This is Spoken Gospel. We’re dedicated to seeing  Jesus in all of scripture. In each episode, we see what’s  happening in a Biblical text and how it sheds light on Jesus and his gospel. Let’s jump in. Samson is Israel’s final, most  dramatic, and most violent judge. An angel even appears to Samson’s barren mother   and announces she will birth a deliverer  who will save Israel from the Philistines. Samson is also unique among the judges for his Nazarite vow. He is under oath to touch nothing unclean or dead,   to neither eat grapes nor drink  wine, and never cut his hair. But Samson’s promising birth only serves to highlight his downfall. Samson sees a Philistine woman and wants to marry her even though doing so violates God’s marriage laws. We’re told Samson’s only justification  is that she seems right in his eyes. This is the author’s indictment  of all of Israel during this time. This phrase also foreshadows how Samson’s story will end— his eyes will be gouged out at the hands of the Philistines. But Samson’s lusting eyes are also the means God will use to rescue his people. We see this play out in a short story that acts as a metaphor for both the rest of Samson’s narrative and the entire Book of Judges. As Samson walks through a vineyard (which is a foolish choice since he can’t eat grapes),   a lion attacks Samson and he kills it. But in doing so he breaks his Nazarite vow to not touch dead animals. He also lustily eats honey from its carcass. Samson’s lust for honey is a lot  like his lust for Philistine women. His foolish marriage to the Philistine woman and his romantic trysts with Delilah all ends the same way— with Philistine men pouncing on him like a lion and God granting sweet supernatural deliverance over Israel’s long-time enemies. In strange mercy, God uses the lust and violence of Samson to rescue people bound to the mortal enemies of their own lust and violence. Samson’s lust eventually leaves him blind, weak, and enslaved to the Philistines. Samson uses his last breath to pray for  strength to execute a final act of revenge. Like before, God empowers Samson to destroy more Philistine’s through his death than his life. Like honey from a dead lion, God  brings victory through Samson’s sin. [music] Samson is the last judge God raises up. Samson’s story serves as the  climax of the book of Judges,   but also as the consummate  embodiment of Israel’s waywardness. He’s the final example of God using Israel’s  sinfulness to accomplish his purposes. But Samson’s story also represents Israel’s hope. Israel is waiting for a King   who’s coming is announced by angels, and in whom the Spirit dwells. Israel is hoping for a leader who is strong like Samson,  but whose sacrifice is greater than his might. They’re waiting for God to bring sweet peace from their lion-like enemies. Samson actually points us to Jesus. Jesus’ birth was announced by angels. And the Holy Spirit rushed  on him like a dove of peace. Jesus was strong, not to  avenge personal vendettas,   but to remain single-minded through persecution and crucifixion. Jesus’ sacrificial death brought greater victory than his life because through his death, everyone who believes in him is saved from the stalking lions of sin and death. Jesus did not bring honey out of his sins, but out of ours. Jesus’ sacrificial death  wasn’t to avenge but to atone. Jesus dies as the consummate embodiment of our  waywardness so that we can become living examples   of the way God uses sinful people to tell of and accomplish his sweet victory in all the world. Because of Jesus we taste and see that the Lord is good. May the Holy Spirit open your eyes to see the God who uses our sin to bring about our salvation. And may you taste and see that  Jesus is sweeter than honey.