[Show Intro] Jala Hey, thanks for coming! I'm glad you're here. Come on in! Everyone's out on the patio right now. Looks like a couple of people are in the garden. I can't wait to introduce you! Can I get you anything? [turned away] Hey folks, our new guest is here! [Intro music] 00:00.00 Jala and Dave Hello world and welcome to Jala-chan's Place. I'm your host Jala Prendes (she/her) and today I am joined by Marcus (they/them) and Dave (he/him) we are here again this crew that was on the last episode actually no no, not the last episode one of the most recent episodes not the not the last one, the Tenchi episode. Yeah, that's the last time. Oh no, no no was Tenchi or was it no it was the internet and identity? Which was the last one with all 3 of us? Yeah, goodness. There's so much of this combo this time. 00:28.50 Marcus There Go oh my goodness. Yeah, we do a lot of this I I'm here I'm alive I had a peanut butter in the tele sandwich before we started recording So I'm feeling Okay I am. 00:35.66 Jala and Dave So yeah, how how is everybody doing Marcus how are you doing. 00:48.24 Marcus Have to unfortunately run to the store Once we get done but that's okay, ah, and no I don't Thankfully, there's no traffic This the store is literally a block and a half away I just walk right over and. 00:51.64 Jala and Dave Oh no, not in the the holiday store traffic. Oh oh good. Oh good. Okay. 01:04.90 Marcus And go in there and grab some shit real quick and then come back home and be like cool. Nobody talk to me. Yeah. 01:07.68 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, I hear that for sure Dave how are you doing and not not too bad. It's it's like the fake weekend almost sort of but then but then not, you can elaborate. 01:27.70 Jala and Dave Yeah, they just like my my job has shipments come in and then of course because this Thanksgiving coming up the shipments canceled but they just moved to Saturday we don't normally work on Saturday and now we do so that's fine. Yeah, so for our listeners we are recording this the day before Thanksgiving and so tomorrow's thanksgiving the day after that Dave and I are going to the renaissance festival which is gonna be a lot of fun and then after that he gets to go to work in the morning at four o'clock which will be exciting. So yeah, not great. 02:02.65 Jala and Dave Unlike small business saturday after Black Friday like somehow magic magically got black friday up and then had to come in on Saturday so oh well, but yeah, anyway about this show today we are going to be talking about fitness stuff. We're going to be doing an AMA (Ask Me Anything) and then we're also gonna be doing a little bit of mythbusting. Um going over some questions and stuff that we as trainer type people get very very often out in the world when we are doing our thing so before we get to that though I want to let. Everybody have a chance to talk about the things that they do I will kick to you first Dave? What do you do like? Ah, every week you do a podcast I do podcast every week. Yeah sorry I just so. Snippy beenppy. It's it's been a lot this busy busy week. Um, yeah, so I host or I guess I'm one of the co-hosts on a podcast that focuses on monsters in popular culture and through various media and that's Monster Dear Monster I have some other podcasts but they are on hiatus for the time being. Yeah, and also if you want to talk about what your trainer Lee History is like feel free to tell folks about that too since we are talking fitness. Yeah, so since we're talking fitness see. I've been doing on and off martial arts and bodybuilding and general weightlifting for at this point almost twenty years so it's nothing really in a professional capacity but just having been kind of in the sport and then maintaining fitness. This long I've definitely run into my share of myths versus what actually works absolutely and Marcus tell people. Whatever current projects. You've got going and also after that your fitness type history. 04:10.73 Marcus Okay, ah, current projects I've got going on artwise I am working on an independent animated project little short film I am in the process of writing a not safer work comic just I'm kind of. Taking a little bit of a step back from both of those as I get onboarded with my new job personal training at equinox in Washington Dc and so I'll be doing that that'll be like that's the full-time thing. The arts the part-time thing for now. Especially since. Unfortunately I was rejected by Warner Brothers but you know what? honestly I don't think I wanted to work for Warner Brothers because David Soslov sucks so ah but yeah I found out that I had been summarily rejected in the worst way possible. Ah, the first couple episodes of the project I would have been working on. 05:02.12 Marcus Are already available online. They never sent me a rejection letter or anything. They just never stop. They just stopped talking to me. They never talked to me in the first place straight up ghosted so screw them anyway. But yes I I am a certified personal trainer ah started ah started in 2016 I got certified that July started training that year I've been doing a lot of you know my own continuing education and physical education before that though I so was I've been an athlete basically my whole life I started playing soccer when I was like 8 I did team sports all the way through junior high in high school I played varsity basketball I did intramural sports in college for the brief time that I was in regular college I've done martial arts since 1993 and um and i've. Branched off from that into yoga and belly dance and most recently contortion so I have a pretty wide base of knowledge and many myths have been busted in that amount of time because some came from previous practices. So yeah. 06:08.98 Jala and Dave Indeed. So as for me, of course I do this podcast I am also on The Level podcast which is a Duckfeed.tv production and this podcast and Monster Dear Monster are in the same podcasting network. It is called fireheartmedia. You can support us at ko-fi.com/fireheartmedia and either dropping us a one time donation or subscribing and subscribers get extra stuff at the top of the year sometime we will be having some brand new goodies available for folks including. Extra little episodes and things that have to do with and maybe don't have to do with stuff that we're talking about you know, new new content including creative content totally random omaque type stuff and then you know just continuations extra extrasodes of this show. So anyway you can check that out at ko-fi.com/fireheartmedia as for me and my fitness history I have been a personal trainer since twenty ten I have been a number of different things in my time. um yoga belly dance pole dance um ultra running but first marathon running and then ultra running I did not do anything further than like a 50 k so babies First ultra marathon. Um. 07:39.10 Marcus Nice. 07:41.15 Jala and Dave Because I have a spinal condition that makes that hard on me, you know, spinally like the the jostling and everything repetitive for that many hours but I did do some of that I also did. Ah, number of endurance rocking events and obstacle horse racing and boot camps I have been a tybo certified tybo instructor at one point which is basically the origin of Cardio Kickboxing I also have taught boot camps I have taught any number of other different things that I already know how to do I got into bodybuilding around 2019 I so also transitioned at some point into kind of a power building style of training at some point in there. But see what else are I I more recently Dave and I have started doing mote as well. So we do have a little bit of of fresh new style of martial arts trading as well. So I've done a lot of things kind of like how you say Marcus a lot of different things under the belt. There. 08:52.84 Jala and Dave A little bit of exposure to a lot of different types of training different modalities different focuses folk I for for each different thing I've done a little bit of rock lining with Dave for a little bit. There was that in there I don't know like if I think about it I probably have more things that I could mention. But. 09:12.72 Jala and Dave But the snake of this episode just understand. There's like a Motley crew of of different things that collectively all of us have experienced and so I feel like this is going to be a really good episode. Yeah well I mean like um I just most recently. 09:23.80 Marcus Yeah, between the 3 of us we know everything. 09:31.89 Jala and Dave Got a new certification as a physique coach I also have a behavior change Specialist Fitness nutrition specialist and um, see stretching stretching and flexibility coach ah certifications as Well. So I can't even keep them all straight. But that's how long I've been doing the thing. But yeah, so between all of those those pieces of paper and you know like I currently like my main job is not doing training stuff I do train with folks online mostly it is via like coaching online. I Program folks I give them a lot of life coaching and wellness coaching and nutrition stuff and I work with them like that rather than like a video class or something like that so that is the current mode of my fitness expression. 10:29.82 Jala and Dave If you will insofar as training others is concerned at this point. So. 10:32.20 Marcus Yeah I'll go ahead and add here that my training is the majority has majority of it has been in person but of course with the pandemic of and everything things switch to online but now I'm kind of doing a hybrid thing but as I get back in the swing of things at equinox. It's going to be shifting to like 90% in Person. Ah, be keeping some online things independently, but obviously everything at Equinox has to be actually at equinox. So yeah. 10:57.82 Jala and Dave Oh yeah, yeah, it's like ah when I was teaching boof camps and doing the classes that I taught before those were all in person I've taught groups I've taught individuals. You know? Ah, but again pandemic hit and I just now like with taking care of my disabled parents and things like that. It works a lot better for me to do it remotely and work that way. so so yeah let us without further ado kick it off with the Ama. So yay Chris asks what are the differences between bodybuilding and powerlifting. 11:32.16 Jala and Dave What considerations toward exercises should be made when choosing between the 2 so who else to go first or do you want me to go ahead and kick it off. 11:36.35 Marcus Oooo That's a fun one. 11:46.41 Marcus Um, I would say you have the more body building specific certification. So I would say you should start with that one. 11:51.54 Jala and Dave Okay, so um, the major difference between bodybuilding and power liftfting is that bodybuilding is hypertrophy focus so you are trying to go for muscle size muscle symmetry. You're looking for aesthetics right. So that doesn't mean that you are necessarily lifting the max weights that you can and this that and the other and how that like you you are working towards gaining some power so that you can raise your overall volume so that you can better develop your muscles. Yes, but it's not the same as power lifting. Where you are eating more to train specifically to gain power. You have to have some extra reserves of energy a a fat on your body to be able to lift the amounts that you lift when you are power lifting and going for maximum weight lifting in. The lower rep range because power lifters as everybody knows if you've ever seen a power lifting meet they're doing like a rep. You know they're not doing you know 8 to 12 within the hypertrophy range. They're doing a rep and they're trying to do as much as they can in that short burst. So. 13:01.99 Jala and Dave It's a different kind of focus and it's not that um, bodybuilders are not using power elements in their training. It's just that the emphasis that you have is different. It's also not like power lifters. Can't do some bodybuilding like when I said earlier that I switched into a. Power building style What I need by that is I am switching between doing bodybuilding hypertrophy stuff and then also focusing on cycles of powerlifting where I'm doing heavier lifts and. 13:37.14 Jala and Dave Lower rep ranges that are not for aesthetics but are for specifically the power gains that I would get there and so like that is not a style that like if you're trying to do competitive bodybuilding or something like that. That's not a style you would necessarily do it just kind of depends on what your particular interest is. If you want to compete then that would be bodybuilding if you want to do maximum strength. You just want to be the strongest baddest dude out there. You want to do a strong man competition or something like that if powerlifting meet that's a totally different kind of consideration insofar as. What you would want to do for exercises between the 2 so bodybuilding because you are working on symmetry and you are working on aesthetics and you are trying to develop a well-rounded physique. It means that you will be using a lot of isolation exercises in addition to your basic lifts. Because you are trying to buff up evenly your entire body and work on the little weak points like if you have a small rear delt you're going to be doing isolation exercises for your rear delt until you can buff that up so that it looks even in proportionate. Because again, you're going for that aesthetic Goal. So That's vastly different than a power lifter who if they do accessory Movements. It's to strengthen the primary list that they're doing during meets so that's a totally different kind of focus and goal and like the. 15:08.65 Jala and Dave Lifting like you're go to hit some of the same lifts on either 1 of those styles. But again, it's just like are you going for power. Are you going for aesthetics your diet's going to change accordingly, you know according to that mostly in your total calorie you know macros that you've got going and you know whether or not you're focusing on these little muscles just to make them look pretty versus you're focusing on muscles because those muscles are also recruited in your primary lifts and you want to increase that primary lift by doing these exercises. So you know, um, that's that's kind of like the long and short does anybody have anything additional I think Dave you guys? Um, yeah, so depending on which so if you're doing powerlifting. That's going to be a different lifestyle as well. Then bodybuilding and if you're doing bodybuilding competitively. You're going to be having the bulking cutting cycleist you're going to be changing or you're looking at everything you're in taking all of your macronutrients your water intake. Everything's very precisely prior to the competition versus. You're not going to be tracking that quite as much in offseason oh also posing and yes, be. You'll be having to have a posing coach or you need to be able to best showcase the muscles you've been building if you're doing powerlifting that a lot of those things are kind of out the window. 16:42.80 Jala and Dave Really, you just need to be your kind of heaviest and strongest you're going to get so you're not worried about like oh I I can't see my 6 pack like you're gonna probably have a 1 pack but you're also going to be able to like lift other people or the whole. 17:01.40 Jala and Dave Bench or a yeah, youre playing powerplane. Yeah um, and the the lifestyle the the things that you have to eat your caloric intake is going to be vastly vast from your you're in. You're in the thousands of. 17:02.33 Marcus Right? yeah. 17:20.67 Jala and Dave Calories a day range. 17:21.98 Marcus I think 1 thing that people don't talk about 1 small thing that is actually a similarity between bodybuilding and powerlifting is that in both cases if you want to get the best results out of either of them. You need to prioritize your rest and your recovery that's something that. 17:41.31 Marcus People in both sports tend to mess up on less so with powerlifting I've noticed that like people who ah people who are like you know champion deadlifters or like competitive squatters or whatever they tend to recovery is kind of is part of the game. You know, but bodybuilders in particular have a tendency to not. Rest as well as they need to and they try to load up on cardio especially when they're getting closer to a show. They're trying to like cut as much as they possibly can to trying to burn as many calories as they possibly can and they kind of short chain themselves on the rest and a lot of times they screw themselves up so that's something I think people need to take into account. 1 other thing I wanted to say about bodybuilding though. Ah, when it comes to ah when people talk about training specifically I mean you mentioned aesthetics but like along with that is like training for weight loss or whatever or trying to quote unquote tighten and tone. That is going to be the same type of training as a bodybuilder would do in a lot of cases ah like with some with some differences like most of the time if people are just trying to like lose a lot of body fat. They're not really going to be focusing like you said on like oh my rear adults are tiny. You know. Ah, but ah, but the lifting the training style will actually be remarkably similar. So. 18:56.92 Jala and Dave And another aspect that you'll get a little bit in bodybuilding is like joint protection. The worries aren't quite as severe the loads and stresses you're putting on your body when you're doing power lifting are. 19:14.81 Jala and Dave Far far more just because the weights you're moving around and so what you'll generally see is even when training like a powerlifter their elbows their knees. Everything's tightly wrapped up. 19:30.27 Jala and Dave And there's there's specific equipment you get for that where if you're trying to move those weights and you're just going in there like you were bodybuilding then you're going to public age or something like very badly. Absolutely. 19:39.50 Marcus Right? Yeah, oh also. Ah, 1 other thing that I mean this wasn't part of the question but I just feel like it needs to be included is that powerlifting is not the same as olympic lifting. Those are very different sports but have similar considerations. So just the thing. 19:48.56 Jala and Dave Right. 19:55.80 Jala and Dave Right? right? Absolutely and you are correct like ah, bodybuilding and Physique but not competitive bodybuilding style training you know, aesthetic training in general is going to follow more of a bodybuilding pattern than it is. 20:12.74 Jala and Dave You know anything remotely like a power lifting pattern because power lifting is not an aesthetic thing. It's markedly not an an aesthetic thing. It's a you know specifically to get your power. You know? So yeah, so that was question number 1 So thank you Chris. 20:29.69 Jala and Dave If you have any questions feel free to hit us up all the contact info is of course in the show notes. So Zombie asks. What do you say to a woman or a sign fumile at Birth individual who fears lifting because they feel they will get bulky someone else take this one to go. 20:47.21 Marcus I'm gonna I'm gonna lead with the thing that I tell every single client who's ever asked me that I said you've got a 1 in a million shot and honestly unless you plan on being in the gym 3 hours a day every day for the for the next like 5 years It's not gonna happen. Just. Like the likelihood of it happening is so low. Um, and it really and it doesn't have anything to do like it doesn't have anything to do with the person's ability necessarily It's just the fact that um, unless you're really and this really goes for anybody regardless of gender but especially for women and afab folks unless you're. Really trying to put on a lot of muscle. You're not going to like you have to train specifically to do it like otherwise it's not really going to happen. 21:25.63 Jala and Dave Right? Well well in order to put on that degree of muscle you have to eat a very specific kind of way and you also for some AFAB individuals. You also have the consideration of your hormones right? so. 21:45.68 Jala and Dave Estrogen is something that is a fat retaining kind of hormone so you have a little bit harder time shirking weight and getting that definition you retain more body fat as a sine female at Birth Vi which means the quote unquote softer look is natural for that. 22:03.90 Jala and Dave Ah, you know, kind of hormonal ah predominance. But if you have something like like you have to do something like take tea and also spend all their time in the gym and do nothing but train on you know, Super super heavy and eat us. You have to eat a specific way. You can't build the muscles without the building blocks. You have to have. 22:20.10 Marcus Right. 22:22.62 Jala and Dave Everything in place to make that happen. You know like I trained with weights and I trained a whole the number of different ways for a number of years but until I did bodybuilding and specifically was eating for that and training for that I did not gain mass I was small I was very small. I was in fact, looking at some photos of that earlier today when I was talking to a new person about just some of the stuff that I've done in the past I looked at little like photos of myself back and in different versions of myself over the years and I'm like oh wow I was so small because you know now I've been training. Bodybuilding and powerbuilding and all of this other stuff and I've gotten so much more mass as a result Dave and another aspect you have to kind of look at along with the food intake and if you're not changing anything then you're going to probably be the losing mass over time if you're if you're all active but a lot of folks. 23:13.58 Marcus Yes. 23:18.51 Jala and Dave They're in the gym or even at home They they're putting a lot of time on cardio machines for the often and if you're doing that in addition and you're not amping up the calories to like make up the deficit of what you're burning then you're yeah, you're not going to be but. 23:24.67 Marcus Yeah, that's true. 23:36.53 Jala and Dave An extra muscle so you you'll you'll look more fit but you're going to be like at the most kind of wiry. Yeah, and that's that's something too like if you were doing something like bodybuilding For example, um. 23:49.70 Jala and Dave You can't really run something like say say me if I came off of ultra marathon mode and wanted to start bodybuilding I could not actually gain much muscle that way because when you are doing endurance style sports. It's very different from you know the strength. Style sports right? and which are are shorter in duration generally speaking or at least replenished you know you can keep up in a gym when you're lifting. You can keep up with your calories you know and take take your breasts and stuff like that where you don't do that when you're doing something like an ultra marathon necessarily like you can. Take nutrition while you're running. You're never going to catch the calorie burn that you were expending doing that exercise I will guarantee you because of the style the nature of the activity that you're doing so um, you can't do something like bodybuiling and then run. Longer than something like a half marathon because you will burn off too much muscle you burn off muscle doing that much of ah of a cardio type of thing. So that's also a consideration and again, that's that's just because like that nutrition intake can't keep up with the amount of calories exiting your body. With your total daily energy expenditure there. 25:07.22 Marcus Yeah, no absolutely and another thing too like in terms of um, something that I think ah, people don't really take into account is that people. Okay, so people think that Oh if I lift all this weight I'm gonna get ripped. It's like no. You won't You'll probably get bigger and stronger. The other thing is that people think it's going to happen quickly. It's that's a thing. It's New. It Absolutely will not happen quickly. I think the fastest anybody can gain I think the fastest anybody can gain weight without I'll just say special supplementation. 25:44.58 Marcus Ah, is about like I think the most somebody has gained if they were doing everything right was I think like £20 in 1 year or something like that and they were like do they had a coach and they had like a nutrition coach and they were and it was their whole life. So like the average person. 26:04.28 Marcus Doesn't have that going on so that's just don't don't bet on it happening. It's just not going. Yeah. 26:08.16 Jala and Dave Oh yeah, yeah, there's definitely like and that's that's kind of like with most kinds of physical activities when you are shaping yourself to some specialization like um when you're running your body gets better at the activity the longer you do it. When you are lifting your body gets better into wills a little slowly like you know you you do have nubigas. Okay, like for the first year to almost two years depending upon the person you can you know keep lifting every single time you go into the gym. You can just like lift. 26:30.60 Marcus Of course. 26:41.50 Jala and Dave More and more weight and more and more weight and then you hit like that Plateau point where you're close to your natural limit without specialized training to specifically increase that your capacity you know and and the same kind of thing happens in every kind of new thing that you take on. 27:00.50 Jala and Dave Where you have those newbie gains until your body acclimates to what it's you know what? the new demands are they're being placed on it and then you have to have specialized training to get any further with that past that general cap point. 27:11.42 Marcus Right? Yeah, exactly. So so anyway, so there all the assigned Mill at Birth individuals out there and fem folks and and and women out there who are worried about getting bulky Seriously don't worry about it. 27:26.70 Jala and Dave Yeah, seriously like unless that's your goal. But if it's not your goal. You're not gonna just get there. Um, it's not very likely so and say no, we say not very likely just because somebody's gonna be like well actually there's this one person. Okay. 27:29.13 Marcus Unless that's your goal. Yeah. 27:42.18 Marcus Of course, there's that one person. 27:43.18 Jala and Dave Might be 1 genetically yeah this this one genetic outlier right? but generally speaking in in most average individuals' case. That's not going to be an issue so moving right? along rookie asks what are some common mistakes people make. 27:59.60 Jala and Dave That keep them from losing weight gaining weight or whatever their goal is so big. Um, it's gonna be your your regimen. So your your literal time under tension. How much you are putting into. 28:18.96 Jala and Dave Work that you're doing the workout and then a lot of it's going to be diet. It's like probably 90% diet if you're putting in the work and you're putting in a couple hours a week and but you're not eating correctly. Ah, one way or the other if you're not if you're not consuming enough calories for what you're doing and you're trying to put on weight but you're eating under that then no, you're not nothing's gonna happen and then if you're eating too much and you're not burning enough calories then you're just going to keep kidding weight. 28:52.21 Jala and Dave 1 thing I would say is something that Marcus said earlier rest every single person I know that is on a journey to go gain weight lose weight. Whatever their thing is ah so like if they if they are not experienced in that activity and they're just trying to do it for health reasons or whatever. 28:54.38 Marcus Oh absolutely. Yeah. 29:09.17 Jala and Dave They do not rest enough. They're like I gotta go to the gym seven days a week no you don't you actually need time to let your body rest and recover and that's when your body like heals itself and that also prevents injuries and that also like allows your body to actually. You know excise some of that some of that the yes you have to keep active but you're not going to suddenly lose all your progress if you get adequate sleep that's going to only improve everything because like when you get a lower amount of sleep. What happens is you. Are prone to make mistakes you are prone to get injured. You are also prone to eating more because of like your tiredness you you reward yourself with eating more and things like that. so you have a tendency of oh well then if you're so tired you also have a tennessency of not going to the gym like you set your goal to go in the morning but then you don't go because you didn't get enough sleep the night before and it just kind of rules on and on and on you have to let your body recover before you continue on with that you know red regimen that you've got also if you don't rest enough. You don't give your body. That variety of intensity like if you're just going hard every single day at the gym and you're not varying your intensity at all, you will burn out, especially if you are are new to the activity if you are someone who has a lot of experience with that then your body is probably adapted to that and can handle it better. But when you start out. 30:40.71 Jala and Dave That is not the way you need to go for consistency consistency at worst you have to go for consistency showing up and you know continuing on with everything in a way which is manageable for your lifestyle if you make the goal to go to the gym in the morning but you are a night owl that's not going to work out for you. 30:59.15 Jala and Dave You need to find the time that works best for you. You need to find the exercise modality that you are happiest with if you hate it. You're not going to continue doing it I will guarantee you you will stop. You know like you might for a little while lose a little bit of weight and then just be like boo I'm done and then just that's it. You know you have to find something that you will like to do. 31:18.30 Jala and Dave And doesn't even have to be like a gym exercise. You can do gardening and that's something that is an intense physical activity. You can play pickle ball which I only learned about recently that that is apparently some kind of a big fad now and you know whatever and like you can do. 31:35.72 Jala and Dave Whatever in like activity go for a walk with the dog you know like that's fine. You know these things all contribute to your overall energy expenditure and it's at the end of the day about your calories in versus your calories out. So Dave talk about nutrition is nail it on the head. But talking from like a behavioral standpoint you really need to get that rest in you really need to allow yourself the grace like don't be an all or nothing about it. Don't have an all or nothing mindset if I miss a day I've just screwed it up and I can't go back this week and I'm just done I'm just gonna have to start over next week but then next week comes and then you have another day that you miss and then you. 32:14.70 Jala and Dave Bundle it all up. Oh I I over at this one day and so forget it I'm just going to say forget it for the rest of this week or you know like something like that that all or nothing mindset throw it out the window. It's bad news. 32:27.43 Marcus I was going to say on the note of consistency too. Um, one of the most common mistakes that people make is following fads you know following fad diets yo-yo dieting going doing these extreme things at first and then messing themselves up and then burning out on it or. Following some fad or following some like you know fitness influencer who's selling ah selling a product and thinking that the product is going to do anything for them and they do this and it doesn't work and they give up or they try a diet that's like a weird kind of yo-yo diet thing happening. And they try it for like a few weeks and they see a little bit of results and then they stop and then the results immediately go away like those are those are things that happen all the time and ah yeah, like people finding finding consistency is usually the biggest hurdle. Because like if you do something. There's a big difference between doing something for a month and doing something for a year when it comes to like your goals you know and if you do something if the longer you stick with something the longer you can continue to do something. The better off, you're going to 1 like you said earlier, you know the more you do a thing you better, you are at it. Um, yeah, people don't people don't stick with things long enough people get impatient and I think that's that is actually probably the biggest mistake is that people get impatient. They think that. 33:56.74 Marcus Whatever they're getting into is going to be a miracle and it's like no, it's it's it's It's a slow process bodies. Don't change that fast if you want change get surgery. 34:03.94 Jala and Dave Well and it right? Well and the thing is too like the weight didn't just happen overnight right? The weight took time for you to gain. So the weight's going to take time for you to lose and that's just how that is. 34:22.27 Jala and Dave You know that's that's how your body operates so and another one is hydration people don't get enough water and that will mess up a lot of things believe it or not the the water really makes a difference as to like how much. 34:37.67 Jala and Dave You know water you retain if you drink more water. Your body's not going to hold on to as much water and you know your sodium intake these things all play a part in like what your weight fluctuations are and if you're bloated and you know whether or not you have as much soreness and headaches and all number of things. Relates to your water intake just all of these things are so so important. But um. 34:59.25 Marcus Yeah, oh on the on the rest thing. What this is just the last thing I wanted to mention Anyway, on the note of rest is when you're sleeping That's when your body is recovering and adapting like that's when your muscle is growing. You know so. 35:17.13 Marcus Yeah, make sure you get enough sleep. So yeah and that works whether it's weight losing or gaining weight when you're sleeping is when your body is making those adaptations neurological adaptations too. But especially the you know the skeletal physical ones. 35:32.11 Jala and Dave Yeah, absolutely because your body is building neural pathways while you rest and that applies to you know like when you study for an exam. It's best to study and then get some sleep because your brain will internalize that and process that and build those neurological pathways and those memories. As you sleep same thing happens with your your adaptations that you have when you are doing training that happens when you sleep. So that's why that sleep part is extra important for sure. Dave's got some yeah and in addition to the proper rest something to kind of. Be aware of whether you're trying to whether your goal is gaining weight or losing weight is if you're putting time in the gym or just doing general exercises ah be mindful of this like your injuries. So if you're trying to do something and you're already tired the chances to be hurting yourself is higher. 36:30.60 Jala and Dave Additionally, your tendons and your ligaments take probably 3 times as long than your muscles to become stronger so you'll start getting so you'll say you're doing bicep curls and you're just you're new to the gym and it's been like two or three months and you just keep ramping up the weight because you can I can still lift up I can still do these mini reps while what's happening is if you just if you're kind of constantly increasing the weight but not giving yourself time to um, acclimate that in your tendons and ligaments then you're going to either tear something or pull things. Tendinitis. 37:08.97 Jala and Dave Um, and that whether you're younger or old. That's not fun to habitate that'll sideline you and then your whatever you're trying to do gain or lose weight takes even longer because that you can't do the thing you were trying to do and that goes with any injury. Ah, additionally and this has happened to me more than once in the past but I'll be having a good lifting session and I'll be there for like an hour time doesn't really matter because it just what what the work you're putting in but it'll get toward the end of the the time I've kind of carved out for myself and. But okay I'm tired I should probably like I'm gonna call it here. But then I'm like oh no wait I'm gonna do 1 1 more rep or 1 more thing and then I've I've hurt myself almost any time I've said oh I'm gonna do 1 more thing I'm already tired and and you you have to listen to your body. You need to know when it's time to kind of call. It. 38:04.37 Jala and Dave Because it's it's repetive stress injuries or you just you're not focused and something that was supposed to be tight was loose and then you pulled your back or shoulder who knows what it is but that can set you back like a month or longer just from something that you pulled. 38:22.83 Jala and Dave Absolutely And and another another Nove This is the the question. The font of of never ending responses. Ah yeah, another thing I Want to say too is that I always program mobility work into every client's stuff. 38:40.32 Jala and Dave When I taught classes I always had mobility stuff in there and Mobility stuff is so important because you especially when you are doing something like lifting and you're just doing the the lifting or the running or the whatever you're doing a repetitive exercise that has a certain movement Pattern. And once you're working and within that movement Pattern What happens is your body gets stuck in that movement pattern if you will and then you start to lose your range of motion in your mobility when it comes to everything else. Plus when you get those type muscles when you get the tendonitis and all the other itises that you're going to get if you overtrain. Or over exert yourself generally speaking then that's going to just also make it that much harder for you to Move. You should be able to do the lifts functionally without that kind of a pain and there's a difference between the the feeling that you get when you are exerting yourself. 39:38.34 Jala and Dave And doing an exercise safely versus you are exerting yourself and now you have like also an a tendonitis or another issue and a limited range of motion and this that and the other. So if you're if you're lifting or doing any exercise and it's actually painful. Don't do that? Yes, like back back off. 39:58.12 Jala and Dave Lower the weight change the range of motion to where it feels comfortable change to a different version of the exercise and there's other maybe don't use weights use a band you know, try to find a way around that where it's not actively hurting you because while there's the no pain. No gain. 40:14.38 Jala and Dave If it's all pain. There's there's going to be no gain. Yeah yeah, and definitely like you can always change what type of exercise you're doing like you can't for a while. Um after I fell and injured my tailbone at some point in a while that incident that tailbone hurt for I don't know a year and a half 40:15.50 Marcus Exactly yeah. 40:33.50 Jala and Dave So and I couldn't comfortably sit down or lay down or anything. It was horrible anyway, when I was trying to do squats I couldn't do like a regular back squat but I could do a suitcase squat. So guess who did a whole lot of suitcase squats for like a year and a half you know so because like the the end range of motion would really. 40:51.64 Jala and Dave Pull on that tailbone in a way that did not feel good so to protect my tailbone in this unrelated to training incident I ended up switching my exercise and just you can't go ahead. 41:03.87 Marcus Last thing I'm going to say about last thing I'm going to say about rest real quick is ah there is a quote I forgot I'm going to paraphrase it. But basically it's a rest on purpose so that you don't have to rest because of an accident. 41:15.17 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, and then the other thing I was gonna mention just in regards to safety if this isn't always the case but generally folks in the gym are pretty friendly and they may be like in the zone or with your headphones out or something but there's. As long as you're not there like in a 24 hour gym and it's five thousand morning there's no one there if there's people around you and you need a spot. You can probably feel comfortable asking almost anybody they will help you. Ah maybe don't ask a person that's visibly a lot smaller than you are because they probably can't spot you correctly. 41:53.45 Jala and Dave Um, but if you need help you know, flagged or even just yeah, flaggged down on trainer or somebody just because you don't want need hurt. Um, when there's something that can help you and use the spaning arm to use the equipment and if you're not sure about something ask somebody. I've had so many instances in the gym where I'm really pushing hard and I know my limits and I'm doing good and then somebody like will run up because they're like oh god that girl's gonna die like they think they're gonna spot me I'm like I got it? Dude it's fine Don the the bar don't touch the bar don't touch my Garmin anyway. 42:27.14 Marcus You think right. 42:30.43 Jala and Dave Whatever yeah, okay, moving right? along threeenza trolls us me and Dave and says where do you vegans get your protein because David I are ro vegan um, yeah vegans get protein and this is just a troll you know, no no shade their trans up. But yeah to answer this question I get this question a lot. So vegans get protein from sources like Tempe and tofu and satan and beyond perhers and possible meat and like so many other 5000000000 brands these days and chickpeas and seeds and nuts and broccoli has it I'd be like there's a lot of vegetables plant. Planes have protein in them I've been granted the proportion of like protein to other macros is going to be different in vegetables but they also have vitamins and nutrients in them that meats don't have so. There's a lot of considerations there. But ah if you actually are interested in a plant-based diet I would recommend getting a very good vegan cookbook I have some on my little recommendations list on fireheartfitness.com. Go check there pull up some of those recipe books. Pick up a really good recipe book and make some of that food because it's freaking amazing. But yeah, Dave and and if you need to there are vegan supplements. There's protein supplements. You can get that can make up a deficit if you have 1 right right. 44:01.99 Jala and Dave So yeah, like there's there's a lot of sources for proteins. There are a lot of good resources out there for folks who are interested in that kind of thing I would recommend something like engine 2 no meat athlete. Ah let's see what else is they're vegan strong. That's another vegan strong team. They're really great. Ah, vegan strong also does vegan protein boxes where they have like healthy vegan stacks and stuff and protein samples and things that they do in a box every once in a while and you can just buy a box of just vegan goodies and they'll just ship it to you very cool stuff. So yeah, definitely recommend those and um Robert. Robert cheek is such a sweetie I love him. Um, he runs. He's one of the people behind vegan strong and he released a couple of different books. So definitely look him up. Yeah, so moving her and along will asks several questions. Thank you will? Ah first question. Ah, do you have any thoughts on trying to gain muscle while losing weight versus a more traditional bulk and cut cycle pro or against or no difference. So ah, do you want to start this or do you want me to start this Marcus. 45:08.26 Marcus This is if I want if I can jump in on this one if you want. Um so what this person is referring to for the uninitiated is called body recomposition. 45:17.26 Jala and Dave Go for it. 45:27.20 Marcus Recompmping can happen you it like first of all, there's ah and this we can get into the myth busting a little bit. There is the myth that you cannot build muscle while losing fat that is not true. You totally can um and in fact, it's happening more often than not. But um, one of the things about that is um. You know people assume that you have to bulk and then cut and then go back and forth like that all the time and you really don't have to like what it comes down to is the type of training that you're doing and where your diet is if you are like 1 of the things that I did when I was first training. Was ah when I was getting my certification. One of the things we had to do was actually lay out our own goals when it came to our bodies and what we were trying to accomplish and one of the things that I had laid out for myself was that I did not want to lose weight I just wanted to gain more muscle and keep my actual. Number on the scale be actually about the same and ah so one of the things that me and my instructor and my training partner planned out was that after we did some we did a thing we did some ah some ah research real quick and just did some not testing what's the word I'm looking for. Ah, we did a thing where we tracked my calories for for like a week and a half to see what my what my average calorie intake was and what my average calorie cororic intake needed to be to maintain the number on the scale like just following like the tde calculator and a few other things and it's just like okay. 47:03.45 Marcus So this is the calorie range. You want to stay in and if you want to just and you know you're going to be in the gym all the time so working with your training partner you know work on actually like building muscle and strengthen things that way and really what it boiled down to is just staying within that calorie range. And just working really hard and in the end. Um, yeah, like my body the actual number on the scale changed remarkably litter a little but my shape and like you know a definition in muscle size and things actually changed quite a bit. so ah so yeah so like you don't have to. Do the bulk cut cycle all the time. Um, you can just you know once you find the calorie range. You know that you can maintain the the scale weight with leave it there and then just work really hard. And make sure that we're following all the previous stuff we said make sure you're getting enough rest make sure your macros are where they need to be make sure you're getting enough protein to build muscle in the first place you know, whatever your source is um, as for the other parts where it's like if you're pro or against or whatever like I personally because of my own. Just because of the goals that I personally have for myself I really am a fan of just recomping I'm not you know where I am now I'm not really trying to lose a lot of weight I mean I want to lose a little bit right now just because I feel I feel a little dumpy. 48:35.97 Marcus But I'm not trying to like I'm not trying to go on a massive cut. You know? Um, So I'm really all for like just getting myself stronger having myself feel better that kind of thing. Um, so that's just me personally if you're trying to gain a lot of muscle then. A bulk is the better thing for you if you're trying to lose a lot of fat then a cut is more likely. The better thing for you. But if you're just trying to like tighten up as they say you know then you don't necessarily have to do that. So That's my thought. 49:09.34 Jala and Dave Yeah, so so for me, what I would say is that you can, but especially if you are new to doing fitness or you don't you have not had a consistent training regimen for a number of years or whatever you can gain muscle. And lose weight simultaneously lose fat specifically. Ah, just again by recomping the way that Marcus has outlined but at a certain point you are going to find again that kind of finite end of what your maintenance calories are going to do for your muscle mass and if you want to progress past that. That is when you would get into those bolt and cut cycles as Marcus also said, um, so yeah, like it's it's totally a thing and it it just kind of depends on your goals. Um, are you prioritizing gaining muscle are you prioritizing losing fat that's going to change up like how much cardio are you doing versus how much lifting and what kinds of. Weights and ranges are you doing that kind of a thing but I will say as you build your muscle and you are gaining that lean muscle mass your lean muscle mass burns more calories than your fat mask. So. 50:17.61 Marcus Correct. 50:20.92 Jala and Dave As a result of gaining the muscle you will automatically intrinsically lose more fat because you are burning more calories with your same maintenance calories. That's how recompmping works just like the little science behind it there. Dave's got something and then I would just think. 50:38.61 Jala and Dave You both answer the question really well my addendum to that would be if you're doing maintenance calories or or any kind of calorie tracking which you'll need to be doing if you're if you have specific goals but those calories need to be specific macronutrients so you can't just. Shovel anything into the old gob and then go okay, well that was my three thousand calories it's fine but they were all like fat. Yeah carbs, you just had a bunch of chocolates you know so you'll need to look at your what you're consuming versus the protein. The carbohydrates. 51:16.43 Jala and Dave Fats right? So absolutely something that I will say just for general macro purposes. So a a decent rule of thumb for gaining muscle mass would be something like 30% of your calories coming from your proteins. And then breaking it down from there. You don't want to drop your fat too low I would recommend nothing less than like 20% of your total calories for the day coming from fat you can make that higher but your carbs naturally have to drop down depending upon you know what your particular preferences are as long as you're. End of the day calories are within the you know required range for your your maintenance calories and especially if you have that protein locked in because you you need that protein to build the muscles so you need that protein to do that work for you so like getting enough protein is important to. 52:12.51 Jala and Dave Recomping. So so yeah, ah other questions from will have a favorite exercise or workout routine that you care to share. Well I I have a lot of those I have lots of favorite routines depends on what form and fashion of training you're talking about. But I guess. 52:30.61 Jala and Dave Some of my favorite things to do recently. So I like to do stuff that is time saving I like to get efficient with my training. So um, in terms of things that I like to do I like to do supersets I like to do cluster sets. We'll talk about those in a minute. I also like to do compound exercises. 1 of my favorites is to do a deadlift bent over row upright row clean overhead press that is one do all of that with like ah the £75 and you will burn yourself out after like 5 reps it's it's wonderful I love it. 53:08.66 Jala and Dave And it hits so many different parts of the body. So I like speedy just because I have a limited amount of time to get my training and supersets are where you do 2 exercises and you can either hit the same area of the body like two leg exercises or do opposite muscles like. Do like a squat that does like more quad emphasis and then do a deadlift which has ah a back of the leg emphasis. You know like your hamstrings that kind of a thing you can do an exercise that hits your primary movers like your quads or your deads or your sorry hamstrings. Um. And then do like an accessory movement that hits one of the secondary movers like the assistant muscles like your ed adapters or something like that and you do your set of squats or whatever and then right after that you immediately go into your next exercise without any rest and then you rest at the end after you finish. 1 set of each of those 2 movements cluster sets are where you do a set say you're doing a set of 9 but you are doing 3 reps you take a breather for 20 seconds without the weight on you then you do 3 more reps and take a twenty second breather and then you do your last 3 reps and what that does for you. That allows you to lift a little bit more overall weight with you know with that number of reps and you can kind of squeak in a little bit more weight on that many reps with that very short pause just to catch your breath in between so clusters are fun. Cluster supersets are a whole new level of hell I love them. 54:45.33 Jala and Dave that's that's my newest thing that I've been doing a lot lately. I also have a fan I'm a big fan of doing bioometric circuits. So think like insanity from shaun t that kind of thing I lovelymettric circuits body weight circuits that kind of thing hitting stuff hitting like 4 movements. Doing the each for 45 seconds was like a 10 second breather between hitting and 3 sets of it. It's a short workout but it is intense and it will get you sweating in? no time Dave how about you I don't really have a favorite particular like workout. Um, remember what what I do try to keep in mind is that in my day job I'm lifting heavy things all the time and it's a repetitive movement. It's a lot of dead lifting. It's carrying things with my arms kind of bent. So when I'm at the gym I try to do things that counteract those or add in a movement where it's It's going to be a beneficial thing and not just a repeated movement or I know that I'm carrying a lot of things all day. So what helps me is I'll do farmers walks until I can I'm just walking around the gym with something heavy, but my arms are extended so I'm getting that stretch in. But then that means my. It's improving my carry strength for when I do my job and I'm I'm not putting as much of having to put much effort into it so I can do that and not just for burnt out than oh I've been doing this for 8 hour thing I would have doing a gym too so doing that and then kind of. 56:12.52 Jala and Dave Trying to change the wreck branches on things. So I know if oh I'm carrying a lot of heavy things that I mean I'm going to need more endurance. So I don't necessarily need to be doing 3 to 5 res on something I'm going to try to keep it to 10 right right? How about you Marcus. 56:28.40 Marcus Um, in terms of favorite exercises I wouldn't okay I do have a favorite exercise it depends on what I'm trying to do I put it like that. Um, yeah, yeah. 56:38.83 Jala and Dave I Know that's why I was like okay lately that my most recent thing my my newest fad. 56:48.30 Marcus I'm going to okay, here's here's 1 thing I will say okay so like um, my favorite equipment to use is Kettlebells because you can do everything with them and also kettlebell specific exercises are really good at training both power and control because you have to literally throw these things basically and and if you don't have control then you will lose them and possibly a tow so you know you want to I like training with Kettlebells because they develop strength and power and control. 57:24.49 Jala and Dave They also do a really good job of working on those stabilizer muscles because you have to slow that weight down. Also. 57:24.49 Marcus I Like those a lot. 57:32.98 Marcus Absolutely yeah, um, in terms of a specific exercise. Um, ah, right in there with the power and control I like I like doing explosive stuff so like with a kettlebell I love doing snatches like those are super fun. Single arm snatches with Kettlebells are great. Um, when I'm using a dumbbell or a barbell. My 2 favorite exercises actually with a dumbbell as a squat or a thruster. Obviously you have to use way less weight with a thruster because you are really hauling that stuff of really hauling the weight to get it over your head. Um, but thrusters are like okay let me put it like this when I would when I would be on like the more bulking cutting kind of cycle I loved doing squats and lunges I loved doing squats when I was bulking. And I loved doing thrusters and also lunges when I was cutting because those have a much those ah have a much more What's the what I'm looking for a much higher metabolic effect for me. Ah because you know lunging you're walking with heavyweights for. Feels like miles and so you know you're real tired afterwards. So I know you know you're burning pretty good and like with thrusters. You know you're it feels like you're jumping from a full astograss squat with with this weight in your hands and that is that will really you know that has a very. 59:00.98 Marcus Large a really strong metabolic effect. Um, but then ah what else was going to say um, oh well. Okay there's 1 workout routine I used to do all the time that I really loved. It was ah. Based on the character dragonoff from techin. Ah, who is a it was a russian like spetsznaz dude and it was called it was actually called the dragonoff kettlebell workout and it was at 10 minute is a 10 minute tabbata with Kettlebells. This thing was absolutely brutal. But when you got done with it. You did not have to do anything else for the rest of the day so it was hardcore and I loved it. So that was really fun too. Other than that um I don't know I'm pretty basic actually when it comes to like strength stuff. 59:54.23 Marcus And don't do anything super crazy when it comes when it comes to strength when it comes to other things. We'll be talking about later I have much very much much different things to say but when it comes to strength I would say those are probably my favorite like my favorite like things that I'll return to like all the time. So. 01:00:07.92 Jala and Dave Yeah, so I do want to make the comment that the ones that you were talking about that you like to do when you were on a cut cycle Those the reason why those work the way they do is because those turn into cardio resistance training you're doing strength training and cardio at the same time. That's also kind of what you're doing when you're doing Kettlebells It is. 01:00:27.56 Jala and Dave Power in some ways but it's also like a cardio workout but it's also a resistance workout. So like you know again, it's one of those things where I am a fan because these are things that are hitting a bunch of notes all at the same time and I'm all about like getting it done as as compactly as I can. 01:00:46.55 Jala and Dave Right? Be expedient but in safe you know, safe conditions. So for sure. But yeah, also about the string training and being basic. You should be because the problem that I find is that a lot of people like to go on Instagram. 01:01:02.94 Jala and Dave And follow whatever The fitness influencers are doing and the fitness influencers aren't actually doing stuff that they actually do in real life What they're doing is the basic as squats and stuff. But then they put these wild exercises online because they look cool and people think they look cool and they go Oh I want to do that and then they go and they try to do it and they hurt themselves because. 01:01:22.58 Jala and Dave This move actually isn't safe or it isn't something that is going to get you the results that these people are getting because they're not doing this exercise I will guarantee you so. 01:01:31.84 Marcus Yeah, although I will say there are some people who I follow who do some things that are really fun. So I do I I appreciate I appreciate certain aspects of fitness influencer culture because they do have variations on some exercises and they will some throw some things in there that are just. They're just fun to do the ones that I'm referring to of course with the ones that are not. You know so potentially injurious. But like I've seen some variations on on some exercises especially again with Kettlebells I'm just like oh that's cool that was just cool to beer. So. 01:02:03.76 Jala and Dave Right? right? And and I know that that's like a bullet blanket statement that I made but there's always exceptions there are are people who are doing things that are safe but by and large a lot of things that are out. There are out there for the sensationalism for the clicks and the likes. So yeah. 01:02:18.60 Marcus That is definitely true. So. 01:02:22.64 Jala and Dave So moving right? along will's final question is what are some good protein rich foods that aren't chicken or red meat. Well I already listed a bunch of vegan ones. So take it away Marcus. 01:02:31.78 Marcus Okay, protein rich foods that aren't chicken or red meat fish so much fish because I am a big fan of Salmon I love all fish really I haven't I have yet to encounter a seafood that I don't like. Um, so that's so that's one um I mean you mentioned you know all the nuts and legumes and everything like those are those are great and you have such a wide variety with that that you know you really can't go wrong. Um. 01:03:02.21 Jala and Dave Mushrooms and broccoli are really like low calorie and low carb but they have a lot of protein in them for veggies. Spinach is another really good one Kale all of your dark leafy greens are other full of protein as well. So ah, those are good things you can switch your rice for quinoa. 01:03:19.61 Jala and Dave That has more protein in it or you can also do lentils mix lentils in with your rice that ups the protein level of that or put red beans in rice or whatever you know, black beans and rice. Whatever kind of beans. You know any of those things work that also will slip in a little bit more protein as well. 01:03:37.63 Jala and Dave You can also throw in in addition to your protein powder. You can put nut butter in there. You can put ah seeds or or nuts in there as well. You can also put in stuff like hemp hearts hemp hearts are really good. They have omega 3 and they also have lots of protein. 01:03:56.22 Jala and Dave So those are really good as well. There's a lot of different stuff that you can throw in to get some more protein for sure. But I definitely wanted to mention a few veggies as well. Just so you don't have here's just me but like no, you can get veg you I promise you can get your your protein and veggies too. 01:04:07.20 Marcus Yeah, yeah, no absolutely. Yeah, oh yeah, no absolutely put it. You want to have as many options as possible but like specifically that aren't chicken or red meat that are also animal products I mean you know fish is fish is a great one like many forms of seafood. 01:04:25.37 Marcus If you're feeling experimental you can go for some really weird stuff. There's some there is some really weird meats out there. Just don't buy them in Florida but but ah, but yeah, like there's and for for people who do like meat and who are trying to get different sources of meat so they're not bored. Yeah, definitely try. 01:04:44.84 Marcus Try to find as many like you know, go to like a store go to a store go to a store. You don't normally go to like you know, go to if you constantly go to like a giant or a food line or any of the main like big buck stores go to a mom's go to you know, go to an organic market go to a farmer's market. 01:05:02.86 Marcus Ah, go to go to the Harbor find find some stuff that you wouldn't normally go for and try those out because there are lots of really good things out there and they have a lot of really good benefits that you don't get from chicken and red meat like red meat in particular has a lot like oftentimes comes a lot of fat depends on the cut has a lot of iron which is good but it also is like. Loaded with cholesterol so you'd want to be careful how much of that you eat you know, um chicken is of course when it comes to you know animal-based protein is the one that everybody goes for because it's the simplest and easiest thing to get but it also has the least other benefits loads of protein but like nothing else. Um you know fish. You know fish is going to have your like your omega 3 s and all kinds of stuff like that The the good healthy fats that you need specially salmon I Freakin Love it. Um, and yeah, like people I think that one of the downfalls that society has is that we only we limit ourselves to certain things. 01:06:02.32 Marcus You know because they're easy to get and it's a repetitive cycle things are things are easy to get people buy more of that thing they market more of that thing that thing becomes easier to get and the things that are and the other things that might be healthier alternatives become like this niche. Kind of thing and then they market that as a trend but I mean. 01:06:23.40 Jala and Dave Oh yeah, for sure. So yeah, but like on those notes I have a few things. So um, obviously fish is going to be like the next go to for sure and you know definitely there are types of fish that are quote unquote fishier tasting. So if like if you don't like seafood. There are types of fish that. Don't taste as fishy. Um, and also the way you prepare. It makes a big difference as to how fishy it tastes so those are things to keep in mind also depending upon where you are, you can get stuff like here because I live in Texas we've got stuff like bison meat or ostrich meat or whatever and like people. 01:06:42.92 Marcus Oh hell yeah. 01:07:01.64 Jala and Dave Have other types of meat as well that are available that will have some some different tastes and stuff for you. But also do not ever underestimate the power of Spice Mega Spice put a sauce I swear to go out. It will make so much of a difference and Dave. 01:07:10.53 Marcus Oh my God Yes I mean you know people literally went to war for spices come on. Don't let their desks be in vain. 01:07:24.26 Jala and Dave Yeah, and if you're if you're able to so regardless of what you're getting. Um if you can get it the fresher the the better and try to avoid like in the grocery store. The frozen. 01:07:41.20 Jala and Dave Like the freezer aisles mostly because there's preservatives in there and what you saw is's a lot of salt and that's just going to you do need some. But if you look at the percentages on there one meal ends up being half or more of your daily content of salt and that's just going to fuck everything up and then you'll be bloated. 01:07:59.63 Jala and Dave And then upset I will tell you this right now you get the amount of salt that you need from unprocessed foods without salt added to them unless you happen to sweat an excessive amount like you're outside in Houston the middle of summer. So unless you sweat egregiously. You already get enough salt without adding salt to anything or eating anything processed so ah f way I yeah yeah, so moving right? along Moxie asks. Um, okay, well this isn't really a question. It's phrase more like a statement. 01:08:25.23 Marcus Um, that is true that is true. Yeah. 01:08:36.33 Jala and Dave Think it might be good to discuss and keep in mind how the academic science versus Brose Science split can affect these things. So an example being like studies for ah for most of the time are either like done on a very small part poor population or they are done. 01:08:55.43 Jala and Dave On people who have 0 fitness training and don't actually apply to people who have more experience or you know like there's different aspects of the studies. That need to be examined and you know like what are the objectives and the biases and who's funding it and this that and the other as too like what those results are going to look like um versus bro science which is basically the dude in the gym who's been lifting for 20 years like Dave you know, like what what does Dave know versus. What does this study say you know. 01:09:27.75 Marcus Yeah, no, that's absolutely true and there's I've been getting a lot more into the nerdy side of things like especially in the last like three or four years there's been so much research coming out and it can get kind of overwhelming. So for people who ah. Are interested in the really nerdy academic science things. What the advice I'm going to say is look for meta-analyses not just one study I definitely look for meta-analyses. Yeah. 01:09:52.89 Jala and Dave Absolutely and met yeah metaanalyses if you don't know are basically when people study the studies and then they come up with a result looking at a variety of studies and finding commonalities and things like that Dave. 01:10:11.84 Jala and Dave I was gonna say cool. Ah, it'll come back to me, you want me to give you a minute. Yeah, you was second ahead and but yeah, yeah, so. 01:10:22.89 Jala and Dave The thing about it about it though is that all of the studies that are done are are usually just like with 1 factor in mind and they don't the things that you would assume have been studied probably haven't actually been studied as much as you think they might Dave and that leads perfectly into the thing that I was going to mention. 01:10:42.86 Jala and Dave A lot of fitness and Body. It's not the the sport itself as it exists is fairly new. The bodybuilding in general and fitness is as as old as people um, but a lot of the studies are. Very very new or haven't been done or haven't been around long enough to be like verified again. So an example of this would be um, creatine itself has been studied extensively and you can get the results in that and then know that it's effective. Ah. But like the hcl creatine has not been studied as much so there's not a lot of evidence one way or the other whether that's better than creating Monohydrate. So So things like that make trying to Find. Ah. 01:11:31.22 Marcus Wow. Okay, yeah. 01:11:39.25 Jala and Dave Say you're looking at a a supplement and it has a bunch of branch chain amino acids and it lists l whatever but there's like a list of like 12 things that you probably can't pronounce and you'll see these and not know what they do just know that they're in. Ah, product and you have to spend extra time trying to go. Okay, what do these specific amino acids do is there a stay that's reliable because a lot of times. There aren't and then there's just like oh these happen these 3 things happen to be in everything I'm finding but do they do anything or what do they do? It's very difficult to. To find that out on on a lot of the um, ah ingredients of these supplements or you're looking at supplements and it won't tell you the amount. It's like proprietary blend. So it says it has them in there. But it's like a trace. It's 1 % 01:12:34.87 Jala and Dave And that doesn't help you or it tells you the grams but they're not sufficient so you do need to do some extra research to find out how much of something Do you actually need and it's going to be beneficial versus how much is in a particular supplement Product. You may have to supplement the supplement. And you're able to buy specific things in like raw form and then just put extra in there and that's what we do do sometimes right? So on the note of supplements which wasn't part of the question but we're gonna get into it now. Ah so the supplements that have been proven to have it and you know it. 01:13:11.91 Jala and Dave And effect for like the of lay person who's just trying to do stuff creating creating helps to build your muscle and helps with recovery. You do need to drink more water when you take creating. That's just because it it. It requires more of that in order to keep you hydrated properly proteins. Proteins also are obviously effective things you can supplement that with protein powders. There's also the question of ah proteins being complete or incomplete like say. For example, we mentioned earlier we are vegan vegan a lot of vegan protein supplements now. Are consciously made and designed to have a complete protein but plant proteins are incomplete on their own you have to have combinations of proteins from plants in order to find a complete protein as you would find in an animal product. So some example of that would be pita and hummus. Rice and beans. Those are things that together the proteins that are in there form a complete protein so most of these things that form complete proteins already go together in cuisines. So that's convenient. You know people found that out a long as time. 01:14:21.99 Marcus Um, yes, actually tastes Nexty taste good. 01:14:24.56 Jala and Dave People found that out a long as time ago and they've been doing it ever since forever. But um, you know so that is something to keep in mind. Um, so there is that Branch Gene mean Amino acids specifically leucine isciucine and baleen those are the ones who that are most useful to you. But branching Amino acids help in recovery Again, they help with a lot of other things. Those are very very useful things like carnitine are put out there like oh this is a fat burner. There are no studies currently that prove one way or the other that it is particularly effective. It might have an effect but it's not like ah you know scientifically proven to have a beneficial effect So basically BCAAs, creatine, protein - the end like that's for a layperson that's all. Yeah, got so. 01:15:17.54 Marcus Yeah, one of the things I want to say about L Carnitine too um one of it's on the list of many stimulants or okay, well on the list of many things that people call fat burners. One of the things I've noticed about. The line of products that are fat burners. Most of them are just stimulants. So so people think that it like does something like no it just it means you want to do more so in that way it works because you're burning more calories because you're doing more stuff but it's not because. 01:15:47.31 Marcus This is a miracle thing. It just means you now have more energy to do the thing because it woke you up, you know. 01:15:51.16 Jala and Dave Yeah, actually now that you mentioned that caffeine is effective as a fat burner for that reason. Ah, it helps you like if you have any pre-workout most of them have caffeine in them that is because that helps you to have a little bit more zip in your step so you can go and get your thing done. 01:16:08.81 Jala and Dave Obviously that is definitely another one that works as well and there was another one dang it. You were talking and I said I was thinking about it I'm like oh yeah, that one too and then I lost it again. Glutamine glutamine is also but glutamine is also another one Dave you have something on that. 01:16:19.10 Marcus Now I don't know the name. Okay. 01:16:25.71 Jala and Dave No, as I say Beta Alanine because of yeah fasso dilator. So that's just pumping more blood around which helps you because you you need that oxygen to your muscles. Yeah Nitric oide ah be Bee Root powder is another place. You can get that from beets or beet root powder or beet juice. 01:16:28.50 Marcus Yes. 01:16:43.22 Jala and Dave Those things are also Nitric oxide boosters that do the same thing that help with getting your blood pumping properly the way. So. 01:16:52.61 Marcus Um, something I'll say about caffeine too in terms of fat burning quote unquote Caffeine actually has a well-researched um appetite Suppressant effect which can be helpful. 01:17:00.78 Jala and Dave Um, yes in moderation don't drink it within 5 hours of sleeping otherwise you're going to mess up your sleep. 01:17:05.00 Marcus Um, the other thing ocean in moderation. Yeah, yes in moderation and 1 of the things that I think one of the reasons that people like it too on the subject of sleep is because one of the hormones that's released one of the hormones that your body releases when you do not get enough. Sleep is one called ghrelin which makes you hungry. 01:17:24.53 Marcus And the reason it does that is because it knows you don't have enough energy. So your body is like you need to eat now. So it's going to release more of that to make you hungrier. So that's 1 reason a lot of people do a lot of people who are trying to lose weight do caffeine because it kind of counteracts that but just get better sleep like just. 01:17:40.37 Jala and Dave Debt sleep hygiene is so important and it and like you know once you get into a sleep debt. It takes like quadruple the time to actually recover from the sleep debt. It's not like a 1 to 1 like you can't oh I missed an hour of sleep last night. So I'm gonna. 01:17:42.64 Marcus Just do your little favor. Get better sleep. So. 01:17:58.57 Jala and Dave You know, have an extra hour tonight that's not how that works actually. Ah so so yeah, okay, all right? That's all the questions I got from my folks you have a whole bunch yourself Marcus. So if you want to start in. 01:18:00.23 Marcus Right? Yeah, you gotta do it weaken a row. 01:18:08.99 Marcus Yes I knew alrighty so Brenna longtime friend of mine asks how important is variety. She says sticking to my fitness habits keeps me moving which is good but I've read that I should be changing it up more. So my body doesn't get too used to the routine now. This. Kind of is a question and also goes into the mythbusting aspect of the little bit because there's this whole idea of muscle confusion which I know people like to put out there. Um, it's in my experience and the research backs us up. Ah there's not It's not as important as people think but it it. It can be helpful because it keeps you from getting bored but it's not as important as people think when it comes to sustaining health or building strength. Um, it can certainly help to prevent things like overuse injuries. 01:19:05.91 Marcus You know, especially like when you have a recovery week or a deload week or something like that you go do something Else. You know, give your body that extra time to recover. But um, the idea of muscle confusion is is the the notion behind that is pretty overrated I am a big fan Of. Definitely doing a variety of things like I said because it keeps it from being bored helps things be a little bit more fun and a lot of movements can supplement each other you know, moving in different planes of motion and everything like that. So you know doing a horizontal push versus a vertical push that kind of thing. But um, that. That's the kind of variety that I personally would recommend as opposed to just trying to do whatever So That's my thought on it. 01:19:48.68 Jala and Dave Right? So um I am also of course as we already know I like variety. Um, the reason why I like my variety is because again I'm trying to vary the intensity with which I'm doing my activities. So how I'll do that is I'll have like a real hard heavy. You know day in the gym of lifting but then I will also you know the next day or something do like a lighter spin workout or I will go for a rock or I will do a yoga intense yoga routine and mobility. Routine like I always like to slip in some yoga I always like to slip in some mobility because those things are very important to maintain your overall body health. Um, but also when it comes to the movements that I'm doing in the gym I usually will stick with those movements for a while. And then every every six months or so I switch up the exercises that I'm doing like I'll I'll stick with the same plan for a while and then I'll swap out movements and the reason why I do that is because I'm trying to work on those different planes of motion I'm trying to hit the different muscles. You know muscle groups a little bit differently even changing something like the positioning of your hand if you're doing soupanated curls versus pronated curls versus neutral curls that makes a difference as to what muscles are being hit and in what way. 01:21:08.31 Jala and Dave You know, like all of these things are different small variations. You can do whether you're pausing whether you're emphasizing the eccentric motion when you're going back down on the curl rather than you know the pull up in the concentric pull towards your body Instead. You're just focusing on a very slow eccentric motion going down. You know your your all of these things make a big difference. Are you doing tempo and taking your time on the entire thing you know like what? what are you doing?? um that you can you can get a little bit more out of each movement right? So like there's a lot of different ways to approach it and. 01:21:45.89 Jala and Dave I do a little bit of everything like I I keep some things consistent I also like to add in different things just again to keep my mobility my overall wellness and you know functionality in place to give myself that intensity variety throughout the week and all of that. Um. But again like I do I have some consistencies I have some things that I vary and you know I just kind of go with whatever is working for me at that time when it comes to just like my general schedule and my energy levels sometimes I just don't have the energy to go into the gym and do 5 by five s I don't so. 01:22:23.82 Jala and Dave You know what am I doing instead. Well I have a whole plethora of other things I can do as backups and any movement that you get like if you don't have the energy to do your usual thing do something else. Whatever you do is more than not doing anything. 01:22:36.28 Marcus Right? And like for me personally another thing that I do when it comes to variety so I have a weeks and b weeks so I'll have like my a week will be consistent of a lot of times my a weekek is a whole lot of like you know more compound lifts things things that are heavier. That's when I do like my major pushing and pulling all the stuff like that and then on my b weeks since I'm trying to gain strength and key and you know not just keep but enhance my mobility because of the contortion training like my B weeks are the weeks when I do a lot more of the contortion type training. That's when I'll do like my splits and straddles workout. That's when I'll do my backbendnds and stuff like that and those work and while those do work a lot of the same muscles they work them in much longer ranges of motion they work and they just work everything differently so that I have. That kind of variety from week to week and it's it's only the 2 variations but even within that sometimes my contortion training will be like really heavy like sometimes I'll do like every single straddle exercise. That I have on my list and then some weeks I'm just kind of like nope I'm just going to do these three you know and then that's and that's it and that helps that is one again. It can can coincide with my energy level sometimes I need a little bit more recovery sometimes I just want to. 01:24:00.89 Marcus Like when like with straddles in particular there are my that's my favorite contortion exercise doing like one eighty straddles and pancakes straddles right? So sometimes I don't want to do all of the strength training that comes along with it sometimes I just want to do the warmup. So my muscles and muscles are primed. And then go into my full pancake straddle and really push the range there and I don't want to be tired from having done everything else that that goes into training straddle. Sometimes I just want to do the straddle. You know so that's one way that I switch things up to so. 01:24:27.93 Jala and Dave Right? And I I will note on that that if you are doing vastly different forms of training. For example when I was doing belly dance and I was also doing running when you're running, you're keeping your core and everything 100% tight and. And you know solid the entire time that you're running. But when you're in Belly Dance. You have to loosen those muscles up to use them and then so like ah I had to do a lot of extra like yoga in this that and the other to loosen my body up in order to allow myself to do that belly dance because. 01:25:06.30 Jala and Dave My body was trained to be stiff for so many hours so ah in something when it comes to like contortion and strength training you know? Ah, if you are too too tight from doing your strength training and then you want to go into contortion the next day 01:25:10.10 Marcus Pray? Yeah, ah. 01:25:21.65 Jala and Dave That's going to be vastly more difficult for you than it is if you are having a focus and emphasis focus for a week. You know like having ah a micro cycle of a week on you know the one training and then switching back over again because 2 you also can't leave too much time in between the 2 modes of training. 01:25:39.66 Jala and Dave Otherwise you will start to see some losses in your strength or in your flexibility. So you know that's a solid way of doing it for you know the reasons of the the different emphases and the different requirements for each of those things are so different. They're kind of at not necessarily at opposite ends of the spectrum they are. 01:25:59.44 Jala and Dave Related They are important to do both of them. But um, sometimes one can impede the other if you are not doing it in the right way like if you're not programming yourself in the right way. 01:26:09.84 Marcus And that's actually why I like to split it by week because it allows me to fully recover from the previous thing while I'm doing the other thing so that's 1 reason I really enjoy that. So so that's a good case for variety too. Recover from 1 thing while doing something else. So. 01:26:16.37 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, yeah, and that's that's kind of what I do within my week but I'm doing it like staggering days so you know different ways of doing it. How about you Dave. 01:26:34.54 Jala and Dave I would say variety in as much as like you don't want to focus on 1 thing. So the example would be you can result in mirror body if you're just working on muscles. You can see reflected at you in the mirror. You're just doing a bench press. You're just doing squats or just doing bicep curdls you've now weakened your posture your chain and it's it's gonna result in injury or you just kind have a weird muscle imbalance. So I try to keep in mind as I mentioned before. 01:27:11.96 Jala and Dave My my day job is I'm I'm lifting a lot of things so I need to make sure that I'm hitting those enough to make sure that they that they stay strong to do my job but I also need to make sure that the surrounding muscles aren't any weaker or. Even just accessory Lifts things that are going to keep general mobility or strengthen tendons ligaments and like the little there's There's a lot of little supporting muscle you link your shoulders your hips where if you're not doing. Most folks don't do a lot of like lateral side-to-side movements and if you don't kind of include those that will start to affect like your posture. It. It'll start hurting your knees and your low back. A lot of people have desk jobs and. 01:28:07.99 Jala and Dave They're definitely not moving side to side unless they're spinning in their chair. Yeah, definitely and you will get those things where like if you aren't working on those lateral stabilizers and things like that that you don't usually get because you're usually moving in the sagital. Plane not that Way. Um. That does definitely influence things and you wouldn't necessarily think oh well because I didn't do a ah lateral lunge Suddenly my knee is all jacked up like yeah, everything you know is related to everything else. So like and something pulled wrong or or not worked out properly. Ah you know and and. Having a weakness in one area can drastically affect something that's on the opposite end of the body. You know what I'm saying So it's it's sometimes interesting to me how surprising it is for folks to know that Oh. What do you mean? if I don't train this this muscle in my leg that my low back will hurt. 01:29:05.13 Marcus Right? yeah yeah I think the last thing I want to say about this is I think that variety like variety is not as important as making sure that you kind of hit everything in balance I think just to go with Dave's point there. So like yeah. 01:29:19.90 Jala and Dave Yes. 01:29:24.88 Marcus If You only work on the front of your body that's going to cause problems you should work on the back too. But like within say within Also I think but I think that variety is more important for bodybuilding them for strength just because of you like you mentioned at the beginning of at the top of the show. Ah. With bodybuilding you want to try and hit every little muscle possible as opposed to you know for Health for general health and Strength. You don't need to hit every single little muscle possible. So I think that that is a thing to just to keep in mind. So yeah. 01:29:57.91 Jala and Dave Correct. 01:30:01.63 Marcus People don't need to beat themselves up about variety. But you know give yourself give yourself some certainly. That's my thought next question all right next question Brenna Brinna number 2 01:30:08.10 Jala and Dave Yeah, moving right along. 01:30:14.91 Marcus Ah, Brenna's second question. What are some easy ways to get into a simple and short strength training routine at home with minimal equipment not for getting ripped but for core and bone strength as I go through middle age. Well we're all on this one but I'm gonna leave this one to you Jolla because you like doing stuff quick and getting done. So. 01:30:34.94 Jala and Dave Ah, so yeah, ah core strength bone strength. So if you don't have any equipment or if you have minimal equipment you can do stuff with resistance bands resistance. Bands are super cheap. You can get loops. You can get the ones that will be. You know, stuck in the door door jam that kind of thing. You can also work with Trx you can get like a trx knockoff. It's a kind of suspension training system that uses your body weight to allow you to do a number of different challenging movements and all of those things have training programs that come in with the stuff itself. You know, like in in the packaging. But also there's a lot of stuff on Youtube that you can find that are like whole circuits of training for that. So all of those would be good ways to do that with minimal equipment if you want to just work with body weight I love tabbata training which is something that Marcus mentioned tobata training is real short burst high intensity. Movements and it pushes your strength it pushes your accuracy of form and that kind of thing and absolutely fantastic. Ah, all different kinds of body weight training are useful but again like for me I I find the most productive. Exercises to be in those kinds of circuit sense I like circuits I like to do um, 3 circuits of any set of exercises that I'm doing because the first time is my warmup I'm going at just like a slower paste. 01:32:05.10 Jala and Dave Warm up speed through each of those movements with the little brief intervals in between just to give myself a breather and then I go back through a little bit faster. You know an intermediate speed and then that last time I'm going full blast as hard as I can go on each of those sets. If you have 15 minutes you can do that you can hit a circuit and get that just Bam knock it out and it doesn't have to be like a pliometric jumping exercise. You can do something like I'm going to do dips off of the side of this chair. Or I'm going to do wall pushups or pushups on your knees or pushups on your toes or pushups on a bench like whatever you can do any number of progressions of body weight exercises I'm going to do crunches. You know, um, bridges anything squats you can do so many different variations with no equipment. I for a very long time did all of my training at home with no equipment so that is kind of my wheelhouse. You can also find me on Youtube I have fireart fitness there you can look it up. I have a lot of example exercises and they are all grouped by equipment. So you've got body weight. You've got yoga which is its own separate thing because yoga and body weight training like crunches are totally different. Um, yoga is also something that will train your muscles and get you strengthened without. 01:33:31.26 Jala and Dave You know having to do like super high intensity movements if that's not your jam then you know I've got stuff with resistance, bands and trx and this that and the other there's a lot of very quick videos on there that you can take a look at so um, that's 1 reference point if you want to have a whole variety of different things to do. Pick a few of those movements that look cool to you that you think you can do and go to town make a circuit. Yeah no. 01:34:01.43 Jala and Dave And then I would say so with minimal equipment or if you're just doing body weight. There's ways that you can progress the difficulty of exercises rather than just adding more of it. So so say it's pushups and you're. Can have a goal or you can do our doing so many in a minute but it's not always about like oh I need to do 100 pushups now instead start changing your body plane. So now you going to put your feet up on something and that's going to make it harder than you just doing a pushup on the ground. 01:34:38.14 Jala and Dave That's kind of what I was saying where I was like start with a wall pushup if you can't do like a regular pushup on the ground if you can't you know if you can do that and you feel comfortable with that then go on the ground and you know be on your knees when you're doing your pushup or use ah a chair and do the pushups off the chair. The next progression and then you know after you can do them on the floor then you can do them with your feet on the bench and then you can do different hand positions and there's a bunch different varieties out there and there's if you just Google progressions of x movement like you'll find so many. So. 01:35:10.83 Marcus Oh yeah, like literally hundreds. So yeah, absolutely all right? Okay, so next question Brenda's third question practical tips for overcoming your own brain's tricks. 01:35:15.91 Jala and Dave Yeah, absolutely. 01:35:27.98 Marcus And this I this one I found interesting because ah yeah, like we've all got them. We've all got these little you know things that either try to tell us not to do something or try to ah like. They go in both directions. We have these little voices in our head that tell us like Dave mentioned. Okay, 1 more set. Maybe don't do that or you know or you know maybe we don't push ourselves as hard as we want to or like we'll have a thing where. Like I know something that I run into all the time is like especially if I've been sick and I need to go back into the gym I'm just like ah right I gotta get up and do the thing and remember you know and so you know what? What would you say are some tricks to get over that. For me personally, it's I have to remind myself. Why I'm doing things in the first place. Um, but then just little quick things that I do. Ah and I don't necessarily recommend these but you know just things keep in mind. Things that I do for myself to make sure that I actually get up and do the thing. Um I get a weird kind of like mental paralysis sometimes and this might be a neurodivvergen thing I don't know but I'll sometimes feel like I'm stuck in my desk chair. 01:36:51.94 Marcus And so a lot of times what I'll do when I feel when I'm feeling like I'm stuck in my desk chair and I need to just go to the gym or get up off the chair and and do so do some exercises I will um I'll slap myself in the thighs. Ah like I said I don't. This is not something I necessarily recommend, but it's something that works for me to kind of like wake myself up. It breaks me breaks me out of the like Fugue state that I'm in so that's just that's just a thing as I'll slap myself in the thighs. Um I I don't know what else to recommend there. 01:37:23.81 Jala and Dave So so the slapping of the thighs thing is something that power lifters. Also do they're psyching themselves up before they do a heavy lift. It's the same thing So I don't know that that's necessarily a Neuro divergent thing. It may be but it also is a thing that will legitimately like help. 01:37:43.69 Jala and Dave Sych you up because that that grounding in the physical plane gets you out of your head and that's what that's doing So there's that for me, it's making it to where it's not an option. It's not an option. It's part of your day you get up every morning you make your coffee you get dressed. You go to the gym. 01:37:46.80 Marcus Yeah, yeah. 01:38:02.81 Jala and Dave You do your workout you know and some of this is also prepping my stuff and putting it where it needs to be like if I'm gonna go for a run have my shoes at the door waiting for me have my outfit already out there waiting for me prep my pre-workout the night before or whatever it is I need to do So. It's all ready for me So when I'm sitting there in my bed and thinking about it I'm like. Well I got all my stuff ready I gotta go and also understanding like if you don't have the energy because of this that or the other listen to your body. Go do the thing but do it at a lesser pace or lesser intensity just get up and go do it. Um, there was a study done that found that. 01:38:41.80 Jala and Dave If you do not within 5 seconds of having the thought get yourself out of the bed and go do the thing. You're not going to go so like that's the you know like the the percentage chance of you actually doing the activity drops dramatically after 5 seconds so you have 5 seconds start a countdown in your head and get your butt out of that bed in those 5 seconds talk yourself into it even if you say I'm just going to do a real light jog today rather than a full tilt run who cares, go do it. It's more than what you're doing right now you've got your stuff laid out already. It's not a question you have to get up and go you have to go to work. You have to go do your thing you know like you've got to do this for yourself. Don't make it a question make it a habit you know make it and and and you know like a part of your day that you cannot separate out so that's something that I would recommend prepping your stuff is something I would recommend. 01:39:32.98 Jala and Dave Um, I do a lot of negotiating with myself when I'm real tired and that's how I do it I'm like well I'm just gonna go and do this instead of the thing I was gonna do originally because I'm just too tired and then I get there and then I end up having a Pr and doing the entire thing plus some and that's usually what happens because. 01:39:51.61 Jala and Dave Once you get there once you get out of that bed. That's the hardest part when you go do the workout. That's not the hard part. The hard part is getting there sometimes right? So you know once you get there I promise you you'll end up having like some kind of productive day and no matter what it is you do in the gym. It's gonna be more than what you were gonna do before. So. 01:40:09.86 Marcus Man some great so I was so now did go. 01:40:11.36 Jala and Dave And Dave oh I was just gonna echo the consistency is key and it's it's not gonna be easy for everybody just life happens. But if you can go to the same place or if you work out at home at the same time. The same room that will help it become a reinforced habit and then the times that you do miss that or you are having like wishy-washy thoughts you you can kind of like guilt. Trip yourself into like doing the thing because then you feel like oh no I'm missing out on the thing I'm supposed to be doing additionally, any of the exercises or the workouts that does provide endorphins so you will feel better once you start and and that's usually that's the hard part. As long as you can get yourself into it's why I'm saying pick the same room or the same place you go to at the same time, get yourself into that space and sometimes the rest kind of just falls along because you're in that headspace or you know have a favorite shirt or have specific playlists of music. And this is my only I own time will listen to this. This is my workout music only I can turn this on then that can key you into the thing you want to do? Oh yeah, absolutely and studies have shown that when you listen to music that you really enjoy that you end up doing better on your workout. 01:41:34.50 Marcus Um, that is absolutely yeah. 01:41:42.96 Jala and Dave So ah, and and that's something that I was literally just talking to Dave about before we started recording I was like you know I was listening to my favorite music on the way home in the car and lately when I've been at the gym I've been listening to podcasts and that's been fun and all but I really think I need to go back to listening to my music. Because that really ams me up because I have a specific workout playlist that I listen to and it just kind of triggers me you get that pavlovian reaction over time to listening to that music right? So um, that's that's kind of part of what I need to get back to myself. Yeah I mean you use that like if you have ah an ipod or. Whatever people use these days your phone and just Spotify nave spotter. It's Spotify now. Um, yeah, so if you're like secondguessing yourself or like oh I'm maybe I won't work out today turn just click that button turn that music on. 01:42:38.95 Jala and Dave Ah, you've set aside for yourself and then you're gonna go oh wait. No this is the music I do for this thing. So it's time to go do that now right? and then 2 on the note of your outfit I also specifically like over the years and years of training like I will specifically when I'm feeling like crap put on the loudest. Outfit that I've got like though I'm gonna look like a b today you know I've got the b outfit on him or you know I'm going to have the serial killer outfit on with the Jason masks on it or whatever and and I pick like the loudest brightest most ridiculous outfit I've got to call attention to myself I'm going to be a robot today. 01:43:16.60 Jala and Dave Because I've got really cool gym outfits and that's one of the things that helps psych me up and get me ready to go to the gym because then I'm like everybody is staring at me because I'm bright Yellow and I also. 01:43:26.73 Marcus Um, better do something cool. 01:43:28.29 Jala and Dave I Have like this print on that looks like I'm wearing a suit of armor. Well I better do this lip because I look like I have a suit of armor. You know I need to do this thing you know and then I end up pushing myself harder because I've got the outfit on and I'm out in public and people can see me and I'm bright Yellow So you know whatever works for you. That's not everyone's bag. But that's that's part of my thing. 01:43:52.68 Marcus 1 thing I'm going to say that's a little more universal I think was a great bit of advice that that I saw from a really a very very very strong individual online. Um, when it came to like motivation aside from discipline and said. 01:44:08.60 Jala and Dave Yeah, absolutely. 01:44:09.00 Marcus Just get through the warm up and it's when you get through the get that far and you'll notice that you're like okay yeah, all right we can. We can do the thing you know, but that's once like once you because it's like that's already like 10 to 15 minutes right you do that and you're just like all right? Okay, yeah, yeah. Right? Cool then then you know blood's pumping. You got some endorphins going. You're feeling a little bit more like you can do a thing you don't feel a sluggish because you've actually moved then yeah, that's usually a good way to do it. So yeah, get around in your brain strikes guess just get through the warmup along with everything else. We said. But yeah, we've got a lot of things there but that one I think applies fairly universally. So. 01:44:49.99 Marcus Next question phoenix asks any suggestions for exercises that can be done seated for those of us who want to get healthier but are disabled or need low to lead low impact would be awesome. So a statement. Not so much a question but also a statement also. Ah, yeah, so it's a statement and a question. Um. The first thing that came to mind was cherry yoga. That's a thing. Um, but also every single exercise in the world can be regressed so there's always a way to make it so that you can do some variation on it. Um I know people have a lot of. 01:45:07.79 Jala and Dave Yeah, there's chair yoga. 01:45:25.87 Marcus Different disabilities. A lot of people like people there's eds and pots and all kinds of different things that people have to deal with that cause all kinds of issues. So Maybe people are only partially ambulatory or not ambulatory at all or like you know they're fine until oh wait my need just subluxed I got to sit down. You know. So There are always. There's there are ways to regress everything. Um I would say that yeah things like things like cherry yoga just doing like you mentioned earlier doing things with bands like you can do. Every single upper body exercise you can do seated like that's not even a question. So. 01:46:03.58 Jala and Dave Yeah, well and then there's 2 if you have leg mobility apple there's a lot of movements that you can do that are like leg aerobics but from a seated position. You're just kind of like closer to the edge of your chair. There's also a lot of core exercises. You can do. 01:46:22.83 Jala and Dave If you have a backlist chair and you can lean back in that chair or lean to the side of a chair. There's a lot of core stuff that you can do just leaning off of a chair. Um. 01:46:32.67 Jala and Dave If you have again like that leg mobility. You can do some resistance band stuff with that. You can do leg extensions. You can have some ankle weights and use those for your legs as well. Another thing I would recommend would be swimming or if you have if you have any leg mobility. 01:46:50.45 Jala and Dave Doing stuff like recumbent bike or seated bike depending upon you know your particular situation. You can do low impact on those kinds of things. Another low impact thing if you have the ability to be upright at all would be elliptical because that's also a lower impact kind of thing than a walking would be. Dave how about you you have question has on that. Yeah, if you if you have like mobility and if you're just sitting down and it's like an office job. Um, you can get the little There's a little under your desk by petals. Yeah, and that is. 01:47:25.94 Jala and Dave Face permitting like they're not very big but that in lieu of like oh now I have to get up and walk around and try to do stuff this keeps you at your desk but you're still able to kind of get some some light exercising right? Absolutely and. 01:47:37.80 Marcus Yeah, and that's really good for people. Yeah. 01:47:42.11 Jala and Dave Yeah, and definitely like you can also do those leg lifts or knee lifts or whatever if you have that level of mobility you can do that aerture at your desk as well. Even if you don't have the equipment of a bike pedal thing. You can definitely lift your leg you hold it there for 10 seconds you're gonna be dying and screaming goods. Fine like just keep doing those you you will work it I promise you can find a way to work it out as long as you can move it around. You can work it out. Yeah yeah. 01:48:00.35 Marcus Um, absolutely yeah, yeah, definitely definitely. So yeah, um, yeah, there are all kinds of low impact things that you can get again. Youtube tutorials for a lot of them. But also yeah, like minimal equipment type things if you have if you have like the cheap like $10 little small bag of resistance bands. You can do a lot of stuff for yourself with that that has virtually no impact at all. So absolutely, you can do things for yourself. 01:48:31.10 Jala and Dave Yeah. 01:48:36.58 Marcus From a seated position not without a problem next question Rachel Asks is dynamic or static stretching best and me all right? Um, so this has one of my favorite answers that answer is. 01:48:45.50 Jala and Dave You're the contortion person you go you tell people first. 01:48:55.33 Marcus It depends. Um, so um, so there are multiple types of stretching dynamic stretching static stretching ballistic stretching polyometric stretching. There's all kinds of things that you can do there's Pnf. Okay, yeah, um. 01:49:05.46 Jala and Dave PNF stretching. 01:49:10.80 Marcus So as for what's best it really depends on what your goal is if yeah, if the idea is just like recovery from a form of exercise and you're just trying to like calm your nervous system back down and just relax and bring everything back down to like a more neutral state. After workout I would say that static stretching is better for that because you're kind of your because you know so ah, you're winding everything down and you're not trying to necessarily move through super big ranges of motion. You're just trying to like get the muscles. You just worked to to chill out a little bit. Um. And to probably avoid some cramping. Um if and but then if you're warming up then dynamic stretching is going to be the better thing for it because you're moving your body. You're actively moving your muscles through the range of motion that you are preparing to do whatever strength thing with um. So then there's that and then if you're if you're preparing for like an olympic lift where you have to generate as much power as possible then ballistic stretching is going to be the better the better thing for you that's dynamic and then some so like doing. Things like jumping like ah like Tuck Jumps and stuff like that and like really deep like low like ah like low prize squats and stuff like that active really active stretching like that is the kind of thing that's going to get your body prepared for that so that you can do things without injury or if your goal is. 01:50:40.94 Marcus Simply Mobility and you're not necessarily trying to do like any kind of like powerlifting strength kind of building then Dynamic stretching is going to be the way to work on that too and specifically going through those longer and more quote unquote extreme ranges of motion like okay so. Me working with contortion I'm trying to build I'm trying to build you know what? a lot of people consider to be an extreme range of Motion. So for me Dynamic stretching is going to be the thing that's going to prepare me for those types of movements to go back to the straddle example. When I'm trying to do a full you know chest to the floor pancake straddle the things I'm doing to warm my muscles up for that are not going to be static I'm going to be doing like really deep cossack squats and a lot of like hip rotation and um. And things like that and a lot of like so like low lumbar spinal movement and things like that so that I can really prep my body for you know that longer hold in a pancake straddle. Um I'm gonna be working on like holding you know. Less extreme straddles and kind of playing around in that range and moving my body and my hips and my knees and my ankles around in that range of motion that's gonna be a more dynamic stretch in preparation for the move that I'm trying to do um if ah I mean you do more running than I do Jaalla but you know. 01:52:10.44 Marcus Prepping for running you don't want to just stretch. You know, statically for that You want to move? you know, move your legs and your eye and everything through the range of motion you're going to need for you know for for the activity. So yeah, it depends Dynamic Dynamic stretching is good for. Warming up for most things. Static stretching is good for cooling down for most things but ah and it depends on what you're trying to do so. 01:52:34.86 Jala and Dave Yeah, and I would add that if you're doing corrective exercise. So if you're if you're recovering from an injury or something like that that would be a combination of dynamic stretching as well as potentially some assistant or Pnf. 01:52:54.50 Jala and Dave Stretching as well where you're using something like a wall to help you get a little bit further in that range of motion like if you're doing kind of like a wall angel movement or something like that as an example so those are other forms of stretching and I would say also on the static stretching The best. 01:53:10.58 Jala and Dave Quality that you're going to get out of that stretch is going to be if you hold each stretch for 30 seconds to a minute because something called the goalge tendon organ is going to only release after 30 seconds to a minute and at that point you will oftentimes feel your muscle just go boo. 01:53:30.41 Jala and Dave Yeah, and then after it does that like it'll loosen up a little bit and you can sink a little bit lower into that stretch because it's relaxed itself but like that Goldie Tendon organ is holding on for dear life until 30 seconds to a minute is passed and each of those static stretches on your cooldown. 01:53:36.70 Marcus Yes, yes. 01:53:43.83 Marcus Yeah, yeah, and on that I'll add so the Gold Utenin Organ is a nerve by the way for people for people who are wondering that is a nerve that's not a muscle. 01:53:56.40 Marcus Ah, so that's something when you're doing stretching when you're doing static stretching when you are trying to push the range of motion in a stretch. Um, yeah, you have to and this is why P stretching is so good for it. Um, you have to actually your body has to remember that you are that. 01:54:13.89 Jala and Dave Yes. 01:54:15.90 Marcus It is safe in doing the movement. You know so like with contortion when you're going into these extreme ranges 1 You have to build the strength to do it in the first place. But when you're doing them. Yeah, your body has to be reminded that it is safe and it's not going to just snap in half. When you're doing them so you have to you know gently and actively hold the stretch and there's a lot of with contortion. It's very specific. There's a lot of muscle engagement that goes along with it that is so it's not relaxing at all actually but um, but. 01:54:49.93 Marcus Ah, yeah, you have to actively ah you have to move into it and you have to kind of like not force but you have to tell your body to do the thing in order for it to actually like kind of. 01:55:07.69 Marcus It's it's a little bit mind over matter. It's but it's your mind and it's your matter. You know you have you have to tell your muscles to be like okay we're good. You can go ahead and move that extra like ° we're fine you know so. 01:55:17.22 Jala and Dave Yeah, and in in yoga they call it most often breathing through it or breathing into the muscle or breathing through it if you've ever heard that and you're like what does that even mean well that's what they're trying to tell you to do in yoga speak. 01:55:35.52 Jala and Dave Um, so that's that's definitely a thing and um also with the static stretching too. You don't want to exceed your range of motion to a point where it gets painful. You can overstretch on like a a cool down now for something like intortion. That's a totally different thing. Um, the whole point is to stretch more. But. 01:55:54.72 Jala and Dave For something like a cool down stretch. Don't ever stretch to the point of like pain. You don't ever want to do that. 01:55:59.62 Marcus Yeah, no exactly and like with contortion too like even then we're not stretching to the point where it hurts. There's a term that we use called Productive Discomfort which is actually very similar to what you'll hear you know the whole no pain. No gain you know thing when it comes to when it comes to lifting. 01:56:19.62 Marcus There's a point where and you have to you have to practice it to understand where your body is where it' like okay this is uncomfortable but I'm okay and oh no, this is painful I need to get out of it. There's there's a there's a line there and you have to. The only way to know where the line is for yourself is to practice doing it and to gently push up against that barrier and just kind of see okay that right? That's a little too much rather move back and this is why moving into and out of these ranges of motion and only holding for like. Maybe 5 seconds is usually a good way to start to build that up and then when you find that end range then you're like okay now we'll hold here for you know the minute you know the 10 really long deep breaths. You know? Yeah, exactly. So anyway, the answer. 01:57:16.57 Marcus It depends. But we've explained it So next question J Asks if the goal is weight Loss. What is the ideal balance of cardio versus strength training and does that change over time as you meet goals or change them.. Ah again, the answer is it depends. But specifically for weight loss. What I have found is that Ah, there isn't like the balance is what you like because like obviously as we talked before as we mentioned before you know when you are. 01:57:54.94 Marcus Doing strength training or especially doing like bodybuilding like specific hypertrophy training the more muscle you have the more you burn fat at rest right? So when it comes to like specifically weight sometimes to specifically weight or fat loss. You want to have more muscle in the first place. So maybe you want to do more strength stuff in the beginning. And then you want to add more cardio later on. But if you're trying to just drop the number on the scale. The biggest effect that that's the thing that's going to have the biggest effect on that is ah is your diet is your nutrition. So maybe ah if you. If you enjoy running and doing cardio things then sure go ahead, do more of that. But your nutrition is going to have the biggest effect if you enjoy strength training then great do a ton of it. It still has a cardiovascular effect. So it's not like you're not doing cardio while you're lifting your heart and your heart and your lungs are still working. So um, yeah, like find the thing that you like now does it change over time as you meet goals or change your goals. Absolutely it does like if you are I mean njaa you're actually a perfect example of this. As for the many things that you have done. You know you train differently for. And ultra marathon than you do for a powerlifting meat. You know so of course it changes. So yeah. 01:59:13.32 Jala and Dave Right? right? So some things that I would say is that first off nutrition is of course key here but nutrition by way of the amount of calories coming in and the amount of calories being burned each day is the thing that's going to. Really make that difference on the scale. So yes, your nutrition has to be like in a certain macro proportion like I mentioned before my overall general recommendation is 30% protein and then your fat in your carbs. However, but don't drop that fat lower than 20% 01:59:51.18 Jala and Dave Just for like ah your body requires a certain amount of fat to function properly. So don't put it below 20 but other than that though, it's overall about your energy expenditure so you can do that in so many different ways you can do. You know your strength training and that doesn't burn like as many calories as an intense cardio workout is going to do. But maybe you do strength training. But you're also doing a lot of walking outside of that and you're being more active and playing with your dog or doing gardening or whatever you're doing you know like all of these things. Are what are called like your your non exercise activity. You know like stuff. That's that's burning calories for you. So um, it's all about just how active you are how many calories you're burning just on the day to day. Are you changing all of your activities. Are you only changing just the 1 thing by adding in an exercise but the rest of your day is fairly sedentary. Well then you know it just depends on. Okay, so are you just trying to burn the calories and and burn stuff off or are you wanting to recomp. You know your body structure. And look a certain way that's going to change how how much you've got going there. Also I will say that cardio is something that is needed by everyone to a certain degree for you know? Ah, just your general health and your your heart health and that kind of thing. 02:01:20.31 Jala and Dave So you know you want to do like moderate exercise moderate cardio exercise like 3 times a week for about 30 minutes or so just to keep yourself in a healthy state. But as Marcus already mentioned. Doing your weightlifting depending upon how you lift and how sincerely you're focusing on those lifts and how you know how heavy you're getting at it that's going to raise your heart rate anyway and give you a cardio effect as well. You can get that cardio effect from your strength training depending on how you train. So. You know like you need a certain amount of cardio like 3 times a week thirty minutes or so worth of effect just for like world health organization. Recommend you know recommendations for general health. But other than that you know it's overall just about your energy in versus energy out Dave. It's also going to depend on your general metabolism like yeah, how fast you burn through your calories or what it takes you to burn them. Additionally 1 thing to keep in mind whether you're trying to look at split's between lifting activities and cardio activities is your endurance. Will change over time and you will start you you don't fully get used to doing a thing but you will get more used to doing it and then it does take longer or more effort to get the same effect. Yeah yeah, correct and that metabolism is part of that energy expenditure figuring. 02:02:41.80 Marcus Yes, that is absolutely true. Yeah. 02:02:49.92 Jala and Dave You know, like when you're figuring how many calories am I taking in versus how much is being burned. Well how much is being burned is dictated by how much non-exercise movement are you getting and how much rest are you getting how you know how is your metabolism looking like and all this other stuff. So all of those things factor into. Energy burning that's going on. So yeah, but that is important to figure as well because say for example, um, Dave is someone who has a hard time putting on the weight so he has to fight for every calorie so he needs to have a lot more calories in than somebody else like i. My my calorie is in or like half of his calories in just because of our body differences in our day jobs and what those look like and also just our metabolisms. 02:03:41.19 Marcus Yeah, yep, Absolutely So yeah, um, yeah, like the yeah the more you do the more you do a thing the more you have to do a thing because your body adapts to it like if you like if you run a lot. 02:03:58.23 Marcus And suddenly you feel like I'm not getting as much out of this then yeah, you probably have to run more to get the same amount to get to get the same effect that you would have gotten five months prior if you've been training consistently now you probably have to do more. You know. Or you have to do something harder or run faster or run uphill instead of just on a flat plane like there's always things that you that will change as your body adapts. So the thing that will happen. 02:04:23.61 Jala and Dave Right? And that that difference it's not just your body adapting to the movement. It's also the fact that your cardio your heart starts to like acclimate to the demands that are placed on it and once your heart catches up it drops. 02:04:40.97 Jala and Dave Like the the beats per minute that it has during that same movement drops over time because it's getting used to it. It's acclimating to that you're building the muscle your you know nerves are getting used to it this that and the other your heart is getting more fit and as it gets more fit. It takes more and more effort to make it spike. 02:04:59.74 Marcus Yeah, definitely. So Ah, so yeah, the balance is the balance you want for your goal. But yeah, it will definitely change as you get closer to the goal that you're reaching So yep, okay. 02:05:08.90 Jala and Dave Yeah, absolutely. 02:05:16.56 Marcus Ah, Chitali asks what's with knees over toes. Why are some people so hardcore against it or why we're or a why we're slash r some people so hardcore against it all right? So this is a fun one. Ah because I have been on both sides of this. And I've seen how it's changed like just in the time from when I got my from when I got my certification to like four years later like the difference in attitude about this changed significantly and it was interesting to watch ah to my knowledge. The reason people. We're so hardcore against knees over toes is because there was a lot of like there was a lot of kind of fitness dogma that was about and a lot of people were just like we're so afraid of knee injuries. That they were just like okay that means nothing can go past ° like if you do a lunge has to be ° if you do a squat you can't go below parallel like you can't and they and you know you can't have your knees go past your toes in anything because you risk knee injury and of course the science does not bear that out. Um, and more people and like the dog it got really popular because to the way that I to my like again to my knowledge. One of the things that ended up happening was a lot of bodybuilders were a lot of bodybuilder and applied this dogma because their own joints were weak. 02:06:46.50 Marcus And so they weren't They weren't trying to go into that range and they found that they could actually do a lot more muscle building work in their legs if they did not go past ° Um, they could do you know more sets and more reps and have and do more weight and everything because the range of motion was decreased and. 02:07:03.86 Jala and Dave Well and then there's also the fact that when you're in the middle of a squat once you go past parallel down below parallel. You're not actually going to activate any more muscles. So like I mean yes, it it. 02:07:14.83 Marcus Yeah, it's all joint enough. What. 02:07:18.97 Jala and Dave It is more energy expenditure to go down past 90° but when it comes to something like bodybuilding. You're not getting any additional muscle built going lower than that but in so far. 02:07:28.62 Marcus Okay. 02:07:33.10 Jala and Dave Knees over toes. There's definitely like on Instagram right now there's the knees over toes guy but that's his screen name and he's god that guy. So um, but anyway the thing about it is this what it boils down to is everybody's body is different right? So no 2 people squat the same and no people 2 people should squat the same. 02:07:51.25 Jala and Dave Because everybody's bodies are gonna be a little bit different inofar as what is safe and good for them as for Knees over toes. Originally people thought that this was a big deal because they were like if it goes past your toes then that means that you're putting extra force on your joints and that's gonna damage them what the science bears out is that people with. Femurs of different lengths need to go over their toes because otherwise you know if they don't go past their toes. They're not going to the full range of motion and this is actually more injurious to their joints. So it depends it depends Some people can do knees over toes and be completely safe and happy and healthy. The rest of their life. But if you've got a longer Femur you may have to go over your toes and that is natural and healthy and great for you because of how your body is shaped. 02:08:35.97 Marcus Yeah, and then the other thing that I think people don't often pay attention to is that our knees go past our toes all the time like going up and downstairs you know, walking in any direction our knees go past our toes constantly so it's not like it's not like we're not built to do that. 02:08:42.50 Jala and Dave Yes. 02:08:53.39 Marcus Think that when it comes to like weightlifting in particular people have to find like like you said nobody squats the same so like what can what's considered perfect form for somebody is not gonna be the same for somebody else like I have really long legs and I also have an ankle injury that's thirty years old so 33 years old now I'm old anyway, I have an ankle injury that's been around for a really long time. So my squat form is going to look different than somebody who has shorter legs and doesn't have an ankle injury that ankle injury impedes my my ankle mobility so in order for me to have a full depth squat like i. Personally like I I personally want to get polo parallel for my particular goals and because I feel like for me me going below. You know, below parallel and getting that full depth that is that is better for me and my body and what I'm trying to do so like in order for me to do that I have to take a wider stance. Because otherwise my ankle won't let me do it or I have to have my heels up on something or else I won't be able to do it. So I either have to take my ankle mobility out of the out of the equation like one way or another I have to either position my feet I have to position my feet differently some kind of way in order to do it. So yeah, like there's no, it's not it's not unhealthy it's just unhealthy if you try to do it exactly like somebody who doesn't have a body shape like yours. So I think that's really what it boils down to so yeah, and anyway, yeah, so like. 02:10:22.92 Marcus Knees Ah Practic you know practicing knees over toes finding finding a way to do that if that's something you're trying to do that's you know it's fine. There are ways to do it like 1 of the things that the knees over toes guy his name is his name is ah Ben Patrick by the way. Ah. 1 of the things that he says quite often is there's no such thing as a bad exercise There's just an unprepared body. So like if you're trying to do like a really deep like astograss squat with the weight that you normally do a box squat with that's a bad idea. You're not prepared to do it. You know. 02:10:55.36 Marcus Do it without the weight first and then and get your body used to it and and build up to it again like don't try to you know, don't try to bomb through something your body's not actually prepared for So. Yeah, Knees overosees is not unhealthy. It depends on how you do it and you can train yourself to do very heavyweight going knees over toes. But you have to you have to do it systematically. Like you do with anything else. So yeah. 02:11:15.50 Jala and Dave And the way that you naturally will do. The thing is going to be most of the time. What is best for your body like but like when you go to do a body weight squat. However, your legs fall out. Whatever way that they are is gonna be what's most comfortable for you when you're doing that. 02:11:24.16 Marcus Yes, yes, yes, indeed. 02:11:36.12 Marcus Yep, absolutely okay, next question Helen asks. What do you have on deck when you or your client isn't up for a full intensity workout but we all know we need motion to help our bodies and minds. And the context for this is like if somebody has add or an autoimmune issue or is or is like having dealing with depression and anxiety and is like just going through it that day. Um something I'll say about this again, kind of going back to something we but it's something we mentioned earlier with Brenda's question about the brain tricks is. Just do the warm up. You know, like that's usually sometimes that'll help get a person past it. But that being said I have definitely had client sessions where the warmup was literally all they could do or sometimes they couldn't even get through that. 02:12:27.11 Marcus And they were dealing with something in their life either depression or anxiety related or maybe trauma related or it's just some just they're going through it. Whatever it was and there have been times when like clients have asked me. They just said hey. Ah. Do you mind if this is if we just sit down and talk because that's all about all I can handle I don't want you to not get paid. You know I don't want you to feel like you wasted your time coming out here and I'm a pretty empathetic person I like talking to folks as you can tell by this podcast. Ah so. Yeah, like well sometimes we've had sessions where it's just it's like therapy and I'm just listening to them and what they have to say and just you know giving the best advice I can think of at the time or just or just listening to them vent and just be like okay, well all right? ah. What do you? You know the kind of typical therapy question and how did that make you feel you know or what do you think you might you? What do you think you might be able to do about that and I just let them talk and by the end of it. They feel better. So Sometimes that's just how it goes. 02:13:21.17 Jala and Dave Instantly. 02:13:31.33 Jala and Dave Right? And so for me ah when it comes to all of this kind of stuff I say it all the time but none of these things exist in a bubble. So. Your stress from this that or the other thing from your day or from you know this this situation that you've got that you're dealing with or you're going through Depression. You have a bout of anxiety All of these things are going to influence everything else about your life. So um, insofar as like how I coach people. 02:13:59.40 Jala and Dave Again I Kind of do like a life coaching wellness coach kind of approach to begin with so all of these things are things that I'm constantly asking anybody who works with me anyway. Um. 02:14:10.95 Jala and Dave Now if it comes to something like right now. Currently if I am programming you online or whatever one of my suggestions would be if you can't sit you know so go and make yourself go do this workout in this hour that you've got then what I'll suggest to you is what's called exercise snacks instead of doing it all at once. Do 1 exercise. 02:14:30.85 Jala and Dave Do a set. Go do something else for a minute wash a couple of dishes or whatever then go do another set and then go back and do whatever and you know like whatever you've got energy for at the moment you just do a set and you work on it and you have it done all day. You've split it up. Yes, but you've gotten in the workout in little bite sizes throughout the entire day. You can do that you can make that happen. You can just break it down into a smaller part until it becomes manageable and you can fit it into your day. Whatever it is and again like Marcus said start with that wormup just do some of the wormup movements or just do like a set of a thing and. You know? However, you need to adjust it so that you get that movement in is a way to keep that habit going. You know. 02:15:12.91 Marcus Yeah, yeah, just swing your arms around if that's how if that's all you got the energy for you know you know it's still you still get butter blood flow then you would if you didn't do anything so. 02:15:22.17 Jala and Dave Yeah, get up and and walk a little bit that helps drop your cortisol levels which helps with depression and anxiety so you know for sure and definitely when I've had clients who have fatigue issues like chronic fatigue issues things like that where it comes in bouts and waves and things like that those exercise snacks become the way that the exercises are done you know because there isn't enough energy. There aren't enough spoons at that time right. 02:15:45.81 Marcus Right? Yeah, yeah, exactly exactly. so yeah, so yeah like sometimes you you can. You can only do what you have the energy for in the first place and if you spent it all. 02:16:01.60 Jala and Dave Right. 02:16:05.18 Marcus Dealing with whatever it is. You were dealing with in the day. Then yeah, you can't just you can't expect to come into the gym and have a productive time or even a halfway. Okay, fun time. You know if you're you know if you feel like shit. So yeah. 02:16:17.55 Jala and Dave Right? It would be like okay, let's do some walking. Let's do some talking. Let's do some stretches. Let's do you know like if it's in a gym setting like there are ways you can get some kind of movement in or get some working through it that needs to happen before you can progress because. You know you have to tackle the thing to make other stuff manageable right? So That's that's where it gets into those talking points. 02:16:41.65 Marcus Um, great, Yeah, cool, cool all right last of the questions on my list. Anasacios asks is it True. You should never lift heavy things with your back bent. And they've provide the ah the the observation that I sometimes see people lifting each other like that in martial arts and they seem to be just fine. Ah, again, going back to a previous point with Knees over toes. There's no such thing as a bad exercise. It's just an unprepared body. Um, sometimes you lift things with your back bend. Um, and and comes in terms of like martial arts I've definitely seen like wrestlers and like and like grapplers and things like that they'll hoist somebody up off the ground or they'll be you know rolling they're doing the thing and they'll and they'll have their backbend and they'll do a ah quick like sulex or whatever and. Yeah, like sometimes the way you lift is with your backbet but it's not um, it's not again, It's not a never do this.. It's a situational thing. Um, if you're doing a really heavy deadlift. Maybe probably don't. But but if you're you know if you are somebody who is a well-seasoned. Well-practiced martial artist lifting something lifting with your backbe isn't going to be something that like destroys you one of the things about the spine is that it's meant to bend and flex and move in all kinds of different directions and. 02:18:13.15 Marcus If the muscles are prepared to do that either because a person if it's a grappler or a wrestler has been doing this kind of thing constantly for years then it's it's ready for that. It's already. It's it's already been conditioned to do it if you are a new. Practitioner of any physical thing. Obviously you want to learn the safest form first. But then if you do if you do end up moving in a range of motion that isn't what people consider optimal. Then yeah, you want to be really gentle with it. 1 of the things that I have a client I have a client the way that I one of the things that I train him with because he has some sciatic nerve issues. We do? What's called a jefferson curl for those who don't know what Jefferson Curl is it is when you stand on a slanted surface where your heels are lower than your toes and you do what is basically a forward fold. But you start from the head you round your head down then you round your shoulders over and then you round your back and you work your way all the way down to the fullest range that you can get to. You hold at the bottom for a few deep breaths and then you roll the spine back up going from the lumbar to the thoracic to the cervical back to the head and you work your and you work your entire posterior chain that way it helps to train the muscles along the spine the erectors to flex and bend and you know. 02:19:41.96 Marcus And become more mobile so that they can be more conditions so you can pick something up without having to have you know the classic silverback deadlift stance you know, um, and again you don't want to like you know if you like if you get a flat tire. And you have to and you don't have a jack and you need to lift your car. Obviously don't do that with that form. But you know, um, there's nothing inherently wrong that you nothing inherently wrong with lifting heavy things with your back Ben. It's just a matter of how prepped your body is for it. So yeah, and there's and there's obviously a limit the erectors along the spine. Are really small so it's not going to be the same as like you know doing a full deadlift. So yeah. 02:20:24.71 Jala and Dave Yeah, and then just to add on to that again because of the nature of my dog but I'm constantly carrying things in the warehouse sort of setting like just us. Ah, standard debt that isn't always practicable just because of how things are arranged and really it kind of comes down to if you can hinge at the waist and row something up instead of just like the bending your back over double which you that that will hurt you if you try to go heavy. 02:21:00.93 Jala and Dave Um, but hinging at the waist of keeping your back flat. You can still pick things up, you kind of just it's some sort of a modified deadlift because then you'll sink your butt back down and then stand up. But yeah you you can pick things up that way and that's ah why I skipped it earlier. 02:21:10.26 Marcus Right. 02:21:18.29 Jala and Dave Several questions back. But if there's a favorite exercise I would say it's the the bent over single arm row I like that one but it's also practical for work. 02:21:25.96 Marcus Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah now so there you go. 02:21:32.39 Jala and Dave Yeah, awesome. So we have answered all of the Ama questions and now we get into a little bit of myth busting Yay. So ah, the first one on the myth busting list is the whole go hard or go home shortchanging rest believing taking it easier when. 02:21:50.46 Jala and Dave Ah, needed is going to compromise training goals. We kind of talked about this earlier We we've already underlined and underscored and highlighted and bolded that rest is important. Um. 02:22:04.60 Jala and Dave But Insofar as and then also like gohart go Home. We ah also talked about like varying the intensity of your training and that kind of thing so insofar as when you need to take a rest thinking that it's going to compromise your goals. Okay, so. Ah, people get real wound up about numbers. They get and round up about a lot of stuff right? They like to to weigh themselves sometimes every day that's not healthy to weigh yourself every day please don't do that? Um, once a week because your weight fluctuates because any number of different things. The amount of rest the amount of hydration the amount of sodium. 02:22:38.83 Jala and Dave Ah, your stress levels affect that all different kinds of yeah yeah, yeah, so all of those things will affect your weight. So don't don't do the the way of your yourself everyday thing. But anyway part of the point of that though is people are. 02:22:41.71 Marcus Um, did you poop that day. Yeah, yeah, exactly. 02:22:56.98 Jala and Dave Ah, get obsessive about it and they're like oh I blew my diet because I had a piece of cake or I ate out for an entire day out now. You have to think about it in a zoomed out perspective people get focused on the zooming in and thinking about their calories for the day calories for the week this up and the other we're talking about like. Broader schemes of things right? So like in the broader scheme of things you have been eating wonderfully for you know or pretty well or whatever, whatever situation is you've been eating so for a number of weeks. A number of months. Whatever. Eating out the 1 time is not going to just suddenly compromise and mean that like all of the weight is coming back off of this one meal calorically that's not going to happen right? and you don't need to make up for it in the gym. Either quote quote you know lots of air quotes around that. Um, because again. 02:23:51.79 Jala and Dave Over time. It is fine it like it will even out over time if you skip a workout because you were sick. It's fine. You will get it back I promise you you just need to like if it's a prolonged sickness. You need to dial back on the weights and stuff and the intensity level when you get back to the gym. But because your body has already built the neurological pathways and already is acclimated to that training. You will get back to where you were faster than you think even if you'd have a long time off you know for like an injury or sickness or something. So um, you know like that's definitely something that. People like they they get real focused in and and they they forget that you know again, the weight didn't put itself on in like a day right? It didn't put itself on after you ate that one meal that one time ten years ago so this one meal is not going to screw over your everything. You know you need to have a little bit of Grace. Also lots and lots of studies have come out more recently about people doing something like eating a donut and including those treats in their macros in their calorie count for the day. 02:25:04.25 Jala and Dave And that people who do that they are more successful in adhering to their nutritional goals because they are including those treats in there and even including like you know the extra snack that's over over your calories or whatever every once in a while actually. In studies. Do not show any significant difference in the weight loss or the whatever that they're trying to do like insofbar is building the muscles or this that or the other you know that's not going to affect your weight as dramatically as you're thinking. It is actually the stress that you're giving yourself freaking out about this thing. 02:25:33.95 Marcus Yeah. 02:25:40.19 Jala and Dave Is probably going to cause more problems for your weight gain than the actual of the thing. So um, you know again like it people often take it like oh I've got to you know do the numbers and do exactly the thing because you know. 02:25:42.71 Marcus Um, then the donut right? yeah. 02:25:57.25 Jala and Dave Have it on my app. My my fitness pal app or whatever. It's fine I promise you it'll be fine. Just don't make it a habit. That's the the worst part is that people will do that they will go oh well now it's all out the window and then they're like I don't care anymore and then they just go on a binge right? and then that's just gonna. Jacket up, you will Jack it up at that point because then you've taken yourself out of your habit. You've taken yourself out of your discipline and you know just thrown it into the wind and let it just go where it may. 02:26:23.35 Marcus Yeah, now. That being said though, like I think that people do need to like you said people need to give themselves some grace like obviously one donut isn't going to just ruin everything right and depending on. How you depending on what your what your progress and what your pattern has been in the first place a dozen donuts isn't even going to do it like if you've been training and keeping your nutrition on point for like six straight months and you just cave one day and you're like oh my god these donuts are amazing and you like I don't know blank out and the box is empty. All of a sudden. Like you know you do you didn't just ruin the last six months of anything you didn't even ruin the last week like you, you're probably going to be constipated but like you know, other than that like you're not, you didn't you didn't do so much damage. You didn't. 02:27:18.00 Marcus Suddenly damage your metabolism. You didn't you're not going to suddenly like you know oh my god you're not going to put on £10 of fat. All of a sudden you're going to be probably ah you know you're going to feel a little bloated and your stomach's going to be upset for a day you know eat some they eat some fiber. Eat some fiber go to bed get up the next day have a huge dump and go to the gym like you know it's not you're not going to disrupt your progress by that much. You know as you've been doing the things that if you've been doing the things that are working towards your goals in a consistent manner in the first place and you've been. Really, you know you've been adherent to what you're trying to do and yeah one day you just like you know, forget yourself and eaten entire dozen donuts or whatever like it's not that's not going to derail you. It's going to like at worst you're just going to feel guilty about it and like. 02:28:07.73 Jala and Dave Yeah. 02:28:10.94 Marcus That's the thing That's the that's the real thing you have to contend with is feeling guilty about it and falling down that rabbit hole and then just being like oh God of Ruin and everything No just let yourself be like okay well that happened all right, you know and then just get back on it. 02:28:21.15 Jala and Dave Yeah, and and move on down the road. Don't worry so much about the little tiny things you're looking at big trends right? because even if you eat the whole box of donughuts and get yourself constipated and this that and the other is is Marcus's colorful example provided. 02:28:40.76 Jala and Dave And you start shitting rainbows like a unicorn um like even if that's the case you didn't suddenly lose all of your lean muscle mass which is going to help you burn that off, you didn't suddenly undo the fact that you've been in the gym X number of days. 02:28:51.49 Marcus Right. 02:28:57.68 Jala and Dave The last however long or or that you know like you didn't just suddenly undo all of the good eating you've done for the last six months you had you know a blip on the thing where you ate some donuts and then you just you'd go on with your life and I promise you like if you don't stress about it. It's not going to be a big deal. The stressing is the problem. 02:29:15.82 Marcus Exactly? Yeah, so yeah, yeah, the mindset you have about it makes the biggest difference makes the biggest difference of all like I shoot I remember there is a gym I worked for little boutique gym that I worked for um. 02:29:17.44 Jala and Dave Ah, stressing is the problem there. 02:29:33.69 Marcus Like every week somebody would bring in a box of donuts. You know it was like at the end of the week. It's like hey it's Friday donuts woho you know and that was just the thing not a single one of us was gaming was was gaining any significant amounts of fat because we were working out the entire week. You know we we did the previous like you know, a. 02:29:53.69 Marcus You know, 96 hours of being on point or whatever the donut on Friday isn't going to be real, especially because like you know the dinner we have that night is going to be loaded with protein and fiveber and everything anyway. So like what differences it make if we have a donut at Eleven o'clock so yeah 02:30:06.98 Jala and Dave Yeah, yeah, exactly it's just again, it's when you have it as habit and that you're habitually always having a donut every day that becomes a problem because then you're going to be over your macros unless you've programmed it in right. 02:30:21.43 Marcus Listen for being right? exactly. 02:30:24.50 Jala and Dave And then at that point yes, you will have a problem but like the 1 instance here or there you know isn't going to be a problem and I would recommend if you have a problem with adherence to a nutritional thing that you build in some of those treats as something that you do. 02:30:41.10 Jala and Dave You know, like on the regular in your macros so that you don't have to worry about that guilt. 02:30:44.40 Marcus Yeah, exactly exactly because yeah, it's the eating. The things is not the problem. It's when you like yeah like I said it's the mental part. That's that's the bigger issue if you are you know super hardcore about not eating whatever thing. All that does is make you want it more and then there comes the time when your will finally cracks and then you're like ah you know so built did it have a little bit of it every day So You're not so you're not freaking out. You know so. 02:31:11.46 Jala and Dave Covered in donughuts. Yeah, you don't wanna be powdered sugar fella. Can you say powdered sugar fella and I just imagined like to here let me show my age. 02:31:21.30 Marcus Right? Exactly exactly This is. 02:31:29.93 Jala and Dave She boy or d kid but is all powdered sugar. No all right sp wrinkles. Yeah like just all over his face all over everything. Ah okay so now Marcus you've got some that you've got. 02:31:46.50 Marcus Yes, okay, so this is via tn so miss that the mind uses his ammunition to keep people on the couch and there are a bunch of them fear of accidentally becoming the hulk from touching a single weight we kind of address. We addressed that already. Because of zombies question. But 1 thing i' might to mention about that is that the idea that having muscle for somebody who is femme afab identifies as a woman is unattractive. Let's break that thought process right now there is nothing inherently. Unattractive about having muscle if you are if you are a feminine person like there's nothing about that that is problematic. The only thing that's telling you that is bullshit patriarchy societal stuff like. 02:32:37.13 Jala and Dave Toxic masculinity and reinforced by AMAB individuals who are raised in this and so steeped in it. They don't even recognize it anymore. 02:32:47.87 Marcus Exactly exactly. So yeah, like don't do try to do the work to deconstruct some of that for yourself because it's it's really, it's not serving anybody it really isn't serving anybody in any way that is lasting or meaningful. So that's 1 thing. Ah so the next one feeling some discomfort as soreness and believing. You don't have the genetics for whatever exercise the listed running swimming lifting, etc. Discomfort and soreness is part of the is part of the process. You know when you do. All growth comes with some discomfort There's no building something up without breaking it down a little bit first That's how the body works like if you've ever studied anything. You know that for some of the time. It's not fun and then afterwards it's like oh this is easier now. So yeah, if you're sore. If you have some discomfort that's fine. You know as long as like as as long as it goes away you know for like for the average person. The soreness goes away after a day or 2 and then you can go back in there and do the thing and maybe you can push a little bit harder like it's the kind of thing where you know listen to your body. If you're trying to get towards a goal listen to what your body's telling you and apply that to apply that to the goal like you know, maybe don't try and do one ah hundred pushups every day that's going to make you really sore. You know, try and maybe you know spread that out over a while. 02:34:19.94 Marcus You know you know those are all the thing and also doing 100 pushups every day if your body's not prepared if you don't have that kind of muscular endurance already. That's not going to do any That's just going to You're just going to end up with pectares so like don't don't do it. You're just going to break your body down. Give yourself the time to recover. Go back in there and do it again. Sometimes it means you're only workout once a week to start because that's what you need and then maybe then you build it up to twice then maybe you build it for 3 times so that's what you're trying to do but like give yourself the time to recover soreness is not the end of anything you know it's only if like. You know, obviously if your if your knee explodes when you do a squat then that's a problem. But if you're just sore then it's fine. It doesn't mean you don't have the genetics for it. It just means that you're sore because it's something that you haven't done before and it's difficult. It's fine. 02:35:08.80 Jala and Dave Let me say this babies don't pop out of the womb built like Arnold Schwarzenegger they don't pop out of the womb and immediately run a marathon every single person has to. 02:35:26.87 Jala and Dave Start from wherever they're at and build themselves up for that specialty and in my own experience I have been a many different type of individual I have been a specialized runner I have been a specialized bodybuilder I have been you know any number of different other things right. And so I but I built myself up for endurance for a very long time and you know I built that up over time and then I switch from endurance over to to strength right? and so those are very very different types of activities and you know that took time for me to make those adjustments and. You know you have the capacity to shape yourself. However, you want to now there is some truth to genetics genetic predisposition in that certain people are born with certain higher numbers of types of muscle fibers. Slow Twitch or fast Twitch now. The thing is 90% of people have this pretty much like the same average range of all of these things. There are just every once in a while those people who are you know the the world record holders and things like that who they have the training combined with. 02:36:43.87 Jala and Dave Ah, predisposition genetically speaking for a type of muscle fiber that works for that particular activity. But unless you're like that one one percent of uber ubermensch or whatever you know like you you don't have that vast of a difference you can train your body and grow. 02:37:03.24 Jala and Dave More muscle fibers in one or another direction like when I was doing endurance I was growing muscle fibers to train my body in that way and you can shape your body into that thing that you want it to be I Also then turned around and did the exact opposite. 02:37:20.42 Jala and Dave And yes, it took time. But yes I also was successful in doing that. So yeah, it's it's again, nothing is built in a day right? Nothing is goingnna be done and and like the soreness again the soreness means that you have torn you know, made those micro terrors in your muscles that occur when you do. Training and then you have to rest properly to let those micro tears heal and build back up and build those muscles and build those nerve nerves and those pathways in your brain. Let everything sink in so that you can adapt your body. That's a process that takes time. 02:37:56.63 Marcus Yeah, so yeah, so cut yourself some slack soreness is expected if it's not extreme. You're doing fine. You'll be all right? and if it is extreme just rest longer. So yeah. 02:38:05.60 Jala and Dave Yeah, well if it is extreme and persistent then you might have a problem but like yeah, definitely and also there is such thing as delayed onset of muscle soreness. So like you might feel great after you come out of the the gym on leg day. 02:38:14.10 Marcus And persisting. 02:38:24.57 Jala and Dave And then two days two days later because it can be anywhere from 24 to 48 hours later use this the pain sets in usually for legs. It takes a couple of days. So not the next day but the day after that like you're gonna feel all of those movements. 02:38:37.93 Marcus Yeah. 02:38:40.73 Jala and Dave So ah and then also the important thing there is if you are mildly sore. That's like the best place to be because if you're too sore that you can't go and continue doing your job or you know go to the gym or do whatever that's inhibiting you from progressing. So. 02:38:57.61 Jala and Dave The the concept of progressive overload is there for a reason that's like you you run a little bit harder or a little bit faster. A little bit longer the next time that you have go out and run you add a little bit weight the next time that you go on you know, go to do your lifts and everything that's there. To allow your body the time it needs to Adapt So Keep progression in mind when it comes to your training if you are super sore dial it back a little bit. You know, ah don't run as Fast. Don't run as long. You know don't run as far the next time that you go and dial it back a little bit. 02:39:24.47 Marcus Um, yeah. 02:39:35.11 Jala and Dave Let yourself recover and build up to that because what those the excessive soreness is showing you is that you are overreaching. 02:39:42.50 Marcus Yeah, exactly. So yeah and also remember that progress isn't linear sometimes you'll like be on a really good upward trend for a while and thenre like yep oop Yep Nope We got to slow down you know and that's fine. It doesn't mean that you're not built for it. It just means you have to. 02:39:52.35 Jala and Dave Yeah. 02:39:59.59 Marcus Let your body catch up so it's fine. All right? So next myth too old to start. Yeah there's no such thing I mean there's tool to start some things like you know I wouldn't try to be a I wouldn't. Start trying to train to be a hyper flexible rhythmic gymnast if I was 75 you know, but you can still do stuff you know like there's no there's no point at your life strictly when it comes to age. There is no point at your life in which. Age is the thing that is stopping you from exercising like there might be some things in your body that are stopping you from doing certain types of exercise but there's no reason that you can't do something ah for most people ah or at least when age is the only factor all else being equal There's no reason you can't do something there's no such thing as too old to start you just can't like you know don't do what a 12 year old's doing so so yeah no such thing as too old to start I don't have the time now. This. 02:41:08.79 Jala and Dave Oh I had a little bit more on the tool to start and I think Dave had something as well. Dave do you want to go first? Yeah yeah, mainly just when you start, something's not like the earlier the better I mean did that that's always the case. But. 02:41:12.64 Marcus Oh sure. Yeah. 02:41:28.33 Jala and Dave When you start something and you can maintain it and you can make that your habit particularly when it's exercise related. That's only going to make the future. You have an easier time at it and you know. This is taking into consideration. That's you're just not like trying to be There's like unrealistic expectations I guess so if you're 7 years old. Maybe don't try to be the world power lifter champion that may be difficult for you at that point. 02:42:02.40 Marcus Right. 02:42:03.92 Jala and Dave But maintaining an active lifestyle and starting an active Lifestyle is only going to see you be healthier as you age right? right? There are physiological benefits that you can reap no matter what age you start at and. All of that is preservative and preventative to future problems that you may or may not encounter and so that's definitely something that will help and especially as you get older. There are a lot of different ways in which exercise has been proven to give you some positive effects. Like you know there's such things as of course the cognitive decline The Muscular Decline The balance starts to go things like that. Well if you are are getting into training. Yes, you have to start somewhere small but as you progress and you. Again, use that but you know progressive overload right? as you go and you continue to train you're going to see that balance Improve. You're going to get that strength you know returning to your Body. You're going to get stimulation for your brain that actually assists your brain to keep your brain younger. Then other people who are not as active as you So. There are always benefits to be brief. No matter what age you start and even if it's something like ah you know Silver Sneakers seated stuff or whatever that you're doing like whatever you're doing is going to be helpful to you? yes. 02:43:31.15 Marcus Um, right? Yeah exactly. Ah, okay yeah. 02:43:35.46 Jala and Dave So the next one is don't have the time we already mentioned exercise snacks. You can get those any time you want. It's just you know what does that take that can take under a minute for you to go do a set of something you know and just intersperse those throughout your day. There's something you can do. 02:43:54.55 Jala and Dave If you are standing at a desk you can do some little like Squats. You can do some arm movements. There's a number of different things you can do that way if you're sitting in a chair you know at the office or whatever Again, there's different things you can do with your legs. You can do some. Some quick crunches off the side of your chair. There's and any number of things you can do exercise Nexts So That's that's not mixed Excuse. You can do something. 02:44:16.68 Marcus Man now to be now I want to provide the other side to this now. There are some people who don't have time to go to the gym and that's a very real thing. You know people who have kids and have a long commute to work and have to do all this stuff. Yeah, and maybe you don't have time to go to the gym. But. As Dela was saying there are things there are still things you can do. It's just a matter of I think that a lot of people don't realize that small things are still beneficial and they think that it's like only like only this thing is going to be the thing that gets me where I want to be and. I mean yeah, if your goal is to be on stage at the arnold classic then sure like maybe you don't have the time for that. But if your goal is to just get a little bit better and add a little more movement and try to make yourself a little bit more active. There's plenty of things you can do and the time crunch. Isn't as bad as as people like to think and you know they say you know we've all got the same 24 hours in a day. No, we don't but but we do but you know within that there are still things that you can do if you use a little bit of imagination. So yeah, maybe it's not you know bench pressing two hundred and fifty pounds but you can do a little something and it and it and it does help. So yeah. 02:45:43.44 Jala and Dave Yeah, and on not on that same token regardless of whether it's at a gym or at home or just kind of wherever you can fit an exercise um take a look. So if you're trying to do something that necessitates you not doing something else. So. You know make a plan make a schedule for yourself, look at what you're doing throughout the day and see where you can condense something or maybe if it's ah it didn't be every day. So if it's a 1 or 2 wo days a week it's still better than doing you know, not doing that at all and see where you can fit something in. C where you could maybe instead of doing a you're going to make b that exercise and that does take some sacrifices or moving something around but you never want to make that at the expense of oh I'm not. 02:46:39.50 Jala and Dave Able to like sleep now or I'm skipping ameia. It's you're gonna get diminishing returns if you do it that way. Absolutely, That's all very very true and then two even stuff like if you are a mom stay at home Mom that has the kids all the time and you just you know you don't have. 02:46:43.88 Marcus Right? right? Exactly exactly. So. 02:46:58.46 Jala and Dave Time Most of the time park farther away take the stairs. Do you like there's other other ways in which you can get that exercise you know, ah around everything and again just like those really quick bursts of it are ways to break it up enough to where over time you can add in. Some extra movement. Get some extra exercise and correct. It doesn't have to be a formalized thing where you go to a gym and you have a set time and you do these exercises there at the gym you know like exercise takes many different forms because exercise is essentially just movement. 02:47:31.96 Marcus Yeah, exactly and especially like for people who have kids play with your kids accounts. You know? Yeah yeah, especially I Well my right exactly like yeah exactly. 02:47:39.60 Jala and Dave Yep, yep, absolutely does Kids are heavy if they want you to pick them up poop. You got to chase them up. 02:47:50.88 Marcus And kids and you know and here's the other thing Kids love doing stupid exercise stuff with their with their parents I mean like mommy like you know the the ringing mommy and me aerobics or whatever. That's that's not nothing I mean that got popular for a good reason you know and so and yeah, kids love doing that kind of thing if you have. 02:47:55.50 Jala and Dave Anything. 02:48:10.30 Marcus If your kids like playing video games get like dance dance revolution or just dance or something and do that with them. You'll have a grand old time you know and you'll get plenty of exercise that way and so will they so you know everybody everybody wins in that situation. So there are there are ways to do it. It takes some imagination but. Like you can do it and yeah, it's not necessarily going to be the same as you know, 85000000 follower fitness influencer person. But. There are things you can do and it will be beneficial to you and that's really all that matters is that you want things that you can do that are beneficial to you and help your health in the long run. It's not about you know, looking like I don't know who's somebody famous. You know, cannot try. You know you're not trying to look. Yeah, you know you're not trying to look necessarily look like a particular person and if that is your goal then that's going to require a lifestyle change because that is what it required for that person too. So yeah. 02:49:12.25 Jala and Dave Right? right? and you know like it it all just kind of boils down to again I'm just all about not stressing out about stuff. Um, you know like there are ways to make it work. You just have to be flexible and you know, kind of again think outside the box a little bit. There are things you can do definitely. 02:49:30.81 Marcus Yeah, so okay so I look I have one last thing that I want to put on here I don't have any other questions we've gotten to the end of the document but something I forgot to add in here that one client of mine asked ask me. Like you should put this in there when she found out that I was recording this that we were recording this. She asked me here's the question I was like what's up she goes why fitness why do it at all and I had to think about that for a second to come up with a concise answer. And the best most concise answer that I could think of was quote because no one ever said damn I sure wish I was weaker. 02:50:16.43 Jala and Dave Yeah, Ah so for me my my personal example would be like when I got up and and so I was an active kid. And then we moved around a lot and then I ended up turning into an inside kid because of just like how often we moved and and not getting to know people and this that and the other sometimes not being in safe areas that that kind of thing. Ah so I became an inside kid and then in my adulthood I ended up getting back into fitness and that's when I turned into a trainer and did all this other stuff and kind of overhauled my life and lifestyle and that all took place because I sat back and I saw my parents and how they were declining steadily their health was declining steadily because they hadn't taken care of their nutrition and their fitness. And you know at this time Guess what I am their caretaker. They are disabled and back then I said to myself I am my own health insurance I need to be able to be healthy. You know not just for them to take care of them as I do now. But. 02:51:19.64 Jala and Dave Also for myself so that when I am their age I don't have to come into that same situation. So you know, ah why fitness for me that would be my why right there. 02:51:23.73 Marcus Yeah, right? yeah. Yeah, yeah for me right now, especially you know I mean just turned 48 not getting any younger I want to make sure I can still do stuff. My daughter is a teenager. And is very active and wants to go out and do things and I want to be able to do things with her and I need to make sure I can still do that even if it's limited I need to make sure that I can keep up with this ridiculously active kid so that's that's kind of my why. But then also ah one of the things that. Ah, because of like there are also gender related things for why I exercise like the reason I do contortion is because I view femininity as a thing that is I view flexibility as a thing that is more feminine which helps me achieve a sense of gender euphoria for myself. So. 1 of the reasons that I train flexibility in contortion is because since I do not plan on having any kind of medical intervention for my gender things. Ah I want to do something that helped me really feel good in my body in that way and that is one of the things that that's one of the things that does it so I keep up with it. 02:52:37.45 Jala and Dave Oh right? and in Alando same lines doing all the various types of things that I do like always trying to keep up with dance and doing this that you know doing the yoga doing the the different forms of training that I do it's for the same kind of. 02:52:38.91 Marcus That's another thing but more. 02:52:54.31 Jala and Dave You know like and those are the things that make me feel the most like me. 02:53:02.72 Jala and Dave I would say for me like the short answer is I Just enjoy it like it's fun. Um, even even with the aches and pains I like to just see progress. Um, and it's it's Under. It's something that's Like. By and large are really under my own control I get out of it exactly what I put into it. Um and just staying healthy I've always tried to be active but I've gone from retail Jobs I was in the military and then went to an office job and then I stayed active but going from even in the military there was to folks that like they probably shouldn't have been in more shape but going to the office job. It was a clear. Okay. 02:53:56.90 Jala and Dave Everybody is sitting in there at their desk for hours. Um, and it and it shows so I didn't I wanted to make sure that like that wasn't going to be the case for myself and then particularly like in my family we have a lot of heavier set family members and a lot of it's been diet related diet and sedentary lifestyles and I just I don't want that for myself particularly if we're already prone to hypertension high blood pressure other like ills that just. Are genetically like favoring us. Um I would like to mitigate that as much as Possible. So I Just try to take care of myself and by that extension like help other people out too because it's a lot easier to do stuff if other you find out it. Like-minded people that you can like cheer each other on and I think that also goes back to answer some of the other questions where looking for motivation isn't always just internal. You can find friends or other gym goers or just I mean everything's connected online. People online that are interested in the same ah exercise and fitness hobbies that you are into as well and just that sense of community makes like the journey easier and more fun. 02:55:29.59 Jala and Dave Absolutely and definitely like just to to end it off So The guy who created Spartan Races Joicenna He says very often find your true north and by that he means like find your why. Because that why is going to be different for everybody and you need to know what it is that drives you so that you can keep that in mind during the times when motivation fails you because it will motivation comes and goes you have to rely on your discipline.. How do you get yourself to be Disciplined. You have to remember your why. What is your why. 02:56:14.49 Jala and Dave Yeah, so we have finally finished it at 3 hours we got to go? Ah thank everybody. Thanks thanks to everybody listening and thanks to all of the wonderful people who contributed their questions comments concerns and trolling. Thanks Threndsa. 02:56:31.89 Jala and Dave Ah, so that'll wrap us up for that now where in the world can people find you on the internet if you are to be found Dave? People could find me on the internet at Blue Sky - senplus.bsky.social you use search me the links. It's in the show notes or if you're interested in monsters and strange creatures. You can go to monsterdear.monster. All right! And how about you Marcus where in the world can people find you. 02:57:09.00 Marcus I am at Marcus_Rasaan that's MARCUS_RASAAN on Instagram and Twitter. On Blue Sky it's marcusrasaan.bsky.social um but yeah, like um, those both both the Instagram and the Twitter have. Links in the links in the profiles to everything else. So those are the easiest ways to find me I Blue Sky account isn't terribly active as yet. So don't worry about it. But yeah Twitter and Instagram marcus_rasaan and they link to everything else. They'll link to my Patreon the link to my GoFundMe. Ah, don't rely. Don't don't hold your breath about those 2 links because I think I'm gonna get rid of them. so so yeah so that's that's what those are um, those are the ways to find me if you want to find me so there you go. 02:58:14.14 Jala and Dave Awesome! And of course I am @jalachan anywhere that I may be found on the internet or in the world and that includes jalachan.place where you found this episode and all of the others. So until next time folks take care of yourself and remember to smile. [Show Outro] Jala Jala-chan's Place is brought to you by Fireheart Media. If you enjoyed the show, please share this and all of our episodes with friends and remember to rate and review us on your podcast platform of choice. Word of mouth is the only way we grow. If you like, you can also kick us a few bucks to help us keep the lights on at ko-fi.com/fireheartmedia. Check out our other show Monster Dear Monster: A Monster Exploration Podcast at monsterdear.monster. Music composed and produced by Jake Lionhart with additional guitars and mixed by Spencer Smith. Follow along with my adventures via jalachan.place or find me at jalachan in places on the net! [Outro Music]