This is Spoken Gospel. We’re dedicated to seeing Jesus in all of scripture. In each episode, we see what’s happening in a Biblical text and how it sheds light on Jesus and his gospel. Let’s jump in. After passing through the waters of his baptism, Jesus is led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Jesus fasts for forty days and forty nights, which connects this story with another familiar story in the Old Testament. Israel also passed through the waters when God parted the Red Sea. And from there, God led Moses and the people into the wilderness. They were on their way to the land of Canaan, the Promised Land, where God would establish his Kingdom. And like Jesus, Moses also fasted for forty days and forty nights in the wilderness while on Mt. Sinai. But in the wilderness, Israel fell into temptation and sin, and they failed to set up the forever-Kingdom of God. But Jesus succeeds where Israel failed. He resists the temptation in the wilderness. You see, Israel failed to banish their enemies in Cannan, but Jesus drives out the real enemy with only a word. God called Israel to possess a promised piece of land, but Jesus shows his authority over all creation. Jesus is the new and better Moses and Israel, who brings God’s rule and reign to the world. It’s no wonder, then, that Jesus’ first message is about God’s Kingdom coming near. He calls the first four citizens into that Kingdom and says they will fish for men. You see, God promised in Jeremiah 16:16 that fishermen and hunters would come who would bring people from all nations into his Kingdom. And in Jesus, this promise becomes reality. Jesus was tempted like us in every way, and yet he did not sin. Israel had failed to overcome sin and the devil by their own power, but Jesus declares that he has overcome the world. Jesus overcame the devil in the wilderness, but ultimately he overcame him at the cross. Satan literally means “accuser.” His greatest weapon is accusations against us. These accusations about our sins and our shortcomings leave us feeling condemned. But when Jesus took our condemnation on the cross, he left Satan with nothing but lies and empty threats. Now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. That is how he puts the powers of Satan to open shame. And now, we can actually resist sin because the same Spirit in us is the same Spirit that led and empowered Jesus to resist by the Word of God. Jesus has freed us from the power of sin, death, and the devil, and has declared us citizens in the Kingdom like his first followers. So, I pray that the Holy Spirit would open your eyes to see the God who refuses to leave us in our sin and condemnation. And may you see Jesus as the one who succeeded where we failed so he might give us victory where we only deserved defeat.