's living and breathing. You know. 53:17.50 Ryzana Yeah, and we see that more in Dishonored 2 where like does the sort of I want to say the pacing of the plot kind of suffer from it but boy does them expanding the sizes of their maps and like the confidence to really fill it out with more things you can feel it like. 53:36.32 Ryzana They took the lessons they learned from one and we're like well what if we just put Daudn an alley that if a player decides to go. There's a little story. We'll reward them with maybe ah yeah, some extra cash for something or ah, you know the well charms that kind of things right? Um. We're just over here a conversation that the you know what is at the core of an immersive sim right? The whole if I decide to poke Daudn an alley is there content. 54:03.78 Jala Yeah, well and then also it just there's always other stories going on within the world around you that don't involve you that maybe you do and maybe you do not ever hear the resolution to you know you you see letters from. 54:22.89 Jala From people to other people and sometimes you come across like the the person the letter was addressed to or from you know and then other times you'll come across. You know, like the sad ending that this one couple had or this that or the other as you're going around and and just doing your thing. If you poke around you get to see like these just narratives play out. You know some of which are resolved some of which aren't but that's very realistic. You know like that that feels like it's a living breathing place and you know I love that so much. I will say that if you're talking just like I love to I love to explore and Dishonored Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider I will systematically explore all of them I love the fact that you can go as many places as you can and Dishonored 2 but that does as you mentioned Miguel. Ah, make it to where it's like it can be daunting and it can detract from like the the focus of the narrative like I never forgot when I was exploring in 1 what was going on even if I backtracked through the other routes but in Dishonored 2. I would sometimes get so lost in the level and keep exploring and keep finding stuff and just keep looking around and then forget totally what in the world I was doing in the first place be like I I have no idea what this mission is about to have to go look up on the internet because I don't remember what the story is because. 55:48.61 Jala Been spending way too much time just looking around. So um, that that is a little bit to the detriment of the narrative poll like the urgency of the mission if you will. But um, if you like exploring though. That is there for you. You do? It's It's ah at your own discretion. So like just because it's there doesn't mean you have to engage it So You know your playthrough can be making a bee line for the point on the Map. You know. 56:13.91 Ryzana Yeah, the the game isn't coy with you. It tells you exactly like this is the mandatory stuff right? Um, everything else is to your leisure how you want to go about it like these are your big like even um, when you. 56:28.64 Ryzana Exit port because the levels are sometimes sectioned off right? Like oh you got to load into a new area like the game will tell you is like you know are you sure you want to move on. 56:37.70 Jala Yeah, yeah, So um, we talked about it a little bit already but you can also choose whether or not you want to kill everybody in the level or non-lethal everybody you can non-lethal your. You know, ah targets for each of the missions as well and you can actually play the entire game ghost where you're not even detected but that's super hard um to to go through the entire game that way. Um. But the the freedom of choice about whether or not you kill people manifests itself in this gauge that you can't see that meters out how much chaos you are creating in the world. So for example in Dishonored 1. There is the Rat plague going on. So if you start killing a whole bunch of people that's going to be something that'll feed the rats which means there's going to be more rats which means that they're going to be in greater and greater swarms and there's going to be um, you know like more more attacking critters in the level. That you know also like have an effect on the world itself and makes everything darker and grittier and harder for you as you go and it makes the game harder if you kill everybody um and a lot of people that I know really hated the fact that the. 58:05.92 Jala Powers that you have that are fun to use are kind of gated by the fact that like you can like you have a couple of traversal skills and like you know, shaDaud walking and things like that you know so you can't be seen as well. But then you also have a lot of skills that are primarily for. Killing people or you know ensourceling people and things like that and you know you can't really use those and use all the 50000000 different types of grenades if you want to have a low chaos playthrough that has the quote unquote happy ending. You know if you play a high chaos run. Everything gets worse. But of course you know, narratively speaking. This makes a lot of sense because of course it's going to be worse. You just murdered half the city in your your um you know quest to to get Emily back right? in this first game and you know like the the. Natural conclusion to that is that yes it would become harder for you to as you continued on because there would be more rats and you know yes the world would be a darker place if you started murdering half of Dunwall you know. Ah, like from a narrative standpoint that makes sense but it can be a drawback to gameplay if you are not invested in that stealth part. 59:22.96 Daniel Yeah, and like this in particular, it's in 1 where like really plays in whichly plays into you like here's all these interesting toys 90% of them. You're not going to use if you're going non-lethal because there are no like alternatives in. The DLC for one and to a small extent and 2 to a greater extent. They do have like non-lethal variations of a lot of the ah various ah like grenades and shots and all that you can use um, but like 1 in particular as like it's like. You're non lethal is like well I guess I just keep a crossbow with sleep darts and that's it. 01:00:02.83 Jala Yeah, well I will say that I played the game non-lethal for most of it and then on the last level I said fuck it and I threw everything to I started pulling out all the grenades and I. 01:00:17.99 Jala I set myself up in 1 particular spot where I could only be hit from a particular angle and I started just blowing up everybody who came and I alerted everybody on on the the last level of where I was and I blew everybody up systematically sitting in one spot. 01:00:32.95 Ryzana Yes. 01:00:34.74 Jala Yeah I killed everyone in the level and it still ended up being non lethal because I was so good. The rest of the game. So. 01:00:41.90 Ryzana I I had a moment when we're replaying this where I had internally kept a function that was added in design two that didn't exist in design one which is in 2 they add in that if you get pulled into combat you can if you do a parry. You can then pull them into a non-lethal Choke. So I've forgotten that that's a Dishonored 2 thing So when that happened in Dishonored 1 I Thought it's like why can't I not do this and it's like oh that's not a thing in one and the only way you could do There is try to either run and disappear enough that they lose interest in you. 01:01:19.78 Ryzana If you're looking to do a non-lethal run you know, um, which is which is a fun time realizing I can't parry into nonlethal. 01:01:28.50 Daniel Yeah, if they if they ever do remaster that is definitely something I would like see be important ported back to 1 is more nonlethal options. 01:01:36.37 Jala Yeah, for sure I will say though that um, here's my solution because I am an agent of chaos and so I cannot be nice and and and non-lathal the entire time. What happened is I reloaded a lot. 01:01:51.63 Daniel No same same. 01:01:53.22 Jala I would I would sit there and I would look Daudn and I'd see all of them and I'd be like oh but I um, um and I'd be like you know what? I'm a save it right now and then I'd go and kill everybody have my my bloody gory. Moment of Triumph standing over the pile of corpses covered in blood cackling like a maniac and then I would reload and then play it nice and and patiently but like I would have little spurts of going completely. Just. 01:02:21.16 Jala You know, throwing everything to the wind and you know what I'm just going to kill everybody and then I'll reload it and then I'll feel better. 01:02:25.54 Ryzana I believe I believe 2 also added multiple takeDaudn right? like if you have 2 guards standing next to each other. You can take them out both at the same time. 01:02:33.30 Jala Well, they also have that mesmerize or whatever it is into domino there you go yeah domino where you can link up multiple targets together and then take them all out and that means you can either take them out nonlethally or lethally and so there's a little bit more flexibility there. 01:02:37.33 Ryzana Oh domino. Yeah. 01:02:52.91 Jala Which is good because um, not only do you get the increased number of rats when you have a high chaos run ah in the first game but there's also the the weepers the plague victims. Ah there's more of those as you go on because there's more people being. You know taken over by the plague as a result of the more rats because you kept killing people. Um, but also the npcs are more aggressive like in a low chaos run you can sometimes civilly resolve things but in high chaos they are out to kill you. Ah the interactions with each other are also altered. And also Billy's relationship with Daudd changes in the Knife of Dunwall DLC depending upon his chaos level. So that's cool, the flooded, the the flooded district becomes more flooded and the survivors that are there to save in low chaos are now all weepers. 01:03:37.12 Ryzana And so does that. 01:03:47.64 Jala And that includes the high overseer if you dealt with him nonlethally if you played on high chaos run. So like there's there's so many different things that change the the weather changes even placement of the guards. Um, who is alive and dead. You know it. 01:04:00.30 Ryzana They make a they make a real point of that in the last level too when if you're in the high chaos compared to the low chaos. 01:04:08.73 Jala Yeah, yeah, it's wild. It's a vastly different game if you play on high chaos versus low chaos. Yeah. 01:04:15.20 Ryzana You mentioned also ah Billie's relationship with doubt like we see that with Corvo and Emilys like because between levels you return back to your hub point. Ah your base of operations and like if you check in on Emily there you know she'll there's little dialogue with her too. But she'll also leave drawings because she likes to draw. 01:04:34.56 Ryzana Ere her interpretation of Corvo as a person changes if it's higher low chaos. 01:04:37.66 Jala Yeah, and then also in Dishonored 2 continuing on with that Megan Foster who you come across pretty early in the game the way that she is with you and whether or not she tells you some secrets about herself. Ah, really depends also on what your chaos level is whether or not she trusts you. 01:04:57.16 Daniel Yeah, and with Emily in one is ah is noted that in 1 Corvo silent. He's silent protagonist in that and so Emily is kind of your ah essentially the visible representation of karma meter more or less because she you know is like. She's either like you know the the nice the nice girl who you know is being dutiful or she's like tell tell me more adventures of blood and murder types of deal. 01:05:26.79 Ryzana Yeah, like yeah, what what is her name her like her caretaker right? Yeah when they're doing their lessons like in low chaos. She doesn't want to do them. She wants ah wants to hear about Corbo's adventures and like about being a sailor. 01:05:30.41 Daniel Ah, Callista. 01:05:40.74 Ryzana But she'll be like reluctantly go all right I'll go do my lessons but in high cal. She's like you know I don't need to listen to you I you know I I'm going to be the future empress. 01:05:50.52 Jala Yeah, yeah, well and that also pans out to like the different endings in this game and like what ending you end up getting for sure. So yeah, so um, I'll just talk a little bit about some of the the combat stuff and then from there. 01:06:07.67 Jala We'll skip over to the spoiler wall so we can get into some of the other items you come across and the creatures that you fight and all of that and then we'll talk about the narratives you know for each of these games in more detail about the Missions. So. Ah, in Dishonored you have a sword a gun in a crossbow and that is something that happens in each of the games. Those are the weapons that you have your basic stuff as the game proceeds you get additional weapons and tools that can be like grenades or. You know, whatever ah different kinds of traps and stuff like that depending upon the game you have different ones so your Melee includes attacks blocks and parries and you can also perform a slight attack that staggers enemies. Did you all use the slight attack I don't think I ever used it. 01:06:56.60 Daniel Not at all. 01:06:57.74 Ryzana I Always forget. There's a slide in this game. 01:06:59.72 Jala No, yeah, there's a slide I forget that it exists I don't use it. That's because I'm I'm using the Void powers to blink around I'm not I'm not using a slide. But anyway, um yeah, your range I suppose like I probably would use this slide if I were playing a no powers run. But. 01:07:17.11 Ryzana But I'm like also like especially like the I'm guessing you also play this way Jaa where it's like you're trying to most likely avoid combat so you're never in range enough to do us the slide tackle that they offer you. 01:07:18.81 Jala Such So so it goes I don't know. 01:07:29.12 Daniel Lists. 01:07:31.17 Jala yeah yeah I tend to be at range as long as I can in basically any game if you give me a sniper rifle I'll be way back there but eventually I will come up and then I will start blowing everybody up and and things like that. But like at first. 01:07:48.56 Jala I'm going to be way over there as far as I can get so. 01:07:50.72 Ryzana Which 2 offers you with the you know the whole expanded upgrade list for your weapons. 01:07:58.35 Jala Yeah, yeah, you can expand and upgrade all of your weapons and different effects on your weapons throughout all of these games. Ah the ranged attacks include sleep darts crossbow bolts bullets explosive bullets grenades. Sticky grenades spring razors. Ah did the later games also have other stuff. There are non-lethal types of bullets called hag pearls in death. Ah or the the Outsider. Um, there's lots of non-lethal versions of things as the series progresses. So yeah, like I wish that they would make a remaster of Dishonored 1 and that they would add more of those options in so that you can get the fun combat and actually use some of the powers and stuff like that ah to a greater effect. Without necessarily having to be on a high chaos run. It's a little bit stricter and more black and white in the first game and I think they realized that the problems with that inherent with that and then kind of backed off that as they went on with the series. So. Ah, do y'all have any other wrap-up thoughts. We'll have to stop there on the the items in in the combat and things like that until we get past the spoiler wall I don't want to reveal too much too soon. Do y'all have any anything else that you want to say about the. 01:09:18.52 Jala Combat systems or traversals or you know vague stuff about the powers without going into great detail ah anything like that. 01:09:25.39 Ryzana My only comment is I don't know if you guys also do this but I think the songer has one of the most satisfying sheathing and unsheathing animations with the sword that you can find yourself doing it just so you could see Korvo Flip it you know. 01:09:41.94 Jala Yeah, yeah, well let me tell you this here's my secret in the for. The first time I played this game which means for like you know 40 to 50 hours per year per 1 and 2 and then like 20 to 25 hours on on Death of the Outsider for all that time that I played them. 01:09:42.41 Ryzana Because it's a folding blade. 01:10:01.96 Jala I Didn't know what the button was to sheath my weapons. So every time they were like put your weapon like so all the places where they're like put your weapon up I like I never knew how how am I supposed to put it up and I never could put it up. So um. 01:10:15.87 Jala I learned this time around because I was pushing all the buttons and stuff but the first time I played through like the first you know, um, hundred ish hours that I played Dishonored games I didn't know how to do it. 01:10:29.77 Ryzana Ah, just a fun just just standing there menacingly. 01:10:33.16 Jala Yeah I was like I would be walking around in all of the um you know like the the neutral territories and stuff that you would come across in 2 for example and then ever be but ever or or just in one I'd be like talking to civilians and they're like oh my god no, why are you doing. I'm like I'm not doing anything but it's like I couldn't I I didn't know I can put up my plate. Oh yeah, it did oh yeah, it did the first time around boy was it so much easier being able to sheath my weapon. 01:10:54.26 Daniel I bet the ninth party at Lady Boyle's really interesting. 01:11:05.20 Ryzana What do you mean? I can't come to the party with my Knife out. 01:11:07.81 Jala Yeah, you don't know the kinds of parties I go to anyway. Okay, okay, so so let's just talk about some real quick wrap up stuff for anybody who is interested in these games if they are not already hooked if they have not already played them. 01:11:27.47 Jala Um, what would y'all say to them. What would you recommend? they go into these games looking for or with what kind of mindset or whatever and who would you recommend them to. 01:11:41.84 Daniel Oh my? Um, it's immercer sims if it's if it's somehow you enjoy any of the day's X games that kind of thing. Um, yeah, any any of the all the various games that have ah derived from the original looking glass games things like. Ah, Prey Also by Arkane Um, any of those like this is right up there in that alley again depending on you know how you feel about like how the ending is affected by your actions like said a lot of people complain about like being locked out of like. Options because of going non lethal that's going to depend. Ah, but yeah, it's It's just really good now I think anybody should at least give it a shot. 01:12:32.40 Ryzana Yeah I'm in pretty much the same vein because ah I grew up on consoles instead of pc so de use x was not a touchpoint for me. Ah, but Dishonored was when that came out to the Xbox um I would say if you've. Ever thought of playing a game in that kind of genre of immersive sim. But the kind of age or the setting of cyberpunk that is da of sex doesn't tread with you Dishonored 1, especially it's a very easy game to just pick up and play through. Um, both mechanically and just environment wise. It's you know it's it still looks good for its time. There's no I mean in half the time like the by I've seen what the Arkane bundle is on sale constantly all across the platforms. So it's ah. 01:13:25.13 Ryzana I mean you're getting a pretty good deal if you're interested in playing that it's like I would say get 1 get the Arkane bundle on a deal and just you know have an afternoon with it. 01:13:34.95 Jala Yeah, yeah, so for me I would say anybody who's going into Dishonored 1 which I recommend before you play the other ones just because of story reasons and stuff like that. Um, but Dishonored 1 the very beginning of it. Ah, we mentioned you don't have any powers and it's very stealth heavy. You need to think about it like it's a thief game because that's essentially what it is. You have to be stealthy for that first level and then it starts to open up a little bit and then you know, gradually more and more as the game goes. 01:14:08.48 Jala If you find yourself frustrated with the gameplay like I I have to non-lethal this but I want to do all the fun stuff. Take the Jella approach go nuts and then reload. You can also replay your missions. So like if you play through and you're like part way through and you know you're like you know what? I just want to run through and kill everybody. You can do that. But then you're going to have to replay that mission and that's fine that just means that it's like now that you have that information from that first playthrough that you did on high chaos mode. You can go back through. And behave this time. Um, you know it's it's actually like a fun way to play for me because it just feels like I'm getting um, different sides of the game. You know, like depending upon how you play you get different stuff out of the game and. To me. That's really really fun like it's not a deal breaker for me that oh the good ending is behind us stealthy. You have to not kill people ending. You know, kind of thing. Um, the non lethal takeDaudns for this. Especially Dishonored. Well I say especially Dishonored 1 for for Dishonored 1 and Dishonored 2 the non lethal takeDaudns are often horrible like you want to you want to talk about ah something bad going on the non letthal resolutions to missions in in these games. 01:15:30.55 Jala Are rough stuff. Ah you know the Monkeys Paw wish of oh well I don't want to kill them. You know so. 01:15:36.17 Daniel A yeah it hey it's there. There's reasons it's called low chaos. Not the good option. 01:15:42.84 Jala Yeah, yeah for sure and so like you just have to understand that these games are set in a world that is dark and grimy and terrible and there's cthulhu monsters and the Void and all this other stuff and so like you are in for a dark theory. You know themed game. 01:16:02.24 Jala You are in for a dark themed resolution and everything like there. There's going to be some rough stuff that happens regardless of whether you're high or low chaos. So ah, play it your way just have fun. You know so I would recommend this to anybody who likes stealthy games. Even. Don't like stealthy games if you like anything that's really really Immersive. Definitely give this a shot. Ah even if you like stuff like elder scrolls Some of those folks might be interested in this game as Well. Just because this has got so much meat to the world as Well. That um, even though it's got. A a direction that each of the levels and admissions are taking you to.. There's a lot of freedom within each of the levels to just kind of go off and do your own thing and as the series Progresses. There's more and more side quests you can do as well if you so desire to. So yeah, um, that is the summary for the non spoiler parts so we are him erecting a spoiler wall right now right here? Woo Yeah,, let's blink over it. 01:17:10.30 Daniel Yeah, over the spoiler wall. 01:17:15.38 Ryzana The Spoiler spoiler wall of light. 01:17:17.18 Jala Blink Blink Yeah, the spoiler wall of light somebody use a rewire tour tool quick. Ah, okay, yes, and it is now erected all right? So let's move on. Um one of the things you have in Dishonored 1 is the heart. 01:17:34.49 Ryzana God I love this item I love this item so the heart. Um, it's not hard to figure out whose heart it is but it's Jesamine's heart a human heart with steampunk gadgetry attached to it that talks to you about the world in the current mission. 01:17:35.51 Daniel Yeah, it's so good. 01:17:36.33 Jala But go tell us about the heart. 01:17:51.85 Ryzana As well as revealing where ruins and bone charms are um and what we talk about by the way machinery again. It has glass and metal shards and barbed wire around this fleshy kind of Patchworky Hard is the best way we can describe it. 01:18:07.68 Daniel Yeah, you can see gears turning inside of it through the glass as well. Just really gnarly. Um, it is a in Dishonored 1. It's not stated that just means heart. Um, two two does a. 01:18:08.35 Jala It is. 01:18:22.79 Daniel Confirm that yes it is and I mean the the the voice that speaks out hard is is the same actor as Jessamine. So yeah. 01:18:29.52 Jala Well and also also the voice that comes out of the heart says stuff that sounds like it's jessaming Anyway, like um, you know she's like oh I remember this place. It was X Y Z or whatever and so. You know like it's It's the empress's memories and feelings and whatever that she's expressing through the heart. 01:18:50.53 Ryzana No, and there's some things like if you point because you you poignant with the cursor right? and you know when you use the item it will speak about it. There's some lines that very much hint at like memories she has with Corvo you know and well you know that becomes a thing about the relationship later on becomes much more apparent. 01:19:09.49 Ryzana Even though in 1 it's hinted at but that it's kind of also plays into the weird kind of playful say sadism of the Outsider giving Corvo essentially an item that has the voice of a very cherished person person. He failed to protect. 01:19:25.89 Daniel Yeah I mean like particularly in one it always struck me the Outsider kind of views this as like his soap opera to watch so like coming in there and like giving you that it's like oh yeah, this makes things even more interesting for me. 01:19:38.40 Jala So he gives Corvo the heart when he also gives Corvo the powers. Yeah, so. 01:19:47.20 Daniel Yeah, and ah the heart also wouldn you can like point it at people and it'll sometimes they'll give you a line on like their inner secrets like and things and I read this by don't I don't know the exact details but in Dishonored 2. When you have it and use it in that way. Um, based on what it tells you will determine like if you kill that person how much it affects the chaos going on like if they're like oh this is this is a noble person who like helps the poor like killing that person will like really add to the chaos. But it's like oh yeah, this is like you know. 01:20:24.50 Daniel This guard is just the brutal asshole who like you know terrorizes people. It's like killing him is like that really won't do that much. 01:20:31.79 Ryzana Interesting. 01:20:33.43 Jala Yeah, that's cool. That's cool I would not put it past Arkane to have put that detail into the way that they designed the games so because they they definitely put a lot of attention into ah the subtleties of how everything work. 01:20:49.17 Ryzana I Do love the way that they incorporated making into because another you know it takes the same aspect of other games right? where ah the hot and cold right? It gets faster when you get closer to the item. It's pointing you at I Love the fact that they ah hear that to the heart just beating faster and louder. 01:21:07.20 Ryzana The closer you are to it to the point where it just seems like it's It's just having a heart attack in your palm when you're right over something like a whale charm I think the core. 01:21:12.57 Jala Am I Misremembering does it even glow a little bit I mean like it's definitely through. It's thudding a lot I don't know if it's. 01:21:21.18 Ryzana Yeah, the core the core flashes brighter and I believe the gears inside go even crazier. 01:21:26.70 Jala Um, yeah, yeah, so um, that is a wild tool. They have a cool way that um they use the heart in Dishonored 2 as well. So ah since this is past the Spoiler wall I'm going to mention it. Yay. 01:21:42.99 Jala Ah, you can at the end of Dishonored 2 obtain the heart of delilah after you lose the heart of Jessamine and we'll talk about that when we talk about the missions in more detail but ah, there is a point where Jessamine's heart goes away. And it is replaced by the spirit. Basically it's the same housing. It's the same casing. It's the same thing in your hand but it's replaced just means soul is replaced with Delilah's soul and this is near the end of Dishonored 2 and then if you use the heart. It's Delilah's voice 01:22:18.24 Jala And Delilah is telling you things and so um, the most that I cared about Delilah ever was when she was in her heart form and she was telling me stuff and then Emily was arguing with her because I was playing Emily at that time and and just like you know. Talking like oh delilah you're delusional blah blah blah or whatever and um, like she delilah as a character was most sympathetic when she was in the heart form in the hand of Emily as Emily was going around doing stuff and and delilah was telling her about how how her life panned out. And everything. Yeah. 01:22:55.87 Ryzana Yeah I do I do love the counterpoint right? because it be for the majority of both games. Well for the full of the first one and then for the majority of the second one you have Jessamine's voice coming through it and you know it's very much that motherly tone kind of you know, ah softer especially because the 2 01:23:13.53 Ryzana The people who wield the heart are probably we you could say are the 2 people closest in their heart right? You know Corvo and Emily and she just has this soft kind of motherly tone this loving tone and then you get Delilah's and delilahs is this. You would spec like this villain kind of thing but it's not. It's very. 01:23:32.83 Ryzana Rice If it's very this soft kind of apathy towards the world. 01:23:35.69 Jala Um, yeah, she's been beat Daudn too much to care that much anymore even though like her bitterness is what caused her to decide that she was going to overthrow Emily in the first place. So. 01:23:50.53 Ryzana Which I love is ah you compared to her as a character is very puts on this show this kind of grandeur of a character and when you have her heart in your hand because it's more of her inner thoughts or inner workings right? Her soul you can tell it's very much just. 01:24:07.23 Ryzana There is a mask she wears to the world because the inside of her is very just like you said beaten Daudn. 01:24:13.36 Jala And you know I really wish that we had more time with that delilah because I'm more interested in that Delilah. She's more sympathetic and more interesting to me than the delilah ah putting on the show that you get for the DLC and Dishonored 1 and then also all of Dishonored 2 so but moving right along other stuff that you have to manipulate in these games so you have tools in addition to your weapons and the heart these tools include rewiring tools to turn alarms walls of light etc against your enemies elixirs to recover health and manna. Ah, those elixirrs are made by 2 different people. Sokolov's Elixir and piro's remedy. Ah we'll talk about those. 01:24:57.64 Ryzana Pierro's note on on describing the workings of the elixir as so funny because it's so blatantly trying to explain why 1 recovers health and ones like the amount bar. 01:25:08.80 Jala Yeah, yeah, so ah, like we'll we'll put a pit in that for just a second so the other stuff that you can also pick up. You can pick up food. You can eat that to regain life. You cannot hold on to food. You can only eat it when you come across it in the level. Ah, you can also find blueprints in each level to unlock new items or new schematics to upgrade your weapons and stuff. So um, so about the the health and monopotions so you have sokal love the genius who created the walls of light. The. Alarm systems and all this other stuff and then you've got pierro who is working with the loyalists and thus he's working with cororvo and everything and he is irritated by soka lab and sees himself as like the rival. Of Soka. Love Miguel I'll let you take it away I know you love this. 01:26:00.59 Ryzana Ah I mean you have it's again, it's the dueling of geniuses right? But the difference between one who feels slighted by the world where it's like the other one you know he has never worked for his life like my genius has been forever. Ah, which it gives him. I love when you meet both characters because at first you only have Pierro's view of sokov and then once we actually meet sokolov you get a whole other view of him. Um, but boy is are these I love these 2 mad scientists I don't know about you guys. 01:26:31.10 Daniel Oh yeah, absolutely they there. They are definitely some great characters. Especially when you get them in the room together. 01:26:40.50 Ryzana Um, but yeah, like um I mentioned earlier about the the potions of the I do like the expansion of blueprints and Dishonored 2 though because it does incentivize going for some of the secret things because you get those legendary blueprints. 01:26:58.13 Ryzana That make some of the weapons very funny because I think there's 2 that turn your pistol into essentially a sniper rifle. Um, but talking about like health amount of the note I mentioned where. 01:27:14.91 Ryzana Ah, he talks about how sokolovs cures the body because they're both trying to find cures because the the health and man potions are just the in-world cures quote unquote cures for the plague. Um, but the way he explains is like sokolovs only takes care of the body. 01:27:34.20 Ryzana Well his is it it? Ah essentially he's talking about the humors right. 01:27:36.13 Daniel Yeah, they like it. It invigorates the mind while so Calos this is all about the the brute meat of the body and things like that. 01:27:41.83 Jala Yeah I was going to say definitely Pierro uses the word brute. 01:27:44.12 Ryzana Yeah, yeah, um, but it's a fun. It's a fun little like little note to explain the way. Why like you have 2 different types. It's like they're both competing against each other. 01:28:00.17 Ryzana In Pierro's mind um sokala I love when you finally have sokolov as a character because hearing what he's focused on is like I see why? Also Pierro is the way he is. 01:28:01.80 Daniel Yeah, it's strictly a 1 sided thing with Pierro. 01:28:16.19 Jala Yeah, yeah, we will sit more with those 2 I'm sure when we talk about the lore episode but we are nearing an hour let us move on to Void powers. So ah, the Outsider grants Corvo and Emily. And Dishonored 2 and later billy lurk his Mark which gives Corvo and emily access. Well not really a Mark. Not really a mark for Billy but we'll get there anyway. Access to special powers that only a select few have ever received. 01:28:48.40 Jala And you can increase your power by finding runes throughout each of these levels. You also get additional power ups in the form of bone charms that are carved on Whale bones and in Dishonored 1. You can only find the charms themselves and Dishonored 2. You can learn how to carve the the charms yourself. And then there's different types of charms and Dishonored 2. There's corrupted ones and black ones and whatever and they have some of them are superpowered ones and some of them are are ones where they give you a power but they also have a drawback to them So there's consequence as Well. Um. 01:29:24.11 Jala And then there's just your standard bone charms and you have like a certain number of slots that you can fill up and you can eventually increase the number of bone charms you can carry. Ah you know as as one of your upgrades from the black market. So um, the powers that you get from the Dis from the Outsider. Include things like blink which is where you can warp away to a certain distance remaining invisible as you do so or dark vision which is ah something that allows you to see in the dark but at higher levels you can also see through walls with enemies and items being highlighted and then you can also see. The ah cone of vision for each of the enemies as well. So you can see what they can and cannot um, you know, catch in their vision cone of vision. You can also see footfall vibrations and all of that stuff what path they intend to take. So those are very very crucial and cool skills. Those are the first things you should get in my opinion if you want to play these games dark vision and blink are super important. 01:30:30.39 Ryzana Now A dark vision is kind of essentially the the all in one tool for this game because the moment you can start seeing through walls and just all that the the geometry of this game kind of opens up Thanks to it. 01:30:46.40 Jala Yeah, yeah, absolutely.. There's also standard buffs like vitality and Agility. There's also a Rat based attacked. Ah Rat based attack called devouring swarm as well as possession of animals and at higher levels you can also possess humans. There's bend time Wind Blast. Bloodthirsty and shaDaud kill um of those shaDaud kill is the coolest one to me personally because ah shaDaud kill.. Basically if you kill an enemy and they are unaware of your presence they will disappear in smoke. 01:31:22.86 Jala So like they they disappear without a trace. So yeah, exactly there's no body to worry about So ah the the powers particularly the blink and the dark vision are the crucial ones for me I Love Love Love traversal and empowerment and that's what those are about um the other things. 01:31:23.63 Ryzana Gets a no body right? yeah. 01:31:23.79 Daniel Yeah, you don't have to worry about hiding a body. 01:31:42.10 Jala I could give or take in any of the rest of the powers. But I absolutely love Blink and dark vision or their equivalents in the later games. 01:31:51.59 Daniel Yeah, ah bend time is one I like a lot at full power because it is essentially a time freeze and also you can run around being and undetected in that winDaud of time as Well. A lot of the other ones are. More geared for like doing lethal playthroughs like summoning Rat swarms or you know using a wind blast to knock people into walls and things like that. 01:32:14.62 Ryzana Possession is a fascinating one because on low level passage possession is like take over animals right? So in the game you can find vents that if you possess a Rat you can use them to get into buildings compared to say like finding a key or breaking Daudn a door. Ah if you upgrade that though. 01:32:31.72 Ryzana When you leave a body it explodes which but also led to possess human bodies which means that you can possess somebody and then just explode them from the inside out. 01:32:43.50 Daniel Yeah, because it's not as for rejection, it is like physically going into there and then ah coming out of them Alien style. 01:32:51.39 Ryzana Mm Ah I do want to say I don't know if I'm in the minority I do love Emily's version of blink. Yeah. 01:32:59.20 Jala Yeah, far reach is very cool because the the fact that you can let the the strongest version of it. You can actually pick up objects from places that you couldn't reach otherwise is very cool and you can you. 01:32:59.73 Daniel Far reach. Yeah. 01:33:12.44 Ryzana I Love that there's there's momentum to her movement. 01:33:17.16 Jala Yeah, well and then two you can also eventually at the higher levels also pick up people and throw them around which is also very fun. So. 01:33:25.73 Ryzana I I believe there's a charm for 2 that gives lets you pull people's weapons from their hand with it. 01:33:32.36 Jala There might be yeah. 01:33:35.61 Daniel Might be ah the main thing I recall about far reach is and this like plays into like the differences between ah the wielders of the mark with Corvo and Emily is that ah blink will literally teleport you from like 1 space to another? Yeah, but far reach you get. More vertical distance with it. Ah, but you're seen along the entire path of it. You're not, you're not undetectable like you are with blink. 01:34:03.57 Ryzana Ah, Daud gets the combo. Essentially he gets blink and timestop in his. 01:34:09.57 Daniel Yeah, as long as he's holding still while he has blink voice like picking a location blank time stands still ah but if he like moves around time will flow. Normally even if he's got his power up. 01:34:20.50 Ryzana I Do like that is it The guards start to comment about it as the game progresses saying like it's like I saw him standing there and then just disappeared because you use blink. 01:34:30.31 Daniel Yeah, it's It's really good. 01:34:31.35 Jala Um, yeah, yeah, oh for sure and um, also ah we got a circle back to Domino that is a very fun one very satisfying because like when you have it powered up. You can knock Daudn what is it for 4 guys at the same time. 01:34:39.16 Daniel Oh thou know so good. 01:34:45.75 Ryzana Believe it's your target target and plus three four 01:34:47.70 Jala Or is it 5 Okay, so yeah, 4 4 total. 01:34:49.45 Daniel Yeah, so four total and like it goes pretty long distance. Not like all the way across the map but like within a good City Block. You can like Target 4 different individuals then just jump one of them slamm their head into the ground and all sudden all the ah. The other three are knocked out as well. 01:35:07.18 Jala Yeah, yeah, those are fun. So what about Billy spers. 01:35:16.12 Daniel Oh Billy ah Billy I like I like her traversal because ah what she does is instead of just picking a spot and going to it. She actually sets up a waypoint to teleport to ah. 01:35:31.16 Daniel So you can like cast it twice essentially and have the is pretty much the same effect as blink or you can set it up where anywhere you can see even if it's like past like a glass wall or something like that and then use it and she'll like immediately tell between it where as blink and far reach you have if you have a barrier in the way. 01:35:50.64 Jala Yeah, and then her version of dark vision is not dark vision at all. It's foresight where you can basically astrally project out and then like explore. 01:35:50.72 Daniel Can't get past it with those. 01:36:01.39 Daniel Oh yeah, yeah. 01:36:04.41 Jala Forward into the area that you're going to go into so you can kind of like get it like a preview of the area but it's not the same as like being able to see you know the cones of vision and all that other stuff the whole time you know and just you know I don't know about y'all but I had darkfish in on almost constantly. It was like. 01:36:21.40 Daniel Oh same. 01:36:24.57 Jala Hot Sty like all the time constantly in the background. Ah oh I Love Semblance Semblance is one of my favorite powers. It's so creepy. 01:36:27.21 Ryzana Yeah, and then then semblance is such a fascinating choice. 01:36:33.92 Daniel Oh yes, Ah yeah, so that's one where you literally steal somebody's face essentially. 01:36:42.61 Jala Face off indeed they have a black mark where their face used to be and I I forget does it actually kill people if they are um, non lethal takeDaudn. 01:36:50.66 Daniel I Don't think so because I think I use it on the the one that's like kind of like the tutorial for it and they were still alive afterwards I think. 01:37:00.60 Ryzana Yeah, which which is scarier. The idea is like she's literally borrowing a face. It's like it's like it's not a mask granting. It's like literally taking someone's face for the moment. 01:37:05.41 Jala Guy know like whatever happens. 01:37:12.60 Daniel Yeah, this is getting to like some juingy Ito world of horror type thing. 01:37:17.91 Jala Yeah, absolutely so all of those are really really fun. Um, so if I had my pick of all of them I would have semblance Domino um dark vision and then probably far reach. So. 01:37:31.37 Daniel Yeah, I'm definitely kind of in the same boat with that as well. Definitely love dark vision. Don't know if I pick blink or far reach both. They both essentially say or serve same purpose. They yeah that the traversal is just. 01:37:47.98 Ryzana Yeah I I do I think Also Arkane has done the most visually satisfying way to tell you that your traversal will work in a place because if it's a ledge you can climb on they will turn into that rapid arrow and if it's a place you can land on. 01:37:48.62 Daniel Just so good. 01:38:07.90 Ryzana Like the indicator will hit an invisible wall if it's somebody you can if with somewhere you can't go to if not, you can just see the indicator on that spot which is so great for just exploration because you're like can I get there Well does my indicator change if yes and sure. 01:38:23.91 Jala Yeah, that's great too because if you didn't know. Do you know how much frustration you would have going through this game trying to see how far you can get and then oh I thought I was in range and I wasn't and I fell I Still did that anyway sometimes like I might like blink on top of a light post or something but then like. 01:38:43.51 Jala Slightly move fall off shit here. We go? Yeah so um, but yeah I think if I were picking between blink and far reach. It would basically be a matter of am I trying to ghost this or do I not care more or less. So. 01:38:44.40 Ryzana Makes sense. 01:39:03.33 Jala Don't usually care whether or not I'm detected I don't care so I'm not worried about it. But if I were doing a ghosting run I would do um blink instead. So ah yeah, so the bone charms we mentioned those already a little bit about the different versions of it. The fact that you can craft them I don't know I I. 01:39:21.83 Jala I tried the first time I played Dishonored 2 to craft bone charms and I lost interest immediately and I never went back to I don't like crafting I don't like crafting in games I don't care. Ah so I just never futzed with it. 01:39:25.83 Daniel Suspicion systems. 01:39:34.99 Jala Um, but these are additional Buffs. You can get there in all the different levels. All of the different iterations of this game have bone charms and they can buff you with anything from being able to recover manna from drinking water which is one of the most useful ones in my opinion. To being able to jump a little higher or receive more ammo off fallen enemies or maybe the enemy's gun Jams more often or whatever. So. 01:39:58.92 Ryzana Yeah I mean it's It's a it's ah it's a mark of the time like if you would probably go look at the list of games around that same year or the year before how many had a crafting system attach them because that was the trend. 01:40:15.30 Daniel Oh yeah, and well and it's mentioned in one that like you can craft them you you can't but like that's kind of like part of the law is that people are crafting these bone charms and in two. It's like you get that power but it's like it's there's it seems like there's no point until you can like. 01:40:34.80 Daniel Craft the maximum power level of the charms and it's just kind of like okay this just like a extra power up but it's it doesn't doesn't feel great. It's just like okay I get a little little bit of extra power but it does it does. It's not satisfying. 01:40:50.81 Ryzana Yeah, and then the curse charms are will. It's very much what means like we give you a bonus but there's a detriment to it but the the detriment never balances out with the bonus. There's never been like. 01:40:52.56 Daniel I Guess why I'm sending. 01:41:03.72 Daniel Yeah, it's just random too. It's not. It's not like a thematic thing like you know oh you're you know you make the enemy's gun jam more but hey you now yours to su. It's always something like you know their guns jam and you jump a little less higher. 01:41:19.13 Jala Yeah, yeah, yeah for sure. So some of those like I I could do without the corrupted charms and I. 01:41:21.23 Daniel Or something like that. 01:41:29.75 Jala Despite the fact that I knew I was not going to be doing any crafting whatsoever I picked up all the raw whalebone anyway because I am a klepto maniac in these games. 01:41:39.54 Ryzana Also something just to I think this' probably the best but every level I think across the board from both the main games and DLC. Ah, ah there is a specific whole whalebone like the one that would give you a level up. Add a shrine to the Outsider which if you find that you also get a little comment moment with the Outsider which are also very nice ones to go try to find just if you're interested in just seeing more of that doofus. 01:42:08.76 Jala I I would never think to call the Outsider a doofus. 01:42:13.52 Ryzana I He play he's playing with little dolls is what he's doing. He's a defist. 01:42:16.99 Jala Let's talk about enemies so I would want to want to cover these kind of quickly so we can get on to the missions. So we've got guards and thugs those are pretty self-explanatory. 01:42:18.14 Daniel Yeah, black Eyed bastard. 01:42:36.39 Jala Ah, the first game also has tall boys which are guards seated in a device that has long legs that allows them to remain above the weepers and the rats thus avoiding the plague they have um, a compound bow you can aim for the whale oil tank on their back to blow them up but doing so will alert enemies of your. Presence for obvious reasons because there was a big explosion. Um there's also like the the guard towers. Um that with search lights and stuff and you can like blink up there and pull the whale oil tank out or use a rewiring tool or something and that that's really fun. Ah. There's also animals. There are hounds that are employed by the watch and also there are a different spectral hound that are used by the witches. There's rats. Yeah, there you go there, you go gravehounds and there's also roaming hordes of rats. 01:43:24.20 Daniel Yep, the wolf hounds and gravehounds I think are the names. 01:43:32.50 Jala And Hagfish and river crusts which basically are monster barnacles that make this weird like kind of sound. Ah, there's also blood flies and bloodfly nests and then um. 01:43:48.40 Jala What are the ones called when they're like enourced by the bloodflies I forget their name. Okay. 01:43:50.31 Daniel Of the nestkeepers is what they are. They're basically the equivalent of weepers in ah you. 01:43:53.89 Ryzana Nested Yeah, it is my horror giant Mosquitoes who then leave their nest inside of you. 01:44:02.64 Jala Yeah, yeah for sure and what what is what is very good about this is that ah you come across the blood flies which are basically the monster Mosquitoes in ah Carnaka which is. 01:44:04.48 Daniel Yeahin' you're still ambulatory and walking around and and you. 01:44:18.39 Jala A warmer climate than Dunwall is so it's like hey look it's home because I live in Houston so play all mosquitoes everywhere I'm a I'm familiar with this crap. So yeah, um, we already talked about the nest keepers. There's also the weepers which are the the plague infested. 01:44:37.49 Jala Um, people in the first game. There's the overseers which are like tougher city watch characters. Ah, they. 01:44:43.54 Daniel Yeah, they're the members of the church of the everyman. They're the religious officials. Essentially. 01:44:50.58 Jala Correct They're the ones that come with more hounds I think ah but they also certain ones have music boxes that jam your Void powers to where you can't use your powers around them as long as they are playing music So That's the enemy you need to prioritize because they will. Debuff you. There's Clockwork soldiers found and Dishonored 2 with a less imposing less strong variant called Clockwork Sentinels and Death of the Outsider. These are huge automatons that have many blades on their bodies. 01:45:23.81 Jala And they speak in the inventor Kian Gindosh's voice and has little recordings and it's like this is the recording that plays when there is an enemy that has been spotted or something like that. Ah, it's very good. But anyway they have 2 whale oil tanks in their arms and there's also one on their back. 01:45:43.49 Jala They can also be rewired if you sneak up on them. There's a little spot on their leg. You can hit with a rewiring tool if you time it right? but they're tough fuckers. They they are tough. Ah you really have to pay attention to their cones of vision like dark vision is important. 01:46:01.75 Jala To get through areas with the Clockwork soldiers in D two. 01:46:03.74 Daniel Yeah, especially since Dishonored 2 ones can see both behind and in front of them of themselves. 01:46:12.00 Ryzana And if you break their head with like an arrow. Ah they'll attack whoever moves because they're now working they'll ah like audibly say you know using auditory sensors so they're listening for like your footfalls. But if there's an enemy who walks next him like another Clockwork soldier. They'll just start attacking that one too. 01:46:26.50 Jala I have used that so many times to create massive amounts of chaos. So I don't know if that goes against your kill count or not if you just take Daudn that. Yeah. 01:46:27.77 Daniel Since this is specific. 01:46:34.81 Daniel It does. It does not specifically it is 1 of those times where you can like break out all your lethal implements against them phones. There aren't any human enemies around. 01:46:46.85 Jala Well I just mean like um if the Clockwork soldier if you take off its head and then it kills people do the people. 01:46:51.55 Daniel Oh yeah I think I think that does count towards your chaos in that case. Yeah. 01:46:56.61 Jala Oh well I killed lots of people then that way. 01:47:00.51 Ryzana Um, yeah because I think it's because I think that Chaos is based on bodies right? like I think so. 01:47:06.40 Daniel I Think so. 01:47:06.35 Jala Overall bodies. Okay, okay, so ah, moving right? along there is the ah female version of the overseer called the oracular sister they wield Mesas and can use foresight they appear specifically in Death of the Outsider.. There is also the envisioned which are in the final mission of Death of the Outsider. So ah, those fuckers have one hit kills and they can blink but they're slow. Ah, but they are a pain in the butt. They are essentially Void golems. 01:47:37.78 Daniel Yeah, they're basically like the final boss of death at the Outsider essentially as far as as trying to navigate through that part of the stage. 01:47:48.51 Jala Yeah, for sure. Although I I look forward to telling you how I finish that part of the game when we get there in the Missions. So ah other obstacles that you encounter include alarms that will sound if you are spotted and the guard makes it to the control Panel. You can use a rewiring tool on this or you can remove the whale oil tank. There are Guard Towers towers which are already mentioned there's walls of light which are electrical fields that trigger only in response to an enemy approach. You are killed almost instantly if you get too Close. You can also use rewiring tools or remove the whale oil tank. There's also um, like towers that have the same power and they will just like shoot any enemy within range. So like if you yeah the arc pylines and those those are a pain in the butt because you have to like blink out of the way or you get Insta death. 01:48:30.58 Daniel Yeah, the ah arc pylons. 01:48:38.81 Ryzana Yeah, also we have to talk about the walls of light and I mean also the arc pylons but they don't just kill you they vaporize you. 01:48:46.40 Jala Yes, yes, you are like gone gone. 01:48:49.48 Daniel Yeah, and like notably with you rewire one of those it will. It will start like targeting enemies and like particularly with the walls of light like they don't have a clue what's happening until somebody just casually walks through it thinking like everything's fine then you know. 01:49:04.67 Jala Um, yep, yep yep and ah, one other obstacle that you come across are locked passages that you have to get keys for or you have to. 01:49:06.80 Daniel Then everybody starts freaking out. 01:49:18.25 Jala Steal or loot the keys off of Npcs or whatever you can also certain doors are breakable. You can break them Daudn. You can explode them with grenades that kind of thing you can also possess an animal and sneak inside as Miguel mentioned previously. So ah, that is also an option to get around some of these other ah just stuff in your way. So um I think that's all for the enemies and other stuff like that just general stuff. Let us dig in too. 01:49:50.76 Jala The summaries of each of these missions Daniel take it away. 01:49:54.00 Daniel All right? We start off with the titular mission Dishonored in Dishonored 1 imppress just just mean is assassinated and her daughter Emily's kidnapped this blamed on Corvo who has taken the coleridge prison and has to escape. 01:50:08.67 Jala Yeah, and this is the level that we talked about in the prison where you don't have any powers yet and it's a prison. You don't have any weapons you have to get out of there and you just have to sneaky sneak. Um. I Think part of my problem was back in the day when I played this I wasn't sure what the actual cone of vision was for the guards and it's not nearly as as sensitive as you might think like when I was playing through on my replay I was like oh this is really not as hard as I thought it was but. 01:50:36.47 Daniel Yeah, they're they're metal gear guards. Essentially. 01:50:38.87 Ryzana Yeah I mean and and they've got those little lightning bolts over the head. You know to that fill up as they see you. 01:50:46.46 Jala Yeah, yeah, there is an indicator to let you know how suspicious the guards are before they will come over and go oh what was it? What was that you know. 01:50:56.46 Daniel And we should mention that before the prison you do play through. Essentially what is the assassination of Imppress Jessamine You do you would meet a lot of the characters who end up being future targets later on and get like just some. 01:51:14.59 Daniel Good background details on the world. 01:51:15.22 Jala Yeah, yeah, and there was also a note here about Miguel the about the stealth. 01:51:21.30 Ryzana Oh yeah, so 1 thing I do like about this open mission like yeah like I understand like where you came from Jala right? like the prison level and then figuring out the stealth of it. I love the little immersive sim details between the prologue and then the start of the prison mission when you arrive as Corvo like yes, you're meeting like you're getting a pro like a little future look at all the people you're going to be meeting with these tiitchly characters in this kind of little tower area. I love this interaction with Emily where you have a choice to accept or deny it. But it's sort of a hidden tutorial about the stealth but it's kind of masqueraded as playing hide and seek with her which is very adorable because especially once you kind of pick up the hints of the relationship. Also you know. 01:52:12.69 Ryzana But you know hiding of course you're gonna learn to do like doing stealthy that um and when you start the prison mission. They give you a tray that has a note on it but also under the bread that you eat 1 teaching you that eating things is a health item but also there's things that can be hidden under items. 01:52:33.90 Ryzana So it's yeah, do to me. It's a very good use of how immersive immersive systems use the environment to teach the mechanics right? The way the world will operate moving forward from this point. 01:52:47.30 Jala Yeah, and I am not a fan of a tutorial but I went through and I played hide and seek with Emily and I did all of that stuff and I like the fact that you know, ah this game is trying to set you up for success by giving you this difficult. You know it. 01:53:02.72 Jala Perceptibly difficult if you are not used to stealthing around ah level right? at the beginning here. But really, there was just like this one particular part that I kept on having a problem with when I played it the first time through but when I played it this time. It was like nothing. Um, so once you learn how to play the game on the game's terms. Then you know like you know the the stealth parts of it become easier to manage in my mind like the first time I played these games I had a hard time stealthing just in general because I didn't have the patience to see the whole walk cycles that do all this other mess I wanted to go go go um. But then once I played enough of this and then after this I played a bunch of sniper elite and then from having to stealth in there eventually I also went um, completely. Ah chaotic there too and started blowing people up with grenades as well. Even though I'm a sniper. Ah, that's just the joll away so but like I did get a good amount of so sneaky sneak in and now I am a fan of the sneaky sneak I like it I appreciate it. Um, this first level is all about that sneaky sneak and really, it's just a matter of patience just observation and. Patience. So but it's a short level and then we move on to mission 2. 01:54:27.00 Daniel Yep pi over Sirer Campbell who barrows his ally and knows Emily's location corva olnes rescue t martin a loyalist ally. So basically ah the royal spymaster here in Burroughs is essentially behind the plot to ah that frames Corvo for ah. Just means some ah murder. Um, and you ah you end up being rescued by the loyal to South Coleridge they're the ones who plant the key under the bread and all that. Um, so yeah, you end up being up them is basically a lot of less lesser nobles and military officers who aren't. 01:55:04.49 Daniel At the level where the spy master would want them as allies who essentially want to help you rescue Emily who was kidnapped by the assassin. 01:55:13.93 Jala Yeah, yeah, and so high overseer campbell that means he's the ah, big big guy in the the state church. Yeah, he's the big guy in the state church. 01:55:23.30 Daniel Yep, the church of the every man. 01:55:28.31 Jala Ah, he knows Emily's location you have to go in there and figure out what he knows and take him Daudn. 01:55:36.11 Ryzana It's also the first level you get to play with like blink as a power. Um and I love that the the design of this level is built around that you've got this big concrete kind of oppressive. Um. 01:55:51.70 Ryzana Bureaucracy building really if you look at it from the outside even though it's a church but it's so like the outside has so many ledges like you can use blink to get up on to get through a winDaud. A lot of the offices have chandeliers and like open those open flaps on top of doors that I have never understood but I see like when. Movies show like New York um so you can sneak around but it's like you can tell where they've built a level around hey you have this power. Try it out. 01:56:21.77 Daniel Yeah, it's not just the the church building itself. You actually get like a good chunk of Dunwall to run through as well on your approach to there several there are several Npcs you meet that end up being like side quest later on. 01:56:39.35 Daniel So some locations that are just completely optional to go into like a of Dr Galvani's office who ends up being a recurring character throughout both games. But yeah, you get you just get like a good chunk to explore before you get to your? ah. 01:56:58.68 Daniel Sneak through the building to get to your target going on. 01:57:01.91 Jala Yeah, and I have to say that this is something that Dishonored does a lot like every single mission in these games starts from like a boat you are in a boat somewhere because you you are um, basically driven up by the person who's who's um. You're ferrying you to your next mission. Well yes, and this one it's Samuel but I mean like across all the games. This is the same thing. Um, you start from a place where you are in a boat and you have to make your way to the place where the target is so you so always have to keep on traversing. 01:57:21.58 Ryzana Samuel. 01:57:39.50 Jala The distance between wherever Samuel can drop you off and wherever your actual target is located so you know, um, when you go through each of these missions. There is usually a city portion that you have to go through as you go to each of these different locations. Um, so ah was the the. The Outsider came and showed you your vision of the Void and everything doesn't that happen at the beginning of the high overseer campll like while you're in bunwall. 01:58:07.14 Daniel Yes, it happens it happens now it happens. Ah when you ah rest rest for the night at the ah pound pits. That's that's when you get your powers and everything. 01:58:08.80 Ryzana In between. Yeah. 01:58:13.69 Jala Yeah, so how? Okay, okay, so in between the the time where Corvo is in coltridge prison. He sneaks out after he's been given you know like a key by the loyalists. He is yeah meets Samuel for the first time and Samuel takes him to the houndpits pub which is basically your hub that's where you go to in between every mission and that is a pub where all the people hang out all the people that were offer mentioned that are part of the loyalists. There's also pierro there he is. You're like a shopkeeper guy essentially who will get you know, get you items upgrade your stuff that kind of thing a lot of narrative stuff gets set up in between the levels at this location. And you're right? and now that I'm thinking about it and thinking about the hound pits Bob I remember you go to sleep and then that's when you have the whole thing with the the Outsider and then you have the Mark. Um, so basically you end up having like a vision of the Outsider who brings you into the Void and you go through like a section of the Void. 01:59:21.83 Jala And the Outsider basically is like I'm interested in seeing what you're going to do because you know now you are are hunted for the death of this empress that you you know swore to protect and it wasn't you and I want to know what you're going to do here entertain me you know and then you can choose to have the powers or not. And then you go into this segment of Dunwall this is your first look at the city. Ah, you get to see the little rats you get to see all the dumpsters which that made me very happy to see that there's dumpsters everywhere and you could put bodies in them and then you kind of have to if you're playing high chaos because at first I was playing high chaos. 02:00:00.46 Jala And um, you have to put them in there. So the rats don't eat them because that can make them agro even worse. 02:00:05.80 Ryzana Yeah I mean you also see right here at this opening thing was also showing how they're depose disposing of bodies right? like you see the up on the bridge to just toss a body Daudn into a barge. 02:00:19.70 Jala Yep yep, so you know you get the tone of what's going on real fast and then like as you're exploring. You're seeing the potted whale meat and I think it's even in the very first section of this game where you get to see some some stuff about the wailing and stuff and you get you've. Piece. It all be okay so that's this thing that's you know, really important to this economy here in Dunwall and you know all this other mess and you're like this is real unappetizing. But then you go into this big big building. It's the The Church Of The Everyman Building and you have to sneak your way through there and there's a lot of cool fixtures a high up that you can you know? ah blink in between so you can be unseen by the people below and that's very fun and the high overseer campbell himself you. End up like but you end up getting the information on Emily from notes of his that he has in his safe or something wasn't it. Okay. 02:01:17.28 Daniel Yeah, he's carrying a little black book essentially like it's his It's his blackmail material when you ah when you run a t martin who's being held prisoner at the Abbey he tells you like that's that's where campbe's going to have everything you know I know how to decode it because you know he. Writes it in a cipher and that will give us location family and also like give us blackmail material. We can use against other nobles and church officials and things like that. Um, but part ah part of what you also have to deal with here is that? Um. Campbell is entertaining a guest who is a relative of one of the servants back at the hound pits who like asks you to like? yeah I know he's going to Campbell's going to try to kill my uncle um, can you like save his life please and like part of part of the level is dealing with that. Um, that there are ways you and like choose to just select and not even bother trying to save him um or you like Campbell intends to poison him you can like do things with the poison to where both of them end up dying and that like fulfills your mission or a. Cloud just sabotaging it so he can't do that and he has to resort to another method that gets him in the ah his target alone. 02:02:34.74 Jala Yeah, and that part is really fun because you have this moment where you can hear them in the other room and then there's the table and you see the wine. You see everything going on the little markers on the wine so you know that's what you have to futs with and you already know what the plan is so you can. Hide up on top of like a bookcase or you can you know warp Daudn there real quick and then you know make some changes to to sort out how you want things to fall out and I don't know about y'all but I definitely like reloaded this multiple times to see how it played out every time. Like I just I just wanted to see how they how the words fell out and what the actions were that led to each of the endings that you could potentially get here. So Um I kept doing it like I I reloaded it several times just to see what happened. 02:03:25.72 Daniel Yeah I just I just straight up sabotage it right away so you can smash the glasses that contain the the poison and then at which point Campbell then looks like oh my I had drinks prepared but I guess not so let's go check out this? ah. 02:03:43.80 Daniel Painting I had done of myself and and then takes him Daudn to a secret basement where he tries to just run him through while he's staring at this painting and you have the option of ah intervening at that point. 02:03:55.90 Jala Yeah, and I like the fact that like even even if you futs up what's going on with the poison. You still have like another like another chance to to rectify the situation or or change the situation one way or the other. And I like that because that's that's again, that's more realistic than um, you know say having a situation where it's like oh well, if you don't do this 1 thing then you're just screwed you missed your chance. You know. 02:04:27.54 Daniel And well in the interesting thing is is if you do that where you sabotaged poison attempt and have him in he leads ah Cairo I think it's his name. It leads him Daudn into the secret basement if you try to take out campbell before they get Daudn there. Ah, Carol will be hostile to you as well. He'll just see you as like you know he has no reason to suspect Campbell is going to do anything so he just sees you as hostile element. But if you get Daudn there and like Campbell has drawn his blade and you like take campbell out for. He can kill karo car will be like you'll he'll see you and be like you know. Save my life I'm just going to walk on out here and pretend I didn't see a thing you do whatever you want with this this bastard. 02:05:08.43 Jala Yeah, yeah, and um, the way that you can resolve high over sier Campbell you have to do something about him. So ah, you can either kill him which killing killing your target is almost always an option. Um, or I think it is always an option I'm not sure which. 02:05:28.58 Daniel Yeah, there's I mean I think in one there's only one option where you must be nonlethal and we'll get to that. Um. 02:05:34.66 Jala Yeah I think there's only like one that I can remember off the top of my head. Ah, but anyway whole point being like ah you can either kill him or you can brand his face with the mark of the heretic or or whatnot and because he is the high overseer in the church. That obviously ah causes problems for him and that's not like the worst non lethal at all in this game. Ah, not at all but that so kind of set the tone. 02:05:57.74 Daniel No, it's it's pretty bad because the lore is that like anybody with this Mark which is even if they are like the high overseer if you have this, you are a heretic and it is literally against the law. 02:06:14.68 Daniel To even provide aid and comfort to this person. 02:06:15.93 Ryzana Yeah, also to mention because we're talking about the non-lethal options this level also introduces a thing that that's side quest that you do in this level move on to the next one because we have the introduction of granny rags and. 02:06:35.38 Ryzana Versus slack jaw in the bottle street gang and depending on how you play out that stuff opens up the non-lethal option for the next mission. 02:06:44.18 Jala Yeah, so speeding it up a little bit the next mission after this one is the house of pleasure you find out basically from Campbell's materials that Emily is allegedly at the golden cat which is a brothel and you have to go in there. And take care of Emily by getting her out of there. But there's also again, another side quest where you can eliminate Lord Pendleton's brothers for him so that he can control their votes in the parliament slow. 02:07:16.41 Daniel Yeah, that then there is no avoiding that that is like a required thing you have to eliminate them in some way. Um, because that that will loosen the Lord Regent's hold on parliament. Essentially. 02:07:28.50 Ryzana Yeah, essentially the third brother gets the voting powers of his other brothers which gives the loyalist the majority vote and and what would be the senate. 02:07:38.94 Jala Gotcha yeah. 02:07:39.18 Daniel Yeah, and Pendleton is one of your allies who's at the hound pits. Um. 02:07:40.65 Ryzana Yeah, he is the lesser triplet. Essentially. 02:07:48.29 Jala Yeah, so ah this this part of the game. Ah the has one of the set pieces I like the best out of this first game. So ah, this set piece includes interrogating the art dealer. Um, by pretending to be his domin hatrix in this this ah brothel so he's blindfolded and he's in basically an electric shock chair thing and you can go in there when he's blindfolded and waiting for his his mistress to come and you can like shock him. 02:08:19.45 Jala And you know he you're supposed to shock him until he tells you he like eventually you like you keep shocking him him and he's like oh you're playing rough today and then eventually he catches on that you're not the dominatrix and um then he's like oh what do you want? What do you want and then like you tell him you know I want your safecoat or whatever it is. You're looking for. And um, then he tells you and then at that point you can either fry him and kill him like because if you keep on doing it because I the first time I played I I was like well what happens if you keep on shocking him because I want to see what else he says and he dies so ah, just a heads up. 02:08:52.11 Daniel Yeah, he'll like mention like oh I I think my heart skipped a beat on that last one we better like knock it back a bit. 02:08:58.50 Jala And I was just like but I want to know what you say and then then I killed him oops. So and I just I just rolled with it so I was real high chaos. The first summer play. 02:09:11.48 Daniel Yeah, and you specifically need the safe codeat for the non-lethal option which is ah the slack Jaw who's leader of the ball street gang. He will ah agree if you get this safecoat for him. He will agree to dispose of the pendleton brothers. Ah, you don't have to interact with him at all at that point you know, just give him the safe code and he'll take care of the rest. Yeah, all you have to do is just rescue Emily out of the pleasure house at that point. 02:09:39.97 Jala Yeah, and isn't this something like um if if his plan is to cut out their tongues and send them to the minds or is that somebody else. Okay. 02:09:46.30 Ryzana No, so he yeah he shaves their head. 02:09:48.30 Daniel I Know this this is this him? ah and it is specifically sending them to their own minds. This is this is ah basically kind of a bit of Karmic Justice because they've sent plenty people other people into the mines not necessarily their tongues cut out but ah, he's fially. Ah. 02:10:06.00 Daniel Will cut their tongues out and disfigure them so that they're unrecognizable and they can't tell anybody who they are and even if they write Daudn who they are. Nobody's going to believe them? Yeah, yeah, this this gets again. Low chaos Not jedi. 02:10:21.93 Jala Yeah, for sure for sure. So um, the the the high overseers non-lethal didn't you know it was like ok well, that's justice. This guy sucks? Um, but then this one I was like oh oh. Stakes are are getting pretty pretty rough here and then like they just keep ramping up. It feels like yeah yeah, oh lady boy Lady Boyle okay anyway we'll get there. We'll get there. Okay, so. 02:10:43.41 Daniel Oh yeah, it gets bad that we're we're not if this is pretty bad. Still some of them get worse. Yeah. 02:10:56.77 Jala Moving right? along you rescue? Emily you get out of the the golden cat is there anything in particular about this level that was super fun for either of you like for me like that one set piece was really pretty great. Um, and I did also interact with the pendletons just because I I wanted to see as much as I could of this game. Um i. I always do the non-lethal but I also always interact with them as well and boy do they suck. But um, what do you think about this level in particular. 02:11:26.21 Daniel Um, well one one of the things was the safe code can get from a slack. Jaw the interesting thing is if you can get that to him. His intention is to go Rob it. Of course you can actually beat him to the punch you can go into there and go ahead and Rob it. 02:11:41.32 Daniel He'll comment on it later if you like talked to him about it. Talk to him after this mission. He'll comment like a yeah I I kind of wanted to Rob that but as cla and clear you decided to loot at first unless you go in take everything and then reset the dials back to like all zeroes. And which point he'll just seem I'll turn out there wasn't anything in it which is like just a really cool little beat. 02:12:03.41 Jala Hey that see that's that's again, that's more of Arkane doing their attention to detail thing. You know, um, definitely love it. How about you migo. 02:12:17.47 Ryzana For me I think just the introduction of Granny rags as a character because boy is she a presence throughout the series. She'll be Ah, she's a better topic for the lo episode but boy do I Love a mad cackling like hag. 02:12:31.11 Jala Yeah, yeah, well, the first time you see her. She's being accosted by the bottles I think it's the bottle st street gang isn't it. Yeah and then like you kind of have to like shoo them away and then she's like talking about oh I got to feed the birds and you're just like okay lady and. 02:12:51.10 Jala She doesn't seem too too bad but then as she keeps talking, you're like oh there's some real you real jacked up lady. 02:12:56.45 Ryzana Yeah, no, and and if you play high chaos like say try to take her out and then she just dissolves into rats. 02:13:06.77 Daniel And she'll part of the story. There is that ah slack jaw is kind of like a low chaos option. You know, even though he's a criminal. He's a gang leader compared to granny Rags He's like far better for Dunwall than she is because I. 02:13:24.47 Daniel She'll eventually like give you a quest to like essentially poison slack Jaws Distillery where he's trying to basically at least ah take the Sokal offs elixir and like water Daudn at least so like more of it is around in the area and she'll like just be like oh no, let's. 02:13:42.96 Daniel Let's just straight up poison the batch. So that way you can't do that. 02:13:44.46 Jala Um, yeah, yep, yep, which that ends up ah turning into like the the plague. What is it the the plague that there's a drink in the second game plague something or another and has got a rat in it. Yeah. 02:13:46.52 Ryzana They'll put a ride in there. 02:14:00.10 Daniel Oh I Know what you're talking about is the ah the I listult drink that a lot I I can't remember it off top my head. But yeah I. 02:14:04.73 Jala Ah, hu the eye lists would well anyway, it's it's plague some a plague spirit or something like that anyway. So ah, you rescue Emily you move on back to the hound pitts pub and then ah you are informed about soka. Love. 02:14:05.18 Ryzana Ah. 02:14:22.53 Daniel Yeah, you have to go after Anton Sokoloff because he knows the lord regents essentially like relying on a big financer and nobility and nobody knows who they know that. 02:14:38.00 Daniel It's a lot of money and they suspect It's like whoever his mistress is about sokle off knows for sure who it is because he was commissioned do a painting So this is the one mission where non-lethal is absolutely mandatory because you have to go up that sokle off and bring him back to the hound pits. 02:14:54.84 Jala Yeah, yeah, and sokolov ah just a reminder. He is an artist but he is also the wizard behind sokolov's health elixir as well as the walls of light and the arc pylons and all this other crap. Um. He has made basically all of the technology. Yes, yes, so and Pierro is just so excited to see him. Well we'll camp out on those I swear on the Laura episode anyway. So in in the royal physicians. 02:15:11.66 Ryzana Yeah, he's considered the mind that revolutionized the empire. 02:15:29.29 Jala Little section. What do you all? think about that is this the part where you first get the tall boys showing up. No where where did the their lady. But oh yeah, you're right? You're right? That's lady boils. Okay, okay, okay. 02:15:36.64 Daniel I Don't think so yeah, yeah, there's not much of note in this one, There's couple of buildings you can ransack but nothing of. 02:15:36.70 Ryzana I Think Hall Tall boys are lady boys they're patrolling outside the mansion. Yeah. 02:15:54.29 Daniel Real lasting consequence or note outside of you know affecting chaos and just in a general way it. It is mostly just getting in sokoff's house grabbing him and getting out. 02:16:04.23 Jala Yeah I I don't have anything from this level that seemed super standout to me personally. But Miguel you had some notes about Kaldwin's bridge. 02:16:15.58 Ryzana Yeah, so the whole thing is that it's mentioned when you're given the mission how sokolov made his home and 1 of the taller buildings of this district that were Kaldwin's bridges right? Namesaked after Jessamine's father I love the design of this because. As a level. It's you know it's a traversal level but I love it because it reminds me of the historical images of like old um like London bridge that kind of thing of where when people would have this bridge that crosses over the water. They just would build their homes not only ah on it but along the sides of it. 02:16:53.36 Ryzana And just seeing this like you have this big metal monstrosity of this industrial age bridge and then just these homes that are just in ramshackles and then these new high towers like the 1 sokal of is in kind of sticking out of this along it. 02:17:08.28 Ryzana Also I think it's the few times we see the city in like kind of sunset. So it's also very I Love the visual of this of the city in this background. 02:17:10.37 Jala Yeah, yeah, yeah, and that's some of that light work that we talked about when we were discussing the artwork where the light is one of the emphases that these games use to their advantage. A lot. So yeah, So ah, you go in you get Sokal off you bring him back and boy is he a character he is ah the pissy and piss and vinegar and fire and I don't know whatever else they first put him. 02:17:42.87 Daniel Every insufferable Genius trope. You could think of. 02:17:47.90 Jala Yeah, everything but I'll roll it all into one and just make him like super super hairy face hairy beard man you know like and he gets thrown into the hound cage at the houndpits pub and. 02:18:03.18 Ryzana Yeah, did we tell you that this bar used to run ah dog fights. That's where they put them. 02:18:05.20 Jala Yeah, yeah, and like they're threatening to unleash the dogs on him and and Sokal Los like oh oh rats is it. Okay, they they swish it with rats. Okay, there you go. 02:18:09.88 Daniel No, it's a plague rats. 02:18:12.62 Ryzana They're rats. 02:18:18.27 Jala Play rats they're going to unleash play rats and soak a love. Ah this is the first time where I was like you know he might be an ass but he's also pretty baller is because he's like fuck you and just straight up fuck you you know like he is not having any of what the loyalists. 02:18:37.44 Jala Are trying to threaten him with and like you can get on his good side by getting him a special liquor. He likes. 02:18:43.90 Ryzana I Love every comment about this liquor is just like oh it's trash. It's It's essentially just pure alcohol. But for some reason sokolov just drinks it by the bottle. 02:18:54.00 Jala Um, yeah Pierre or doesn't want to give it to Soka off you kidding. 02:18:56.64 Daniel Yep, and the only person has it is pierro and. Guys He's like I want I want to charge you for this I'm not I'm not just going to give it to him That's ridiculous. Yeah is that That's like his only problem is that it would end up going to soal off you know, otherwise it is like just a garbage drink to him. 02:19:20.44 Jala Yep yep, so you have this whole fun little bit at the hound pits pub and then you find out after you get on soka. Love's good side that lady Boyle is the sugar mama in question. 02:19:35.12 Daniel Yes, sees She is the mistress and the ah the financier behind of the Lord regents schemes but the problem is there is 3 of them and you so there's. Part of it is that they're throwing a party at the boyle estate and they will be there but it's the mask parties which can be young enough. You are a masked Assassin So that works out well for you and you have to go with there and basically piece together which of them is the. Board reaches mistress and then deal with them accordingly or you can just go up and massacre everybody and just be like well process of elimination works out if all 3 of them are gone. 02:20:22.40 Ryzana Because I think I think the the game randomizes which Boyle sister is yeah. 02:20:26.20 Daniel Yes, yeah'll, it'll be. It'll be randomized which one is the picier soly you know could be I think canonically it's a waverly boil if I remember correctly, but there are there are 3 of them and any of them could be in there are. 02:20:45.42 Daniel There are multiple ways to figure out who it is um but the first part of level is basically getting in there. There are portions where you can end up with an invitation based on like your action some previous levels that'll let you get through the front door. No problem. But ah. For the most part there are also like plenty of ways you can like sneak over like the banner roll from the side and like once you're like past the checkpoint nobody bothers to check for your invitation again. Um, by that point as it's basically the lobby area. The of the ah. Manner and like the various ground floors are open but ah, the upper floors is where you can like find each of their rooms and like there will be clues in there that can help you determine which boil it is ah the heart can also reveal which of the mast boils are which as well. Um, and there are various methods for dealing with them again. Murder is the simplest solution. But ah, this thought lethal is this is probably like the most squicky for anybody you know and we're talking about like. 02:21:58.31 Daniel You know you've you've literally like set a a noble onto the streets to die there. Essentially you've sent like a couple of like soft nobles into the mines to sentence them to a lifetime of hard labor who've never labored before this one Ho boy. Um, you basically you can run into a noble at the party who like knows who you are who knows like what you're here to do regarding eliminating the boil he is very infatuated with this particular boy and he will request that instead of killing her outright that you. Kidnapper get give her to him and he will take her away to 4 unspecified things at his manner and keep her there out of your hair for the rest of her natural life you and you can figure out pretty quickly. What? All this means is never spelled out. But yeah, you're. 02:22:57.65 Ryzana Yeah, the out I think the Outsider comments on it. He teases like I see that she has 2 paths one where she goes this way and no one that way. 02:23:05.65 Jala Yeah, yeah, he does do that and I think he straight up says like the the dude who really wants the boy lady I think he straight up says. Yeah, you know she'll be my wife. She'll eventually love me like as she he's going away on the boat. Oh boy. Yeah, so it's it's one of those things. 02:23:25.42 Jala Ah, which kind of triggers a memory of ah the the game degradation which I played earlier this year which is a horror game. Ah I will be on a podcast about that at some point anyway, a side note but yeah, ah getting into the boil estate is kind of fun because there's even a place where. Um, you can't well first off, there's the tall boys That's the first time you're getting to see the tall boys and that's that's its own ah new challenge to add those into the mix. The first time I saw them I was like oh we got like mecca people. Okay, okay. 02:23:59.75 Jala I Wonder what else is going to happen in here but thankfully it didn't turn into like gigantor robots. Um I was worried about that. That's Dishonored 2. But um, yeah, so you have the tall boys. They are a little bit more difficult because like they have a broader range of vision than your regular foot Soldiers. Do. Um, and they're a little bit harder to kill and of course you can't kill them really without alerting people that you know this thing has fallen over. No. No so you just have to steer clear of them like broad broad birth for sure. But um, so yeah. 02:24:24.11 Daniel Yeah, you really can't non-lethal them either. 02:24:38.16 Jala And um, there's that. But then as you get closer to the gate in ah you can like wait in the shaDauds and then one of the guests is like oh I lost my invitation somewhere you can pick up the invitation that they lost and you can either give it to them or you can just. Keep it for yourself and use it to get into the party and you know as mentioned there's several other ways you can get in and as I also mentioned a long time ago I didn't know how to sheave my weapon. So the first time I played through this game. This part was real hard because you're supposed to go walk around incognito and talk to people. 02:25:14.70 Jala I kept on so like oh you know making all the guards Ski you know, like what are you doing blah blah blah and so I had to like stay away from all the people. So. 02:25:22.31 Ryzana Yeah, because the game makes the big headline of you've entered a neutral zone you know don't cause problems. 02:25:29.62 Jala Yeah, and then I couldn't sheathe my weapon. So ah, figure out what button that is but but yeah anyway, um, this is a real fun section though because you have to kind of like piece together the clues and figure out who the you know who it is and all of that and it's not like ah a straightforward kind of shot. 02:25:47.46 Jala That you've got like oh okay, objective is here you go here. You know you have to inference stuff and you kind of have to like live and breathe in this party for a little while. So so yeah, what do you folks think. 02:25:59.98 Daniel Yeah, it's just a great set piece like is it's just fun to mingle with the dobility kind of see yeah as like Miguel's mentioned in the notes is like it's very mask of the red death by a girl out and poe because yeah, big play going on. But. Let's have a party you know I guess yes. 02:26:21.28 Ryzana In Corvo's in the skull mask too. Um I do love that the nobles will comment on it's like ah distasteful outfit I love it. Um I do love the little. 02:26:27.76 Jala Um, yep, yep, they do. It's very good. 02:26:30.96 Daniel Yeah, because the but the Bas Assassin is like a known thing and so like they but they just think you're like just some some tasteless noble dressing up as him. 02:26:42.96 Ryzana Yup I love the little detail that if you go to the front entrance that there's the sign of the like the guest book and you can sign it your name you have you just have if you like you sign it and then if you click it again. It brings up the menu right? that the bottom just is corva atano like a real big. 02:26:59.70 Ryzana Ah, just f you to the like to these people being like I'm he I'm still here. 02:27:03.12 Daniel Yeah, because this this it's not just regular guards like the overseers are like all around there they have like music boxes deployed anywhere where like they don't want you going So you can't just like blink past them. 02:27:16.34 Ryzana They have walls of light for the up like to getting to the stairs. 02:27:22.96 Jala Yep yep! So yeah I definitely love this. But let us speed up forward past. Let we're we're not even through the first game yet. 02:27:35.57 Jala So so ah, you return to the tower. So ah, you you take care of the lady boyle so that takes out the um that yeah his finance guy Yeah is for his financier. So um, that weakens him further so that was a big mission there. 02:27:43.56 Daniel His of finances of the Lord regent. 02:27:44.76 Ryzana His funding. 02:27:56.23 Daniel Yeah, and you've essentially made it so that like he doesn't really have many allies left least 9 by of great power. You know his his. He's cut off from the blackmail material high overseer. He doesn't have his adventure. Ah, you know his power in parliaments cut off his finances are shot. So like now is as good a time as any to take out the lord regent once and for all. 02:28:17.15 Ryzana Again, he locks him away himself away and essentially the Royal Palace like you know all paranoid because he knows exactly who's after him even though he can't say it to the people. 02:28:26.58 Jala Yeah, yeah, so then you end up having to go back into Dunwall Tower to go get him and the the non-lethal route and are Miguel You wrote this note. 02:28:43.98 Ryzana Oh yes, so this whole time in the game. You've been hearing the announcements being read out. You know, big Propaganda one and safety announcement that kind of thing like you know do not be out after dark if you see rats that kind of thing. Ah, the non-lethal of this is tied to that character turns out is that it. You go to the Radio Tower. That's here you can meet the guy who's the voice of those announcements and he tells you you know instead of you know, don't kill me like I know for a fact that the Lord regent has a voice recording I don't know what's on I Just know it's something he's kept lock and key. If you get that you know we can play that you know you can essentially discredit him if we play that over the radio. 02:29:25.36 Daniel Yeah, and that's that is an interesting thing because this turns out ah he is actually the reason the Rat plague is even a thing he basically imported rats in from Pandysia is in a like kill the poor kind of plot. And yeah, like like any good bod villain you decide to record this on an audiograph you can go grab and like play over the sound speakers. 02:29:50.27 Ryzana I Mean it's so on the nose I think it's a fish. It's like in his diary. It's called what the poverty extermination plan. 02:29:59.20 Jala Well and then one of the the triggers for this too like 1 of the the tricky things about this level is so that he has a safe room and if you trip off the ah guards and and alert everybody he will go to his safe room and then it's like. Ah, especially hard I don't even know can you can you get him or is that like a game over. 02:30:19.57 Daniel Ah, no, you can still get at him I don't know the exact methods but there are ways to get access his essay from or being in the safe room and like doing something to trip off the guards and have him just run in there right into your arms. 02:30:31.50 Ryzana Yeah I still think I think it's still more so on there. 02:30:33.20 Jala Um, oh and and this is just a ah real quick. Ah somebody is like rustling or hitting the microphone a little bit. And so it keeps on coming through that's going to be like more and more stuff for Dave to edit out if you can just like move your microphone wherever you need it to be and and don't bump it? Okay, okay, sorry you were saying. 02:30:52.33 Ryzana Sorry I was saying is um I'd like that thematically I think this is the best non-lethal ah rather than having him die sort of a martyr you discredit him by just having him out his own lie like his own. 02:31:11.80 Ryzana Kind of confession now to the world. 02:31:13.21 Daniel Yeah, because at least his own guards coming to arrest him because everybody's got family that's been lost to the rap plague. 02:31:19.34 Jala Um, yeah and I don't know about you guys. But when it comes to the Rat plague replaying Dishonored 1 in particular, it's kind of like ah going back and trying to play vompire right now like after having gone through Covid covered Pandemic. Ah. 02:31:37.20 Jala You know like it's It's a real weird kind of situation because like now you have like ah a deeper feeling about the the plague situation. You know what I mean So So yeah, but you definitely feel for the people who have lost folks to the plague for Sure. So. Um, So yeah you out him potentially and then he is then taken for punishment you know or killing or whatever happens to him but you didn't kill him so still not high chaos and then ah you move on. 02:32:09.20 Daniel So specific. 02:32:13.84 Jala From there and what now we end up in the flooded district. 02:32:19.77 Daniel Yeah, ah you end up going back to the houndpits and it's celebraing because like you've done it the the lord regent is topose Emily can ascend to the throne. No problem. Let's all have a drink and at which point Corvo passes out and it turns out. 02:32:34.76 Jala Um, yep, yep and Beach hoayed by all of those scheming people who wanted to so have you go kill other people for them imagine that. 02:32:35.68 Daniel Yep, and poisoned. 02:32:46.96 Ryzana Yeah, it's the you know we'll put Emily on the throne then you know we'll guide her. 02:32:54.27 Jala Yeah, yeah, so you end up in the flooded district which used to be a really prosperous area of town. But then ah it ended up being over you know Overrun with rats and flooding and everything decayed. And so you were left there for dead by the loyalists and you have to navigate through and deal with the Assassin doubt who is hit he and his gang of Whalers Assassins are the people who actually killed the empress and this is their. Place that they live and work and this is their base their home base and you are now left there. 02:33:37.96 Daniel Yeah, you end up. Ah they end up ah sending you Daudn on a raft Daudn flooded district just to get rid of the body. Um, Samuel's 1 loading you on there. He says like look I made sure the poison would be weakened so like you know this this isn't the end but like. Yeah, we we have to get rid of you essentially and then ah Daudds whalers end up finding you and end up stripping of your year of throwing yourself till they decide what to do with you? Um, interesting enough there I did read recently. Ah, the rich one of the original plans was ah. WinDaudd. Ah first gets you he ah cuts off your left hand to ah Rob you of your ah Outsider Mark and like part part of part of gaining your gear back would also be getting your ah getting your powers back or not and like going through the rest of the game without the mark. 02:34:34.56 Daniel But yeah, you end you end up navigating through the flooded district. Um, you have to find a way back to the hound pits to Reconvene with the the few people who are ah still loyal to you and that involves like sneaking through Daud's headquarters. And basically nafka and the sewers get back there and this is probably the my favorite most my favorite nonlethal in the game is ah dealing with Daudd because this is this is the guy like you have like the most. 02:35:07.49 Daniel The the most reason for Corvo to take Daudn just completely just murderize him but like then the Nonlehal option is nothing more than pickpocketing him and walking away because he has a key that you need to get through get through his area like don't do anything to him just leave him there. And have him realize like I I could have killed you and you would have never known. 02:35:32.11 Jala Yeah, well and that kind of also sets it up because the DLC is from Daudd's perspective he is the character that you play as in the DLC's for Dishonored 1. So um. You know the canon ending is that you don't kill Daudd obviously because doubt continues to live for the rest of the the games so you know in that respect like that that is the canon way that that shakes out but um I I did end up. 02:36:04.80 Jala Playing and fighting against Daudd and then um, like just and then reloading and doing it the other way I still knocked him out though. Um because I have to knock everybody out I can't just leave them up and and conscious. You must be joking. Um, but. 02:36:22.20 Jala You know it was fun. It was interesting because even when I was playing against Daudd. It's no more difficult than fighting against another Corvo with Corvo's basically the same lifebar you know like he doesn't have massive amounts of health or anything. He's not you know that kind of a. A boss character even though this would be a the boss battle in my brain you know fighting against him. But um, anyway, moving right? along so you get that key you get through you you managed to get through all of the flooded district. 02:36:59.30 Daniel Yep, and then you end up back at the the hound pits where ah the ah the leader of the loyalists Admiral Havelock has styled himself. The new lord regent now and has set about set about ah eliminating anybody who was part of the loyals conspiracy who wasn't ah strongly on his side. Um, a lot of the ah servants of pendleton who were there were just killed outright. Um, so some like Samuel managed to get away before like they could be taken care of and ah, ah, Pierro and sokal off have seal themselves inside of of. Pierro's workshop to fend off the city guard. That's come to take them out and so this this part is sneaking back through the hound pits and trying to rescue everybody and then figuring out where where Emily's been taken at this point. 02:37:51.43 Jala Which is really fun because of course up until this point this has been like your safe haven and now it is enemy territory and there's all these guards and all this other stuff and you've got everything flipped on its head now. 02:38:07.83 Daniel Yeah, it's completely overrun there are like tall boys on the like the small section of street right? outside the pub. You know, ah guards crawling all throughout inside. Just it is like just a fun little thing like you come back and like where where you were safe is just. Overrun completely. Um from there. Ah you if once you can like get access to the workshop and you can work with ah sokov and pierro are like just thick as thieves they are like having a blast just talking to each other. 02:38:43.80 Daniel Um, yeah, they yes just make trying to like avoid any like Aaron shot that comes in through the winDauds. Um I think so yeah, it's they're they're they're trying to beat Daudn the doors. But so far they've held it off. 02:38:50.13 Ryzana Because I think the tall boys are shooting the garage door right. 02:39:01.85 Daniel You they they end up telling you like they've developed a arc pylon ah that can blanket the entire area and at your discretion can either just completely ash all the enemies in the area or just knock them out so ah, another bit of a. Low versus high chaos right? There? Um, but you have to go up to the roof and fill up the oil tanks that are up there in order to get it going once you do that you can then launch a flare to get Samuel to come back to shore and from there. Yeah, he tells you exactly where ah the lord the new lord regent and his allies have run off to with Emily. Yes. 02:39:45.16 Jala King Sparrow Island which is your last mission of the game and we mentioned this before but depending upon if you're running high or low chaos. This can be a very very different experience like the weather will be different who's alive and who's dead and where the guards are posted. Changes. So yeah. 02:40:04.91 Daniel Yeah, and even like Samuel's temperament to you changes based on the chaos so he will be absolutely pissed at you in high chaos for like being a bloody butcher and will in fact, if you let him leave alive. He'll shoot off a flare to alert the guards on the island to put along alert. And basically like you know, might as well have monsters fighting monsters because who cares at this point it's going to be bad. Either way. 02:40:28.82 Ryzana Yeah I do love that the environment this drastic change in environment on low chaos. It's sunny. It's calm. You know there's guards but not too many really? um, but on the hike like high chaos you arrive. It's. 02:40:47.96 Ryzana Storm it's lightning. It's heavy rain dark clouds. There's guards everywhere. More watchows. It's just like because I think the ideas that havelock is like more paranoid because he knows how brutal you are So he's put up even more defenses. 02:40:59.87 Jala Yeah, yeah, makes sense and then when you finally get to the Lord Regent what what are your choices. 02:41:12.70 Daniel Oh there's there's a lot of low chaos what you discover is that? um cavlock ah Pendleton and t martin are the ones who essentially ah betrayed the conspiracy in low chaos i. When you reach the top of the lighthouse here which is basically kind of their sanctuary ah Pendleton and Martin are already dead Havelock has poisoned them and because and he's like they're muttering to himself like I I know Corvo's coming I know he's coming you. We sent him on these and popsel's task. You know why wouldn't he come here because he. You know we decide to you betray the baddest do in the empire you know of course he survives. Of course he's coming this way and you have the option of ah, go stealthing him. Um, if you do like let him detect you. He will just kind of like Monologue you. Like you know? Yep you went I know I can't beat you here. Take the key to Emily's room you win if you pick it up. He'll then like immediately try to strike you and you can take him Daudn then um, high chaos gets a bit more interesting though. Um. In which case you have to give it's a lot harder getting through the area. Um Martin and Pendleton are still alive and I believe if I remember correctly they're actually at each other's throats you know over the bouts of paranoia and everything you can deal with them. We can optionally go after half lock and with. 02:42:42.66 Daniel In this case ah have lucks literally waiting at the ledge of the lighthouse holding Emily and it's basically like a last gambits to threaten her and throw ah throw off the edge to try to dissuage you from killing him. 02:42:57.12 Jala Yeah, and then your final resolution at least if you're in low chaos is that you can get Emily back and Emily is happy to see you and. She ends up inheriting the throne and that's that's like the canonical ending going forward. 02:43:17.90 Daniel Yeah, and and so go off and pierro working together ends up ending the Rat plague. 02:43:21.79 Jala Yeah, yeah, and then the high chaos ending is totally different though. 02:43:30.54 Daniel Yeah, high chaos. It can end with either if you manage to save Emily from havelock. Ah, she basically like she is very much ah of essentially your daughter more or less as far as like behavior goes. And takes after you in cutting a bloody swath through her enemies as she ascends the throne if she ends up if she ends up going over the edge and dying it basically ends with a Corvo leaving Dunwall altogether. 02:44:01.38 Jala Yeah, yeah, but those aren't the fun endings. So so we'll just leave it there with Emily has taken over the throne and there's that then we shift over into the DLCs so Knife of Dunwall. Has ah 4 missions in it that all cover just doubt and what Daudd's been doing and and stuff that he's uncovering and how he's feeling about what he did because he really really regrets assassinating. Jessamine and that's the 1 thing that he wishes that he could take back and the Outsider is interested in him again. Ah because of like this this guilt this plaguing sense of guilt that he has and what's he going to do. And ends up tipping him off to the name of Delilah Copperspoon which you've already mentioned is is being this really? ah, boring boring ah villain. Yeah, yeah, he did. He just says Delilah. It doesn't say delilah copper soon. He just says Delilah. We eventually get the Copperspoon later. 02:44:58.96 Ryzana Well, you know he only gets the name delilah right. 02:45:11.80 Jala Anyway, and a warning that judgment is coming and then there's a ship that's named the delilah and so that leads Daud to the slaughterhouse I don't know I don't know one of you tell me more about how we get from the ship delilah to the slaughterhouse. 02:45:29.77 Jala All I want to talk about is how I really wanted to free the whale and let the whale kill all the whalers. 02:45:36.10 Daniel Yeah, ah, not not to interrupt much but I do know we have a hard out at 9 It's we got like 10 minutes um you want to get through the DLC. That's that's that's why I wanted to check on to make sure. Okay, so yeah, you, um. 02:45:43.42 Jala Um I want to get through the the deal Steve from this. 02:45:54.69 Daniel Doubt Follows the name lie.. The only thing you can find is the ship at the ah rothwhile slaughterhouse and so part of that is figure out what is this? what? what is this? the Outsiders talking about what do we need to do and yeah is is like going through the slaughterhouse where they harvest whale oil. But Whale oil Whale Parts. You know that's where they you know, get the meat for the tin and all that and you get see a living whale who is obviously in pain not and is it ain't great. You know is even though it's like this eldish creature. 02:46:32.65 Daniel It is clearly it is not a good time. Not at all. 02:46:35.24 Ryzana I Think the what is the note on it is like they purposely kind of keep it that way because they'll just milk it for as much whale oil until it essentially just dies. 02:46:43.48 Jala Yeah, and there's a note on that and that's that's exactly what they're doing. They keep it alive as long as possible because it will keep producing oil for a while. So so it's bloody. It's suspended. It's in pain you can go up to its eye in the eye'll look at you. 02:47:00.79 Ryzana It let out the like a sad kind of whale moan. You know, eutonize the whale. 02:47:03.80 Jala So yeah, yeah, yeah, well in in the whale whaling house as well like the whalers that are in there. Also have like their their weapons which are unique to this one little area and this 1 level where they've got like the little um, like electrocuting weapons and and buzz saws and stuff like that. So um, yeah, not wonderful. 02:47:36.31 Jala So from there though, um Daudd has to figure out what the relevance is between these disparate things and also um, he has to to deal with the leader bun but bundry bundry what a name. 02:47:54.45 Jala Bundry what Rothwell the guy who owns the slaughterhouse. So. 02:47:59.30 Daniel Yeah, and that's an optional thing you can deal with him. Um, you can take him to like 1 of his interrogation rooms get info on thelila out of him. The other option is to he is ah torturing somebody who's trying to unionize his workers and ah. She has the same info but you have to blow up the entire slaughterhouse in order for her to give you bad information and so regardless you find out about you. Get you get a new name from ah either 1 of them whichever one you end up helping or. 02:48:34.60 Daniel Hurting in the case of Rothw you the name of a barrister who's who leaves you on the next path to delilah as it were. 02:48:44.15 Jala Right? So basically the ship had been named Delilah because of roth wild's obsession with delilah is that yeah because basically everybody who comes and comes across delilah becomes obsessed with delilah. Let us just put it that way. 02:48:52.42 Daniel Yeah, is the team. 02:49:02.89 Daniel Almost supernaturally. So but yeah, he ends up. Ah you end up getting info leading you to barrister Arnold Timsh who is a boykeevy little bastard. Um. 02:49:19.72 Daniel He's been ah, basically declaring eminent domain on houses of of people who end up succumbing to the plague up sometimes though not necessarily when they've succumbed to the plague even just you know there's like land to grab and so you get you the fun time with that you can end up. 02:49:39.40 Daniel Um, non-lethally taking him out involves working with I Believe it's a niece I believe you end up contacting who basically wants him out of the way and ah basically people plotting against him. The main thing is ah. 02:49:44.10 Jala Um, yes, it's a niece. 02:49:55.63 Daniel He has a letter of immunity from the Lord regent for like anything you know, keeping him safe from like if anybody like gets wise to his high jinks Essentially ah what you have to do is replace with a falsified letter ah declaring that he's at his house is actually um. Is meant to be seized via the end of Domain. He's used to grab other people's houses swapping the letters around and then like and tossing a odorous sack into his ventilation system right before he gets a visit from one of the guard captains. 02:50:29.87 Jala Um, yeah, because then that makes them think that there's plague in the house because of that scent. 02:50:35.34 Daniel Yeah, and then he pulls out his letter and they're like oopsie nope this is actually actually it says here you were supposed to relinquish this the Lord regent months ago now and that he ends up getting taken away. Um, but from there you find out Delilah is a artist who. 02:50:52.60 Daniel He is also obsessed with um and basically I believe I believe this is the love where you find out. She is also a witch and like bears the Outsider's Mark. 02:51:06.53 Jala Um, yeah I think so I believe so. 02:51:07.96 Daniel I know you can talk to a statue of her that is us secreted away inside of Tim she's attic if I remember correctly. But yeah, you find out and she has some kind of plot going on. She doesn't you know like unlike you know the of the. 02:51:27.14 Daniel Lord Regent she has no reason to divulge her plan to you so then the next part is heading back to the flooded district to workout plan to locate her. Um. 02:51:42.18 Daniel No I think you also get her location in this mission as well. Which is the brick more manor us. Yeah. 02:51:46.90 Ryzana Yeah to set up the next one 02:51:47.42 Jala Um, yeah, yeah, it sets up the next DLC it. It doesn't it doesn't really resolve within the first dealc. It's just the beginning of it and then it was released as the second part into the Brigmore witches. 02:52:02.20 Jala But there were some other notes. So ah the captain of industry episode with the slaughterhouse takes place after Dishonored mission which is the very first mission of Dishonored 1 because there's wanted posters for Corvo so it takes place at least after that point. And then also Miguel you had a note here about the favor system. 02:52:23.00 Ryzana Oh yes, so this I put in because it's the first introduction of something they would expand on in 2 with the black market shops of if you've collected enough money by scrounging around the levels. You can buy either passwords or notes to like hey there's a safe here that you can access like something that they would expand on later on you know this is the first real introduction of of course Daudd would you know he's an assassin of course he'd have people he could ask for. You know hints about an area. He's going to. 02:52:56.95 Jala Yeah, yeah, absolutely so and then um, the barrister timsh level eminent domain takes place after a house of pleasure because there is announcements of a reward for information leading to the location of Emily Caldman so ah that's also something that is important. But yeah, this ah Knife of done well dealc basically just like allows you to run around as Daudd and start to set this the tone of what's going on and begin the ball rolling for what would eventually become Dishonored 2. Ah, it's kind of required play if you want to go into Dishonored 2 and know what's going on. So um, you do find out really early that you are dealing with a witch delilah and that she has these powers. She's not just because at first like they introduce her as an artist. But then it's pretty quick after that that you also learned she's also magical. She's a magical artist and um, you know like that's themed in a lot of her stuff like how you communicate with her in the DLC. It's usually through statues and stuff like that. She has ens sorced paintings which we'll get to here really shortly and then of course like going forward into how ah the brigmore witches Dale C resolves and then also in Dishonored 2. We have a reprisal of a lot of those elements. So. 02:54:22.16 Jala Let us shift over into brig more witches Daniel take us away. oh oh okay 02:54:24.43 Daniel Yeah, all right? Well we did forget to mention there is one last mission a Knife of du wall which is basically the overseers have found outs hide out and you have to stealth back through that to take them out. This is also. 02:54:39.72 Jala Um, oh right? Yeah that that's right. 02:54:43.37 Daniel This's also where ah delilah actually confronts Daudd. Um, and you find out that your lieutenant Billy lurk has been working with delliah for basically ah, mostly thinking either Daud's gone soft and low chaos or. That doubt is completely losing his marbles if you're doing a murderous high chaos. Um, and you can end up. You can't end up tin here on as essentially like the final boss after you've got the overseers out of the way. Um, and from there you can end up either. Ah. You end up killing her or just exiling her from the whalers altogether and that's where a Knife of duwall ends right? there. 02:55:25.16 Jala Yeah, and the canon way that pans out is of course that you exile her ah because she makes an appearance again later. So. 02:55:33.97 Daniel Yep, and then ah bring more witches you start out with a Daudd is having a really nasty nightmare about his up. He knows Corvo is going to come for him like this that point where like you know Corvo is escaped from jail you know Daud knows there's like There's no way he's going to be able to avoid that. That's the judgment that's coming for and because of ah his assassination of the empress you end up in a a short fight with Corvo where ah is it's essentially a dreamed doubts having but it's you you can end up beating the shade of. Corvo the nightmare as it were but still ends with ah possibly of doubt having a vision of himself dying even if you do manage to beat back a Corvo and then from there of. 02:56:24.85 Daniel Awakens The whalers who been working trying to find a way to access brig more matter because it's outside of Dunwall which is quarantined so trying to find somebody who can break past the quarantine get Daud to brig more man or has been their priority. Ah they have a lead on ah the leader of the dead eels. Um, excuse me ah has a has a ship that can get past the blockade. But unfortunately right now she's in Coldridge So you. 02:56:54.29 Jala Yeah, because she was she was betrayed by what her first mate or something like that somebody betrayed her and took over her ship and Lizzie stride was thrown into coleridge prison. So you have a reprisal. Of that first Dishonored level where you have to just go. But now you're sneaking in and you have powers and you're doubt you're not Corvo and you're going in there to break her out and it. 02:57:18.44 Daniel Yeah, and you end up but exploring a lot more of the level than you did as corrivo they are the wings where like the regular prisoners are capped um you can um. 1 of the favors you get is you can get an overseers uniform to walk in through Coleridge who is there to investigate. Ah the ruins of the like interrogation room I think where one of Delilah's witches basically just blew it up. Essentially. 02:57:47.14 Jala Yeah, that's exactly what happened? Yeah yeah, and what's really fun about this is that the the inmates in this prison will also. 02:57:50.32 Daniel And so that's kind of like your cover to be able to walk straight in. 02:58:03.89 Jala Like alert the guards to your presence. They're not on your side because you're Dauded and they hate you because you put a lot of them in in the first place. 02:58:11.14 Daniel Yes, yeah, you can actually if you did the nonlethal on a better sir Tim she can find him in one of the cells in coldridge there. Yeah. 02:58:22.38 Jala Yeah, which is a lot of fun. So this was a lot of this is this was definitely one of the the more fun levels for me because it is the reversal of that first disempowerment level and um, you know it has its own. You know dilemmas and things like that. But it's really fun to go and revisit this level and revisit this space but then turn it on its head. You're breaking in you're trying to break someone out and you're not Corvo. You're Daudd. You know you you. Put all these people in this prison to begin with basically or or you killed people you know, ah related to the people in the prison or whatever it is you know. 02:59:01.84 Daniel Yeah, and one of the fun things I like about this level is ah in ah Corvo ends up escaping by basically diving into a moat that leads into the sewers when you're coming up to Coleridge. That same moat has been completely drained and the sewer entrance blocked off as like a nice little touch like yeah this we're not letting that happen again. 02:59:23.19 Jala Yeah, yeah, it's it's quite a lot of fun. So Lizzie Stride is very striking to look at ah she's got like a mostly shaved head with like ah a chunk of hair thrown over the side and she she looks pretty wild. Um, and. I know that they added her into the DLC because they realized that in the main Dishonored game. They didn't really have any real strong. You know, female protagonists or anything like that or strong female characters generally speaking. Um. 02:59:55.73 Daniel Yeah, well I mean the the one that could potentially be there dies in the first mission. So and the ah the other the other noble female characters are either servants or you end up or are a mistress to the power behind the throne you know. 03:00:13.77 Daniel It's It's definitely it doesn't seem like a thing that was done intentionally but it is kind of like that low key. Oh yeah, we we didn't really give a thought about the how women are represented in this game? yeah. 03:00:24.78 Jala Yeah, yeah, you can tell that there were a lot of dudes who were who were working on this. There were a lot of dudes working on it. Um, and that's that's where that went so ah Lizzie was like a nod to trying to bring in some strong female characters and I don't know if that's why they decided to make delilah as well because. 03:00:43.52 Jala They they keep on trying to make her like this major threat and she's like this strong female character I Just don't care about her but you know she's the villain but then she's also the you know like an ongoing character as well. So. 03:00:49.70 Daniel Yeah, well and she's also the villain of the piece. So like. 03:00:59.10 Ryzana I mean with what Dishonored 2 reveals better feels. She's feels just very set piece rather than the other like in terms of the female characters are introduced right? Um, like in 1 you have. Callista and what Emily I think are the only other two have more time and for the most part they're really just there for between missions in missions. Yeah I think Delilah is dealing with real time. 03:01:25.45 Jala Yeah, so so yeah, but Lizzie is this super strong character and you break her out of the prison and then she's like well that's great. But now I need you to help me take control of my ship again. So you have to. 03:01:42.52 Jala Um, you know, go sneak in there and then you and Lizzie have to go on there and then just like take Daudn the people who overthrew Lizzie so that Lizzie can have her ship back. 03:01:55.24 Daniel Yep and a lot the lave is you deal with ah it's the of oh what's his name Egar Wakefield is the one who betrayed her. Um, you have to deal with him there. Also there's also another gang in the area you can ah treat with to ah. Kind of of work aroundund ways to ah taking him out of the hatters I believe an interesting interesting little thing. Ah their leader is the geezer who's like a dude old dude on life support. Essentially. 03:02:29.71 Daniel Like it's it's rigged if he dies like it ends up like gassing his entire headquarters to like take everybody else Daudn including Hisum Killer The Physician I and now I don't recall but he's he is ah mentioned in the law of the lore which as like I. 03:02:46.91 Daniel Think he was a rival of Pierro's at the academy who end up getting exiled so that's like a nice little touch of like following up on somebody from the main game as well. Um, but you basically you can end up sneaking around taking out edgar. 03:03:05.64 Daniel Again, nonlethal lethal. However, you want to do it either way Lizzie comes in and takes back control and she is able. She's like okay we can do this. We can get you to brig more. 03:03:18.36 Jala Yep, and then your very last ah mission for the DLC in Dishonored 1 is where you go into brig more manner and doubt is there to put an end to Delilah. Ah, because she has a plot to take over the empire and he's trying to put her Daudn and so um, the brigmore manner itself is really cool because you have like this dilapidated kind of estate with a lot of witches like this is the the you have a lot of female villains here but they're all just like. 03:03:52.87 Jala Random witches that are hanging out in this mansion and then like they're gravehounds which the gravehounds are were a pain in the butt. The first time I I came across them because they are basically a skull on the ground and you don't know what that thing is until it starts to get up and then like a spiritual hound. Shows up around the skull you can break the skull before it manifests as a hound and then just kill the hound that way but you have to be careful about how you do it because if there's a witch too close then they will be Alerted. So. 03:04:25.80 Daniel Yeah, and it's basically ah yeah, the witches have like their range tax and everything if they spot you? Um, but yeah you you you throughout Ah, the brigmore witches the missions you do you can find clues that ah. Delilah is like collecting things like related to Emily like you can run into like a ah weird collector who's like you know? Yeah I had like this locket of hair from Emily Kaldwin that you know she took from me, you know things little things like that all related to Emily and you find out. Better plan is to basically use a ritual to essentially permanently possess Emily and rule the empire that way and. 03:05:05.86 Jala Yeah, and so the the really memorable way that this ends like I Really like that the ending of this DLC. It really feels more like the ending of Dishonored 1 than the actual ending of Dishonored 1 did. If that makes any sense like you end up going into a painting of hers and going into this Void realm that she possesses and then there's various copies of delilah around and she's trying to perform this ritual and you have to like sneak up. And if if you're non lethaling you have to sneak up and knock her out without her or any of her clones seeing you and then you have to take her her ah body and put it onto the altar and do some other stuff to to nonlethal her. 03:06:01.28 Daniel Well I I think this one you can. What do you can? Also do is ah is ah you're within the painting and her entire goal is using her painting skills and her magic. She's got a portrait of Emily Kaldwin set up on the altar. 03:06:18.74 Daniel Um, and there's a you can find within this world another painting that is just the Void that is like nothingness ah the other wayking on lethal is if you don't get spotted There's a point where she turns away from Emily's portrait you can swap the portraits around and then ah. Let her complete the ritual. The which Rachel is supposed to like let her become one with the target the portrait but this way instead of it being Emily called when it ends up being the Void itself she ends up trap there essentially. 03:06:48.54 Jala Yeah I I I think I played it both ways. But I can't remember which one I did. The first time I definitely put her on the altar on the second time I played through. But. 03:07:03.21 Ryzana Yeah, but it also kind of plays into what you were saying jall as her as a character that both in the first and second game her whole resolution is kind of the same it. It's like it's still. 03:07:14.20 Jala Yeah, it is It is. 03:07:20.77 Ryzana Being in a painted world and then what you decide and then trapping her within a painting again. It's like I feel like something else could be expanded all that the fact that it just rehashes the brigamore witches for Dishonored 2 kind of you know, does less for her character than already was on the table. 03:07:36.61 Jala Yeah, for sure so that that wraps up Dishonored 1 and obviously by the timestamp on here we are not going to be covering the rest of Dishonored 2. Or Death of the Outsider that's going to have to roll over into the media tieins and lore episodes. So these are just going be labeled 1 and two and these there's so so much to say with these. So ah, we will. We will continue on with the next installment of the Dishonored chronicles. 03:07:58.00 Daniel Um, we like the talk we can't help it. 03:08:10.70 Jala Um, but we will wrap here with this I do want to ask you? What was the most standout part for you from the DLC and just from Dishonored 1. Overall. 03:08:22.20 Daniel I Mean generally just the the chaos system is probably most stand out the way it affects the world. You know the the way the storyline plays out. Yeah in in that way. It makes sense even on a high chaos route for like Corvo to be who he is in that route. Because you know everything bad happening is not just like ah you know he's not just a Sith Warrior just going you know nuts on everybody. It's like you know he's got very good reasons to be just an absolutely Bloodthirsty bastard if he so chooses and it makes sense within that Context. So like doing doing a really good alignment system. Essentially where like either way makes logically makes sense like just really kind of stands out to me because he don't see that often. 03:09:10.74 Jala Yeah, absolutely There's usually one that seems like it makes way more sense than the other one. But um, the fact that Corvo is the lover of the empress and she dies and then you know his daughter Emily is the 1 whose kid you know kid. Napped and all of that and being a paw and all of these politicians schemes means that like you know he definitely just has all the reason in the world to you know, go and and kill a fool. You know? so. 03:09:43.38 Ryzana Yeah, for me I think from the DLC I think the most interesting aspect is it is probably the first DLC I ever played of a game where you got the perspective from a. Not just a different protagonist but someone up that has been spoken of and was essentially the person who started you on your path as Corvo right? Like not only do we get to see doubt as how he operates with his whalers but like his relationship to Billy right? his whole he for even though he's in. 03:10:20.49 Ryzana An Assassin a smuggler this whole kind of character. He does have a code to his ways in that this this last assignment has messed with him for so so much so speaks to just how more of a complicated character. He is. 03:10:36.36 Jala Yeah, and I like that because so many of the other characters in Dishonored are just really black. You know like there's no no pure innocent goodness characters at all except maybe Emily but only in in the first game. And you know from there she becomes complicated because she becomes an adult. So ah, you know that's how that happens. But um, you know I like the fact that doubt is more complex. It gives him more ah dimension and makes him more interesting like. Corvo himself is a character like because he's a silent protagonist I don't care as much about him as you know I liked Daudd a lot because he he has much more more personality just displayed for you like Corvo you have to pick it up. By way of what Jessamine says by way of what Emily says by the way of how everybody responds to you you know. 03:11:37.59 Ryzana Yeah, you have to infer what Corvo is not only thinking but acting right? which I do like that when we talk about disonitude next time I like the fact that Corvo does get a voice and you get when you play as him, you get his point of view of like what it is it like to. Be the person he is in the situation. He's been put into. 03:11:58.16 Jala And what I think is really funny about that is that they don't give him a move give him a voice until he's like considerably older. So like you don't get younger and potentially more impetuous and in whatever Corvo you get like the complicated older full of of. 03:12:15.41 Jala You know, doubts and reserves and in you know, hard times and you know all kinds of stuff regrets and stuff guy kind of like doubtw you know like you you only get him when he's a Daudd you know? Yeah yeah. 03:12:23.79 Ryzana Yeah, you you get you get? Yeah, you get tired dad Corvo. 03:12:25.93 Daniel Yeah, yeah, hitting the point where he's too old for this shit. Essentially. 03:12:34.16 Jala Yep, absolutely so for me. Ah this this game goes in a lot of different places. It was interesting to me going into the butchery that was very very memorable to me out of the Knife of Dunwall um I we mentioned before like Lady Boyle's party was probably one of the. Strongest levels to me out of the entire series of games. Um, just because it is so different and it has this different vibe and they're getting you to do lots of different things they would use this going forward into 2 and Death of the Outsider to really. Band on on your verb set and what you're doing and what your objectives are in a way that is really really a delight to play through so as much as I think the Dishonored 1 is the ah more cohesive ah of the games and like the more solid entry just overall. Ah, you know there's still so many more fun things to talk about and to play through in Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider so you can look forward to hearing more about those on the next installment of this apparent. You know, ah Multipart series that we've got going here. Ah, and yeah, so wrapping it up here where in the world can people find you on the internet if you are to be found anywhere. Miguel. 03:13:58.88 Ryzana Ah, as kinds of socials I'm mostly on the Jala-chan Discord and on the Duckfeed Slack as Ryzana. So if you've seen me there. That's who I am um, yeah. 03:14:13.29 Jala Yeah, and you Daniel. 03:14:17.49 Daniel Ah, for me, you can find me in Jawless Discord I'm in the duck feet slack as Well. You can find me there as sandwi do if you want to see my various ah just me essentially reblogging other posts because I don't have an original thought in my head. Go to sandwichdoo@mastodon.social. 03:14:33.92 Jala Woohoo, And of course you can find me anywhere I can be found on the internet and in the world at large @jalachan including jalachan.place where you found this episode and all of the others. Look forward to the next episode coming out on the rest of Dishonored series and lore and media and so on Yay So That's all for now folks until next time take care of yourself and remember to smile. [Show Outro] Jala Jala-chan's Place is brought to you by Fireheart Media. If you enjoyed the show, please share this and all of our episodes with friends and remember to rate and review us on your podcast platform of choice. Word of mouth is the only way we grow. If you like, you can also kick us a few bucks to help us keep the lights on at ko-fi.com/fireheartmedia. Check out our other show Monster Dear Monster: A Monster Exploration Podcast at monsterdear.monster. Music composed and produced by Jake Lionhart with additional guitars and mixed by Spencer Smith. Follow along with my adventures via jalachan.place or find me at jalachan in places on the net! [Outro Music]