hoarpod unconventional hacker [00:00:00] Lacey Free: [00:00:00] I am an insane sexual shadow, which in my name is Lacey free and I'm the fucking host of Hoar Pod. Welcome [00:01:00] to Hoar Pod. I am sitting in the sign next to a giant cactus and an Aloe Vera plants. There's still snow outside. It was just spring Equinox. And when the spring Equinox comes in, it's the energy of cleaning your motherfucking house, baby, clean your house. Sweep out the cobwebs. Spring cleaning actually comes from the energy of witches and it's to plant the seeds of the crops that will grow. And we can't plant crops in cobwebs. We have to remove the dust, the dust within us and the dust in the external environment. Everything around me is always messy. And sometimes I wonder if I'm just so messy inside, how's it been living with my messes? Black Neter: [00:01:57] I think I'm messy as well. So [00:02:00] I think we, uh, allow it to get mutually unsustainable and then we clear it out. But, uh, I think I may be in a little more cognizant of it at that points. Lacey Free: [00:02:12] Do you feel like my scene and the environment is a metaphor for the internal environment? Black Neter: [00:02:18] I've always thought that's bullshit when people are like, Oh yeah, you have a messy desk. It means that you're unorganized and shit. It's like, no, that's creativity. It's divergent thinking like you can follow the convergent path of like, this is what makes sense and how everyone always goes down the mental neuron pathway, or you can do the divergent shit. That's where you really get like a lot of the cool innovations that happen in the history when somebody noticed something functioning in nature and they're like, Oh, how can I design a computer around that? Or a car around that, or learn a mechanical, a new way of swimming based on the way a dolphin does it. Like that's divergent thinking. You're pulling like separate ideas and combining them into something new. That's how I think we [00:03:00] get like the best shit we've created. So keep your desk messy. Lacey Free: [00:03:04] My absolute favorite parts of you is that you teach me something new every day. I feel like you, you really take that to the next level and growing up homeschooled and dyslexic, and I've had a shit ton of concussions. There's, there's this fear around learning for me. And you've taught me that like some witches, you know, they think like technology is bad or that the Internet's bad, or we're going into the dark ages because of the internet and you and I met 10 years ago. And you were like, fuck that. Like, you're like, I'm sorta down with the witches. I, I can get with the witches, but like, fuck this energy that the internet is bad. You're like the internet. Is sovereignty and you can really take your learning into your own hands. There's always [00:04:00] been this like extreme anxiety within my body that I'm like, I don't, I don't have family. And I don't like, I'm not going to inherit money, you know, like for fucking sure. If, if something happens in my life, I don't have like a savings account. I, and I don't have anyone to like help me. And you were like, yeah, that doesn't matter because there's there's sovereignty and you can learn resources on the internet. And math has been something so fucking scary for me. And I still haven't like, totally like got over this hump, I think middle school is like very crucial for learning math. Right? Cause like in elementary school, it's like the times tables, division fractions, and then you go into middle school and I feel like it's like real math or like starting to be real math. It, my middle school teacher would flirt with me and just give me A's and I didn't do one piece of [00:05:00] homework. I didn't understand. I didn't understand anything. Besides my multiplication, individual division, like even fractions, I still don't really know how to do. And I like have always had so much like self hate around it. Like technology is different now where math isn't as scary, but. You were like, it doesn't matter there's programs that won't like, judge you and they just walk you through it. Black Neter: [00:05:27] Yeah. That story. It makes me really frustrated. Because it is one of those things. I believe you can translate just about everything in our perceivable reality, through math in some way, like colors, language, it all kind of boils down to a series of numbers or you can, so to me, it's like the programming language of this universe It's one of the greatest things that I've like learned in addition to like learning how to learn like the metacognition stuff. It's just like being able to dig into being able [00:06:00] to dig into it and kinda like understand some of the mathematical underpinnings of the world. Uh, you're just seeing like the gears of the machine and that's a gift to me that I think everybody deserves to have. Lacey Free: [00:06:12] Do you think that math is magic? Black Neter: [00:06:15] Absolutely. Yeah. It's like, I just, I don't if, if, if magic is all around us and it is kind of just like this flowing energy that we can kind of tap into and use to kind of like manifest things or plug in, or bring a track things to us, or, you know, use the kind of control control the simulation, then that's what, that's the communication like, that's like, these are there's these like packets being sent back and forth. All of that to me, like the, the energy, like the, the tangibility of it has to be some type of like math. Lacey Free: [00:06:54] Um, yeah, it always felt like I was missing out on a whole [00:07:00] language and it feels like sometimes with being a magic person, it feels like I have memories that I feel and that like are true. Yeah. But that I can't always just re reach out and access. And it feels like there was a time and maybe this is Atlantis. I don't know, but it feels like there was a time where language was different and we really, really communicating through math and all the answers were within the equation. Black Neter: [00:07:28] Yeah. There's actually like theories about language. I mean, I've, I believe that Atlantis and like previous, um, like super advanced civilizations had to have had a strong bead on just ma like, I want to say math and science, but it's really just math, because like even physics, you have to have, like, you have to understand math to get physics. You have to understand math to get chemistry. And all of these things can be distilled down into kind of mathematical terms principles. So I believe like these it, these civilizations to get to where we kind of feel that they [00:08:00] were. Uh, they had fucking mathematicians, geniuses physicians, like even engine Egypt, like was just like one of those kind of like they're all these beings that come down in are here. Uh, Tesla, Nikola Tesla was another one of them where it's like, they just have this like deep foundational knowledge seemingly of just like how the world works is not even like, they have like deep domain knowledge, like Imhotep. They'll say it's like the master of like modern medicine. But like, he was also in a technology. He using a crazy science stuff. He was into physics and there's just this like tree, trunk of foundational knowledge that I think kind of starts with some, some mathematical thinking. And that's not that like, it's not able to be accessed or you can't like work with it or you can't like gain it or anything. Um, without being some type of like that egg right. Has it'd be like a mathematical genius cause I certainly am not. But , it's just, when you start seeing some stuff in. In math and equations, and then you see [00:09:00] them show up in the world. It's kind of hard not to start seeing things of like, Oh, how is this? I mean, that, that, that's what tipped me onto like, yeah, we're definitely in a simulation because it's like once I started getting into programming, it's okay, this is math based. I already kind of believe that everything can be translated through that. And now I can see how, like you could actually, it would, it's massive on a massive scale, but how you could actually program this world similar to how they program like video games. And that's where I was like, Oh, if that's possible and we're moving towards that and VR is getting closer and it's getting more real and Madden 2001 looks way different than Madden 2020. And he looks like me. And to be able to go into a headset and experience that, how do we know we're not already in that? And how do we know this? Isn't a version that's nested inside another version. And that's where I was like, okay, I pretty much share written a simulation now. And I think right around that point is when we met and I dumped it all on you. Lacey Free: [00:09:56] Yeah. That it was 10 years ago. We're [00:10:00] very like little kids compared to now what I just realized the other day is when we might, you didn't have a beard. You couldn't even, you had a flat top on the top of your head. That's what's on the top of your head now. Oh, it's very cute head. And you couldn't grow a beard then it's like crazy to me that I knew you when you had a lot of hair on your head, no hair on your face. And I have watched you evolve as a man, as a God. And it's like, you're the first person that I've seen, like morph into your beam in real time. Um, we met at that dive bar in cherry Creek. And you had a, a wild flat top and I was wild. I had just become independent and was trying to like pay for my own college. It was going to school to be a mental health professional, and really learning about trauma from [00:11:00] like, from an education stand point. And you were like, fuck college. Why are you in college? And I was like, what? And you were like, okay, so the internet you're going to be free. You're going to be free if you do this. And I was like, what? And you were like, yeah. So we live in a simulation and our government is ran by pedophiles. Um, there's gonna be a time when the world shuts down in, you're gonna need two passports, the dollar's going to die and there's going to be more of a sovereign new form of money. And then you told me about cryptocurrency. That was, uh, like 11 years ago, we were sitting in a park with a huge gallon of purple, cheap, cheap wine that we got from that liquor store in Colfax. And I was like, wait, like a simulation. What do you [00:12:00] mean by that? And I was like, Oh shit, the simulation you speak of, which is don't believe we're like technology, but the ancient wisdom of the witch or the crone, it seems like. What they're talking about the witches with manifestation, spells hexes, uh, even like how they see abundance and healing and plants on the surface, that looks so different from the energy of a simulation. But as you and I like broke it down, we were like, Oh, the simulation is magic. Oh, everything you, which has said about manifestation is true. And you can be like a manifesting herbal, witch and control and operate your video game. So like what, what would you say is the simulation and how is that connected to like witches or ancient, like even a gypsy in magic? Black Neter: [00:12:57] Um, I think this is the same thing [00:13:00] as like how we translate religion through like these different gods and like these different, like schools of thought and, uh, like different, you know, ideologies, dogma. It's just, I see the simulation, um, The math that kind of like underpins it. This is just the programming language. And everyone's looking at the same language and we're all translating it through our field of this is how I can explain it. So like, if we think about like ancient cultures and how they would like come up with parables and like the stories to kind of explain the changing of the seasons and it ends up being like all cloaked and metaphor and like kind of this interaction between gods, like the Orishas, like how they're both, uh, kind of like natural forces. So like wind electricity, sun, and then, but also personified. So they have like personalities and then through how these personalities of the God that the gods embody, how they interact, that explains a storm of like you have the thunder crashing in. And so the part of the Orisha that [00:14:00] embodies the thunder busting into the party, like it's sort of that type of translation. So that's how I see what you're talking about with like the witches, like the, the simulation is just the simulation. It exists. It's just how we plug into this game. Now. I think you have something layered over that, which is which I call the matrix, but that's like, those are the traps and kind of like the, um, control of the matrix to get us to do certain things right. But the simulation is just the environment. It's the board. And so the way that you described the board and the way that you can move through the board and access the resources that you need, that's magic in, in, in the witch community, it's something else in the technology community. It's something else. And like the, you know, I don't know, meditation, spiritual community. Samsara like the, I remember reading some of those texts and I was like, Oh, they're talking about like a simulation, but they're not calling it a simulation. And like, that's just them, everyone processing [00:15:00] sort of this board that we're on this game, uh, In their own way and then using their own language, that's going to speak to their community that they're going to be able to synthesize it with. Lacey Free: [00:15:08] Yeah. And I think we have so much stigma or at least I do or have around even like the idea of a video game, right. It's like who plays video games, nerds in their basement. I love nerds in basements. I very much in my attracted to the introverts of the world. And, um, but as a wedge, as someone who wasn't technologically skilled or you're mathematically skilled, Seen me live in a video game did not resonate. Black Neter: [00:15:41] Yeah. I remember this cause I was like, so much of the references around it are like directly poured into like you had to play the game to like get kind of what I'm talking about. And like, there were so many things around that early in our relationship with like, I can't reference the matrix movie and I have to tell you, explain what the matrix is, what [00:16:00] the fuck. Like, I can't explain this simulation without video games. So they're like pushed. It's kind of like, you gotta be able to explain it to anybody, your grandma. And I'm like, fuck, how do I do this without these? Lacey Free: [00:16:09] Do you use, compare me to explain it to a grandma? No. For the whore. Yeah. Why couldn't you explain the matrix to me because you hadn't seen it. Black Neter: [00:16:22] Yeah. Like this is kind of the underpinning. I mean, that movie literally lays it out in a, in a way. Um, and it's sensationalized and there's action and all of that. And that's like, you were like, I'm not going to watch an action movie. And I was like, Fuck we are screwed. Lacey Free: [00:16:39] I think it's bigger than not watching an action movie. I think I haven't found the exact in what we're talking about right now. It really feels like a conversation around language, you know, like saying it's a simulation saying it's a video game and the confrontation that comes with each word, you know, cause like I [00:17:00] think it is a video game, but I don't think it is the video games that someone plays in the basement. Black Neter: [00:17:04] Right. Lacey Free: [00:17:04] You know, but that's the where mind goes. But I think it's a video game, meaning that we're atonomous beings controlling our reality through thoughts and through energy, which in a sense is a video game. Cause it's like we're exploring, we're controlling the reality. Um, we have like, uh, goals and levels and enemies that we be. . It's all part of the video game, but I don't think it's like a video game with like a computer necessarily, but at the same time, the computer Black Neter: [00:17:35] Diverge a little bit, I think within like that video game concept, like something that like submitted it for me, it was, within some games, there are like active players, like you and me. So I'm player one year player two, but then they're also like thousands of others that like, they're called NPCs. It's like non playable characters. So they're just like, uh, empty vessels [00:18:00] kind of like floating around and they serve a purpose within like the structure of the game, but they're not active players. So when we talk about like gods on earth or whatever, like I would say that's like player one player, two, like we are, we're kind of active. We're plugged in. Awake then you have the NPCs, which I would classify as like, these are the people who just aren't awake. They're just, they haven't woken up yet, but they're able to be used by the simulation at the machine ground level, but on layer two, the matrix. And so they can, like, we that's how, like you can, like, the matrix can basically like plug in through the simulation and we're all walking, we're all walking on this grid. Right. And so like at some point our energy is connected to the ground at some point, right. I, entire time we're here, right? Where that's, where, where your shoes off and you're like grounding and you're really, really connected to it. Or you got some blocked and you're connected to it. It's totally energetically what that, the difference between that is not for [00:19:00] me to say, but I think there is a slight difference there, but. We're constantly walking around, along this earth or, you know, moving across it. So I sort of see it as this, like there's this energy constantly, constantly energy flow. That's kind of coming, uh, flowing in, you know, down through the earth, down through the bottom of our feet all the way through the top, top to the crown back. And then circling back down this kind of like tore shape as that's happening code is getting updated. Right. So like we're either we're entering our own from like our own mental, creative space, our higher self, but then the earth is also giving us some too, right? Yeah. So this is just constantly cycling as we're here. We have a way to a, to affect like two of those kind of like where what's coming from. Our heart space was coming from our mental space in our higher self what's coming from the earth. And the matrix is just kind of being embedded in us. And we don't really, we're not really conscious [00:20:00] of it. So you kind of got to stay awake to like ward that shit off. Right. If we're asleep, NPC, it's constantly programming us. And if you're really, really asleep, say like not, you know, everybody has their own, but for me, like, uh, drinking all the time, drugs, like that puts me in unconscious States. So when I'm in that I'm able to be programmed with whatever the matrix wants to program me for. And then my NPC, you, my avatar goes and acts out on that. So I've just become an agent of the matrix. So if you, Lacey are player one, And me netters as a NPC at this time. Right? Where like, I am a person here in this reality. Like I'm definitely experiencing stuff, but I'm not necessarily awake yet. So I'm susceptible, I'm susceptible to be reprogrammed and kind of co-opted for the matrix is aims. It can put some code into me to do some shit to activate you, which like completely sends you off your path. And me, the NPC just goes back to [00:21:00] my normal life. Lacey Free: [00:21:02] Yeah. Holy shit. You just said so much, um, that resonates. And when you were explaining sort of like the cycle of grounding, right. And like the head and the heart you were making this big circle with your hands is you were describing it. And what you were describing is like regeneration, right. And how it affects the code within our body. Like it, it can affect her DNA. And then that generation it's like. What is an goes out, what is outcomes back in? And it's the energy of the circle? The energy of the circle? Like, is it not that I feel weird bringing everything back to the witches, but I'm just trying to connect like my, my, the way I was programmed is like tap back into like the divine feminine and like learn from the ancient magic of the divine feminine, which is the earth and then gathering [00:22:00] coven with, with the divine feminine to create that regeneration. But that circle you're just describing is like one of the first things I learned and as a witch. And when you do magic, you cast the circle, like you get in the circle together. Um, I feel like everything is about regeneration. That's like, why there's the maiden, the mother, the crone, and like the triple goddess. And so, and within that, they're telling you like, The mysticism, the magic within what we are, the codes within us, but how we can reprogram the codes. But they're not telling you even like working in health and healing, it's really about how do we build up the cells to regenerate. And that's really like going in and reprogramming the body. When I think of trauma right now, when I think of my own brain and how I've been traumatized, I'm like, I just see it as like a [00:23:00] reprogramming of my system. But if I were to say it in those languages to like witches, they might be like, reprogramming simulation. It like doesn't compute, but it feels like the exact same energy. Black Neter: [00:23:13] Definitely. It's, it's so much as getting like, caught up in like, uh, language and words. That's kind of like turning off people, I think, um, from some concepts it's just because we've been traumatized by the underlying systems. I think you and I have talked about this a little bit, but like. Um, like when I try to think about like what, who I am, or like what I do, or, you know, like just, you know, describe myself elevator pitch or whatever. It's really, really hard. But I think the best thing that describes it is like an unconventional hacker. Like I'm not a hacker and now I'm going to like get into your computer and steal your shit. But like, I'm trying to evaluate constantly how to hack something, whether that's myself internally, my own emotions, [00:24:00] my own, the, my mental processes. And I think kind of like an understanding of psychology and how, uh, we naturally are primed to operate mentally reprogramming reprogramming that is kind of like hacking your own mind and you can hack your emotions. You can also hack. The external reality, like this 3d, we can also kind of like, I started, you know, I don't know if you've seen like the Truman show, but like where he's like on that boat and he's in this like complete, completely controlled simulation down to like actors are his family and he fit, kinda starts figuring it out and decides to get to the end of the world and takes this boat and like literally pierces the end of his reality with the bow of the boat. I sort of see that as like, we that's, that's hacking the matrix, the simulation, it's kind of like this thing of like, what, what is the nature of reality? Like where are we truly, um, is like that third level. And then you can also do stuff like here where it's like, you know, figuring out how to, uh, get an extra couple hundred dollars [00:25:00] out of your job, you know, at the tour guide or in Alaska or whatever. That's like a, yeah, don't tell me secrets. We need to record by statute limitations. Uh, I did something bad in Alaska when I was 19, but bad is operative, right? Yeah. It's not. Yeah. Like this whole, with the whole concept of like NPCs, how do you define something that badness in that way, this is all just, uh, I think natural and universal law is a safe way to yeah. And, Oh my God, there's so much. I want to speak to, to what you're saying, but the first thing is, is like, you're like you might watch the matrix cause there's action. And then when you were talking about the Truman show, I was like my, I think so. Okay. This is like a thought that I'm really struggling with. Lacey Free: [00:25:51] And I don't want to go too far off what you're saying because it's dope, but I'm really struggling with like the idea of magic versus [00:26:00] mysticism. And to me, magic is I'm in a simulation. I'm going to tenacious being a God, an autonomous being. Who's who can do magic and totally control every aspect of my reality. I can be as abundant as I want. It's rich as I want. I don't have to suffer. I can manifest the best partner, all of this energy around magic. And I think that's where weird spiritual bypassing stuff can come in. Cause, cause they're like, well, if you're suffering, like you're choosing it, you know? But then I feel like there's and I'm going to fuck this up. And I was talking to someone on a reading about it and she said, someone else on a podcast is speaking of it. So I need to do deeper research. But the, the energy of the mystic to me is the, is the belief of the ultimate mystery that we don't have to come in here and like hack the video game in a way that like we have to understand and know all [00:27:00] the parts and that our higher self. Um, like to me and I, I could be fucking this up, but to me it's like mysticism is when our higher self is in the driver's seat. Or like, we try to tap into our higher selves being in the driver's seat. And we might be going through some like extreme suffering or be really poor. And we might be around someone who's like super into magic and they're just like, well, manifest your way out of it. Don't be poor. But what if the mystic, the higher self is like choosing that reality, choosing that video game, because there's like gold at the end of that rainbow because there's coal there's codes in the trauma and in the suffering. And I think like some spiritual people are like, Oh, well you're suffering. And like, you're choosing it cause there's there's codes in the trauma. So like, It's fine. You know, you're fine. But it's like, no, they're [00:28:00] not fine. It's like choosing it's like your higher self is choosing a position that is sacred in the land. Right. So it's like your higher self is choosing to be a firefighter and you might get burnt as being like a firefighter, but you're putting yourself at risk in your like helping other people. But there is like suffering in it and we don't go like shit on like the firefighters or the people experiencing the suffering. It just feels like whether it's mysticism or magic. I think that fire man analogy was stupid. I don't know if that made any sense. No. Um, but I think the thing about mysticism is the sacred roles that people choose. And like, I feel like suffering it's really sacred. And I think like when people are in an experience of like really bad pain or trauma or poor or whatever, the thing [00:29:00] is, it's like, we don't know the mysticism around it. We don't know if they're just like, uh, God, you know, teaching people by being like homeless on the street. And, and like, I don't think being a God is just living in bliss and I don't think it's like supposed to be, but I think it's like really weird when we start to like, judge that person for their sacred stuff. Black Neter: [00:29:26] Absolutely. And I think the fireman analogy made perfect sense. Like one of the things that I love about, uh, American Gods is the, it really shows how, like each interval, individual God has its own patron community that they specifically speak to in some way. And so it's not, and it's not applicable to everyone every time. It's like, it's, you specifically are having an experience that you need to hear from me as, as this and not, you know, Netter, but like this, whatever this patron Saint or God [00:30:00] is, I can specifically speak to what you're going through. And I can speak to that because I've gone that path of which may have included some suffering, but I also picked up some coats along the way. And that's not that that sounds starts to getting a little spiritual bypassing because it starts sounding like, Oh yeah, your experience, whatever you're experiencing. There's like a code in it that may not be the case. Like sometimes it's just like suffering is just suffering. Right. And there's no, but, and we don't know what's happening after this. Right. Lacey Free: [00:30:29] So like, It may not be the code to like live in this blissed out utopia, but it may be a code that you, you chose like a suffering round here, and then you get to the next level or you die or whatever. And it's like, okay, these are the codes from when you suffered. And like, sometimes in our own suffering, I sound like such a martyr. And I feel like I have to be careful of like martyr energy and not [00:31:00] like looping on suffering, just because I think it's sacred. So like being able to hold space for it, but not being addicted to it. It's like a very fine balance. Black Neter: [00:31:11] No, I think that's, I mean, it makes sense. It's just you, can't the, um, one of the codes that I have. Started to like, pick up is like this whole concept of like opt-in with the matrix and the simulation. Like there, there seems to be like in experiences that I've had where I'm like, how did this get like fucked up? There is a point where it's either consciously or subconsciously, I'm like opting in to receive marketing messages to my email. Like I'm checking that box for the experience and it like, and it comes. And then sometimes it's just to let me know, Hey, by doing this thing, you're checking the box. Yeah. And so I think with suffering, it's like, it, it makes sense to try to like, um, technology [00:32:00] and to not bypass it as something that, you know, there's always some positive light at the end of it. Although, you know, sometimes not close yourself off from that either, but be very careful of like the opt-in of the future. Sure. Lacey Free: [00:32:13] Yeah. I'm suffering. Feels like resistance, you know, like, like pushing the pain away. And I think sometimes like, it may look like rare suffering, but if we're allowing ourselves to truly feel like pain and bliss are just so connected, you know, like even in birth energy, it's supposed to be like one of the worst pains of your life, but you can also have orgasms during it. But, but if you're in birth and you're like pushing the birth away, like you're like afraid, you're afraid to come out for the life to come out of the portal and you tighten up it like can rip your insights. It can like create a lot of blood. It [00:33:00] can create pain for the baby, but like tapping into the pain and like, knowing like, okay, this is going to be painful. I feel like your body just blossoms, like it opens. But when you're talking about, uh, I keep going back to this, um, the Truman show and the matrix, and you're like, Oh, you don't want to watch it because it's action. What I actually think is happening is the energy of the mistake. And what I mean by that is I think my higher self does not want me to get downloads from certain places. Yeah. So the energy that you keep bringing up around the Truman show and the matrix you're like, you didn't want it because you didn't watch it because you don't like action. And that might have been like an excuse when we were dating at the beginning, but, and I'd really, don't like a lot of action, like guns, shit blowing up toxic masculinity, stuck to the [00:34:00] wall. I mean, that is to your subconscious, Black Neter: [00:34:03] that's like 45% of the matrix. I get it. Lacey Free: [00:34:07] But I feel like I've tried to watch the Truman show a lot too. I even put the Truman show on the other night when you were taking a nap and I, I won't commute compute the information from it. I tried to watch the matrix several times and it doesn't come in and it almost feels like to me that the mystic part of me, so my higher self, the higher self that believes that my avatar needs to walk through this video game, embracing mystery. Like it doesn't just want codes coming at me. Willy-nilly now some people need the codes through movies. Some people need the, I think the matrix was like a mass awakening for people. And I had no idea, I just thought it was like those. Like I remember the, the bullet in him bending back and that's all like, knew about it. And it just [00:35:00] felt like my brain and body shut down. When certain information that ha that's filled with codes. And I don't, I think I was already learning the codes of the matrix. I think a lot of us were learning the codes of the matrix, um, through our own avatars in w and I think when we're experiencing something like that through our own avatars, we can't compute the movie or the book, or even like our friend telling us. And that's like, why there becomes conflict in communities in groups, because you're like, I just found this out. We live in a simulation and the person's like, you're insane. It's because their avatar has to go through the video game and, and choose its levels. Like having the codes, isn't just putting an equation in someone's face. And I think part of this is having a reverence for the mystery. When people talk about Atlantis my, my brain [00:36:00] shuts off. I realized this when I was with Jessa. This last summer, she'd be talking about downloads about Atlanta's in my brain would just go fog, like, like it would white out. And I couldn't really compute what she was saying. And she was even like, dogg, are you dwarfing right now? Like, can you hear me? And at first it felt like something, um, dark and scary, like, Oh, I'm, I'm supposed to get codes about Atlantis. And the matrix is like, it feels like sometimes people are talking and the matrix puts my video game on mute. Like I could see the mouse moving, but they're telling me about Atlantis and I can't put it in my body. There's also like a lot of, especially right now. A lot of like spiritual people on Instagram, a lot of people sharing downloads a lot of people sharing readings. There's like one or two readers I can even like tap into or listen or hear from because yeah, I think part of it is like [00:37:00] purity. So that the downloads can come in. I feel like my voice was just really weird there. It's getting sometimes when I talk about the meat, it's so funny, we were talking about the matrix right now and what just happened. Black Neter: [00:37:13] So yeah, what I see that as this is just your, your higher self protecting your information flow. So when I was talking about us walking on this magnetic board, that is the spinning earth, and then there's this torodial energy codes- math coming out of the crown of our head, going into the earth and then coming back up through our feet and then through all the chakras. The earth and the matrix and the simulation and simulation/earth being the same, like they're giving us codes as it's coming up through. And then as it's going through us, we're also adding code to that. And then it comes out through our crown and goes back into the earth. So when we talk about like collective consciousness and all that stuff, like that's where I think some of that starts [00:38:00] like working in when you can feel like everyone kind of shifting at the same time. It's because people are doing work on the inside, coming to new stuff is raising to the crown, like the, and then that's getting put out through a code package back into the earth and it gets. Amalgamated with every, all the other code packages that everyone else contributed. So like, if we, that's why it's like, sounds like spiritual bypassing, but it's like, we really have to heal the self to heal the world. It's because the code that we're putting in doesn't have to do with like, who we're convincing with our words or who were getting to March or whatever the fuck is happening. It's like, look, are you living it? Is it showing up in your internal? Have you reprogrammed yourself? Because that code is going back into the matrix and that's what's reprogramming everyone else. Lacey Free: [00:38:48] Amen. Hallelujah. Fuck. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That's. Yes. Um, and I love what you say about information diet, because there [00:39:00] is part of me that, um, feels like I have to jump on the timeline of like purity and I hate the word purity and like purity culture. And I'm all about like the blood, the sex, the tears, the nastiness. Um, so when, I mean, purity, I don't mean like a religious form of purity, but more seeing ourself as a canvas. And what is the information diet doing with the organic codes we're coming with? I think like when a baby's born, they're like embedded with these codes and then they choose different levels of the video game for those codes too, generate, um, talking earlier about like Egypt gods, um, what was the Egyptian God name? he's the God of like the medical and the math. Black Neter: [00:39:51] Imhotep. And what is really, he's really like more of a Hugh was a human that got elevated basically to God's status through his actions [00:40:00] on earth, which is kind of unique. Yeah. Lacey Free: [00:40:02] Does the resonate? Oh yeah. Imhotep was like one of the first even just like beings. I was like, Oh, fuck. Black Neter: [00:40:10] Is dude is dope as fuck. Like, and then I started like, I don't know. I was always interested in like, uh, Egypt and Kemet growing up. But I think I ended up doing a project on it and it was like, he was kind of like the central focus. And then, uh, this is once again another movie reference, but, uh, he was kind of one of the central pieces of the mummy, that movie. Yeah. Some people have seen it, but I haven't seen it. Um, and so, yeah, it's just kind of been a recurring thing that he's been popping up. And I recently found out that that was kind of his path that he wasn't originally born a God. He was a human and he just helps the people of Egypt and brought so much science technology and advanced civilization through him and his crew. Cause it was like a crew. Um, and even the Greeks and Romans were coming to like study with him and the, the ancient Egyptians to a greater extent. [00:41:00] And then they just kinda like poured this knowledge all across the world, which a lot of it was based in mathematics. So this was just like a, Oh, like a magnet to it Lacey Free: [00:41:08] That God like really sounds like someone I know. Black Neter: [00:41:12] Right. I wonder who? Lacey Free: [00:41:18] So do you resonate with the or the Egyptians or both? And like, how do those connect in your realm? Black Neter: [00:41:27] Uh, I think they're, they both, they both resonate. I think they're synonymous. It's just different eras of time. So I just believe that black people were original and we were everywhere. Like there was, we were in the Americas and, and it kind of the history that, that I've been privy to kind of points in this thing where it's like, we were kind of like teachers everywhere. Like we were like embedded with like Native American tribes here and there were black, like people that were like in the original, uh, some of the original archeological stuff from the Americas. [00:42:00] And it seemed like it was like this knowledge exchange of like, uh, You know, this you see this with like ancient Egyptians. You see this with, uh, the Moors, um, and they're all these ancient African black cultures where we kind of built our thing and became like prosperous where we were at. And then it wasn't like a, uh, let's hoard, this let's keep this, let's keep this from everybody. It was just like, yo, let's go spread this knowledge across the world. And that's kind of what we did. And so, um, I don't think there is really a difference between the original, I think it all comes from the same source. And then I think you have, you know, layers of understanding that grew with these, uh, you know, blossoming black civilizations. I think the, uh, the Orishas and the West African religions probably were the original, like the base layer. And then I think they the Ancient Egyptians kind of like took on that and built on it and then added like a lot of like science and technology and other things on top of it. I think like Atlantis is involved [00:43:00] somewhere in that. Then you have the Moors, which kind of brought like the. Lacey Free: [00:43:03] I don't know much about the Moors Black Neter: [00:43:05] I have to dig more into it, but there was like one of the most prosperous, uh, at least from like a, um, military economic standpoint, like the Moors are like running the world and it was just like black people. It's just like, it's just like layers of rock, how you have, like, you can see the different areas of, you know, the environment based on the different layers of sediment that settled on the rock and how they like how pressurized they are. And you end up with this kind of like Neapolitan ice cream flavor layer, cake of rock. That's how I see it with these, um, ancient African traditional religions, or just ancient pieces of history. And unfortunately, like, I don't know a lot about Moore's cause it's fucking hidden. And so like, this is all stuff that bef pre pre-internet for YouTube. Like my dad told me about it. He was like, have you heard about this? I just found out about it and I'm damn near 50 years old. And it's like, this is the history. The true history of [00:44:00] black people is not 12 years of slave where we're just getting this constant torture porn of us, seeing ourselves just like fucking abused on camera all the fucking time in that is in the history books. I said, we hear that's in the media. It was the only things we celebrate. Like, it's like, it's this, it's just this, this is who you are. It's the only thing we really like here. Like, even in terms of the things that we consider to be like, good, like, Oh, say their name, hashtag all these people that die. Like, what is that doing to the people? It's this is who you are. This is how we see you. This is what's available to you. And the only time we're going to really pay attention to you is if we're going to, uh, call back to your trauma, and that is who you are in this place, everything like that's just from the time we get the false history to even black history, month two, we need a national slavery museum monument. Like these are all churches monuments. Like we're worshiping this torture and [00:45:00] personally I'm sick of it, but like, I understand that it has, it's a part of the awareness piece, but. I'm also starting to wonder if there's a second layer of insidiousness around. We're just constantly re-traumatizing these people to kind of keep them in their place instead of exalting the true history of who they were outside of this, like we were Kings, we were Queens, we were mathematicians. We were sailors. We were technologists. Like all the shit. We were a lot. We were gods. We are the Elon Musk. Like we have that version of that. Why are we not talking about that? Lacey Free: [00:45:32] Yeah. Some something you just said that felt really profound to me is, is the celebration is even based around the trauma. And I don't think that I've specifically put that together, but even like Juneteenth and just like on a magic standpoint, you're doing ritual around the trauma, which creates the timeline of the trauma, right? So whenever we do ritual around the [00:46:00] trauma where we're pro, like we're regenerating that trauma- Black Neter: [00:46:03] We're calling it in Lacey Free: [00:46:04] You're calling it and ritual, like a celebration celebration is ritual of calling in the energy. You can do a ritual to banish the energy. You can do hexes around slavery or to banish white supremacy or to banish white supremacists or racists. But that's, that's a such a different ritual than like, you know, barbecue and celebrating and like having your culture like of Juneteenth, but it's still, and it's like the celebration of not slavery. But if you listen to the rules of manifestation rules, I'm using words, the rule, the word rules loosely. But like when you manifest something, you don't say, I want to manifest not being poor because the not doesn't matter matter. And it's like the energy of the universe, here's like being poor. You're calling in being poor. You're doing [00:47:00] ritual around being poor. So Black Neter: [00:47:02] when I was extrapolate that to June teen, let's celebrate, not being enslaved. Right, right. Yeah. Uh, all of us and then, or 12 years of slave, let's go. If we're, if we're in this capitalist system where we're exchanging our time for money, and if we're doing physical manual labor, we're exchanging really our health and the longevity of our body for something that we need to survive. And then we go to exchange that for something that's about to program us and prime us with a brunch of suffering. And if you're black it's of our own history and we're giving up something that is ostensibly valuable to us to do that. What are we saying? Lacey Free: [00:47:42] Yeah. Wow. And, but that's not, that's not black people creating that. And that that's, that's like the way of the white supremacy matrix to keep, to keep people in their lanes and or [00:48:00] their like their, their whites premise constructed lanes. And I feel as though the people who, um, have had their power ripped away the most in this life are because they are the most powerful. And, and like, I just feel, and I've said this before, but I just feel that our government, our structures have tried to trick all people that black people aren't magical. And, and so if. If the ritual around trauma is calling in more trauma, then how do we heal it? How do we rope reprogram it? And the message I keep getting around this and just reprogramming myself is celebration. Because when you grow up, like for me growing up in like child abuse and poverty, everyone was looking at me through the eyes of being traumatized. [00:49:00] And like, even when I did something good, it was like, Oh, like she made it, you know, like I remember I had like my middle school graduation and then someone in the family was like, yeah, she's not going to get their high school without being pregnant on drugs. And it was always like looking at me through this lens of like, Oh wow, she did that. But you know, like that, but energy. And what would have been like if there was like a ritual around celebration of my education, you know, a celebration of my power of what came from. And I, I hate, I don't know. Cause I don't, I don't want to put my story into this, but I just think like we don't celebrate black people at all. Black Neter: [00:49:42] It's the craziest thing to me to watch in the world. There's like an you've like, uh, kinda like turned on the lights in my own room, around it of like, yo like celebrating, like it's okay to be like happy and proud that something [00:50:00] good happened for you or that you made something good happen. And like, yeah. And it's, there's sometimes synergy of like, when is the other shoe going to drop, but then there's also this like really fucked up insidious thing where it's like, uh, you didn't fully deserve it. And that's like the affirmative action thing. And that's like, that's that thing creates is like lifelong imposter syndrome where it's like every single thing you do, even, even when I got so like, um, I went to a college prep school with a lot of rich people and, but no, I was homeschooled. Um, I was homeschooled because I couldn't, we couldn't, we couldn't find a school where I was like, They were, weren't gonna like, try to hold me back for some reason or where I wasn't just getting like emotionally and physically like fucked on, like, I was getting like stabbed at and like beat up bullied. And I was like a tiny kid. So I was just, and my mom was like, this is not, [00:51:00] I got stabbed in the arm with a pencil and they didn't nothing happened. And she was like, okay, this is just isn't safe. So we kept trying schools and eventually it was just like, look, it's going to be a lot easier to just bring you home where we know you're safe and we know we can kind of keep you challenged. Where's the main goal. So we did that. And through that, I was kind of introduced into that internet piece because both my parents were still working. So it was like, yeah, we're like in school, but the school has computer. And if you can pass the quizzes and tests and shit and do the work, you're good. Um, so that's when I started like learning through the internet really. And when that kind of became that, that discovery and through that, uh, just kind of ended up at this, this prep school. Um, um, I think. You have to take the sat and like a fifth grade. And if you got like, whatever above a certain score, then you got to do this program through the program. They identified all these kids who were like, whatever they thought had something. And then I ended up on that track. So basically ended up in this [00:52:00] place where I wasn't supposed to be at all, didn't have the money to be, but they were trying to like diversify it up. Uh, it was a bunch of rich, 1% white people and they needed like, you know, to be able to say that they had diversity. So I kinda got in through and see you, even here, it's showing up right there in that push of like, um, we all worked really hard to get us like, to be able to do shit like that. But even on saying like, Oh, I only got into this school because of like affirmative. Lacey Free: [00:52:25] Yeah. And do you, um, sorry to interject, but you, how old were you? Uh, 14 And you took apart a computer and put it back together. Black Neter: [00:52:35] Oh yeah. Yeah. That was, I think that was a couple of years. I was like 11, 12, something like that. So it was like this thing where like, yeah, if you, we have all these old computers, we're going to come in and teach you how it works. If you can take it apart and put it back together, by the end of the summer, you get to have it. And so that's how I got this computer kind of took one of those AOL free gift card things and like ended up getting on the internet. Lacey Free: [00:52:57] Yeah. That's fucking amazing. But one [00:53:00] thing you just said that really struck a chord in me. We were talking about celebration and then you were talking about imposter syndrome and how it's like sometimes hard to like celebrate even small wins for you because you feel that energy of being an impostor, but that's like the reprogramming, right? Like you can start off feeling like an imposter and then like produce something or, you know, show up or create something and. Instead of being like, Oh my God, is that good enough? Is that bad? Cause I do it too. Right. But what if we just celebrated it instead? You know what, if there's times I released episodes of horror pod and I just go into this like dark internal place and I'm like, Oh my God, I'm not good enough. Or I sound so dumb or like, I don't even know if I make sense. What if I didn't? Cause that's a dark thought process, right? Like it sounds, it sounds benign, but it's not really benign [00:54:00] because what I'm doing is I'm ciphering power from what I just created and you get so mad at me. Don't you? Black Neter: [00:54:05] Yeah. Yeah. It's like really tough. Cause it's like, I feel like the, in the double, the double split experiment where they're like, basically like you observing a reality makes it real in a way, like the observer effect. Sorry. And so it's like the reality. Hasn't I'm thinking like it's out there. There's no feedback on it yet. Like, it hasn't necessarily collapsed yet. And if we, if you're pointing, if you start pointing your perception at like it's bad, or they're going to hear me stutter, they're going to hear that. Then I start pointing my shit there it's like collapsing, these potential realities and two, like this one. Lacey Free: [00:54:40] Yeah. It's so wild. How, um, like the self-loathing can create people, pointing their perception at you that they never would have, you know, they never would have thought and I'm addicted to that. Like it's truly a sickness within me that I self-loathing sometimes. And I think sometimes it helps cause I'm like, I acknowledge the [00:55:00] worst timeline. I feel it. I collapse it. I have some bad news, maybe not bad news, but like something my guides have told me is that way of collapsing timelines by really experiencing the suffering, feeling it, telling everyone I like to speak how all my fears to try to collapse it. And this is not saying that I'm not supposed to suffer anymore. Cause I don't, I'm I'm still a believer of the mystery. This is, um, the, the, the seeking the mystery, the acceptance of the mystery. I have to look at my Facebook bio. I remember when I was in like middle school, I created Facebook for the first time and everyone was like really writing out their bios and I found some quote and it said the belief in the mystery, like who am I? I'm just here to believe in the mystery. Black Neter: [00:55:52] Damn. What year is that? Lacey Free: [00:55:54] I don't know. Middle school. Black Neter: [00:55:55] Fuck. Lacey Free: [00:55:56] Uh, I lived like right when Facebook came out and you couldn't have one, unless you were in [00:56:00] college. And I got the invite just got here, pride exuding for a year. Right. I was just like, I got that club house invite first, not first way down the line after Elan Musk already did it. So like me jumping on these older timelines, right. And like, like collapsing them through, experiencing them. That was for the old world. And I think we're, we're entering the new year right now. A lot of people are talking about March 28th is this like portal. And I've been getting messages of how like I'm having to do the spring Equinox. The cleaning of the cobwebs, the spring cleaning comes from the energy of the witches of like cleaning out the environment, internal, external. That collapsing timelines. That way is like of the old world. And now people are manifesting so fast that I can't tell them, Hey, I'm bad. Or, Hey, I think I did this wrong, or I might be this or that. It's like, [00:57:00] our perceptions are just way more potent because we're all moving out of the 3d and it's like happening rapid succession of manifestation. Black Neter: [00:57:10] Yeah. I've I feel it it's like weird. I haven't, uh, people talking about like, feeling like energetic shifts and stuff, and I always feel like it's going to be like, Oh, I'm not feeling it. Cause I'm gonna feel this like, wave of like a rabbi. He doesn't get Tingley or whatever, but like, I've definitely felt just even in our dynamic, like a stronger version to like when that starts popping up for you. And I know it's just coming out of like the fear and you're just like, we've talked about it for like years of like, Oh yeah, I just speak my fears and get them out in the open. And then I'd like, it assuages them. And I'm able to like move to the higher timelines. But in the last, like couple months, I've, I've started speaking to I'm like, I can't go there with you. Like, it's like hard to, like, for me to like exist in that space one, because I've started to figure out more how it's like harmful for me. Like, you know, you see me like kind of like collapse and go into, you know, [00:58:00] the dark hole and trying to keep myself above water with that. But I've also started seeing like the manifestation pop up, like way quicker, positively and negatively where it's like, if I opt into it, it becomes like a part of, of my deal. So that's been like interesting to perceive that shift in like our relationship where it didn't always really do that to me. Lacey Free: [00:58:23] And I think there is an energy around self-loathing in a way that it's like, you're feeding yourself poison. Like you're, you're you, like you said, you're truly opting in. And I like how you talk about the matrix and the way of the opt-in like that it's presenting, it's almost presenting different paths in your video game, like right in front of you. But if you stay awake, you can be like, Oh, that wasn't the path I was going on. I was following this path [00:59:00] and. When I started tapping into the God energy, everyone was like, we're all gods who everyone is a godly. See, don't you don't you believe it? Black Neter: [00:59:11] Bullshit. We've got , we got a bunch of NPCs walking around. I hear a bunch of non playable characters, just NPCs empty vessels, just trotting around, out here, Lacey Free: [00:59:23] Yeah. And I see that. I've seen that with like best friends I've had, who like had beautiful, fucking vibrant, vibrant souls and because of their own trauma or pain, they, um, started doing drugs. And you could, you could see like the soul, like you can feel when a soul starts leaking out of the body or an energy field. And when the soul starts leaking out, matrix programming comes in and I don't know that it's like a definitive or forever. Um, but sometimes it is like [01:00:00] with my mom, everyone was always like, Lisa, you need to learn for forgive. You're not spiritual. You're not religious. You don't believe in God. Cause you can't forgive your mom for the abuse. And I was very young and I felt like my guides were like, you don't get your mom in this realm. You don't and when I've seen her, her voice sounds different. Her body looks different. Her eyes looked like black and like hollow. And I don't know who this person is. And I don't know that they, it, that she is a person because they think the person who gave birth to me was like fucking so magical, but opted into the matrix, um, because of her own trauma, I think there becomes like a S a split within our own video game where it's like, here's how you heal the trauma and like work with the codes here is how you, uh, you run from the pain. It's like, you have to like, run from the [01:01:00] pain. And that's like, The true suffering is the path that you're running from the pain. And she was definitely running through pain and there is something about guilt. And there's something about like the mother energy that when moms start to feel like they've done something bad to their kids, it's like such a wound, such a mother wound. I feel like connected to the divine feminine, to Earth's magic, the mother wound. And when they feel that they have like hurt their offspring, it's like a self-sabotaging energy because their offspring is them. And it's like, cutting. You know, it's like, it's like a form of self abuse. And then when you've, when you've done that self abuse and it's like worse than self abuse, you know? Cause like when I've abused myself, I'm like, yeah, that sucks. But like whatevs, but when you're doing it until they can, the innocent version of you, because your children are like child versions of you, they're still they're autonomous beings, but they're like. [01:02:00] Replications of your energy in form. And when you like that guilt around it, like, I think my mom had so much pain and so much fucking guilt, how she treated me and my little brother when we were babies and like the sexual abuse that occurred in her care. Um, and or her lack of, and the guilt eats -guilt eats people alive, guilt guilt is like, like the sugar for the cells. It like rots you. And the craziest thing I'm realizing right now is like part of me not being able to speak for myself, clothing out loud or the darker timelines is because. Things like good and bad are dissipating. The diconomy is dissipating. Right? So the dichotomy doesn't exist anymore. I don't have to say I have to experience the [01:03:00] worst timeline to collapse it because there is no such thing as worse or good or bad. And with my mom, I'm so sad. I'm so sad. Like that the higher version of me couldn't come and like, hold her and be like, it's okay. You hurt me as a baby. It's okay. They, you not, but it's okay. Pit Lake, you don't have to feel guilty about hurting me like that hurt people, hurt people. Hurt people hurt people. And then our culture and society says you're a hurt person that hurt a person. So we weren't going to hurt you more. And I think it's more of that, that ritual around perpetuating hurt. It's like calling in more pain by punishing, who we think is bad or who we think is abusive or who we think is a drug addict or whatever the thing is when really my mom's soul needed to be held in what you and I won't know about like the mother wound or her feminine energy is to the extent of which she was [01:04:00] abused growing up, or to the extent she was abused as a teenager or what she did with her body or her soul to be able to try to take care of me and right. Black Neter: [01:04:11] It's yeah. It's, it's kinda like what I think you mentioned in the beginning, I think it was the beginning of this one where it was like, you have to be. You have to choose to be healthy and heal every day. It's that's, you're like fortitude. You're kind of like keeping your soul codes within your body. And I think there are certain things within this reality that kind of like put you asleep. And I think, you know, the, the kind of phrases that I grew up with that within Christianity is just like, you're stepping out of like God's protection. And I think this is like a SIM, not, you know, with the religious connotation, but similar concept of, if we're not me, am not constantly trying to heal constantly keeping my [01:05:00] body like strong, constantly keeping my mind strong and doing that, like internal work, then there's all this space. Once the energy goes down into the earth and goes down through the matrix and picks up some additional codes as it's coming back up through my shockers, if I'm not like fortified. I'm offering places for it to enter. And that's kind of like it's entering through the wounds. It's like any of, any of my wounds as it's coming up through that center energy field, there are holes. And so like, yeah, I can allow the good programming and like the things that I want to allow from the earth and like grounding and all of that in. But if I'm for me, Neter, if I'm drinking all the time, if I'm doing drugs, if I'm not like, you know, trying to remain mindful, if I'm not doing things that try to, uh, you know, advance some of my, my goals then yeah. I'm leading all these holes that, that like nasty reprogramming can seep in through and by it seeping in, there's only so much room for code in here. So some of [01:06:00] my original has to seep out. And so you're like, as the, as your guard is down, you're getting your code replaced. And so when you talk about the soul leaving and like it's a different person. Yeah. It's and it's not permanent, but like the more it happens in the more you allow it, the more solidified it gets, the harder it gets to reprogram and pre-call yourself back in. Lacey Free: [01:06:20] Yeah. That's so wild in the energy of the spring Equinox is like cleaning, right? Like cleaning the house of the body and like cleanliness is godliness, you know? And I don't think they necessarily mean just like organization, but it's more of like, of keeping clean. So, you know, what's entering your realm. Right. We don't even know that we're like picking up on other's emotions or other's addictions or there's trauma. I know Black Neter: [01:06:48] we don't know what's ours. Lacey Free: [01:06:49] Right. Cause we don't know it's ours. Cause we have to do like that cleaning of the energy. And I know for you and I. I don't know, we haven't really explained who we are or like our dynamic, but Black Neter: [01:06:59] If [01:07:00] you know, you know Lacey Free: [01:07:01] if, you know, you know, in this relationship we've been incredibly, co-defendant, uh, abusive to each other in ways. I don't know if it'd be, is the right word, but like causing extreme pain for each other. Yeah. Sick, Black Neter: [01:07:16] Toxic dynamic, yeah Lacey Free: [01:07:18] um, but. We've also been best friends to each other. Yeah. For like, since beginning, it feels like, yeah. Yeah. Kind of slammed into space and coming from such different realities, but it was like, Oh my God, you speak my language. You speak my language, but you use different words like simulation. Black Neter: [01:07:36] Yeah. All that's going to go away soon. It's just going to be emojis and thought patterns. Like there's going to be no, like language barrier won't even matter. Lacey Free: [01:07:45] That's so cool. I'm so excited for a global language in a global economy. Black Neter: [01:07:51] Yeah. Which sounds like new world order. But I mean, I just, I don't see it that way. It's like we should be able [01:08:00] to, yeah. We should all be able to communicate easily. Lacey Free: [01:08:03] Totally. Um, but in that our energy fields have been so wrapped up in each other and sometimes like, you're sad and I'm just like, Feeling so much grief. And I'm like, nothing sad happened to me. Why am I feeling all this grief? And part of that is co-dependence. But I think part of it is like the twin flame energy. Black Neter: [01:08:24] Yeah. It's just like, we're the, I just see the twin flame thing is like, you have one half of a DNA strand and there are energies that are in avatars that have that other half. And by coming together, yes, it's like a magnetic and maybe like kind of bombastic, but you kinda have to ha you have to get those come together as to see how the coats like in our inner lock and magnetically connect to get the opposing side. Lacey Free: [01:08:54] Yeah. And we've come in and we separate, we come, we separate and I don't know what [01:09:00] will happen next, but I fucking love you so so much. And you're, you're such a good teacher. In a truly, when he gave me without things, you've taught me. And I think that bothers some people when I say that, because like, I'm supposed to be this like fierce, independent, white theremin, but like, it's truly been eyeopening to have a masculine in my life. And now that you haven't brought darkness, but like the darkness you've brought has taught me a lot in the late. And I know I've brought darkness in your realm and I hope light. And I don't know. I just, everything you predicted when we were little in the park getting drunk, we we've hated on a lot of people getting wasted. And I have to admit a lot of our downloads came from wine under a tree in our park, like cheap, cheap wine when we couldn't even afford food, Black Neter: [01:09:58] just a blanket, a jug of [01:10:00] cheap wine and some Oracle cards just, yeah, pure unadulterated. Thought and love for each other. And really our relationship was kind of the first space where it was like a lot of things were like safe and okay. Like when you talk about like me being like, yeah. And like the world is run by a cabal of politician pedophiles, you were the only person who knew that. I believe that for like a really, really long time and same with like the simulation, because like, you were the only person where that it was like safe to kind of like dig into, or even reveal some of these like thoughts with, and when you say, like you said a thing about, like you saying me, like grow into like a man and like you, I think you've really, um, I think, I think the matrix and like some of those early movies and stuff, and then also just like the growing up black, like that kinda like started waking me up a little bit, but I think [01:11:00] when we met, that was like, when it, the light switches really started turning on, like right before that. And so you've seen like the whole thing. Yeah. Which is like wild to me because I don't think anybody else has. Lacey Free: [01:11:12] Yeah. Black Neter: [01:11:13] And, um, I always, um, I'm always going to cherish that Lacey Free: [01:11:18] Me too, it's been, I want to cry, but it's been such a beautiful gift to like, watch you blossom. When I say like, you're a God. And like, when I feel your God presence, it's like being in your godliness, being in your godliness, like helps me know that there really are gods and that, um, some God's manifest in human bodies and I resonate so much with you. You being the teacher, Egyptian God. But I don't remember his name. Cause I just see him as Black [01:12:00] Neter, you created my website, you helped me build a business. And it was hard. It was really hard. And I was working at a strip club and that was really hard on us. So much hard in it, Black Neter: [01:12:17] man. I'm like so proud of you. I really am, because I remember the beginning of this. I remember like, I remember the beginning of Hoar Pod pod where like I was listening to it because you literally were like, I cannot listen to my voice. And like, and I remember like, when I was like, Hey, you gotta, like, you should build a business or like, you. You can learn these things online and like just the, [01:13:00] it was almost like shutdown point of like, no, I can not. And you've grown just enormously since then in every way. And I'm so blessed to have been able to see it, but also just so proud. Cause like I remember at the beginning, blue Yeti and like I'm just really proud of you. Lacey Free: [01:13:29] Thank you. Thank you. Um, let me think here, the old me besides my little brother, like here, the only masculine that's ever been proud of me. Right. I feel like this is a terrible episode cause I'm like ending the half of it crying, but. Um, I don't, I don't like, you know, have family that is proud of me from Hoar Pod. Um, there's a [01:14:00] lot of people who maybe don't like what Hoar Pod is or represents, or even that it's called Hoar Pod. And you told me that I can exist by just being me, that I don't have to, um, go to college to become something that I don't have to like take on another role. And that just like, by being my magic, that the magic would come. And you too, you are just being you and everything you were learning about when people were telling you, you should go to college or you should be like a provider or whatever. Or you weren't making money or whatever. The thing was, you reteaching yourself, you're learning and you were getting downloads and you were, you were such a beautiful unconventional hacker. [01:15:00] And I don't know why it feels like the universe is pulling us from each other again. And maybe that's just the evolution of the twin flame, but you'll live in me forever. And I hope we're not done , but like I have no fucking idea. It feels like part of being the mystic is I go in the wind and I don't know what I'm going to come back or like land or if ever, but I know you're going to blossom and this episode, I hope in some parts, I don't even remember what we talked about now, but I hope in some parts of it feels like a celebration to you. Because you deserve to be celebrated. And I think there are times in my life that my trauma and my trauma isn't of the past, like there were times this week, my trauma gotten away from like celebrating you, but definitely in the past. And that feels like such a disgusting [01:16:00] abomination. You know, It can't, uh, come close to eclipsing how celebrated I've felt in your presence. Were like the first person that just believed in me with like so much, but nobody else would give me even the space to consider, uh, believing in myself with I'm not, I, yeah. I don't know how I would become who I am without you. And I'm always grateful for that. Yeah. I think you would have been in fact without me, but I think it's been a really fun journey. It's been a really hard journey. I just I'm like amazed at the times we had to steal granola bars from my grandma's house to like have food for them. I'm actually amazed at how good we got at stealing. Don't say [01:17:00] that. Okay. I guess we can end this episode now. Um, if you want to celebrate Black Neter, if you want to support black neter, I highly recommend it. Um, you, you do remind me of the Egyptian God who like beams up and you beam up in a way that I knew you're going to beam people with you and. It's just feels like it's your time or like about to be your time and you are so full of super powers. And I know that you're going to help other people with their super powers, especially black people. And it's like such a beautiful gift to even like, hear you talk to like your sisters on the phone and how you treat like young women in the feminine and that you're, you're helping them learn and like grow their own sovereignty. So thank you for that. Thank you for being my best [01:18:00] friend. I'm sorry. Hello. I love you too. Thank you. Where can people find deal Black Neter: [01:18:09] Black Neter- uh, everywhere. Instagram and Twitter mainly right now. Lacey Free: [01:18:14] Um, are there any services you're offering right now or will you be offering services? Black Neter: [01:18:20] Um, yeah, I'll be doing some like more website, digital marketing stuff, um, for anyone but artists and anybody who needs digital marketing stuff. Uh, I know a lot of crypto stuff, so I can offer as well. But if you follow me on Black Neter, Instagram too Lacey Free: [01:18:38] You do go into this work mentality thing? He's going to tell you he'll build your website for you, or like help you with your blog or whatever. And you can, and you're good at it, but I think this is just what I'm pushing, but like you're your own God. And maybe we should delete this part. But I think is a content creator and an artist and a musician and a thought leader. And so if you want to hear more of [01:19:00] his downloads, his thoughts, his messages. Part of his superpower is seeking out the future. Um, so just like encourage him to make videos, support his YouTube support, uh, music that is going to come out, coming from him. His sister's a musician, like you're just going to post more content and people can support it and share it and give you the love, worship and honor that you truly deserve. Thank you Black Neter Black Neter: [01:19:30] Thank you, Lacey. [01:20:00] Lacey Free: [01:20:37] Stop times in our life. We have, we have some, but we get get up. Man got dropped off. [01:21:00] I was like, what the fuck? You didn't even let me get to the what's the drop. I like, what was the song? What's the temptations with. I know you want to leave me down down. You go. If I have to beg and plead near. Nah, he baby, baby, please don't leave me girl. [01:22:00] And don't you don't go.