SeptemberPod.output [00:00:00] Welcome back everyone to the Xamarin podcast. Keep you up to date with the latest and greatest and mobile development for Xamarin developers covering the world of Xamarin. Dot net Azure and more. I met soca and I'm James Bonta Magno. How you holding up buddy? I'm doing pretty well. The last, the last couple minutes of warm weather of summer up here. And, um, yeah, the leaves are changing already, James. I, I'm not sure of what to think about that. Yeah, it's it's, you know, that time of the year in the Pacific Northwest, where all of a sudden it was a super lush green you're out enjoying hiking, and then. The next day, you're warming up underneath the blanket. It's a, it's a pretty dramatic shift. Uh, so it comes fast, but that's okay. It's almost soup season. It's almost soup season. That's true. It is almost the soup season. Maybe sit outside, maybe [00:01:00] get like a heater for outside, you know, nice warm. Make some smores maybe who knows. Guess. I do what I can, but you know, the wheels don't stop terming with visual studio releases. And in fact, specifically preview releases are my favorite types of releases because you can run them side by side, the normal releases. Matt, did you know that? I've heard that once or twice before, and this is going to be, non-destructive not that the preview release is going to be destructive, but you can still do it. That's true. I literally have two instances of visual studio open right now. I have. Normal and preview. And because I have the icons on my task bar side by side, and sometimes I just accidentally clicked the other one and that's okay. Okay. Because you know, it get to test the new hotness. In fact, if you're a Xamarin developer, which probably many of our listeners are, there's some awesome new updates actually inside this puppy. Now from reading the blog post, you wouldn't have known this, but I will tell you what's all in there. I think they didn't really want to. Promoted because it's hot bits coming in, but [00:02:00] hot bits that are working great. Um, in this latest preview update, there are some awesome new XAML tooling features for UWP and WPF developers and salmon farms, developers, because now you are able to do use XAML hot reala for Xamarin forms with you. W P wow. Wild. Wow. Yeah. So it's pretty awesome because for a long time, you know, uh, basically because these two pipelines shared some similar components, but we're a little bit different. Cause they're different frameworks, different debuggers, all that stuff, right. It's pretty complex. The teams have been working together for a long time and the whole goal is to release all the same tooling, all the same stuff at the same time. Now. Inside of visual studio preview 69 eight preview two. Um, there's a new feature. When you go into tools, options into Xamarin and then hot reload, you will see reload options changes only. This is in preview. This will soon be the default. I think [00:03:00] when this thing ships, you have to turn that on and you do have to be using the latest Xamarin forms for dot eight. Release that, that we talked about last month and use those two in combination. You can just have your UWP app hit a five and make changes instantly, which is pretty fantastical. And it all works. I demoed it. Um, there was a big, um, user group conference, um, in India that I just did. And I've been using on my live streams at wants a mag now because I've been doing some UWP development, Xamarin forms, and it all works great. And even more so the live documentary works too. So when you're on a page, not only. Um, do you get hot reload for, for, for obviously iOS, Android, and windows now, but the live visual tree comes up. And what that means is that you can see on your page, all of the elements and like a document outline and you can tap on one and it'll jump to the XAML. So if you have really, really big [00:04:00] XAML, it makes it easier to sort of see the, the visual hierarchy there, which is nice. Um, and it all works. And in fact, Beyond that there's also this brand new XAML binding diagnostic tool that you can turn on in the previews. And what that does is it enables during hot reload, a little indicator inside of visual studio, or with UWP inside the little, little notch, a dormant thing. And it'll tell them, tell you if you've typed your bindings in correct. So if you do, you know, um, binding hello, but you forget one of the ELLs it'll tell you that hello is not, you know, is not bound correctly where previously you'd have to dive through all of the logs to try to find it. And it just, boom. It's awesome. It just is all there. And it works on iOS, Android, and windows, like all the tooling, all working together, Matt like a happy little family. It's true. Very, very true. Yeah. All the teams worked together and in fact, the team, um, um, the PM [00:05:00] Dimitri, uh, was on the Xamarin community standup, uh, last week or a week and a half ago, two weeks ago, whenever with Maddie and Craig and Dave and he download all the cool stuff. So definitely check that out. We'll put in the show notes. Cool. Yeah, there's another little feature in a six 16, no date that I was reading about. Haven't given it a try yet, but it's super cool. It's the parameter name? Hints. I think we can call those adornments as well. And all there is, is you're passing in parameters to a function. It gives you a little bit, hint. They're saying parameter one is going to be, let's say. Alias. That's your parameter name? Well, parameter two is going to be, let's say number of tries. So it just puts it up there and it's just, you know, so yeah, you can kind of understand by glancing at it what the parameter names are. For your function that you're calling and just a little nicety and, um, yeah, you just turn that on to four it's in preview. Just have to turn it on. We'll have a link to the blog post that shows you how to do it. [00:06:00] And, um, yeah, just little, little tooling tweaks that make your life easier as you're developing apps. Yeah. That's super cool. In fact, yeah, I really liked that because often. You know, there's optional parameters that you can sort of do. And when you do optional parameters, let's say at five of them and you want to do the middle one, you can pass the parameter name, but you re I rarely do that. Maybe people do that all the time, but it's pretty rare for me just to be like, I only want to pass on one of the 18, you know, parameters. Um, but this is nice. Cause as you're filling them in and you forget what they are, but boom, it makes those names a lot more important. So it makes people think what those parameter names are. I like it. So yeah, definitely give that a download, give it a try. Love it. Yep. All right. And uh, some other news that we have going on is James, how excited are you about the new surface duo coming out or. Already pre-ordered five. Did you? Nice. Are you gonna give me one, send one over where, to me there are holiday gifts for everybody. Nice. Five people for holiday gifts. I have to get on your good list. All right, right. [00:07:00] Anyways. So the surface do was coming out by the time this, this podcast, I think the duo might actually be out or not. I'll have to check, but anyways, it's coming out pretty quickly and I'm are all friends. Former friend of the podcast, he switched teams and he's no longer a friend Craig Dunn. He's still a friend. Wow. Yeah. Harsh. So Craig released a new learn model on developing apps, using builder screen apps with salmon forms. Yeah. Using the two pane view. So we have the two pages view is this Amarin forms a layout and it lets you. Easily build apps on devices like the duo. And so now, um, if I'll take a step back, what Microsoft learn is a James and I have been talking about this a while it's free and it's, um, I line learning self paced, learning where we can go through step by step and he can learn how to use just about anything that we have at Microsoft, where they want to learn [00:08:00] C-sharp or various address services. We also have a full learn, learn path on Xamarin. And so this course building dual screen apps with sovereign forms using two pane view is a part of this, um, advanced San Fran forms. Learning path. So yeah, that's pretty cool. Brand new learned the latest hotness that way. When James gifts, you, one of those new duels you'll know how to build apps for it. There you go. Yeah. In fact, I'm going to go take this because I'm going to need to, to learn how to do it. Um, even though I've done it a little bit, but you know, I just, sometimes the two pane view gets a little confusing for me. So I'm definitely really like this. And if you've never done a learn. Module or learning path learning path is a bunch of modules to sort of guide you through learning stuff. Uh, and a lot of it's interactive. So if you are building a Xamarin and learning about building a Xamarin application, you that walks you through the steps of building and there's videos and there's tutorials there as you go through it. Some of the other ones though allow you to [00:09:00] even, um, do the learn module. Inside the browser. So if you're learning C sharp, uh, which is really cool, you just execute all of your C sharp code in the browser and you have to install anything, which is really neat. And there's the same for, um, for some doing the stuff in Azure, like you can do it in your cloud shell. It's like all connected in the browser. It's really neat. I'm really excited about that. I've been working with that team recently. Hopefully next month we'll have some stuff to announce they're coming for, for, uh, some dotnet developers. I shared a link with. With Matt earlier, so excited, excited about it, but, uh, it's beautiful. So, yeah, definitely give that. You can go to Slash learn dash Xamarin. That'll take you to all, that's like a search that basically just pre-fills, you know, when people send you the, have you tried to Google it with or whatever, and it just pre-fills, you know, types of, for you, that's kind of what that does because there's just search for searches for Xamarin or nice. Nice. [00:10:00] Yeah. Well, I just also wanted to mention, as he said, he can run like C-sharp in a browser. When you do the Azure, you don't need an answer subscription. It's going to provision you out a, like a sandbox environment. That's good for like three hours or something like that. And so you're actually running Azure for free for a limited amount of time, which the next day you can come back and provision new incidents out as well. So, cool. Yeah. Pretty cool that you can actually run your Azure apps and learn Azure for no cost at all. I love it. I love it. There were a few great blog posts in the last month. A few of them, I may have written to the saying, but on the first one I wrote a, I got this question all the time, uh, during, well I've gotten into the past, and then I got it again recently when I was updating a few apps on my live stream, which was. What is the best way to detect sort of the first run of your application? Yeah. Your user installs your application for the first time and you want to display a welcome to [00:11:00] this great, amazing app or. Maybe it's a, they've upgraded from version one to version two, Hey, check out all these brand new features, but you know, you may not want to, um, do that popup if they've only installed two dot O fresh. So I did a blog post on how to detect. The app first run, um, it with Xamarin essentials and you can do it not only first run, but for specific versions and things like that. And I go in this blog posts about sort of how I've done it in the past, which was, I would normally do a Boolean, uh, preference, which would be stored. You know, and default to true. So like first run default. True. Then when I check my app at startup, I say, is it the first run? If so, display this thing and then set it to false, which I think is fine, but Xamarin essentials, um, can save that preferences for you. But it has version tracking built in, which is really neat. And the version [00:12:00] tracking, you do have to say. No version tracking dot track. Um, but once you do that, you can check to say, okay, his first launch ever his first launch for current version, his first launch for current build, you can also. Look at all of the versions that the user has as installed. So you could say, Hey, you know, did they have version one? And now we're on version two, then display this type of pop-up. So it's very quick to the point little blog posts, but it helps you, um, kind of use some of those great built in APIs. It's like, Oh, version tracking. That's cool. That is built in, but what would I ever use it for? Well, here is what you use it for. Yeah. And actually the version tracking API. I didn't know about it. Sorry about that, James. That was new to me API and I always did it the way that you mentioned before by just by using the preferences, setting a Boolean and checking it and every time, but that does lead you down the road where you can't check for new versions. And if you wanted to do a pop up and say what's new. [00:13:00] Yeah, that API, the version tracking was, Oh, my, it was ported from one of our, um, customer success engineers who at Xamarin that had built a library to do it. And then Matthew Liebowitz, he looked at the API and he's like, wow, I could just do this entire API all a hundred percent shared. Cause it just. Yeah, it uses Xamarin essentials to grab the information from shared code. It's very meta. It's like the most meta API. It's an API that uses other APIs, which then internalizes uses another, their API to save it, which is very crazy. So it was like version API uses app info, which then. Goes back up and then saves it into preferences. So it is using preferences, but like, it, it, it's just a combination of all the different API APIs is beautiful to create this beautiful cross platform thing basic. So it's kind of crazy. [00:14:00] So the important part is, is that right? Developers successful? No one API, one API. Yeah. One line of code one API. Yeah. So it's beautiful. I'll give it a look and, uh, another great, great blog post. And actually this is a masterclass. It was written by our good friend, John peppers. And I want to call him, start calling up professor peppers after this, after this one. And it's about profiling, right? Androids or Xamarin Android startups. And this post it's a little bit, it's a little bit on the long side, but it's definitely worth a read. And, uh, it's all about, as I mentioned, Android startup and how you can make things better and it really jog. Jonathan goes deep into this file. Step-by-step on what you need to do. And essentially you can sum it all up in that you measure. Change measure again, and that's how you go through and make performance better. But what he does is give you tips and tricks on how to go about doing that measurement and some things that you [00:15:00] might want to might want to change. And so what I've thought was funny, the first thing we do that he goes through and does it in addition to showing up how to set up, um, like log cat and finding out the information is that we went from. I'm going, turning on startup tracing. And that made a big difference. I mean, I think we're trying to look at the numbers here. I think, ah, like 800 milliseconds down to 400 milliseconds with startup tracing put on. Oh. And another huge one is going from debug mode to release mode two and a half seconds down to 800 milliseconds. Release mode, of course. But yeah, we go through it and I keep it talks about using, um, like the model that when we start wanting to debug or C-sharp code using the mano profile, or they get down and start looking at that type of stuff and he even makes up some certain, um, I guess like mock problems to show, like when your bundle your [00:16:00] on create or your activities on create method and like. Figure out, wait on what's going on here to help you walk through everything. So it's really it's in depth. Um, and at the end, I think he does a little mic drop. Uh, no he doesn't, but yeah, it's, this is super great and it's definitely worth a read and it's yeah, bookmark it. Cause you're going to want to go back to it many, many times. Yeah, it's super good. And in fact, I, I'm pretty, um, I'm doing a bunch of things wrong in my apps. I think here too. So like one example, he was, as he was talking about, you know, doing HTTP requests and doing get string versus get stream, which do the same thing at the end of the day. Um, and, and measuring and looking through it and just seeing what works well, what doesn't work well for objects versus strings and what needs to be created. So it's, it's, it's good. And the conclusion I like is he goes, performance is hard, you know what I mean? And because the framework. By itself can be super [00:17:00] performance, but you know, slow code is slow code, man. Yup. So, um, well, it's something that's not slow and super fast is Xamarin reformed shell. I love shell because I love that it simplifies my coats. So super speedy and performance and does a bunch of cool things. And I've been writing a series of quotes tips, uh, and this it is modal navigation. Uh, I've previously talked about how to go back. Yeah. Easily, how to navigate and pass parameters. This one is, Hey, how do I do modals? Um, you know, Because before I had a, you know, present modal or whatever, you know, or, you know, whatever the navigation, API calls, there was literally two, one was to navigate and one of us to navigate motorly and now there's only one API, which is Goshi racing. So how do I do it on this blog post, I walk you through the single simple property presentation mode that gives you everything that you need with a single line of code and your XAML or C sharp or [00:18:00] F sharp code behind. And you're good to go. It's nice and animates automatically for you and you're done. And you can use that in the go back. Like I previously talked about to go backwards and I love very short to the point blog posts. I don't know why, because they're quick to write. That's why I did write a very quick, but you know, it was one of those questions where, you know, the, one of those things where I get that question and I've always thought about is like I could, you know, answer every single person individually or. Write a blog post on it. Yeah. Obviously there's documentation like this isn't new, but sometimes when there's a sea of documentation, when you just want to Google something, boom. There it is for you. That's hopefully the plan. Yeah. Yup. No, that's, that's actually a super nice because when you're going through. Just like, all right. Go to a sink. Well, that's not how the old navigation did it. You can't, you know, there's a little cognitive missing there, but once you see it, it's like, Oh yeah, of course. So, yeah, that's, that's a great post and you're right. [00:19:00] SEO is everything. So, so let's move on to some cloud news. What do you think, James? I love clouds and I love news some Azure and, um, One thing I wanted to talk about here is Azure functions. We are talking to us for the show about Azure functions and then. Not coding everything in to Azure functions. Now, when I say coding, I mean configuration stuff, and we kind of talked about this last show, I think, or the show before with, um, app configuration. But I'm not going to talk about app configuration. Now I'm going to talk about identities. So how could we make like an Azure function, talk to storage, Azure storage. How can you do that easily managed identities. Now, have we mentioned this before? I couldn't figure out if we did or not. I might've. We always talk about identity. I don't know. Maybe possibly hard to say hard to say. So what a managed identity is, is you can kind of [00:20:00] think of it as a identity of your application within your Azure 80 instance. So you're giving your as your function and identity, just like you do. So it's like it's already logged in. Then once you turn on manage identities and then you can go over to like the storage service and say, all right, I'm giving this application here, permission to do whatever it needs to that way. It kind of has like this implicit trust to it. And then you don't have to have any, any connection strings or anything like that. Hard-coded or even in the configuration files, because. Azure storage already trust it because they're both part of your active directory of Azure, your Azure ID. They know each other, they trust each other. They're best friends and they're going to share, Oh, I like that. In fact, you know, I think that that's what we do for some of the dinette websites. So we have this thing where if you go into, I mean, you go into visual studio. I [00:21:00] never seen it before you go to visual studio. And I think you type in a tools, options, and you do like Azure. And then there's Azure service authentication. And under a council election, you can pick an Azure account. And then like, somehow the server, like visual studio knows that you're logged in, but you're like talking to like this backend, which means you can debug it against it. And you're already logged in. Is that the same thing as a different, I have no idea. I have no idea. I've never seen it before on that sizing. I think, I think it's similar. I think it's maybe like the first step before this thing happened. Yeah. I bet you, it's very, very similar because you have to be logged in and your Azure function kind of like is implicitly logged in. And so. So when visual studio, I'm sure you're logged in and you're kind of implicitly logged in. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways. Yeah. It's a great way to give your, and it can work for Azure functions, app service, or anything else that you know, that you need different [00:22:00] services to trust each other. And yeah, you just set that up in a RBAC or role based access control. Away you go, there you go. Nice. Short and sweet. No one knows what any of that, any of those things mean, but yes, it's awesome. And that's why we'll include a link to a nice blog post that explains it all beautiful. When it's written down, it doesn't go away. That's true. Alright. And I will admit I am no good at designing no sequel databases. Hm, how good are you JMC? Are you familiar with no, I mean, everybody kind of knows no SQL, but I mean, what's your comfort level, you know, I always thought, like, it just meant that you didn't need to think about design because I mean, if it has as no sequels, I'm like, wow, I know sequel. I know it, but apparently this is no sequels. I ain't got to worry about it, throw it all into one thing. We won't forget about it. So yeah, there, there is, you know, [00:23:00] differences on how to design a good performance, no SQL database as a composer, relational. And so that's where at least personally me, that's where I come from. It's our nice relational background where you have one table and let's say it's a person table. And that person's going to have an address while you put that address in a different table. And then they're related somehow, whether there's just one primary or one foreign key, or you have another table with a bunch of foreign keys in it that relates on for many to many it's table base. You have just a bunch of different tables. The model data, no is completely different. It's like this whole. Brain weirdness going on this cognitive thing where you have to travel to get to it. And the reason I bring all this up is because cosmos DB, one of my favorite things is. No SQL. Ah, yes. Correct. And so there's actually, uh, one of the, one of the people on the team went [00:24:00] ahead and wrote a couple blog posts on how understanding moving from a relational background and understanding no SQL. For relational database folks. So it just kind of helps you move and there's even videos linked to in these posts that move from the relational world and understand it and the no SQL world. So it's, it's kinda, it's helpful. And, um, it just kinda helps you over that mental hurdle of everything. Yeah, very cool. And I would to read that and I would try to explain it, but I would get it all wrong and then I confuse everybody even more. Yeah. That's what happens when I try to talk about databases ever about anything it's just confusing. I have my, my roots way, way, way back when I used to be like certified Oracle. I mean, I can't even write PLC call anymore, but I used to mean that's where I came from. Like Oracle DBA type stuff, but, um, Yeah. So I [00:25:00] understand relational just fine, but no SQL yeah, a little bit, but I wouldn't put myself in an expert mode that's for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Well maybe I need to go take a Microsoft learn. It's free. It's free. I like that. I like free things. I've heard it's free. Yep. Uh, well, what is your Azure service of the month where I was learning about new things and I don't think you've, you know, you've only talked about a few, so the CA can't be the ones that you talked about today. What are, what do you got for this month? Wait a sec for not talking one, but I'm going to mention it anyway. Managed identities. It has to be managed. I did, I already said this a couple of months ago. I'm always going to pick something from the cloud news and make it my Azure services a month. And yeah, I did, you know, it makes me lazy, but it's going to be managed. What did I say last month now? I'm kind of going way off topic here. I think I said last configuration was no, that's what it was, but I thought we were going to say something else that I had doesn't matter. Alright. Back to it. Manage [00:26:00] identities. Well, she kind of comes from Azure active directory. So maybe as your active directory, no, that's way too big. So yeah. Make all your service, give them a manager identity. It can just trust them. And they go right into KIBO too. Maybe that's what it was. Anyway. You love Kiva. I love myself some Kiva, all security. So let's, let's talk about this now. Let's say you do need to get some secrets out of key vault, right? So what is KIBO? It's a way to keep your secrets and encrypts them. You can even Virgin them. Bunch of that, almost like my Azure servers of the month for next month. I'll write it down anyway. All right. So let's say you have some secrets of key vault. Right. It's like your super secret password. You know, James is, you know, whatever you need to do to get one of those surface duals from up, you have that in key vault, your app it's, it's encrypted, and it's going to, you can even make key vault, expire that after a while. So it's only good until the end of September. Super [00:27:00] neat. However, for your, has your function or your as your app service, you can get at that key vault, super easy by creating a manage identity, which is like making your app service a real person. And then over in KIBO, you can say, I want to give this app, which is like a person access to this secret. That's cool. I like that. Neato. Yeah. And then James is sending you a surface duo. Boom. I love it. Well, that's your service of the month. I got to pick up the pods. I'll go first. You'll go a second. I'll go. A third. Here we go. My first pick of the pod is the Microsoft editor extension for Chrome and edge. Do you know about this thing? Do you know about this? This is brand new to me. That's good. Oh my God. Well, you know, like when you edit a word, doc, have you ever edited a word document a once or twice? So you know how you type. Words, and then you have all these typos and then word is like, Hey, [00:28:00] you know, here's how I'm going to fix that for you. You know, you know that. Yeah. So that's, that's a new thing. They've sort of abstracted this engine into editor. And in fact, and when you're in word, you're in word right now, there's an editor button and it'll tell you like an editor score, grammar, corrections, refinements. It does all of this stuff. So it's not just spell correction. It's sort of how readable is this thing? Are there similarities? Are there uncommon words that I'm using? Is there a bunch of shenanigans, like, you know, inside of it. It brings it to the browser and any page in which you're entering tax. And this is beautiful forget hub because when you are writing on markdown file and get hub, or maybe you're in your go ghost blog or some other blog format, there's all these hypos. And what if you just had the same beautiful support of. You know, word, but just in the browser on anything it's all right there for you and boom. It's just awesome. Nice. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. [00:29:00] Our podcast agenda here is getting a 69% editor score. Nice. Because we can do better. Yeah. I love it. Yeah. And I do use this. I didn't know I was using it, but yeah, it kind of pops up with some, um, squiggly. So to help you do things better as well as you go and. Kind of go off of this and I'm going to try it for this podcast because whether people know this or it might be news, is that we also, um, transcribe the podcast to make it more accessible. And one of the things that as we transcribe it, obviously just swag. James said this, Matt says that, and we go through a service to do it. James, that you'd know that word has that capabilities now. Oh, really no way. Yeah, sure. Where I read it. I think I read it on, uh, the verge. And so I'm going to try that out with this podcast, so see how it does. So you just upload a file. I think it's underneath that dictation underneath dictate and, um, yeah, [00:30:00] you can upload it and away it goes. So I'm not sure if it's like on a previous release or something like that, but yeah. Going to try it. So I'm not sure if you need to use the desktop version or if it works on the web version. But I'm excited to find, cause maybe I'll stop paying for services to do it. Nice. Alright. Interesting. Huh? Transcribe does. That was yeah. Oh my gosh. It's right here. Upload audio. 300 transcription upload minutes use this month. Oh my goodness. So give this a try. That's amazing. Is that your, is that your pick of the, that should be that's my pick of the pod. Yeah. Pick up the pot, the pot. All right. You want my, you want my other pick up the bottom? Number three, Hitman for three blazer. This is great. Wow. Wow. The website, you should be doing it in blazer. Uh, I've been doing some, some work on the Donna website, which I'm very excited for. There'll be my pick of the pod for next month is the work that I've been doing with, uh, Dan and John and Myra and [00:31:00] everyone from the team. Super excited by some cool stuff that we're rolling out, but we've been. Um, taking, you know, there's the done our website, we're building a new portion of it, a new page, and Dan started rewriting it, or just wrote it from scratch with blazer, but he didn't rewrite the entire website and blazer, just this one page, it's just like Xamarin forms, like embedding into a native app. Like. But you can take blazer and you can use blazer for just like part of your core website. Like it doesn't have to be the whole, this is a revelation to me, Frank and I just said, well, podcasts on plays are emerge conflict. That IFM boom show showplace. But like, um, I didn't know that I didn't get that. I thought it was all or nothing, you know, but it's really neat. And I think as a xamarinforms developer and a XAML developer and a UWP developer, a WPF developer, as you know, All the things before that in the XAML world, I'm coming over to razor pages with the blazer syntax, and the stuff is really easy to get into CSS. That's hard, but. And I'm not a web [00:32:00] developer, but you know, getting the data, putting it in something is, is pretty cool. So, um, it's only blizzard is brand new, but it's still my pick of the pod because I finally, you know, started using it. So there you go. I use it yet. I'll be honest. I was a little bit intimidated by it. Anything on the web is like, Oh, is beyond me, but I was glad to hear that you like it. James I'll have to give it a shot. And I had no idea about that embedding that's you can only do that's cool. It's so cool. Yeah. So if you already have a website and you're like, Oh, okay, well I want to use some blazer, but you probably thought you had to like throw away and rewrite your entire website. Nope. That that'd be incorrect. That'd be wrong. So, yeah. It's awesome. Wait, these are three great pick of the pods. Pick up the pods might be the best ever. And next next month, I'm going to have a really good one too. Actually people might know about it before our next podcast, but it's going to be a good one. James. Super good. Excited about it. All right. I think that's going to do it for this weeks. This month. I don't know. What year day is it? I who [00:33:00] knows? I'm happy. September, everybody I think is going to do it for this week. Xamarin podcasting go. The Xamarin That's a website on the internet, Xamarin You can subscribe on your favorite podcast player. You can tell your friends about this podcast. Hey, your own development team got other friends, maybe in the dyno world say, Hey, check out this podcast. Not a big commitment, 30 minutes every month. Come on. Now. You got time for that. It's cutting the grass outside. No, it's almost winter Lisa in the Northern hemisphere. Well, if you're in the Southern hemisphere, you almost starting to cut the grass right now and you can do that right now. No, yeah. I'm just go check it out. Also, you can hit us up on, uh, Twitter. Um, either w we don't check the Zimmer podcast, Twitter, know I there, but it's a magnet at code mill mat, and you can of course find that add Xamarin So until next time, this has been your. Samra podcast. [00:34:00] .