00:00:18 Matt Welcome everyone to the Net Molly podcast. We're here to keep you up to date with the latest and greatest in.net client development. We'll talk about some Azure, some Visual Studio, some blazer and ofcourse.net. 00:00:30 Matt Holly, I'm Matt Soucoup 00:00:32 James I'm James montemagno. 00:00:34 David And I'm David work now. 00:00:35 David How's it going, guys? 00:00:37 See good, good. 00:00:38 OK. 00:00:39 Matt You know what? 00:00:39 Matt I'm always worried during that. 00:00:40 Matt Intro. I have both. 00:00:42 Matt Of you on screen I can see you and you do like the little dances and everything. 00:00:46 Matt And I'm going to laugh. 00:00:47 Matt I haven't laughed yet during one of these, and we've been doing it for a while, but it's going to happen. 00:00:51 James Challenge. Challenge. Challenge. Accept it. 00:00:54 David Last last time, didn't we post the video? 00:00:57 David And so like, as you were intruding, I was like, oh, wait, we're actually being recorded on video. 00:01:01 David So I should be mindful. 00:01:05 James Yes, we did and welcome everybody. If you are watching on the youtubes, on the.net YouTube where we just put a, put a bunch of dot Maui videos. 00:01:14 James If you're looking for Donna Maui stuff and you listen to this podcast watching, listening, this podcast, you can also watch other Donna Maui related podcast video thingies on the YouTube. 00:01:24 James Subscribe like comment the things we're just talking to a bunch of people on it and additionally I'll put I'll put you know you have everyone has our contact info, but I'll put our our Twitter accounts down. 00:01:34 James Two, if y'all are interested if you're. 00:01:36 James Building cool stuff with. 00:01:37 James Net maybe you're working on some cool library at all. 00:01:41 James Just come reach out to one of us who would love to bring you on on dot net and and talk about the cool stuff that you're working with and. 00:01:47 James Show it off. 00:01:48 James We have a new cool section on the.net website talk about customers. We're gonna talk about later, but I'm talking about people building stuff with apps. 00:01:54 James Or a build. 00:01:55 James Who is that build? 00:01:56 James How was it? 00:01:57 David I was there. 00:01:58 David Yeah, I was. 00:01:58 James There too. Well, there I was in David's session where you were basically David and Maddie. Just ramble, you know, you put David in front of a camera. It's just a game. 00:02:09 James Over it's not even a session. 00:02:10 Matt Like anywhere, yeah. 00:02:12 David Yeah, we I think we maybe enjoy our our jobs and the community a little too much, maybe. 00:02:18 David I don't know. 00:02:19 David We try to be professional, but sometimes we're. 00:02:24 David So it was a it was a great build for us, being able to be in person, reconnecting with a lot of developers and customers and and meeting new people that we weren't even aware. 00:02:36 David Wereusing.netand.net, Maui and they come out of the woodwork and say, hey, we're using it. Love it. It's great. 00:02:42 David Keep going, keep pressing and it we always leave. 00:02:46 David Build super energized. 00:02:48 David I mean, if you've come to build you, you're pretty much a fan, right? 00:02:52 David Like you're you're pretty engaged. 00:02:53 David So we always leave build feeling super energized, very positive. 00:02:59 David So it was a good recharge for for me personally. 00:03:02 James Yeah, I I talked to Frank on merge conflict quite a bit about this because like while I've gone and presented it a few conferences, I haven't really, you know, had the duty and attending and the whole thing, you know enrichment of of a conference like I used to go to Google IO and I used to go to build right and and ignite. 00:03:20 James But this is our first one back at like. 00:03:22 James Microsoft run conference thatthisisnt.net COMP, which is all virtual anyways. 00:03:26 James Yeah, it was just like you're saying is like, it was so great. 00:03:28 James Now I'm seeing all my amazing colleagues. 00:03:30 James But like just seeing people and like you said, just come up. 00:03:32 James I was hanging. 00:03:33 James Outinthe.net expert area and people like well, like listen to Howie podcast. 00:03:36 James I listen to merge conflicts. 00:03:37 James I see you on YouTube like blah blah blah. 00:03:39 James I was like, well, like I guess I do like, you know, sometimes you're just at home, like in your office and you're like, is anyone seeing or listening and engaging with me so. 00:03:49 James You know, there's comments and stuff which are which are great, but it's not the same of like that and you just. 00:03:53 James Have a conversation and a lot of people. 00:03:56 James That I was talking to as well. 00:03:58 James I was really surprised by the amount of Blazer developers that are doing Blazer Maui stuff, which has been cool too. 00:04:04 James So I got. 00:04:05 James A lot of cool testimonials for people doing that and and that was really cool and yeah, really nice. 00:04:11 James I ran the podcast booth there as well. 00:04:14 James So lots of cool podcast Maddie. 00:04:16 James On a podcast, if that's out, I'll put in the show notes below as well. 00:04:20 James I don't know if it is yet, but but yeah, that's a cool one. 00:04:23 James So yeah, I I loved it. 00:04:25 James I didn't have to do much y'all got you all you had, like sessions, and you had a whole workshop map. 00:04:31 James And yeah, I just, I just ran a podcast booth. 00:04:33 James So it was. 00:04:34 David Easy for me but it. 00:04:35 James Was a great. 00:04:35 James It was a great conference, beautiful Conference Center. 00:04:39 James It was, it was. 00:04:40 James It was fun. 00:04:42 Matt Yeah, a lot of fun. 00:04:43 Matt And we we mentioned just before about podcast like David said. 00:04:47 Matt You just get him talking, David. 00:04:49 Matt He said, yeah, I didn't want to do. 00:04:51 Matt Any booth? Duty. 00:04:52 Matt He was there the entire time doing booth duty and talking to customers and really just kind of having fun. 00:04:58 Matt And it's so fun to see everybody actually talking to us and using the products that we help. 00:05:05 Matt We don't really actually create them. 00:05:06 Matt We just talk about them, but seeing getting the interaction and having everybody really just tell us what they're up to. 00:05:12 Matt That's so it's actually gratifying. 00:05:15 Matt You know, you hate this song. 00:05:15 Matt It kind of sounds cliche that is gratifying, but it really is to see people actually using it and being happy or even not being happy and tell us what we can do better. 00:05:23 Matt And it's all good. 00:05:25 Matt It's all good. 00:05:27 David And so then, you know, we come back from build and it's time to start shipping some things. 00:05:31 David Right. 00:05:33 James And things have been shipped, David, what is the, what is the the latest and greatest in the world of of Maui? 00:05:38 James There's previews and all sorts of goodies. 00:05:40 David We have preview so most recently shipped.net 8 Preview 5. This preview is actually available for you in Visual Studio 17 seven, I think Preview 2 or you know whatever. Whatever the preview is. 00:05:56 David You have a new check boxthatsaysgivemethe.net 8 preview bits in addition to theother.net Maui bits. 00:06:04 David So with that, then when you do a new project, you can choose from net seven or net eight which are the two versions available now and tons of bug fixes. 00:06:14 David And I think probably. 00:06:15 David The the main thing to note here is that really for the Maui team and for the quality push that we're on to make an awesome product, the bug fixes are all landing in.net eight at this point. That doesn't mean that we won't ship any bug fixes in theremaining.net seven service releases. 00:06:33 David But between now and and the GA of.net eight, really all the bug fixes are going to be there. 00:06:40 David So I encourage everybody to begin adopting the previews, looking at the previews, at least trying the previews with your applications to see if it doesn't, you know, give you the fixes that you need and and the performance improvements and the app size. 00:06:55 David Improvements all that sort of thing. 00:06:57 David We do have a blog about it. 00:06:58 David There were a couple of other highlights. 00:07:01 David This is a blog that I I will completely. 00:07:04 David Acknowledge ChatGPT and I and Bing AI, we we all three of us got together on this one. So I fed. 00:07:12 David I fed the release notes into I I guess it was a ChatGPT because it doesn't have access to the Internet, right? But Bing AI does and I was able to get it to. 00:07:24 David Summarize for me as well as create all the hyperlinks to all of the PR's and everything. So. 00:07:30 David All in all, great release. 00:07:32 David I'm using it every day. 00:07:34 David Hope everybody else checks it out too. 00:07:36 James Nice. And I think that one thing that's cool here too is that, you know, for people that are maybe newer into the the train of, you know, Donna mauishippingwith.net is, you know, when it launchwith.net six just a year ago. We're also celebrating11yearof.net, Maui, by the way. You know, down at 7 being s s release. 00:07:57 James You know, and then an LTS release with net eight is also, you know net itself with when it comes to RC those have go live licenses. 00:08:08 James So if people aren't aware of that. 00:08:10 James You'll actually see. 00:08:11 James Likewhen.net a launches there's like go live licenses and the RC's. 00:08:15 James Pretty much say like, hey, this is a stamped approved type of thing. 00:08:18 James And and those usually happen sometimes. 00:08:21 James You know, a few months before the actual release too. 00:08:24 James Starting to adopt it and play around with it in a. 00:08:26 James Branch or whatever, but once our. 00:08:27 James Seas hit it's a it's a pretty solid could be could be changes, right? 00:08:34 David And so, I mean, so I've been encouraging people with RC in mind. 00:08:38 David So when I say start using net eight, you may think, oh, November so far away. 00:08:43 David Really, if you back up to the RC like you said that is supported, you're probably looking at September. 00:08:50 David Yeah, making promises, but probably you can take a bet on that. 00:08:54 David It'll be fully supported. 00:08:56 David We'll we'll rapidly fix any bugs, regressions that get reported. 00:09:01 David Well, I shouldn't say any. 00:09:03 David Don't make over promise. 00:09:05 David But you know it it it becomes that level of thing for us. 00:09:09 David So take a bet on it, and because the majority of our work really is on the quality front, not so much pushing any new features into the releases, you can, you can bet that it's getting more and more stable as each release goes. 00:09:26 James I think also in this release can help like clarify a little bit is like there's like nugget packages or something as well. 00:09:32 James Now it's like different like kind of like kind of the engineering team is. 00:09:34 James Taking a different approach. 00:09:36 James You know, I think this is a relatively different change than the last year and 1/2, right? 00:09:42 David Yeah, and this has actually been in net. 00:09:45 David Since the first preview, but people are starting now that now you can actually use it in Visual Studio. 00:09:50 David So I think people are starting to notice that yes, the cross-platform layer of controls and layouts and things like that that makes up Maui has been moved out to Nougat packages. 00:10:01 David So if you look at the CS project for a file new Maui project, you'll now see those referenced there. 00:10:08 David The benefit of this is that. 00:10:10 David If you want to be able to move between versions, minor versions builds PR. 00:10:16 David Ours anything off of GitHub that's being built on a daily basis, you can actually download those as nugget packages and replace them without replacing Android, iOS, Mac Catalyst and all the underlying workloads. 00:10:29 David The workload piece remains the same. 00:10:32 David The way that you install Maui from command line or from Visual Studio remains the same. 00:10:37 David Those are all workloads. The workloads reference the nugget packages, but this is nice because it gives you that flexibility that you can just bump between individual buildsofof.net eight Maui and check and see. OK, does this, you know, is this better or worse, better or worse? 00:10:56 James Very, very cool. 00:10:57 James We'll definitely check that out. 00:10:59 James And yeah, now there's a check box. 00:11:01 James That's what I did there. 00:11:03 James I'm definitely going to give it. 00:11:05 James A go that is. 00:11:05 James For sure. Very cool. 00:11:09 James Well, some other things happening in the Donna Maui world is not only are we getting things such as new previews. 00:11:16 James But also some of the amazing libraries in and around Donna Maui are getting updated as well. You've actually had it over to the.net, Maui blog. You'll see all of those great blog posts from David about the preview. 00:11:28 James But additionally, you'll see some new enhancements not only in the net community toolkit, new faster generator code fixes performance things, but you also see some things in the Maui Community Toolkit Vladislav from the team who works on the dynamic Community toolkit, which is some folks from Microsoft. 00:11:48 James And a bunch of amazing folks from the community. 00:11:50 James It's a community toolkit. 00:11:52 James There's multiple of them and now has a speech to text option built right in. 00:11:57 James Which is pretty. 00:11:59 James So it's really really simple. 00:12:00 James You have a. 00:12:01 James Request per permissions. 00:12:03 James It can listen async and you can basically yeah do. 00:12:06 James Speech to text text. 00:12:07 James Right built in with a few lines of code now built into dot. 00:12:10 James Maui is text to. 00:12:12 James Speech, which is a little bit different, right, because that is taking texts and reading back and doing different things. 00:12:18 James If you're doing like an audiobook. 00:12:19 James But you might for example want to be creating a chat bot, or maybe some AI infused thing and you want to, I don't know, speech to text, and now you have that capability built, built, built in and it's really, really simple. 00:12:30 James It's just literally like listen async. 00:12:32 James And you can give it cultural info that you have and then it'll just give you partial text that kind of reads in and you can just pass it a little Lambda and just build that up automatically, which is super duper cool. 00:12:45 James So if you're building a little UI for it, bingo bango, you're totally done and good to go. 00:12:49 James So definitely check that out now. 00:12:50 James They're already on a bunch of versions. 00:12:53 James So there's on. 00:12:56 James Geez, what 5 point? 00:12:57 James There's also a new Windows map library as well. 00:13:02 James Gerald put out a video. 00:13:03 James Do you know about that, David? 00:13:04 James I haven't watched. 00:13:04 David The video, yet I haven't watched the video. I know what this is though, because when we introduced mapswith.net mauiin.net seven, we had. 00:13:08 OK. 00:13:15 David Android, iOS and of course Mac Catalyst because it shares the iOS map component, but there isn't a native win UI3 map component. 00:13:25 David There are third parties or other libraries that you can adopt, but there's not a native component in the box, and So what do we do for Windows? 00:13:34 David Well, because of the handler architecture, it makes it really easy for us to just kind of insert a polyfill if you will. 00:13:41 David And So what we had done at that time was submitted a pull request to the Community toolkit and it is a browser based map and I believe it even references Bing maps in there. 00:13:53 David So that had been sitting in review and in discussion. 00:13:56 David Like is this the right thing to do, et cetera. 00:13:58 David And just recently, yeah, it got committed to the community toolkit. 00:14:03 David And so it's just nice because it rounds out that whole story of all four platformsfor.net. 00:14:08 David Maui and really at this point, I mean, I don't know how you all feel, but community toolkit for me is just one of the. 00:14:14 David Essentials, I mean essentials. 00:14:16 David The library got merged into Maui. 00:14:19 David That's how essential it was. 00:14:20 David And but yeah, community toolkit now is just like one of the first things I just grabbed, add it to the project because I know I'm going to use something from it. 00:14:28 Right. 00:14:30 James And I mean as you like dive through some of the release notes as well, right? 00:14:35 James Like in 5-2, there's like Icon Tint colors. There's more enhancements to the file saver and folder picker controls, so all sorts of good stuff. 00:14:43 James You know, a lot of times people come to me and like, hey, like, you know, that does now we do this or how we do that. 00:14:49 James May may be in the box right, because all the essential APIs, but then also it's probably in the Maui toolkit, right? 00:14:55 James And I think that for going way back in the day, way, way back in the day when I was doing WPF development and Windows Phone development, there were two community toolkits, right? 00:15:04 James That's where this whole ethos really. 00:15:06 James Come from there's a bunch of stuff that's not in the box. 00:15:09 James Maybe it'll be in the box someday, but these are essential things that developers are wanting and we can kind of get behind it, right? 00:15:17 James So it it's really cool to see it, you know, kind of flourish this way and to see things like whole huge crazy views. 00:15:23 James I just had someone ask me about like, a signature control. 00:15:25 James I think on Twitter. 00:15:26 James And like oh, like is. 00:15:28 James Is is the signature control that old damage control is going to come over. 00:15:30 James And I was like, there's just a drawing and drawing view inside of. 00:15:34 James Like the the toolkit, just use that you know like. 00:15:36 James That's really, really cool and like, if you haven't looked at it, yeah, there's awesome stuff, expanders, media elements, popups. 00:15:42 James I'm just going through them, just tons of C# markup stuff, tons of layouts like dock layouts and all sorts of good stuff. A gravatar image source like. 00:15:51 James I like that. 00:15:52 James Just I don't know. 00:15:53 James There's so much cool stuff. 00:15:54 James Give it a look, that is for sure. 00:15:57 David Yeah, yeah, the pop up stuff in particular. 00:15:59 David I know that got worked on over a long period of time. 00:16:03 David I've never actually used it in a project until just recently and I was like, wow, this thing is super powerful. 00:16:09 David I mean, do we need? 00:16:11 David To pop up anywhere. 00:16:12 David Else this seems to do everything. 00:16:14 James Yeah, I need to update the the. 00:16:16 James I think that's the next step of like the the Maui Workshop is kind of now doing some stuff and incorporating some of the behaviors and animations and converters and like, hey, we have this in here, how do we, you know, incorporate the the the toolkit in the? 00:16:33 James There a little bit more because we have the.net Community toolkit with all the MVVM goodness, but adding in the Maui stuff would be would be pretty nice as well. 00:16:44 Matt Nice, cool. Have you guys usedthe.net upgrade assistant for Maui yet? Because that just got introduced not too long ago. So like taking Xamarin forms and bringing it over to. 00:16:55 Matt Boy, has that been. 00:16:56 Matt Have you tried it? 00:16:57 James Back in the day, in the OG you had to like download and do some stuff. 00:17:02 James I have a live stream on my YouTube video. 00:17:04 James It's pretty popular actually on how to do it. 00:17:06 James My I converted my coffee app live using it and but I don't. 00:17:12 James I haven't used it since then so I don't know what's happening. 00:17:15 Matt Well, they just released it. General availability, right and it's supports in addition to Molly. Like the idea behind it is you have a.net framework app in addition to model or in addition to Xamarin forms whatever you have and is. 00:17:27 Matt That bring it the more. 00:17:29 Matt Modern.net we'll just say release recently released editionsof.net and Maui just got added to it and let's say you have Xamarin forms app pop it in there right click. 00:17:42 Matt It says, I think upgrade after you right click on the upgrade menu and then you bring it in. 00:17:47 Matt You can just upgrade. 00:17:48 Matt You can do it side by side, so it creates a whole new copy of it. 00:17:52 Matt Or like David, if you're really you just wanna, you want to live once. 00:17:57 Matt In place in place like great, you know? 00:17:59 David Well, we all live once, Matt, and we don't want to get into a philosophical discussion of, you know. 00:17:59 Matt So you know, yeah, you only add. 00:18:05 David Reincarnation, but so. 00:18:09 David So I work closely with the team, the Maui team that has been working on this. 00:18:14 David And what is really cool is that this is a new Visual Studio extension, right? 00:18:18 David That's the part that's like the command line stuff is probably James. 00:18:21 David What you used back in? 00:18:22 David The day, yeah, which you can still you can totally still use and that actually works on Mac too. 00:18:23 James It was. Yep. 00:18:28 David The command line does but. 00:18:30 David The Visual Studio extension that you can install. 00:18:33 David From the marketplace. 00:18:34 David Makes it really easy to do this. 00:18:36 David I would recommend if I can just give some advice. 00:18:39 David Do the in place not because you only live once, but it just tends to work better. 00:18:45 David So you can you can do this side by side if you really feel you need to, but that's what you got. 00:18:50 David Get for use your. 00:18:51 David Source control do the in place. 00:18:54 David Upgrade and you still need to do project by project so be mindful of which projects to do. 00:19:01 David And you mentioned going from framework to, you know net core if you will, you can actually go from six to seven, 7 to 8 as well. 00:19:11 David And you know, depending on how much you know of the refactoring has been put into it, it may do as. 00:19:17 David Little as just. 00:19:18 David Bumping the number from 7:00 to 8:00 or whatever. 00:19:21 David Or actually do do do more upgrades, but it's useful for that also, so I've actually we continue to improve it. 00:19:30 David So if you've used these tools, you know, even just a few weeks ago. 00:19:34 David And there's an update to it that update probably has a lot of, you know, new stuff from Maui in particular. 00:19:41 David So give it another try. 00:19:43 David It is getting better and better and better. 00:19:45 David Now I have to also emphasize it's an assistant. 00:19:49 David It is not a full end to end upgrade at the end of that upgrade with the assistant. 00:19:55 David 99% of the time your app will not compile and run. Just saying you're going to have to do additional work. 00:20:02 David That's where we have documentation for you. 00:20:05 David So heads up setting your expectations. 00:20:08 David It's going to do a lot of repetitive work for you, but you are going to have some additional things to resolve before you. 00:20:15 David You know, get to the end of the rainbow. 00:20:17 Matt It's like putting your blog posts through chat GP, right? 00:20:20 Matt You get most of the stuff dumps you still want to. 00:20:23 Matt You still wanna tweak it? 00:20:25 David Yeah, it's it's interesting how yes, at the end of that process for me, it put out really good results, but I had to go back and iterate on it with it and even. 00:20:37 David Even so, it still had like a wrong version number somewhere when it went. 00:20:42 David Out. So I was like. 00:20:43 James Yeah. I I really like to think of it. You know, it used to be called, you know, the.net upgrade assistant, but really, we could think of it as a.net upgrade copilot. 00:20:55 Matt At that rebranding. 00:20:56 Matt Let's let's let's get marketing on the phone. 00:20:57 David Yeah, well, yeah, yeah. 00:20:58 David We got to find the AI portion to get that in there. 00:21:02 James Soon, soon. Soon soon. 00:21:04 James Oh my goodness. 00:21:05 James Well, there's a bunch of stuff happening over. 00:21:06 James In the world. 00:21:07 James Of Visual Studio and Visual Studio code. 00:21:10 James If you all have been checking out VS code recently. 00:21:13 James From the Visual Studio blog, if you're a C# developer, there's exciting news. There's two things actually, three things that. 00:21:20 James Happen and there's a lot of confusion, so I'm gonna break it down. First and foremost is that the C# extension. 00:21:26 James Which has been out there. 00:21:28 James Forever, which is what people use when they're, you know, using VS code. 00:21:32 James You open a folder, you do a thing, the Omni sharp extension kicks in, it gives some Intellisense some squiggles that does this stuff. 00:21:39 James That has been completely updated with the new LSP Language Service Protocol, which is like the same stuff that Visual Studio itself uses to do all of that. 00:21:50 James Roslyn analyzers all the stuff, all the compilation, all this goodness. 00:21:54 James Under the hood, it's all open source. 00:21:56 James It's all free. 00:21:58 James You know, licensing changes anything like that. 00:22:00 James So if you have the. 00:22:00 James C# extension. 00:22:01 James There's a new. 00:22:02 James Update to the C# extension that works anywhere. 00:22:05 James So Mac, Windows, Linux code spaces, a file and all that goodness. 00:22:09 James You just get all sorts of great new Intellisense. 00:22:12 James All LSP services all the. 00:22:14 James All the stuff that you would know and love of actually just writing C# code every single day. Now on top of. 00:22:21 James That, though there are two. 00:22:22 James New extensions into the marketplace. 00:22:25 James Over there for C developers, one is the C# dev kit and one is intellicode for the C# dev kit. 00:22:32 James Now when you install the C# dev kit, it will give you the upgraded. 00:22:36 James C# extension. 00:22:37 James And it will give you the intellicode for for C# dev kit. 00:22:40 James So just install the C# dev kit. 00:22:42 James Basically what I'm saying now with the C# dev kit. 00:22:44 James Though you do need to be. 00:22:45 James Like logged in with your Visual Studio license. 00:22:48 James Basically because it adds a bunch of cool, awesome features now that of course works with Community Edition as well. 00:22:55 James So if you have a free Community edition license, you're totally good. 00:22:58 James To go there. 00:23:00 James Now what's cool about this is that it adds a bunch of really cool C# dot netty things for developers, right? 00:23:06 James So you not only just get your folder. 00:23:08 James View but you get a solution explorer like just like you have in Visual Studio Visual Studio for Mac, which means when you're working in Maui projects you have multiple projects. 00:23:18 James You've got other libraries, you're doing a back end. 00:23:21 You can see. 00:23:21 James All of them in there basically, which is really nice. 00:23:24 James You are able to easily set up debug profiles for them. 00:23:28 James You're able to see all of your dependencies, all of your Nuggets inside of. 00:23:32 James There, which is really great. You get a lot of nice little enhancements of of of right clicking, moving around the editor inside of VS code, which is super cool if you're going in and just wanting to create new projects, there's now a create new C# project which will. 00:23:46 James Show you all. 00:23:47 James The templates that will create everything for you. 00:23:48 James Which is really cool and. 00:23:50 James There's also a test explorer too. 00:23:51 James So we're doing unit tests with X unit or. 00:23:53 James End unit or B unit. 00:23:54 James Any of these other things with your projects you now can have them all inside of there, which is really really cool. 00:24:00 James So of course this is. 00:24:01 James Just for csharpitselfand.net projects. 00:24:04 James It doesn't support. 00:24:05 James Dot net, Maui. 00:24:06 James But if you are. 00:24:06 James Building back ends. 00:24:09 James Or building websites and doing things like that. 00:24:11 James It's going to support all those different things inside of it. 00:24:14 James Of course you can open a a Maui project, right? 00:24:16 James But some of that additional like stuff isn't going to, you know, it's going to give you the same experience basically. 00:24:22 James There. But if you are just working on C# projects, you should definitely check it out. Give it an install and give it a go and it works in code spaces too, which I use like a ton. 00:24:32 James I use it everywhere for everything, all the time that I'm building and and contributing. 00:24:37 James I just always code spaces all day. 00:24:39 James OK. And that's super duper nice, but I just love it. So I was just editing the.net website was like this code base done just done just get it done and insult dev kit good to go. 00:24:50 James But yeah, that's it. 00:24:51 James So it's kind of three things there and only telecode as well. 00:24:53 James So you know you you get that AI powered stuff and it's really crazy cuz you're getting like Intellisense intellicode and. 00:24:59 James Then if you Co pilot. 00:25:01 James Like basically just everything is being written all the time for you. 00:25:04 James Nonstop, which is great. Perfect. 00:25:07 Matt Yeah. Now, James, if you remember a couple of years ago when we rebootedthe.net Molly podcast as a Xamarin pod. 00:25:12 Matt Yes, I said when we were talking about in Tellico when it like first came out, it was being approved. 00:25:17 Matt Pretty soon we won't have to write any code ourselves, and that vision has come true. 00:25:22 Matt That's true, it's happening. 00:25:24 Matt I can't believe. 00:25:25 Matt Running Microsoft over here. 00:25:30 Matt Things I mean, we have a couple new previews. 00:25:32 Matt But just one thing, I'll I'll mention. 00:25:35 Matt And this blows my mind because I can't believe it wasn't there before. 00:25:41 Matt You know how when you copy and paste texts between different programs, a lot of times you get the indentation all messed up that now Visual Studio will automatically correct your indentation. 00:25:52 Matt So if you're getting a copy from VS code over to Visual Studio, and maybe you're you're using tabs versus spaces somewhere. 00:26:00 Matt Here Visual Studio is going to correct it. 00:26:02 Matt For you and. 00:26:02 Matt Make it look beautiful. Nice. 00:26:05 Matt Auto indentation isn't that pretty cool. 00:26:07 Matt I don't know. There's another coolthingwith.net add package. I think this is in one of. 00:26:10 Matt The net weighted 8 previews. 00:26:13 Matt Net app package warns you if you have any packages with security vulnerabilities, so that's pretty cool too I think. 00:26:20 Matt Dot net restore package as well. 00:26:22 Matt It looks through your whole. 00:26:24 Matt Package reference hierarchy and warns you as well. 00:26:28 Matt So not just during AD, but during restore as well. 00:26:32 Matt So yeah, keeping you safe that that that's doing so, yeah. 00:26:36 James I like that I like the new PR stuff. 00:26:39 James Have you tried the PR stuff from Visual Studio? 00:26:41 James It's super nice. 00:26:42 Matt I haven't, and this is another one. 00:26:44 Matt It's like, Oh my goodness, this makes so much sense, right? 00:26:47 Matt So it's pretty much what it sounds like, right? 00:26:49 Matt You have either Azure Dev OPS, you have GitHub installed and it's a feature flag right now, so if it's still previous, you have to go through and like and turn on preview features through the options menu on Visual Studio. 00:27:04 Matt Once you have it on there, you create a branch you commit to. 00:27:06 Matt It and you can just say. 00:27:08 Matt Create a PR so you don't have to jump out to the. 00:27:11 Matt Web UI any longer and it's. 00:27:15 Matt It's there, it's there. 00:27:16 Matt You don't keep you right in Visual Studio. 00:27:19 James It's real nice. 00:27:20 James Yeah, that always. 00:27:21 James That always was something. 00:27:21 James But that bug me, I was like I gotta. 00:27:23 James Open a browser. 00:27:23 James I gotta do a thing. 00:27:24 James It's not the worst. 00:27:25 James But I'm like. 00:27:25 James OK, let me like I know what I'm doing right now. 00:27:27 James Go, go, go. 00:27:28 James You know and yeah. 00:27:29 James And just just go to town. 00:27:30 James So, so many cool things. 00:27:33 Matt Have you guys seen the Visual Studio, the proposed UI refresh that they want to do? 00:27:38 James I think I saw Mads. 00:27:39 James I think I saw Mads use it one time. 00:27:42 David I got a I got a. 00:27:44 David B opted into it. 00:27:45 David Yeah, I I kept relaunching Visual Studio and and trying to figure out why one instance looked different than another instance, and I was like, I just want them to look the same. 00:27:57 David Yeah, I was. 00:27:59 Matt See, I I haven't gotten a BI seen screenshots for it and I think it looks so great. So the phone design is like Microsoft's. 00:28:07 Matt It's it's office. 00:28:08 Matt Essentially, it's the Microsoft design language. 00:28:10 Matt You can think is like, you know, material for what material is the Android fluent is the Microsoft and it. 00:28:17 Matt Just looks better. 00:28:19 Matt Visual Studio hasn't had a design update since like 20 BS 2012. 00:28:23 Matt So it's making everything more modern, making it more accessible, more readable, and it kind of unifies the look and feel across different Microsoft products. 00:28:33 Matt I really like the UI, I don't know. 00:28:35 Matt David, you got to use it. 00:28:36 Matt Wouldn't you think? 00:28:37 David Yeah, I I mean, I I I tend to like new UI things in general and and you know but you know I know that when Facebook doesn't update suddenly the half the world decides that that you know it's the end of Facebook. 00:28:51 David But I like it you know. 00:28:56 David I'll take it, yeah. 00:28:57 Matt It doesn't look that different though, like you're still kind of at home with it and you know, I'm basing this off of screenshots, but it's different enough where it's more readable. 00:29:07 Matt I thought so. 00:29:09 David It's definitely quite different, but it it it wasn't jarring in any way. 00:29:13 Matt Yeah. Mean that's yeah. 00:29:13 David I thought it was a nice. 00:29:14 David It's a nice facelift and I had no problem finding what I needed to find. 00:29:19 David Doing what I needed to. 00:29:21 David Yeah, I dig it. 00:29:23 James Yeah, I like it. 00:29:24 James I'm also realizing that, yeah, the experimental features or previews like now called feature flags. 00:29:29 James And there's just, yeah, a bunch of, like, so many. 00:29:32 Matt Feature flags like. 00:29:33 James Well, I don't even know what's happening anymore. 00:29:34 James There's so many. 00:29:37 James Yeah, it's very fascinating. 00:29:39 David Probably needs somebody to review that list. 00:29:42 David I think still. 00:29:43 James In preview, yeah, all the feature flags now, so they're even preview. 00:29:47 James There's in there. 00:29:49 James Oh my goodness. 00:29:50 James I'm gonna reboot Visual Studio. 00:29:51 James Yeah, I love it. 00:29:52 James I like this. 00:29:53 James The one thing I like about this redesign, I think, actually. 00:29:55 James Is when they show it is. 00:29:56 James There's a lot more. 00:29:58 James There's some spacing considerations that I think to me is just going to make it easier to find things like a lot of the UI elements are really jammed together. 00:30:08 James So just adding a little bit of breathing room in between some of those elements are just going to be really, really nice or or even for the fact there's little accents. 00:30:17 James So like when you have like a tab selected. 00:30:19 James For example, it's a little bit more visible and I think that'll be super, super nice. 00:30:29 Matt Also be super nice, just real quick. 00:30:31 Matt The surround, I think it's another extension, the surround highlights, some text hit quotation Marks and automatically so you know puts quotation marks around this. 00:30:41 Matt The text you selected or brackets like curly brackets or parents and stuff like. 00:30:45 James Oh, I like that. 00:30:46 James That. Yeah, that's nice. 00:30:47 Matt I think it's called the Surrounder extension. 00:30:50 Matt Totally cool little things like that. 00:30:52 David Surround her I hardly. 00:30:53 Matt Just classic classic right now. 00:30:58 David Had to do that for Maddie's benefit. Well, now I need to make Maddie listen to this thing. 00:31:07 Matt Yeah, let's see what else. 00:31:10 Matt What else do we have? 00:31:11 Matt Up here. Oh, some more AI stuff. You will want to talk about some IQ and IQ and a assist and Microsoft learn so Q&A Ms. Learn is kind. 00:31:22 Matt Of I'm going to say it's kind of like Stack Overflow except there's more Microsoft employees monitoring it, so you go in, ask a question most often at Microsoft. 00:31:31 Matt Product manager or engineer is going to answer your question, but now there is AI behind it, so it's gonna help you either rewrite your question so it's more applicable for what you're looking for, which is pretty cool or. 00:31:50 Matt Help well either rewrite it or suggest better ways to write it so one of the two ways which is kind of neat or actually suggest answers to it to it as well based on AI or look for other questions that are similar based on it. 00:32:04 Matt So that's kind of cool. 00:32:05 Matt It's in a limited preview right now. 00:32:07 Matt But it's gonna be rolled out. 00:32:08 Matt To more and more people, so Q&A assist based off our AI stuff. So AI all the things so. 00:32:16 James More AI, you know, talking about AI, by the way, because we haven't really talked about this podcast. If you are interested in AI goodness, Louise also has this like amazing series on AI on the.net blog. And what I think is really nice about it is often I sort of get. 00:32:36 James Confused on where to start, right and Louise and I have great sessions I've built and I have a. 00:32:42 James Whole playlist on the. 00:32:42 James Dot net, YouTube about.net sessions and dot and Maui Sessions there. But Luis has this whole like sort of blog series on creating intelligent apps and. 00:32:50 James The eye and he kind of starts from, you know, the beginning in a way of what you need to know. 00:32:56 James And he even like describes just getting started with shaggy PT or object detection or what is prompt engineering. 00:33:03 James Or how do you? 00:33:04 James Even just get started with open. 00:33:06 James And how do you make? 00:33:07 James You know, I'll sing with us, Frank, on our. 00:33:10 James Next week's merge college wanna realistic this? We have one. It's called like, what is the AI AI developer right? 00:33:15 James And it's like, what if I have one day I have one day. 00:33:18 James What do what do I learn? 00:33:19 James What do I do? 00:33:19 James Right. 00:33:20 James What I have one week. 00:33:20 James What if I have one month? 00:33:21 James Right? 00:33:22 James Like, imagine I'm like David. 00:33:23 James David and I work at a company. 00:33:26 James Dave is my manager and he's like James. 00:33:29 James I need you to go prototype putting AI into our app. 00:33:33 James I'm like, I don't even know. 00:33:34 James What that means? 00:33:35 James Like what do I do? 00:33:36 James Where do I start? 00:33:37 James It's a good series to kind of go through because if you are developing apps like. 00:33:42 Matt They're and you're. 00:33:43 James Building UIS like with Maui or Blaze or something like that. 00:33:46 James Think you're going to. 00:33:46 James I want to know, OK what are the first things? 00:33:48 James I need to do where can I start that? 00:33:52 James So it's on the. 00:33:53 James Dot net blog just search. 00:33:54 James For AI pretty much and you'll you'll find it as a button there. 00:33:58 James We should probably have it dropped on this, says AI machine learning. 00:34:01 James But it's a category AI machine learning and you can kind of like toggle through that so. 00:34:06 Matt Let's classify it as AI machine learning because that's. 00:34:11 Matt So yeah, Louise and I are actually working on a learn module that takes you through it. 00:34:16 Matt It's going to be on completions, so it's really on GPT completions and really what it is, is that all you're doing is having the model finish your sentence for you based on prompt and engineering, and you can do a bunch of different ways. 00:34:32 Matt So it's both classification. 00:34:34 Matt So you're saying I want, hey, GPT. 00:34:36 Matt I want you to. 00:34:38 Matt Do a classification on this tweet. 00:34:40 Matt Is it good sentiment? 00:34:41 Matt Is it bad sentiment, blah blah blah? 00:34:44 Matt And then I'll go ahead and do it. 00:34:46 Matt So we have a whole war module on that coming out and Louise has a great Azure samples, Jupiter notebooks, huge tons in there and you can run it in a dev container. 00:34:58 Matt You don't have to install anything amazing anyways. 00:35:03 Matt No, we're getting near time. 00:35:05 Matt We should probably start wrapping this up so. 00:35:08 James Otherwise I'll thought for. 00:35:10 James We'll have to do it well. 00:35:12 James Before we get out of here, Matt, do you have a a service of the month what you got for us this month? 00:35:16 Matt I do have an Azure service in the month and it's Azure deployment environments and I know we may have talked about this before but it just got released again at build not released again, but maybe show announced. 00:35:29 Matt As shown announced and what it is, you can kind of think is Azure deployment environments as infrastructure and code as a service. 00:35:38 Matt So it takes like your bicep files which is infrastructure. 00:35:41 Matt The code and your code and deploys it in a way that you won your IT team can monitor and two, let's say James, you want the podcast app is a great great example. 00:35:53 Matt So we have the code for the podcast app, and then we have like Azure Kubernetes service. 00:35:57 Matt You have functions you just. 00:35:58 Matt Have a whole. 00:35:59 Matt Bunch of other Azure resources. 00:36:02 Matt Out there so it lets you deploy everything at once. 00:36:07 Matt And you can have it so. 00:36:09 Matt Like it expires at a certain time, so it's going to say go away in two weeks. 00:36:15 Matt You can have it tied to GitHub repo, so you can go through and say you know what I need to debug one piece of you know there's a bug in here, so I'm going to create a branch. 00:36:26 Matt I need you to deploy. 00:36:28 Matt The whole environment for me and when I put it in a PR and it gets accepted, it all goes away. 00:36:34 Matt And so it's built upon a dev box too, so a dev box is super cool and then it's a whole. 00:36:41 Matt Essentially, a computer in the cloud, you can almost think about it as a virtual machine, but everything is provisioned for you and all that other good stuff. 00:36:48 Matt And yeah, so it's like an abstraction over bicep. 00:36:52 Matt It's all like IT compliant for your your companies and all that other stuff. 00:36:58 Matt So it's really cool. 00:36:59 Matt We'll put a note and. 00:37:00 Matt Show notes for it. 00:37:01 Matt You can watch a build session. 00:37:03 Matt Hanselman did a. 00:37:04 Matt Video on it too, so it's like I think Hanselman's video is like 3 minutes long. He gives you all the highlights for it. 00:37:10 Matt So yeah, super duper. 00:37:11 James Cool. Not to mention that the.net podcast application made the Satya keynote. I'm just saying. 00:37:18 James So just saying, well, that's going to do it for this month done in my podcast and. 00:37:23 James Make sure that you like. 00:37:24 James Subscribe and do all the things wherever you're at. 00:37:26 James We love reviews. 00:37:26 James If you're on Apple Podcast or Spotify, tell your friends. 00:37:29 James Tell your developer friends, tell anybody, really just walking down the street. 00:37:32 James Check out this podcast. 00:37:33 James I'll just do it for this dot in my podcast and we'll see you all on the next one.